➤ DEKALB GIRLS EDGE PAST Lady Railroaders in Friday game, MORE ON PAGE 6 ➤
The Garrett Clipper An edition of The
VOL. 126 ISSUE #93 On the web at: kpcnews.com
75 cents Garrett, Indiana Established in 1885
School can’t confirm suicide pact Parent meeting is tonight in PAC GARRETT — School officials cannot substantiate rumors of a suicide pact at Garrett Middle School, the superintendent of Garrett-Keyser-Butler schools said Thursday. NewsChannel 15, our news partner, said several parents expressed concern about a suicide
pact in messages to the station. Their children told the parents that in the rumored pact, a different child each week would pledge to attempt suicide, continuing until Christmas break. Stockdale confirmed that two students recently attempted suicide, but they survived and are
receiving appropriate help, NewsChannel 15 reported. Stockdale released a formal statement about the situation Thursday: “Recently, we received reports about a possible suicide pact among a few students at Garrett Middle School. We are conducting an ongoing investigation and have interviewed over 30 students and
parents. To this date, we are unable to substantiate the rumor of a suicide pact. However, we take these rumors seriously and will continue to investigate any information we receive about possible harm to students. We are working with local law enforcement and counselors from the Northeastern Center regarding this issue. I encourage anyone with
Program assists GED students
City meetings planned this week GARRETT — The Garrett Redevelopment Commission will meet today at 5:30 p.m. in City Hall. The Garrett Board of Public Works and Safety will meet Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. Agenda items include the swearing-in of new police officer Bret Gage. The Garrett Common Council will meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. Agenda items include: • A report from Timothy Wall of Herceg and Assoc. regarding City Hall improvements; • the second and third reading of an ordinance providing residential access by city officials for the water utility department; • the first reading of an ordinance prohibiting parking during certain hours on certain streets; and • the second and third reading of an ordinance amending fixed wages and salaries for police and fire department for year 2012.
Holiday Boutique returns to Garrett Museum of Art GARRETT — The Garrett Museum of Art with Mary Thiel will present the second annual Holiday Boutique from Friday, Nov. 23 to Sunday, Dec. 23. A variety of work from local artists and craftsmen will be available for purchase. Featured products are pottery, paintings, woodcarvings, stained glass and jewelry. Shopping hours will be Fridays from 5-8 p.m., Saturdays from 4-7 p.m. and Sundays from 1-4 p.m. Special shopping hours for groups can be arranged with Teresa Stafford at 442-7605.
Christmas Parade of Lights planned GARRETT — Garrett’s sixth Christmas Parade of Lights will be Friday, Nov. 23, in downtown Garrett. Sponsored by the Garrett Chamber of Commerce and the DeKalb County Horsemen’s Association, draft horse teams will pull decorated wagons from Warfield Street to downtown Garrett. Their expected arrival downtown will be at about 6 p.m. Downtown businesses including restaurants will be open during the event. The community is invited to celebrate the holiday season with the parade of gentle giants and beautiful floats and lights. The parade route follows East Warfield to Randolph Street through downtown.
Sue Carpenter
Garret t High Sc hool’s spell bow l t eam f inished 4 t h out of 1 0 t eams in c lass 3 in the Nov. 10 Indiana Academic Spell Bowl State Finals at Purdue University in West Lafayette. East Noble’s spell team finished 5th in class 1 and 11th overall. Garrett and East Noble were the only two northeast Indiana schools in the state finals. Competition was divided into three classes based on student enrollment with class 1 the largest and class 3 the smallest schools. Each class had 10 schools in the competition. Ten spellers from each team spell nine words. Garrett spellers, in front from left, include Cassie Smith, Jacquelyne Zahner, Ben Jacobsen, Victoria Stone, Alyssa Patterson and Stephanie Moore, In back are Courtney Castator, Alexis Doster, coach Jonelle Furnish, Julie Thorne, Ty Debes and Alexa Davis.
County vote centers could be coming soon BY KATHRYN BASSETT kathrynb@kpcnews.net Seated in her office, surrounded by voting machines, precinct election reports and other documents from this month’s general election, DeKalb County Clerk Marty Grimm is passionate about one thing. “It’s our civic duty and right to vote,” she said. “If we can make it Grimm easier, I think it will be better.” That’s why Grimm plans to revisit the idea of vote centers early in 2013. Vote centers give voters more flexibility on Election Day, because they permit a registered
person to vote anywhere in the county instead of at traditional precinct voting places. Vote centers are connected through secure Internet connections, and as ballots are cast, an electronic poll book is instantaneously updated. Grimm and others who support vote centers say they make it more convenient for people to get to polling places on Election Day and also will save money. Opponents believe anyone who has further to travel to the polling place will be less likely to vote. Noble County Clerk-elect Shelley Mawhorter said she will make vote centers a focus when she takes office in January. She hopes that if all things come together, vote centers could be in use in 2014. Because there are no elections in 2013, that would be a good year
information to please contact the school or local law enforcement.” A parent who spoke to NewsChannel 15 criticized school officials for being to slow to inform parents about the situation. A meeting is planned tonight at 6 p.m.in the Performing Arts center to brief parents about the “unfounded rumor,” Stockdale said.
for training and purchasing any necessary equipment, Mawhorter added. Although the Noble County Election Board has not yet voted on whether to go to vote centers, the county council has included $40,000 in next year’s election budget to buy software for vote centers, Mawhorter said. Vote centers require unanimous approval of the county’s election board. LaGrange County Clerk Bonnie Brown said she is “very eager” to begin looking into vote centers and plans to seek approval of the county council and commissioners to form a study committee early next year. LaGrange County’s 14 precincts were staffed by 70 poll workers ➤Vote centers, Page 5
By Sue Carpenter suec@kpcnews.net GARRETT — A new program through SCAN, Inc. and WorkOne Northeast will help those wishing to complete their high school education plus gain tuition assistance. Be Someone Now is a free program geared for ages 16-21 years who dropped out of high school and are seeking a GED and college or job training. In addition to working toward a GED, students attend a three-hour session once a week at the Garrett Learning Center for students in Noble and DeKalb counties. Sessions are also offered in other counties on a weekly basis. Participants will earn $2,500 in tuition assistance, a laptop/notebook computer, tutoring, job placement, help with short-term goals in education and employment, door prizes, gift cards, mentors and a jobshadowing experience. To learn more about the program, go to www.scaninc.org and click the “Be Someone Now” link and complete the form, phone the Garrett Learning Center at 357-6216, or email scuster@gkb.k12.in.us or gmyers@gkb.k12.in.us.
AfterProm fundraiser raffle in progress GARRETT — The Garrett High School After Prom Committee is holding a Christmas fundraiser through Dec. 14. This year, three prizes will be given away — first prize is an Apple iPad mini; second prize is a $100 Visa gift card; and third prize is a $50 gas card. Tickets are available at the three school offices and in the superintendent’s for a cost of 3 for $5. The winning tickets will be drawn at 1 p.m. Friday, Dec. 14 in the superintendent’s office. All proceeds will benefit the 2013 After Prom Event.
