The News Sun – December 29, 2012

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SATURDAY December 29, 2012

Weather Cloudy today, with snow possible. High 27. Low 14. Sunshine Sunday

Boys Basketball Scoreboard

Sworn In

Heritage East Noble

New county officials take oaths of office Page A2

58 48

West Noble Eastside

43 39

Homestead 91 Prairie Heights 36

Huntingtn North 51 East Noble 31

Homestead DeKalb

51 50

DeKalb 66 Prairie Heights 50

Page A5

Serving Noble & LaGrange Counties

Kendallville, Indiana

75 cents

Last ditch effort

Out Standing In Their Field


Obama ‘optimistic’ about ‘fiscal cliff’ deal after meeting PHOTO CONTRIBUTED

Memorial board The Kendallville Park and Recreation Department has erected a memorial board for students and teachers killed in the Newtown, Conn., school shooting Dec. 14. It has a candle lit each night for each of the 26 victims. The memorial board is among the illuminated Christmas greeting cards in a free, drive-through display at the Bixler Lake campground on the east side of the lake. The display will be up each night until Wednesday. Lights are turned on from 6-9 p.m.

City will dispose of Christmas trees KENDALLVILLE — Residents with real Christmas trees for disposal can leave them at the curb for city crews to pick up. Trees also may be taken to the Weston Avenue street department site between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Coming Sunday Top 10 Movies of the Year Movie reviewer Jenny Kobiela-Mondor ranks her favorite movies from the year, and her least favorites. Read her thoughts on Sunday’s C1 and C2.

Info •

The News Sun

P.O. Box 39, 102 N. Main St. Kendallville, IN 46755 Telephone: (260) 347-0400 Fax: (260) 347-2693 Classifieds: (toll free) (877) 791-7877 Circulation: (260) 347-0400

Inside •

Classified ......................................B8 Deaths ............................................A4 Opinion ..........................................B4 Sports ......................................B1-B3 Life ..................................................A3 TV, Comics, Dear Abby ..............B7 Vol. 103 No. 358


Moo-ing in a winter wonderland Scottish Highland cows on a farm just west of LaGrange seem to be enjoying Friday morning’s heavy snow . The breed of cattle has a heavy, dense coat that protects it from even the coldest of weather. More snow is expected today in the area, and temperatures are expected to drop throughout the next week.

Death penalty considered in deadly Indianapolis blast INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — A decision is expected within six weeks on whether to seek the death penalty against the three people charged with causing the deadly gas explosion that devastated an Indianapolis neighborhood and killed a couple, a prosecutor said. A death penalty review team made up of Marion County prosecutor’s office staffers will review the case and make a recommendation, Prosecutor Terry Curry told The Indianapolis Star for a story Friday. Curry said he hoped to make that decision before a Feb. 12 court hearing. Last week, homeowner Monserrate Shirley; her boyfriend, Mark Leonard; and his brother, Bob

Leonard, were charged with murder, arson and conspiracy counts in the Nov. 10 blast that killed a couple living next to Shirley’s house. Curry said he B. Leonard would talk with relatives of the explosion victims — 34-year-old John Dion Longworth and his wife, 36-year-old Jennifer Longworth — before making a M. Leonard decision. “It is important that we share this with the

families,” he said. “They need to know this can be a 12- to 20-year ordeal before they get closure.” Prosecutors say Shirley and the Leonard brothers deliberately blew up Shirley’s home so they could collect the insurance payout. The fiery blast destroyed five Shirley homes and damaged dozens of others in the Richmond Hill subdivision on the city’s far south side. Shirley, 47, was facing mounting financial woes, including $63,000 in credit card debt and


WASHINGTON (AP) — The end game at hand, the White House and Senate leaders made a final stab at compromise Friday night to prevent middle-class tax increases from taking effect at the turn of the new year and possibly block sweeping spending cuts as well. “I’m optimistic we may still be able to reach an agreement that can pass both houses in time,” President Barack Obama said at the White House after meeting for more than an hour with top lawmakers from both houses. Surprisingly, after weeks of postelection gridlock, Senate leaders sounded even more bullish. The Republican leader, Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, said he was “hopeful and optimistic” of a deal that could be presented to rank-and-file lawmakers as early as Sunday, a little more than 24 hours before the year-end deadline. Said Majority Leader Harry Reid: “I’m going to do everything I can” to prevent the tax increases and spending cuts that threaten to send the economy into recession. He cautioned, “Whatever we come up with is going to be imperfect.” House Speaker John Boehner, a Republican who has struggled recently with anti-tax rebels inside his own party, said through an aide he would await the results of the talks between the Senate and White House. Under a timetable sketched by congressional aides, any agreement would first go to the Senate for a vote. The House would then be asked to assent, possibly as late as Jan. 2, the f inal full day before a new Congress takes office. Officials said there was a general understanding that any agreement would block scheduled income tax increases for middle class earners while letting rates rise at upper income levels.


Bachman ends run as LaGrange commissioner BY PATRICK REDMOND

LAGRANGE — George Bachman, president of the LaGrange County Commissioners, said a warm goodbye Friday morning to friends and colleagues. Friday’s commissioners’ meeting was Bachman’s last official action as a Bachman commissioner. Bachman has served in local government for the last 14 years, six as a member of the County Council and eight as a commissioner. Bachman decided not to run for re-election to another four-year term last fall. He will be replaced by County Councilman John “Jac” Price, who won election as a commissioner in November. Bachman praised the current council members and commissioners for getting the job done in operating local government. He had especially warm remarks about former commissioner Roger Boots and current Commissioner

Larry Miller, whom he said is like a brother. The commissioners opened three bids on the assessor’s trending and new construction project. The program helps the assessor’s office maintain consistent and reasonable property assessments. On the advice of Sheriff Terry Martin, the commissioners are considering creating an ordinance that would help regulate door-todoor solicitation in the county. Martin said his office receives many complaints from residents about sales people showing up at their homes. Martin is asking the commissioners to require people who want to go door-to-door to register with the sheriff’s department before start knocking on doors. Commissioner Larry Miller asked Martin to first check with other neighboring counties to see how they handle transient merchants before the commissioners take action. “I just wonder how much we can regulate that,” Miller said. “It’s been going on since the beginning of time, it seems like.”



David Ward of Kendallville, Phil Osbun of Waterloo, and Ryan Rowe of Kendallville hang out in the icy cold waters of Bixler Lak e during the 4th annual Polar Bear Plunge on New Year’s Day 2012.

Polar bear plunge set for Tuesday at Bixler Lake BY DENNIS NARTKER

KENDALLVILLE — The annual Kendallville Park and Recreation Department polar bear plunge in Bixler Lake will take place on New Year’s Day, Tuesday at 4 p.m. at the west beach. The weather forecast is calling for a high temperature of 23 on Tuesday, dropping to 10 degrees

Tuesday night. Two years ago, event organizers cut out a section of lake ice at the beach for the plunge. There was no ice last year, but the air temperature was near freezing. Participants are encouraged to bring dry clothing and dry towels. There is no cost to take the plunge, and each participant






Government Calendar •

Wednesday, Jan 2

Kendallville City Council meets at 7 p.m. in City Hall. Kendallville Aviation Board of Commissioners meets at 7 p.m. at the Kendallville Airport on Airport Road.


New officials Above, newly elected officials were sworn in Friday afternoon inside the Circuit Court room at the Noble County Courthouse in Albion. Those who took their oathes were, in front from left, Councilwoman Denise Lemmon, Clerk Michelle Mawhorter, Recorder Candy Myers, Councilwoman Joy LeCount, Coroner Joan Cripe, Councilman Wayne Targgart and Superior Judge Robert Kirsch; and, in back, from left, Commissioner Chad Kline, Commissioner Gary Leatherman, Treasurer Michelle Bricker, Councilman Michael Toles, Central Noble School Board members Chris Brazel and John Fitzpatrick and Surveyor Randy Sexton. At right, Noble County Superior II Judge Michael Kramer, left, administers the oath of office to Michael Toles, second from left, of Kendallville as his wife, Angie, and children Sarah and Jonathan listen Friday afternoon in the Circuit Court in Albion. Toles was elected to his first office as Noble County Councilman at-large and will take office Tuesday.


Brief •


Assessment notices for county delayed

Ice festival continues today Alfredo Arroyo, LaPorte, works on his sculpture of a dragon during Friday morning’s ice sculpting contest at the Shipshewana Ice Festival. Nine carvers took to the street to tackle 600-pound blocks of ice in a three-hour, timed competition at the annual outdoor celebration. Today, chefs from around the area will set up for a c hili cook-off just outside the Davis Mercantile building.

ALBION — A printing delay will mean Form-11 Notices of Assessment will be sent in early January, not this week as previously announced by Noble County Assessor Kim Miller. Miller said Friday the

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THE NEWS SUN (USPS 292-440) 102 N. Main St., Kendallville, IN 46755 Established 1859, daily since 1911 ŠKPC Media Group Inc. 2012

Commission helped Main Street Village KENDALLVILLE — The city Redevelopment Commission contributed $2,500 to the Main Street Village this year, according to minutes of the commission’s June 13 meeting. Thursday’s story, “Village at risk,� described the Main Street Village’s financial woes and possible demise. The commission’s contribution was omitted from the story.

Recipient of several awards from the Hoosier State Press Association for excellence in reporting in 2010.

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If you would like extra copies of a particular issue of THE NEWS SUN, they are available at the Kendallville office for $1.25 per copy daily, and $1.75 per copy Sunday. Published by KPC Media Group Inc. at 102 N. Main St., K endallville, IN 46755. Published every day except New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, day after Thanksgiving and day after Christmas. Periodical postage paid at Kendallville, IN 46755 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: THE NEWS SUN, P.O. Box 39, Kendallville, IN 46755


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LAGRANGE — Local police arrested two people Thursday, according to LaGrange County Jail records. Trey Ashbrook, 20, of the 600 block of North Prospect, Sturgis, Mich., was arrested by LaGrange County police on a warrant charging him with failure to appear on original charges of minor in possession, resisting la w enforcement, criminal trespassing and auto theft. Ludwik Kordas, 59, of the 6800 block of Mayf ield Road, Mayfield Heights, Ohio, was arrested by Indiana State Police on a charge of operating while intoxicated.

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Clarification •


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vendor doing the printing contacted her and reported that due to blizzard conditions and being shorthanded, the assessment forms will not be available this week. Form-11 is not a tax bill. It’s a notice of assessed value as of March 1, 2012, for property taxes payable in 2013. Anyone disagreeing with his or her total assessed value will have 45 days to appeal after receiving the Form-11.



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Real Estate Showcase

6191 N 300 E ALBION, INDIANA BEAUTIFUL 1700 SQ. FT. 3 BEDROOM HOME plus a ďŹ nished basement. 28’ x 50’ shop, greenhouse, and hot tub. All on 10Âą acres. View website for more info. Call Kevin Jordan 800-451-2709.

2.16 ACRES ON US 6. Zoned I-2. 30’ x 40’ Block building. Great location. Endless possibilites. (AS20N)

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Call Arden Schrader


Rolling, wooded, secluded residential building site with city utilities nearby. City will bring sewer & water to the property line. Rare ďŹ nd. Zoned agricultural within the city limits of Garrett and bordering a city park to west. Woods with hundreds of wild red bud trees, seclusion, and small town living with low DeKalb County taxes. Just minutes from I-69 and north of Fort Wayne Medical Community. Priced at $29,900. (DAB07DEK)

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Call Dennis Bennett







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Area Activities • Today Gingerbread House Contest: Dec. 29-30. Annual Gingerbread House contest and display at Yoder Shopping Center south of town. Last year, two entries were invited to a national contest. Houses on display through Dec. 31. Yoder’s Department Store, 300 S. Van Buren St., Shipshewana. Luckey Hospital Museum: Call 635-2490 to schedule a tour. Luckey Hospital Museum, U.S. 33 and S.R. 109, Wolf Lake.


The Little River A Cappella Show Chorus of the Sweet Adelines competed May 12 in Cleveland, Ohio,

receiving the third-place medal for small choruses.

Chorus invites women of all ages FROM STAFF REPORTS

ANGOLA — The Little River A Cappella Show Chorus will hold an open house Monday, Jan. 7, for women of all ages. The event is part of global recruiting by the Sweet Adelines International. Women of all ages are invited to learn more about barbershop style singing at 7 p.m. at Fairview Missionary

Church, 525 E. C.R. 200W. The group meets every Monday, 6-9 p.m., at Fairview. Those interested may join for several weeks to try it out. Those who pass an audition and vote of the members may join. All members must participate in a competition in Cleveland, Ohio, in May. They also are expected to perform 10 to 12 times at

throughout the year. Two Harmony Weekends are held each year as well. The main chorus and offshoot choruses sing four-part a cappella harmony, barbershop style. The four parts are tenor, lead, baritone and bass. The fare includes modern music, show tunes and jazz. Those who join learn vocal production, music, choreog-

raphy, stage production and costuming. There are approximately 30,000 members in the Sweet Adelines International. The Little River chapter is directed by Betsy Fowler with members from throughout northeastern Indiana. Information about the group is available by calling Betty Keyes at 4952113.

Indianapolis Museum of Art to offer Final Fridays series INDIANAPOLIS — The Indianapolis Museum of Art has unveiled plans for its Final Fridays program. Starting in January, visitors will enjoy a vibrant evening line-up that includes cultural experiences, tours, live music, food, beverages and extended evening hours from 6:30–11 p.m. All Final Fridays are free and open to the public. “With late hours, tours, drinks, music and more, Final Fridays will not only be a great party, but it will be a wonderful way to become acquainted with diverse works of art,” said Preston Bautista, IMA director of audience engagement. DJ Kyle Long is the guest musical curator for the Final Fridays series. A native of Indiana, Long has always been interested in building bridges between his home state and ideas, people and music from around the world. Long describes his vision for Final Fridays: “The IMA’s collection spans hundreds of years and represents the cultural heritage of civilizations across the planet. The collection contains challenging contemporary work and familiar classics; deeply spiritual religious paintings and pop art; pieces by unknown folk artists and works by the Old Masters. I’m excited to develop a music program that encompasses all these concepts.” Each Final Fridays will feature new activities, tours and a different guest performer that will draw from international influences and works on display at the IMA. The schedule for each Final Fridays will include

the following: 6:30 p.m. Sunset Bar opens in contemporary galleries 7 p.m. Program in The Toby 7:30 p.m. Adult tour 8 p.m. Art activity 8:30 p.m. Final Fridays Music Series featured performer

Program in The Toby A film, talk or other program will be featured in The Toby for each Final Fridays at 7 p.m. Days of Heaven and Night of the Hunter, shown in January and February, are part of the Winter Nights Film Series. Additional programs scheduled for Final Fridays include the silent film “Sparrows” and the film “Ghosts with S--- Jobs ”(in conjunction with the exhibition Ai Weiwei: According to What?).

Adult Tours Beginning at 7:30 p.m., visitors are invited to take an adult tour of the IMA’s collection. Not the usual fare, these tours will include themes like Voyeurism: Scene through the Windows at the IMA; Dissed and Disowned, or Mysterious and Majestic?; Marriage a la Mode; and Where are all the Male Nudes?. Each tour will explore the IMA’s collection by taking an in-depth look at the techniques, wit and subjects that artists use in their work.

Art Activities Guests are invited to participate in group or individual art projects. Creating anything from a community drawing to a LEGO® bricks structure, art

activities will be interactive and designed for all levels of ability. Beginning at 8 p.m., the activity will be available throughout the remainder of the evening for visitors to create at their leisure.

Final Fridays Music Series A musical performer will begin at 8:30 p.m. each month. Guest musical curator Kyle Long selected each performer with the goal of creating a fun and exciting cultural experience that reflects the creativity and innovation of the works on display in the IMA galleries. Diverse and internationally inspired performers include Kaleidoscope Jukebox, Jefferson Street Parade Band, Party Lines and Sweet Poison Victim. More information about Final Fridays is available online at

About the Indy Museum of Art Encompassing 152 acres of gardens and grounds, the Indianapolis Museum of Art is among the 10 largest encyclopedic art museums in the United States, and features significant collections of African, American, Asian, European and contemporary art, as well as a newly established collection of design arts. The IMA offers visitors an expansive view of arts and culture through its collection of more than 54,000 works of art that span 5,000 years of history from across the world’s continents. The collections include paintings, sculpture,

furniture and design objects, prints, drawings and photographs, as well as textiles and costumes. Additionally, art, design, and nature are featured at 100 Acres: The Virginia B. Fairbanks Art & Nature Park and Oldfields–Lilly House & Gardens, a historic Country Place Era estate on the IMA grounds. Beyond the Indianapolis campus, in May 2011 the IMA opened to the public Miller House and Garden in Columbus, Indiana. One of the country’s most highly regarded examples of mid-century Modernist residences, the Miller House was designed by Eero Saarinen, with interiors by Alexander Girard, and landscape design by Dan Kiley. Recognizing the IMA’s positive impact on its community, the Museum was named a recipient of the 2009 National Medal for Museum and Library Services — the nation’s highest honor for museums and libraries. The IMA’s commitment to free general admission, programming for schools and teachers, environmental leadership and online initiatives were among cited community contributions in the Museum’s selection for the award. Located at 4000 Michigan Road, the IMA is open Tuesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday and Friday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.; and Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. Lilly House is open until 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. The IMA is closed Mondays and Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s days. For more information, call 317-923-1331 or visit

Shipshewana Ice Festival: Food chefs and members of the Michiana Ice Carvers Association will use a combined 30,000 or more pounds of ice to carve approximately 40 sculptures in varying shapes, from animals and toys to popular people, nostalgic food, and other interesting objects. For more information, go to Shipshewana. Overeaters Annonymous: 9 a.m. Meets in Room 3 each Saturday. Parkview Noble Hospital, 401 Sawyer Road, Kendallville. Holiday Greeting Cards display: 9 p.m. Dec. 29-30. 29 school children made greeting card boards displayed and illuminated in drive-through campground, holiday music and decorations, horse and wagon rides on Saturday night. Bixler Lake Campgrounds, east side Bixler Lake, Kendallville.

