INSIDE THIS ISSUE Classifieds.........................................................A13 Community Calendar................................A13-14 Dining & Entertainment....................................A8 Youth..................................................................A12 Sports ..................................................................A6 Serving Northeast Fort Wayne & Allen County
Inside: Find out what’s new at the zoo on page A15.
Courtesy photo
May 11, 2012
A temporary home ASPCA takes animals in, but seeks help to make it home By VALERIE CAVIGLIA
Adelaide, a fragile but sweet feline at the Allen County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), has been lovingly cared for by staff and volunteers since her owner was forced to surrender her in December. The shelter has tried to make the cat’s temporary home a comfortable, happy place. “Adel’s” tiny, 1-year-old heart has a condition that will likely end her life by the age of 3. Cardiomyopathy makes her heart beat rapidly when she feels stress, which can make it difficult for Adel to breathe. Although medication is available, there is no cure for her condition. But, the ASPCA feels strongly there is a perfect home for Adel in Fort Wayne — and staff members are doing all they can to find just the right place for her. This is what they do. Special needs animals or those facing euthanasia are evaluated by the ASPCA to ensure they are a good fit for the program. Then the ASPCA takes them in, working diligently to find the animal its forever home while keeping the facility clean, organized and most of all, a safe haven for animals who may otherwise be put down. The care they provide isn’t only for animals. Special considerations have been made for owners forced to give up their beloved pets. Sofia Rodriguez, executive director of the ASPCA, said when she first started in 2010, a woman visited the shelter, distraught she had to give up her dog. Her family’s economic and living situations had changed, and a new landlord had rescinded permission to keep pets at their home.
Photo by Valerie Caviglia
Meet Adelaide, seen here in the arms of Allen County SPCA Executive Director Sofia Rodriguez. The feline’s heart condition means she will need just the right family in her forever home. Also pictured at left is ASPCA Medical Team Captain Tanya Gallo. “I will never forget her,” Rodriguez said. “Her landlord originally said that she could have (a dog) and then two weeks later told her she couldn’t. She was just at her wits end. I thought, ‘If someone is trying to do the right thing, I
Bridge project opens route to, from New Haven By VALERIE CAVIGLIA
See ASPCA, page A7
Budget Tight? Are you pregnant? Breastfeeding? Have a child under 5?
WIC might be able to help.
Photo by Valerie Caviglia
A crew plots lane restriction cones along Maplecrest Road at the Lake Avenue intersection. the potential for economic development. Planners estimate as many as 8,000 vehicles will be attracted daily to the new roadway, which includes a total of four bridges. Future traffic volumes are expected to double. Planners say this also will reduce the number of vehicles using the other at-grade railroad
crossings by 28 percent, improving safety for motorists. “We’re excited about how it’s going to impact the area. It will open up a much quicker route to New Haven and from New Haven to Georgetown,” said Steve Jehl, manager of Georgetown Square See BRIDGE, page A4
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Construction crews recently placed traffic cones on Maplecrest Road at Lake Avenue, serving as proof that a road-extension project 30 years in the making really is underway. The 1.4-mile extension of Maplecrest Road on the east side of Fort Wayne will create a direct route from the Georgetown area to New Haven, including a new bridge over the Maumee River. Without it, driving has long been an obstacle for traffic running north and south on that side of Fort Wayne. Add several railroad tracks running parallel with the south side of the river carrying around 50 trains and the result is numerous traffic delays and hampered direct access to areas with
want them to have as much privacy as possible.’ She was the reason I went to Habitat for Humanity and bought
St. Joe Times • May 11, 2012
A2 •
‘Flash’ dance
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Photo by Sasha Boehme
Fort Wayne Ballet dancers committed “Random Acts of Dance� April 23-27 as part of National Dance Week, intended to bring attention to dance as an art form. Much like a flash mob, these performers took to dancing outside the Georgetown Square Subway restaurant on Friday, April 27.
Extension workshops aim to preserve nature’s bounty The Allen County Extension office will host several “Preserving Nature’s Bounty� workshops with the aim of teaching community members how to preserve fruits and vegetables for future use. The workshops, beginning May 15, will go over the food preservation process of treating and handling food. Proper food preservation can stop or greatly slow down spoilage, reduce the loss of quality, increase edibility and nutritive value. The Purdue Extension Service in Allen County will conduct the workshops to discuss safe home food preservation procedures and to answer the frequently asked questions on canning,
freezing and drying foods. The cost to attend is $2 and will cover the cost of printing materials. Workshops all will take place at the Allen County Extension Office, 4001 Crescent Ave., and are scheduled for: • May 15 at 7 p.m. • May 30 at 1 p.m. • June 6 at 7 p.m. • June 19 at 1 p.m. • July 9 at 7 p.m. • Aug. 2 at 1 p.m. • Sept. 6 at 7 p.m. To register for a workshop, contact the extension office at 4816826 or email Registration also can be completed online at n under the “Family Food and Healthâ€? tab. Class size is limited.
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St. Joe Times â&#x20AC;˘ May 11, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ A3
Bishop, Walters to wed Emily Katherine Walters of Fort Wayne and Thomas Richard Bishop of Medina, Ohio, have announced their intent to marry on Aug. 25, 2012. The ceremony will take place at Covenant United Methodist Church of Fort Wayne with a reception to follow at the Free Masonsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Hall. The bride, daughter of Daniel and Jane Hovanec, is a 2006 graduate of Carroll High School. She attended Ohio Northern University and graduated in 2010 with a Bachelor of Science in nursing. She currently works for University of Pittsburgh Medical Hospital as an ICU registered nurse. The groom, son of Brian and Cindy Bishop, also graduated from Ohio Northern University in 2010 with a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering. He currently works at Conair as an inside sales manager. The happy couple met their freshman year at Ohio Northern University and have been together ever since. Tom proposed to Emily on Aug. 20, 2011, at Michiganâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Put-in-Bay. The couple both currently reside in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Kathryn Johnson of Fort Wayne and Jake Gallogly of Auburn will marry on Aug. 11, 2012, in Fort Wayne.
Courtesy photo
Emily Katherine Walters of Fort Wayne and Thomas Richard Bishop of Medina, Ohio will marry on Aug. 25, 2012.
