Noble County 4-H Scrapbook 2012

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Over 100 Years




Noble County 4-H Scrapbook • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

July 28, 2012






From the 4-H Livestock Auction Committee

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July 28, 2012

Noble County 4-H Scrapbook





Top showmen in the Noble County Community Fair Boer Goat Show were, from left, premier showman Christian Stoner, senior showman Sydney Estridge, intermediate showman and reserve premier showman Zach Brazel, junior showman Lucas Richter and rookie showman Brooklyn Konger.

Callie Lemper showed Bucky, the grand champion wether, in the Noble County Community Fair Boer Goat Show. The reserve grand champion was Zach Brazel’s goat Alex. Shown are, from left, Christian Stoner and Case Lemper, assisting Callie Lemper as she holds Bucky, and Zander Brazel, assisting Zach Brazel as he holds Alex.

Mini 4-H Projects


Lucas Richmond, left, holds the grand champion doe, Aqua Marine, in the Noble County Community Fair Boer Goat Show. With him are, from left, Christian Stoner, Bailey Parker, Cassie Richmond and judge Mandy Wagoner.

Dindy Dressler, right, holds her reserve grand champion boer goat, Mamie, which earned the honor in the Noble County Community Fair Boer Goat Show. With Dressler are, from left, judge Mandy Wagoner and Tony Dressler.

ALPACA (MINI) Blue Ribbon - Maysie Clouse, Brian Cooper, Brady Crick, Ruby Pasche; Red Ribbon - Kyndal Pease ARCHERY (MINI) Blue Ribbon - Tyler Aumsbaugh, Riley Bremer, Brian Cooper, Hailey Holbrook BICYCLE (MINI) Blue Ribbon - Jaron Bobay, Elisabeth Mains, Jackson Meyer, Trenton Steele, Trenton Steele; Red Ribbon - Elisabeth Mains, Jackson Meyer BUGS (MINI) Blue Ribbon - Jackson Bolinger, Jayden Davidson, Jaxson Kirchner, Emma Lawson COLLECTING (MINI) Blue Ribbon - Molly Abel, Riley Bremer, Claire Cartwright, Emily Clouse, Emma Forker, Tristen Hood, Jonah Hopf, Weston Knafel, Matthew Landrum, Emma Lawson, Kaylee Morris, Kyndal Mynhier, Xander Smith, Nathan Terry CRAFTS (MINI) Blue Ribbon - Molly Abel, Adara Bell, Juliana Berkes, Audrey Brumbaugh, Elizabeth Christlieb, Emily Clouse, Maysie Clouse, Lauren Dickinson, Lilian Dunkel, Kristopher Ernsberger, Emma Forker, Rayanna Garrison, Eva Hallman, Kena Hamman, Aletha Hoover, Jackson Hoover, Will

On The Cover


Blake Rodenbeck, right, of Allen Township was honored as a 10-year 4-H member at the Noble County Community Fair Boer Goat Show.

The 2012 Noble County Community 4-H Fair has drawn to a close, but the memories remain. To help keep those memories alive, we are proud to again present a scrapbook of these memories. On the cover at left, Renee L. Zeigler puts on the brakes in the middle of her ride in the horse and pony keyhole show. At top right, Sydney Freeman of Jefferson Township showed the supreme grand champion at the 2012 Noble County Community Fair 4-H Dairy Show. Her brother, Nick Freeman, is shown holding the banner. In the photo at bottom right, competitors line up their animals in the grand championship drive of the 2012 Noble County Community Fair 4-H Sheep Show at the Noble County Fairgrounds.

Hoover, Mckenlee Jones, Alexandria Kimmel, Cash Kirkpatrick, Lucy Meyer, Kyndal Mynhier, Ethan Noser, Nathan Richards, Brooke Rollins DINOSAURS (MINI) Blue Ribbon - Jackson Bolinger, Aidan Dreibelbis, Kristopher Ernsberger, Christopher Hood, John Housholder, Coleman Meyer, Zebidiah Pfenning, Timothy Rawles, Griffin Rothenbuhler FARM ANIMALS (MINI) Blue Ribbon - Gabrielle Boggs, Jonah Hopf, Hunter Hull, Noah Longyear, Lauren Marks, Lydia Mason, Griffin Rothenbuhler, Grant Schermerhorn, Lee Stringfellow; Red Ribbon - Bryiana Haines, Alexandria Kimmel FLOWERS (MINI) Blue Ribbon - Allison Barker, Adara Bell, Audrey Brumbaugh, Lauren Dickinson, Emma Forker, Natalee Hochstetler, Aletha Hoover, Madison Hosted, Bayleigh Huelsenbeck, Kaylee Morris, Sausha Slaughter, Jessica Slinger, Wesley Wolheter FOODS (MINI) Blue Ribbon - Molly Abel, Tyler Aumsbaugh, Allison Barker, Rachel Becker, Jaron Bobay, Gabrielle Boggs, Zander Brazel, Audrey Brumbaugh, Emily Clouse, Brady Crick, Lilian Dunkel, Jakob Eminger, Ethan Freed, Devyn Gaff, Rayanna Garrison, Eva Hallman, Adalie Harper, Natalee Hochstetler, Hailey Holbrook, Madison Hosted, Bayleigh Huelsenbeck, Mckenlee Jones, Jaxson Kirchner, Kaelyn Marks, Lydia Mason, Lucy Meyer, Ethan Noser, Faith Resler, Robert Rogers, Sausha Slaughter, Jessica Slinger, Bethany Trinklein FORESTRY (MINI) Blue Ribbon - Jaron Bobay, Ethan Freed, Xander Smith, Joshua Stringfellow, Wesley Wolheter GARDEN (MINI) Blue Ribbon - Tyler Aumsbaugh, Gabrielle Boggs, Zander Brazel, Clayton Egolf, Aletha Hoover, Jackson Hoover, Will Hoover, Jaxson Kirchner, Lauren Marks, Grace Pulver, Wesley Wolheter HORSE & PONY (MINI) Blue Ribbon - Gabrielle Boggs, Maysie Clouse, Hailey Holbrook, Jackson Meyer, Collin Stackhouse, Trenton Steele, Bryn Trowbridge; Red Ribbon - Alexandria Kimmel MODELS (MINI) Blue Ribbon - Tyler Aumsbaugh, Kolton Bailey, Rachel Becker, Jaron Bobay, Riley Bremer, Emily Clouse, Hunter Donley, Aidan Dreibelbis, Clayton Egolf, Kristopher Ernsberger, Christopher Hood,


Noble County 4-H Scrapbook • ŠKPC Media Group Inc.

July 28, 2012

4-H JUDGING RESULTS Dawson Howey, Matthew Landrum, Noah Longyear, Griffin Rothenbuhler, Joshua Stringfellow, Nathan Terry; Red Ribbon - Ray Strong PETS (MINI) Blue Ribbon - Rachel Becker, Gabrielle Boggs, Riley Bremer, Jeffrey Hosford, Avery Kruger, Nevin Phares, Nathan Richards, Robert Rogers, Griffin Rothenbuhler, Xander Smith SEWING (MINI) Blue Ribbon - Allison Barker, Rachel Becker, Juliana Berkes, Audrey Brumbaugh, Maysie Clouse, Hailey Holbrook, Madison Hosted, Lauren Marks, Savannah Mobley, Faith Resler, Brooke Rollins, Xander Smith, Bethany Trinklein SUN, STARS, & SPACE (MINI) Blue Ribbon - Zachariah Pfenning, Wesley Wolheter WHALES & DOLPHINS (MINI) Blue Ribbon - Maysie Clouse, Lilian Dunkel, Kristopher Ernsberger, Ethan Freed, Joshua Stringfellow WILDLIFE ADVENTURES (MINI) Blue Ribbon - Jaron Bobay, Gabrielle Boggs, Elizabeth Christlieb, Coleman Meyer, Nathan Richards, Collin Stackhouse, Bryn Trowbridge WOODWORKING (MINI) Blue Ribbon - Tyler Aumsbaugh, Rachel Becker, Jackson Bolinger, Zander Brazel, Riley Bremer, Claire Cartwright, Elizabeth Christlieb, Emily Clouse, Brian Cooper, Lauren Dickinson, Aidan Dreibelbis, Clayton Egolf, Jakob Eminger, Ethan Freed, Jeffrey Hosford, John Housholder, Bayleigh Huelsenbeck, Hunter Hull, Alexandria Kimmel, Jaxson Kirchner, Weston Knafel, Seth Knepper, Emma Lawson, Brock Love, Coleman Meyer, Lucy Meyer, Zachariah Pfenning, Zebidiah Pfenning, Grace Pulver, Timothy Rawles, Nathan


Skyler Ott, from Noble Township, was awarded the grand champion ribbon in the dry goat category with his Alpine at the Noble County 4-H goat show.

Richards, Robert Rogers, Brooke Rollins, Griffin Rothenbuhler, Xander Smith, Cole Sobasky, Collin Stackhouse, Lee Stringfellow, Ray Strong, Nathan Terry



Sarah Cook of Orange Township won several ribbons at the Noble County 4-H goat show. She won a blue ribbon for these goats in the category of two daughters from the same mother. She also won the grand champion’s title in the milking doe category.

In the wether goats division of the Noble County 4-H goat show, Jaden Turner of Elkhart Township was awarded the grand champion ribbon while Kya Hamman, left, of York Township, was named reserve champion. On the right is Taylor Hagenbuch, who was showing the champion wether goat for his sister, who was busy showing dairy steer at the same time the goat show was going on.

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July 28, 2012

Noble County 4-H Scrapbook



AG Tractor Poster

Level A: State Fair - Austin Liepe Level C: State Fair - Kaylen Warble Level D: White Ribbon - Evan Rosselot

Air Rifle Beginner: Champion - Michael Weaver; Reserve Champion - Damien Firestine; Honor - Rylan Bailey, Silas Selby, Morgan Walz; Blue Ribbon Hope Addis, Lucas Cartwright, Sierra Gonzalez, Justin Krider, Bailey Leitch, GraceAnn Leitch, Payton Morris, Isaiah Pippenger, Jayden Pressler Intermediate: Champion - Dustin Richards; Reserve Champion - Sidney Syndram; Honor Cameron Crick, Adam Karst; Blue Ribbon - Grace Cartwright, Cole Smith Advanced: Champion - Joel Smith

Alpaca Poster Junior: State Fair - Katelyn Cooper; Alternate State Fair - Hannah Henning; Honor - Grace Pasche; Blue Ribbon - Jaden Turner Intermediate: State Fair - Sidney Syndram; Honor - Rebecca Nichols; Blue Ribbon - Ashley Nichols, Riley Yermasek Senior: State Fair - Chelsea Neace

Archery Beginner: Champion - Bailey Leitch; Reserve Champion - Damien Firestine; Honor - Reece Dickinson, Rika McCullough, Lucas Richmond, Michael Weaver; Blue Ribbon - Olivia Aungst, Raegan Bender, Jacob Grimm, GraceAnn Leitch, Dakota McClure, Isaiah Pippenger; Red Ribbon Hope Addis, Alyson Harlan Intermediate: Champion - Dustin Richards; Reserve Champion - Sidney Syndram; Honor -

Kaelyn Bender, Bodey Holbrook, Austin Jones, Nathaniel Powell, R J Sonnenberg, Breeanna Terry; Blue Ribbon - Bryson Addis, Nathaneal Collett, Bailey Hankins, Nathaniel Hartman, Connor Marks, Jacob McDonald, Michael Peters, Noah Renfrow, Blake Rollins, William Stayner; White Ribbon - Nicholas Gram Advanced: Champion - Mitchell Comparet; Reserve Champion - Benjamin Powell; Honor Tony Dressler, Roger Reichhart, Ashlyn Stump; Blue Ribbon - Paul Hilterbrand, Dalton Jellison, Dylan Jellison, Elliott Jimenez, Sean Peters, Mathew Robinson, Joel Smith, Elizabeth Stayner; Red Ribbon - Parker Duerk

Arts & Crafts BASIC CRAFTS Beginner: State Fair - Daylyn Aumsbaugh, Hannah Roesener; Alternate State Fair - Kya Hamman, Jocelyn Winebrenner; Honor - Taya Dazey; Blue Ribbon - Heidi Baker, Anna Becker, Olivia Berendt, Samantha Brumbaugh, Lucas Cartwright, Kayla Desper, Madeleine Dreibelbis, Shae Foster, Mackenzie Jett, Alexius King, Cole Knox, Emma Knox, Violet Landrum, Emma McNamara, Katie Peters, Isaiah Pippenger, Kyle Ramsey; Red Ribbon - Audrey Huelsenbeck, Sam Huelsenbeck Intermediate: State Fair - Maggie Kaiser, Elizabeth Wigent; Alternate State Fair - Mikayla Stringfellow, Kirsten Wolf; Honor - Nathaniel Hartman, Jordan Riecke, Taylor Strange; Blue Ribbon - Gabriel Badger, Bridget Breckler, Kelli Brennan, Nicole Byers, Kiara Clouse, Tori Foster, Kyarra French, Taylor Mountz, Sydney Nelson, Madeline Rodenbeck, Alyssa Sobasky, Tyler Strange, London Wells Advanced: State Fair - Kirstin Noser, Cassandra Pinkerton; Alternate State Fair - Sarah Cook; Blue

Ribbon - Kelli Grimm, Michaela Hartman, Reid McNamara, Josiah Moore, Kaitlyn Ramsey, Kourtney Ramsey, Brooke Riecke, Kaitlyn Strange, Alisha Vose, Carlene Wechter; Red Ribbon - Kristi Brennan, Hannah Bright, Cassie Gaff, Sydney Rodenbeck, Janelle Wasson FINE ARTS Beginner: Blue Ribbon - Ross Brumbaugh, Kayla Desper, Emma Knox, Katrina Rose, Becky Yoder; Red Ribbon - Konner Kirkpatrick, Madisyn Redman, Samantha Richards, Nikohl Terry Intermediate: Blue Ribbon - Brittany Owsley, Adelin Young; Red Ribbon - Amelia Kurtz Advanced: State Fair - Kayla Lepper, Daniel McDonald; Alternate State Fair - Abigail Herkel, Devin Wolf; Honor - Autumn Knox, Sean Peters, Meghan Sayles, Allison Stangland; Blue Ribbon Katie Baker; Red Ribbon - Raymond Stump NEEDLE CRAFT Beginner: State Fair - Riley Noser Advanced: State Fair - Jessica Bennett; Alternate State Fair - Christina Coats; Blue Ribbon - Taylor Fisher

