Prayer and Worship 2017

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Prayer & Worship • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

102 N. Main Street, Kendallville, IN 46755 (260) 347-0400

December 12, 2017

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Prayer & Worship is a special supplement to The Herald Republican, The News Sun, The Star, The Butler Bulletin and the Garrett Clipper, which are publications of KPC Media Group Inc. ©2017 All rights reserved

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December 12, 2017

Christmas is all about Jesus, after all.


Weekend Services December 23 6 p.m. December 24 9 & 10:30 a.m.

Prayer & Worship

Immanuel - God With Us Over 2,000 years ago, the Jews were anxiously waiting for their Messiah, the One who God had promised would come to save His people. Burdened under the foreign rule of the Romans, God’s Chosen People cried out to Him. As He had done many times in the past, God answered their cry. God Himself took on mortal form and became one of us, to come die for us so that we could be with Him forever. But, strange as it may seem to us, His people failed to recognize Him. They were expecting a king, but He came as a servant. Our prayer this year is that as we eagerly anticipate celebrating His birth, we don’t miss who Jesus truly is and why He came. Amid all the busyness and glitz and glitter of the season, let’s take a moment to forget about the lights, and the tree, and Santa, and shopping for gifts, and all of the other things we get so caught up in. Let’s take a moment to remember that the Creator of the Universe wrapped Himself in frail human flesh because He would rather die a horrible death on the cross than leave us in the dark. Located just 1 mile north of DeKalb High School on CR 427 900 S. Wayne • Waterloo • 260.837.3631 •

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5 ESV). Immanuel. God with us. That’s the miracle of Christmas; Jesus is still shining into our darkness.

Sunday, December 24, 2017 7:00 PM Family and Candlelight Service is at the Gathering Place

205 W. Maumee, Suite B, Angola, IN 46703 260.665.3914 Website: Email:

11:00 PM Traditional Christmas Candlelight Service is at AUMC Pastor Tim Terrell Pastor Tracey Zimmerman

“Come Grow, Share, and Serve”



Prayer & Worship • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

December 12, 2017

New Life Lutheran Church

Christmas Eve 7:30 PM Service of Holy Communion Singing 7 Old Favorite Christmas Hymns! Gospel Based Sermon Fellowship Time with Refreshments to Follow.

New Life Lutheran Church

365 Lockhart St., Waterloo Rev. Merle R. Holden, Pastor 574-215-4288

10:30 Sunday Service of Communion

“Like” us on Facebook:

New Life Lutheran Church

Mortgage Burning, November 12, 2017

L to R: Rev. Merle Holden, Mat Snyder, Lori Haase, Todd Haase, Laune Mason, David Snyder, Deb Mason and Jackie Griffin

The Double Meaning of Advent In our church and many other churches we celebrate the season of Advent. The season starts usually the first Sunday of December and ends on Christmas Eve. Advent means “joyful anticipation!” Joyful anticipation of what? Well, Christmas, of course, when we remember Christ coming to earth in human form to die as a once and for alltime sacrifice for our sins. What a great gift God gave us because he loved us so much, sinful though we are! But the second meaning of Advent and “joyful anticipation” is the 2nd coming of Christ! Yes, Christ has promised us he will return and Christ always keeps all his promises! That first Christmas was what we may call a “soft landing”! Christ came to earth in human form as a baby, born in a lowly manger! Every eye shall see that Jesus is Lord on that day! Ask yourself “Am I really ready for the return of Christ?” Be ready because we do not know the time or hour! From the New Testament Book of Acts, Chapter 1: The Ascension of Jesus So when they had come together, they asked him, ‘Lord, is this the time when you will restore the kingdom to Israel?’ He replied, ‘It is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own

In This Season of ©KPC Media Group Inc. •

December 12, 2017

authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’ When he had said this, as they were watching, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. While he was going and they were gazing up towards heaven, suddenly two men in white robes stood by them. They said, ‘Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up towards heaven? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.’ Yes Jesus is coming again! Are you ready! I pray that you are! Jesus is preparing a great place in heaven for his followers to spend eternity! The great Apostle Paul was given a glimpse of it and as result he was constantly torn between serving Christ on earth and being with Christ in heaven! Here is what Paul said: No one has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him. -1 Corinthians 2:9 NIV Rev. Merle R. Holden New Life Lutheran Church of Waterloo

Prayer & Worship

Enlightenment …we wish you peace, warmth and many blessings.

Christmas Eve Service – 6:00 PM Christmas Day Service – 9:00 AM

Calvary Lutheran Church 1301 Williams St., Angola • 665-2516

Everidge Motor Sales operating in Stroh, IN, since 1983, makes owning a high quality car affordable. Here’s a gift to take with you on the road.