Gallogly, Johnson plan August wedding
Courtesy photo
What do you dream about? College? Vacation? A room addition? If you own your home, a Home Equity Loan from Grabill Bank could make your dream come true. Our Home Equity Loans are truly dreamy with ďŹ xed rate options, no annual fees and the option of interest-only payments. Plus, our knowledgeable and experienced lending experts will show you the best way to do more with the equity you have in your home. And with local decision making, personalized service and individualized attention, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll make you feel right at home.
Kathryn Johnson of Fort Wayne and Jake Gallogly of Auburn have announced their intent to marry on Aug. 11, 2012, at Faith United Church in Fort Wayne. The couple, who both currently reside in Fort Wayne, will follow their ceremony with a reception at Dupont Downs. The bride is daughter to Wanda and Frank Johnson. She attended Homestead High School and recently graduated from Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne with a bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree in accounting in December 2011. The groom is the son of Cherry and Bob Gallogly and is a graduate of DeKalb High School. The couple met through mutual friends in late 2007 and began dating on May 25, 2008. The groom proposed marriage on Thanksgiving Day in 2011, just before the couple traveled to Indianapolis to visit family for the holiday.
Grabill Bank. Do more with your money.
Submit your wedding announcement and photo via e-mail to or click â&#x20AC;&#x153;Share Your Newsâ&#x20AC;? on any page at the website.
FWMoA seeking T-shirt designs The Fort Wayne Museum of Art is seeking original designs for its 2012 Chalk Walk T-shirt. The contest is open to anyone over the age of 13 and submissions must be hand-drawn or computer generated. Designs must include the words â&#x20AC;&#x153;Chalk Walk 2012â&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;FWMoAâ&#x20AC;? or â&#x20AC;&#x153;Fort Wayne Museum of Art.â&#x20AC;? The size of the design must be 8 inches by 8 inches, should contain no more than four colors and submitters should include the suggested color of the t-shirt. Digital submissions should be at least 300-dots-per-inch. The deadline for entries is May 24. To submit entries, send the image along with name, address and phone number to Justin Clupper at Entries also can be dropped off at the museum during regular business hours. All submissions become the property of FWMoA.
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St. Joe Times • May 11, 2012
A4 •
Francine’s Friends Mobile Mammography offers local screenings A Division of KPC Media Group
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Francine’s Friends Mobile Mammography will be at several locations throughout the summer, bringing mammography services to women where they live and work. In a partnership between Francine’s Friends, Parkview Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Breast Diagnostic Center, the BDC will perform the screening. If women have insurance, the BDC will bill the insurance company. If the patient doesn’t have insurance, but has the ability to pay, the BDC offers a reduced rate if
BRIDGE from page A1
paid the day of the screening. For those without insurance or resources to pay, funding is available. Appointments should be scheduled before the day of the event. For appointments, call 483-1847 to schedule. Walk-in openings are available, depending on schedule. Dates for this area include: May 18 — Curves, 14927 1/2 Center Street, Leo; and June 19 —Towne House Retirement Community, 2209 St. Joe Center Road.
shopping center. “We won’t have to go over railroad tracks and it’s much quicker to get to the south part of town. It’s really a much-needed bridge that will make transportation much quicker and the safety aspects for people in New Haven are tremendous. They used to have a lot of trouble with trains slowing down or stopping emergency vehicles.”
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The extension begins at Adams Center Road and New Haven Avenue/S.R. 930, and extends in a straight line north to Maplecrest Road and Lake Avenue. Once complete, the four-lane roadway will be lined on the east side with a 10foot-wide sidewalk. Had it not been for the donation of land just south of Maplecrest and Lake, the project may never have happened. State Rep. Bob Morris, RFort Wayne, is pushing to name the project’s bridge over the Maumee River something to honor the donor. “Knowing Tom Jehl, the founder of the Georgetown area, I know he would be extremely delighted to know that the bridge is going to happen,” Morris said in a phone interview. “I think it would be very fitting that they call it the Georgetown Bridge. (Jehl) donated the land to the city about 25 years ago. He was very instrumental in building that area up. It’s very important to the Georgetown area.” Morris will request the bridge name through county council and commissioners. So far, officials have referred to it as the Maplecrest Road bridge. “You know, that’s the way a lot of the people refer to the area — ‘I live in Georgetown,’” Morris said. In its most recent update, the Allen County Highway Department said the extension project is scheduled for completion by November.
Serving Northwest Fort Wayne & Allen County
June 1, 2012 Copy Due May 23
Serving Southwest Fort Wayne, Allen County & Roanoke
June 8, 2012 Copy Due May 31
Serving Northeast Fort Wayne & Allen County
June 15, 2012 Copy Due June 7
Serving New Haven & East Allen County
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St. Joe Times • May 11, 2012 • A5
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St. Joe Times • May 11, 2012
A6 •
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Courtesy photo
Seven Bishop Dwenger High School athletes sign official papers in the school library committing to play collegiate sports at various colleges and universities after graduation.
Dwenger athletes sign on the dotted line A crowd recently gathered in the Bishop Dwenger library as family, classmates and administration showed their support for seven students who signed on with various colleges to continue their athletic and academic careers.