Food drive, Thanksgiving service set Tuesday
Santa to visit Friday GARRETT — Santa Claus will arrive by fire truck in downtown Garrett Friday at 11 a.m. He will greet children at the Silver Screen Cinema. Children are asked to bring non-perishable food items for the food pantry.
The Garrett Clipper P.O. Box 59 Garrett, IN 46738 Phone: 925-2611 ext. 45 Fax: 925-2625 attn: Garrett Clipper
Sue Carpenter
This color guard from Boy Scout Troop 178 carried in the flags during a Veterans Day program at Garrett Middle School last week. From left are Avery Morrison, Alex King, JW Custer, Logan Brewer and Josh Blessinger.
GARRETT — A community wide “Fill the Trailer” food drive and Thanksgiving service are planned Tuesday, Nov. 20 at Miller’s Merry Manor in Garrett. From noon to 8 p.m., muchneeded nonperishable food and toiletry donations can be dropped off in a trailer in Miller’s parking lot for the Community Care Food Pantry. A community Thanksgiving service will be in Miller’s dining room facility at 6:30 p.m. A “chalk-talk” message will be presented by a local artist. All are invited to attend.
The Garrett Clipper
LOCAL NEWS Entertainment at Legion Friday GARRETT — B & B Sound will provide entertainment Friday from 8-11 p.m. at the Garrett American Legion, 515 W. Fifth Ave. The event is open to the public at no cover charge. Go to garrettamericanlegion.com for more information.
Airport board approves purchases By Aaron Organ aorgan@kpcnews.net AUBURN – The DeKalb County Airport will add a new sport-utility vehicle and a lift to its fleet, after the airport authority board approved the purchases Friday. In its monthly meeting, the board granted airport manager Russ Couchman no more than $58,000 to
Live music at Eagles Saturday
purchase the SUV and a 34foot, tow-behind lift. Couchman said he had received a quote from Ben Davis Ford of $33,066 for a Ford Explorer, but said he may look into a new Ford Interceptor because it is already outfitted with a radio and lighting. The lift, which will be used to access towering maintenance needs around the airport, runs
$22,000. Couchman will transfer the truck he currently uses to patrol the airport grounds to the maintenance department, which also will use the lift. Couchman will use the new SUV. The vehicles will be purchased with 2013 funds. Also Friday, the board authorized Couchman to solicit bids for designing a
makeover of the airport terminal. Couchman said he envisions a “spruced up” look with a funky design to appeal to the more exuberant clientele the airport services. He said the makeover will include removal of an office, a new reception desk and a jazzed-up pilot lounge with new seating, among other renovations.
GARRETT — The Garrett Eagles will host Russ Chandler on Saturday from 6:30-10:30 p.m. The event is open to the public. The Eagles home is at 220 S. Randolph St.
Monday DeKalb County Commissioners, Commissioners Court, 8:30 a.m. Weigh to Go, First Baptist Church, Garrett, 10 a.m. 357-5309 TRIM (Try Removing Inches Monthly) weigh-in, Alliance Industries, 901 E. Quincy St., Garrett, 5 -6 p.m., meeting follows. Phone 357-3617 for information Garrett Redevelopment Commission, 5:30 p.m., City Hall Garrett Lions Club, Railroad Inn, 6:30 p.m. Auburn/DeKalb County Multiple Sclerosis Self Help Group: DeKalb Medical Arts Bldg. Conference room 303B. DeKalb Memorial Hospital Auburn. Phone (260) 637-3820 for info
Tri Kappa selling nuts for holidays GARRETT — Need a stocking stuffer or a snack to take to the Christmas party? Tri Kappa nuts are in and a limited number of extra bags are available. Pecans and cashews are $10 per bag. Double-dipped chocolate and honey roasted are $6 per bag. All are 1-pound bags and can be frozen. Nuts can be purchased at Garrett Country Club or People’s Federal in Garrett, Parker Carhartt Outlet in Avilla, Italian Grille in Auburn, or from any Tri Kappa member. For more information, contact Amy at 357-5165. All proceeds benefit Tri Kappa programs.
Lions hosting dinner meeting, school tour GARRETT —The Garrett Lions Club will be hosting an open dinner meeting at Garrett High School on Monday, Dec. 3 at 6:30 p.m. This VIP event will include a guest speaker, some special guests, and a tour the new Garrett High School that evening, which will be the first community opportunity to see the school. The school will be auctioning a couple stone rosettas and other mementos from the old high school building. The pot roast meal will cost $10. Those interested in attending should contact a local Garrett Lions Club member. Tickets will be available in the next few days and this event will be limited to 300 people. For more information contact Don Chaffin at 3576151, Mike Tullis at 4374301 or Thomas Funeral Home at 357-0444.
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Couchman said in all, the rehabilitation of the terminal could run some $70,000, though the first bid will involve only the design portion. The board announced the hiring of Jason Hoit as assistant airport manager. Hoit, who previously worked at the airport in Terre Haute, started in his new position Tuesday.
Tuesday Sue Carpenter
Garrett Rotary president Tom Drzewieck i, third from right, presents a $500 check to Cheryl Karr, executive director of the Judy A. Morrill Center. The funds will doubled through a dollar-for-dollar matching grant from Ron and Connie Dicke. From left are Sue Blotkamp from the JAM Center, Rotarians Lili Hand and Jerry Parker, Karr, Drzewiecki, and Rotarians Brenda Mansfield and Susie Branscum.
COURT NEWS Man sentenced to 20 years for child molesting AUBURN — A Huntertown man was sentenced to 20 years in prison for child molesting by DeKalb County Judge Kevin Wallace Wednesday. David Ames Jr. of the 15000 block of Old Lima Road, pleaded guilty to the Class B felony crime as part of a plea agreement filed in DeKalb Superior Court I. The charge originally was filed as a more serious Class A felony but was reduced as part of the agreement, which also specified a sentence of 20 years. As part of the agreement, the state will refrain from filing more sex offense charges against Ames. According to an affidavit of probable cause for Ames’ arrest, Ames molested a child younger than age 14 during the summer of 2010 in a mobile home in Butler. During other hearings in DeKalb Superior Court I Tuesday and Wednesday: • Jennifer Schuller of the 600 block of East Union Street, Waterloo, received a 60-day suspended sentence and one year of probation for disorderly conduct, a Class B misdemeanor. She received one year of probation and was fined $30. She must pay court costs. • Devin Reith of the 1200 block of North Dewey Street, Auburn, received a 60-day suspended sentence and one year of probation for being a minor
The Garrett Clipper (Publication No. USPS 214-260) Established 1885 Terry Housholder, President Susan M. Carpenter, Publisher 260-925-2611 ext. 45 Entered at Post Office, Garrett, as periodicals postage paid Published by KPC Media Group Inc. at 102 N. Main St., Kendallville, IN 46755 every Monday and Thursday. Open: Mon. - Fri. 8-5 260-925-2611 ext. 45 • Fax: 260-925-2625 thegarrettclipperonline.com SUBSCRIPTION RATES Home Delivery: $33 - 6 mo. • $44 - 1 yr. In County: $39 - 6 mo. • $52 - 1 yr. Out of County: $50 - 6 mo. - $64 - 1 yr. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Garrett Clipper, P.O. Box 59, Garrett, IN 46738 The Garrett Clipper home office: 1526 CR 56, Garrett; drop-off box at Garrett Public Library, 107 W. Houston St., Garrett MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS If you receive your paper by mail and are dissatisfied with delivery, you should ask your local postmaster for a Consumer Service Card and record your complaint on that form. If this does not bring about improvements, please contact us.
