The Herald Republican – December 26, 2012

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Serving the Steuben County 101 lakes area since 1857

University receives grant for new doctoral program Page A2

Weather Cloudy skies today, with several inches of snow expected. High 29. Page A8 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2012

Angola, Indiana

Winter storm possible today

GOOD MORNING Fremont sets special meeting Friday FREMONT — The Fremont Town Council will hold a special meeting Friday at 9 a.m. to conduct end of the year business. Items on the agenda include discussion on the purchase of a building, the comprehensive plan contract with Zionsville consultant Ground Rules and the possible purchase of a skid steer. The meeting will be held at the town hall, 205 N. Tolford St.


Carnegie to hold story time events ANGOLA — The Carnegie Public Library of Steuben County will have the following upcoming events for children: • After school creative art is at 3:45 p.m. Jan. 8 for children kindergarten age on up. The class is free and no registration is needed. • Family story time will be held Jan. 10 at 6:30 p.m. with a story, songs, craft and snack. Free and no registration is needed. • Winter story time will take place Jan. 7-Feb. 21 with times for 2- and 3-yearolds Monday and Wednesday at 10 a.m. Toddler story time for ages 12-24 months will be held Tuesday at 10 a.m. Preschool story time will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday and 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Thursday. The library is at 332 S. Wayne St. Registration is by phone, in person or through the library’s online calendar. For more details, call 665-3362, ext. 25.

TV-lovers say ‘goodbye’ to Klugman, Durning What a couple of mugs, sporting less-than-perfect physiques in the bargain. But was there anything lovelier than Jack Klugman or Charles Durning doing what they did for an audience? Klugman and Durning both of died Monday.


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Index •

Classified ............................................B5-B8 Life ..............................................................A6 Obituaries ..................................................A4 Opinion........................................................A3 Sports ..................................................B1-B3 Weather......................................................A8 TV/Comics ................................................B4 Vol. 155 No. 355

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Debra Giffin, her family and friends prepare to give their Christmas cookie baskets to the needy in the Fremont community on Christmas Eve.

Taking part are, back, from left, Cassie Kinney, Joey Giffin, Rick Giffin and Debra Giffin; front, Lindsay Jackson and Savannah Kinney.

A sweet holiday treat Family distributes cookie baskets on Christmas Eve BY JENNIFER DECKER

FREMONT — As part of a good deed with preparation beginning in October, a Fremont family braved Christmas Eve’s frigid temperatures to distribute brightly decorated cookie baskets to the less fortunate. Debra Giffin and her family gave out their sweet baskets as part of a family tradition of the last 18 years in different areas. In prior years, Giffin has distributed the cookie baskets in Angola, Garrett and Fort Wayne. This was the first time she distributed them in Fremont, her hometown. Some of the recipients were moved to tears by the Giffins’ generosity. Others hugged all the family members in gratitude. “I stand with you in (food pantry) lines,” Giffin told recipients. Giffin said she knows what it’s like to receive food from pantries. She has been there when she had a kidney transplant and needed help. “It’s a lot of work, but it’s the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done,” Giffin said. “I’ve been in the place of needing.” The baskets contain cookies and fudge. Recipients are also given a coupon for milk at Fremont Village Foods. Giffin said it’s only natural since milk goes with


A cookie basket recipient shows how much she appreciates her Christmas gift from Debra Giffin and her family on Christmas Eve.

cookies. It’s also a staple Giffin said people never receive at food pantries. “We take a lot of time and care,” she said. “Baking starts in October and we fill three freezers with cookies. If you package the cookies in the freezer, it works well.” Giffin has kept a count of all the cookies and fudge she’s given away. “During baking this year, I hit my 40,000th cookie and 8,000th piece of fudge,” she said. “One of the things we sacrifice is our warmth. We package the cookies and put them in the freezer. We package them in the cold so the y

don’t thaw out.” Giffin has help with the cookie assembly line, decorating and distribution from her husband, Rick Giffin; Cassandra Kinney, a family friend; granddaughters Savannah and Hannah; and her sister-in-law, Mandy Sanderson. Debra said Rick usually sacrifices supper while the project is under way. “He paints baskets and financially, he’s the backer,” she said. “I started this as a bonding experience with Maggie (her daughter),” Debra said. “As time went on, we incorporated it into

The elections have produced a true system of checks and balances in the federal government, but those checks and balances have Stutzman created an atmosphere of contention, he said. “There is really a huge difference in philosophy,” Stutzman said. Stutzman did point to a pair of accomplishments that have come through, including this week’s House vote on a defense spending bill that would leave the A-10 Warthog Air Guard squadron operating out of its base in F ort Wayne. “The A-10 is a great machine for ground support,” Stutzman said. “I’m very optimistic the A10s are going to stay.” Stutzman said keeping Air Guard units viable not only provides jobs to the area, but is also a cost-effective option for

funding the country’s defense. Stutzman also has been heavily involved in the Veterans Administration Hospital in Fort Wayne. The hospital has had its share of problems, including some units being closed, but Stutzman has been spending a lot of time resolving issues to keep the hospital serving as many veterans as possible. He has taken his concerns to the VA, an agency that hasn’t always been as transparent as he would like, he said. “We’re pushing them to get better answers,” Stutzman said. Stutzman also said he is proud of his work with outgoing U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Indiana, on the farm bill that is still awaiting passage. According to the congressman, his office has helped constituents in 1,600 cases during the last tw o years, greasing the government wheels on such issues as Social Security and disability benefits. “We have a great staff that works hard on constituent services,” Stutzman said.

The National Weather Service is predicting a winter storm for Indiana, with the northeast Indiana area just catching the northernmost back edge of the event. Snow was forecast to begin late Christmas night and continue throughout the day Wednesday, the NWS is predicting. DeKalb County is under a winter storm warning, while LaGrange, Noble and Steuben counties are under a less-threatening winter storm watch. A winter storm warning means significant amounts of snow, sleet and ice are expected or occurring. A winter storm watch means there is a potential for significant snow, sleet or ice accumulations that may impact travel. Snow accumulations of 5-7 inches are expected in the DeKalb County area, while LaGrange, Noble and Steuben counties in the watch area could see 2-5 inches of snow by late Wednesday, the NWS said. “A half of a foot or more of snow will alone clog roads and severely disrupt travel and daily routines, but gusty winds will worsen the situation by blowing and drifting the snow around,” said Kristina Pydynowski, senior meteorologist with AccuWeather, which provides weather information for KPC Media Group’s website, Because northeast Indiana is on the back edge of the storm, the severity of its impact is not completely known. “Some uncertainty still remains regarding the exact track of this storm, which will influence storm total accumulations,” the NWS said. Indianapolis is in a band that could receive up to a foot of sno w, Pydynowski said. DeKalb County is on the extreme western edge of this band. Northeast to north winds will


Trine to host part of The Stutzman reflects on year of gridlock Remnant collection BY MATT GETTS

It was a year of contention in Washington, D.C. Republicans controlled the House of Representatives. Democrats controlled both the U.S. Senate and the White House. As the end result, other than a lot of saber-rattling, not much was accomplished, according to U.S. Rep. Marlin Stutzman, R-Howe. Stutzman spoke about the year that was in an interview this week, six weeks after he handily defeated Democratic challenger Kevin Boyd in the November general election. “Washington has not done a lot,” Stutzman said. “There are simply two different philosophies in Washington. There’s gridlock.” Stutzman pointed to the first election of Democrat Barack Obama as president in 2008. In 2010, voters gave control of the House of Representatives to Republicans. In the last November’s election, voters kept Obama as president, but also retained a conservative House of Representatives.


ANGOLA — More than 50 manuscripts, first-edition books and early works on the topics of human dignity and individual liberty from The Remnant Trust will be on loan to Trine University in fall 2013. The rare finds — including “Fables of Aesop” by Aesop published in 1692, a Gutenberg Bible leaf from 1455, a Koran from 1734, essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson from 1841 and “The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection” by Charles Darwin published in 1883 — will be available for students and visitors to view and to read, courtesy of The Remnant Trust based in Winona Lake. The growing collection of more than 1,200 works was started nearly than 15 years ago by Brian Bex, an Indiana University graduate and longtime political commentator.





Police Blotter •

Nine arrested

ANGOLA — The following people were booked into the Steuben County Jail following arrests made Saturday and Sunday by area law enforcement officers. • Michael A. Annis, 33, Angola, arrested in the 200 block of West Maumee Street for a probation violation. • Clayton M. Bolding, 28, Angola, arrested in the 2200 block of North Wayne Street for misdemeanor public intoxication, disorderly conduct and battery. • Jarrod A. Charlton, 36, Waterloo, arrested at the jail on a warrant for felony failure to return to lawful detention. • Ty J. Graham, 22, Angola, arrested in Steuben County for misdemeanor operating while intoxicated.


• Brian K. Harrington, 40, Angola, arrested on C.R. 300W at S.R. 120, Fremont, for misdemeanor domestic battery. • Scotty L. Miller, 33, Fort Wayne, arrested at the jail on a warrant for misdemeanor hunting without a license and taking a white tail deer without a license. • Jeffery P. Morris, 20, LaGrange, arrested on West Maumee and McKinley streets for misdemeanor operating while intoxicated and possession of marijuana or hashish. • Frank L. Ruiz, 22, Angola, arrested at East Henry and North Martha streets for misdemeanor driving while suspended. • Chad Shumaker, 36, Angola, arrested at West Henry and Wolhert streets for misdemeanor operating while intoxicated. KPCNEWS.COM


COOKIES: Giffin’s efforts hit major milestones FROM PAGE A1

the family. It blossomed over the years from 25 baskets to 100 this year. Sixty of them will go to the food bank line and 40 others will go to needy families.� Debra said others in Fremont helped the family with the sweet project. Village Foods gave a discount on milk. Gay’s Hops-n-Schnapps let the Giffins use its parking lot for the distribution. Jim’s Rock Seawalls made a financial contribution. Debra’s parents, Jim and Ralene Sanderson, former Fremont residents, retired to Florida, helped with financing the endeavor. Cookie basket recipients

were thrilled with the Giffin family’s generosity. “It means a lot. I’m low income and on Social Security. When I’m done (paying bills) there’s not much left,� said Sandra Wickham, Angola. Deanne Barreto, Hamilton, received a basket and was accompanied by her niece, Katrina Johnson. Barreto said the baskets were beautiful and not what she expected, but far better. “I was surprised,� Barreto said. “I’m disabled and couldn’t even put up a Christmas tree. I didn’t expect it like this. I didn’t expect it to be so colored. I was expecting a box of cookies.�

“Fremont is one of the most giving communities,� Debra said. “Somehow, it’s provided when you’re the recipient of so much kindness. You feel an emptiness in your spirit. You want to give.� Debra said the reaction to the cookie baskets over the years has been overwhelmingly positive. “You’re outside of a box of turkey and corn. This is over and beyond what (recipients) need,� she said. “When we give in the name of our Lord and Savior, we need to give the best we have.� And their best meant a lot to those on the receiving end.

Official questions break for RV hall ELKHART (AP) — A city councilman said he has asked a state agency to review an agreement between Elkhart and the RV Hall of Fame. David Henke told the Elkhart Truth that he has sent a copy of the pact to the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance for review. He contends that the

agreement should have been approved by the city council rather than the city’s board of public works. RV Hall of Fame officials had stopped paying the city its compact fee for utility service several years ago, claiming it should be exempt due to its nonprofit status, the newspaper reported. Over the years, the hall accumulated a

$115,000 debt with the city. Under the deal negotiated by Mayor Dick Moore, the city forgave the debt and gave the hall a discounted rate on the compact fee in return for the hall’s agreement to resume making regular payments. Under the new deal, the hall will pay about half what it was billed before.

THE HERALD REPUBLICAN The Herald Republican (USPS 521-640). 45 S. Public Square, Angola, IN 46703 Established 1857, daily since 2001 ŠKPC Media Group Inc. 2012


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If you haven’t picked up your wine for your New Year’s Eve celebration, here’s a great time to stop into Briali Winery.


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Published by KPC Media Group Inc. at 102 N. Main St., K endallville, IN 46755. Published every day except New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, day after Thanksgiving and day after Christmas. Periodical postage paid at Kendallville, IN 46755 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Herald Republican, P.O. Box 39, Kendallville, IN 46755

Trine program receives grant ANGOLA — The Schneider Foundation through PNC Charitable Trusts has awarded $50,000 for Trine University’s new doctoral program in physical therapy, making it the first gift for Trine’s first doctoral program. The grant will help Trine establish a professional doctorate in physical therapy program at Trine’s regional campus in Fort Wayne, where students are receiving both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Trine is partnering with Parkview Health System, and the program will be located on the Randallia campus. Clinical partnerships will include Parkview and Lutheran locations, as well as smaller hospitals in the region. To educate students, the professional doctorate program will bring together leaders in biomedical engineering, rehabilitative science, physical therapy and orthopedics to engage in multidisciplinary approaches to enhance the capability of the human body to recover and rehabilitate from orthopedic surgery and traumatic orthopedic injury. “Trine is eager to address the nation’s need for highereducated physical therapists and is grateful for the grant from PNC Charitable Trusts,� said Trine President Earl D. Brooks II. Trine plans to enroll the first cohort of students in fall 2014. Trine said the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 39 percent growth from 2010 to 2020 for physical therapists, which is much faster than the average for all occupations.

2160 W. 175 N., Angola, IN 46703 260-833-3550


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Guest Column •

We welcome letters to the editor. All letters must be submitted with the author’s signature, address and daytime telephone number. We reserve the right to reject or edit letters on the basis of libel, poor taste or repetition. Mail letters to:


The News Sun 102 N. Main St. P.O. Box 39 Kendallville, IN 46755 Email: The Star 118 W. Ninth St. Auburn, IN 46706 Email: The Herald Republican 45 S. Public Square Angola, IN 46703 Email:

GREG JOHNSON of Tobacco-Free Northeast Indiana (TFNEI) may be reached at 350-9166 or This article is based on a column by Terry Martin.


Letter Policy •

From head to toe, smoking harms the body Do you have any idea which smokingrelated disease is the number one cause of death among smokers? It is not lung cancer. Heart disease holds the top slot. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States today, and the leading cause of death among smok ers. And, on a global level, researchers report that there Cigarettes snuff out life were 1,690,000 at an alarming rate. premature deaths from Statistics tell us that cardiovascular disease upward of half of among smokers in long-term smokers will the year In die a smoking-related 2000. contrast, there were death. approximately 850,000 lung cancer deaths during the same year, and 118,000 COPD deaths from smoking in 2001, worldwide. Smoking is hard on the heart, b ut the fact is, tobacco use plays a role in a multitude of diseases that ultimately lead to disability and/or death. Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemical compounds; 200 of which are kno wn to be poisonous, and upwards of 60 have been identified as carcinogens. Let’s take a look at how cigarette smoke affects our bodies, from head to toe. You may be surprised at some of the ways smoking has a negative impact on our health. Hair: smell and staining Brain and mental effects: stroke, addiction/nicotine withdrawal, altered brain chemistry, anxiety about harm caused by smoking Eyes: eyes that sting, water and blink more, macular degeneration, cataracts Nose: less sense of smell Skin: wrinkles, premature aging Teeth: discoloration and stains, plaque, loose teeth, gum disease (gingivitis) Mouth and throat: cancers of the lips, mouth, throat and larynx, cancer of the esophagus, sore throat, reduced sense of taste, breath smells of smoke Hands: poor circulation (cold fingers), peripheral vascular disease, tar stained fingers Respiration and lungs: lung cancer, COPD (includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema), cough and sputum, shortness of breath, colds and flu, pneumonia, asthma, complicates tuberculosis Heart: harms, blocks and weakens arteries of the heart, heart attack Liver: cancer Abdomen: stomach and duodenal ulcers, cancer of stomach, pancreas and colon, aortic aneurysm Kidneys and bladder: kidney cancer, bladder cancer Bones: osteoporosis, spine and hip fractures Spine: degenerative disc disease Male reproduction: sperm deformity, sperm loss of motility, reduced number of sperm, infertility, impotence Female reproduction: period pains, earlier menopause, cancer of cervix, infertility and delay in conception Blood: leukemia Legs and feet: gangrene, peripheral vascular disease, Beurger disease Immune system: weakened immune system As long as this list of diseases kno wn to be associated with smoking is, it is incomplete. We don’t yet fully understand all of the dangers that cigarette smok e presents, but research continues, bringing us new discoveries seemingly by the day. One thing is certain: Cigarettes snuff out life at an alarming rate. Statistics tell us that upward of half of long-term smokers will die a smoking-related death. And globally, that presently translates to nearly 5 million deaths a year. Put another way, someone loses their life to smoking every 8 seconds somewhere in the world. If you smoke, use this information to help you see your smoking habit for what it is — a deadly addiction that you can live without. Should you make the decision to quit, simply call the Indiana Tobacco Quitline at 1-800-QUITNOW. It can be the beginning of a healthier life for you and those around you!

Letters to The Editor •

Don’t condemn me or my fellow gun owners To the editor: Here we go again with the f anatics and gun control. They seem to forget of how many laws that are on the books today and never enforced. The matter of the fact is like the CEO of the NRA states, the gun is a tool, and in the hands of a la w-abiding citizen that corresponds with law, it is just that “a tool.” It is used by someone for protection, hunting and pleasure. The gun kills, yes, but only by the hands of the person that is holding it, either by the la w enforcement officer, or by someone who shouldn’t be having a gun. The ones who usually are not allowed to have these guns either buy from others that are not to ha ve them either, or like the one in Connecticut steals it from someone who obeys the law and purchased it legally. I am a lifetime member of the NRA and retired with 25 years of the military. I don’t and won’t just go out and shoot someone. Why? It’s not right, and people that kno w the difference between right and wrong wouldn’t either. I do agree there are people that would, and with increased population there, it is getting harder than e ver on the law-abiding citizen to want and hold for a weapon for protection, hunting or just the pleasure of target practice. I also have a permit to carry, and I am proud of it because I at least went through the proper channels to obtain it. I agree we need protection in our schools, but locking them down won’t help. It didn’t in Connecticut. If necessary,

maybe the solution is trained, armed personnel such as teachers, officers or security guards. Countries like England and Australia are regretting losing the right to have arms, because the only ones that have them are the crooks and the police. The police can’t be everywhere, which is a proven fact, look at Ben Davis Ford when tires were taken off of brand-new cars. If a person legal to carry happened by, they could have been detained. Oh, yeah, we have insurance, but that still leaves the thieves out there to steal again. Everyone has their thoughts. Whether it’s right or not, it’s ours. And I don’t condemn people for their right to speak out, so don’t condemn me or my fellow gun owners, who might someday be the ones who save your life or that of a lo ved one of yours by a simple act of protecting a life.

the public schools and universities is true (i.e., atheism, evolution, Marxism and moral relativism), who’s to say that these killers have actually done anything wrong? Think about it! Is it wrong for a lion to kill a gazelle? After all, aren’t we all just animals that are a little more highly evolved than lions? It’s simply survival of the fittest. America’s social engineers (e.g., John Dewey) have systematically expunged Christianity from our nation’s schools. Instead of being taught the Ten Commandments, students today are being taught that there are no such things as objective moral standards, and that the y themselves can decide what’s right and wrong. In other words, who’s to say that Hitler was any less of a humanitarian than Mother Theresa? It’s all subjective, right? The fact that we all experience a sense Larry Uehlein Auburn of moral indignation and repugnance as a result of these killings is the single Moral indignation as a result of greatest proof for the existence of God. Why? Because if all we are is rearranged killings proves existence of God pond scum, and we decide for ourselv es To the editor: what’s right and wrong, we ha ve no Columbine, Virginia Tech and now objective basis for our feelings. We all Sandy Hook. How many more of these know this is nonsense. horrific tragedies are we going to ha ve to God does exist! And this is why we all experience before we finally start to intuitively know the difference between question the underlying ideologies and right and wrong. Our Creator has gi ven philosophies that have served as the us a sense of justice. catalyst for this behavior? Please consider the implications of When something like this happens we God’s existence. Your eternity hangs in are all morally outraged at the thought the balance. that somebody could actually do such a Chad Maurer thing. However, if what’s being taught in Goshen

