June 3 - June 9, 2012
Robert Taylor stars in "Longmire" - Page 2
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2 â&#x20AC;˘ June 3 - June 9, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ THE NEWS SUN â&#x20AC;˘ THE HERALD REPUBLICAN â&#x20AC;˘ THE STAR
'Long' arm of the law Old-school authority: A&E dips into Western-themed trend Dee Wright TV Media elcome to Absaroka County, Wyo. It's a small, quiet community where no one locks their doors, and the big social event of the year is Pancake Day at the local church. The townspeople and the local Cheyenne tribe live in a peaceful but delicate balance. That is, until four high school boys get drunk and rape a Cheyenne girl who has fetal alcohol syndrome. The sentences that the boys faced were minimal, and the tribe was insulted, putting the townspeople in fear of an attack. Two years later, one of the boys is found killed in the woods. While many assume it's a hunting trip gone wrong, the sheriff smells foul play. A&E's newest scripted series, "Longmire," premieres Sunday, June 3. Walt Longmire has been wearing the sheriff's badge in Absaroka County for almost 25 years. His rough-andtumble way of getting answers has some citizens praising him and others
fearing him. He has managed to keep a fair balance in town for many years, but the boy's murder has his reputation on the line. Longmire's reign may be interrupted when a one of his deputies decides that he could do a better job as sheriff and plans to run against him in the next election. On a more personal note, Longmire has been mourning the loss of his wife, and his grown daughter has been urging him to get out of his depression if he wants to stay the sheriff. The TV show is based on a series of Western-crime novels written by Craig Johnson. Johnson has published eight novels -- pretty much one a year since 2004 -- that follow Longmire and his small-town struggles. Robert Taylor stars as the revered sheriff, but it's likely not the Robert Taylor most people would think about first. The first Robert Taylor that comes to mind is likely the black-and-white film star who appeared in more than 50 movies between 1934 and 1968. "Longmire's" Taylor is from Australia, and most of his previous roles have been Down Under. He did,
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however, have a minor role as Agent Jones in "The Matrix" (1999). Lou Diamond Phillips stars as Henry Standing Bear, Longmire's ally and middleman with the Cheyenne tribe. Phillips is one-eighth Cherokee, so his portrayal of a Native is not much of a stretch, though he is representing a different tribe. Phillips has had an extensive career throughout the past 25 years, including "Young Guns" (1988), "Dangerous Touch" (1994) and "Supernova" (2000). Recently, he appeared in indie film "Filly Brown" (2012), which was nominated for the Grand Jury Prize at this year's Sundance Film Festival. Bailey Chase stars as Branch Connally, Longmire's new competition for the sheriff's badge. Chase starred in TNT's Oscar-nominated series "Saving Grace", alongside Holly Hunter. He also starred in two seasons of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," as Graham. Katee Sackhoff stars as Victoria Moretti, a deputy who helps Longmire find new meaning in his post as he tries to reinvent himself to the townsfolk. Sackhoff starred in Season 8 of "24" as a high-profile computer analyst whose criminal background is revealed throughout the season. She also starred as Capt. Kara (Starbuck) Thrace in the "Battlestar Galactica" revival on Syfy. Cassidy Freeman stars as Longmire's daughter, Cady, who urges her father to move on after her mother's death. Freeman starred as Tess Mercer in the WB/CW hit series "Smallville," as well as the low-
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Katee Sackhoff stars in "Longmire" budget 2010 horror film "YellowBrickRoad." Old-school authority figures have become a popular trend in television, and it seems to be spreading. It's hardly a new concept -- "The Lone Ranger" hit the small screen in 1949 -but lately, there's a resurgence in cowboy-type series. AMC's "Hell on Wheels" has amassed a large viewership in its first season, and it came close to breaking records held by AMC's main hit, "The Walking Dead." Filming for Season 2 of "Hell on Wheels" started last month, and it's expected to hit television in the fall. "Longmire" has been compared to
FX's hit series "Justified," which revolves around the old-school law enforcement in a small community.
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2 4 7 8 78 13 118 119 120 6 11 ----3 10 -20 45 46 39 49 60 29 66 63 18 67 47 35 69 26 421 31 32 70 59 62 33 24 -40 301 303 307 64 37 38 21 23 325 65 27 68 267 243 95 17 41 351 48 30 401 43 52 36 375 44 58 25 34 28 42 19 9
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ACROSS 1 “Adele __ in London”, NBC interview/performance special, Sunday, June 3rd, 2012 5 Mr. Browne whose Hagar the Horrible comic strip debuted in 1973 8 Elisabeth of “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” on CBS 12 “I’d consider __ __ honor...” 13 “__ You Being Served?” (British sitcom) 14 Singer Mama __ Elliot (b.1941 d.1974) 15 New A&E crime thriller set in Wyoming and based on the bestselling novels of Craig Johnson 17 Coffee mug parts 18 Earth sci. 19 “Remington Steele” star Mr. Brosnan 21 Mulder and __, as on “The X Files” 23 “__ Lincoln in Illinois” (1940) 24 “The Sun Always Shines on TV” band 25 “NCIS” on CBS role for Sean
Murray, Special Agent Timothy __ 29 Oslo’s country, to its citizens 32 Beach trinket 33 Waiting for __ (Samuel Beckett play) 34 “Go team!” 35 Taxonomic suffix 37 “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” star who now plays Roman, an ancient vampire on HBO’s “True Blood”, Christopher __ 40 Former host on MTV who now hosts ABC’s singing competition series “Duets” 43 Actor Mr. Bates 44 1997 Peter Fonda title film role 45 MSNBC’s “__ Nation with Al Sharpton” 49 Mountain stat. 50 __. date (Food label info) 51 Nashville music honors, for short 52 Rational 53 Form of theater in Japan in which masks are worn 54 New medical drama on NBC, “Saving __”
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DOWN 1 Comic strip character Abner 2 Jack Klugman’s “Quincy, M.E.” costar, Robert __ 3 Documentary series on former Vice President Al Gore’s progressive cable network Current TV 4 Actress Georgia who played Georgette on “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” 5 “The __ Show with Jon Stewart” 6 Out of the ordinary, for short 7 __ _ close distance 8 Character on 1989 to 1993 comedy “Saved by the Bell” 9 WE tv’s “L.A. __” 10 Military div. for Gomer Pyle 11 To be, in ancient Rome 16 Gretchen of movies 20 Some PCs 21 Competed on “American Idol” 22 Jimmy __ (Shoe designer) 26 Apache chieftain (b.1829 d.1909) buried at Fort Sill, Oklahoma 27 Flair 28 School grades K-12, for short 30 Grant who played oldest son David Bradford on “Eight Is Enough” 31 “__ __, Brute?” - Caesar in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Act III, Scene 1 36 Resort in Colorado 37 “Happy Days” character Ralph 38 Quarterback Mr. Manning 39 Gate fastener 40 Answer’s opposite [abbr.] 41 Role in Broadway musical The Producers 42 Paula of The Food Network 46 Tic-Tac-Toe losing row 47 Tube of toothpaste’s twister 48 Opposite NNW Solution on page 9
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Sunday movies
8:00 p.m. (21.2)“The Basketball Diaries” ++++ (1995, Drama) Mark Wahlberg, Leonardo DiCaprio. A high school basketball star experiments with drugs and becomes addicted to heroin. (2h) (55)(WFFT) “The Road to El Dorado” +++ (2000, Animated) Voices of Armand Assante, Rosie Perez. Adventure unravels when two swindlers find a map to the fabled city of gold. (2h) (25)(WCWW) “Flight of the Phoenix” +++ (2004, Action) Tyrese, Dennis Quaid. Plane crash survivors in the desert must rebuild their plane in order to survive. (2h) (COM) “Wedding Crashers” +++ (2005, Comedy) Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson. Two womanizers sneak into weddings to take advantage of the romantic tinge in the air. (2h30) (ENC) “The Recruit” ++ (2003, Thriller) Al Pacino, Colin Farrell. A mentor asks a talented young CIA trainee to help find a mole inside the agency. (2h) (HBO2) “X-Men: First Class” ++++ (2011, Action) Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy. The government asks the Mutants to help stop a dictator intent on starting World War III. (2h15) (TBS)“Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” ++ (2009, Romance) Jennifer Garner, Matthew McConaughey. A bachelor is haunted by the ghosts of his ex girlfriends and learns to change his ways. (2h05) (TNT) “Shooter” +++ (2006, Action) Michael Peña, Mark Wahlberg. A sniper who was abandoned behind enemy lines is called back to service. (2h30) 8:15 p.m. (MAX) “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” ++++ (2011, Sci-Fi) Andy Serkis, James Franco. Scientific experiments create genetically modified apes who fight for global domination. (1h45) 9:00 p.m. (SCIFI) “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” ++++ (1977, Sci-Fi) Teri Garr, Richard Dreyfuss. An electrical lineman tries desperately to understand his close encounter with a UFO. (3h08) (SPIKE)“Transporter 2” +++ (2005, Action) Amber Valletta, Jason Statham. An ex-special forces operative must find and bring a wealthy family’s son back safely. (2h) (STARZ) “Battle Los Angeles” +++ (2011, Sci-Fi) Michelle Rodriguez, Aaron Eckhart. A retired marine sergeant returns to duty to reclaim Los Angeles from an alien invasion. (2h) 9:30 p.m. (FAM) “The Time Traveler’s Wife” ++ (2009, Drama) Eric Bana, Rachel McAdams. A librarian, who travels through time when under stress, tries to live a stable life. (2h30) 10:00 p.m. (ENC) “Goodfellas” +++ (1990, Crime Story) Joe Pesci, Ray Liotta. A tough New York mobster becomes a target of the government and the mafia. (2h30) (MAX) “Unknown” ++ (2011, Mystery) Diane Kruger, Liam Neeson. After awakening from a coma, a man discovers that his identity was stolen. (2h)
8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 (15) WANE (16) WANE WNDU (21) WNDU WPTA (21.2)WPTA CW CW (33) WISE (33.2)WISE MNT MNT (39) WFWA (39.2)WFWA KIDS KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) CRE YOU YOU (55) WFFT WFFT WSBT (22) WSBT WCWW (25) WCWW WSJV (28) WSJV WNIT WHME (34) WNIT WBND (46) WHME (57) WBND WINM (63)AMC WINM
PGA Golf The Memorial Tournament Final Round Site: First News Sunday CBS Sunday Morning Face the Nation Paid Paid Paid L.M. Animal Smith Program Program Program Traveler Rescue Gardens Muirfield Village Golf Club -- Dublin, Ohio (L) First News Sunday CBS Sunday Morning Face the Nation Paid Paid L.M. Smith Golf Garros -- Paris, France Rugby Collegiate (N) H ome Catholic Meet the Press Paid ITF Tennis Animal French Open Site: Stade Roland NewsCenter 16 Sunday Today Program Program Program Traveler Rescue Gardens Show Mass (L) Championships (L) Sunday Morning NewsCenter 16 Sunday HomeWeek Catholic Indiana Meet the Press Paid Paid Rugby PaidTennis Paid Paid Paid Paid IndyCar Auto Racing Belle Isle Garden Blackhawk Bible Today Home This Busch Sunday Show Mass Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Grand Prix (L) Travels Morning Hour Conn. Business Chiro Garden In Blackhawk Bible This Indiana Busch Paid Life On Paidthe Paid Paid PaidAn angel Paid Paid a dying manAuto City of Angels sent to comfort
Racing Whatever It TomoTouch With Dr. Home Key of Paid Week Paid Wild Ltd. HollyLive HollyTravels Charles Hour Stanley Conn. Program Program wood Program Program Program Program rrow David Program Program Business Chiro wood and Win! Spot finds himself falling in Program love with the man's doctor. Takes Shane West. TomoIn Touch With Dr. Key of Paid Paid Wild Ltd. HollyLive Life On the HollyCity of Angels Whatever It Paid Paid Paid Paid ITF Tennis French Open Site: Stade Roland Garros -- Paris, France Rugby Collegiate Sunday Today (N) M eet the Press rrow Charles Stanley David Program Program Program wood Win! Spot Takes Program and Program Program wood (L) Championships (L) Sunday Today Meet the Press Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Rugby NASCAR Auto Tennis Racing FedEx 400 Sprint Cup Series Site: Dover Downs International punk'd Worship Art & Blackhawk Bible Fox News Sunday World's Funniest Storm Program Program Moments Program Program Stories Program Speedway Program -- Dover, Del. (L) Shut-Ins Soul Hour Worship Mister Art & BlackhawkBiz Bible NewsRd. Sunday World's Auto Racing punk'd Learn to createStorm popular toy store Blood Sugar Solution With Dr. Financial Fitness After 50! Rick Steves' Hidden ThomasMark Kid$ Fox Antiques Concoct. Funniest Shut-Ins Rogers Soul Hour Moments Stories household ... Mark Hyman items for pennies using common With Paul Merriman Europe Friends Kistler "Jackpot!" ThomasKid$ Fetch! Antiques Rd. Concoct. Franny's WordSolutionMartha With Dr. Financial After 50! Rick Steves' Hidden Curious Blood ArthurSugar Zula Clifford- Fitness ThomasWild Bob the Peep/PBob the Mister Peep/P- Mark Dinosaur Biz Saddle MayaSid Friends Kistler "Jackpot!"&M. Paul Merriman Europe George Mark Hyman Patrol Speaks With Red Dog Friends Kratts Builder ocoyo Builder Rogers ocoyo Train Club Science Feet World Bob the Peep/PSaddle Fetch! 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Levitt In Touch With Living Worship Judge Ministry Judge Joys of Ever Jack Love Classics:AYou Are Belle Len and Program Program Program America Sunday ProgramStanle Judy Brown Brown Me Grand Prix (L) Pastor John Ha ee Revealed Charles Word Shut-Ins Judy Oneness Faith Ha ford Worth Loved Cath Worship Ministry Joys of Overboard Ever Increasing Jack Cornerstone Jesus In TouchThe WithBirdcage Dr. Living Kingdom Love Classics: YouPlanner Are Len and Mad MenWith Z. Levitt The Pitch The Wedding Word Shut-Ins C.Mind "The Oneness Faith Hayford Minds Pastor Hagee The GladesRevealed Charles"Breakout" Stanley Worth Minds Loved Cathy Glades John "Beached" "Shine" Glades Criminal Minds Fight" Criminal Minds Criminal Criminal Criminal Minds (:10) Mad Men (:10) The Pitch (:10)
The Birdcage ('96, Com) Robin Williams. (:45)
Overboard ('87, Com) Goldie Hawn. (:15)
The Wedding Planner Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Glades "Beached" The Glades "Shine" Glades "Breakout" Criminal Minds C.Mind "The Fight" Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds CNN Newsroom State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Next List News Your Money CNN Newsroom Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Comedy Accepted Year One Futura Futurama Private Parts Grandma's Boy CNN Newsroom State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Next List News Your Money CNN Newsroom Paid Paid Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction MythBusters Myth "Dog Myths" MythBusters Comedy /(:15)
Accepted Justin Long. (:15)
Year One ('09, Adv) Jack Black. (:20) Futura (:50) Futurama
Private Parts Howard Stern. (:55)
Grandma's Boy M.Mouse Jake Phineas Phineas GoodLk Shake Up A.N.T. Austin Wizards Wizards GoodLk GoodLk Shake Up Shake Up Jessie Austin Phineas Phineas Paid Paid Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction MythBusters Myth "Dog Myths" MythBusters Mean Girls 2 Fashion Police The Soup E! News E! News Weekend The Kardashians Mrs. Eastwood Eastwood Eastwood Blue Crush M.Mouse Jake Phineas Phineas GoodLk Shake Up A.N.T. Austin Wizards Wizards GoodLk GoodLk Shake Up Shake Up Jessie Austin Phineas Phineas The Recruit Movie Ta Quick Change Goodfellas Don't Be a Menace to South Air Force One (7:00) Mean Girls 2 Fashion Police The Soup E! News E! News Weekend The Kardashians Mrs. Eastwood Eastwood Eastwood
Blue Crush ('02, Adv) Kate Bosworth. SportsCenter OLines Report SportsCenter Tonight Softball ProFILE Softball
The Recruit ('03, Thril) Colin Farrell. Movie Ta
Quick Change
Goodfellas ('90, Cri) Joe Pesci, Ray Liotta. Don't Be a Menace to South...
Air Force One Fishing NASCAR Now OLines Report Cheerlead. Baseball ProFILE Golf Drag R. SportsCenter OLines Report SportsCenter Tonight NCAA Softball Division I Tournament (L) ProFILE NCAA Softball Snow Dogs Bewitched Practical Magic A Walk to Remember The Notebook BASS Fishing NASCAR Now (L) OLines Report Cheerlead. Worlds NCAA Baseball Division I Tournament (L) P roFILE Golf Drag R. FOX & Friends Sunday News HQ Housecal America's News HQ America's News HQ Fox News Stossel America's News HQ (7:00) Snow Dogs
Bewitched ('05, Com) Nicole Kidman.
Practical Magic ('98, Fant) Nicole Kidman.
A Walk to Remember Mandy Moore. The Notebook Poker G3 Sport Outdoors Big 12 Outdoors Golf Life Horse Barfly Sports Unlimited Pre-game Baseball (6:00) FOX & Friends Sunday News HQ Housecal America's News HQ America's News HQ Fox News Stossel America's News HQ G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie WPT Poker G3 Sport Outdoors Big 12 Outdoors Golf Life Horse Barfly Sports Unlimited Pre-game MLB Baseball Cincinnati Reds vs. Houston Astros (L) Kung Fu Panda 2 24/7 Unstoppable 1stLook Bill Maher Life as We Know It Seabiscuit G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Surviving C X-Men: First Class Real Sports Out of Sight The Eagle Thrones Kung Fu Panda 2 Jack Black. 24/7
Unstoppable 1stLook Bill Maher
Life as We Know It Katherine Heigl.
