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May/June 2012
High-risk pregnancy: Author shares insight into coping
How to start your garden: And get the kids involved too
PRETEENS | 9-12 YEARS IPFW offers art, theater camps for all ages
Life Steps
Special features, tips and more
EXPECTING High-risk pregnancy: Why me?
BABIES | 0-1 YEARS Monitor your child’s growth
TODDLERS | 1-3 YEARS Every day an adventure
TYKES | 4-8 YEARS Summer learning loss
13 21 22 23 25 26 27 28
PRETEENS | 9-12 YEARS Camp great for tweens
TEENS | 13-18 YEARS Scholarship money: begin early
POOPED-OUT PARENT PAGE Have fun and get it all done
ON THE COVER >>> May/June 2012
Muffins for Mom Lemonade Day is May 12 PC’s For Youth expands into Kosciusko County Keeping up on product recalls has become easier Roasted vegetables are perfect side dish Multi-step approach helps control asthma Brookfield Zoo to be crawling with ‘Xtreme Bugs’ Easter Seals Arc offers online screening for autism
Humor Helps
Teachable moments
FUNNY THINGS KIDS SAY Local families share their funny stories
Calendar 29-32
FAMILY EVENTS Activities for you and your family
SOPHIA, 3, was photographed by her mother, Nadine Kline of Kendallville, while they were working in their garden.
Welcome to our May/June issue! Welcome to our May/June issue! A big thank you to Caitlyn Grab who interned for KPC during her spring break in March. Tapping into the expertise of Jane Minick and Vi Wysong, Caitlyn wrote our cover story. And thank you to Nadine Kline for the cover photo. Jane, Vi and Nadine, all longtime KPC employees, are extremely creative at work and in their home and community. With gardening as our cover story, I want to emphasize that each of us can cultivate multiple gardens. Some of us don’t have green thumbs, but we “grow” our creativity in other ways, as Kathy Stutzman explains in her excellent article. Throughout most of my life, much of my creative effort has been focused on a growing family and now on a granddaughter. Once again I am sharing some photos of Jane, who turned 1 this winter. She lives in Norway so we don’t get to be with her, Jane likes to bring books to share with her physically, very often grandparents during a “virtual” visit. but we stay in close touch on Skype. Jane knows it’s us and she shares books with us, demonstrates how she can kick a soccer ball while holding her doll by the hair, and even “sings” to us with her mother, our daughter. What a blessing modern technology is! Once again I want to thank all the people who have contributed articles, humor and photos to this issue. If you have an idea for a story and would like Reading is an activity that can be shared online to write for Family, simply email me. We don’t pay our contributors but it is a using Skype, a free video service. great way for people to share their insights and expertise with other people who care deeply about children. Please take a moment to look at the list of Friends of the Family on the inside back cover and back cover. It is because of their support that this magazine can be provided for free. If you live in the greater Fort Wayne area and would like a free subscription by mail, sign up at You can also visit us on Facebook. Type in KPC Family Magazine to find us. Enjoy your family!
Grace Housholder
Volume 8, Issue 3 May/June 2012 Greater FW Family aims to provide parents with helpful information so they can make sound decisions while raising and educating their children. Every child is unique. Please consider your child’s individual development and needs when using parenting information. Authors’ opinions and advice presented in FW Family do not necessarily reflect the opinions of FW Family and may not be applicable to all children. We welcome your comments.
Greater FW Family Publisher
Terry Housholder Editor
Grace Housholder Photographs by Chad Kline,, Metro Creative Connection, MultiAd Builder and contributing organizations and individuals For Advertising Information and Rates Contact Advertising Director Karen Bloom 260-347-0400, Ext. 110 260-426-5511 Presentation Editor
Erin Doucette Creative Manager
Jane Minick 826 Ewing St. Fort Wayne, IN 46802 Telephone 260-426-2640 Greater FW Family magazine is a publication of
KPC Media Group Inc. President
Terry Housholder Vice President of Sales/General Manager
Don Cooper Chief Financial Officer
Donna Scanlon Copyright 2012. Greater FW Family Magazine. All rights reserved. No portion of this magazine may be reproduced without written consent of the publisher. The opinions expressed by contributors or writers do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this magazine. Distribution of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services herein. For quality reprints, please call 260-347-0400, ext. 176. Outside Greater Fort Wayne area mail delivery is $15 for 12 issues.
May/June 2012
Gaff is medical director of the emergency department at Parkview Noble Hospital in Kendallville and the Noble County EMS. He can be reached at
MELINDA HAINES Haines is assistant to the dean for community engagement and director of Community Arts Academy College of Visual and Performing Arts Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne. Contact her at 481-6059 or
Coffman is the program manager for the College and Career Counseling (C3) initiative of the Indiana Youth Institute. C3 offers and to explore career options and college.
Thomas is an instructor at the Fort Wayne Center for Learning, 800 Broadway, Suite 215, Fort Wayne. Contact him at or email:
Whitehead, a scientist-mom, lost a preemie son and went on to have two high-risk pregnancies. She wrote “High-Risk Pregnancy: Why Me? Understanding and Managing a Potential Preterm Pregnancy.” She is a trained doula. Contact her at
Doucette is the presentation editor for KPC Media Group, leading design and layout for several of its publications. She, her husband, Stephen, daughters Ella, 5, and Eva, 2, live in Huntertown. Her blog can be read at She can be emailed at
Stutzman is public relations manager of the Warsaw Library, writing a weekly column and serving as editor of its monthly newsletter. She is a wife, mother and grandmother. Contact her at
Grab, a cousin of KPC online editor James Tew, is a junior at Mount Airy Christian Academy in Maryland. She worked on this issue’s cover story during a one-week internship with KPC. Contact her at
is a presentation layout designer/technical coordinator at KPC Media Group. She and her husband Corey are parents of Gage, Ethan and Sophia. Yousif is their AFS exchange student. She can be reached at
May/June 2012
H AV E F U N A N D G E T I T A L L D O N E !
C U L8R Summer evenings mean little ones want to stay up later and later. Hello … it’s too light outside to sleep! How can a Pooped-Out Parent be sure that long evenings are filled with learning time, not screen time? Use the ideas below … then if your child stays up late she’ll learn lessons for later on! Catch lightning in a bottle Remember catching lightning bugs and putting them in a jar? Pass the fun on to your child. Count how many bugs she catches (math). Discuss how they light up (science). You might like to say something like this, “Why do you think that the lights on lightning bugs flash on and off? Let’s try to think of 10 reasons why!” Don’t forget to let them go at the end of the night (ahhhh, circle of life).
Inspire a sidewalk artist uccess At the end of the day when you’re finishing up the yard work, offer your children sidewalk chalk (art). Challenge them to draw a picture of the outside of your house (design). Talk about how warm the sidewalk feels at the end of a summer day (science). You might want to ask them something like this, “Tonight the sidewalk seems nice and warm. How do you think the sidewalk would feel if it was snowing or raining outside?”
Put your toddler in charge Toddlers and water play go together like flip-flops and tank tops. Arm your toddler with a watering can — or a hose if you’re brave — and ask him to make sure the plants have water to drink (botany). He’ll gain feelings of responsibility and accomplishment (building blocks for self-esteem). Those feelings will expand if you say something like this, “Look how the daisies have grown, Sam! The water you gave them helped them grow big and strong.”