ATV Champion - Bryce Trowbridge, Jocelyn Winebrenner Reserve Champion - Breanna Hull Honor - Matthew Strowmatt

Bookeeping State Fair - Luke Wechter

Bicycle Junior: Grand Champion - Bradley Palmer; Reserve Champion - Aubrey Welsh; Honor Damien Firestine; Blue Ribbon - Michael Steele, Arianna Welsh; Red Ribbon - Nancy Coppock, Emma McNamara Senior: Grand Champion - Andrew Slone; Reserve Champion - Sidney Syndram

Cake Decorating Beginner: State Fair - Morgan Knafel; Alternate State Fair - Samantha Brumbaugh: Honor - Jaycee Knafel, Mariah Maley, Darian Manth, Kendra Mason, Kylie Norris, Emily Silver, Nikohl Terry, Lydia Worman; Blue Ribbon - Hannah Calvelage, Faith Darland, Morgan Forker, Jennifer Litchfield, Katie Peters, Madison Rhoades, Leah Strong, Lorraine Strong Intermediate: State Fair - Jade Rose; Honor Makayla Riecke, Kaylen Warble; Blue Ribbon Grace Cartwright, Sidney Syndram; Red Ribbon Kelty Bratton Advanced: State Fair - Allison Duerk; Alternate State Fair - Kelly Stringfellow; Honor - Hannah Bright; Red Ribbon - Becca Byall

Cat Poster

Barbecue Level 1: Champion - Breck Hochstetler; Reserve Champion - Stephanie Dressler; Blue Ribbon Heidi Baker, Emma McNamara Level 2: Champion - Bradley Palmer; Reserve Champion - Kyle Forker; Blue Ribbon - Tim Tew Level 3: Champion - Tyler Clouse; Reserve Champion - Joshua Tew

Beginner: State Fair - Ryan Stump; Red Ribbon Molly Goings, Mackenzie Jett Intermediate: State Fair - Nicole Byers; Alternate State Fair - Kiara Clouse; Red Ribbon - Cole Smith

Child Development Level A: State Fair - Katie Peters; Red Ribbon -

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Noble County 4-H Scrapbook • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

July 28, 2012




These girls won awards in the junior division of the Noble County 4-H Fashion Revue, held at West Noble High School in Ligonier. From the left are Katie Peters, Kayla Desper, Daylyn Aumbsbaugh, Mary Reichhart, Aubrey Welsh, Maggie Kaiser and Racheal Rogers.

These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left are Sydney Nelson, Green Township, preserved foods — state fair; Madalyn McClure, York Township, foods — state fair; Samantha Brumbaugh, Noble Township, foods — state fair alternate; Rachel Roger, Allen Township, frozen foods — state fair; Madeleine Dreibelbis, Jefferson Township, foods — state fair; Kristin Noser, Washington Township, foods — state fair; and Anna Becker, Allen Township, foods — state fair alternate.


Winners in the senior division of the Noble County 4-H Fashion Revue are shown following competition held at West Noble High School in Ligonier. From the left are Allison Duerk, Ben Powell, Melissa Parks, Ashley Stump, Renee Zeigler, Madeline Powell and Hannah Moore.


These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left are Sydney Nelson, Green Township, foods — state fair alternate; Maddie Rodenbeck, Allen Township, foods — state fair; Ashlyn Stump, Sparta Township, microwave foods — champion; Josiah Moore, Jefferson Township, forestry — state fair; and Jade Rose, Elkhart Township, foods — state fair alternate.

These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. Seated, from left, are Amanda Wetli, Jefferson Township, microwave foods — champion; Max Pinkerton, Sparta Township, preserved foods — state fair alternate; Cassandra Pinkerton, Washington Township, jelly — state fair; Jade Rose, Elkhart Township, cake decorating — state fair; and Bailey Rose, Elkhart Township, foods — state fair. Standing are, from left, Sarah Schroeder, Sparta Township, foods — state fair alternate; Richard Stump, Sparta Township, foods — state fair alternate; Samantha Brumbaugh, Noble Township, preserved foods — state fair alternate; and Bradley Palmer, York Township, microwaved foods, state fair alternate, and preserved foods, reserve champion.


These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left are Tyler Marker, York Township, microwave foods jelly — reserve champion; Nathaniel Powell, Sparta Township, microwave foods fruit crisp, champion; Madeline Powell, Sparta Township, microwave foods jelly — champion; and Bradley Parker, York Township, barbecue — champion.

©KPC Media Group Inc. •

July 28, 2012

Noble County 4-H Scrapbook


4-H JUDGING RESULTS These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left are Ryan Stump, Sparta Township, geology poster — state fair; Emma McNamara, Allen Township, wildlife — state fair and food preservation — state fair; and Samantha Brumbaugh, Noble Township, cake decorating — state fair alternate, sewing — state fair and fashion review — state fair.

These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left are Madison Bremer, Albion Township, veterinary science — state fair and rabbit poster — state fair; Connor Marks, Jefferson Township, veterinary science — state fair; and Blake Rollins, Albion Township, dog poster — state fair and shooting sports — state fair.


These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left are Calista Starr, Albion Township, veterinary science — state fair alternate; Tina Miars, Swan Township, veterinary science — state fair; and Breanna Hull, Noble Township, ATV poster, reserve champion, and hunter education, champion. Maliya Byall Level B: State Fair - Kiara Clouse, Emma McNamara Level C: State Fair - Kaylen Warble; Alternate State Fair - Rebecca Payne

Collections Beginner: Champion - Anna Stayner; Reserve Champion - Emma McNamara; Honor - Olivia Berendt, Katie Peters; Blue Ribbon - Nancy Coppock, Emma Knox, Jaylin Norris, Kylie Norris Intermediate: Champion - Kaylen Warble; Reserve Champion - David Boggs; Honor - Kiara Clouse, Tim Tew, Elizabeth Wigent; Red Ribbon - Brian Tew Advanced: Champion - Kyler Warble; Reserve Champion - Luke Wechter; Honor - Joplin Druck, Glen Griffiths, Theodore Pearson, Elizabeth Stayner, Cassaundra Worthen; Blue Ribbon - Tyler Clouse, Reid McNamara, Typhani Schuller, Tayla Skidgel, BreAnn Weeks

Computer Level 1: State Fair - Emma McNamara; Alternate State Fair - Khrista Edgell Level 2: State Fair - Sidney Syndram Level 3: State Fair - Noah Hamilton




Consumer Clothing Beginner: State Fair - Emma McNamara Intermediate: State Fair - Maria Miller; Blue Ribbon - Kiara Clouse Advanced: State Fair - Kavan Edwards; Alternate State Fair - Melissa Parks

Corn Beginner: Champion - Morgan Forker Intermediate: Champion - Kyle Forker; Reserve Chamption - Austin Stump Advanced: Champion - Glen Griffiths Grand Champion - Glen Griffiths

These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left are Tyler Clouse, Sparta Township, Do Your Own Thing — champion, barbecue — champion, and dog poster — state fair; Reagan Hamilton, Allen Township, gingerbread house — champion; Morgan Knafel, Jefferson Township, cake decorating — state fair; Aubrey Welsh, Allen Township, gingerbread house, reserve champion; and Arianna Welsh, Allen Township, veterinary science, state fair alternate. Riley Noser, Madisyn Redman Intermediate: Champion - Bridget Breckler; Reserve Champion - Tim Tew Advanced: Champion - Tayla Skidgel; Reserve Champion - Bailey Kruger; Blue Ribbon - Typhani Schuller PROSE Beginner: Champion - Sierra Gonzalez; Reserve Champion - Cole Knox

Intermediate: Champion - Jacob McDonald; Reserve Grand Champion - Amelia Kurtz; Blue Ribbon - Brielle Dazey, Beck Groff, Sarah Norwalt Advanced: Grand Champion - Autumn Knox; Reserve Champion - Cara Groff; Honor - Meghan Sayles; Blue Ribbon - Kirstin Noser, Tayla Skidgel, Janelle Wasson


Creative Writing CHILDREN’S STORY Beginner: Champion - Madison Bremer; Reserve Champion - Sam Huelsenbeck; Honor - Emma McNamara; Blue Ribbon - Maretta Fitzharris, Sierra Gonzalez Intermediate: Grand Champion - Brian Tew; Reserve Champion - Beck Groff; Blue Ribbon Cole Smith, Shelby Targgart Advanced: Champion - Christina Coats; Reserve Champion - Cara Groff POETRY Beginner: Grand Champion - Rika McCullough; Reserve Champion - Isaac Coats; Blue Ribbon -



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Noble County 4-H Scrapbook • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

July 28, 2012



These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. Seated, from left, are Kaylen Warble, Perry Township, ag tractor — state fair and small engine — state fair; Chelsea Neace, Wayne Township, alpaca poster — state fair; and Bradley Palmer, York Township, wildlife — state fair, sportfishing — state fair and forestry — state fair. Standing, from left, are Hannah Henning, Jefferson Township, alpaca poster — state fair alternate, and Katelyn Cooper, Noble Township, alpaca poster — state fair.




These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. Seated, from left, are Sierra Gonzales, York Township, Do Your Own Thing — reserve champion; Isaac Coats, Elkhart Township, sportfishing — state fair and small engine — state fair; and Christina Coats, Elkhart Township, small engine — state fair. Standing, from left, are Nicole Byers, Perry Township, cat poster — state fair and Kiara Close, Sparta Township, cat poster — state fair alternate.

These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left are Kyler Warble, Perry Township, wildlife — state fair alternate and small engine — state fair alternate; and Breck Hochstetler, Noble Township, barbecue — champion.

Sid Syndram IV, Green Township, was honored at the Noble County Community Fair for projects in microwave foods — reserve champion, food preservation — state fair; alpaca poster — state fair alternate, computer — state fair and gingerbread house — reserve champion.



These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left, are Emma McNamara, Allen Township, home environment - state fair; Shae Foster, Swan Township, home environment - state fair alternate; Emma Cartwright, Green Township, home environment - state fair; Maddie Richards, Green Township, home environment - state fair; Jessica Bennett, Jefferson Township, needlecraft - state fair and Riley Noser, Washington Township, needlepoint - state fair.

These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left, are Kya Hamman, Albion Township, crafts - state fair alternate; Sarah Cook, Orange Township, crafts - state fair alternate and Mikayla Stringfellow, York Township, crafts - state fair alternate.

Do Your Own Thing

Dog Poster

Beginner: Champion - Emma McNamara; Reserve Champion - Sierra Gonzalez; Honor - Jared Gross, Jesse Leprie, Austin Liepe, Isaiah Pippenger Intermediate: Champion - Trevelyn Frick; Reserve Champion - Tristin Frick; Honor - Kiara Clouse; Blue Ribbon - Cole Smith, Brian Tew, Tim Tew Advanced: Champion - Tyler Clouse; Reserve Champion - Jason Gienger; Blue Ribbon - Jordan Gienger, Joel Smith

Beginner: State Fair - Rachael Rogers; Alternate State Fair - Taya Dazey; Honor - Madison Bremer; Red Ribbon - Jesse Leprie Intermediate: State Fair - Blake Rollins Advanced: State Fair - Tyler Clouse


Champion - Katie Peters 4th Grade: Champion - Samantha Brumbaugh; Reserve Champion - Rachael Rogers; Honor Madeleine Dreibelbis; Blue Ribbon - Mackenzie Jett, Arianna Welsh 5th Grade: Champion - Aubrey Welsh; Reserve Champion - Daylyn Aumsbaugh 6th Grade: Champion - Maggie Kaiser 7th Grade: Champion - Mary Reichhart Advanced: State Fair - Melissa Parks, Benjamin Powell, Madeline Powell, Ashlyn Stump, Renee L. Zeigler; Alternate State Fair - Allison Duerk, Hannah Moore


Level 1: State Fair - Nathan McDonald Level 2: State Fair - Rheannon Starr


Fashion Revue

Level A: State Fair - Karly Kirkpatrick, Darian Manth; Alternate State Fair - Shae Foster, Hannah Payne

Division 1: State Fair - Breck Hochstetler; Alternate State Fair - Brock Trowbridge Division 2: State Fair - Andrew Tom; Alternate

State Fair - Michael Weaver; Honor - Jesse Leprie Division 3: State Fair - Thaddaeus Foster; Alternate State Fair - Sidney Syndram; Honor Aarronn Steele; Blue Ribbon - Michaela Hartman Division 4: State Fair - Marcus Weimer; Alternate State Fair - Tyler Clouse; Blue Ribbon - Cameron Crick Advanced Division: State Fair - Hannah Moore; Alternate State Fair - Josiah Moore; Honor - Cara Groff; Blue Ribbon - Reid McNamara; Red Ribbon - Daniel Vose

3rd Grade: Champion - Kayla Desper; Reserve

©KPC Media Group Inc. •

July 28, 2012

Noble County 4-H Scrapbook




Best of Breed winners at the Noble County 4-H rabbit show were: front row, from left, Isaac Thrush, Silver Fox; Cole Sherman, Californian and Mini Satin; Tristan Sherman, Mini Lop and Satin; Tyler Marker, Florida White and New Zealand; Breck Hochstetler, Holland Lop; back row, Stephanie Dressler, Dutch; Noah Renfrow, English Angora and Giant Chinchilla; Abigail Herkel, Mini Rex; Kayla Lepper, Flemish Giant; and Trevelyn Frick, Netherland Dwarf. Not pictured: Bryson Addis, English Spot; Cynthia Lowe, Polish and Tan; and Michael Peters, Lionhead.