Sunday, December 30 Bingo: 12:30 p.m. Bingo games.Warm ups at 12:30 p.m. and games at 1:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Sylvan Lake Improvement Association. Rome City Bingo Hall, S.R. 9, Rome City.

Campus Clip •

Close gets law degree at Cooley

EAST LANSING, Mich. — Leah J. Close, the daughter of Hugh and Mary Close of Jimmerson Lake, graduated from Thomas M. Cooley Law School Sept. 23. She was on the dean’s list multiple times and was actively involved in the Sixty Plus Estate Planning Clinic. She was recently asked to help a Bay City, Mich. law firm start an estate planning

division. She will be working one-on-one with estate planning clients and working to build clientelee by giving informational seminars Close with supervising attorneys. She said she plans to return to the area and start an estate planning firm.

Library Calendar • KENDALLVILLE — The new year brings with it some new programs, including a group perfect for those who just received their first iPad for Christmas. Here is the list of programs and activities at the Kendallville Public Library: • iPad App Pack for Beginners — Mondays, Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28 at 1:30 p.m. Anyone with a new iPad who would like to learn basic functions, explore Apps, and share their own discoveries should come to the library on Monday afternoons. The iPad App Pack for Beginners group will take an informal look at the iPad and what it can do. Registration is requested. • LEGO Club — Mondays, Jan. 7, 14, 21 & 28 at 3:30 p.m. Kids can try the new challenges each week at the LEGO Club. • Preschool Storytime: Alphabet — Tuesdays, Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29 at 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. The alphabet may be one of the most important things a child will learn, but it can also be fun. At this Preschool Storytime session, the stories, games, and crafts will celebrate the 26 letters of the alphabet. • Book Buddies — Tuesday, Jan. 8 at 6 p.m. Book Buddies, a special program held on the second Tuesday of each month, provides great activities for

preschool children age three to six and parents or caregivers. At the end of each session, families will receive a hardcover book to keep. • Toddler Time — Thursday, January 10 at 10 a.m. Toddler Time is filled with stories, music and fun … all for children 18 months to 3 years old. Just for attending, all families will receive a book and learning materials to continue all the fun and educational opportunities at home. Registration is required. • Board Game Blowout — Thursday, Jan. 10 at 3:30 p.m. The library is inviting elementary students to test their skills at some of their favorite board games. • Candle Crafts — Thursday, Jan. 10 at 6 p.m. Awesome Pinterest ideas will come alive in this handson candle class. Adults can learn how to make a variety of beautiful candle displays. A $3 materials fee is required at registration. • iPad App Pack Thursdays, Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31 at 7 p.m. Experienced iPad users should join the iPad App Pack to share their device experience and learn from others. • Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament Saturday, Jan. 12 at 10 a.m. Prizes will be given to the top 3 players in the sanctioned Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament. There is a $2 tournament fee that should be paid at the door.

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Rev. Roger Lautzenhiser

Gary Clark

PLEASANT LAKE — Rev. Roger E. Lautzenhiser, 91 years, formerly of Pleasant Lake, and a current resident at Northern Lakes Nursing Home, passed Rev. away Lautzenhiser Thursday, December 27, 2012 at Northern Lakes Nursing Home. Rev. Lautzenhiser was born December 10, 1921 in Hamilton, the son of the late Edward and Cleo (Glass) Lautzenhiser. He was a graduate of Hamilton High School, Ball State University and Garrett Bible College where he received his Masters of Divinity in 1951.He married Alice G. Mullins on July 24, 1949 in Gary, Ind., and she preceded him in death on March 21, 2000. Rev. Lautzenhiser served the Methodist Church in the Northern Indiana Conference for 13 years. He then moved to Lakewood Village Community Church in Long Beach, Calif., where he served for 34 years, retiring in 1996. Surviving are his five children, Roger (Laura) Lautzenhiser Jr. of Cincinnati, Ohio, Mahlon (Jeanette Cleland) Lautzenhiser of Hamilton, Bruce (Jackie) Lautzenhiser of Pleasant Lake, Christopher Lautzenhiser of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mary LautzenhiserFraser and her fiance, Steven Bellon of Des Moines, Iowa; eight grandchildren, Ashley (Chris Elliott) Lautzenhiser, Jessica (Desmond) Nault, Corey Courrielche, Lucas Lautzenhiser, Joseph Lautzenhiser, Laurel Fraser, John Lautzenhiser and Liam Fraser; and one sister, Linda Lorimer of Chicago, Ill. Funeral services for Rev. Roger E. Lautzenhiser will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, December 30, 2012 in the Oberlin-Turnbull Funeral Home & Crematory, 3985 E. Church St., Hamilton, with his daughter, Dr. Rev. Mary Lautzenhiser Fraser officiating. Interment will follow in Hamilton Cemetery. The family will receive relatives and friends one hour prior to the service on Sunday in the funeral home. Those planning an expression of sympathy are asked to consider memorial contributions to the charity of their choosing that they love. Condolences may be sent to the family or the online guest book may be signed at

John Greuter GRABILL — John C. Greuter, 79, died Friday, Dec. 28, 2012 at his home in Grabill. Arrangements are pending at CarnahanBaidinger &Walter Funeral Home, Spencerville.

FREMONT — Gary L. Clark, age 58, of Fremont, Ind., died, December 27, 2012, at Parkview Hospital, Fort Wayne, Ind. Mr. Clark was born on April 17, 1954, the Mr. Clark son of June (Hamman) Miller and Leo Clark, his mother survives in Fremont. Gary married Phyllis L. (Peters) on April 22, 2003 in Angola, Ind., and she survives in Fremont. Gary graduated from Fremont High School in 1972. After graduation he entered the United States military, joining the marine corps, and served our country for four years. Gary was a very hard worker and was always willing to lend a hand to help anyone in need. He worked in several factories over the years and also worked for the Farm Bureau Co-op in Fremont. He currently was helping farm part-time for the Lynn Eicher family in Fremont. He enjoyed fishing, hunting, fly-tying, working around his home, and enjoyed spending time with family and friends, and especially enjoyed his time with his grandchildren and step-grandchildren. Gary enjoyed the outdoors very much and was a member of Fremont Conservation Club. Survivors include his wife, Phyllis Clark of Fremont; a daughter, Jennifer Ridenour, and her fiance, Brian Betts, of Fremont; a son Gregory (Lindsay) Clark of Angola; stepchildren, Andrew Scharlach of Ypsilanti, Mich., Michael Scharlach of Florida, Christopher Scharlach of Ypsilanti, and Heidi Schmitt of Fort Wayne; his mother, June Miller of Fremont; a granddaughter, Katie Ridenour; a grandson, Zachery Clark; 16 stepgrandchildren; a brother, Dale (Judy) Clark of Verona, Wis.; a sister, Kathy (Monty) Masters of Fremont; a nephew, Jesse Clark of Verona, Wis.; a niece, Renee Hulien of Lafayette, Ind.; and his former wife, Kay Clark of Fremont. He was preceded in death by his father, Leo Clark, and his stepfather, Al Miller. Calling hours will be held from 2-5 p.m. Sunday, December 30, 2012 at Beams Funeral Home, Fremont. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Monday December 31, 2012, at the Calvary Temple Church, 400 Henry Street, Angola, with Pastor Vincent Torres officiating. Burial will be at Lakeside Cemetery, Fremont, with military honors conducted by members of the Fremont American Legion. In lieu of flowers

Deaths & Funerals • memorials are requested in care of the family. Condolences may be sent online to www.beamsfuneralhome. com.

Viola Tressler AUBURN — Viola J. Tressler passed away Dec. 27, 2012, in the hospice wing at Parkview Regional Medical Center in Fort Wayne. She was born on May 27, 1918 in New Brighton, Pa, to Lou Jean (Wehr) Mecklem and Issac N. Mecklem. She was the oldest of six Mrs. Tressler children, all who preceded her in death: Dean Mecklem, William (Bill) Mecklem, Helen (Mecklem) Roberts, Eleanore Mecklem, and Doris (Mecklem) Dahlback. She was married to John B. Tressler in 1941, and they moved to Hudson, Ind., in 1946, where John attended and then went on to teach at Tri-State College (now Trine University). Vi enjoyed making friends at Tri-State and attending faculty and college functions. Mr. Tressler preceded her in death in 1970. In 1954, she opened Vi’s Beauty Shop in Hudson and made many friends over 42 years of being a beautician and cosmetologist. She was a member of the Angola Business and Professional Women and also the Northeast Indiana Beautcians Association. She was active in the Work and Play Club and Voyager 2000 and, as the Hudson Town Clerk, where she was instrumental in obtaining grants for infrastructure improvement. She moved to Auburn in 1994, after retiring, and was a volunteer at DeKalb Memorial Hospital for 18 years. Over the last two years, she crocheted and donated baby hats for the OB department at DeKalb Health, making over a thousand hats. She also was active as a volunteer at the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile Museum and was Volunteer of the Year in 2002. She is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, Joyce Ann and Michael Buchs, and Wendy and Joseph Albright; four grandchildren, Christopher Buchs, Bradley Albright, Bryan Albright, and Brandyn (Albright) Kemper; and eight great-grandchildren. She wished her remains to be cremated. A two-hour casual open house will be held at Feller and Clark Funeral Home, 1860 S. Center St., Auburn, from 2-4 p.m. Saturday, January 5, 2013, in celebration of her life. If anyone wishes, a memorial gift may be made to the donor’s favorite charity in her name. To view an online obituary or to send condolences, visit

Frances Muller ANGOLA — Frances Marie “Francie” Muller, 84, of Lake James, Angola, died Thursday, Dec. 27, 2012 at Lakeland Nursing Center, Angola. Memorial services will be at a later date this spring. Arrangements are by the Weicht Funeral Home, Angola.

Carol Geimer ANGOLA — Carl J. Geimer, 88, died Wednesday December 26, 2012 at the Visiting Nurse and Hospice Home in Fort Wayne. Carl was born on June 5, 1924 in Decatur, Indiana, to Herman F. and Matilda (Heiman) Geimer. Carl worked at Dana for 33 1/2 years retiring in 1984. He was a member of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church in Angola and a Grand Knight in the Knights of Columbus. He was a member of the Loyal Order of Moose #1568 in Angola and the Cameron Hospital Auxiliary. Carl married Marceille E. Denney on July 8, 1972 in Fort Wayne and she preceded him in death on June 30, 2006. Carl is survived by a stepson, Marshall C. Bush of Angola, and a stepdaughterin-law Barbara Allen of Henderson, Nevada: five sisters, Mary L. Alberding, Alice Brunten and Mildred Leitz, all of Decatur, Eileen Gage of Lady Lake, Fla., And Vera Laurent of New Haven, Ind.; three stepgrandchildren, Kimberly Brelsford, Marla Kinner and James Hunter; and 3 stepgreat-grandchildren, Madisen Kinner, Taylor Kinner and Victoria Hunter. Carl was preceded in death by a stepson, Robert D. Allen, a step daughter, Susan Hunter, two brothers, Richard and Robert, and a sister, Agnes Daniels. Services for Carl will be held on Monday, December 31, 2012 at 11 a.m. at St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church in Angola with Father Fred Pasche officiating. Visitation will be Sunday, December 30, 2012 from 47 p.m. at the H.E. Johnson & Sons Funeral Home in


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PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Chris Kast and Byron Bartlett already consider themselves married after a 2010 ceremony overlooking Portland Harbor, but now they’re doing it all over again — planning to be among the first to get a marriage license when Maine’s same-sex marriage law goes into effect at midnight. After waiting years for the opportunity, gay couples in Maine’s largest city won’t have to wait a moment longer than necessary to get married, with Portland City Hall opening at midnight

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Angola with a vigil service at 7 p.m. Viewing one hour Monday prior to the service at the church. Memorials are for Masses to the church. Burial will be at a later date at Lehman Cemetery. To leave condolences or to sign the guestbook, go to

LeRoy Nelson KENDALLVILLE — LeRoy Nelson, 67, of Kendallville, died Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012 in Parkview Regional Medical Center, Fort Wayne. Services will be Monday, Dec. 31, 2012, at noon in Trinity Church United Methodist, Kendallville. Burial will be in the Avilla Cemetery. Calling is one hour prior to the service at the church. Memorials are to the family. Arrangements are by the Young Family Funeral Home, Kendallville Chapel, 222 S. State St., Kendallville.

Jim Lauver SHIPSHEWANA — Jim Lauver, 57, of Shipshewana, died around 10:05 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 27. Calling will be from 2-7 p.m. Sunday at Marion Mennonite Church, 4 ½ miles west of Howe on S.R. 120. A private burial will be on Monday, followed by a celebration of life service at 10:30 a.m. at Shore Mennonite Church, Shipshewana. Memorials are to Marion Mennonite Church Building Project.

Charles Troyer KENDALLVILLE — Charles R. Troyer, 79, of Kendallville, died Thursday, December 27, 2012, in Parkview Regional Medical Center, Fort Wayne. A memorial service will be held Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Young Family Funeral Home, Kendallville Chapel, with the Rev. Sherri Long of Wayne Center United Methodist Church, Kendallville, officiating. Calling is two hours prior to the service at the funeral home. Memorials are to the Summit Equestrian Center, Fort Wayne.

Bush’s health ‘improving’ Former president remains in ICU HOUSTON (AP) — Former President George H.W. Bush remained in intensive care at a Houston hospital on Friday but his condition continues to improve, a Bush spokesman said. “The President is alert and, as always, in good spirits — and his exchanges with doctors and nurses now include singing,” family spokesman Jim McGrath said in a brief statement. The 88-year-old Bush, the nation’s oldest living former president, was admitted at Methodist Hospital in Houston on Nov. 23 because of a bronchitis-related cough, after spending about a week there earlier in November for the same condition. The cough was mostly resolved by the time he was moved to intensive care on Sunday for treatment of a fever that doctors were having difficulty controlling. “The Bushes thank everyone for their prayers and good wishes and, like their doctors, are cautiously optimistic that the current course of treatment will be effective,” McGrath said. On Thursday, a longtime Bush aide tried to quell concern about Bush’s condition by saying the former president likely would advise well-wishers to “put the harps back in the closet.” Jean Becker, Bush’s Houston chief of staff, said the former president would likely be in the hospital for a while, noting his age and that “he had a terrible case of bronchitis which then triggered a series of complications.”

Gay couples in Maine poised to wed

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when the law goes into effect to issue the first marriage licenses under the new law. With their four daughters home for the holidays, Kast and Bartlett, both formerly married to women, decided they would wed on the spot after getting their marriage license. They didn’t see the need for another big ceremony. “This is putting a period on an important sentence for us,” said Kast, 52, who has been with Bartlett, 42, for more than six years. Voters approved gay marriage in November, making Maine and two other states the first to do so by popular vote. The law is already in effect in Washington state; Maryland’s takes effect on Tuesday, the first day of 2013. Gay marriage was already legal in New York, Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and the District of Columbia, but those laws were either enacted by lawmakers or through court rulings.

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INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller is preparing to defend the state’s ban on gay marriage by supporting California in the pending Supreme Court battle. Zoeller said Friday he will file an amicus brief with the high court when it takes up California’s ban on gay marriage and the federal Defense of Marriage Act next year. The Supreme Court’s decision to take up the volatile social issue comes shortly after the first states in the nation approved gay marriage on statewide ballots and as Indiana lawmakers decide whether to send a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage to a referendum.

Wall Street •


Young Family Funeral Home

State official defending ban

Friday’s Close: Dow Jones Industrials High: 13,095.46 Low: 12,926.86 Close: 12,938.11 Change: —158.20

Other Indexes Standard&Poors 500 Index: 1402.43 —15.67 NYSE Index: 8316.17 — 83.66 Nasdaq Composite Index: 2960.31 —25.60

Lotteries •

INDIANAPOLIS — Winning number drawn Friday: Indiana: Midday: 1-7-9 and 3-7-5-7. Evening: 1-3-8 and 8-5-9-9. Cash 5: 2-15-26-32-37. Mix and Match: 1-29-3945-48. Quick Draw: 6-7-11-14-17-21-25-29-40-45-46-5457-58-59-60-66-67-70-75. Mega Millions: 10-13-32-40-41. Mega Ball: 32. Megaplier: 4. Ohio: Midday: 7-7-3, 1-5-8-3 and 1-5-9-9-9. Ev ening: 36-5, 3-7-5-5 and 6-7-6-5-9. Rolling Cash 5: 03-07-14-1520. Michigan: Midday: 8-4-9 and 5-3-8-6. Daily: 3-0-3 and 0-8-7-6. Fantasy 5: 01-17-27-30-39. Keno: 01-02-04-05-0614-18-28-29-34-36-39-40-49-53-61-62-63-66-72-73-80.





Daniels appoints local residents to state boards FROM STAFF REPORTS Cloudy with snow expected today. High temperature of 27 and tonightʼs low will drop to 14 degrees. Mostly sunny Sunday with daytime highs in the upper 20s. Overnight lows will be in the teens. Mostly cloudy Monday. High temperatures will be in the low 30s. Low of 16 expected. Friday’s Statistics Local HI 31 LO 22 PRC. .15 Fort Wayne HI 30 LO 24 PRC. tr.

Sunrise Sunday 8:07 a.m. Sunset Sunday 5:20 p.m.