Want more ideas? Visit Children thrive when paretns visit
May/June 2012
High-risk pregnancy:
Why me? Understanding, managing a potential preterm pregnancy BY KELLY WHITEHEAD Every year, 1 million U.S. women with high-risk pregnancies are placed on bed rest to protect their developing babies. Despite that, every year, about 500,000 newborns — one of every eight — arrive too early, according to the Centers for Disease Control. In my book “High-Risk Pregnancy: Why Me?” (, I provide both a medical reference and emotional support for mothers-to-be. My first child died following his premature birth. During my next pregnancy, I spent 4 1/2 months in bed worrying over and trying to protect my daughter. Some of the coping strategies I discovered, along with what I’ve learned through benefit of hindsight and insights from other mothers include: • Try to enjoy being pregnant. Don’t miss out on this experience because you’re high-risk. Do the normal prego things, even if you have to modify them: Shop online, get a belly cast, shoot expanding-belly photos, and savor those kicks and body changes. Don’t forget or stop dreaming about the actual birth and your desires for what it will be like. I regretted missing out on so much while carrying my daughter. Rather than enjoying the pregnancy, I kept focused on the end and my hope she would survive. 6
May/June 2012
• Don’t let your emotions become your enemy. Say goodbye to guilt. This is not your fault! It’s OK to be bitter, angry and upset at the world, and to hate “normal” pregnant women, but it isn’t going to change anything. So go get mad, yell and cry, and then move on. • Pelvic rest sounds easy, but it isn’t. It’s not fun being forced to become a nun, so don’t. There are still ways to enjoy intimacy; you just need to get creative. • Educate yourself about your situation. Don’t go reading about every other possible scenario out there; you don’t need to worry about problems that aren’t a likely issue for you. • Ask and you shall receive. It may sometimes feel as though people have forgotten about you, but the reality is they’re busy and they have no idea what’s it’s like for you. If you want company, reach out and invite someone over. I know it’s tough to be going through a high-risk pregnancy and living in fear every day. Though this will be the toughest time of your life, many of us have been through it and now have our children. You can, too. Keep your chin up and keep hoping. Healthy babies are born every day to families who’ve walked the same path.
Sheila’s first grandson who just turned 3 “has been the one constant joy in my life,” wrote Sheila. “He recently shared with his mother, my daughter, what he wanted to be when he grew up. While kneeling in his bed against the window ledge, looking out his window and admiring the night sky, the stars, and the moon shining brightly he looked at his mother and said, ‘When I grow up, I want to be a cow so I too can jump over the moon.’” His mother texted that quote to Sheila immediately. Sheila responded, “Tell my Caleb that Grammy too wants to be a cow when he grows up so I can jump over the moon with him.” — SHEILA WIGHTMAN OF ANGOLA
One evening Kevin, 3, came running in the door, all excited, yelling, “Come look! There’s a light down at the corner!” The family hurried out to see what was happening. The sun was setting. Kevin had never noticed it before. ...
Readers, if you have a true funny kid story (or a collection of stories) involving you or your co-workers, friends, students or family, please call me at 260-347-0738 or e-mail me at
One morning while driving Lisa passed a policeman and a stopped car. Nora, 4, asked, “Did someone get in timeout with the police car?”
Zeta and Trev were giving a burial to a worm. The worm had died so they wanted to put it back in the ground so that it could be safe from the birds eating it! — RETTA LEWIS (MOTHER OF ZETA) OF FREMONT
On the way back from the beach, Jen overheard Mikey, 6, commenting on the number of girls wearing “zucchinis!” — JEN WATERSON BARR (MOTHER OF MIKEY AND FORMER KENDALLVILLE
When arriving home from his first day of school, Betty’s nephew, Terry, was asked how his day went. Terry said, “We didn’t get through today. I have to go back tomorrow!”
Vicki was supervising the playground for a day care center when an ambulance sped by with its siren blaring. Vicki bowed her head and said a quick prayer. Rachel, 4, who was swinging in front of Vicki, said, “What did you do?” Vicki explained, “When an ambulance goes by with its siren on, I always say a prayer for the sick person and the rescue people.” “Oh,” Rachel said. Then she bowed her head and said, “God is great, God is good, let us thank Him for our food.” It was the only prayer she knew.
May/June 2012
Monitor your child’s growth Being aware of your baby’s development can help your child immensely. Here are some activities and reactions you should be observing in your child as he or she matures FROM BIRTH TO 3 MONTHS DOES YOUR CHILD… • Lift his/her head and chest when on his/her stomach
• Sit without help while playing with toys
• Move his/her body in time to music
• Transfer objects from one hand to the other
• Put two words together (“more juice”)
• Move his/her arms and legs easily
• Feed self finger food
• Begin to ask questions, (“juice?”, “byebye?”)
• Imitate waving bye-bye
• Feed self a sandwich, taking bites
• Let you know his/her needs with motions and sounds
• Take off socks and shoes
• Copy speech sounds (“ba-ba,” “ga-ga”)
• Make simple choices among toys (puzzles or trucks)
• Follow your movements by turning his/her head side to side • Easily take a bottle or breast and suck well • Startle or cry at sudden loud noises • Look at you, watch your face • Make gurgling or cooing sounds • Smile in response to your smile or talk • Quiet easily when comforted FROM 6 TO 12 MONTHS DOES YOUR CHILD… • Pull to stand with some help 8
May/June 2012
• Take turns while playing with adult (actions, sounds, or facial expressions) • Let you know he/she understands a simple question (“Do you want some more?”) FROM 18 MONTHS TO 2 YEARS DOES YOUR CHILD… • Walk up and down stairs with their hand held • Scribble
• Look at story book pictures with an adult
• Copy another child’s play (pouring sand, throwing ball) EDITOR’S NOTE: This information is from Easter Seals Arc of Northeast Indiana — a community resource working with children and adults with disabilities and special needs to promote growth, dignity and independence. Online: neindiana. Phone: 456-4534; Address: 4919 Coldwater Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46825
May/June 2012
Every day an adventure
With Eva, you better hide anything important or hazardous. She will eat it, put it in the toilet or for fun, maybe dunk it in your coffee. Erin Doucette
May/June 2012
Living with an ornery 2-year-old is a wild ride BY ERIN DOUCETTE We are knee-deep in the catastrophes of toddler land and sinking fast at my house. I actually had to Google “are Easter egg dye tablets safe for consumption?” after an unfortunate incident while decorating eggs. And that was before my 2year-old Eva reached up to eat one of the eggs, bringing them all crashing down on the floor. But it reminded me that Eva’s older sister Ella once did things like this too. I very clearly remember Googling “how do I remove nail polish from a child’s head?” a few years back. Ella had dropped a bottle of black nail polish, splashing it all over her little baby sister’s outfit, arms, and worst of all, head. I worked on getting it off for an hour. The rest eventually came off. STEPHEN DOUCETTE I don’t know what parents did EVA DOUCETTE, 2, runs in front of her sister Ella, 5. Eva is a fun-loving before Google. albeit, ornery 2-year-old. Here she is playing a game she likes to call Eva is a completely different “Robot Eva,” using a plastic jug. child than Ella, though. We didn’t get too carried away with baby hazardous. She will eat it, put it in the toilet or for proofing when Ella was little. She just wasn’t a fun, maybe dunk it in your coffee. I lost my first child who rummaged through drawers or colored smart phone that way. on walls. We put our cleaning supplies in very high One of her older favorite high jinks is to turn off cabinets and put a couple child safety locks on a few drawers and we were good. See TODDLERS page 11 With Eva, you better hide anything important or
TODDLERS From Page 10
the TV when her dad or I finally get a minute to sit down. She thinks thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hilarious. And if you see our toilet paper completely unrolled, lying on the bathroom floor, please just ignore it. Along with the X drawn with marker on the stairs, the pen marks on the couch and the lip gloss on my comforter, can you just all please look away for a few years? Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no sense in replacing things now. Fortunately, to know Eva is to love her. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just as sweet as she is curious. As cuddly as she is rebellious. And as cute as she is ornery. Now I really must go. I need to take the fly swatter away from a certain 2year-old.
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EVA DOUCETTE grins for photo recently. Her wild
hair and Bandaid give hints to her personality.
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State of the art. Close to home.
