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KOZIEL porte le nom de son fondateur et directeur artistique : Christophe Koziel. KOZIEL porte le nom de son fondateur et directeur artistique : KOZIEL bears the name of its creator and artistic director : Christophe Koziel.

Christophe Koziel.

Maison française d’édition de décoration murale, KOZIEL s’est prise

Maison française d’édition de décoration murale, KOZIEL s’est prise French publisher of wall decoration, KOZIEL devots itself to d’amour pour l’univers du trompe-l’œil. the art of thed’amour trompe l’œil.pour l’univers du trompe-l’œil. Authenticité des effets photographiques, originalité des propositions the essence of theoriginalité original materials combining Authenticité des effetsRespecting photographiques, deswhile propositions artistiques et respect des matières originelles résument la démarche the authenticity of the pictures and the originality of the artistic artistiques et respectproposals... des matières originelles résument la démarche créative atypique de la marque. this characterizes the brand’ s creative process.

créative atypique de la marque.

Electron libre qui théâtralise la décoration intérieure, chacune de ses As a free spirit that set up the scenery into the world of interior design, créations exclusives s’affiche omme le fidèle efl t de cet état d’esprit : each and every of its unique creations follows on from this approach as Electron libre qui théâtralise la décoration intérieure, chacune de ses un courant d’air frais, léger et singulier. a breath of fresh air.

créations exclusives s’affiche omme le fidèle efl t de cet état d’esprit : un courant d’air frais, léger et singulier.

KOZIEL bears the name of its creator and artistic director : Christophe Koziel. French publisher of wall decoration, KOZIEL devots itself to the art of the trompe l’œil. Respecting the essence of the original materials while combining the authenticity of the pictures and the originality of the artistic proposals... this characterizes the brand’s creative process. As a free spirit that set up the scenery into the world of interior design, each and every of its unique creations follows on from this approach as a breath of fresh air.

Ref. 8888-101KV

KOZIEL porte le nom de son fondateur et directeur artistique : Christophe Koziel.

KOZIEL bears the name of its creator and artistic director : Christophe Koziel.

Briques anciennes blanches White old bricks

Maison française d’édition de décoration murale, KOZIEL s’est prise d’amour pour l’univers du trompe-l’œil. Authenticité des effets photographiques, originalité des propositions 10m x 0,53m 32ft 9,70" x 1ft 8,87" artistiques et respect des matières originelles résument la démarche créative atypique de la marque. Vinyle sur Intissé Non woven vinyl

Raccord : 53 cmintérieure, Repeat : Electron libre qui théâtralise la décoration chacune20,87" de ses créations exclusives s’affiche omme le fidèle efl t de cet état d’esprit : un courant d’air frais, léger et singulier.

French publisher of wall decoration, KOZIEL devots itself to the art of the trompe l’œil. Respecting the essence of the original materials while combining the authenticity of the pictures and the originality of the artistic proposals... this characterizes the brand’s creative process. As a free spirit that set up the scenery into the world of interior design, each and every of its unique creations follows on from this approach as a breath of fresh air.

EAN 3760042876656 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Created and made in France

>|< 53 cm

Code Prix Price Code : A


Ref. 8888-42B

Briques anciennes beiges cendrées Ash beige old bricks 10m x 0,53m 32ft 9,70» x 1ft 8,87" Vinyle sur Intissé Non woven vinyl Raccord : 53 cm Repeat : 20,87"

EAN 3760170143019 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Created and made in France

>|< 53 cm

Code Prix Price Code : A


Ref. 8888-43

Briques anciennes grises cendrées Ash grey old bricks 10m x 0,53m 32ft 9,70" x 1ft 8,87" Vinyle sur Intissé Non woven vinyl Raccord : 64 cm Repeat : 25,19"

EAN 3760170142531 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Created and made in France

>|< 64 cm

Code Prix Price Code : A


Ref. 8888-41

Briques anciennes roses à joints beiges Pink old bricks with beige joints 10m x 0,53m 32ft 9,70" x 1ft 8,87" Vinyle sur Intissé Non woven vinyl Raccord : 64 cm Repeat : 25,19"

EAN 3760170140513 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Created and made in France