Merry Christmas Lord: Please protect me and keep me and my passengers safe. Protect young and old as I pass by. This vehicle is for doing Thy will. Give me a warning if I should need one that I follow. Prevent me from speeding needlessly and passing Thy beauty heedlessly. Amen. Please be safe and keep this in your car to remind you that you are in our Father’s care. Your Friends at Everidge Motor Sales


11860 E. 435 S., Stroh, IN



Prayer & Worship • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

December 12, 2017

The Power of the Story

Christmas Eve Services 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. Prelude music starting at 6:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. respectively

At Christmas, there are old familiar stories that we hear again and again: angels and shepherds, Mary and Joseph, wise men and gifts. We hear them so often, that we just picture the Christmas pageants of our Reverand youth and see it all Justin Smoot as kids wrapped in oddly fitting sheets of cloth, distractedly attempting to follow the direction of the narrator and the urging of the volunteer directors. This precious and wellworn vision of the birth of Jesus, however, hides the true radical nature and power of the story from our eyes. Mary was a young girl, not much older than the children who portray her, whose pregnancy threatened her very life. The larger the child’s belly grew, the larger the evidence that would be used to stone her. If she was lucky enough not to be killed, she would live in shame and disgrace until death took her. In the face of this Joseph a young, righteous man, looking forward to starting his family was forced to bear dishonor because of Mary’s pregnancy, which the people would blame on him. Going forward, he struggled to raise a child that was not his as his own son. A decision that a lesser man would not be able to make. The Angels were not a gaggle of children in white robes and glittery halos, but luminous and terrible beings of fire, radiance, and glory. The very sight of them causing the shepherds to quake in fear for their very lives. Overwhelmed with fear and despair because they knew that men holier than they were struck dead for lesser offenses in the presence of Heaven. These shepherds were calloused sheep herders who lived rough with the flocks and herds in the hillside of Judea. They knew how to find pasture for their sheep on barren hillsides and fought off vicious predators with staves and slings. They were proud men who were forced to grovel under the might of the Roman empire. The wise men, were not simply 3 men from the east with a few camels, but a college of astrologers and scholars who watched for signs of great things in the heavens. They and their entourage, a small nation traversing the vast distances to bring the 3 gifts to the newborn “King of the Jews.” Gold, a gift for royalty. Frankincense, incense for priestly prayers. Myrrh, embalming oils for the dead. In this midst of Mary’s fear, Joseph’s struggle, the Shepherd’s terror, and the end of the wise men’s journey, the angels announce the birth of, “the Messiah, the Lord.” This title Messiah is not something the

angels created for Jesus, but is the culmination of promises God made to us since the Adam and Eve first broke faith with God. In the Messiah, the entire hope of the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob lay. Generations of kings, priests, and prophets have looked towards the coming of this great figure who would be the perfectly, faithful king, who was related to King David. The culmination of God’s covenant faithfulness is this moment, when Mary gave birth to a boy child, and named him Jesus. When the shepherds heard this child was to be Lord, they heard a challenge to the power of Rome. They heard again, and again, that, “Caesar was Lord,” backed up by the marching legions of Rome. Now, the angels announce that the Messiah, is Lord, the one who will challenge Rome for authority in this world. This challenged Emperor Caesar Augustus in Rome, Governor Quirinius in Syria, King Herod in Jerusalem, and any others who claimed control over a portion of the world. This is a claim that can, and does, result in the death of all who reject the lordships of this world. This is made clear by the story of the wise men. They went to the palace in Jerusalem, expecting to see that a son had been born to the current king, Herod the Great. Instead, they found a man who was so enraged that he tried to enlist their aid in killing him. When the wise men did not assist him in killing one child, Herod slaughtered all the male children 2 years old and younger in and around Bethlehem. Such is the challenge of Jesus’ birth. The power of the birth of Jesus, the challenge to our lives, the culmination of history in the moment, and the peace that comes into the midst of our tumultuous world, can be lost amid the cuteness of the children’s pageants. Yet, the children need to tell the story, need to immerse themselves in the story of this pivotal point in the grand narrative of salvation. And we, adults, need to share, with them, the context for this story. The covenant faithfulness of God that reaches us despite whatever we feel separates us from God. The challenge Jesus brings to the powers of this world that dictate to us how we are to feel. And the power of God to bring us peace in the most unlikely of places. Through retelling, we are drawn into the story. Mary’s fear becomes our fear into which God brings peace. Joseph’s struggle is our struggle into which God brings reassurance. The Shepherds terror is our terror for everything that makes us unworthy to be in the presence of God, but into which that very presence brings comfort, assurance, and peace. Rev. Justin Smoot Mt. Zion Lutheran Church

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December 12, 2017

Messiah Lutheran Church 2955 E 700 S • Wolcottville Corner of SR 9 & 700 S


Midweek Advent Services Dec. 6, 13 & 20 • 7 PM

The Children’s Christmas Service Sun., Dec. 24 at regular 9:30 AM service

Prayer & Worship

Come worship with us at St. Paul Chapel Christmas Eve, December 24 • 8:00 PM

Christmas Eve Service with Holy Communion Sunday, Dec. 24 • 7 PM

Christmas Day, December 25 • 9:00 AM

New Year’s Eve Service with Holy Communion Sunday, Dec. 31 • 9:30 AM

8780 E 700 N, Fremont, IN 46737

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for see - I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people.” Luke 2:10 Mount Pleasant and Saint Mark’s Lutheran Churches celebrating Christmas since 1848!

WORSHIP WITH US! ADVENT DINNER WORSHIP Wednesdays December 13 and 20 at Saint Mark’s at 6:30 p.m.

CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP 5 p.m. at Mount Pleasant 10:30 p.m. at Saint Mark’s


CHRISTMAS DAY 3:30 p.m. Worship at Saint Mark’s 4:00 p.m. Don’t Be Alone for Christmas Dinner All are Welcome!