Judge Bruce Ormsby of Milan left, stands with Tyler Marker, who won Best in Show, Best 4 Class, Best 6 Class and Single Roaster champion honors at Noble County 4-H rabbit show. Level B: State Fair - Emma McNamara, Austin Moore; Alternate State Fair - Madelyn McClure; Blue Ribbon - Grace Cartwright, Riley Yermasek Level C: State Fair - Dindy Dressler, Sydney Nelson, Rebecca Payne; Alternate State Fair - Tori Foster; Blue Ribbon - Audrianna Moore Level D: State Fair - Abigail Richards, Rachel Stohlman, Carlene Wechter; Alternate State Fair Joplin Druck, Renee L. Zeigler


Makayla Riecke, right, won grand champion gilt in the Swine Carcass and Gilt Show at the Noble County Community Fair. Taylor Farrer, left, judged the event.

Food Preservation 4th Grade: State Fair - Rachael Rogers; Alternate State Fair - Jocelyn Winebrenner; Honor Madeleine Dreibelbis; Blue Ribbon - Mariah Kirchner 5th Grade: State Fair - Emma McNamara 6th Grade: State Fair - Jordan Winebrenner; Alternate State Fair - Tim Tew 7th Grade: State Fair - Sydney Nelson; Alternate State Fair - Bradley Palmer; Honor - Meghann McCoy



Rabbit showmanship winners at the Noble County 4-H rabbit show were, from left, Lucas Smith, junior division; Breck Hochstetler, beginner; Cynthia Lowe, intermediate; Joel Smith, master; and Tyler Marker, master.

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The winners of the Noble County 4-H cat show are, from left, Joplin Druck, Swan Township, senior class grand champion; Justin McClure, York Township, intermediate class grand champion; Emilea Herkel, Wayne Township, intermediate reserve grand champion; Madelyn McClure, York Township, junior class grand champion and Naomi Guthrie, Wayne Township, junior class reserve grand champion.

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Noble County 4-H Scrapbook • ŠKPC Media Group Inc.

July 28, 2012




Samantha Bortner weaves her horse between the poles in a timed race at the Noble County fairgrounds.

Joel Smith, second from right, of Wayne Township, was crowned overall grand champion at the 2012 Noble County 4-H Small Animal Show with his tarantula entry. Also shown, from left, are Cole Smith, Wayne Township, intermediate class grand champion with his hedgehog; Rika McCullough, Sparta Township, junior class grand champion with her cat; and Riley Yermasek, Elkhart Township, intermediate class grand champion with her anoles. 8th Grade: State Fair - Sidney Syndram; Alternate State Fair - Max Pinkerton; Honor - Beth Zeigler 9th Grade: State Fair - Katie Baker; Alternate State Fair - Dindy Dressler; Honor - Tina Miars, Ashlyn Stump, Kendall Zeigler; Blue Ribbon - Tricia Van Gessel 10th Grade: State Fair - Maggie Kitt; Alternate State Fair - Sydney Rodenbeck; Honor - Makayla Strowmatt; Blue Ribbon - Joshua Tew 11th Grade: State Fair - Renee M. Zeigler; Alternate State Fair - Jenna Fritz; Honor - Tony Dressler 12th Grade: State Fair - Cassandra Pinkerton; Alternate State Fair - Allison Duerk; Honor Elaine Eickholtz, Tyler Marker, Madeline Powell, Nicholas Schroeder


Rachel Stohlman, holding trophy, was named supreme showman in the 4-H Round Robin Showmanship competition at the Noble County Community Fair. Other contestants and their premier showmanship category were from left: front row, Taylor Sobasky, swine; Stohlman, dairy; Sam Lawrence, beef; back row, Randi Orr, horse and pony; Jordan Parker, sheep; Tyler Marker, dairy steer; Christian Stoner, boer goat; and Taylor Hagenbuch, dairy goat.

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3rd Grade: State Fair - Mariah Hosted; Alternate State Fair - Anna Becker; Red Ribbon - Faith Darland, Kayla Desper, Audrey Huelsenbeck, Karly Kirkpatrick, Mariah Maley, Katie Peters, Zoe Pfenning 4th Grade: State Fair - Madeleine Dreibelbis; Alternate State Fair - Samantha Brumbaugh; Honor - Konner Kirkpatrick, Jocelyn Winebrenner; Blue Ribbon - Mariah Kirchner, Kendra Mason, Kendall Mickem, Riley Noser, Hannah Payne, Samantha Richards, Rachael Rogers, Katrina Rose, Ashley Sprague; Red Ribbon - Payton Booth 5th Grade: State Fair - Madelyn McClure; Alternate State Fair - Richard Stump; Red Ribbon - Daylyn Aumsbaugh, Stephanie Dressler, Becky Yoder; White Ribbon - Khrista Edgell 6th Grade: State Fair - Bailey Rose; Alternate State Fair - Jade Rose; Blue Ribbon - David Boggs 7th Grade: State Fair - Madeline Rodenbeck; Alternate State Fair - Sydney Nelson; Honor Brittany Owsley; Blue Ribbon - Bradley Palmer; Red Ribbon - Brittany Alwine 8th Grade: State Fair - Nyla Merriman; Alternate State Fair - Sarah Schroeder; Blue Ribbon Jazzmyn Collett, Taylor Stuff, Sidney Syndram 9th Grade: State Fair - Kirstin Noser; Blue Ribbon - Becca Byall, Rebecca Payne 10th Grade: State Fair - Kristin Clear; Alternate State Fair - Jessica Bennett; Blue Ribbon - Joplin Druck, Hailee Gordon, Sydney Rodenbeck, Rachel


Rachel Stohlman holds the traveling trophy for being named the supreme showman in the 4-H Round Robin Showmanship competition at the Noble County Community Fair. Stohlman, Amanda Wetli 12th Grade: State Fair - Theodore Pearson; Alternate State Fair - Allison Duerk; Blue Ribbon Kelli Grimm, Rachel Van Gessel

Forestry Level 1: State Fair - Nathan McDonald; Blue Ribbon - Grace Pasche Level 2: State Fair - Bradley Palmer, Alternate State Fair - Alex Eickholtz Level 3: State Fair - Josiah Moore

Garden Level A: Blue Ribbon - Shae Foster, Ethan Fuller, Ethan Fuller, Karly Kirkpatrick, Violet Landrum, Mariah Maley; Red Ribbon - Ethan Fuller Level B: Grand Champion - Sierra Gonzalez; Champion - Sierra Gonzalez, Austin Moore; Reserve Champion - Zachery Brazel; Honor Daylyn Aumsbaugh, Madelyn McClure, Madelyn McClure, Madelyn McClure, Nathan McDonald, Austin Moore, Richard Stump; Blue Ribbon Daylyn Aumsbaugh, Daylyn Aumsbaugh, Nathan McDonald, Madisyn Redman, Richard Stump Level C: Reserve Champion - Audrianna Moore, Beth Zeigler; Honor - Justin McClure, Justin McClure, Audrianna Moore, Beth Zeigler; Blue Ribbon - Sarah Astling, Sarah Astling, Sarah Astling, Tori Foster, Justin McClure, Tina Miars, Tina Miars, Rheannon Starr, Rheannon Starr, Rheannon Starr, Rheannon Starr, Sidney Syndram, Sidney Syndram, Sidney Syndram, Kendall Zeigler; Red Ribbon - Bridget Breckler, Sidney Syndram, Sidney Syndram, Sidney Syndram, Sidney Syndram Level D - Educational Poster: State Fair - Sierra Gonzalez; Blue Ribbon - Sarah Astling Level D: Champion - Tony Dressler, Renee M. Zeigler; Reserve Grand Champion - Rachel Stohlman; Blue Ribbon - Tony Dressler, Christopher Holt

Genealogy Division 1: State Fair - Justin McClure; Alternate State Fair - Madelyn McClure; Honor - Rachel Van Gessel; Blue - Katie Peters; Red - Samantha Richards

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Noble County 4-H Scrapbook





Tyler Marker, back right, showed the top dairy feeder steer for the third year in a row at the Noble County Community Fair. With him are, in front, his brother, Joshua Marker, and, back left, his father, Jim Marker.

James Pritchard of Washington Township was honored as a 10-year member of the 4-H dairy steer and dairy feeder steer projects at the Noble County Community Fair.


Austin Stump, at right, showed the reserve grand champion Dairy Feeder Steer at the Noble County Community Fair Saturday. Among those with him is his mother, Shelly Stump. Division 2: State Fair - Madison Bremer; Alternate State Fair - Shea Targgart; Blue - Katelyn Cooper Division 3: State Fair - Emma McNamara

Geology Level 1: State Fair - Ryan Stump Level 2: Blue Ribbon - Michael Peters, Kaylen Warble

Gift Wrapping


These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left, are Anna Stayne, Noble Township, scrap booking - champion and collections champion; Alexius King, Albion Township, sewing - state fair; Taya Dazey, Albion Township, crafts - honors; Brooke Riecke, Swan Township, gift wrapping - reserve champion; Hannah Roesener, Swan Township, crafts - state fair and Emma McNamara, Allen Township, collections - reserve champion.

Beginner: Champion - Madison Bremer; Reserve Champion - Nichelle Phares; Honor - Emma Knox, Aubrey Welsh; Blue Ribbon - Faith Darland; Red Ribbon - Allie Basinger, Maliya Byall, Stephanie Dressler, Madelyn McClure, Kendall Mickem, Lorraine Strong, Lynnette Strong, Nikohl Terry Intermediate: Champion - Brielle Dazey; Reserve Champion - Tim Tew; Honor - Reagan Hamilton; Red Ribbon - Sarah Astling Advanced: Champion - Christina Coats; Reserve Champion - Brooke Riecke; Honor - Hannah Bright, Kelly Stringfellow; Red Ribbon - Madison Fisher

Gingerbread House Beginner: Champion - Allie Basinger; Reserve Champion - Aubrey Welsh; Honor - Morgan Forker, Lynnette Strong Intermediate: Champion - Reagan Hamilton; Reserve Champion - Sidney Syndram


Showmanship winners in the Noble County Community 4-H Dairy Feeder Steer Show included, from left, junior showman Morgan Knafel, intermediate showman Kaylen Warble and senior showman Matthew Troyer. Not shown is rookie showman Jaden Turner. Advanced: Grand Champion - Cassie Gaff; Reserve Champion - Makayla Strowmatt; Honor Bailey Kruger; Blue Ribbon - Janelle Wasson

Hay Alfalfa: Grand Champion - Glen Griffiths; Reserve Champion - Emma Cartwright; Honor - Jordan Riecke Mixed: Grand Champion - Glen Griffiths; Reserve Champion - Jordan Riecke; Blue Ribbon - Bryson Addis, Emma Cartwright, Tyler Marker, Rachael Rogers

Health Level A: State Fair - Hannah Payne; Alternate State Fair - Sierra Gonzalez; Honor - Samantha Brumbaugh, Emma McNamara; Blue Ribbon Heidi Baker, Faith Darland

Home Environment Level 1: State Fair - Emma Cartwright, Madeline Richards; Alternate State Fair - Shae Foster, Emma McNamara Level 2: State Fair - Sarah Lawrence, Mary Reichhart; Alternate State Fair - Tori Foster; Blue Ribbon - Grace Cartwright Level 3: State Fair - Allison Duerk, Abigail Richards; Alternate State Fair - Joanna Hershman

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These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left, are Tori Foster, Swan Township, home environment - state fair alternate; Christina Coats, Elkhart Township, creative writing - champion, needlepoint - state fair alternate and gift wrapping - champion; and Daylyn Aumsbaugh, Orange Township, crafts - state fair.

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July 28, 2012



Karly Kirkpatrick of Swan Township showed the grand champion heifer at the 2012 Noble County 4-H Beef Show. From left, are Konner Kirkpatrick, judge Patrick Kober of Bluffton and Karly Kirkpatrick.


Rate of gain winners were honored at the 2012 Noble County 4-H Beef Show. From left, are Connor Marks, Jefferson Township, third place; Austin Liepe, Orange Township, second place and Sarah Lawrence, Allen Township, first place.


Kelli Grimm, left, and Cody Ley were honored as graduating and 10-year 4-H Beef Club members, respectively, during the 2012 Noble County 4-H Beef Show.


Derreck Davis, right, of Jefferson Township showed the grand champion steer at the 2012 Noble County 4-H Beef Show. Also shown, from left, are Madilynn Davis, Noble County Fair Queen Lynn Diehm and beef judge Patrick Kober.


Teegan Brumbaugh, right, of Green Township showed the Noble County Born and Raised Steer champion at the 2012 Noble County 4-H Beef Show. Also shown, from left, are Glen Griffiths and Maddie Richards.


Rachael Rogers, right, of Allen Township showed the reserve grand champion steer at the 2012 Noble County 4-H Beef Show. Also shown, from left, are Rob Rogers and judge Patrick Kober.


Sam Lawrence, right, of Allen Township won premier showmanship honors at the 2012 Noble County 4-H Beef Show. At left is Noble County Fair Queen Lynn Diehm.

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July 28, 2012

Noble County 4-H Scrapbook




Ten-year members in dairy steer were recognized at the Noble County Community Fair 4-H Dairy Steer Show. Shown from left are: Rachel Van Gessel, Anissa Richards, Thomas Henry and Tyler Marker.

Showmanship winners at the Noble County Community Fair 4-H Dairy Steer Show were from left: Morgan Knafel, rookie showman; Tim Stohlman, intermediate showman; Rachel Stohlman, senior showman; and Tyler Marker, premier showman.



Rachel Stohlman of Perry Township with her Holstein was named reserve supreme grand champion at the 2012 Noble County Community Fair 4-H Dairy Show. Her brother, Tim Stohlman, is holding the banner. The Holstein also won best bred and owned.

