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June 22, 2012
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School honors slain classmate with garden
YMCA expansion still planned By Linda Lipp
By Valerie Caviglia
The school attended by a 9-year-old girl who was brutally murdered around Christmas recently gathered to remember their former student and classmate with a new memorial garden. Holland Elementary School student Aliahna Lemmon was killed Dec. 22 by Michael Plumadore, 38, of Fort Wayne who had been caring for the third-grade girl while her mother was sick. “Like her classmates, she left school earlier that week probably looking forward to Christmas and all the joy and happiness that a child’s anticipation of this holiday brings,” Holland Principal J. Michael Caywood said at the dedication ceremony. “In place of that joy and
Photo by Valerie Caviglia
Holland Elementary School, along with members of the community, participate in memorializing former classmate Aliahna Lemmon. To see video and a photo gallery fr om the dedication, visit happiness, hearts were filled with grief, sorrow and fear. Those feelings still exist for many. Maybe not as strong or as
deep, but they’re still there. Today we come together to celebrate and remember Aliahna Lemmon … the memory
LLS Man and Woman of the Year named By Nichole Hacha-Thomas
Two local community leaders recently were named the Indiana Chapter, Northeast Branch of The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Man and Woman of the Year. Craig Vanderwall Jr., a Dupont-area resident and owner of General Petroleum, won the fundraising contest by a landslide by raising $48,000 during the 10-week time limit. “$48,000 was a record for a campaign team in this market under 35 years old,” Vanderwall said. “The closest number for a candidate and their team in the same market and age group was $18,000.” Vanderwall said he’d previously not volunteered with LLS, but after being asked and remembering loved ones and friends who have fought cancer, he decided to go for it. After assembling a team of 10 young business leaders in the city, Vanderwall said the group hit the ground running with a grassroots campaign including plenty of word-ofmouth campaigning, the use of electronic media and leveraging General Petroleum’s corporate clientele. “To me, it wasn’t about being named Man of the Year, it was about fun and raising money. It is never about the awards or accolades, it is about one life breathing easier because of the work we put in,” he said. Jill Sample, a Lincoln Village resident and sales executive at Granite Ridge Builders, was named the LLS Woman of the Year for raising $34,000 during the contest.
Courtesy photo
Jill Sample
See GARDEN, page A17
See YMCA, page A17
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See LLS, page A23
of a sweet smile and sparkling eyes — eyes that saw the good in others and her words
Although the expansion of the Parkview Family YMCA has been delayed a little bit, the YMCA of Greater Fort Wayne still hopes to have the 8,000-square-foot addition and related renovation work completed this fall. The groundbreaking on the project is expected to occur by the end of June, about a month later than originally anticipated. The 70,000-square-foot facility on Dawsons Creek Boulevard, just off Dupont Road, was built to accommodate about 10,000 members. It has been serving about 18,000, said Nicole Liddell, the Y’s director of mission advancement. The timing of the proposed expansion of the facility, which opened in 2001, was expected to be contingent on fundraising, “but as we got into it we realized we needed to serve this community,” Liddell said. The organization decided to just go ahead with the $1.75-million expansion project. “We’re financing the whole thing, ultimately,” she said. The expenditure makes sense for the bottom line, however, because the Parkview Family YMCA’s strong membership numbers help support other YMCAs in parts of Fort Wayne that are not as thriving, Liddell added. The Parkview Family YMCA also will pick up about 3,500 square feet of space that has been leased to Parkview Health for a rehab unit. Parkview will move the physicaltherapy operation to Parkview Regional Medical Center in July.
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Times Community Publications
A2 •
Dupont Valley Times • June 22, 2012
Wallen church plans VBS Wallen Baptist Church, 1001 W. Wallen Road, will offer children a chance to stop by the Super Sweet Soda Pop Shop for its annual vacation Bible school beginning June 25 through June 29 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. each day. Cool chicks and hip cats will hang out and dig what the Bible says with a ton of 50s fun. Children
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registration is $5 per child. Scholarships are available, if needed. Preregistration continues through June 24, but children are welcome to register throughout the week of VBS. For more information and registration, visit or call the Christine Overholt, children’s ministry director, at 489-4942.
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will make crafts in “The Lanes,� get energy up with “Twist and Shout� games, enjoy snacks at “The Drive-In,� flip over records in “The Jukebox� and learn about a foreign country and work on a project for local kids. Don’t miss all the action. The Super Sweet Soda Pop Shop is for children entering kindergarten through fifth grade and
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Dupont Valley Times • June 22, 2012
Huntertown Elementary School wins Mad Ants’ Get Fit Challenge
Receives $1,000 from Indiana Organ Procurement Organization By Nichole Hacha-Thomas
The students at Huntertown Elementary were awarded $1,000 from the Indiana Organ Procurement Organization for winning the Fort Wayne Mad Ants’ Get Fit Challenge. The Mad Ants mascot, presented the check to school principal John Mcleod and physical education teacher Terri Frank during a monthly all-school assembly. “We decided to do the (Get Fit Challenge) in the fall in conjunction with our all-school, 1-mile walk/jog. We thought it would be a neat extra incentive to get kids involved and emphasize the importance of healthy living all year long,” Mcleod said. The Get Fit Challenge is sponsored by the Fort Wayne Mad Ants as a way to encourage students — and their parents — to lead a healthy, active lifestyle, said Garrett Martz, director of corporate sponsorships for the Mad Ants. Sixteen schools in five area school districts competed in the challenge during the 2011-2012 school year, Martz said. Each school held a kick off, featuring The Mad Ant and the Mad Ants dancers who teach the students a short cheer along with other fun activities such as bike races with the gym teacher and basketball drills. Then, each student was challenged to keep active for 30 minutes each day for 30 days straight. Every
Courtesy photo
Huntertown Elementary accepts a check from The Fort Wayne Mad Ants. The check, for $1,000 from the Indiana Organ Procurement Organization, is the grand prize for winning the Mad Ants’ Get Fit Challenge. student who participated received a free Mad Ants’ ticket. Huntertown Elementary School was named the winner of the challenge because it had the most students participate, giving the school the highest completion rate per student from all competing schools. Martz said approximately 90 students completed the program. “It was really great because the gym teacher, Terri Frank, didn’t know the school was getting the $1,000. The school was one of the first to sign onto the program, before the IOPO committed to the cash prize,” Martz said. This year marked the first time the Mad Ants partnered with an organization to offer a cash prize. Martz hopes to continue offering the prize as an incentive to the schools. Martz said the IOPO is a non-profit health service
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and a vital link between people waiting for a transplant and potential donors. As a community service, IOPO sponsors school programs teaching students about the body, healthy choices and helping others. Mcleod said the $1,000 donation from the IOPO will be used for fitness, athletic or health education equipment. “All of the money will be used for things to enhance the physical education program,” Mcleod said. “With today’s budget, $1,000 will go a long way.”
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Dupont Valley Times • June 22, 2012
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Freedom Festival kicks off June 29 By Nichole Hacha-Thomas
The 12th Annual Leo-Cedarville Freedom Festival will kick off June 29 at Riverside Gardens gazebo with not one band, but two. The Freedom Concert Celebration will feature Synergy performing at 7 p.m. and Big Caddy Daddy at 9:15 p.m.
This event will serve as a fundraiser for Northeast Fire and EMS. “We have added the Friday night Freedom Concert because the Northeast Fire and EMS has recently added paramedic services to our town,” said Peggy Garton, LeoCedarville town manager. “What a great way to start off the See FESTIVAL, page A6
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Dupont Valley Times • June 22, 2012
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A6 •
Dupont Valley Times • June 22, 2012
Triathlon pre-race clinic planned
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Tips, information for first-time racers will be available
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Big Caddy Daddy, a well-known local band, will perform at River side Gardens June 29 to kick off the 12th Annual Leo-Cedarville Freedom Festival. The weekend will be full of music, activities and other events.