Seabiscuit Tobey Maguire. Runaway Jury Dreaming of Joseph Lees Cyrus Monte Carlo It's Kind of a Funny Story (7:40) Surviving C... (:15)
X-Men: First Class James McAvoy. Real Sports
Out of Sight George Clooney. (:35)
The Eagle Channing Tatum. Thrones Income Income Kitchen Kitchen My Bath Room Cr Crashers Crashers Love It or List It My Place My Place Property Property Property Property HouseH House (:55)
Runaway Jury John Cusack. (:05) Dreaming of Joseph Lees (:40) Cyrus John C. Reilly. (:15)
Monte Carlo Selena Gomez. (:10)
It's Kind of a Funny Story Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Income Income Kitchen Kitchen My Bath Room Cr Crashers Crashers Love It or List It My Place My Place Property Property Property Property HouseH House Hr. Power Turn Point J.Osteen Paid Christine Christine Shadow of Fear To Be Announced To Be Announced Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Hereafter MaxSet Little Fockers Rise of the Planet of the Apes The Medallion Cape Fear Movie Hr. Power Turn Point J.Osteen Paid Christine Christine Shadow of Fear ('12, Thril) Will Estes. To Be Announced To Be Announced Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Snooki punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd (7:00)
Hereafter MaxSet
Little Fockers Ben Stiller. (:10) Rise of the Planet of the Apes
The Medallion
Cape Fear Robert De Niro. Movie Penguins Penguins Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Kung Fu Kung Fu Winx Penguins Big Time Big Time iCarly iCarly iCarly iCarly Victori. Victori. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Snooki punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd Paid Paid Star Trek: Insurrection Outlander Aliens Movie Penguins Penguins Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Kung Fu Kung Fu Winx Penguins Big Time Big Time iCarly iCarly iCarly iCarly Victori. Victori. The Back-Up Plan Boxing Dead Man Running The Company Men Paid Paid
Star Trek: Insurrection
Outlander ('08, Sci-Fi) James Caviezel.
Aliens ('86, Sci-Fi) Michael Biehn, Sigourney Weaver. Movie Moto. Racing Garage Perform. Speed RaceDay Consumer Product Showcase Shut Up CarCazy Truck U ClassicCar Moto. Racing Moto. Racing Victory (7:45)
The Back-Up Plan Boxing Showtime Championship Tarver vs. Kayode Dead Man Running 50 Cent. (:35)
The Company Men Paid Paid Xtr. 4x4 Horsep. Trucks! Muscle.. Digger Digger Stings Stings Undc'vrSting Rambo: First Blood Part II Green Zone FIM Moto. Racing Garage Perform. Speed RaceDay Consumer Product Showcase Shut Up CarCazy Truck U ClassicCar FIM Moto. Racing FIM Moto. Racing Victory Movie Winnie the Pooh The Ides Of March Magic City Takers Zookeeper Movie Paid Paid Xtr. 4x4 Horsep. Trucks! Muscle.. Digger (:35) Digger (:05) Stings (:45) Stings (:20) Undc'vrSting
Rambo: First Blood Part II (:15) Green Zone Friends Runaway Bride The Perfect Man Baseball Just Like Heaven Movie (:50) Winnie the Pooh
The Ides Of March (:45) Magic City (:45)
Takers ('10, Act) Chris Brown. (:40) Zookeeper ('11, Com) Kevin James. Movie Paid Paid Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Amer. Gypsy Wedd Hoarding Hoarding Hoarding Friends
Runaway Bride ('99, Rom) Julia Roberts.
The Perfect Man Hilary Duff. MLB Baseball New York Yankees vs. Detroit Tigers (L) Just Like Heaven Mr. Hollan Prefontaine Furry Vengeance According To Spencer Bran Nue Dae The Core Paid Paid Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Amer. Gypsy Wedd Hoarding Hoarding Hoarding LawOrder "Pro Se" Law & Order LawOrder "Patriot" Law & Order LawOrder "Fixed" Gran Torino Four Brothers (6:45) Mr. Hollan... (:15)
Prefontaine ('97, Dra) Jared Leto. (:05) Furry Vengeance (:45) According To Spencer Bran Nue Dae
The Core 3's Co. 3's Co. Hot In Hot In Hot In Hot In Hot In Hot In Hot In Hot In Hot in Cleveland Hot In Hot In Hot In Hot In Hot In MASH LawOrder "Pro Se" Law & Order LawOrder "Patriot" Law & Order LawOrder "Fixed"
Gran Torino ('08, Dra) Clint Eastwood.
Four Brothers Paid Program Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End He's Just Not That Into You It's Complicated 3's Co. 3's Co. Hot In Hot In Hot In Hot In Hot In Hot In Hot In Hot In Hot in Cleveland Hot In Hot In Hot In Hot In Hot In MASH VH1 Top 20 Videos VH1 Top 20 Videos Single Ladies TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny Behind the Music Behind "Game" Behind "T-Pain" Single Ladies Paid Program Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End The pirates battle Davy Jones & the East India Company.
He's Just Not That Into You Ginnifer Goodwin.
It's Complicated Key David Beyond Matlock Gangs of New York City of Angels Videos Baseball VH1 Top 20 Videos VH1 Top 20 Videos Single Ladies TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny Behind the Music Behind "Game" Behind "T-Pain" Single Ladies Key David Beyond Matlock
Gangs of New York ('02, Dra) Leonardo DiCaprio.
City of Angels ('98, Rom) Nicolas Cage. Videos MLB Baseball (L)
THE NEWS SUN â&#x20AC;˘ THE HERALD REPUBLICAN â&#x20AC;˘ THE STAR â&#x20AC;˘ June 3 - June 9, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ 5 SUNDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM (15) WANE (16) WANE WNDU
WNDU (21) WPTA WPTA (21.2) CW CW (33) WISE WISE (33.2) MNT MNT (39) WFWA (39.2)WFWA KIDS
KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) CRE YOU
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
SUNDAY, JUNE 3 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
(2:30) PGA
Golf The Memorial Tournament Golf (4:00) Rugby Collegiate Championships (L) (3:30) Rugby IndyCar Racing Belle Isle Grand Prix (L) Racing It (4:00)
Whatever Takes Shane West. Whatever It (4:00) Rugby Collegiate Takes Championships (L) Cold Rugby Case Files
NC15 CBS Even. 60 Minutes Dogs in the City The Good Wife CSI: Miami "A Few NC15 (:35) Comedy.TV (:35) The Report News "Feeding the Rat" Dead Men" Nightcast Unit NC15 60 Minutes Dogs theinCity Wife Miami "A across Few NC15 NewsCe- CBS NBC Even. News Dateline NBC AdeleinLive London The MissGood USA Fifty-two youngCSI: women from NewsCe- (:35) Comedy.TV Inside (:05) Paid (:35) The Paid Report News "Feeding the Rat" Men" Nightcast nter 16 America compete for the Dead Miss USA title. (N) nter 16 Edition Program Unit Program (N) NewsCeAdele Live in London Miss USA At 49 years old, Tony's weight causes INC NewsCeINC News NBC ABC News Dateline America'sNBC Funniest Secret Millionaire (N) M akeover News (:35) Inside Loves (:05) Paid Hates (:35) Paid Hates nter 16 16 Edition Program Program Weekend Home Videos him to be jobless and threatens his relationship. nter Weekend Ray Chris Chris INC King News The ABC King News America's Funniest Secret Millionaire Makeover INC News TX Loves TrueHates The Heartland "Step by The Basketball Diaries A high school basketball star Meet the Meet the Troubadour, Hollywood Hates Story Weekend Home Videos Weekend Ray Chris Chris of Queens of Queens Step" Browns experiments with drugs & becomes addicted to heroin. Browns "Kate Hudson" The King The King Heartland "Step by The Basketball Diaries Meet the Meet the Troubadour, TX True Hollywood Story INC News NBC News Dateline NBC Adele Live in London Miss USA Fifty-two young women from across INC News Night Shift Paid of 6Queens Browns (N) at p.m. of Queens Step" America compete for the Browns Miss USA title. (N) Weekend Program INC News Futurama NBC News American Dateline NBC Adele Live inBob's London Family Miss USA American Always INC News Night Shift Poker Heartland PaidTour Always Futurama Futurama Futurama Cleveland The at 6 p.m. Weekend Program Dad Sunny Sunny Dad Show Simpsons Burgers Guy Cold CaseSteves' Files Futurama American Cleveland American Always Always Futurama Futurama Finding Poker Your Roots (4:00) Rick L. Welk WelkFuturama & his orchestra salute Glenn Miller, The Love Never Bob's Dies AndrewFamily Lloyd Webber's follow-up to the Phantom of Nova "Venom: Dad great artists. Show Simpsons Guy Dad Sunny Sunny Hidden Europe Benny Goodman & many more the Opera. Burgers Nature's Killer" Rick Steves' L. Welk Never Curious Dies Nova "Venom: Finding Roots Dinosaur Saddle Fetch! Maya and Sid Franny's Love WordWArthur Zula Martha Clifford- Thomas & Wild Bob the YourPeep/PoHidden Europe Train Club "CSI Ruff" Miguel Science Feet orld George Patrol Speaks Red Dog Nature's Friends Killer" Kratts Builder coyo Dinosaur Fetch! Maya and Easy Sid Thai Jacques Franny's Essential WordW- Cook's Curious Arthur Zula Thomas the Peep/PoPrimal J. Weir's Martha Ask This CliffordSteves' Equitrek-& Wild Essential Bob Cook's Easy Thai Amer. Test Saddle Simply Ask This J. Weir's Train Club "CSI Ruff" Cook Miguel Science Feet orld George Patrol Speaks Dog Friends Kratts Builder coyo Pepin Country Grill Cook Old House Red Europe king Pepin Country Cooking Kitchen Ming Old House Cooking PĂŠpin Amer.Suze TestOrman's Simply Money AskClass This Stuck J. Weir's ThaiCaring Jacques EssentialHighlighting Cook's Rick's Primal J. Weir's Ask This Pass Steves' EquitrekEssential Cook's Thai (4:30) in theEasy Middle: for Europe favorite places that Backstage "The Austin City Limits Finding YourEasy Roots Kitchen Ming Old House Mom Cook and Dad Cooking PĂŠpin PepinAmerican Country Grill even know Cookexist. Rusty Old House Pepin Country Cooking most travelers don't WrightEurope Band" king in thePaid Middle: Caring Europe "The Numb3rs Austin City Limits Finding YourThe Roots Road to El Dorado Adventure unravels when Backstage WFFT LocalPass News The Office Office Paid Suze Orman's Paid Money BigClass Bang Stuck Big Bang Two for and a The Mom and Dad Program Program Theory Theory Program Half Men two swindlers find a map to the fabled city of gold. Rusty Wright Band" Paid Paid Big Bang CBS Big Bang PaidMinutes Two and a Dogs The Road to El Dorado The Good Wife WFFTMiami Local News Numb3rs Office The Office Golf News News 60 in the City CSI: News Paid The Outdoors Movie Program Program '70s Theory Theory Program BigBang Half Men TMZ Show '70s Show BigBang Flight of the Phoenix ABC News Loves Ray Futurama Futurama Sunny Sunny (2:30) PGA Golf CBS Minutes in the B.Burger City The Good Wife CSI:News Miami The Office 30 News (:35) Paid Outdoors Movie Two 1/2... Two 1/2... News Paid Paid News 60 Amer. Dad Cleveland Dogs Simpsons FamilyGuy Amer. Dad 28 Rock 30 Rock Bones TMZ Great Performances'70s Show Show BigBang BigBang
Flight of the Phoenix Dennis Quaid. Ray Futurama at the Met'70s "Rodelinda" Food Finding Your Roots Masterpiece Mystery! ABC News Loves Masterpiece Mystery! Futurama Sunny Finding YourSunny Roots Two 1/2... Two 1/2... In Paid Paid Amer. Dad Comfort Cleveland Paid Simpsons B.Burger FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Enjoy-Life 28 News The Rock 30 Rock Bones Healthy Partners Touch Ministries Crossroa VanImpe in Action Faith PaidOffice 30 Drought LESEA Pioneer Memorial (4:00) Great Performances at the Met "Rodelinda" FoodVideos Secret FindingMillionaire Your Roots Masterpiece Mystery! MasterpieceABC57 Mystery! The Unit Finding YourGrey's RootsA. Racing ABC News 57 News Funniest Home EM: Weight Loss "Tony" Drought Dorinda LESEA Pioneer Gospel Memorial Healthy In Touch Ministries Crossroa Victory Comfort VanImpe Paid VanImpe in Action Faith Enjoy-Life T. Paid TCT Alive Partners Fellowship Manna Home To Be Announced Bates Praise Gaither Hour (3:30) IndyCar R acing ABC News 57 News Funniest Home Videos Secret Millionaire (N) E M: Weight Loss "Tony" (SP) (N) A BC57 The Unit Grey's A. The Two Weeks Notice The Killing "72 The Killing "Bulldog" Mad Men The Pitch Mad Men TCT Alive Fellowship Manna Home Victory VanImpe To Be Announced T. Bates Praise Dorinda Gaither Gospel Hour Weddin Hours" (3:15) The "Corazon" (:45)
TwoCriminal Weeks Notice and a lawyer can't get Criminal The Killing "72 Killing "Bulldog" Longmire Mad Men "Pilot" (N) (:05) The Pitch (N) (:05) Mad Minds Men Criminal Minds A tycoonCriminal Minds Minds The Glades Longmire "Pilot" Criminal Hours" Wedding... along, until they can't live without each other. (N) Paid Paid Paidfind theyPaid Animals Wall St. Bio. Supermarkets Inc Porn: Business Billions Behind Bars American Greed Criminal "Corazon" Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds The Glades (N) Longmire "Pilot" (N) Longmire "Pilot" Criminal Minds CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Presents Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom CNN Presents Piers Morgan Tonight Paid Paid Paid Paid Animals Wall St. Bio. "Ben & Jerry's" Supermarkets Inc Porn: Business Billions Behind Bars American Greed Grandma's Boy The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard Wedding Crashers Tosh.O Work SouthPk SouthPk Futurama CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Presents Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom CNN Presents Piers Morgan Tonight MythBusters Myth "Airplane Hour" MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters Head Games MythBusters Head Games (3:55) Grandma's Boy (:55)
The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard
Wedding Crashers ('05, Com) Owen Wilson. Tosh.O Work SouthPk SouthPk Futurama GoodLuck A.N.T. Jessie Shake Up A.N.T. Austin A.N.T. Shake Up A.N.T. Jessie Austin GoodLuck A.N.T. Jessie Wizards Wizards MythBusters Myth "Airplane Hour" MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters Head Games MythBusters Head Games The Kardashians The Kardashians Mean Girls The Kardashians Eastwood Eastwood C. Lately The Soup The Kardashians GoodLuck A.N.T. Jessie Shake Up A.N.T. Austin A.N.T. Shake Up A.N.T. Jessie Austin GoodLuck A.N.T. Jessie Wizards Wizards Air Force One Daylight The Recruit Goodfellas Movie The Kardashians The Kardashians
Mean Girls Lindsay Lohan. The Kardashians Eastwood Eastwood C. Lately The Soup The Kardashians SportsC CountBaseball SportsCenter SportsC(4:00) Air Force One (:05)
Daylight ('96, Act) Sylvester down Stallone.
The Recruit ('03, Thril) Colin Farrell.
Goodfellas ('90, Cri) Joe Pesci, Ray Liotta. Movie Softball enter (3:30) NCAA Drag A review of the day's scores, Baseball highlights,Tonight CountMLB B aseball St. Louis Cardinals vs. New York Mets Site: Citi Field -SportsCenter The day's news SportsC Racing Baseball Poker Pokerin the SportsCand Notebook feature stories from major sporting events. world of sports. Softball The The Lastdown Song(L) Flushing, N.Y. (L) The Time Traveler's Wife J.Osteen enter Ed Young (4:30) NHRA D rag Racing SuperNationals Baseball Tonight (L) MLB Baseball St. Louis Cardinals vs. New York Mets Site: Citi Field (L) P oker '11 World Series P oker '11 World Series News HQ Fox News Fox Report Weekend Huckabee Stossel Geraldo at Large Huckabee Stossel (4:00)
The Notebook Ryan Gosling.
The Last Song ('10, Dra) Greg Kinnear, Miley Cyrus.
The Time Traveler's Wife ('09, Dra) Rachel McAdams. J.Osteen Ed Young Reds Post- Golden Volvo Ocean Race Triathlon Barfly UFC Reloaded Boys in The Game Poker (4:00) Fox News Stossel Geraldo at Large Huckabee Stossel ameNews HQ A e "Ita ai - Le 6 Finish" Fox Report Weekend Huckabee the Hall 365 Reds UFC Some of the biggest"Centennial" and most memorable UFC events Game G. WPT Poker Venice Volvo OceanPrairie Race Triathlon Little PostHouseGolden Prairie Little House Little HouseBarfly Prairie LittleReloaded House Prairie L. House Little House Prairiein Boys Little in HouseThe Prairie Girls G. Girls Age Popper's"Itajai history. Prix game (L) Mr. - Leg 6 Finish" 2011Unstoppable REV3 Penguins Thrones "Valar Veep Girls the Hall Game of365 Thrones Grand Veep Girls Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie L. House "Centennial" Little House Prairie Little House Prairie G. Girls G. Girls Seabiscuit Mor hulis" "Valar Mor hulis" (3:00)
Mr. Popper's Penguins ('11, Fam) (:15) Unstoppable Former CIA agent Dean Cage is Thrones "Valar (:10) Veep (:40) Girls (:10) Game of Thrones (:20) Veep (:50) Thrones Vampires Suck Bill Maher X-Men: First Class 1stLook The Eagle 24/7Girls Morghulis" (SF) (N) Seabiscuit CarlaVeep Gugino, Jim Carrey. kidnappedHorrible by a rogue agent & injected with drugs. Cyrus (N) (N) Movie "Baseball" Bosses It's "Valar Kind ofMorghulis" a Funny Story Fast Food Nation Thrones (:35)
Vampires Suck Bill Maher
X-Men: First Class James McAvoy. (:15) 1stLook
The Eagle ('11, Adv) Channing Tatum. 24/7 For Rent For Rent HouseH House Holmes on Homes Holmes Inspection Holmes Inspection Holmes "Terminated" Holmes on Homes Holmes Inspection Movie (:50) Veep "Baseball" (:20)
Horrible Bosses Jason Bateman. Cyrus ('10, Com) John C. Reilly.