National forecast Forecast highs for Saturday, Dec. 29


Today's Forecast


City/Region High | Low temps

Forecast for Saturday, Dec. 29


Chicago 32° | 23°

South Bend 32° | 27°

Fort Wayne 30° | 23°

Fronts Cold


Pt. Cloudy

South Bend HI 30 LO 25 PRC. .50 Indianapolis HI 33 LO 27 PRC. 0

Warm Stationary

INDIANAPOLIS — Two area businessmen have been appointed to state-level boards by outgoing Gov. Mitch Daniels. Bill Etzler of LaOtto has been appointed to the Indiana Environmental Rules Board. A vice president and regional manager for Aqua Indiana, Etzler will serve as vice chairman of the board. Patrick Cross of Topeka has been appointed to the Manufactured Home Installer Licensing Board.

Cross is the general manager of Champion Homes. The Environmental Rules Board was created during the 2012 legislative session to combine the functions of the former air pollution control, water pollution control and solid waste managements boards. Legislation required that initial members be appointed by Dec. 31. The board will have 16 members, 11 of whom are governor’s appointees. The rest of the seats will be f illed by the commissioners of the state departments of health

and environmental management, the director of the department of natural resources, the lieutenant governor and the secretary of commerce. Etzler’s term on the board expires Dec. 31, 2016. The Manufactured Home Installer Licensing Board consists of nine gubernatorial appointees. The purpose of the board is to establish and maintain competency standards and a code of ethics for licensed installers. Cross’ term expires July 1, 2015.

Pressure Low



Lafayette 28° | 27°


Indianapolis 30° | 27°



20s 30s 40s

50s 60s



90s 100s 110s

Today’s drawing by:

Terre Haute 30° | 28°

Evansville 32° | 30°


Lorraine Miller Louisville 37° | 34°


© 2012

Submit your weather drawings to: Weather Drawings, Editorial Dept. P.O. Box 39, Kendallville, IN 46755

PLUNGE: Registration forms available on Monday FROM PAGE A1

should bring a nonperishable food item for the Friendship Food Pantry, said Dawn McGahen, the park department’s recreation director. “What a way to start the new year by showing our concern for the welfare of others,” she said. The first 200 people

registered Tuesday will receive souvenir bracelets. Registration forms are available Monday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Kendallville Park and Recreation Department office in the Youth Center building, 211 Iddings St. Registration forms also are available at the park depart-

ment website: Plunge participants under age 18 must have a parent or guardian signature on each registration form. Registration will begin at 3 p.m. at the beach. Noble County EMS personnel will be on the scene for emergencies.

DEATH: ‘Aggravating factor’ would be needed FROM PAGE A1

bankruptcy proceedings, court documents say. And a friend of Mark Leonard’s told investigators that Leonard said he had lost about $10,000 at a casino some three weeks before the explosion. Shirley’s lawyer, Randall Cable, said he believed Shirley was “targeted” by investigators and that there shouldn’t be a rush to judgment. “It seems to me they announced charges prematurely,” Cable said. “As I understand it, some of the evidence they have is still in the lab. It takes a long time for that stuff to come back.” Richard Kammen, an Indianapolis defense attorney who has handled

death penalty cases, said that seeking the death penalty would make the prosecution more expensive. “I suspect they would be tried separately,” Kammen said. “And then there is a good chance a change of venue could be sought. So we could have three trials in three counties. All that together would drive up the expenses extraordinarily.” According to Indiana Supreme Court records, three death penalty cases were filed statewide in 2012, one in 2011 and three in 2010. That compares with 26 death penalty case filings in 1990 and 22 in 1991. Indiana law requires prosecutors seeking the death penalty or life in prison to cite at least one

EFFORT: Taxes on capital gains, dividends likely to be discussed FROM PAGE A1

Democrats said Obama was sticking to his campaign call for increases above $250,000 in annual income, even though in recent negotiations he said he could accept $400,000. The two sides also confronted a divide over estate taxes. Obama favors a higher tax than is currently in effect, but one senior Republican, Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona, said he’s “totally dead set” against it. Speaking of fellow GOP lawmakers, he said they harbor more opposition to an increase in the estate tax than to letting taxes on income and investments rise at upper levels. Also likely to be included in the negotiations are taxes on dividends and capital gains, both of which are scheduled to rise with the new year. Also the alternative minimum tax, which, if left unchanged, could hit an

estimated 28 million households for the first time with an average increase of more than $3,000. In addition, Obama and Democrats want to prevent the expiration of unemployment benefits for about 2 million long-term jobless men and women, and there is widespread sentiment in both parties to shelter doctors from a 27 percent cut in Medicare fees. The White House has shown increased concern about a possible doubling of milk prices if a farm bill is not passed in the next few days, although it is not clear whether that issue, too, might be included in the talks. One Republican who was briefed on the White House meeting said Boehner made it clear he would leave in place spending cuts scheduled to take effect unless alternative savings were included in any compromise to offset them.

BACHMAN: Commissioners receive check for legal fees FROM PAGE A1

“We get suspicious when they (the salespeople) start talking about all the nice stuff you have in your garage,” Martin said. County attorney Kurt Bachman presented the commissioners a check for

more than $15,000, money awarded the county for legal fees in association with a Stone Lake property in which the county was involved. The commissioners decided to return the money to the county’s riverboat fund.

“aggravating factor,” such as multiple people killed in a crime or a murder happening during the commission of another crime. “We will be taking an indepth look into the case itself, but also the profiles of those charged,” Curry said. “The decision will be based on facts and not public opinion or notoriety.”


Rodeo comes to Howe Cowboy Travis Coenen flies off a bull during the opening round of bull riding Friday night at the Michiana Events Center. The Super Kicker Rodeo continues today and Monday at the Michiana Event Center, just north of Howe. The “Let the Cowboys Rock” tour of the Super Kicker Rodeo will bring the rodeo inside at the M EC. The two-hour show features bull riding, s addle

bronc riding, bareback riding as well as barrel racing and team roping competitions. Doors open at 5 p.m. S aturday and Monday nights, with the rodeo kicking off at 7 p.m. The MEC is on S.R. 9 north of Howe near the Indiana Toll Road. For more information call 562-9187 or visit

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Hoosiers blow out Jacksonville

Scores •

COLLEGE BASKETBALL INDIANA .....................................93 JACKSONVILLE .....................59

COLLEGE FOOTBALL OHIO.............................................45 LOUISIANA-MONROE .....14

VIRGINIA TECH ....................13 RUTGERS......................10 (OT)

Area Events • BOYS BAS KETBALL Holiday Hoops Tournament at Carroll East Noble vs. F W Blackhawk, noon Prairie Heights vs. Churubusco, 10 a.m. Consolation games, 6 p.m. & 8 p.m. G I R LS BAS KETBALL Hamilton Tournament Pioneer vs. Hamilton, noon Kouts vs. Centerville, noon Consolation, 4 p.m. Championship, 6 p.m. S. Adams Tournament Eastside vs. Blackhawk Christian, 10 a.m. Seton Catholic vs. South Adams, noon Consolation, 5 p.m. Championship, 7

Briefly • KENDALLVILLE — Dave Sible of Kendallville took honors in the most recent Hannah Holstein contest. Sible was 18-2 on the week. Dean Domer of Wolcottville was 17-3, while Steve Kramer and Steve Harp were each 16-4.

Pacers beat Phoenix INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — George Hill scored 22 points, including three 3-pointers, and led the Indiana Pacers to a 97-91 victory over Phoenix on Friday night. Paul George had 15 points, and David West added 14 points and seven rebounds for the Pacers, who have won four straight and seven of eight. Sebastian Telfair had 19 points and six assists for the Suns, who have lost four in a row.

Today’s On The Air listings are on Page B3. 33,900


Indiana’s Cody Zeller puts up a shot during F riday’s game.

BLOOMINGTON (AP) — When Jordan Hulls saw his usually good-shooting teammates having an off-night Friday, he took matters into his own hands. Fifth-ranked Indiana needed everything Hulls could muster. With Cody Zeller spending most of the night in foul trouble and the nation’s best scoring team struggling to pull away from Jacksonville, Hulls broke through by scoring 17 of his season-high 20 points in the first half, leading the Hoosiers to a 93-59 victory. “I’ve been pretty passive and they’ve been telling me to shoot more,� Hulls said, referring to his teammates and coaches. “Growing up I was always a pass-first guy, but I felt good today and I felt good all this week.� He looked even better on game night by making 6 of 9 shots, all from beyond the arc, and finished with four rebounds and two assists on a night that the Hoosiers (12-1) won their third straight — all by at least 34 points. The winning streak should send Indiana into the rugged Big Ten schedule with momentum, too. They open league play Monday night at Iowa, where they have lost four straight. To end that skid and take control of the conference race, Indiana will need a better overall

Knights upended twice

Chargers win at Eastside West Noble goes to 8-0

KENDALLVILLE — The Holiday Hoops Tournament made its way to East Noble on Friday with play in pools C and D. The hosts Knights, who were placed in pool C, had a day full of ups and downs as they dropped both of their games. In the first game, the Knights were plagued by untimely turnovers in a 58-48 loss to Heritage. After a loss to Central Noble on Thursday in which EN’s post play was nearly nonexistent, Andrew Gordon led the hosts with 19 points and 6-8 junior Houston Pattee recorded 10. Gordon turned around in the nightcap and once against led the Knights with 10 points in a 51-31 loss to Huntington North. Second-day action will be played today at Carroll High School. East Noble will play in the bronze bracket portion in the freshman gym beginning at noon. If they win, East Noble (1-8) will play at 8 p.m. The loser of the noon game will play at 6. EN coach Josh Treesh said the team will take advantage of the tournament to work on future play ideas. “I think as a team, you come 18,995





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out and work on things you are going to do in the second half come conference season. Tonight we focused on one part of our offense and we got better on it,� Treesh said. The junior-laden Knights faced a hurdle early as Huntington North came out of the lock er room in a full-court trap defense. Right away the hosts had to adapt after a 10-second violation was called against them two minutes in. With the press in full view, the Vikings jumped out to a 7-0 advantage and a 16-3 lead after




one quarter. North fired on all cylinders, hitting four of its six 3point shots on quick transition possessions in the first stanza. Kalvin Miller recorded six of his game-high 14 points off of a pair of treys. Huntington’s barrage of 3s settled in the second quarter as the Knights’ 1-2-2 zone started to unfold and every shot was contested. The Vikings put up just three treys in the second quarter, making one. “Originally, when we talked






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BUTLER — It’s not the kind of start coaches like to see, but being thrown into a 16-2 hole in the opening quarter, on the road, in a conference game is a pretty good test of your team’s character. The West Noble Chargers survived, pulling out a 43-39 win over the host Eastside Blazers in a Northeast Corner Conference game at Butler Friday. The Chargers improved to 8-0 overall and 4-0 in the NECC. The loss was Eastside’s first in NECC play. The Blazers are 2-6 overall and 2-1 in the league. “We knew (Eastside) was a dangerous team,� West Noble coach Jim Best said afterward. “I told my players we don’t want to let these guys get on a run. I look up, and my goodness, we’re down 16-2,� he said. “It’s really important for this basketball team for something like that to happen. It took them the whole game, but they fought back, and that says a lot to our kids’ attitude, their hustle and their intensity.� The teams traded scores on their opening possessions, and

East Noble sophomore Bryce Wolfe (44) battles with a Huntington North defender for a loose ball during the first half of F riday night’s Holiday Hoops Tournament game in Kendallville.

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performance than it got against the outsized and overmatched Dolphins (5-8). Zeller, a front-runner for national player of the year, picked up two fouls in the first 11 minutes and two more in the first eight minutes of the second half. He wound up playing just 19 minutes, finishing with 16 points and six rebounds — most of which came during the last 7 minutes of the game. The 7-foot sophomore center wasn’t the only one having trouble. Indiana started the game by missing four shots and committing four turnovers on its first eight possessions, and 10 minutes into the game, the Hoosiers were still clinging to a 21-15 lead. Nobody expected the game to follow this script. So with Zeller unable to bail them out inside, Hulls rescued the Hoosiers from the outside. He knocked down one 3-pointer to start a key 9-2 run midway through the first half and made three straight 3s in the final 90 seconds of the half to finally give the Hoosiers some separation. “He was very aggressive and he’s fully capable, there’s no doubt,� coach Tom Crean said. “We need him to do that, we need him to play that way.�


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PH downed twice in holiday hoops BY JUSTIN PENLAND

KENDALLVILLE — Prairie Heights fell to a strong Homestead squad in its second game of pool play in the Holiday Hoops Classic on Friday at East Noble, 91-36. The Panthers also fell 6650 to DeKalb during the opening game of the day. The Holiday Hoops Tournament is a multi-day event with the second day’s contests being held at Carroll High School. Prairie Heights (3-6) will play the third-place team from Pool B at 10 a.m. in the freshman campus gym. The loser of that game plays at 6 p.m., while the winner plays at 8. “Tomorrow is when the playing field is evened out. I think we are going to come out there and compete as hard as we can,” PH coach Brett Eltzroth said. “We are looking at this tournament as a chance for us to get better. We are playing some great competition here. “Yes, we would love to get the wins, but we have a young team and are getting experience and getting stronger.” The Spartans sank 36-of56 (65 percent) of its shots and outrebounded the Panthers by a 33-15 mark. John Geller led a foursome of Homestead double-digit scorers with 16 points and nine boards. “We are not going to play another team that tall, that athletic or a team that can

shoot that well on our schedule. Homestead shot the lights out,” Eltzroth said. “We tried to take the perimeter away and they went inside. Then we went inside and took that away, so they put up 3s. It was a very frustrating game, but I like the heart our kids had.” Homestead jumped out to an 8-0 lead in the opening 1:20 before Jacob Heller put Heights on the board when he hit the second of a pair of free throws. Heller, who finished the game with a team-high 12 points, scored six points in the first quarter (all in the first four minutes) and all but one in the opening half. Spencer Hess added 10 points and recorded a steal. Bobby Blum and Landon Wohlers scored three points apiece. Late in the second quarter, Heller and Hess put together a small run for Heights. Both Panther cagers connected on a pair of free throws each, while Hess also completed a 3-point play. Eltzroth said he is proud of how the team bounced back from a difficult loss to DeKalb in the tournament’s opening game. Earlier in the day, it took a late drive by the Barons to put away the Panthers after PH opened the game slow. “We had a disappointing game earlier and they came back with a lot more purpose in the second game. I am very impressed with our fortitude in bouncing back,”


EN wrestlers fare well


Prairie Heights’ Kyler West (5) attempts to get a shot off during the Holiday Hoops Tournament Friday morning at East Noble.

Eltzroth said. DeKalb 66, Heights 50 Cole Hartman had game highs of 19 points and nine rebounds for DeKalb, while Macy added 16 points, 14 in the second half. Daub gave DeKalb a third double-figure scorer with 11. Jacob Heller topped Prairie Heights with 16 points and Kyler West scored nine.

CONNERSVILLE — Eleven East Noble wrestlers did well enough on Friday to continue wrestling today on the second and final day of the two-day Connersville Invitational. The Knights enter today’s action in second place out of 32 teams. “All the kids are wrestling hard and competing well,” Knights coach Keith Hoffar said. “Everyone earned points for the team.” Nine EN wrestlers won their first two matches on Friday to advance to the quarterfinals in the championship bracket. Garrett Pepple, Connor Knapp and Ross Walker had two pins apiece. Also advancing to today’s quarterfinal round with two victories were Sterling Lutter, Mason Diffenderfer, Eli Parks, Tyler Housholder, Jesse Maley and Brandon Joest. Knights Brennan Storey and Drake DeMuyt both went 3-1 on Friday and will try to battle out of the consolation bracket in order to place. Jake Weimer, Taylor Foster and Eric Butler were eliminated from the tournament on Friday, but all won matches to help East Noble. Weimer was 2-2 Friday while Foster and Butler both went 1-2. Mishawaka Al Smith Invitational At Mishawaka High School Friday, three Prairie Heights Panthers and two

West Noble Chargers placed in the prestigious tournament. Prairie Heights was the top area team in 20th place, scoring 80 points. West Noble was 25th with 56. Garrett was 22nd with 72 points and was led by 106pound runner-up Hayden Lee. “The kids wrestled great. We doubled the points that we had last year,” Panthers coach Brett Smith said. “You can’t complain about the improvement and growth we’ve made from year to year.” Penn nipped secondplace Merrillville 215-214 for the tourney title. Joanthan Weimer was fifth at 126 and Zach Goodyear was sixth at 195 to lead the Chargers. Weimer was 5-2 Thursday and Friday. He started with a pin of Hobart’s Merril Kikkert in 1 minute, 31 seconds, the defeated Merrillville’s Michael Martin 11-0. Weimer was pinned by South Bend Riley’s Scott Warner in 31 seconds in the championship quarterfinals. In the consolation bracket, Weimer beat Lawrence Central’s Joe Smedley 11-4 and Mishawaka’s Dan Hesch 62. Weimer lost to Peru’s Kegan Kern 10-3 in the consolation semifinsl, but recovered to defeat Warner 4-3 in the fifth-place match. At 195, Goodyear was 43 in the invitational. After winning a first-round forfeit,

EAST NOBLE: Knights will play twice today as tournament continues at Carroll about what we wanted to do against Huntington North, we were going to come out in the 1-2-2 to slow them down. They are very good in transition. We didn’t quite get that, though,” Treesh said. Kaleb Williams halted a six-minute EN scoring drought with three minutes left in the half when he hit a basket to pull to 23-5. Following an HN 3-point play, Pattee and Bryce Wolfe rattled off baskets of their own to end the half. The Vikings continued to

strengthen their lead in the second half and led by as much as 29. Behind Gordon, Dustin Mapes scored six points and Pattee pitched in four for East Noble. Pattee led the team with six rebounds. For the team to improve, it must become more consistent on offense. The Knights shot 34 percent from the field and had an assist-to-turnover ratio of 1:5. “It comes down to our offense, where we are not getting the consistency of

taking care of the ball and knocking down shots,” Treesh said. “We have been telling our kids to get shots off. When you don’t, you allow teams like North with (Noah) Reed — who is phenomenal in the full court — to go at it.” Heritage 58, East Noble 48 A little more than 12 hours removed from a difficult loss due to lack of points in the paint, the Knights pushed the ball inside and received big numbers from its tall men in






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1. (TIE BREAKER) _____________ 2. (TIE BREAKER) _____________ 3. (TIE BREAKER) _____________ NAME _____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________________________________ CITY __________________________________PHONE______________________ DEPOSIT ENTRIES AT THE NEWS SUN 102 N. MAIN STREET, KENDALLVILLE, IN 46755


1. To enter, list the teams you think will win. For the tie breakers, select the highest number of points you think will be scored by one of the winning teams. No team need be selected, only the number of points scored. ADDITIONAL TIE BREAKERS If the 3 highest scores for the week do not break the tie, the following procedures will be used: A. Win-loss record in high school games only. B. Win-loss record in high school games in The News Sun circulation area only. C. Winner will be drawn out of a hat. 2. One entry per person, per family, per mailing address. If multiple entries are judged to be from the same person - regardless of what name or address is on the entry blank - all of those entries will be disqualified. The decision of the judges is absolutely final. 3. All entries must be postmarked by THURSDAY of the contest week. 4. Winners will be announced on the Wednesday following the contest. 5. Winners limited to once every 30 days. 6. Varsity basketball players are ineligible during this contest.

