January 2014

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kingwood park times How to stick to your resolutions pgs. 5-6

photo courtesy ofhttp://courtneyhouse.com

New Movies pg 10

2013 RECAP

photo courtest ofhttp://courtneyhouse.com

photo courtesy ofhttp://courtneyhouse.com

January 2013 issue

pgs. 3-4

Photo credit: amador_emmanuel34 / Foter.com / CC BY-NC-SA




h T


Hot Tea Month Martin Luther King Day 20









15 National Nothing Day





16 Ditch your new years resolution day



30 Second Semester Begins



Festival of Sleep Day

Peculiar People Day


Pop Show -7PM @ Auditorium



17 24 Winnie the district Pooh Day swim meet -Birthday @ kphs of iT’S author A.A. Milne 11 18 25





10 http://www.wincalendar.com/Human-Trafficking-Awareness







Page by Orianne Elliott

January Horoscopes Aries Creativeness is excellent as the sun goes through your home of opportunities. Look out for this month, as this is your month t o c o n f i r m w h o a n d w h a t y o u a r e . Yo u m a y discover that developing art is not what you really want to do, but motivation in other factors of your lifestyle is vital. Yo u d o n e e d a n i m p r e s s i v e a p p e a r a n c e to keep everything in balance. Romantic endeavors will be excellent this month and it might be a chance to revive the interest.

Taurus As you move into January 2014, the sun goes into your house, and the houseof your relatives and keeps you feeling warm. Yo u w i l l t a k e c h a r g e o f s i t u a t i o n s w h e n you are with relatives and bring them to an agreement on issues that could become difficult. Be confident in your choices and take your role as the head of the household. Link with kids if you have them or the other k ids in your family. This is a chance to enjoy time with loved ones.

Gemini January 2014 is 30 days of emails for you. Sun lights up your home and gives you the capability to bargain, connect, a n d p a y a t t e n t i o n . Yo u a r e u s u a l l y a v e r y g o o d s p e a k e r, b u t yo u w i l l h a ve i n c l u d e d factors in your presentation of appearance. Give demonstrations to colleagues and they will be dazzled! Use your power to back up your composing capability and i m p ro ve yo u r p o p u l a r i t y a s a s p e a k e r.

Cancer January 2014 is finance month as the Sun s h i f t s i n y o u r h o u s e o f r e s o u r c e s . Yo u might be economically compensated for the per formance that you do. Be nice with those in need if you do come into extra cash during Jan 2014. Do not spend too much during J a n o r a n y m o n t h o f t h e y e a r. Yo u u s u a l l y provide way more than you can. Don’t tr y to keep up performances that are unproductive.

Leo Yo u a r e v e r y a t t r a c t i v e t h e s e d a y s a n d a n y t h i n g y o u d o w i l l b e e x c e l l e n t . Yo u r exclusive design and creativeness will take y o u f a r. Yo u r c a p a b i l i t y t o c r e a t e o t h e r s e n c o u n t e r w i l l b e yo u r s a v i o r. Lo o k i n t o yo u r massive center and know that you are useful.

Virgo S p i r i t u a l t e c h n i q u e s a r e y o u r k e y t h i s m o n t h . Yo u will create the unexpected happenings under the s u r f a c e o f y o u r p e r fo r m a n c e a s w e l l a s i n y o u r c l o s e f a m i l y m e m b e r s. T h e s u n m o v i n g i n t o y o u r h o m e of spiritual techniques will provide you with the durability to show who you are and link with a higher p o we r. G l o w f r o m y o u r f a c e . B e b e n e f i c i a l .

Page by Eric Barbara

Libra January 2014 will be extremely public. Leo is lighting up your home via relationship a n d c o n n e c t i o n s . Yo u m i g h t t a k e o n a n authority role for your group at work, or you might discover that you have been chosen chief executive of your guide group. Friends will want to be with you and show their admiration for what you h a v e d o n e f o r t h e m . Yo u h a v e g r e a t a p p e a l and charm this month. Use this appeal to move others around because that will benefit your group. Variety is a celebration.

Scorpio January 2014 is a chance to start once again. If expertly used, this might just be enough time for you to gain public identification. Yo u g e n e r a l l y p e r f o r m b e h i n d t h e f i e l d a n d j u s t k e e p t h e s h o w r u n n i n g. H o we ve r, yo u m i g h t n e e d m o r e o f a v i s i b l e “ t h a n k y o u ”. As the sun shines in your house of success, you are assured of your performance. Success and reliability will be recognized.