It's Kind of a Funny Story (:15) Fast Food Nation Ice Road Truckers Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Ice Road Truckers Mountain Men Swamp People Pawn Star Pawn Star For Rent For Rent HouseH House Holmes on Homes Holmes Inspection Holmes Inspection Holmes "Terminated" Holmes on Homes Holmes Inspection The Resident Imaginary Friend Drop Dead Diva The Client List Imaginary Friend Ice Road Truckers Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Ice Road Truckers (N) Mountain Men Swamp People Pawn Star Pawn Star The Art of War Eurotrip Rise of the Planet of the Apes Unknown Zane's Sex "Embrace" The Resident ('11, Dra) Hilary Swank. Imaginary Friend ('11) Lacey Chabert. Drop Dead Diva The Client List Imaginary Friend ('11) Lacey Chabert. punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd MTV Movie Awards Teen Wolf MTV Movie Awards (4:40)
The Art of War (:40)
Eurotrip Scott Mechlowicz. (:15)
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Unknown ('11, Myst) Liam Neeson. Zane's Sex "Embrace" Victorious Victorious Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge '70s Show '70s Show Wife Kids Wife Kids G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd MTV Movie Awards (L) Teen Wolf MTV Movie Awards Alien Resurrection Alien vs. Predator Close Encounters of the Third Kind Pandorum Victorious Victorious Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge '70s Show '70s Show Wife Kids Wife Kids G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends The Source Code The Borgias "The The Big C Nurse Nurse The Big C The Borgias "Truth Nurse The Big C The Borgias "Truth (4:30) Alien Resurrection
eAlien vs. Predator ('04, Hor) Sanaa Lathan. Jackie
Close Encounters the Third Kind Richard Dreyfuss."Kill o " and (:10)
a Sie at Forli" Jackie "Kill o " andofLies" Jackie Lies"Pandorum (3:35)Victory The (:25) Source Code Borgias The Big C Nurse Nurse The Big C Octane The Borgias "Truth NurseMotorcycle The Big C The Borgias "Truth Dumbest Hard ('11, PartsMyst) HardJake Parts The Speed Center"The Dave Despain NASCAR Victory Lane Academy Race Motorcycle Race Siege Compa... Gyllenhaal. at Forli" Jackie Jackie and Lies" Jackie Green Zone Transporter 2 Transporter "Killjoy" 2 The Marine 2"Killjoy" and Lies" (4:30) Victory Dumbest Hard Parts Hard Parts Speed Center Dave Despain (L) NASCAR Victory Lane Octane Academy (N) AMA Motorcycle Race AMA Motorcycle Race (4:15) Green Zone goesOther rogue Guys Transporter 2 An ex-special forces operative must Transporter An ex-special The Marine 2 While vacationing with his wife,MagicCi a The Ides Of AMU.S. Army officer The Magic City Battle2 Los Angeles forces operative must Zookeeper as he Just searches weapons of mass destruction. son backofsafely. findPast & bring a wealthy family's son Ghosts back safely. Marine Past takes on a gang whoMen@Work have controlMovie of the hotel. Like for Heaven Failure to Launch find & bring a wealthy family's Ghosts Girlfriends of Girlfriends (4:25) The Ides Of M... (:10)
The Other Guys Will Ferrell. Magic City
Battle Los Angeles Aaron Eckhart. Zookeeper ('11, Com) Kevin James. (:45) MagicCi Hoarding Hoarding Hoarding Sister W Sister W Sister W Sister W Amer. Gypsy Wedd Sister W Sister W American Gypsy Wedd (4:00) Just Like Heaven
Failure to Launch Matthew McConaughey.
Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (:05)
Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Men@Work Movie The Core Meskada Faster Transsiberian Eden Lake Hoarding Hoarding Hoarding Sister W Sister W Sister W Sister W Amer. Gypsy Wedd (N) Sister W Sister W American Gypsy Wedd (4:00) ('03, Sci-Fi) Faster Shooter An ex-convict sets out to find his
Transsiberian A couple, trying to keep their
Eden Lake Movie
The CorePatriot Games Meskada (2010, Thriller) Rachel Killshot Heat('08, Aaron Eckhart, Hilary Swank. Nichols, Kellan Lutz, NickM*A*S*H Stahl. brothers' & avenge theirShow untimely relationship travel through Siberia train. Queens Hor) Kelly Reilly. M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Loves Raykillers Loves Ray '70s '70sdeaths. Show '70s Show alive, '70s Show '70s Show '70sbyShow Queens Movie
Patriot Games ('92, Act) Anne Archer, Harrison Ford.
Shooter ('06, Act) Michael PeĂąa, Mark Wahlberg.
Killshot ('08, Thril) Mickey Rourke. Heat It's Complicated SVU "Wrong Is Right" SVU "Execution" SVU "Philadelphia" Law&O.:SVU "Lead" SVU "Hardwired" He's Just Not That Into You M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Loves Ray Loves Ray '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show Queens Queens Basketball Wives Basketball Wives Basketball Wives Bball Wives "Finale" MTV Movie Awards Single Ladies Bball Wives "Finale" (3:30) It's Complicated SVU "Wrong Is Right" SVU "Execution" SVU "Philadelphia" Law&O.:SVU "Lead" SVU "Hardwired"
He's Just Not That Into You Baseball 30 Rock M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother News Replay The Unit Monk Basketball Wives Basketball Wives Basketball Wives Bball Wives "Finale" MTV Movie Awards (N) Single Ladies Bball Wives "Finale" (4:00) MLB B aseball Chi.C./S.F. (L) 30 Rock M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother News (:40) Replay The Unit Monk
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Q: Would you please give me some info about Eddie Cahill? He is a real hunk! A: The thing to know about Eddie Cahill is that he’s living his dream. The New York City native, born Jan. 15, 1978, was inspired to become an actor after seeing a staging of “Les Mis√©rables” while still in his teens. A few years later, he was in acting school at New York University’s Atlantic Acting School. By age 22, he had his first screen role — an enviable one — playing Carrie’s boyfriend in a Season 3 episode of the smash-hit romantic comedy “Sex and the City.” That was in 2000, which was a good year for Cahill. He also landed two recurring roles that year: a seven-episode arc on another comedic hit, “Friends,” playing Rachel’s assistant (and later boyfriend); and a three-episode run on “Felicity” in the much darker role of a violent drug addict. He was quickly establishing himself as a TV man, but he’s done some film work as well. Most notably (definitely so for him) was the role of Olympic hockey player Jim Craig, whom he described as “one of my heroes,” in the 2004 Disney film “Miracle.” A longtime hockey fan (he was even given his own blog on to write about his beloved New York Rangers’ playoff run), Cahill was keen to audition as soon as he heard they were making a movie about the 1980 U.S. Olympic men’s hockey team. In the same year “Miracle” was released, he won what has proven to be the biggest role of his career: the sarcastic Det. Don Flack on “CSI: NY.” He also appreciates the gig, he said in another interview, because it’s another link to his birthplace, which he’s too often away from as an actor. “One thing I really like about it, and at times miss, is that there’s a real loving sarcasm to the way that city works,” he told fan site “Amongst friends it’s a way of expressing love, in conflict it’s a way of getting the upper hand fast, and in situations like the ones (Flack) deals with, it’s a way of coping.”
8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 (15) WANE (16) WANE WNDU WNDU (21) WPTA (21.2)WPTA CW CW (33) WISE (33.2)WISE MNT MNT (39) WFWA (39.2)WFWA KIDS KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) CRE YOU YOU (55) WFFT WFFT WSBT (22) WSBT WCWW (25) WSJV WCWW (28) WNIT WSJV (34) WHME WNIT (46) WBND WHME (57) WINM WBND (63)AMC WINM
(7:00) CBS
The Rachael Ray Let's Make a Deal The Price Is Right NC15 at The Young and the BoldShow Noon Restless Beautiful The Rachael Ray Let's Make The Price Is Right at Storm The YoungAccess and theHollywood BoldLive! With Kelly Today ShowaIIDeal / (F) Today Show III / (F) NC15 NewsCMorning Show Noon Restless Live Beautiful To Be Announced Tennis enter 16 Stories Show Live! With MillionKelly Today II Today Show III NewsCHollywood (7:00) Today Good Morning MillionPaid Show Paid The View INC News Storm at Noon Access The Chew To Be Announced enter 16 Stories Live America aire? aire? Program Program Tennis GoodDaily Morning Million- Paid The View at Noon The (6:00) The Buzz MillionThe Steve Wilkos The JeremyPaid Kyle House of House of INC PaidNews Paid PaidChew (M Th F) America aire? aire? Program Program Payne Show Show Payne Program Program Program Paid The Daily Buzz Live! The Steve The Jeremy House Show of House of M*A*S* Paid Paid Paid of Our Lives MarketDays (7:00) Today Show With Wilkos Kelly Today ShowKyle II Today III / (F) Show Show Payne Payne Program place Program Program Paid Tennis H With Kelly Today Show II Today Show III M*A*S* MarketDays of Our Lives (7:00) Today CornerShow Store Live! America Now The Wendy The Nate Berkus Access Paid Divorce Divorce Tennis H place TV Williams Show Show H. Program Court Court CornerCat Store America Now The Wendy The Caillou Divorce Sid Curious in Super Dinosaur Sesame Street Sid Nate Berkus Various Access Various Paid Various Divorce TV Williams Show Show H. Program Court Court Science George the Hat WHY! Train Science Curious in Super Sesame Various Various Curious Various Caillou Sid Sesame Street Bob the Cat Super Dinosaur Dinosaur Saddle Fetch! Street MayaSid Franny's WordGeorge the Hat WHY! Train Science Science George Builder WHY! Train Club &M. Feet World Bob the Super Fetch! MayaCurious Sesame Various Sid Various Franny's Various WordVarious Various CookingStreet Various Various Various Dinosaur Various Saddle OpenRoa Various Builder WHY! Train Club &M. Science Feet World George Voyager d/V Various Various Various Wild OpenRoa Various Various Various Various Various Cooking Various Various Function Sit and Southern Newsline Various Democracy Now! Charlie Rose d Voyager al Fitness Be Fit Fitness Kratts Function Sit and AmericSouthern Wild Now! Charlie Rose Various Paid Various A. A. Paid Judge Mathis Americ- Newsline We the Various We the Democracy Law & Order: al Fitness Be Fit Fitness Griffith Griffith Program Program a's Court Kratts a's Court People People Criminal Intent JudgeCBS Mathis AmericWe the Swift We the The Law Price & Order: A. A. YoungPaid Paid This Let's MakeAmerica Deal Swift Is Right WSBT The and the Bolda's Court a's Court Justice People People Criminal Intent Griffith Griffith Program Beautiful Program Mornin Justice News Restless (7:00) CBS This Let's Make a Court Deal Swift Swift The Price IsJudge Right WSBT The YoungMaury and the BoldJudge Judge The People's Divorce Divorce Judge The Jerry Springer Morning Alex Justice Justice News Restless Beautiful Alex Court Court Brown Brown Show JudgeFox 28Judge People's Court The Divorce Divorce Paid Judge Judge The Jerry Springer Maury The Dr. Oz Show Nate Berkus Paid AmericAmeric- Paid Paid Alex Alex Court Court Brown Brown Mornin Show Show Pro ram Pro ram Show a's Court a's Court Pro ram Pro ram (6:00) Fox 28 The Dr. OzDinosaur Show The NateStreet Berkus Paid Paid & Curious Americ- Cat AmericPaid Paid Curious Cat in Super Sesame Sid Barney in Super Dinosaur Morning Show Program Friends Program Geor a's Court a's Court Program Train Program Geor e Show the Hat WHY! Train Science e the Hat WHY! Curious Cat in Super Dinosaur Sid Barney & Curious Cat in SuperHealth Dinosaur Sumrall Various The Harvest Show Sesame CrossroaStreet Life Paid Life Copel'nd Paid Your George the Hat WHY! Train Science Friends George the Hat WHY! Train Good Morning Million- Million- Family Family The View The Doctors The Chew Sumrall The Harvest Show Feud Crossroa Life Paid Life Copel'nd Paid Your Health America Various aire? aire? Feud (7:00) Good Creflo Morning Various Million- Various Million- Health& Family Family The View The Doctors The Chew Joseph Rabbi Benny Voice of Faith in Various Enjoying TCT America aire? aire? Feud Feud La in Dollar Nutrition Hinn Victor Histor Life Toda Prince Joseph RabbiPaid Program Creflo Various Health& Voice of Faith in Various Various Various Movie MovieBenny Movie Various Enjoying TCT History Life Today Lapin Dollar Nutrition Hinn Victory Bounty Storage Various Storage Various Storage Various Storage Various Storage Various Prince Storage (6:00) Paid Program Various Movie (Tu) Movie (F) Movie Various Squawk Box Squawk on the Street Fast Money Power Lunch Bounty Storage Various Storage Various Storage Various Storage Various Storage Various Storage Starting Point CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom (6:00) Squawk Box Squawk on the Street Fast Money Power Lunch Paid Paid Entour. Daily Sh. Colbert Comedy Comedy RENO Various Movies (7:00) Starting Point CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Paid Paid Various Various Various Various Various Paid Paid Entour. Daily Sh. Colbert Comedy Comedy RENO Various Movies Mouse Jake Mouse Mouse Stuffins Einsteins Phineas Laugh! Various Various Various Various Paid Paid Various Various Various Various Various To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced Mouse Jake Mouse Mouse Stuffins Einsteins Phineas Laugh! Various Various Various Various Movie Movie Movie Various Movie Movie Movie Various Movie To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsC. Soccer SportsCenter SportsCenter Movie Movie (M) (:10) Movie/(F)... Various (M) (:50) Movie (F) Movie Movie Various (F) (:10) Movie Tennis First Take First Take SportC First Tk Baseball Tennis First Tk SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsC. (F) Soccer SportsCenter SportsCenter Boy MW Boy MW F.House 700 Club The 700 Club Gilmore Liar Stand. Standing 8Rules 8 Rules (W Th) Tennis (M F) F irst Take/(Tu) F irst Take (F) SportC First Tk/ Baseball Tennis/ First Tk Fox & Friends America's Newsroom Happening Now America Live Boy MW Boy MW F.House 700 Club The 700 Club Gilmore/(Tu) Liar Stand. Standing 8Rules 8 Rules Various Game3.. The Dan Patrick Show GoldAge BoysHall Various Fisherm. (6:00) Fox & Friends America's Newsroom Happening Now America Live G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Martha M.Hungry Martha Emeril Petkeep Martha Various Game3.. The Dan Patrick Show GoldAge BoysHall Various Fisherm. Movie M Movie Movie Movie Sports Various Movie TrueB G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Martha M.Hungry Martha Emeril Petkeep Martha Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Face Off Various Movie Movie (Tu) Movie/(Th) M ... Movie Movie (F) Movie/(Tu) (:15)... (W) Sports/(M) (:1... Various Movie (:45) TrueB Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Various (W) Movie/(M) (:15... Movie Movie Movie Movie (F) Movie (M) Face Off/(Tu)... Various Movie Movie Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various HouseH House Various Various Movie (F) (:35) Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie (Tu) (:55) Movie/(F)... Movie Various To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various HouseH House Various Various WGrace W&Grace WGrace W&Grace WGrace W&Grace Chris Christine Chris Christine Grey's DanceMom To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie WGrace W&Grace WGrace W&Grace WGrace W&Grace Chris Christine Chris Christine Grey's/ DanceMom Various punk'd Various Money Various Money Various Pauly D Various PaulyD Various Various (W) Movie/(F) (:05)... Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Sponge Sponge Max Dora Max Dora Dora Dora Max Guppies Guppies Dora Dora Umizoomi Umizoomi Various punk'd Various Money Various Money Various Pauly D Various PaulyD Various Various Various Various Movie Various Movie Destintn Ghost ST:TNG Various Movie Destintn Ghost ST:TNG Sponge Sponge Max/ Dora Max/ Dora Dora Dora/ Max Guppies Guppies Dora Dora Umizoomi Umizoomi Movie Movie Movie Various Movies Movie Movie Mo Movie Movie Various Various Movie Various (F) Movie Destintn/G Ghost/SST:TNG Various (F) Movie Destintn/G Ghost/SST:TNG Various Various Various Various Various Various Consumer Various Racing Moto. Racing Movie (Tu) Movie/(F) Movie/(Th) (:4... Various Movies Movie (M) Movie/(W) Mo... Movie Movie Paid Paid Various Various Various WaysD Various WaysD E3Access CSI CSI CSI Various Various Various Various Various Various Consumer Various Racing (Tu) Moto. Racing Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Paid Paid Various Various Various WaysD Various WaysD E3Access (:35) CSI CSI (:45) CSI Fresh P. Fresh P. Browns Browns Browns Browns Browns Acc.Jim Yes Dear Yes Dear AmerDad Earl Movie Movie Movie (Tu) Movie/(F) (:45)... (M) (:40) Movie/(W... Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Baby St. Baby St. Baby St. Baby's Various Pregnant Four Weddings What Not to Wear Baby St. Baby St. Fresh P. Fresh P. Browns Browns Browns Browns Browns Acc.Jim Yes Dear Yes Dear AmerDad Earl Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie M Various Movie Movie Movie Baby St. Baby St. Baby St. Baby's Various Pregnant Four Weddings What Not to Wear Baby St. Baby St. Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Vegas Vegas Vegas Vegas Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie (Tu) Movie/(F) M ... Various Movie Movie Movie SheWrote B. Legal Beaver Beaver Van Dyke Van Dyke Lucy Lucy Griffith Griffith Gunsmoke Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural (M) V egas/V V egas (M) V egas/V Vegas Various Law:CI NecRough Various Various Various Various SheWrote/(F) B. Legal Beaver Beaver Van Dyke Van Dyke Lucy Lucy Griffith Griffith Gunsmoke Vh1 Top 20 Vh1 Top 20 Big Morning Buzz Various Brooke Various TITiny Various Movie Various Law:CI/ NecRough Various Various Various Various Paid Paid Matlock Matlock In Heat of Night In Heat of Night WGN Midday News (Tu) Vh1 Top 20 (Tu) Vh1 Top 20 Big Morning Buzz Various Brooke Various TITiny Various Movie Paid Paid Matlock Matlock In Heat of Night In Heat of Night WGN Midday News Morning
