TV Weekly - Aug. 5, 2012

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4(% .%73 35.

August 5 - August 11, 2012





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"Go On" star Matthew Perry - Page 2

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2 • August 5 - August 11, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR

From Bing to King The return of a 'Friendly' face: Matthew Perry stars in NBC's 'Go On' Kyla Brewer TV Media here's nothing quite like seeing an old friend in the summertime. Lazy days and breezy nights are perfect for catching up and finding out what's new. Millions of fans are about to welcome back a familiar face as Matthew Perry returns to NBC in a sneak peek of the new comedy "Go On," airing after the network's Olympic coverage Wednesday, Aug. 8. Perry stars as Ryan King, a sports talk radio host and recent widower who's forced to undergo grief counselling before he can return to work. The new series marks a homecoming for the actor, who starred as Chandler Bing in the iconic NBC comedy "Friends" through its entire 10 seasons (1994-2004). It's an unusual move to offer a sneak peek of a new fall series smack in the middle of the Olympics, but NBC executive Robert Greenblatt alluded to the possible strategy in May, when the network announced the 2012-13 prime-time slate. "We've got a lineup of new shows that will really get people to sit up and take notice," said Greenblatt. "And with the Olympics coming this summer and two nights of 'The Voice' in the fall, we've also got the tools we need to give our shows the kind of launch they deserve." With all eyes on NBC due to


Olympics coverage, this sneak peek could be just the ticket to create a buzz about "Go On." Once the destination for comedy, NBC has been fighting for its share of the prime-time ratings in the past few years and could use a major hit. With the former "Friends" star at the helm, "Go On" has already been the talk of the TV industry as the struggling network aims to boost ratings with a friendly face. However, Chandler fans may be disheartened to hear that King is no Bing. Perry's new character is a far cry from the affable "Friend." Fans will see a different side of the charismatic actor as he brings the fast-talking, sarcastic King to life. Having lost his wife in a car accident, the cocky sportscaster is anxious to get back to work, but his boss Stephen (John Cho) isn't so sure he's ready. Soon, a reluctant King finds himself in a support group along with a zany cast of characters coping with different kinds of loss. Instead of taking the therapy seriously, the widower quickly creates havoc and pits the support group members against each other as they try to determine who has the worst sob story. Finding the funny in grief is a tall order, but if Perry can pull it off, it'll be a triumphant return for the actor who earned a 2002 Emmy nomination for his work as Chandler in "Friends." (He also snagged two more nominations for his guest-starring role in another

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NBC series, "The West Wing.") Unfortunately, Perry hasn't had much luck in the prime-time arena since those days. Admittedly, "Friends" has been a tough act to follow. Not only did the series about six young people in New York boast killer ratings, it sparked fashion trends and even changed the North American vernacular with phrases such as Joey's (Matt LeBlanc) "How you doin'?" Millions of fans seem to be rooting for Perry still, and so are execs. This isn't his "second chance" at another prime-time series, it's his third. Although his 2006 TV movie "The Ron Clark Story" earned Perry both a Golden Globe nomination and Emmy nomination, his series work hasn't fared so well. In the fall of 2006, he had returned to NBC in Aaron Sorkin's drama "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip." Despite the initially warm critical reception, the show was cancelled after just one season. Perry gave it another go with ABC's "Mr. Sunshine," a 2011 sitcom based on his own idea, but that too flopped and the alpha-network canned it after nine episodes. However, if his former "Friends" co-stars are any indication, there's hope for Perry's "Go On." LeBlanc, who played Chandler's best buddy, Joey Tribbiani, in the NBC sitcom, bombed with the post"Friends" spin-off "Joey," but he's gone on to find great success in the Showtime/BBC series "Episodes," in which he was cast as a fictional version of himself. Earlier this year, the series earned him a Golden Globe for best actor in a comedy series. Courteney Cox ("Monica") has had

Matthew Perry stars as Ryan King in NBC's "Go On" a couple of prime-time hits since "Friends," earning accolades for both the now-defunct FX series "Dirt" and the ABC comedy "Cougar Town." Jennifer Aniston and Lisa Kudrow, aka "Rachel" and "Pheobe" in "Friends," have been making waves primarily on the big screen since wrapping "Friends." David Schwimmer ("Ross") has also appeared in movies in addition to directing for film and stage. "Go On" may not feature his old pals Cox and LeBlanc, but Perry's still

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in good company. The cast features not one but two Tony award winners -Laura Benanti and Julie White. Benanti stars as the support group's leader, Lauren, while White portrays fellow support group member Anne. The cast also includes Tyler James Williams, Suzy Nakamura and Brett Gelman. There's no doubt -- "Go On" looks promising. Perry isn't the only success story behind the show, either. Series creator Scott Silveri worked as a writer and producer on "Friends" for years. In April, "Go On" earned the distinction of becoming the first pilot of the 2012-13 season to be picked up for 13 episodes.

THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • August 5 - August 11, 2012 • 3



WANE-CBS 15 Ft. Wayne WPTA-ABC 21 Ft. Wayne WPTA-CW 21.2 Ft. Wayne WISE-NBC 33 Ft. Wayne WISE-MY FOX 33.2 Ft. Wayne WFWA-PBS 39 Ft. Wayne WFWA-KIDS 39.2 Ft. Wayne WFWA-CREATE 39.3 Ft. Wayne WFWA-4YOU 39.4 Ft. Wayne WFFT 55 Ft. Wayne WINM-TBN 63 Ft. Wayne WNDU-NBC 16 South Bend WSBT-CBS 22 South Bend WCWW-CW 25 South Bend WSJV-FOX 28 South Bend WNIT-PBS 34 South Bend WHME-IND 46 South Bend WBND-ABC 57 South Bend Local Channel* AMC American Movie Classics Animal Planet* Arts & Entertainment A&E Big Ten Network* Bravo* Country Music Television CMT* CNBC Consumer News & Bus. CNN Cable News Network C-SPAN* Cable News Network Cartoon Network* Comedy Central COM DISC Discovery Channel DISN The Disney Channel E! Entertainment Network ENC Encore ESPN Ent. Sports Network ESPN 2 Ent. Sports Network 2 FAM ABC Family Channel Food Network* FNC Fox News Channel Fox Sports Midwest Fox Entertainment FX* GAC* Great American Country HALL Hallmark HBO Home Box OfďŹ ce HBO2 Home Box OfďŹ ce 2 HBOS Home Box OfďŹ ce Sig. HLN* Headline News HGTV Home & Garden Television HIST History Channel HSN* Home Shopping Network Life Lifetime MAX Cinamax MSNBC* Microsoft NBC MTV Music Television NICK Nickelodeon Outdoor Channel* Oprah Winfrey Network OWN* PIN* QVC* Value Network SCIFI Sci-Fi Channel SHOW Showtime SPEED Speed Channel SPIKE STARZ TBS TBS Super Station TBN* TLC The Learning Channel The Movie Channel TMC Turner Network TeleviTNT TRAVEL* Travel Channel TVLND TV Land USA Network USA VH1 Video Hits 1 Weather Channel* Weather Radar* WGN-TV Chicago, IL WGN

c ol e r W om nie R o g e Li ang Gr le La lvil al er nd t l u Ke B lla vi


A ett o r t ar Ot -G La rn o- la b u rl o g o Auate An n o W bi

*Denotes NOT listed in the grids.

ACROSS 1 Take _ __ at (Attempt) 6 Southern constellation near Telescopium 9 Calif. clock setting 12 London 2012 Summer Olympics - Father of the modern-day Olympics, Baron Pierre de __ (b.1863 - d.1937) 14 Wood sorrel 15 London 2012 Summer Olympics - Sport for allrounders 16 L.A. part 17 Orange Pekoe 18 Singer/actress/Broadway star Karen 20 The San __ Fault 24 Flood-stopping embankment 25 Church singing group 26 ‘Fuch’ finisher (Particular pink) 27 London 2012 Summer Olympics - Beach Volleyball surface 28 London 2012 Summer Olympics - Competes in the Marathon 31 Pick-up-sticks game 33 Like the taste of some pickles 34 Absurd 36 London 2012 Summer Olympics - Made a sound in Weightlifting 38 1986 Chris de __ hit: “The Lady in Red� 39 ‘Chamel’ completer 40 Pres. Eisenhower 41 London 2012 Summer

47 48 49 50 51

Olympics - “Today� host part of NBC’s team covering the Games: 2 wds. Last letter, formally Fridge item: 2 wds. Sum up As well Fuddy-duddy

DOWN 1 “Opening __� on E! 2 Frat. counterpart at college 3 New Zealand honeyeater known as a ‘parson bird’ 4 Lawyers’ org. 5 TBS dramedy, “For __ or Worse� 6 Maps book 7 Duran Duran hit 8 Historical records 9 London 2012 Summer Olympics - Field event in Athletics: 2 wds. 10 London 2012 Summer Olympics - 3 to 2, say, in

Football 11 Cup, in a Paris restaurant 13 “The Biggest Loser� original host Caroline 19 London 2012 Summer Olympics - Event in Track Cycling which was popularized in Japan 20 House temp. coolers 21 FDR shelter org. established in 1942 22 The Stones were the family on this sitcom of 1958 to 1966, “The __ __ Show� 23 London 2012 Summer Olympics - Component of Modern Pentathlon 29 Atlanta Braves’ baseball div. 30 Mr. Barrett of early Pink Floyd 32 “The Dr. Oz Show� ...first name of its host 33 Grosset & __ (Book publisher) 34 Mediterranean vacation island 35 Microwaved, slang-style 36 Square-one 37 Campus mil. program 42 Gone†by 43 ETA part, for short 44 __ possidetis (As you possess, at law) 45 Greek dawn goddess 46 Hosp. professionals


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4 • August 5 - August 11, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR


8:00 p.m. (21.2) “What Happens in Vegas” ++ (2008, Comedy) Ashton Kutcher, Cameron Diaz. A couple sets out to make life difficult for each other after a wild time in Vegas. (2h) (55) (WFFT) “Freaky Friday” ++ (2003, Comedy) Lindsay Lohan, Jamie Lee Curtis. An overworked mother and her daughter adapt to each other’s lives when they switch bodies. (2h) (25) (WCWW) “Super Troopers” +++ (2002, Comedy) Steve Lemme, Kevin Heffernan. State troopers must stick together when budget cuts threaten to shut down their unit. (2h) (COM) “Semi-Pro” ++ (2008, Comedy) Woody Harrelson, Will Ferrell. The coach of a basketball team tries to encourage a few men to make it in the NBA. (2h02) (ENC) “Silverado” +++ (1985, Western) Kevin Costner, Kevin Kline. Four drifters reluctantly unite to stop the injustices of a crooked New Mexican sheriff. (2h15) (HBO2) “Contagion” +++ (2011, Action) Kate Winslet, Matt Damon. An international team of doctors attempts to contain the outbreak of a deadly disease. (2h) (TBS) “Shrek” +++ (2001, Animated) Voices of Eddie Murphy, Mike Myers. A green ogre and his faithful donkey companion set out to rescue a beautiful princess. (2h) (TMC) “Source Code” +++ (2011, Mystery) Michelle Monaghan, Jake Gyllenhaal. A soldier awakens to find himself tasked with finding the bomber of a commuter train. (1h35) 8:15 p.m. (MAX) “The Whole Nine Yards” +++ (2000, Comedy) Matthew Perry, Bruce Willis. Following a stint in prison, hitman Jimmy the Tulip moves to a suburban neighborhood. (1h45) 9:00 p.m. (FAM) “The Blind Side” +++ (2009, Sport) Tim McGraw, Sandra Bullock. An affluent family takes in a homeless teenager who becomes a star football player. (3h) (SCIFI) “The Fifth Element” +++ (1997, Sci-Fi) Milla Jovovich, Bruce Willis. A cab driver becomes involved with a mysterious woman who holds the key to saving Earth. (2h30) (STARZ) “Colombiana” +++ (2011, Action) Michael Vartan, Zoe Saldana. A young woman becomes an assassin to find the mobster that killed her parents in Bogotá. (1h50) 9:35 p.m. (TMC) “Brokeback Mountain” ++ (2005, Drama) Jake Gyllenhaal, Heath Ledger. Two cowboys hide their intimate relationship in 1960s Wyoming after meeting on a mountain. (2h25) 10:00 p.m. (MAX) “Horrible Bosses” ++ (2011, Comedy) Charlie Day, Jason Bateman. Three friends plan to kill their bosses after realizing that quitting isn’t an option. (1h45) (TBS) “Shrek” +++ (2001, Animated) Voices of Eddie Murphy, Mike Myers. A green ogre and his faithful donkey companion set out to rescue a beautiful princess. (2h) 10:15 p.m. (ENC) “The Quick and the Dead” +++ (1995, Western) Gene Hackman, Sharon Stone. A female gunslinger rides into town to enact revenge upon the town’s evil boss, Herod. (1h50)



8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 Smith L.M. Paid PGA Championship PGA Golf WGC - Bridgestone Invitational Final Round Site: Program Gardens Traveler Preview Show Firestone Country Club -- Akron, Ohio (L) (6:00) London 2012 Summer Olympics Marathon (W), Beach Volleyball, Tennis (M) Gold Medal, Volleyball (W) U.S. vs. Turkey, Water Polo (W) Quarter-final, Basketball (W) U.S. vs. China, Track (16) WNDU Cycling Gold Medal, Equestrian Team Jumping Gold Medal Round 1 (L) Home This Week Paid IndyCar Auto Racing Honda Indy 200 IndyCar Series Paid Garden Blackhawk Bible Indiana Busch Paid Ball Boys Ball Boys (21) WPTA Travels Hour Conn. Business Chiro Program Site: Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course (L) Program Program TomoPaid In Touch With Dr. Key of Paid Wild Ltd. HollyLive, Life On the Made in Hollywood Suspect A lawyer is assigned to defend a drifter

John Q Denzel (21.2) CW Charles Stanley David Program Program and Win! Spot rrow wood charged with murdering a congressional aide. Washington. (6:00) London 2012 Summer Olympics Marathon (W), Beach Volleyball, Tennis (M) Gold Medal, Volleyball (W) U.S. vs. Turkey, Water Polo (W) Quarter-final, Basketball (W) U.S. vs. China, Track (33) WISE Cycling Gold Medal, Equestrian Team Jumping Gold Medal Round 1 (L) Worship Art & Company BusinessTwo spies become allies when they Cold Case Files Super Troopers State troopers must stick together Blackhawk Bible Fox News Sunday World's Funniest (33.2) MNT Shut-Ins Soul Hour Moments realize they've been set up for a deadly double-cross. when budget cuts threaten to shut down their unit. Thomas- Mister Okie Noodling II Mountain Talk Alone in the Mark Biz Kid$ Antiques Roadtrip Religion McLaugh Indiana Okie Noodling (39) WFWA Roadshow Nation Wilderness Friends Rogers Kistler News lin Group Review Fetch! Sid Franny's WordMartha Clifford- Thomas- Wild Bob the Peep/PBob the Peep/P- Dinosaur Saddle Raggs Curious Arthur Zula (39.2) KIDS Club World Builder ocoyo Train "Night" Science Feet George Patrol Speaks Red Dog Friends Kratts Builder ocoyo Cookin- Weeknig Travel: Music Greener Katie Ask-Old WoodKatie Knit/ K.Brown Victory Katie Cooking Katie For Your Christina Travel (39.3) CRE Brown Home Cooks gFriends ht Meals ArtWolfe Voyager House work World Brown Brown Crochet "Green" Garden Brown Kids Ask-Old Woodw- Woodt- Woodsmi Aroun- WordGirl Wild Washingt Need to Religion To the This Old Ask-Old Washingt Need to Dinosaur Cyberc- Fetch! (39.4) YOU Kratts Train Contrary House House right's urning th Shop dHouse hase on Week Know News House on Week Know Eco Paid Birthday Girl A lonely Englishman gets in over his Raceline Xterra Extra Weekend Sports MattPaid Catholic Wall St. This Old Paid Paid (55) WFFT Program hews Program Mass Journal House Program Program head when his mail-order bride arrives from Russia. Company Stars (15) WANE

First News Sunday CBS Sunday Morning

Face the Nation

5L^ /VWL *OYPZ[PHU *LU[LY ^^^ 5L^/VWL PU Danger HorseCBS Sunday Morning Face the Paid Job TV Paid Home PGA Championship PGA Golf WGC - Bridgestone Invitational Final Round Site: Nation Program Program Show Preview Show Firestone Country Club -- Akron, Ohio (L) Rangers land Heartland "Broken Brother & Sisters What Happens in Vegas A couple sets out to make The Brothers Four friends question their relationships Bad Company When an agent is killed, the CIA must (25) WCWW Winning On the life difficult for each other after a wild time in Vegas. when one of them announces his engagement. recruit the man's twin brother to take his place. Edge Spot Arrow" "Sexual Politics" Northlan News Sunday Paid Outdoor CARS.TV Paid Paid Paid TEVA Mountain Indiana Fox Paid Paid Freaky Friday An overworked mother & her daughter (28) WSJV Program Secrets Program Program Program adaptto each other's lives when they switch bodies. Program Program Games d Adven. Business Roots of Health Moyers and History Detectives Off the Indiana Washingt Economi McLaugh To the (34) WNIT Cyberc- Biz Kid$ Outdoor Steves' Inside Indiana Elements Europe Business Record Review on Week cOutlook lin Group Contrary Company hase (46) WHME Paid Paid In Touch Ministries M.Jeske Hart Worship Paid Pioneer Memorial Israel T Paid Studio B Bible Ernest Angley Paid Manna Judge Morning This Week Paid Paid Paid Paid Judge IndyCar Auto Racing Honda Indy 200 IndyCar Series Judge Ball Boys Ball Boys Good (57) WBND America Sunday Program Program Program Program Judy Site: Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course (L) Brown Brown In Touch With Dr. Word T. Worship Ministry Joys of Ever Increasing Jack Kingdom Love Classics: You Are Dorinda (63) WINM Cornerstone With Z. Levitt Jesus Pastor John Hagee Revealed Charles Stanley Combs Shut-Ins Oneness Faith Worth Loved Hayford AMC (6:15)

Scarface ('83, Cri) Al Pacino. (:15) The Godfather A Mafia boss's innocent bookish son gets involved in the family business after a mob hit. (:15)

The Godfather II ('74, Dra) Robert De Niro, Al Pacino. The Glades The Glades The Glades Longmire Longmire Longmire Criminal Minds Criminal "Normal" Criminal Minds A&E Paid London 2012 Summer Olympics Boxing Elimination Bouts (L) Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid 2012 Summer Olympics CNBC CNN Newsroom State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Next List News Your Money CNN Newsroom CNN Comedy /(:20) The Original Kings of Co... (:25)

Beverly Hills Cop II (:05) SouthP (:25) National Lampoon's Vegas Vacati... (:25)

Saving Silverman Jack Black. Futura COM Paid Paid Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Gold Rush Gold Rush Gold Rush Gold Rush DISC M.Mouse Jake Phineas Phineas GoodLk Jessie A.N.T. A.N.T. Wizards Wizards GoodLk GoodLk Austin Shake Up A.N.T. Gravity Phineas Phineas DISN SexCity SexCity SexCity SexCity SexCity SexCity E! News Weekend Fashion Police

Unfaithful ('02, Thril) Richard Gere. The Soup Opening Act E! (7:45)

Hackers (:35) MovieT

Wagons East John Candy. (:50)

The Shadow Riders (:35) Four for Texas Frank Sinatra. (:35)

The War Wagon ENC SportsCenter OLines Report SportsCenter Sprnt Cup (L) NASCAR Auto Racing Pennsylvania 400 Sprint Cup Series Site: Pocono Raceway (L) ESPN BASS Fishing NASCAR Now (L) OLines Report Fantasy SuperBowl Baseball Tonight (L) NFL (N) NFL (N) Golf Bowling Bowling ATP Tennis ESPN2 (7:30) Bring It On: Fight to th...