consuming alcohol, a Class C misdemeanor. Reith was fined $30 and must pay court costs. • Dallas Howard of the 600 block of Dowling Street, Kendallville, was sentenced to one year in jail, all suspended except 180 days, for operating a vehicle with an alcohol content of at least 0.15 grams, a Class A misdemeanor. He was fined $500 and placed on probation through Nov. 13, 2013. He must pay court costs, and his driving license was suspended for 90 days. • Joseph Bertoia of the 600 block of North Washington Street, Angola, received two 10-month sentences for possession of cocaine and possession of more than 30 grams of marijuana, both Class D felonies. The sentences will be served at the same time, but consecutive to a twomonth sentence he received for an unrelated charge of residential entry, a Class A misdemeanor. He was fined $1 in both cases and must pay court costs. • Jose Maynez of the 800 block of Griswold Court, Auburn, received a 90-day sentence, all suspended except 20 days, for possession of marijuana, a Class A misdemeanor. He received credit for time served in jail while the case was pending. He was placed on probation through Nov. 14, 2013, and was fined $25. He must pay court costs. • Milan Stankovic of the 3400 block of C.R. 34, Waterloo, was sentenced to 90 days in jail, all suspended except 20 days, for possession of marijuana, a Class A misdemeanor. He received credit against the sentence for time already served in jail while the case was pending. He was placed on probation through Nov. 14, 2013, and was fined $25. He must pay court costs.
DeKalb County Izaak Walton League Rotary Club, Railroad Inn, 12 noon Free anonymous/ confidential HIV testing, DeKalb County Office Bldg., 2:30-4 p.m. City of Garrett Board of Public Works, City Hall, 5:30 p.m. Diabetic Support Group, Heimach Center, Auburn, 6:30 p.m. Garrett City Council, City Hall, 7 p.m. Overeaters Anonymous, St. Joseph Parish Center, 7 p.m.
Wednesday Fort Wayne Alzheimer’s Support Group, 227 E. Washington Blvd., 10-11:30 a.m. American Legion Post 178, 7 p.m., Garrett Widows and Widowers Support Group, St. Joseph Parish Center, 7 p.m. Garrett Post 1892, V.F.W., lodge hall, 7:30 p.m. DeKalb D.A.V., Auburn American Legion Post 97, 7:30 p.m.
POLICE NEWS Photo contributed
Garrett senior Samantha Mettert is learning employment skills through her job at Steak ‘n Shake.
ICE student works for Steak ‘n Shake I am Samantha Mettert and I work at Steak n’ Shake in Auburn. I decided to be in the ICE program because I wanted more education about the “real world.” At Steak n’ Shake, I dress the sandwiches and do all the food prep for the day. My favorite part of the job is definitely the people I work with, because it is so easy to get along with everyone. So far, I have learned how the fast food industry works and how important it is to get
potatoes we also have cabbage! TROYER FARMS 4023 CR 53 East of Auburn, take CR 40 to CR 53 260-908-3813
along with everyone in a workplace. One quality trait I constantly see in my mentor, Jeffery Albert, is how friendly he is to customers, even when they don’t agree with him. I would recommend ICE to other students because it’s a good way to spend your senior year and you can earn money for college all while getting credits in school. Thank you to my coworkers, our customers, and Garrett High School for this fun opportunity.
Driver hurts neck in rural collision BUTLER — A Garrett driver complained of neck pain after a two-vehicle collision Wednesday at 5:23 p.m., the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department reported. Jason T. Curry, 35, of Music Drive was driven to a local hospital by a family member and released with a neck contusion, a news release said. Curry’s 2000 GMC sportutility vehicle collided with a 2012 International box truck driven by Travis S. Dry, 37, of Fort Wayne, police said. Dry told police he was traveling southbound on S.R. 1 and stopped for a stop sign at S.R. 8. He did not see Curry driving eastbound on S.R. 8 and started to cross the intersection. Curry told police he slammed on his brakes, but could not avoid a collision with the right front area of the truck. Police estimated $5,000 damage to each vehicle.
Thank you... Send them your heartfelt thanks. This is a great way to say thank you to everyone who helped you in your time of need. Reach them today in your hometown newspaper.
The Garrett Clipper garrettclipper@kpcnews.net 260-925-2611 ext. 45
Bernard Brumbaugh
Sue Carpenter
Jason Bolinger, center, owner of Garrett Hardware, was recently recognized by Chamber members Marc Chamberlin, left, and Dr. Sarah Ragan.
Local Chamber of Commerce spotlights Garrett Hardware its current location at 206 S. Randolph St. in 1959. In Jan. 1970, James Feiser bought the store and renamed it James Hardware. The store was also owned by Charlie Rowe and Steve Osterhout. The Bolinger family has owned and operated the store since 1986. Jason Bolinger currently managers and co-owns the
store. He has worked at the hardware since he was 11 years old. Shoppers can find many useful items and services at Garrett Hardware, such as glass window and screen repair, lock rekeying and repair, pipe cutting and UPS shipping. Hours are MondayFriday 8-8, Saturday 8-5 and Sunday 10-4.