This (7:00) CBS Today Show
The Talk The Talk Days of Our Lives DaysRevolution of Our Lives The The Revolution RoseRoseanne anne RoseRoseSwift Swift anne anne Justice Justice Swift SwiftShot Judge Last Justice Justice Alex Judge Dinosaur Last Cat inShot Alex Train the Hat Dinosaur CliffordCat in Martha Train the Speaks Red Hat Dog Martha CliffordVarious Various Speaks Red Dog Various (M) Taste Various This! Various The Taste Jerry Springer This! Show The Jerry The Talk Springer Show The Talk Steve Wilkos Show The Steve Cash Cab Wilkos Cash Cab Show Cash Cab Electric Cash Cab Wild Kratts Com an Wild Electric Various Various Kratts Company The Revolution Various Various The Revolution Ask the Pastor
Judge Judge Brown Judy Judge Judge The Rachael Ray Brown Judy Show The Rachael Ray General Hospital Show General Lifech- Hospital Lifechangers angers LifechLifechDr. Phil angers angers Dr. Phil Funniest America's Home Videos America's Funniest Curious Martha Home GeorgeVideos Speaks Curious Wild Martha ThomasGeorge Kratts Speaks Friends ThomasVarious Wild OpenRoa Friends Kratts Voyager d/V OpenRoa Various Various d Voyager Various Various Maury
The Dr. EllenOz Show DeGeneres Show The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Ellen Steve Wilkos DeGeneres Show Show The Steve Anderson Wilkos Show Anderson Old Old Christine Christine Old Old Arthur WordGirl Christine Christine Arthur WordGirl Bob the Super Builder WHY! Bob the Various Super Steves' Builder WHY! Europe Steves' Various Various Europe Various Various The People's Court
The Dr. Oz Show
Maury Dr. Phil
The People's Court Anderson
Dr. Phil LifechAnderson LifechKing of King of an ers an ers ueens ueens LifechLifechKingDr. of OzKing The Nate Berkus The Showof angers angers Queens Queens Show The Nate Berkus The Dr. OzCliffordShow WordGirl Martha Arthur Show S eaks Red Do WordGirl Martha Highway Arthur toCliffordDaniel Boone Heaven Speaks The People's RedCourt Dog General Hospital Daniel Boone Highway to Heaven General Rejoice Hospital People's Court The Jim Bakker TCT Alive Show Ask the Pastor Movie(M WMovie F) Rejoice / The Jim Bakker Movie Movie Th) TCTStorage Alive Show Various Storage (Tu Various Various Storage Movie (Tu) Movie / (F) Movie / (M) (:45) Movie Street Signs Closing Bell Various Storage Various Storage Various Storage CNN Newsroom The Situation Room Street Signs Closing Bell Scrubs Scrubs Various Futura Futura Tosh.O CNN Newsroom The Situation Room Various Various Various Auction Scrubs Scrubs Various (:55) Futura (:55) Futura Tosh.O Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Auction Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Movies Movie Movie Movie Movie SportC Soccer OLines Football NFL Live Various Movies (F) Movie Movie Movie Movie Mike&Mike NASCAR First Tk Number LeBatard SportC (F) Soccer OLines Football NFL Live Grounded Grounded '70s Liar '70s '70s Liar Various (M) Mike&Mike NASCAR First Tk Number LeBatard Studio B Your World Grounded Grounded '70s/ Liar '70s '70s/ Liar Various DPatrick H. Fame Various Various Various Various Studio B Your World Martha The Waltons The Waltons DPatrick H. Fame Various Various Various Various Various Movie Movie Movie Movie Martha The Waltons The Waltons Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie B.Midler Various Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie (F) Movie Movie Movie Movie B.Midler Various Various Various Various Various Various (F) (:05) Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie To Be Announced To Be Announced Various Various Various Various Various Various Grey's DanceMom Grey's DanceMom Mother Reba To Be Announced To Be Announced Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Grey's/ DanceMom Grey's/ DanceMom Mother Reba Various Various Various Friendzo MADE TeenWolf Movie (F) Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Sponge Sponge Winx Sponge Various Various Various Various Various Friendzo MADE/(F) TeenWolf Various Various Movie Various Movie Sponge Sponge Winx Sponge Various Various Movie Movie Movie Movie M Various Various Various (F) Movie Various Movie M.Racing The 10 Pinks Racing Lucas Oil Various Movie Movie (F) Movie (M) Movie/(Th) M ... Various CSI Gangland Various Jail Various Jail M.Racing The 10 Pinks (F) Racing Lucas Oil Various Movie Movie MagicCi Movie Various Movie (Th) CSI/(F) Gangland Various (Th) Jail Various Jail Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Friends Friends Movie Movie MagicCi Movie Various Movie Baby St. Multiple Not-Wear Say Yes TBA Say Yes Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Friends Friends Movie Movie Movie M Movie Various Baby St. Multiple Not-Wear Say Yes TBA Say Yes Closer Rizzoli Mental Rizzoli Law&O Mental Rizzoli Law&O Movie (F) Movie (M) Movie/(Tu) M ... Movie Various Gunsmoke Bonanza Bonanza Closer/(Tu) Rizzoli Mental/R Rizzoli/LLaw&O Mental/R Rizzoli/LLaw&O Various NCIS SVU Burn NCIS SVU Gunsmoke Bonanza Bonanza Various TI Tiny Various TITiny Various Movie Various NCIS/ SVU/ Burn NCIS/ SVU Walker, TR Walker, TR Walker, TR Various (M) TI Tiny Various TITiny Various Movie Walker, TR Walker, TR Walker, TR
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
MONDAY, JUNE 4 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NC15 First Inside Storm NewsCeWANE (16) WNDU at 5 Edition Stories nter 16 INC News atNewsCe5 WNDU Storm (21) WPTA Stories nter 16 INC News 5 the Meet the atMeet WPTA (21.2) CW Browns Browns Meet the Meet the CW The Doctors (33) WISE Browns Browns The DoctorsFrasier WISE (33.2) MNT Frasier (15) WANE
KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) CRE YOU
NC15 at 6 CBSNews Wheel of Jeopardy! Met Your 2 Broke Two and a Mike & Hawaii Five-0 NC15 (:35) LateS Joan Rivers, (:35) Late p.m. Fortune Mother Girls Half Men Molly "Ki'ilua" Nightcast Silversun Pickups (N) Late Show NC15 at 6 CBSNews Jeopardy! Met Your Got 2 Broke and aNinja MikeWar & Hawaii Five-0 NC15 Talent Two American Grimm "Plumed NewsCe(:35) LateS The Tonight Show (:35) Late NewsCeNBC News Wheel Access of Inside America's p.m. 16 Fortune Mother Girls Half Men Molly "Ki'ilua" Nightcast Late Show "Finals Region 3" (N) Serpent" nter 16 With Jay Leno (N) LateNight nter Hollywood Edition NewsCeNBC News Ent. Access Inside America's Got Talent Grimm "Plumed NewsCeShow INC News World Everybody The Bachelorette (N) American Ninja War C astle "Kill Shot" INC News (:35) The NewsTonight Jimmy Kimmel Live nter Hollywood EditionRay "Finals Region 3" Serpent" nter Jay Leno LateNight at 6 16 News Tonight Loves at 1116 p.m. With Nightline INC News World Ent. "The Everybody The Bachelorette Castle "Kill 'Til Shot" INC Death News ThatNews Kimmel Live '70s Jimmy That '70s South The King The King Sein. Sein. "The Breaking Poi "Survival The Catalina "Spring NewsceDeath 'Til at Loves at 11 p.m. Nightline Show Show Park of 6Queens News of Queens Tonight Money" Stall" Ray of the Fittest" Breakdown" nter The King The King Sein. "The Sein. "The Breaking Poi "Survival The Catalina "Spring Newsce'Til Death 'Til Death That '70s That '70s South INC News (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) INC News NBC News Dr. Phil America's Got Talent American Ninja War Grimm "Plumed of 6Queens of Queens Money" Stall" of Breakdown" nter ShowJay Leno Show Park (N)the Fittest" LateNight "Finals Region 3" (N) Serpent" at 11 p.m. With at INC News NBC News Dr. Phil America's Got Talent American Ninja War "Plumed INC News LawThe Tonight Show Always Chef "Auditions #1" Grimm Indiana's Law & Order: Special & Order: S.V.U. American American Family Family Kitchen "18 Chefs at 6 "Finals Serpent" 11 p.m. With Jay Leno LateNight News Victims Unitat"Mercy" "Damaged" Sunny (SP) (N) Region 3" Dad Dad Guy Guy Compete" (SP) (N) Frasier Frasier American American Nightly Family Family Chefs "Auditions #1" Buddy Indiana's & Order: of Special Law & Order: S.V.U.RoseAlways Wild Electric PBS NewsHour Matters of Kitchen BritBeat "18 Travel to LondonChef & the United Kingdom HollyLaw A celebration Buddy Buffalo Charlie Dad Guy News Unit "Mercy" Bill's "Damaged" Sunny Kratts Company Dad Business Guy the Mind Compete" to the places where the British beat was born. Holly's musicVictims and legacy. West Wild PBS NewsHour Matters of WordWBritBeat Buddy HollyClifford- Thomas "I Wild Buffalo Charlie Dinosaur Electric Saddle Fetch! Maya and Nightly Sid Franny's Curious Arthur Zula Martha Bob theRoseSuper Kratts Company Business Feet the Mind orld Bill's West Builder Train Club Miguel Science George Patrol Speaks Red Dog Love Me!" Kratts WHY! Dinosaur Around Saddle Fetch! Maya and Simply Sid Franny's Lidia's WordW- Cook's Curious Arthur Zula Thomas "I Lidia's Wild Bob the Super Simply Barbecue J. Weir's Martha This Old CliffordSteves' TravelsCook's Garden This Old J. Weir's Hubert Train ClubHouse House Miguel Science Feet orld George Speaks Red Dog cope Love Me!" Italy Kratts Builder WHY! Country Ming Country University Patrol Cook House Europe Home the Cook Ming Keller Italy Garden AroundE This Old Florida J. Weir's Simply Hubert Lidia's Fitness Cook's J. Weir's Old The Steves' Lidia's E Cook's Simply GeneraInside School PBS NewsHour Financial HelpingBarbecue boomers Blood SugarThis Solution causes of TravelsTavis Inside Tavis Tavis Home the House Dropouts House Cook Ming Keller Italy University Cook House Europe it. cope Italy Country Ming tion Street Cross. manage theirCountry money in retirement. 'diabesity' and how to overcome Smiley Street Smiley Smiley GeneraInside E School Fitness SugarWFFT Solution Tavis Inside Tavis Tavis The Big Bang Blood Big Bang Local News TMZ GossipE King of According The Office The Office Met Your Florida Met Your PBS Two NewsHour and a Two and a Financial Extra tion Street Dropouts Cross. Smiley Street Smiley Smiley Insider Theory Theory Queens the Hill to Jim Mother Mother Half Men Half Men The Office News The Office News Met Your CBSNews Met Your Wheel Two and a Jeopardy! Two and a M-Mother Extra The Big Bang Big Bang Hawaii WFFT Local News TMZ Gossip King of According News Girls Two 1/2... M&M 5-0 "Ki'ilua" News D. Letterman LateShow Mother Mother Half Men BigBang Half Men Breaking Pointe Insider Theory the Hill to Jim Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang The CatalinaTheory ABC News Seinfeld '70s Show Queens TMZ Insider Sunny News News News CBSNews Wheel Jeopardy! M-Mother Girls Two 1/2... M&M Hawaii 5-0 "Ki'ilua" News (:35) D. Letterman (N) LateShow Two 1/2... 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy Hell's Kitchen Masterchef Fox 28 News at 10 The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang Breaking The Catalina ABCAmusement News Seinfeld '70s Show Insider Sunny Wild Kratt Friends Dinner News Michiana BigBang PBS NewsHour Antiques Pointe Roadshow Antiques Roadshow Old Parks Charlie RoseTMZ Business T. Smiley Two 1/2... Flying 30 Rock FamilyGuy 3Amer. Simpsons IBA FamilyGuy Hell's Kitchen (N) M asterchef Fox 28 NewsEnjoy-Life at 10 The Office The Rock Two 1/2... Garden Nun Hogan Sons Dad FamilyTies News Sumrall Bible The Harvest(N) Show Hart Wellness Life Office Alert 30 Place for Miracles Wild Kratt Judy Dinner News Michiana 57 PBSNews NewsHour Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow Old Amusement T. Smiley Judy ABC57 News ET The Bachelorette Castle "Kill Shot"Parks Charlie ABC57 RoseNightline Business Jimmy Kimmel Live Wellness Life forBakker Miracles Garden Flying Nun Rabbi Hogan 3 SonsH. FamilyTies IBA News TCT Sumrall Bible The HarvestLife Show Hart Fellowship Health Faith Health Jerusal. Today Manna B.Hinn Today J. Hagee Enjoy-Life Bible Gospel Just Alert Sayin' Place The Jim Show Judy Independence Judy ABC57 News 57 News ET The Bachelorette (N) C astle "Kill Shot" ABC57 Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live Day Independence Day The Killing "Bulldog" Mad Men Fellowship Health Rabbi Faith H. Health Jerusal. TCT Today Manna B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show
Independence DayThe ('96, Sci-Fi) Will Smith. A group of
Independence DayJewels ('96, Sci-Fi)Jewels Bill Pullman,Monster Will Smith.Monster A group of Monster The Killing "Bulldog" Mad Men Family The First 48 First 48 Bill Pullman,Simmons: Family Simmons: Family Monster Simmons: people race against time Mad to tryMoney to save the world from invaders. people race against time The to tryCostco to saveCraze the world from alien invaders. Fast Money The alien Kudlow Report Bio. American Greed Mad Money Bio. The First 48 The First 48 Simmons: Family Simmons: Family Jewels Jewels Monster Monster Monster Monster Simmons: Family The Situation John King, USA OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report Bio. "The Rockefellers" T he Costco Craze American Greed Mad Money Bio. "The Rockefellers" Sunny Sunny 30 Rock 30 Rock Colbert Daily Sh. SouthPk SouthPk Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Daily Sh. Colbert SouthPk SouthPk (4:00) The Situation John King, USA OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight American Chopper American Chopper Outlaw Empires Outlaw Empires Outlaw Empires Outlaw Empires Outlaw Empires Outlaw Empires (:55) Sunny Sunny (:55) 30 Rock 30 Rock Colbert Daily Sh. SouthPk SouthPk Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Daily Sh. Colbert SouthPk SouthPk Austin Austin Shake Up GoodLuck Austin GoodLuck A.N.T. Beauty and the Beast Jessie Austin GoodLuck Shake Up Wizards Wizards American Chopper American Chopper Outlaw Empires Outlaw Empires Outlaw Empires Outlaw Empires (N) Outlaw Empires Outlaw Empires To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced Lately E! News C. Lately Austin Austin Shake Up GoodLuck Austin GoodLuck A.N.T.
Beauty and the Beast (:05) Jessie Austin GoodLuck Shake Up Wizards Wizards Step Up 3 The Tourist The Green Hornet Shanghai Knights Lone Wolf McQuade (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced Lately (N) E! News C. Lately Around Interrup- SportsCenter Baseball Baseball Tonight SportsCenter SportsCenter (4:20) 3 (:15)
The Tourist ('10, Act) Johnny Depp.
The Green Hornet ('11, Act) Seth Rogen.
Shanghai Knights ('03, Adv) Jackie Chan. Lone Wolf McQuade Horn Step Uption Around MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Philadelphia Phillies Site: Citizens Baseball Tonight (L) SNFL portsCenter SportsCenter SportsNationInterrup- SportsCenter NFL 32 SportsCenter Softball SportsC. Live Baseball Tonight Horn (N) Thetion Bank Park Philadelphia,Life (N)Song Pa.of (L)the Teenager Liar "UnmAsked" Last Secret Life--"4SnP" Life of the Teenager The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. SportsNation (N) NFL 32 (L) SportsCenter NCAA Softball Division I Tournament (L) SportsC. NFL Live (N) Baseball Tonight (L) The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity (4:30)
The Last Song ('10, Dra) Miley Cyrus. Secret Life "4SnP" Life of the Teenager Liar "UnmAsked" Life of the Teenager The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. Autogeek- MotorhePoker UFC 140 "Jones vs. Machida" The Dan Patrick Show Poker UFC 140 "Jones vs. The Five e? ad Gara e Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity 's Gara Machida" AutogeekWPT PHouse oker Bellagio UFC "Jones vs. Machida" Jones takes on Machida in mixed martial Frasier The Dan Patrick Show WPT Poker Venice UFC 140 "Jones vs. The WaltonsMotorhe- Little Prairie Little140 House Prairie L. House "The Race" Little House "Bunny" Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls 's Garage? Diamond Classic arts action from Canada. Grand Prix Face ad TheGarage Adjustment Bureau 24/7Toronto, Real Time With Bill Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Ricky 24/7 Machida" Big Mommas: The Waltons Little House Prairie Little House Prairie L. House "The Race" Little House "Bunny" Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls Off Maher Gervais Like Father, Like Son (:15) Face The Adjustment Bureau Real Time With Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Harry, (:15) Ricky (:45) 24/7 (:15) DOA:
BigDead Mommas: Hemingway & PaulMysterious forces keep 24/7 Veep GirlsBill Game of Thrones 1stLook HallRon Pass or A Off The American Maher Gervais a politician and a ballerina from having an affair. & Hermoine return to Hogwarts to find & destroy ... Like Father, Like Son Water for Elephants True Blood True Blood True Blood True Blood Movie (3:30) Hemingway & ... (:15)
Paul ('11, Com) Simon Pegg, Nick Frost. Veep Girls Game of Thrones (:15) 1stLook
Hall Pass Owen Wilson. (:15) DOA: Dead or A... My Place My Place My First Place Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It HouseH House Love It or List It Love It or List It (:10) The American ('10, Cri) George Clooney. Water for Elephants Robert Pattinson. True Blood True Blood True Blood True Blood Movie To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Pawn Star Pawn Star American Pickers PawnSt. Cajun Cajun Cajun Pawn Star Pawn Star My Place My Place My First Place Love It or List It Love It or List It (N) L ove It or List It HouseH House (N) Love It or List It Love It or List It Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba The Client List The Client List Drop Dead Diva The Conversation The Client List (4:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Pawn Star Pawn Star American Pickers (N) P awnSt. Cajun Cajun Cajun Pawn Star Pawn Star Beatdown The Sixth Man Intolerable Cruelty Gladiator Spring Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba The Client List The Client List Drop Dead Diva The Conversation The Client List '70s Show punk'd punk'd punk'd MTV Movie Awards Teen Wolf Teen Wolf Teen Wolf MTV Movie Awards (4:50) Beatdown (:20) The Sixth Man Marlon Wayans. (:15)
Intolerable Cruelty George Clooney.