FESTIVAL from page
weekend and festival by throwing a concert just for them at absolutely no cost.” The 5K Freedom Fun Run, sponsored by the Leo-Cedarville Foundation, will begin at Riverside Gardens at 8 a.m. June 30 with registration and pre-race meeting at 7:30 a.m. Garton said more than 250 people are expected to participate in the race. A kids’ 300-meter dash will begin at 9 a.m. Registration is $20 per runner. The cost is $5 for the 300meter dash. All registered by June 15 will receive a T-shirt. Race packets can be picked up from 3-6 p.m.
June 29 at Riverside Gardens or the day of the race. Registration forms are available online at Funds raised from the race will benefit the festival and Riverside Gardens. Don’t miss even more bands, too, with dancing in the pavilion from 2-4 p.m., MIME Time at 4 p.m., Cedar Creek Church of Christ Worship Band at 5 p.m., the Hoosier Gentry Barbershop Quartet at 6:30, followed by the Leo High School dance team. Free American-style ballroom dancing lessons will be given all day, too. Local
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band Renegade will take the stage at 7:45 p.m. In addition to music, the Freedom Festival will be packed with fair food vendors, kiddie rides, hot air balloon rides, a climbing wall and more. To cap off the weekend, a fireworks display will blast off at dusk June 30. “Our fireworks are known throughout the area,” Garton said. “We estimate anywhere from 6,000 to 7,000 people in attendance. The fireworks are just amazing and our community sure seems to love it.” The rain date for the fireworks only is July 1 at dusk.
A KPC Sprint Triathlon pre-race clinic is scheduled for 3 p.m. Sunday, July 8, at the Cole Family YMCA in Kendallville. The clinic will offer key tips and help acquaint first-time racers with the transition process and race preparation. The clinic will include: • All-American triathlete and certified coach Diana Schowe of Three Rivers Running Company, a race sponsor, will offer key tips on gear, a race preparation check-list, and tips on getting in and out of the transition area “quickly but calmly.” Key bike racing and safety rules also will be reviewed along with a question and answer session. • YMCA Fitness Director Rob Imber will briefly present on pre-race preparation and post-race care, nutrition and hydration. • Additional experienced triathletes will provide information on bike preparation and basic bike race rules. • There will be plenty of time for questions following the presentations.
Schowe, who has competed in over 50 triathlons, says that she “used to be competitive, but now I’m in it just for fun,” and enjoys sharing her knowledge and experience. For more information contact Schowe at The Cole Family YMCA is located on Garden Street in Kendallville, just west of East Noble High School. The KPC Sprint Triathlon is co-sponsored by the City of Kendallville, Cole YMCA and Kiwanis. It will be staged at Bixler Park, including a 500 meter lake swim, 12.75 mile bike ride and 5K run with a stretch through the Mid-America Windmill Museum. Racers may enter individually or as a two- or three-person relay team combo. Complete information about the race is available at or call 260-347-0400 X161. Applications are accepted through midnight July 14, although T-shirts are not guaranteed after July 10.
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A7 •
Dupont Valley Times • June 22, 2012
Summer music theatre goes ‘Blonde’ Actors stage ʻLegally Blonde: The Musical” By Nichole Hacha-Thomas
Fourteen years ago Fort Wayne Summer Music Theatre was an idea in director Kirby Volz’s head. Today, the successful — and growing — program has a list of accomplishments to be proud of. “The program has grown in that our numbers have grown each year, but it also has to do with the types od shows we’ve been doing. When we started out, we did shows like ‘Hello Dolly!’ and ‘Grease,’ but I decided I wanted to do shows that present a challenge to kids that would be something they might not do at their own school,” said Volz. Today, Volz and music director Greg Vey have quite the list of shows under their belt. Vey joined the program and 2005 and the two have put together heavy-hitting shows like “Sweeny Todd” (twice), the school edition of “Rent,” “Titanic: A New Musical,” “West Side Story,” and “Aida.” “One of the underlying principles is to do shows that are challenging, A-list, award-winning shows,” Vey said. “We want both students on the stage and people in the audience to realize this isn’t your average, run-of-the-mill high school production.” Indeed, the actors chosen to portray Elle Woods and her band of bubbly friends come from all across the city, from a myriad of schools from Carroll and Northrop High Schools to Canterbury and Homestead High Schools. Students who are standouts in their individual school productions, and who are serious about the stage — as evidenced by giving up a large chunk of their summer to participate — routinely turn out to audition for the shows, which Vey said, sort of creates an “all-star cast.”
Miranda Wheeler • Steve Bennett, O.D. • Kelli Szoltysik
Dupont Vision Center 1850 E. Dupont Rd. Ft. Wayne, IN 46825
Nichole Hacha-Thomas
Fort Wayne Summer Music Theatre cast members practice a musical number from “Legally Blonde: The Musical” during a recent rehearsal at Williams Theatre on the campus of Indiana Univer sity-Purdue University, Fort Wayne. The summer troupe will perform July 12-15. “What ends up happening is that we get the top five or six actors from each high school who tend to be the cream of the crop,” Vey said. Some might think combining 60+ students from varied backgrounds and rival high schools would be a challenge. But for Volz and Vey, both accustomed to working with high school students in their former positions at North Side High School and Homestead High School respectively, it isn’t much different than a typical day surrounded by teenagers. “Really it isn’t different from working with teens in any setting,” Vey said. “All the actors have to agree to a certain set of standards and have to be willing to work. For the most part, there’s no drama.” Katie Reynolds, who plays lead Elle Woods, is an incoming senior at Carroll High School. Reynolds has been involved in Summer Music Theatre for three years and said she enjoys meeting new people and interacting with students from other high schools during the rehearsals.
“I like that (Summer Music Theatre) pulls from different areas with kids from all over,” Reynolds said. “This year we really hit it off. We spend so much time together that by the end of the show, we get to be friends.” Vey said the group even has quasi-official bonding events, from dinner and a movie to other outings — all with the aim of furthering the cohesiveness of the cast. It seems to work, Vey said, and the sense of camaraderie shows on the stage. “The group of kids we have are truly incredible, they enjoy coming to rehearsals and working together,” Vey added. “Legally Blonde: The Musical” will be performed at the troupe’s new home, Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne’s Williams Theatre, and is an approved Three Rivers Festival event. Shows will be July 12 at 7:30 p.m., July 13 at 7:30 p.m., July 15 at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. and July 15 at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 each for adults, $7 for students. A $2 discount is available with a TRF button.
Worship Briefs Vacation Bible school planned Praise Lutheran Church, 1115 W. Dupont Road, will host its annual vacation Bible school beginning June 25 through June 28 from 6-8 p.m. each evening. The program is open to all children age 5 through fifth grade and the theme for the 2012 session is “Amazing Desert Journey. Parents interested in registering their child or children for this year’s VBS can contact the church at 490-7729 for registration information.
Free concert and ice cream social Wallen Baptist Church, 1001 W. Wallen Road, will host a free concert and social to kick off its 2012 vacation Bible school session on June 24 at 5:30 p.m. All are invited to bust out the lawn chairs and blankets to listen to contemporary Christian music by the Living Jones. In addition, there will be volleyball, kids’ activities, hot dogs, chips and — of course — ice cream sodas. For more information, visit or call 489-4942.
Local home company hires new estimator Bob Buescher Homes, 1206 Ruston Pass, welcomed a new estimator to its staff in May. Stephen Ratcliff joined the company and his duties will include estimating, quantity takeoffs and conceptual planning.