Bring It On: In It to Win It

Bring It On: All or Nothing

Step Up ('06, Dra) Channing Tatum. Step Up 2: The S... FAM (6:00) FOX & Friends Sunday News HQ Housecal America's News HQ America's News HQ Fox News Stossel America's News HQ FNC WPT Poker G3 Sport Scent. Big Bass Outdoors Golf Life Horse Lokar Pre-game MLB Baseball Pittsburgh Pirates vs. Cincinnati Reds (L) Reds Reload FSMW Lucy Lucy G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls The Good Witch's Gift Catherine Bell. The Good Witch's Family Catherine Bell.

The Good Witch Catherine Bell. HALL (6:30) For Love of ... Gulliver's Travels Jack Black.

The Medallion

Vampires Suck

Inception ('10, Act) Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Puss in Boots HBO (7:40) Megamind (:20)

Chasing Liberty Mandy Moore. (:15)

Contagion Matt Damon. (:10) Cedar Rapids Ed Helms. (:45) True Blood (:45)

Something Borrowed HBO2 (7:25) Picture Per... (:10) Mr. Popper's Penguins (:50)

Up Close and Personal Robert Redford. Beginners Ewan McGregor. (:45)

Titanic ('97, Dra) Leonardo DiCaprio. HBOS I Want Income Income Kitchen Kitchen My Bath Crashers Crashers Love It or List It My Place MyPlace Property Property Property Property HouseH House HGTV Who Really Discovered America? How the States Got Their Shapes States got Shapes States got Shapes States got Shapes States got Shapes States got Shapes HIST Hr. Power Turn Point J.Osteen Paid Christine Christine Christine

Fools Rush In Matthew Perry.

Vicky Cristina Barcelona Scarlett Johansson.

Spanglish LIFE (7:00) Seabiscuit (:20) Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son (:10)

48 Hours (:50)

Another 48 Hours Eddie Murphy.

Arthur Russell Brand. (:20)

The Matrix MAX Daria Daria Snooki Snooki Teen Mom Teen Mom Snooki Awkward (:15) Awkwd (:45) Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward (:15) Snooki (:45) Snooki MTV Parents Parents Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Winx Winx Big Time ToRock iCarly Victori. Big Time Big Time iCarly iCarly NICK Paid Paid Twilight Twilight Twilight

Pandorum ('09, Hor) Dennis Quaid. (:50)

Serenity ('05, Sci-Fi) Nathan Fillion. (:20) Close Encounters of the Third Kind SCIFI (7:30) Honey, I Ble... Franchis Swinging With the Finkels

The Big Empty (:45)

Powder Mary Steenburgen. (:45)

Phenomenon ('96, Dra) John Travolta. SHOW CarCazy Truck U Perform. Speed NASCAR RaceDay "Pocono" (L) Grand-Am Auto Racing Newfoundland FIM Superbike FIM Superbike SPEED Paid Program Xtr. 4x4 Horsep. Trucks! Muscle.. Monster House Monster House (N) Flip Men Flip Men Flip Men Flip Men Flip Men Flip Men Flip Men Flip Men SPIKE (6:50) Tron: Legacy (:05)

Colombiana Zoe Saldana.

You Again Kristen Bell. (:50) Prom Aimee Teegarden. (:40)

Moneyball ('11, Bio) Robin Wright, Brad Pitt. STARZ Friends

Shark Tale ('04, Ani) Will Smith.

Over the Hedge (:15)

Madagascar Ben Stiller. MLB Baseball L.A. Angels vs Chi. White Sox (L) TBS Paid Paid Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras TLC (:05)

Car Wash (:45) The Job Patrick Flueger.

Jefferson in Paris ('95, Dra) Nick Nolte.

Primary Colors ('98, Dra) John Travolta. Timeline TMC Law & Order Law & Order Franklin & Bash Law & Order Law & Order Braveheart A 13th century Scottish liberator rebels against the English who try to rule Scotland. Movie TNT 3's Co. SoulMan The Exes Retired

The First Wives Club ('96, Com) Goldie Hawn. Griffith Griffith (:35) Griffith (:10) Griffith (:50) Griffith (:25) A. Griffith Griffith Griffith TVLND Paid Program Necessary Rough Suits

National Treasure: Book of Secrets

G.I. Joe: The Rise of the Cobra SVU "Choice" USA VH1 Top 20 Videos VH1 Top 20 Videos Mob Wives Big Ang Single Ladies Ladies "Fast Love" Hollywood Exes Love and Hip-Hop Love and Hip-Hop Atlanta VH1 Key David Beyond Matlock In Heat of Night

Freaky Friday Jamie Lee Curtis.

What Happens in Vegas Law:CI "Poison" MLB Baseball (L) WGN

(22) WSBT

THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • August 5 - August 11, 2012 • 5 SUNDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM (15) WANE (16) WNDU

(21) WPTA (21.2) CW (33) WISE (33.2) MNT (39) WFWA (39.2) KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) YOU

(55) WFFT

(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM



CBS Even. (2:00) PGA Golf WGC - NC15 Bridgestone Invitational Report News NewsCe- NBC News (6:00) London 2012 nter 16 Summer Olympics Wipeout "Gorillas in INC News ABC News Our Midst" Weekend (4:00)

John Q The King The King of Queens of Queens Denzel Washington. (6:00) London 2012 INC News at 6 /(:20) Summer Olympics NBC Nightly News Garden State An actor living in Los Angeles returns home to New Jersey to face his personal demons. Going Home "Dekalb L. Welk "Tribute to County" Jerome Kern" Fetch! Dinosaur Saddle Raggs Club Train "Night" Chefs A' Katie Ask This J. Weir's Field Old House Cook Brown Healthline Senior This Old Ask This Spotlight House Old House Paid Paid Big Bang Big Bang Program Program Theory Theory

7 PM 60 Minutes


8 PM


Big Brother (N)

9 PM

SUNDAY, AUGUST 5 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30


The Mentalist "Little NC15 (:35) Comedy.TV (:35) The Unit Red Book" Nightcast Olympics Gymnastics (M) Floor Exercise Gold Medal, Gymnastics (W) Vault Gold Medal, Track & Field (M) 100m Gold NewsCe- Summer Medal, Track & Field (W) 400m Gold Medal, Track & Field (W) Triple Jump Gold Medal, Diving (W) Springboard Gold Medal nter 16 Olympics Secret Millionaire (N) Makeover 543 pound Jonathan is unable to play INC News (:35) Loves (:05) Hates (:35) Hates America's Funniest Home Videos Chris Chris ball with his kids or sleep in bed next to his wife. at 11 p.m. Ray What Happens in Vegas A couple sets out to make Meet the Meet the Troubadour, TX True Story "Diana: Heartland "Broken Arrow" Browns Legacy of a Princess" life difficult for each other after a wild time in Vegas. Browns INC News Summer Olympics Gymnastics (M) Floor Exercise Gold Medal, Gymnastics (W) Vault Gold Medal, Track & Field (M) 100m Gold Medal, Track & Field (W) 400m Gold Medal, Track & Field (W) Triple Jump Gold Medal, Diving (W) Springboard Gold Medal Weekend Olympics Family Always American Cleveland The The Family Always Futurama Futurama Poker Heartland Tour Show Dad Simpsons Simpsons Guy Guy Sunny Sunny On Story Am. Masters "Marilyn The War The D-Day invasion helps turn the tide of the war; New Masters "M. The Body's Monroe: Still Life" Marines now battle Japanese civilians. Army Monroe" Aviators Madrid Sid Franny's WordW- Curious Arthur Martha Clifford- Thomas & Wild Bob the Zula Peep/PoScience orld Red Dog Friends Kratts coyo Feet George Patrol Speaks Builder Easy Thai Jacques Essential Amer. Test Primal J. Weir's Ask This Steves' Equitrek- Essential Amer. Test Easy Thai Cooking Pépin Pepin Kitchen Grill Cook Old House Europe Pepin Kitchen Cooking king Johnny Cash Music Globe Trekker "Planet PrimetiJammin' Sun Studio Bluegrass Backstage Pass Haunted Masters "M. of the Apes" at Jack's Sessions Under Festival Texas Monroe" me39 Two and a Two and a Freaky Friday An overworked mother & her daughter WFFT Local News Numb3rs The Office The Office Half Men Half Men adapt to each other's lives when they switch bodies.

:,9=0*,:! :H[\YKH` W T HUK :\UKH` ! H T (2:00) PGA


News CBS News 60 Minutes Big Brother (N) 3 The Mentalist News (:35) Paid (:05) Outdoors Movie TMZ '70s Show '70s Show BigBang BigBang

Super Troopers Kevin Heffernan. ABC News Loves Ray Futurama Futurama Sunny Sunny Two 1/2... Two 1/2... Paid Paid Amer. Dad Cleveland Simpsons Simpsons FamilyGuy FamilyGuy 28 News The Office 30 Rock 30 Rock Bones Market Warriors Golf's Grand Design American Experience "Victory in the Pacific" The War "Pride of Our Nation" June 1944 to August 1944. D-Day: Price Freedom Masters Healthy Bible In Touch Ministries Crossroa Comfort Paid VanImpe in Action Partners Enjoy-Life Paid Israel Tour LESEA Pioneer Memorial Wipeout ABC News 57 News Funniest Home Videos Secret Millionaire (N) EM: Weight Loss "Jonathan" (N) ABC57 The Unit Grey's A. TCT Alive Fellowship Manna Home Victory VanImpe J. Prince In Touch Ministries Love T. Bates Gaither Gospel Hour Gaither Gospel Hour (2:15)

The Godfather II ('74, (:45)

Goodfellas (1990, Crime Story) Joe Pesci, Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta. A (:40) Small Breaking Bad "Fifty- (:05) Small (:35) Breaking Bad Dra) Robert De Niro, Al Pacino. tough New York mobster becomes a target of the government and the mafia. One" (N) Town (N) "Fifty-One" Town Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal "Big Sea" The Glades "Islandia" Longmire (N) Longmire Criminal "Big Sea" (3:30)Olympics Paid Paid Paid Diabetes Wall St. Ripping Cyber Industrial Light & M American Greed: Fugi Crime Inc. Marijuana USA CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNBC Special Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom CNBC Special Piers Morgan Tonight Futurama Futurama

Office Space ('99, Com) Ron Livingston.

Semi-Pro ('08, Com) Will Ferrell. Tosh.O (:35) Tosh.O (:35) Futura (:05) Futura (:35) Work Gold Rush Gold Rush MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters GoodLuck GoodLuck Austin Shake Up Austin Shake Up Shake Up Shake Up 16 Wishes ('10, Fam) Kendall Cross. (:40) GoodL (:05) Jessie A.N.T. Wizards Wizards The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians (N) The Kardashians C. Lately The Soup The Kardashians (:20)

How the West Was Won ('62, West) James Stewart.

Silverado ('85, West) Kevin Kline. (:15)

The Quick and the Dead (:05)

Bad Girls SportsCenter SportsCenter Baseball Tonight (L) MLB Baseball Milwaukee Brewers vs. St. Louis Cardinals Site: Busch SportsCenter The day's news in the SportsCStadium -- St. Louis, Mo. (L) world of sports. enter (4:00) ATP Tennis NHRA Drag Racing Northwest Nationals -- Seaton, Australia MLS Soccer Los Angeles vs Seattle (L) Poker World Series NASCAR Auto Racing (4:00) Step Up 2: The...

The Blind Side ('09, Spt) Tim McGraw, Sandra Bullock.

The Blind Side ('09, Spt) Tim McGraw, Sandra Bullock. J.Osteen Ed Young (4:00) News HQ Fox News Fox Report Weekend Huckabee Stossel Geraldo at Large Huckabee Stossel The Game Boys in the Hall "Harmon Killebrew" WPT Poker UFC Unleashed Ultimate The Game WPT Poker WPT Poker Seminole 365 Insider 365 Hard Rock Showdown

The Good Witch's Garden The Good Witch's Gift Catherine Bell. The Good Witch's Family Catherine Bell. Frasier 1/2 Frasier 2/2 Frasier 1/2 Frasier 2/2 (4:00) Puss About Face (:50)

Bridesmaids Kristen Wiig. A broke woman tries True Blood (N) The Newsroom "5/1" True Blood The Newsroom "5/1" in Boots to bluff her way through her best friend's bridesmaid rituals. (N) Movie (:40) The Tree of Life ('11, Dra) Sean Penn, Brad Pitt.

Contagion ('11, Act) Matt Damon. Cedar Rapids ('11, Com) Ed Helms. My Soul to Take John Magaro. (2:45)

Titanic Newsroom "Bullies"

Welcome to Mooseport Ray Romano. Beginners Ewan McGregor. (:45) 1stLook

Titanic ('97, Dra) Leonardo DiCaprio. Crashers My Yard HouseH House HouseH House Property Brothers Holmes Inspection Holmes Inspection Holmes on Homes Holmes Inspection States got Shapes Restore Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Picked "Radio Fight" Shark "Shark Alley" Ice Road Truckers (4:00)

Spanglish Adam Sandler. Blue Lagoon: The Awakening Denise Richards. Drop Dead Diva (N) Army Wives (N) Blue Lagoon: The Awakening Denise Richards. (4:20)

The Matrix (:40)

Dream House (:15)

The Whole Nine Yards Bruce Willis.

Horrible Bosses (:45) Femme (:15) Life on Top (4:45) Snooki Teen Mom Teen Mom (:45) Awkward Awkward Awkward Snooki Snooki WBrother WBrother WBrother The Real World Victorious Victorious Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Hollywood Heights G. Lopez G. Lopez Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends (3:20) Close Encounters of the Th...

Blade Runner ('82, Sci-Fi) Harrison Ford.

The Fifth Element ('97, Sci-Fi) Bruce Willis.

Star Trek: Insurrection Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind A couple undergoes Weeds Episodes Dexter "The Angel of Homeland "Blind Weeds Episodes Weeds Episodes Web The Real L Death" Spot" Therapy Word aprocedure to erase their memories of each other. Dumbest Victory The Road to Le Mans Speed Center NASCAR Victory Lane Dave Despain (L) Garage CarCazy FIA Rally NASCAR Truck Racing Flip Men Flip Men Flip Men Flip Men Bar Rescue Bar Rescue "Tiki Bar Rescue "Murphy's Flip Men Flip Men Monster House Bar Rescue "Murphy's Curse" Mess" "Vegas House" Mess"

Tron: Legacy ('10, Act) Jeff Bridges. (:10)

You Again ('10, Com) Kristen Bell.

Colombiana Zoe Saldana. (:50) Starz (:05)

Moneyball ('11, Bio) Brad Pitt. Friends Friends

The House Bunny ('08, Com) Anna Faris.

Shrek ('01, Ani) Mike Myers.

Shrek ('01, Ani) Mike Myers. Sullivan Movie Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Hoarding Hoarding (N) St. Sex (N) St. Sex (N) Hoarding St. Sex St. Sex (4:30)

Timeline ('03, Fant)

Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs.

Source Code ('11, Myst) Jake (:35) Brokeback Mountain Two cowboys hide their intimate

Beyond Borders Frances O'Connor, Paul Walker. Evil ('11, Ani) Hayden Panettiere. Gyllenhaal. relationship in 1960s Wyoming after meeting on a mountain. Angelina Jolie. (4:45)

Gladiator ('00, Epic) Joaquin Phoenix, Russell Crowe. Leverage (N) Falling Skies (N) The Great Escape (N) Falling Skies Leverage M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H (:05) MASH (:45) MASH (:20) M*A*S*H Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens (:40) Queens SVU "Brotherhood" Law&O.:SVU "Gray" SVU "Possessed" Law&O.:SVU "Flight" Law&O.:SVU "Bully" Political Animals (N) Necessary Roughness Royal P "Manimal" (4:30) Atlanta

ATL (2006, Comedy) Evan Ross, Lauren London, T.I.. Mob Wives (N) Big Ang Hollywood Exes Big Ang Mob Wives: Chicago Big Ang Mama (4:00) MLB Baseball Chi. Cubs vs L.A. Dodgers (L) 30 Rock M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother News (:40) Replay The Unit Monk


11:00 p.m. (HBOS) “Titanic” +++ (1997, Drama) Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio. Two social opposites meet and fall in love while on Titanic’s maiden voyage. (3h20) 11:05 p.m. (STARZ) “Moneyball” ++ (2011, Biography) Robin Wright, Brad Pitt. Billy Beane’s attempt to put together a baseball team using computer generated analysis. (2h15) 11:30 p.m. (SCIFI) “Star Trek: Insurrection” ++ (1998, Sci-Fi) Jonathan Frakes, Patrick Stewart. Captain Picard leads a rebellion after uncovering a plot against a peaceful planet. (2h) Midnight (TMC) “Beyond Borders” ++ (2003, Romance) Clive Owen, Angelina Jolie. A woman joins in the fight against famine in Ethiopia and falls in love with another man. (2h10) 12:05 a.m. (ENC) “Bad Girls” ++ (1994, Western) Andie MacDowell, Drew Barrymore. Four beautiful harlots become gunfighters to fight for their money, rights and dignity. (1h45) 12:30 a.m. (TBS) “National Lampoon’s European Vacation” ++ (1985, Comedy) Beverly D’Angelo, Chevy Chase. It’s chaos as usual when a bumbling family wins a European vacation on a game show. (2h) 12:35 a.m. (22) (WSBT) “Aussie and Ted’s Great Adventure” ++ (2009, Family) Kirstin Eggers, Alyssa Shafer. A dog named Aussie embarks on a perilous journey to rescue his owner’s lost teddy bear. (2h) 1:00 a.m. (HBO) “What’s Your Number?” ++ (2011, Comedy) Chris Evans, Anna Faris. A woman questions whether one of the men from the past 20 she has dated was her true love. (1h50) 1:05 a.m. (COM) “The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard” ++ (2009, Comedy) Ving Rhames, Jeremy Piven. In a last ditch attempt to save his car dealership a man puts together a team of salesmen. (2h06) 1:20 a.m. (HBO2) “Seven” +++ (1995, Thriller) Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman. Detectives pursue a serial killer whose crimes embody the Bible’s seven deadly sins. (2h10) (STARZ) “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” +++ (2011, Crime Story) Rooney Mara, Daniel Craig. A disgraced writer and a hacker are hired to solve an old murder and family mystery. (2h45) 1:30 a.m. (SCIFI) “Star Runners” ++ (2008, Sci-Fi) James Kyson-Lee, Connor Trinneer. Smugglers are given a mission by the government to transport goods from a distant planet. (2h) (SHOW) “Scream 4” ++ (2011, Horror) Courteney Cox, Neve Campbell. After 10 years, Sidney Prescott is visited by the Ghostface killer. (2h) 1:50 a.m. (ENC) “Urban Legends: The Final Cut” ++ (2000, Horror) Matthew Davis, Jennifer Morrison. A college student’s film about urban legends becomes a disturbing reality. (1h40) (MAX) “Cabin Fever” ++ (2002, Horror) Rider Strong, Jordan Ladd. A weekend turns deadly for five friends who become infected with a flesh-eating virus. (1h30) 2:00 a.m. (TNT) “Gladiator” +++ (2000, Epic) Joaquin Phoenix, Russell Crowe.