Showmanship winners in the Noble County Community Fair 4-H Dairy Show were, from left: Makenzie Resler of Noble Township, rookie showman; Jackson Resler of Noble Township, junior showman; Dakota Thompson of Washington Township, intermediate showman; Kelly Hosford of York Township, senior showman; and Rachel Stohlman of Perry Township, premier showman.


Clayton Diehm of Allen Township was named reserve grand champion at the Noble County Community Fair 4-H Dairy Steer Show. Shown from left are: Diehm; show judge Matt Smoker from Wannatah, Ind.; Kelly Reidenbach; and Kimberly Diehm holding her one-yearold son, Trae Mossman.


Matthew Troyer of Green Township was named grand champion at the Noble County Community Fair 4-H Dairy Steer Show. He is shown with show judge Matt Smoker of Wannatah, Ind.


Sydney Freeman of Jefferson Township with her Holstein, Anna, was named supreme grand champion at the Noble County Community Fair 4-H Dairy Show. Her brother, Nick Freeman, is holding the banner.


James Pritchard of Washington Township and Kelly Hosford of York Township were recognized at the Noble County Community Fair 4-H Dairy Show for having 10 years in 4-H dairy.


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July 28, 2012

4-H JUDGING RESULTS Hunter Education/Safety Champion - Breanna Hull; Reserve Champion Zachary Wigent; Honor - Olivia Aungst, Dakoda Bontrager, Payton Booth, Alyssa Grimm, Emma McNamara, Noah Renfrow, Cole Sherman, Timothy Stohlman, Makayla Strowmatt, Matthew Strowmatt, Nikohl Terry, Michael Weaver

Maple Syrup Blue Ribbon - Violet Landrum, Skyler Ott

Microwave Foods Grade 3: Champion - Faith Darland Grade 4: Champion - Jocelyn Winebrenner Grade 5: Champion - Emma McNamara Grade 6: Champion - Maria Miller; Reserve Champion - Jordan Winebrenner Grade 7: Champion - Nathaniel Powell; Reserve Champion - Bradley Palmer; Honor - Sydney Nelson Grade 8: Champion - Beth Zeigler; Reserve Champion - Sidney Syndram Grade 9: Champion - Ashlyn Stump; Reserve Champion - Olivia Hershman Grade 10: Champion - Amanda Wetli; Reserve Champion - Maggie Kitt Grade 11: Champion - Renee M. Zeigler; Reserve Champion - Quentin Rosselot Grade 12: Champion - Madeline Powell; Reserve Champion - Tyler Marker; Honor - Joanna Hershman

Model Crafts AIRCRAFT Beginner: Blue Ribbon - Andrew Tom Intermediate: Blue Ribbon - Riley Basinger, Max Pinkerton; Red Ribbon - Timothy Berendt, Teresa

Breckler, Bradley Palmer Advanced: Blue Ribbon - Nathaniel Yoder RAILROAD Beginner: Blue Ribbon - Christian Fritz ROAD VEHICLES Beginners: Honor - Austin Fortman; Blue Ribbon Christian Fritz; Red Ribbon - Jesse Leprie Intermediate: State Fair - Nicole Byers; Honor Jordan Winebrenner; Blue Ribbon - Michael Peters; Red Ribbon - Justin McClure, Trevor Steele Advanced: State Fair - Tyler Marker; Alternate State Fair - Tyler Rothhaar; Blue Ribbon - Tyler Clouse, Damon Lortie WATERCRAFT Beginner: Alternate State Fair - Isaac Coats Intermediate: Blue Ribbon - Timothy Berendt

Model Rocketry Beginner: State Fair - Aubrey Welsh; Blue Ribbon - Zachary Wigent Intermediate: State Fair - Timothy Stohlman; Alternate State Fair - Michael Peters Advanced: State Fair - Parker Duerk


Brianna DeCamp won grand champion in halter pony gelding.


Contestants await the judge’s results at the Horse and Pony Show.

Oats Advanced: Grand Champion - Glen Griffiths

Personality Level B: State Fair - Emma McNamara Level D: State Fair - Joplin Druck

Petroleum Power AGRICULTURAL TRACTOR Junior: Champion - Bryson Addis; Reserve Champion - Bailey Rose; Blue Ribbon - Samuel Meyer



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Paige DeCamp won grand champion halter, senior showmanship for grades 8-9 and halter mare 10 years and younger.

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Pictured are winners from the horse and pony competition at the Noble County Community Fair. From left, are Randi Orr, with firsts in senior western horse pleasure, senior horse western horsemanship and grand champion in horsemanship; Payge Mynhier, first in western riding; Halle Beiswanger, with firsts in western pleasure, junior horsemanship and junior horse trail; Molly Wallace, with firsts in rookie western pleasure and rookie; Colby Antonides, first in horse versatility; and Avan Beiswanger with firsts in walk/trot pleasure and walk/trot horsemanship.

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July 28, 2012

Noble County 4-H Scrapbook


4-H JUDGING RESULTS Senior: Champion - Kyler Warble; Blue Ribbon Skyler Ott LAWN & GARDEN TRACTOR Junior: Champion - Jared Gross; Reserve Champion - Isaac Coats; Honor - Thaddaeus Foster, Jordan Winebrenner; Red Ribbon - Devon Nichols, Jackson Resler Senior: Champion - William Stayner; Reserve Champion - Christina Coats; Honor - Reid McNamara



Renee L. Zeigler won grand champion for pony mare and reserve grand champion for pony.


Darian Manth won junior showmanship for grades 3-5.


Randi Orr won Round Robin showmanship grand champion.

BLACK & WHITE PRINTS Beginner: Honor - Samantha Brumbaugh, Katelyn Cooper; Blue Ribbon - Daylyn Aumsbaugh, Madelyn Hosford, Madelyn McClure, Payge Mynhier, Leah Strong Intermediate: Honor - Bradley Palmer; Red Ribbon - Alexis Lowe Advanced: Honor - Amanda Wetli; Blue Ribbon Tyler Clouse, Olivia Hershman, Chelsea Neace COLOR PRINTS Beginner: State Fair - Samantha Brumbaugh, Madelyn McClure; Honor - Anna Becker, Emma Knox, Arianna Welsh, Aubrey Welsh; Blue Ribbon - Daylyn Aumsbaugh, GraceAnn Leitch, Cheyanne McClure, Nathan McDonald, Madisyn Redman, Ashley Sprague, Leah Strong; Red Ribbon - Jennifer Litchfield Intermediate: State Fair - Bradley Palmer; Honor Kelli Brennan, Brielle Dazey; Blue Ribbon - Kiara Clouse, Bailey Hankins, Riley Yermasek; Red Ribbon - Sarah Schroeder, Tim Tew, Anna Wicker Advanced: State Fair - Tara Edsall, Carlene Wechter; Alternate State Fair: Tiffany Byers, Chelsea Neace, Typhani Schuller; Blue Ribbon Tyler Clouse, Skyler Ott; Red Ribbon - Madison Fisher

BLACK & WHITE SALON PRINT Intermediate: State Fair - Justin McClure; Honor Kelli Brennan, Kiara Clouse, Cameron Crick; Blue Ribbon - Chelsea Blevins, Sarah Lawrence, Brian Tew Advanced: Blue Ribbon - Dindy Dressler, Tony Dressler, Rachel Stohlman, BreAnn Weeks; Red Ribbon - Meghan Sayles, Kaitlyn Strange COLOR SALON PRINT Intermediate: State Fair - Chelsea Blevins, Maddison Bryan; Alternate State Fair: Justin McClure, Elizabeth Wigent; Honor - Emilea Herkel; Blue Ribbon - Alex Eickholtz, Bailey Hankins; Red Ribbon - Brian Tew, Kaitlyn Vice Advanced: State Fair - Kristi Brennan; Alternate State Fair: Meghan Sayles; Honor - Dindy Dressler, Autumn Knox, Jay Petrie; Blue Ribbon Audrianna Moore, Chelsea Neace, Kaitlyn Strange, Emily Weber, BreAnn Weeks; Red Ribbon - April Strycker CREATIVE BLACK & WHITE OR COLOR SALON PRINT Intermediate: Honor - Sidney Syndram; Blue Ribbon - Chelsea Blevins, Amanda Sayles; Red Ribbon - Brian Tew Advanced: State Fair - Meghan Sayles; Honor Logan Weimer; Blue Ribbon - Mackenzie Bryan, Chelsea Neace; Red Ribbon - Kristi Brennan, Collin Wilson; White Ribbon - Typhani Schuller VIDEO Advanced: Red Ribbon - Joshua Tew

Rabbit Poster Junior: State Fair - Madison Bremer; Alternate State Fair - Stephanie Dressler

Scrapbook Beginner: Champion - Anna Stayner; Reserve Champion - Sara Shultz; Honor - Mariah Hosted,


Mikayla Antonides won senior and junior showmanship.

Congratulations to all of the 4-H participants from Orizon Real Estate and our Agents. MICHAEL HAYNES

Brianna DeCamp, left, holds her award for her first in pony versatility at the horse and pony competition at the Noble County Community Fair. Brianna also won firsts in senior pony pleasure, senior pony horsemanship, pony reining and junior horse pleasure. Kathryn DeCamp, right, won junior horsemanship and junior pony pleasure.

260-347-4206 Bringing Home Results 125 East North Street, since 1978 Kendallville, IN


Noble County 4-H Scrapbook • ŠKPC Media Group Inc.

July 28, 2012



Colby Antonides of Kendallville won junior horse pole bending and junior horse keyhole.



Halle Beiswanger of Kendallville won junior barrels, junior horse flags and junior speed and action.

Griffin Parks of Albion won junior flags at the horse and pony show.




Payge Mynhier of Avilla won junior keyhole at the horse and pony show.

Jessica Vandiver of Rome City won junior pony flags at the horse and pony show.

Renee L. Zeigler of Kimmell won senior horse flags at the horse and pony show.

Madeline Richards, Samantha Richards; Blue Ribbon - Daylyn Aumsbaugh, Hannah Calvelage, Naomi Guthrie, Mackenzie Jett, Hailey Meyer, Riley Noser Intermediate: Champion - Kaylen Warble; Reserve Champion - Jazzmyn Collett; Honor - Makayla Riecke, Jade Rose; Blue Ribbon - Brittany Alwine Advanced: Champion - Caraline Kolodziejczak; Reserve Champion - Cassie Gaff; Honor - Abigail Richards; Blue Ribbon - Becca Alwine, Janelle Miller, Erika Shultz; Red Ribbon - Becca Byall; White Ribbon - Jordan Speaker, April Strycker

6th Grade: State Fair - Maggie Kaiser 7th Grade: State Fair - Nathaniel Powell; Blue Ribbon - Kelty Bratton, Mary Reichhart Advanced Grades 8-12: State Fair - Hannah Moore, Melissa Parks, Benjamin Powell, Ashlyn Stump; Alternate State Fair - Renee L. Zeigler; Honor - Allison Duerk; Red Ribbon - Madeline Powell


Sewing 3rd Grade: State Fair - Kayla Desper, Mariah Hosted; Alternate State Fair - Anna Becker, Isaiah Pippenger; Honor - Lynnette Strong; Blue Ribbon - Jenica Berkes, Katie Peters, Leah Strong, Lorraine Strong 4th Grade: State Fair - Samantha Brumbaugh, Lydia Worman; Alternate State Fair - Madeleine Dreibelbis, Mackenzie Jett; Honor - Rachael Rogers, Arianna Welsh 5th Grade: State Fair - Alexius King, Aubrey Welsh; Alternate State Fair - Khrista Edgell; Blue Ribbon - Daylyn Aumsbaugh; Red Ribbon Stephanie Dressler

Shooting Sports Level A: State Fair - Michael Weaver; Alternate State Fair - Cole Knox Level B: State Fair - Blake Rollins

Small Engine Poster Level 1: State Fair - Isaac Coats Level 2: State Fair - Kaylen Warble Level 3: State Fair - Christina Coats; Alternate State Fair - Kyler Warble

Soil & Water Conservation Level B: Blue Ribbon - Madison Starr Level C: Blue Ribbon - Alex Eickholtz

Soybeans Grand Champion - Glen Griffiths


Glen Griffiths of Kendallville won horse speed and action in his last year in 4-H.

Beginner: State Fair - Isaac Coats; Alternate State Fair - Nathan McDonald; Honor - Seth Abel Intermediate: State Fair - Bradley Palmer; Alternate State Fair - Justin McClure; Honor Madison Starr, Rheannon Starr

Veterinary Science Level 1: State Fair - Madison Bremer; Alternate State Fair - Arianna Welsh; Red Ribbon - Maretta Fitzharris, Zoe Pfenning Level 2: State Fair - Connor Marks; Alternate State Fair - Calista Starr; Blue Ribbon - Bodey Holbrook; Red Ribbon - Hailey Norris Level 3: State Fair - Tina Miars

Weather Level 3: Blue Ribbon - Kyle Forker Level 4: State Fair - Mollie Scheiber

Wheat Advanced: Grand Champion - Glen Griffiths

Wildlife Level A: State Fair - Michael Weaver; Honor Ethan Fuller Level B: State Fair - Emma McNamara


Renee L. Zeigler puts on the brakes in the middle of her ride in the horse and pony keyhole show. Level C: State Fair - Bradley Palmer; Alternate State Fair - Kyler Warble

Wood Science Level 1: State Fair - Konner Kirkpatrick; Alternate State Fair - Katie Peters; Honor - Michael Weaver; Blue Ribbon - Hannah Payne, Arianna Welsh Level 2: State Fair - Zachery Brazel; Alternate State Fair - Kiara Clouse; Honor - Thaddaeus Foster, Shelby Targgart; Blue Ribbon - Daylyn Aumsbaugh, Reece Dickinson, Nathan McDonald,

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July 28, 2012

Noble County 4-H Scrapbook




Chase Blevins of Albion won grand champion pony pole bending, grand champion pony keyhole, junior pony keyhole, junior pony pole bending, junior pony barrels and junior pony speed and action.