Christmas is universal, in all languages


e board the train early in the morning, traveling from Prague to Budapest. The journey is a little over seven hours so we pack our normal fare of bread and cheese and books to read. My quiet time is interrupted by a 3-year-old who begins to make faces at me through the corridor window. I finally go out and confront this little elf. We, of course, do not speak each other’s language, but we chat for over an hour. We talk. We sing. I teach him how to count in English. He teaches me how to count in Hungarian. His mother laughs and so do I. Laughter is in all languages. The landscape is snowcovered forests, whitened fields and tiny villages. Occasionally there are children sledding or old folks walking streets. One man sweeps the railroad track with a broom. The journey ends at dusk as we carry satchels and bags up and down the steps at the train station. We don’t know how to buy tickets for the Metro and cannot find anyone who speaks English. I find myself under a metaphorical dome of glass. It is as if I have been invited on to a movie set … women in dark shawls, men with caps and cigarettes, a child carrying a handmade wooden sled, an old man carrying a bouquet of mistletoe tied with a red ribbon … these are the scenes I embrace. Home is now a downtown

flat. A man is selling Christmas trees around the corner. They are small, but fragrant as my own tree still lit for Virginia in my hometown. All is different once again. Where to hang my hat? Where to make tea? Where to write my thoughts and words in my journal, LOU ANN never to be forgotten? HOMAN- Christmas SAYLOR Eve morning it is gray, cold and sleeting in Budapest. We head outside to the markets knowing this is the last day for the 40 days of markets all over Europe. Today they close at 2 p.m. for Christmas Eve. I scurry through looking at trinkets such as handwoven towels, wooden tops, glass ornaments. Food is at every turn … potato dumplings, pork knuckle soup and hot raspberry schnapps along with the typical sausages and potatoes. The market begins to close. I am so glad I am able to mak e it to the last few hours. We leave. I do so reluctantly, but there is so much more to see on this day. We walk across the Chain Bridge which spans the Danube River. Halfway across an old Babushka with her dark shawl and bent shoulders holds out her

cup. I place a coin in her cof fer. My coins have filtered through my fingers these past days as we pass musicians, blind men, and beggars. How am I to judge who needs my coins? We are always walking into ancient churches these days, and as we walk down by the Danube we stumble upon St. Anne’s Church. The doors of the church are open so we go in. There appears to be a flurry of acti vity so we stay, and soon realize there will be the Christmas pageant very soon. We take seats up close and by 3 p.m. there are hundreds in this church. There are so many children participating in the pageant, with others sitting on little pews brought out just for them. The church is magnificent from floor to ceiling and decorated with trees and lights. The pageant begins. It is the same story … the angels, the shepherds, the Wise Men, Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus, but I had never heard it told or sung in Hungarian. There are a few differences since the Wise Men actually wear gold-brocaded capes rather than bathrobes, and Mary sings several songs. She has the voice of an angel with a beautiful baby in her arms. When she sings “Angels We Have Heard on High” (in Hungarian) there isn’t another sound in the baroque church. We clap at the end of the pageant and make our way outside. Much to our surprise, the Metro and the buses are not

It is as if I have been invited on to a movie set … women in dark shawls, men with caps and cigarettes, a child carrying a handmade wooden sled, an old man carrying a bouquet of mistletoe tied with a red ribbon

• running. Every shop is closed, every restaurant is closed, not only for Christmas Eve, but for Christmas Day and the next also. It is dark as we walk through the deserted streets of Budapest. I think of my own hometown adorned with our lights and customs. I am homesick, but just for a moment. I begin to sing “Silent Night.” Christmas is universal, in all languages. Love. Joy. Peace. Memories. Merry Christmas. LOU ANN HOMAN-SAYLOR lives in Angola at the White Picket Gardens where you can find her gardening or writing late into the night under the light of her frayed scarlet lamp. She is a storyteller, teacher, writer, actress and a collector of front porch stories.





Deaths & Funerals •

John Christlieb AUBURN — John Jay Christlieb, 77, passed away peacefully Monday, December 24, 2012 at Parkview Regional Medical Center in Fort Wayne with his family by Mr. his side. Christlieb He was born October 6, 1935, on the family homestead in Jackson Township to Dallas and Myrtle (Friend) Christlieb. He lived his entire life in DeKalb County. John was a very devoted family man and lived for the family and holiday gettogethers. He was a man of quiet nature with a huge heart. He was always lending a hand to help his family, neighbors and friends. He always had a project in the wings for someone. He was very competitive at his favorite card game, Euchre, and looked forward to family and friends coming out for a quick game. He loved spending time with Lois and the rest of the family putting puzzles together. John worked in construction all his life. He owned and operated, along with his wife Lois, Auburn Home Improvement, retiring in 1998. They have owned and operated J & L Storage for over 20 years. He married Lois Vinson on July 13, 1957, in Auburn and she survives. They loved traveling the country in their motorhome to spend time with family and friends. Also surviving are 7 children, John J. Christlieb Jr. of Houston, TX, Mike L. (Cyndee) Christlieb of Auburn, Pat (Mark) Snyder of Auburn, Karen (Jerry) Brandt of Auburn, Nancy (Kent) Grimm of Auburn, Linda (Jim) Dingman of Spencerville and Kris (Joe) Bellinger of Waterloo; 14 grandchildren, Zachary Christlieb of Las Vegas, NV, Jason (April) Christlieb of Auburn, Jon (Holly) Christlieb of Auburn, Amanda (Tim) Klinker of Auburn, Matthew Snyder of Fort Wayne, Kathryn Snyder of Fort Wayne, Danielle (Robert) Myers of Spencerville, Lindsey (Carl) Rivir of Pierceton, Spencer Grimm of Auburn, Suzanne Grimm of Auburn, Harmon Grimm of Auburn, Jeremy Dingman of San Diego, CA, Audrey Bellinger of Waterloo and Cody Bellinger of Waterloo; 6 great grandchildren, Stella Grace, Rylee Denise, Syra Star, Jaxson Michael, Autumn and Lucas; a brother Dave (Bev) Christlieb of Albion; a sister, Becky (Marvin) Dowden of St. Joe and a sister in la w, Faye Christlieb of St. Joe. He was a preceded in death by his parents, a

brother Dallas Christlieb and a sister, Esther Cook. Services will be at 2 p.m. Friday December 28, 2012, at Feller and Clark Funeral Home, 1860 Center Street, Auburn, IN, with Father Derrick Sneyd officiating. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery in Auburn. Calling is Thursday from 2-8 p.m. and also 1 hour prior to the service Friday from 1-2 p.m. at the funeral home. Preferred memorials can be directed to St. Martins or Smile Train. To send condolences visit

Anna Ruth Haynes AUBURN — Anna Ruth Haynes, 92, died Thursday, Dec. 20, 2012, at Provena Sacred Heart Home in Avilla. Mrs. Haynes was born August 29, 1920, in Central Manor, Penn., to the Mrs. Haynes late Harry and Anna (Longenecker) Neff. She married John Edward Haynes on April 22, 1945, at Mountville Church of Brethren. He preceded her in death on Oct. 12, 1980. Mrs. Haynes worked along side her husband on their family farm. Her clerical skills were put to good use in tracking their registered Guernseys and keeping the farm accounts. Feeding the farm hands, caring for calves and chickens and raising produce for the winter were just a few of her extra duties. She continued to manage the farm accounts for many years after his unexpected death. She was an active member of the Cedar Lake Church of the Brethren for many years, directing a children’s choir, serving as deacon, and leading the District Women’s Organization. She was a DeKalb 4-H leader for 20 years and a member of the Extension Homemaker Club; she received the Friend of Extension Award. She maintained a wide network of friends, and enjoyed oil painting and quilting. Surviving are four daughters: Rebecca (Al) Haynes-Bordas of Indianapolis Ind., Anita (David) Knechel Upper Saddle River N.J., Sarah (Kent) Sweitzer of Middleton Wisc., and Karen (Don) Shankster of Scottsdale Ariz.; two foster sons: Woodrow (Jeanie) Trostel of Portland Ore., and Franklin (Arista) Trostel of Bend Ore.; Five grandchildren, four step-grandchildren, one great-granddaughter, two step-great granddaughters, and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by three brothers: Paul L Neff of Lancaster, Penn., Robert L Neff of Lancaster, Penn., and David L. Neff of

Washington Boro, Penn. Visitation will be held from 5-7 p.m. on December 27, 2012, at the Cedar Lake Church of the Brethren, 2939 County Road 15, Auburn. The memorial service will be at the church at 7 p.m., with Duane Grady officiating, with refreshments to follow. A family only burial service is planned to precede the service. Memorials may be directed to Heifer International, P.O. Box 8058, Little Rock AZ,, or Church of Brethren Global Ministries, 1451 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL, 60120, To view an online obituary or to send condolences, visit

Michael Dieterle KENDALLVILLE — Michael Paul Dieterle, age 61, of Kendallville, Indiana, died on Sunday, December 23, 2012, at Parkview Noble Mr. Dieterle Hospital in Kendallville. Mr. Dieterle was born in Kendallville on December 22, 1951, to the late Donald Christian Dieterle and Nancy Ellen (Adams) Bolenbaugh. Michael was employed at Dana Spicer Axle in Fort Wayne for 30 years. He was a member of the New Life Tabernacle in Kendallville. His strong faith and trust in God was the most important to him. Michael loved scootering around Bixler Lake, taking pictures of nature, fishing and sailing. Survivors include: son, Christopher Michael Dieterle of Kendallville; son, Timothy Dieterle and his wife, Tiffany Bolk of St. Paul, Minnesota; and son, Quinn Jacob Dieterle of Kendallville. Mike loved Julie’s children as his own and they are: Abby (Jesse) Cox, Fawn Scott and Zane (Stacy) Scott. He is also survived by his fiance and life companion, Julie Shultz Scott of Kendallville; grandchildren Maddison Bodenhafer, Kalli and Kaden Cox, Kace and Brooklyn Scott, and Olyvia Hart; a sister, JoAnn and Lee Stoppenhagen of Fort Wayne; two nieces, Angela Bailey of Avilla and Aimee Campbell of Kendallville; great-nephews Ethan Bailey, Landon Bailey, and Jaxson Campbell; and a great-niece, Natalie Bailey. He was also preceded in death by his maternal grandmothers, Margaret Adams and Ruth “Cookie” Dieterle. Visitation and funeral services will be Thursday, December 27, 2012 at the New Life Tabernacle, 609 Patty Lane, west of Kendallville, on U.S. Hwy 6. Visita-

tion will be from 2-4 p.m. and funeral services will be at 4 p.m. with Pastor James Archambeault officiating. Preferred memorials may be made to to the family or donor’s choice. Send a condolence to the family or view a video tribute of Michael by Thursday at Arrangements have been entrusted to Hite Funeral Home, 403 South Main Street, Kendallville.

Norma Thomas AVILLA — Norma Jean Thomas, 78, of Avilla died on Saturday, December 22, 2012, at Parkview Noble Hospital in Kendallville. Mrs. Thomas was Mrs. born in Thomas Garrett on September 2, 1934, to the late Merle Revere and Ethel Vera (McCoy) Renkenberger. She graduated from Avilla High School in 1952. She married Keith Allen Thomas on September 6, 1952, in Hopewell Presbyterian Church near Avilla. They just celebrated 60 years of marriage this past September. She was the apartment complex manager for Drake Terrace and Carriage House Apartments both in Kendallville for about 15 years. Norma loved to play the piano, take care of her garden and crochet. She also loved her little dog “Angel.” She was a member of the New Hope Baptist Church near Kendallville. Survivors include her husband, Keith Allen Thomas of Avilla; three sons, David Lynn and Barbara Thomas of Avilla, Kevin Lee and Sally Thomas of Kendallville, and Steven Eugene and Kimberly Thomas of Howell, Utah; 11 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren.; a brother and sisterin-law, Ronald and Elaine Renkenberger of LaOtto; and a sister-in-law, Norma Thompson of Colorado. Visitation will be Wednesday, December 26, 2012, from 3-7 p.m. at Hite Funeral Home in Kendallville. Funeral services will be Thursday, December 27, 2012, at 11 a.m. at New Hope Baptist Church on C.R. 500E near Kendallville. Officiating the funeral service will be Pastor Robert Boston. Burial will be at Hooper-King Cemetery near Avilla. Preferred memorials may be made to New Hope Baptist Church. View a video tribute by Wednesday or send condolences to the family at http://www.hitefuneralhome .com/


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Helen Crider EDINBURGH — Helen Crider, 89, of Edinburgh, died at 12:20 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012, at her home. Helen was a World War II bride from Belgium who came to the States in Mrs. Crider 1945. She first resided in a coal camp in Dorchester, Virginia, then moved to Ligonier in 1962 where she retired from Erving Products and was a member of The Sanctuary, United Pentecostal Church in Syracuse. She moved to Edinburgh in 2007 where she was under the care of her daughter. She was a member of Apostolic Family Assembly in Greenwood. Funeral service will be conducted at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, December 27, 2012 at the Yeager Funeral Home in Ligonier with the Rev. Craig Fritchley officiating. Calling will be from 3 to 6 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home. A graveside service will be 11 a.m. Friday at Oak Park Cemetery in Ligonier. Memorial contributions may be made to The Sanctuary, United Pentecostal Church in Syracuse. Born in La Calamine, Belgium, Aug. 27, 1923, Helen was the daughter of Nicholas Klein and Helen Schneider Klein. She married Paul Crider who preceded her in death Jan. 28, 1996. Survivors include a daughter, Paulette (David) Wallace of Edinburgh, Ind; sons, John (Brenda) Crider of New Paris, Ind., and Phil Crider of Ligonier, Ind.; 12 grandchildren; 19 greatgrandchildren; one greatgreat-grandchild; and a sister, Hubertine (Joseph) Dome of La Calamine, Belgium. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband; son, Jim Crider; daughter, Marie “Toots” Bailey; and brothers, Joseph Klein and Lambert Klein. Online condolences may be sent to the family at www.yeagerfuneralhome. com.

Clayton Spears KENDALLVILLE — Clayton Wayne Spears, age 17, of Kendallville, died on Sunday, December 23, 2012, at home. Clayton was born in Angola, Indiana, on October 30, Clayton 1995, to Spears Robert J. and Brenda S. Spears. He loved when Michael’s friends would come over for visits. Clayton loved watching television, bright lights and the nurses that took such good care of him. He also loved their

family dog “Mimi girl”. Survivors include his mother and father, Brenda and Robert Spears of Kendallville; his brother, Michael Spears of Kendallville; maternal grandfather, John Walton of Portage, Indiana; paternal grandmother, Mary Ann West of Vidor, Texas; uncle, Michael Spears of Vidor, Texas; uncle, John Walton Jr. of Portage; aunt, Ann Phelps of Angola; and many cousins. He was preceded in death by paternal grandfather Jack Spears and his maternal grandmother Clara Walton. Visitation will be Thursday, December 27, 2012 from 3-7 p.m. at Hite Funeral Home in Kendallville. Funeral services will be Friday, December 28, 2012 at 11 a.m. at Hite Funeral Home. Officiating the funeral service will be Pastor Tom Clothier. Burial will be at Lake View Cemetery in Kendallville. Preferred memorials may be made to Noble County Humane Society. Casketbearers will be Michael Spears, T.J. Blair, Ian Dove, Tyler Christian, Cam Ramey, Jake LeMay and Casey Evard. Send a condolence to the family or view a video tribute of Clayton by Thursday at hitefuneral Arrangements have been entrusted to Hite Funeral Home, 403 South Main Street, Kendallville, Indiana.

Daniel Robey AUBURN — Daniel B. Robey, 49, of Auburn, died Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012, at Parkview Regional Medical Center in Fort Wayne. Mr. Robey was born Aug. 14, 1963, in Van Wert, Ohio. He graduated from Van Wert High School, class of 1981. Surviving are his mother and step-father, Rosa and Jerry Moreland of Auburn; a daughter and son-in-law, Trisha and Justin Luft of Douglas, Wy; stepmother, Naomi Robey of Van Wert, Ohio; a sister, Theresa Robey of Garrett; three brothers and a sister-in-law, Franklin Robey Jr. of Cecil, Ohio, Steven L. Robey of Ohio City, Ohio, and Greg and Diane Robey of Atlanta, Ga; a step-sister and her husband, Renee and Donald Gould of Stuart, Fl; and two step-brothers, Robert Moreland of Angola, and Randy Moreland and his wife, Amy of Auburn. He was preceded in death by his father, Franklin Robey Sr. There will be no services conducted. Feller and Clark Funeral Home in Waterloo is assisting the family with arrangements. To view an online obituary or to send condolences, visit ADDITIONAL OBITUARIES are on page A8 of the Herald Republican and page A7 of The Star and The News Sun.

Lotteries • INDIANAPOLIS — These are the winning numbers drawn Tuesday: Indiana: Midday: 8-7-2 and 8-7-1-6. Evening: 8-3-6 and 2-9-4-0. Cash 5: 6-9-13-16-17. Mix and Match: 22-23-2728-50. Quick Draw: 4-7-8-10-13-15-18-20-22-25-50-52-5563-64-65-69-70-75-77. Mega Millions: 2-3-18-34-48. Mega Ball: 36. Megaplier: 4. Ohio: Midday: 3-8-4, 5-5-3-5 and 7-4-8-3-3. Ev ening: 05-9, 3-1-0-1 and 6-6-8-8-0.Rolling Cash 5: 10-13-17-20-38. Illinois: My 3 Midday: 1-0-3. Midday: 0-6-4 and 4-2-94. My 3 Evening: 3-8-4. Evening: 6-3-8 and 7-1-2-3. Lucky Day Lotto: 1-10-22-26-33. Mega Millions: 2-3-18-34-48. Mega Ball: 36. Megaplier: 4.

MY COMMUNITY Submit your news & photos at



Briefs •

Syrian rebels make more gains in north BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian rebels fully captured a northern town near the Turkish border on Tuesday after weeks of heavy fighting and attacked a regime air base in a neighboring province, activists said. The air base is in Aleppo province, where opposition fighters have already captured three other large military bases in recent months. Rebels have also laid siege to the international airport in the city of Aleppo, Syria’s commercial capital, and launched an offensive on the police academy near the city. With steady rebel gains across the north, President Bashar Assad’s regime is having increasing difficulty sending supplies by land to Aleppo province, especially after rebels cut a major thoroughfare from Damascus. It is just another sign that the opposition is consolidating its grip across large swathes of territory in northern Syria near the Turkish border.

Venezuala’s Chavez reportedly walking; doubts persist CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Vice President Nicolas Maduro surprised Venezuelans with a Christmas Eve announcement that President Hugo Chavez is up and walking two weeks after cancer surgery in Cuba, but the news did little to ease uncertainty surrounding the leader’s condition. Sounding giddy, Maduro told state television Venezolana de Television that he had spoken by phone with Chavez for 20 minutes Monday night. It was the first time a top Venezuelan government official had confirmed talking personally with Chavez since the Dec. 11 operation, his fourth cancer surgery since 2011. Chavez supporters reacted with relief, but the statement inspired more questions, given the sparse information the Venezuelan government has provided so far about the president’s cancer.

People • Ben Affleck won’t run for Senate seat BOSTON (AP) — Ben Affleck is taking his name off the list of possible candidates for U.S. Sen. John Kerry’s seat, which would be open if the Democratic senator from Affleck Massachusetts is confirmed as secretary of state. Affleck says in a Monday posting on his Facebook page that while he loves the political process, he will not be running for public office. Speculation about the Cambridge, Mass., native rose slightly when he did not completely rule out a Senate bid during an appearance on CBS’ Face The Nation on Sunday.

Jessica Simpson expecting again NEW YORK (AP) — Jessica Simpson’s daughter has the news all spelled out: “Big Sis.� Simpson on Tuesday tweeted a photo of her baby daughter Maxwell playing in the sand, the words “Big Sis� spelled out. The 32-year-old old singer and personality has been rumored to be expecting again. The tweet appears to confirm the rumors. “Merry Christmas from my family to yours� is the picture’s caption. Simpson used a tweet on Halloween in 2011 to announce she was pregnant with Maxwell. She is engaged to Eric Johnson and gave birth to Maxwell in May.