>|< 64 cm

Code Prix Price Code : A


Ref. 8888-10

Briques anciennes rouges cendrées Ash red old bricks 10m x 0,53m 32ft 9,70" x 1ft 8,87" Vinyle sur Intissé Non woven vinyl Raccord : 64 cm Repeat : 25,19"

EAN 3760170148779 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Created and made in France

>|< 64 cm

Code Prix Price Code : A


Ref. 8888-44

Briques anciennes végétalisées Old mossy bricks 10m x 0,53m 32ft 9,70" x 1ft 8,87" Vinyle sur Intissé Non woven vinyl Raccord : 53 cm Repeat : 20,87"

EAN 3760170145815 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Created in France and made in Belgium

>|< 53 cm

Code Prix Price Code : A


Ref. 8888-45

Briques anciennes blanches moussues Old mossy white bricks 10m x 0,53m 32ft 9,70" x 1ft 8,87" Vinyle sur Intissé Non woven vinyl Raccord : 26,5 cm Repeat : 10,43"

EAN 3760042871989 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Created in France and made in the Netherland



26,5 cm

Code Prix Price Code : A


Ref. 8888-250

Poutre métallique pleine blanche White plain steal beam 5m x 0,265m 16ft 4,65" x 10,43" Vinyle sur Intissé Non woven vinyl Raccord : 0 cm Repeat : 0"

EAN 3760170145709 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Created and made in France

>| 0

Code Prix Price Code : G



Ref. 8888-252

Poutre métallique pleine acier brossé Plained brushed steal beam 5m x 0,265m 16ft 4,65" x 10,43" Vinyle sur Intissé Non woven vinyl Raccord : 0 cm Repeat : 0"

EAN 3760170145723 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) COLLECTION TROMPE-L’ŒIL VOLUME 1

Created and made in France

>| 0

Code Prix Price Code : G

Ref. 8888-254

Poutre métallique pleine rouillée Plain rusted steal beam 5m x 0,265m 16ft 4,65" x 10,43" Vinyle sur Intissé Non woven vinyl Raccord : 0 cm Repeat : 0"

EAN 3760170145747 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Created and made in France

>| 0

Code Prix Price Code : G


Ref. 8888-251

Poutre métallique à treillis blanche White lattice steal beam 5m x 0,265m 16ft 4,65" x 10,43" Vinyle sur Intissé Non woven vinyl Raccord : 0 cm Repeat : 0"

EAN 3760170145716 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Created and made in France

>| 0

Code Prix Price Code : G


Ref. 8888-253

Poutre métallique à treillis acier brossé Lattice brushed steal beam 5m x 0,265m 16ft 4,65" x 10,43" Vinyle sur Intissé Non woven vinyl Raccord : 0 cm Repeat : 0"

EAN 3760170145730 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) COLLECTION TROMPE-L’ŒIL VOLUME 1

Created and made in France

>| 0

Code Prix Price Code : G

Ref. 8888-255

Poutre métallique à treillis rouillée Lattice rusted steal beam 5m x 0,265m 16ft 4,65" x 10,43" Vinyle sur Intissé Non woven vinyl Raccord : 0 cm Repeat : 0"

EAN 3760170145754 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Created and made in France

>| 0

Code Prix Price Code : G


Ref. 8888-26

Panneau de particules de bois OSB Oriented strand board 10m x 0,53m 32ft 9,70" x 1ft 8,87" Vinyle sur Intissé Non woven vinyl Raccord : 26,5 cm Repeat : 10,43"

EAN 3760042871743 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Created and made in France



26,5 cm

Code Prix Price Code : D


Ref. 8888-720

Béton coulé Cast concrete 10m x 0,53m 32ft 9,70" x 1ft 8,87" Vinyle sur Intissé Non woven vinyl Raccord : 0 cm Repeat : 0"

EAN 3760170148458 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Created and made in France

>| 0

Code Prix Price Code : B


Ref. 8888-220

Dalles de marbre blanc grisé White gray coloured marble slabs 10m x 0,53m 32ft 9,70" x 1ft 8,87" Vinyle sur Intissé Non woven vinyl Raccord : 32 cm Repeat : 12,60"

EAN 3760042875888 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Created and made in France