May/June 2012
Empower your child. Perhaps the best and easiest way to turn anything into a lesson is to encourage your child to write (as little or as much as they like) about the day’s events. Zoo trips, yard work, fun games can all be turned into stories. Mark Thomas
Summer learning loss
Physical activity, math challenges and summer programs help to keep kids’ minds sharp BY MARK THOMAS Many are aware of summer learning loss, and some have witnessed its effects on their children — a summer of play and up to three months of learning totally forgotten. If you think it’s frustrating for you or for your child’s teacher, try being in the kid’s head when they’re searching for information that they know they learned last school year and can’t find it. Although it may take a lot of energy to motivate teenagers to keep learning through the summer months, they at least know that
May/June 2012
a little studying here and there is the best thing for them (and might actually sneak some in when they think no one is looking). What, then, about your little guy or girl that very much needs your help during this crucial time? They may have it the hardest; they are likely unaware of the knowledge that is slipping away during summer play time and, if they were, would they know what resources to use to help themselves? Here’s how you can support them, by either working learning into other activities or helping them find it: It’s summer time; play. Exercise does just
as much good for the mind as it does for the body. Physical activity will help to keep a young mind sharp (and not resenting homework). Also, math skills tend to be hit the hardest during summer, so try to find ways to work math into sports (scores, percentages) or gardening (rows, vegetables per seed). Make good use of the opportunities available during summer. At this time of year, pamphlets are filling up with listings about summer camps and programs. Many See LEARNING page 13
LEARNING From Page 12
are including academic components, some times with a specialty (writing or math). Investigate these and see if any fit your style and schedule, depending on how many or few days you’d like to participate. Don’t forget the summer reading program at the library. Picking out books is a fun trip for a young reader and this is the perfect time to find a cozy spot outside to enjoy a story. Empower your child. Perhaps the best and easiest way to turn anything into a lesson is to encourage your child to write (as little or as much as they like) about the day’s events. Zoo trips, yard work, fun games can all be turned into stories or journal entries by their young mind to keep those writing and analyzing skills active in their brain.
Indulge Mom with a healthy breakfast muffin Mom will be happy getting this delicious and healthy muffin on Mother’s Day.
• 1 1/4 cups applesauce • 1/2 cup raisins
Applesauce Bran Muffins
Heat the oven to 400 F. Line a muffin pan with muffin papers, then lightly spray the papers with cooking spray.
START TO FINISH: 30 minutes SERVINGS: 16 • 3 tablespoons honey • 1/4 cup vegetable or canola oil • 1/4 cup low-fat sour cream • 1 cup packed brown sugar • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • 3 egg whites • 1 teaspoon cinnamon • 2 teaspoons baking powder • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1 3/4 cups white whole-wheat flour • 1/2 cup wheat bran
Family . . . t A n u F
In a large bowl, whisk together the honey, oil, sour cream, brown sugar, vanilla and egg whites. In another bowl, whisk together the cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda, salt, flour and wheat bran. Stir half of the flour mixture into the wet ingredients. Add the applesauce and stir together. Add the rest of the flour mixture, then the raisins. Divide the batter between the prepared muffin cups and bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted at the center of the muffins comes out clean. Allow to cool in the pan for 5 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool.
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May/June 2012
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SUMMER ACTIVITIES CAA camps Of the 30 camps that CAA is offering this summer, certain ones are particularly appealing to tweens, such as:
KIDS HAVE FUN creating
their own unique artwork in the Community Arts Academy summer art camps. In the painting classes, students learn loose painting application using acrylics and watercolors.
• Digital Editing Using Adobe Premiere — edit still images and video • Photoshop: Creating Digital Images — students create digital images based on their own drawings
Camp great for tweens IPFW day, week camps cover a variety of arts, theater BY MELINDA HAINES Do you have a “tween” in your life? Sometimes it seems that they are too old for “kid” activities and too young for “teen” activities, leaving them wondering what is out there for them. The IPFW Community Arts Academy offers camps for students from pre-kindergarten to grade 12. Tweens (ages 9-12) are a great fit for our weeklong summer camps. They have the ability to pay attention for several hours to really learn about a subject and they have the energy and creativity to dive in day after day. The CAA offers week-long camps that last from a few hours each day to all-day camps, depending on the subject and age of the camper. Camps are in the fields of art, dance, music and theatre and really encourage students to delve into a topic, whether it is digital editing, manga, painting, clay, 14
May/June 2012
metalsmithing, dance, summer strings or youth drama. CAA also offers private music instruction to those interested in everything from voice to piano, guitar, violin, clarinet and saxophone. CAA camps are held in studios, theaters, art rooms, computer labs and rehearsal rooms on the IPFW campus on the northeast side of Fort Wayne. Parking is in the new parking garage located near the Rhinehart Music Center, Visual Arts Building and Williams Theatre. CAA instructors are IPFW faculty members or experienced professionals. A limited number of partial scholarships for camps (up to half the cost) are available for students who are involved with programs such as 21st Century Scholars, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Boys and Girls Club and the National School Lunch Program. Summer is just around the corner so be sure to check out the Community Arts Academy for fine and performing arts camps that will encourage your child’s imagination and creativity. For information or to register for camps, visit or contact me at or 481-6059.
• Clay Pets — handbuilding techniques are used to recreate their pets in clay • Painting: Splash of Color — loose painting application using watercolor and acylics • Metalsmithing — fabricating techniques are used to create copper, brass and silver rings • Dance Sampler Camp — ballet, jazz and hip-hop and a recital at the end of camp • Summer Strings Camp — students are part of a string orchestra and perform in a recital at the end of camp • Youth Drama — students build theater skills with improvisation and small scenes; a performance at the end of camp
May/June 2012
When to plant? Jane Minick, an avid Steuben County gardener, said it is important to watch for frost dates — the last frost in the spring and the first frost in the fall. These two dates can tell you good times to start your garden. Minick said May is a good month to start your cabbages, broccoli and spinach, but the earlier the better. While this year we have had an exceptionally warm spring, the average last frost date for this planting zone (5b) is April 15, she said. Cool weather plants like cabbage, broccoli, spinach, peas and potatoes can be planted in early April but early May is a good time to plant most vegetables in our area. See page 18 for more vegetables that can be planted in May.
THIS PHOTO SHOWS LETTUCE, onions, spinach and garlic in Jane Minick’s garden.
May/June 2012
Dress (kids) to get dirty and let them have fun. Have them look for new creatures and plants they may not have known about before. This increases their imagination as well as their knowledge.”
your garden H Get the kids involved; you can learn along with them
aving a garden can be a family event. Get the kids involved! “What you might lose at first to over-enthusiastic weeding or digging will be more than compensated by hands-on learning and the satisfaction that comes from a true family project,” said Vi Wysong, who lives on a Noble County farm near Wawaka.