6 • August 5 - August 11, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR



Q: Why were Holly Robinson Peete and Leah Remini fired from “The Talk”? A: Well, that is still the subject of debate. And that debate has thus far taken place over the Internet, so it hasn’t always been pretty. It all started slowly, with their contracts not being renewed in the summer of 2011. Remini eventually took to Twitter to publicly announce that she’d been fired, but Peete was quiet about it for a while. When Peete did officially announce she’d been fired as well, she told “Access Hollywood Live” that she “wasn’t given a reason.” Remini, on the other hand, later offered a pretty solid reason. After letting it rest for a while, she came out swinging in March, claiming on Twitter that co-host Sharon Osbourne had them fired. “Sharon thought me and Holly were ‘ghetto’ (her words), we were not funny, awkward and didn’t know ourselves.” Osbourne fired back (again on Twitter, the forum of choice for modern celebrity feuds), saying “I had absolutely nothing to do with her departure from the show and have no idea why she continues to take to Twitter to spread this false gossip.” Osbourne went on to call Remini’s behaviour “negative, unprofessional, and childish.” An official reason for Peete and Remini’s departure has never been given. Peete bounced back pretty quickly, and now has a regular gig on the Huffington Post’s online series “Out of Bounds,” a female-hosted sports talk show she co-hosts with Jennifer Sterger, La La Vazquez and film and music star Queen Latifah. Remini will star in a new sitcom, slated to premiere in the winter, called “The Family Tools,” opposite character actor J.K. Simmons and former “Perfect Couples” star Kyle Bornheimer.



8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 (15) WANE (16) WNDU (21) WPTA (21.2) CW (33) WISE (33.2) MNT

(7:00) CBS

This Morning (7:00) Today Show

(55) WFFT

Let's Make a Deal

Morning Million- Millionaire? aire? America (6:00) The Daily Buzz The Steve Wilkos Show (7:00) Today Show Live! With Kelly (7:00) Corner


Cat in the Hat Super WHY! Various

Function Sit and al Fitness Be Fit Judge Mathis

The Price Is Right

NC15 at The Young and the BoldThe Talk Beautiful Noon Restless

Judge Brown

Judge Judy


(7:00) Good

TV Curious (39) WFWA George Bob the (39.2) KIDS Builder Various (39.3) CRE (39.4) YOU

The Rachael Ray Show Live! With Kelly

America Now

Paid The View Paid INC News at Noon The Chew Program Program The Jeremy Kyle House of House of Paid Paid Paid Paid Show Payne Payne Program Program Program Program Various

The Wendy Williams Show Dinosaur Sesame Street Super Train WHY! Fetch! Dinosaur Saddle Raggs Club Train Various Seasoned Various Various / Voyager Southern Wild Newsline Various Fitness Kratts Americ- Americ- We the We the People a's Court a's Court People

The Nate Berkus Show Sid Various Science Franny's Sid Science Feet Various Various

Access H. Various

Paid Divorce Program Court Various Caillou

WordWorld Various

Curious George Various

Democracy Now!

Charlie Rose

Law & Order: Criminal Intent

A. Griffith

A. Griffith

Good Afternoon America RoseRoseanne anne

General Hospital Lifechangers


Last Shot America's Funniest Home Videos Cat in Curious Martha the Hat George Speaks Clifford- Thomas- Wild Red Dog Friends Kratts Cooking Various Various Various Seasoned / Voyager Various (Tu) (Th) POV Various Sew It/ Various Liberty W.House Paid Paid The Jerry Springer Maury Program Program Show Divorce Court Sid Science Sesame Street

Judge Alex Dinosaur Train Martha Speaks Various

The Dr. Oz Show (F) The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Steve Wilkos Show (F) Anderson Old Old Christine Christine WordGirl Arthur Bob the Builder Steves' Europe Various

Super WHY! Various Various

The People's Court

Swift The Young and the BoldThe Talk Dr. Phil Anderson Swift The Price Is Right WSBT Morning Justice News Restless Justice Beautiful Judge The People's Court Divorce Divorce Judge Judge The Jerry Springer Maury The Steve Wilkos LifechLifechKing of King of (25) WCWW Judge angers Alex Alex Court Court Brown Brown Show Show Queens Queens angers Dr. Oz Show The Nate Berkus Paid AmericAmericPaid Paid Cash Cab Cash Cab The Nate Berkus The Dr. Oz Show The Paid (6:00) Fox 28 (28) WSJV Show Program Program a's Court a's Court Program Program Show Morning Show Dinosaur Sesame Street Sid Barney & Curious Cat in Super Dinosaur Wild Electric WordGirl Martha Arthur CliffordSuper (34) WNIT Curious Cat in George the Hat WHY! Train Science Friends George the Hat WHY! Speaks Train Kratts Company Red Dog (46) WHME Sumrall Various The Harvest Show Crossroa Life Paid Life Copel'nd Paid Your Health Various Various Daniel Boone Highway to Heaven Family The (7:00) Good Morning Million- Million- Family View The Doctors The Chew Good Afternoon General Hospital The People's Court (57) WBND aire? aire? Feud Feud America America Creflo Voice of Faith in Various Enjoying TCT Joseph Ask the Pastor (M W) Rejoice / (Tu The Jim Bakker Len and Various Health& Benny (63) WINM Rabbi Lapin Cathy Victory History Life Prince Th F) TCT Alive Show Dollar Nutrition Hinn Today Various (Tu) (:15) Movie Various (Tu) (:45) Movie AMC (6:00) Paid Program Various Movie M i M i Bounty Bounty C.Mind/(F) Longmire C.Mind/(F) Longmire CSI/(F) Longmire CSI/(F) Longmire C.Mind/(F) Longmire C.Mind/(F) Longmire C.Mind/First 48/Longmire Various Ship War A&E (6:00) Squawk Box Squawk on the Street Fast Money Power Lunch Street Signs Closing Bell CNBC (7:00) Starting Point CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom The Situation Room CNN Paid Paid Entour. Daily Colbert (:35)Comedy Various Various Movies (:55) Scrubs (:25) Scrubs (:55) 30Rock Various Various Various COM Paid Paid Various Auction Various Auction Various Auction Various Auction Various Auction Various Auction Various Auction Various Auction DISC Mouse Jake Mouse Stuffins Phineas Various Various Various Various Various GoodL Jessie Various Various Various Various GoodLk Gravity DISN Various Kardash Various Movie Kardash Kardash (M Tu Th) Kardash (M) News/News Various SexCity Various Various Kardash Various Various (F) Movie E! (7:40) Movie / Movie Various (M) (:35) Movie/(T... Various Movie Movie Movie (F) Movie/(M) (:50)... Movie Movie (Th) Movie/(W) (:3... Movie Various Movie ENC M i M i M iLive SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportC/(F) Baseball SportsCenter SprtC/ Baseball SprtC/ Baseball OLines Football NFL ESPN (6:00) Mike and Mike in the Morning First Take/(F) NFL L (W) Baseball/(F) SprtC First Tk/ SprtC (W) SprtC/(ThF) Tennis Mike&Mike/ Baseball NASCAR First Tk Number LeBatard ESPN2 Boy MW Boy MW Boy MW 700 Club The 700 Club Reba (M) Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba/'70s Reba/'70s Reba/'70s Reba/'70s Reba Reba FAM (6:00) Fox & Friends America's Newsroom Happening Now America Live Studio B Your World FNC Various Various The Dan Patrick Show Paid Paid Various Outdoors Various BoysHall Various Various (M) Street./Cycling FSMW G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Martha M.Hungry Martha Emeril Petkeep Martha Martha The Waltons The Waltons HALL Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie (:45) Making Movie Movie Movie Movie/ H.Knocks Various Movies Movie Movie (F) Movie HBO (M) Movie/(Tu) M... Various Movie Various Movie Movie Movie Movie (W) Movie/(F) Mo... Movie Various Movie (M) (:15) Movie Various Movie HBO2 i (W) Movie/(Th) M... Movie Various Movie (F) (:50) Movie Various (W) (:15) Movie Various (:25) Movie/ (:50)MGardner Various (M) (:10) Movie / (Tu) (:20) Movie Movie HBOS i i M i M i Various Various Various M Various Various Various Various M Various HouseH House Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various HGTV Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. HIST W&Grace W&Grace Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Christine Christine Christine Christine Grey's/(W) Grey's Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Mother Reba LIFE Movie (F) Movie Movie (M) Movie/(Tu) ... (:45) MaxSet Various Movies Various (Th) Movie/(Tu) (:0... Movie Various (Tu) Movie Movie Various MAX i i i AMTV Sweet 16 Various Various Various Various Various Various Various M Various Various Various Various M Various Various Various Various M Various MTV

(22) WSBT


(7:00) CBS


Let's Make a Deal

Umizoomi Umizoomi Guppies Guppies Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Various Twilight Various Various Movie (Tu) FactFake/(W) ... Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie (W) Movie/(Th) (:1... Various GearZ Various Various Various TruckU Cons. Cons. Paid Program Auction Auction Various Auction CSI/Monster/Gangland Movie (Tu) (:40) Movie Various (W) (:10) Movie/(Tu) (:20) Movie Various i i Fresh P. Fresh P. Fresh P. M Payne Payne Browns Browns M Acc.Jim Baby St. Baby St. Baby St. Baby's Various Pregnant Say Yes Say Yes (7:30)Mellen. Movie (Th) Movie/(F) Movie/(M) (:05)... Various Movies Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural SheWrote/(F) B. Legal Beaver VanDyke Van Dyke Lucy Lucy Griffith Various Law:CI/ SVU/ Common Law:CI/ SVU/ Suits Various (Tu) Vh1 Top 20 (Tu) Vh1 Top 20 Big Morning Buzz Various Big Ang Paid Paid Matlock Matlock In Heat of Night

Figure Various (Tu) FactFake/(W)... Movie Movie Various Racing CSI/Monster/Gangland (W) Movie/(Tu) (:1... Acc.Jim Home I. What Not to Wear Various Movies Vegas/(W) Dallas Griffith Griffith Various Pop-Up Pop-Up In Heat of Night

Various Various Various iCarly Victori. Victori. Sponge Sponge (Tu) FactFake/(W) ... Various (Tu) Haunted/(W) ... Various (Th) Movie/(F) M... Movie Movie Movie Movie Various Movie i (Tu) Superbike Superbike TruckU MonsterJ./ Racing M LucasO. Various CSI/Monster/Gangland Various Flip Men Various FlipMen Various FlipMen Movie Various Movies Movie Movie Movie (Th) (:05) Movie AmerDad Earl Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Friends Friends Baby St. Baby St. Baby St. Multiple Various Various Movie Movie Movie (M) (:35) Movie/(F) (:45) Movie/(Th) (:50) M... Various M i Various Closer/ Dallas Mental./ Bones/ Dallas Mental./F.&Bash/Dallas Bonanza Bonanza Bonanza Gunsmoke Various Various NCIS/ SVU/ Burn NCIS/ SVU Various (M) Exes Ladies Movie Various Various WGN Midday News Walker/ (:10) Baseball Walker, TR Walker, TR



7 PM


8 PM


9 PM

MONDAY, AUGUST 6 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30

(55) WFFT

2 Broke Mike & Hawaii Five-0 NC15 Jeopardy! Met Your 2 Broke "Ma'Ema'E" Girls Girls Molly Nightcast Mother Inside London 2012 Summer Olympics Edition Sound Off Bach Pad After the fans dodge elimination, they The Glass House (N) INC News hit their stride strategically and romantically. (N) at 11 p.m. Meet the Meet the Seinfeld Perez Hilton All Remodeled "Attitude Newsce- 'Til Death 'Til Death Browns Browns Access "Katy Perry" Adjustment" nter The Doctors Access Olympic London 2012 Summer Olympics Hollywood Zone Frasier Frasier Family Family Hell's Kitchen "Seven Hell's Kitchen "Six Indiana's Law & Order: S.V.U. Chefs Compete" Chefs Compete" News Guy Guy "Uncivilized" Wild Nightly Electric Matters of Warriors "Antiquing The War "Fubar" As the Allies seem to be close to victory, Business the Mind in Brimfield, MA" (N) troops on the front encounter supply shortages. Kratts Company Fetch! Sid Franny's WordW- Curious Arthur Martha Clifford- Thomas "I Dinosaur Saddle Raggs Zula Club orld George Red Dog Love Me!" Train "Dancing" Science Feet Patrol Speaks Garden Around This Old J. Weir's Simply Hubert Lidia's Cook's Barbecue J. Weir's This Old Steves' Travelsthe House House Cook Keller Italy Country University Cook House Home Ming Europe cope GeneraUncorked: Make: BBC World Journal Newsline Make: Tavis Sandwiches That You Florida PBS NewsHour Will Like Cross. Wine News Smiley tion The Office The Office Met Your Met Your Two and a Two and a Extra The TMZ Big Bang Big Bang WFFT Local News Mother Mother Half Men Half Men Insider Theory Theory

(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM

News Friends Two 1/2... Wild Kratt Garden Judy Fellowship

NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NewsCen- NewsCe(16) WNDU ter 16 at 5 nter 16 INC News at 5 (21) WPTA (15) WANE

(21.2) CW (33) WISE (33.2) MNT (39) WFWA (39.2) KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) YOU


NC15 at 6 CBSNews p.m. NewsCe- NBC News nter 16 INC News World News at 6 The King The King of Queens of Queens INC News NBC News at 6 American American Dad Dad PBS NewsHour

Wheel of Fortune Access Hollywood Ent. Tonight Seinfeld

(:35) D. Letterman Scott (:35) Late Pelley, Channing Tatum Late Show NewsCe- Summer nter 16 Olympics (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline That '70s That '70s South Show Show Park INC News Summer at 11 p.m. Olympics Law & Order: S.V.U. Always "Stalked" Sunny Student Charlie Rose Loan Bob the Wild Super Kratts WHY! Builder Lidia's Cook's Simply Italy Country Ming Fort Tavis Tavis Niagara Smiley Smiley Gossip King of According Queens the Hill to Jim

News News CBSNews Wheel Jeopardy! M-Mother Girls Girls M&M Hawaii Five-0 News (:35) David Letterman (:35)LateShow Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Superfan "Katy Perry" Remodeled ABC News Seinfeld '70s Show TMZ Insider Sunny 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen Fox 28 News at 10 The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... News R.Steves Michiana PBS NewsHour Market Warriors (N) The War "Fubar" September 1944 to December 1944. Business Charlie Rose Flying Nun Hogan 3 Sons FamilyTies IBA News Sumrall Bible The Harvest Show Hart Enjoy-Life Israel Tour Gospel Place for Miracles Judy ABC57 News 57 News ET Bachelor Pad (N) The Glass House (N) ABC57 Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live Health Rabbi Faith H. Health CBN News TCT Today Manna B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show (2:15)

Basic ('03, Act) John Travolta. Two military agents

Behind Enemy Lines Owen Wilson. A military pilot

The Sum of All Fears A CIA analyst must stop terrorists Goodfellas investigate the disappearance of a sergeant during training. fights to stay alive after he is shot down over enemy territory. from starting a war between the U.S. and Russia. Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal "Memoriam" Longmire Longmire Longmire Longmire Longmire London 2012 Summer Olympics Boxing (M) Quarter-final Super Rich BMW Greed American Greed Mad Money Marijuana Inc (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight (:20) Sunny (:55) Sunny (:25) Tosh.O (:55) Colbert Report (:25) Daily (:55) Futura (:25) SouthPk (:55) Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Daily (N) Colbert (N) SouthPk SouthPk Overhaulin' Overhaulin' Fast N' Loud BBQ Pitmasters Off/Hook Off/Hook To Be Announced Off/Hook Off/Hook To Be Announced Jessie Wizards Phineas GoodLuck A.N.T. Babysitter GoodLuck Shake Up Radio Rebel ('12, Dra) Debby Ryan. (:40) Jessie (:05) Jessie GoodLuck A.N.T. Babysitter The Kardashians Awesomest Boy Bands E! News The Kardashians The Kardashians Opening Act Lately (N) E! News C. Lately (4:30) It Could Happe... (:15)

See No Evil, Hear No Evil

30 Minutes or Less

Godzilla ('98, Sci-Fi) Matthew Broderick. (:50)

Grown Ups Adam Sandler. Around MLB Baseball (L) Baseball Tonight (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter Interrup- SportsCenter Horn (N) tion (N) SportsNation NFL 32 (L) NFL Live Jaws' Film NFL Jaws' Film NFL Poker Poker Baseball Tonight (L) Reba Reba Bunheads Life of the Teenager American Teen (N) Bunheads (N) Bunheads The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity Lokar Car Motorhe- Auto Racing Must See UFC 134 Reds Pre- MLB Baseball Cincinnati Reds vs. Milwaukee Brewers Site: Miller Park -- Reds Post- WPT Poker WPT Boxing Golden Show Boy ad Garage Racing game (L) Milwaukee, Wis. (L) game (L) The Waltons Little House Prairie L. House "Four Eyes" Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls (4:00)

In Time ('11, The Rite A skeptical American seminary student The Newsroom "5/1" Green Lantern When a man finds a magic ring, he In Time In a world where time is currency, a young Act) Justin Timberlake. travels to Italy to take an exorcism course. joins a group charged with creating interspatial peace. man finds himself negotiating to live longer. Movie (:35)

Millions (:15)

Little Fockers ('10, Com) Ben Stiller. True Blood The Newsroom

Underworld ('03, Fant) Kate Beckinsale. (:55) Las Viudas de los Jueves (2009, Drama) True Blood

Love and Other Drugs Jake Gyllenhaal. Boardwalk Empire The Art of Getting By Movie Property Property Property Property Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It (N) HouseH House (N) Love It or List It Love It or List It Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star American Pickers Pawn Star Pawn Star Picked "Radio Fight" Pawn Star Pawn Star Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba To Be Announced Virtual Lies ('11, Dra) Christina Cox. Blue Lagoon: The A... (4:35) The Lost World: Jurassic ... (:45)

Larry Crowne Tom Hanks. Kung Fu Panda 2 Jack Black.