Ratcliff began his career as a field carpenter and has worked in lumber sales, as an independent remodeler and as a weatherization contractor. He currently is in the process of completing his degree in construction management.
M,T,W,F 8-12 & 1-5 Thur 10-2 & 3-7
Healthy Times
Dupont Valley Times • June 22, 2012
Eye health important
Take proper precaution to avoid cataracts Dr. Kara Heine Laughlin Grabill Eye Center
June is National Cataract Awareness Month. Cataracts are one of the most common eye health issues eliciting questions for eye doctors from patients. It’s likely because cataracts are quite common in many older adults. Cataracts are opacities, or cloudy areas, in the natural lens of the eye. This lens sits behind the colored part of the eye — the iris. The lens is responsible for focusing light through the pupil onto the retina. In younger people, this lens is flexible and adjusts to focus from distance to near objects.
Aging causes this to harden and the eye loses its ability to see things up close. Usually by a person’s mid-40s, bifocal lenses or reading glasses are necessary to compensate for this condition called presbyopia. Cataracts occur in this same area of the eye. According to Prevent Blindness America, “Cataracts affect nearly 20.5 million Americans age 40 and older.” Age is a big factor in the onset of cataracts. Most people in their 50s are starting to show signs of the most common type, nuclear sclerosis, a yellowing or browning of the lens. Cortical cataracts, which are cloudy spokes, and often start at the
edge of the lens and grow toward the center, also are more common the older one gets, although cortical cataracts also can happen to younger patients. Risk factors that can lead to cataracts at a younger age include: exposure to UV rays from the sun, smoking, diabetes, eye injuries and history of eye inflammation or other health conditions requiring long-term use of steroids in any form. The most common symptoms of early cataracts are blurry or cloudy vision, not seeing as well as before even in your best glasses, needing more light to read and a glare or halos
Dr. Matthew S. Kolkman is joining Dr. Kimbra A. Druley New Expanded Office Hours Pain-free dentistry from Cleanings to Invisible Braces, Implants, Laser, One Visit Crowns, Whitening, Lumineers.
627.1211 • 13307 Witmer Rd., Grabill IN New Patients Welcome! We accept and file all types of insurance! Did you know Medicare covers eye exams to diagnose potential vision problems? Dr. Laughlin is a Medicare provider and participates in many Advantage plans. We provide medical eye care including cataract detection, monitoring, and surgery co-management. See us for all your vision and optical needs!
around lights — especially after dark. Unfortunately, there is no cure for cataracts, and outside of avoiding the risk factors mentioned above, there are no vitamins, drops or eye exercises that capable of improving the condition. Initially, the cataracts can change your glasses prescription, and symptoms often can be lessened by having the most up-to-date lenses and anti-reflective coatings in your glasses. The only real treatment is to have the cloudy lens surgically removed. However, most surgeons and insurances, including Medicare, will not cover the surgery until the cataracts are advanced
enough to warrant it. This can sometimes create a frustrating period for patients, even many years, where the vision is not as good as a patient may like, but is still not bad enough for the procedure. Your eye doctor can help you determine when you are ready for surgery. If you feel you are experiencing the symptoms of cataracts, or if you are in your 50s or older and it has been more than a couple years since your last eye exam, schedule an appointment with an eye doctor. You also can visit or for more information on cataracts or other eye
Courtesy photo
Laughlin diseases. This is a guest column. Dr. Kara Heine Laughlin now is exclusively practicing at the Grabill Eye Center, 13813 State St. in Grabill. Grabill Eye Center offers complete vision care, close to home to the citizens of Northeast Allen County and surrounding areas.
Golf Briefs Chamber Classic gets into the swing July 26 The Chamber Classic will return for its annual golf outing on the Chestnut Hills Golf Club green on Thursday, July 26. The Greater Fort Wayne Chamber of Commerce opens the golf outing to all golfers, both members and nonmembers of the chamber. Registration begins at Chestnut Hills, 11502 Illinois Road, at 10 a.m., followed by a shotgun start at 11 a.m. The cost to attend is $125 per chamber member or $150 per non-member. Chamber member groups of four cost $475 per group. Fees include one golfers kit per team — four mulligans, four power drives and one 3foot length of string —
lunch on the course, beverages and an awards reception dinner. Payments for the event are non-refundable. An 18-hole, public golf course, Chestnut Hills was designed by PGA professional golfer Fuzzy Zoeller. To register in advance, go online to Sponsorship opportunities still are available. For more details on how to sponsor the event, go to or contact Liz Struckholz at 424-1435 or Northrop BOP hosting inaugural golf outing The Northrop marching band, the Big Orange Pride, will host its inaugural golf outing Saturday, July 28, at 1
p.m. at River Bend Golf Course. The event includes golf, cart and grilled dinner of bratwursts, hamburgers and hot dogs for $55 per golfer or $220 per team. On-course contests include two longest drive and two closest to the pin challenges. Contest winners will receive a $100 gift card. The top team will take home $500 with second place earning $350 and third winning $220. To register, visit Sponsorships still are being accepted. To become a sponsor, contact Jim Desormeaux at 489-6294. Proceeds from the event will benefit the band’s scholarship program along with general operating expenses.
Lincoln Elementary honored
Your best eye care is closer than you think!
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The Indiana Department of Education recognized Lincoln Elementary School as a 2011 Title 1 Distinguished School. The program honors schools for significant efforts to close the achievement gap or drive exceptional academic performance and provides each recipient a $50,000 high-performing school grant award. Last month, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tony Bennett, stopped by the school to offer congratulations and bring the school its honorary banner.
Healthy Times
Dupont Valley Times • June 22, 2012 • A9
Free summer program still accepting registrations Grissom Air Force Base, Indiana Wesleyan University, Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne and OmniSource are the planned destinations for students attending the Educational Opportunity Center’s annual summer program. This program answers a
definite need in the community, said Dr. Willa Kline, EOC executive director. “Kids too often forget what they have learned during the school year, or they have struggled with concepts we can help clarify in fun ways, and they often have too much time on their hands
without anything constructive to do. So, we’re very pleased we have the ability to offer this program,” Kline said. In addition to field trips for the Summer Stars — students in second through fifth grades — and the Summer Scholars — for students in middle and high school —
students will brush up on math, writing and reading, as well as practice skills in financial literacy. Summer Scholars also will focus on career choices. The program runs from June 18 through July 27. A few spots remain open. Parents can register their child by phone at
745-5421 or drop by the Educational Opportunity Center at 3000 South Wayne from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Center is funded by grants from the U.S. Department of Education’s TRIO program as well as local foundations. In addition to the summer
program, Kline and staff provide ISTEP, SAT and ACT test preparation, career interest testing, college visits, financial aid filing assistance, ESL, GED and computer classes for adults as well as tutoring for students in elementary, middle and high school. All services are free.
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A10 •
Dupont Valley Times • June 22, 2012
ACSPCA Pets of the Month The Allen County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals will feature two pets each month. To find out more about either animal, contact the ACSPCA at its location at 4914 S. Hanna Street or via phone at 744-0454. Meet Mystic Mystic is a 2-year-old female tiger cat who has been spayed. Mystic is medium-hair. She is inde-
pendent but very sweet, although she will need some time to warm up to new people and surroundings, but once she does, Mystic will give her new owners plenty of love and affection. Mystic prefers to be the only pet in the home and she is laid back and mellow. For a limited time, Mystic’s adoption fee is reduced by half with an approved application.
Pretty Polly Polly is a 1-year-old, spayed, black and rust miniature pinscher. She is a small dog looking for a friend to hang around with. She is shy toward new people and places and greatly appreciates encouragement from new friends. Polly enjoys daily walks and does well with children over age 5, as long as they treat her nicely. Polly gets along with other dogs and even cats.