Vi Wysong
Wysong has been gardening since she was a young child. When her four children were growing up, she involved them with their large family gardens. A co-founder of KidCity, an interactive learning fair held annually at the Noble County fairgrounds on the first Saturday in August, she advises parents to let children explore and learn, just like you are learning. “Be patient and let them try everything they want to try, even if it means you have to go out and fix it later,” she said. NADINE KLINE Have them pick out a vegetable to plant. When a child picks CHILDREN SHOULD BE TAUGHT not to kill out the vegetable, plants it, and watches it grow, they are more earthworms — they help keep the soil rich and likely to want to eat it. aerated. “Dress them to get dirty and let them have fun. Have them look for new creatures and plants they may not have known about before. This increases their imagination as well as their knowledge,” Wysong said. “They will learn and use their imaginations. We made up stories about the bugs and worms they found.” Find a fellow gardener who can give you advice about how to keep your garden going and different ways to get the kids involved, Wysong said. You may think it is too late to start your garden, but it is not, said Jane Minick, head of KPC Media Group’s creative department. See GARDENING page 18
How to start
first but their efforts will result in pride as they see the results of their work begin to take root and flourish. NADINE KLINE May/June 2012
GARDENING From Page 17
“I have been an avid gardener for 38 years and yet every year I still discover new gardening techniques and new varieties to plant. Gardening is a way of life for me,” said Minick of Steuben County. Minick said May is a good month to start your cabbages, broccoli and spinach, but the earlier the better. More seed vegetables to plant in May are cucumbers, lettuce, radishes, peas, bush beans and onion sets. Plant your tomatoes and peppers in the garden when the night temperatures stay above 50 degrees. As June comes along it is getting later in the gardening season, but you can still plant green beans! You can also plant broccoli and cabbage seeds. These last two like to mature in cool weather, unlike plants such as melons, squash, peppers, and tomatoes, which like
May/June 2012
hotter weather. Minick said from experience a great vegetable you can plant anytime is lettuce. She has planted lettuce as late as November, by using wire hoops and plastic covering to create a tunnel. If you have the proper covering, you can plant the lettuce, cover it, and in early March, you will have lettuce popping up! She reuses the wire hoops in the summer with a gauze type row cover to keep insects and critters at bay. Minick recommends that first-time gardeners start small and add new vegetables each year. Put your garden in a place where it can get full sunlight and easy access to water and it is not easily viewed from the street, as first time gardens are not always very pleasant to look at. To keep the weeds at bay, use grass clippings or straw to mulch the rows. There is a bounty of information online, in the public library and your local extension office can be very helpful with questions about insect control and diseased plants, she said.
Wysong and Minick said to plant things you will anticipate eating. For example, if your family does not like spinach, do not grow spinach. Fresh vegetables are much more flavorful than vegetables from the can, so even if your child does not like canned green beans, have them try a fresh one and see if their attitude toward vegetables changes, Wysong and Minick said. You may want to try keeping a journal of your garden activity. Record what you planted, where you planted it, and when you planted it. You may even try making a map, as it is important to know where your plants are for special treatment, and for the next year’s garden. Gardening helps children learn about science, food, nutrition, problem solving and, best of all, you are doing something together. And remember June is not too late. Pumpkin seeds planted in early June should produce pumpkins in the fall when you want them, Wysong said.
Gardening tips â&#x20AC;˘ The city of Kendallville has 19 garden plots at Sunset Park that people can rent for $15 for the whole summer. They become available the first weekend of February by calling 3471064. They are all rented this year. The 25by-50 feet plots most commonly have tomatoes, corn and cauliflower. People need to bring their own water. â&#x20AC;˘ An easy plant to start out with for children is lettuce; it is easy to plant and easy to take care of. It is not a root plant, you can watch the progression of the growth. This will keep children engaged. (Jane Minick) â&#x20AC;˘ Schools are beginning to add gardens to their science programs as they have noticed the benefit of having children do hands-on activities.
Take some advice from experienced gardeners
â&#x20AC;˘ Since the rows in your garden often get mixed together or confused, plant a few radishes in each row. The radishes grow very quickly and sprout upwards. They will help you identify each row when all of your other plants start to pop up and overlap. (Vi Wysong) â&#x20AC;˘ When you start your garden, keep all of the packages you receive with your seeds or transplants, to help you know when to pick them, how to plant them, and the conditions they may need. (Vi Wysong) â&#x20AC;˘ Marigolds or other bright colored flowers on the sides of your garden will attract more butterflies and insects, which will allow new discoveries for your children, as well as being a natural pesticide for your plants. (Vi Wysong)
â&#x20AC;˘ Although it is very good to have a friend who gardens and from whom you seek advice, keep in mind that your soil may differ from theirs, so you may have different results. (Jane Minick) â&#x20AC;˘ Lettuce is a succession plant. This means that one week you can plant a row of lettuce, and the next week you can plant another row of lettuce and so on. This prevents you from running out of lettuce leaves. â&#x20AC;˘ To conserve water, cluster your â&#x20AC;&#x153;moisturelovingâ&#x20AC;? plants together, so you only have to use excess water in one area of soil, instead of multiple places all over your garden. (
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Call for details and/or to sign-up or for any questions you may have. Teacher/Trainer Ken Blackburn.
Pet Resort
May/June 2012
Grow your creativity Re-purpose, recycle and re-imagine BY KATHY STUTZMAN I don’t have a green thumb. In fact, air ferns have fulfilled their destiny at my hands. At the same time, I love having a beautiful yard. The abundant colors and fragrances lift my spirit and make for a pleasurable experience for me and any guests. With my husband’s help, and using ideas gleaned from magazines and such, we now have an English container garden that I designed with a stone pathway winding through it. Admittedly, the task of planting and maintaining the garden is delegated to my husband. I do help weed once they start growing and I can tell the difference between plants and weeds. Despite being greenthumb challenged, I have still been able to play a part in creating our backyard escape. I have used the skills I do possess to enhance the talents of my husband in making our property a beautiful and soothing place to relax. Tapping into my craft and design skills, I have come up with creative ideas to make our yard pretty and inviting. Challenged or not, you can also make your yard an oasis for family and friends without investing a lot of money. Think re-purpose, recycle and re-imagine as you
May/June 2012
view your yard and surroundings. Rummage through that silverware drawer and re-purpose some of those old spoons. Flatten them with a hammer for use as outdoor garden markers or for a windowsill garden. This is a charming way to boost garden appeal. Another way to beautify your yard is to cut some foliage from your trees, shrubs or flower beds to make one-of-akind stepping stones. Pour concrete into
plastic-lined pizza boxes and press in the foliage. Eventually, the foliage dries up and can be easily brushed off, leaving behind a unique design. Do something with those clay pots that are just taking up space in the garage. Recycle them by wiring them to a grapevine wreath forming a circle. (You will need pots with drainage holes.) Fill each pot with potting soil and add flowers or plant starts. Your creation will look gorgeous once they start growing. Re-imagine the moss growing in your yard. Use this often regarded “nuisance” to create a spring wreath by gluing the moss onto craft foam or a Styrofoam base. Look for rocks and use them in a new way. Make them into inspirational rocks for a quiet spot in the garden by writing “love, peace, or remember” on them. These are just a few ideas and I’m sure you’ll be able to think of more as you look around your home and property. Just remember that regardless of your level of gardening skills, you can still play a part in making your yard look great. Include your children or grandchildren in the fun and create some wonderful family memories. Maybe, you can’t grow plants but you can grow your creativity.
Lemonade Day is May 12 FORT WAYNE â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Lemonade Day Fort Wayne to be held Saturday, May 12, throughout the city, is a nationwide event that teaches youth the principles of business ownership and encourages entrepreneurialism. Participants will receive free materials and support upon registration, thanks to local sponsors who recognize the significant benefits of teaching youth business skills early. Lemonade Day Fort Wayne provides youth with many life lessons, including saving for the future. In addition to The Summit, sponsors include Barrett &
McNagny, the University of Saint Francis Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) Club, The Schwab Foundation, LaBov & Beyond, WBCL Radio Network and Parkview Health. Youth learn real-life skills by starting, owning and operating their own business, which gives them the opportunity to â&#x20AC;&#x153;spend a little, save a little and share a little,â&#x20AC;? donating a portion of their profits to a local charity of choice. After covering their expenses and paying back their investors, children are encouraged to open a youth savings account.
Visit all 5 neighborhoods to enter drawing.
