Kingwood Park Times - April Issue 2014

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kingwood park times April 2014 issue



Earth Day pg.13

April Sun.


26 EOCEnglish 1



1 April Fools Day



tues. 2



5 Best Buddies Talent Show



Project Graduation Committee Meeting 13


EOCEnglish 2 8


Choir UIL Concert and Sight Reading





NHS Officer Applications DUE 16

UIL High School Band Contest




National Good Friday High-Five (School Day Holiday)

Senior Picnic 20 blaze it





25 Arbor Day




28 29 30 International Class of 2015 Astronomy Cap & Gown Day Pictures


Page By: Eric Barbara

horoscopes Aries


Follow your instincts and finish what needs to be finished to make room for action. Be careful to avoid upsetting the sensibilities of those close to you by being too candid and allowing yourself to be drawn into futile conflicts!

The influence of a sextile aspect from Venus to your sign, whilst being herself on the receiving end of a sextile from Pluto, will blow passion through your love-life and give you the wherewithal to establish a deeper relationship with your partner.



A trine from Mars to your sign will enable you to express yourself more freely in all areas. A sextile from Mercury from 8th April will inspire you to reassert your values and aspirations, with a need to draw attention to your plans and intentions loud and clear.

The influence of Mercury with a trine to your sign until 8th April will bring you a stroke of luck in your finances and your love-life, which will make many things easier. Then, Mercury is going to begin a new cycle round the zodiac in Aries.



The planetary positions this month will encourage you to accommodate your desires to those of the people around you. You will find it easier to create emotional links and reinforce the ones already in existence, thanks to the influence from Mars.

The influence of the combination of sextiles from Jupiter and Saturn to your sign are going to enable you to continue to work positively towards your personal goals without any particular setbacks this month.



The influence of to your sector step back from will have less of prefer to go for

the Sun in quincunx aspect will enable you to take a your social life. In fact, you a need to integrate and will deeper reflection than usual.

The transit of Mars, your ruling planet, in semisquare aspect to your sector, will encourage you to put an end to situations which should from now on be consigned to the past. Starting afresh will be your basic motivation this month.



Mercury’s transit in sextile aspect to your sign is going to encourage you this month to develop your social side. Your professional life will benefit directly. It will be an ideal period for changing jobs and making a new start.

The opposition of Jupiter to your sign will lead you to some very positive inspiration this month. You will see clearly what you need to do to move your life forward and you will instinctively know how to select your relationships.



The conjunction of Mercury and Venus in your sector this month will bring you an influx of good fortune. New encounters and relationships with others augur well for the future and for putting the final detail to projects which will be beneficial.

The Sun’s presence in your sign is going to reinforce your self-assertiveness this month. This aspect will also reinforce you, giving you stronger and more astute intuition. This month you will have a greater need than usual to break free

Page By: Eric Barbara


Signs of April Easter A common way to sign Easter is to gently wave an "E" hand shape from side to side, tracing the handle of an Easter basket. (Or you can twist the "E" instead of waving it.)

Rain The fingertips represent droplets from the sky.

April Fools Sign out “APRIL” and “fool”.


Page By: Casey Langford

Changes to the SAT to/10001344-large.jpg http://media

We know it. We dread it. More or less, we all take it at one point. It’s the SAT, otherwise known as the Scholastic Aptitude Test, and it’s going to be having some changes. President and CEO of College Board says that standardized tests have become “far too disconnected from the work of our high schools,” Apparently, the test is too stressful to students, and is full of “tricks” used to raise scores and pass students who aren’t necessarily college ready. The new SAT, which is slated for 2016, aims to fix this problem. The new test will consist of Reading/Writing, Mathematics, and an Essay section. The new test will be based on a 1600 point scale.