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Courtesy photo
Polly • A11
Dupont Valley Times • June 22, 2012
This summer, beauty blossoms at Aspire. This is your season. It’s your time to accomplish your goals. To realize your dreams. To achieve and remarkable experience. Become a partner and see what unfolds!
be YOUnique
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427.7473 • Now accepting patients! Jill Carnahan, Nurse Practitioner
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June 2012 Specials Buy One (1) SkinMedica TNS Essential Serum at Regular Price, Receive One (1) at Half Price + Receive One (1) Free Lip Plump System (while supplieses last) or al One (1) Free Daily Physical Defense SPF 30 Sunscreen en (while supplies last)
A12 •
Dupont Valley Times • June 22, 2012
Show choir camp set for July 17 You are cordially invited to the golf event of the season. With a nod to outings past, this year’s Chamber Classic stays with one flight, features lunch, beverages and fewer interruptions on the course, and includes an award reception to follow. At just $125 per member and $150 per nonmember for the day, this is an outing you won’t want to miss. With one full flight starting at 11 a.m., you are assured the opportunity to meet and mingle with all of the golfers participating.
july 26 chestnut hills golf club
Register today at Eagle sponsor:
Lunch sponsor:
Hole sponsors: Tower Bank · Fort Wayne-Allen County Airport Authority
The Carroll High School show choirs will offer the annual Show Choir Kids’ Camp on July 17 at the high school. The camp, for students ages 812, runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. During the camp, the kids will learn a song and dance number from members of Minstrel Magic and Select Sound. The day of fun will help kids get an idea of whether they would like to pursue music as they move through elementary school into middle school. Also, it gives students a glimpse of the behind-thescenes activities as they put on a show choir show. Parents are invited to the school at 3:30 p.m. to watch as their students take the stage to perform the routines they’ve learned. The cost of the camp is
Courtesy photo
Members of Carroll High School show choirs perform on stage. The show choirs will put on a Show Choir K ids’ Camp on July 17. $40, which includes a Tshirt, lunch and a snack. Pre-registrations will be accepted until June 26. Registration also is available the day of the camp
for an additional $10. For more information, contact Carroll’s choral director Jill Jeran at or 637-3161.
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Dupont Valley Times • June 22, 2012
Area schools honor top grads Local schools honored their top 10 graduates during graduation ceremonies earlier in the month. Graduating from Northrop High School June 16 at the Memorial Coliseum were: 1. Cecelia Nguyen, University of Notre Dame 2. Dawn Eastom, Purdue University 3. Kayla Kemp, Hanover College 4. Madison Potter, Trine University 5. Genesis Perez, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne 6. Dorina Feher, Indiana University 7. Samuel Fife, Indiana University 8. Caitlyn Kahn, Toledo University 9. Xavier Ortega Aguilar, Indiana University
Nominate an ‘Unsung Hero’
10. Anastasia Sistevaris, Indiana University Graduating from Carroll High School June 9 at the Memorial Coliseum were: 1. Scott Campbell, Purdue University 2. Melissa Marts, Vanderbilt University 3. David Hirschy, University of Pennsylvania 4. Michael Fliotsos, Michigan State University 5. Evan Zehr, Indiana University 6. Jonathan McKeeman, Purdue University 7. Cameron Duffner, Ohio State University 8. Benjamin Kasting, Ohio Northern University 9. Schuyler Putt, Purdue University 10. Sukaynah Abu-Mulaweh, IPFW
Nominations currently are being accepted for the 2012 Parkview Cancer Care Award. The annual award honors individuals or groups of people who dedicate their energies to improving life for people with cancer. Through acts of kindness or creativity, awareness events and initiatives, or even the founding of not-for-profit organizations to assist cancer patients, people across northeast Indiana and northwest Ohio are making a significant difference in the fight against cancer. To learn more about the award, visit the Cancer Care Award page under the Parkview Comprehensive Cancer Center section of Downloadable nomination forms also are available online or by contacting Debi Kennedy, community outreach coordinator, at 266-9180 or by email at
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A14 •
Dupont Valley Times • June 22, 2012
8 –1 12 old es r s Ag yea
Parents, Do Your Kids Have Rock Star Dreams? s
d Spot Limite lable! Avai
Enroll them in Sweetwater’s renowned
Rock Camp today!
If your kids have experience singing or playing guitar, bass, drums, or keyboards, treat them to an exciting week of learning how to be a rock star! For five days they’ll get to practice as a band in Sweetwater’s exceptional facilities, learning new playing and performance skills to show off in a “graduation” concert performance on the final day of Rock Camp!
At Rock Camp, campers will: how to play along with other musicians and write an original song. Q build self-confidence with onstage performances. Q record in Sweetwater’s state-of-the-art recording studio. Q perform a real rock show in Sweetwater’s Performance Theatre, on the last day of camp at 6:30PM.
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Monday–Friday 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Performance on the last day @ 6:30 p.m.
Visit us at Participants must play at an intermediate level or above. If you have any questions or wish to sign up, then contact Kelly Lentine at (260) 432-8176 ext. 1961 or email
Car tips to remember How often should you have your oil changed? Once upon a time, having your oil changed every 3,000 miles was a hard and fast rule. Today? It’s not so black and white. Cars made in the last 10 years or so have improved oil chemistry and engine technology. Simply put, this means you can break the ‘ole 3,000-mile rule and still be just fine. In many cases, newer cars can go about 7,500 miles between oil changes. Many also come equipped with oil change indicator lights to let you know when it’s time for a change. Our service technicians, however, suggest you stick to a 3,000-mile schedule to maintain optimal engine performance. The good news? If you happen to be running a bit behind, it’s not that big of a deal. Your car will be just fine, and Don Ayres will gladly fit you into the schedule as soon as possible. Time for a trim down? Does your car need to
lose some weight? If you’re carrying around extra baggage, you could be paying more than necessary at the pump. A simple science lesson: Heavier cars consume more fuel, so if you want to burn less, you’ll need to lighten your load. That means it’s a good idea to pare down when you can. Taking a bunch of newspapers to the recycling bin? Go today. Don’t haul them around in your trunk for a week. The same goes for any other heavy load that may add excess weight to your vehicle. Keep this in mind, and you may even be able to go a tad longer between fill-ups. In the course of a year, these small differences can add up. This column is written by Don Ayres Honda blogger, mom of four and Odyssey driver Jennifer Hans. Don Ayres Honda is located at 4740 Lima Road and can be found on the web at don or at
4919 Coldwater Road Fort Wayne Indiana TEL 260.456.4534 FAX 260.745.5200 Like us @ eastersealsarcnein
J-Top — Job Training Opportunity Program Can Work For You ES Arc is excited to announce the new J-Top Program. The Job Training Opportunity Program changes the look of employment for individuals ages 1421 with developmental disabilities. The program works to match individuals with disabilities to job training opportunities, such as internships, job shadowing, etc, while working in collaboration with local employers. Participants receive help from a Life Coach to work on soft skills like communication, social skills, and professionalism that are often barriers to employment for individuals with developmental disabilities. A Business Developer will seek meaningful job training opportunities that best fit participant wishes. The program also offers a career match software from the Autism Society of Indiana, CareerAlly©, to scientifically match participant’s knowledge, skills and abilities with businesses’ needs, wants and desires. ES Arc recruits and educates participating businesses and acts as a liaison between participants and the co-workers, helping to resolve work-related problems and issues as they arise. If your business would like to learn more about partnering with Easter Seals Arc to provide meaningful, vital and necessary job training opportunities to individuals with developmental disabilities, please call the Business Developer, Valerie Potchka, at 1.260.456.4534 ext. 337 or • A15
Dupont Valley Times • June 22, 2012
Library Times Hours The Dupont branch is located at 536 E. Dupont Road. Library hours are Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and on Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The library will be closed July 4 in observance of Independence Day. Stop by for storytimes The library offers several storytimes each month. Born to Read Storytime offers stories, fingerplays, rhymes, songs and more for little ones every Monday at 10:15 a.m. for lap sitters and 10:45 a.m. for walkers up to 24 months. Baby Steps Storytimes meets each Tuesday at 10:15
a.m. and 11 a.m. and features a songs, rhymes and short stories for toddlers. Ants in Your Pants gives little ones the opportunity to move around and have fun each Wednesday at 10:30 a.m.