LETTER TO THE EDITOR Many enjoy Senior Bash To the editor: More than 300 people attended the Senior Bash on Oct. 25. It is occasions such as this event when it is difficult to know where to start in sharing the highlights of such a spectacular evening and then in making certain we leave no one out in expressing our gratitude. The Auburn American Legion Post 97 presented the colors, followed by a rendition of “God Bless America,” with the audience joining in. Pastor Ralph Diehl, New Hope Christian Center, started the evening’s festivities with a meaningful invocation. We thanked the event sponsors: Smith Farms Manor, The Laurels of DeKalb, Bob Love and the DeKalb County Council on Aging. This support allows an event of this magnitude to be offered at a reasonable cost to all. The National Military History Center provides the perfect location — a special thanks to Tammy Hantz, museum director. United Way of DeKalb County Executive Director Julie Hill-Lauer, campaign chairs Ian and Paula Mercer, United Way staff and several board members attended to man the pledge/donation table and to give their support to the event. A mission of our agency is to
use the event as a kick-off for our participation in the annual DeKalb County United Way Campaign. This year our agency’s in-house campaign chair, Bob Burris, planned a very entertaining contest. Any attendee who made a donation that evening was entered into a drawing from which three contestants were chosen. Each contestant was then partnered with a United Way representative. They disappeared behind a curtain to don hula dancer outfits. The ensuing dance with each participant playing their part to the hilt was met with roars of laughter that seemed to literally rock the building. Audience applause followed with a final decision by United Way judges resulting in awards of first prize, $75, second prize, $50, and third prize, $25. The donations/pledges netted a sizable amount which will be included as a portion of the council on aging’s annual contribution to the United Way campaign. Dane Bailey, the Singing Auctioneer, kept the fastpaced evening on track and on time. Dane has a beautiful voice and great rapport with his audience. A highlight was an awesome show-stopping performance by the Summit City Chorus (barbershop music at its finest). The group’s emcee, Dan Johnson, did a fine job. High’s Bar-B-Q & Catering served a mouth-
watering chicken and pork chop dinner with all the fixings. Once again, dozens of local merchants were more than generous with fabulous door prizes. DeKalb Health graciously donated a grand prize of $150, which was presented by Kelly Dunham, DeKalb Health interim C.E.O. The council on aging’s ways and means committee and so many other volunteers planned, sought out the door prizes, created media items, set up, decorated, greeted guests, worked at the sign-up tables and cleaned up. Our hats go off to KPC Media/The Star and especially Lisa Myers and Kathryn Bassett for their assistance. This annual event is a chance to enjoy time with family and friends, to renew old friendships and to make new ones. We all must find our own way of living in this all-toohectic world. We want the Senior Bash to be an opportunity to simply relax and enjoy many of the simpler pleasures that help us to realize what is really important to each of us. We look forward to the 2013 Senior Bash; same place, same time, different date, but hopefully once again an event you won’t want to miss. Meg Zenk DeKalb County Council on Aging
GARRETT — Bernard Dean Brumbaugh, 69, of Brutus, Michigan, died July 7, 2012, in Tender Care Nursing Home in Cheboygan, Michigan, after a lengthy illness. He was the son of the late Mr. Charles and Pauline Brumbaugh (Fogle) Brumbaugh of Fort Wayne and Jimmerson Lake. Born in Fort Wayne and raised in Garrett, Ind., Mr. Brumbaugh was in automotive sales and was a veteran of the United States Marine Corps. He is survived by one son, Brad of Indiana; three daughters, Beth of Indiana, Tanya Goodpasture of Independence, Mo., and Megan Burkhart of Frederic, Mich.; two grandchildren: Serenity and Raelynn; three sisters: Sandra Kump of Waterloo, Ind., Linda Bane of Richmond, Ind., and Crystal Flagg of Germantown, Md., and two brothers: Randall and Bryan Brumbaugh of Fort Wayne. A memorial service for Dean will be held Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012, at 12 p.m. in the Auburn Church of the Nazarene Social Hall at 2301 N. Main St., Auburn, Ind., followed by a covered dish dinner for family and friends. Thomas Funeral Home in Garrett is in charge of arrangements.
Ronald Kelley HUDSON — Ronald L. Kelley, 78, died Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2012. Services were held Saturday at Helmer United Methodist Church with Pastor Donna Holcomb officiating. Burial was in Wright Cemetery. Masonic services were conducted Friday. Memorials are to Parkview Noble Hospice or Riley Childrens Hospital. Johnson Funeral Home, Hudson handled arrangements.
Helen Esterline AVILLA — Helen I. (Sanford) Esterline, 92, of
Hours The library is open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., on Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The library will close Wednesday, Nov. 21 at 5 p.m. and reopen Monday, Nov. 26, at 9 a.m. for the Thanksgiving holiday. Bird watching program Find out how to become a part of the annual bird count by signing up for Project Feederwatch at the Indiana Birds program Saturday, Nov.
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Avilla and formerly of Pioneer, Ohio, died Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2012, at Provena Sacred Heart Home in Avilla. A celebration of life gathering was held Saturday at Feller & Clark Funeral Home, Auburn. Private burial was in Floral Grove Cemetery in Pioneer, Ohio. Memorials may be directed to the Alzheimer’s Association.
Earl Diehl ANGOLA — Earl William Diehl, 51, died Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2012, at Cameron Memorial Community Hospital, Angola. There will be private family visitation. Graveside services will be at 11 at Wednesday at Lakeside Cemetery in Fremont with Milan Towers officiating. Memorials are to the family. Beams Funeral Home in Fremont is in charge of arrangements.
Russell Wolf KENDALLVILLE — Russell J. Wolf, 88, of Kendallville died Thursday, Nov. 15, 2012, at Parkview Noble Hospital in Kendallville. Graveside funeral services and burial were held Saturday at Lake View Cemetery in Kendallville with the Rev. Dr. Leonard King officiating. Hite Funeral Home in Kendallville handled arrangements.
Betty Darr KENDALLVILLE — Betty J. Blaskie (Rynearson) Darr, 88, of Kendallville died Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2012, at Provena Sacred Heart Home in Avilla. Funeral services were held Friday at Hite Funeral Home with Thomas Novy officiating. Burial was in Lake View Cemetery in Kendallville. Preferred memorials may be made to American Legion Post #86 Auxiliary.
Katherine Hildebrandt AUBURN — Katherine M. (Evans) Hildebrandt, 91, of Auburn died Thursday Nov. 15, 2012, at DeKalb Health in Auburn. Services will be at 10
a.m. today, Nov. 19, at Feller & Clark Funeral Home, Waterloo with the Rev. Betty Sivis officiating. Burial will be in North Shore Memory Garden, Benton Harbor, Mich. Memorials can be directed to First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ.
Bernard Prebynski AUBURN — Bernard J. “Bernie” Prebynski, 57, of Auburn, died Friday, Nov. 16, 2012, at Lutheran Hospital in Fort Wayne. A Mass of Christian burial will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Auburn with Father Derrick Sneyd officiating. Burial will be in Holy Cross Cemetery in Akron Wednesday. Calling is today, Nov. 19 from 3-8 p.m. at Feller & Clark Funeral Home, Auburn and also one hour prior to the Mass at the church Tuesday from 10-11 a.m. Preferred memorials can be directed to Immaculate Conception Catholic Church.
Noah Delagrange SPENCERVILLE — Noah Leroy Delagrange, 87, died Friday, Nov. 16, 2012. Calling will be today, Nov. 19 from 2-4 p.m. and 6-8 p.m. at Central Church, 5801 Schwartz Road. A memorial service will be held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 20 at Central Church. Pastors Jeremy Helmuth and Don Delagrange will officiate. A private family burial will be held. Memorials may be made to DeKalb Home Hospice, 1316 E. 7th St., Auburn, IN 46706 or Central Missions fund at Central Church. Arrangements by Carnahan-Baidinger & Walter Funeral Home, Spencerville.
OBITUARY POLICY The Garrett Clipper does not charge for death notices that include notice of calling hours, date and time of funeral and burial, and memorial information. An extended obituary, which includes survivors, biographical information and a photo, is available for a charge. Contact editor Sue Carpenter for more information at: suec@kpcnews.net.
Business Directory For Professional Services Contact These Qualified Businesses
GARRETT — The Garrett Hardware was recently spotlighted by the Garrett Chamber of Commerce. The hardware’s history began with George Wyatt before World War II at the northwest corner of Quincy and Randolph streets in the former American Legion building. The store was moved to
The Garrett Clipper
114 N. Cowen St. Garrett Fax 357-4233
Providing Land Surveying Service For Northeast Indiana
17, at 10 a.m. Warren Mead, the local Audubon Society board member will share what people can do during the winter months to care for birds. Call the library at 3575485 to pre register for the program. Watercolor class offered Mary Thiel will lead a watercolor painting class Saturday, Nov. 17, from 1-3 p.m. Thiel will share tips and techniques on painting. All supplies are provided and
there is no cost to attend. Call the library at 357-5485 to pre register for the program. Kid’s Club celebrating Thanksgiving Children in kindergarten through fifth grade are welcome to join Kid’s Club on Tuesday, Nov. 20, from 3:30-4:30 p.m. to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. Children will make a craft to take home. For more details, call 357-5485 and ask for Kiley.