Gulf Coast storms blamed for one death Thunderstorms hit South while midsection deals with sleet, snow NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Christmas Day along the Gulf Coast was filled with severe thunderstorms that brought drenching rains, high winds and damaging tornadoes while the nation’s midsection dealt with freezing rain, sleet and snow that made for a sloppy and sometimes dangerous trek for holiday travelers. Winds toppled a tree onto a pickup truck in the Houston area, killing the driver. Icy roads already were blamed for a 21vehicle pileup in Oklahoma, where authorities warned would-be travelers to stay home. The National Weather Service tweeted that a tornado was headed toward downtown Mobile, Ala., and WALA posted on its website a photo from its tower cam of what looked like a funnel cloud moving toward the city. Near McNeill, Miss., in the southwestern part of the state, winds from a storm, possibly a tornado, damaged a dozen homes and injured several people, none seriously, said Pearl River County emergency management agency director Danny Manley. Trees fell on a few houses in central Louisiana’s Rapides Parish but there were no injuries reported and crews were cutting trees out of roadways to get to people in their homes, said sheriff’s Lt. Tommy Carnline. Fog blanketed highways, including arteries in the Atlanta area where motorists slowed as a precaution. In New Mexico, drivers across the eastern plains had to

fight through snow, ice and low visibility. At least three tornadoes were reported in Texas, though only one building was damaged, according to the National Weather Service. Tornado watches were in effect across southern Louisiana and Mississippi. Nearly 350 flights nationwide were canceled by the evening, according to the flight tracker More than half were canceled into and out of Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport that got a few inches of snow. Christmas lights also were knocked out with more than 70,000 people without power in east Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana. And in Louisiana, quarter-sized hail was reported early Tuesday in the western part of the state and a WDSU viewer sent a photo to the TV station of what appeared to be a waterspout around the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway in New Orleans. There were no reports of crashes or damage. Meanwhile, blizzard conditions were possible for parts of Illinois, Indiana and western Kentucky with predictions of 4 to 7 inches of snow. Much of Oklahoma and Arkansas braced under a winter storm warning of an early mix of rain and sleet forecast to eventually turn to snow. About a dozen counties in Missouri were under a blizzard warning from Tuesday night to noon Wednesday.

TV-lovers bid pair of actors ‘farewell’ Jack Klugman, Charles Durning die BY FRAZER MOORE The Associated Press

What a couple of mugs, sporting less-than-perfect physiques in the bargain. But was there anything lovelier than Jack Klugman or Charles Klugman Durning doing what they did for an audience? Rumpled Klugman exploding at his prissy flat-mate Tony Durning Randall in the long-running sitcom “The Odd Couple.� Portly Durning hoofing, fleet of foot, and singing how “Ewwwww, I love to do a little sidestep� in the film “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.� Each was a luminous display of the extraordinary possibilities of the ordinary. Klugman and Durning (both of whom died Monday, Klugman at 90 in Los Angeles, Durning at 89 in New York) spent storied careers building catalogues of roles that classed them indisputably as “character actors.� Even with a certain “always-a-bridesmaid-nevera-bride� taint attached to it, the term “character actor� commands respect and affection among audiences, even audience members who may not quite realize their level of investment in such artistry. Traditional stardom — “leading man� status — is conferred on the actors who embody a fantasy, an ideal.

They are famously out of reach of a ticket holder or a couch potato, other than through sitting back and watching from afar. Dreams are a powerful engine of Hollywood, and these actors — whether Clark Gable or Will Smith — are thrilling dream agents. But there’s another breed of actor — the group in which Klugman and Durning reign supreme — who sustains us in more comfortable ways. If a star like Brad Pitt stirs the frisson of eternal longing in the audience (oh, to be with him, or be him!), a character actor serves another need: cinematic kinship. Klugman solving crimes as a lab geek on his series “Quincy, M.E.,� or Durning as a stressed-out cop (“Dog Day Afternoon�) or a romantic who’s smitten with Dustin Hoffman in drag (“Tootsie�) — these are actors we identify with, instantly and eagerly. Nothing seems to stand between us and what they do. They, with their justcoping-with-life heroics, show us who we are, or could be if we try a little harder (or warn us of the jam that might befall us if we don’t). They are our proxies. They never go out of style. They never lose their appeal. They are never put away because their looks have faded or their waistline thickened. We stick with them, just as they stick with us. (Durning was working into his late 80s in a recurring role as the irascible father of Denis Leary’s firefighter protagonist on the drama “Rescue Me�). In this way, too, they resemble everybody we truly love: We love them in every phase of their lives.


City and To The World) message from the central balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican Tuesday.

In this photo provided by Vatican paper L’Osservatore Romano, Pope Benedict XVI delivers his “Urbi et Orbi� (To The

Pope talks world politics on holiday VATICAN CITY (AP) — In his Christmas message to the world Tuesday, Pope Benedict XVI called for an end to the slaughter in Syria and for more meaningful negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians, while encouraging more religious freedom under China’s new leaders. Delivering the traditional speech from the central balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica, Benedict also encouraged Arab spring nations, especially Egypt, to build just and respectful societies.

The pope prayed that China’s new leadership may “esteem the contribution of the religions, in respect for each other� to help build a “fraternal society for the benefit of that Pope Benedict XVI noble people.� It was a clear reference to the Chinese government’s often harsh treatment of Catholics loyal

to the pontiff instead of to the state-sanctioned church. Earlier this month, the Vatican refused to accept the decision by Chinese authorities to revoke the title of a Shanghai bishop, who had been appointed in a rare show of consensus between the Holy See and China. As the 85-year-old pontiff, bundled up in an ermine-trimmed red cape, gingerly stepped foot on the balcony, the pilgrims, tourists and Romans below backing St. Peter’s Square erupted in cheers.

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Community Calendar • Today Alcoholics Anonymous closed: 8 a.m. First Congregational United Church of Christ, 314 W. Maumee St., Angola. Helping Hands of Steuben County: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 768 N. S.R. 827, Angola. Retired Senior Volunteer Project: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, 700 W. Maumee St., Angola. Blood pressure checks: 10-11 a.m. Steuben County Council on Aging, 317 S. Wayne St., Angola. Move It To Improve It: 10:15 a.m. Steuben County Council on Aging, 317 S. Wayne St., Angola. Euchre: 12:30-3 p.m. Steuben County Council on Aging, 317 S. Wayne St., Angola. Faith Community Health Clinic: 5-8 p.m. Free health care for those without insurance and meeting poverty guidelines.

Information is at 665-3146. Holy Family Episcopal Church, 909 S. Darling St., Angola. Bingo: 6 p.m. Orland American Legion, 211 N. Bronson St., Orland. Diabetes support group: 6 p.m. Cameron Memorial Community Hospital, 416 E. Maumee St., Angola. Boy Scout Troop No. 186: 6:30 p.m. Fremont Moose Lodge, 1665 S.R. 120, Fremont. Alcoholics Anonymous : 7 p.m. First Congregational United Church of Christ, 314 W. Maumee St., Angola. AA and Alanon: 7:30 p.m. Closed meeting. Hamilton Church of Christ, 4040 E. Church St., Hamilton. New Beginnings for Narcotic Anonymous: 7:30 p.m. First Congregational United Church of Christ, 314 W. Maumee St., Angola.

Thursday, Dec. 27 101 Lakes Kiwanis: 7 a.m. Cahoot’s Coffee Cafe,

218 W. Maume St., Angola. Business Network International: 7:30 a.m. Auntie V’s, 2010 N. Wayne St., Angola. Go Angola Downtown Alliance: 8:30 a.m. Cahoot’s Coffee Cafe, 218 W. Maumee St., Angola. Euchre: 9:30 a.m. to noon. Steuben County Council on Aging, 317 S. Wayne St., Angola. Story time: 1 p.m. For preschool-age children, 4 years and older. Carnegie Public Library of Steuben County, 322 S. Wayne St., Angola. Faith Soup Kitchen: 46 p.m. Angola United Methodist Church, 220 W. Maumee St., Angola. Cancer survivor support group: 5-6 p.m. Cameron Counseling Center, 617 N. Washington St., Angola. Bingo: 6 p.m. Angola American Legion, 1760 W. Maumee St., Angola. Ashley-Hudson 2000 Lions: 7 p.m. Ashley OES

Hall, Morgan Street, Ashley. Alcoholics Anonymous closed 12-step meeting: 7:30 p.m. Fremont United Methodist Church, 3165 E. Spring St., Fremont. Alcoholics Anonymous men’s meeting: 7:30 p.m. Holy Family Episcopal Church, 909 S. Darling St., Angola.

Friday, December 28 Bingo: 6 p.m. Angola Kids League Bingo Hall, 1409 N. Wayne St., Angola. Bingo: 6 p.m. Orland American Legion, 211 N. Bronson St., Orland. Euchre: 7 p.m. Fridays at the Helmer Fire Station, Helmer. New Beginnings for Narcotic Anonymous: 7 p.m. Anonymous location, 412 S. John St., Angola. Alcoholics Anonymous open discussion meeting: 7:30 p.m. First Congregational United Church of Christ, 314 W. Maumee St., Angola.


Red Cross offers holiday safety tips FORT WAYNE — While people in Northeast Indiana are finalizing plans for holiday events and travel, the American Red Cross of Northeast Indiana has tips to help prevent accidents and emergencies.

Holiday decorations and parties • Even though Christmas has passed, water the tree daily. • Don’t overload electrical outlets and unplug holiday lights before leaving home or going to bed. • Keep candles away from combustible materials and in a place where children and pets can’t get to them. • Pick a designated driver when attending a party and provide non-alcoholic beverage options if hosting

a party. • Keep children and pets away from the stove; turn pot handles in; and turn off burners if leaving the kitchen.

Holiday travel • Make sure vehicles are in good working order before holiday trips. This includes checking tire air pressure and windshield fluid, and cleaning lights and windows. • Equip vehicles with an emergency preparedness kit with water, snacks, flashlight, first aid kit and blankets. • Check weather and road conditions before traveling. • Share travel plans including intended route and estimated arrival time with someone.

Legal Notices • Legal Copy Deadlines Copy due Publish Wed. 4 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mon. Thurs. 4 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tues. Fri. 4 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wed. Mon. 4 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Thurs. Tues. 4 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fri. Annual Reports & Budgets due 5 working days before the publish date.

E-mail your legal! Call Kelly at 877-791-7877x182 for details

NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE TO THE OWNERS OF THE WITHIN DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me directed from the Clerk of Superior Court of Steuben County , Indiana, in Cause No. 76D01-1 106 -MF-000344 wherein W ells Fargo Bank, N.A. was Plaintif f, and Alice L. Potts, deceased; Jim Pierce a/k/a James L. Pierce, Heir of Alice L. Potts; Sanee Lombardi, Heir of Alice L. Potts; Robert Dorsey , Heir of Alice L. Potts; Barb Pierce, Heir of Alice L. Potts; Shirley Pierce, Heir of Alice L. Potts; Michael Pierce, Heir of Alice L. Potts; Tim Pierce, Heir of Alice L. Potts; Missy Lampe, Heir of Alice L. Potts; Kathy Pierce, Heir of Alice L. Potts; Jim Pierce a/k/a James A. Pierce, Heir of Alice L. Potts; Unknown Heirs and Devisees of Alice L. Potts; Estate of Alice L. Potts; The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; were Defendants, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said Decree with interest and cost, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, on the 24th day of January, 2013, at the hour of 11:00AM or as soon thereafter as is possible, at 206 E. Gale Street, Angola, IN 46703, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate in Steuben County, Indiana. Tract I: A part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 38 North, Range 12 East, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of Lot 76 in the Third Addition to Sellers Shady Shores on Lake Pleasant; thence North 87 degrees 18 minutes East 230 feet; thence North 2 degrees 18 minutes East 70.87 feet to the shore of a lake channel and being the true Point of Beginning; thence South 2 degrees 18 minutes West 70.87 feet to the North right of way line of a 40 foot road; thence North 87 degrees 18 minutes East 57.3 feet on said right of way; thence North 1 degree 7 minutes East on the West right of way line of a 40 foot road a distance of 82 feet; thence North 88 degrees 53 minutes W est 19.53 feet to the shore of a lake channel; thence meandering Southerly and W esterly along the shore of said channel back to the true Point of Beginning. Being Tract "K" of a survey. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: A part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 38 North, Range 12 East, described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of Lot 76 in the Third Addition to Sellers Shady Shores on Lake Pleasant; thence North 87 degrees 18 minutes East 268.2 feet to the true Point of Beginning of this description; thence continuing North 87 degrees 18 minutes East 19.1 feet; thence North 1 degree 7 minutes East on the West right of way line of a 40 foot road a distance of 82 feet; thence North 88 degrees 53 minutes W est to a point North 1 degree 7 minutes East of the true Point of Beginning; thence South 1 degree 7 minutes West to the true Point of Beginning, being the East part of Tract "K" of a survey. Also an easement for ingress and egress to the Channel from the Northwest corner of the above described tract to said Channel. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: A part of the Northwest quarter of Section 13, Township 38 North, Range 12 East, described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of Lot 76 in the Third Addition to Sellers Shady Shores on Lake Pleasant; thence North 87 degrees 18 min-

utes East 230 feet; thence North 2 degrees 18 minutes East 70.87 feet to the shore of a lake channel and being the true Point of Beginning; thence South 2 degrees 18 minutes West 70.87 feet to the North right of way line of a 40 foot road; thence North 87 degrees 18 minutes East 19.1 feet on said right of way; thence North 2 degrees 18 minutes East to the shore of a lake channel; thence Westerly along the shore of said channel back to the true Point of Beginning, being the W est part of Tract "K" of a survey. Tract II: A part of the W est half of Section 13, Township 38 North, Range 12 East, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 2500 feet North, thence 342 feet W est, thence 118 feet North 8 degrees 40 minutes East of the Southeast corner of the West half of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 13 and from thence running North 8 degrees 40 minutes East 116 feet; thence South 81 degrees 20 minutes East 60 feet to the true Point of Beginning of this description; thence in a Northerly direction 20 feet more or less to the Southerly line of a 20 foot roadway; thence Northwesterly along the Southerly line of said 20 foot roadway to the Easterly line of a 40 foot country road; thence South 8 degrees 40 minutes W est to a point South 81 degrees 20 minutes East 60 feet of the true Point of Beginning, in Steuben County, Indiana. Tract III: A part of the W est one-half of Section 13, Township 38 North, Range 12 East described as follows: Beginning at a point 2500 feet North, thence 342 feet W est, thence 118 feet North 8 degrees 40 minutes East of the Southeast corner of the West half of the Southwest quarter of said Section 13 as the true point of beginning; from thence running North 8 degrees 40 minutes East 1 16 feet; thence South 81 degrees 20 minutes East 60 feet; thence South 36 degrees 17 minutes East 57 feet; thence South 8 degrees 40 minutes West 75 feet; thence North 81 degrees 20 minutes W est 100 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Steuben County, Indiana. More commonly known as: 40 Lane 250 Lake Pleasant, Orland, IN 46776-5465 Parcel No.: 76-04-13-230-602.000 -007; 76-04-13-230-836.000-007; 76-04-13-230-837.000-007 Together with rents, issues, income, and profits thereof, said sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws. Sheriff of Steuben County Millgrove Township 40 Lane 250 Lake Pleasant Orland, IN 46776-5465 The Sheriff's Department does not warrant the accuracy of the street address published herein. Plaintiff Attorney ATTORNEY NO. 9985575 Unterberg & Associates, P.C. 8050 Cleveland Place Merrillville, IN 46410 (219) 736-5579 SERVICE DIRECTED TO: Jim Pierce a/k/a James L. Pierce, Heir of Alice L. Potts, 5833 Lake Avenue , Fort W ayne, IN 46815. Type of Service: Sheriff. Sanee Lombardi, Heir of Alice L. Potts, 6510 Oak Mill Place , Fort Wayne, IN 46835. Type of Service: Sheriff. Robert Dorsey, Heir of Alice L. Potts, 407 W est North Street , Fremont, IN 46737. Type of Service: Sheriff. Barb Pierce, Heir of Alice L. Potts, 40 Lane 250 Lake Pleasant , Orland, IN 46776. Type of Service: Sheriff. Barb Pierce, Heir of Alice L. Potts, PO Box 95 , Orland, IN 46776. Type of Service: Sheriff. Shirley Pierce, Heir of Alice L. Potts, 40 Lane 250 Lake Pleasant , Orland, IN 46776. Type of Service: Sheriff. Shirley Pierce, Heir of Alice L. Potts, PO Box 95 , Orland, IN 46776. Type of Service: Sheriff. Michael Pierce, Heir of Alice L. Potts, 40 Lane 250 Lake Pleasant , Orland, IN 46776. Type of Service: Sheriff. Michael Pierce, Heir of Alice L. Potts, PO Box 95 , Orland, IN 46776.

Type of Service: Sheriff. Tim Pierce, Heir of Alice L. Potts, 40 Lane 250 Lake Pleasant , Orland, IN 46776. Type of Service: Sheriff. Tim Pierce, Heir of Alice L. Potts, PO Box 95 , Orland, IN 46776. Type of Service: Sheriff. Missy Lampe, Heir of Alice L. Potts, 40 Lane 250 Lake Pleasant , Orland, IN 46776. Type of Service: Sheriff. Missy Lampe, Heir of Alice L. Potts, PO Box 95 , Orland, IN 46776. Type of Service: Sheriff. Kathy Pierce, Heir of Alice L. Potts, 40 Lane 250 Lake Pleasant , Orland, IN 46776. Type of Service: Sheriff. Kathy Pierce, Heir of Alice L. Potts, PO Box 95 , Orland, IN 46776. Type of Service: Sheriff. Jim Pierce a/k/a James A. Pierce, Heir of Alice L. Potts, 1 1645 East 565 North , Orland, IN 46776. Type of Service: Sheriff. Unknown Heirs and Devisees of Alice L. Potts, 40 Lane 250 Lake Pleasant , Orland, IN 46776. Type of Service: Sheriff. Unknown Heirs and Devisees of Alice L. Potts, PO Box 95 , Orland, IN 46776. Type of Service: Sheriff. Unknown Occupants, 40 Lane 250 Lake Pleasant, Orland, IN 46776-5465. Type of Service: Sheriff. NOTICE This communication is from a Debt Collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. HR,00324276,12/19,29,1/2 NOTICE OF SUIT SUMMONS - SERVICE BY PUBLICATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF STEUBEN COUNTY, ANGOLA, INDIANA CAUSE NO. 76C01-1211-MF-000627 STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF STEUBEN SS: WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. PLAINTIFF VS JASON W. MOTZER, DECEASED; ROBERTA MOTZER, HEIR OF JASON W. MOTZER; JOHN C. MOTZER, HEIR OF JASON W. MOTZER; BECKI SMITH, HEIR OF JASON W. MOTZER; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF JOHN G. MOTZER, HEIR OF JASON W. MOTZER; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF JASON W. MOTZER; ESTATE OF JASON W. MOTZER; ROBERTA L. MOTZER, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF JASON W. MOTZER, DEFENDANTS To the defendants above named, and any other person who may be concerned. You are notified that you have been sued in the Court above named. The nature of the suit against you is the foreclosure of a mortgage upon the property legally described as follows: Lot 4 in the recorded Plat of Ravinia Oaks as recorded in Plat Book 5, page 38-39 in the Of fice of the Recorder of Steuben County, Indiana. Commonly known as: 25 North Arthur Court, Hamilton, IN 46742-9400. This summons by publication is specifically directed to the following defendant(s) whose whereabouts are unknown with their last known address as follows: Unknown Heirs and Devisees of John G. Motzer , Heir of Jason W . Motzer, 25 North Arthur Court, Hamilton, IN 46742-9400. Unknown Heirs and Devisees of Jason W. Motzer, 25 North Arthur Court, Hamilton, IN 46742-9400. In addition to the above-named defendants being served by this summons, there may be other defendants who have an interest in this lawsuit. An answer or other appropriate response in writing to the Complaint must be filed either by you or your attorney with the Clerk of the Court for Steuben County at: Clerk of Steuben County, 55 South Public Square, Angola, IN 46703, on or before the 2nd day of February, 2013, (the same being thirty (30) days after the Third Notice of Suit), and if you fail to do so a judgment may be entered against