Prayer & Worship • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

December 12, 2017

South Milford Church of Christ Christmas Services Join us this Christmas season as we celebrate the birth of the Savior! Christmas Worship

Sunday, December 24 9:00 AM Worship 10:00 AM Christmas Cookies & Fellowship 10:30 AM Christmas Kids Musical “Come and worship the King with us as we celebrate this Christmas season! We will worship together at 9AM, enjoy some fellowship at 10 AM, and at 10:30 AM our kids will bless us with a Christmas Musical titled: Three Wise Men & a Baby. We would love for you to join us!”

“He is Christ the King” God Bless and Merry Christmas from the South Milford Church of Christ.

St. Rd. 3, 2 miles north of South Milford 260-351-3671

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December 12, 2017

The Missing Piece My son received a cool gift a few Christmases ago. It was a mega constructs armored vehicle. The 618 piece set included a buildable armored Minister truck with camo finBrian M. Walter ish, a roof-mounted rocket launcher, rubber tires, a net tarp, and opening side doors and rear hatch! Not to mention three highly detailed, super-poseable micro action figures! It was a sight to see when we opened the box and sorted everything out… and yes…you read that correctly - 618 pieces!! The project covered our kitchen table and our feelings of anticipatory excitement quickly shifted to feelings of being a little overwhelmed. This was not a one or two hour project…this was a one or two day project! For two days the kitchen table was off limits (especially to little sister) as we worked tirelessly putting this armored vehicle together. Finally, after what seemed like weeks we were starting to see light at the end of the tunnel. Yet, we were missing a piece… and it was an important piece! It was a foundational corner piece that literally held the back part of the vehicle together. Without it…all our toil…all our work…all those hours were for naught! There was no other piece that would fit! In her “The Jesus Storybook Bible” Sally Lloyd-Jones writes in the introduction - “There are lots of stories in the Bible, but all the stories are telling one Big Story. The Story of how God loves his children and comes to rescue them. It takes the whole Bible to tell this Story. And at the center of the Story there is a baby. Every story

in the Bible whispers his name. He is like the missing piece in a puzzle—the piece that makes all the other pieces fit together, and suddenly, you can see a beautiful picture.” Apart from Jesus Christ nothing holds together. His coming to earth was the piece that brought everything together. All God had done up to that point was pointing us to Jesus. Well, unfortunately our armored truck piece was never found. We considered calling the company, but there was no way to know if we had lost it or it was just missing from the set. Bummer! Yet, unlike our missing piece…Jesus isn’t a lost piece. He is able to be found and ready to be the cornerstone in our lives. What a blessing that we celebrate at Christmas. We were not left with an empty spot…we were not left to wallow in the struggles and difficulties of life. We were not left to drown in the guilt and shame of our failures. We were given life and a firm foundation on which to build. All our searching and striving has been answered in the Gospel: while we were sinners…lost…Jesus was born, lived a perfect life, and willingly died on the cross to cover over a multitude of sins. And He rose from the grave…and those who confess Him as their Lord and Savior will one day rise up as well! That my friends is what Christmas is all about. For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 Minister Brian M. Walter South Milford Church of Christ

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Prayer & Worship

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It’s Christmas Time!

Please join us

Christmas Eve at 7:00 PM for a special service

“Festival of Lessons & Carols” with Candlelit Communion

First Christian Church

910 N. Indiana Ave., Auburn Call 925-2798 for additional information



Prayer & Worship • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

December 12, 2017

Zion Lutheran Church, LCMS 0389 CR 12, Corunna • 260-281-2286 Sunday School: 9 AM Worship Service: Sunday 10 AM, Wednesday 7 PM Weekly meal for everyone attending service on Wednesdays at 6 PM Weekly Bible Study on Wednesday at 5 PM

Sunday, December 17 Children’s Christmas Program - 10 a.m.

Sunday, December 24 (No Morning Service) Christmas Eve Service with Communion 7 p.m. Bring your family to this special service of candlelight, song, anticipation and celebration.

Monday, December 25 Christmas Day Service with Communion at 9 a.m. We gather to celebrate the Greatest Gift.

Sunday, December 31 9 a.m. Sunday School (Adults and Children) New Year’s Eve Communion Worship 10 a.m. Wrap up your year with fellowship and prayer, in the house of our Lord. •

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December 12, 2017


SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confessions) Sunday, December 17, 3:00 p.m. Any Saturday 4-4:45 p.m.