Connor Friesner will play Division III football at Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio, under coach Joe Fincham. Friesner plans to study See SPORTS, page A11
St. Joe Times â&#x20AC;˘ May 11, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ A7
Overhead Door Co. of Ft. Wayne
from page A1 these cubicles.â&#x20AC;? Now, the cubicles act as an enclosed â&#x20AC;&#x153;intake area,â&#x20AC;? providing families with more privacy during a difficult time. Staff members have thought of everything, really â&#x20AC;&#x201D; things not often seen at other shelters â&#x20AC;&#x201D; like a generous backyard space for volunteers to play with the dogs, getting them some exercise and interactivity. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is the best part of the shelter,â&#x20AC;? Rodriguez said, looking over the backyard area. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve visited shelters all over the country and no one has this kind of space. We are really lucky in this way.â&#x20AC;? The ASPCA even had the specific needs of cats in mind when they designed â&#x20AC;&#x153;colony roomsâ&#x20AC;? in the facility. Some places keep cats in cages, but this shelter allows them to roam in these colony rooms to be social with one another. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s healthier for them than to be in the smaller cages,â&#x20AC;? Rodriguez said. With the exception of cages used for sick felines or at Petsmart stores where the shelter has satellite adoption centers, cats are free to interact with other cats matching their temperament and age. Despite coming up with creative ways to save money, the ASPCA is not unlike other shelter operations which rely on their communities to continue running. Luckily, there are a surprising number of ways to help, mainly just by donating unwanted stuff: The shelter makes money by selling used, donated school books on Ebay. They take aluminum cans and trade them at a local recycling facility for cash. Empty paper boxes, likely piled up in every Fort Wayne office, can be reused by the shelter â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the lids as disposable kitty litter trays and the boxes as mini â&#x20AC;&#x153;cat houses,â&#x20AC;? created by turning the box over
the original since 1921 SERVICE TODAY or LABOR IS FREE * Photo by Valerie Caviglia
Devonte Cleveland, left, and Norah Kellog meet Pinto Bean, a cat they are considering for adoption from the ASPCA. and cutting out a â&#x20AC;&#x153;doorâ&#x20AC;? for cats to enter. Old electronics and cell phones can be turned into the shelter to trade for cash. Cleaning and office supplies, often part of the shelterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;wish listâ&#x20AC;? of needed items, can be donated and used to maintain their facilities. But perhaps the most important donations come in the form of food, specifically Purina One special blend for cats and either a lamb-and-rice or chicken-and-rice blend for dogs. In just one month, the shelter goes through at least 720 pounds of food. When the shelter faces running out of pet food within a weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time, Rodriguez will put out a plea to the community, asking for pet food donations. Beyond that, the shelter relies on monetary donations from the public or grant money awarded to the ASPCA. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The problem is that none of those are predictable, so weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re constantly in need of making sure we are filling that funnel,â&#x20AC;? Rodriguez said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;and making new relationships or coming up with new events to increase awareness. Getting our message out is so important so people start to think of us and think â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Oh, we can give
locally.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? For more information on helping the ASPCA with a donation or to volunteer at the shelter, go to, or call 744-0454.
Beginning in June, look for the ASPCAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Featured Petâ&#x20AC;? of the month, as well as their â&#x20AC;&#x153;wish listâ&#x20AC;? of needed items, in the Times newspapers and online at
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Photo by Valerie Caviglia
Mariska Essex, seen here holding Hairy, one of the shelterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s newest additions, is just one of many volunteers who visit the shelter each week, keeping its animals company and improving their well being.
Dining & Entertainment
St. Joe Times • May 11, 2012
Bands, businesses team up for outdoor concert series Music lovers will want to mark their calendars to attend a free, outdoor summer concert series at Georgetown Square on the fourth Friday of each month from June through
August. Parkview Hospital has signed on as the title sponsor for the three-part concert series in front of Lopshire Flowers. Concerts will take place
from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The community is invited to take part in each themed concert evening, beginning Friday, June 22, with band Island Vibe and a
tropical theme. Food will be catered by Bandido’s. Junk Yard Band will perform Friday, July 27, with an “old time rock ‘n’ roll” theme, with food by Subway restaurant. On Friday, Aug. 24, Sugar Shot will perform at a country-themed concert and barbecue. Additional entertainment on concert nights
include performances by the Fort Wayne Ballet, the Fort Wayne Philharmonic and musicians from Snider High School. Concerts will take place rain or shine, with the events moving indoors to Georgetown Bowl during inclement weather. Chairs and blankets are welcome, but coolers will not be admitted.
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Other sponsors include Arts United, Georgetown Square, Georgetown Little League and the Huisking Foundation. The concert series is organized by the Georgetown Merchant’s Association, area businesses and foundations for a community service for the Georgetown area.
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St. Joe Times • May 11, 2012 • A9
Healthy Times Natural therapy offers hope to migraine sufferers By MELANIE HERENDEEN
There are about 30 million people in the country who get migraines. Migraine pain is excruciating and can last for days — even weeks — at a time. Migraine sufferers often seek solace in dark, quiet rooms away from strong odors as they become very sensitive to light, noise and smells. They often experience nausea and vomiting. Mainstream medicine offers temporary solutions with medications but they are not without side effects. Dr. Mercola, a leader in alternative medicine, said in his newsletter on migraines, that medications only help half of migraine sufferers half the time. He warns that taking prescription migraine medications can lead to “ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding, stroke and heart attack, muscle weakness, dizziness and nausea.” Due to these side effects,
migraine sufferers often end up seeking natural forms of healing. Kelly Loft, internationally certified massage instructor with expertise in helping those with migraines, lists on her website common triggers to headache pain. They include: Stress/anxiety, caffeine, foods with tyramine sulfates and nitrates, lack of food and low blood sugar, dehydration, alcohol, aged cheeses, semi sweet chocolate, hormonal changes, poor sleep habits and changes in weather including humidity, barometric pressure, and temperature. In addition: smoking and/or tobacco products and nicotine, perfumes or chemical odors, bright or flickering lights, muscle tension, altitude, motion (traveling or amusement rides), and more. As you can see the list of triggers is long. But no matter what the cause or trigger, there is one result.