you for what the plaintif f has demanded. Unterberg & Associates, P.C. Renee L. Day - #29750-45 ATTEST: Clerk, Steuben Circuit Court Renee L. Day 29750-45 Attorney for Plaintiff Unterberg & Associates, P.C. 8050 Cleveland Place Merrillville, IN 46410 (219) 736-5579 Atty File: 9997471 This communication is from a Debt Collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. HR,00324279,12/19,26,1/2 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE TO THE OWNERS OF THE WITHIN DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me directed from the Clerk of Superior Court of Steuben County , Indiana, in Cause No. 76D01-1202 -MF-000100 wherein W ells Fargo Financial Indiana, Inc. was Plaintif f, and Nancy Hart a/k/a Nancy J. Hart; Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Successor in Interest to W ells Fargo Financial Bank; were Defendants, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said Decree with interest and cost, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, on the 24th day of January, 2013, at the hour of 1 1:00AM or as soon thereafter as is possible, at 206 E. Gale Street, Angola, IN 46703, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate in Steuben County, Indiana. Lot No. 22 in Harvest Hills Addition to Section 10 of Steuben County , Indiana, as same is recorded in Plat Book 5 pages 70 and 70A in the Office of the Recorder. More commonly known as: 3840 South 109 W est, Pleasant Lake, IN 46779-9675 Parcel No.: 76-1 1-10-440-110.000 -017 Together with rents, issues, income, and profits thereof, said sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws. Sheriff of Steuben County Steuben Township 3840 South 109 West Pleasant Lake, IN 46779-9675 The Sheriff's Department does not warrant the accuracy of the street address published herein. Plaintiff Attorney ATTORNEY NO. 9991511 Unterberg & Associates, P.C. 8050 Cleveland Place Merrillville, IN 46410 (219) 736-5579 SERVICE DIRECTED TO: Nancy Hart a/k/a Nancy J. Hart, 3840 South 109 W est , Pleasant Lake, IN 46779-9675. Type of Service: Sheriff. NOTICE This communication is from a Debt Collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. HR,00324272,12/19,26,1/2 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE TO THE OWNERS OF THE WITHIN DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me directed from the Clerk of Superior Court of Steuben County , Indiana, in Cause No. 76D01-1204 -MF-000243 wherein W ells Fargo Bank, N.A., Successor by Merger to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc. was Plaintiff, and V irginia E. Daler , deceased; Robert L. Daler , Heir of Virginia E. Daler; Shirley A. Daler, Heir of V irginia E. Daler; Carol Lothamer, Heir of V irginia E. Daler; Steven Daler, Heir of V irginia E. Daler; Judith Grubb, Heir of V irginia E. Daler; Kathleen Knotek a/k/a Kathy Knotek, Heir of V irginia E. Daler; Patricia Treitch, Heir of V irginia E. Daler; Cloe Daler a/k/a Clothilde M. Daler, Heir of V irginia E. Daler; Unknown Heirs and Devisees of Virginia E. Daler; Estate of V irginia E. Daler; The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; were Defendants, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said Decree with interest and cost, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder , on the 24th day of January , 2013, at the

hour of 11:00AM or as soon thereafter as is possible, at 206 E. Gale Street, Angola, IN 46703, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate in Steuben County, Indiana. Lots Numbered One (1) and Two (2) in Folck's Subdivision at Crooked Lake, according to the Recorded Plat thereof in Steuben County, Indiana. More commonly known as: 2075 North 400 W est, Angola, IN 46703-8148 Parcel No.: 76-06-07-440-301 .000-011; 76-06-07-440-302.000-011 Together with rents, issues, income, and profits thereof, said sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws. Sheriff of Steuben County Pleasant Township 2075 North 400 West Angola, IN 46703-8148 The Sheriff's Department does not warrant the accuracy of the street address published herein. Plaintiff Attorney ATTORNEY NO. 9992716 Unterberg & Associates, P.C. 8050 Cleveland Place Merrillville, IN 46410 (219) 736-5579 SERVICE DIRECTED TO: Robert L. Daler, Heir of V irginia E. Daler, 2696 Pifer Road , Delton, MI 49046-8553. Type of Service: Sheriff. Shirley A. Daler, Heir of V irginia E. Daler, 107 East Felicity Street , Angola, IN 46703-2105. Type of Service: Sheriff. Carol Lothamer, Heir of V irginia E. Daler, 15817 Lincoln Highway East , New Haven, IN 46774. Type of Service: Sheriff. Carol Lothamer, Heir of V irginia E. Daler, 2075 North 400 W est , Angola, IN 46703-8148. Type of Service: Sheriff. Steven Daler, Heir of V irginia E. Daler, 15 Lane 201 Crooked Lake , Angola, IN 46703-8146. Type of Service: Sheriff. Judith Grubb, Heir of V irginia E. Daler, 100 Lane 275A Crooked Lake, Angola, IN 46703-8126. Type of Service: Sheriff. Kathleen Knotek a/k/a Kathy Knotek, Heir of V irginia E. Daler , 3240 North 450 East , Fremont, IN 46737-9137. Type of Service: Sheriff. Patricia Treitch, Heir of V irginia E. Daler, 2075 North 400 W est , Angola, IN 46703-8148. Type of Service: Sheriff. Unknown Heirs and Devisees of Virginia E. Daler , 2075 North 400 West , Angola, IN 46703-8148. Type of Service: Sheriff. Cloe Daler a/k/a Clothilde M. Daler , Heir of V irginia E. Daler , 2696 Pifer Raod , Delton, MI 49046. Type of Service: Sheriff. Unknown Occupants, 2075 North 400 West, Angola, IN 46703-8148. Type of Service: Sheriff. NOTICE This communication is from a Debt Collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. HR,00324275,12/19,26,1/2 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF STEUBEN COUNTY, INDIANA CAUSE NO. 76C01-1211-EU-0102 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LAVERNE G. VARNER, DECEASED Notice is hereby given that James A. Ray was on the 30th day of November, 2012, appointed personal representative of the estate of Laverne G. Varner, deceased, who died on the 20th day of November, 2012. All persons who have claims against this estate, whether or not now due, must file the claim in the office of the clerk of this court within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or within nine (9) months after the decedent's death, whichever is earlier , or the claims will be forever barred. Dated at Angola, Indiana, this 30th day of November, 2012. Michelle Herbert, Clerk of the Circuit Court for Steuben County, Indiana Thomas E. Wilson Attorney at Law 212 E. Maumee St. Angola, IN 46703 Phone: (260) 665-7556 ext. 240 HR,00324271,12/19,26

SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE STEUBEN CIRCUIT COURT CAUSE NO. 76C01-1212-MI-0415 STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF STEUBEN SS: STATE OF INDIANA AND INDIANA STATE POLICE Plaintiffs VS RICHARD ASHLEY PARKER, II and RAY A. MILLER, Defendants To: Richard Ashley Parker, II and Ray A. Miller You are hereby notified that a Complaint has been filed in the Court named above. The Complaint filed by the State of Indiana and the Indiana State Police seeks forfeiture of a 2004 Chevrolet Suburban/Trailblazer EXT, green in color, which contains a vehicle identification number of 3GNFK16T34G 147496. The Complaint seeks forfeiture of the 2004 Chevrolet Suburban/Trailblazer under IC 34-24-1 et seq as the 2004 Chevrolet Suburban/Trailblazer was used on March 26, 2012 to facilitate a violation of IC 35-48-4-10, dealing in marijuana. You must answer the Complaint in writing, by you or your attorney , within thirty (30) days after the third notice of the suit and, if you fail to do so, a judgment may be entered against you for what Plaintif f's have demanded. ATTEST: Clerk Steuben Circuit Court James A. McEntarfer #10333-49 Attorney for Plaintiffs McEntarfer Law Office 215 W. Maumee Street Angola, IN 46703 (260) 319-4000 HR,00324274,12/19,26,1/2 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE STEUBEN SUPERIOR COURT, CIVIL DIVISION STEUBEN COUNTY COURTHOUSE 55 SOUTH PUBLIC SQUARE ANGOLA, IN 46703-1900 CAUSE NO. 76D01-1201-PL-12 STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF STEUBEN SS: PAUL C. PAINO and MARY PAINO, Plaintiffs, vs. CALVARY TEMPLE CHURCH, INC., MARJORIE SCHLADENHAUFFEN, ET AL Defendants. To: Marjorie Schladenhauf fen and the Unknown Heirs and Devisees of Marjorie Schladenhauffen. You have been named as a defendant in a suit seeking to foreclose your interest as a judgment creditor in real property situated in Steuben County, Indiana by the Plaintif f(s) named above. The property in question is 1.435 acres of real property situated in Section 35, Township 38 North, Range 13 East. Your Answer to the Plaintif fs' complaint is due within thirty (30) days of the last notice of this action is published. Your answer is considered filed the day it is received in the of fice of the Clerk of the Steuben Circuit and Superior Courts, Steuben County Courthouse, 55 South Public Square, Angola, Indiana 46703-1900. The method you choose to deliver your answer to the Clerk is up to you; however , you should be able to prove you filed the answer. If you wish to file a claim against another party associated with this case, you must state it in your written answer. If you fail to file a timely answer, a judgment by default may be entered against you for the relief requested in the complaint. Dated: December 11, 2012 Michelle Herbert Clerk of Steuben Circuit and Superior Courts Nathan S.J. Williams, Attorney for Plaintiffs 229 W. Berry Street, Suite 400 P.O. Box 11648 Fort Wayne, IN 46859-1648 (260) 423-1430 Attorney No. 24447-02 HR,00324285,12/19,26,1/2



Your source for LOCAL news & sports





TRUST: Foundation’s leaders want books to be shared with others FROM PAGE A1


From left are Kristopher Bex, president of The Remnant Trust; Dane Miller, co-founder of Biomet, Warsaw, and board member of the Remnant Trust; and Earl D. Brooks II, Trine University president, at the Remnant Trust headquarters in Winona Lake.

The mission of the trust, a public educational foundation, is to elevate the public’s understanding of individual liberty and human dignity, raise consciousness of the documents that have shaped America and lift the spirits of each generation to think the grandest thoughts. The trust also focuses on being “the world’s finest repository of the great ideas that have propelled man through the centuries from earth to the stars.� “We are privileged and eager to have part of The


Remnant Trust on our campus to enhance learning for our students,� said Trine President Earl D. Brooks II. “Our professors have worked with the president of the trust to develop a list of materials that they think will have the most meaning and connection to our courses.� “The trust prefers to

offer only a bit of guidance to help hosting institutions select pieces,� said Kris Bex, president of the trust. “We like to tailor the list to what meets the needs of institutions.� The younger Bex reiterates his father’s wish that the rare finds be read, touched and enjoyed, not simply locked away to be

kept safe. “We are willing to risk damage to get people to talk,� he said. “The trust would like to see us spending a little more time than we do now talking about these ideas of liberty and dignity.� For more information about The Remnant Trust, visit

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Cloudy with snow expected today. Accumulation could be from 4-11 inches in some areas. High today will be 29 and the low will dip to 20 degrees. Snow possible Thursday morning with daytime highs in the upper 20s. Overnight temperatures will fall into the teen. Partly sunny Friday.

Wednesday’s Statistics Local HI 32 LO 23 PRC. 0 Fort Wayne HI 34 LO 26 PRC. 0

South Bend HI 33 LO 23 PRC. 0 Indianapolis HI 33 LO 29 PRC. 0

STORM: INDOT has begun pretreating bridges, roadways FROM PAGE A1

increase up to 25 mph early Wednesday with gusts up to 35 mph late Wednesday, the NWS said. Because of the uncertainty expected with this storm, people resuming holiday travel are advised to keep informed of weather conditions. Mary Foster, spokeswoman for the Indiana Department of Transportation, Fort Wayne District, said crews started preparing for the storm on Monday. “Crews have already begun pretreating bridges and roadways with salt brine, an anti-icing solution. INDOT will continue to monitor multiple developing forecasts, as well as a statewide network of road and bridge pavement sensors, to deploy the needed personnel, equipment and materials ahead of any predicted accumulation. INDOT’s top winter priority is to plow and treat its more

than 30,000 lane miles of interstates, U.S. highways and state routes,” she said in a news release issued late Monday. State government offices are expected to be open today. However, where snow emergencies have been declared non-essential employees will not be required to report to work where roads are open only to official vehicles, said Jane Jankowski, spokeswoman for Gov. Mitch Daniels. This is effective statewide. Each agency has operational plans for emergency situations and necessary personnel. Indiana Department of Homeland Security spokesman Ian Connor said the state emergency operations center would help coordinate counties’ storm response, shifting police or firefighters to areas where they were most needed, the Associated Press reported.


Deaths & Funerals •

John Hammel ANGOLA — John F. Hammel, 86, passed away on December 22, 2012 in Lakeland Nursing Home. John was born on December 13, 1926 in Monon, Indiana. He spent his youth there with his parents Emma and H Hanly Hammel and his six siblings. He married Norma Lee Myers of Francesville, Indiana, on June 15, 1947. After completion of his Army duties and his teaching degree from Indiana University, he spent his entire career and life in Angola. He retired from the Metropolitan School District of Steuben County in 1990 after 43 years. John is remembered as an animated and demanding math teacher; outstanding coach of football, baseball, and basketball; and as the Principal of Angola High School from 1963 to 1970. He was appointed to the Angola Planning Commission, participated in the police reserves and proudly served on the Indiana High School Athletic Board of Control. John was a member of the American Legion and Angola Masonic Lodge. He was a recipient of the Sagamore of the Wabash honor as well as an inductee into the Angola High School Athletic Hall of Fame and the IHSAA Basketball Coaches Hall of Fame. He loved working in his garden and all of nature. He was an avid sports fan of nearly every sport — the Chicago Cubs and Indiana Hoosiers have truly lost an ardent fan. He is survived by his wife of 65 years, Norma, as well as four children, Dr. John Hammel, Mary and Gene Tierney, Sally Hammel and Dan and Susie Hammel.

John took pride in his 9 grandchildren: Alyssa, Anne, Michael, Patrick, Ben, Molly, Erin, Ellen, Chad and one great grandson, Ozzy. Also surviving are his siblings, H Hanly Hammel, Jim Hammel, Helen Kraack, Ruth Chowning and Nancy Fendley. He was preceded in death by his brother, Dr. Howard T. Hammel. Private graveside services will be held. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorial contributions to the Angola High School Athletic Department in his name. A celebration of life for John will be held on Saturday, December 29th from 1 – 4 p.m. at the Elks Lodge, 2005 N. Wayne Street, Angola, Indiana 46703. You may sign the guestbook at Arrangements handled by the Weicht Funeral Home, Angola, Indiana.

Frederic Romero AUBURN — Frederic Lee Romero, 81, passed away Friday, December 21, 2012. Born in Angola, Indiana on Oct. 11, 1931, Fred was the son of the late Louis Paul, Mr. Romero and Margaret Romero. After graduating from Angola High School in 1949, Fred attended Indiana University, but the Korean War interrupted his studies. He was stationed in Korea during most of his three-year tour of duty in the United States Air Force. Fred finished his undergraduate education at Tri-State University, and went on to


Church of God with Pastor Jeff Boyer officiating. Burial will follow in the North Webster Cemetery. Calling is 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday at the church. Memorials are to the church. Owen Family Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

begin a multi-year sales career with companies including Whirlpool Corporation, and Chem Tech Laboratories. At the age of 36, he furthered his education, and earned a Juris Doctor degree from the Ohio Northern University College of Law. He was a member of both the DeKalb County Bar and Indiana State Bar Associations, and practiced criminal and family law in Auburn, Indiana, for 41 years, retiring in November 2012. An avid IU basketball fan, he had high hopes for the Hoosiers this year. Fred is survived by his sons, Randy Romero of Fort Wayne, and Scott Romero (Laurie) of Fremont, and two granddaughters, Olivia Romero, of Fremont and Maria Ehinger (Luke) of Columbus, Ohio. Also surviving are a brother and sister-in-law, Richard and Jonella Romero, in Sun City, Florida, as well as several nieces and nephews. His first wife, Nancy Vendrely of Fort Wayne also survives. Preceding him in death were his second wife, Barbara Lou, and his brother, Phillip “Tony” Romero. The family will receive friends on Saturday December 29, 2012, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Feller and Clark Funeral Home, 1860 South Center Street, Auburn, Indiana. Private family services will be held at Lindenwood Cemetery at a later date.

Nelson Miller SHIPSHEWANA — Nelson L. Miller, 74, of Shipshewana, died Monday, December 24, 2012, at his residence. Services are at 10 a.m. Thursday at Maple City Chapel in Goshen, conducted by the Rev. Mel Shetler and the Rev. David Garty. Burial is in Grace Lawn Cemetery, Middlebury. Calling is 1-5 p.m. and 68 p.m. today at Maple City Chapel. Arrangements are by Miller-Stewart Funeral Home.

Edith Rehling ALBION — Edith M. Rehling, 87, died on Friday, December 21, 2012, at Miller’s Manor Nursing Home in Syracuse. Services are Thursday at 2 p.m. at Brazzell Funeral Home, Albion Chapel, with the Rev. Larry Williams officiating. Burial is in Wolf Lake Cemetery in Wolf Lake. Calling is noon to 2 p.m. on Thursday at the funeral home.

Mary Keller

Harriett White

KENDALLVILLE — Mary H. Keller, 88, died Sunday, December 23, 2012, at the home of her daughter in Northwood, New Hampshire. Services are pending at Hite Funeral Home in Kendallville.

NORTH WEBSTER — Harriet Elizabeth White, 91, of North Webster, died Saturday, December 22, 2012 at Lakeland Rehab and Healthcare Center in Milford. Services are at 2 p.m. Friday at North Webster

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Scores •

TUESDAY’S GAMES BOSTON.....................................93 BROOKLYN...............................76 L.A. LAKERS..........................100 NEW YORK...............................94 MIAMI ........................................103 OKLAHOMA CITY ................97

Area Events • THURSDAY BOYS BASKETBALL East Noble at Central Noble, 7:3 0 p.m. Coldwater Tourney Fremont vs. Eaton Rapids, 3:15 p.m. Morenci vs. Coldwater, 6:45 p.m. GIRLS BASKETBALL Leo at Angola, 6 p.m. East Noble at Central Noble, 6 p.m. Coldwater Tourney Niles vs. Williamston, 1:30 p.m. Fremont vs. Coldwater, 5 p.m. WRESTLING Garrett, Prairie Heights, West Noble at Mishawaka Al Smith Invitational, 9 a.m. Angola at Huntington North Invitational, 8:30 a.m.

Briefly • Trine cager Spragg honored by MIAA ROYAL OAK, Mich. — Trine University senior forward Sydney Spragg was named one of the two Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association coPlayers of the Week in women’s basketball for last week’s efforts. Spragg shared the award with Hope senior forward Courtney Kust. Spragg averaged 14.5 points and 2.5 steals per game last week in leading the Thunder to two nonconference victories last week. The Reading, Mich., native shot 40 percent from the field (8-20) and made 71 percent of her free throws (12-17). She was named MIAA Player of the Week for the first time in her collegiate athletic career.

Cavs to be without Varejao tonight CLEVELAND (AP) — Cavaliers center Anderson Varejao will miss his fourth straight game because of a bruised right knee. The Cavs said Varejao won’t travel with them to Washington for tonight’s game against the Wizards. Varejao, who leads the NBA in rebounding, wasn’t with the Cavs on Saturday when they snapped a six-game losing streak with a win in Milwaukee. He stayed in Cleveland to receive additional treatment, and the Cavs had hoped the extra rest would help him return this week. Varejao injured his knee last week against Toronto. The 6-foot-11 Brazilian has been replaced in the starting lineup by rookie Tyler Zeller.

On The Air • COLLEG E FOOTBALL Little Caesars Bowl, Central Michigan vs. Western Kentucky, E S PN, 7:30 p.m.






Heat take Finals rematch MIAMI (AP) — LeBron James finished with 29 points, nine assists and eight rebounds, Dwyane Wade scored 21, and the Miami Heat survived a frantic finish to beat the Oklahoma City Thunder 103-97 in an NBA Finals rematch on Tuesday. Mario Chalmers scored a season-high 20 for the Heat, who matched the franchise’s best 25-game start at 19-6. Chris Bosh added 16 for Miami, which has beaten the Thunder five straight times going back to last June’s title series. Kevin Durant scored 33 points and Russell Westbrook added 21 for Oklahoma City, but both Thunder stars missed potentially game-tying 3point attempts in the final seconds. Serge Ibaka and Kevin Martin each added 15 for the Thunder, who have dropped two straight for the first time this season. The Heat went 19 for 19 from the foul line, the second-best effort in franchise history. They were 30 for 30 at Boston on March 24, 1993. And it was a wild finals rematch — one that lived up to expectations.