Camus. The Criminal Minds book group will enjoy coffee and lively discussion over a crime fiction or nonfiction book July 9 at 2 p.m.
Loving the LEGOs The LEGO club will meet July 3 and July 17 at 7 p.m. Children are free to use their imaginations to create masterpieces.
Manic Mondays planned Youth between the ages of 8 and 16 who like to create stuff and play games can stop by the library on Mondays at 4 p.m. for fun. June 4 will feature games: July 2 — cat toys July 9 — magazine bags July 16 — toolbox jewelry July 23 — bead critters July 30 — survival bracelets.
Adult book clubs meet Two book clubs will meet in June. The Dupont branch “Classics” adult book club will meet July 24 at 7 p.m. to discuss “The Stranger” by Albert
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Dupont Valley Times • June 22, 2012
The Janome Horizon 7700 for quilting and sewing has some eye-opening features! • It boasts a free arm • 11 inches of work space (the 6600p has 9inches) • An automatic plate converter for Appleseed straight stitch sewing Quilt Show June 21, 22 & 23, 2012 • Accufeed • 250 stitches Allen County • A high visibility LCD touchscreen War Memorial Coliseum 4000 Parnell Ave. • Sewing speeds of 1,000 stitches per minute Thurs. & Fri. 9-6 • Sat. 9-4 • Five ultra-bright LED lamps • Superior Pluss Feed System
Special discounts on classroom models!
4114 NORTH CLINTON 486-3003 (Just South of Scott’s Foods)
Arnold, Smith to marry Joshua Jack Arnold and Krystal Lee Smith plan to marry May 18, 2013, at Messiah Lutheran Church. The couple began dating Sept. 27, 2011 and became engaged on a dinner cruise in St. Pete’s Beach, Fla., on May 18, 2012. The groom-to-be graduated from Courtesy photo Adams Central Joshua Arnold and Krystal Smith plan to High School and marry May 18, 2013, at Messiah holds a degree in Lutheran Church. computer science from Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne. His parents are Phil and Robin Arnold of Monroe. The bride-elect graduated from Northrop High School and currently is studying to become a high school history teacher. She is the daughter of Tim and Sonya Smith of Fort Wayne. The couple will reside in Fort Wayne.
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Dupont Valley Times • June 22, 2012
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Photo by Nicole Hacha-Thomas
The YMCA of Greater Fort Wayne still hopes to have the 8,000-squar e-foot addition and related renovation work on the Parkview Family YMCA completed this fall.
YMCA from page
“It was a blessing. We didn’t anticipate that,” Liddell said. The expansion will be built on the north and west sides of the current building. The new areas will include: men’s and women’s adults-only locker rooms; a high-intensity group workout studio; an expanded free-weights space; and an expanded sauna and a steam room. The renovated areas will include: an expanded lobby; expanded cardio, stretching and resistance areas; meeting rooms and a small public chapel.
GARDEN from page A1
spoken to others that demonstrated her kindness and concern for them.” The elementary school created a memorial garden in Lemmon’s name with a variety of flowering plants that will bloom in spring and fall. Their hope is the space will serve as a place to heal from the tragedy that gripped an entire community, as well as honor other children who have lost their lives. A reading bench and a boulder engraved with Lemmon’s name now sit at the center of the garden space in front of the elementary school. Former classmates, staff and members of the community covered the garden space with bubbles, something Caywood said signified releasing the fear and sorrow felt by all. Lemmon’s third-grade class, led by Shannon Harris, each participated in planting a dwarf lilac bush on the side of the school, serving as another way to remember their classmate. Holland Elementary has been raising funds since February to complete the project, which they see as a way to heal from the tragedy and keep Lemmon’s young spirit alive.
The Parkview Family YMCA will be the first in Fort Wayne to have a chapel, which will be nondenominational, but it is something that is becoming more common at YMCAs across the country, Liddell said. The construction bids on the expansion project actually came in a little lower than expected, at about $1.73 million. Ultimately, the YMCA also hopes to build a new facility on St. Joe Center Road, just west of Maplecrest Road, to take some of the load off the Parkview
Family YMCA. It has not yet begun the community meetings it wants to have to get input from area residents; nor has it launched a fundraising campaign. Some ground and infrastructure work has been done at the site in the last few months. The St. Joe Center Road YMCA will be the centerpiece of a 72acre, multiuse project being developed by Don Steininger, who also did the Chapel Ridge and Northbrook Village shopping centers. It is expected to include commercial outlots and housing.
Northbrook Village 1403 W. Dupont Rd 407.0181
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KPC Media Group Inc. has an outstanding opportunity for a goal-oriented, customerfocused sales representative for its Fort Wayne operations, which include the Greater Fort Wayne Business Weekly and Times Community Publications. The ideal candidate will have media sales experience and excellent presentation skills. Send cover letter and resume to: Nancy Sible, Human Resources Manager KPC Media Group Inc. 102 North Main Street, Kendallville, IN 46755
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Business & Professional
Carroll teacher honored by JA
Dupont Valley Times • June 22, 2012
Realty group adds two new staffers Employee also earns accredited designation
Courtesy photo
Chris Adams, right, recently was recognized with a JA Golden Achievement Award for Excellence in Economic Education by Junior Achievement of Northeast Indiana. Adams is an economics teacher at Carroll High School. The award recognizes his outstanding commitment to JA’s business and education partnership in the community. Year after year, Adams’ volunteers ask to return to his classroom because they say he brings out the best in them while also c hallenging his students to do their best. While helping them do their best, Adams repeatedly has led his students to ac hieve top rankings in the JA Titan regional and national tournaments, too.
Northeastern Group Realty recently announced the addition of Nick Harris. Harris’ familiarity with and use of technology, along with his knowledge of the industry, allow him to serve his client’s real estate needs quickly and efficiently. Harris is a graduate of Leo Junior-Senior High School and has lived in the Fort Wayne area his entire life. After high school, he received a degree in marketing from Indiana University -Purdue
Courtesy photo
Nick Harris
Jane White
Joni White
University, Fort Wayne which he utilizes to create maximum exposure for the homes he sells. Additionally, the company has hired Jane White, whose goal is to provide her customers and clients with the highest level of professional service.
White has represented numerous organizations by relocating corporate staff and new hires which has afforded her a wonderful opportunity to establish long lasting relationships. Her areas of expertise also include many years of new construction experience. Of all of the aspects of
the business she enjoys, White considers it a particularly rewarding, joyous event when she helps first time home buyers find the perfect home. In additional news, realtor Joni White recently earned her Accredited Buyers Representative designation.
Meijer to open Fort Wayne pharmacy center
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Ty Neft of Ft. Wayne was the KPC staff choice winner for KPC’s April Photo Contest.
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The photo was taken at Lakeside Gardens a couple of weeks ago.
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Kurt and Tanecia Robinson of Auburn are the people’s choice winner for KPC’s April Photo Contest.