Community Calendar Garrett Ministerial Association
for Community Care Food Pantry
Tues., Nov. 20 • Noon-8 PM
Miller's Merry Manor Non-perishable food and toiletries needed
Miller's Merry Manor "Chalk Talk" message by local artist
6674 CR 9 Garrett
ELECTRIC Industrial • Commercial • Residential
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1277 C.R. 56 • Garrett • 357-0444 Thomas Drzewiecki Director/Owner Ryan Myers Director
The Garrett Clipper
HAPPY BIRTHDAY November 20 Krystal Woodward Amanda Renee Ort Kerry Edward Yingling Cindy Custer Shirley Jimmy Collins Carol Shine Mrs. Adam Kobiela Mrs. George Talley Marian Joan Haffner Douglas Grueder Doris Fluke John Snook Carolyn Jean Widner Judith Detrick Schwister Joanna Simon Andrews Mary Yingling Mitchener Marlene Elaine Days Joyce Pepple Hodge Becky Weber Lyle Rentrow Jalen Joshua Vanderbosch
November 21 Johnathan Douglas Reinhold Carter Patrick Demske John Busch Kosima Maggert Amy Marlene Priest Denise Clady William Ralph Rogers Sally Lou Robbins Jeff Metzger Laurin Fike Richard Woodward Mrs. R. L. Bartels Melvin Diederich Sandra Kaye McClish Clyde Smith Donald Reese Arthur W. Buss Sally Lou Hall
November 22 Jeff Platner Steven Rex Kennedy Dawn Renee Leeson Denny Smith Linda Cripe Denise Mansfield Timothy Hugh Delauder Tom Keefer Patricia Byanski Martin Robert Crowl Judy Ann Loomis Linda Conkle Grubb Mrs. Hugh Rynerson Ruth Coble Cary Sandra Marie Reeves Daniel Lee Shumaker Cheryl Yingling Ely Matthew McCarty James Andy Delauder Arlene Albertson Marlene Days Cody Moon
November 23 Shannon Deery Julia Thorne Brian Kent Bock Erica Yoder Jamison Ruth Miller Young Martha McKinley Custer
Jack Smurr Theresa Marie Sickmiller Thomas Lee Jackson Sandra Sue Wilcoxson Elizabeth Ann Case Ervin Larry Lee Weller Ann McBride Robbins Ivy Alexia Custer Sarah Haynes Sweitzer Pam Hofferman Burgundy Rose Loutzenhiser Kevin Young Chris Moe Heather Harshman Amy Welch
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Sue Carpenter
Mary McCalla from the United Way of DeKalb County, right, serves up a bowl of soup for Mark Stebing of MJS Apparel during a free soup lunch at Dot’s Eatery earlier this month. The event was sponsored by Garrett State Bank and Tarlton Plumbing, Electrical and Heating. The United Way campaign continues through the end of the year to raise $650,000 for more than 20 partner agencies in the area.
Poised for excellence in 2013 In the aftermath of one of the tensest elections in recent history, I am reminded of something JFK once said “Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.” As we near the 2013 legislative session, it is my hope that 118th General Assembly will enter this season of improvement and growth for Indiana with an open mind, ready to tackle the challenges brought forth by new ideas and opportunities. Indiana has the potential to continue the streak as the super state of the Midwest, leading the nation in job creation and economic growth. With the strong leadership of both legislative chambers and the open mindset of the legislature, I believe we are poised to
bring Indiana into the spotlight once more as a beacon of hope for the country. House Republicans added 19 new members to the General Assembly bringing the total to 69 and gaining THE POND the REPORT Supermajority. State Rep. During our Phyllis Pond House Republican Caucus on Nov. 7, Brian C. Bosma (RIndianapolis) was re-elected as the Speaker of the House. Representative Bill Friend (R-Macy) and Representative Kathy Kreag Richardson (RNoblesville) were also reelected to their positions as Majority Floor Leader and Caucus Chairwoman. I am
sure they will continue to serve Indiana to the best of their ability. As one of the longerserving members of the House, I have witnessed much change in our state. Power has shifted parties a number of times, going from Republican to Democrat and back again. That is the nature of politics, to be an ever-changing and evolving creature. What needs to be kept in mind is the necessity to focus on what is best for Hoosiers and the well-being of all in our state. In the upcoming session, I will keep your needs in the forefront of my mind as I make decisions on legislation affecting our state. I have even sponsored, authored and co-authored several bills with ideas that my constituents have brought to my attention. My job is act as your voice in the General Assembly, making it important for you to share
your thoughts and ideas with me. Representative Lehman and I will be introducing a bill to facilitate the transfer of the Monroeville school, which East Allen Schools want to sell to any willing buyer. Present law is preventing this from happening in a timely way. I believe this bill will allow the transfer possibly by this coming summer. Our Locally Grown Ideas campaign is the perfect opportunity for you to communicate other great ideas on how to make Indiana an even better place. As Speaker Bosma said, we’re not striving to move Indiana from good to great, we are already there. We’re going from great to superior. I appreciate being reelected as your Representative for House District 85 and look forward to a productive session of the 118th General Assembly.
What happens after election day? While the 2012 election has come and gone, lawmakers’ work is just beginning. In a few weeks, the Indiana Senate will convene for the first time since March. This day – Organization Day – will ceremonially kick off the 2013 legislative session. Generally, Organization Day is administrative, and no legislation is voted on or discussed. It is used as an opportunity for arranging committees and swearing in new members. This also gives each caucus the opportunity to organize before session officially begins on Jan. 7. Every other year, the General Assembly focuses on drafting and implementing a new budget to fund government services in Indiana. The 2013 session will be a budget year with session scheduled to conclude on April 29. Many issues will be brought to the table for
discussion in 2013. These include: • Budget Surplus — Indiana is projected to have a budget surplus of more than $400 million this year. THE Some people believe this KRUSE money REPORT should be returned to State Sen. taxpayers Dennis Kruse while others think it should boost funding for state services. This debate will be reviewed as our legislators construct next year’s budget. • Vocational Education Funding — Many Hoosiers feel there should be a stronger emphasis in our schools on vocational and technical education as an alternative to attending college. Lawmakers are considering increasing funds to support these programs and expand opportunities for
students. • Sentencing Reform—For the past two years, the General Assembly’s Criminal Code Evaluation Commission has reviewed Indiana’s system for categorizing crimes and made suggestions to improve the system. The Commission’s proposed legislation to change felony sentencing will be discussed once session begins. • Department of Child Services Hotline — Indiana’s Department of Child Services (DCS) was investigated this year following concerns about its management and performance. Particularly, the DCS hotline for reporting child abuse and neglect came under scrutiny as some believe it does not properly respond to complaints. The General Assembly’s DCS Interim Study Committee deliberated the idea of allowing professionals like police and teachers to report abuse directly to local caseworkers rather than through the statewide hotline. This proposal will be further reviewed during session.