Oklahoma City's Kendrick Perkins, right, gets tangled up with the Heat's

There was a fast start by the reigning champions, a one-handed dunk by James on an offensive rebound that will be added to his copious highlight reel, a scrum after a hard foul that led to double-technicals on Wade and Ibaka early in the

Chris Bosh, center, during the first half of an NBA game on Tuesday in Miami.

fourth, an easy rally by the Thunder from an early double-digit deficit, and even a jawing match between Durant and James in the final minutes. Such was the intensity that James slumped over the scorer’s table with 1:08 left,

exhausted. Oh, and there was a wild finish, as well. Wade lost the ball on an ill-advised, behind-the-back dribble, and the turnover set up Durant for a two-handed dunk that got the Thunder within 96-95 with 44.1

seconds remaining. Needing a stop on the next trip, the Thunder forgot to play defense instead. Kendrick Perkins and Ibaka both were confused on the ensuing Miami possession, and Bosh was left alone to take a pass from James and throw down a dunk that restored Miami’s threepoint edge. Oklahoma City got within one when Durant made a jumper over James, but no closer. Ray Allen’s two free throws with 15.6 seconds left made it 100-97, and Miami’s last three points came from the line after a Thunder foul and Westbrook getting hit with a technical for punching a table after arguing that he was fouled on his 3-point try in the final moments. While the stars were stars, the Heat got help from one unexpected source. Chalmers was making everything, even unintended plays. Allen lost possession on what looked to be a pass to no one, but Chalmers picked up the bouncing ball on the right wing, whirled and made a 3-pointer — putting Miami up 86-79 with 8:14 left.

Lakers win 5th straight Rockets roll in Chicago LOS ANGELES (AP) — The pieces of the puzzle that have been the Lakers’ confounding season so far are starting to fall into place. Kobe Bryant engineered a second-half comeback, the defense stepped up, and Los Angeles beat the New York Knicks 100-94 on Tuesday, extending its winning streak to five games. “We’re .500,” a smiling Dwight Howard said. “We did it on Christmas, too. I knew this day would come.” Bryant scored 34 points in his NBA-record 15th Christmas Day game and Metta World Peace added 20 points and seven rebounds while defending Carmelo Anthony, whose 34 points led the Knicks. Anthony said he hyperextended his left knee, but expects to play on Wednesday in Phoenix. Bryant, the league’s leading scorer, has topped 30 or more points in nine straight games. “If you’re going to play on Christmas, it’s always better to win. Makes it all worthwhile,” said Bryant, who would soon hop a flight to Denver, getting there ahead of the


Nuggets, who played the Clippers in the other half of the holiday doubleheader at Staples Center. The Lakers improved to 14-14 — 9-9 under new coach Mike D’Antoni — and upped their holiday record to 21-18, including 13-9 at home. They returned to .500 for the first time since they were 8-8 on Nov. 30. “It’s so early in the season to have turned a corner,” Bryant said. “We have everybody in the lineup and we’re starting to see how we want to play.” The Knicks controlled most of the game behind Anthony and J.R. Smith, who had 24 points. But they struggled offensively in the fourth, when Anthony was limited to seven points and Smith had five as the Lakers’ defense clamped down. World Peace fouled out with 1:58 to play and the Lakers ahead by four. World Peace credited his defense on Anthony to “old-school basketball.” “I’m back in shape and it’s a little tough to guard me,” he said. Steve Nash said: “This is what he’s been doing all year. He gets his hands on a lot of balls, pounds on the other team’s best guy.


Los Angeles Lakers guard Kobe Bryant (24) shoots a reverse lay up between New York Knicks center Tyson Chandler, left, and forward Carmelo Anthony, right, during the first half of their N BA basketball game in Los Angeles on Tuesday.

You can’t win without that type of effort.” Smith’s 3-pointer pulled New York to 96-94. After Pau Gasol made one of two free throws, Smith missed another 3 that would have tied the game at 97 with 32 seconds left. Celtics 93, Nets 76 In Brooklyn, Boston’s Rajon Rondo scored 19 points in his first full game against the Nets this season, and it was another

game with some heated moments between the division rivals. Rondo, hurt in the first meeting and thrown out of the second after shoving Nets forward Kris Humphries into the courtside seats, outplayed counterpart Deron Williams and helped the Celtics take control early. Gerald Wallace and Brook Lopez each scored 15 for the Nets.

CHICAGO (AP) — James Harden scored 26 points and Jeremy Lin added 20 points and 11 assists to lead the Houston Rockets to a 120-97 win over the Chicago Bulls on Tuesday night. Omer Asik returned to the United Center and had a doubledouble with 20 points and 18 rebounds in his first trip back to Chicago since signing with the Rockets in the offseason. The Rockets starters all scored in double figures. Chandler Parsons added 23 points. Houston has won six of seven. The Rockets had been just 3-7 on the road entering Tuesday, but a strong second quarter turned the holiday matchup into a blowout. The Rockets outscored the Bulls 31-19 in the period to break the game open. Lin capped a 14-2 run midway through the quarter with a drive and a layup to make it 55-34. He scored 12 in the second quarter and Harden had 13. Houston led 58-41 at halftime. Nate Robinson led the Bulls with 27 points. Houston entered the game tops in the league in scoring at 105.4 points per game.

Comeback stories fill NFL DENVER (AP) — From Peyton Manning overcoming four neck surgeries to Adrian Peterson’s rebound from a shredded knee to Chuck Pagano’s fight with leukemia, this has been the Year of the Comeback in the NFL. A season besmirched by tragedies, replacement officials and a bounty scandal also will go down as one in which some of the game’s greats not only regained their old form but somehow surpassed it. There are always feelgood stories about those who overcome long odds and broken bodies to regain at least a sliver of their past glory. This season provided an abundance of them. When the season started, who could have expected Manning to recapture his

MVP play so quickly with a new team? Or for Peterson to come back less than nine months after shredding his left knee. Or for Jamaal Charles to return better than ever after suffering a similar injury. Then there’s Pagano beating the biggest opponent of his life. A year ago, Manning was in the midst of four neck operations to fix a nerve injury that had caused his right arm to atrophy and had sidelined him for an entire season. Soon, he would say a tearful farewell to Indianapolis, a city he’d put back on the NFL map, and hook up with John Elway in Denver. Peterson’s left knee was still swollen after he’d shredded it on Christmas Eve, an injury similar to

the one Charles suffered earlier last season. Yet both would defy medicine and conventional wisdom alike to rebound as better runners than they were before getting hurt. Pagano’s fight started three months ago when it was disclosed he had cancer, forcing the firstyear Colts coach to take time off for chemotherapy treatments. He returned to work this week, taking the reins from assistant Bruce Arians, who guided the team to a surprising playoff berth in his absence. “When I asked for Bruce to take over, I asked for him to kick some you-knowwhat and to do great. Damn Bruce, you had to go and win nine games?” Pagano said. “Tough act to follow.”



Indianapolis Colts head coach Chuck Pagano speaks during a news conference Monday in Indianapolis. Pagano returned to the team after undergoing successful leukemia treatment.



WKU, CMU to meet in Pizza Bowl DETROIT (AP) — Before the Bobby Petrino era begins at Western Kentucky, there’s a bowl game to play — the Little Caesars Pizza Bowl against Central Michigan. The game at Ford Field tonight is in Detroit, not far from the campus of the Chippewas (6-6). The Hilltoppers (7-5) will be run by interim coach Lance Guidry. Petrino’s hiring has almost overshadowed the play of the Hilltoppers. They are in their first bowl since becoming a top-tier college football school in 2009. Petrino is returning to coaching less than a year after he was dismissed at Arkansas. He had hired his former mistress to work in the Razorbacks’ football department. Guidry, who was the team’s defensive coordinator, says his players are ready. “These kids are really hungry,� Guidry said. “Really been having some great practices, although they’ve been going through a lot of

different things with the head coaches.� Guidry was appointed interim coach Dec. 8, a day after Willie Taggart left to coach South Florida. Two days later, Western Kentucky hired Petrino to be Taggart’s full-time replacement in a stunning move that didn’t seem to shake up the players much because familiar faces were still around. “Even though Coach Taggart is gone, the coaches are still here with us,� Western Kentucky junior running back Antonio Andrews said. “They’ve been here since Day One.� Dan Enos has been leading the Chippewas since 2010. Enos was hired soon after Central Michigan played in and won its last postseason game, beating Troy in the GMAC Bowl with a team put together by former coach Butch Jones, who is now coaching at Tennessee. Central Michigan won its last three games this year to be eligible for a bowl.


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Sycamores rally past Miami HONOLULU (AP) — Jake Odum banked in a 15footer with eight-tenths of a second left in overtime to rally Indiana State to a 5755 win over Miami Tuesday in the third-place game of the Diamond Head Classic. Manny Arop and R.J. Mahurin scored 13 points apiece for the Sycamores (74), who trailed by as many as nine points and who shot just 27 percent from the field. Arop made two free throws to tie it at 55 with 1:03 left in overtime, and after Miami’s Kenny Kadji missed a shot, Indiana State got the ball and called timeout with 29.3 seconds left. Odum received the ensuing inbounds pass and held the ball until 5 seconds remained. He started to his right, pump-faked near the free-throw line and hit what became the game-winning shot. Kadji led the Hurricanes (8-3) with 13 points.


an NCAA college basketball game at the Diamond Head Classic on Tuesday in Honolulu.

Indiana State forward Jake Kitchell (0) shoots a layup ahead of Miami center Julian Gamble, right, in the first half of

COMEBACK: Remarkable recovery made by former Colt Manning FROM PAGE B1

If all goes well at practice this week, Pagano will be on the sideline for the regularseason finale against Houston. That’s a final tuneup for the AFC wildcard playoffs that nobody saw coming for the Colts so soon after cutting ties with Manning, who switched teams, coaches, cities and colors and didn’t miss a beat in 2012. Despite a new supporting cast and a 36-year-old body he insists continues to confound him, the quintessential quarterback has had one of the best seasons in his storied career. Manning set franchise or NFL records just about every week while completing 68 percent of his passes for 4,355 yards with 34 TDs and just 11 interceptions.

And yet, he insists he’s not anything close to what he used to be, that all he can do is maximize what’s left in a body that’s been slowed by so many surgeons’ scalpels, and trips around the sun. “I know you don’t believe me when I say this; I’m still learning about myself physically and what I can do, it’s still the truth,� Manning said after guiding Denver to its 10th straight win. “I still have things that are harder than they used to be, so (there’s) things I have to work on from a rehab standpoint and a strength standpoint. That’s just the way it is and maybe that’s the way it’s going to be from here on out, I don’t know.� Maybe Manning’s being modest, maybe he’s suckering opponents into blitzing him more often so

he can burn them again. Either way, it’s a remarkable rebound for a man whose right arm was so weakened after one of his neck surgeries that he could hardly throw the football 15 yards. Long before Manning ever dreamed he’d be wearing the orange-mane mustang on his helmet instead of the blue and white horseshoe, Manning met up with college buddy Todd Helton of the Colorado Rockies for a workout during last year’s NFL lockout. They retreated to an indoor batting cage at Coors Field with a trainer in tow, and Manning’s first pass nosedived so badly that Helton told him to quit goofing around. Manning wasn’t messing with him. He was dead serious. His arm was shot,

his future in football in doubt. A few days later, he underwent spinal fusion surgery and would miss the entire 2011 season. If doctors had told him that was it, Manning said he would have called it a career without regret. But they gave him a bit of hope and that’s all he needed to embark on his comeback in Colorado. Coach John Fox, never one to lobby for awards, suggested this week that Manning deserves a fifth MVP honor for the numbers he’s put up, the obstacles he’s overcome, the shift of culture he’s engineered. Manning isn’t interested in talking about MVPs or comeback awards. He just wants enough wins to get a shot at hoisting another Lombardi Trophy in New Orleans in six weeks.




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Indiana Boys Basketball Polls The Associated Press T op 10 Indiana high school boys basketball teams, with first-place votes in parentheses, records through games of December 23, rating points and previous rankings: Class 4A W-L Pts Prv 1. Indpls Pike (16) 8-0 320 1 2. Ev. Harrison 7-0 232 2 3. Indpls Ben Davis 6-1 199 7 4. Carmel 5-1 195 3 5. Indpls Tech 6-1 175 4 6. Hamilton S’eastern 8-1 155 5 7. Kokomo 9-0 138 8 8. Ft. Wayne Northrop 6-1 87 9 9. Warren Central 4-2 74 6 10. Indpls Cathedral 3-2 69 10 Others receiving votes: Jeffersonville 49. Munster 45. Castle 3 6. Columbus North 34. Jay Co. 3 4. S. Bend Adams 18. Lawrence North 1 7. Merrillville 16. Columbia City 8. Fishers 7. Anderson 6. New Haven 6. Class 3A W-L Pts Prv 1. Greensburg (9) 8-0 292 1 2. Andrean (3) 7-0 276 2 3. Mt. Vern., Hancock (3)6-0 259 3 4. Lebanon 6-0 202 5 5. Ev. Bosse 7-1 184 6 6. Brownstown 5-0 147 7 7. Guerin Catholic (1) 7-1 140 4 8. Ft. Wayne Concordia 7-0 118 9 9. Norwell 6-1 94 8 10. Mt. Vernon (Posey) 7-0 74 NR Others receiving votes: Plymouth 7 2. Vincennes 22. T ippecanoe Valley 16. NorthWood 12. Corydon 6. Danville 6. Class 2A W-L Pts Prv 1. Indpls Park Tudor (9) 5-1 288 1 2. Tipton (6) 6-0 277 2 3. Hammond Noll (1) 6-0 257 3 4. Providence 6-0 222 5 5. Speedway 7-0 190 7 6. Clarksville 5-1 148 4 7. Linton-Stockton 5-0 119 9 8. Eastern (Greene) 8-1 82 8 9. Wapahani 5-2 78 6 10. Bowman Academy 2-4 66 NR Others receiving votes: Ft. Wayne Luers 63. Crawford Co. 29. Indpls Scecina 21. Sullivan 16. Southridge 15. Indpls Marshall 9. Ev . Mater Dei 8. P erry Central 7. Westview 7. Adams Central 6. Fountain Central 6. Hagerstown 6. Class 1A W-L Pts Prv 1. Rockville (11) 7-0 295 2 2. Barr-Reeve (4) 7-0 286 3 3. Borden 7-0 222 4 4. Loogootee 7-1 208 1 5. MC Marquette (1) 5-1 159 8 6. Orleans 6-1 138 10 7. N. Daviess 6-1 101 5 8. Ft. Wayne Canterbury 6-2 98 7 (tie) Waldron 8-0 98 NR 10. Kouts 7-1 94 6 Others receiving votes: Lafayette Catholic 60. Pioneer 5 4. Ev. Day 4 6. Triton 40. Elkhart Christian 9. Lanesville 6. Washington Twp. 6.

Prep Wrestling IHSWCA State Team Duals Saturday at Westfield High School Class A Tournament Fourth-place dual Lewis Cass 55, Prairie Heights 21 (* — opening match) 106 — Layer (L C) pinned A. Steele, 1:17. 113 — Moc kensturm (PH) dec. Carden 9-3. 120 — N. Y oung (LC) dec. Hagewood 13-10. 126 — D. Levitz (PH) pinned Pace, :4 8. 132 — Minnic k (PH) pinned Shaffer, 3:41. 13 8 — Co x (LC) maj. dec. Waite 15-3. 145 — Welch (LC) pinned B. Johnson, 1:5 4. 152 — McGehee (LC) pinned Neeley , 1:11. 160 — B owling (LC) pinned P ollock, 2:53. 170 — Collins (L C) pinned A. Bentley, 2:46. 182 — Byers (LC) pinned Atkison, 1:20. 195 — Gaetz (P H) won by forfeit. 220 — Reish (L C) pinned Gerbers, 3:58. 285* — Z. Jones (L C) pinned D. Johnson, 4:33. Semifinal dual Adams Central 61, Prairie Heights 13 (* — opening match) 106* — A. Steele (PH) dec. E. Hill 16-9. 113 — Moc kensturm (PH) maj. dec. Oliver 16-2. 120 — A. Cook (AC) pinned Hagewood, :41. 126 — W alburn (AC) tech. fall D. Levitz 15-0. 132 — B ates (AC) tech. fall Minnic k 16-0. 13 8 — Ellinger (AC) dec. Waite 8-3. 145 — Z. Yoder (AC) pinned B. Johnson, 1:5 6. 152 — Liter (A C) pinned Neeley, 5:57. 160 — Luginbill (A C) pinned P ollock, :38. 170 — Call (AC) pinned A. Bentley, :53. 182 — Pfister (AC) pinned Atkison, 3:50. 195 — Gaetz (P H) won by forfeit. 220 — B ollenbacher (AC) pinned Gerbers, :55. 285 — B ahrke (AC) pinned D. Johnson, :26. First-round dual Prairie Heights 42, Milan 38 (* — opening match) 106 — A. Steele (P H) pinned Wilburn, 3:49. 113 — Mockensturm (PH) pinned Hand, 1:47. 120 — Lonneman (M) pinned Hagewood, :48. 126 — D. Levitz (PH) pinned Hawk, :41. 132 — Money (M) dec. Minnick 9-3. 138 — Waite (PH) pinned H. Craig, 2:21. 145 — Y atsko (M) pinned B. Johnson, :5 7. 152 — Neeley (PH) pinned Rogers, :53. 160 — Pollock (PH) pinned Walter, 1:40. 170 — Hoffrogge (M) pinned A. Bentley , 1:34. 182 — Cavins (M) maj. dec. Atkison 17-2. 195 — Gaetz (PH) pinned McFarland, :28. 220* — Hawkins (M) pinned Gerbers, :54. 285 — Lindemann (M) pinned D. Johnson, :41.

Men’s AP Basketball Poll The top 25 teams in T he Associated Press' college basketball poll, with firstplace votes in parentheses, records through Dec. 23, tot al points based on 25 points for a first-place vote through one point for a 25th-place vote and last week's ranking: Record Pts Prv 1. Duke (63) 11-0 1,623 1 2. Michigan (2) 12-0 1,551 2 3. Arizona 11-0 1,463 4 4. Louisville 11-1 1,422 5 5. Indiana 11-1 1,383 6 6. Kansas 10-1 1,309 9 7. Missouri 10-1 1,157 12 8. Cincinnati 12-0 1,144 11 9. Syracuse 10-1 1,140 3 10. Ohio St. 9-2 965 7 11. Minnesota 12-1 878 13 12. Illinois 12-1 875 10 13. Gonzaga 11-1 824 14 14. Florida 8-2 772 8 15. Georgetown 10-1 674 15 16. Creighton 11-1 589 17 17. San Diego St. 11-1 557 18 18. Butler 9-2 512 19 19. Michigan St. 11-2 416 20 20. UNLV 11-1 382 21 21. Notre Dame 12-1 337 22 22. Oklahoma St. 10-1 318 24 23. NC State 9-2 264 25 24. Pittsburgh 12-1 189 — 25. Kansas St. 9-2 152 — Others receiving votes: New Mexico 66, Kentucky 37, Temple 36, Wyoming 28, North Carolina 16, VCU 16, Wichita St. 11, Maryland 7, Oregon 6, UConn 6.

Men’s Basketball Summaries INDIANA ST. 57, MIAMI, FLA. 55, OT INDIANA ST. (7-4) Arop 4-16 3-3 13, Gant 1-6 0-0 2, Cummings 1-5 0-0 3, Odum 2-7 4-4 9, Mahurin 3-7 6-6 13, Kitc hell 1-2 0-0 2, Eitel 1-5 1-2 4, Brown 3-6 3-3 9, K. Smith 1-9 0-0 2. Totals 17-63 17-18 57. MIAMI (8-3) Larkin 2-13 0-0 4, Scott 4-13 4-5 12, McKinney Jones 2-6 2-2 6, Kadji 5-16 3-6 13, Gamble 5-9 1-5 11, Akpejiori 12 0-0 2, Brown 3-6 1-3 7, Jekiri 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 22-65 11-21 55. Halftime—Miami 23-21. End Of Regulation—Tied 49. 3-Point Goals—Indiana St. 6-25 (Arop 2-7, Odum 1-1, Mahurin 1-4, Cummings 1-4, Eitel 1-5, Brown 0-1, Gant 0-1, K. Smith 0-2), Miami 0-15 (Kadji 0-1, McKinney Jones 0-3, Scott 0-3, Brown 0-3, Larkin 0-5). F ouled Out—Gamble. Rebounds—Indiana St. 46 (K. Smith 11), Miami 4 7 (McKinney Jones 11). Assists—Indiana St. 8 (Odum 6), Miami 7 (Larkin 4). T otal Fouls— Indiana St. 15, Miami 16. SAN FRANCISCO 67, EAST TENNESSEE ST. 49 SAN FRANCISCO (6-6) Dickerson 8-16 2-3 19, X u 0-1 1-2 1, Parker 3-8 1-2 9, Derksen 4- 7 0-1 10, Doolin 4-11 5-5 15, Christiansen 2-3 22 6, Holmes 1-5 0-0 3, Tollefsen 2-3 00 4. Totals 24-54 11-15 67.