Gladiator ('00, Epic) Joaquin Phoenix, Russell Crowe. (:35) Spring iCarly iCarly iCarly iCarly Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge '70s Show '70s Show G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends '70s Show punk'd punk'd punk'd MTV Movie Awards Teen Wolf Teen Wolf Teen Wolf MTV Movie Awards Close Encounters of the Third Kind Eureka Eureka Lost Girl Eureka "Ex-Machina" Lost Girl iCarly iCarly iCarly iCarly Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge '70s Show '70s Show G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends The The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Weeds Episodes The Borgias "Truth Nurse The Big C The Borgias "Truth Nurse The Big C (4:45) Close Encounters of the Third Kind Richard Dreyfuss. Eureka Eureka (N) LJackie ost Girl (N)"Kill o " Eand ureka "Ex-Machina" Jackie Lost Girl "Kill o " Twili
ht and Lies" Lies" (3:30) (:50) The Twilight Saga: Eclipse girl must choose Weeds Episodes Hot The Rod BorgiasHot "Truth Nurse The Big C GearZ The Borgias GearZ "Truth Nurse The Big C Chop,The Cut GearZ NASCAR Race Hub A teenage D. Despain Pass Time GearZ GearZ Rod Garage Garage Hot Rod Hot Rod and Jackie "Killjoy" Twilight between vampire and her werewolf friend. and Lies"Wildest Police Jackie E3 ... Ways to herWays to boyfriend Ways to Ways to Ways to Ways to Ways to WaysLies" to Ways to E3 All Access Live World's World's "Killjoy" Wildest Chop, NASCAR Race . Despain Pass GearZ Hot Hot Garage (N) Garage GearZ GearZ Hot Rod Hot Rod AccessCut GearZ Die Die DieHub (N) D Die Die Time GearZ Die Die Die Rod Die Rod Videos Police Videos (12:00) Ways Carol to Ways to Ways to Little Ways to Book Ways to Ways to Ways30toMinutes WaysortoLess E3 All Access Live (N) W orld's Wildest Police (:10) World's Movie Wildest MovieE3 WaysAto Christmas Black Friends With Benefits Access (N) Friends Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Videos Police Videos Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy Conan The Office The Office Movie
A Christmas Carol Jim Carrey. (:10)
Little Black Book Brittany Murphy.
30 Minutes or Less
Friends With Benefits Mila Kunis. Movie To Be Announced Toddlers & Tiaras Coupon Coupon TBA Cake Boss TBA CakeB. Coupon Coupon TBA Cake Boss TBA Cake Boss Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy Conan (N) The Office The Office Joe the King Few Options The Mechanic Narc Air Force One To Be Announced Toddlers & Tiaras Coupon Coupon TBA Cake Boss TBA CakeB. (N) C oupon Coupon TBA Cake Boss TBA Cake Boss (4:45)
Joe theTide" King ('99, Few OptionsMentalist ('11, Cri) Erin Daniels, NBA The Mechanic (:35) Narc A suspended undercover narcotics officer
Airthe Force Act) Gary Mentalist "Red The Dra) Mentalist "Redwood" Pre-game('11, Act) Ben Foster, Basketball Inside NBAOne ('97, FallSky Val Kilmer, Noah Fleiss. David Marciano, Kenny Johnson. Jason Statham. is reluctantly goaded back into active duty. Oldman, Glenn Close, Harrison Ford. Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens '70s Show '70s Show Mentalist "Red Tide" The Mentalist Mentalist "Redwood" NBA Pre-game (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs Oklahoma vs San Antonio (L) Inside the NBA (L) FallSky NCIS NCIS "Red Cell" NCIS: LA "Missing" NCIS "SWAK" WWE Monday Night Raw Common Law NCIS "Pop Life" Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens '70s Show '70s Show ATL Bball Wives "Finale" Basketball Wives Single Ladies Bball "The Reunion" Single Ladies Bball "The Reunion" NCIS NCIS "Red Cell" NCIS: LA "Missing" NCIS "SWAK" WWE Monday Night Raw (:05) Common Law (:05) NCIS "Pop Life" Christine Christine 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs 'Til Death (4:30)
ATL ('06, Com) Evan Ross, T.I.. Bball Wives "Finale" Basketball Wives (N) Single Ladies (N) Bball "The Reunion" Single Ladies Bball "The Reunion" Christine Christine 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs 'Til Death
Monday movies
8:00 p.m. (AMC) “Independence Day” +++ (1996, Sci-Fi) Bill Pullman, Will Smith. A group of people race against time to try to save the world from alien invaders. (3h) (ENC) “The Green Hornet” +++ (2011, Action) Jay Chou, Seth Rogen. A young man teams up with his late father’s assistant to become a crime fighting duo. (2h) 8:15 p.m. (MAX) “Intolerable Cruelty” +++ (2003, Comedy) Catherine ZetaJones, George Clooney. A divorce lawyer meets his match when he falls for the gold-digger he defeated in court. (1h45) 8:30 p.m. (DISN)“Beauty and the Beast” ++++ (1991, Animated) Voices of Richard White, Paige O’Hara. A woman saves her father by agreeing to stay with a beast for the rest of her life. (1h35) 9:00 p.m. (HBO) “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2” +++ (2011, Adventure) Harry, Ron and Hermione return to Hogwarts to find and destroy the last of the horcruxes. (2h15) (STARZ) “30 Minutes or Less” ++ (2011, Action) Danny McBride, Jesse Eisenberg. A pizza boy stuck in an explosive vest is forced to rob a bank, while trying to disarm it. (1h30) 9:35 p.m. (TMC) “Narc” ++ (2002, Thriller) Jason Patric, Ray Liotta. A suspended undercover narcotics officer is reluctantly goaded back into active duty. (1h55) 10:00 p.m. (ENC) “Shanghai Knights” ++ (2003, Adventure) Owen Wilson, Jackie Chan. In the 1880s, a sheriff and his sidekick travel to England to avenge a father’s death. (2h) (MAX) “Gladiator” +++ (2000, Epic) Joaquin Phoenix, Russell Crowe. A Roman general becomes a gladiator when the Emperor dies and his son usurps the throne. (2h35) 10:30 p.m. (HBO2) “Hall Pass” ++ (2011, Comedy) Jason Sudeikis, Owen Wilson. Two best friends are granted permission by their wives to have extramarital affairs. (1h45) (STARZ) “Friends With Benefits” ++ (2011, Comedy) Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis. Two friends learn that having sex does complicate their friendship. (1h55) 11:30 p.m. (TMC) “Air Force One” ++ (1997, Action) Gary Oldman, Harrison Ford. The president fends off deadly terrorists who are holding his plane and family hostage. (2h05) Midnight (ENC) “Lone Wolf McQuade” ++ (1983, Action) David Carradine, Chuck Norris. A ranger squares off with a karate expert while battling a band of evil mercenaries. (1h50) 12:15 a.m. (HBO2) “DOA: Dead or Alive” ++ (2006, Action) Holly Valance, Jaime Pressly. A sinister plan lies behind a martial arts tournament held on a Tropical Island. (1h30) 1:00 a.m. (SHOW) “Let the Right One In” +++ (2008, Drama) Lina Leandersson, Kare Hedebrant. Oskar finds friendship with a strange girl who helps him seek revenge. (2h) 1:05 a.m. (AMC) “Collateral Damage” ++ (2002, Action) Francesca Neri, Arnold Schwarzenegger. A firefighter seeks revenge upon the Colombian terrorist who killed his family. (2h30)
8 â&#x20AC;˘ June 3 - June 9, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ THE NEWS SUN â&#x20AC;˘ THE HERALD REPUBLICAN â&#x20AC;˘ THE STAR
vs. Cincinnati Reds Site: Great American Ball Park - Cincinnati, Ohio Live
- Montreal, Que. Live 2:30 p.m. (SPEED) Auto Racing ARCA Site: Pocono International
this week
Speedway - Long Pond, Pa.
4:30 p.m.
Live 1:00 a.m.
(ESPN2) Rallycross Global
Gears Classic Rolex Series Site: MidOhio Sports Car Course - Lexington, Ohio Championship
12:30 p.m. (33.2)(28)(WSJV) NASCAR FedEx 400 Sprint Cup Series Site: Dover Downs International Speedway - Dover, Del. Live 3:30 p.m. (21)(WPTA) (57)(WBND) INDYCAR Belle Isle Grand Prix IndyCar Series Site: Belle Island Park - Detroit, Mich. Live 4:30 p.m. (ESPN2) Drag Racing NHRA SuperNationals Site: Englishtown Raceway - New Jersey FRIDAY
12:30 p.m. (SPEED) NASCAR Pocono 400 Sprint Cup Series Practice Site: Pocono International Speedway -
Long Pond, Pa. Live 2:00 p.m. (SPEED) F1 Canadian Grand Prix Practice Site: Circuit Gilles Villeneuve Montreal, Que. Live 3:30 p.m. (SPEED) NASCAR Pocono 400 Sprint Cup Series Final Practice Site: Pocono International Speedway - Long Pond, Pa. Live 9:00 p.m. (SPEED) Truck Racing NASCAR Winstar World Casino 400 Camping World Series Site: Texas Motor Speedway - Fort Worth, Texas Live SATURDAY
11:00 a.m. (SPEED) NASCAR Pocono 400 Sprint Cup Series Qualifying Site: Pocono International Speedway - Long Pond, Pa. Live 1:00 p.m. (SPEED) F1 Canadian Grand Prix Qualifying Site: Circuit Gilles Villeneuve
BASEBALL 1:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m. Live
(ESPN2) Baseball
(ESPN) Softball
3:30 p.m.
(ESPN) Softball
Division I Tournament World Series Oklahoma City, Okla. Live 4:00 p.m. (WGN) MLB Chicago Cubs vs. San Francisco Giants Site: AT&T Park - San Francisco, Calif. Live 8:00 p.m. (ESPN) (ESPN2) MLB St. Louis Cardinals vs. New York Mets Site: Citi Field - Flushing, N.Y. Live MONDAY 7:00 p.m. (ESPN) MLB Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Philadelphia Phillies Site: Citizens Bank Park - Philadelphia, Pa. (ESPN2) Softball
Division I Tournament - Oklahoma City, Okla. Live TUESDAY 7:00 p.m. (FSMW) MLB Pittsburgh Pirates
MLB Pittsburgh Pirates vs.
(ESPN) Softball
Division I Tournament - Oklahoma City, Okla. Live FRIDAY Noon (ESPN2) NCAA Division I Tournament Super Regionals Live 3:00 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Division I Tournament Super Regionals Live 7:00 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Division I Tournament Live (FSMW) MLB Detroit Tigers vs. Cincinnati Reds Site: Great American Ball Park - Cincinnati, Ohio Live 8:00 p.m. (WGN) MLB Chicago Cubs vs. Minnesota Twins Site: Target Field Minneapolis, Minn. Live 9:00 p.m. (ESPN) NCAA Division I Tournament Live SATURDAY Noon (ESPN2) NCAA Division I Tournament Live 3:00 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Division I Tournament Live 4:00 p.m. (FSMW) MLB Detroit Tigers vs. Cincinnati Reds Site: Great American Ball Park - Cincinnati, Ohio Live (WGN) MLB Houston Astros vs. Chicago White Sox Site: U.S. Cellular Field - Chicago, Ill. Live 6:00 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Division I Tournament Live
(33.2)Baseball MLB Live (28)(WSJV) MLB Cleveland Indians vs.
7:00 p.m.
5 >H`UL :[ (UNVSH 05
St. Louis Cardinals Site: Busch Stadium St. Louis, Mo. Live 9:00 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Division I Tournament Live
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8:30 p.m.
(ESPN) NBA Playoffs
George Lopez hosts as 30 beautiful single women search for a bachelor to light up their lives in "Take Me Out," premiering Thursday, June 7, on Fox. In a unique game-show format, each woman stands on a lighted platform as eligible bachelors reveal more and more about themselves in the hopes of making a positive impression.
WEDNESDAY NBA San Antonio Spurs vs. Oklahoma City Thunder Playoffs
Western Conference Final Game 6 Site: Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City, Okla. Live
9:00 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
MONDAY 9:00 p.m. (TNT) NBA Oklahoma City Thunder vs. San Antonio Spurs Playoffs
George Lopez hosts "Take Me Out"
(TNT) NBA Oklahoma City Thunder vs. San Antonio Spurs Playoffs
Western Conference Final Game 7 Site: AT&T Center - San Antonio, Texas Live SATURDAY
9:00 p.m.
OUR to reducingENERGY the bills for yours!
(ESPN) NBA Playoffs
8:30 p.m.
+($7,1* (/(&75,&$/ 3/80%,1* +285 6(59,&(
BASKETBALL Western Conference Final Game 5 Site: AT&T Center - San Antonio, Texas Live
Cincinnati Reds Site: Great American Ball Park - Cincinnati, Ohio Live
8:00 p.m.
Division I Tournament World Series Oklahoma City, Okla. Live (TBS) MLB New York Yankees vs. Detroit Tigers Site: Comerica Park - Detroit, Mich. Live 2:00 p.m. (FSMW) MLB Cincinnati Reds vs. Houston Astros Site: Minute Maid Park - Houston, Texas Live
(ESPN2) Softball
Division I Tournament - Oklahoma City, Okla. Live (WGN) MLB Chicago Cubs vs. Milwaukee Brewers Site: Miller Park Milwaukee, Wis. Live WEDNESDAY (FSMW)
SUNDAY Noon (ESPN2) NCAA Division I Tournament Regionals Live
Live 8:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
(ESPN) NBA Playoffs
2:30 p.m. (15)(WANE) (22)(WSBT) PGA The Memorial Tournament Final Round Site: Muirfield Village Golf Club Dublin, Ohio Live SATURDAY
3:00 p.m. (15)(WANE) (22)(WSBT) PGA St. Jude Classic Round 3 Site: TPC Southwind - Memphis, Tenn. Live
8:00 p.m. (16)(WNDU) (33)(WISE) NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Final Live
4:30 p.m. (16)(WNDU) (33)(WISE) NTRA The Belmont Stakes Site: Belmont Park - Elmont, N.Y. Live
10:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Friday Night Fights Card TBA Live
1712 S. Wayne St., Auburn, IN
Not valid with any other offer.
Sassy shrink Soap star moves to Haven for new season Sheila Busteed TV Media SASSY SHRINK: A former soap opera stunner will get into the heads of Haven residents when Bree Williamson joins the cast of Syfy's "Haven" for its third season. Williamson, who is best known for her role as Jessica Brennan (and her alter-egos, Tess, Bess and Wes) in "One Life to Live," will play psychiatrist Dr. Claire Callahan when the series resumes later this year. The new character will lend her profiling skills to police officer Audrey Parker (played by leading lady Emily Rose), and the two will become close friends. Claire will also use her skills to help the town's residents deal with problems stemming from their supernatural powers. Based on Stephen King's popular novella "The Colorado Kid," the series also stars Lucas Bryant, Eric Balfour, John Dunsworth and Richard Donat. In previous episodes, it has drawn a few interesting guest stars as well, including Jason Priestley ("Beverly Hills, 90210") and WWE wrestler Adam (Edge) Copeland. Williamson joined the now-defunct ABC sudser in 2003 and stayed on as a member of its cast until it was canceled in January of this year. She previously guest starred as Brandeis in two episodes of "Gossip Girl" and has also appeared in "Mutant X," "Law & Order: Criminal Intent" and "Earth: Final Conflict." The premiere date for Season 3 has not yet been released by Syfy, but production of the new 13 episodes recently began in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. The Maritime towns where the series is filmed represent King's fictitious town of Haven, Maine. The new season will begin right where Season 2 ended, with Audrey being kidnapped. Also at that time, Nathan was pondering a romantic relationship with Audrey but then got
into a brutal fight with Duke. HABITS OF THINKING: It's hard to know how people will react in certain situations until they're thrown right into them, but what goes on in the brain during those instances is an even greater mystery. However, a star of NBC's "The Office" has teamed with scientific experts to experiment on real people and lift the veil on such neural activity. John Krasinski is lending his pipes to Discovery's new three-part series "Head Games," which premieres this week, on Sunday, June 3. As the narrator, he'll guide viewers through different experiments, games and puzzles to see how the human brain reacts under certain circumstances. Krasinski does have a bit of voice work under his belt already, but he's never been a series narrator. Fans of animated films will be the ones who recognize his voice first. He started with multiple small parts in "Doogal" (2006), followed by the role of Lancelot in "Shrek the Third" (2007) and most recently voiced Cuthbert in "Monsters vs. Aliens" (2009). Back in 2006, he also did a guest voice spot in an episode of Fox's "American Dad!" However, the actor is still best known for his live-action roles, specifically as Jim Halpert in "The Office." That show has done great things for his star power and has helped him win leading roles in such films as "License to Wed" (2007), "Away We Go" (2009) and "Big Miracle" (2012). "Head Games" will likely draw comparisons to ABC's "Primetime:
Bree Williamson joins the cast of "Haven" next season What Would You Do" because of its emphasis on social experimentation. However, it will be interesting to see how show runners actually display or examine brain activity during the events, instead of simply providing social commentary. Discovery's Cameo Wallace and Sharp Entertainment's Matt Sharp will serve as the series' executive producers. CLOWNING AROUND: Roast master Jeff Ross's talents will be put to good use in his new Comedy Central series, which is one of three original programs recently picked up by the cabler. Ross, who is best known for cracking jokes at the expense of celebrities in the "Comedy Central Roast" specials, will star in "The Burn," which will debut this summer. In his new show, Ross will be joined
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Solution on page 2. by other comics as he pokes fun at everything from current events to public figures. Described by "New York Magazine" as the "meanest man in comedy," Ross also released a book in 2009 about his roasting experiences, called "I Only Roast the Ones I Love." He's also known for appearances in "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation," "Six Feet Under" and "Weeds." "Jeff embodies comedy past and comedy future simultaneously, and we are excited to be in the present with him," said Comedy Central's Kent Alterman. The network has also given the green light to "Review With Forrest
MacNeil," which will star Andrew Daly ("Eastbound & Down") in a half-hour comedy about a reviewer who critiques real-life experiences such as theft, murder, divorce and promiscuity by actually participating in them and then sharing his thoughts. "If you're thinking about cheating on your spouse or murdering someone, please wait until we review it so you can avoid the pitfalls and enjoy the experience," joked Daly.