A Reflection of the Light of the World


Christmas & New Year’s Schedule

Prayer & Worship


“Glory to in the highest”

Luke 2:14

MASS SCHEDULE CHRISTMAS EVE • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24 4:30 p.m., Concert of Christmas Carols 5:00 p.m., Early Evening Mass 9:30 p.m., Concert of Christmas Carols 10:00 p.m., Christmas Mass at Night CHRISTMAS DAY • MONDAY, DECEMBER 25 10:00 a.m., Christmas Mass NEW YEAR’S DAY • MONDAY, JANUARY 1 10:00 a.m., New Year’s Mass Visit

There is something special about candle light. This kind of light seems to bring a certain ambiance to a room, to the eyes that behold it. It dances as it burns cheerily in a darkened room. It brings us a sense of closeness and warmth as we gather in its rays. The candles on the Advent wreath, lighting only one the first week, then two and up to four helps us to realize that as we prepare, we become illumined and warmed with closeness with our God, Emmanuel. This is the season of Advent. This is a season of coming from the gloom into the happiness and joy of life in His presence in our human world. Advent has a two-fold character, for it is a time of preparation for the Solemnities of Christmas, in which the First Coming of the Son of God to humanity is remembered, and likewise a time when, by remembrance of this, minds and hearts are led to look forward to Christ’s Second Coming at the end of time. Advent is a time to recall the cry of the early Christians. Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus! We call on him to come; and we prepare ourselves to meet him. This preparation is looking into ourselves, shedding

that which has been bad in our lives, and taking on the way of LIGHT. Jesus reminds us through his rebuke of the Pharisees of his day that we need to pay attention to the inside of the cup before we even look at the outside. Repenting of past sinfulness and seeking the light. Our Advent wreath helps us as we trudge through the season to fill ourselves with more light each week as we increase the numbers of candles we light on our wreath. The wreath becomes symbolic of our journey. The wreath is circular and so we pay attention to all of the parts of us that seeks the illumination of His light. Preparation also indicates our need to reconcile with each other and with our God. Simply put, this season of Advent is symbolic of our journey to find the LIGHT, who is the Lord. Sacred Scripture brings us words indicating the He is the Light that has come into the world. Happy Advent and Merry Christmas. Father Timothy Wrozek Immaculate Conception Catholic Church-Auburn

Sunday, December 17 10:15 AM ~ "Star of Wonder" Children's Christmas Program

Sunday, December 24 10:15 AM ~ "O Little Town of Bethlehem" Choir Cantata 7:00 PM ~ Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Christmas Contata Saturday Evening, December 23 at 7:00 p.m.


Sunday Morning Worship Service 9:00 a.m.

FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 110 W. Waits Rd., Kendallville, IN 260-347-1729


For additional info, please check out our webpage at and click on the newsletter page.


4793 CR 40A, Auburn

5 miles east of Auburn at intersection of CR 40A and CR 47


Prayer & Worship • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

December 12, 2017

Our Savior is Born Christmas Eve Carols, Candlelight, and Communion

Sunday, December 24 7:00 P.M. 411 E. Harding St. across from North Side Elementary School Kendallville, IN 260-347-2616

The Longest Night:

Civic Projects Restorations Office Space Interior / Exterior Renovations Design - Build

A Service of Light in the Midst of Darkness 7:00 pm Thursday, December 21, 2017 Specially for those struggling to enjoy the season because of grief.

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Christmas is the season for peace, joy and fellowship with family and friends. May the wonder of Christ’s Birth fill your heart and home with an abundance of mercy, contentment, laughter and harmony.


Christmas Eve, Dec. 24 Sunday evening 5:30 p.m. & Midnight Family Mass Mass

The Hess Team Anita & Tim Hess

Brokers/REALTORS® Anita: (260) 349-8850 Tim: (260) 349-8851

Christmas Day, Dec. 25 9:00 a.m.

St. Michael The Archangel C A T H O L I C


1098 CR 39, Waterloo • 260-837-7115

260-347-4206 125 East North Street, Kendallville, IN

Free Estimates Licensed & Insured Auburn •


©KPC Media Group Inc. •

December 12, 2017

Christ our King My daughter-in- law and I were making the mandatory Christmas fudge (that’s a whole other story I don’t have room to talk about here). I heard her softly humming as she stirred the hot, sticky sweetness. My mind filled in the words: “Away in a manger, no crib for a bed…” The quiet song, sang like a lullaby, conjured images of quiet and peace, but belied the actual circumstances of Jesus birth. If you can, picture Coliseum Boulevard any day after Thanksgiving between Lima and Coldwater roads. Kind of makes you want to stay at home in your jammies! Now, imagine you are a stranger to Fort Wayne any day after Thanksgiving on Coliseum Boulevard between Lima and Coldwater road. Feel the frustration and anxiety rising? Now, Ladies, imagine you are in heavy laborGentlemen, imagine your wife is in heavy labor. Feel the fear? Now, imagine there is not a place to stay…or to give birth…are you overwhelmed and panicked? for your baby….your wife….your husband? Those are the circumstances that Mary and Joseph experienced on that Christmas Eve. “….. The little Lord Jesus, lay down His sweet head..” We often think of a manger as a wooden box filled with soft straw, when really a first century manger was hewn rock and the oats and grains given to the

livestock were anything but soft. “…..The stars in the sky looked down where he lay. The little Lord Jesus asleep on the Hay.” The waning notes of the song would never be heard because the youngest grandson burst through the door loudly singing (It was more like yelling with notes): “This, This is Christ OUR KING whom Shepherds guard and angels sing..” There was a momentary discussion of the meaning of the words haste and laud. “The babe, the son of Mary…” It then occurred to me- this baby- this family risked SO much because they knew that when this baby lay down His sweet head, it wasn’t THE little Lord Jesus, it was OUR little Lord Jesus. It wasn’t Christ THE King; it was Christ OUR King! Joseph and Mary knew this child they were responsible for was going to belong to everyone for all eternity. Jesus is ours and we are His. All because one far away night, in an uncomfortable stable, Heaven came to earth, was wrapped in swaddling clothes, announced by angels, lay down His sweet head, and OUR little Lord Jesus went to sleep on the hay. Pastor Christine Fodrea Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church

Prayer & Worship

Awaiting the Messiah A special invitation for you to come celebrate Christmas with us! Thursday, December 21 A Night of Hope &

Remembrance 7:00 PM

Sunday, December 24 Morning Service 10:10 AM Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

9:00 PM

Look for us on Facebook

4099 CR 59 • Butler Across from SDI

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas from our family to yours! FREE estimates and rest assured with our 24/7 emergency service team!