The Birdcage ('96, Com) Robin Williams. Sexual Witchcraft True Life '70s Show '70s Show Snooki Snooki Teen Mom Teen Wolf Teen Wolf Teen Wolf Snooki Snooki Sponge Sponge Big Time Big Time Figure Out Big Time All That K & Kel Hollywood Heights Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends (4:00)

Blade Runner

The Fifth Element ('97, Sci-Fi) Bruce Willis. Warehouse 13 (N) Alphas (N) Warehouse 13 Alphas "Alpha Dogs" (4:00) (:50)

The Game A millionaire's life is turned upsideRed A retired black-ops agent puts his team Episodes Web Weeds Episodes Web Weeds Therapy Therapy Tomorr... down after he accepts an unusual birthday gift. back together after being attacked in his home. Chop, Cut GearZ NASCAR Race Hub Pass Time Pass Time GearZ (N) GearZ Hot Rod Hot Rod Truck U Truck U GearZ GearZ Hot Rod Hot Rod World's Wildest Police World's Wildest Police World's Wildest Police World's Wildest Police World's Wildest Police World's Wildest Police World's Wildest Police Rat Worst Videos Videos Videos Videos Videos Videos Videos B*stards Tenants (:10)

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (:05) Starz /(:20)

Midnight in Paris

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Daniel Craig. (:45)

Straw Dogs Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy Conan (N) The Office The Office Lottery Changed Lottery Changed Four Houses Four Houses Boss "7-Eleven" Four Houses Four Houses Boss "7-Eleven" (4:25)

Bloody (:15) Last Play Featuring the last musical Heart of Stone (2009, John Mellencamp: It's About You Square Grouper A portrait of the pot smuggling Sunday James Nesbitt. performance at New York's Shea Stadium. Documentary) scene of 1970s Miami & the pirates who risked arrest. The Mentalist The Mentalist Mentalist "Redline" Closer "Last Rites" The Closer (N) Perception (N) The Closer Percept. "Messenger" Gunsmoke M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens The King of Queens NCIS "Twisted Sister" NCIS "Cover Story" NCIS: LA "Hunted" WWE Raw WWE Raw WWE Raw (:05) Covert Affairs (:05) Common Law Love and Hip-Hop Love and Hip-Hop Atlanta "Therapy" Love and Hip-Hop (N) Single Ladies (N) Love and Hip-Hop Single Ladies Love and Hip-Hop Law:CI "Albatross" 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Christine Christine


8:00 p.m. (AMC) “Behind Enemy Lines” ++ (2001, War) Gene Hackman, Owen Wilson. A military pilot fights to stay alive after he is shot down over enemy territory. (2h30) (ENC) “30 Minutes or Less” ++ (2011, Action) Danny McBride, Jesse Eisenberg. A pizza boy stuck in an explosive vest is forced to rob a bank, while trying to disarm it. (1h30) (HBOS) “Love and Other Drugs” ++ (2010, Comedy) Anne Hathaway, Jake Gyllenhaal. A free spirit meets her match when she’s introduced to a charming pharmaceutical salesman. (2h) (SHOW) “Red” ++++ (2010, Action) Mary-Louise Parker, Bruce Willis. A retired black-ops agent puts his team back together after being attacked in his home. (2h) 9:00 p.m. (HBO) “Green Lantern” ++ (2011, Action) Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds. When a man finds a magic ring, he joins a group charged with creating interspatial peace. (2h) (STARZ) “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” +++ (2011, Crime Story) Rooney Mara, Daniel Craig. A disgraced writer and a hacker are hired to solve an old murder and family mystery. (2h45) 9:30 p.m. (ENC) “Godzilla” +++ (1998, Sci-Fi) Hank Azaria, Matthew Broderick. Godzilla rises from the ocean’s depths and destroys everything in its path, including NYC. (2h20) 10:00 p.m. (MAX) “The Birdcage” ++ (1996, Comedy) Gene Hackman, Robin Williams. A man is asked to hide his lifestyle when his son brings his fiancée’s family to dinner. (2h) 10:30 p.m. (AMC) “The Sum of All Fears” ++ (2002, Action) Morgan Freeman, Ben Affleck. A CIA analyst must stop terrorists from starting a war between the U.S. and Russia. (2h45) 11:00 p.m. (HBO) “In Time” ++ (2011, Action) Amanda Seyfried, Justin Timberlake. In a world where time is currency, a young man finds himself negotiating to live longer. (1h55) (HBO2) “Underworld” +++ (2003, Fantasy) Scott Speedman, Kate Beckinsale. A beautiful vampire warrior is torn when she falls in love with a werewolf. (2h05) 11:45 p.m. (STARZ) “Straw Dogs” ++ (2011, Thriller) Kate Bosworth, James Marsden. A man and his wife return to her hometown in the deep South where tension threatens them. (1h55) 11:50 p.m. (ENC) “Grown Ups” ++ (2010, Comedy) Kevin James, Adam Sandler. Five good friends and former teammates reunite after their basketball coach passes away. (1h45) 12:25 a.m. (HBOS) “Intolerable Cruelty” +++ (2003, Comedy) Catherine ZetaJones, George Clooney. A divorce lawyer meets his match when he falls for the gold-digger he defeated in court. (1h40) 12:55 a.m. (HBO) “Eurotrip” ++ (2004, Comedy) Jessica Boehrs, Scott Mechlowicz. A teenager travels to Germany with his friends in order to meet his gorgeous online tutor. (1h35)

8 • August 5 - August 11, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR






GRAND-AM Super Weekend at The Brickyard Continental Tire Series Site: Indianapolis Motor Speedway - Indianapolis, Ind.

12:30 p.m. (21) (WPTA) (57) (WBND) INDYCAR Honda Indy 200 IndyCar Series Site: Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course - Lexington, Ohio Live 1:00 p.m. (ESPN) NASCAR Pennsylvania 400 Sprint Cup Series Site: Pocono Raceway - Pocono, Pa. Live 6:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Drag Racing NHRA Northwest Nationals - Seaton, Australia

11:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Noon


Rally FIA - Finland


(FSMW) Must See Racing



NASCAR U.S. Cellular 250 Nationwide Series Site: Iowa

2:00 p.m. (SPEED) NASCAR Zippo 200 Nationwide Series Practice Site: Watkins Glen International Live 4:00 p.m. (SPEED) Auto Racing NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Final Practice Site: Watkins Glen International Live SATURDAY

Site: Watkins Glen International - Watkins Glen, N.Y. Live

11:30 a.m. (ESPN2) Auto Racing NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Site: Watkins Glen International - Watkins Glen, N.Y. Live

1:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Drag Racing NHRA Sportsman Series -

2:15 p.m. (21) (WPTA) (57) (WBND) NASCAR Zippo 200 Nationwide Series Site: Watkins Glen International Watkins Glen, N.Y. Live 3:00 p.m. (SPEED) Off Road Racing Lucas Oil Pro4 and Pro Buggy Site: Speedworld Off Road Park - Surprise, Ariz.

6:00 p.m. (SPEED) Auto Racing GRAND-AM Rolex Series Site:


Noon (SPEED) Auto Racing NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Practice Site: Watkins Glen International - New York Live

BASEBALL 1:00 p.m.



MLB Pittsburgh Pirates

vs. Cincinnati Reds Site: Great American Ball Park - Cincinnati, Ohio Live 2:00 p.m. (TBS) MLB Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim vs. Chicago White Sox Site: U.S. Cellular Field - Chicago, Ill. Live 4:00 p.m. (WGN) MLB Chicago Cubs vs. Los Angeles Dodgers Site: Dodger Stadium


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Live 8:00 p.m.

(ESPN2) Little League World

Milwaukee Brewers Site: Miller Park Milwaukee, Wis. Live WEDNESDAY 11:00 a.m. (ESPN2) Little League World Series Great Lakes Regional Semifinal Game 1 - Indianapolis, Ind. Live 1:00 p.m. (ESPN) Little League World Series

League Championship - Kalamazoo, Mich.

Live 6:00 p.m.

(ESPN2) Little League World

Series Southeast Regional Semifinal Game 2 - Warner Robins, Ga Live 6:30 p.m. (WGN) MLB Chicago Cubs vs. San Diego Padres Site: Petco Park - San Diego, Calif. Live (ESPN)

Baseball MLB




MLB Cincinnati Reds vs. Milwaukee Brewers Site: Miller Park Milwaukee, Wis. Live TUESDAY 5:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Little League World Series Southwest Regional Semifinal Game 1 - Waco, Texas

7:00 p.m. Live


Baseball MLB


Southeast Regional Semifinal 1 - Warner Robins, Ga Live 2:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Little League World Series Great Lakes Regional Semifinal Game 2 - Indianapolis, Ind. Live 4:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Softball A.S.A. Big

Watkins Glen International - New York

NASCAR Toyota/ NAPA Auto Parts 150 K&N Series


Series Southwest Regional Semifinal Game 2 - Waco, Texas Live (FSMW) MLB Cincinnati Reds vs.

Seattle, Wash. (SPEED) World of Outlaws Site: Lernerville Speedway - Sarver, Pa.


Site: Colorado National Speedway - Erie, Colo. 4:00 a.m. (ESPN2) Mid-Ohio Sports Car Challenge American Le Mans Series Site: Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course - Lexington, Ohio FRIDAY

7:00 p.m. Live 8:00 p.m.

9:30 a.m. (ESPN2) NASCAR Zippo 200 Nationwide Series Qualifying

Speedway - Newton, Iowa

3:00 p.m.

- Los Angeles, Calif. Live (ESPN) MLB Milwaukee Brewers vs. St. Louis Cardinals Site: Busch Stadium - St. Louis, Mo. Live MONDAY

8:00 p.m.


2:00 p.m. (ESPN) Little League World Series Midwest Regional Semifinal 1 Indianapolis, Ind. Live 5:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Little League World Series Northwest Regional Semifinal Game 1 - San Bernardino, Calif. Live 7:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Little League World Series Midwest Regional Semifinal Game 2 - Indianapolis, Ind. Live 8:00 p.m. (FSMW) MLB Cincinnati Reds vs. Chicago Cubs Site: Wrigley Field Chicago, Ill. Live 9:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Little League World Series Southwest Regional Final

- Waco, Texas Live 11:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Little League World Series Northwest Regional Semifinal Game 2 - San Bernardino, Calif. Live FRIDAY

11:00 a.m. (ESPN) Little League World Series Mid-Atlantic Regional Semifinal 1 - Bristol, Conn. Live 1:00 p.m. (ESPN) Little League World Series Great Lakes Regional Final Indianapolis, Ind. Live 2:10 p.m. (WGN) MLB Cincinnati Reds vs. Chicago Cubs Site: Wrigley Field - Chicago, Ill. Live 3:00 p.m. (ESPN) Little League World Series

Mid-Atlantic Regional Semifinal 2 - Bristol, Conn. Live 5:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Little League World Series West Regional Semifinal Game 1 - San Bernardino, Calif. Live 7:00 p.m. (ESPN) Little League World Series Southeast Regional Final Warner Robins, Ga Live 9:00 p.m. (ESPN) Little League World Series West Regional Semifinal 2 - San Bernardino, Calif. Live Noon



Softball A.S.A. Senior Championship - Lower Sussex, Del. Live 2:00 p.m. (ESPN) Little League World Series Midwest Regional Final Indianapolis, Ind. Live 4:00 p.m. (ESPN) Little League World Series Northwest Regional Final - San Bernardino, Calif. Live (FSMW) MLB Cincinnati Reds vs. Chicago Cubs Site: Wrigley Field - Chicago, Ill. Live 6:00 p.m. (ESPN) Little League World Series New England Regional Final Bristol, Conn. Live 7:00 p.m. (WGN) MLB Oakland Athletics vs. Chicago White Sox Site: U.S. Cellular Field - Chicago, Ill. Live 8:00 p.m. (ESPN) Little League World Series West Regional Final - San Bernardino, Calif. Live



2:00 a.m.



Streetball Ball Up


11:00 p.m. (46) (WHME) Basketball Classics H.S. 2011 St. Joe vs. Marian

BOXING 10:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Friday Night Fights Perez vs. Mamadjonov Site: Morongo Casino, Resort and Spa Cabazon, Calif. Live


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OUR to reducingENERGY the bills for yours!


THURSDAY NFL Green Bay Packers vs. San Diego Chargers Pre-season Site: Qualcomm Stadium - San Diego, Calif.

8:00 p.m.


4:00 p.m. (FSMW) Tour of Utah Live 11:30 p.m. (FSMW) Tour of Utah WEDNESDAY

4:00 p.m. (FSMW) Tour of Utah Live 11:00 p.m. (FSMW) Tour of Utah THURSDAY

4:00 p.m. (FSMW) Tour of Utah Live 11:30 p.m. (FSMW) Tour of Utah 1:00 a.m. (FSMW) Tour of Utah FRIDAY

4:00 p.m. (FSMW) Tour of Utah Live 11:00 p.m. (FSMW) Tour of Utah 11:00 p.m.


(FSMW) Tour of Utah




2:00 p.m. (15) (WANE) (22) (WSBT) PGA WGC - Bridgestone Invitational Final Round Site: Firestone Country Club - Akron, Ohio Live (ESPN2) Chick-Fil-A Bowl Challange


1:00 p.m. (TNT) PGA PGA Championship Round 1 Site: The Ocean Course Kiawah Island, S.C. Live FRIDAY

1:00 p.m. (TNT) PGA PGA Championship Round 2 Site: The Ocean Course Kiawah Island, S.C. Live SATURDAY PGA PGA Championship Round 3 Site: The Ocean Course - Kiawah Island, S.C. Live

11:00 a.m.


2:00 p.m. (15) (WANE) (22) (WSBT) PGA PGA Championship Round 3

Site: The Ocean Course - Kiawah Island, S.C. Live


3:00 p.m.


4:00 p.m.


Superbike FIM

Site: Silverstone Circuit - Silverstone, England

Superbike FIM

Site: Silverstone Circuit - Silverstone, England TUESDAY Noon (SPEED) Superbike FIM Site: Silverstone Circuit - England




+($7,1* (/(&75,&$/ 3/80%,1* +285 6(59,&(



6:00 a.m. (16) (WNDU) (33) (WISE) London 2012 Summer Olympics Marathon (W), Beach

Volleyball, Tennis (M) Gold Medal, Volleyball (W) U.S. vs. Turkey, Water Polo (W) Quarter-final, Basketball (W) U.S. vs. China, Track Cycling Gold Medal, Equestrian Team Jumping Gold Medal Round 1 Live

8:30 a.m. (CNBC) London 2012 Summer Olympics Boxing Elimination Bouts Live 3:30 p.m. (CNBC) London 2012 Summer Olympics Boxing Elimination Bouts Live 7:00 p.m. (16) (WNDU) (33) (WISE) London 2012 Summer Olympics Gymnastics (M) Floor

Exercise Gold Medal, Gymnastics (W) Vault Gold Medal, Track & Field (M) 100m Gold Medal, Track & Field (W) 400m Gold Medal, Track & Field (W) Triple Jump Gold Medal, Diving (W) Springboard Gold Medal

12:30 a.m. (16) (WNDU) (33) (WISE) London 2012 Summer Olympics Track & Field Gold Medal, Badminton (M) Singles Gold Medal MONDAY

10:00 a.m. (16) (WNDU) (33) (WISE) London 2012 Summer Olympics Track & Field, Volleyball (M) U.S. vs. Tunisia, Water Polo (M) U.S. vs. Hungary, Track Cycling Gold Medal, Equestrian Team Jumping Gold Medal, Synchronized Swimming Duet, Canoeing


THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • August 5 - August 11, 2012 • 9

Just keep swimming


Celebrities get fishy with it in "Tanked" Sheila Busteed TV Media JUST KEEP SWIMMING: As "Tanked" returns to the Animal Planet airwaves with new episodes this month, the crew of Acrylic Tank Manufacturing gets a little star-struck when they're commissioned to build customized aquatic art installations for three wellknown celebrities. Starting with a new episode on Saturday, Aug. 11, business partners Wayde King and Brett Raymer have trouble focusing on the construction of a "Jaws"-themed shark tank in Tracy Morgan's basement as the comedian continues to crack jokes as they work. The project itself is a challenge because of its sheer size and the fact that it must be constructed in Morgan's home instead of at ATM's Las Vegas facility. In a later episode, the ATM team will also visit The Magic Castle, a private Hollywood nightclub for magicians and magic lovers that serves as the Academy of Magical Arts' clubhouse, where they will be greeted by the organization's president, Neil Patrick Harris. The actor and magician has the team build a replica Houdini escape tank for the club's members to enjoy. The third celebrity tank project will take King and Raymer to the home of NFL linebacker Bart Scott, who has them design a bi-level pond for his Koi fish that features special lighting and waterfalls. "It's been a wild year for ATM," said King. "We've done some amazing things in the past, but I never thought we'd be giving Tracy Morgan a shark tank in his basement or hanging out with Neil Patrick Harris talking about his dreams for a replica Houdini escape tank for his famous hangout, The Magic Castle -- and that they'd be just as excited to meet us as we were to meet them!" Other new episodes will feature the creation of a fish condo community for a real estate company and a unique tank

Wayde King and Brett Raymer show Tracy Morgan (center) his new shark tank on ‚ÄúTanked‚ÄÚ built over a staircase in Chicago. BAKING CHARACTER: Jessalyn Gilsig is probably best known to TV viewers as the conniving wife of Will Schuester in Fox's "Glee" and as pottymouthed Gina Russo in FX's "Nip/Tuck." But an upcoming Hallmark telefilm will help the actress reveal her sweeter side. Gilsig will lead the all-star cast of "Smart Cookies" when it premieres on the Hallmark Channel on Saturday, Aug. 18, to mark the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. She'll be joined by "Home Improvement" leading lady Patricia Richardson and rising starlet Bailee Madison (2007's "Bridge to Terabithia"), as well as Samantha Ferris ("Supernatural") and Ty Olsson (both "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn" films). In "Smart Cookies," Gilsig plays Julie Sterling, a successful realtor who is obsessed with her work and never takes time to develop relationships with other people because she is hoping to be named the year's top real estate agent. However, her boss (played by Richardson) devises a plan to have the agents compete for a promotion by working as volunteers in their

community, and assigns Julie to lead a struggling troop of Girl Scouts known as the Fireflies. The Fireflies face some very tough competition in the annual cookie sale competition from their bitter rivals, the Monarchs, and have already conceded defeat in their hearts when Julie arrives. However, thanks to the motivation and leadership she provides, as well as the positive attitude of new troop member Daisy (Madison), the young girls' confidence is restored. And, in the process, Julie learns that nurturing such bonds feeds her soul far more than her job ever could. Fans of Gilsig can also look forward to her upcoming role as Siggy in "Vikings," which will mark History's first

foray into scripted television. FAMILY REUNION: Some TV viewers may argue that Charisma Carpenter's career peaked in the '90s when she was a cast member of such hit series as "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and its spinoff "Angel." After all, she hasn't held a regular role since then -- but that's all about to change. The actress, who played Cordelia Chase in the two aforementioned




Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Solution on page 2. shows, has earned a new home as part of the cast of ABC Family's "The Lying Game" after proving her chops last season in a recurring role. Her character, Ann Rebecca Sewell, will be a regular feature when the series resumes with Season 2 in the winter, for which production is already underway. For some people, "The Lying Game" may trigger memories of another '90s staple, "Sister, Sister," because they possess very similar premises involving identical twin sisters who were separated at birth only to be reunited later in life. The major difference between the two is that "Sister, Sister" featured real-life twin sisters Tia and Tamera Mowry in the leading roles, while "The Lying Game" employs only one actress, Alexandra Chando, to play both characters.