Sagittarius This month will be 30 days of enjoyment for you. The sun is glowing in your house with outstanding sensations and you want to just go out and run through the snowfall. Preferred factors in your lifestyle are highlighted. Here we are in a dilemma between your personal journey and r o m a n t i c e n d e a v o r s . Ta k e a n o p p o r t u n i t y. Be focused on just one or two options. Yo u w i l l h a v e a n a m a z i n g J a n u a r y 2 0 1 4 .

Capricorn People will be coming to you the first of Januar y, and you have the ability to create wonderful memories for them. This is a chance to perform with difficult e m o t i o n s . Yo u r p o w e r m a k e s f a c t o r s v e r y comical and you can reduce the worry of the unidentified. Don’t strike factors out of a percentage or by a dilemma king.

Aquarius January 2014, as unusual as it may seem, is the 30 days of loving relationships for you. A feeling of creativeness needs to come into your lifestyle as Leo and the sun shift into your home of connections. If you are individual, this will mean a new probability to fulfill someone who might just be the one. If you have a dedicated loving lifestyle you will get quite an increase.

Pisces E ve r yd a y w o r k o u t s a r e r e j u ve n a t e d i n J a n u a r y 2014. Yo u h a ve a n i n n o v a t i ve e n e r g y a s t h e s u n g o e s i n t o yo u r h o m e o f p hy s i c a l h e a l t h a n d f i t n e s s. D i s c o ve r f i t n e s s a p p l i c a t i o n s t h a t w i l l i m p r o ve yo u r l i fe s t y l e a n d g i ve yo u a c o m p o n e n t o f f u n . Yo u w i l l p r o b a b l y f i n d d a n c i n g o r yo g a e xe r c i s e s s u i t t h e i m a g e o f w h a t yo u w a n t t o d o.



President Obama was inaugurated for the second time on January 21st.

Many anticipated films were released in January last year, including “Gangster Squad”, “Mama”, “Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters”, and Texas Chainsaw 3D.

Blue Ivy Carter, Beyonce and Jay Z’s daughter, entered the world on January 7th. Being born into superstar parents really does have its perks.

Prince Harry came home from his serivce in Afghanistan, where he worked as a co-pilot. He enjoyed his time out of the public eye to socialize with his family.


Beyonce wowed audiences at the Super Bowl halftime show with a rendition of the Star Spangled Banner.

Malala Yousafzai returned home in a healthy state after her attack, and was able to begin telling her story and advocating for women’s education.

The X Factor Live tour began , and contestants are contiuning to travel the road and meet their loyal fans

Vietnam opened its first Starbucks, and discovered a three-eyed fish close to one of its powerplants. What a time to be alive.


Get ready for a day off and a celebration for MLK day! Jan 20 recognizes the life and story of Martin Luther King Jr., who requested peace and acceptance in times of social hardship. Show your pride at the MLK day parade in Midtown, Houston, on Jan. 18

Pages by Diana Martin

Nominations are in for the 2014 Grammy awards on January 26, and everyone’s itching to see who will snub the win. Nominees include Imagine Dragons, Lorde, Daft Punk, and Bruno Mars. LL Cool J is hosting the show for the fourth time in2014.

Celebrate the new year with upcoming movie releases, such as “I, Frankenstein”, “That Awkward Moment”, “Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones”, “Yves Saint Laurent”, and “Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit”. There is no self renovation without a flick and popcorn!

Expect cold, dry weather f or the coming month of winter, s ince the temperatures are e xpected to start acting up in 2014. Bring on the chilly noses!.

No need to worry about your allowance! Business economists say economic growth is expected in Jan 2014, and recovery will accelerate rapidly. Be frugal, it will help in the long run!

Feel like you’ve got talent? Sign up for an audition with the popular talent show, “America’s Got Talent.” Auditions will be held at the Reliant center from Jan. 18-19.


NEW YEAR NEW BEGINNINGS The normal routine for every new year is to sit down and make up a long list of resolutions. People intend on loosing 100 lbs in three months, or dieting for two months, or no more netflix; however, the truth is, it’s hard to stick with a resolution. Why, you may ask? Well, people come up with the same truthful excuses.