ETSU (2-10) Wilson 2-9 1-2 5, Harris 5-9 1- 7 11, Walton 0-0 0-0 0, Jones 7 -15 0-0 17, Rembert 3-7 0-0 7, Stramaglia 1-3 0-0 3, Halvorsen 0-0 0-0 0, Barrueta 0-1 22 2, Gadsden-Gilliard 2-3 0-1 4. T otals 20-47 4-12 49. Halftime—San Francisco 32-21. 3-Point Goals—San Francisco 8-19 (Derksen 23, Doolin 2-4, Parker 2-4, Dic kerson 13, Holmes 1-4, Tollefsen 0-1), ETSU 520 (Jones 3-6, Stramaglia 1-2, Rembert 1-5, Harris 0-1, W ilson 0-6). F ouled Out—None. Rebounds—San Francisco 38 (Dickerson 9), ETSU 21 (Harris 7). Assists—San Francisco 14 (Parker 6), ETSU 8 (Jones 4). T otal Fouls—San Francisco 14, ETSU 15. MISSISSIPPI 81, HAWAII 66 MISSISSIPPI (10-2) Newby 0-0 0-0 0, Millinghaus 1-4 2-2 5, White 1-4 3-3 5, P erez 0-1 0-0 0, Williams 5-17 5-5 16, Henderson 4-8 44 16, Buckner 2-2 0-0 4, Brutus 0-0 00 0, Holloway 8-13 2-7 18, Summers 28 2-2 7, Jones 4-4 2-2 10. Totals 27-61 20-25 81. HAWAII (6-5) Tavita 0-2 0-0 0, Jefferson 0-0 0-0 0, Jawato 1-5 0-0 2, Rozitis 0-0 0-0 0, Joaquim 11-21 7-9 29, Brereton 0-2 00 0, Spearman 3-8 2-2 8, Clair 2-8 0-0 6, Standhardinger 3-11 4-5 10, Fotu 44 3-4 11. Totals 24-61 16-20 66. Halftime—Hawaii 30-29. 3-Point Goals— Mississippi 7-20 (Henderson 4-6, Summers 1-2, Millinghaus 1-2, Williams 1-7, White 0-3), Hawaii 2-16 (Clair 2- 7, Standhardinger 0-1, Jawato 0-2, Spearman 0-2, Tavita 0-2, Brereton 02). Fouled Out—Buckner. Rebounds— Mississippi 32 (Holloway 9), Hawaii 41 (Joaquim 15). Assists—Mississippi 15 (Summers 6), Hawaii 13 (Tavita 8). Total Fouls—Mississippi 18, Hawaii 17.

Top 25 Men’s Hoops Slate Wednesday's Games No games scheduled Thursday's Game No. 8 Cincinnati vs. New Mexico, 9 p.m. Friday's Games No. 5 Indiana vs. Jacksonville, 8 p.m. No. 7 Missouri at UCLA, 10 p.m. No. 13 Gonzaga vs. Baylor, 8 p.m. Saturday's Games No. 1 Duke vs. Santa Clara, Noon No. 2 Michigan vs. Central Mic higan, 7 p.m. No. 4 Louisville vs. Kentucky, 4 p.m. No. 6 Kansas vs. American, 8 p.m. No. 9 Syracuse vs. Alcorn State, 7 p.m. No. 10 Ohio St ate vs. Chicago St ate, 4:30 p.m. No. 12 Illinois vs. Auburn at the United Center, 2:15 p.m. No. 14 Florida vs. Air Force at the BB&T Center, Sunrise, Fla., 4:30 p.m. No. 16 Creighton vs. Evansville, 8:05 p.m. No. 18 Butler at Vanderbilt, 8 p.m. No. 20 UNLV at North Carolina, 2 p.m. No. 23 N.C. St ate vs. W estern Michigan, Noon No. 25 Kansas State vs. UMKC, 7 p.m.

Women’s AP Basketball Poll The top 25 teams in the The Associated Press' women's college basketball poll, with first-place votes in parentheses, records through Dec. 23, tot al points based on 25 points for a first-place vote through one point for a 25th-place vote and last week's ranking: Record Pts Prv 1. Stanford (24) 11-0 982 1 2. UConn (14) 10-0 964 2 3. Baylor (2) 9-1 931 3 4. Duke 10-0 883 4 5. Notre Dame 9-1 824 5 6. Georgia 12-0 790 6 7. Kentucky 9-1 774 7 8. California 9-1 687 8 9. Maryland 8-2 671 9 10. Penn St. 10-2 621 11 11. Purdue 11-1 537 13 12. Louisville 11-2 522 14 13. Tennessee 7-3 517 10 14. Oklahoma St. 8-0 466 15 15. Dayton 12-0 454 16 16. North Carolina 11-1 349 17 17. UCLA 7-2 307 12 18. Oklahoma 9-2 286 18 19. South Carolina 11-1 254 21 20. Texas 8-2 195 20 21. Florida St. 10-1 183 23 22. Kansas 9-2 162 19 23. Colorado 10-0 156 25 24. Texas A&M 8-4 118 22 25. Arkansas 10-1 107 — Others receiving votes: Nebrask a 52, Iowa St. 3 9, Miami 32, Ohio St. 25, West Virginia 23, V anderbilt 20, Duquesne 19, Mic higan St. 14, Michigan 11, Syracuse 10, V illanova 6, Iowa 4, Toledo 2, UTEP 2, Utah 1.

Top 25 Women’s Hoops Slate Wednesday's Games No games scheduled Thursday's Games No games scheduled Friday's Games No. 6 Georgia at Illinois, 8 p.m. No. 7 Kentucky vs. Alcorn State, 7 p.m. No. 8 California vs. George Washington, 10 p.m. No. 9 Maryland vs. Brown, Noon No. 13 Tennessee vs. Davidson, 7 p.m. No. 14 Oklahoma St ate vs. Harvard at Viejas Arena, San Diego, 10 p.m. No. 16 North Carolina vs. East Tennessee State, 2 p.m. No. 17 UCLA at Pepperdine, 8 p.m. No. 20 Texas vs. Iowa at Jenny Craig Pavilion, San Diego, 11 p.m. No. 24 Texas A&M vs. Prairie V iew, 8 p.m. No. 25 Arkansas vs. Coppin St., 8 p.m. Saturday's Games No. 1 Stanford vs. No. 2 UConn, 4 p.m. No. 3 B aylor vs. Southeastern Louisiana, 8 p.m. No. 5 Notre Dame vs. No. 11 Purdue, 2 p.m. No. 18 Oklahoma vs. Cal St ate Northridge, 2 p.m. No. 19 South Carolina vs. W estern Carolina, 7 p.m. No. 20 Texas vs. S an Diego or Cent. Michigan at Jenny Craig Pavilion, S an Diego, 3 or 5 p.m. No. 23 Colorado vs. New Mexico, 4:3 0 p.m. Sunday's Games No. 4 Duke vs. Monmouth (N.J.), 2 p.m. No. 7 Kentucky vs. Marist, 1 p.m. No. 13 Tennessee vs. Rutgers, 1 p.m. No. 14 Oklahoma St ate vs. San Diego State or S MU at V iejas Arena, S an Diego, 3 or 5 p.m. No. 15 Dayton at Bowling Green, 1 p.m. No. 16 North Carolina at Clemson, 2 p.m. No. 21 Florida St ate vs. B oston College, 2 p.m.

NBA Standings EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division W L Pct GB New York 20 8 .714 — Brooklyn 14 13 .519 5½ Boston 14 13 .519 5½ Philadelphia 13 15 .464 7 Toronto 9 19 .321 11 Southeast Division W L Pct GB Miami 19 6 .760 — Atlanta 16 9 .640 3 Orlando 12 15 .444 8 Charlotte 7 20 .259 13 Washington 3 22 .120 16 Central Division W L Pct GB Indiana 16 12 .571 — Chicago 15 12 .556 ½ Milwaukee 14 12 .538 1 Detroit 9 21 .300 8 Cleveland 6 23 .207 10½ WESTERN CONFERENCE Southwest Division W L Pct GB San Antonio 21 8 .724 — Memphis 18 7 .720 1 Houston 15 12 .556 5 Dallas 12 16 .429 8½ New Orleans 5 22 .185 15 Northwest Division W L Pct GB Oklahoma City 21 6 .778 — Denver 15 13 .536 6½ Minnesota 13 12 .520 7 Utah 15 14 .517 7 Portland 13 13 .500 7½ Pacific Division W L Pct GB L.A. Clippers 21 6 .778 — Golden State 18 10 .643 3½

L.A. Lakers 14 14 .500 7½ Phoenix 11 17 .393 10½ Sacramento 9 18 .333 12 Monday's Games No games scheduled Tuesday's Games Boston 93, Brooklyn 76 L.A. Lakers 100, New York 94 Miami 103, Oklahoma City 97 Houston 120, Chicago 97 Denver at L.A. Clippers, late Wednesday's Games Miami at Charlotte, 7 p.m. Chicago at Indiana, 7 p.m. New Orleans at Orlando, 7 p.m. Cleveland at Washington, 7 p.m. Detroit at Atlanta, 7:30 p.m. Houston at Minnesota, 8 p.m. Philadelphia at Memphis, 8 p.m. Brooklyn at Milwaukee, 8 p.m. Toronto at San Antonio, 8:30 p.m. L.A. Lakers at Denver, 9 p.m. New York at Phoenix, 9 p.m. Golden State at Utah, 9 p.m. Sacramento at Portland, 10 p.m. Thursday's Games Dallas at Oklahoma City, 8 p.m. Boston at L.A. Clippers, 10:30 p.m.

Carolina 17, Oakland 6 Miami 24, Buffalo 10 Cincinnati 13, Pittsburgh 10 New England 23, Jacksonville 16 Washington 27, Philadelphia 20 St. Louis 28, Tampa Bay 13 San Diego 27, N.Y. Jets 17 Denver 34, Cleveland 12 Chicago 28, Arizona 13 Baltimore 33, N.Y. Giants 14 Seattle 42, San Francisco 13 Sunday, Dec. 30 Jacksonville at Tennessee, 1 p.m. Carolina at New Orleans, 1 p.m. N.Y. Jets at Buffalo, 1 p.m. Baltimore at Cincinnati, 1 p.m. Cleveland at Pittsburgh, 1 p.m. Houston at Indianapolis, 1 p.m. Philadelphia at N.Y. Giants, 1 p.m. Chicago at Detroit, 1 p.m. Tampa Bay at Atlanta, 1 p.m. Oakland at San Diego, 4:25 p.m. Arizona at San Francisco, 4:25 p.m. St. Louis at Seattle, 4:25 p.m. Kansas City at Denver, 4:25 p.m. Green Bay at Minnesota, 4:25 p.m. Miami at New England, 4:25 p.m. Dallas at Washington, 8:20 p.m.

NBA Summaries

College Football Schedule

HOUSTON (120) Parsons 9-15 1-2 23, Morris 3-9 2-2 10, Asik 9-13 2-3 20, Lin 8-12 4-4 20, Harden 7-13 11-13 26, Smith 2-3 0-0 4, Douglas 3-7 0-0 6, Delfino 3-6 0-0 7, Cook 0-0 0-0 0, Motiejunas 1-1 0-0 2, Aldrich 1-1 0-0 2, Mac hado 0-2 0-0 0. Totals 46-82 20-24 120. CHICAGO (97) Deng 5-14 4-4 14, B oozer 3-11 0-0 6, Noah 3-3 2-2 8, Hinric h 2-8 0-0 4, Belinelli 5-10 3-3 15, Butler 3-5 0-0 6, Gibson 3-5 3-4 9, Robinson 9-16 5- 7 27, Teague 4-10 0-0 8, Radmanovic 0-1 0-0 0, Mohammed 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 3783 17-20 97. Houston 27 31 36 26—120 Chicago 22 19 27 29—97 3-Point Goals—Houston 8-20 (Parsons 4-5, Morris 2-7, Delfino 1-2, Harden 1-2, Lin 0-1, Mac hado 0-1, Douglas 0-2), Chicago 6-20 (Robinson 4-8, Belinelli 2-5, Radmanovic 0-1, Deng 0-2, Hinrich 0-4). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds— Houston 49 (Asik 18), Chicago 4 0 (Noah 9). Assists—Houston 25 (Lin 11), Chicago 22 (Hinric h, Noah 4). T otal Fouls—Houston 21, Chicago 19. A— 22,310 (20,917).

Saturday, Dec. 15 New Mexico Bowl At Albuquerque Arizona 49, Nevada 48 Famous Idaho Potato Bowl At Boise, Idaho Utah State 41, Toledo 15 Thursday, Dec. 20 Poinsettia Bowl At San Diego BYU 23, San Diego State 6 Friday, Dec. 21 Beef 'O' Brady's Bowl At St. Petersburg, Fla. UCF 38, Ball State 17 Saturday, Dec. 22 New Orleans Bowl Louisiana-Lafayette 43, E. Carolina 34 MAACO Bowl, Las Vegas Boise State 28, Washington 26 Monday, Dec. 24 Hawaii Bowl, At Honolulu SMU 43, Fresno State 10 Wednesday, Dec. 26 Little Caesars Pizza Bowl At Detroit Central Michigan (6-6) vs. W estern Kentucky (7-5), 7:30 p.m. (ESPN) Thursday, Dec. 27 Military Bowl, At Washington Bowling Green (8-4) vs. San Jose State (10-2), 3 p.m. (ESPN) Belk Bowl, At Charlotte, N.C. Duke (6-6) vs. Cincinnati (9-3), 6:3 0 p.m. (ESPN) Holiday Bowl, At San Diego Baylor (7-5) vs. UCLA (9-4), 9:45 p.m. (ESPN) Friday, Dec. 28 Independence Bowl At Shreveport, La. Louisiana-Monroe (8-4) vs. Ohio (8-4), 2 p.m. (ESPN) Russell Athletic Bowl At Orlando, Fla. Virginia Tech (6-6) vs. Rutgers (9-3), 5:30 p.m. (ESPN) Meineke Car Care Bowl At Houston Minnesota (6-6) vs. Texas Tech (7-5), 9 p.m. (ESPN) Saturday, Dec. 29 Armed Forces Bowl At Fort Worth, Texas Rice (6-6) vs. Air F orce (6-6), 11:45 a.m. (ESPN) Fight Hunger Bowl At San Francisco Arizona State (7-5) vs. Navy (8-4), 4 p.m. (ESPN2) Pinstripe Bowl, At New York Syracuse (7-5) vs. West Virginia (7-5), 3:15 p.m. (ESPN) Alamo Bowl, At San Antonio Texas (8-4) vs. Orgeon State (9-3), 6:45 p.m. (ESPN) Buffalo Wild Wings Bowl At Tempe, Ariz. Michigan State (6-6) vs. T CU (7-5), 10:15 p.m. (ESPN) Monday, Dec. 31 Music City Bowl, At Nashville, Tenn. Vanderbilt (8-4) vs. N.C. St ate (7-5), Noon (ESPN) Sun Bowl, At El Paso, Texas Georgia Tech (6-7) vs. Southern Cal (75), 2 p.m. (CBS) Liberty Bowl At Memphis, Tenn. Iowa State (6-6) vs. Tulsa (10-3), 3:3 0 p.m. (ESPN) Chick-fil-A Bowl, At Atlanta LSU (10-2) vs. Clemson (10-2), 7:3 0 p.m. (ESPN) Tuesday, Jan. 1 Heart of Dallas Bowl, At Dallas Purdue (6-6) vs. Oklahoma St ate (7-5), Noon (ESPNU) Gator Bowl, At Jacksonville, Fla. Mississippi State (8-4) vs. Northwestern (9-3), Noon (ESPN2) Capital One Bowl, At Orlando, Fla. Georgia (11-2) vs. Nebrask a (10-3), 1 p.m. (ABC) Outback Bowl At Tampa, Fla. South Carolina (10-2) vs. Mic higan (84), 1 p.m. (ESPN) Rose Bowl, At Pasadena, Calif. Stanford (11-2) vs. W isconsin (8-5), 5 p.m. (ESPN) Orange Bowl, At Miami Northern Illinois (12-1) vs. Florida St ate (11-2), 8:30 p.m. (ESPN) Wednesday, Jan. 2 Sugar Bowl, At New Orleans Florida (11-1) vs. Louisville (10-2), 8:30 p.m. (ESPN) Thursday, Jan. 3 Fiesta Bowl, At Glendale, Ariz. Kansas State (11-1) vs. Oregon (11-1), 8:30 p.m. (ESPN) Friday, Jan. 4 Cotton Bowl At Arlington, Texas Texas A&M (10-2) vs. Oklahoma (10-2), 8 p.m. (FOX) Saturday, Jan. 5 BBVA Compass Bowl At Birmingham, Ala. Pittsburgh (6-6) vs. Mississippi (6-6), 1 p.m. (ESPN) FCS National Championship At FC Dallas Stadium Frisco, Texas North Dakota State (13-1) vs. S am Houston State (11-3), 1 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 6 Bowl At Mobile, Ala. Kent State (11-2) vs. Arkansas State (93), 9 p.m. (ESPN) Monday, Jan. 7 BCS National Championship At Miami Notre Dame (12-0) vs. Alabama (12-1), 8:30 p.m. (ESPN) Saturday, Jan. 19 RAYCOM College Football All-Star Classic At Montgomery, Ala. Stars vs. Stripes, 3 p.m. (C BSSN) East-West Shrine Classic At St. Petersburg, Fla. East vs. West, 4 p.m. (NFLN) Saturday, Jan. 26 Senior Bowl At Mobile, Ala. North vs. South, TBA (N FLN)

OKLAHOMA CITY (97) Durant 11-21 9-11 33, Ibak a 6-10 3-4 15, Perkins 1-5 2-2 4, Sefolosha 0-1 00 0, Westbrook 5-19 10-12 21, Martin 4-10 5-6 15, Collison 2-3 2-2 6, Jackson 1-2 1-1 3. Totals 30-71 32-38 97. MIAMI (103) James 12-20 5-5 29, Haslem 1-2 0-0 2, Bosh 6-11 4-4 16, Wade 8-17 4-4 21, Chalmers 8-14 0-0 20, B attier 0-5 0-0 0, Anthony 0-0 2-2 2, Allen 1-5 4-4 7 , Cole 0-2 0-0 0, Miller 2-4 0-0 6. T otals 38-80 19-19 103. Okla. City 24 24 24 25—97 Miam i 27 27 20 29—103 3-Point Goals—Oklahoma City 5-16 (Durant 2-4, Martin 2-5, Westbrook 1-4, Ibaka 0-1, Sefolosha 0-1, Jac kson 0-1), Miami 8-28 (Chalmers 4-8, Miller 2-3, Wade 1-3, Allen 1-5, B osh 0-2, James 0-3). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds— Oklahoma City 3 9 (Westbrook 11), Miami 34 (James 8). Assists—Okla. City 14 (Durant, W estbrook 3), Miami 20 (James 9). Total Fouls—Oklahoma City 25, Miami 26. Technicals—Durant, Ibaka, Westbrook, James, Wade. A—20,300. BOSTON (93) Pierce 3-10 2-2 8, Garnett 4-8 0-0 8, Collins 2-5 0-0 4, Rondo 8-16 1-1 19, Terry 4-7 0-0 11, B ass 4-11 0-0 8, Green 5-8 4-4 15, Sullinger 6-7 4-6 16, Lee 1-3 0-0 2, Joseph 1-2 0-0 2, Varnado 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 38-77 11-13 93. BROOKLYN (76) Bogans 1-1 0-0 3, W allace 4-7 7-11 15, Lopez 5-12 5-9 15, Williams 3-7 33 10, Johnson 4-14 1-3 12, Blatc he 39 0-0 6, Stackhouse 3-8 0-0 7, Watson 1-2 0-0 3, Evans 2-3 1-3 5, Shengelia 0-0 0-0 0, Brooks 0-1 0-0 0, T aylor 0-0 0-0 0, Teletovic 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 26-64 17-29 76. Boston 22 34 17 20—93 Brooklyn 24 18 16 18—76 3-Point Goals—Boston 6-10 (Terry 3-4, Rondo 2-2, Green 1-2, Lee 0-1, Pierce 0-1), Brooklyn 7 -20 (Johnson 3-8, Bogans 1-1, Watson 1-2, Williams 1-3, Stackhouse 1-4, W allace 0-1, Brooks 0-1). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds— Boston 47 (Garnett 10), Brooklyn 4 4 (Lopez 8). Assists—B oston 25 (Pierce 10), Brooklyn 14 (W illiams 6). T otal Fouls—Boston 25, Brooklyn 22. Technicals—Garnett, Lee, Blatc he, Wallace. Flagrant Fouls—Sullinger. A—17,732 (17,732). NEW YORK (94) Anthony 13-23 5-6 34, Thomas 3-3 0-0 6, Chandler 3-7 0-2 6, Kidd 2-5 0-0 6, Felton 5-19 0-0 10, Brewer 0-3 0-0 0, Smith 10-23 2-4 25, Novak 1-2 0-0 3, Camby 1-3 2-4 4, Prigioni 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 38-89 9-16 94. L.A. LAKERS (100) Bryant 14-24 5-7 34, Gasol 5-13 2-4 13, Howard 4-8 6-9 14, Nash 7-12 2-2 16, Morris 0-2 0-0 0, World Peace 6-11 5-7 20, Meeks 1-6 1-2 3, Hill 0-1 0-0 0, Duhon 0-0 0-0 0. T otals 37-77 21-31 100. New York 23 26 29 16—94 L.A. Lakers 25 26 26 23—100 3-Point Goals—New York 9-26 (Smith 38, Anthony 3-8, Kidd 2-4, Novak 1-2, Prigioni 0-1, F elton 0-1, Brewer 0-2), L.A. Lakers 5-21 (W orld Peace 3-6, Gasol 1-3, Bryant 1-5, Nash 0-1, Morris 0-2, Meeks 0-4). Fouled Out—Chandler, World Peace. Rebounds—New York 55 (Chandler 9), L.A. Lakers 53 (Howard 12). Assists—New York 20 (Kidd 7), L.A. Lakers 22 (Nash 11). T otal Fouls—New York 25, L.A. Lakers 1 7. Technicals— Chandler, L.A. Lakers Coac h D'Antoni. A—18,997 (18,997).