The blood vessels in the brain become dilated and press on nerves, causing pain. To constrict the blood vessels and thereby reduce pain, migraine sufferers can keep a cold pack handy to place on their forehead. Putting a cold gel pack (available at your local drug store) under the neck also can be helpful. Often people experience muscle tension in the shoulders and upper back that, if not interrupted with massage or exercise, moves up the head and turns into a full-blown migraine. A massage therapist can help release the muscle tension and reverse the pain-andspasm cycle. In view of this, Wellness Organix Massage offers specialized migraine therapy. The procedure consists of cold marble stones placed gently on the face and neck, a medical massage created by a physician, heat therapy on the feet, reflexology and subtle
Tired of life being an upward climb? Let go By PAM HOLT
As a personal trainer and behavioral wellness coach, clients come to me for a variety of health and fitness concerns. My responsibility to clients doesn’t end with tending to their physical fitness regime. Many behaviors affect their ability to achieve a greater sense of well-being, health and happiness. These behaviors are addressed in wellness coaching — a proven and effective way of helping people change old habits, maintain better habits, simplify their lives and live with greater happiness. It is a very positive, success-building process in which the client and I partner together to help reduce stress, modify
nutrition behaviors, improve exercise adherence, better manage time, improve organizational
abilities, improve relationships, create personal See HEALTH, page A11
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St. Joe Times • May 11, 2012
A10 •
University hosts GGIN? O N R luau-themed class reunion OU
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The University of Saint Francis Office of Alumni Relations will host a class reunion with a luau theme on Saturday, May 19, at the main Fort Wayne campus for graduates of class years 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002 and 2007. A range of activities will be offered. Check-in will be from 1-2 p.m. in the Pope John Paul II Center. Tours of campus, Brookside and the new USF Performing Arts Center will be offered from 2-4 p.m. Downtown tours will depart via trolley from the Hutzell Athletic Center front entrance. During that time, alumni can also participate in community service projects at the north campus, either by tying fleece blankets for Project Linus, which serves traumatized children, or writing notes to active duty military personnel. They also can try their hands at operating a twowheeled Segway personal transportation vehicle. Rides will take off from the Trinity Hall front entrance. To really mix it up, alumni can test their skills in a giant game of Twister on
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an inflatable board set up in the amphitheater outside the Pope John Paul II Center. Classes without Quizzes by USF’s faculty members, a replaying of the 2010 men’s basketball championship game, ukulele lessons and Bingo in the Trinity dining hall will take place from 4–5 p.m. USF President Sister M. Elise Kriss, will host a tea in the Brookside ballroom from 5:15–6:30 p.m., while pool, corn hole, croquet and other sports will take place all across campus. Each class will have a dedicated room in the Pope John Paul II Center or Brookside for networking, photos with classmates and snacks at 6:45 p.m. The Cougar Luau Dinner will take place in a large tent on the Pope John Paul II Center parking lot from 7-9 p.m., and a dance with music by a disc jockey will wrap up the reunion from 8-10 p.m. Price is $25 per person for the entire day and evening. Alumni can contact Debra Boggs in the office of development at 399-8037 or for more information.
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St. Joe Times â&#x20AC;˘ May 11, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ A11
SPORTS from page A6 economics and business management. He was All-SAC first team kicker, All-Area first team kicker, All-State Associated Press first team punter, All-State Indiana Football Coaches Association first team kicker. Friesner also was Player of the Week and voted Most Valuable Player for special teams at BDHS. Sean Herberger will play baseball at Glen Oaks Community College in Centreville, Mich., under coach Keith Schreiber. In 2011, the BDHS team was third in the SAC. Herberger, who was Honorable Mention SAC, plans to study business. A.J. Houk will play Division III football under coach Robby Long at DePauw University in Greencastle. Houk was Academic All State and his team was SAC champs in 2009-10, as well as state runner-up in 2010. He plans to study economics. Michael Kindler will play NAIA basketball at the University of Saint Francis under coach Luke Cummings.
Kindler was First Team SAC and 2012 Sectional Champs. He plans to study health sciences and physical therapy. Michael Nix will be a Division II wrestler at the University of Indianapolis. Nix, who plans to study physical therapy, will be coached by Jason Warthan. He was a member of the 2009, 2010 and 2011 SAC championship teams. He holds multiple school records and has received multiple awards and accolades as well as being a state finalist in 2011 and 2012. Dalton Wheeler will be joining the Division III football program at DePauw University. Wheeler, who plans to study biology, was Second Team All-SAC running back, 2011 MVP, Academic All State and team captain. Michael Zehr will be playing NAIA football at Marion University in Indianapolis under coach Ted Karras. A member of the 2009 and 2010 sectional team, Zehr plans to study nursing.
HEALTH from page A9 value statements and set goals to live those values. My clients inspire me every day with their successes and willingness to change once they see that their old upward climb is not working for them any longer. They begin to push aside barriers, to experience and enjoy the ride of their life by making small, simple changes, letting go of perfection, overcoming fear, and saying â&#x20AC;&#x153;yesâ&#x20AC;? to new behaviors and life experi-
ences. One client expresses her One-To-One Wellness Coaching experience stating, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have such a different view of myself, because Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m in control. My whole life has changed.â&#x20AC;? Another explains, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pam didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just physically teach me how to lift a dumbbell, she showed me how to lift the barriers in my life that were keeping me from optimal health, fitness and happiness.â&#x20AC;?
The fact is that no thing, activity, event or other person can make us happy. We must realize that the fate of our happiness is in our hands. If you feel you are constantly pushing uphill on your journey, there just may be a different path to explore. Contact Pam Holt at Pam@PamHoltOne or call 7497226. Visit One-To-Oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website and blog at
Brooke Barenfanger of Angola was the KPC staff choice winner for KPCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s March Photo Contest. These are my four sisters. The first one is Hannah (11), the second one is Alexandra (8), the third one is Rebekah (4), and the littlest one is Gabriella (1). BROOKE BARENFANGER
Tanecia Robinson of Auburn was the peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s choice winner for KPCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s March Photo Contest.
Our 3-month-old daughter, Kathryn Joann, enjoying her first days of nice warm weather. TANECIA ROBINSON
Their photos also will appear online at PHOTO SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: â&#x20AC;˘ Go to
Winners need to contact James Tew at or 260-347-0400 x190
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St. Joe Times • May 11, 2012
Radio station’s newest disc jockey a high school sophomore
Courtesy photo
Northrop High School senior Marissa Williams is presented with the Youth Humanitarian of the Year award by the American Red Cross of Northeast Indiana.
Northrop senior named Humanitarian of the Year Northrop High School senior Marissa Williams was recently recognized by the American Red Cross of Northeast Indiana as its Youth Humanitarian of the Year. Williams was nominated by Big Brothers Big Sisters because representatives felt she demonstrated the qualities of a humanitarian. Williams is a member of
the National Honor Society and has been part of numerous community projects including Operation Backyard, where she helped to clean yards throughout the community. The American Red Cross said Williams’ compassion, understanding and friendship are what made her their honored youth member this year.
USF hosting Art in the Morning for children The School of Creative Arts at the University of Saint Francis announced it again will offer summer art classes for children in grades 1 through 8 with its Art in the Morning youth art program. The classes will run from July 2 to July 20, Monday through Friday, from 9 to 11:30 a.m. at the Mimi and Ian Rolland Center for Art and Visual Communication on Leesburg Road. No classes will be held on July 4. Area art teachers and art education majors will instruct children in drawing, painting, printmaking, multimedia, and ceramics. All art materials will be provided. The cost is $125 for each child and includes all materials and instructional fees. For a registration form and further information, contact the School of Creative Arts at 399-7700, ext. 8001.