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10 • August 5 - August 11, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR

Tuesday PRYLHV

8:00 p.m. (AMC) “Hidalgo” +++ (2004, Drama) Zuleikha Robinson, Viggo Mortensen. A former Calvary officer is invited to compete in a 3,000-mile race from Arabia to Iraq. (3h) (E!) “Sex and the City” +++ (2008, Comedy) Kim Cattrall, Sarah Jessica Parker. A woman relies on her friendships when her wedding plans spiral out of control. (3h) (ENC) “The Jackal” +++ (1998, Action) Richard Gere, Bruce Willis. A former IRA sniper is called in to stop a terrorist from killing the American First Lady. (2h10) 8:30 p.m. (MAX) “Never Die Alone” ++ (2004, Crime Story) David Arquette, DMX. A stylish kingpin drug dealer returns to his hometown and touches off a turf war. (1h30) 10:00 p.m. (MAX) “Unstoppable” +++ (2011, Action) Chris Pine, Denzel Washington. A conductor and an engineer race against the clock to stop an unmanned freight train. (1h40) (SHOW) “Filth and Wisdom” ++ (2008, Comedy) Holly Weston, Eugene Hutz. Three London roommates attempt to live a life of excess. (1h30) 10:10 p.m. (ENC) “Assassins” ++ (1995, Action) Antonio Banderas, Sylvester Stallone. The mob’s top hit man becomes a target when his reputation catches up with him. (2h20) 10:50 p.m. (STARZ) “Honey” ++ (2003, Drama) Lil’ Romeo, Jessica Alba. A young woman pursues her dream to become a professional music-video choreographer. (1h40) 11:00 p.m. (AMC) “Sahara” ++ (2005, Action) Penélope Cruz, Matthew McConaughey. A treasure hunter and a doctor race to prevent an environmental catastrophe in Africa. (3h) (HBO2) “What’s Your Number?” ++ (2011, Comedy) Chris Evans, Anna Faris. A woman questions whether one of the men from the past 20 she has dated was her true love. (1h50) Midnight (VH1) “New Jack City” ++ (1991, Crime Story) Ice-T, Wesley Snipes. A New York City detective hires maverick ex-cops to bring down a Napoleonic drug lord. (2h) 12:40 a.m. (HBOS) “The Saint” ++ (1997, Suspense) Elisabeth Shue, Val Kilmer. A master of disguise falls for a scientist while trying to steal a valuable formula. (2h) 1:00 a.m. (HBO) “Due Date” ++ (2010, Comedy) Robert Downey Jr., Zach Galifianakis. A man must drive crosscountry in order to make it to his child’s birth on time. (1h40) (MAX) “Alien Resurrection” +++ (1997, Sci-Fi) Winona Ryder, Sigourney Weaver. Ellen Ripley is brought back from the dead by the government to do battle with aliens. (1h50) 1:40 a.m. (TMC) “White Palace” +++ (1990, Romance) James Spader, Susan Sarandon. A man hides his relationship when he becomes romantically involved with an older woman. (1h50) 2:00 a.m. (AMC) “Deliverance” ++++ (1972, Adventure) Jon Voight, Burt Reynolds. During a wilderness trip, four city slickers are attacked by a pair of mountain men. (2h30) 2:10 a.m. (ENC) “Desperado” +++ (1995, Action) Salma Hayek, Antonio Banderas. A mysterious El Mariachi arrives in town to avenge the death of his beloved girlfriend. (1h50)

TUESDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NewsCen- NewsCe(16) WNDU ter 16 at 5 nter 16 INC News at 5 (21) WPTA (15) WANE

(21.2) CW (33) WISE (33.2) MNT (39) WFWA (39.2) KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) YOU

(55) WFFT

(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM



NC15 at 6 CBSNews p.m. NewsCe- NBC News nter 16 INC News World News at 6 The King The King of Queens of Queens INC News NBC News at 6 American American Dad Dad PBS NewsHour

7 PM


Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune Access Inside Hollywood Edition Ent. Docs on Tonight Call Meet the Meet the Sein. "The Seinfeld Browns Browns Revenge" The Doctors Access Olympic Hollywood Zone Frasier Frasier Family Family Guy Guy Wild Nightly Electric Healthline Business Kratts Company Fetch! Sid Franny's Dinosaur Saddle Raggs Club Train "Garden" Science Feet Victory For Your Woodwri- J. Weir's Kimchi Julia & J. Garden Home ght's Shop Cook Chronicles "Salmon" Inside Indiana PBS NewsHour Indiana Drop by Business Supreme Drop The Office The Office Met Your Met Your Two and a Two and a Mother Mother Half Men Half Men

8 PM


9 PM

TUESDAY, AUGUST 7 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30

NCIS: Los Angeles "Backstopped" London 2012 Summer Olympics

NC15 (:35) David Letterman (:35) Late Late (N) Nightcast Bryan Cranston NewsCe- Summer nter 16 Olympics Last Man Trust Us Trust Us NY Med (N) The INC News ABC News Jimmy Kimmel Live Middle Standing With With (N) at 11 p.m. Nightline Hart of "The Crush The L.A. Complex "Be Newsce- 'Til Death 'Til Death '70s Show '70s "Join South and the Crossbow" a Man" (N) nter "The Pill" Together" Park INC News Summer London 2012 Summer Olympics at 11 p.m. Olympics Masterchef "Top 6 Cold Case "Sabotage" Always Masterchef "Top 6 Indiana's Cold Case "Family" Compete" 1/2 Compete" 2/2 News Sunny History Detectives (N) The War Progess is slow in the Pacific; Hitler Summer Sun Studio Charlie Rose launches an unexpected counterattack. Wine Sessions Arthur Martha Clifford- Thomas & Wild Bob the WordW- Curious Zula Super orld Red Dog Friends Kratts WHY! George Patrol Speaks Builder Essential Amer. Test Primal J. Weir's Woodwri- Steves' Burt Wolf: Essential Amer. Test Kimchi Pepin Kitchen Grill Cook Travels Pepin Kitchen ght's Shop Europe Chronicles Matters of Zoo to BBC World Journal Newsline The Piano Tavis Tracks Tavis Tavis the Mind You News Guy Smiley Ahead Smiley Smiley The TMZ Gossip Extra Big Bang Big Bang WFFT Local News King of According Insider Theory Theory Queens the Hill to Jim NCIS "Secrets"

Person of Interest "Legacy"

News News News CBSNews Wheel Jeopardy! NCIS "Secrets" NCIS: Los Angeles Interest "Legacy" News (:35) David Letterman (:35)LateShow Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Hart of Dixie The L.A. Complex (N) ABC News Seinfeld '70s Show TMZ Insider Sunny Two 1/2... 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy Masterchef Masterchef FOX 28 News The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Wild Kratt News R.Steves Michiana PBS NewsHour History Detectives (N) The War "The Ghost Front" Charlie Rose Business T. Smiley For Home Flying Nun Hogan 3 Sons FamilyTies IBA News Sumrall in Action The Harvest Show Paid Enjoy-Life Faith Wisdom The Place for Miracles Judy Judy ABC57 News 57 News ET Middle Last Man Trust Us Trust Us NY Med (N) ABC57 Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live Home Ask the Pastor Faith H. Church J Franklin TCT Today R. Praise B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show (2:45) The

Behind Enemy Lines Owen Wilson. A military pilot

Hidalgo ('04, Dra) Viggo Mortensen. A former Calvary officer is Sahara A treasure hunter and a doctor race to Sum of... fights to stay alive after he is shot down over enemy territory. invited to compete in a 3,000-mile race from Arabia to Iraq. prevent an environmental catastrophe in Africa. Ship Wars Ship Wars Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Ship Wars Ship Wars Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage London 2012 Summer Olympics Boxing (M) Quarter-final Mob Money 60 Minutes American Greed Mad Money 60 Minutes (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight (4:50) Futura (:55) SouthPk (:25) Tosh.O (:55) Colbert Report (:25) Daily (:55) Work (:25) Tosh.O (:55) Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O Work Daily (N) Colbert (N) Tosh.O Work Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Jessie Wizards Phineas GoodLuck A.N.T. Babysitter GoodLuck Shake Up Code 9 Austin Gravity A.N.T. Shake Up Jessie A.N.T. Babysitter The Kardashians The Kardashians E! News

Sex and the City ('08, Com) Kim Cattrall, Sarah Jessica Parker. Lately (N) E! News C. Lately (3:50)

Godzilla (:20)

Airheads ('94, Com) Brendan Fraser.

The Jackal ('98, Act) Bruce Willis. (:10)

Assassins ('95, Act) Sylvester Stallone. Movie Around Football "Elite 11 QB Poker World Series Poker World Series Baseball Tonight (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter Interrup- SportsCenter Horn (N) tion (N) Camp: The Finals" (N) National Championship Baseball Little League World Series (L) SportsNation Baseball Little League World Series (L) MLB Baseball Home Run Derby Baseball Tonight (L) Reba Reba Beverly Hills Nannies Liar "Stolen Kisses" Pretty Little Liars (N) Bev. Hills Nannies (N) Pretty Little Liars The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity (4:00) Cycling Tour of Xterra World WPT Poker Reds Pre- MLB Baseball Cincinnati Reds vs. Milwaukee Brewers Site: Miller Park -- Reds Post- Cycling WPT Poker Seminole Utah (L) Championship Hard Rock Showdown game (L) Milwaukee, Wis. (L) game (L) Waltons "The Ordeal" Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls (:15)

Titanic (1997, Drama) Kate Winslet, Billy Zane, Leonardo DiCaprio. Two Puss in Boots ('11, Ani) Salma The Newsroom "5/1" True Blood Hard Knocks (N) social opposites meet and fall in love while on Titanic's maiden voyage. Hayek, Antonio Banderas. (4:15)

The A-Team (:20)

127 Hours James Franco.

Your Highness James Franco. (:45) 1stLook True Blood

What's Your Number? (:50) Union (:15)

American Splendor Paul Giamatti.

Dolphin Tale Morgan Freeman. The Newsroom Boardwalk Empire Too Big to Fail Topher Grace. Movie Property Brothers HGTV Design Star House HouseH Property Brothers HGTV Design Star (N) HouseH House (N) Rooms Rooms HGTV Design Star The Universe The Universe The Universe Pawn Star Pawn Star Top Gear Top Gear "First Cars" Top Gear Pawn Star Pawn Star Dance Moms Dance Moms Dance Moms Dance Moms Dance Moms (N) Dance Moms Dance Moms Dance Moms (4:45)

Deliver Us From Eva (:35)

The Dilemma Vince Vaugn.

Never Die Alone DMX.

Unstoppable (:40) Femme (:10) Strike Back '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show Awkward Awkward MTV Special Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom MTV Special Sponge Sponge Victorious Victorious Figure Out Figure Out All That K & Kel Hollywood Heights Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends Haunted Highway Haunted Highway Destination Truth Destination Truth Destination Truth (N) Haunted Highway (N) Destination Truth Haunted Highway (:15) Charlie Bartlett A wealthy teen becomes a selfWeb Doug Stanhope

Filth and Wisdom ('08, Com) Episodes Weeds The Real L Nealon "Whelmed But Weeds Therapy Word appointed 'psychiatrist' to his fellow students at school. Not Overly" Holly Weston, Eugene Hutz. Chop, Cut GearZ NASCAR Race Hub Pass Time Pass Time Dumbest Dumbest Hard Parts Hard Parts RideRule RideRule Dumbest Dumbest Hard Parts Hard Parts CSI: Crime Scene Repo Repo Worst Worst WorstTe- Rat (N) Repo Repo Repo Repo Repo Repo Repo Repo "Coming of Rage" Games Games Games Games Games Games Tenants Tenants Games Games (N) Games Games nants (N) (:05)

Addicted to Love (:50) How Do You Know ('10, Com/Dra) Reese Witherspoon, Soul Surfer AnnaSophia Robb. (:50)

Honey ('03, Dra) Jessica Alba. Movie Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Conan (N) The Office The Office My 600-lb Life My 600-lb Life Craft Wars Craft Wars (N) Not-Wear "Vanessa" Not-Wear "Deborah" Craft "Heavy Metal" Not-Wear "Vanessa" Pros and Ex-Cons ('05, Act) Steve (:35)

My Life's in Turnaround Another Happy Day A depressed mother deals with her The Tempest A woman who practices alchemy is Highlander: The Bastoni, Sam Worthington. ('94, Com) Eric Schaeffer. problematic family at her estranged son's wedding. sent to live on an island with her young daughter. Final Dimension FranklinBash "Viper" Franklin & Bash Franklin & Bash Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles CSI: NY Gunsmoke M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens SVU "Damaged" Law&O.:SVU "Weak" SVU "Control" Law&O.:SVU "Guilt" Law&O.:SVU "Risk" Law&O.:SVU "Rotten" Animals "Lost Boys" W.Collar "Wanted" Behind Music "T.I." TI Tiny TI Tiny Love and Hip-Hop Single Ladies Big Ang Big Ang Mob Wives: Chicago Love and Hip-Hop

New Jack City Law:CI "World's Fair" 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Christine Christine

THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • August 5 - August 11, 2012 • 11 WEDNESDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NewsCen- NewsCe(16) WNDU ter 16 at 5 nter 16 INC News at 5 (21) WPTA (15) WANE

(21.2) CW (33) WISE (33.2) MNT

Meet the Meet the Browns Browns The Doctors Frasier


Wild Electric Kratts Company Dinosaur Saddle (39.2) KIDS Club Train Garden Katie (39.3) CRE Smart Brown Wings Over Indiana (39.4) YOU (39) WFWA

(55) WFFT

(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM



NC15 at 6 CBSNews p.m. NewsCe- NBC News nter 16 INC News World News at 6 The King The King of Queens of Queens INC News NBC News at 6 American American Dad Dad PBS NewsHour Fetch!


Ask This J. Weir's Old House Cook Inside Indiana Business The Office The Office Met Your Met Your Mother Mother

7 PM


8 PM


9 PM

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30

NC15 Nightcast (:10) Go On (P) (N) Suburga- Modern The Modern Final Witness "What INC News Middle tory Family Family the Boy Saw" (N) at 11 p.m. Supernatural "The Supernatural "Party Newsce- 'Til Death 'Til Death Born-Again Identity" on, Garth" nter (:10) Go On London 2012 Summer Olympics (P) (N) Can Dance The top 20 finalists perform before Indiana's Burn Notice "Broken learning which dancers will leave the competition. News Rules" The War Troops discover the horrors of the concentration Nature "Frogs: The Thin Green Line" camps as they push across Germany. Arthur Martha Clifford- Thomas & WordW- Curious Zula orld Red Dog Friends George Patrol Speaks Lidia's Cook's Barbecue J. Weir's Ask This Steves' EquitrekItaly Country University Cook Old House Europe king Healthline The New BBC World Journal Newsline Jammin' Tavis Fly Fisher News at Jack's Smiley The TMZ Two and a Two and a Extra Big Bang Big Bang WFFT Local News Half Men Half Men Insider Theory Theory

Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune Access Inside Hollywood Edition Ent. Docs on Tonight Call Sein. "The Seinfeld Deal" Access Olympic Hollywood Zone Family Family Guy Guy Nightly Senior Business Spotlight Franny's Sid Science Feet Easy Thai Jacques Cooking Pépin PBS NewsHour

Criminal Minds "Self- CSI: Crime Scene Fulfilling Prophecy" "Freaks and Geeks" London 2012 Summer Olympics

Big Brother (N)

(:35) LateS Amy Poehler, (:35) Late Late Show Wendy Williams NewsCe- (:05) London 2012 nter 16 Summer Olympics (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline That '70s That '70s South Show Show Park INC News (:05) London 2012 at 11 p.m. Summer Olympics Burn Notice "Wanted Always Man" Sunny Red Green Charlie Rose Show Wild Bob the Super Kratts WHY! Builder Lidia's Cook's Easy Thai Italy Country Cooking Career Tavis Tavis Ladders Smiley Smiley Gossip King of According Queens the Hill to Jim

News News News CBSNews Wheel Jeopardy! Big Brother (N) Criminal Minds CSI: Crime Scene News (:35) David Letterman (:35)LateShow Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Supernatural Supernatural ABC News Seinfeld '70s Show TMZ Insider Sunny Two 1/2... 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy Think You Can Dance "Top 20 Perform" Fox 28 News at 10 The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Wild Kratt News R.Steves Michiana PBS NewsHour Nature The War "A World Without War" Business Charlie Rose Comfort Flying Nun Hogan 3 Sons FamilyTies IBA News Sumrall Healthy The Harvest Show Paid Enjoy-Life Faith LESEA The Place for Miracles Judy Judy ABC57 News 57 News ET Middle Suburg. Modern Modern Final Witness (N) ABC57 Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live Living Ep.. Ask the Pastor Faith H. Dorinda Fellowship TCT Today Super. B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show

Hidalgo ('04, Dra) Viggo Mortensen. A former Calvary officer is

Geronimo Joseph Runningfox. The most feared of all

Thunderheart Val Kilmer. A part-Native American FBI invited to compete in a 3,000-mile race from Arabia to Iraq. Apache Warrior chiefs cannot be confined to a reservation. agent is called in to investigate a murder on a reservation. The First 48 Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Barter Barter Barter Barter Storage Storage London 2012 Summer Olympics Boxing Elimination Bouts American Greed (N) American Greed: Fugi American Greed Mad Money American Greed: Fugi (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight (:25) Sunny (:55) South Park (:25) Tosh.O (:55) Colbert (:25) Daily (:55) SouthPk SouthPk Futurama Futurama Futura (N) SouthPk Daily (N) Colbert (N) Futurama SouthPk American Guns American Guns American Guns American Guns American Guns (N) American Guns American Guns American Guns Jessie Wizards Phineas GoodLuck A.N.T. Babysitter GoodLuck Shake Up Tinker Bell & the Great Fairy Re... Jessie GoodLuck Shake Up A.N.T. Babysitter (4:00)

Sex and the City E! News The Kardashians The Kardashians The Soup The Soup Lately (N) E! News C. Lately (4:20) Code of Silence (:10)

Takers ('10, Act) Chris Brown.

Home Alone (:45)

13 Going on 30 Jennifer Garner.

Just Cause Sean Connery. Around MLB Baseball (L) Baseball Tonight (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter Interrup- SportsCenter Horn (N) tion (N) (4:00) A.S.A. Softball Baseball Little League World Series (L) UEFA Soccer Summer Friendlies (L) NFL Kickoff (L) Jaws' Film NFL Baseball Tonight (L) Reba Reba Daddy Daddy Melissa Melissa Melissa Daddy (N)

Mean Girls Lindsay Lohan. The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity (4:00) Cycling Tour of Horse Racing West UFC Unleashed Bull Riding The Game UFC "150: Henderson Cycling Tour of Utah UFC Unleashed Utah (L) Virginia Derby 365 vs. Edgar II" The Waltons Little House Prairie Little House Prairie L. House "The Gift" Little House Prairie Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls Contagion An international team of doctors attempts Hard Knocks Love & Other Drugs A free spirit meets her match when True Blood Hard Knocks Boardwalk Empire to contain the outbreak of a deadly disease. she's introduced to a charming pharmaceutical salesman. /(:15)

Contagion (4:35) The Man in th... (:15)

Girl With a Pearl Earring Colin Firth. About Face (:15) The Big Year ('11, Com) Owen Wilson. The Newsroom Game Change (4:35) Intolerable Cru... (:15)

Picture Perfect Jennifer Aniston. The Newsroom True Blood Boardwalk Empire

Green Lantern ('11, Act) Ryan Reynolds. HouseH HouseH HouseH HouseH House HouseH Income (N) Cousins Property Brothers (N) HouseH House (N) Property Brothers Property Brothers Marvels Essentials Marvels Essentials Pawn Star Pawn Star Cajun Cajun Cajun Cajun Picked Off Restore Restore Cajun Cajun Wife Swap Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap (4:20)

Full Eclipse

50 First Dates (:45)

Love Actually ('03, Rom) Emma Thompson.