NFL Standings AMERICAN CONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF y-New Eng. 11 4 0 .733 529 Miami 7 8 0 .467 288 N.Y. Jets 6 9 0 .400 272 Buffalo 5 10 0 .333 316 South W L T Pct PF y-Houston 12 3 0 .800 400 x-Indianapolis 10 5 0 .667 329 Tennessee 5 10 0 .333 292 Jacksonville 2 13 0 .133 235 North W L T Pct PF y-Baltimore 10 5 0 .667 381 x-Cincinnati 9 6 0 .600 368 Pittsburgh 7 8 0 .467 312 Cleveland 5 10 0 .333 292 West W L T Pct PF y-Denver 12 3 0 .800 443 San Diego 6 9 0 .400 326 Oakland 4 11 0 .267 269 Kansas City 2 13 0 .133 208 NATIONAL CONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF Washington 9 6 0 .600 408 Dallas 8 7 0 .533 358 N.Y. Giants 8 7 0 .533 387 Philadelphia 4 11 0 .267 273 South W L T Pct PF y-Atlanta 13 2 0 .867 402 New Orleans 7 8 0 .467 423 Tampa Bay 6 9 0 .400 367 Carolina 6 9 0 .400 313 North W L T Pct PF y-Green Bay 11 4 0 .733 399 Minnesota 9 6 0 .600 342 Chicago 9 6 0 .600 349 Detroit 4 11 0 .267 348 West W L T Pct PF x-San Fran. 10 4 1 .700 370 x-Seattle 10 5 0 .667 392 St. Louis 7 7 1 .500 286 Arizona 5 10 0 .333 237 x-clinched playoff spot y-clinched division Saturday's Game Atlanta 31, Detroit 18 Sunday's Games Green Bay 55, Tennessee 7 Indianapolis 20, Kansas City 13 New Orleans 34, Dallas 31, OT Minnesota 23, Houston 6

PA 331 289 347 426 PA 303 371 451 406 PA 321 303 304 344 PA 286 329 419 387 PA 370 372 337 402 PA 277 410 377 325 PA 299 314 253 411 PA 260 232 328 330

College Bowl Summary Hawaii Bowl (at Honolulu) Monday SMU 43, FRESNO ST. 10 Fresno St. 0 0 7 3—10 SMU 0 22 7 14—43 Second Quarter SMU—Gilbert 17 run (Hover kic k), 14:07. SMU—FG Hover 30, 12:16. SMU—Hunt Safety, 10:50. SMU—Z.Line 8 run (Hover kick), 5:24. SMU—FG Hover 48, 1:37. Third Quarter Fre—Adams 6 pass from D.Carr (Breshears kick), 10:21. SMU—D.Johnson 21 pass from Gilbert (Hover kick), 7:01. Fourth Quarter Fre—FG Breshears 32, 13:21. SMU—T.Reed 69 interception return (Hover kick), 9:05. SMU—Greenbauer 83 interception return (Hover kick), 1:14. A—30,024. Team Statistics FreSt SMU First downs 21 15 Rushes-yards 22-(-16) 37-169 Passing 362 212 Comp-Att-Int 33-55-2 14-28-2 Return Yards 50 187 Punts-Avg. 6-38.0 5-35.8

Fumbles-Lost 2-2 1-0 Penalties-Yards 3-15 3-15 Time of Possession 26:41 33:19 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING—Fresno St., Rouse 13-22, Burse 1-3, D.Carr 8-(minus 41). S MU, Gilbert 18-98, Z.Line 19-71. PASSING—Fresno St., D.Carr 33-54-2362, Watson 0-1-0-0. SMU, Gilbert 1428-2-212. RECEIVING—Fresno St., Adams 13144, Watson 5-48, Rouse 5-29, Burse 4-89, Evans 3-20, Harris 2-3, Jensen 129. SMU, Thompson 5-82, Fuller 4-8 4, D.Johnson 3-40, Joseph 1-8, Z.Line 1(minus 2).

ECHL Standings EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division GP W LOLSLPts GF GA Reading 29 21 7 0 1 43106 79 Trenton 28 13 11 2 2 30 88 91 Wheeling 27 12 10 2 3 29 78 84 Elmira 28 12 13 1 2 27 86 87 North Division GP W LOLSLPts GF GA Cincinnati 27 17 8 2 0 36 84 71 Toledo 29 16 12 0 1 33 94 81 Fort Wayne 28 14 12 1 1 30 82 92 Kalamazoo 28 11 14 2 1 25 82 87 Evansville 31 11 17 0 3 25 83113 South Division GP W LOLSLPts GF GA Greenville 33 19 12 1 1 40 107100 Gwinnett 30 19 10 1 0 39 83 70 Florida 30 14 10 2 4 34108112 SCarolina 32 13 15 1 3 30 87 97 Orlando 31 12 15 2 2 28 82 97 WESTERN CONFERENCE Mountain Division GP W LOLSLPts GF GA Alaska 31 23 8 0 0 46106 82 Idaho 29 18 7 1 3 40114 84 Colorado 30 16 11 1 2 35115 98 Utah 26 11 11 1 3 26 84104 Pacific Division GP W LOLSLPts GF GA Ontario 28 20 7 1 0 41113 78 Stockton 30 15 9 3 3 36105 97 Las Vegas 27 12 11 1 3 28 76 80 San Fran. 32 11 17 1 3 26 92128 Bakersfield 30 7 20 1 2 17 73116 NOTE: Two points are awarded for a win, one point for an overtime or shootout loss. Monday's Games No games scheduled Tuesday's Games No games scheduled Wednesday's Games No games scheduled Thursday's Games Florida at Orlando, 7 p.m. Wheeling at Greenville, 7 p.m. South Carolina at Gwinnett, 7:05 p.m. Reading at Trenton, 7:05 p.m. Toledo at Fort Wayne, 7:30 p.m. Elmira at Cincinnati, 7:35 p.m. Stockton at Bakersfield, 10 p.m.

Remaining MLB Free Agents AMERICAN LEAGUE BALTIMORE (6) — Endy Chavez, of; Bill Hall, of; Nic k Johnson, dh; Joe Saunders, lhp; Jim T home, dh; Randy Wolf, lhp. BOSTON (4) — Aaron Cook, rhp; Daisuke Matsuzaka, rhp; V icente Padilla, rhp; Scott Podsednik, of. CHICAGO (7) — Brian Bruney , rhp; Orlando Hudson, 2b; Francisco Liriano, lhp; Jose Lopez, c; Brett Myers, rhp; A.J. Pierzynski, c; Dewayne Wise, of. CLEVELAND (3) — T ravis Hafner, dh; Casey Kotchman, 1b; Grady Sizemore, of. DETROIT (2) — Jose V alverde, rhp; Delmon Young, of-dh. HOUSTON (1) — Chris Snyder, c. LOS ANGELES (2) — LaTroy Hawkins, rhp; Jason Isringhausen, rhp. MINNESOTA (2) — Matt Capps, rhp; Carl Pavano, rhp. NEW YORK (6) — Pedro Feliciano, lhp; Freddy Garcia, rhp; Raul Ibanez, of; Derek Lowe, rhp; x-Rafael Soriano, rhp; x-Nick Swisher, of. OAKLAND (2) — Stephen Drew , ss; Brandon Inge, 3b. SEATTLE (2) — K evin Millwood, rhp; Miguel Olivo, c. TAMPA BAY (3) — Kyle Farnsworth, rhp; J.P. Howell, lhp; Luke Scott, dh. TEXAS (4) — x-Mark Lowe, rhp; Mike Napoli, c; Roy Oswalt, rhp; Y oshinori Tateyama, rhp. TORONTO (5) — Jason Frasor , rhp; Kelly Johnson, 2b; Brandon L yon, rhp; Carlos Villanueva, rhp; Omar V izquel, 2b. NATIONAL LEAGUE ARIZONA (3) — Henry Blanco, c; Matt Lindstrom, rhp; Takashi Saito, rhp. ATLANTA (8) — Jeff B aker, of; Miguel Batista, rhp; x-Mic hael Bourn, of; Matt Diaz, of; Chad Durbin, rhp; Chipper Jones, 3b; L yle Overbay, 1b; Ben Sheets, rhp. CINCINNATI (2) — Miguel Cairo, 1b; Scott Rolen, 3b. COLORADO (2) — Jason Giambi, 1b; Jonathan Sanchez, lhp. LOS ANGELES (6) — Bobby Abreu, of; Todd Coffey, rhp; Adam K ennedy, inf; Juan Rivera, of-1b; Matt T reanor, c; Jamey Wright, rhp. MIAMI (5) — Chad Gaudin, rhp; Austin Kearns, of; Carlos Lee, 1b; Juan Oviedo, rhp; Carlos Zambrano, rhp. MILWAUKEE (3) — Alex Gonzalez, ss; Shaun Marcum, rhp; Francisco Rodriguez, rhp. NEW YORK (6) — Ronny Cedeno, inf; Scott Hairston, of; Ramon Ramirez, rhp; Jon Rauch, rhp; K elly Shoppach, c; Chris Young, rhp. PHILADELPHIA (2) — Jose Contreras, rhp; Brian Schneider, c. PITTSBURGH (2) — Rod B arajas, c; Chad Qualls, rhp. ST. LOUIS (3) — Lance Berkman, 1b; Brian Fuentes, lhp; x-Kyle Lohse, rhp. SAN FRANCISCO (5) — Aubrey Huff, 1b; Guillermo Mot a, rhp; Brad P enny, rhp; Freddy Sanchez, 2b; Ryan Theriot, 2b. WASHINGTON (5) — Mark DeRosa, of; Mike Gonzalez, lhp; Edwin Jackson, rhp; x-Adam LaRoche, 1b; Chien-Ming Wang, rhp.

2013 Baseball Calendar Jan. 9 — Hall of Fame voting announced. Jan. 9-10 — Owners meeting, Paradise Valley, Ariz. Jan. 15 — Salary arbitration filing. Jan. 18 — S alary arbitration figures exchanged. Feb. 1-21 — S alary arbitration hearings, Phoenix. Feb. 12 — Mandatory reporting date for players participating in the W orld Baseball Classic in Asia. Mandatory reporting date for all other pitc hers and catchers participating in the WB C. Voluntary reporting date for pitchers and catchers not participating in the WB C. Feb. 15 — Mandatory reporting date for WBC players not participating in Asia. Voluntary reporting date for position players not participating in the WB C. Feb. 20 — Mandatory reporting date for players not participating in the WB C. March 2-11 — T eams may renew contracts of unsigned players. March 2-19 — World Baseball Classic. March 13 — Last day to place a player on unconditional release waivers and pay 30 days termination pay instead of 45 days. March 27 — Last day to request unconditional release waivers on a player without having to pay his full 2013 salary. March 31 — Opening day. Active rosters reduced to 25 players.

Transactions FOOTBALL National Football League ATLANTA FALCONS — Placed WR Kevin Cone on injured reserve. BALTIMORE RAVENS — Signed LB D.J. Bryant to the practice squad. CINCINNATI BENGALS — Placed C B Dre Kirkpatrick on injured reserve. Claimed WR Dane S anzenbacher off waivers from Chicago. JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS — Placed RB Rashad Jennings, LB Greg K. Jones, G Mark Asper and WR Cecil Shorts on injured reserve. Claimed G Mark Asper and TE Allen Reisner off waivers from Minnesot a. Signed WR Jerrrell Jackson from the practice squad. PHILADELPHIA EAGLES — Signed LB Marcus Dowtin to the practice squad. COLLEGE AUBURN — Melvin Smith cornerbacks coach.


SPORTS BRIEFS • Virus delays Nadal’s return MADRID (AP) — Rafael Nadal’s return to competition has been delayed by a stomach virus. The Spaniard was scheduled to play in an exhibition tournament in Abu Dhabi on Thursday after missing seven months because of tendinitis in his left knee. But he said on his Facebook page Tuesday that his doctors ordered him to pull out when he was running a fever, telling him his body needed rest. Nadal “My rehab has gone well, my knee feels good and I was looking forward to competing,” he said. The 11-time Grand Slam champion hasn’t played since June, when he lost to 100th-ranked Lukas Rosol in the second round at Wimbledon. The injury prevented Nadal from defending his Olympic singles gold at the Olympics in London, where he was supposed to be Spain’s flag bearer at the opening ceremony. He also had to pull out of the U.S. Open and Spain’s Davis Cup final against the Czech Republic, which his teammates lost without him. Top-ranked Novak Djokovic and No. 3 Andy Murray were also scheduled to play at Abu Dhabi.

Pro grid career for Michigan’s Denard Robinson unclear ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) — Denard Robinson’s position is a secret for the f inal game of his college career. It perhaps provides a preview of his unclear future in football. The three-year starting quarterback might not throw for No. 19 Michigan against No. 11 South Carolina on Ne w Year’s Day at the Outback Bowl. He probably will catch some passes, lining up as a running back or receiver. Robinson hopes showing that he can make plays without taking snaps will help NFL teams see what he can do. “If you’re making plays on the field, you can’t hide that,” Robinson said earlier this month before the Wolverines traveled to Florida. “You can’t hide a playmaker.” Some project Robinson as a receiver in the pros. NFL draft consultant and former Dallas Cowboys general manager Gil Brandt has another idea. “I’d draft him to be a cornerback,” Brandt said. “A quarterback never wants to be told he’s going to have to play another position, but I don’t think he can play quarterback in the NFL. I do kno w teams are always looking for cornerbacks, and I think Robinson could do it because of his quickness and speed. “But he’d have to want to do it to make it work.” Robinson has declined to say much about what position he wants to attempt to play at the next level, saying he just wants to enjoy his senior season. Nerve damage in his right elbow knocked him off the field Oct. 27 at Nebraska, keeping him out for the next two games and limiting his ability to throw in the final two games of the regular season. Michigan moved him to running back and also had him take snaps without throwing a pass against Iowa and Ohio State, games in which he had 23 carries for 220 yards and a score and tw o receptions for 24 yards. The Gamecocks are preparing for Robinson to play up to his spectacular potential. “He’s the best athlete that we’ll play at quarterback,” said South Carolina defensive line coach Brad Lawing, a former Michigan State assistant. “He’s a tremendous athlete and he can throw the ball. And if he’s healthy throwing the ball, he can cause us some problems, and we know that.”

Cincy picks up former Buckeye CINCINNATI (AP) — The Cincinnati Bengals have acquired wide receiver Dane Sanzenbacher on waivers from the Chicago Bears and placed first-round draft pick Dre Kirkpatrick on injured reserve. Sanzenbacher was released this week by the Bears and was picked up Tuesday by the Bengals. He played in f ive games with one catch for 7 yards this season. Kirkpatrick, the 17th overall selection in the 2012 draft, has been sidelined with a knee injury. He played in five games this season, with two tackles on defense and two on special teams.

Andruw Jones arrested DULUTH, Ga. (AP) — Former Atlanta Braves star center fielder Andruw Jones was free on bond after being arrested in suburban Atlanta early Tuesday on a battery charge, according to jail records. Around 1:30 a.m. Tuesday, police responded to a call for a domestic dispute between Jones and his wife in Duluth. Gwinnett County Detention Center records say Jones was booked into the jail around 3:45 a.m. and had been released on $2,400 bond by 11 a.m. Once one of the premier players in the big leagues, Jones broke into the majors with the Atlanta Braves in 1996 and won 10 consecutive Gold Gloves from 1998-07 as their center fielder. He has 434 career home runs over the span of 17 seasons in the majors. Jones earlier this month signed a $3.5 million, one-year contract with the Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles of Japan’s Pacific League.




Man’s love for sexy lips turns off wife


DEAR ABBY: Please help save my marriage. My wife of five years discovered an Internet browser history of 13 Web pages I had clicked on the previous day. The pages were of women’s sexy lips. My wife is calling it ‘‘porn’’ and a ‘‘gateway to porn.’’ I feel guilty about it, but I told her it isn’t pornography. I think it’s a fetish. She says I’m using that word to get off the hook. Will you please tell her that this probably is a fetish? Our sex life has not been the same since she discovered the images on the computer. What can we do about it in a way that will strengthen our marriage? — NOT GUILTY AS CHARGED DEAR NOT GUILTY: It’s a shame you and your wife hadn’t discussed what turns you on before she checked your browser history. A fetish is any object that turns someone on, and it




requiring it. I know how devastating the effects of a head injury can be and I want to prevent my son from getting one. How can I help my teenager see that protecting his brain is more important than looking ‘‘cool’’ to his friends who don’t wear them? My son insists I am ... AN OVERPROTECTIVE MOM DEAR OVERPROTECTIVE MOM: Contact your son’s pediatrician and ask if he or she can facilitate a tour of a rehabilitation facility that treats people with traumatic brain injuries. If that doesn’t convince your son, nothing will.

DEAR ABBY: My 13year-old son is refusing to wear a bicycle helmet because he has decided it’s ‘‘uncool.’’ My husband and I have always worn them, but here in Texas many people don’t. There’s no state law

DEAR ABBY is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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DECEMBER 26, 2012 6:00

On this date: • In 1862, 38 Santee Sioux Indians were hanged in Mankato, Minn., for their roles in an uprising that had claimed the lives of hundreds of white settlers. • In 1966, Kwanzaa was first celebrated. • In 1980, Iranian television footage was broadcast in the United States, showing a dozen of the American hostages sending messages to their families.


Testing and correcting hearing has improved The evaluation is done by a hearing specialist, or audiologist, in a specially constructed booth that shuts out all unwanted noise. It tests the different parts of the ear that are necessary for hearing: • puretone test. Each of your ears, in turn, is exposed to sounds of ASK different DOCTOR K. frequencies and decibel levels. is Dr. Anthony (Frequency the pitch of a Komaroff sound. A decibel is the measurement of the loudness of a sound.) The pure-tone test identifies the quietest tones that you can hear at different frequencies. • bone-conduction test.