• College Performance Funding — In an effort to help more Hoosiers graduate from college on time, some legislators support giving more state funding to public universities and colleges that meet performance goals like improving on-time graduation rates and degree completion. Expect college performance funding to come up in budget discussions. It is my goal to best represent the people in the communities in Senate District 14. I encourage anyone who would like to voice an opinion on these issues or any others affecting our state to email me at senator.kruse@iga.in.gov or write to the following address: State Sen. Dennis Kruse, Indiana Senate, 200 W. Washington St., Indianapolis, IN 46204 As our legislature prepares to meet, it is my hope Hoosiers will stay involved in the political process. You can start now by contacting me with the answer to this question: What do you think?
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Seventh grade Locomotive bask etball team — in front, from left, are Andrew Wertman, Cole Kelham, Jacob Bevis, Hayden Greene, Micah Malcolm and Juan Arambula. In back are coach Sam Malcolm, Dillon McCann, Calvin Wilson, Connor Stockdale, Carter Back and Cameron Smith.
Sue Carpenter
Sixth grade Locomotive bask etball team — in front, from left, are Caleb Barker, Steven Wilmore, Chance Hinkle, Zane Ley and Bryce Wilson. In the middle row are Frank Taylor, Johnny Naples, Bret Baughman, Saylor Evans, Josh Blessinger and Hunter Nodine. In back are coach Alan Bobalik, Kobe Lucarelli, Avery Morrison, Korbyn Yarian, Dylon Halsey, Sam Farney and coach Kyle Branscum.
Sue Carpenter
Vote centers from Page 1 it’s a positive step for us to go in this day and time.” The law calls for one vote center to be established for every 10,000 voters. Grimm said she would expect to be looking at six to seven locations in DeKalb County, which has approximately 43,000 residents. Grimm noted the election travel board that takes voting opportunities to home-bound people would not be affected by vote centers. The courthouse would remain the site for absentee voting for 29 days prior to an election. In addition, laws governing vote centers require that a satellite center be open for absentee voting for two weeks prior to an election. “That could keep some lines down, too,” Grimm noted. Grimm said the cost of operating vote centers would be lower than the current cost of staffing precincts. Currently the county has 180 poll workers. Inspectors receive a daily rate of $125, and clerks receive $105. In this year’s presidential election, DeKalb County spent $19,600 on poll worker pay and facility rental, Grimm said. She believes the number of poll workers could be reduced to 65 people if vote centers were established. Noble County has 19 voting locations for 29 precincts. Vote centers would take that down to six to nine locations and reduce the number of poll workers, Mawhorter said. “It’s harder and harder to get people to work elections,” Mawhorter added. Convenience to voters also is important to Mawhorter. “I’m going to pursue it pretty quickly,” she said of establishing vote centers. “I’d like to get everyone on board and would like to be training in 2013, so we’re not trying to rush.” Herbert said she does not
KPC Phone Books Steuben, DeKalb, Noble/LaGrange
have difficulty staffing polls in Steuben County. During this year’s general election, the county had 99 poll workers who were paid at a daily rate of $100 and $125 for inspectors. Blackford County is one of eight counties in the state using vote centers. Blackford County Clerk Laura Coons said the vote centers were a success both in this year’s primary and general elections. The county went from voting at 12 precincts to two vote centers. “People seemed to go along with it well,” Coons said. “There’s always some complaints, but most of all, in general, it was a good turnout.” Coons said voter turnout at this year’s general election was 54 percent. “Usually it’s not that
high,” she said. Coons said Blackford County did not notice a cost savings this year with moving to vote centers, but anticipates a significant saving in two to three years. Coons said vote centers required initial, one-time spending on equipment. The county budgeted $12,250 for that purpose and so far, has spent about $11,000. Grimm predicts vote centers could save DeKalb County around $15,000 a year. But that’s not Grimm’s main priority, she said. “First and foremost, I’m saying that we need to make sure it’s convenient for the voter,” Grimm said. “Then, if we can save the county taxpayers’ money, that’s important. But first, we need to make sure our voters are voting.”
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during this month’s general election. Poll clerks were paid a daily rate of $75, and inspectors received $100. The number of poll workers would be reduced if vote centers were implemented, she said. Brown said she realizes vote centers would be a change for the county’s citizens. “But I believe once you educate them and show them it would be beneficial in the long run, most people are understanding as long as you keep them informed,” she said. Steuben County Clerk Shelley Herbert said vote centers have not been discussed in Steuben County, but she expects they will be discussed next year during an election off-year. Herbert did not express an opinion for or against vote centers. A 2011 effort to implement countywide vote centers in DeKalb County was struck down when the county election board failed to make a unanimous decision approving the centers. Grimm said she decided not to pursue the issue at that time, because an election was approaching. “I had to end it, because I had an election to handle,” Grimm said. She also did not want to pursue the idea during a general election year. Grimm said 2013 will be the ideal year to begin exploring options again, as there will be no elections. She plans to establish a vote center committee to get input and information and gradually introduce the concept to the public. “It’s time maybe to move forward with a new venture,” Grimm said. “It’s more convenient and productive for people’s lives today. We’ll get some more information out to the public. I think they’ll find
The Garrett Clipper
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The following tickets were paid in Butler City Court, Nov. 9-14. The dollar amount at the end of each listing indicates fines, court costs, and civil penalties assessed by the court. Notations in parentheses after each listing represents the agency issuing the ticket. A code to law enforcement agencies follows this report. • Matthew J. Alvord, Auburn, speeding, $152 (ISP). • Nicky J. Ballentine, Butler, left of center at railroad, $146 (DC). • Storm L. Baughman, Butler, speeding, $146 (DC). • Chad R. Bell, Auburn, no seat belt, $25 (DC). • Maribeth L. Bolen, Rome City, speeding, $131 (DC). • David L. Bosserman, Leo, following too closely, $152 (DC). • Christine F. Bryant, Edgerton, Ohio, speeding, $131 (DC). • Sara N. Bultemeier, Auburn, speeding, $131 (DC). • Carrie M. Carpenter, Butler, speeding, $131 (DC). • Heather N. Cope, Auburn, no seat belt, $25 (DC). • Cynthia A. Corrigan, Waterloo, expired plates, $131 (DC). • Brandi J. Curry, Butler, speeding, $152 (WPD). • Albert A. Drerup, Butler, driving while suspended, $216 (DC); no child restraint, $25 (DC). • Laura B. Fischer, Grabill, disregarding stop sign, $152 (AUB). • Kenneth Gamble, Garrett, no seat belt, $25 (DC). • Brian L. Glick, Angola, speeding, $131 (DC). • Travis R. Gose, Howe, speeding, $156 (DC). • Jaymee L. Hakey, Auburn, speeding, $146 (DC). • Benjamin D. Hanna, Mark Center, Ohio, speeding, $152 (DC). • Pamela J. Hartman, Bryan, Ohio, speeding, $131 (DC). • Heather D. Hays, Avilla, speeding, $146 (ISP). • Carolyn S. High, LaOtto, speeding, $146 (DC). • Kayla M. High, Garrett, speeding, $131 (AUB). • Justin J. Hoag, Auburn, speeding, $146 (DC).