1. Prairie Heights at Angola, Fri. 2. Lakeland at West Noble, Fri. 3. Fremont at Churubusco, Fri. 4. Westview at Hamilton, Fri. 5. DeKalb at New Haven, Sat. 6. Homestead at East Noble, Sat. 7. Adams Central at Garrett, Sat. 8. Fairfield at Eastside, Sat. 9. Purdue at Michigan State, Sat. 10. Seton Hall at Notre Dame, Sat.

Tavern -VVK :WPYP[Z EST. 2012

11. Ohio State at Illinois, Sat. 12. Iowa at Michigan, Sun. 13. Northwestern at Minnesota, Sun. 14. Wisconsin at Nebraska, Sun. 15. New Orleans at Butler, Sat. 16. Nebraska-Omaha at IPFW, Sat. 17. Indiana State at Creighton, Sat. 18. Temple at Kansas, Sun. 19. Trine at Alma, Sat. 20. Pacers at Celtics, Fri.



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the post. “When you coach a young team, and the kids finally see the things you go over in practice, it really comes together. We really made the point of getting the ball inside,” Treesh said. “Twenty-nine of our 48 points came from Andrew and Houston… That is how it should be for us. “Today, I believed we played better than we have any game this season. I felt the kids did a nice job making (Heritage) play to its weaknesses.”

Williams’ second score gave the Knights their first lead since early in the first quarter, a 27-25 advantage. The lead did not last long, though, as turnovers plagued East Noble in a four-minute stretch in which it did not score. Seven turnovers were created between buckets. Heritage scored 10 of the final 14 points in the third quarter. The Patriots finished 23-of-42 (55 percent) from the field and forced 19 turnovers on defense.

he pinned Center Grove’s Ben Horsman in 1:18, then lost in the quarterfinals 6-5 to Elkhart Memorial’s Tieshawn Johnson. Goodyear pinned Chesterton’s Joe Ponda in his first consolation match, then beat Lawrence Central’s Quentin Rabin 53. Goodyear lost to Lowell’s Ryan Patterson 43 in the consolation semifinals, then lost 5-3 to Merrillville’s Alex Jara in the fifth-place match. For Prairie Heights, Kyle Mockensturm (113) and Doug Levitz (126) both finished seventh while senior Matt Neeley was eighth at 152. The sophomore Mockensturm lost to South Bend Adams’ Daniel Olson in the 113 consolation quarterfinals 9-3, but recovered to beat Merrillville’s Justin Johnson 4-1 in the seventhplace match. The freshman Levitz lost in the 126 consolation quarterfinals at 126 to Elkhart Memorial’s JermelMoody Neukom, 4-0. Levitz bounced back in the seventh-place match, defeating Hesch 9-1. At 152, Neeley was pinned by Center Grove’s Mat Kelly in 3 minutes, 30 seconds, in the consolation quarterfinals, then was pinned in 49 seconds by Chesterton’s Sawyer Hallas in the seventh-place match. Neeley led Kelly before getting caught in Kelly’s headlock and stuck for the pin.

Heritage 58, East Noble 48 East Noble fgm-fga ftm-fta tp rb as st 1-6 1-2 3 3 0 3 0-1 0-0 0 0 0 0 5-7 9-9 19 7 0 1 4-12 1-3 10 3 0 0 1-3 4-4 6 1 2 0 5-6 0-1 10 3 2 0 0-0 0-0 0 0 1 1 16-35 15-19 48 17 5 5 Heritage Player fgm-fga ftm-fta tp rb as st Toles 5-7 4-6 14 6 2 2 Knapke 3-9 1-2 8 5 2 3 Sheehan 3-4 1-1 7 2 1 0 Scheumann 5-8 0-1 10 3 0 0 Gerardot 0-3 2-5 2 1 1 1 Lockett 5-5 3-6 13 1 3 3 Scott 2-5 0-0 4 3 0 0 Franke 0-1 0-0 0 1 0 1 Horne 0-0 0-0 0 1 0 0 Totals 23-43 11-20 58 23 9 10 East Noble 7 13 11 17 — 48 Heritage 12 1 1 12 23 — 58 Three-point shooting — East Noble 1-6 (Williams 1-3, T ackett 0-1, W olfe 0-1, Pattee 0-1); Herit age 1-4 (K napke 1-3, Scheumann 0-1). Turnovers — East Noble 19, Heritage 10. T eam rebounds — East Noble 0, Heritage 1. Player Tackett Sharp Gordon Williams Wolfe Pattee Wible Totals

CHARGERS: Gibson’s 11 points leads West Noble FROM PAGE B1

after a 90-second stretch without a point either way, the Blazers rained threes on the Chargers. Preston “P.J.” Dean hit one; after two West Noble misses, Dalton Shetler hit one. After two more Charger misses, Dean dialed long distance again. The Chargers missed on their next possession, and Jayden Lilly scored inside. After another West Noble miss, Dean hit another bomb, and it was 16-2 Blazers with three minutes left in the opening quarter. Out of a timeout, West Noble got going, as Nick Thomas hit a three, a Johnny Miller’s offensive rebound and a Keith Gibson free throw got the visitors within eight after one, 16-8. “We shot well early, but I thought we were very good in transition early,” Eastside coach Ryan Abbott said. “We were able to get it deep in the paint and get kick-outs. That enables our shooters to get their feet set.” After their quick start, the Blazers went more than eight minutes without a point, but another Dean three, his fourth of the half, kept the hosts in front, 19-15, with 2:52 left in the half. West Noble’s Nick Noe scored inside in the closing seconds of the half to keep it at four, 22-18. Eastside extended the lead to seven on a Lilly three to open the third, but West Noble’s Drew Schermerhorn, saddled with three first-half fouls, caught fire, hitting two threes, and Phil Miller added one, to give the visitors a 3328 lead with 90 seconds left. After an Eastside miss, Miller whipped a pass to Thomas, who sank a three at the buzzer for a 36-30 lead. Eastside’s Dalton Shetler hit a baseline jumper early in the fourth to cut the margin

West Noble 43, Eastside 39


West Noble’s Drew Schermerhorn, right, pulls a rebound away from Eastside’s Zac Newcomer during first-half play at Butler Friday. The Chargers won, 43-39.

to four. Gibson hit a free throw, then scored inside to make it 41-34 with two minutes to go. Eastside’s Jared Yoder hit a three, and Blake Blaker swiped the ball in the final minute, but the hosts missed a short-range bank shot. Miller iced the game with two free throws with 21 seconds to play. Lilly led Eastside with 16 points, and Dean finished with 14. Gibson had 11 and Schermerhorn added nine to lead West Noble. “They hit shots in the first quarter,” Best said of the Blazers. “We just weren’t closing out or getting our hands up. That’s what happens.” “We just couldn’t get that one more inside finish that we needed,” Abbott said. “They make it tough to score in the lane. They force you to make those kick-out threes. “All of our talk before the

West Noble Players fg-fgaft-fta pts reb ast st Evans g 1-3 0-0 2 2 1 0 Schermerhorn g 3-7 1-1 9 2 2 1 Thomas g 2-6 0-3 6 5 1 2 P.Miller f 2-3 2-2 7 7 4 0 Rosales c 1-3 0-0 2 1 1 0 Noe 1-8 2-3 4 6 1 1 Jo.Miller 1-2 0-0 2 2 0 0 Gibson 4-5 3-6 11 2 0 2 Stover 0-2 0-0 0 1 0 0 Moser 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 Totals 15-398-15 43 28 10 6 Eastside Players fg-fgaft-fta pts reb ast st Shetler g 2-10 0-0 5 3 2 2 Dean g 5-14 0-0 14 3 1 1 Renier g 0-2 1-2 1 5 5 2 Liechty f 0-5 0-0 0 3 0 0 Lilly f 6-10 3-4 16 12 1 2 Yoder 1-3 0-0 3 2 0 0 Newcomer 0-2 0-0 0 1 0 0 Ju.Miller 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 Blaker 0-0 0-0 0 1 0 2 Totals 14-46 4-6 39 30 9 9 West Noble 8 10 18 7 — 43 Eastside 16 6 8 9 — 39 Three-point shooting — W est Noble 5-18 (Schermerhorn 2-4, Thomas 2-5, P.Miller 12, Gibson 0-1, Jo.Miller 0-1, Noe 0-1, Evans 0-2), Eastside 7 -19 (Dean 4-8, Lilly 1-1, Yoder 1-2, Shetler 1-5, Liec hty 0-1, Newcomer 0-2). T eam rebounds — W est Noble 2, Eastside 2. F ouled out — none. Total fouls — W est Noble 11, Eastside 1 7. Turnovers — West Noble 14, Eastside 14.

game was becoming a great team,” he added. “I think we’re a good team, but to become a great team, we have to beat a great team. “(West Noble) has some tools. They have big guys, they have drivers and they have shooters,” Abbott said. “We just couldn’t get it done late in the game. A couple of possessions here or there, and I think it’s a different game.” Both teams return to conference play next weekend. West Noble hosts Lakeland Friday and Eastside hosts Fairfield Saturday. West Noble 46, Eastside JV 34 The Chargers had a balanced scoring attack in beating the Blazers. Waylon Richardson had 13 points, Kyler Warble and Drew Wiley had nine each, and Nik Wisser added eight. Eastside got eight points from Ethan Moughler, seven from Rob Singer, and six each from Tristan Sprunger and Zach Yoder.



Area Boys Basketball NORTHEAST HOOSIER CONF. TEAMS NHC ALL Columbia City Eagles 1-0 8-0 DeKalb Barons 1-0 6-3 Homestead Spartans 1-0 8-2 New Haven Bulldogs 1-0 3-1 Bellmont Braves 0-1 2-5 Carroll Chargers 0-1 2-6 East Noble Knights 0-1 1-8 Norwell Knights 0-1 6-1 Friday’s Gam es Holiday Hoops Tournam ent At East Noble DeKalb 66, Prairie Heights 50 Heritage 58, East Noble 48 Homestead 91, Prairie Heights 3 6 Homestead 51, DeKalb 50 Huntington North 51, East Noble 31 Holiday Hoops Tournam ent At Colum bia City Carroll 82, Churubusco 25 Columbia City 7 6, Blackhawk Christian 29 Marion 53, Carroll 44 Columbia City vs. Munster Saturday’s Gam es Adams Central at Bellmont Leo at Norwell DeKalb, East Noble, Homestead, Columbia City in Holiday Hoops Tournament at Carroll Noblesville Tournam ent SB Adams vs. Noblesville New Haven vs. Hammond Noll Tuesday’s Gam es At Mem orial Coliseum Columbia City vs. Northridge New Haven vs. Huntington North Wednesday’s Gam es Carroll at FW Dwenger Friday, Jan. 4 Columbia City at Bellmont Saturday, Jan. 5 Homestead at East Noble DeKalb at New Haven Norwell at Carroll NORTHEAST CORNER CONF. TEAMS NECC ALL West Noble Chargers 4-0 8-0 Westview Warriors 4-0 7-1 Fairfield Falcons 3-0 4-5 Fremont Eagles 2-0 7-1 Eastside Blazers 2-1 2-6 Angola Hornets 1-1 3-4 Hamilton Marines 1-2 5-4 Prairie Heights Panthers 1-3 3-6 Churubusco Eagles 0-3 0-8 Central Noble Cougars 0-4 2-7 Lakeland Lakers 0-4 1-7 Friday’s Gam es Leo 98, Angola 67 West Noble 43, Eastside 3 9 Bremen 58, Fairfield 54 OT Coldwater Tournam ent Fremont 60, Morenci, Mich. 48 Holiday Hoops Tournam ent At Colum bia City Carroll 82, Churubusco 25 Marion 86, Churubusco 61 Holiday Hoops Tournam ent At East Noble DeKalb 66, Prairie Heights 50 Homestead 91, Prairie Heights 3 6 Saturday’s Gam es Churubusco, Prairie Heights in Holiday Hoops Tournament at Carroll Wednesday’s Gam es Woodlan at Churubusco Thursday, Jan. 3 Garrett at Central Noble Friday, Jan. 4 Prairie Heights at Angola Fremont at Churubusco Lakeland at West Noble Westview at Hamilton Saturday, Jan. 5 Fairfield at Eastside ALLEN COUNTY ATHLETIC CONF. TEAMS ACAC ALL Adams Cent. Flying Jets 2-0 5-2 Bluffton Tigers 2-0 5-4 Leo Lions 2-0 4-4 Heritage Patriots 1-1 3-5 Woodlan Warriors 1-1 5-3 Garrett Railroaders 0-2 2-5 South Adams Starfires 0-2 2-7 Southern Wells Raiders 0-2 3-5 Friday’s Gam es Bluffton 54, Winchester 49 Leo 98, Angola 67 Union Modoc 62, South Adams 4 9 Southern Wells 77, Daleville 55 Wayne Trace, Ohio 64, Woodlan 48 Holiday Hoops Tournam ent At East Noble Heritage 58, East Noble 48 Huntington North 71, Heritage 48 Saturday’s Gam es Adams Central at Bellmont Heritage in Holiday Hoops T ournament at Carroll Wednesday’s Gam es Woodlan at Churubusco Thursday, Jan. 3 Garrett at Central Noble Saturday, Jan. 5 Adams Central at Garrett Bluffton at Woodlan Heritage at Southern Wells Leo at South Adams

Boys Basketball Results Bluffton 54, Winchester 49 Borden 67, Paoli 66 Bremen 58, Fairfield 54, OT Carmel 73, Avon 63 Chesterton 56, LaPorte 42 Danville 71, Greencastle 49 Day. Thurgood Marshall, Ohio 7 0, Ev. Bosse 57 Ev. Harrison 6 6, Huber Hts. W ayne, Ohio 57 Ev. North 67, Bowman Academy 59 Ev. Reitz 55, New Albany 5 4 Greensburg 77, Indian Creek 62 Haviland Wayne Trace, Ohio 6 4, Woodlan 48 Indpls Brebeuf 58, Lebanon 53 Indpls Broad Ripple 6 4, Heritage Christian 56 Indpls Perry Meridian 5 6, Center Grove 52 Lafayette Harrison 67, Western Boone 48 Leo 98, Angola 67 Madison 61, Salem 21 Martinsville 60, Bedford N. Lawrence 40 Mt. Vernon (Posey) 53, W ashington 48 N. White 64, Frontier 55 Princeton 56, Madison Shawe 29 Southern Wells 77, Daleville 55 Speedway 87, Indpls Ritter 71 Union (Modoc) 62, S. Adams 4 9 W. Noble 43, Eastside 3 9 Wapahani 74, Monroe Central 43 Warsaw 54, Kankakee Valley 32 Bob Wettig Tournam ent Consolation Connersville 72, Lou. Moore, Ky. 55 E. Central 56, Indpls Metro 37 Indpls Metro 5 9, Rock Creek Academy 50 Portage 53, E. Central 3 6 Portage 67, Rock Creek Academy 43 Tindley 50, Floyd Central 37 Quarterfinal Columbus North 53, Tipton 45 Guerin Catholic 62, Jennings Co. 4 4 Jeffersonville 76, Mount Lebanon, Pa. 67 Calum et Tournam ent Consolation Highland 69, Gary Lighthouse 49 Holiday Hoops Tournam ent Pool Play Pool A Columbia City 7 6, Ft. W ayne Blackhawk 29 Pool B Carroll (Allen) 82, Churubusco 25 Marion 53, Carroll (Allen) 4 4 Marion 86, Churubusco 61 Pool C Heritage 58, E. Noble 48 Huntington North 71, Heritage 48 Pool D DeKalb 66, Prairie Hts. 50 Homestead 51, DeKalb 50 Homestead 91, Prairie Hts. 3 6 Clinton Central Tournam ent First Round Carroll (Flora) 61, Clinton Prairie 37 Coldwater Tournam ent Cham pionship Fremont 60, Morenci, Mich. 48 Hall of Fam e Tournam ent First Round Indpls Cathedral 53, Jay Co. 47 Indpls Tech 72, Ft. W ayne Northrop 59 Consolation Ft. Wayne Northrop 60, Jay Co. 51 Hamilton Heights Tournament First Round Indpls Roncalli 6 9, Hanover Central 60 NIC/ NLC Shootout Northridge 61, Penn 43