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Saturday, August 4, 2012
Fort Wayne Youtheatreâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Rising Starâ&#x20AC;? Summer Camp Grades 3-12 Two week intensive course in all things Theatre! Pantomime, improvisation, character study through script reading, delivery, stage poise, blocking and simple choreography. Meet new friends and have a blast on stage! - 2 Theatres! - 3 Directors! - Everyone makes the show!! Weekdays 10 AM - 3 PM June 18 - 29th Located at the Arts United Center & First Presbyterian Theatre
303 E. Main St â&#x20AC;˘ Ft. Wayne, IN 46802 260.422.6900
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Noble County Fairgrounds Tots - Middle School
VISIT ALL 5 NEIGHBORHOODS: Arts & Culture â&#x20AC;˘ Communication Community â&#x20AC;˘ Environment & Science Health & Fitness
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Online registration and more information is available at
4LY]PU 3H\YH >OL[Z[VUL Â&#x2039; , 5 3H.YHUNL Â&#x2039; <: LHZ[ [V , UVY[O TPSLZ 6WLU 4VU :H[ H T W T Â&#x2039; *SVZLK :\U
May/June 2012
PC’s For Youth expands into Kosciusko County Program refurbishes, donates computers to students BY GRACE HOUSHOLDER LAGRANGE — A volunteer organization founded about five years ago by Westview senior Kyle Gough is expanding its distribution of refurbished computers to students in Kosciusko County. PC’s For Youth will now be serving students in middle school through college as well as people trying to obtain their GED in LaGrange, Noble, Steuben, DeKalb, Elkhart and Kosciusko counties. Colton Strawser, the volunteer executive director, said, “I’ve been with the program for just over three years now, and I never thought that we would or even could become this large an organization. When I first began volunteering we were only serving LaGrange County. To see five additional counties added to our service area in less than three years is
May/June 2012
amazing!” PC’s For Youth gets its computers through donations from businesses and community members that are upgrading to new machines or no longer have use for their computer equipment. To qualify for a computer the student has to be enrolled in an educational institution and cannot already have access to a computer at home. The organization’s motto is “Helping to bridge the digital divide in our community.” PC’s For Youth is a 501(C)(3) organization. Last year it gave out 62 computers. Funding comes from grants and a dinner banquet every year in August at the Shipshewana Town Center. In 2008, the Indianapolis Children’s Museum recognized Gough with one of the state’s highest youth honors for young people: The Power of Children Award. About two years prior Gough purchased 15 computers from a local company that went out of business.
To apply for a computer APPLICATIONS: Available in the guidance department of all the schools within the PC’s For Youth service area, community libraries, and online at FOR MORE INFORMATION: contact PC’s For Youth at 220-9268, email or visit
Gough then founded PC’s For Youth to donate computers to youth who could not afford them. He originally designed the charity to donate to youth in LaGrange County, but changed his plans to include anybody who needs to use a computer for educational purposes. “I have learned that giving back to the community and volunteering is worth it even if only one person’s life is changed a little bit. There is no more valuable gift than that of giving,” Gough said when he received the award.
Keeping up on product recalls has become easier BY LEIGH DENOON INDIANAPOLIS — Dozens of consumer products are recalled regularly because they could cause injuries or death, but keeping up on the latest recalls is easier than ever. Portable electric heaters, bicycle helmets and floor lamps, among other items, have been recalled for safety issues already this year. Consumers can Attorney Paul Shively says there are several new recalls every week, find an absolute and the best way to keep up on these wealth of informa- types of family safety issues is go tion, ranging from directly to the experts at the federal Consumer Product Safety tips on child- Commission. In this age of “informaproofing homes tion overload,” he finds the site easy to navigate. and buying toys, “Consumers can find an absolute wealth of information, ranging from to home safety tips on child-proofing homes and and product buying toys, to home safety and recalls. product recalls.” Shively says there’s been a decline in deaths and injuries from consumer Paul Shively, on products over the past 30 years, the website which he credits in part to the CPSC. A fairly new feature on the CPSC site allows consumers to report unsafe products. Shively advises checking the site once a week, or signing up for alerts via email. The site also has a search function for older products, which Shively says is useful when assessing the safety of secondhand items or hand-me-downs. More information is at There is a section “Especially for kids.”
May/June 2012
begin early
Students and parents should research any organization with which they have an affiliation to see if there are scholarships available to members and their children. Kate Coffman
’’ 24
May/June 2012
BY KATE COFFMAN A recent survey by the Indiana Partnerships Center found parents are overwhelmingly concerned about their ability to afford college for their children. While this is a legitimate concern, aid is available for those who plan and are willing to do the leg work. Searching for scholarships should not wait until a student’s senior year of high school. Beginning early — even freshman year — can result in money for school. By a student’s junior year, families should be searching for scholarships on a regular basis. There are many free scholarship search engines, including,,, and Families should never be charged to find scholarships. If a website requests a credit card number to do a scholarship search, it likely is a scam. Unfortunately, many of the free scholarship sites make a profit by selling your information to other companies for marketing purposes. One way to cut down on spam in your inbox is to set up a generic email address that you only use for scholarship searches. Most scholarship applications are now submitted electronically. Students should draft their essays in a word processing software and have the essays edited by an adult they trust. Saving the essays makes it easy to reuse them on multiple applications — just make sure to update each essay with specific scholarship information.
Nothing frustrates a scholarship committee more than reading an application referencing the wrong scholarship. Students also need to use proper grammar, avoiding slang and language teens use in text messages. Committees read hundreds if not thousands of applications and will be looking for the applications that stand out. Companies, unions, community foundations, churches and service organizations such as Rotary and Kiwanis offer many scholarships. Students and parents should research any organization with which they have an affiliation to see if there are scholarships available to members and their children. Employers of family members also might offer scholarships, and information usually can be found on companies’ or organizations’ websites under headings such as “community outreach” or “educational opportunities.” Almost every college and university offers some form of merit based aid. These scholarships and grants are awarded based on a student’s special talent — academic, artistic or even athletic. Visit a school’s website to learn more about its scholarship opportunities and the deadlines for applying. Most of the larger scholarships are awarded to students who apply early, usually September or October, and may involve a special scholarship application. For more information on merit based financial aid please visit
Roasted vegetables are a family favorite This casserole dish of vegetables is easy to prepare. I make it using baking potatoes, instead of Yukon Gold, and carrots instead of squash and sweet potato. I think you can be flexible and creative with this delicious recipe. — Grace Housholder
Roasted Vegetables INGREDIENTS • 1 small butternut squash, cubed • 2 red bell peppers, seeded and diced • 1 sweet potato, peeled and cubed • 3 Yukon Gold potatoes, cubed • 1 red onion, quartered • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary • 1/4 cup olive oil • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar • salt and freshly ground black pepper DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 475 degrees F. 2. In a large bowl, combine the squash, red bell peppers, sweet potato, and Yukon Gold potatoes. Separate the red onion quarters into pieces, and add them to the mixture. 3. In a small bowl, stir together thyme, rosemary, olive oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper. Toss with vegetables until they are coated. Spread evenly on a large roasting pan. 4. Roast for 35 to 40 minutes in the preheated oven, stirring every 10 minutes, or until vegetables are cooked through and browned.
Kohl’s Healthy Kids:
Meal-time Mania Try these strategies to maximize nutrition and enjoyment at your family’s dinner table. æ Lead by example — If you’re asking your child to eat certain foods, then you should eat them too. æ A parent decides when and what to offer — The child decides which and how much to eat. Do not give your child adult-sized portions or force him or her to clean the plate. æ Don’t give up on healthy alternatives — Continue to offer healthy foods along with family favorites. It can take up to 20 or more exposures for a child to accept a new food. æ Get creative — Try hiding small amounts of pureed or grated vegetables, such as carrots, in casseroles, soups or sauces. æ Kitchen helper — Involve your child with ageappropriate tasks. Kids are more interested in what is served when they help plan or prepare meals. Your child will enjoy helping to prepare this recipe. Leave the apple slicing to a parent.