Offers cannot be combined. combineed Expires 6/30/12.
*With approved credit. Call for details.
260-496-8400 2630 Independence Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46808 24 Hour Service- Every Day of the Year!
Courtesy photo
Courtesy photo
Our daughter Kathryn enjoying her first day of APRIL! (Taken in Auburn, daughter of Kurt and Tanecia) TANECIA ROBINSON
Their photos also will appear online at PHOTO SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: • Go to
Winners need to contact James Tew at or 260-347-0400 x190
Meijer Inc. plans to locate a 45,000-square-foot pharmacy fill center in Fort Wayne, bringing with it more than 30 full-time jobs, according to the Fort Wayne-Allen County Economic Development Alliance and a filing with the city. In an Economic Revitalization Area filing, Meijer said it will invest $10.3 million in an existing building at 1515 Profit Drive. The company said $2.3 million will be spent to refurbish the building and the rest will go toward equipment. The center, Meijer said in the filing, will prepare prescriptions on behalf of its retail stores. The city, WorkOne Northeast and the Indiana Economic Development Corp. have offered Meijer
an incentive package worth $1.2 million, according to the alliance. “I’m thrilled to see the creation of new jobs and yet another major investment in our community,� Mayor Tom Henry said in a statement. “When outstanding companies like Meijer make these commitments, it tells me the business community sees that Fort Wayne is indeed a city built for success.� Frank Guglielmi, spokesman for the Grand Rapids, Mich.-based retailer, said: “We are pleased to continue to invest in the Fort Wayne community. Meijer currently has three stores in the Fort Wayne area, so we are familiar with the quality of the area and the work force, which made the decision very logical for us.�
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Dupont Valley Times â&#x20AC;˘ June 22, 2012
Voices of Unity: More than just a choir By Valerie Caviglia
In December of 2009, the World Choir Games were searching for an American group to represent the U.S. at the 2010 games in Shaoxing, China. Their hope was to find a team good enough to lobby for the U.S. to host the games in 2012. They called the Voices of Unity Youth Choir. â&#x20AC;&#x153;She said, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Well, I called you to see if your choir would be willing to go and represent the United States in China,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? said Marshall White, founder and CEO of Unity Performing Arts Foundation. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When she said that I went, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;What, do what, go where?â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? Seven months later, White and his group of youth singers found themselves on stage at the 2010 World Choir Games â&#x20AC;Ś and they won. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That experience gave those kids tangible hope,â&#x20AC;? White said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hope to a lot of people is invisible â&#x20AC;&#x201D; something you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see. Tangible hope is hope that you can experience. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what those kids received.â&#x20AC;? When he founded Unity Performing Arts Foundation in 1993, Whiteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s goal was to fill an artistic void in the community. He felt strongly Fort Wayneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s community arts programs were not relevant to the younger generation and even more importantly, they werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t attracting minorities. At the time, less than 3 percent of minorities took part in arts programs in Fort Wayne and Allen County, White said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You have a whole culture of people who arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t experiencing the arts. Jazz, blues, gospel, spirituals â&#x20AC;&#x201D; none of that music is really a primary focus of the arts. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not in education, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not in school systems, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not in arts community programs.â&#x20AC;? What developed was what UPAF calls the â&#x20AC;&#x153;soulful art forms,â&#x20AC;? a
curriculum allowing young people to study mainstream music â&#x20AC;&#x201D; rhythm and blues, gospel, pop, country. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Music they listen to on the radio,â&#x20AC;? White said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They can come and study that music, perform it, learn the artist, study the history behind it and learn how to sing the styles of it. Our hope is to see that this becomes something in the educational structure, placed in universities, placed in school systems where there is a soulful music arts curriculum, just like classical music.â&#x20AC;? It may come as a surprise that Voices of Unityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rehearsals are not entirely focused on singing. Students each have a binder to organize lessons in leadership development, music history and life â&#x20AC;&#x201D; all of which White has incorporated to help students learn how to achieve their goals and promote diversity. Nine-year-old Camari McDavid, a third grader at Maplewood Elementary School, has been part of Voices of Unity for just one year. â&#x20AC;&#x153;At first, I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even think I wanted to be in the choir, but after a year, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shown me how much I can learn from the older kids,â&#x20AC;? he said. From them, McDavid said heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s learned something very valuable, something that will one day help him become a chemist to find a cure for cancer. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have to seize the opportunity instead of sitting there playing video games. I have to focus and pay attention more. Then when opportunity comes around, I can seize it and grab it and make something of use.â&#x20AC;? White said the Voices of Unity training is not just musical. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mental, physical, artistic, emotional, spiritual,â&#x20AC;? White said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is so much more than singing happening here. People have no idea what weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re really doing here behind the scenes.â&#x20AC;? So much so, that some-
Photo by Valeria Caviglia
Marshall White, founder and CEO of Unity Performing Arts Foundation, presents a life lesson to the Voices of Unity Youth Choir during rehearsal. times White wishes the word â&#x20AC;&#x153;choirâ&#x20AC;? werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t part of the Voices of Unity name. What is seen on TV â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the singing, fundraising and excitement of the World Choir Games â&#x20AC;&#x201D; is just the surface of an altogether bigger program. Out of six artistic arms of youth development, UPAF is actively pursuing two: choral music through the Voices of Unity Youth
World Choir Games win. To participate in this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s games in Cincinnati, Ohio, the choir must raise $275,000, an amount White said they are more than halfway near reaching. â&#x20AC;&#x153;People are a lot more generous this time,â&#x20AC;? White said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not fighting the skepticism like we were two years ago. People tend to respond to the success of the previous
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Choir and creative writing through a program called POP â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the Power of Passion. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When we complete the vision, we will have public speaking, drama, dance and instrumental with a soulful orchestra,â&#x20AC;? White said. But that takes money. It may be a little easier to raise now that the Voices of Unity has earned more recognition with the 2010
attempt that we made to go to the games. The whole project is a lot easier.â&#x20AC;? This year, the Voices of Unity not only are in the spotlight as defending champions, but the choir also will sing during a Fourth of July-opening ceremony with Grammyaward winner Kirk Franklin, who wrote this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s World Choir Gamesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; official song, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I Can.â&#x20AC;? It was only a few weeks earlier White said how amazing it would be to sing with the renowned artist, even though the Voices of Unity already has been asked to sing during the closing ceremony. White said that demonstrated a life lesson they teach during rehearsals â&#x20AC;&#x201D; to visualize achievements and believe it can happen. They even have a motto: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I can, I know I can, so I will.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not just a phrase to these kids. They live that,â&#x20AC;? White said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We speak what it is that we want to achieve and look what happened.â&#x20AC;?