Chelsea Blevins of Albion holds her first-place trophies in pony trail, pony western riding, pony barrels and pony speed and action.



Courtney Steele of Albion won the senior showman award at the Draft Horse Show. Gabriella Steele Level 3: State Fair - Roger Reichhart; Alternate State Fair - Sidney Syndram; Honor - Tyler Clouse; Blue Ribbon - Michael Peters, Devon Troutner Level 4: State Fair - Parker Duerk; Alternate State Fair - Jay Petrie; Honor - Tony Dressler; Blue Ribbon - Sean Peters LIVESTOCK AND PET SHOWS

Alpaca Show

Hannah Henning - Champion, Champion, Reserve Champion Jaden Turner - Champion, 4th, 4th Katelyn Cooper - Reserve Champion, Reserve Champion, 3rd Grace Pasche - 3rd, 3rd, 4th Tristan Sherman - 5th, 5th, 5th Cameron Crick - Grand Champion, Champion, Champion, Champion Ashley Nichols - Reserve Champion, Reserve

Judge Rich Hotovy congratulates rookie showman Tristan Sherman on his win. Champion, 3rd Rebecca Nichols - Reserve Champion, 3rd, 4th Sidney Syndram - 3rd, 4th, 5th Riley Yermasek - 5th, 5th, 5th Chelsea Neace - Champion, Champion, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion Mini Participation Maysie Clouse Brian Cooper Brady Crick Ruby Pasche Kyndal Pease

Beef Show Colby Antonides - 2nd, 1st Intermediate Showman Heather Badskey - Champion Feeder Calf, Reserve Champion Crossbred Heifer Derreck Davis - Champion Shorthorn Steer, Reserve Champion Born & Raised Steer, Grand Champion Steer Alyvea Bender - Reserve Champion Hereford Heifer, 2nd


Renee M. Zeigler of Ligonier won premier showman during the Draft Horse Show. Kaelyn Bender - Champion Maine Anjou Heifer, 2nd Raegan Bender - Champion Noble County Born & Raised Heifer, 2nd Samantha Brooke - Champion Angus Heifer, Reserve Grand Champion Heifer, 2nd Samantha Brumbaugh - Champion Crossbred Steer Teegan Brumbaugh - Champion Noble County Born & Raised Steer, 3rd Khrista Edgell - Champion Red Poll Heifer, Champion Red Poll Steer Kelli Grimm - Reserve Champion Shorthorn Steer Tristen Henning - 1st Jackson Hyndman - Champion Simmental Heifer, 3rd Karly Kirkpatrick - Champion Crossbred Heifer, Grand Champion Heifer, 1st Rookie Showman Konner Kirkpatrick - Champion Chianina Heifer, 1st Junior Showman Sam Lawrence - Champion Hereford Heifer, Reserve Champion Hereford Steer, 1st Senior Showman, Premier Showman Sarah Lawrence - Champion Hereford Steer, Champion Rate of Gain Steer, 3rd Austin Liepe - Champion Shorthorn Heifer, Reserve Champion Rate of Gain Steer, 2nd Connor Marks - 3rd, 3rd Payton Morris - Champion Maine Anjou Steer, Reserve Champion Simmental Steer Rachael Rogers - Champion Simmental Steer, Reserve Grand Champion Steer, 3rd Ashlyn Stump - Reserve Champion Market Heifer Kyler Warble - Reserve Grand Champion Feeder Calf Carly Wechter - 2nd Amanda Wetli - Champion Market Heifer Mini Participation Allison Barker Riley Bremer Audrey Brumbaugh Madilynn Davis Kristopher Ernsberger Bryiana Haines Bayleigh Huelsenbeck Calie Hyndman Sage Lawrence Kaelyn Marks Lauren Marks Jacob Rhoades Robert Rogers


Bailey Parks of Albion won grand champion in horse speed and action, grand champion on horse flag races, junior horse, junior barrels, and junior speed and action.

Cat Show Gabrielle Boggs - Mini Participation Joplin Druck - Advanced Champion Molly Goings - Honor Naomi Guthrie - Beginner Reserve Champion Emilea Herkel - Intermediate Reserve Champion Justin McClure - Intermediate Champion Madelyn McClure - Beginner Champion Katie Peters - Honors Calista Rice - Honor Cole Smith - Honor

Dairy Show Sydney Freeman - Grand Champion Holstein, Senior Champion Holstein, Supreme Champion of All Breeds, 1st, 3rd, 1st, 1st Kelly Hosford - Senior Showmanship, Dairy Leadership Award, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd Makenzie Resler - Rookie Showmanship, 2nd James Pritchard - 3rd, 1st, 3rd Nicholas Rawles - Senior Champion Jersey, Grand Champion Jersey, 1st, 1st Tyler Rawles - Reserve Senior Champion Jersey, 3rd, 2nd Jackson Resler - Junior Showmanship, Reserve Junior Champion Jersey, Reserve Grand Champion Jersey, 3rd, 1st Caleb Thompson - 4th Dakota Thompson - Intermediate Showmanship, 1st, 1st, 2nd, 2nd Matthew Troyer - Junior Champion Jersey, 1st, 7th, 2nd Lukus Troyer - Junior Champion Holstein, 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd Rachel Stohlman - Premier Showmanship, Reserve Grand Champion Holstein, Reserve Senior Champion Holstein, Best Udder, Hively Award, 6th, 5th, 5th, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st Tim Stohlman - 4th, 1st, 2nd, 2nd Kaitlyn Strange - 1st Rachel Van Gessel - 5th, 3rd, 6th, 3rd Tricia Van Gessel - 3rd, 4th, 1st

Dairy Feeder Steer Show Marcus Burdette - 3rd Kelty Bratton - 4th, 6th, Rate of Gain Reserve Champion


Noble County 4-H Scrapbook • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

July 28, 2012




Kenney Berkes, right, showed the reserve grand champion commercial bird in his champion duck in the Noble County Community Fair Poultry Show. Other category champions with him were Amelia Kurtz for laying hens, Beck Hochstetler for broilers and Syd Syndram for pullets.


Courtney Steele showed the grand champion in the commercial class in the Noble County Community Fair Poultry Show. Her laying hens had already been named champions in that category.


Sierra Gonzalez showed the grand champion turkey in the Noble County Community Fair Poultry Show commercial class.


Devon Nichols’ quail was named the champion exotic bird in the Noble County Community Fair’s exhibition class. Taylor Cordero - 3rd, 7th Derreck Davis - 3rd Clayton Diehm - 1st, 2nd Alex Francis - 4th Taylor Hagenbuch - 1st Thomas Henry - 5th Bodey Holbrook - 2nd Kelly Hosford - 4th Jacbob Jett - 1st Austin Jones - 5th Ryan Jones - 2nd, 6th, Rate of Gain Champion Adam Karst - 1st, 5th Morgan Knafel - Junior Showman, 3rd, 5th Kayla Lepper - 6th Alexis Lowe - 2nd Kendra Mason - 3rd, 3rd, 3rd Tyler Marker - 1st, 1st, Champion Mediumweight, Grand Champion Dairy Feeder Steer Brittany Owsley - 5th Nichelle Phares - 1st, 2nd Cassandra Pinkerton - 5th James Pritchard - 4th Anissa Richards - 2nd, 4th Tyler Rothhaar - 7th Bailey Rose - 2nd

Allison Duerk, left, was named the premier showman in the Noble County Community Fair Poultry Show. With her are previous premier showman Amelia Kurtz, senior showman Parker Duerk, rookie showman Justin Krider, junior showman Sierra Gonzalez and intermediate showman Sarah Astling.



Sarah Astling is shown here with her pigeon that earned champion honors in the Noble County Community Fair Poultry Show’s exhibition class. Astling also had the champion exhibition class turkey. Jade Rose - 1st Katrina Rose - 2nd, 3rd Jordan Speaker - 2nd, 2nd Rachel Stohlman - 1st, Champion Lightweight, 4th Tim Stohlman - 1st, 1st, Reserve Champion Lightweight, Reserve Champion Mediumweight Katy Strange - 5th Taylor Strange - 4th, 6th Tyler Strange - 4th Jacob Stringfellow - 4th Kelly Stringfellow - 2nd Austin Stump - 1st, Champion Heavyweight, Reserve Grand Champion Diary Feeder Steer Lukus Troyer - Senior Showman, 3rd, 3rd Matthew Troyer - 2nd, 3rd, Reserve Champion Heavyweight Nikolas Troyer - 3rd Jaden Turner - Rookie Showman, 2nd Rachel Van Gessel - 4th Tricia Van Gessel - 2nd, 3rd Kaylen Warble - Intermediate Showman, 2nd Kyler Warble - 3rd Riley Yermasek - 4th

Mitchell Comparet, left, showed the grand champion poultry with his champion bantam in the Noble County Community Fair Poultry Show exhibition class. Joplin Druck’s white call duck, the waterfowl champion, was the reserve grand champion in the exhibition class. Adelin Young - 4th Mini Participation Madilynn Davis Jakob Eminger Lance Krider Rayanna Garrison Bryiana Hanies Jonah Hopf Sausha Slaughter Alexandria Kimmel Ethan Freed Noah Longyear Coleman Meyer Nevin Phares Jeffrey Hosford Joshua Stringfellow

Dairy Steer Show Kelty Bratton - 1st, Heavyweight Reserve Champion Taylor Cordero - 4th, 2nd

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July 28, 2012

Noble County 4-H Scrapbook






From left are Makayla Riecke and Dakota Riecke, both of Swan Township, and judge Chad Day. Dakota won champion spot at the 4-H Barrow Show.

Pictured are winners of showmanship at the Barrow Show: From left, Taylor Sobasky of Green Township won premier showman and senior showman; Mikayla Stringfellow of York Township won intermediate showman; Case Lemper of Green Township won junior showman; and Karly Kirkpatrick of Swan Township, won rookie showman.

Kyler Warble of Perry Township is pictured with his champion landrace. He also won champion hereford at the 4-H Barrow Show.


Heather Badskey, middle, of Allen Township, won grand champion crossbred barrow at the 4-H Barrow Show. She is pictured with judge Chad Day, right.


Mikayla Stringfellow of York Township won champion hamp at the 4-H Barrow Show.


Pictured from left are Carlene Wechter and Luke Wechter, both of Perry Township, and judge Chad Day. Luke won reserve grand champion in crossbred barrow at the 4-H Barrow Show. Clayton Diehm - 1st, Mediumweight Champion, Reserve Grand Champion Khrista Edgell - 4th Alex Francis - 3rd Cameron Francis - 2nd, 2nd Taylor Hagenbuch - 4th, 1st Thomas Henry - 3rd, 6th, Rawles Family Herdsmanship Award Kelly Hosford - 5th, Rawles Family Herdsmanship Award Madelyn Hosford - 3rd Adam Karst - 6th, 4th, Return Rate of Gain Champion Morgan Knafel - 2nd, Rookie Showmanship Tyler Marker - 4th, Premier Showmanship, DePew Leadership Award Nicholas Rawles - 2nd Anissa Richards - 4th, 2nd Anna Rothhaar - 2nd Tyler Rothhaar - 3rd Tim Stohlman - 1st, Lightweight Champion, 3rd,

Intermediate Showmanship, 2012 Rate of Gain Champion Rachel Stohlman - 1st, 1st, Lightweight Reserve Champion, 1st, Senior Showmanship Katy Strange - 4th Taylor Strange - 4th Tyler Strange - 5th Kelly Stringfellow - 5th, 5th Jacob Stringfellow - 3rd, 5th Austin Stump -1st, Mediumweight Reserve Champion, 3rd Lukus Troyer - 1st Matthew Troyer - 1st, Heavyweight Champion, Grand Champion Nikolas Troyer - 3rd Kirsten Wolf - 5th Rachel Van Gessel - 5th, Rawles Family Herdsmanship Award Tricia Van Gessel - 3rd Riley Yermasek - 2nd Becky Yoder - 2nd Kaleb Yoder - 4th

Dog Show Emeli Bontrager - 2nd Mercedez Conn - 4th Nancy Coppock - 6th, 3rd Laura DeLong - 2nd Damien Firestine - 4th, Tucker Team Award Maretta Fitzharris - 1st, 1st Molly Goings - 1st Naomi Guthrie - 1st, Top Handler Award Junior Bailey Handshoe - 5th, 4th Abigail Herkel - 3rd Emilea Herkel - 2nd Connor Kelham - 3rd, 5th Madison Kelham - 2nd, 1st, 1st Meghann McCoy - 7th Katie Merkling - 1st, 1st, 2nd, Top Handler Award Senior Calista Rice - 3rd Emily Weber - 1st

Draft Horse Show Dylan Jellison - 2nd, 2nd Drive, 1st Cart, 1st Hitch Courtney Steele - Senior Showmanship, 2nd, 1st Drive Tristan Sherman - Junior Showmanship Beth Zeigler - 3rd Kendall Zeigler - 4th, 2nd Cart, 3rd Drive, 4th, 2nd

Hitch Renee Zeigler - Premier Showmanship, 3rd, 2nd Cart, 3rd Hitch

Goat Shows BOER GOAT Mitchell Bell - 4th Zach Brazel - 1st, 2nd, Reserve Grand Champion Whether, Intermediate Showman Samantha Brumbaugh - 1st, 3rd, 3rd Grace Cartwright - 4th, 9th, 9th Lucas Cartright - 10th Dindy Dressler - 1st, 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 5th, 5th, 6th, 6th, 7th, Champion Junior Doe, Reserve Champion Yearling Doe, Reserve Grand Champion Overall Doe, Reserve Champion Senior Doe Tony Dressler - 1st, 3rd, 3rd, 3rd, 7th, 8th, 8th, Champion Senior Doe Ben Estridge - 7th Cassidy Estridge - 2nd, 6th Madison Estridge - 4th Sydney Estridge - 5th, Senior Showman Shae Foster - 3rd, 7th Cameron Fuller - 3rd Christian Fritz - 8th Jenna Fritz - 5th Peyton Gaff - 2nd Josiah Hand - 11th Brooklyn Konger - 4th, Rookie Showman Callie Lemper - 1st, 3rd, Grand Champion Whether Case Lemper - 2nd, 6th Alexis Lowe - 8th Sydney Nelson - 3rd, 4th, 5th Brittany Owsley - 8th Cassie Richmond - 2nd, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Lucas Richmond - 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd, 5th, Champion Yearling Doe, Reserve Champion Junior Doe, Grand Champion Overall Doe, Junior Showman Madeline Rodenbeck - 5th Sydney Rodenbeck - 6th Bailey Rose - 7th Jade Rose - 4th Katrina Rose - 10th Christian Stoner - 2nd, Premier Showman Adelin Young - 9th Luke Wechter - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Beth Zeigler - 6th