Prayer & Worship • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

December is for Advent I am not good at waiting. December is a time for waiting for the glories of Christmas to come, and I am not good at it. When I’m in the checkout line at the store or sitting in a doctor’s waiting room, I go from nervous to impatient to angry. I start looking rather desperately for distractions, playing mindless games on my phone just so I don’t have to feel what I feel. And now a whole month of this? Advent is a time to watch, wait and prepare for Christmas, and in the end, I am grateful for my own inability to do this well. My own weakness reminds me how much I need Christmas – not just the annual holiday, but the reality it celebrates. I need the coming of the Eternal Word of God into the world, into my life. I need God! Every day in December, I do something to prepare my insides for the reality of the incarnation, even if it is just spending a few minutes realizing how bad I am at it and how won-

derful God is for loving me anyway. Fasting helps. For twenty centuries, Christians have celebrated Advent through fasting, prayer and works of mercy. It may be less popular now, but Christians are still called to penance in December. Penance helps me feel like I am part of the world God created, which itself now moves from autumn into winter before welcoming the wonders of springtime. This oneness with nature helps me realize how little I deserve God’s grace and mercy, and how miraculous it is that God showers me with mercy despite myself. Advent fills my heart with gratitude and humility – which are the beginnings of all virtue. December is for Advent. Thank God for that!

December 12, 2017

The best way to keep Christ in Christmas is to keep Mass in Christmas.

Friar Bob Showers St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church

Woodruff Grove United Methodist Church “Woodruff Grove is a people exalting God, growing in discipleship, reaching our community while caring and serving as Jesus did.”

Join us to celebrate the Birth of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ! Worship Service Sunday, December 24th - 10:30 a.m. Sunday School (All Ages) - 9:30 a.m.

4860 South 450 East • Wolcottville, Indiana 46795 Pastor David Mathews



Sunday, Dec. 24 Mass Times: Children’s Mass 5:00 PM Midnight Mass: 10:00 PM

MASS OF CHRISTMAS MORNING Monday, Dec. 25 Mass 10:00 AM

St. Anthony of Padua Church 700 W. Maumee St., Angola, IN 46703 @STANTHONYANGOLA

©KPC Media Group Inc. •

December 12, 2017

Prayer & Worship

Destiny Family of Faith Invites You to... Christmas Eve Service Sunday, December 24th Breakfast Buffet 8:30-9:30 AM Special Service 10 AM Christmas Lunch Monday, December 25th at Noon

“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” -Luke 2:11

Please invite your family & friends...


445 N. Riley Street Kendallville, IN


Thursday Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Sunday Service 10:00 a.m. Youth Group Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Mini Youth Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Night Church Service 6:30 p.m. Pastor Mike & Karen Albaugh DestinyFOF_80655 Full page

20 Walter mj/mp



Prayer & Worship • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

December 12, 2017

Joy, peace and goodness can always be found Season’s greetings to everyone! As we draw closer and closer to Christmas, it is a good time for all of us to remember why we celebrate this time of the year. We celebrate the time we get to spend with our families and friends, we celebrate the spirit of giving and receiving special gifts, but most importantly, we celebrate the Spirit we all share! This Spirit we share is the gift we have Pastors Erik & been given by God Joanna Smith Himself. He gave us the ability to worship, praise, and have joy in our lives. Not only did He give us His Spirit, but He gave us a reason to celebrate, and that is the coming of Jesus! We often focus on the birth of Jesus around Christmas time, and the difficulty Mary and Joseph had in getting to Bethlehem, but let us not forget that this is only the first part of the story, a story still unfolding. We also celebrate because we have hope, hope that Jesus is coming again for us! The promises that Jesus gave so long ago still help guide us today, and

remind us that if we stay on His path, we will be called His righteous people! I know for some, this message is not so easy to take in. Those of you who have gone through a tough time, suffered personal strife, or lost a loved one, it can be difficult to get through the holidays. Really, it can be difficult to find happiness in anything. I remember back in 2012 after my older brother had passed away, the holidays were difficult, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas. Even though we had good times as a family, the feeling of sadness always seemed to fog the environment and stain the happiness we shared as a family. I don’t think it was wrong of us to feel sad, quite the opposite, but we also needed to stay strong as a family. That is when I started reading and memorizing a passage from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 which says, “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” Those words seemed to burn into my mind. At first reading we may think that being joyful in all things is impossible, right? How can I have joy when I am in pain, or if I have lost a loved one? Most people find those times the most

