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Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels provides home delivered meals Monday through Friday to those who are unable to cook for themselves. Service can be on-going or short term to provide assistance during times of need. For information on the Metroport Meals on Wheels program call 817.491.1141. For information on Tarrant County meal program call 817.336.0912. For more information go to www.mealsonwheels.org.
Medicare Consultation Date: Monday, November 8 Time: By Appointment only between 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Elizabeth Harms with Insurance Solutions will be here to answer Medicare questions specific to your needs. Appointments will be 20 minute sessions.
Registration Required Transportation
The Northeast Transportation Service (NETS) offers door-to-door transportation services to Keller residents who are disabled or 55 and above. Trained drivers are available to assist passengers in getting on and off of vehicles. Please call 817.336.8714 to schedule your trip. www.ridenets.com
Vaccination Clinic by Sam’s Pharmacy Date: Wednesday, October 6 Time: 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Flu, Tetanus(TDAP), and Pneumonia (Prevnar 13 and Pneuomovax 23) vaccines will be offered. Insurance card and Valid ID required. For questions on insurance coverage and pricing, call Sam's Pharmacy at 817-898-6164 Fee: May apply depending on insurance. Exact cash accepted for cost not covered by insurance.
Registration Required
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GET INVOLVED! Our purpose is to provide seniors using the eller Senior Activities enter with support for all activities by increasing funds through donations, grants and in-kind donations
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