Noble County 4-H Scrapbook • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

July 28, 2012



Breanne Weber of Wayne Township captured top honors at the Noble County 4-H Sheep Show. Weber showed the grand champion, the top Noble County Born & Raised and won grand champion in the ewe competition. At left is Randi Gross. Kendall Zeigler - 7th Renee Zeigler - 3rd, 8th Mini Participation Zander Brazel Audrey Brumbaugh Ethan Freed Rachel Hand Alexandria Kimmel Kaden Manth Griffin Rothenbuhler DAIRY GOAT SHOW Doe Daylyn Aumsbaugh - 3rd, 5th Jenica Berkes - 1st, 4th, 1st Justin Berkes - 2nd, 2nd Kenny Berkes - Champion Milking Oberhasli, 1st, Champion Dry Oberhasli Dry Doe Nicholas Berkes - 1st, Champion Milking Nigerian Dwarf Nathaniel Collett - 6th Sarah Cook - 1st, 1st, Champion Milking Lamancha, Reserve Champion Milking Lamancha, 6th, 1st, 4th, 1st, 1st, Champion Milking Toggenberg, Grand Champion Milking Doe, 1st, Champion Dry Lamancha, 1st, 2nd, Champion Dry Toggenburg Doe, 1st, 2nd, 1st, Reserve Champion Toggenberg Dry Doe, 1st, 6th, 1st, 1st Jacob Galligher - 3rd



Christian Stoner showed the champion Hampshire and the reserve grand champion market lamb at the Noble County 4-H Sheep Show. From left, are Case Lemper, Callie Lemper and Stoner. Taylor Hagenbuch - 1st, Grand Champion Milking Alpine, 5th, Senior Showmanship, Premiere Showmanship Bailey Hankins - 8th, 1st Emilea Herkel - 6th Amanda Huntsman - 2nd, Reserve Champion Dry Nubian Doe Marissa Huntsman - 3rd Kendra Mason - 5th, 3rd Tina Miars - 2nd, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd, 5th, 1st, Grand Champion Dry Doe Saanen Skyler Ott - 1st, 3rd, 4th, 1st, 3rd, Champion Milking Nubian, 2nd, 1st, 6th, 1st, 3rd, 2nd, Champion Dry Alpine, 1st, 1st, Champion Dry Nubian Doe, Grand Champion Dry Doe, 7th, 3rd, 10th, 11th, 12th, 1st, 6th, 3rd, 5th, 2nd Benjamin Powell - 2nd Madeline Powell - 1st, Reserve Champion Milking Oberhasli, 2nd, 5th, 4th Nathaniel Powell - 1st, 3rd, Reserve Champion Dry Oberhasli Dry Doe, 4th Nicholas Rawles - 2nd, 1st, 3rd, Reserve Champion Dry Alpine Doe, 2nd Tyler Rawles - 5th, 6th, 3rd William Stayner - 2nd Courtney Steele - 3rd, 1st, 4th, 1st, 5th Gabriella Steele - 1st, Grand Champion Milking Saanen Nick Schroeder - 7th, 5th Sara Schroeder - 4th, 2nd, Reserve Champion Dry Lamancha

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Competitors line up their animals in the grand championship drive of the 2012 Noble County 4-H Sheep Show at the Noble County Fairgrounds. Zane Stackhouse - 7th Elizabeth Stayner - 3rd Jaden Turner - 4th Anissa Wicker - 4th, 6th, 1st, 1st, 2nd, 4th Anna Wicker - 3rd, 5th, 3rd Collin Wilson - 2nd, Reserve Champion Milking Nubian, 5th, 4th, 7th, 2nd Jocelyn Winebrenner - 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 4th Jordan Winebrenner - 4th, 2nd, Reserve Champion Milking Alpine, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd Riley Yermasek - 2nd, 6th Beth Zeigler - 2nd Kendall Zeigler - 3rd Renee Zeigler - 2nd, Reserve Grand Champion Milking Toggenberg Wethers Jenica Berkes - 2nd, Reserve Champion Mediumweight Wether Justin Berkes - 6th Kenny Berkes - 13th Emma Cartwright - 11th Nathaniel Collett - 4th Sarah Cook - 4th, 2nd, Reserve Champion Wether Tanner Fought - 3rd Jacob Galligher - 6th Kya Hammon - 1st, 9th, Champion Mediumweight Wether, Reserve Grand Champion Wether, Rookie Showmanship Bailey Hankins - 6th Abigail Herkel - 9th Amanda Huntsman - 8th Marissa Huntsman - 5th Tina Miars - 7th, Champion Lightweight Wether Skyler Ott - 7th

Nicholas Rawles - 9th, Junior Showmanship Tyler Rawles - 10th Nick Schroeder - 14th Sara Schroeder - 5th Zane Stackhouse - 12th Anna Stayner - 3rd Elizabeth Stayner - 11th William Stayner - 7th Jaden Turner - 1st, Champion Heavyweight Wether, Grand Champion Wether Anissa Wicker - 1st, 2nd, Reserve Champion Lightweight Wether Anna Wicker - 8th, Intermediate Showmanship Collin Wilson - 8th, 4th Jocelyn Winebrenner - 10th Jordan Winebrenner - 11th Riley Yermasek - 3rd Beth Zeigler - 12th, 10th Kendall Zeigler - 12th Renee Zeigler - 5th Milking Contest: Kenny Berkes - 1st First Fresheners Milking Contest: Collin Wilson Mini Participation Lydia Mason Zayne Patrick Timothy Rawles Faith Resler Brooke Resler Aubrie Sparling Lee Stringfellow

Horse & Pony Show Bryson Addis - 7th, 3rd, 4th Hope Addis - 4th, 6th, 4th, 4th, 2nd, 5th, 6th

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July 28, 2012

Noble County 4-H Scrapbook




Here are the 2012 recipients of the Tops in 4-H awards, given out during ceremonies at the Noble County Office ComplexSouth in Albion. In the front row are, from left, Sarah Cook, Elaine Eickholtz, Allison Duerek, Brianna DeCamp, Madeline Powell, Casandra Pinkerton, Renee Zeigler, Kelly Hosford, Anissa Richards and Rachel VanGessel. In the middle row, from the left, are BreAnn Weeks, Kelli Grimm, Brooke Riecke, Cody Ley, Anna Rothhaar, Joanna Hershman and Kaitlyn Ramsey. Back row, from left, are Glen Griffiths, Christian Stoner, James Pritchard, Tyler Marker, Dylan Jellison, Devin Wolf, Theodore Pearson, Blake Rodenbeck, David Troutner and Thomas Henry. Recipients not pictured include Samantha Bortner, Dakota Filley, Taylor Hagenbuch, Paul Hilterbrand, Damon Lortie, Skyler Ott and Joshua Roesener. Darby Allen - 7th, 8th, 4th, 9th, 9th, 5th, 7th Colby Antonides - 8th, 3rd, 5th, 1st, 1st, 4th, 2nd, 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd, All Around Champion Horse Junior Mikayla Antonides - 1st, Premier Showman, Round Robin Runner-Up Showman, 5th, 2nd, 3rd, 1st, 1st, 1st, 2nd, 6th, 7th, 4th, 2nd, 7th, 3rd, All Around Reserve Champion Horse Pleasure Senior Jared Arnold - 6th, 2nd, 3rd, 2nd Avan Beiswanger - 3rd, 3rd, 1st, 1st, 3rd, 6th, 2nd, 2nd Halle Beiswanger - 5th, 10th, 1st, 1st, 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd, 1st, 6th, 1st, 1st Brooke Bell - 1st, 1st, 1st, 8th, 2nd, Barrel Race Championship Lindsey Bell - 8th, 8th, 10th, 4th Kaelyn Bender - 1st Raegan Bender - 1st, 2nd, Reserve Grand Champion Horse Mare Chase Blevins - 1st, 1st, 1st, 6th, 4th, 1st, 2nd, 1st, 1st, 1st, Keyhole Championship, Polebending Championship, All Around Champion Contesting Pony Junior Chelsea Blevins - 1st, 4th, 3rd, 1st, 4th, 3rd, 4th, 1st, 4th, 2nd, 1st Samantha Bortner - 7th, 3rd, 8th, 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 5th Madison Bremer - 7th, 5th, 4th, 6th Ross Brumbaugh - 5th, 6th, 2nd, 2nd, 7th, 7th, 7th, 4th, 5th Madison Conley - 5th, 5th, 3rd, 4th, 3rd, All Around Reserve Champion Contesting Horse Senior Brianna DeCamp - 2nd, 1st, 1st, 1st, Reserve Grand Champion Horse Gelding, 1st, 4th, 2nd, 2nd, 1st, 1st, 1st, 2nd, 1st, 1st, 5th, 4th, 1st, 3rd, 4th, 2nd, All Around Champion Pony Pleasure Senior Claire DeCamp - 6th, 3rd, 6th, 2nd, 4th Kathryn DeCamp - 3rd, 4th, 3rd, 1st, 2nd, 1st, 1st, 3rd, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd, All Around Champion Pony Pleasure Junior, All Around Reserve Champion Contesting Pony Junior Paige DeCamp - 1st, 1st, Grand Champion Horse Mare, 3rd, 6th, 5th, 3rd, 5th, 6th

Lauren Flotow - 8th, 7th, 4th, 7th, 6th, 5th, 8th, 6th Madelyn Fortman - 5th, 10th, 3rd, 3rd, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd Audriana Fox - 3rd, 4th, 5th, 3rd, 4th, 9th, 3rd, 6th, 6th Cerstin Frey - 7th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 5th, 6th Lauren Frey - 5th Eion Fuleki - 6th, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 5th, 6th, 3rd, 3rd, 4th, All Around Reserve Champion Pleasure Pony Molly Goings - 3rd, 6th, 4th, 7th, 4th, 6th, 5th, 3rd, 4th Glen Griffiths - 6th, 5th, 2nd, 7th, 2nd, 2nd, 1st, All Around Champion Contesting Horse Senior Audrey Huelsenbeck - 4th, 3rd, 3rd, 2nd Samuel Lawrence - 2nd, 1st, 7th, Grand Champion Horse Gelding, 5th, 4th, 8th, 10th, 6th, 4th Sarah Lawrence - 2nd, 7th, 2nd, 2nd, 1st, 5th, 2nd, 6th, 6th, 5th, 7th, 5th, 8th, All Around Reserve Champion Pleasure Horse Junior Darian Manth - 1st, 3rd, 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8th, 5th, 7th Tyler Marker - 5th, 2nd, 4th, 2nd, 2nd April Meyer - 4th, 5th, 1st, 5th, 4th, 2nd, 4th, 3rd, 3rd, 10th, 7th Hailey Meyer - 9th, 3rd, 5th, 2nd, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 5th Samuel Meyer - 1st, 3rd, 3rd, 1st, 2nd Audrianna Moore - 3rd Payge Mynhier - 2nd, 8th, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 9th, 1st, 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 1st, 3rd Randi Orr - 3rd, Round Robin Showmanship Winner, 4th, 1st, 3rd, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 2nd, All Around Champion Horse Pleasure Senior Bailey Parks - 2nd, 2nd, 4th, 4th, 5th, 1st, 6th, 1st, 1st, 1st, Speed & Action Championship, Flag Championship, All Around Reserve Champion Speed Horse Junior Griffin Parks - 2nd, 1st, 3rd Wade Parks - 6th, 7th, 4th, 6th Kayla Pena - 2nd, 2nd, 2nd, 1st, 5th, 2nd, 2nd, 4th, 3rd, All Around Contesting Champion Pony Senior Madeline Pfafman - 9th, 9th, 9th, 8th, 4th, 3rd Mollie Pfafman - 6th, 6th

Anna Rothhaar - 4th, 6th, 3rd, 10th Judith Showalter - 1st Danielle Showen - 8th Megan Smith - 7th, 2nd, 2nd Gabriella Steele - 7th, 6th, 6th, 5th, 5th, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd Mikayla Stringfellow - 4th, 9th, 3rd, 4th, 3rd, 3rd, 1st, 1st, 6th, 4th, 4th, 1st, All Around Champion Contesting Pony Senior Alix Tijerina - 6th, 3rd, 3rd, 6th, 4th, 4th, 4th Jessica Vandiver - 6th, 8th, 4th, 4th, 2nd, 5th, 3rd, 7th, 1st, 9th, 5th, 4th, 7th Hannah Wallace - 4th, 9th, 5th, 3rd, 3rd, 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8th, All Around Champion Horse Pleasure Junior Molly Wallace - 2nd, 6th, 5th, 4th, 1st, 1st, 4th Anna Wicker - 2nd, 6th, 3rd, 5th Makenzie Yoder - 7th, 3rd, 5th, 8th Renee L. Zeigler - 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 2nd, 2nd, 6th, 2nd, 1st, 5th, 4th Renee M. Zeigler - 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 5th, 8th, 4th, 3rd, 5th, All Around Reserve Pleasure Pony Senior

These three Noble County 4-H members received the highest honors at the awards ceremony held in Albion. Tyler Mark, right, earned the “Tops in 4-H� award. Members of the Honor Group shown with Marker are Madeline Powell and Glen Griffiths. Honor Group member Skyler Ott is not pictured.