• Jeffrey B. Hoover, Spencerville, speeding, $131 (DC). • Rachel N. Johnson, Brownstown, unsafe stop or slowing, $146 (ISP). • Matthew T. Kinsey, Fort Wayne, speeding, $152 (BPD). • Samantha J. Krider, Churubusco, speeding, $152 (DC). • Marjorie F. Mangan, Angola, speeding, $146 (ISP). • Steven M. Marchioni, Auburn, speeding, $177 (DC). • Austin J. McClure, Churubusco, failure to yield at through highway, $152 (DC). • David A. Morningstar, Garrett, expired plates, $156 (AUB). • Jeffery A. Parr, Hudson, truck over gross maximum weight, $1,406.50 (ISP); failure to maintain equipment (excessive oil leaks), $161 (ISP); no medical certificate, $161 (ISP). • William B. Perkins, Monroeville, speeding, $131 (DC). • Bonnie L. Prince, Auburn, speeding, $152 (ISP). • Jessica M. Ramp, Hudson, speeding, $131 (DC). • Luke A. Robinson, Auburn, speeding, $153 (DC). • Tracy J. Smith, Garrett, no seat belt, $25 (AUB). • Jessica M. Stark, Hamilton, speeding, $146 (WPD). • Crystal L. Terry, Kendallville, no seat belt, $25 (DC). • Erin M. Thomason, Auburn, speeding, $146 (ISP). • Lucas M. Trausch, Waterloo, no seat belt, $25 (DC). • Tyson S. Walter, Angola, no seat belt, $25 (DC). (BPD) indicates a Butler Police Department ticket; (ISP) indicates an Indiana State Police ticket; (AUB) indicates an Auburn Police Department ticket; (DC) indicates a DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department ticket; (NCSD) indicates a Noble County Sheriff’s Department ticket; (WPD) indicates a Waterloo Police Department ticket.
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The Garrett Clipper
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LEGAL NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN APPLICATION FOR THE APPROVAL OF A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION PLAT IN GARRETT, INDIANA Notice is hereby given that the Plan Commission of the City of Garrett, Indiana will hold a public hearing on Thursday, December 6, 2012 at 4:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber of the Garrett City Hall, 130 South Randolph Street, Garrett, to consider Application #2012-01, filed by Custer Farms, Inc., for the approval of a primary subdivision plan entitled “Countryside Estates,” proposed for the following described area in Garrett, DeKalb County, Indiana: Tract: A tract of land in the part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 33 North, Range 12 East, Keyser Civil Township, DeKalb County, Indiana, described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 10, Township 33 North, Range 13 east, being marked by a Harrison monument; thence South 87 degrees 04 minutes 15 seconds West (assured bearing), along the South line of said Northwest quarter, a distance of 338.03 feet to an iron rebar stake with a plastic cap stamped “Foresight Consulting, LLC - Boundary”; thence continuing South 87 degrees 04 minutes 15 seconds West, along said South line, 684.98 feet to an iron rebar stake with with a plastic cap stamped “Foresight Consulting, LLC - Boundary”; thence North 00 degrees 46 minutes 24 seconds West, along the Easterly boundaries of tracts of land owned by Millerʼs Merry Manor Garrett, LLC
and Trustees of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church as Recorded on Document #20902190 and Deed Record 133, Pages 168-169, respectively, a distance of 1274.35 feet to an iron rebar stake with a plastic cap stamped “Foresight Consulting, LLC - Boundary”; on the South line of Maple Glen - Section One Subdivision as Recorded on Page 34 of Plat Record 9 in the Office of the DeKalb County, Indiana Recorder; thence North 88 degrees 10 minutes 05 seconds East along the South line of said subdivision, a distance of 799.14 feet to an iron stake with a “GOU” Identification cap; thence South 01 degrees 10 minutes 39 seconds East, 967.73 feet to an iron rebar stake with a plastic cap stamped “Foresight Consulting, LLC - Boundary”; on the North line of a tract of land owned by Ronald Rodman as Recorded on Document #20300084; thence South 87 degrees 04 minutes 15 seconds West, along said boundary, 132.37 feet to an iron rebar stake with a plastic cap stamped “Foresight Consulting, LLC - Boundary”; thence South 02 degrees 55 minutes 45 seconds East, along the West boundary of said Rodman tract, a distance of 290.87 feet to the point of beginning; containing 22.51 acres, more or less. A copy of the proposed plat and application are available for public inspection in the Garrett Planning Department, Room 24, Garrett City Hall, 130 South Randolph Street, Garrett, during regular business hours. Written comments and objections regarding this application filed with the Plan Commission prior to this hearing will be read at the hearing. The Commission will also hear verbal comments and objections regarding this application at the hearing. This hearing may be continued as considered necessary by the Commission. The Plan Commission reserves the right to adjourn the hearing without notice. A handicapped-accessible entrance to the Garrett City Hall is available on the north side of the building, adjacent to the City Hall parking lot. Milton Otero Planning Director Garrett Plan Commission GC,00321190,11/19
The Garrett Clipper
Girls fall to DeKalb 49-47 DeKalb 49, Garrett 47
Dawson scores 20 pts, Wisel adds 10
DeKalb fg-fga ft-fta tp rb as st 7-14 1-1 16 2 6 1 4-5 3-4 11 4 0 0 3-9 2-4 8 1 6 1 0-1 0-2 0 2 3 1 1-3 0-1 2 13 0 1 0-2 0-1 0 4 0 0 4-9 0-0 12 6 0 0 19-43 6-13 49 34 15 4 Garrett Players fg-fga ft-fta tp rb as st Somers g 3-7 0-0 7 3 0 1 Wisel g 3-8 3-5 10 7 7 0 Oliver f 0-3 0-0 0 1 0 0 Dawson f 7-19 4-5 20 7 4 2 Smith c 4-8 0-4 8 8 0 2 Yarian 1-1 0-0 2 0 0 0 Riedley 0-1 0-0 0 0 0 0 totals 18-47 7-14 47 33 11 5 DeKalb 6 19 14 10 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 49 Garrett 13 9 17 8 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 47 Three-point shooting â&#x20AC;&#x201D; DeKalb 5-12 (Ehmke 4-8, Leins 1-3, Rinehart 0-1), Garrett 4-15 (Dawson 2-6, Wisel 1-4, Somers 1-3, Oliver 0-2). Total fouls â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Garrett 14, DeKalb 11. Turnovers â&#x20AC;&#x201D; DeKalb 11, Garrett 8. Blocked shots â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Martin 4, Smith 2. Players Leins g Rinehart g Fifer g Kelley f Martin f Williams Ehmke totals
By MARK MURDOCK markm@kpcnews.net GARRETT â&#x20AC;&#x201D; They were the top two returning scorers and the top two scorers in the first two games of the season for the DeKalb girls basketball team. Not surprisingly, Hayley Martin and Baylee Rinehart had their personal space invaded by county rival Garrett Friday night. The Barons had to prove they had other scorers, and made a convincing argument. Brooke Leins scored a team-high 16 points, and Rachel Ehmke came off the bench with four threes, and Maddy Fifer chipped in eight, helping the Barons to a 49-47 victory Friday night. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I told the girls, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Stay patient. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll get opportunities,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? Baron coach Nick David said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the thing Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m most proud of, there was never any panic. People stepped up â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Brooke Leins, Rachel Ehmke, Maddy Fifer. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just them. It was a total DeKalb team effort and thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all about.â&#x20AC;? Brandi Dawson had 20 points to lead Garrett (2-2) and Kaitlin Wisel scored 10 to go with seven assists and seven rebounds. Ehmke turned the game by hitting three in a row from behind the line in the second quarter, just Garrett threatened to take control by opening a sevenpoint lead. With teams tied headed to the fourth, Rinehart scored six of her 11 points, including a drive into the lane and her second baseline jumper in transition, helping DeKalb to an eight-point advantage. But this was DeKalb against Garrett, and when Dawson ended a scoring drought of nearly five minutes with a steal and layin, the Railroaders took it to the wire. Garrett had the last inbounds play with 2.1 seconds left from under the basket, but Kendall Kelley forced a held ball on Taylor Smithâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s high, arching inbounds pass, and the arrow favored the Barons (2-1). â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s such a good coach, he knows everything weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to run,â&#x20AC;? Garrett coach Bob Lapadot said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been running these things since Denny (Feagler) was here. We tried to draw something up