North Central Tournam ent First Round E. Chicago 66, Castle 61 Indpls N. Central 78, Fishers 71 North Daviess Classic First Round Barr-Reeve 69, S. Knox 25 Boonville 68, Heritage Hills 65 Brownstown 58, Forest Park 40 N. Daviess 70, Clay City 62 Orleans 61, N. Posey 55 North Miam i Tournam ent First Round Peru 61, Whitko 58, OT Silver Creek Tournam ent First Round Clarksville 45, Silver Creek 42 Providence 46, Charlestown 38 Springs Valley Tournam ent Pool Play Pool A Loogootee 68, Springs Valley 46 Loogootee 72, Lanesville 59 Pool B Trinity Lutheran 44, W. Washington 42 Union Tournament First Round Indpls Fall Creek 60, Triton Central 47 Northeastern 74, Southwestern (Jefferson) 67 S. Ripley 75, Indiana Math and Science Academy 57 Union Co. 62, New Washington 44 Consolation New Washington 61, Indiana Math and Science Academy 54 Southwestern (Jefferson) 82, T riton Central 79, 2OT Vincennes Lincoln Tournam ent Ev. Day 60, University 37 Ev. Day 73, Vincennes Rivet 60 Indpls Howe 55, Madisonville-North Hopkins, Ky. 51 University 81, Vincennes Rivet 61 Vincennes 54, Madisonville-North Hopkins, Ky. 49 Vincennes 65, Indpls Howe 43 Wabash County Tournam ent First Round Northfield 34, Wabash 32 Southwood 48, Manchester 41 Wabash Valley Classic Consolation Casey-Westfield, Ill. 68, W. Vigo 49 Linton 78, S. Vermillion 46 Monrovia 65, Owen Valley 43 Terre Haute South 67, Turkey Run 15 Quarterfinal Northview 55, Shakamak 48 Robinson, Ill. 63, Terre Haute North 58 Rockville 59, Marshall, Ill. 41

Area Girls Basketball NORTHEAST HOOSIER CONF. TEAMS NHC ALL East Noble Knights 3-0 8-3 Norwell Knights 3-0 8-2 DeKalb Barons 2-1 7-4 Homestead Spartans 2-1 11-2 Bellmont Squaws 1-2 4-9 Carroll Chargers 1-2 5-7 Columbia City Eagles 0-3 3-12 New Haven Bulldogs 0-3 2-10 Friday’s Gam es Garrett 50, New Haven 23 Ben Davis Tournam ent Plainfield 48, Carroll 43 Bloomington South 59, Carroll 46 Northridge Tournam ent Northridge 56, Columbia City 41 Homestead 58, Hobart 37 Homestead 46, Portage 45 Columbia City 58, Concord 38 Saturday’s Gam es Norwell Shootout Norwell vs. Plymouth Norwell vs. Wawasee Wednesday’s Games East Noble at Angola Wednesday’s Gam es East Noble at Angola DeKalb at Eastside Norwell at Leo Friday, Jan. 4 Carroll at Norwell New Haven at DeKalb East Noble at Homestead Saturday, Jan. 5 Bellmont at Columbia City NORTHEAST CORNER CONF. TEAMS NECC ALL Angola Hornets 6-0 9-2 West Noble Chargers 6-1 8-4 Fairfield Falcons 5-1 6-4 Westview Warriors 5-1 7-5 Prairie Heights Panthers 4-3 6-5 Fremont Eagles 3-2 7-5 Lakeland Lakers 2-5 2-10 Churubusco Eagles 1-4 2-10 Hamilton Marines 1-4 1-6 Eastside Blazers 0-5 0-9 Central Noble Cougars 0-7 0-13 Friday’s Gam es Heritage 51, Churubusco 13 Coldwater Tournam ent Fremont 40, Niles, Mich. 33 Saturday’s Gam es Tippecanoe Valley at West Noble South Adam s Tournam ent Eastside vs. Blackhawk Christian South Adams vs. Seton Catholic Ham ilton Tournam ent Hamilton vs. Pioneer Kouts vs. Centerville Wednesday’s Gam es East Noble at Angola DeKalb at Eastside LaVille at Central Noble Thursday, Jan. 3 Westview at Hamilton Friday, Jan. 4 Prairie Heights at Angola Eastside at Fairfield Fremont at Churubusco Lakeland at West Noble Saturday, Jan. 5 Churubusco at Hamilton ALLEN COUNTY ATHLETIC CONF. TEAMS ACAC ALL Woodlan Warriors 4-0 7-3 Garrett Railroaders 3-1 8-4 Leo Lions 3-1 9-2 Southern Wells Raiders 3-1 8-2 Adams Cent. Flying Jets 1-3 3-7 Heritage Patriots 1-3 8-5 South Adams Starfires 1-3 4-7 Bluffton Tigers 0-4 4-8 Friday’s Gam es Garrett 50, New Haven 23 Heritage 51, Churubusco 13 Adams Central at Muncie South Saturday’s Gam es Randolph Southern at Southern Wells Woodlan at Antwerp, Ohio South Adam s Tournam ent Eastside vs. Blackhawk Christian South Adams vs. Seton Catholic Wednesday’s Gam es Norwell at Leo Northfield at Bluffton Friday, Jan. 4 Garrett at Bluffton Adams Central at Heritage Woodlan at Leo Southern Wells at South Adams Saturday, Jan. 5 Adams Central at Lakewood Park

Men’s Basketball Summaries At Bloomington No. 5 I NDIANA 93, JACKSONVILLE 59 JACKSONVILLE (5-8) Fritsch 5-10 0-1 15, Fleming 4-7 0-3 8, G. Powell 3-7 0-0 6, R. P owell 2-6 0-0 4, Haywood 3-10 2-2 9, Bogus 2-7 1-2 7, Graham 2-3 2-5 8, Bell 0-2 0-0 0, Spurling 0-0 0-0 0, Alderman 1-4 0-0 2. Totals 22-56 5-13 59. INDIANA (12-1) Watford 3-7 5-6 11, Zeller 5-8 6-8 16, Hulls 6-9 2-2 20, Oladipo 5-6 2-2 14, Ferrell 2-5 1-2 6, Sheehey 6-13 0-1 14, Mosquera-Perea 1-1 4-4 6, Smith 0-1 0-0 0, Wayer 0-1 0-0 0, Abell 1-5 2-2 4, Howard 0-0 0-0 0, Elston 0-1 2-4 2, Jurkin 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 29-57 24-31 93. Halftime—Indiana 48-33. 3-Point Goals—Jacksonville 10-17 (Fritsch 5-7, Graham 2-2, Bogus 2-4, Haywood 1-3, Bell 0-1), Indiana 11-25 (Hulls 6-9, Oladipo 2-3, Sheehey 2-3, F errell 1-4, Zeller 0-1, Elston 0-1, Abell 0-2, Watford 0-2). F ouled Out—Alderman, Fleming. Rebounds—Jacksonville 28 (G. Powell 12), Indiana 41 (Oladipo 7). Assists—Jacksonville 11 (R. P owell 7), Indiana 21 (F errell 10). T otal Fouls— Jacksonville 25, Indiana 20. A—17,472.

Men’s College Basketball EAST Albany (NY) 71, Navy 61 Brown 69, Providence 68 Bucknell 66, Loyola (Md.) 46 Buffalo 84, Notre Dame (Ohio) 64 Colgate 74, Binghamton 47 Cornell 79, St. Francis (Pa.) 67 Detroit at Temple, ppd. Rutgers 68, Rider 56 Saint Joseph's 96, Iona 91

Seton Hall 60, Stony Brook 59 Villanova 70, NJIT 60 SOUTH LSU 75, Houston Baptist 58 Memphis 72, Oral Roberts 57 Southern Miss. 94, Morehead St. 58 Thomas More 83, Cincinnati Christian 81 MIDWEST Chicago 66, Albion 49 Cleveland St. 79, Rio Grande 59 E. Michigan 87, Siena Heights 49 Indiana 93, Jacksonville 59 North Dakota 56, Bowling Green 53 Olivet 72, Marygrove 69 Saint Louis 68, SIU-Edwardsville 41 SOUTHWEST Texas Tech 85, NC A&T 74 FAR WEST Gonzaga 94, Baylor 87 TOURNAMENT Dr Pepper Classic First Round Chattanooga 68, High Point 61 Utah Valley 84, Austin Peay 77 UCF Holiday Classic First Round UCF 62, Howard 45

Top 25 Basketball Schedule Saturday's Games No. 1 Duke vs. Santa Clara, Noon No. 2 Michigan vs. Central Mic higan, 7 p.m. No. 4 Louisville vs. Kentucky, 4 p.m. No. 6 Kansas vs. American, 8 p.m. No. 9 Syracuse vs. Alcorn State, 7 p.m. No. 10 Ohio St ate vs. Chicago St ate, 4:30 p.m. No. 12 Illinois vs. Auburn at the United Center, 2:15 p.m. No. 14 Florida vs. Air Force at the BB&T Center, Sunrise, Fla., 4:30 p.m. No. 16 Creighton vs. Evansville, 8:05 p.m. No. 18 Butler at Vanderbilt, 8 p.m. No. 20 UNLV at North Carolina, 2 p.m. No. 23 N.C. St ate vs. W estern Michigan, Noon No. 25 Kansas State vs. UMKC, 7 p.m.

NBA Standings EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division W L Pct GB New York 21 8 .724 — Brooklyn 15 14 .517 6 Boston 14 14 .500 6½ Philadelphia 14 15 .483 7 Toronto 10 20 .333 11½ Southeast Division W L Pct GB Miami 20 7 .741 — Atlanta 18 9 .667 2 Orlando 12 17 .414 9 Charlotte 7 22 .241 14 Washington 4 23 .148 16 Central Division W L Pct GB Indiana 17 12 .586 — Milwaukee 15 12 .556 1 Chicago 15 12 .556 1 Detroit 10 22 .313 8½ Cleveland 7 24 .226 11 WESTERN CONFERENCE Southwest Division W L Pct GB San Antonio 23 8 .742 — Memphis 18 8 .692 2½ Houston 16 13 .552 6 Dallas 12 18 .400 10½ New Orleans 6 23 .207 16 Northwest Division W L Pct GB Oklahoma City 22 6 .786 — Denver 17 14 .548 6½ Portland 14 13 .519 7½ Minnesota 13 13 .500 8 Utah 15 15 .500 8 Pacific Division W L Pct GB L.A. Clippers 23 6 .793 — Golden State 19 10 .655 4 L.A. Lakers 14 15 .483 9 Phoenix 11 19 .367 12½ Sacramento 9 19 .321 13½ Thursday's Games Oklahoma City 111, Dallas 105, OT L.A. Clippers 106, Boston 77 Friday's Games Indiana 97, Phoenix 91 Washington 105, Orlando 97 Atlanta 102, Cleveland 94 Brooklyn 97, Charlotte 81 Detroit 109, Miami 99 Toronto 104, New Orleans 97, OT Denver 106, Dallas 85 San Antonio 122, Houston 116 L.A. Clippers at Utah, late New York at Sacramento, late Philadelphia at Golden State, late Portland at L.A. Lakers, late Saturday's Games Indiana at Atlanta, 7 p.m. New Orleans at Charlotte, 7 p.m. Toronto at Orlando, 7 p.m. Cleveland at Brooklyn, 7:30 p.m. Washington at Chicago, 8 p.m. Oklahoma City at Houston, 8 p.m. Denver at Memphis, 8 p.m. Phoenix at Minnesota, 8 p.m. Miami at Milwaukee, 8:30 p.m. Philadelphia at Portland, 10 p.m. Boston at Golden State, 10:30 p.m. Sunday's Games San Antonio at Dallas, 7:30 p.m. Milwaukee at Detroit, 7:30 p.m. Boston at Sacramento, 9 p.m. Utah at L.A. Clippers, 9:30 p.m.

NBA Summaries At Indianapolis PHOENIX (91) Dudley 4-13 2-2 11, Scola 6-15 0-0 12, Gortat 6-9 3-4 15, T elfair 8-20 2-2 19, Brown 6-10 0-0 12, T ucker 0-0 0-0 0, O'Neal 2-5 2-2 6, Morris 3-3 0-2 6, Beasley 3-7 4-4 10, Marshall 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 38-82 13-16 91. INDIANA (97) George 4-12 5-6 15, W est 5-15 4-4 14, Hibbert 3-9 2-4 8, Hill 9-13 1-1 22, Stephenson 4-9 1-4 10, Augustin 0-2 2-2 2, Green 3-6 0-0 8, T .Hansbrough 5-6 2-2 12, Mahinmi 1-5 4-6 6. T otals 34-77 21-29 97. Phoenix 20 24 27 20—91 Indiana 27 31 17 22—97 3-Point Goals—Phoenix 2-14 (Dudley 15, Telfair 1-6, Beasley 0-1, Brown 0-2), Indiana 8-16 (Hill 3-4, Green 2-4, George 2-5, Stephenson 1-2, Augustin 0-1). Fouled Out—Scola. Rebounds— Phoenix 44 (Gortat 10), Indiana 5 4 (Hibbert 14). Assists—Phoenix 20 (Telfair 6), Indiana 19 (Stephenson 5). Total Fouls—Phoenix 26, Indiana 22. Technicals—Telfair. A—15,288 (18,165). At Brooklyn, N.Y. CHARLOTTE (81) Kidd-Gilchrist 1-6 0-0 3, W arrick 4-10 5-6 13, Biyombo 0-0 6-12 6, Walker 210 1-2 5, Henderson 2- 7 2-2 6, Sessions 6-15 0-2 12, Diop 0-0 0-0 0, Gordon 3-10 4-4 10, Haywood 4-7 0-0 8, J.Taylor 2-4 4-4 9, Adrien 2-2 0-0 4, R.Williams 2-2 0-0 5. T otals 28-73 2232 81. BROOKLYN (97) Bogans 3-3 0-0 9, W allace 0-3 0-2 0, Lopez 9-12 8-8 26, D.W illiams 7-14 22 19, Johnson 6-14 2-2 16, Stackhouse 0-4 0-0 0, Watson 1-4 0-0 3, Evans 23 1-2 5, Blatche 1-2 4-4 6, Brooks 3-8 3-6 9, Teletovic 1-3 0-0 2, Childress 01 0-0 0, T.Taylor 1-5 0-0 2. Totals 34-76 20-26 97. Charlotte 15 23 20 23—81 Brooklyn 33 23 24 17—97 3-Point Goals—Charlotte 3-10 (R.Williams 1-1, Kidd-Gilc hrist 1-1, J.Taylor 1-2, Walker 0-2, Sessions 0-2, Gordon 0-2), Brooklyn 9-27 (Bogans 33, D.Williams 3-5, Johnson 2-8, Watson 1-3, Wallace 0-1, T .Taylor 0-1, Stackhouse 0-2, Teletovic 0-2, Brooks 0-2). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds— Charlotte 49 (Haywood 8), Brooklyn 54 (Evans 13). Assists—Charlotte 11 (Henderson 4), Brooklyn 19 (W allace 6). Total Fouls—Charlotte 23, Brooklyn 24. Technicals—Brooklyn defensive three second. A—17,732 (17,732). At Auburn Hills, Mich. MIAMI (99) James 15-22 3-4 35, Haslem 3-5 1-2 7, Bosh 11-17 6-6 28, Chalmers 1-6 1-2 4, Miller 2-6 0-0 5, Anthony 0-0 0-0 0, Battier 2-5 0-1 6, Allen 3-13 1-1 9, Cole 2-3 0-0 5. Totals 39-77 12-16 99. DETROIT (109) Prince 4-9 2-2 11, Maxiell 4- 7 1-2 9, Monroe 3-6 0-1 6, K night 1-3 4-6 7 , Singler 5-11 1-1 12, Daye 4-5 1-2 11, Drummond 5-7 0-0 10, Bynum 10-16 23 25, Villanueva 7-10 0-0 18. Totals 4374 11-17 109. Miami 32 20 19 28— 99 Detroit 17 41 23 28—109 3-Point Goals—Miami 9-29 (James 2-4, Battier 2-5, Allen 2-7, Cole 1-1, Miller 15, Chalmers 1-6, Bosh 0-1), Detroit 1219 (Villanueva 4-5, Bynum 3-4, Daye 2-

2, Prince 1-2, K night 1-3, Singler 1-3). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds—Miami 36 (Bosh 9), Detroit 43 (Drummond 10). Assists—Miami 18 (James, Cole 5), Detroit 24 (Bynum 10). T otal Fouls— Miami 16, Detroit 20. Technicals—Bosh, Detroit defensive three second. A— 22,076 (22,076). At Cleveland ATLANTA (102) Korver 4-7 0-0 11, Smith 2-12 3-4 7 , Horford 6-11 2-2 14, Teague 11-19 2-2 27, Williams 6-12 0-0 16, Pac hulia 2-4 5-6 9, Morrow 0-1 0-0 0, Tolliver 5-7 12 13, Scott 0-2 0-0 0, Jenkins 2-3 0-0 5. Totals 38-78 13-16 102. CLEVELAND (94) Gee 2-9 6-6 10, T hompson 4-8 0-0 8, Zeller 5-11 2-2 12, Irving 12-20 0-0 28, Waiters 7-21 2-2 18, Gibson 0-1 2-2 2, Walton 1-4 0-0 2, Pargo 1-4 0-0 2, Miles 3-7 2-2 10, Jones 1-1 0-0 2. Totals 36-86 14-14 94. Atlanta 25 30 20 27—102 Cleveland 26 28 26 14— 94 3-Point Goals—Atlanta 13-24 (Williams 4-6, Korver 3-6, Teague 3-6, Tolliver 2-3, Jenkins 1-2, Smith 0-1), Cleveland 8-21 (Irving 4-7, Waiters 2-3, Miles 2-4, Walton 0-2, Pargo 0-2, Gee 0-3). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds—Atlant a 50 (Horford 11), Cleveland 43 (Thompson 8). Assists—Atlant a 27 (Teague 8), Cleveland 19 (Irving 5). Total Fouls—Atlanta 15, Cleveland 16. A—19,443 (20,562). At Washington, D.C. ORLANDO (97) Harkless 3-3 0-0 6, A yon 4-8 0-0 8, Vucevic 4-8 0-2 8, Nelson 6-15 0-0 16, Afflalo 9-21 7-7 26, Redick 9-18 0-0 23, O'Quinn 1-3 0-0 2, Jones 0-0 2-2 2, Moore 0-0 0-0 0, Smith 1-2 0-0 2, Nicholson 1-4 0-0 2, McRoberts 1-4 00 2. Totals 39-86 9-11 97. WASHINGTON (105) Webster 3-7 0-0 8, Nene 7-11 9-10 23, Okafor 1-7 0-0 2, Mack 2-7 0-0 4, Beal 4-12 3-3 11, Seraphin 8-18 1-2 1 7, Temple 6-8 0-0 13, Crawford 11-16 22 27, Martin 0-2 0-0 0, Vesely 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 42-88 15-17 105. Orlando 31 20 21 25— 97 Washington 25 29 26 25—105 3-Point Goals—Orlando 10-28 (Redic k 5-12, Nelson 4- 7, Afflalo 1-6, McRoberts 0-3), W ashington 6-20 (Crawford 3-5, Webster 2-3, Temple 13, Martin 0-2, Beal 0-3, Mac k 0-4). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds—Orlando 44 (Vucevic 11), W ashington 53 (Okafor, Nene 11). Assists—Orlando 25 (Nelson 8), Washington 25 (Crawford, Temple 6). T otal Fouls—Orlando 13, Washington 14. T echnicals— McRoberts, Orlando defensive three second. A—15,789 (20,308).