A sophomore at Bishop Dwenger High School is officially part of the WJFX-FM (Hot 107.9) “entourage.” Sixteen-year-old Andrea Russett will host “Random Radio with Andrea Russett” from noon to 2 p.m. Saturdays. The teen is no stranger to the media and enter-
tainment industry. Since 2009, Russett has managed to accumulate 250,000 subscribers and 32 million views on YouTube, as well as more than 107,000 Twitter followers. She posts videos of her spouting off about “random” topics, spending time with her friends and just being a
Thanks in part to students from Snider and Blackhawk high schools, a food bank serving northeast Indiana will be able to feed families in Allen County who have fallen on tough times. Students took part in this year’s CANstruction event, collecting hundreds of canned goods and then using them to build massive sculptures in the corridors of Glenbrook Square Mall. Along with the efforts of 10 other high schools, students collected 85,068 food items — that’s 68,033 pounds of food — to be donated to Community Harvest Food Bank to end up in the homes of northeast Indiana families. An exhibition at Glenbrook Square showed off the students’ sculptures, which they engineered using a combination of math, physics and creativity. Each sculpture was judged in a variety of categories and voted on by community members who brought canned goods for the cause. “This year was so awesome,” Jane Avery, executive director at Community Harvest Food Bank, said. “Even better than the last. These brilliant students amaze me. They’re so busy with their lives and yet they take the time to build these beautiful structures to help feed hungry people. They have such compassion and drive. I can’t thank them enough for all of their dedication and hard work.”
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Courtesy photo/
Andrea Russett, a sophomore at Bishop Dwenger High School, can be heard on Hot 107.9-FM from noon to 2 p.m. Saturdays.
Students build up hope for hungry families
Courtesy photo
Students from 12 area high schools created sculptures using donated canned goods to win over an audience at Glenbrook Square Mall during CANstruction 2012 to benefit Community Harvest of Northeast Indiana. Pictured here is Carroll High School’s sculpture, which won awards for both “Juror’s favorite” and “Most excess cans used.”
2012 CANstruction Winners Most cans in design – Northrop High School Most excess cans – Carroll High School Best meal – New Haven High School Best use of labels – Blackhawk High School Structural ingenuity – Central Noble High School Juror’s favorite – Carroll High School Best use of theme (tie) – Bellmont High School/Canterbury High School Honorable mention – Blackhawk High School Honorable mention – Central Noble High School People’s choice – Northrop High School
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teenager. All her fans will be able to hear her radio show, even if they don’t live in Fort Wayne. The radio station streams its broadcasts live on the web at Russett’s YouTube channel can be found at andrearussett.
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Community Calendar
St. Joe Times • May 11, 2012
FRIDAY, MAY 11 Jury Pool Pass Drawing. Partners 1st Federal Credit Union, 1314 Minnich Road, New Haven. Partners 1st will automatically enter those who sign up for a new checking account, direct deposit or loan into a drawing for free passes to Jury Pool, two beach towels and sunscreen. Contest entries continue through May 24. Taylor Chapel Preschool Registration. Taylor Chapel United Methodist Church, 10145 Maysville Road, Fort Wayne. Taylor Chapel Preschool is currently registering children for the 2012-2013 preschool year. Classes are available for 2-5 year olds. Morning and afternoon Pre-K classes are available, as well as full day classes. For more information call Vicki at 260-749-8597 or go to Johnny Appleseed Toastmasters. Better Business Bureau, 4011 Parnell Ave, Fort Wayne. 7:30 a.m. Kids Stop-n-Shop and play day. Shoaff Park, 6401 St. Joe Road, Fort Wayne. 3-7 p.m. Shoaff Park is the place for family fun today and Saturday. Kids will enjoy messy games and hands-on crafts and compete in the kids‚fun run or bicycle ride. There will be books to swap, food to eat and animals to pet and toys, crafts and other unique items for sale by their young owners. More details are available at Sandy Hackett’s Rat Pack. Niswonger Performing Arts Center of Northwest Ohio, 10700 SR 118 S., Van Wert. 7:30 p.m. Celebrating 50 years of the Rat Pack, Sandy Hackett‚ Rat Pack Show has been said to be the next best thing to seeing the Rat Pack themselves. Come experience this critically acclaimed, hugely entertaining theatrical production which includes recorded voice overs made exclusively for this show by Sandy Hackett, father, the late legendary comedian, Buddy Hackett. The Pack will be joined by the Toledo Jazz Orchestra in this tremendously entertaining and musically exciting show. Tickets for the 7:30 p.m. show are $30 and available online at, by phone or in person at the box office. Phone: 419-238-NPAC. Box office is open Monday to Friday, noon to 4 p.m.