UIL Academic Team Congratulations to our Panther UIL Academic Team who brought home many awards from the New Caney Invitational. Most academic events had anywhere from 10 to 70 competitors from schools throughout the area. The following students placed for the award by their name(s). 1st place Spelling Team Overall: 1st place Spelling: 1st place Accounting: 2nd place Science: 2nd place Headline writing: 3rd place Headline writing: 6th place Headline writing: 3rd place Current Events: 3rd place Persuasive Speaking: 4th place Feature Writing: 5th place News Writing: 6th place Prose: Page By: Casey Langford

Ethan Payne, Victoria McDonald, Jordan Mosely Ethan Payne Michael Soderman Scott Onyeokeziri Victoria McDonald Jordan Mosely Xavier Renau-Aspinall Xavier Renau-Aspinall Chris Holmes Avery Arnsten Jackson Ward Jackson Ward 5

remember #6 #TeamKatieForever

On April 29, 2013, Kingwood Park said “good-bye” to a beloved student and softball player, Katie Rios. Rios, who longed to play ball for Texas A&M, passed away after a brief illness and two week hospital stay. Although she had only joined KPARK in January of that year, to her teammates, teachers, coaches, Katie had already become one very special lady. Her softball jersey number was “6” and

Katie Rios Softball picture from last season.

her favorite color was purple. Won’t you join us in remembering the life of this beautiful girl, by wearing purple on April 29. Team Katie Forever. Team Katie shirts that were made to help raise money to support Katie.


Page By: Eric Barbara

don’t make life a tissue paper

Foter / Public domain

April is the month to celebrate the artistry and sincerity of poets and their work. From poets such as Emily Dickinson and Dr. Suess, stories written by these artists have sparked happiness and controversy. The Enlightenment was eased when lowname writers would write romantic stories that hard workers would enjoy. Philosphers would write peoms about out nature and make us question our integrity. Poetry is a tool that releases a person’s inner feelings in an unbinded pallet. The holiday was started by a group of poets in 1996, who wanted the world to show more appreciation for poets and their work. The main inspiration for the holiday came from Black History Month and women’s history month. The Academy of American Poets felt that schools needed more education on poetry, and they instilled it eduaction systems all over the country. Many celebrations have been held to celebrate the month. The Empire State Building illuminated to represent the holiday in 2005, many books have been written for children to eduacte youth on the history of poetry and its impact on the world. This month, various writers pick various poems that can be read daily for children and adults on their phones, as a way of showing spirit for the month. Many book stores flood their inventory with famed poetry books that customers can purchase to learn more about poets. Every month the April Poetry Gala is held for guests to learn from their favorite authors and observe vaious forms of poetry, with guest appearances such a the famous actress, Meryl Streep. Many famous writers come to the event to discuss theirs and others work. The holiday is celebrated all over the world, some countries holding yearly votes by the people to see who they believe is the best poet. Some countires hold special days during school to indulge in writing and reading activities for their students. There are many ways to celebrate the holiday, even simply reading alittle poem online. The main purpose of the holiday is said to open everyone’s eyes to the beauty of poetry, and to encourage others to practice their own poetic skills. Many writers display their work during the month for everyone to see, and celebrate by enjoying their work. Page By: Amber Dalton


National Poetry Month Many supporters of the holiday claim that the best way ti celebrate is to write a peom everyday, based on anything one feels. Many believe this tactic helps audiences empathize with their favorite poets and discover “A poet is, above anything else, a person who is passionately in love with language”W.H. Auden their own writing ability through practice and concentration. This holiday not only exposes the mind to a world of beauty and nostalgia, but helps a person discover their own talents and appreciations through an archive of everyday people who decided to let their feelings out in a very creative way. The main leaders of the Poetry Month Committee encourage many helpful activities for people to enjoy poetry. Reading a poem a day, researching a poet, giving thought to a poem, and especially writing one are very good ways to celebrate. The holiday is a special month that brings readers and writers together based on something that everyone can have in common, something that can change a person’s life and a group’s ways. Poetry is something to treasure every day. 8

Foter / Public Domain Mark 1.0

Poetry’s longevity in our world’s history has changed lives, inspired ideas, and evolved anything and everything it surrounded. This piece is a sample of the old English epic poem “Beowulf” by an anonymous Anglo-Saxon poet.

Page By: Diana Martin

www.b abygag

April is Autism Awareness Month

What is Autism? Autism is a developmental disorder that appears in the first 3 years of life. People with autism have issues with non-verbal communication, a wide range of social interactions, and activities that include an element of play and/or banter. Genomic research is beginning to discover that people with autism spectrum disorders probably share genetic traits with individuals with ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder), bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or clinical depression. A team at the Cross Disorders Group of the Psychiatric Genomic Consortium suggests that the five mental disorders and illnesses have the same common inherited genetic variations.