NBADL Standings Central Division Tulsa Sioux Falls Texas Austin Rio Grande Valley Iowa West Division Santa Cruz Bakersfield Los Angeles Reno Idaho East Division

W 8 7 8 7 5 3

L 4 4 5 6 6 7

Pct .667 .636 .615 .538 .455 .300

GB — ½ ½ 1½ 2½ 4

W 7 8 5 3 1

L 2 5 4 6 11

Pct .778 .615 .556 .333 .083

GB — 1 2 4 7½

W L Pct GB Maine 8 4 .667 — Erie 7 4 .636 ½ Canton 7 8 .467 2½ Springfield 4 6 .400 3 Fort Wayne 4 10 .286 5 Thursday's Games Santa Cruz 113, Springfield 101 Friday's Games Erie 105, Austin 91 Canton 104, Tulsa 96 Fort Wayne 107, Texas 97 Maine at Sioux Falls, late Los Angeles at Iowa, late Reno at Idaho, late Springfield at Santa Cruz, late Saturday's Games Fort Wayne at Erie, 7 p.m. Tulsa at Canton, 7:30 p.m. Maine at Sioux Falls, 8 p.m. Los Angeles at Iowa, 8 p.m. Reno at Idaho, 9 p.m. Rio Grande V alley at B akersfield, 10 p.m. Sunday's Games Texas at Austin, 4 p.m. Rio Grande Valley at Bakersfield, 7 p.m.

NFL Standings AMERICAN CONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF PA y-New Eng 11 4 0 .733 529331 Miami 7 8 0 .467 288289 N.Y. Jets 6 9 0 .400 272347 Buffalo 5 10 0 .333 316426 South W L T Pct PF PA y-Houston 12 3 0 .800 400303 x-Indianapolis 10 5 0 .667 329371 Tennessee 5 10 0 .333 292451 Jacksonville 2 13 0 .133 235406 North W L T Pct PF PA y-Baltimore 10 5 0 .667 381321 x-Cincinnati 9 6 0 .600 368303 Pittsburgh 7 8 0 .467 312304 Cleveland 5 10 0 .333 292344 West W L T Pct PF PA y-Denver 12 3 0 .800 443286 San Diego 6 9 0 .400 326329 Oakland 4 11 0 .267 269419 Kansas City 2 13 0 .133 208387 NATIONAL CONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF PA Washington 9 6 0 .600 408 370 Dallas 8 7 0 .533 358 372 N.Y. Giants 8 7 0 .533 387337 Philadelphia 4 11 0 .267 273402 South W L T Pct PF PA y-Atlanta 13 2 0 .867 402277 New Orleans 7 8 0 .467 423410 Tampa Bay 6 9 0 .400 367 377 Carolina 6 9 0 .400 313325 North W L T Pct PF PA y-Green Bay 11 4 0 .733 399299 Minnesota 9 6 0 .600 342314 Chicago 9 6 0 .600 349253 Detroit 4 11 0 .267 348411 West W L T Pct PF PA x-San Fran 10 4 1 .700 370260 x-Seattle 10 5 0 .667 392232 St. Louis 7 7 1 .500 286328 Arizona 5 10 0 .333 237330 x-clinched playoff spot y-clinched division Sunday, Dec. 30 Jacksonville at Tennessee, 1 p.m. Carolina at New Orleans, 1 p.m. N.Y. Jets at Buffalo, 1 p.m. Baltimore at Cincinnati, 1 p.m. Cleveland at Pittsburgh, 1 p.m. Houston at Indianapolis, 1 p.m. Philadelphia at N.Y. Giants, 1 p.m. Chicago at Detroit, 1 p.m. Tampa Bay at Atlanta, 1 p.m. Oakland at San Diego, 4:25 p.m. Arizona at San Francisco, 4:25 p.m. St. Louis at Seattle, 4:25 p.m. Kansas City at Denver, 4:25 p.m. Green Bay at Minnesota, 4:25 p.m. Miami at New England, 4:25 p.m. Dallas at Washington, 8:20 p.m.

NFL Playoff Scenarios AFC CLI NCHED: Houston, AFC South; Denver, AFC West; New England, AFC East; Baltimore, AFC North; Indianapolis, No. 5 playoff spot; Cincinnati, No. 6 playoff spot. HOUSTON (at Indianapolis) Clinches first-round bye with: — Win or tie, or — New England loss or tie, or — Denver loss Clinches home-field advant age throughout AFC playoffs with: — Win, or — Tie AND Denver loss or tie, or — New England loss or tie AN D Denver loss DENVER (vs. Kansas City) Clinches first-round bye with: — Win or tie, or — New England loss or tie Clinches home-field advant age throughout AFC playoffs with: — Win AND Houston loss or tie, or — Tie AND Houston loss

NEW ENGLAND (vs. Miami) Clinches first-round bye with: — Win AND Denver or Houston loss Clinches home-field advant age throughout AFC playoffs with: — Win AND Denver and Houston loss NFC CLINCHED: Atlanta, NFC South and home-field advantage; Green Bay, NFC North; San Francisco, playoff spot; Seattle, playoff spot GREEN BAY (at Minnesota) Clinches first-round bye with: — Win, or — Tie AND San Francisco loss or tie, or — San Francisco loss AND Seattle loss or tie SAN FRANCISCO (vs. Arizona) Clinches NFC West with: — Win or tie, or — Seattle loss or tie Clinches first-round bye with: — Win AND Green Bay loss or tie, or — Tie AND Green Bay loss SEATTLE (vs. St. Louis) Clinches NFC West with: — Win AND San Francisco loss Clinches first-round bye with: — Win AND San Francisco loss AN D Green Bay loss WASHINGTON (vs. Dallas) Clinches NFC East with: — Win or tie Clinches playoff spot with: — Chicago loss AND Minnesota loss DALLAS (at Washington) Clinches NFC East with: — Win NY GIANTS (vs. Philadelphia) Clinches playoff spot with: — Win AND Dallas loss or tie AN D Chicago loss AND Minnesota loss MINNESOTA (vs. Green Bay) Clinches playoff spot with: — Win, or — Tie AND Chicago loss or tie, or — Dallas loss or tie AN D N.Y. Giants loss or tie AND Chicago loss CHICAGO (at Detroit) Clinches playoff spot with: — Win AND Minnesota loss or tie, or — Tie AND Minnesota loss

College Bowl Schedule Friday, Dec. 28 Independence Bowl At Shreveport, La. Ohio 45, Louisiana-Monroe 14 Russell Athletic Bowl, At Orlando, Fla. Virginia Tech 13, Rutgers 10 OT Meineke Car Care Bowl, At Houston Minnesota (6-6) vs. T exas Tech (7-5), late Saturday, Dec. 29 Armed Forces Bowl At Fort Worth, Texas Rice (6-6) vs. Air F orce (6-6), 11:45 a.m. (ESPN) Fight Hunger Bowl, At San Francisco Arizona State (7-5) vs. Navy (7-4), 3:15 p.m. (ESPN2) Pinstripe Bowl, At New York Syracuse (7-5) vs. West Virginia (7-5), 3:15 p.m. (ESPN) Alamo Bowl, At San Antonio Texas (8-4) vs. Oregon State (9-3), 6:45 p.m. (ESPN) Buffalo Wild Wings Bowl At Tempe, Ariz. Michigan State (6-6) vs. T CU (7-5), 10:15 p.m. (ESPN) Monday, Dec. 31 Music City Bowl, At Nashville, Tenn. Vanderbilt (8-4) vs. N.C. St ate (7-5), Noon (ESPN) Sun Bowl, At El Paso, Texas Georgia Tech (6-7) vs. Southern Cal (75), 2 p.m. (CBS) Liberty Bowl, At Memphis, Tenn. Iowa State (6-6) vs. Tulsa (10-3), 3:3 0 p.m. (ESPN) Chick-fil-A Bowl, At Atlanta LSU (10-2) vs. Clemson (10-2), 7:3 0 p.m. (ESPN) Tuesday, Jan. 1 Heart of Dallas Bowl, At Dallas Purdue (6-6) vs. Oklahoma St ate (7-5), Noon (ESPNU) Gator Bowl, At Jacksonville, Fla. Mississippi State (8-4) vs. Northwestern (9-3), Noon (ESPN2) Capital One Bowl, At Orlando, Fla. Georgia (11-2) vs. Nebrask a (10-3), 1 p.m. (ABC) Outback Bowl, At Tampa, Fla. South Carolina (10-2) vs. Mic higan (84), 1 p.m. (ESPN) Rose Bowl, At Pasadena, Calif. Stanford (11-2) vs. W isconsin (8-5), 5 p.m. (ESPN) Orange Bowl, At Miami Northern Illinois (12-1) vs. Florida St ate (11-2), 8:30 p.m. (ESPN) Wednesday, Jan. 2 Sugar Bowl, At New Orleans Florida (11-1) vs. Louisville (10-2), 8:30 p.m. (ESPN) Thursday, Jan. 3 Fiesta Bowl, At Glendale, Ariz. Kansas State (11-1) vs. Oregon (11-1), 8:30 p.m. (ESPN) Friday, Jan. 4 Cotton Bowl, At Arlington, Texas Texas A&M (10-2) vs. Oklahoma (10-2), 8 p.m. (FOX) Saturday, Jan. 5 BBVA Compass Bowl At Birmingham, Ala. Pittsburgh (6-6) vs. Mississippi (6-6), 1 p.m. (ESPN) Sunday, Jan. 6 Bowl, At Mobile, Ala. Kent State (11-2) vs. Arkansas State (93), 9 p.m. (ESPN) Monday, Jan. 7 BCS National Championship At Miami Notre Dame (12-0) vs. Alabama (12-1), 8:30 p.m. (ESPN)

Kendallville USBC Bowling Association Weekly High Scores Week of Dec. 16-Dec. 22 High game High Series MOOSE 1301 Individual Jennifer Speaker 206 515 Doug Speaker 300 749 Team Three Lites & A Bud 978 Golden Domers 2855 SUNDAY NITERS Individual Lisa Terry 200 Kaitlin Smith 479 Sam Anglin 300 766 Team Gutter Ratz 964 2770 MONDAY SALLIES Individual Angela Hensley 253 603 TEAM Lucky Chrames 1232 Shadow Bowl 3525 MONDAY NITE FOOTBALL Individual Brandy Shuherk 146 370 Jared Maracellus 269 Sam Anglin 712 TEAM Average Joes 726 2039 KENDALL KELGERS Individual Angela Hensley 222 605 Team Quack Pack 1131 L & B Motorsports 3251 Bud Campbell Memorial Individual Mindy Kaufman 215 552 Josh Kirkpatric 288 790 Team Marathon 1193 Dynamite 3456 Industrial Individual Cory Cooper 280 Brian Mapes 729 Team K-ville Do It Center 1206 3533 B & M CAMPBELL MEMORIAL YOUTH LEAGUE Bantam Division Lydia DeGroff 88 133 Chrisopher Willavize 60 91 B & M Memorial Youth League Jr. / Sr. division Individual Cheyene Woods 177 Kaite Cramer 484 Cory Rhodes 204 598 Team Team # 1 1040 Team # 2 2987

Transactions BASKETBALL National Basketball Association NBA — Announced the retirement of executive counsel for business and finance Harvey Benjamin.


SPORTS BRIEFS • Saints’ Payton gets extension NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Suspended New Orleans Saints head coach Sean Payton has agreed in principle to a multiyear contract extension, according to two people familiar with the deal. The people told The Associated Press about the deal Friday on condition of anonymity because it hasn’t been signed and final details regarding the length of the contract and financial compensation are still being worked out. Payton was due to begin Payton his seventh season as the Saints’ head coach in 2012 before being suspended for the whole season by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell in connection with the NFL’s bounty investigation. Payton signed an extension in 2011, but Goodell objected to certain language in that deal, leaving Payton’s future uncertain until the deal was reached Friday. The agreement was first reported by Fox Sports. Payton is the only coach in Saints history to win a Super Bowl, a title earned at the end of the 2009 season. But his legacy was tarnished by the NFL’s bounty probe, as Goodell ruled that Payton failed to exert proper institutional control over a cash-for-hits bounty program run by former defensive coordinator Gregg Williams from 2009-2011.

NHL makes offer to players NEW YORK (AP) — The NHL made a new offer to the players’ association, hoping to spark talks toward ending the long lockout and saving the hockey season. Deputy commissioner Bill Daly said Friday the league presented its proposal Thursday and was waiting for a response. The sides haven’t met in person since a second round of talks with a federal mediator broke down Dec. 13. The lockout has reached its 104th day, and the NHL said it doesn’t want a season of less than 48 games. That means a deal would need to be reached mid-January. “We delivered to the union a new, comprehensive proposal for a successor CBA,” Daly said in a statement Friday. “We are not prepared to discuss the details of our proposal at this time. We are hopeful that once the union’s staff and negotiating committee have had an opportunity to thoroughly review and consider our new proposal, they will share it with the players. We want to be back on the ice as soon as possible.” A person familiar with key points of the offer told The Associated Press that the league proposed raising the limit of individual free-agent contracts to six years from five — seven years if a team re-signs its own player; raising the salary variance from one year to another to 10 percent, up from 5 percent; and one compliance buyout for the 2013-14 season that wouldn’t count toward a team’s salary cap but would be included in the overall players’ share of income. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because details of the new offer were not being discussed publicly. The NHL maintained the deferred payment amount of $300 million it offered in its previous proposal, an increase from an earlier offer of $211 million. The initial $300 million offer was pulled off the table after negotiations broke off earlier this month.

ON THE AIR • PR E P BAS KETBALL DeKalb, East Noble in Holiday Hoops Tournament, WAWK-FM 95.5,, TBA COLLEGE BASKETBALL Santa Clara vs. Duke, E S PN2, noon Temple vs. Michigan State women, Big Ten, noon Purdue vs. William & Mary, E S PN3, 2 p.m. U N LV vs. North Car olina, E S PN2, 2 p.m. Auburn vs. Illinois, Big Ten, 2:15 p.m. Kentucky vs. Louisville, CBS, 4 p.m. Chicago State vs. Ohio State, Big Ten, 4:30 p.m. Central Michigan vs. Michigan, Big Ten, 7 p.m. Washington vs. Connecticut, E S PN2, 7:30 p.m. Butler vs. Vanderbilt, E S PN U, 8 p.m. N BA BAS KETBALL Washington vs. Chic ago, WG N, 8 p.m. COLLEG E FOOTBALL Armed Forces Bowl, Rice vs. Air Force, E S PN, 11:45 a.m. Pinstripe Bowl, West Virginia vs. Syracuse, E S PN, 3:15 p.m. Fight Hunger Bowl, Navy vs. Arizona State, E S PN2, 4 p.m. Alamo Bowl, Texas vs. Oregon, E S PN, 6:45 p.m. Buffalo Wild Wings Bowl, TCU vs. Michigan State, E S PN, 10:15 p.m. S PORTS TALK DeKalb Coaches Corner, WAWK-FM 95.5, 10:30 a.m. East Noble Coaches Corner, WAWK-FM 95.5, 11 a.m.