devastating. But I want to tell you, they can be the most important character and spiritual development times of your life. What God is saying in this passage is that joy, peace, goodness can be found in all situations. I say the word “found” because sometimes it is not easy to see, especially when you are hurting. That is why as Christians, we are called to help others, and to be a beacon of hope. This passage also tells us something about God at the very end where it says, “for this is God’s will for you…” It is saying God will help you find joy, through Him! By praying, reading scripture, and building a deep relationship with God, He can help you find joy in all circumstances, even the ones that seem impossible. Now, this passage also mentions something else for us to do which is, “give thanks in all circumstances…” What does that exactly mean? When I stub my toe I should say, “Glory to God!”? Well not quite. What it does mean is again find something good about the situation. But not only find it, but then act on it and show your thankfulness. I remember this summer I was driving home late with my wife and son. It was rainy and difficult to see so

we took it slower than normal. Out of nowhere I see a car jack in the middle of the road! I try to swerve around it but I end up running over it with the right side tires. As we come to a stop, I immediately check to see if my wife and son are alright. They were, and fortunately, the car only had flat tires. Eventually we were able to get the vehicle fixed and get home thanks to my dad picking us up. Now, why did I tell this story? Well, it could have gone differently. I could have had a horrible attitude, blamed God for this situation, yelled at my wife for not telling me it was in the road, and cursing the person who lost their car jack. But instead, I chose to be thankful for my family’s safety, that the car was still working, that my dad was able to come get us, and that no one else got hurt in all of this. Even though this is just one small example, take to heart the scripture I mentioned above. As you celebrate this season, remember to be thankful for what God has given you, and the hope He has given you of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ! Merry Christmas! Pastor Erik Shipshewana United Methodist Church

Shipshewana United Methodist Church Regular Sunday Morning Service - 10:15 AM Christmas Eve Morning Service - 10:15 AM Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - 6:30 PM

400 E Middlebury St. Shipshewana, IN 46565


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December 12, 2017

Shore Church 7235 W 100 N • Shipshewana, IN 46565

Join us on Sunday morning

December 24, 2017 for our Celebration of Christmas Service Coffee Fellowship from 9:00-9:30 a.m. Celebration from 9:30-10:30 a.m.

Pastor Gene

Most, if not all, of us are familiar with the song “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” made famous by Andy Williams (see lyrics below). Please feel free to go ahead and sing the lyrics as you read them. It is certainly a fun song.

It's the most wonderful time of the year With the kids jingle belling And everyone telling you "Be of good cheer" It's the most wonderful time of the year It's the hap-happiest season of all With those holiday greetings and gay happy meetings When friends come to call It's the hap-happiest season of all There'll be parties for hosting Marshmallows for toasting And caroling out in the snow There'll be scary ghost stories And tales of the glories of Christmases long, long ago

me wrong, I enjoy “kids jingle belling,” “holiday greetings,” and “meetings when friends come to call,” as much as the next person. And I also enjoy “marshmallows for toasting,” “caroling,” and reminiscing about “Christmases long, long ago.” However, for me it is the most “wonder filled” time of the year because this is when we celebrate the coming of the Christ Child, when God gave to us the greatest gift of all time. Who would have imagined, God became flesh and lived among us? Every year as we remember and celebrate an event that occurred over 2000 years ago I can almost hear the angel announcing to the shepherds “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger” (Luke 2:11-12). And then that angel is joined by a whole bunch of angels saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests” (Luke 2:14) . May the wonder, peace, and joy of this Christmas season be yours in abundance.

I tend to agree with Andy, but not for the reasons listed in the song. Don’t get

Pastor Gene Emma Mennonite Church

Celebrate the Birth of Christ with us at Emma Mennonite Church!

Wishing You A Beautiful Season! ’Tis the season to celebrate life and remember all the good times we’ve shared with loved ones past and present. As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, we give thanks for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us, including the fellowship of friends and neighbors like you.

Beams Funeral Home

Every Sunday through this Advent season, Sunday morning worship services include worship, scripture, carols, and also the traditional candle lighting leading up to the final candle which represents the Christ child, the culmination of the Christmas season. It is only through Christ that we find the elements of hope, peace, joy, and true wisdom. Though it is in Jesus we find all these, we also find LOVE. In this hectic season, we often find ourselves feeling hopeless, restless, frustrated, and confused; just the opposite of what SPECIAL Christmas is all about. Jesus came that we might INVITATION: have life and have it more abundantly. Sunday evening, December 17 at 6:30 p.m.

Sunday morning worship services begin at 9 a.m. (Sunday school for all ages at 10:15)

200 W. Toledo St., Fremont, IN

Emma Mennonite Church • 260-593-2036

(260) 495-2915


The Most Wonderful Time

260-768-4240 •

Come worship with us each Sunday at 9:15 a.m. with Sunday School available for all ages following the service.

Prayer & Worship

1900 S 600 W, Topeka IN

Join us for our 6th Annual MEN’S CHORUS Christmas Program: “Let the Whole World Know” Food & Fellowship following the program!