Die Hard ('88, Act) Bruce Willis. (:15) Femme Movie '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show True Life True Life Teen Mom The Real World WBrother The Real World WBrother Sponge Sponge Victorious Victorious Figure Out Figure Out All That K & Kel Hollywood Heights Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends Paranormal Witness Paranormal Witness Paranormal Witness Haunted Collector Haunted Collector (N) Para. Witness (N) Haunted Collector Paranormal Witness (4:15) Swedish Auto The Bang Bang Club Four young photographers capture Unraveled (2012, Documentary) ALL The Weeds The Episodes

Five Fingers ('06, Franchise ('06, Dra) Lukas Haas. pictures of the final days of while rule in South Africa. ACCESS Franchise Dra) Mimi Ferrer. Chop, Cut GearZ NASCAR Race Hub Pass Time Pass Time Pinks! "Rockingham" 101 Cars 101 Cars Barrett-Jackson Pinks! "Rockingham" 101 Cars 101 Cars Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction- Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunt (N) Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters (:05)

Multiplicity ('96, Com) Michael Keaton. (:10) The Smurfs ('11, Child) Hank Azaria. Cars 2 Larry the Cable Guy. (:50)

View From the Top (:20) Rachel Getting... Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinf. 1/2 Seinf. 2/2 FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy BigBang BigBang BigBang Conan (N) Sullivan The Office Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras (N) Honey B. Honey B. Toddlers & Tiaras Honey Boo Honey Boo (4:25) Creation ('09, Bio) (:15)

Beyond Borders A woman joins in the fight against Fubar: Balls to the Wall ('10, Com) #1 Cheerleader Camp ('10, Com) (:40) All American Orgy ('09, Com) Paul Bettany. famine in Ethiopia and falls in love with another man. Jamil Jabril, David Lawrence. Seth Cassell, Charlene Tilton. Ted Beck, Laura Silverman. Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas (N) (:05) The Mentalist (:05) Dallas (:10) The Great Escape Gunsmoke M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray SoulMan The Exes Retired Queens Queens Queens NCIS NCIS "Shalom" NCIS "Faking It" NCIS "Sandblast" NCIS "Grace Period" NCIS "Endgame" Suits "Sucker Punch" Royal Pains (4:00) VH1 Rock Docs

New Jack City ('91, Cri) Wesley Snipes. Hollywood Exes Hollywood Exes (N) Love and Hip-Hop Mama Drama (N) Hollywood Exes Law:CI "Privilege" 30 Rock MLB Baseball Chicago Cubs vs. San Diego Padres Site: Petco Park (L) Videos WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Christine Christine

Wednesday PRYLHV

8:00 p.m. (AMC) “Geronimo” +++ (1993, Biography) Nick Ramus, Joseph Runningfox. The most feared of all Apache Warrior chiefs cannot be confined to a reservation. (2h30) (ENC) “Home Alone” +++ (1990, Comedy) Joe Pesci, Macaulay Culkin. A young boy must fend off burglars after his family accidentally leaves him home alone. (1h45) (HBO) “Love and Other Drugs” ++ (2010, Comedy) Anne Hathaway, Jake Gyllenhaal. A free spirit meets her match when she’s introduced to a charming pharmaceutical salesman. (2h) 9:00 p.m. (FAM) “Mean Girls” +++ (2004, Comedy/Drama) Rachel McAdams, Lindsay Lohan. A new student is a hit with the popular crowd until she falls for the wrong guy. (2h) 9:45 p.m. (ENC) “13 Going on 30” ++ (2004, Comedy) Mark Ruffalo, Jennifer Garner. Thirteen-year-old Jenna wishes away her youth and wakes up as a 30-year-old woman. (1h45) 10:00 p.m. (MAX) “Die Hard” +++ (1988, Action) Alan Rickman, Bruce Willis. A cop visiting from New York helps stop some terrorists in his wife’s business building. (2h15) 10:30 p.m. (AMC) “Thunderheart” +++ (1992, Thriller) Graham Greene, Val Kilmer. A part-Native American FBI agent is called in to investigate a murder on a reservation. (2h45) 10:50 p.m. (STARZ) “View From the Top” +++ (2003, Comedy) Mike Myers, Gwyneth Paltrow. A small-town woman attempts to achieve her goal of becoming a flight attendant. (1h30) 11:00 p.m. (HBOS) “Green Lantern” ++ (2011, Action) Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds. When a man finds a magic ring, he joins a group charged with creating interspatial peace. (1h55) 11:30 p.m. (ENC) “Just Cause” ++ (1995, Suspense) Laurence Fishburne, Sean Connery. A professor tries to clear a man who is about to be executed for a crime he didn’t commit. (1h45) Midnight (SHOW) “Five Fingers” ++ (2006, Drama) Laurence Fishburne, Mimi Ferrer. A Dutch pianist, who is abducted by terrorists and imprisoned, tries anything to escape. (1h30) 12:15 a.m. (HBO) “Contagion” +++ (2011, Action) Kate Winslet, Matt Damon. An international team of doctors attempts to contain the outbreak of a deadly disease. (1h50) 12:20 a.m. (STARZ) “Rachel Getting Married” ++ (2008, Romance) Roslyn Ruff, Sebastian Stan. Rachel’s sister gets out of rehab for her wedding and causes problems on the special day. (1h55) 12:45 a.m. (MAX) “X-Men: First Class” ++++ (2011, Action) Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy. The government asks the Mutants to help stop a dictator intent on starting World War III. (2h15) 12:55 a.m. (HBOS) “Backyard” +++ (2009, Crime Story) Ivan Cortes, Ana De la Reguera. A policewoman sets out on a vendetta to stop the murders of women in Juarez, Mexico. (2h05) 1:15 a.m. (ENC) “American History X” ++++ (1998, Drama) Edward Furlong, Edward Norton.

12 • August 5 - August 11, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR

Thursday PRYLHV

8:00 p.m. (AMC) “The Last of the Mohicans” +++ (1992, Adventure) Madeleine Stowe, Daniel Day Lewis. A man, raised by natives after being orphaned, escorts two women to safety. (2h30) (ENC) “Batman Returns” +++ (1992, Action) Danny DeVito, Michael Keaton. Batman is called upon to save the citizens of Gotham City from the Penguin and Catwoman. (2h10) (HBO) “What’s Your Number?” ++ (2011, Comedy) Chris Evans, Anna Faris. A woman questions whether one of the men from the past 20 she has dated was her true love. (2h) (HBOS) “Due Date” ++ (2010, Comedy) Robert Downey Jr., Zach Galifianakis. A man must drive crosscountry in order to make it to his child’s birth on time. (1h45) (SHOW) “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” +++ (2004, Drama) Kate Winslet, Jim Carrey. A couple undergoes a procedure to erase their memories of each other. (2h) (TMC) “Source Code” +++ (2011, Mystery) Michelle Monaghan, Jake Gyllenhaal. A soldier awakens to find himself tasked with finding the bomber of a commuter train. (1h35) 9:00 p.m. (DISN) “The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl” ++ (2005, Adventure) Taylor Dooley, Taylor Lautner. An ordinary boy’s superhero friends take him to Planet Drool to defeat a villain. (1h40) (FAM) “A Cinderella Story” ++ (2004, Comedy) Chad Michael Murray, Hilary Duff. A young girl who is exploited by her stepmother sets out to meet her ‘prince’ at a dance. (2h) (STARZ) “Moneyball” ++ (2011, Biography) Robin Wright, Brad Pitt. Billy Beane’s attempt to put together a baseball team using computer generated analysis. (2h20) 9:35 p.m. (TMC) “Star Trek: Nemesis” +++ (2002, Sci-Fi) Jonathan Frakes, Patrick Stewart. The crew discovers a sinister plot when the Enterprise is diverted to a Romulan planet. (2h) 10:00 p.m. (MAX) “Machete” ++ (2010, Action) Robert De Niro, Danny Trejo. A former Federale seeks revenge after being double-crossed by his employers. (1h50) 10:10 p.m. (ENC) “Resident Evil: Afterlife” +++ (2010, Action) Wentworth Miller, Milla Jovovich. A woman helps a group of survivors who want to make their way to a supposedly safe haven. (1h40) 10:30 p.m. (AMC) “Hidalgo” +++ (2004, Drama) Zuleikha Robinson, Viggo Mortensen. A former Calvary officer is invited to compete in a 3,000-mile race from Arabia to Iraq. (3h) (HBO2) “Something Borrowed” ++ (2011, Comedy/Drama) Kate Hudson, Ginnifer Goodwin. A single woman falls in the love with her best friend’s fiancé. (1h55) 11:00 p.m. (VH1) “The List” ++ (2006, Comedy) Sydney Tamiia Poitier, Wayne Brady. A dashing young business executive creates a litmus test to find the perfect woman. (2h) 11:20 p.m. (STARZ) “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” ++ (2003, Horror) Jonathan Tucker, Jessica Biel. A disfigured, psychotic killer terrorizes a group of teens that are passing through town. (1h45)

THURSDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NewsCen- NewsCe(16) WNDU ter 16 at 5 nter 16 INC News at 5 (21) WPTA (15) WANE

(21.2) CW (33) WISE (33.2) MNT

Meet the Meet the Browns Browns The Doctors Frasier

Wild Kratts Dinosaur (39.2) KIDS Train Victory (39.3) CRE Garden Indiana in (39.4) YOU Review The Office (55) WFFT (39) WFWA

(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM


Frasier Electric Company Saddle Club For Your Home Indiana Exped. The Office


NC15 at 6 CBSNews p.m. NewsCe- NBC News nter 16 INC News World News at 6 The King The King of Queens of Queens INC News NBC News at 6 American American Dad Dad PBS NewsHour Fetch!


Woodwright's Shop Weekly Special Met Your Mother

J. Weir's Cook Across Indiana Met Your Mother

7 PM


8 PM


9 PM

THURSDAY, AUGUST 9 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30

Big Bang Two and a Big Brother (N) Half Men Theory London 2012 Summer Olympics

NC15 (:35) D. Letterman Tom (:35) Golf H/L Nightcast Waits, Ray Romano NewsCe- Summer nter 16 Olympics Rookie Blue "Out of INC News (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Wipeout Wipeout "Hillbilly Wipeout" (N) Time" 2/2 (N) at 11 p.m. Nightline The Vampire Diaries The L.A. Complex "Be Newsce- 'Til Death 'Til Death That '70s That '70s South Show Show Park "Break on Through" a Man" nter INC News Summer London 2012 Summer Olympics at 11 p.m. Olympics Raising Indiana's Without a Trace "The Without a Trace Always Raising Glee "Yes/ No" News Innocents" Hope Hope "Showdown" Sunny This Old Ask This Am. Masters "Marilyn Sculpting Carhenge You Being Jammin' Charlie Rose House Old House Monroe: Still Life" the Wind Served? at Jack's Arthur Martha Clifford- Thomas & Wild Kratt Bob the WordW- Curious Zula Super orld Red Dog Friends "Mimic" Builder WHY! George Patrol Speaks Amer. Test Primal Amer. Test Kimchi Pepin J. Weir's Woodwri- Steves' Burt Wolf: Pepin Grill Cook Travels "Veg-In!" Kitchen ght's Shop Europe "Veg-In!" Kitchen Chronicles Senior BBC World Journal Newsline Healthline Tavis New Tavis Tracks Tavis Spotlight Ahead News Smiley Madrid Smiley Smiley The TMZ Gossip Two and a Two and a Extra Big Bang Big Bang WFFT Local News King of According Half Men Half Men Insider Theory Theory Queens the Hill to Jim

Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune Access Inside Hollywood Edition Ent. Sound Off Tonight Sein. "The Seinfeld Mango" Access Olympic Hollywood Zone Family Family Guy Guy Nightly Around Business the House Franny's Sid Science Feet Kimchi Julia and Chronicles Jacques PBS NewsHour

Person of Interest "Root Cause"

News News News CBSNews Wheel Jeopardy! BigBang Two 1/2... Big Brother (N) Interest "Root Cause" News (:35) David Letterman (:35) Golf H/L Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang The Vampire Diaries Complex "Be a Man" ABC News Seinfeld '70s Show TMZ Insider Sunny Two 1/2... 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy Raising Raising Glee "Yes/ No" FOX 28 News The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Wild Kratt News R.Steves Michiana PBS NewsHour Ask the Expert Masters "Marilyn Monroe" Shore Things Charlie Rose Business T. Smiley Woman Flying Nun Hogan 3 Sons FamilyTies IBA News Sumrall Studio B The Harvest Show Paid Enjoy-Life Bible LESEA The Place for Miracles Judy Judy ABC57 News 57 News ET Wipeout Wipeout (N) Rookie Blue (N) ABC57 Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live 3D Woman Ask the Pastor Faith H. Faith CBN News TCT Today Fellowship B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show (2:00) The

Geronimo Joseph Runningfox. The most feared of all

The Last of the Mohicans A man, raised by natives

Hidalgo Viggo Mortensen. A former Calvary officer is Patriot Apache Warrior chiefs cannot be confined to a reservation. after being orphaned, escorts two women to safety. invited to compete in a 3,000-mile race from Arabia to Iraq. First 48 "Waterworld" The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Justice (N) Justice (N) Justice (N) Justice The First 48 London 2012 Summer Olympics Boxing (W) Gold Medal Final Crime Inc. Crime Inc. American Greed Mad Money Crime Inc. (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight (:20) Always Sunny (:55)Chappelle (:55) Colbert Report (:25) The Daily Show (:25) SouthPk (:55) SouthPk Comedy...Roast "Charlie Sheen" Daily (N) Colbert (N) Tosh.O Tosh.O Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Jessie Wizards Phineas GoodLuck A.N.T. Babysitter GoodLuck Shake Up The Adventures of Sharkboy & ... (:40) Gravity (:05) Ferb A.N.T. A.N.T. Babysitter Awesomest Boy Bands The Kardashians E! News The Soup Sex & City Sex & City Sex & City Sex & City Sex & City Lately (N) E! News C. Lately (4:20) Two If by Sea

Country Strong ('10, Dra) Garrett Hedlund.

Batman Returns Michael Keaton. (:10)

Resident Evil: Afterlife (:50) Wild Things II Susan Ward. Around Monday Night SportsCenter Interrup- SportsCenter NFL Football Pre-season Green Bay Packers vs. San Diego Chargers Site: SportsCenter Horn (N) tion (N) Countdown (L) Qualcomm Stadium -- San Diego, Calif. (L) Baseball Little League World Series (L) Baseball Little League World Series (L) Baseball Little League World Series (L) Baseball Little League World Series (L) Reba Reba Daddy Daddy

Mean Girls Lindsay Lohan.

A Cinderella Story ('04, Com) Hilary Duff. The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity (4:00) Cycling Tour of Race Downun- WPT Poker Reds Pre- MLB Baseball Cincinnati Reds vs. Chicago Cubs Site: Wrigley Field -Reds Post- Cycling WPT Poker Seminole Utah (L) Hard Rock Showdown Freaks der Horse. game (L) Chicago, Ill. (L) game (L) The Waltons Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls (4:15) Glitter ('01, Hanna After be trained as an assassin by her What's Your Number? A woman questions whether one of The Newsroom "5/1" True Blood Taxicab Confessions Dra) Mariah Carey. father, a girl is sent on a mission across Europe. the men from the past 20 she has dated was her true love. (4:00) Romeo & Juliet

Stuck on You ('03, Com) Matt Damon. True Blood Puss in Boots Antonio Banderas.

Something Borrowed Ginnifer Goodwin. Movie (4:45) We Are What ... (:15) Beginners ('10, Com/Dra) Ewan McGregor.

Due Date Zach Galifianakis. (:45) Making Boardwalk Empire The Newsroom The Hangover Part II My Place My Place My Place My Place House HouseH Property Brothers Sellers (N) Selling NY HouseH House (N) HouseH House Sellers Selling NY Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Great Lake Warriors To Be Announced Pawn Star Pawn Star Wife Swap Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Project Runway Runway "Women on the Go" Runway "Women on the Go" Project Runway (4:30) Big Mommas:... (:20)

Dream House (:50) Answers to Nothing ('11, Dra) Dane Cook.

Machete Danny Trejo. (:50) Baby Dolls Behind Bars '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show WBrother The Real World Awkward Snooki Snooki Snooki Awkward Snooki Awkward The Real World Sponge Sponge Victorious Victorious Figure Out Figure Out Yes, Dear K & Kel Hollywood Heights Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends

Pterodactyl ('05, Sci-Fi) Coolio. Haunted Collector Haunted Collector Haunted Collector Haunted Collector Haunted Collector Haunted Collector (4:15) Cracks ('09, Thril) The King's Speech The story of King George VI & the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind A couple undergoes The Real L Word Polyamo- The Real L Word PolyamoEva Green. speech therapist that helped him secure the throne. aprocedure to erase their memories of each other. ry:Married ry:Married Chop, Cut GearZ NASCAR Race Hub Pass Time Pass Time Car Warriors Wrecked Wrecked Hard Parts Hard Parts Car Warriors Wrecked Wrecked Jail Jail Jail Jail Worst Wrestling Watch high-risk athletic entertainment UFC Unleashed UncensWays to Ways to Worst Ways to Tenants Tenants featuring the most recognizable stars of wrestling. Die Die Die ored (N) Movie (:45)

Attack the Block (:20)

Freddy vs. Jason Robert Englund.

Moneyball ('11, Bio) Brad Pitt. (:20)

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld FamilyGuy FamilyGuy BigBang BigBang Sullivan BigBang Conan (N) Sullivan The Office Fat Gypsy Wedding Fat Gypsy Wedding Honey Boo Honey Boo Four Weddings Four Weddings (N) Four Weddings (N) Four Weddings Four Weddings (4:30) Smile ('05, Drama) Luoyong

The Beaver ('11, Dra) Jodie

Source Code ('11, Myst) Jake (:35) Star Trek: Nemesis The crew discovers a sinister plot (:35) Raw Deal ('86, Act) Kathryn Wang, Yi Ding, Mika Boorem. Foster, Anton Yelchin, Mel Gibson. Gyllenhaal. when the Enterprise is diverted to a Romulan planet. Harrold, Arnold Schwarzenegger. (1:00) PGA Golf PGA Championship (L) The Mentalist The Mentalist Mentalist "Code Red" The Mentalist CSI: NY CSI: NY Gunsmoke M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens NCIS "Sharif Returns" NCIS "Toxic" NCIS NCIS "Baltimore" Burn "Unchained" (N) Suits "Rewind" (N) Animals "Lost Boys" Burn "Unchained" Big Ang Big Ang Big Ang Big Ang Hollywood Exes Atlanta "Therapy" Love and Hip-Hop Single Ladies

The List ('06, Com) Wayne Brady. Law & O: CI "Flipped" 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Christine Christine


(21.2) CW (33) WISE (33.2) MNT (39) WFWA (39.2) KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) YOU

(55) WFFT

(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM



7 PM


8 PM


9 PM

FRIDAY, AUGUST 10 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30

Blue Bloods "Women NC15 (:35) Letterman Blake (:35) Golf H/L With Guns" Nightcast Lively, Drew Brees NewsCe- Summer nter 16 Olympics Shark Tank 20/20 A combination of interviews, feature INC News (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live stories and hard-hitting investigative reports. at 11 p.m. Nightline Meet the Meet the Nikita "Rogue" Nikita "Origins" Newsce- 'Til Death 'Til Death That '70s '70s Show SouthPk Browns Browns nter "Let's Go" Show "I'm Free" "Asspen" The Doctors INC News Summer London 2012 Summer Olympics at 11 p.m. Olympics Frasier Frasier Bones "The Family in Bones Indiana's Monk "Mr. Monk and Monk "Mr. Monk Art & Soul the Feud" News the Astronaut" Goes to the Dentist" Wild Charlie Rose Electric Washin- Need to Perform. The Tanglewood music festival celebrates Austin City Limits its 75th anniversary with a star studded lineup. Kratts Company gton Week Know Fetch! Arthur Martha Clifford- Thomas & Wild Bob the Dinosaur Saddle Raggs WordW- Curious Zula Super Club orld Red Dog Friends Kratts WHY! Train George Patrol Speaks Builder Garden Around This Old J. Weir's Lidia's Cook's Barbecue J. Weir's This Old Steves' TravelsLidia's Cook's Simply the House House Cook Italy Country University Cook House Italy Country Home Europe cope Ming Religion America in Primetime In. Market to McLaug- BBC World Journal Newsline Defense Need to Tavis Tavis Tavis "Man of the House" Washngtn Market News News Know News hlin Smiley Smiley Smiley The Office The Office Met Your Met Your Two and a Two and a Extra The Gossip Big Bang Big Bang Wfft News The Locker TMZ King of According Mother Mother Half Men Half Men Insider Theory Theory Room Queens the Hill to Jim

NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NewsCen- NewsCe(16) WNDU ter 16 at 5 nter 16 INC News at 5 (21) WPTA (15) WANE

6 PM

NC15 at 6 CBSNews p.m. NewsCe- NBC News nter 16 INC News World News at 6 The King The King of Queens of Queens INC News NBC News at 6 American American Dad Dad PBS NewsHour

Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune Access Inside Hollywood Edition Ent. Everybody Tonight Loves Ray Sein. "The Seinfeld Glasses" Access Olympic Hollywood Zone Family Family Guy Guy Nightly PrimetiBusiness me39 Franny's Sid Science Feet Simply Hubert Keller Ming PBS NewsHour

Undercover Boss "The CSI: NY "Crushed" Dwyer Group" London 2012 Summer Olympics

News News News CBSNews Wheel Jeopardy! Undercover Boss CSI: NY "Crushed" Blue Bloods News (:35) David Letterman (:35) Golf H/L Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Nikita "Rogue" Nikita "Origins" ABC News Seinfeld '70s Show TMZ Insider Sunny Two 1/2... 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy Bones Bones FOX 28 News The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Wild Kratt News R.Steves Michiana PBS NewsHour W.Week Economic Great Performances (N) Charlie Rose Business T. Smiley Business Flying Nun Hogan 3 Sons FamilyTies IBA News Sumrall Paid The Harvest Show Full Circle Enjoy-Life H.S. Basketball Classics 2011 St. Joe vs. Marian Judy Judy ABC57 News 57 News ET Shark Tank 20/20 ABC57 Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live Come In Ask the Pastor Faith H. Health CBN News TCT Today God's Plan B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show

Rio Bravo ('59, West) Dean Martin, John Wayne. Although he Hondo An Army man takes a widow and her

El Dorado ('67, West) Robert Mitchum, James Caan, John Wayne. knows henchmen will pursue him, a sheriff arrests a bullying cattle baron. young son under his wing in dangerous territory. An innocent gunfighter is held responsible for the death of a family's son. Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage London 2012 Summer Olympics Boxing Semifinals Mexico's Drug War Ultimate Fighting American Greed Mad Money Mexico's Drug War (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight (:20) Sunny (:55) SouthPk (:25) Tosh.O (:55) Colbert Report (:25) Daily (:55) Tosh.O (:25) Tosh.O (:55) Futura Tosh.O Aziz/Delicious NewYorkStand-Up (N)

Jackass 3.5 Gold Rush Gold Rush Gold Rush Gold Rush Gold Rush Gold Rush Gold Rush Gold Rush Jessie Wizards Phineas GoodLuck A.N.T. Babysit. A.N.T. (N) Jessie (N) Gravity Code 9 (N) A.N.T. GoodLuck Code 9 Austin Shake Up Jessie (4:30)

The Hot Chick The Soup E! News The Kardashians The Kardashians Fashion Police C. Lately E! News C. Lately (4:15) Exorcist II: The... (:15)

Casper ('95, Com) Christina Ricci. Stone ('10, Dra) Edward Norton. (:50)

Hard to Kill ('90, Act) Steven Seagal.