Turkey, Spinach and Apple Wrap 1 Tbsp. reduced-fat mayo 2 tsp. honey mustard 2 whole-wheat flour tortillas 4 thin slices turkey breast (4 ounces) 1 Granny Smith apple, sliced paper thin 2 c. baby spinach leaves, or two large leaves of soft, leafy green lettuce Wash and dry spinach. Combine mayo and mustard. Spread edges of each tortilla with mayo mixture. Leaving a margin free on the side closest to you, arrange a layer of spinach on top of tortillas and top each layer with turkey. Evenly divide apple slices and lay lengthwise across turkey. Fold over the end of the tortilla closest to you, then the two sides. Roll the tortilla as tightly as possible. Cover each tortilla tightly in plastic wrap and refrigerate, seam side down, up to 4 hours before serving. When ready to serve, remove plastic wrap and cut each wrap in half, at an angle. Reference:
May/June 2012
Multi-step approach helps control
Patients with persistent asthma should have allergy testing and treatment. This may be accomplished with skin “pinprick” testing. Dr. Terry Gaff
’’ 26
May/June 2012
BY DR. TERRY GAFF May is Asthma Awareness Month. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 22 million people have asthma, including 6.5 million children younger than 18 years. This disease kills an estimated 4,000 victims per year. The guidelines for asthma management emphasize the following key points:
1) 2) 3)
Assessment of severity and control of each patient’s asthma to create an individualized treatment plan. Proper use of long term control and quick-relief medications.
Because asthma symptoms are variable, families need to recognize symptoms and adjust medications at home according to a written asthma action plan that is established for each individual patient.
4) 5)
Good communication between patients and their caregivers.
Patient education in several standard primary care visits, though some cases may need specialty care.
A multi-step approach is used to control asthma with increasing medication dosages and types as needed, and then decreasing them whenever possible, based on the level of asthma control. These written guides need to be different for kids.
Asthma control is also often improved by treating chronic diseases including nasal inflammation, sinusitis, gastroesophageal reflux, overweight or obesity, obstructive sleep apnea, stress and/or depression. Another aspect of control is to evaluate the person for things in the environment that may trigger asthma episodes. These often include tobacco smoke, dust mites, animal dander, cockroach allergens, indoor mold, wood smoke, formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds, air pollution, cold, damp, windy, stormy weather, sudden temperature changes, weeds, trees, grass, strenuous exercise, respiratory infections, and/or common food allergies. Patients with persistent asthma should have allergy testing and treatment. This may be accomplished with skin “pinprick” testing. However, there are blood tests that may also be helpful to define allergies and their severity by checking for the levels of immunoglobulin called IgE produced against specific things, like pollen. People with asthma and allergies should consider allergen immunotherapy, commonly called allergy shots, offered in a physician’s office, where any lifethreatening reaction can be managed. The shots are injections of gradually increasing amounts of the things that actually cause the allergic reaction, allowing the patient to gradually build up a tolerance to the allergens. See ASTHMA page 27
Brookfield Zoo to be crawling with ‘Xtreme Bugs’
ASTHMA From Page 26
Patients with persistent asthma, nasal polyps, or sensitivity to aspirin should avoid aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, and others) or naproxen (Aleve, Anaprox, Naprosyn), since these things can trigger severe allergic and asthma episodes. Use of humidifiers or vaporizers is not recommended in homes of patients with asthma sensitive to house-dust mites or mold. Although influenza vaccine does not reduce the frequency or severity of asthma attacks during the flu season, it is still recommended that all asthma patients receive the flu shot every year unless they have had a previous adverse reaction or have another reason for avoiding the vaccine. If you have concerns about these problems the best next step is to see your doctor to help you get the problem under control and keep it that way.
BROOKFIELD, Ill. — Brookfield Zoo’s summer-long exhibit of epic proportion will feature everything from extra-large animatronic bugs, including a 16-foot-high by 33-foot-long Japanese hornet displayed in the zoo’s Roosevelt Fountain, to extra-small live insects. Beginning Saturday, May 19, and continuing through Friday, Sept. 7, zoogoers will be able to walk along a winding trail and view 22 state-of-theart gigantic animatronic bugs from a fluttering Monarch butterfly and ladybug to a praying mantis and giant Madagascar hissing cockroach. In addition more than 150 stationary insects will be part of six themed
scenes, including bees pollinating, spiders hunting, ants feasting upon a scorpion, and cicadas hatching. Guests can also see live creepy crawlies in Harry’s Big Adventure: My Bug World! presented by Terminix. The exhibit will allow guests to journey through the interactive habitats of some of the smallest yet most important critters. Bug cooking demonstrations, cockroach races, a spider web climber, and other bug-themed entertainment is planned The Brookfield Zoo is at 8400 31st St., Brookfield, Ill. 60513. Call Sondra Katzen 708-688-8351 or 708-903-2071 for more information.
St. John Lutheran School Now registering for the 2012-13 school year!
- Christ-centered academic excellence - Preschool through eighth grade - Caring, experienced staff Our school participates in - Small class sizes the Indiana Choice Scholarship Program. - State accredited CONTACT US FOR DETAILS!
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May/June 2012
All parents and caregivers are encouraged to go to or to complete the online screening tool.
Easter Seals Arc offers online screening for autism FORT WAYNE — The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a new study detailing the prevalence of autism among 8-year-olds in 2008. According to information distributed by Easter Seals Arc of Northeast Indiana, one in 88 children (one in 54 for boys) have autism. This would suggest that more children are being identified and should receive the services and supports they need for best outcomes, according to the Easter Seals press release. Earlier detection gives children that critical window of opportunity and access to early intervention and treatment. The first five years of children’s lives are years of incredible learning that shape their futures. This, alone, is a reason to assure that all children have access to the resources they will need to learn and grow. Through the support of the CVS Caremark Charitable Trust, Easter Seals is offering free access to 28
May/June 2012
the Ages and Stages Questionaires by Brookes Publishing. The online screening tool helps parents and caregivers monitor a child’s development. All parents and caregivers are encouraged to go to or to complete the online screening tool. The online tools are an effective first step toward identifying if a child could benefit from early intervention. It becomes increasingly important that families know the signs of autism, have access to expert diagnosticians, receive services and grow into self-sufficient adults. Easter Seals Arc of Northeast Indiana’s mission is to create solutions that change lives of children and adults with disabilities or other special needs and their families. A wide range of services nurture independence based on individual goals and choices while providing advocacy and promoting community inclusion.
Early treatment important Every year, more than one million children with unidentified disabilities — including autism — enter school with learning and health issues that put them far behind their peers and have a lasting, negative effect. When kids get the right treatment they need before the age of 5, they are ready to learn alongside their peers, according to the Easter Seals press release.
Little River Ramblers 9-11 a.m. May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, June 5, 12, 19 and 26. Eagle Marsh Barn, South Side Engle R, one-half mile east of W Jefferson Blvd, Fort Wayne. Meet at the Eagle Marsh barn, 6801 Engle Road, Fort Wayne, to explore the preserve’s interesting plants and wildlife. Sponsored by Little River Wetlands Project. Free. Contact or 478-2515 for information.
Shipshewana Angola
Elkhart County
Steuben County
LaGrange County
Williams County Kendallville
Story time 10 a.m. May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, June 5, 12, 19 and 26. Carnegie Public Library of Steuben County, 322 S. Wayne St., Angola. For toddlers 12-24 months.
DeKalb County
Noble County
Defiance County Kosciusko County Warsaw
Story time 1 p.m. May 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31, June 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26 and 28. Carnegie Public Library of Steuben County, 322 S. Wayne St., Angola. For preschool-aged children, 4 years old and up.
Columbia City
Whitley County
Free Prenatal Classes 6-9 p.m. May 1, 15, June 5 and 19. Parkview LaGrange Hospital, 207 North Townline Road , LaGrange. Prenatal class series now free of charge. Conference Room A/B. Prenatal education will help you and your support person explore the physical, emotional and social aspects of birth. A tour of the Family Birthing Center is included. Class size limited. Early registration recommended. Call 463-9300.
