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January 25, 2013
Dupont resale shop gives back to community Northrop rallies
for player hurt in ski accident
By Garth Snow
John Nye buys books and music at the Goodwill store at 525 E. Dupont Road. He also donates goods to that store. “Oh, it’s a great place,” the Fort Wayne man said. “They’ve got good prices and good selection.” Store manager Denise Zephyr said all 15 employees work to polish the store’s image. “We get a lot of compliments on the cleanliness,” she said. “A lot of people think this is not like a thrift store.” Like many charities that serve Fort Wayne and vicinity, the Goodwill location sells what it can and recycles what it must. It all starts with donations. “This is our slower time of the year,” Zephyr said Jan. 14. “It kind of peaks at Christmas and then it tapers off and starts picking up again in the spring. Summer is probably our busiest time as far as donations, with the yard sales; we get a lot of that stuff. Sometimes we can put some of those wares in the Brooklyn Avenue store where our warehouse is. That way it can kind of keep us going through the winter if we’re not getting as much.” If the neighborhood association’s sale has lots of leftovers, she said, call the corporate office for a pickup.
By Garth Snow
Photo by Garth Snow
John Nye pays for books and music at the Goodwill store at 525 E. Dupont Road, where Susan McGhee is one of 10 clerks. Nye said he also donates material to the store. Or, donors may drop off merchandise at the front or back of the store Many Fort Wayne agencies in Dupont Village, or at a drop box across the street in Dupont Crossing. accept and sell used merDonations merit a receipt for chandise, clothing and furniincome tax purposes, she said. “But ture. The work supports we don’t assign a value. That’s up to them and the IRS,” Zephyr said. “I training and provides jobs. usually tell them to go by what we Profits support those same would sell it for, if they want a price missions. Read more about guide.” Goodwill, the Salvation Army She said shoppers report some good finds among the books, CDs and the St. Vincent de Paul and other merchandise. “Sometimes Society inside this edition of we hear some good stories about the
the Dupont Valley Times.
See RESALE, Page A10
After 15-year-old Noah Barbnecht was injured in a Christmas Eve skiing accident, the Northrop Bruin Backers stepped forward to help the freshman football player and his family. Plans for a Feb. 9 fundraiser continued last week, even as Noah’s family moved him to Shepherd Center, an Atlanta hospital that specializes in treatment of spinal cord injuries. Barbnecht was injured at Mount Snow, near West Dover, in southern Vermont. According to fundraiser organizers, he suffered a spinal injury that has left him paralyzed from the breastbone down. He also had a broken neck, broken ribs, facial fractures and other injuries.
Courtesy photo
Noah Barbnecht Stephanie McCullough said boosters immediately recognized the need to support the family financially and to support Barbnecht’s spirits. “We’ve been scrambling like crazy since a couple days after Christmas,” said McCullough, who is the event chairperson. “I thought this family needs more money than a bake See INJURED, Page A10
Parkview hospitals bus link ends ‘awkward’ transfer at city limits
©2012 Anytime Fitness, LLC
Signs designating links to the new Medlink route between Parkview hospitals will be in place this week, Citilink spokesman Betsy Kachmar said. Kachmar said many motorists won’t notice the signs, but those who depend on Citilink will understand the color-coded Medlink 15 markers. Those round markers will be placed beneath the busshaped, rectangular signs posted at bus stops. Hourly service between Parkview Hospital Randallia and Parkview Regional Medical Center began Jan. 7. Though there has not been time to measure the acceptance of that route, Kachmar said Jan. 18, “We’ve had a few people who have figured it out.” “We’ll have signage up, and that will help people connect,” said Kachmar, the assistant manager of Citilink/FWPTC. City crews will erect those signs, Kachmar said. The route extends service to Parkview Regional Medical Center, which is just beyond city limits on the north side of Dupont Road. Parkview Health spokesman Eric Clabaugh reported favorable response to
the new link. “From what we’re hearing, there was a lot of buzz and excitement around the route,” Clabaugh said. He said as he distributed fliers at PRMC, employees reported that patients had been asking questions about the service. “So it seems it’s been a pretty big hit,” he said. Parkview Health agreed to underwrite “the little extra leg of the trip” connecting public transit to the hospital. Before the agreement, Citilink’s Flexroute 21 took passengers to a stop at a restaurant on the south side of Dupont Road. The hospital provided a shuttle. Sometimes, security guards would provide a ride. Some passengers walked to the hospital. Now, Clabaugh said, the bus makes two stops on the PRMC campus. “So we’re trying to move people from that awkward connection to a more graceful one, and that will take some time,” Citilink’s Kachmar said. “As people are calling, we’re explaining that.” The Medlink fares are consistent with Citilink’s rate structure. According to a news release, that fare is $1.25 a ride, with discounts available. “At the top of the hour it will be at Parkview Randallia, and then 25 after the See BUS, Page A10
Through 1/31/13 at the following locations: Fort Wayne E. Dupont Road • 490-0000 ~ W. Dupont Road • 451-0000 Columbia City • 248-4444 ~ Huntington • 358-0000
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Times Community Publications
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By Garth Snow
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