What Does “On the Spectrum” mean? Every person diagnosed with autism is different and unique. Many of those on the autism spectrum have exceptional abilities in visual skills, music and academic skills. About 40 percent have average to above average intellectual abilities. Many people on the spectrum take deserved pride in their distinctive abilities and their ways of viewing the world. Others with autism have significant disability and are unable to live independently. About 25 percent of individuals with ASD are nonverbal but can learn to communicate using other means.

Who Had Autism? Many famous people throughout history have had autism. Just because autism is a disorder doesn’t mean that people who are autistic can’t become something great. Autism never stopped these awesome figures:

Albert Einstein

Amadeus Mozart

Emily Dickinson

Page By: Diana Martin

Sir Isaac Newton


Charles Darwin

Thomas Jefferson

Andy Warhol


Where Are They Now? The Internet and media have been bombarded with faces that soon become familiar to the public eye for years. Eventually, these figures fade away. Most times we are glad to see these people be removed from our sight

Numa Numa Guy Known for his sensational YouTube videoin 2006, the “Numa Numa Guy” is now working on a project called “Numa Network.” Here’s how Chris Pierdomenico of Numa Network described the website: “Numa Network brings in various production companies throughout the country. The production companies still own their work, we merely act as a distributor.” Read more:

Steve From Blues Clues Steve Burns is alive and well telling stories for The Moth, a nonprofit organization. Since leaving Blues Clues, he has also managed to record an album with Dave Fridmann. And yes, he’s bald now.

Overly Attached Girlfriend Now that she has the attention of the Internet -- Laina wants to do something good with her YouTube power. She’s devised an awesome plan to do just that. Her new interactive, funny, and charitable “Dare to Share” campaign lets users suggest outrageous challenges in exchange for making donations to worthy causes.

Green & White Power Ranger in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Jason David Frank He occurs as Sixth Degree Black Belt using terminated 25 years personal experience in the martial arts.


Page By: Eva Cornell

Give Mother Nature a Helping Hand Some Helpful Tips, Not Only For Earth Day

• Clean up your neighborhood by picking up trash and cleaning up any vandalization that may be found in your community. • Bikes were invented for a reason--if you are walking distance to your destination, there’s no need to burn up gasoline and drive somewhere. Enjoy the fresh air with a nice walk, or a bike ride . • With the summer months coming up, save money as well as energy by opening up a few windows for a slight breeze rather than leaving the air condition running all day. • Reduce the number of electronics in your household, get rid of the items you don’t find useful or know that you don’t need (no matter how heart-breaking it may be). • Turn off the lights, TV, computer, etc. when they are not in use. • We all forget these simple tasks from time to time, but a little goes a long way!

Page By: Brianna Calhoun


Arbor Day 2014 Are you ready for tree day? If not, look for activities to do around the community and volunteer! Need a reason to celebrate? Here are some fun facts about these postively perfect plants:

Trees help our soil remain healthy by reducing soil erosion and by creating a soil climate suitable for microorganism to grow.

Tree wood is a highly organized arrangement of living, dying, and dead cells. Hundreds of food products (fruit, coffee, nuts, etc.) and food additives (for ice cream, chewing gum, etc.) come from trees. One large tree can provide a day's supply of oxygen for up to four people. One large tree can lift up to 100 gallons of water out of the ground and discharge it into the air in a day. Many giant sequoia trees are 2,500 years old and can weigh over 2000 tons . Every state has an official State Tree. We do not have a national tree, however, there is a campaign to have the oak adopted as our National Tree.

Arbor Day occurs on the fourth Friday of every April, so this year it’s the 25th! 12

tree bullets provivded by

Page By: Casey Langford

Award Winning Artists “Determination” By Fern Hopitakul12

Inspiration for the piece? “I wanted to capture the western spint in painting, capturing it in the form of a person riding on her horse.” How long have you been doing art? “Since 9th grade” What materials did you use? “water color and prisma color” What awards, if any, did you win? “Blue ribbon”

“Cowgirl Bottom Jeans” By Jared Como12

Inspiration for the piece? “I was scrolling through pictures of potential sources and I came across a picture of a girl posing next to a horse, immediately I thought of ‘Apple Bottom Jeans’. Next thing you know, it was created. How long have you been doing art? “...since i was four years old. I have always had a love for art and knew I had talent since day one” What materials did you use? “...prisma colored pencils, prisma liquid blenders and an electric eraser” What awards, if any, did you win? “A Blue ribbon”