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December 12, 2017


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Missionary Church

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SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17 • 10:30 AM We invite you to join us for

CHRISTMAS SERVICES Christmas Eve Sunday, December 24 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM and 6:00 PM

Elementary Program:

Phone: 260-665-8402 e-mail:

Preschool Program:

Corner of SR 827 and CR 200 N (1 mile east of Meijer and Menards) Angola, Indiana

December 12, 2017

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Prayer & Worship

Come worship with us this

Christmas Season

and experience the love of the coming Messiah! 8 p.m. Christmas Eve Service

Join us for Sunday Traditional Worship 10:15 AM and Wednesday Casual Worship at 7 PM.

ST. MARK EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 302 W. Washington St., St. Joe, IN 46785 Member Church of the Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ



Prayer & Worship • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

December 12, 2017

Christmas is just the beginning Throughout the holidays we're inundated with messages of Christmas but often that message is watered down to a warm and fuzzy feeling about good cheer and love. In reality the message of Christmas is salvation. It's about a King who loved his kingdom so much that he came to be its servant--to be born among them in the lowliest of places, to serve them and teach them the Good News of salvation, and to die for them. The message of salvation coming in the form of a babe is preached in almost every church over the Christmas holiday to record crowds. This is one of the most attended times of the year because there is still a respect and reverence for the idea of a God who saves his people by coming to earth among them. Unfortunately, even though we come out in droves during this Advent season to celebrate this great miracle of the sacrificial King our lives don't often reflect an appreciation for this amazing gift. Just a few months ago the Church celebrated the 500 year anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, an event that recovered the truth that salvation is

through works. The Christmas season is a great reminder of our salvation through Christ but it should also inspire us to action. We should be on a journey of sanctification with Christ. Our response to the Christmas message should not be just appreciation, but awe and a sense of determination to embody the character of Christ in our daily lives through a process of sanctification. In today's world the idea of being sanctified is pretty foreign. It's not even a word used outside of the church because it has to do with becoming free of sin. The world outside of the Church rarely admits there is an idea of sin. This Christmas season challenge yourself to not just attend a church service to get the warm fuzzies from singing Christmas carols and hearing the familiar stories. Set out on a journey of sanctification. At St. John we think this process should include three main pillars. First, attending a weekly worship service is a must. To become more Christlike you must be in community with the larger Church body in celebration and worship of the risen Lord. Weekly worship attendance is vital in

St. John Lutheran Church

an ever-changing world. In addition, joining a weekly or bi-weekly Bible study will help you really understand what it means to follow Jesus. A yearly Christmas service is great, but there's so much more to know about Christ and the Christian life and it's all learned through the Bible. Being part of a Bible study group not only helps you understand the details of the faith but it puts you in contact with a group of other Christians who you can ask questions of and learn from. Finally, being part of a small group is key to taking what you've learned about your faith and applying it to real life. There are many different kinds of small groups but all should help keep you accountable and give you the Christian support you need to move towards sanctification. The idea of being in a small group is probably the scariest of all but can be one of the most impactful things you can do for your faith life. This Christmas when you see the manger or the shepherds, think not just about a baby but about a King who came to this world because he loved you. Not only did he come to this earth, he died the most horrible

deserve it. He did this so that we might have salvation. What is our response to that message? Don't let your response be merely an appearance at a Christmas Eve service to sing a few carols. This advent season begin (or renew) a journey of sanctification. Start attending a weekly worship service at a local church and find a Bible study to join. Reach out to some friends and start a small group or see if your local church has one you can join. You can treat this Christmas season like all the others and come out the other side a little more tired, drained, and frazzled, or you can take some time and remember the true reason for the season and then do something about it. How will your life be different because of the Christmas message? How will you show your appreciation for the best gift ever given? This year respond with starting your journey towards sanctification. Your life will forever be changed and you'll be on the most amazing journey of your life. Pastor Robert Shriner St. John Lutheran Church

Celebrate The Miracle

301 S. Oak St., Kendallville

Advent Services “A Baby Jesus Christmas” an original Christmas play December 17 @ 4:00 p.m. Sunday, December 24

Christmas Eve Services 5:00 & 8:00 p.m. Christmas Day Service 9:00 a.m.

Grace Baptist Church

925 N 200 W, Angola, IN • 260-665-3192

Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Worship - 10:30 a.m. and Evening Service - 4 p.m. Wednesday Praise and Prayer Service and Young Disciples - 7:00 p.m. New Year’s Eve Service 9:00 p.m. - Midnight Bob Koenig, Pastor 260-833-1005

Let Heaven

December 12, 2017


and Nature

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Prayer & Worship


All are welcome to Christmas Eve Service at 5:30 p.m.

1948 CR 28 • Auburn •


Prayer & Worship • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

December 12, 2017

Jesus is the reason for the season Christmas has always been an important part of my life. I loved the decorations and time with family, but what I really loved was the gifts. That was true until the Christmas of 1986. That year someone had given me a pencil that had written on it, Jesus is the Reason for the Season. For some reason, I could not get rid of it. It sat on my dresser where I would see it every day. Little did I know that the pencil was the first of many blessings to follow that Christmas. The next one was the day that I accepted the phrase on the pencil to be true and Christmas would never be the same. It was now about “THE GIFT!” The Christmas of 1987 brought a new phrase into my life. I was singing in the church choir and was asked to share what Christmas meant to me during our Christmas Cantata. It had to be one short and succinct sentence. I had no idea what I was going to say or how I was going to keep it short and sweet. I prayed and prayed but I could not come up with anything that would fit the criteria. The night of the program I began to marvel about the many blessings that I had received that year and it finally dawned on me what I had to say: “Jesus is the gift that keeps on giving.” Christmas was now all about giving “THE GIFT” away. It is only in sharing the gift that the gift begins to multiply in blessings. Jesus’ birth began a change in the world