Time Mangement Time management is probably the biggest excuse of the book that people use to get out of their new years resolution. So many people run out of time in their day or just don’t have enough time to fit something else in. You continuously push back your resolution each day more and more until you completely forget about it and tell yourself at the end of the day the cheap excuse like, “I just didn’t have any time”. alexisgrant.com

Lack of self motivation After a while of claiming a resolution that is not being fulfilled, you began to be bored with it. You feel like you’re not getting any where, you’re not getting the results you want, and you begin to feel as though the whole idea of a new years resolution was pointless. Then you realize you have no motivation and you’re just really lazy. ubet2win.blogspot.com

No support Not having someone there with you through such a tough journey can be depressing annd can also be the reason for failure. You’ll began to feel alone and like nobody cares. Then, you’ll ask yourself, “Why am I even doing this?” No one wants to go through a big change in their lives by themselves. The whole ride to success can make you feel so bored that you just quit. It stops being fun and stops being a goal and just overall becomes annoying. Success begins to look impossible. youthvoices.net

These typical excuses pop up all the time. Instead of making up some cheap excuse for why you can’t complete a task, come up with a way to complete it. Do simple things like rountinely reminding yourself about things by keeping an agenda or calender, instead of forgetting all the time. Or invest in a piggy bank for saving money instead of “saving money” that’s sitting in your wallet and taunting you. Habits like these and others listed should help you be succesful in sticking to your new years resolution. 6

Start Small Instead of choosing a bad habit and trying to attack it head on, start small. Bad habits are difficult to overcome and when you relapse it can be stressful and very overwhelming. All that stress can lead to giving up and quitting, but that defeats the purpose of the whole resolution. A small easy start ,like water instead of Pepsi with your lunch or homework before tv, can slowly get you in the routine of sticking to a resolution. www.fitday.com

Be positive

Change is hard, but you have to believe in yourself. Constantly build yourself up. Do mirror excersises and tell yourself just how good you’re doing. Affirmations are good tools that’ll help you succeed, so use them. Doubting can be dangerous and can work. Never doubt yourself; the moment you begin doubting, you begin to talk yourself out of things. Lift yourself up. Afterall, you’re trying to be a better you anyway. www.pinterest.com

Get support Don’t walk into a new challenge alone. Tell others what you are doing. Not only will this get you outside support but it’ll also get others to stay on your back about things. Find a good friend that will even participate with you. Everything always seems easier when you have someone doing it with you. Letting your close family and friends know what your plan is will make your challenge less lonely. Others will help motivate you for the task at hand. www.consumerreports.org

review your progress Just as a child checkpoints their growing stages, you should checkpoint your resolution stages. Check your progress and set goals; it’ll give you something to work for. Take before and after pictures or keep a journal and document how far you came and where you started so that you can look back and see just how far you’ve came. This not only keeps track of how well you are doing but it also builds great self confidence because you can actually see just how much you are changing. blog.zap2it.com

Celebrate Lastly, never forget to praise yourself here and there. Set goals for yourself and when that goal is completed. Go enjoy some Froyo or go on a movie date instead of your normal afternoon workout. Spend a little money and just have fun for a day. It’s always healthy to give yourself some props after a long, succesful journey. If you don’t it could be a long, miserable road to failure. Continue to uplift yourself for success and success is what you’ll get. Pages by: Awa McCarter



kphs best buddies takes on khs

panthers take home victory for second straight year Kingwood Park beat Kingwood for the annual Best Buddies basketball game on December 4, for the second year in a row. While the Panthers came out on top, both schools played an amazing game. What was more impressive however, was the school spirit shown by the KP Student Section. Filled with teachers, parents, and a ton of students, the bleachers were rocking as the two organizations took it from hoop to hoop. Senior Ethan Blair took on double roles during the game, both as player for KPARK, and as game MC. “I played for a little in the fourth quarter but I announced the whole first half of the game,” Blair said. Blair kept the game light and made it even more enjoyable with his play-by-play calls. Teammate Dennis McGinley11 was a star in the second half. “My favorite part was when I made a shot in the hoop and everybody liked me,” McGinley11 said. Sophomore Patience Pennington was a ringer at the basket, in part because of her weekly practice in basketball for the Special Olympics. Backing up a year in which her team won the gold medal, Pennington was almost a sure shot everytime she found the hoop. While the competition was fun, the commradery was the best part of the night. “I like helping others and seeing as well as doing fun things,” Pennington10 said. “It’s just a joyful thing to do.” The final score was 21-32, but everyone left feeling like a winner.