Noble Township 4-H Club members ride a float during Sunday’s annual Noble County Fair parade from the American Legion to the fairgrounds race track in Kendallville.

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Noble County 4-H Scrapbook • ŠKPC Media Group Inc.

July 28, 2012

4-H JUDGING RESULTS Pets Show Mini: Blue Ribbon - Nathan Richards, Xander Smith Intermediate: Reserve Grand Champion - Riley Yermasek; Reserve Champion - Cole Smith; Red Ribbon - Cameron Fuller Junior: Champion - Rika McCullough; Reserve Champion - Stephanie Dressler; Blue Ribbon Nichelle Phares; Red Ribbon - Olivia Aungst, Hannah Calvelage; White Ribbon - Madeline Richards Advanced: Grand Champion - Joel Smith

Poultry Show Bryson Addis - Red, Honor, Blue, Champion Standard, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Honor, Blue Hope Addis - Honor, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue Sarah Astling - Honor, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Honor, Blue, Blue, Honor, Blue, Blue, Blue, Champion Turkey, Blue, Blue Honor, Blue, Blue, Honor, Champion Pigeon, Blue, Blue, Blue Daylyn Aumsbaugh - Blue, Blue, Honor Olivia Aungst - Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue Dominick Badger - Blue, Blue Gabriel Badger - Blue, Blue Timothy Berendt - Blue, Red Jenica Berkes - Blue Justin Berkes - Blue Kenny Berkes - Blue, Honor, Champion Waterfowl, Reserve Grand Champion Commercial Isaac Coats - Blue, Blue, Blue Mitchell Comparet - Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Honors, Champion Bantam, Grand Champion Exhibition, Blue, Honor Katelyn Cooper - Honor, Blue, Reserve Champion Standard Joplin Druck - Blue, Blue, Blue, Honor, Reserve

Champion Bantam, Blue, Blue, Honor, Champion Waterfowl, Reserve Grand Champion Exhibition, Blue Allison Duerk - Blue, Blue, Honor Parker Duerk - Blue, Honor, Reserve Champion Waterfowl, Blue, Honor Shae Foster - Red, Red Tori Foster - Blue Taylor Foster - Blue, Honor Kyowa French - Blue Kyanna French - Blue Kyarra French - Blue Trevelyn Frick - Blue Tristin Frick - Blue Christian Fritz - Blue, Blue Sierra Gonzalez - Reserve Champion Turkey, Blue, Honor, Blue, Honor, Champion Turkey Michaela Hartman - Blue, Blue, Honor, Reserve Champion Roaster Nathaniel Hartman - Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Honor Breck Hochstetler - Blue, Honor, Blue, Blue, Champion Broiler Bodey Holbrook - Blue Breanna Hull - Blue Colton Jaquay - Blue, Blue Austin Jones - Blue, Honor Ryan Jones - Blue, Honor, Reserve Champion Roasters Justin Krider - Honor, Blue Amelia Kurtz - Blue, Honor, Champion Roasters Cynthia Lowe - Blue, Honor Tyler Marker - Blue Tina Miars - Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue Jacob Middleton - Blue, Cory Miller - Blue Austin Moore - Blue

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Audri Moore - Blue Devon Nichols - Blue, Honor, Champion Quail, Reserve Champion Quail, Blue, Honor, Champion Exotic Tim Owsley - Blue, Red Skyler Ott - Blue, Blue Ben Powell - Blue Madeline Powell - Blue Nate Powell - Blue, Honor, Reserve Champion Turkey Dustin Richards - Blue Noah Renfrow - Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue Blake Rodenbeck - Blue Sydney Rodenbeck - Blue, Honor Bailey Rose - Blue, Honor Nick Schroeder - Blue Sara Schroeder - Blue Cole Sherman - Blue, Red, Blue, Blue, Blue Tristin Sherman - Red, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue Joel Smith - Blue, Red, Honor, Blue, Blue Aarronn Steele - Blue, Honor Courtney Steele - Blue, Blue, Honor, Champion Laying Hen, Grand Champion Commercial Gabriella Steele - Blue, Blue, Honor, Reserve Champion Pullets, Blue, Blue, Honor, Blue Michael Steele - Blue, Honor Trever Steele - Blue Ashlyn Stump - Blue, Honor, Reserve Champion Laying Hen Sid Syndram - Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Honor, Blue, Blue, Honor, Blue, Reserve Champion Guinea, Blue, Honor, Champion Pullets Keaton Taylor - Blue Makenna Taylor - Blue Megan Taylor - Blue Alisha Vose - Blue, Blue, Honor Daniel Vose - Blue, Blue

Kyler Warble - Honor, Blue, Red, Blue Kaylen Warble - Blue Jordan Winebrenner - Red, Blue, Blue Nathan Yoder - Blue, Honor, Champion Guinea, Reserve Champion Exotic, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Honor, Reserve Champion Pigeon, Blue Beth Zeigler - Blue Renee Zeigler - Blue Kendall Zeigler - Blue, Blue, Blue

Rabbit Show Bryson Addis - Champion Hope Addis - Best of Breed, Best of Breed, Best of Variety, Best of Variety, Best of Variety, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 2nd, 5th Olivia Aungst - 1st Makenzee Budd - Best Opposite Sex, Best of Variety, Best Opposite Sex of Variety, 1st, 1st, 1st Stephanie Dressler - Best of Breed, Best Opposite Sex, Best of Variety, Best Opposite Sex of Variety, 1st, 1st, 1st Trevelyn Frick - Best of Breed, Best Opposite Sex, Best of Variety, Best of Variety, Best Opposite Sex of Variety, 1st, 1st, 1st Glen Griffiths - 2nd, 4th, 4th Abigail Herkel - Best of Breed, Best of Variety, 1st Emilea Herkel - Best of Variety, Best of Variety 1st, 1st Breck Hochstetler - Best of Breed, Best Opposite Sex, Best of Variety, Best Opposite Sex of Variety, Showmanship, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd Madison Krause - Best of Variety, 1st, 2nd, 6th McKenzie Krause - 4th, 5th Kayla Lepper - Best of Breed, Best of Variety, 1st, 1st Cynthia Lowe - Best of Breed, Best of Breed, Best Opposite Sex, Best of Variety, Best of Variety, Best of Variety, Best of Variety, Best Opposite Sex

Your news. Your way.

Many photos from the Noble County Community 4-H Fair and the LaGrange County 4-H Fair that did not appear in print can be viewed at by selecting Multimedia > Photo Galleries from the navigation menu. Video from the Noble County fair also is available online at in the Video section. Highlights from the grandstand shows, 4-H events and competitions, fair fun activities and the parade are included in separate videos.

NOBLE COUNTY 4-H THREE-DISC SET $14.95 for individual DVDs or $29.95 for the set, plus tax and shipping Disc 1: 4-H Activities and Competitions Disc 2: Grandstand shows Disc 3: Parade and Fair Fun Hours of total fair video in the three-disc set DVDs can be purchased at The News Sun, 102 N. Main St., Kendallville or online at


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©KPC Media Group Inc. •

July 28, 2012

Noble County 4-H Scrapbook




These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left, are Allie Basinger, Green Township, gingerbread house - champion; Madison Bremer, Albion Township, genealogy - state fair, gift wrapping - champion and creative writing - champion; Brielle Dazey, Albion Township, gift wrapping champion; Devin Wolf, Swan Township, fine arts - reserve champion and Tim Stohlman, Perry Township, rocketry - state fair.

These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left, are Nicole Byers, Perry Township, models - state fair; Tyler Marker, York Township, models - state fair and Isaac Coats, Elkhart Township, models - state fair alternate.


Lynn Diehm, center, is the 2012 Miss Noble County Fair Queen. She was crowned Sunday afternoon during the pageant in Cole Auditorium, Kendallville. Cheryl Morris, left, was named first runner-up and Miss Congeniality, and Cassandra Petrie, right, was named second runner-up.


Sarah Cook of Orange Township earned a state fair alternate rating on her crafts project at the 2012 Noble County Community Fair.

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Lynn Diehm, back right, was crowned 2012 Miss Noble County Fair Queen Sunday afternoon in Cole Auditorium, Kendallville. Christian Stoner, back left, was crowned Mr. Noble County. Shown in the front row from left are: Little Mister Noble County Joshua Marker and Little Miss Noble County Caroline Egolf. The royalty reigned over the Noble County Community Fair, July. at the Noble County Fairgrounds. DENNIS NARTKER


Noble County 4-H Scrapbook • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

July 28, 2012



These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left, are Abby Richards, Green Township, home environment - state fair; Isaac Coats, Elkhart Township, creative writing - reserve champion; Jordan Winebrenner, Noble Township, microwave foods - reserve champion and preserves - state fair and Jocelyn Winebrenner, Noble Township, crafts state fair alternate; preserves - state fair alternate and microwave foods champion. Variety, Showmanship, Reserve Champion, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd, 3rd Mariah Maley - Best Opposite Sex of Variety, 1st Tyler Marker - Best of Show, Best 6 Class, Best 4 Class, Best of Breed, Best of Breed, Best Opposite Sex, Best of Variety, Best of Variety, Best of Variety, Best Opposite Sex of Variety, Showmanship, Champion, Champion, Reserve Champion, Reserve Champion, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 2nd, 2nd Hannah Payne - Best of Variety, 1st Katie Peters - Best of Opposite, Best of Variety, 1st Michael Peters - Best of Breed, 1st Sean Peters - Best of Variety, 1st James Pritchard - 3rd, 4th Noah Renfrow - Best of Breed, Best of Breed, Best Opposite Sex, Best Opposite Sex, Best of Variety 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 3rd, 5th Rachel Rogers - Best of Variety, 1st 4th, 6th Cole Sherman - Best of Breed, Best of Breed, Best Opposite Sex, Best of Variety, Champion, Champion, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 2nd Tristan Sherman - Best of Breed, Best of Breed, Best of Variety, Best of Variety, Reserve



Allison Duerk, Swan Township, stands with her state fair cake decorating entry at the 2012 Noble County Community Fair. Duerk also qualified for state fair with her home environment entry, and is a state fair alternate in foods, preserves and sewing.

These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left, are Kirstin Noser, Washington Township, crafts - state fair; Kyler Warble, Perry Township, collections - champion; Luke Wechter, Perry Township, collections reserve champion and honey - state fair; Cassandra Pinkerton, Washington Township, crafts - state fair and Elizabeth Wigent, Perry Township, crafts - state fair.

Champion, 1st, 1st, 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd Cole Smith - 1st, 4th Joel Smith - Best of Variety, Best of Variety, Best Opposite Sex of Variety, Showmanship, 1st, 1st, 1st, 2nd Lukas Smith - Honorable Mention in Showmanship, 2nd April Strycker - Best Opposite Sex, Best Opposite Sex of Variety, 1st, 1st Isaac Thrush - Best of Breed, Best of Variety, Best of Variety, 1st, 1st, 2nd Marcus Weimer - Best of Variety, Best of Variety, 1st, 1st Anna Wicker - 4th Mackenzie Yoder - Best of Variety, 1st, 2nd

Mackenzie Bryan - 2nd, 4th Maddison Bryan - 1st, 3rd Sarah Cook - 3rd Cameron Crick - 1st, 1st, Champion Natural Color Tanner Fought - 4th Kyarra French - 1st, Champion AOB Bodey Holbrook - 1st, 1st, 2nd, 1st, 2nd, 2nd, Champion Dorset Ewe, Champion Dorset, Champion White Face Cross Nate Konger - 3rd Callie Lemper - 3rd Audri Moore - 1st, 2nd, Reserve Champion Suffolk Ewe Austin Moore - 1st, Reserve Champion Suffolk Sam Meyer - 3rd, 3rd Riley Noser - 2nd, 2nd Kirstin Noser - 3rd, 4th Bailey Parker - 1st, 2nd, 2nd, Champion Suffolk, Reserve Champion Hamshire Jordan Parker - 1st, 1st, Champion Crossbred Turner Patrick - 1st, 2nd, Reserve Champion White Face Cross Theodore Pearson - 2nd, 4th, 5th Abby Richards - 1st, 2nd Maddie Richards - 1st, 3rd Tom Richards - 2nd, 2nd Cassie Richmond - 1st, 2nd Lucas Richmond - 1st, 1st, 3rd, Champion Commercial Ewe Brooke Riecke - 1st, 1st, 1st, 3rd, Reserve Champion Crossbred, Reserve Champion Noble County Born & Raised Jordan Riecke - 3rd Hannah Roesener - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Josh Roesener - 3rd, 3rd Ashley Sprague - 4th, 5th Alyssa Sobasky - 5th Taylor Sobasky - 3rd RJ Sonnenberg - 2nd Christian Stoner - 1st, 1st, 2nd, Reserve Grand Champion Ewe, Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb, Champion Suffolk Ewe, Champion Hampshire Bergen Tom - 3rd, 5th Breanne Weber - 1st, 1st, Grand Champion Ewe, Grand Champion Market Lamb, Champion Hampshire Ewe, Champion Noble County Born & Raised

Sheep Show Becca Alwine - 1st, 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd, 4th, 4th, 5th, Reserve Champion Dorset Ewe, Reserve Champion Commercial Ewe Olivia Aungst - 3rd, 4th Alyvea Bender - 1st, 1st, Champion Shropshire Ewe, Reserve Champion Hampshire Ewe Kaelyn Bender - 3rd Reagan Bender - 1st, 2nd Mitchell Bell - 2nd, 3rd Teegan Brumbaugh - 1st, 2nd, 2nd, Reserve Champion Natural Color

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Carly Wechter - 2nd, 3rd Luke Wechter - 2nd, 3rd, Reserve Champion Dorset Mini Participation Adara Bell Brady Crick Daylan Dice Devan Gaff Hailey Holbrook Callie Hyndman Ethan Noser Zane Patrick Griffin Rothenbuhler Cole Sobasky

Swine BARROW SHOW Seth Able - 4th, 6th Clayton Badskey - 1st, 4th, Champion Chester Heather Badskey - 1st, 5th, Grand Champion Barrow, Champion Medium Weight Crossbred, Champion Crossbred Barrow Zach Brazel - 2nd, 2nd, Reserve Champion Heavy Weight Crossbred Maddison Bryan - 7th Makenzie Bryan - 2nd, 3rd Grace Cartwright - 3rd Lucas Cartwright - 7th Rebekah Diehm - 2nd, 3rd Samuel Diehm - 1st, 2nd, Reserved Champion Medium Weight Crossbred Kavan Edwards - 2nd, 6th Damien Firestine - 4th Kyle Forker - 4th Morgan Forker - 4th Shae Foster - 5th Taylor Foster - 1st Tori Foster - 3rd, 4th Kyanna French - 6th, 7th Kyowa French - 4th, 6th Peyton Gaff - 1st, 2nd, Reserve Champion Hampshire Glen Griffiths - 6th, 6th Kelli Grimm - 1st, 5th, Champion Duroc Taylor Hagenbuch - 4th Kya Hamman - 3rd, 3rd Ben Hand - 5th Luke Hand - 6th

©KPC Media Group Inc. •

July 28, 2012

Noble County 4-H Scrapbook


4-H JUDGING RESULTS These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left are Jordan Reicke, Swan Township, mixed hay — reserve champion; Glen Griffiths, Allen Township, alfalfa hay — grand champion and mixed hay — grand champion; and Emma Cartwright, Green Township, alfalfa hay — reserve champion. BOB BRALEY


These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left are Sydney Nelson, Green Township, floriculture — state fair; Maddie Richards, Green Township, floriculture — state fair; Hannah Payne, Allen Township, flowers — state fair alternate; Shae Foster, Swan Township, flowers — state fair alternate; Karly Kirkpatrick, Swan Township, flowers — state fair; and Tori Foster, Swan Township, floriculture — state fair alternate.