SATURDAY, MAY 12 National Stamp Out Hunger Postal Food Drive. Put your food donations out for the mail carriers on Saturday. For more information on this national event, go to “Run with the Knights!” 5K Run/Walk. Foster Park, Fort Wayne. 9 a.m. Registration opens at 8 a.m. at pavilion No. 1. Pre-registration $15/person; After May 7 $20/person. Runners and walkers are welcome. Registration forms at For more information, call Sarah Shank at 456-1261, ext. 3039 or e-mail EAA Chapter 2 Young Eagles Rally. Smith Field Airport, 426 W. Ludwig Road, Fort Wayne. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free airplane rides for kids ages 8-17. Registration: 9-11 a.m. Flights: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (weather permitting). Parent or legal guardian must be present. Fourth Annual Games! Dogs! Play! Day. Franke Park, 3411 Sherman Blvd., Fort Wayne. 9 a.m. to noon. Don’t let your dog miss this fun event with vendors, adoptable dogs, rescue groups and the opportunity to participate in fun and goofy canine challenges. Food will be available for purchase during the event, too. Registration is required to participate in the games but the event is open to the public and free of charge. Call Renee Sinacola at 427-6005 for more information. The event is sponsored by My Best Friend Dog Training. NAMI Fort Wayne Walk 2012. Headwaters Park, 333 S. Clinton St., Fort Wayne. Registration begins at 9 a.m. Walk starts at 10 a.m. Please call for more information or a registration packet. Rummage & Bake Sale. First Christian Church, 4800 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fill-a-bag sale starts at 1 p.m. Summit City Comic Con. Grand Wayne Center, 120 West Jefferson Blvd., Fort Wayne. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Summit City Comic Con will make its return to Fort Wayne. The event will feature panels and raffles, and a kids’s costume contest. The 2012 guest list boasts creators like Gabriel Hardman, Robert Atkins, Mike Norton, Tom Scioli, Katie Cook, and Hilary Barta. Alcoholics Anonymous. St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, 700 W. Maumee St., Angola. 11 a.m. Fort Wayne Derby Girls. Allen County War Memorial Coliseum, Fort Wayne. 5 p.m. Join the Derby Girls for the last bout of the season on May 12 against Killamazoo. Doors open at 5 p.m. The Bomb Squad bout begins at 6 p.m. followed by the SWAT Team bout at 7:30 p.m. Proceeds from the bout will be donated to The League for Blind and Disabled - Youth Services Program, which helps children with severe disabilities integrate into the community. Admission is $20 for two tickets, $12 for a single adult ticket, $7 for youth tickets and free for children under age 6. Senior tickets are $9. Chicken Dinner and Silent Auction. Calvary United Methodist Church, 6301 Winchester Road, Fort Wayne. 6-9 p.m. This event will benefit the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Cost: Adults $8; Children 10 and under $5. Call 705-0862 for ticket information. Dances of Universal Peace. Fort Wayne Dance Collective, 437 E. Berry (2nd Floor), Fort Wayne. 7-10 p.m. The Dances gather beings in joyous and deeply meditative interfaith circle dances — easy to learn and open to all, whether dancing or just in presence. They combine simple folk dance movements with sacred songs drawn from the Earth’s many spiritual traditions. No partner or prior registration required, a brief training provided for simple steps and lyrics. Fragrance free. Cost: $7. or Prom N Aid. Grace Gathering, 3157 Minnich Road, New Haven. 7-10:30 p.m. Grace Gathering church will host this retro-vibe prom for adults, complete with disc jockey, dance floor, door prizes, trivia, food and drinks. Open to anyone for $15 in advance, $20 at the door; or $25 per couple in advance, $30 at the door. The event will help raise money for the church mission trip to Haiti and dance the night away at Prom N Aid.
SUNDAY, MAY 13 “Put Your Beliefs to the Test”. The Church House, 13313 Indiana St., Grabill. 6-7 p.m. Dove Ministries presents “Put Your Beliefs To The Test” every second, third and fourth Sunday of the month, from 6-7:30 p.m. For more information call 260-486-9175 or 260-657-7017. ‘Dreamgirls’ auditions for Fort Wayne Civic Theatre. Arts United Center, 303 E. Main St., Fort Wayne. 6-10 p.m. Sign up for auditions by contacting Eunice Wadewitz, Music Director, at 260-422-8641, ext. 226 or
Open networking. AJ’s Bar & Grill, 2488 Getz Road, Fort Wayne. Noon. No cost, no exclusivity by profession. Each person gets a few minutes to tell about your business, and there is a featured speaker. Top 10 Pest and Disease Problems and How to Deal with Them. Aboite Library, Fort Wayne. 7 p.m. Aboite Library Gardening seminar series presents Purdue Horticulture Extension educator Ricky Kemery and Master Gardeners. Free gardening seminars for the novice and expert with a focus on sustainable methods. Space is limited. Learn about the major pests, weeds, and diseases of the garden, and about organic and conventional ways to deal with them.
TUESDAY, MAY 15 Trillium Garden Club Annual Plant Sale. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, 10700 Aboite Center Road, Fort Wayne. 8 a.m. All home-grown plants for sale. Located in the church parking lot. Tai Chi in the Garden II. Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory, 1100 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne. 5:30 p.m. Learn to relax your body and focus your mind with the ancient art of Tai Chi, effective in reducing stress, relieving arthritis, diabetes and other chronic conditions. Instructor Sandy Gebhard is certified by renowned master Dr. Paul Lam, and has 30 years experience practicing and teaching Tai Chi. Ages 18+. Registration deadline: March 23. Fee: $59, Conservatory Member Fee: $49. To register, call 260-427-6011 or go online at Free HPV Screenings. Zion Lutheran Church, 2313 South Hanna Street, Fort Wayne. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Human Papilloma Virus is a sexually-transmitted disease that causes cervical cancer in females. In an effort to educate the public about the dangers of HPV and how it can be prevented, the Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW) Department of Nursing and the Lafayette Street Family Health Clinic are sponsoring information sessions for middle and high school students and their parents. Free pizza and family photos will be available. Grief Share. New Haven United Methodist Church, 630 Lincoln Highway E., New Haven. 6:30 p.m. A 13-week class for people grieving the loss of a loved one. Classes will meet on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. starting May 1 through July 24. All are welcome to begin attending at any session. You do not have to attend each session in sequence. For more info, call Margie Williams, facilitator, at 749-9907 or the church office at 749-9565. Preserving Nature’s Bounty workshops. Allen County Extension Office on the IPFW Campus, 4001 Crescent Ave, . 7 p.m. The Allen County Extension office will host several workshops with the aim of teaching community members how to preserve fruits and vegetables for future use. The Purdue Extension Service in Allen County will conduct the workshops to discuss safe home food preservation procedures and to answer the frequently asked questions on canning, freezing and drying foods.
Hake. For ages 15 and up. Not intended for people who are pregnant or have serious health conditions. Pre-registration not required. Bring your own supplies if you have them. No class on days when Fort Wayne Community Schools cancel classes. Class information is available by following Fort Wayne Outdoor Yoga on Facebook, checking the instructor’s website at, or at 260-427-6440. Fee: $7 per class. Conservatory member fee: $5 per class.
Annual Spring Neighborhood Garage Sale. Glenwood Park, Fort Wayne. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Glenwood Park Community Association, located between East State Boulevard and Trier Road on the north; and Reed Road and Coliseum Boulevard on the west, will hold its neighborhood garage sale May 17 through 19. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday and Friday; and
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WEDNESDAY, MAY 16 Fur Restyling Event. Pappas Furs, 2811 E. State Blvd, Fort Wayne. Transform your fur into something special. Drop-in Yoga. Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory, 1100 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne. 5:30-6:30 p.m. In association with Fort Wayne Outdoor Yoga, the Botanical Conservatory offers drop-in yoga classes for all levels. Taught by certified yoga instructor and world traveler Lanah K.