contributed photo


farmers market Many things happen around Kingwood. Every week there is something no matter how big; a concert or rivalry football game. However, there are small things that happen as well; bake sells, fundraisers and the farmers market. The farmers market is one of many events that happen at Kingwood’s Town Center. Local bring their homemade goods every Thursday between 3-7pm. They have everything from veggies, meat and bread to Indian food, hummus, sweets and even treats for your four-legged friends. Ron, from Doggiee Snack Bar, has been coming to the farmers market for three weeks while the company has been coming longer. The Doggiee Snack Bar is unlike many dog treat booths. They make their dog treats from all natural fruits and vegetables. They make treats for dogs that are sensitive to grain and wheat as well. They aren’t the only company there that deals with animals. Law Ranch is a family owned business that Ray Law’s father started in 1952 and law took over for his father. Law’s cows are on an ALL natural, primarily grass fed, diet. Unlike most places, Law Ranch’s beef is dry aged. Dry aged means that the meat will remain in a freezer, set at 35 degrees, for two weeks. The aging allows water to be evaporated, giving the beef more flavor which allows enzymes to break down giving it that tender texture. If you want the meat from Law Ranch you have to buy it at the farmers market or if you want a side order of beef

Pages by:Amber Dalton

you can call or email him to see if you can pick it up outside of the famers market. Law does not ship his product anywhere. Now for a sweeter taste, Sweets by Belen are unlike most dessert places. Belen Bailey moved from Peru 16 years ago. Bailey makes all natural Peruvian and Latin American sweets including popsicles from scratch. One of the flavors she offers is called Lucama which is the only milk based from Peru tastes like butterscotch. The chica morada which is purple corn boiled with fruits it has a sweet taste without the over powerful sweetness. Bailey also sells cookies that practically melt in your mouth; you have the option to have them with or without nuts.

You can contact: - Law Ranch Cattle Company by calling Ray Law at (713) 492-4804 or email at lawranch255@hotmail. com also by visiting www.lawranch.com - Sweets by Belen by calling (832) 642-9391 or emailing her at postresbelen@aol.com also by visiting www.sweetsbybelen.com - Doggiee Snack Bar by visiting online at www. DoggieeSnackBar.com


Pantone Color of the Year

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Radiant Orchid

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ay “Au Revoir” to 2013’s emerald, and say hello to the official color of 2014: Radiant Orchid! This exotic “fuscia” color “inspires confidence and iminates great joy, love and health,” says Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institute. Expect to see fuschias, pinks, purples, and of course radiant orchid on the latest furniture, bedding, and maybe even the dresses at this annual’s Oscars.



zazzle .com

Page by: Casey Langford

NEW YEAR BRINGS IN NEW MOVIES Captain America: The Winter sodier

When a S.H.I.E.L.D. colleague comes under attack, Steve becomes embroiled in a web of intrigue that threatens to put the wor… Moreld at risk. Joining forces with the Black Widow, Captain America struggles to expose the everwidening conspiracy while fighting off professional assassins sent to silence him at every turn. When the full scope of the villainous plot is revealed, Captain America and the Black Widow enlist the help of a new ally, the Falcon. However, they soon find themselves up against an unexpected and formidable enemythe Winter Soldier.

Transformers: Age of Extinction


"Foxcatcher" tells the story of Olympic Gold Medal-winning wrestler Mark Schultz (Tatum), who sees a way out from the shadow of his more celebrated wrestling brother Dave (Ruffalo) and a life of poverty when he is summoned by eccentric multimillionaire John du Pont (Carell) to move onto his estate and train for the 1988 Seoul Olympics. Desperate to gain the respect of his disapproving mother, du Pont begins "coaching" a world-class athletic team and, in the process, lures Mark into dangerous habits, breaks his confidence and drives him into a self-destructive spiral. Read more at http://www.hitfix.com/movies/ foxcatcher#AdrLBW7CcTy4dKMo.99

As humanity picks up the pieces, following the conclusion of Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Autobots and Decepticons have all but vanished from the face of the planet. However, a group of powerful, ingenious businessman and scientists attempt to learn from past Transformer incursions and push the boundaries of technology beyond what they can control – all while an ancient, powerful Transformer menace sets Earth in his crosshairs. The epic adventure and battle between good and evil, freedom and enslavement ensues.

Page by: Brianna Calhoun


the kingwood park times is brought to you by: Orianne Elliott, Editor-In-Chief Junior

Diana Martin, Copy Editor Sophomore

Eva May Cornell Junior

Awa McCarter Junior

Briana Calhoun Senior

Eric Barbara Senior

Amber Dalton Junior

Casey Langford Junior

Melanie Bradshaw, Advisor

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