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Community Calendar
Butterflies of Malaysia. Botanical Conservatory, 1100 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne. Continues through July 8. Admission is $5/adult, $3/child age 317, free for children 2 and under. Community Arts Academy Summer Camps. IPFW, 2101 E. Coliseum Blvd., Fort Wayne. Digital editing using Adobe Premiere for children in grades six through 12. Community Arts Academy Summer Camps. IPFW, 2101 E. Coliseum Blvd., Fort Wayne. Manga Mania! for children in grades six through 12. Community Arts Academy Summer Camps. IPFW, 2101 E. Coliseum Blvd., Fort Wayne. Gene Marcus camp for intermediate students ages 12-18. The Marriage Go Round. Arena Dinner Theatre, 719 Rockhill St., Fort Wayne. By Leslie Stevens. $35 dinner (three-course meal catered by the Bagel Station) and show; Cash Bar. Purchase tickets online at 2012 Master Gardener Youth Program. Allen County Extension Office on the IPFW Campus, 4001 Crescent Ave., Fort Wayne. 9 a.m. The Allen County Master Gardener Youth program is an award-winning summer educational program offered by Purdue Cooperative Extension to young adults ages 818. The young adults will plant and tend their individual plots throughout the summer. The fee for the training is $30.00. Appleseed Quilt Guild. Allen County War Memorial Coliseum, Fort Wayne. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hosted by the 150+ member non-for-profit Appleseed Quilters Guild. Antique quilts will be on display as part of a new exhibit. Cost is $5 at the door. Advancing Hoosier W omen in Business seminar. Greater Fort Wayne Chamber of Commerce, 826 Ewing St., Fort Wayne. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Open to the public. Cost: $25, includes lunch. Register at Vacation Bible School. Calvary Baptist Church, 7810 St. Joe Center Road, Fort Wayne. 6-8:30 p.m. Preschool to sixth grade. Ten Years In Tony’s. Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne
Williams Theatre, 2101 E. Coliseum Blvd., Fort Wayne. 7:30-9:30 p.m. Come dressed to impress. Seating is limited. Tickets will be sold on a first come-first served basis. Cost: $5 for students with a student ID; $10 for adults.
Summer self-defense. Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory, 1100 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne. 8:30 a.m. Learn how to recognize a dangerous situation and create an opportunity to escape. Learn how to deal with bullies in a non-violent way, and how to defend yourself against a dangerous predator while getting fit and having fun. Basche’s Martial Arts will teach a well-rounded class incorporating bully prevention and self defense techniques that men, women and children of all ages and abilities can use to protect themselves. Ages 7-adult. To register, call 427-6011. Bales of Fun. Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory, 1100 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne. 9 a.m. Straw can be used as material for thatching, packing or even weaving a hat. In this case, our straw bales will be used for building a wall — but not just any wall. Participants will learn the basic techniques building a sample wall, and will be invited to return in July to help build the main feature in the summer garden. The cost is $5 per person. IPFW RiverFest. IPFW, 2101 E. Coliseum Blvd., Fort Wayne. 9 a.m. to midnight. A day of festivity and celebration for one of Fort Wayne’s most prominent natural resources — the rivers. For a complete list of events, visit Managing Habits to Manage Stress. University of Saint Francis, 2701 Spring St., Fort Wayne. 9-11:30 a.m. Presented by Bennacht Counseling and Consulting, LLC, “Managing Habits to Manage Stress” will take place at the Doermer Family Center for Health Science Information. Register at Wine in the Pines. Black Pine Animal Sanctuary, 1426 W. 300 N., Albion. 5:30 p.m. Divapalooza. Foellinger Theatre, Franke Park, Fort Wayne. 8 p.m. An unforgettable night of rhythm and blues, jazz, musical theatre, rock & roll, folk and gospel. Sponsored by NIPR and MedPartners. Tickets are $10 per person.
Free Concert and Social. Wallen Baptist Church, 1001 W. Wallen Road, Fort Wayne. 5:30-7:30 p.m. Bring your lawn chairs and come out for a night of music by “Living Stones.” Food includes: hot dogs, chips and ice cream sodas.
Community Arts Academy Summer Camps. IPFW, 2101 E. Coliseum Blvd., Fort Wayne. Photoshop: Creating Digital Images for children in grades six through 12. Community Arts Academy Summer Camps. IPFW, 2101 E. Coliseum Blvd., Fort Wayne. Painting: Splash of Color for children in grades K through 12. Community Arts Academy Summer Camps. IPFW, 2101 E. Coliseum Blvd., Fort Wayne. Summer Strings camp for all grades. Super Sweet Soda P op Shop VBS. Wallen Baptist Church, 1001 W. Wallen Road, Fort Wayne. 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Vacation Bible school begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 12:30 p.m. Join the church for a week at the Super Sweet Soda Pop Shop. For children entering kindergarten through fifth grade. Sweetwater’s Academy of Music Roc k Camp. Sweetwater, 5501 U.S. Hwy. 30, Fort Wayne. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
2012 Farmers Market. The Towne House, 2209 Saint Joe Center Road, Fort
Dupont Valley Times • June 22, 2012
Tickets on sale now at the Embassy box office, all other Ticketmaster locations and online at Drop-in Yoga in the Gardens. Botanical Conservatory, 1100 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne. 5:30 p.m. The practice of yoga is a wonderful way to build strength and flexibility, reduce stress, and enhance general well-being. Taught by certified yoga instructor and world traveler Lanah K. Hake. A few blankets, mats, and straps are available but bring your own supplies if you have them. Drop-in fee $7 (Conservatory members $5). Patriotic POPS Concert. Pokagon State Park, 450 Lane 100 Lake James, Angola. 7 p.m. The Fort Wayne Philharmonic’s annual Patriotic Pops Concert at Pokagon State Park is the perfect opportunity for music lovers who also enjoy the outdoors. In case of inclement weather, it will be held at the Angola High School Gym. Free, but the standard entrance fee of $5 per in-state vehicle and $7 per out-of-state vehicle applies. Visitors with annual entrance passes can also use those. Movie Night. Foellinger Theatre, Franke Park, Fort Wayne. 8:30 p.m. Join the neighborhood for a showing of “Kung Fu Panda.” The showing is free.
Behind the Screen: Summer Explorations at the Embassy Theatr e. Embassy Theatre, 125 W. Jefferson Blvd., Fort Wayne. 9:30 a.m. Tickets: $5 per person. Group rates available. Call the Embassy box office for details. Tickets on sale now at the Embassy box office, all other Ticketmaster locations and online at
Botanical Brown Bag: Helping Monar chs and Other Butterflies by Gar dening. Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory, 1100 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne. Noon. Love butterflies? Jody Heaston, owner of Naturally Speaking & Wildlifescaping, will explain why it is important to help these insects and present ideas on how to transform an area into a butterfly oasis that caters to their needs throughout their life cycle. $5/adult, $3/child ages 3-17. Conservatory members and volunteers admitted free. Anthony Wayne Toastmasters. Ivy Tech — Fort Wayne Coliseum Campus, 3800 N. Anthony Blvd., Fort Wayne. 6:30-8 p.m. See how Toastmasters International and the thousands of local Toastmasters clubs help people all over the world develop their speaking and leadership skills. Depression/Bipolar + 12. First Presbyterian Church, 300 W. Wayne St., Fort Wayne. 7 p.m. 12-step program for those living with depression or bipolar disorder. For more info contact Marilee Stroud at 312-6069 or
Inaugural Ft. Wayne Walk for Wishes. Headwaters Park, 333 S. Clinton St., Fort Wayne. 9 a.m. Spend the day with family and friends for a three mile scenic walk through Headwaters Park, while helping to grant wishes for children battling life-threatening medical conditions. Registration begins at 9 a.m.; walk at 10 a.m. Become a Monarch Monitor. Eagle Marsh Barn, South Side Engle R, onehalf mile east of W Jefferson Blvd, Fort Wayne. 10 a.m. Train for a Monarch Monitor Citizen Scientist project. Must commit to monitoring monarch caterpillar-through-adult populations at Eagle Marsh every two weeks through the end of September. Sponsored by Little River Wetlands Project. Free. Contact Betsy at 478-2515 or to RSVP or learn more. BritBeat. Foellinger Theatre, Franke Park, Fort Wayne. 8 p.m. Take a trip back to 1964 with BritBeat’s tribute to the Beatles. With mop tops, retro costumes, vintage instruments, and harmonizing vocals, BritBeat performs all the memorable Beatles’ hits from the sixties. Tickets are $12 per person.