Charity begins with creation of wealth harity — helping people who have trouble helping themselves — is a good thing two times over. It’s good for the beneficiary and good for the donor, too. Stephen Post’s fine book, “The Hidden Gifts of Helping,” reveals that 76 percent of Americans say that helping others is what makes them most happy. Giving money makes us feel good, and helping face-to-face is even better. People say it makes them feel physically healthier. They sleep better. Private charity is unquestioningly better than government efforts to help people. Government squanders Charities sometime JOHN money. squander money, too, but they STOSSEL usually don’t. Proof of the superiority of private over government efforts is everywhere. Catholic charities do a better job educating children than government We can’t give unless we — for much less money. (or someone) first New York City’s governcreates. Yet wealth ment left Central Park a creators are encouraged dangerous mess. Then a to feel guilt. private charity rescued it. But while charity is important, let’s not overlook something more important: Before we can help anyone, we first need something to give. Production precedes donation. Advocates of big government forget this. We can’t give unless we (or someone) first creates. Yet wealth creators are encouraged to feel guilt. “Bill Gates, or any billionaire, for that matter,” Yaron Brook, author of “Free Market Revolution” and president of the Ayn Rand Institute, said on my TV show, “how did they become a billionaire? By creating a product or great service that benefits everybody. And we know it benefits us because we pay for it. We pay less than what it’s worth to us. That’s why we trade — we get more value than what we give up. So, our lives are better off. Bill Gates improved hundreds of millions of lives around the world. That’s how he became a billionaire.” Gates walks in the footprints of earlier creators, like John D. Rockefeller, who got rich by lowering the price of oil products, and Cornelius Vanderbilt, who did the same for transportation. The clueless media called them robber barons, but they were neither robbers nor barons. They and other creators didn’t just give us products to improve our lives, they also employed people. That’s charity that keeps on giving, because employees keep working and keep supporting their families. “That’s not charity,” Brook said. “(It’s) another trade. You pay your employees and get something in return. But the employee is better off, and you are better off. “And when you start thinking about the multiplier effect, $50 billion for Bill Gates? That’s nothing compared to the value he added to the world. That is much greater than the value he’ll ever add in any kind of charitable activity.” Gates now donates billions and applies his critical thinking skills to charity. He tested ideas in education, like small high schools, and dumped them when they didn’t work. Good. But if he reinvested his charity money in Microsoft, might he have helped more people? Maybe. Brook points out that Gates gets credit for his charity, but little credit for having created wealth. “Quite the contrary,” Brook said. “We sent the Justice Department to go after him. He’s considered greedy, in spite of all the hundreds of millions of people he’s helped, because he benefited at the same time. (When) he shifted to charity, suddenly he’s a good guy. My complaint is not that he’s doing the charity. It’s that we as a society value not the creation, not the building, not the accumulation of wealth. … What we value is the charity. Yes, it’s going to have good impact, but is that what’s important? … Charity is fine, but not the source of virtue. The source of virtue is the creation and the b uilding.” What especially offends Brook, and me, too, is stigmatizing wealth creators. The rich are made to feel guilty about making mone y. I sometimes attend “lifetime achievement award” ceremonies meant to honor a businessman. Inevitably, his charity work is celebrated much more enthusiastically than his business creation. Sometimes the businessman says he wants to “give back.” Says Brook, “It’s wrong for businessmen to feel like they need to ‘give back’ as if they took something away from anybody.” He’s right. They didn’t. If we value benevolence, we must value creation.

Letter Policy • The News Sun welcomes letters to the Voice of the People column. All letters must be submitted with the author’s signature, address and telephone number. The News Sun reserves the right to reject or edit letters on the basis of libel, poor taste or repetition. Mail or deliver letters to The News Sun, 102 N. Main St., P.O. Box 39, Kendallville, IN 46755. Letters may be emailed to Please do not send letters as attachments.


JOHN STOSSEL is host of “Stossel” on the Fox Business Network. More information at

Voice Of The People • Let students watch their teams for less To the editor: I live in Kendallville and enjoy seeing the Knights win, but it’s been a tough year in a very tough conference. High school sports seem to cycle, and better years are ahead. However, I grew up in Ligonier in Red Raider days, so a part of me is al ways there. A team called the Chargers are off to a great start. Not only do they have lots of talent, but they are the most unselfish team I’ve ever watched. More than likely, they will run into a hot team on a night they aren’t at their best and will get a wake-up call. That is not always a negative (re: IU at Butler). What a deal! A couple of dollars in fuel and five bucks to get in to watch a team the west side of the county has been waiting on for years! Speaking of five dollars, what brain trust decided to charge students of all schools $5 to watch their team? No wonder, at one away game, I counted about 20 WN student body and no cheerleaders. Now, I know I may be lost

in the Fifties in some w ays, but I read enough to know our economy isn’t as hot as the Chargers. There’s an outside chance it might be more productive to let 100 students in for a buck, with some jingle in their jeans for pop and candy. Besides, what a lift for players and coaches alike! There’s a very sweet young lady who is a junior at East Noble. She took time at her part-time job to visit with me. I shared with her that I w as working on an article opposing charging students $5 to watch their own team. She looked me straight in the eye and said: “Write it.” Well, I have. Now, the students and the parents of these students need to start knocking on A.D.’s doors and calling school board members. You don’t have to agree with me, but my tax dollars help pay for our schools, and I reserve the right to speak out for that which I feel is wrong.

Laird Wysong Kendallville

‘Shop with a Cop’ a big success To the editor: The Butler Police Depart-

ment was able to make Christmas a little brighter this year for 10 children from four different families with the Shop with a Cop program. Children were treated to dinner at a local restaurant, and then taken to the Auburn Walmart for a shopping spree. They were able to buy presents for their family and for themselves. Parents were also able to pick out some presents in private so the kids would have some surprises on Christmas morning. The children ranged in age from five- to 16-years-old. This was our fifth year for doing Shop with a Cop, and this was our most successful year in raising funds for the project. I was concerned with the present economic downturn that we may not generate enough funds to carry out the project this year. However once again, the Butler community joined forces and helped us to make this a record year. It wasn’t just large companies making donations this year; numerous private citizens also made very generous donations to the program this year.

I truly feel honored and blessed to be part of such a giving community. I think people realize that it’s all about the children in the community, and all those that gave just wanted to see some kids have a much brighter Christmas. I can assure you by the smiling faces that these kids had a great time, and an e ven better Christmas due to the generosity of the Butler community. I would like to say thank you to the following businesses and private citizens that help make this years Shop with a Cop such a success: Autoline Industries, DeKalb Molded Plastics, Maxton Motors, Workers World, ColorMaster, Walmart Distribution Center, Applebee’s, Farmers & Merchants State Bank of Butler, Kitchen’s Auto Body, Air Products, Collin’s Tavern, Evans Trucking, Sudz, Paragon Steel, Jerry Markle, Nan Gerber, Bill Kurtz, Robert Beck, Kenneth Arnt DDS, Jimmy and Glenda Eck, Eloise Fry, Clara Jennings, Butler One Stop and Curt Casebere.

Jim Nichols, chief Butler Police Department

Meeting Hungarian cousins a bittersweet trip C Pusztavam, and cousins still live there. This hristmas Day in Budapest dawns is a grand adventure meeting his family. We gray and foggy. We find ourselves rent a car, mark the map and take off for the meandering around a darkened city countryside. Philip drives through the town with celebrations behind closed doors and when we arrive to show me the landmarks windows. The shops are closed, but the … the church, the small houses with churches are open. We walk up to the Old gardens and poultry in the back Town to visit St. Matyas Church yards, and the cemetery. and the Fishermen’s Bastion. The We go to the home of P al and fog turns to frost, heavy in the air Ildiko, his cousin, and park the car. and even though my clothes are Pal is outside greeting us. The layered, I am chilled through and typical greeting here is to kiss both through. cheeks or sometimes kiss the air, I We climb to the tallest point, the have noticed! We kiss and go inside. top towers of the Bastion. This Ildiko does the same. They take our stone structure was used as a coats, hats, satchels, and we immedilookout above the blue waters of the Danube. On this day we cannot LOU ANN ately sit down to noonday dinner. I to peek around a bit, b ut even see the Danube River. We just HOMAN- want nonetheless we sit. The dining room hear haunting warnings from ships as they pass through. SAYLOR is small. We sit around a table. Ildiko is always on her feet. She is We find a restaurant that is open serving or clearing or just moving for dinner, and much to my delight, around. they will have gipsy (spelled The conversation goes like this: I correctly!) music for the evening. It is charming inside, a family run business for ask Philip a question, he translates it to P al over a hundred years! There are deer trophy in German, Pal translates it to Ildiko in Hungarian, she answers in Hungarian to P al heads on the wall, bear rugs, a warm fire, who answers back to Philip in German who and a waiter that speaks a bit of German. answers back to me in English. I am ne ver There are two other couples on this cold Christmas night in Budapest. I make friends sure who to look at! Sometimes I feel as if I have spent two weeks playing Pictionary or quickly and we share our Christmas dinner charades! and wine together. In all we are from The dinner is delicious, starting with America, Belgium, Germany and Hungary. soup, moving on to duck and potatoes, and The gipsies arrive, and they are one slaw in small bowls. The wine glasses are family … grandfather, father, sons and young son. I chat with them as well, and the always kept full as well. Dessert of cak es evening begins. They play for over two and meringue tortes are set on lar ge platters along with coffee and we move to another hours and we all stay. They play “The Blue room. The translations continue as I ask Danube,” “Those were the Days,” “Love Story,” and many Hungarian folk tunes. We about Ildiko’s life, her work, her stunning embroidery, her cooking. move a few tables and make a dance floor. We take a small ride in the country with It is a wonderful way to spend our Pal while she cleans up the dishes (I of fered Christmas evening and so unexpected! more than once!) and prepares for our The week is full of more sightseeing, then it is time to visit Philip’s relatives, one evening supper. She serves the traditional of the reasons for the trip. Philip’s grandpar- Christmas meal of sauerkraut and meat. It is so delicious. We drink tea and eat small ents emigrated from Hungary. His greatgrandparents are buried in the small town of cakes again. I now have reached the 5-


Columnist Lou Ann Homan poses for a photo outside the St. Matyas Church in Budapest, Hungary, earlier this week.

pound limit. I must quit eating this Hungarian food! By evening everyone is exhausted from the talking and we take our leave. It is sad to depart. Philip says he might never see these cousins again. I understand. The journey to Hungary to visit them is dif ficult. We hug and kiss again. Ildiko gives me a box of tea and mini mugs that say “Pusztavam” on them. Farewell cousins in Pusztavam. Farewell to all our adventures here … museums, churches, the Danube, Christmas, and the great food. We are headed for England! LOU ANN HOMAN-SAYLOR lives in Angola at the White Picket Gar dens. She is a stor yteller, teacher, writer, actress and a collector of fr ont porch stories.

Police investigate subway pushing NEW YORK (AP) — The man who was shoved to his death in front of a subway train Thursday night was a 46-year-old from India who lived in New York City and worked for a printing business, police said. Investigators on Friday searched for an unidentified woman who rose from a bench and suddenly pushed the man in the back with both hands, sending him flying onto the tracks as a train entered an elevated station in Queens. Police released surveillance video of the woman fleeing the area and have been interviewing witnesses, including some who said she was mumbling and cursing to herself before the attack.

Dockworkers strike averted for now NEW YORK (AP) — Dockworkers along the East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico agreed Friday to extend their contract for more than a month, averting a weekend strike that could have crippled major ports from Boston to Houston and bottled up billions of dollars’ worth of cargo. Talks aimed at reaching a new contract covering the 14,500 longshoremen will continue during the extension, which runs through Feb. 6. The dockworkers’ union and an alliance of port operators and shipping lines agreed to the extension after resolving one of the stickier points in their negotiations, involving royalty payments to longshoremen for each container they unload. Details were not disclosed. Federal mediator George Cohen said the agreement on royalties was “a major positive step forward.”

Tens of thousands still without power in snowy Arkansas LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Entergy Arkansas says it has restored power to about 40 percent of its 194,000 customers who lost electricity in the Christmas Day winter storm, but says the pace has slowed due to the difficult nature of the job. Entergy Arkansas CEO Hugh McDonald said at a Friday news conference that he understands people without electricity are becoming dissatisfied with the publicly traded utility. But McDonald blamed the weather forecast for not quickly predicting that the state’s most populous area would get 10 inches of snow. McDonald defended Entergy’s tree-trimming program, saying the utility spends $15 million per year to clear vegetation. Without electricity, many businesses have been closed during the crucial afterChristmas sale period and grocery stores have had to throw out perishable stock.

People •

foreign minister openly opposed the bill, Putin signed it less than 24 hours after receiving it from Parliament, where it passed both houses overwhelmingly. The law also calls for Putin the closure of non-governmental organizations receiving American funding if their activities are

classified as political — a broad definition many fear could be used to close any NGO that offends the Kremlin. The law takes effect Jan. 1, the Kremlin said. Children’s rights ombudsman Pavel Astakhov said 52 children who were in the pipeline for U.S. adoption would remain in Russia. The ban is in response to a measure signed into law by President Barack Obama this month that calls for

sanctions against Russians assessed to be human rights violators. That stems from the case of Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian lawyer who was arrested after accusing officials of a $230 million tax fraud. He was repeatedly denied medical treatment and died in jail in 2009. Russian rights groups claimed he was severely beaten. A prison doctor who was the only official charged in the case was


acquitted by a Moscow court on Friday. Although there was no demonstrable connection to Putin’s signing the law a few hours later, the timing underlines what critics say is Russia’s refusal to responsibly pursue the case. The adoption ban has angered both Americans and Russians who argue it victimizes children to make a political point, cutting off a route out of frequently dismal orphanages for thousands.

Rebels beseige airport in northern Syrian city BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian rebels stepped up their siege of a government helicopter base and clashed with soldiers near Aleppo’s international airport on Friday, part of an effort to chip away at the air power that poses the biggest challenge to their advances against the regime of President Bashar Assad. That airborne threat came into stark relief the same day, when a government airstrike on a northern town killed 14 people — most of them women and children, activists said. More than 21months into Syria’s conflict, the Assad regime is counting more than ever on its air force to block rebel gains. Rebels in the north, a region largely clear of government troops, realize this and have launched campaigns to seize all the area’s airports, hoping such a move will protect their forces and the civilians who back them. This push in many ways represents the mismatched nature of Syria’s civil war, with numerous but lightly armed rebels fighting a highly sophisticated army, albeit one badly weakened by defections. Rebels say they have surrounded four airports in the northern province of Aleppo. In recent days, they have posted dozens of videos online showing fighters shooting mortars, homemade rockets and sniper rifles at targets inside

the bases. It remains unclear whether rebels will be able to seize any of the bases soon, but they have managed to stop air traffic at one and limit movement at others by firing on all approaching aircraft with heavy machine guns. “The airports are now considered the most important thing the rebels can focus on because all of the strikes now come from the air,” said Aleppo activist Mohammed Saeed via Skype. Saeed said clashes between rebels and government soldiers raged until Friday morning around the Mannagh helicopter base near the Turkish border. He said other rebel groups continued to hold positions around the Kuwiras military airport southwest of the city of Aleppo and clashed with soldiers near Aleppo’s international airport and neighboring Nerab military airport. Rebels have numerical superiority and support from most of the population in the far north, making it easy for them to surround and cut the ground supply lines to government military bases. But Assad’s forces still control the air, responding to rebel gains with airstrikes on their positions or residential areas, a tactic rebels consider collective punishment against civilians who back the revolt.

Marilyn Monroe FBI files found, reissued LOS ANGELES (AP) — FBI files on Marilyn Monroe that could not be located earlier this year have been found and re-issued, revealing the names of some of the movie star’s communist-leaning friends who drew concern from government officials and her own entourage. But the records, which previously had been heavily redacted, do not contain any new information about Monroe’s death 50 years ago. Letters and news clippings included in the files show the bureau was aware of theories the actress had been killed, but they do not show that any effort was undertaken to investigate the claims. Los Angeles authorities concluded Monroe’s death was a probable suicide. Recently obtained by The Associated Press through the Freedom of Information Act, the updated FBI files do show the extent the agency was monitoring Monroe for ties to communism in the years before her death in August 1962. The records reveal that some in Monroe’s inner circle were concerned about her association with Frederick Vanderbilt Field, who was disinherited from his wealthy family over his leftist views. A trip to Mexico earlier that year to shop for furniture brought Monroe in contact with Field, who was living in the country with his wife in self-imposed exile. Informants reported to the FBI that a “mutual infatuation” had developed between Field and Monroe, which caused concern among some

in her inner circle, including her therapist, the files state. “This situation caused considerable dismay among Miss Monroe’s entourage and also among the (American Communist Group in Mexico),” the file states. It includes references to an interior decorator who worked with Monroe’s analyst reporting her connection to Field to the doctor. Field’s autobiography devotes an entire chapter to Monroe’s Mexico trip, “An Indian Summer Interlude.” He mentions that he and his wife accompanied Monroe on shopping trips and meals and he only mentions politics once in a passage on their dinnertime conversations. “She talked mostly about herself and some of the people who had been or still were important to her,” Field wrote in “From Right to Left.” ”She told us about her strong feelings for civil rights, for black equality, as well as her admiration for what was being done in China, her anger at redbaiting and McCarthyism and her hatred of (FBI director) J. Edgar Hoover.” Under Hoover’s watch, the FBI kept tabs on the political and social lives of many celebrities, including Frank Sinatra, Charlie Chaplin and Monroe’s exhusband Arthur Miller. The bureau has also been involved in numerous investigations about crimes against celebrities, including threats against Elizabeth Taylor, an extortion case involving Clark Gable and more recently, trying to solve who killed rapper Notorious B.I.G.


In this Dec. 19 photo, people walk past a Bank of A merica branch in Philadelphia.