Page By: Rachel Dams

13 tree bullets provivded by

“Best Friends”

By Hailey Holbert12 Inspiration for the piece? “I wanted to do something different... instead of just having a picture of a horse or a person riding a horse, I wanted to show the relationship betweeen the person and the horse.” How long have you been doing art? “Ever since I could hold a pencil” What materials did you use? “Prisma colored pencil and ink” What awards, if any did you win? “A black ribbon, which means im a finalist”

“Earning Thier Strips” By Taylor Wise11

Inspiration for your piece? “Growing up I’ve been a very culturally diverse kid... through my journeys i’ve noticed how big of a deal accceptance is, especially in high school... [having] three zebras standing by a forest...[they were] earning their equality. How long have you been doing art? “[since] last year” What materials did you use? “Prisma colored pencils, and kante paper What awards, if any, did you win? “Blue ribbon”


By Isabella Boss11 Inspiration for the piece? “Someone posted a picture on instagram, and I asked them if I could use it because I thought it was interesting” How long have you been doing art? “Since middle school” What materials did you use? “Water color and colored pencil on a bristol board” 14

Page By: Rachel Dams

Don’t be a Fool in April April Fools’ Day, sometimes called All Fools’ Day, is one of the most light-hearted days of the year. Its origins are uncertain. Some see it as a celebration related to the turn of the seasons, while others believe it stems from the adoption of a new calendar when in ancient cultures, including those of the Romans and Hindus, celebrated New Year’s Day on or around April 1. But in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII ordered a new calendar, known as the Gregorian Calendar, to replace the old Julian Calendar. The new calendar called for New Year’s Day to be celebrated January 1st.

That year, France adopted the reformed calendar and shifted New Year’s day to Jan. 1. According to a popular explanation, many people either refused to accept the new date, or did not learn about it, and continued to celebrate New Year’s Day on April 1. Other people began to make fun of these traditionalists, sending them on “fool’s errands” or trying to trick them into believing something false. Eventually, the practice spread throughout Europe. Now it has turned into hardcore “pranking” instead of mockery.

Jokes range from filling a tube of toothpaste with mustard and shaking up someone’s soda pop until it explodes in their face, to mashed potato sundae and mayonnaise filled donuts

Page By: Rachel Dams


What Not To Do During April Fools

Do NOT write fake kidnapping notes, because odds are you are going to get in trouble with the police. Do NOT attach your siblings to rockets because that will most definitely end horribly. Do NOT rent a bull to scare your buddies.

Do NOT make people cry, especially children Do NOT pretend you’re a famous artist. Do NOT pretend you are deceased. Do NOT rip up peoples belongings.


Do NOT scare strangers with an scary costume. Do NOT put itching powder in peoples eyes. Do NOT pretend you have a disability. Do NOT shave you friend’s hair. Do NOT pretend to be part of the bohemian revolution. Do NOT ask someone out for a joke Do NOT pretend you’re pregnant. DO NOT CAUSE HARM TO PEOPLE 16

Page By: Rachel Dams

EASTER TRADITIONS Easter is a holiday celebrated not only for its religious background but for its very fun traditions. Easter traditions are all about, eggs, scavenger hunts, and chocolate. These traditions bring families together to have fun. There are way more traditions that can be adopted to your Easter family traditions. Read along to learn more! EASTER EGGS The origin of the Easter egg came from a North African tribe that had become Christian much earlier in time and had a custom of coloring eggs at Easter. Long hard winters often meant little food, and a fresh egg for Easter was quite a prize. Since then people all over, Christian and not, color eggs and hide the for scavenger hunts as an enjoyable Easter tradition.

Easter Bunny The inclusion of the hare into Easter customs originated in Germany, where tales were told of an “Easter hare� who laid eggs for children to find. German immigrants to America brought the tradition with them and spread it to a wider public. The bunny is now made into chocolates and costumes. Bunny ears are widely populated too and worn for the holiday as well.

marshmallow Peeps Marshmallow peeps are the most sold candy during the Easter season. The originally chick-shaped peeps came out nationally in 1958 and has been loved and favored since then. The most popular way to eat a peep is aged 2 to 3 months and either heated or frozen.,,,,,

Page By: Awa McCarter


He is risen

The saying “He is risen” is a reference from the bible in Matthew 28:6. People who witnessed Jesus’ resurrection ran all around informing people that he has risen. During the Easter holiday “He is risen” is used as a greeting. The correct response is “He is risen indeed!”.