This test helps establish whether your hearing loss is primarily sensorineural (caused by damage to the cochlea, hair cells or auditory nerve) or conductive (caused by a blockage of sound transmission through your outer or middle ear), or a combination of the two. This test will also help determine whether your hearing loss can be medically corrected. Two additional tests will evaluate how well you hear and understand spoken words: • speech reception threshold test. You will hear words, instead of tones, through your earphones. The words start out loud and gradually get softer. The test identifies the decibel level at which you can understand and repeat only half of the words. • speech discrimination test. With age, many people can hear words loudly but not clearly. A speech







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November Christmas Debbie Macomber's Mrs. Miracle Debbie Macom... 4:15 Johnny En...

New Year's Eve Game of Thrones Game of Thrones Game of Thrones 4: The Blues Br... (:15)

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Almanac •

DEAR DOCTOR K: I’m losing my hearing so my doctor has scheduled an audiological evaluation. What will this evaluation tell me? DEAR READER: An audiological evaluation identifies the severity of your hearing loss and the frequency range in which it occurs. This information may help identify the cause of your hearing loss. It’s also essential for determining whether you could benefit from a hearing aid and, if so, which style and type would help the most. When a sound wave enters your ear, it hits the eardrum. Several tiny bones transmit sound waves from the eardrum through fluid, into the inner ear. There lies a snail-shaped organ called the cochlea that is covered with tiny hairs. These hairs generate electrical signals that travel along the hearing nerve (the auditory nerve) to the brain.

can range from large breasts, to stiletto heels, to leather or rubber items of clothing, to full red lips. It is NOT pornography. A way to strengthen your marriage would be for you to buy her a tube of DEAR bright red lipstick. And ABBY a way for her to improve Jeanne Phillips your sex life would be to put it on.

discrimination test assesses how well you understand words. A high score on this test means that you are likely to benefit from a hearing aid. That’s because your problem in under-standing a spoken word comes from not hearing the word loudly enough, and a hearing aid can amplify the loudness of sounds. Today’s technology for testing your hearing has improved greatly since I was in medical school. Even greater advances have been made in hearing aids. They not only work better but they’ve also become tiny — people often don’t notice you have one. For many of my patients, hearing tests followed by the right hearing aid has greatly improved the quality of their lives. DR. KOMAROFF is a physician and professor at Harvard Medical School. His website is:

Crossword Puzzle •


Man who allegedly killed firemen left note Egypt constitution WEBSTER, N.Y. (AP) — The ex-con who lured two firefighters to their deaths in a blaze of gunfire left a rambling typewritten note saying he wanted to burn down the neighborSpengler hood and “do what I like doing best, killing people,” police said Tuesday as they recovered burned human remains believed to be the gunman’s missing sister. Police Chief Gerald Pickering said 62-year-old William Spengler, who served 17 years in prison for the 1980 hammer slaying of his grandmother, armed himself with a revolver, a shotgun and a military-style rifle before he set his house afire to lure first responders into a death trap before dawn on Christmas Eve. “He was equipped to go to war, kill innocent people,” Pickering said. The rifle he had was a military-style .223-caliber semiautomatic Bushmaster rifle with flash suppression, the same make and caliber weapon used in the elementary school massacre in Newtown, Conn., Pickering said. The chief said police

believe the firefighters were hit with shots from the rifle given the distance but the investigation was incomplete. Pickering declined to divulge the full content of the two- to three-page note left by Spengler or say where it was found, but read one line from it: “I still have to get ready to see how much of the neighborhood I can burn down, and do what I like doing best, killing people.” The human remains were found in the charred house that Spengler shared with his 67-year-old sister, Cheryl. A medical examiner will need to determine the identity and cause of death because the body is badly burned. Spengler killed himself as seven houses burned around him Monday on a narrow spit of land along Lake Ontario in this suburb of Rochester. A friend said Spengler hated his sister but the chief said the note left by him did not give a motive. No other bodies were found, and police late Tuesday said the on-scene investigation had been completed. Two firefighters were shot dead in the ambush and two others are hospitalized in stable condition. Spengler fired at the four firefighters when they arrived shortly after 5:30

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a.m. Monday to put out the fire, Pickering said. The first police officer who arrived chased the gunman and exchanged shots. Authorities said Spengler hadn’t done anything to bring himself to their attention since his parole. As a convicted felon, he wasn’t allowed to possess weapons. Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley said Spengler led a very quiet life after he got out of prison. A friend, Roger Vercruysse, lived next door to Spengler and recalled a man who doted on his mother, whose obituary suggested contributions to the West Webster Fire Department. “He loved his mama to death,” said Vercruysse, who last saw his friend about six months ago. Vercruysse also said Spengler “couldn’t stand his sister” and “stayed on one side of the house and she stayed on the other.” The West Webster Fire District learned of the fire after a report of a car and house on fire on Lake Road, on a narrow peninsula where Irondequoit Bay meets Lake Ontario, Monroe County Sheriff Patrick O’Flynn said. Emergency radio communications capture someone saying he “could

“He was equipped to go to war, kill innocent people.” Gerard Pickering Police chief

see the muzzle flash coming at me” as Spengler carried out his ambush. The audio posted on the website has someone reporting “firefighters are down” and saying “got to be rifle or shotgun - high powered … semi or fully auto.” Two of the firefighters arrived on a fire engine and two in their own vehicles, Pickering said. After Spengler fired, one of the wounded men fled, but the other three couldn’t because of flying gunfire. The police officer who exchanged gunfire with Spengler “in all likelihood saved many lives,” Pickering said. The dead men were identified as police Lt. Michael Chiapperini, 43, the Webster Police Department’s public information officer; and 19-year-old Tomasz Kaczowka, also a 911 dispatcher.

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passes; crunch looms CAIRO (AP) — The official approval of Egypt’s disputed, Islamist-backed constitution Tuesday held out little hope of stabilizing the country after two years of turmoil and Islamist President Mohammed Morsi may now face a more immediate crisis with the economy falling deeper into distress. In a clear sign of anxiety over the economy, the turbulence of the past month and expected austerity measures ahead have some Egyptians hoarding dollars for fear the currency is about to take a significant turn for the weaker. The battle over the constitution left Egypt deeply polarized at a time when the government is increasingly cash-strapped. Supporters of the charter campaigned for it on the grounds that it will lead to stability, improve the grip of Morsi and his allies on state institutions, restore investor confidence and bring back tourists. “In times of change, politics are the driver of the economy and not the other way around,” said Mourad Aly, a media adviser for the political arm of the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood, the backbone

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of Morsi’s presidency and the main group that backed the constitution. But there are already multiple fights on the horizon. The U.S. State Department bluntly told Morsi it was now time to make compromises, acknowledging deep concerns over the constitution. “President Morsi, as the democratically elected leader of Egypt, has a special responsibility to move forward in a way that recognizes the urgent need to bridge divisions, build trust, and broaden support for the political process,” said Patrick Ventrell, acting deputy spokesman. “We hope those Egyptians disappointed by the result will seek more and deeper engagement. “ He said Egypt “needs a strong, inclusive government to meet its many challenges.” After a spate of resignations of senior aides and advisers during the constitutional crisis, Morsi appeared to have lost another member of his government late Tuesday night when his communications minister posted on his Twitter account that he was resigning.


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Applicant must be mechanically inclined, self-motivated, and able to operate a fork truck. Experience operating a printing press is a plus. Schedule will include weekend rotation.

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Difficult rating: MEDIUM 12-26

CONTRACTORS Circulation Department

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102 N. Main St., Kendallville Phone: 800-717-4679 ext. 105 E-mail:

Carriers are independent contractors and not employees.


APARTMENT RENTAL Albion Nice 3 BR w/new carpet, paint $580/mo. + util; 2 BR duplex w/gar. $570 + util. 260 668-5467

Avilla 1 & 2 BR APTS $450-$500/ per month. Call 260-897-3188 Garrett Beautiful, 2-3 BR, ground-level also 2 BR upper, rent individually or both; completely remodeled. Very large,W/D, 2-car garage, basement. Great neighborhood. $475-$575.+ util. No pets. Application required. 260-704-3283

MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT LaOtto/Wolcottville 2 & 3 BR from $110/wk. free water, sewer, trash 574-202-2181

STORAGE Corner 200 Storage $16 & up. Open 7 days a week. Owner on premises 260-833-2856


HOMES FOR RENT Butler 2 BR land contract Garage, $470/mo. 260 927-1877

Angola ONE BR APTS. $425/mo., Free Heat. 260-316-5659

Kendallville Newly remodeled 3 BR home $600/mo. + dep. 260 318-2440

Angola Quiet 2 BR Apt. Washer & Dryer inc. $539/mo. + utilities 1st Month Free (260) 665-3151


kpcnews .com

Auburn Auburn/Country 1 or 2 BR (260) 925-4490

Sudoku Answers 12-26

CLASSIFIED Don’t want the “treasure” you found while cleaning the attic? Make a clean sweep ... advertise your treasures in the Classifieds.



















































































Fax: 260-347-7282 Toll Free: 1-877-791-7877

HOMES FOR SALE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference limitation or discrimination based on race, color , religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians; pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law . Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.

Fremont Recently Foreclosed, Special Financing Available, Any Credit, Any Income 3 BR, 2 BA, 1072 sq. ft. located at 7340 N 150 W Fremont, IN $27,900. Visit www.roselandco .com\AEQ Drive by then call (866) 700-3622 Contractor Lender-Certified for Home Improvement Loans for Existing or new home purchases! You may NEVER find a cheaper way for all of your exterior and interior improvement needs with no equity. All credit considered! Low rates!! Affordable Construction and Exteriors FW, IN 260-693-7072. BBB. Accredited A. Some restrictions may apply. (A)

Indiana Classified Advertising Network AUTOS/TOWING AUTOMOTIVE PARTS SWAP MEET & CAR SALE All Make & Model - All Indoo r - 700 Spaces January 6th, Indiana State Fairgrounds, Indianapolis, IN 8am-3pm Info. 708-563-4300 www . CAREER TRAINING AIRLINE CAREERS Become an A viation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualifi ed. Housing available. Job placement assistance. AC0901 CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenan ce (888) 242-3197 HELP WANTED - DRIVERS Foremost Transport $2000 Bonus Program for 3/4ton and la rger pickup owner operators. Great rates, flexible schedule, variety of runs. Check it out today! ForemostTransport. 1-866-7641601 Drivers - Want to d rive for ACT? Looking fo r Owner Operators, Lease Purchase & Company Drivers! Call Today! 888-428-5228 o r apply online www .haulact. com

Drivers: CDL-A NO GIMMICKS! Just great pay, Miles, hometime & benefits 50¢/mile for Hazmat Teams. Solos start at 36¢/mile 1y r. exp. Req’d. 800-942-2104 Ext. 7308 o r 7307 www. New Owner Operator Tractor Program. $1.70 All miles. Call Today for Details 800-831-8737 Truckload & Expedite Tractors needed immediately!! Flatbed Drivers New Pay Scale - Start @ .37 cpm. Up to .04 cpm Mileage Bonus. Home W eekends. Insurance & 401K. Apply @ 800648-9915 Stone Belt F reight Lines Needs Owner Operators Now! Run 48 & Canada. Percentage Plus 100% Fuel Surcharge. Plate P rogram & Insurance Available. Call Kelsy, 1-800-489-2332. Dedicated Drivers Needed! Exceptional Pay ($60-$70K annually) and Benefi t package. Run regionally, be home weekly! New Trucks! Call TODAY 888-409-6033 Or visit online www . NOT MAKING ENOUGH $$$ The average professional truck driver earns $700+/

wk*! Get CDL training @ Roadmaster in only 16 days! Truckers are in demand & WERNER NEEDS DRIVER TRAINEES! 317-491-1112 Call TODAY! Approved for Veterans Training. AC-0205 *DOL/BLS 2012 Pickup from 12.16.12 Gypsum Express, Class A CDL Flatbed D rivers. Road & Regional Positions. Call Kim 866-317-6556 x 5 o r apply at www . Driver - $0.03 enhan ced quarterly bonus. Get paid for any po rtion you qualify for: safety, production, MPG. CDL-A, 3 months current OTR exp. 800-4149569

SERVICES Music Lessons fo r All Ages! Find a musi c teacher! TakeLessons offers affordable, safe, guaranteed music lessons with teachers in your area. Our prescreened teachers specialize in singing, guitar, piano, drums, violin and more. Call 1- 888-712-1587!



USDA 100% GOVERNMENT LOANS!!-- Not just for 1st time buyers! All credit considered! Low rates! Buy any home anywhere for sale by owner or realtor. Academy Mortgage Corporation, 11119 Lima Road, Fort Wayne, In 46818. Call Nick at 260-494-1111. NLMS146802. Some restrictions may apply. Equal Housing Lender (A)

Free Piano Needs work. You haul. Call (260) 573-9420

FURNITURE Brand NEW in plastic! QUEEN PILLOWTOP MATTRESS SET Can deliver, $125. (260) 493-0805

Place an ad showing your love 1-877-791-7877 THE NEWS SUN The


Gold and Silver Can Protect Your Hard Earned Dollars Learn how by calling Freedom Gold Group for your free educational guide. 877-468-5280

PETS/ANIMALS FREE: Long-haired dwarf gray rabbit, male. Includes outdoor cage, food dishes & food. (260) 668-2356

NATIONAL METAL BROKERAGE Buying scrap metal: Copper, brass, cans, iron, aluminum, & more! 1209 W North St. Kendallville, IN Open Tues-Sat. 8 - 5 Closed Sun. & Mon. (260) 242-3025

Lots of new sweaters - and fancy collars with bling. Fun toys! Havanese, Maltese, Poodles. Reduced prices on some puppies. Garwick's The Pet People: 419-795-5711. garwicksthepet (A)




PETS/ANIMALS 3 Miniature Dachsunds 9 wks old, very cute! Mother was registered. (260) 499-0359 (260) 905-7022

$ WANTED $ Junk Cars! Highest prices pd. Free pickup. 260-705-7610 705-7630








ACE BUILDERS Amish built pole barns, garages, re-roofing, roof & side old barns. Free Est. 260-625-2327 260 925-4527

All Phase Remodeling and Handyman Service - No Job too Big or Small !!!

Collect: 260-424-0954 act as a debt relief agency under the BK code

ATTENTION: Paying up to $530 for scrap cars. Call me 318-2571

IVANʼS TOWING Junk Auto Buyer

1 & ONLY PLACE TO CALL-- to get rid of that junk car, truck or van!! Cash on the spot! Free towing. Call 260-745-8888. (A)

Health Rider Exercise Bike. Excellent cond. $45.00. (260) 347-4993 HJC helmet, XSM. Only worn 4 times. Owner's manual. $50.00 (260) 593-2038 Homemade Child's Bench, $35.00 (260) 488-2891 Lapped siding, 14 ft. storage shed. $35.00 419 542-7510 Live Free or Die Hard Bruce Willis Blue Ray $10.00 260 925-2672

Guaranteed Top Dollar For Junk Cars, Trucks & Vans. Call Jack @ 260-466-8689

Long Sequined Gown with spaghetti straps & jacket. Size 8. Beautiful! $45.00. (260) 488-4835


Loveseat: Rattan frame & floral print. $25.00. (260) 318-2254

1988 Aquapatio pontoon w/28 hp Johnson, $2,500. 260 475-5651

Metal Christmas tree stands. $5.00/obo 260 495-9378


New Nokia 2680 slide cell phone with earbuds and charger. Never used. $25.00 260 768-7940

1 Blue Stearns Dry Wear insulated Rain Coats. Used once. Size large. $10.00. (260) 239-5611

New Straight Talk Flip phone; never opened. $35.00 260 927-1553

1 Red Stearns Dry Wear insulated Rain Coats. Used once. Size large. $10.00. (260) 239-5611 25 in. RCA color TV, oak cabinet. $30. 260 925-4479

Small Computer Desk Nice condition. Like New. $25.00 (260) 488-4835 School Desk $10.00 (260) 488-2891 Six Sturdy Brown Metal Folding Chairs w/paint on them. $5.00 for all. Call (260) 239-5611

4-bulb, ceiling light chandelier. Nice condition. $25 OBO. (260) 351-2114

Womens downhill snow skis. $25.00 260 925-2672


40 piece Set Christmas China & Glassware. $35.00. (260) 347-4993

Women's sz. 20 petite length trousers from CJ Banks. $10.00 ea. 260 433-2666

County Line Roofing FREE ESTIMATES FOR SPRING. Tear offs, wind damage & reroofs. Call (260)627-0017

5 pc. Bathroom Wicker set. Beige. Nice. $25.00. (260) 488-4835 50 Silhouette paperback Romance books. $12. Call after 3 p.m. (260) 232-5062 Acerview 56L computer monitor VGA, 12” $15.00/obo 260 495-9378

Advertise your antiques, furniture, musical instruments & other items in the Classifieds today, and TADA...they’re sold! The Classifieds are an easy, cheap and effective way to reach a wide audience. There’s no trick to it – just call today to place your ad and watch potential buyers appear before your very eyes!

Antique Wood Rocker $20.00 (260) 488-2891 Beautiful 112 piece China Set. “Gracious” pattern. $50.00. (260) 347-4993 Long beige gown with lace jacket. Size 8. Worn once. $35.00. (260) 488-4835 Behind a door metal shoe rack. $10.00.obo 260 495-9378 Combine Batteries for JD 4020 or 3020 Never used. $15.00 419-542-7510

Wicker framed mirror. 29” x 40”. Good shape. $25 OBO. (260) 351-2114

KPC LIMITATIONS LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY: KPC assumes no liability or financial responsibility for typographical errors or for omission of copy, failure to publish or failure to deliver advertising. Our liability for copy errors is limited to your actual charge for the first day & one incorrect day after the ad runs. You must promptly notify KPC of any error on first publication. Claims for adjustment must be made within 30 days of publication and, in the case of multiple runs, claims are allowed for first publication only . KPC is not responsible for and you agree to make no claim for specific or consequential damages resulting from or related in any manner to any error , omission, or failure to publish or deliver.




Sell it in ten o r we’ll run it again. Up to $500 advertised price.

Big Bucks 6 Lines - 10 Times with FREE photo or artwork $ 00



Sell it in ten o r we’ll run it again. No price limit on items.

Place your ad 24/7 at

End Tables: Rattan frame & glass top. $50.00. (260) 318-2254

Call Jeff

4 Lines - 10 Times $ 00

KPC Classifieds

USED TIRES Cash for Junk Cars! 701 Krueger St., K'ville. 260-318-5555

260-854-9071 Qualified & Insured Serving You Since 1990

$25.00 TO START Payment Plans, Sat. & Eve. Appts. Avail. Call

Couch: Rattan frame & floral print. $35.00. (260) 318-2254

4 used tires P235/70R16 Continental, 50% rubber. $50. 260 349-5352 before 3:30 pm

Free Estimates




260 349-2685



(260) 238-4787

All species of hard wood. Pay before starting. Walnut needed.



up to $1000.00




Driver. Tango Transport now hiring Regional OTR Team. Top Pay Plenty of Miles Great Home T ime. Family Medical/Dental. 401k. Paid V acations. Call 877-826-4605 or www.

WANTED TO BUY BUYING OLD TOYS: Single-item collections or estates before 1970. (260) 318-1851

APPLES & CIDER Mon.-Sat. • 9-5:30 Sunday • 11-5:00 GW Stroh Orchards Angola (260)665-7607

GUN SHOW!! Kokomo, IN - December 29th & 30th, Johanning Civic Center, US Highway 31, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-3 For information call 765993-8942 Buy! Sell! Trade!

Save THOUSANDS on Cancelled orders. VERY Low Monthly payments. 5 Remaining. Must Go. 16x24, 20x26, 25x30, 30x40, 40x50 Call Now 800-991-9251 Nicole

GUN SHOW!! Kokomo, IN - December 29th & 30th, Johanning Civic Center, US Highway 31, Sat. 9-5, Sun 9-3 For information call 765-993-8942 Buy! Sell! Trade!



Company Drivers: $2500 Sign-On Bonus! Super Service is hi ring solo and team drivers. Excellent hometime options. CDL-A required. Students with CDL-A welcome. Call 888691-4472 or apply online at







$1.00 per line additional , $2.00 add bold type, $5. 00 add a border includes print and on -line. Must call within 3 days of e xpiration for free re-run if merc handise is no t sold. No copy changes, no refund for early cancellation. Merchandise only - no pets, real est ate, automotive, private parties only, no commercial.

1-877-791-7877 FAX 260-347-7282

The Star • 925-2611 The Herald Republican • 665-3117 The News Sun • 347-0400



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