Fewer U.S. banks failing as industry strengthens again Financial institutions ending the year with best profits since 2006 loans to consumers rose 3.2 percent in the 12 months that ended Sept. 30 compared with the previous 12 months, according to data from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. More lending fuels more consumer spending, which drives about 70 percent of economic activity. At the same time, overall lending remains well below levels considered healthy over the long run. • Fewer banks are considered at risk of failure. In July through September, the number of banks on the FDIC’s confidential “problem list” fell for a sixth straight quarter. These banks numbered 694 as of Sept. 30 — about 9.6 percent of all federally insured banks. At its peak in the first quarter of 2011, the number of troubled banks was 888, or 11.7 percent of all federally insured institutions. • Bank failures have declined. In 2009, 140 failed. In 2010, more banks failed — 157 — than in any year since the savings and loan crisis of the early 1990s. In 2011, regulators closed 92. This year, the number of failures has trickled to 51. That’s still more than normal. In a strong economy, an average of only four or five banks close annually. But the sharply reduced pace

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. banks are ending the year with their best profits since 2006 and fewer failures than at any time since the financial crisis struck in 2008. They’re helping support an economy slowed by high unemployment, flat pay, sluggish manufacturing and anxious consumers. As the economy heals from the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, more people and businesses are taking out — and repaying — loans. And for the first time since 2009, banks’ earnings growth is being driven by higher revenue — a healthy trend. Banks had previously managed to boost earnings by putting aside less money for possible losses. Signs of the industry’s gains: • Banks are earning more. In the July-September quarter, the industry’s earnings reached $37.6 billion, up from $35.3 billion a year earlier. It was the best showing since the JulySeptember quarter of 2006, long before the financial meltdown. By contrast, at the depth of the Great Recession in the last quarter of 2008, the industry lost $32 billion. • Banks are lending a bit more freely. The value of

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of closings shows sustained improvement. • Less threat of loan losses. The money banks had to set aside for possible losses fell 15 percent in the July-September quarter from a year earlier. Loan portfolios have strengthened as more customers have repaid on time. Losses have fallen for nine straight quarters. And the proportion of loans with payments overdue by 90 days or more has dropped for 10 straight quarters. “We are definitely on the back end of this crisis,” says Josh Siegel, chief executive of Stonecastle Partners, a firm that invests in banks. The biggest boost for banks is the gradually strengthening economy. Employers added nearly 1.7 million jobs in the first 11 months of 2012. More people employed mean more people and businesses can repay loans. And after better-thanexpected economic news last week, some analysts said the economy could end up growing faster in the October-December quarter — and next year — than previously thought. That assumes Congress and the White House can strike a budget deal to avert the “fiscal cliff” — the steep tax increases and spending cuts that are set to kick in Jan. 1. If they don’t reach a deal, those measures would significantly weaken the economy.

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LOS ANGELES (AP) — Los Angeles police say actor Nick Stahl has been arrested for investigation of lewd conduct. The 33-year-old “Terminator 3” star was arrested about 8 p.m. Thursday on Hollywood Boulevard. He was booked on a misdemeanor count of lewd conduct and released from custody. The Los Angeles Times reports that Stahl was arrested at an adult movie shop during a routine undercover police operation. In May, Stahl had been reported missing by his wife, but he later turned up. Stahl was a child star who performed in the 1993 film “The Man Without a Face.” He also appeared in the 2003-2005 HBO series “Carnivale.”

MOSCOW (AP) — President Vladimir Putin on Friday signed a law banning Americans from adopting Russian children, abruptly terminating the prospects for more than 50 youngsters preparing to join new families and sparking critics to liken him to King Herod. The move is part of a harsh response to a U.S. law targeting Russians deemed to be human rights violators. Although some top Russian officials including the

c In

‘Terminator 3’ star arrested on charge of lewd conduct


Putin signs anti-U.S. adoption measure


Briefs •










Why the price of milk could double or triple Much of the talk in the news recently is about the fiscal cliff. What has been lost in all of that, however, is the lack of a passage of the Farm Bill by Congress The Farm JEFF Bill expired WOLHETER September 30, and while that has not affected us much over the last three months, it soon will. Stu Ellis, of University of Illinois Extension, has a good piece on how the lack of a new Farm Bill will start affecting us. Here is a summary of what he shared.

When Congress recessed for the election, the Senate had passed its Farm Bill proposal that cut $23 billion from the 10-year baseline for agricultural appropriations. The proposal included a stronger crop insurance program and nearly full funding of USDA’s nutrition programs. In the House, only the Agriculture Committee has approved a proposal, which cuts $35 billion from the 10year baseline spending, half of that in nutrition programs. House leadership has not called the bill for a vote, contending there are insufficient votes to pass anything. Since the election recess and the lame duck session, there has been no overt effort to approve farm legislation and the Chairman and ranking Democratic member of the

House Agriculture Committee both say they cannot see the opportunity to address the issue before the end of February. But how does that delay impact agriculture, consumers, and the food merchandising system in the U.S.? Any government support programs, such as direct payments, marketing loans, ACRE are in effect for a commodity until the end of the current marketing year. For example, that will be June 30, 2013 for wheat and August 31 for corn and soybeans. However, the dairy support program ended September 30, 2012, without any replacement. Under 1949 Permanent Law, parity prices become effective January 1, 2013 for any commodity for which the

Permanent Law has not been suspended. (Typically, each new Farm Bill suspends the 1949 legislation, but that has not happened.) Subsequently, at the expiration of the current marketing year for a commodity, familiar commodities will have some unfamiliar prices that the USDA says producers shall be paid. USDA economists calculated those prices at the end of November to be: Corn: $12.00 per bushel Soybeans: $28.90 per bushel Wheat: $18.30 per bushel Beef cattle: $292.00 per cwt Hogs: $160.00 per cwt Milk: $52.10 per cwt Parity prices are part of an economic base for agriculture using the relationship between market

prices and the cost of production between the years of 1910-1914. While this formula worked 100 years ago, there are few, if any, who believe it would work today. Nevertheless, that is where we are. Flinchbaugh’s observation on parity price suggests a doubt that Congress knows what the result of inaction will be. “Who loves this? Our competitors. Our Canadian friends think it’s great because we’ll put a floor price down and they’ll beat us on prices and our grain will be in government storage. I don’t think agriculture has awoken to this. I don’t think they know how inept this is,” Flinchbaugh said. One of more immediate issues is the impact of the

lack of farm policy on the US dairy program. Beginning January 1, 2013, the lack of a dairy program will force the USDA to begin implementing the 1949 Permanent Law for dairy producers. ThatIn brief that will require the USDA to purchase milk, store it as cheese and powdered milk, and remove enough of it from the market to cause prices to rise from the current $18 per cwt to the parity price of $52 per cwt. Such a shortage of milk is expected to push consumer prices into the $6 to $8 per gallon range. JEFF WOLHETER is the agriculture and natural resources educator for Noble County with the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service in Albion.

Winter reflections on 2012 Extension events in DeKalb JUDY OXENGER JOHNSTON

Making a run for it A rafter of turkeys crosses S and Point Road in Clear Lake during Wednesday’s snow shower that crossed through northeast Indiana. The snow may have sent some wildlife for

cover but these turkeys were definitely on the move, perhaps in search of food.

Volunteers help with cattle rescue CLAY CITY (AP) — News reports of cows skating down three miles of road around Clay City were indeed related to the grass. More than 30 friends and customers of the Yegerlehner family gathered early Saturday morning for The Swiss Connection’s biannual cattle drive. Carhartts surrounded a campfire near the family business’ barns on Clay County Road 550S, and the promise of locally raised beef franks and ice cream was eagerly anticipated. Alan Yegerlehner gathered the volunteers just before 11 a.m. and explained the process, now a tradition, of moving his 70-some dairy cattle about three miles down the road to their winter pasture. Participants from as far away as Chicago came on a chilly morning with temperatures in the lower 30s and ice on the ground to get a feel for how all-natural beef and dairy products are created. Afterward, Yegerlehner told the Tribune-Star the invitational event not only helps the farm with its commitment to all-natural production, but also connects people to their food. “We’ve talked about it before and tried to remember how long we’ve been doing it,” he laughed, guessing about 10 years. The Swiss Connection offers a wide variety of food products through its country store as well as f armers markets and high-end grocery stores and restaurants from Chicago and Indianapolis to Bloomington and Terre Haute. The 200-acre operation employs rotational grazing as part of its pasture-based system, moving cows to an 80-acre patch surrounded by woods during the winter months.

Alan Yegerlehner, lower right, and more than 20 volunteers move Yegerlehner’s cattle to their winter

pasture in rural Clay County on Dec. 22.

According to The Swiss Connection’s website, no grain supplementation is used in the dairy, setting it apart from other operations. Milk cows are moved to fresh grass twice a day. “A consistent diet of pasture with no grain or silage results in the total volume of milk being lower but much more concentrated with butterfat, protein, vitamins, minerals, and other solids,” according to information provided by the farm. But a little bit of w ork is required. Yegerlehner explained the cattle drive strategy to the group beforehand, noting many were veterans of the affair. Using two lines of string, the group created a “walking fence” with the lines on both north and south

sides of County Road 550S. The herd was headed by a tractor-pulled wagon loaded with square bales of hay and followed by trucks. Participants carried the string on both sides of the road, walking the three-mile distance at a quick tractor’s pace. The county road, still covered with bright, shiny snowmelt, was icy, and 900-pound cows skated on their hooves up and down the hills, jogging along as volunteers hustled them onward. Steaming droppings of manure splattered on white ice, and for the most part, the cows knew their way to the winter grounds. Volunteers hopped on the wagon after reaching their destination and took a hayride back to the farm.

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With the most recent winter storm raging outside, it gives me a moment to look back and reflect upon all that has happened in the world of DeKalb County Extension this year. I would like to start by saying thank you to all of the supporters of not only DeKalb County, but all Extension programs throughout Indiana and the United States. Without all of you, we would not be able to perform our jobs to the best of our abilities, to help make the best better, and have that connection with the local community. This past year, DeKalb County Extension has helped answer questions, not only in the Agriculture and Natural Resources area, but in the Health and Human Sciences and 4-H/Youth area as well, for over 700 different individuals throughout DeKalb County. From the 4H/youth aspect, Margo Long has taken hold of the reins of the 4-H/Youth program. In 2012, DeKalb County had 606 4-H members, from grades 3-12, complete projects in over 50 areas and 54 mini 4-H members (grades 1-2) complete projects in 10 areas. Seventeen youth had participated in at least one 4-H project for 10 years, with 387 youth trying projects for the first time. DeKalb County had 50 youth participate in the Junior Leader activities, 11 went to 4-H Camp at Camp Palmer in Ohio, one participated in Computer Science Camp, one in Robotics Camp, and seven participated in State 4H Round-up at Purdue University. From Health and Human Sciences, Ann Williams was busy this year holding and teaching many programs in and around DeKalb County. These programs included: “Have a Healthy Baby,” “Where Does Your Money Go?” “Dining with Diabetes,” health fairs and many other educational sessions. She also held a Strong Women, Healthy Heart class in which 16 women participated for 10 weeks, learning about exercise and nutrition to

maintain, or gain a healthier lifestyle. From the agriculture and natural resources side of DeKalb County Extension, I have helped 70 farmers and pesticide dealers maintain their Private Applicators pesticide licenses by helping host three separate Private Applicator ELYSIA RecertificaRODGERS tion Sessions. With your generosity, the DeKalb County Master Gardeners were able to raise over $2,000 for their scholarship at their annual plant sale. The scholarship is awarded to a graduating high school senior planning on studying horticulture or agriculture in college. DeKalb County also has 18 active Master Gardeners who volunteered over 800 combined hours to our communities this year!! In my own life, getting married and immediately gaining possession of three rambunctious children under the age of 7 has been a true life-changer for me. Gone are the days I was able to sleep past 7, but feeding 12 dairy calves is well worth it, besides getting to enjoy the laughter and insight our young children sometimes offer us! It has also been a challenge trying to cook for the household while the kitchen in our old farmhouse has been remodeled over the past four months, but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I hope to be back to baking wonderful treats by the new year!! It has truly been a pleasure serving each and every one of you this past year, and I look forward to helping and serving you in the coming year … no matter what challenges the weather brings!

ELYSIA RODGERS is the agriculture and natural resources director for the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service in DeKalb County.

Drought could hurt corn prices WEST LAFAYETTE — A return to more normal U.S. corn yields in 2013 could send new-crop prices spiraling downward, but persistent drought in some of the nation’s top cornproducing states could have the opposite effect, says Purdue Extension agricultural economist Chris Hurt. The U.S. Department of Agriculture predicts the midpoint of U.S. farm prices on 2012 corn will be $7.60 per bushel. If yields are more normal in 2013, Hurt said prices could fall by $2.10 to $5.50 per bushel — the largest ever year-to-year drop. “The previous largest drop in the annual farm price

was 73 cents per bushel for the 1986 crop,” he said. “The percent reduction in 1986 was 33 percent, which would compare with a 28 percent reduction in 2013 if prices dropped to $5.50.” According to Hurt, late next summer a 2013 corn crop larger than 14 billion bushels would meet a usage base that has dropped to just 11.2 billion bushels. The market must then shift from rationing corn use from the current short crop to strongly increasing use. If corn usage were to drop that low, it would take sharply falling prices to encourage endusers to return to normal usage.




Big thinker wants big changes in boyfriend DEAR ABBY: I have been dating “Lance” for about two years now. We communicate well, have great chemistry and are very affectionate with each other. Lance is kind, creative (he’s an artist) and considerate. However, he lacks ambition. I’m a big thinker who wants big things in life. I have traveled extensively and am very involved in the world of academia. Lance works in a bar three nights a week and plays video games when I’m not around. I know from our conversations that he is intelligent and capable of doing so much more. Is there any way to motivate him without nagging? I feel I may be selling myself short by being with someone who is content to sit on the couch. On the other hand, I have dated more ambitious men who turned out to be jerks.




Must women have to choose between nice guys who finish last and dominating power mongers? — ASKING TOO MUCH? IN SAN FRANCISCO DEAR ASKING TOO MUCH?: The male sex is not divided into two categories nice guys DEAR — who finish ABBY last and power mongers. If Jeanne Phillips you look around, you will see there are control freaks who finish last, and nice men who work hard at their jobs or professions and are successful. If you feel you are

selling yourself short by being with Lance, then you probably are. If you would like to motivate him, tell him you think you need to be with someone who has more direction in life. If that doesn’t galvanize him to action, nothing will.

DEAR ABBY is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. For an ex cellent guide to becoming a better conv ersationalist and a more sociable person, order “How to Be Popular.” Send y our name and mailing address, plus check or money order for $7 (U.S. funds) to: Dear Abby, Popularity Book let, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. (Shipping and handling are included in the

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DECEMBER 29, 2012 6:00

Attack regional pain syndrome with arsenal of medication skin with a feather hurts! The skin in the affected arm or leg often becomes rough, thick and swollen, and the muscles lose bulk. Because of ASK pain and the DOCTOR K. weakness, arm or leg is used less and Dr. Anthony often, this can Komaroff weaken the underlying bones. The earlier treatment begins, the better. Maintaining movement is an important goal. This is usually accomplished with physical therapy and, eventually, a regular exercise program. Medications that may help manage pain include: • nonsteroidal anti-inflam-

matory drugs (NSAIDs) and other pain relievers. • capsaicin, a cream or ointment thought to interrupt or “distract” pain signals. • certain antidepressants and anticonvulsants used in nerve pain treatment. • certain blood pressure medications, such as prazosin or clonidine. • bisphosphonates, medications that reduce bone loss. • calcitonin, which may slow bone loss and provide pain relief. • trigger-point injections of an anti-inflammatory medicine and a long-acting local anesthetic. • baclofen, which may help relieve muscle spasms. • tricyclic medicines, which are helpful with many unusual pain syndromes. • a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator (TENS) unit may help to relieve pain. Biofeedback can help to control pain, blood flow and skin tempera-






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Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope Mark Hamill. (:20) Cars 2 ('11) Larry the Cable Guy. (:10)

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On this date: • In 1890, the Wounded Knee massacre took place in South Dakota as an estimated 300 Sioux Indians were killed by U.S. troops sent to disarm them. • In 1940, during World War II, Germany dropped incendiary bombs on London, setting off what came to be known as “The Second Great Fire of London.” • In 1957, singers Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme were married in Las Vegas.



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DEAR DOCTOR K: My daughter was diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome after a car accident. She’s in a lot of pain. What do you recommend? DEAR READER: Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a longlasting condition that causes severe, constant, burning pain in the affected arm or leg. As in your daughter’s case, it usually starts after an injury or other trauma. In the last 20 years we’ve learned a lot about what goes wrong in the body with this condition, and about good treatments for it. But we still don’t have a fundamental understanding of it, or perfect treatments. What we know is that CRPS is triggered by nerve damage in injured tissue. The damaged nerves become overly sensitive. Pain signals become more painful. The brain experiences common stimuli, such as light touch, as being painful; stroking the


ture. For severe pain that does not respond to other treatment, a nerve block may help. During this procedure, a numbing agent is used to block the nerves of the sympathetic nervous system, which are part of the pain pathways. If this is effective, a procedure may be done to permanently destroy those nerves. A few newer treatments are available for severe cases. One entails implanting a device to stimulate the spinal cord or nearby nerves. The other involves injecting a drug that relaxes blood vessels into the space near the spinal cord. These treatments do not always work and may cause complications. But if nothing else has helped, the benefits may exceed the risks. DR. KOMAROFF is a physician and professor at Harvard Medical School. His website is

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Dogs Shepherd mix, female,Blk/Tan. 450 N. Ligoiner Beagle,Tri.,F. 860 W. Ligonier Cats DSH,M,orange tiger. Riley Rd., Kendallville Humane Society of Noble County, Inc. 1305 Sherman St. Kendallville, IN 46755 260-347-2563






Brand NEW in plastic! QUEEN PILLOWTOP MATTRESS SET Can deliver, $125. (260) 493-0805

MUSIC Free Piano Needs work. You haul. Call (260) 573-9420

WANTED TO BUY BUYING OLD TOYS: Single-item collections or estates before 1970. (260) 318-1851

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Childʼs car seat, good shape. $20.00. (260) 665-5288 Combine Batteries for JD 4020 or 3020 Never used. $15.00 419-542-7510

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$ WANTED $ Junk Cars! Highest prices pd. Free pickup. 260-705-7610 705-7630

SETSER TRANSPORT AND TOWING USED TIRES Cash for Junk Cars! 701 Krueger St., Kʼville. 260-318-5555 ATTENTION: Paying up to $530 for scrap cars. Call me 318-2571

IVAN'S TOWING Junk Auto Buyer

up to $1000.00 (260) 238-4787

Sudoku Answers 12-29 3

















































































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