32 cm

Code Prix Price Code : D


Ref. 8888-42B Ref. 8888-221

riques anciennesDalles beiges decendrées marbre blanc Ashgrisé beige avec oldcabochons bricks Cabochons white gray coloured marble slabs 10m x 0,53m 32ft 9,70» x 1ft 8,87" Vinyle sur10m Intissé Non 32ft woven9,70" vinylx 1ft 8,87" x 0,53m Raccord :Vinyle 53 cmsurRepeat : Intissé 20,87" Non woven vinyl Raccord : 32 cm Repeat : 12,60"

EAN 3760170143019 EAN-3760042875895 Label CE - EC Standards Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Created and made in France Created and made in France



32 cm

Code Prix Price Code : A


Ref. 8888-168

Basalte en strates blanc grisé Grayish white basalt layers 10m x 0,53m 32ft 9,70" x 1ft 8,87" Vinyle Expansé Expended vinyl Raccord : 64 cm Repeat : 25,19"

EAN 3294270276198 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Created and made in France

>|< 64 cm

Code Prix Price Code : D


Ref. 8888-166

Basalte en strates gris Gray basalt layers 10m x 0,53m 32ft 9,70" x 1ft 8,87" Vinyle Expansé Expended vinyl Raccord : 64 cm Repeat : 25,19"

EAN 3294270276099 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Created and made in France

>|< 64 cm

Code Prix Price Code : D


Ref. 8888-162

Pierre de taille façade Haussmann blanche White Haussmann stone 10m x 0,53m 32ft 9,70" x 1ft 8,87" Vinyle Expansé Expended vinyl Raccord : 0 cm Repeat : 0"

EAN 3294270254073 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Created and made in France

>| 0

Code Prix Price Code : D


Ref. 8888-204

Carrelage de métro noir Black subway tiles 10m x 0,53m 32ft 9,7" x 1ft 8,87" Vinyle sur Intissé Non woven vinyl Raccord : 64 cm Repeat : 25,19"

EAN 3760170147925 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) COLLECTION TROMPE-L’ŒIL VOLUME 1

Created and made in France

>|< 64 cm

Code Prix Price Code : A

Ref. 8888-203

Carrelage de métro anthracite Charcoal gray subway tiles 10m x 0,53m 32ft 9,7" x 1ft 8,87" Vinyle sur Intissé Non woven vinyl Raccord : 64 cm Repeat : 25,19"

EAN 3760170147932 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Created and made in France

>|< 64 cm

Code Prix Price Code : A


Ref. 8888-205

Carrelage de métro blanc White subway tiles 10m x 0,53m 32ft 9,7" x 1ft 8,87" Vinyle sur Intissé Non woven vinyl Raccord : 64 cm Repeat : 25,19"

EAN 3760170147918 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) COLLECTION TROMPE-L’ŒIL VOLUME 1

Created and made in France

>|< 64 cm

Code Prix Price Code : A

Ref. 8888-74

Planches de bois vintage blanches White scrapwood 10m x 0,53m 32ft 9,70" x 1ft 8,87" Vinyle sur Intissé Non woven vinyl Raccord : 0 cm Repeat : 0"

EAN 3760170143057 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Created and made in France

>| 0

Code Prix Price Code : B


Ref. 8888-402

Cactus stylisés sur étagères Stylized cactus on shelves 10m x 0,53m 32ft 9,70" x 1ft 8,87" Vinyle sur Intissé Non woven vinyl Raccord : 17,6 cm Repeat : 6,93"

EAN 3760042876434 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Created in France and made in Belgium



17,6 cm

Code Prix Price Code : C


Ref. 8888-401

Mur de lierre Ivy wall 10m x 0,53m 32ft 9,70" x 1ft 8,87" Vinyle sur Intissé Non woven vinyl Raccord : 26,5 cm Repeat : 10,43"

EAN 3760042871736 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Created and made in France



26,5 cm

Code Prix Price Code : A


Ref. 8888-154

Forêt de jeunes bouleaux Young birches forest 10m x 0,53m 32ft 9,70" x 1ft 8,87" Vinyle sur Intissé Non woven vinyl Raccord : 0 cm Repeat : 0"

EAN 3760170148939 Label CE - EC Standards - Class BS-2,d0 (M1) Created and made in France

>| 0

Code Prix Price Code : E


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