Code of Silence Henry Silva. Around Baseball Little League World Series Southeast Baseball Little League World Series West SportsCenter SportsCenter Interrup- SportsCenter Horn (N) tion (N) Regional Final -- Warner Robins, Ga (L) Regional Semifinal 2 -- San Bernardino, Calif. (L) Baseball Little League World Series (L) ATP Tennis Rogers Cup Quarter-final (L) Karate Knockouts Boxing Friday Night Fights (L) NFL Live (L) Reba Reba

Miss Congeniality ('00, Com) Sandra Bullock.

Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity (4:00) Cycling Tour of Ocean Golden Ultimate The Game UFC Fight Night Johnson vs. McCall -- Sunrise, The Dan Patrick Show Cycling Tour of Utah UFC "150: Henderson Utah (L) Insider 365 Fla. vs. Edgar II" Race Age The Waltons A Walton Wedding ('95, Dra) Richard Thomas. Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls (4:30)

Intolerable (:15) Too Big An intimate look at the epochal Green Lantern When a man finds a magic ring, he The Newsroom "5/1" Hard Knocks Hard Knocks financial crisis of 2008 and the people involved. Cruelty joins a group charged with creating interspatial peace. (4:00) Master & Commander: The... (:25) Hard Knocks (:25)

127 Hours True Blood True Blood True Blood The Newsroom (:10) The Rite ('11, Dra) Colin O'Donoghue. (:05)

The Hand That Rocks the Cradle

Hanna ('11, Act) Saoirse Ronan.

Love and Other Drugs Jake Gyllenhaal. Property Property House House House House Strange Home (N) You Live in What? (N) HouseH House (N) House House You Live in What? MonsterQuest Quest "Sea Monsters" Pickers "Motor City" Pickers "Odd Fellas" American Pickers American Pickers Pickers Pickers Pickers "Odd Fellas" America Most Wanted Most Wanted America Most Wanted America Most Wanted America Most Wanted Most Wanted (N) America Most Wanted America Most Wanted Movie (:50)

Arthur ('11, Com) Russell Brand. (:45)

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Strike Back Femme Fatales (N) StrikeBk Movie '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show WBrother WBrother Snooki Snooki Snooki Snooki Sorority Row ('09, Hor) Rumer Willis. Sorority Row Sponge Sponge Victorious Victorious Figure Out Figure Out Victorious Victorious Hollywood Heights Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends (4:00)

Yeti Ice Spiders ('07, Sci-Fi) Patrick Muldoon. WWE Smackdown! (N) Lost Girl (N) Warehouse 13 Lost Girl (4:45) Circle ('10, Hor) (:15) Phenomenon When struck by a bolt of lightning, (:20) Reservoir Dogs Criminals involved in a jewel The Weeds Episodes Tom Green Live Franchise Jason Thompson. a small-town mechanic is transformed into a genius. heist suspect one of their own is a police informant. (4:00) Racing NASCAR Performance Speed Trackside NASCAR Auto Racing Sprint Cup Series Practice NASCAR Auto Racing Trackside UFC Countdown Gangland "American Gangland "From Girl To Be Announced To Be Announced Gangland "Devil's Gangster" to Gangster" Fire" (:10) Prom ('11, Com/Dra) Aimee Teegarden.

The Recruit ('03, Thril) Colin Farrell. Spartacu "Monsters" Spartacus: Vengeance (:05) When a Stranger Calls Movie Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld Payne (N) Payne (N) For Better For Better

Paul Blart: Mall Cop Kevin James. (:05) Office Movie Randy to "Las Vegas" Randy to "Nashville" Randy to the Rescue Randy to "Boston" Say Yes Say Yes Randy/ Rescue (N) Say Yes Say Yes Randy to the Rescue (4:45) Late Bloomers (:15) Car Wash The mundane routine of a car wash is

Gridlock'd ('96, Drama) Tupac (:35) Justice (2000, Crime Story) Charlie Valentine ('09, Cri) Michael ('11, Dra) William Hurt. interrupted by several strange & unusual customers. Shakur, Thandie Newton, Tim Roth. Weatherly, Raymond J. Barry. (1:00) PGA Golf PGA Championship (L) Law & Order

Double Jeopardy Tommy Lee Jones.

Obsessed ('09, Thril) Beyoncé Knowles.

City of Angels Gunsmoke M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Law&O.:SVU "Fat" SVU "Ripped" SVU "Wildlife" SVU "Underbelly" SVU "Smoked" Common "Gun!" (N) Burn "Unchained" Animals "Lost Boys" Saturday Night Live FunniestFail "Hour 1" FunniestFail "Hour 2"

Rock Star ('01, Dra) Jennifer Aniston, Mark Wahlberg. Big Ang Mama Drama Mama Drama (:15) 10th.. Videos 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Christine Christine


8:00 p.m. (AMC) “Hondo” +++ (1953, Western) Geraldine Page, John Wayne. An Army man takes a widow and her young son under his wing in dangerous territory. (2h) (TMC) “Gridlock’d” ++ (1996, Drama) Tupac Shakur, Tim Roth. Two heroin addicts try to get sober but they have trouble getting admitted to rehab. (1h35) (TNT) “Double Jeopardy” +++ (1999, Suspense) Ashley Judd, Tommy Lee Jones. After serving time for her husband’s murder, a woman tries to prove he’s still alive. (2h) (VH1) “Rock Star” ++ (2001, Drama) Jennifer Aniston, Mark Wahlberg. A musician in a heavy metal tribute group becomes the lead singer of the band he idolizes. (2h30) 8:20 p.m. (SHOW) “Reservoir Dogs” +++ (1992, Drama) Tim Roth, Harvey Keitel. Criminals involved in a jewel heist suspect one of their own is a police informant. (1h40) 8:30 p.m. (FAM) “Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous” ++ (2005, Comedy) Regina King, Sandra Bullock. An FBI agent defies orders and returns to the pageant scene after Miss USA is kidnapped. (2h30) 9:00 p.m. (HBOS) “Hanna” ++ (2011, Action) Cate Blanchette, Saoirse Ronan. After be trained as an assassin by her father, a girl is sent on a mission across Europe. (2h) 9:50 p.m. (ENC) “Hard to Kill” ++ (1990, Action) Kelly Le Brock, Steven Seagal. After being in a coma for seven years, a detective sets out to avenge his family’s murder. (1h40) 10:00 p.m. (AMC) “El Dorado” +++ (1967, Western) Robert Mitchum, John Wayne. An innocent gunfighter is held responsible for the death of a family’s son. (3h) (HBO) “Green Lantern” ++ (2011, Action) Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds. When a man finds a magic ring, he joins a group charged with creating interspatial peace. (2h) (TBS) “Paul Blart: Mall Cop” ++ (2009, Comedy) Keir O’Donnell, Kevin James. A mall cop, trying to become a police officer, helps protect his mall against criminals. (2h05) (TNT) “Obsessed” ++ (2009, Thriller) Idris Elba, Beyoncé Knowles. After getting a promotion, a successful businessman is stalked by a temporary employee. (2h) 11:00 p.m. (HBOS) “Love and Other Drugs” ++ (2010, Comedy) Anne Hathaway, Jake Gyllenhaal. A free spirit meets her match when she’s introduced to a charming pharmaceutical salesman. (1h55) 11:30 p.m. (ENC) “Code of Silence” ++ (1985, Action) Bert Ramsen, Henry Silva. A cop being shunned by his fellow policemen is caught in the middle of a gang war. (1h45) Midnight (TNT) “City of Angels” ++ (1998, Romance) Meg Ryan, Nicolas Cage. An angel sent to comfort a dying man finds himself falling in love with the man’s doctor. (2h30) (COM) “Jackass 3.5” ++ (2011, Documentary) Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera. Interviews and footage shot with the cast and crew in Europe while filming ‘Jackass.’ (2h03)

14 • August 5 - August 11, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR

Saturday PRYLHV

8:00 p.m. (21) (WPTA) (57) (WBND) “The Game Plan” +++ (2007, Family) Madison Pettis, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. A quarterback’s bachelor lifestyle is put on hold when he discovers he has a daughter. (2h) (AMC) “Big Jake” ++ (1971, Western) Richard Boone, John Wayne. A rancher sets out to search for a kidnapped grandson he never knew he had. (3h) (E!) “The Wedding Planner” ++ (2001, Romance) Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Lopez. A workaholic wedding planner falls for the engaged doctor whose wedding she is organizing. (2h30) (ENC) “White Chicks” ++ (2004, Comedy) Marlon Wayans, Shawn Wayans. Two disgraced FBI agents go undercover as white women in an effort to protect heiresses. (2h) (FAM) “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” +++ (2007, Adventure) Rupert Grint, Daniel Radcliffe. After using magic outside of school, Harry faces trial and may be expelled from Hogwarts. (3h) (TNT) “A Time to Kill” +++ (1996, Drama) Samuel L. Jackson, Matthew McConaughey. A lawyer defends a factory worker accused of killing the men who assaulted his daughter. (3h) 9:00 p.m. (HBOS) “Bridesmaids” ++++ (2011, Comedy) Maya Rudolph, Kristen Wiig. A broke woman tries to bluff her way through her best friend’s bridesmaid rituals. (2h15) (SHOW) “Red” ++++ (2010, Action) Mary-Louise Parker, Bruce Willis. A retired black-ops agent puts his team back together after being attacked in his home. (2h) (STARZ) “The Ides of March” +++ (2011, Drama) George Clooney, Paul Giamatti. A staffer for a new presidential candidate learns a lesson dirty politics. (1h45) (TBS) “Men in Black II” ++ (2002, Sci-Fi) Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith. Two secret agents are called in to battle an alien disguised as a lingerie model. (1h45) 10:00 p.m. (ENC) “The Rock” +++ (1996, Action) Nicolas Cage, Sean Connery. A former spy and an FBI agent must break into Alcatraz prison to foil a deadly plot. (2h20) (MAX) “The Matrix” ++ (1999, Action) Laurence Fishburne, Keanu Reeves. A computer hacker learns that his entire reality is merely a computercreated illusion. (2h15) (MTV) “National Lampoon’s Van Wilder” ++ (2001, Comedy) Tara Reid, Ryan Reynolds. A college student reexamines his priorities when a journalist investigates his lifestyle. (2h) (SPIKE) “The Wolfman” ++ (2010, Horror) Benicio Del Toro, Emily Blunt. A nobleman comes back to his family’s estate and is bitten by a werewolf. (2h30) 10:30 p.m. (25) (WCWW) “The Butterfly Effect” ++ (2004, Sci-Fi) Melora Walters, Ashton Kutcher. In an attempt to cure his blackouts, a student projects back to childhood traumas. (2h) (E!) “I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry” ++ (2007, Comedy) Kevin



8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 Saturday A discussion of current events & a Busyto- Busyto- Gershwin on Ice PGA Golf PGA Championship Round 3 Site: The Ocean Course -First News NCAA Baseball Home Run Derby Saturday variety of topics that affect our world today. wn Myst. wn Myst. Kiawah Island, S.C. (L) (7:00) NewsCenter 16 Saturday Morning London 2012 Summer Olympics Basketball (W) Gold Medal, Gymnastics Rhythmic Gold Medal, Cycling (W) Mountain Bike Gold Medal, Volleyball (W) (16) WNDU Bronze Medal, Wrestling Freestyle Semifinal, Canoeing Sprint Gold Medal (L) Wild Ocean Born to Sea Everyday Food for Paid Good Morning Paid Paid Paid Countdown (L) /(:15) NASCAR Auto Racing Zippo 200 (21) WPTA America Saturday Countd. Myst. Explore Rescue Health Thought Program Program Program Program Nationwide Series Site: Watkins Glen International (L) Sonic X Sonic X Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-Gi-Oh Dragon Dragon Dragon Yu-GiElizabeth HollyHeartland "Eye of Fat Albert Fat Albert & his friends come to

Ready to (21.2) CW Zex Ball Z Ball Z Ball Z the Wolf" Zex Oh! Stanton wood life to help a lonely teen make some friends. Rumble Jack Jack Jack Jack London 2012 Summer Olympics Basketball (W) Gold Medal, Gymnastics Rhythmic Gold Medal, Cycling (W) Mountain Bike Gold Medal, Volleyball (W) (33) WISE Bronze Medal, Wrestling Freestyle Semifinal, Canoeing Sprint Gold Medal (L) Hanna Hanna Hanna Hanna Animal Passport Real Life Career Corner Store TV From Old Player To Be Announced Weekend Marketplace Without a Trace (33.2) MNT Explore 101 Daryl's Christine Poll (N) Atlas Day Woodsmi Amer. This Old Ask-Old HomeWoodMotor- AutoLine The New Test Vegeta- Uncork- Mexican Victory Garden Quilting Sewing J. Weir's (39) WFWA House Fly Fisher Kitchen rian Garden Home th Shop Wood work House time week ed: Wine Table Arts W Nancy Cook Saddle Barney & Raggs Sid Franny's Zoo to Zula Martha Clifford- Thomas- Wild Bob the Peep/PBob the Peep/P- Mark Curious Mister (39.2) KIDS Club Builder ocoyo Kistler Friends "Forest" Science Feet You George Rogers Patrol Speaks Red Dog Friends Kratts Builder ocoyo B. Wolf Travel: Anywher Smart Cooking Burt Travels- Burt J. Weir's Simply Hubert Lidia's Cook's Barbecue J. Weir's This Old Steves' Travels(39.3) CRE "Alaska" ArtWolfe e, Alaska Travels Wolf Wolf Cook Keller Italy Country Univ. Cook House cope Ming Europe cope Ask-Old Woodw- Woodt- Woodsmi Aroun- TN. Wild Antique "Tucson Julia Kit. Victory Inside Nature's Antique "Tucson Joy of Motor- Health- Senior (39.4) YOU (Hour One)" Garden Giants "Camel" (Hour One)" Painting week House right's urning th Shop dHouse Side line Spotlight Dog Into the Paid Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost DreamsTwo pint-sized spies Crook and Chase TMZ Paid Gunsmoke "The Bonanza "Bank Paid Paid (55) WFFT Wild Program Program Pack Rat" Run" Program Program encounter a genetic scientist & a set of rival spy kids. Tales (15) WANE 5L^ /VWL *OYPZ[PHU *LU[LY ^^^ 5L^/VWL PU

PGA Golf PGA Championship Round 3 Site: The Ocean Course -Saturday A discussion of current events & a TheDo- TheDo- Paid Paid NCAA Baseball variety of topics that affect our world today. odlebops odlebops Program Program Home Run Derby Kiawah Island, S.C. (L) King of King of Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-Gi-Oh Dragon Dragon Dragon Yu-GiLoser A scholarship student does his best to Ready to Rumble Two devoted wrestling fans Zex Oh! fit in while trying to win the girl of his dreams. decide to help their favorite wrestler reclaim his title. Queens Queens Zex Ball Z Ball Z Ball Z Wild Paid Bones "The Man in The Closer "Strike Player Aweso- Weekend Marketplace Paid Spy Kids 2: Island (28) WSJV Elizabeth Pets.TV Teen News Animals Program the Morgue" Three" Poll (N) Program of Lost Dreams Stanton me Adv. Sewing Knitting Lidia's Dinner Mexico- Julia Bake Victory Burt This Old HomeTest Woodsmi Woodw- Nova "Space (34) WNIT Sewing Sew It Daily Italy and Book Kitchen /Plate House Shuttle Disaster" W Nancy All Room Child Decorate Garden Wolf time th Shop right's (46) WHME News Career H.S. Basketball Classics Paid Paid Drought LESEA in Action Studio B Best of Harvest Drought Paid World Pulse Fest (L) Ocean Born Sea Everyday Morning Wild to Food for Ugly Betty Without a Trace Countdown (L) / (:15) NASCAR Auto Racing Zippo 200 Good (57) WBND America Saturday Countd. Myst. Explore Rescue Health Thought "Brothers" "Daylight" Nationwide Series Site: Watkins Glen International (L) Science Sarah's End of Public Somme- Captain Miss Gospel Donkey Swamp Advent. Faithville CreatAwaken- Health& Health& Restorat(63) WINM Kicks Chuckle Charity's Bill Stories the Age Report Club rtime Ollie Critters Odyssey ures Stuff ing Hour Nutrition Nutrition ion Road AMC (7:15)

The Comancheros (:45)

El Dorado ('67, West) Robert Mitchum, John Wayne. (:45)

Rio Bravo ('59, West) Dean Martin, John Wayne. (:45)

Hondo John Wayne. The Glades Flip This House Hideous Houses (N) Sell/ Extreme (N) Flip This House Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Ship War Ship War A&E Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid 2012 Summer Olympics CNBC (7:00) CNN Newsroom Line CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Your Money CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom News Sanjay CNN Comedy Jeffrey Ross

Cheech and Chong's Up in Smoke (:35)

Beerfest ('06, Com) M.C. Gainey. (:35)

Beverly Hills Cop (:50) Let's Go to Prison COM (7:30) Paid Program Auction Auction American Guns Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud Man, Woman, Wild Man, Woman, Wild Man, Woman, Wild Man, Woman, Wild DISC M.Mouse Jake Phineas FishHook Phineas Code 9 A.N.T. Gravity Wizards Wizards GoodLk GoodLk Austin Shake Up A.N.T. A.N.T. A.N.T. A.N.T. DISN (7:00)

Unfaithful The Soup E! News Weekend Fashion Police The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians E! Movie (:40)

Kindergarten Cop (:35)

Casper Christina Ricci. (:20)

The Rock ('96, Act) Sean Connery. (:40)

Timecop (:20)

Hard to Kill ENC SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter A.S.A. Softball Senior Championship (L) Baseball Little League World Series (L) Baseball ESPN Super B. NFL Live NASCAR Racing Zippo 200 (L) Race HL NASCAR Auto Racing (L) NHRA Drag Racing (:55) UEFA Soccer Summer Friendlies (L) Soccer Tennis ESPN2 (7:30)

Miss Congeniality

Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets Hogwarts is plagued by mysterious attacks. Movie FAM (6:00) Fox & Friends Saturday Bull Bear Cavuto Forbes Cash In America's News HQ America's News HQ Journal News Special Report America's News HQ FNC Hunter P. Bass Big 12 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Billiards Mosconi Cup Gold Age Pre-game MLB Baseball (L) FSMW Lucy Lucy G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Dad's Home ('10, Dra) David James Elliot. Three Weeks, Three Kids Anna Chlumsky. Front of the Class Patricia Heaton. HALL (7:00) Ever After: ...