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10 • June 3 - June 9, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
Tuesday movies
8:00 p.m. (AMC) “Awake” +++ (2007, Thriller) Jessica Alba, Hayden Christensen. A man suffers anaesthetic awareness and is left awake and helpless during heart surgery. (2h) (ENC) “Philadelphia” +++ (1993, Drama) Denzel Washington, Tom Hanks. A successful attorney with AIDS brings a wrongful termination suit against his old firm. (2h10) 8:15 p.m. (MAX) “American Wedding” ++ (2003, Comedy) Alyson Hannigan, Jason Biggs. After proposing to Michelle, Jim enlists help from his friends to prepare for the big day. (1h45) 9:00 p.m. (VH1) “Dirty Dancing” +++ (1987, Dance) Jennifer Grey, Patrick Swayze. While on vacation, a girl discovers love and romance with a local dance instructor. (2h30) 10:00 p.m. (AMC) “The Bodyguard” ++ (1992, Suspense) Kevin Costner, Whitney Houston. A singer-turnedactress falls in love with her bodyguard while being stalked by a fan. (3h) (MAX) “The Change-Up” ++ (2011, Comedy) Ryan Reynolds, Jason Bateman. Two best friends’ lives are swapped after a mysterious drunken incident. (2h) (STARZ) “The Ides Of March” +++ (2011, Drama) George Clooney, Paul Giamatti. A staffer for a new presidential candidate learns a lesson dirty politics. (1h45) 10:10 p.m. (ENC) “Carlito’s Way” ++++ (1993, Crime Story) Sean Penn, Al Pacino. Upon his release, an ex-convict tries to avoid the corrupting influences of his old life. (2h25) Midnight (HBO2) “Sex and the City 2” ++ (2010, Comedy) Cynthia Nixon, Sarah Jessica Parker. Samantha, Carrie, Miranda and Charlotte embark on an all-expenses paid trip to Abu Dhabi. (2h30) 12:35 a.m. (ENC) “Knockaround Guys” ++ (2002, Crime Story) Dennis Hopper, John Malkovich. The sons of New York mobsters try to make a name for themselves in a sleepy Montana town. (1h40) (HBO) “X-Men: First Class” ++++ (2011, Action) Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy. The government asks the Mutants to help stop a dictator intent on starting World War III. (2h15) 12:40 a.m. (STARZ) “Straw Dogs” ++ (2011, Thriller) Kate Bosworth, James Marsden. A man and his wife return to her hometown in the deep South where tension threatens them. (1h55) 1:00 a.m. (AMC) “Cool Runnings” ++ (1993, Comedy) Leon Robinson, John Candy. An unlikely team of bobsledders from Jamaica is formed to compete in the 1988 Olympics. (2h) 1:15 a.m. (TMC) “Igby Goes Down” +++ (2002, Comedy/Drama) Claire Danes, Kieran Culkin. A man’s peculiar upbringing leaves him unable to cope with the struggles of growing up. (1h45) 2:00 a.m. (USA) “El Cantante” ++ (2006, Biography) Jennifer Lopez, Marc Anthony. Puchi, salsa singer Hector Lavoe’s wife, looks back at her husband’s turbulent life. (2h) 2:15 a.m. (ENC) “Bad Girls” ++ (1994, Western) Andie MacDowell, Drew Barrymore.
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
TUESDAY, JUNE 5 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
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The Bodyguard Susp) Whitney Houston.Storage A singer-turnedCSI: Miami "Wolfe Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storagein Storage Storage Storage awareness Storage& Storage Storage ('92,Longmire "Pilot" Storage Risk"Money Specific" Sheep's Clothing" is left awake heart surgery. actress fallsGreed in love with her by a fan. Fast Mad Money The Kudlow Report Crime Inc. & helpless during 60 Minutes American Madbodyguard Money while being 60stalked Minutes Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Longmire "Pilot" Storage Storage The Situation John King, USA OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report Crime Inc. 60 Minutes American Greed Mad Money 60 Minutes Sunny SouthPk 30 Rock 30 Rock Colbert Daily Sh. Work Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O Work Daily Sh. Colbert Tosh.O Work (4:00) The Situation John King, USA OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch The Devils Ride Deadliest Catch The Devils Ride (:55) Sunny SouthPk (:55) 30 Rock 30 Rock Colbert Daily Sh. Work Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O (N) Work (N) D aily Sh. Colbert Tosh.O Work Jessie Jessie Shake Up GoodLuck Austin A.N.T. Shake Up Phineas & Ferb: Across the 2nd Phineas Phineas GoodLuck Shake Up Wizards Wizards Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch The Devils Ride Deadliest Catch The Devils Ride To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced Lately E! News C. Lately Jessie Jessie Shake Up GoodLuck Austin A.N.T. Shake Up Phineas & Ferb: Across the 2nd... Phineas Phineas GoodLuck Shake Up Wizards Wizards Movie Waiting to Exhale Philadelphia Carlito's Way Movie (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced Lately (N) E! News C. Lately Around Interrup- SportsCenter NBA Countdown Basketball SportsCenter SportsCenter Movie (:50)
Philadelphia ('93, Dra) Tom Hanks. (:10)
Carlito's Way ('93, Cri) Sean Penn, Al Pacino. Movie Horn tion
Waiting to Exhale ('95, Dra) Whitney Houston. Around Tennis Interrup- SportsCenter Countdown (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) portsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenterNBA Special Softball SportsC. SNFL Live Baseball Tonight Horn (N) Pretty Little tion Liars(N) Pretty Little Liars Liar "UnmAsked" Pretty Little Liars Jane by Design Pretty Little Liars The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. (1:00) ITF T ennis French Open SportsCenter Special NCAA Softball Division I Tournament (L) SportsC. NFL Live (N) Baseball Tonight (L) The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity Pretty Little Liars Pretty Little Liars Liar "UnmAsked" Pretty Little Liars (N) Jane by Design (N) P retty Little Liars The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. Triathlon Golf Life The Game Reds PreBaseball Reds Post- Dan UFC Unleashed Poker The Five Special Reportame FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity 365 ame Patrick Triathlon The Game Pre- MLB aseballPrairie Pittsburgh Little PiratesHouse vs. Cincinnati Site:House Great "Fred" American Reds UFC Unleashed WPT Poker Venice The WaltonsGolf Life Little HouseReds Prairie LittleBHouse Prairie Reds Little FrasierPost- Dan Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls Grand Prix 2011 Kung REV3 Fu Panda 2 365 Arthur game (L) Ball Park -- Cincinnati, Ohio game (L) Patrick Mr.(L) Popper's Penguins 24/7 Veep Game of Thrones Ricky XThe Waltons Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little HouseCon "Fred" Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls urin "Valar Mor hulis" Gervais Men: Fir (4:30) Kung Fu Panda 2
Arthur A drunken playboy risks losing his Mr. Popper's Penguins ('11, Fam) (:45) 24/7 Veep Game of Thrones (:10) Ricky (:35) B.Midler House of Sand and Fog One Day Bill Maher Girls Veep Sex and the CityX-2 "Valar Morghulis" Gervais ('11, Ani) Jack Black. inheritance after falling in love with a woman. Carla Gugino, Jim Carrey. Conjuring Men: Fir... Life as We Know It Speed 2: Cruise Control True Blood True Blood True Blood True Blood B.Midler (:45)
House of Sand and Fog ('03, Dra) Ben Kingsley. One Day ('11, Dra) Anne Hathaway. Bill Maher Girls Veep Sex and the City 2 Property Property HGTV Design Star House HouseH At Home Rooms HGTV Design Star HouseH House HGTV Design Star HGTV Design Star (4:50)
Life as We Know It (:50)
Speed 2: Cruise Control ('97, Act) Sandra Bullock. True Blood True Blood True Blood True Blood To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Pawn Star Pawn Star Swamp People Stats "Time Flies" Mountain Men Pawn Star Pawn Star Property Property HGTV Design Star House HouseH At Home Rooms (N) HGTV Design Star (N) H ouseH House (N) HGTV Design Star (N) HGTV Design Star Dance Moms Dance Moms "Waiting for Joffrey" Dance Moms Dance Moms Dance Moms 7 Days of Sex Dance Moms (4:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Pawn Star Pawn Star Swamp People Stats "Time Flies" (N) M ountain Men Pawn Star Pawn Star 127 Hours Nick of Time American Wedding The Change-Up Femme F. Predators Dance Moms Dance Moms "Waiting for Joffrey" Dance Moms Dance Moms (N) Dance Moms 7 Days of Sex Dance Moms Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Friendzo Friendzo Teen Wolf Teen Wolf 16 and Pregnant Savage U 16 and Pregnant (:10)
127 Hours (:45)
Nick of Time (:15)
American Wedding Jason Biggs.
The Change-Up ('11, Com) Jason Bateman. Femme F. Predators Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge '70s Show '70s Show G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Friendzo Friendzo Teen Wolf Teen Wolf 16 and Pregnant Savage U 16 and Pregnant Fact or Faked Fact or Faked Fact or Faked Fact or Faked Fact or Faked Holly.Treasure Fact or Faked Hollywood Treasure Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge '70s Show '70s Show G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends Meek's Cutoff The Beaver The Borgias "Truth The Big C Nurse The Borgias "Truth The Big C Nurse Rubber Fact or Faked Fact or Faked Fact or Faked Fact or Faked Fact or (N) H olly.Treasure (N) F"Kill act or Hollywood Treasure and Lies" "Kill o "Faked Jackie and Lies" o "Faked Jackie (4:45) Cutoff ('10,NASCAR West) Race
Beaver ('11,Pass Dra)Time Jodie Dumbest The BorgiasDumbest "Truth The Big C Hard Rubber ('10,Hard Com/Dra) NurseParts RideRule The BorgiasRideRule "Truth The Big C Dumbest Nurse Chop,Meek's Cut GearZ Hub ThePass Time Hard Parts Dumbest Hard Parts Parts Lies" "The Devil's Gangland "Killjoy" "Blood Michelle Foster, AntonGangland Yelchin, Mel Gibson. Jackie in Gangland and Lies" "Better Off Gangland "Killjoy" "Menace Jackie of Gangland Stephen Spinella. GanglandWilliams. "Kill or Be Gangland "Dog "The Death and Gangland "Rage Chop, NASCAR ass Time Pass Time Pla Dumbest Parts Hard Parts Dead" RideRule RideRule Dumbest Parts Hard" Parts Killed"Cut GearZ Fi hts" Race Hub (N) PHead" round"Dumbest Hard the Streets" Destruction"Dumbest Hard A ainst Societ Gangland "Killthe or BBe Gangland "Dog Gangland "The Death Magic Gangland Gangland of City Gangland "Rage Jumping Zookeeper City"The Devil's Magic City"Blood in Gangland The "Better Ides Of Off MarchGangland "Menace Magic Movie Killed" Fights" Against Head" Playground"BigBang BigBang the Streets"BigBang Dead" Society" Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld BigBang BigBang BigBang Destruction" Conan The Office The Office (4:15) Jumping the B... (:15) Zookeeper ('11, Com) Kevin James. Magic City Magic City
The Ides Of March (:45) Magic City Movie To Be Announced Toddlers & Tiaras Brooklyn Brooklyn What Not to Wear Not-Wear "Desiree" Brooklyn Brooklyn What Not to Wear Not-Wear "Desiree" Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Conan (N) The Office The Office The 7 Adventures Daydream Nation The Other Woman Last Night The Haunting at the Beacon To Be Announced Toddlers & Tiaras Brooklyn Brooklyn What Not to Wear Not-Wear "Desiree" Brooklyn Brooklyn What Not to Wear Not-Wear "Desiree" of Sinbad (4:30) The Adventures Rizzoli Daydream Nation A high school senior has an affair Rizzoli The Other Woman A woman's hostile stepson Last Night (:35) The Haunting at & theBash Beacon Rizzoli & 7Isles & Isles Rizzoli & Isles & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Franklin & ('11, BashDra) SamRizzoli & Isles Franklin of Sinbad with her teacher & then falls in love with a druggie. unexpectedly comes to her aid after she loses her ... Worthington, Keira Knightley. ('09, Thril) Teri Polo. Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens '70s Show '70s Show Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles (N) Franklin & Bash (N) Rizzoli & Isles Franklin & Bash Law&O.:SVU "Strain" Law&O.:SVU "Storm" Law&O.:SVU "Selfish" SVU "Impulsive" SVU "Choice" Law&O.:SVU "Bound" CSI "Coming of Rage" Necessary Roughness Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens '70s Show '70s Show Single Ladies Bball "The Reunion" Tough Love N.Orleans Tough Love N.Orleans Dirty Dancing Mob Wives MobWives Law&O.:SVU "Strain" Law&O.:SVU "Storm" Law&O.:SVU "Selfish" SVU "Impulsive" SVU "Choice" Law&O.:SVU "Bound" CSI "Coming of Rage" Necessary Roughness Christine Christine 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos Baseball News Scrubs Scrubs 'Til Death Single Ladies Bball "The Reunion" Tough Love N.Orleans Tough Love N.Orleans
Dirty Dancing ('87, Dan) Patrick Swayze. Mob Wives MobWives Christine Christine 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos MLB Baseball Chicago Cubs vs. Milwaukee Brewers Site: Miller Park (L) News Scrubs Scrubs 'Til Death
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NC15 First NewsCeInside NewsCenWANE (16) WNDU at Edition ter516 at 5 nter 16 INC News atNewsCe5 WNDU NewsCen(21) WPTA ter 16 at 5 nter 16 INC News 5 the Meet the atMeet WPTA (21.2) CW Browns Browns Meet the Meet the CW The Doctors (33) WISE Browns Browns The DoctorsFrasier WISE (33.2) MNT Frasier (15) WANE
KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) CRE YOU
NC15 at 6 CBSNews Wheel of Jeopardy! Dogs in the City Criminal Minds CSI: Crime Scene NC15 (:35) David Letterman (:35) Late p.m. Fortune "Closing Time" "Tell-Tale Hearts" Nightcast Jane Fonda, Jimmy Cliff Late Show NC15 at 6 NBC CBSNews Jeopardy! Off DogsTheir in the Up CityAll Criminal MindsSpecial Law CSI: Crime Scene NC15 Letterman Law & Order: & Order: Special NewsCe(:35) David The Tonight Show (:35) Late NewsCeNews Wheel Access of Inside p.m. 16 Fortune "ClosingUnit Time" "Tell-Tale Hearts" Nightcast Late Show Rockers Night Victims Victims Unit nter With Jay Leno 16 LateNight nter Hollywood Edition NewsCeNBC News Ent. Access Inside Off All Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special INC NewsCeShow INC News World Everybody The Their Up SuburgaModern Happy Apartment Modern News (:35) The NewsTonight Jimmy Kimmel Live nter Hollywood EditionRay Middle Rockers Night Victims Victims UnitFamily nter Jay Leno LateNight at 6 16 News Tonight Loves tory Family UnitEndings 23 "Pilot" at 1116 p.m. With Nightline INC News World Ent. "The Everybody The Suburga- Modern Happy Apartment News ThatNews Jimmy'70s Kimmel Live '70s That South The King The King Sein. Seinfeld Next Top Model America's Next Top Newsce- Modern 'Til Death INC 'Til Death at Loves Ray Middle tory Family Endings at 11 p.m. Show Nightline Show Park of 6Queens News of Queens Tonight Susie" "The Pie" "Season Finale" Model "Nicki Minaj" 23 nter"Pilot" Family The King The King Sein. "The Seinfeld Next Top Model America's Next Top Newsce'Til Death 'Til Death That '70s That '70s South INC News NBC News Dr. Phil Off Their Up All Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special INC News (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) of 6Queens of Queens Susie" "The Pie" Rockers "Season Finale" Model "Nicki nter ShowJay Leno Show Park Unit Minaj" Victims Unit at 11 p.m. With LateNight at Night Victims INC News NBC News Dr. Phil Off Up what All happens Law &when Order: Law & Order: Special News BurnThe Tonight Show Always theSpecial best Indiana's Burn NoticeINC "Where Notice "Center American American Family Family CanTheir Dance See at 6 Rockers all compete Night for aVictims Victims UnitThere's Smoke" at 11 p.m. With Leno LateNight dancers ticket toUnit Las Vegas. (N) News of theJay Storm" Sunny Dad Dad Guy Guy Frasier Frasier American American Nightly Family Family Can Indiana's Notice "Where Fort Burn NoticeCharlie "CenterRoseAlways Wild Electric PBS NewsHour Senior Pa's Dance Fiddle Songs by author of the Quilts of Valor The QuiltsBurn of Valor Foundation Dad Guy Smoke" of the Storm" Sunny Kratts Company Dad Business Guy Spotlight 'Little House on the Prairie.' awards quiltsNews to woundedThere's veterans. Niagara Wild Electric PBS NewsHour Senior Pa's Fiddle Curious Quilts Charlie Dinosaur Saddle Fetch! Maya and Nightly Sid Franny's WordWArthur Zula of Valor Martha Clifford- Thomas & Fort Wild Bob theRoseSuper Kratts Company Business Spotlight Niagara Train Club Miguel Science Feet orld George Patrol Speaks Red Dog Friends Kratts Builder WHY! Dinosaur Saddle Fetch! and Sid WordW- Curious Arthur Zula Martha Thomas Bob the SuperThai Cook's Easy Cook's Barbecue J. Weir's Ask This CliffordSteves' Equitrek-& Wild Lidia's Garden Katie Ask This Maya J. Weir's Easy Thai Franny's Jacques Lidia's Train Club Science orld George Patrol Speaks Dog Friends Kratts Builder WHY! Italy Country Cooking Country University Cook Old House Red Europe king Smart Brown Old House Miguel Cook Cooking Feet Pépin Italy GardenPond:Katie Ask This J. Weir's Easy Thai Jacques Lidia'sSmith's Cook's Barbecue J. Weir's Ask This Dr. Steves' Equitrek- Career Lidia's Cook's Easy Thai Goose Wetland Inside Indiana PBS NewsHour Kathy Ag Solutions to the Eat and Cook Healthy John La Tavis Tavis Tavis Smart Brown Old House Cook Cooking Pépin Italy Country Cook House Europe king Italy Country Cooking Business 'personal energy crisis' forUniversity elders. Puma sharesOld healthy recipes. Smiley Ladders Smiley Smiley Goose Pond:The Wetland Indiana Eat Bang and Cook Healthy Tavis Career Tavis Tavis TheAg Big Bang Big WFFT Local News TMZ Gossip King of According The Office Office Inside Met Your Met Your PBS Two NewsHour and a Two and a Kathy Extra Smith's Business Smiley Ladders Smiley Smiley Insider Theory Theory Queens the Hill to Jim Mother Mother Half Men Half Men The Office News The Office News Met Your CBSNews Met Your Wheel Two and a Jeopardy! Two and a Dogs Extra in the The Big Bang Minds Big Bang CSI WFFT Local News TMZ Gossip King of According News City Criminal "Tell-Tale Hearts" News D. Letterman LateShow Mother Mother Half Men BigBang Half Men Next Top Model Insider Theory Theory the Hill to Jim Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang Next Top Model ABC News Seinfeld '70s Show Queens TMZ Insider Sunny News News News CBSNews Wheel Jeopardy! Dogs in the City Criminal Minds CSI "Tell-Tale Hearts" News (:35) D. Letterman (N) L ateShow Two 1/2... 