The Easter Story One common tradition among Christians is to reread the Easter story. The Easter story takes place in Matthew 26-28. This story tells all about the plot to kill Jesus, to Peter’s denial, and the crucifixion of Jesus. The most powerful part of the Easter story many people find is the resurrection of Jesus Christ after being beat and tortured to death.

Easter Baskets

The most famous basket is the one that Moses from the bible was placed in when he was found floating in the river. The eggs are a symbol of new life. So now-a-days we fill our baskets with eggs that symbolizes with Gods’ new life he received when resurrected.

Easter Sunday

Typically for every Easter on Sunday churches have a big service to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The tradition is to put on your “Sunday best”, or your best outfit, and attend a worship service. Easter Sunday is symbolic to the third day when Christ rose after his death upon a cross.


Page By: Awa McCarter

Eggstravagent Eggs What You need Eggs (whole or blown out- I prefer blown out, so they can be kept and reused from year to year) Food coloring or egg die tablets from egg dying kits White vinegar Oil (I used olive oil, but I’m sure vegetable oil works too)




Put each egg on a skewer as shown on the photo. Make sure it doesn’t move. Use the brush and the glue to apply glue all over the egg.

3 2

Put a piece of paper on the working surface. Hold the skewer with one hand above the paper and start sprinkling glitter over the egg. Turn slightly while the whole egg is covered. It doesn’t take a lot of glitter and whatever is left on the paper can go back in the glitter pot. When ready use the Styrofoam to leave the eggs to dry. Repeat with all the eggs


Next remove the eggs from the skewers by slowly twisting the wooden skewer while pulling out. This will leave a little whole on the bottom of each egg. Just dab a little bit of glue to cover the hole and dip the egg back into the glitter. Some of my glitter containers were a bit small, so I put a bit of the glitter in the lid and than dipped the egg – it worked absolutely fine.


Leave the eggs to dry for about 30 min to an hour depending on the glue. I am sorry, there is no photo for this next step but it is important especially if you don’t want to have glitter all over the house. Once the eggs are dry take them to the garden / balcony and spray each egg with hair spray. The hair spray will hold the glitter

Page By: Amber Dalton


A love nest BIRD’S NESTS PREP TIME: 10 minutes COOK TIME: 10 minutes YIELD: 10 Big Nests or 20 Small Nests

WHAT TO GRAB 3/4 of a 1-pound bag of thin pretzel sticks 1 10-ounce bag of large marshmallows 4 tablespoons butter Shredded coconut Whoppers Robin Eggs (I like the miniature eggs) 1 bag of Peeps

1 2 3 4

INSTRUCTIONS Grease a muffin tin. I used a large muffin tin (with six tins), but a mini-muffin tin would probably work even better. In a large saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat. Once the butter is completely melted, add the marshmallows. Stir the combination until the marshmallows are completely melted, and have mixed with the butter. Working in batches, break a handful of pretzel sticks in half, and then add the pretzels to the sauce pan. Keep adding the pretzel sticks until you have added about three-fourths of the bag, and the pretzel sticks are well-coated with the melted marshmallows. Once you have finished adding the pretzels, remove the pan from the heat, and allow the mixture to cool briefly.

5 20

Coat your hands with vegetable oil. Working quickly, remove the pretzels, and press them into the muffin tins. Once you have molded the pretzels into the shape of a nest, you can remove them from the tins, and allow them to cool. Once cool, add the shredded coconut, the robin eggs, and a peep. Serve!

Page By: Amber Dalton

the kingwood park times is brought to you by: Orianne Elliott, Editor-In-Chief Junior Diana Martin, Copy Editor Sophomore Eva May Cornell Junior Awa McCarter Junior Briana Calhoun Senior Eric Barbara Senior Amber Dalton Junior Casey Langford Junior Rachel Dams Junior


21 Melanie Bradshaw, Advisor

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