Wayne. 3-6 p.m. Products vary throughout season. Open to the public. Air Force National Guard Band of the Great Lakes. Foellinger Theatre, Franke Park, Fort Wayne. 8 p.m. Based in Toledo, the band is returning to the Foellinger Theatre stage to delight with their military band sounds. It will be the last performance of this Air Force band at Foellinger Theatre due the conclusion of the band’s tour. This is a free concert.
Discovery Corner. Botanical Conservatory, 1100 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne. In July, we’ll be exploring all about What’s in the Ocean. Suitable for kids in pre-K through 1st grade. Adults are encouraged to read aloud to their young learners and explore ideas together. The Discovery Corner is free with general admission and preregistration is not required.
Little River Ramblers. Eagle Marsh Barn, South Side Engle Road, one-half mile east of W. Jefferson Blvd., Fort Wayne. 9 a.m. Meet each Tuesday to hike and explore the preserve’s interesting plants and wildlife. Sponsored by Little River Wetlands Project. Free. Contact or 478-2515
Behind the Screen: Summer Explorations at the Embassy Theatr e. Embassy Theatre, 125 W. Jefferson Blvd., Fort Wayne. 9:30 a.m. Tickets: $5 per person. Group rates available. Call the Embassy box office for details.
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Community Calendar
Appleseed Bees. Classic Cafe, 4832 Hillegas Road, Fort Wayne. 6:30 p.m. A presentation by representatives from the numerous Guild bees currently offering Guild members additional opportunities to gather together and create quilting projects. This informative peek into the focus of each bee will help the Guild membership discover if joining that bee might enhance their own quilting process. Reverse Order concert with Vanattica. Yellow Bird, Fort Wayne. 7 p.m. For more information, visit or visit
Newcomers Club coffee social. Sweetwater, 5501 U.S. Hwy. 30, Fort Wayne. 9:30 a.m. Free event open to all women who have moved to Fort Wayne or outlying communities within the past 18 months. Email or, visit or call (260) 255-3553 for more information.
$1 Night at Bot anical Conservatory. Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory, 1100 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne. 5-8 p.m. On the first Thursday of the month, the Botanical Conservatory offers $1 admissions from 5-8 p.m.
for adults and children.
Dances of Universal Peace Weekend Retreat. Fort Wayne Dance Collective, 437 E Berry (2nd Floor), Fort Wayne. Embodying the Sacred. Dance and be with one of the best leaders in the world. Full weekend or individual sessions available from $30 - $175. Low-cost lodging options available. Info at 424.6574, 602.9361 or Fort Wayne SCORE golf outing. Chestnut Hills, 11502 Illinois Rd., Fort Wayne. Come out and support Fort Wayne SCORE, whose counselors provide clients with in-depth, industry-specific business assistance to help evaluate a business idea or plan, stimulate business growth and ensure longterm stability.
Lunch & Dinner
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Community Arts Academy Summer Camps. IPFW, 2101 E. Coliseum Blvd., Fort Wayne. Courtesy and Bluegrass ensemble for all ages. Preserving Nature’s Bounty workshops. Allen County Extension Office on the IPFW Campus, 4001 Crescent Ave, Fort Wayne. 7 p.m. The Allen County Extension office will host several workshops with the aim of teaching community members how to preserve fruits and vegetables for future use.
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Dupont Valley Times • June 22, 2012
Dining & Entertainment Fort Wayne’s biggest party back for 2012 By Nichole Hacha-Thomas
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Monday features: 45¢ Wings all day & night - dine in or carryout Tuesday features: Half price pizza all day & night - dine in or carryout Thursday features: Martini night - all martinis off of our list $5.00
The Three Rivers Festival will be back with a bang on Friday, July 13, when the city is overrun with festival events, Junk Food Alley vendors and music galore. According to Jack Hammer, festival director, plenty of fan favorites will return to the festival in its 44th year, such as the downtown midway with rides for all ages, the festival parade, the Fort Wayne Museum of Art’s Chalk Walk and famed competitions like the Waiter and Waitress Contest and the annual Bed Race. “People kind of hang their hats on the festival favorites like the parade, which will be one of the biggest we’ve ever had,” Hammer said. “We are excited about other things like Junk Food Alley — I hear that German chocolate funnel cakes are all the rage this year.” New and emerging events also will be plentiful. Events such as the river games on July 21 are
Check out our daily features and events coming up on facebook
Entertainment Schedule June 27-July 21, 2012 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wednesday Variety: June 27 July 4 July 11 July 18
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Dupont Village (behind Casa Grille) 415 E. Dupont Road • 260-637-0198
Courtesy photo
The Northrop High School marching band, the Big Orange Pride, marches in the 2011 Three Rivers Festival parade. The 2012 parade is sponsored by Lutheran Health Network this year and the parade theme is “Community Legends and Landmarks.” emerging as new favorites with canoe races and water balloon wars. Twosdays, where tons of things are just $2, will be back on July 17 and Hammer even said the festival committee is testing the waters with a zipline. “It won’t be like the one at the Super Bowl Village, but it will be a couple hundred feet long,” Hammer said. One thing is for sure, though, woven throughout the festival will be plenty of music. Tribute bands will be
abundant with ZOSO: The Ultimate Led Zeppelin Experience kicking off the festival concert series on July 13. Bruce in the USA: The World’s #1 Tribute to Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band will perform on July 14 in a Salute to the Troops concert in a Headwaters Park transformed red, white and blue. Back by popular demand, Who’s Bad — The Ultimate Michael Jackson Tribute Band will See TRF, page A23
Dining & Entertainment
Dupont Valley Times • June 22, 2012
TRF from page
shake up the stage on July 18 with what Hammer calls a “thriller of a night.” The Famous in the Fort contest will take place July 16 and one talented resident will win $1,000. The band Brother will perform July 17 with Phil’s Family Lizard opening the show. In addition, Casey James — an “American Idol” contestant — will sing a series of country songs on July 19 with local band Sugar Shot as the opening act. Tons of other musical acts are scheduled throughout the week, too, Hammer said. “We want to make the festival a party — and music is part of that party,” Hammer said noting the festival committee works hard to keep costs low. “We want to bring you a huge party and keep the prices down.” In addition to ticketed concerts, several free events will take place, Hammer said. The Clean Comedy for Kids event will be presented by Snickerz Comedy Club, The Shade Jonze & Friends will provide music and fun for the entire family on July 21, followed by Pop n’ Fresh, a talented family performing a variety of sing-along songs. Brown Bag Tunes at Noon will
LLS from page feature music you can eat to with a series of musicians performing at noon in the Vera Bradley Festival Plaza. “The Three Rivers Festival is a celebration of Fort Wayne and who we’ve become since we got here,” Hammer said. I invite everyone to come out and bring their families to have some fun and make memories.” • A23
Sample, who previously battled cancer twice, said volunteering for cancer-related charities is important to her. She also currently volunteers for Cancer Services of Northeast Indiana. Sample had been asked to be a candidate for LLS Woman of the Year once before and declined. But, after her latest battle with cancer, she decided to take the plunge when she was asked again. Sample and her team organized events — such as the St. Patrick’s
Day event at Checkerz Bar and Grill — and Sample sent out more than 900 requests for support to friends, family and business colleagues. “I sent out letters and emails and I have a lot of supportive and giving friends and people who donated,” Sample said. “We raised the money one dollar at a time.” Vanderwall and Sample both said they couldn’t have accomplished the feat without the extremelysupportive Fort Wayne community.
“Our community is very giving, almost to the point of being overwhelming,” he said. “Not just one life will be impacted by the generosity of the community, but more.” Together, the six Man and Woman of the Year candidates raised $144,000 — a record year for the local chapter of LLS, which funds ground-breaking research seeking cures and better therapies for blood cancers, the third leading cause of cancer deaths.
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