that would reach its culmination in his death, burial and resurrection. This gift removed the veil that separated us from God and gave us another gift; eternal life. His resurrection also changes our life right here as we are gifted with the power that raised him from the grave. When we receive the true reason for the season of Christmas, we find that God will truly bless our socks off over and over and over again. Christmas is all about giving and receiving. When we give our best to Christ, we find ourselves receiving more gifts than we could ever imagine or hope for. It is when we do this that we truly see that Jesus is the gift that keeps on giving. This gift has the power to change people and communities and even countries. My prayer for everyone who has yet to discover the real reason for this season is that they would give their lives to Christ. In doing so, you will receive the gift of his abundant love into their hearts and your life will never be the same. For my brothers and sisters in Christ, I say share, share, share this gift as much as you can. There is no greater blessing than leading people to receive the greatest gifts of all. To all I say, “Merry CHRISTmas! May the Lord bless you and keep you and give you abundant blessings in the New Year. Amen.” Shalom, Pastor K Butler United Methodist Church


Merry Christmas! wishes you a

Christmas Eve Morning Service • 9:30 am

Christmas Eve

501 West Green Street 260-868-2098 Pastor Kevin Marsh

Communion & Candlelight Service Carols and Music • 8 p.m. Please come and join us for one of our Christmas services.

©KPC Media Group Inc. •

December 12, 2017

Prayer & Worship


Church Directory Angola United Methodist Church Pastor Tim Terrell & Pastor Tracey Zimmerman 220 W Maumee St Angola, IN 260-665-3914 Butler United Methodist Church Pastor Kevin Marsh 501 W Green St Butler, IN 260-868-2098 Calvary Lutheran Church 1301 Williams St Angola, IN 665-2516 Destiny Family of Faith Pastor Mike Albaugh 445 N Riley St Kendallville, IN 260-599-0254 Emma Mennonite Church 1900 S 600 W Topeka, IN 260-593-2036 Fairview Missionary Church Pastor Joel Greenwood 525 E 200 N Angola, IN 260-665-8402

Faith United Methodist Church 411 E Harding St Kendallville, IN 260-347-2616 First Christian Church - Auburn Rev. Betty Sivis 910 N Indiana Ave Auburn, IN 260-925-2798 First Christian Church - Kendallville Dr. Thomas Clothier 110 W Waits Kendallville, IN 260-347-1729 Morning Worship 8:00 and 10:00 Grace Baptist Church 925 N 200 W Angola, IN 260-665-3192 Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Father Timothy Wrozek 500 E 7th St Auburn, IN

Lakewood Park Baptist Church Pastor Scott Taylor 5555 CR 29 Auburn, IN 260-925-2006 Life Changing Realities Fellowship Pastor Byron Adams Angola Campus 2201 W Wayne St 260-665-1463 Edgerton Campus 428 W Vine St 419-298-1463 Maple Grove United Methodist Church 1948 CR 28 Auburn, IN Messiah Lutheran Church Pastor James Tews 2955 E 700 S Wolcottville, IN 260-854-3129 Mount Pleasant Lutheran Church 2520 N 600 E Kendallville, IN Mount Pleasant United Methodist Church Pastor Christine Fodrea 4099 CR 59 Butler, IN 868-5747 Follow us on Facebook Mt. Zion Lutheran Church

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Prayer & Worship • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

December 12, 2017

Church Directory Pastor Justin Smoot 797 N Detroit St LaGrange, IN 260-463-3624 New Hope Christian Center Paswtor Ralph Diehl 900 S Wayne St Waterloo, IN 260-837-3631 New Life Lutheran Church Rev. Merle R. Holden 365 Lockhart St Waterloo, IN 574-215-4288 Norris Chapel United Methodist Church 4793 CR 40A Auburn, IN St. Anthony of Padua Church Father Robert Showers 700 W Maumee St Angola, IN 260-665-2259

St. John Lutheran Church

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301 S Oak St Kendallville, IN St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church Pastor Floyd A. Shoup 302 W Washington St St. Joe, IN 260-337-0172 Saint Mark’s Lutheran Church 210 N Orange St Albion, IN St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church Father David Carkenord 1098 CR 39 Waterloo, IN 260-837-7115 St. Paul Catholic Chapel 8780 E 700 N Fremont, IN 260-665-2259 Shipshewana United Methodist Church 400 E Middlebury St Shipshewana, IN 260-768-4696

Shore Church

7235 W 100 N Shipshewana, IN 46765 260-768-4240 South Milford Church of Christ Pastor Michael Antel 7510 SR 3 South Milford, IN 260-349-9091 Waterloo United Methodist Church Rev. Mike Halferty 300 W Maple St Waterloo, IN (Corner of Maple & Elm) 260-837-6441 Woodruff Grove United Methodist Church 4860 S 450 E Wolcottville, IN 46795 260-854-2067 Zion Lutheran Church Rev. Al Wingfield 0389 CR 12 Corunna, IN 260-281-2286

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