Allen County
Paulding County
Fort Wayne
Van Wert
Van Wert County
Huntington Decatur
Huntington County
Wells County
Adams County
• Children should get an eye exam before the age of five. • Good vision is necessary for proper development and educational progress. • Untreated eye conditions can lead to vision loss.
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Tickets can be reserved for pickup at the door by calling 877-778-9647.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 2 Dining with Diabetes Class 5:30-7 p.m. Noble County Extension Office, 2090 N. St. Rd. 9, Suite D, Albion. This class includes both technical information about Diabetes delivered by a registered dietitian, Sarah Sweitzer, and menu planning and recipe ideas demonstrated by Janeen Longfellow.
THURSDAY, MAY 3 MOMS Club 9:15 a.m. May 3 and June 7. MOMS Club, Angola. $1 Night at Botanical Conservatory 5-8 p.m. May 3 and June 7. Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory. On the first Thursday of the month, the Botanical Conservatory offers $1 admissions from 5-8 p.m. for adults and children. Babies and up to age 2 are still admitted free. Enjoy evening hours and a special discount once a month. For more info, call 427-6440. Vision Speaker 6:30-8 p.m. Allen County Public Library, 900 Library Plaza, Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne Speaker Series. The latest in retinal degenerative eye disease research. Representatives from Apple and Best Buy will give brief demonstration on the latest iPad. Contact: Rick Dahlstrom, Fort Wayne Chapter president, 710-1701 or iPad Users Group 7 p.m. May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, June 7, 14, 21 and 28. Kendallville Public Library, Kendallville. New iPad users will discuss the use of apps and share experiences with the powers and the problems of the Apple iPad.
SATURDAY, MAY 5 Mayfest May 5 - 6. LaGrange County Convention and Visitors Bureau, 350 S. Van Buren St. (SR 5) , Shipshewana. Mayfest is a Shipshewana tradition since the mid-1980s. Parade, two running events, kids games, music, donkey basketball, food. Visit for schedule of events. Noble County Road Trip Weekend May 5 - 6. Kendallville Area Chamber of Commerce, 122 S. Main St., Kendallville. Great American Road Trip Weekend. Annual open house weekend for Noble County. Opening weekend of tourist season. Contact John Bry at 599-0060 or Wolf’s Swap Meet and Flea Market 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. May 5 and June 2. Wolf Swap Grounds, 4 miles south of Ligonier on US 33 and 1 mile east on Albion Road, Wolf Lake. $4 per carload for lookers. For information: 635-2356. Sylvan Springs Open House 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. May 5; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 6.
May/June 2012
More events online at Sylvan Springs, 2730 E Northport Road, Rome City open house as part of the Noble County Road Show. Guests should go to Townhouse No. 3, park in the lot south of the main building. A sneak peak at the future of Sylvan Springs and its first bed and breakfast rooms. Refreshments. Activities. Guided tours of the main building. The long term goal is revive Sylvan Springs as a retreat and conference center with multiple revenue streams. Conscious Community provides character education for school children and adults through its Living Consciously program. Online: and Anthony Wayne Stamp Society stamp collecting show 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 5 - 6. Fort Wayne Community Center, 233 W. Main St., Fort Wayne. Free parking and admission. disABILITIES Expo 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Allen County War Memorial Coliseum, Fort Wayne. The AWS Foundation hosts third annual disABILITIES Expo. For more information contact Lynne Gilmore at 207-5656 or Easels on West Maumee 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. May 5, 12, 19, 26, June 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30. West Maumee Street, , Angola. Art, music and food highlighting local talent. Wildflower Walk and Brunch 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Gene Stratton-Porter State Historic Site, 1205 Pleasant Point, Rome City. Delicious lunch in the Carriage House. Then a guided walk through Wildflower Woods and Gene’s formal of “tame” gardens. Bring field guides, comfortable walking shoes. $20 per person for the brunch and walk. Reservations required. Phone: 854-3790. Run For The Roses 5 p.m. Bridgewater Golf Club, 1818 Morningstar Road, Auburn. A Kentucky Derby-themed party benefiting Children First Center. Cash bar, appetizers, silent auction, games, entertainment, running of the Kentucky Derby, dinner, games, celebrations. Derby attire encouraged. $60 per person. Contact: Children First Center, 1752 Wesley Road, Box 562, Auburn, IN 46706. Chain O Lakes Chorus Spring Show 7 p.m. Lakeview Middle School, Warsaw. The second half of this show will feature the Warsaw Community Choir, the Chain Gang Barbershop Quartet and special guest quartet, Instant Classic. Tickets may be purchased from any member of the Chain O Lakes chapter. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for students 13 and older, with a valid Student ID. Children under age 13 are admitted free with a paid adult admission. If either show is not sold out, there may be some tickets available at the door.
SUNDAY, MAY 6 George R. Mather Lecture Series 2-3 p.m. The History Center, 302 E Berry St, Fort Wayne. Dana Wichern will present “Beyond the Garden Gate: the Impact of Women on City Beautification.”,
MONDAY, MAY 7 Kendallville Chess Club 5-7:30 p.m. May 7, 14, 21, 28, June 4, 11, 18 and 25. Kendallville Public Library, Kendallville. Meets every Monday.
TUESDAY, MAY 8 Book Buddies 6:30-7:30 p.m. Kendallville Public Library, Kendallville. Book Buddies in the Art Gallery offers your child the opportunity to participate in a story time and skills focused stations geared towards school readiness as well as offers a parenting component with tips and tricks of the trade. You’ll take home a free book, too, and all new books are available this year.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 9 Shots for Tots 1-4:30 p.m. May 9 and June 13. DeKalb County Health Department, 220 E. 7th St., Auburn. Free infant/child immunization clinic. Requirements: infants to age 18. Shot record. Must be accompanied by parent or legal guardian. Contact: 9252220. Bethlehem Dance Group 7 p.m. Plymouth Congregational Church, 501 W. Berry St., Fort Wayne. Bethlehem Diyar Dance Theatre Group associated with International Center of Bethlehem performance about transcending physical and emotional boundaries through spirit and art. Also learn the traditional Palestinian dance, the debkah. The young men and women are the only dance troupe in Bethlehem. Sponsored by Bright Stars of Bethlehem, and in Fort Wayne, by Indiana Center for Middle East Peace and Plymouth Congregational Church.
SATURDAY, MAY 12 Migratory Bird Day Festival Gene Stratton-Porter State Historic Site, 1205 Pleasant Point, Rome City. Inaugural International Migratory Bird Day Festival. Bird watching hikes, opportunity to kayak, leg banding, crafts, local artists, vendors, information for avian lovers of all
ages. $3 per person. Call 854-3790 for kayak reservation. NAMI Fort Wayne Walk 2012 9 a.m. Headwaters Park, 333 S. Clinton St., Fort Wayne. Walk begins at 10 a.m. Please call for more information or a registration packet., Grandparents As Parents 10 a.m. May 12 and June 9. Grandparents As Parents, 2690 C.R. 36A, Auburn. Grandparents As Parents support group for grandparents raising their grandchildren meets second Saturday at 10 a.m. at 2690 C.R. 36A in DeKalb County. Free child care provided. Children’s Theatre 2 p.m. East Noble High School, Kendallville. Introduce your child to theater. Contact East Noble High School for more information. Hoedown 6-9:30 p.m. East Noble High School Cafeteria, Garden Street, Kendallville. PULSE of Noble County Heel Stompin’ Hoedown dinner and dancing for ages 55 and up. $7 per person; $12 per couple. RSVP by April 27 to Noble County Community Foundation, Ligonier, 894-3335.