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy Think You Can Dance "Auditions #3" Fox 28 News at 10 The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Friends M-Mother PBS BigBang BigBang Nature Next Top Model Next Top Model ABC News Seinfeld '70s Show Insider Sunny Wild Kratt Friends Outdoor M-Mother News Michiana NewsHour Nova Nova Charlie RoseTMZ Business T. Smiley Two 1/2... Flying 30 Rock FamilyGuy 3Amer. Simpsons IBA FamilyGuy ThinkHarvest You Can Dance "Auditions #3" (N) Fox 28 NewsEnjoy-Life at 10 The Office Brainetics The Office 30 1/2... Comfort Nun Hogan Sons Dad FamilyTies News The Show "Two Hour Special" Paid Faith TheRock Place forTwo Miracles Wild Kratt Judy Outdoor ABC57 News Michiana 57 PBSNews NewsHour Nature Nova Nova23 Charlie RoseNightline Jimmy Business T. Smiley Judy News ET Middle Suburg. Modern Endings Apt. Modern ABC57 Kimmel Live Faith Brainetics The Place for Miracles Comfort Flying Nun Hogan 3 Sons FamilyTies IBA News The Harvest Show "Two Hour Special" Paid Enjoy-Life Living Ep.. Ask the Pastor Faith H. Living Ep.. CBN News TCT Today Super. B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show Judy Judy ABC57 News on 57 ET Middle Suburg. Modern Endings Apt. 23 Modern ABC57Art Thou? Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live CSI: Miami "Chip/ CSI: Miami "Dead CSI:News Miami "Collateral O Brother, Where Art Thou? O Brother, Where Living Faith H. Living Ep.. B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show Tuck" Ep.. Ask the Pastor Arrival" Dama e" CBN News TCT Today Super. CSI: Miami CSI: Miami "Dead CSI: Miami "Collateral O Brother, Where Art Thou? Three prisoners O Brother, Art Thou? gang The First 48"Chip/ Storage Storageon Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storageon a chain Duck gang Dy Duck Dy Where Duck Dy DuckThree Dy prisoners Storageon a chain Storage Tuck"Money Arrival" Damage" escape in the South during the 1930s. escape to findMad hidden loot in the South Billions during the 1930s.Bars Fast Mad Money The Kudlow Report J. Crewto find hidden lootBillions Behind Bars American Greed Money Behind The First 48 Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Storage Storage The Situation John King, USA OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report J. Crew Billions Behind Bars American Greed Mad Money Billions Behind Bars Sunny SouthPk 30 Rock 30 Rock Colbert Daily Sh. Chappelle Chappelle SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk Daily Sh. Colbert SouthPk Futurama (4:00) The Situation John King, USA OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight American Guns American Guns American Guns American Guns American Guns Fast N' Loud American Guns Fast N' Loud (:55) Sunny SouthPk (:55) 30 Rock 30 Rock Colbert Daily Sh. Chappelle Chappelle SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk Daily Sh. Colbert SouthPk Futurama GoodLuck GoodLuck Shake Up GoodLuck Austin Jessie GoodLuck GoodLuck Austin Jessie Shake Up A.N.T. GoodLuck Shake Up Wizards Wizards American Guns American Guns American Guns American Guns American Guns Fast N' Loud American Guns Fast N' Loud To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced Lately E! News C. Lately GoodLuck GoodLuck Shake Up GoodLuck Austin Jessie GoodLuck GoodLuck Austin Jessie Shake Up A.N.T. GoodLuck Shake Up Wizards Wizards Prelude to a Kiss Easy Money Goodfellas Assassins Movie (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced Lately (N) E! News C. Lately Around Interrup- SportsC Softball SportsCenter SportsCenter (4:30) to a Kiss (:20)
Easy Money Rodney Dangerfield.
Goodfellas ('90, Cri) Joe Pesci, Ray Liotta.
Assassins ('95, Act) Sylvester Stallone. Movie Horn Preludetion Around SportsC scores, highlights, NCAA Softball Division I Tournament -- OklahomaBaseball City, Okla. SportsCenterNFL TheLive day's news in the SportsCenter SportsNationInterrup- NFL 32 A review of the day's Baseball Tonight Baseball Tonight Horn (N) tion (N) and feature stories from major sporting events. (L) Mrs. Doubtfire Melissa Melissa Confessions of a Shopaholic world of sports. The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. SportsNation (N) NFL 32 (L) MLB Baseball (L) Baseball Tonight (L) NFL Live (N) Baseball Tonight (L) The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity
Mrs. Doubtfire ('93, Com) Sally Field, Robin Williams. Melissa Melissa
Confessions of a Shopaholic Isla Fisher. The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. Poker Ultimate Reds PreBaseball Reds Post- Dan Poker UFC Unleashed The Five Special FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity Insider Reportame ame Patrick WPT Poker Bellagio Ultimate Pre- L. MLB Baseball PittsburghLittle PiratesHouse vs. Cincinnati Site:House Great Prairie American Reds WPT Poker Venice UFC Unleashed The Waltons Little HouseReds Prairie House "Blizzard" Prairie Reds Little FrasierPost- Dan Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls Diamond Insider Cincinnati, OhioMovie Patrick Grand PrixTime With game Like (L) Ball Park (L) game My ClassicBig Mommas: Like Father, Glee--The 3D Concert HBO Veep Girls Game (L) of Thrones Real HBO Real The Waltons Little House Prairie L. House "Blizzard" Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Frasier 1/2 F rasier 2/2 F rasier Frasier G. Girls Girls Bi Fat Son First Look "Valar Mor hulis" Bill Maher First Look G. S orts (3:35) My
Big Mommas: Like Father, Like (:15) Glee The 3D Concert Movie (:45) HBO Veep Girls Game of Thrones (:10) Real Time With (:10) HBO (:25) Real Movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Education of Dee Dee 24/7 Hemingway & Gellhorn Movie First Look True Blood "Run" "Valar Morghulis" Bill Maher First Look Big Fat... Son MartinStory Lawrence. (2011, Musical) It's ('11, Kind Com) of a Funny Monte Carlo True Blood True Blood True Blood Sports Movie (:45)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Education of Dee Dee (:15) 24/7 (:45) Hemingway & Gellhorn ('12, Rom) Clive Owen, Nicole Kidman. Movie Property Brothers Property Brothers House HouseH Income Cousins Property Brothers HouseH House Property Brothers Property Brothers (:20)
It's Kind of a Funny Story (:05)
Monte Carlo ('11, Rom) Selena Gomez. True Blood "Run" True Blood True Blood True Blood To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Pawn Star Pawn Star Cajun Cajun Restore Restore Cajun Cajun Pawn Star Pawn Star Property Brothers Property Brothers House HouseH Income (N) Cousins Property Brothers (N) H ouseH House (N) Property Brothers Property Brothers Reba Reba Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Wife Swap (4:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Pawn Star Pawn Star Cajun Cajun Restore Restore Cajun Cajun Pawn Star Pawn Star Live! Hanna Broken Lizard's Club Dread Due Date Emmanuelle Through Time Reba Reba Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Wife Swap MTV Movie Awards Friendzo 8 Mile America's Dance Crew America's Dance Crew Teen Wolf (4:45) Live! (:20) Hanna ('11, Act) Saoirse Ronan. (:15)
Broken Lizard's Club Dread
Due Date Zach Galifianakis. (:40) Emmanuelle Through Time Big Time Big Time Big Time Big Time Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge '70s Show '70s Show G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends MTV Movie Awards Friendzo
8 Mile ('02, Dra) Kim Basinger, Eminem. America's Dance Crew America's Dance Crew Teen Wolf Haunted Collector Haunted Collector Haunted Collector Haunted Collector Haunted Collector Ghost Hunters Haunted Collector Ghost Hunters Big Time Big Time Big Time Big Time Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge '70s Show '70s Show G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends Speak The Ramen Girl Bill Bellamy: Crazy Spears "Hollywood, Mike Epps Presents The Original Latin Haunted Collector Haunted Collector Haunted Collector Haunted Haunted Haunted Collector Ghost Hunters Sex Dirt Collector Look I'm Collector Smilin " (N) Ghost Hunters Kin s of Comed (4:30) ('04, NASCAR (:15) The Ramen Girl A woman direction Bill Bellamy:Supercars Crazy Spears "Hollywood, (:05) Mike Epps Presents Supercars Mike Epps Supercars (:45)
101 The Cars Original101 Latin Chop,
CutSpeak GearZ Race Hub Pass who TimelostPass Time Supercars 101 Cars 101 Cars Barrett-Jackson Cars Sexy Look I'm Smiling" hosts as rising Dra)Auction Kristen Stewart. to becomeAuction a ramen chef. Dirty Auction comediansAmerican perform. Kings of Comedy George Lopez. "Auction in her life trains Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction American American Digger Ways Chop, CutInk" GearZ NASCAR Hub (N) PHunters ass Time Pass Time Supercars Supercars 101 Cars 101 Cars Di Barrett-Jackson Supercars Supercars 101 Cars to 101Die Cars Hunters, Auction Race Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters er Di er Di er Auction (:25) Auction (:35) Ways Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction American AmericanTheAmerican Prom "Auction (:55) Lord of the Rings:Auction The Two Towers Straw Dogs Roommate (:35) Digger (:05) Gattaca Hunters, Ink" Digger Digger to Die Auction Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Digger (N) (N) Auction Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy BigBang BigBang BigBang Conan Men@Work The Office (4:10) Prom
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers ('02, Fant) Elijah Wood.
Straw Dogs James Marsden. (:50)
The Roommate ('11, Thril) Minka Kelly. Gattaca To Be Announced Toddlers & Tiaras Man/ Lost His Face Man With Half a Body To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy BigBang BigBang BigBang Conan (N) Men@Work The Office The Nugget Bran Nue Dae Beastly Big Money Rustlas Super To Be Announced Toddlers & Tiaras Man/ Lost His Face Man With Half a Body To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Meskada (4:45)
The "Punk" Nugget ('02, ('09, Com/Dra) Beastly ('11, Dra) Vanessa Basketball Big Money Rustlas (2010, Comedy) (:05) Super (2010, Ellen (:45) NY Law & Order LawCom) & OrderBran Nue Dae Law & Order NBA Pre-game InsideAction) the NBA CSI: Stephen Curry, Eric Bana. Jessica Mauboy, Rocky McKenzie. Hudgens, Alex Pettyfer. Boondox, Violent J. Page, Liv Tyler, Rainn Wilson. Meskada Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Hot In Divorced Queens Queens '70s Show '70s Show Law & Order "Punk" Law & Order Law & Order NBA Pre-game (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs San Antonio vs Oklahoma (L) Inside the NBA (L) C SI: NY NCIS "Borderland" NCIS "Patriot Down" NCIS "Rule Fifty-One" NCIS Royal Pains Necessary Rough FLegal "Borderline" Royal Pains Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Hot In (N) D ivorced Queens Queens '70s Show '70s Show Scandals "Hour 2" Basketball Wives Basketball Wives Bball Wives "Finale" Bball "The Reunion" Single Ladies 90s "Hour 1" 90s "Hour 2" NCIS "Borderland" NCIS "Patriot Down" NCIS "Rule Fifty-One" NCIS Royal Pains (N) N ecessary Rough (N) FLegal "Borderline" Royal Pains Christine Christine 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs 'Til Death Scandals "Hour 2" Basketball Wives Basketball Wives Bball Wives "Finale" Bball "The Reunion" Single Ladies 90s "Hour 1" 90s "Hour 2" Christine Christine 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs 'Til Death
Wednesday movies
8:00 p.m. (AMC) “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” +++ (2000, Comedy) John Goodman, George Clooney. Three prisoners on a chain gang escape to find hidden loot in the South during the 1930s. (2h30) (ENC) “Goodfellas” +++ (1990, Crime Story) Joe Pesci, Ray Liotta. A tough New York mobster becomes a target of the government and the mafia. (2h30) 8:15 p.m. (MAX) “Broken Lizard’s Club Dread” ++ (2004, Thriller) Dan Montgomery Jr., Elena Lyons. A serial killer interrupts the fun at an unusual island resort for swingers. (1h45) 9:00 p.m. (FAM) “Confessions of a Shopaholic” ++ (2009, Comedy) Hugh Dancy, Isla Fisher. A woman with a severe shopping addiction lands a job providing financial advice. (2h) (STARZ) “Straw Dogs” ++ (2011, Thriller) Kate Bosworth, James Marsden. A man and his wife return to her hometown in the deep South where tension threatens them. (1h50) 10:00 p.m. (MAX) “Due Date” ++ (2010, Comedy) Robert Downey Jr., Zach Galifianakis. A man must drive crosscountry in order to make it to his child’s birth on time. (1h40) 10:30 p.m. (AMC) “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” +++ (2000, Comedy) John Goodman, George Clooney. Three prisoners on a chain gang escape to find hidden loot in the South during the 1930s. (2h30) (ENC) “Assassins” ++ (1995, Action) Antonio Banderas, Sylvester Stallone. The mob’s top hit man becomes a target when his reputation catches up with him. (2h20) 10:50 p.m. (STARZ) “The Roommate” ++ (2011, Thriller) Leighton Meester, Minka Kelly. A college student’s new roommate quickly becomes violently obsessed with her. (1h40) 11:45 p.m. (SHOW) “The Original Latin Kings of Comedy” ++++ (2002, Comedy) Cheech Marin, George Lopez. George Lopez, Cheech Marin, Paul Rodriguez and many more Latino comedians perform. (1h30) 12:25 a.m. (HBO2) “Black Swan” ++ (2010, Drama) Mila Kunis, Natalie Portman. After winning the lead role in ‘Swan Lake,’ a ballet dancer begins to lose her mind. (1h50) 12:30 a.m. (STARZ) “Gattaca” ++ (1997, Sci-Fi) Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman. A natural-born man breaks free of his imperfect genetic order by impersonating someone. (1h50) 1:00 a.m. (AMC) “Summer Rental” +++ (1985, Comedy) Rip Torn, John Candy. An air-traffic controller takes a vacation where everything is out of control. (2h) (HBOS) “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask” ++ (1972, Comedy) Gene Wilder, Woody Allen. An anthology satirizing all things erotic, from aphrodisiacs to inter-species romance. (1h30) 1:15 a.m. (SHOW) “Hellraiser VIII: Hellworld” ++ (2005, Horror) Anna Tolputt, Katheryn Winnick. Groups of computer hackers tap into and release Pinhead. (1h45)
12 • June 3 - June 9, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
Thursday movies