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Community Calendar
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Kids can fly free June 9 Area youth, ages 8-17 will have a chance to take to the skies when the Experimental Aircraft Association, Chapter 2, hosts its flight rally June 9 beginning at the main hangar at Smith Field Airport. Registration will take place from 9-11 a.m. and flights will begin at 9 a.m., weather permitting. Participants will be flown by volunteer pilots as part of the EAA’s Young Eagles program. In addition to the free flight, pilots will explain the aircraft and allow each young person to discover how the airplane works and how pilots ensure safety before and during a flight. Other activities may include information booths
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday.
Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church Rummage Sale. Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church,
for the Aviation Explorers, the 99’s — an organization of women’s pilots, the Civil Air Patrol, Ivy Tech and more. Following the flight, each participant will receive an official Young Eagles certificate, a log book to record their flight and future flights, access to Sporty’s Complete Flight Training Course for free, an EAA student membership, an Academy of Model Aeronautics membership and many other benefits. More information about EAA and the Young Eagles program can be found online at or The EAA Chapter 2 website is
Free athletic day camp coming Indiana Tech will host the Fellowship of Christian Athletes Power Camp June 18-21. The Power Camp is open June 18-19 for third through fifthgrade students and June 20-21 for sixth through eighth-grade students. Camps will focus on basketball, football, soccer and martial arts for boys and basketball, volleyball, soccer and martial arts for girls. In it’s ninth year, FCA Power Camp’s “In the Zone” theme focuses on “unstoppable faith,” part of the faith-based organiza-
tion’s core values. The day camp, which runs daily from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., will feature local coaches and athletes as well as Tanya Crevier, a world champion ball-handler. To register for the Power Camp or to find out more information, contact Chuck Nelson at 6728482 or General information about the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the various camps around the country can be found by visiting
1819 Reservation Drive, Fort Wayne. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The church rummage sale in the Family Life Center will begin on Thursday, May 17, and run through Saturday, May 19. Hours: Thursday and Friday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturday bag sale 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Spring party. Fort Wayne Museum of Art, 311 East Main Street, Fort Wayne. 6-9 p.m. Celebrate spring with a night of art, music, food and friends. See all new exhibitions, enjoy delicious treats from Catablu and immerse yourself in the blues-y stylings of Carol Lockridge, winner of the Indiana Blues Challenge. $5 per person for FWMoA members. $10 per person for non-members. Anthony Wayne Toastmasters Meeting. Ivy Tech Community College, Fort Wayne. 6:30 p.m. Toastmasters meetings are open to everyone; for better public speaking and a lot of fun. Contact or visit Food addicts meeting. Bethany Lutheran Church, 2435 Engle Road., Fort Wayne. 6:30-8 p.m. Are you having trouble controlling the way you eat? Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) is a free 12-step recovery program for anyone suffering from food obsession, overeating, undereating and bulimia. Meets every Thursday from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm to share in experience strength and hope with other food addicts. Men and women sufferers of all ages are welcome. Contact or visit Depression + 12. Christ’s Hope Ministry and Church, 2818 Carroll Road, Fort Wayne. 7 p.m. 12-step program for those living with depression. For more info contact Marilee Stroud at 312-6069 or
FRIDAY, MAY 18 Church-wide Rummage and Bake Sale. St. James Lutheran Church, 1720 S.R. 930 East, New Haven. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sale at St. James Lutheran Church on Friday, May 18, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and a bag sale on Saturday, May 19, from 9 a.m. to noon. Praying with Companions on the Journey. Victory Noll Center, 1900 W. Park Drive, Huntington. 9 a.m. to noon. Once a month on Friday mornings over the nine-month program, those attending will pray and learn how lovers of God and neighbor let themselves be led by the Spirit and moved by the Scriptures. Numerous texts will be explored, using Lectio Divina as a way of praying God’s Word. The cost is $200 for the nine-month series. Those cost for those who register by Aug. 26 is $180. Individual sessions are available for $25 each. To register for the program, or for more information about the program or Victory Noll Center, contact the Center at (260) 356-0628, ext. 174, or by e-mail at Fiber Arts Celebration. Solomon Farm, 817 W. Dupont Road, Fort Wayne. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Join the Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Department at Salomon Farm for a two-day celebration of fiber arts. The focus of this festival is education through hands-on participation and demonstrations of the processes of making natural fiber products‚ wool dyeing, spinning, weaving and more. Vendors specializing in fiber arts will sell equipment and supplies such as spinning wheels, wooden knitting needles, looms and shuttles, and felting needles and forms. Natural fiber including wool, alpaca, silk and cotton, as well as hand-made fiber products such as sweaters, mittens, shawls and more will also be for sale. Food vendors will be on the grounds. Call Renee at 427- 6005 for more information. Due to the nature of this event, pets are not allowed. Fish Fry and Chicken Strips All-You-Can Eat Dinner. Emmaus Lutheran Church and School, 8626 Covington Road, Fort Wayne. 4:30-7 p.m. Emmaus Lutheran Church and School are sponsoring the dinner in the school gym. The menu includes roasted fish and/or chicken strips, roasted potato wedges, coleslaw or applesauce, roll, dessert and beverage. Cost: Adults and carryout meals, $8.50; Children 6-11, $5.50; Children 5 and under (dine-in only) are free. Tickets will be sold at the door. Come enjoy a delicious meal catered by the Country Chef. Questions? Call 459-7722, and select option three. Splendor in the Glass. Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory, 1100 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne. 6:30 p.m. Annual wine tasting fundraiser for WFWA PBS 39. Ages 21 and over. Offers the opportunity to sample from a global selection of wines, courtesy of Belmont Beverage. Attendees will also be able to purchase wines they like at this event. Tickets for this
with Lynne Ford TALK Worth Talking About
PBS39 fundraiser are $50 each and are available at area Belmont Beverage stores, at the offices of PBS39, 2501 East Coliseum Blvd., and also online at
SATURDAY, MAY 19 Evening Primrose Garden Club Plant Sale. Stein Mart, 6325 West Jefferson Blvd., Fort Wayne. 9 a.m. All flowers directly out of members gardens. International Learn to Fly Day. Smith Field Airport, 426 W. Ludwig Road, Fort Wayne. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free seminars on flight training at 10am, 11am and 12pm by Sweet Aviation. Introductory flights in a Diamond DA20 or DA40 will be available for a fee (weather permitting) and will include a logbook. View static aircraft, visit with pilots, flight instructors and local aviation organizations. Contact or visit for more information. Rain barrel workshop. University of Saint Francis, 2701 Spring St., Fort Wayne. 1:30 p.m. The Green Campus Committee of the University of Saint Francis will conduct a workshop at North Campus on the building of rain water barrels to capture capturing run-off for use in their gardens. Barrels, hardware and an instructor on the building of barrels will be provided, but participants should bring along a powerful drill to complete their projects. Cost is $50 per barrel. Checks are payable to the University of Saint Francis. To reserve a barrel for this popular workshop, pre-register with Jared Haagen at or 399-7700, ext. 6416.