Austin Liepe, Orange Township, earned state fair honors for his tractor poster at the Noble County Community Fair.


These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left are Glen Griffiths, Allen Township, oats — champion, corn — champion, soybeans — champion, and wheat — champion; and Cameron Crick, Green Township, alpaca poster — state fair.


These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left are Darian Manth, Green Township, floriculture — state fair; Sidney Syndram, Green Township, woodworking — state fair alternate, and electric — state fair alternate; and Meghan Sayles, Swan Township, photography — state fair, and photography — state fair alternate. Abby Herkel - 5th Bodey Holbrook - 5th Audrey Huelsenbeck - 5th Breanna Hull - 2nd, 4th Brooklyn Konger - 1st, 2nd, Champion Berkshire Nate Konger - 5th Justin Krider - 3rd, 4th Austin Jones - 4th Ryan Jones - 2nd, Reserve Champion Hereford Karly Kirkpatrick - 2nd, 4th, Rookie Showman Konner Kirkpatrick - 1st, 3rd, Champion Medium Weight Crossbred Jaycee Knafel - 3rd, 7th Austin Liepe - 3rd, 6th Bailey Leitch - 6th GraceAnn Leitch - 6th, 7th Callie Lemper - 2nd, 3rd, Reserve Champion Lightweight Crossbred Case Lemper - 1st, 4th, Junior Showman Cody Ley - 4th Mitch Ley - 3rd


These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left are Katie Peters, Allen Township child development — state fair; Kiara Close, Sparta Township, child development — state fair alternate; Abby Richards, Green Township, floriculture — state fair; Joplin Druck, Swan Township, flowers — state fair alternate; Breck Hochstetler, Noble Township, electric — state fair; and Michael Weaver, Perry Township, electric — state fair, and wildlife — state fair. Audri Moore - 2nd, 3rd Austin Moore - 2nd, 3rd Alex Noe - 3rd, 5th Hailey Norris - 2nd, Reserve Champion Landrace Kylie Norris - 3rd Skyler Ott - 7th, 7th Bailey Parker - 1st, 3rd, Champion Heavy Weight Crossbred Bailey Parks - 4th Wade Parks - 6th Nichelle Phares - 5th Benjamin Powell - 5th Madison Rhoades - 4th, 5th Brooke Riecke - 1st, 2nd, Reserve Champion Yorkshire Dakota Riecke - 1st, 1st, Champion Spot, Reserve Champion Duroc Jordan Riecke - 2nd, 3rd Makayla Riecke - 1st, 2nd, Reserve Champion Medium Weight Crosbred Abby Richards - 4th

Maddie Richards - 3rd, 7th Sam Richards - 4th Tom Richards - 3rd, 5th Cassie Richmond - 1st, 3rd Josh Roesener - 2nd Hannah Roesener - 3rd, 6th Jared Rosswurm - 5th, 6th Cole Sherman - 5th, 6th Tristan Sherman - 5th, 6th Tayla Skidgel - 2nd, Reserve Champion Chester Tori Skidgel - 3rd Jordan Speaker - 2nd, 5th, Reserve Champion Poland Amber Spencer - 6th Taylor Sobasky - 1st, 1st, Senior & Premier Showman, Champion Yorkshire Alyssa Sobasky - 4th, 4th Taylor Sobasky - 1st, Champion Yorkshire, Senior & Premier Showman RJ Sonnenberg - 5th Zane Stackhouse - 4th, 7th


Noble County 4-H Scrapbook • ŠKPC Media Group Inc.

July 28, 2012




These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left are Tony Dressler, Allen Township, garden collection of three — champion; Renee M. Zeigler, Albion Township, food preservation — state fair, microwave foods — champion and herbs - grand champion; Dindy Dressler, Allen Township, flowers — state fair, and food preservation — state fair alternate; Hannah Moore, Jefferson Township, electric — state fair; and Josiah Moore, Jefferson Township, electric — state fair alternate. These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left Konner Kirkpatrick, Swan Township, woodworking — state fair; and Zachery Brazel, York Township, woodworking — state fair, garden — reserve champion, and five-plate collection — reserve champion.

These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left are Zack Wigent, Perry Township, hunter education — reserve champion; Beth Wigent, Perry Township, photography — state fair alternate; Kiara Clouse, Sparta Township, wood science — state fair alternate; Carly Wechter, Perry Township, floriculture — state fair, and advanced photography — state fair; and Bradley Palmer, York Township, color photography — state fair.



These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left are Tyler Clouse, Sparta Township, electric — state fair alternate; Becky Payne, Allen Township, flowers — state fair, and child development — state fair alternate; Kaylie Warble, Perry Township, scrapbook and collections — champion, and child development — state fair; and Marcus Weimer, Elkhart Township, electric — state fair. BOB BRALEY

These project winners were honored at the Noble County Community Fair. From left are Katie Peters, Allen Township, woodworking — state fair alternate; Hannah Payne, Allen Township, health — state fair.

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Katy Strange - 2nd Rachel Stohlman - 1st, 2nd, Reserve Champion Berkshire Tim Stohlman - 1st, 1st, Reserve Champion Spot Jacob Stringfellow - 7th Kelly Stringfellow - 7th Mikayla Stringfellow - 1st, 3rd, Champion Hampshire, Intermediate Showman Christian Stoner - 3rd, 3rd Caleb Thompson - 7th, 7th Dakota Thompson - 2nd, 3rd Brock Trowbridge - 2nd, 2nd Nik Troyer - 5th, 6th Kaylen Warble - 1st, 4th, Champion Poland Kyler Warble - 1st, 1st, Champion Hereford, Champion Landrace Michael Weaver - 6th Breanne Weber - 3rd, 3rd Carly Wechter - 1st, 2nd Luke Wechter - 1st, 5th, Reserve Grand Champion Barrow, Champion Lightweight Crossbred, Reserve Champion Crossbred Barrow

Amanda Wetli - 4th, 5th Anna Wicker - 6th Annisa Wicker - 4th GILT AND CARCASS SHOW Clayton Badskey - 5th, 6th, Heather Badskey - 1st, 4th, Champion Duroc Zach Brazel - 2nd, 3rd Samuel Diehm - 1st, 1st, 1st, Champion Hereford, Champion Carcass Gilt on Foot, Reserve Champion Carcass Gilt on Rail Morgan Forker - 6th, Peyton Gaff - 1st, 5th, Reserve Champion Yorkshire Glen Griffiths - 6th Kelli Grimm - 1st, 1st, 2nd, 4th, Champion Chester, Reserve Champion Duroc, Reserve Champion Carcass Gilt on Foot, Champion Carcass Gilt on Rail Kya Hammon - 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 4th, 6th, Champion Carcass Barrow on Rail Bodie Holbrook - 5th Karly Kirkpatrick - 1st, Champion Carcass Barrow on foot, Reserve Champion Carcass Barrow on Rail Nate Konger - 1st, 2nd, Reserve Champion Berk Callie Lemper - 4th, 4th Case Lemper - 1st Mitch Ley - 4th Cody Ley - 4th Austin Liepe - 2nd, 5th, 7th, Reserve Champion Hereford

Audri Moore - 4th Austin Moore - 4th Sydney Nelson - 3rd Alex Noe - 4th Bailey Parks - 5th Wade Parks - 1st, Champion Landrace Madison Rhoades - 6th Abby Richards - 5th Brooke Riecke - 3rd, 3rd Dakota Riecke - 2nd, 4th, 6th Jordan Riecke - 3rd Makayla Riecke - 1st, 2nd, Champion Crossbred, Grand Champion Gilt Alyssa Sobasky - 2nd, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd, Reserve Champion Hampshire Taylor Sobasky - 1st, 3rd, Champion Yorkshire, Reserve Grand Champion Gilt RJ Sonnenberg - 1st, 1st, 3rd, Champion Hampshire Courtney Steele - 6th Gabriella Steele - 7th Rachel Stohlman - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd, 5th Tim Stohlman - 2nd, 2nd, 3rd, Reserve Champion Spot Christian Stoner - 1st, Reserve Champion Crossbred Mikayla Stringfellow - 1st, 2nd, 4th Brock Trowbridge - 1st, 2nd, Champion Spot Michael Weaver - 6th, 6th, 7th Carly Wechter - 1st, 5th, 5th, 5th, Reserve Champion Carcass Barrow on foot

July 28, 2012

©KPC Media Group Inc. •

Noble County 4-H Scrapbook


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Noble County 4-H Scrapbook • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

July 28, 2012

The Noble County

Community Fair Corp. gratefully acknowledges the support of all our sponsors, participants and volunteers!

THANKS TO ALL SPONSORS FOR A SUCCESSFUL 2012 COUNTY FAIR! ABC Embroidery, Inc. A & H Specialties All Printing & Publications Albion New Era, Northwest News, Churubusco News Albion Pizza Depot Archbold Equipment Atz Furniture - Joe Atz Avilla Grain Avilla Motor Works Avilla True Value Hardware B100 WBYT 100.7FM Baden, Gage & Schroeder Best Western Big C Lumber Co. B&J Specialties Campbell & Fetter Bank Community State Bank Communications Wiring Specialist Courier Crazy Pinz Cripe Chiropractic Clinics Crop Production Services Doc’s Do It Best Center Done Got-R-Did Construction Dudley Parker Trucking East Noble High School Eta Theta Chapter of Tri-Kappa Albion Evans Toyota Farm Credit Services Farmer’s Exchange Fashion Farm/Countryscapes & Gardens Fillmore Equipment Fire Departments of Kendallville, Albion, Avilla, Ligonier, LaOtto and Orange Twps. Forker Excavating Inc. Freels Machine Works Frick Lumber Gaerte Garage, Inc. Truck & Tractor Repair Gary Fry - The Insurance Center Gaslight Theater Gilsinger’s John Deere Glenbrook Dodge Hayden Honda Powerhouse Helena Chemical Company

Hickory Creek Nursing Home Hixson Sand & Gravel Home Town Carpet & Furniture Cleaning Indiana Milk Promotions Jansen Family Chiropractic Jansen Family Dentistry Jon Owen, Attorney John’s Excavation John Satterthwaite State Farm Insurance K105 Best and Most Country Kendallville Public Library Kendallville Iron and Metal Klink Trucking, Inc. KPC Media Group Inc. Knott Excavating Korte Bros. Inc. Lee’s The Working Man’s Friend Ley’s Construction Ligonier NAPA/Reid’s Auto Supply Ligtel Communications Max Platt Ford Lincoln Mercury Meyer Farm Moore & Associates NE Indiana Draft Horse & Mule Association Noble County 4-H Noble County Disposal Noble County EMS Noble County Extension Homemakers Noble County Extension Office Noble County Fair Board Members & Families Noble County Farm Bureau, Inc. Noble County Farm Bureau Young Farmers Noble County Gas & Steam Association Noble County Health Department Noble County Pork Producers Noble County Surveyor Noble County Tire Noble REMC O’Reilly Auto Parts Palmer Farms Parkview Noble Hospital Parker Hannifin Corp. Prairie Farms Dairy

Phares Farms Reid’s Auto Supply/Ligonier NAPA Reid’s Car Parts Reid’s Hoosier Horsepower Reidenbach Tractor & Baler Repair Rose Vista Farms Rural King - Kendallville Shipshewana Harness Smith Hauling Smith Lawn Care & Turf Cures South Milford Grain Stewart Electrical, Doug Stewart Topeka Livestock Auction Topeka New Holland Truelove Bros. Farm and Lawn W.A. Jones Walmart Store #1388 WickFab Wiilies 103.5 FM Windows Doors & More 95.5 FM “The Hawk”

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Please patronize these fine businesses who give back to our community. Without their support, we would not be able to offer such an expanded and diverse entertainment schedule. Many of our contributors are listed above. There are, however, numerous additional event sponsors and volunteers who contribute to the sucess of the Noble County Community Fair. We gratefully acknowledge the support of all our sponsors, participants and volunteers. A special THANK YOU to all!

See you next year... July 13-22, 2013!

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