SUNDAY, MAY 13 Kite Fly Mid-America Windmill Museum, Allen Chapel Road, Kendallville. Enjoy the great out of doors with colorful kites. Kiwanis Mother’s Day 5K Run/Walk 2 p.m. Bixler Lake Park, , Kendallville. Starting at Lions Pavilion, east side of Bixler Lake. Prizes. Register at Kendallville Park & Recreation Dept., 347-1064.
TUESDAY, MAY 15 Prenatal Education 6-9 p.m. May 15 - 17; 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 23. DeKalb Health, , Auburn. Family Birthplace at DeKalb Health Conf. Room, 2nd floor, 1316 E. 7th St. Need-based financial assistance. Registration required. Contact Julie Wagner, 920-2780. Of f
SATURDAY, MAY 19 Kiwanis Bike Rodeo 9 a.m. to noon. Annual Kiwanis Bike Rodeo Bicycle Safety Course. Downtown Auburn, north side of DeKalb County Jail, Eighth and Union streets. Bring your own bike. Free helmets.
MONDAY, MAY 21 Breastfeeding Educatiion 6-9 p.m. May 21; 6-8 p.m. June 25. DeKalb Health, Auburn. Need-based financial assistance available. Contact Julie Wagner, 920-2780. Encourage, Empower and Enjoy the Autism Spectrum 7-8:30 p.m. May 21 and June 18. Easter Seals Arc, 4919 Projects Drive, Fort Wayne. Parents, grandparents, teachers, professionals and others wanting to learn more about autism are welcome. Topics vary monthly. For more information contact Susan Crowell at or call 6374409. C
All they need are the tools to get there. These resources are online and totally FREE! Explore different career paths. Prepare for career training or college. Plus students and parents can network and stay up-to-date on the latest college and career planning news via Trip To College on Facebook.
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May/June 2012
SATURDAY, JUNE 2 Moonlit Garden Tour 8-10 p.m. Gene Stratton-Porter State Historic Site, 1205 Pleasant Point, Rome City. Take a moonlit strol through Gene Stratton-Porter’s formal or “tame” gardens. Home to hundreds of species of plants and wildfloers. Music, wine tasting, white chocolate dipped strawberries. $25 per person. Age 21 and older. Reservations required. 8543790.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6 Chain O’ Lakes Festival June 6 - 9. Downtown Albion, Albion. Annual event with fun for all ages.
FRIDAY, JUNE 8 IPFW Wheelchair Tennis Open June 8 - 10. IPFW, Fort Wayne. Hosted by Turnstone. Turnstone offers numbers sports and recreation programs. For more information call 4832100 or visit
SATURDAY, JUNE 9 VisionWalk 8:30 a.m. Headwaters Park, 333 S. Clinton St., Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne VisionWalk, Benefitting Foundation Fighting Blindness. Registration at 8:30 a.m.; walk starts, 10 a.m., Germanfest Grounds. Join hundreds in the fight against blindness at the 6th Annual Fort Wayne VisionWalk. Since 2006, the program has raised over $20 million to fund sightsaving research for retinal diseases including retinitis pigmentosa, macular degeneration, and Usher syndrome, which collectively affect more than 10 million Americans. Form teams or walk independently at the free, family-friendly event, which will also include free admission and two food tickets to Germanfest, activities for children, refreshments, entertainment, and more. To participate or support the VisionWalk, visit
Parkview Noble offers free classes KENDALLVILLE — Parkview Noble Hospital offers free classes for expectant and new parents. Please call 347-8345 to register for the next available class. Lactation Class features instruction on breastfeeding and is geared to helping mothers get off to a good start. Classes scheduled as needed. Childbirth Class is for new moms as well as moms desiring a refresher. Partners welcome, too! Sibling Class teaches children ages 4-8 about their role as a new big brother or sister. A parent or adult family members needs to attend. Crib Class is for prospective parents to learn about SIDS, crib safety and starting good sleep habits for their newborn. Parenting Class helps new parents care for their newborn. Topics include car seat safety, feeding, infant CPR, choking and more.
June 15 is ideal for families or groups of friends or co-workers looking for a leisurely activity all can enjoy; hosted once again by The Trading Post Canoe, Kayak & Campground in Mongo. Host Sponsor is Farmers State Bank. Participants can choose from a 7-mile or a 13-mile paddle along the scenic Pigeon River. Ticket prices include canoe rental, life jackets and a healthy lunch. Adult and youth tickets are available with family-friendly options for youth and child paddlers. Sign-in is scheduled from 12:30-1:30 p.m. with boat launch planned for 1:45 p.m. Lunch will be served during sign-in. This year’s paddle will benefit Parkview LaGrange Hospital’s Rehabilitation Department Contact: Parkview LaGrange Foundation, 463-9004 or email You can also register at
Eating the Rainbow 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Parkview Noble Hospital, 401 Sawyer Road, Kendallville. Noble 1 meeting room. Kids and a parent or guardian will have fun experiencing new, unusual, healthy foods in a variety of colors. Free but reservations are requested; call 347-8161 or 888-737-9311, ext. 78161.
Renaissance Faire & Marketplace June 15 - 17. Buck Lake Ranch, 2705 W. Buck Lake Road, Angola. Enchanted Lakes Renaissance Faire & Marketplace set in the late Middle Ages through the Renaissance period. Stage performers, music, theatrical acts. Admission charge.
Paddle for Parkview The Trading Post, 7525 E. C.R. 300N, Howe. Third Annual Paddle for Parkview on Friday afternoon,
Pumpkinvine Bike Ride LaGrange County Convention and Visitors Bureau, 350 S. Van Buren St. (SR 5) , Shipshewana. 12th
May/June 2012
Annual Pumpkinvine Bike Ride. Choose from a 10.4-mile family trail ride all the way up to a 100mile ride. Pie and ice cream offered at Abshire Park and the Shipshewana Flea Market points. Registration is required with a downloadable form available at The Arts on Main City of Kendallville, Kendallville. Historic Main Street comes alive with art for all ages and interests. Calf Day Celebration 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cook’s Bison Ranch, Wolcottville. Music, food, free wagon rides. No admission charge. Phone: 866-382-2356;
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20 Mobile Mammography South Milford Church of Christ, 8030 E. 600 S., Wolcottville. Francine’s Friends Mobile Mammography. The best protection is early detection. Many insurance plans are accepted, and funding is available to cover expenses for women who do not have sufficient financial resources. Call 800-727-8439, ext. 26540 for appointment. Walkin appointments may be available. The mobile mammography program is a partnership of the Parkview Comprehensive Cancer Center, the Breast Diagnostic Center and Francine’s Friends. Shipshewana Quilt Festival June 20 - 23. LaGrange County Convention and Visitors Bureau, 350 S. Van Buren St. (SR 5) , Shipshewana. Shipshewana Quilt Festival welcomes over 2,500 guests annually; voted one of top 100 events in North America, by the American Bus Association; workshops, displays, keynote speaker Ricky Tims. Visit or call 800-254-8090.
THURSDAY, JUNE 21 Let’s Go on a Picnic 4:30 p.m. Parkview LaGrange Hospital, 207 North Townline Road , LaGrange. Conference Room A/B. Picnics are fun, but not if harmful bacteria are everywhere. Debra Pontecorvo of the Purdue Extension Office in LaGrange and Doris Sandker, Parkview LaGrange dietitian, will take you on an exploration of the four fundamental elements of food safety and the benefits of providing safe food for your family. Food safety items will be discussed and given that will help you pack healthy and safe picnics. Play. Learn. Soar 4:30-7 p.m. DeKalb County Fairgrounds, 708 S. Union St., Auburn. Kids Fair for ages 5 and under. Fun, food, games. Kids eat free. Contact: Diane Shoppell, 316-2661. Note: All area codes are 260 unless otherwise stated.
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