SUNDAY, MAY 20 Used Book Sale. Congregation B’Nai Jacob, 7227 Bittersweet Moors Drive, Fort Wayne. 1-4 p.m. Used book sale: books, CDs, DVDs. Free magazines. Upward flag football and cheerleading registration. Calvary United Methodist Church, 6301 Winchester Rd, Fort Wayne. 2-4 p.m. For kids ages 4-7. Registration also will be held on Wednesday, May 23, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday, May 26, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Games will be played on Sundays at 1 p.m. beginning Aug. 19. Contact the church at 260-747-9218 for further information. The Summit City Singers spring concert. Aldersgate Church, 2417 Getz Road, Fort Wayne. 3:30 p.m. This more than 60-member community choir invites you to attend one of their spring concerts. Listen to favorites such as “The Very Best of the Beach Boys” and many others. All concerts are free and open to the public. For additional information contact Judy King, 489-4505.
MONDAY, MAY 21 Encourage, Empower and Enjoy the Autism Spectrum. Easter Seals Arc, 4919 Projects Drive, Fort Wayne. 7-8:30 p.m. Parents, grandparents, teachers, professionals and others wanting to learn more about autism are welcome. Topics vary monthly. For more information contact Susan Crowell at or call 260-637-4409.
TUESDAY, MAY 22 “Spring into Confidence” Luncheon. Orchard Ridge Country Club, 4531 Lower Huntington Rd, Fort Wayne. 11:20 a.m. to 1 p.m. Presented by Fort Wayne Women’s Midday Connection. Featuring Beverly Kison discussing how to become more confident and comfortable as a woman. Handouts and timely table discussion, plus lunch at the beautiful Orchard Ridge Country Club. Free child care. Cost: $13.50 inclusive. RSVP by May 15 to Suzan at 260-348-3706. The event is sponsored by Stonecroft Ministries. Fort Wayne/Smoky Montgomery Toastmasters. Lutheran Hospital, 7950 W. Jefferson Blvd., Fort Wayne. 6:30 p.m. Toastmasters Club 159 is open to all. The group meets in the Lower Level Special Functions Room 2 by the cafeteria. Contact for more information. Free HPV Screenings. IPFW Neff hall, 4110 Crescent Ave., Fort Wayne. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Human Papilloma Virus is a sexually-transmitted disease that causes cervical cancer in females. In an effort to educate the public about the dangers of HPV and how it can be prevented, the Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW) Department of Nursing and the Lafayette Street Family Health Clinic are sponsoring information sessions for middle and high school students and their parents. Free pizza and family photos will be available.
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St. Joe Times â&#x20AC;˘ May 11, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ A15
&$12( &$03 :,7+ 86
My how theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve grown: Seven dingo pups have become Internet sensations since they were born Jan. 30.
Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new at the zoo? ĘťFamousĘź dingo pups to delight The gates to the Fort Wayne Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Zoo have officially reopened for its 48th season. Behind them await new animals, upgraded guest amenities and zoo babies, some of which have become Internet sensations and generated a media following. Seven dingo puppies born at the zoo on Jan. 30 have made headlines since photos and videos of the tiny creatures first hit the web. The puppies were born to Mattie and Naya, who were imported from Australia in 2010 and are one of just 75 pairs of pure dingoes worldwide. On most days, the zoo said groups of puppies and their parents will rotate between their exhibit and a behind-the-scenes pen. Even though they were born in May or June of last year, around seven kangaroo joeys have just emerged from their mother kangaroosâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; pouches and are now exploring the Australian Adventure exhibit. The zoo said that all of the joeys were sired by their only adult male kangaroo, Mako, who joined the Fort Wayne Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Zoo last March. For more than 40 years, a group of sociable and crowd-pleasing rodents greeted zoo-goers from an exhibit just inside the zoo entrance. The prairie dogs, which were displaced when the zoo started planning a new entrance, have returned after a fouryear hiatus and are now waiting for guests at a new exhibit. Though they look like squirrels, the northern tree shrew is closely related to primates. This unusual, new creature can be found in the
Indonesian Rain Forest at Dr. Diversityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Rain Forest Research Station. Two male kunekune pigs named Elvis and Pugsley have arrived on the zooâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Indiana Family Farm. Originating in New Zealand, this breed is small, friendly and very vocal, making them a perfect fit for this hands-on farm display. The zooâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s reticulated giraffe herd grew to eight animals with the addition of a 2-year-old male giraffe, Ezeji, who arrived from the Indianapolis zoo over the winter. Ezeji and Jelani, the herdâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bull giraffe, will take turns on exhibit with the females. A few zoo exhibits were given a makeover this spring: the blackfooted penguin and Aldabra giant tortoise exhibits received new land-
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scaping, fencing and signage to enhance the displays. And thanks to the zooâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new food service partner, Service Systems Associates, concession stands have also been upgraded, offering pizza by the slice, whole pizzas, wraps and salads. In keeping with zoo practices, concessions will continue to use biodegradable plates, cups and utensils. The Fort Wayne Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Zoo is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tickets for adults cost $13.50; children ages 2-14 are $8.50; seniors age 60 or older are $10.50; and children age 1 or younger are free. Those who purchase a zoo membership will also be admitted for free. For a list of other accommodations or more information, visit
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Elvis, pictured right, and Pugsley are the new pigs on the Indiana Family Farm.
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Check out for a complete listing of services. Courtesy photo
Look for this northern tree shrew in Dr. Diversityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Rain Forest Research Station.
Courtesy photo
At least seven kangaroo joeys are at the Australian Adventure.
Courtesy photo
After a four-year hiatus, prairie dogs make their return to the Fort Wayne Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Zoo.
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