The Saint ('97, Susp) Val Kilmer. Hard Knocks

Contagion Matt Damon. (:45) About Face The Art of Getting By Movie HBO (7:30) Pee-Wee Girl With a Pearl Earring (:45) Game Change Woody Harrelson. (:45)

Fargo Frances McDormand. The Newsroom

Knight and Day ('10, Act) HBO2 (7:00) Bend It Like... Glee The 3D Concert Movie

Bridesmaids Kristen Wiig. (:35)

Grace of My Heart (:35)

The Kids Are All Right Movie HBOS Rehab Rehab Property Property Crashers Crashers Crashers Crashers Crashers Crashers Elbow Million $ Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers HGTV Hell: The Devil's Domain The Antichrist Anit.. "Zero Hour" Nostradamus Effect Nostradamus Effect Nostradamus Effect Next Nostradamus HIST Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Christine Christine To Be Announced

Amber's Story Elizabeth Rohm.

Long Lost Son LIFE (:05)

The Rundown (:50)

The Lost World: Jurassic Park

The American (:45)

The Birdcage Robin Williams. (:45) The Adjustment Bureau MAX WBrother MTV Special Teen Mom Teen Mom 10 / Top Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward MTV Parents Parents Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Korra Kung Fu P.Ranger Sponge Kung Fu Kung Fu Kung Fu Kung Fu Big Time Big Time iCarly iCarly NICK Paid Paid

Minotaur ('05, Sci-Fi) Tom Hardy.

Rock Monster ('08, Sci-Fi) Jon Polito. Cyclops ('08, Act) Eric Roberts.

Ogre ('08, Sci-Fi) Ryan Kennedy. SCIFI Movie

Powder Mary Steenburgen.

Red ('10, Act) Bruce Willis. Franchis

Dr. T and the Women Richard Gere. (:05) The Bang Bang Club Malin Akerman. SHOW Truck U GearZ GearZ Hot Rod Hot Rod Garage ClassicCar Mobil1 Monster Jam Auto Racing World of Outlaws Racing Lucas Oil Drive Lucas Oil SPEED Paid Program Xtr. 4x4 Horsep. Trucks! Muscle.. Bar Res. "Chumps" Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue

A Bronx Tale Robert De Niro. SPIKE (:20)

The Recruit Colin Farrell. (:15)

The Ides of March Cars 2 Larry the Cable Guy. (:50)

Honey ('03, Dra) Jessica Alba. (:25) Starz /(:40) Just Go With It STARZ (:10) Earl (:40) Earl (:10) Earl (:40) Without a Paddle: Nature's Calling (:40) The Dukes of Hazzard Johnny Knoxville. (:55)

Paul Blart: Mall Cop Queens Queens TBS Paid Paid Moving Up Moving Up Moving Up Moving Up Four Houses Real Life Real Life Real Life TLC (:10)

Timeline ('03, Fant) Paul Walker. (:05) Road to Nowhere A young filmmaker gets drawn into a web of intrigue & crime. Movie (:55) Love Shack ('10, Com) Diora Baird, Ida Anderson. TMC Perception The Closer Dallas PGA Golf PGA Championship Site: The Ocean Course (L)

Beyond a Reasonable Doubt Lakeview Terrace TNT 3's Co. 3's Co. Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy

Pretty in Pink Molly Ringwald. Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith TVLND Paid Program Political Animals Burn "Unchained" White Collar Suits "Rewind"

Shutter Island ('09, Myst) Leonardo DiCaprio. SVU "Savant" USA (6:00) Jump Start VH1 Top 20 Videos VH1 Top 20 Videos

Rock Star ('01, Dra) Mark Wahlberg. Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live Big Ang VH1 Paid Paid Walker, TR Walker, TR Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. WGN (6:30) WSBT

News (22) WSBT Saturday Morning (25) WCWW Sonic X Sonic X

THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • August 5 - August 11, 2012 • 15 SATURDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM (15) WANE (16) WNDU

(21) WPTA (21.2) CW (33) WISE (33.2) MNT (39) WFWA (39.2) KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) YOU

(55) WFFT

(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM


(2:00) PGA


Golf PGA Championship Round 3 Site: The Ocean Course -- Kiawah Island, S.C. (L) NewsCe- NBC News (10:00) London 2012 nter 16 Summer Olympics To Be Announced INC News ABC News Weekend (4:00)

Ready to 'Til Death 'Til Death Rumble (10:00) London 2012 INC News NBC News Summer Olympics at 6 (3:30) To Be punk'd Futurama Futurama Ann... Steves' On Story Antiques Roadshow "Tucson (Hour One)" Europe Fetch! Dinosaur Saddle Raggs Club Train "Forest" Lidia's Cook's Burt Wolf: Travel Italy Country Travels With Kids Lawrence Welk Show Capitol Motor"Small Town, U.S.A." Update week Paid Paid Big Bang Big Bang Program Program Theory Theory

7 PM


Wheel of Jeopardy! Weekend Fortune Access Hollywood Weekend Entertainment Tonight Weekend Sein. "The Sein. "The Package" Fatigues" Paid Olympic Program Zone Family Family Guy Guy Lawrence Welk Show "Small Town, U.S.A." Sid Franny's Science Feet Joy of Cooking Painting Antiques Roadshow "Tucson (Hour One)" Two and a Two and a Half Men Half Men

8 PM


9 PM

SATURDAY, AUGUST 11 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30

NYC 22 "Turf War" 48 Hours Mystery (SF) (N) "Follow the Money" London 2012 Summer Olympics

48 Hours "Dark Side of Paradise"

The Game Plan A quarterback's bachelor lifestyle is Castle "47 Seconds" put on hold when he discovers he has a daughter. House "Cursed" That '70s That '70s House "Sports Medicine" Show Show London 2012 Summer Olympics

NC15 Nightcast

(:35) The


INC News (:35) at 11 p.m. Outdoors Cheaters

(:35) The

Closer NewsCe- Summer nter 16 Olympics (:05) Paid Program The Jeremy Kyle Show

INC News Summer Weekend Olympics Cops Cops Mobbed Cold Case Touch "1+1=3" 30 Night Shift Seconds Appeara- Summer As Time You Being Red Green Burt Wolf: Backstage Pass "The Nature "Frogs: The Wine Goes By Served? Show Travels Rusty Wright Band" Thin Green Line" nces Arthur Martha Clifford- Thomas & Wild Bob the WordW- Curious Zula Peep/Poorld Red Dog Friends Kratts coyo George Patrol Speaks Builder Burt Wolf Travels to Anywhere, Smart Cooking Burt Wolf: TravelsBurt Wolf: Amer. Test Simply Travels Travels Travels Kitchen "Alaska" the Edge Alaska cope Ming Saddle AC Limit "Fleet Foxes/ Nature "Frogs: The The Piano AC Limit "Fleet Foxes/ Antiques Roadshow Guy Joanna Newsom" "Tucson (Hour One)" Joanna Newsom" Thin Green Line" Club Da Vinci's Inquest WFFT Local News Criminal Minds Numb3rs Cold Squad :,9=0*,:! :H[\YKH` W T HUK :\UKH` ! H T

(2:00) PGA

Golf PGA Championship (L) Paid Jeopardy! NYC 22 (N) 48 Hours Mystery 48 Hours Mystery News (:35) Criminal Minds (:35) C.Mind Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Futurama Futurama Seinfeld Seinfeld ABC News

The Butterfly Effect Ashton Kutcher. Movie (4:00) Spy Kids 2: Isl... Paid Xterra Paid Paid Cops Cops Mobbed 28 News The Office Touch "1+1=3" 30Seconds FamilyGuy Nature Classic Gospel Lawrence Welk Show Antiques Roadshow Appear. Appear. Time Goes Time Goes Globe Trekker Austin City Limits (4:00) World Pulse (L) Paid Healthy Garden Studio B Paid Paid Bible Israel Tour Paid Faith LESEA in Action Place for Miracles TMZ 57 News ABC News 57 News Insider

The Game Plan Castle "47 Seconds" ABC57 Ent. Tonight House TimeHope Lord Give Us America Choir "I'm Amazed" Difference Super. J.Jewish Sessions 3D Woman Adele G Health Gospel Praise Wheaton (3:45)


The Shootist When a legendary gunfighter learns

Big Jake ('71, West) Richard Boone, John Wayne. A rancher sets out The Cowboys A cattle-rancher hires 11 boys to Hondo he has terminal cancer, he sets out to settle scores. to search for a kidnapped grandson he never knew he had. drive his cattle four hundred miles to market. Ship Wars Ship Wars Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Ship Wars Ship Wars Storage Storage (3:30) Olympics Paid Paid Luxury Gold Millions Millions The Suze Orman Show Princess Princess Millions Millions The Suze Orman Show CNN Newsroom The Situation Room CNN Newsroom CNBC Special Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom CNBC Special Piers Morgan Tonight Movie (:55)

Accepted ('06, Com) Jonah Hill, Justin Long. (:55)

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Kevin Hart/Pain Jeff Ross (N) Katt Williams Man, Woman, Wild Man, Woman, Wild Man, Woman, Wild Secrets of Seal Team Killing Bin Laden Bin Laden's Lair Killing Bin Laden Bin Laden's Lair GoodLuck Austin Austin Shake Up GoodLuck GoodLuck Babysitter A.N.T. Jessie Shake Up GoodLuck Austin A.N.T. Babysitter GoodLuck Shake Up The Kardashians C. Lately The Soup The Kardashians

The Wedding Planner ('01, Rom) Jennifer Lopez.

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry Adam Sandler. (4:20)

Hard to Kill (:05)

Kindergarten Cop

White Chicks ('04, Com) Shawn Wayans.

The Rock ('96, Act) Sean Connery. (:20)

Species (4:00) Baseball Little Baseball Little League World Series New Baseball Little League World Series West Baseball Tonight (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter League World Series (L) England Regional Final -- Bristol, Conn. (L) Regional Final -- San Bernardino, Calif. (L) (4:30) ATP Tennis Rogers Cup ATP Tennis Rogers Cup (L) Quarter "The Marinovich Project" 30 for 30 "The Best That Never Was" Baseball Tonight (L) (4:30)

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Daniel Radcliffe.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Daniel Radcliffe.

The Count of Monte Cristo Guy Pearce. (4:00) News HQ America's News HQ Fox Report Weekend Huckabee Justice JudgeJeanine Fox Report Weekend Journal E. Fox News Justice JudgeJeanine (4:00) MLB Baseball Cincinnati Reds vs. Chicago Reds Post- Ultimate EPL Soccer Classics Arsenal vs. Manchester City Billiards Mosconi Cup Cycling Tour of Utah WPT Poker Bay 101 Cubs Site: Wrigley Field -- Chicago, Ill. (L) October 24, 2010 Shooting Star game (L) Insider Beyond the Blackboard Emily Vancamp. Your Love Never Fails Elisa Donovan. The Music Teacher ('12, Dra) Annie Potts. The Music Teacher ('12, Dra) Annie Potts. (4:30) Gulliver's Travels

The Saint A master of disguise falls for a J. Edgar ('11, Cri) Leonardo DiCaprio. The story of J. Edgar Hard Knocks J. Edgar True Blood Jack Black. scientist while trying to steal a valuable formula. Hoover and his role in the face of American law enforcement. Movie (:25)

Little Fockers Ben Stiller. (:05)

In Time ('11, Act) Justin Timberlake. The Newsroom Treme Thrones "Blackwater"

Knight and Day (4:25)

The Statement True Blood

The Love Letter

Bridesmaids ('11, Com) Kristen Wiig. (:15)

The Kids Are All Right Yard (N) CurbApp HouseH House Novograt D.Party (N) D. Star (N) D. Star MegRooms High Low HouseH House HouseH House MegRooms High Low Nostradamus: 2012 Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star (4:00) Long Lost Son

The Elizabeth Smart Story Dylan Baker. Taken Back ('12, Thril) Amanda Tapping. Taken in Broad Daylight Sara Canning. Taken Back Movie

The Whole Nine Yards (:15) The Thing Mary Elizabeth Winstead. Strike Back

The Matrix ('99, Act) Keanu Reeves. (:15) Strike Back Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward Snooki Snooki WBrother WBrother

National Lampoon's Van Wilder Fast Times at Ridg... iCarly iCarly Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious ToRock Big Time iCarly Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends Snow Beast ('11, Sci-Fi) John Schneider. Mothman ('10, Sci-Fi) Connor Fox, Jewel Staite. Boogeyman (2012, Drama) (P) Scream of the Banshee ('11, Hor) Lauren Holly. Powder A secluded albino genius with The King's Speech The story of King George VI & the Red A retired black-ops agent puts his team Episodes The Real L Word Weeds superhuman intelligence is introduced into society. speech therapist that helped him secure the throne. back together after being attacked in his home. The Road to Le Mans Grand-Am Auto Racing Site: Watkins Glen International (L) Speed Auto Racing World of Outlaws Racing Lucas Oil Touring Car Racing (3:00)

A Bronx

Casino (1995, Crime Story) Sharon Stone, Joe Pesci, Robert De Niro. The rise and fall of

The Wolfman ('10, Hor) Emily Blunt. A nobleman comes

A Tale Robert De Niro. ill-fated mobsters in a Las Vegas casino during the 1970s. back to his family's estate and is bitten by a werewolf. Bronx Tale Movie (:40) When a Stranger Calls (:10) Cars 2 ('11, Ani) Larry the Cable Guy.

The Ides of March (:45)

Just Go With It Adam Sandler. Movie Friends Friends Friends Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld BigBang BigBang

Men in Black II Will Smith. (:45)

Scary Movie 3 ('03, Com) Anna Faris. Movie Real Life "Ransom" Real Life "Ransom" Dateline: Real Myst. Dateline: Real Myst. Real Life (N) Dateline: Real Myst. Dateline: Real Myst. Dateline: Real Myst. (:55) Road to Nowhere A young filmmaker gets drawn into Timeline Students become trapped in 14th-century DeadHeads ('11, Adv) Ross Kidder, (:35) Alien Raiders (2008, Horror) (:05) DeadHeads ('11, a web of intrigue & crime while shooting his new film. France when they try to retrieve their professor. Markus Taylor, Michael McKiddy. Matthew St. Patrick, Carlos Bernard. Adv) Michael McKiddy. (4:00) Lakeview Terra...

Law Abiding Citizen Jamie Foxx.

A Time to Kill ('96, Dra) Matthew McConaughey.

The Client ('94, Thril) Susan Sarandon. A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens SVU "Hardwired" Law&O.:SVU "Lead" Law&O.:SVU "Crush" SVU "Coerced" SVU "Privilege" Law&O.:SVU "Debt" Necessary Roughness

Fast & Furious Pop-Up Pop-Up Hollywood Exes Hollywood Exes Ladies "Fast Love" Single Ladies Atlanta "Therapy" Love and Hip-Hop Mama Drama Law & Order: C.I. Videos Warmup MLB Baseball Oakland Athletics vs. Chicago White Sox (L) WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Christine Christine

James, Adam Sandler. Two straight men enter a same-sex union in order to resolve an insurance issue. (2h30) 10:45 p.m. (STARZ) “Just Go With It” ++ (2011, Comedy) Jennifer Aniston, Adam Sandler. A plastic surgeon convinces his assistant to pose as his soon-to-be ex-wife. (2h) (TBS) “Scary Movie 3” ++ (2003, Comedy) Jenny McCarthy, Anna Faris. A girl investigates crop circles and video tapes while preventing an alien invasion. (1h45) 11:00 p.m. (AMC) “The Cowboys” ++ (1972, Western) Bruce Dern, John Wayne. A cattle-rancher hires 11 boys to drive his cattle four hundred miles to market. (3h) (FAM) “The Count of Monte Cristo” +++ (2002, Adventure) James Caviezel, Guy Pearce. A wrongly imprisoned sailor breaks free and seeks revenge on those who betrayed him. (3h) (TNT) “The Client” +++ (1994, Thriller) Tommy Lee Jones, Susan Sarandon. A lawyer tries to help an 11year-old boy who is pursued by both the FBI and the mob. (2h30) 11:15 p.m. (HBOS) “The Kids Are All Right” ++ (2010, Comedy/Drama) Mark Ruffalo, Annette Bening. The teenage children of a lesbian couple become curious about their biological father. (1h50) Midnight (HBO2) “Knight and Day” ++ (2010, Action) Tom Cruise, A secret agent realizes he is not expected to live through his current mission. (1h55) (MTV) “Fast Times at Ridgemont High” +++ (1982, Comedy) Jennifer Jason Leigh, Sean Penn. Follow six teenagers through every one of their escapades for one year of high school. (2h) (USA) “Fast & Furious” ++ (2009, Action) Paul Walker, Vin Diesel. Dom returns to America, when Letty is killed, to find her killer and settle the score. (2h) 12:20 a.m. (ENC) “Species” ++ (1995, Sci-Fi) Michael Madsen, Ben Kingsley. Sil is a deadly half woman-half alien creature that must be destroyed before she breeds. (1h50) 12:30 a.m. (25) (WCWW) “Straight Out of Brooklyn” ++ (1991, Drama) George Odom, Larry Gilliard. An AfricanAmerican family struggles to survive in a Brooklyn housing project. (2h) (SPIKE) “A Bronx Tale” +++ (1993, Drama) Chazz Palminteri, Robert De Niro. A boy is torn between his streetwise, working class father and a charismatic crime boss. (3h) (TBS) “Scary Movie 4” ++ (2006, Comedy) Regina Hall, Anna Faris. After finding her home haunted by a little boy, Cindy tries to find who killed him. (1h45) 12:45 a.m. (STARZ) “Honey” ++ (2003, Drama) Lil’ Romeo, Jessica Alba. A young woman pursues her dream to become a professional music-video choreographer. (1h35) 1:30 a.m. (TNT) “What Lies Beneath” ++ (2000, Thriller) Harrison Ford, Michelle Pfeiffer. While home alone, the wife of a professor is haunted by her husband’s dead lover. (2h45) 1:55 a.m. (HBO2) “Underworld” +++ (2003, Fantasy) Scott Speedman, Kate Beckinsale. A beautiful vampire warrior is torn when she falls in love with a werewolf. (2h05)

16 • August 5 - August 11, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR

The 2012


builders Parade

3760 Shady Side Road, Crooked Lake, Angola, IN

1420 Lake Bluff Drive, Kendallville, IN

3470 N. Bayview Road, Lake James, Angola, IN

AUGUST 2-5 & 9-12 • 12 PM TO 6 PM

2255 W. Orland Road, Crooked Lake, Angola, IN

460 Lane 280, Lake James, Angola, IN

696 Waterview Road, Coldwater Lake, Coldwater, MI

Tickets available at all Parade homes. Details available at 260-665-8921 Since

Over 100 Years


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