where we throw it out to Brandi and Hayley might come up, and Brandi could dump it down to Taylor. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But as weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re running it Nickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s calling out the play. We tried to spot Somers up for a three, they took that away. Taylor did the only thing she could do, she put it in play.â&#x20AC;? Lapadot wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t disappointed in his teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s effort. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We did everything we wanted to do, minus scoring 50 points,â&#x20AC;? Lapadot said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We knew Brooke Leins was a good player, but we ran that triangle-and-two on Hayley and Baylee, and we decided they wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t beat us. You canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t say enough and about Becca and Emily chasing those two. Those two are stud players, very well-coached obviously.â&#x20AC;? Martin, after games of 26 and 25 points, managed only three shots, and got her only basket on a rebound. She still had 13 rebounds and four blocks. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Garrett came in with a great plan. Bob did a heck of a job getting his team ready to play,â&#x20AC;? David said. Garrett hit three threes of its own in the first quarter, then went up 1811 after a court-length dash for a basket by Wisel. Enter Ehmke, who drilled three straight three-pointers following a three-point play by Rinehart, and DeKalb led 25-22 at the half. DeKalb had its own defensive quandary with Dawson, dangerous outside or taking the ball to the hoop. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We tried to keep people in front of her,â&#x20AC;? David said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;She used the shot fake really well a couple of times and knocked down some jumpers. Keeping people in front of her is not as easy as it sounds. Kendall and Brooke did a great job of making her work for her points. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a heck of a player.â&#x20AC;? Both coaches felt the game
Mark Murdock
Garrettâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Brandi Dawson, left, shoots a bask et over the head of DeKalbâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Brooke Leins during Fridayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cross county game in the Paul Bateman gym. The Lady Railroaders were edged out in the 49-47 battle. helped their teams do some growing up. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m excited about where weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going, what weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re doing,â&#x20AC;? Lapadot said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Your record doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t matter on Feb. 6 (in the sectional), what matters is how well youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re playing on Feb. 6.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;We had girls who had never been in a situation like that,â&#x20AC;? David said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Garrett is an awfully tough place to play. To be able to walk out 2-1, we feel really good. Our confidence level has gone up a little bit.â&#x20AC;?
DeKalb JV 25, Garrett 17 Rachel DePewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s jumper pulled Garrett to within five for the second time in the fourth quarter, but Shade Herbolsheimerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s three-point play capped the scoring with 1:25 left. Ehmke led DeKalb with eight points, and Ashlee Wakeman and Skylar Ostrowski each had four. Bailey Sutton scored five points, and DePew and Britmarie Yarian both had four for Garrett.
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Mark Murdock
Kaitlin Wisel scored 10 points and tallied seven assists and seven rebounds in Fridayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s game against DeKalb.
BRIEFS Locomotives defeat Prairie Heights GARRETT â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Both Garrett Middle School teams were winners against Prairie Heights Thursday. Garrettâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eighth-grade rallied in the second half for a 28-22 win. Kamron Yarian had nine points, and Ben Purdy and Garrett Sutton both added six for the Locomotives (2-1). Other Garrett scorers were Noah Sattison four, Spencer Reneau two and Cole Winebrenner one. The seventh-grade Locomotives downed the Panthers 31-21. Garrett led 13-10 at halftime and pulled away with the help of strong defensive pressure in the second half. Micah Malcolm had seven points, and Dillon McCann and Cameron Smith both put in six for Garrett. Carter Beck and Cole Kelham had four each, Monday
Sun and clouds, 55, winds 5-10, low of 40
Sun and clouds, 57, low of 40 degrees
6th grade splits four games The sixth grade Locomotives were in action twice last week and split four games. The Blue team came away with two wins defeating Churubusco 19-8 on Tuesday. Garrett led 11-4 at halftime and held on for the win. Leading the way in scoring for Garrett were Avery Morrison 9, Saylor Evans 4, and Zane Ley, Bret Baughman, and Brayden Neu each contributed a basket. On Wednesday the Blue team defeated Fremont 1917 on a layup in the last minute. Avery Morrison 11, and Saylor Evans 8 did all the scoring for Garrett. The Maroon team fell short in two close games.
Sunny skies, high of 57, low of 40 degrees
Lots of sun, high of 59, low of 42 degrees
On Tuesday, Maroon lost to Churubusco 16-12 after leading at the half. Leading scorers were Korbyn Yarian with 6, Kobe Lucarelli 4, and Frank Taylor with 2. On Wednesday, Maroon lost the lead again falling 17-12 to Fremont. Several Locomotives got in the box score with Bryce Wilson tallying 4, Korbyn Yarian 3, Kobe Lucarelli and Hunter Nodine 2, and Frank Taylor with 1.
Registration set for Garrett camp GARRETT â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Registration for the Garrett Youth Wrestling Camp will be held Nov. 19 from 6 to 7 p.m. Wrestlers should enter through Door 10 near the Performing Arts Center. The camp is for GarrettKeyser-Butler students only. For more information, go to www.gkbschools.org and click on the J.E. Ober link.
Clear skies, high of 55, low of 37 degrees
Area Forecast Sunny and mild for the next five days with highs in the 50s the entire period. No rain chances in the forecast. Lows will be above freezing through Friday night.
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and Calvin Wilson and Hayden Greene both scored two.
Brakes & Alignments 8-6 Mon.-Fri. â&#x20AC;˘ 8-Noon Sat.
4490 SR 327 & SR 8 â&#x20AC;˘ Garrett â&#x20AC;˘ 357-4187