8:00 p.m. (AMC) “Heartbreak Ridge” +++ (1986, War) Marsha Mason, Clint Eastwood. A tough marine’s final assignment is to get a squadron of young recruits into shape. (3h) (ENC) “Bringing Down the House” ++ (2003, Comedy) Queen Latifah, Steve Martin. A conservative man’s life is turned upside down when a prison escapee enters his life. (1h50) 9:00 p.m. (FAM) “Austin Powers in Goldmember” ++ (2002, Comedy) Beyoncé Knowles, Mike Myers. Dr. Evil and Goldmember plot to take over the world by kidnapping Austin Powers’ father. (2h) (SCIFI) “Alien vs. Predator” ++ (2004, Horror) Raoul Bova, Sanaa Lathan. Humans are drawn into the conflict between two mysterious alien races. (2h) 9:30 p.m. (TMC) “Charlie Bartlett” ++++ (2007, Comedy/Drama) Robert Downey Jr., Anton Yelchin. A wealthy teen becomes a self-appointed ‘psychiatrist’ to his fellow students at school. (1h45) 10:00 p.m. (MAX) “Alien: The Director’s Cut” ++++ (1979, Horror) Sigourney Weaver, Tom Skerritt. The crew of a spacecraft take on a dangerous alien that is voracious and relentless. (2h) 11:00 p.m. (AMC) “Heartbreak Ridge” +++ (1986, War) Marsha Mason, Clint Eastwood. A tough marine’s final assignment is to get a squadron of young recruits into shape. (3h) (SCIFI) “Alien Resurrection” +++ (1997, Sci-Fi) Winona Ryder, Sigourney Weaver. Ellen Ripley is brought back from the dead by the government to do battle with aliens. (2h30) (STARZ) “Resident Evil: Afterlife” +++ (2010, Action) Wentworth Miller, Milla Jovovich. A woman helps a group of survivors who want to make their way to a supposedly safe haven. (1h40) (VH1) “Wild, Wild West” ++ (1999, Action) Kevin Kline, Will Smith. Two government agents are brought together by the President to track down an evil genius. (2h30) 11:15 p.m. (TMC) “Fall” ++ (1999, Comedy) Daniel Baldwin, Michael Madsen. A thief turns evidence on his mafia boss and enters into the witness protection program. (1h45) 11:20 p.m. (ENC) “Let Me In” +++ (2010, Drama) Richard Jenkins, Kodi Smit-McPhee. A young boy befriends a girl who lives secretly as a vampire with her caretaker. (2h) 12:05 a.m. (HBOS) “Unstoppable” +++ (2011, Action) Chris Pine, Denzel Washington. A conductor and an engineer race against the clock to stop an unmanned freight train. (1h40) 12:35 a.m. (SHOW) “Sex, Lies and Videotape” +++ (1989, Drama) Andie McDowell, James Spader. A young lawyer possesses the videotapes that prove his affair with his wife’s sister. (1h40) 12:40 a.m. (STARZ) “Money Train” ++ (1995, Action) Wesley Snipes, Woody Harrelson. Two New York City cops plan to rob the train that collects money from each subway station. (1h55)
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9 PM
THURSDAY, JUNE 7 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NC15 First NewsCeInside NewsCenWANE (16) WNDU at 516 at 5 nter Edition ter 16 INC News atNewsCe5 WNDU NewsCen(21) WPTA ter 16 at 5 nter 16 INC News 5 the Meet the atMeet WPTA (21.2) CW Browns Browns Meet the Meet the CW The Doctors (33) WISE Browns Browns The DoctorsFrasier WISE (33.2) MNT Frasier (15) WANE
KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) CRE YOU
NC15 at 6 CBSNews Wheel of Jeopardy! Big Bang Rules Person of Interest The Mentalist NC15 (:35) LateS Bill Murray, (:35) Late p.m. Fortune Theory "Shy Dial" "Wolf and Cub" Nightcast Temper Trap (N) Late Show NC15 at 6 NBC CBSNews Jeopardy! Big of Interest The NC15 Parks and Person Saving Hope RockMentalist Center With NewsCe- (:35) LateS The Tonight Show (:35) Late NewsCeNews Wheel Access of Inside The Bang Office Rules p.m. 16 Fortune Theory "Shy Dial" "Wolf and Cub" Nightcast Late Show Recreation Brian Williams nter 16 With Jay Leno LateNight nter Hollywood Edition NewsCeAccess Inside The Office Parksindustry’s and Saving Hope Rock Center With NewsCeShow INC News NBC WorldNews Ent. Sound Off Duets The music biggest superstars Rookie Blue "A Good INC News (:35) The NewsTonight Jimmy Kimmel Live nter Hollywood Edition Recreation Brian Williams nter Jay Leno LateNight at 6 16 News Tonight (N) take the stage and perform songs that inspire. Shot" at 1116 p.m. With Nightline INC News World Off Duets "A Death Good INC News ThatNews Kimmel Live Breaking Pointe (N) Vampire Diaries "The Rookie Newsce-Blue'Til 'Til Death '70s Jimmy That '70s South The King The King Ent. Sein. "The Sound Sein. "The at Shot" at 11 p.m. Nightline End of the Affair" nter Show Show Park of 6Queens News of Queens Tonight Pothole" Stand-In" The King The King Sein. "The Sein. "The Breaking Pointe Vampire Diaries "The Newsce'Til Death 'Til Death That '70s That '70s South INC News (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) INC News NBC News Dr. Phil The Office Parks and Saving Hope Rock Center With of 6Queens of Queens Pothole" Stand-In" nter Show Park LateNight Brian Williams at 11 p.m. Show With Jay Leno at Recreation End of the Affair" INC News NBC News Dr. Phil The Office and TSaving Hope(P) (N) Rock CenterWithout With a Trace INC News Without The Tonight (P) (N) he Choice Indiana's a Trace Show Always American American Family Family Take Me OutParks at 6 Recreation Brian 11 p.m. With Jayand Leno News Williams "Nickel andatDimed" "Nickel Dimed" LateNight Sunny Dad Dad Guy Guy Frasier Frasier American American Nightly Family Family Take Me Out The Choice Without a Tracethe Without Wild Electric PBS NewsHour Around Rock Pop Jon (Bowzer) Bauman & Ronnie Specter Indiana's Opry Memories Celebrating Jammin' a Trace Charlie RoseAlways Dad Guy News "Nickel and Dimed" "Nickel Kratts Company Dad Business Guy the House perform hits from the late '50s & early '60s. Grand Ole Opry. at Jack'sand Dimed" Sunny Wild Electric PBS NewsHour Around Rock Pop Curious Opry Memories Charlie Dinosaur Saddle Fetch! Maya and Nightly Sid Franny's WordWArthur Zula Martha Clifford- Thomas & Jammin' Wild Bob theRoseSuper Kratts Company Business Feet the House orld at Jack's Builder Train Club Miguel Science George Patrol Speaks Red Dog Friends Kratts WHY! Dinosaur Growing Saddle Fetch! Maya and Kimchi Sid Franny's WordW- Curious Arthur Zula Martha Clifford- Burt Thomas & Wild theTest Kimchi Super Amer. Test Primal J. Weir's WoodwriSteves' Wolf: Essential Bob Amer. Victory WoodwriJ. Weir's Julia and Essential Train Club Miguel Science Feet orld George Patrol Speaks Red Dog Travels Friends Kratts Builder WHY! Pepin Kitchen Grill Cook ght's Shop "Oslo" Pepin Kitchen Chronicles Garden Bolder ght's Shop Cook Chronicles Jacques Victory Growing WoodwriJ. Weir's PBS Kimchi Julia and Essential Amer. Test Primal J. Weir's Wolf: Amer. Indiana in Goose Weekly Across NewsHour Europe Highlighting Rick's favorite places that WoodwriStuck in theSteves' Middle TipsBurt on how to Essential Honor Tavis Test Kimchi Tavis Garden Bolder ght's Shop Indiana Cook Chronicles Jacques Pepin Kitchen Grill even know Cookexist. ght's Shop "Oslo" Kitchen Chronicles Review Pond Special most American travelers don't prepare for care of elderlyTravels parents. Pepin Flight Smiley Smiley Indiana in The Goose Weekly the News Middle Honor Tavis Tavis The Big Bang Big Bang Stuck WFFT in Local TMZ Gossip King of According The Office Office Met Your Across Met Your PBS Two NewsHour and a Two and a Europe Extra Review Pond Special Indiana Flight Smiley Smiley Insider Theory Theory Queens the Hill to Jim Mother Mother Half Men Half Men The The Office News Met Your CBSNews Met Your Wheel Two and a Jeopardy! Two and a BigBang Extra The Big Bang Big Bang The WFFTMentalist Local News TMZ Gossip King of According NewsOffice News Rules Person of Interest News D. Letterman LateShow Mother Mother Half Men BigBang Half Men Breaking Pointe Insider Theory Queens the Hill to Jim Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang The VampireTheory Diaries ABC News Seinfeld '70s Show TMZ Insider Sunny News News News CBSNews Wheel Jeopardy! BigBang Rules Person of Interest The Mentalist News (:35) D. Letterman (N) LateShow Two 1/2... 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy Take Me Out The Choice FOX 28 News The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang Ask Breaking Pointe (N) The Vampire Diaries Shelter ABC News '70s Show Insider Sunny Wild Kratt Friends Steves' News Michiana BigBang PBS NewsHour the Expert Antiques Roadshow Me Seinfeld Charlie RoseTMZ Business T. Smiley Two 1/2... Flying 30 Rock FamilyGuy 3Amer. Simpsons IBA FamilyGuy TakeHarvest Me OutShow (P) (N)"TwoTHour he Choice (P) (N) FOX 28 News The Office LESEA The Office 30 1/2... Woman Nun Hogan Sons Dad FamilyTies News The Special" Paid Enjoy-Life Bible TheRock Place forTwo Miracles Wild Kratt Judy Steves' News Michiana 57 PBSNews NewsHour Ask the"Songs ExpertThat Inspire" Antiques Roadshow Rookie Shelter Blue Me Charlie RoseNightline Jimmy Business T. Smiley Judy ABC57 News ET Duets ABC57 Kimmel Live Bible LESEA The Place for Miracles Woman Flying Nun Hogan 3 Sons FamilyTies IBA News The Harvest Show "Two Hour Special" Paid Enjoy-Life 3D Woman Ask the Pastor Faith H. Faith CBN News TCT Today Fellowship B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show Judy ABC57 News 57 News ET of Duets "Songs ThatRidge Inspire" (N) Rookie Blue (N) A BC57 Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live CSI: Miami Judy CSI: Miami "Seeing CSI: Miami "Out Heartbreak Heartbreak Ridge 3D Woman Ask the Pastor Faith H. Faith CBN News TCT Today Fellowship B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show "Dissolved" Red" Time" CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami
Heartbreak RidgeThe ('86,First War)48Clint Eastwood. A tough marine's Heartbreak"Pilot" Ridge A tough The marine's The First 48 The First 48"Seeing The First 48"Out of The First 48 Justice Justice Longmire Firstfinal 48 assignment "Dissolved" Red" Time" final assignment is to get a squadron of young recruits into shape. is to get a squadron of youngCocaine recruits into shape. Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report Cocaine Cowboys American Greed Mad Money Cowboys The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Justice (N) Justice (N) Longmire "Pilot" The First 48 The Situation John King, USA OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report Cocaine Cowboys American Greed Mad Money Cocaine Cowboys Sunny SouthPk 30 Rock 30 Rock Colbert Daily Sh. Futurama Futurama Futurama Comedy...Roast "Jeff Foxworthy" Daily Sh. Colbert Tosh.O Tosh.O (4:00) The Situation John King, USA OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Final Offer Auction Auction Final Offer (:55) Sunny SouthPk (:55) 30 Rock 30 Rock Colbert Daily Sh. Futurama Futurama Futurama Comedy...Roast "Jeff Foxworthy" Daily Sh. Colbert Tosh.O Tosh.O Austin Austin Shake Up GoodLuck Austin Shake Up A.N.T. Geek Charming Jessie GoodLuck Shake Up Wizards Wizards Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Final Offer Auction Auction Final Offer To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced C. Lately E! News C. Lately Austin Austin Shake Up GoodLuck Austin Shake Up A.N.T. Geek Charming ('11, Fam) Sarah Hyland. Jessie GoodLuck Shake Up Wizards Wizards The Recruit Father of the Bride: Part II Bringing Down the House Don't Be a Menace to Sou Let Me In (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced C. Lately E! News C. Lately Around Interrup- SportsCenter NBA Countdown Basketball SportsCenter SportsCenter (4:10) Recruit (:10)
Father of the Bride: Part II
Bringing Down the House (:50) Don't Be a Menace to Sou... (:20)
Let Me In Kodi Smit-McPhee. Horn
Thetion Around (L) NBA Basketball SportsCenterMMA Live Baseball SportsCenter SportsNationInterrup- SportsCenter NFL 32 NFL Live NBA Countdown SportsCenter Special MLBPlayoffs Special(L) Baseball Tonight E:60 Tonight Horn (N) Holes tion (N) Elf Austin Powers in Goldmember The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. SportsNation (N) NFL 32 (L) NFL Live (N) SportsCenter Special MLB Special (N) Baseball Tonight (L) E:60 MMA Live Baseball Tonight (L) The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity (4:30)
Holes ('03, Adv) Sigourney Weaver.
Elf ('03, Com) James Caan, Will Ferrell.
Austin Powers in Goldmember The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. Hall of Downun- UFC Unleashed Poker Poker Sports Tour The Dan Patrick Show UFC Unleashed Poker The FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity FameFive der Horse. Special Report Hall of Downun- Little UFC Unleashed Poker Bellagio WPT PHouse oker Venice Sports Tour 2011 The Dan Patrick Show UFC Unleashed WPT Poker Venice The Waltons House Prairie L. House "Injun Kid" Little Prairie Little House Prairie Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls Fame derA Horse. Diamond Classic Grand Prix Championship Grand Prix HeminBestofof True Blood "And Win Date With Tad 24/7 Just Wright True Blood "Soul Katie Katie Girls The Waltons Little House Prairie L. House "Injun Kid" Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G.wa Girls Hamilton! Lincoln Fire" When I Die" Mor an Mor an (4:45) With Tad 24/7
Just Wright ('10, Com) (:45) TrueMr. Blood "Soul Penguins of True Blood "And Katie KatieWin Girls (N) H eminFace
Off Win A DateThe Cooler Real Sports Game of Thrones Popper's Veep Win Fire"Maher When Die" Hamilton! Josh Duhamel. Common, Lincoln (N) Bill Morgan gway Movie Suspicious Minds Wall StreetQueen Latifah. Water Ifor Elephants Morgan Unstoppable Face Off /(:15)
The Cooler Real Sports Game of Thrones (:15) Mr. Popper's Penguins Jim Carrey. Veep Win Win Paul Giamatti. HouseH HouseH HouseH HouseH House HouseH Rooms Sell NY Selling LA London HouseH House HouseH House Selling LA London Movie (:25) Suspicious Minds (:50)
Wall Street ('87, Dra) Michael Douglas. Bill Maher Water for Elephants Robert Pattinson. (:05) Unstoppable To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Swamp People Swamp People Mountain "Mayhem" Swamp People Swamp People HouseH HouseH HouseH HouseH House HouseH Rooms Sell NY (N) Selling LA London HouseH House (N) HouseH House Selling LA London Reba Reba Dance Moms Dance Moms Wife Swap Wife Swap 7 Days of Sex The Conversation Wife Swap (4:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Swamp People Swamp People Mountain "Mayhem" Swamp People Swamp People Virus Rise of the Planet of the Apes Inception Alien: The Director's Cut Your Highness Reba Reba Dance Moms Dance Moms Wife Swap Wife Swap 7 Days of Sex (N) T he Conversation Wife Swap punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd Pauly D Ridiculous Ridiculous punk'd Pauly D (4:00) Virus (:45)
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Inception ('10, Act) Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
Alien: The Director's Cut Tom Skerritt. Your Highness iCarly iCarly iCarly iCarly Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge '70s Show '70s Show G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd Pauly D Ridiculous Ridiculous punk'd Pauly D Haunted Collector Aliens Alien vs. Predator Alien Resurrection iCarly iCarly iCarly iCarly Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge '70s Show '70s Show G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends Letters to Juliet Orchids: My Intersex No Look Pass Ultrasuede: Halston Red Light Girls Sex, Haunted Collector
Aliens ('86, Sci-Fi)Adventure Michael Biehn, Sigourney Weaver.
Alien vs. Predator ('04, Hor) Sanaa Lathan. Comed
Alien : ResurrectionofSigourney Sunset Weaver. Lies & V (:05) Letters Juliet An American girlRace visiting Italy Orchids: Intersex No Look Pass (2011, Documentary) Ultrasuede: HardPart Halston Explores (:05) Red Light (:05) Girls Wrecked (:35) Sex, Chop, Cut toGearZ NASCAR Hub Pass TimeMyPass Time Car Warriors Wrecked Wrecked Hard iconic Parts Car Warriors Wrecked fashion designer Comedy: of Sunset decides to answer from 1957. Adventure Lies &toV... Jail Jail a love letter Jail she foundJail Jail Jail Wrestling UFC Halston. Unleashed UncensWays to Ways to Ways Chop, Cut GearZ NASCAR Race Hub (N) P ass Time Pass Time Car Warriors Wrecked Wrecked HardPart Hard Parts ored Car WarriorsDie Wrecked Die Wrecked Die Jail Jail Jail Jail Starz Jail Wrestling Watch high-riskMagic athleticCity entertainment UFC Unleashed UncensWays to Afterlife Ways to Ways Gattaca TheJail Rock Magic City Resident Evil: Movieto featuring ored Die Die Die the most recognizable stars of wrestling. Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld FamilyGuy FamilyGuy BigBang BigBang Men@Work BigBang Conan The Office (4:35)
Gattaca Uma Thurman. (:25) Starz /(:40)
The Rock ('96, Act) Sean Connery. Magic City Magic City
Resident Evil: Afterlife Movie To Be Announced Toddlers & Tiaras TBA On the Fly Boss "Chicago Cubs" The Fly The Fly Tattoo Sc. Tattoo Sc. On the Fly On the Fly Tattoo Sc. Tattoo Sc. Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld FamilyGuy FamilyGuy BigBang BigBang Men@Work BigBang Conan (N) The Office The Road In My Sleep Flypaper Charlie Bartlett Fall To Be Announced Toddlers & Tiaras TBA On the Fly Boss "Chicago Cubs" The Fly (N) T he Fly (N) Tattoo Sc. Tattoo Sc. On the Fly On the Fly Tattoo Sc. Tattoo Sc. (4:15)
The Road (:15) In My Sleep A parasomniac thinks he may The Flypaper ('11, Com) Patrick
Charlie ('07, (:15) Fall mafiaDay" boss & The Mentalist Mental. "Flame Red" The Mentalist Mentalist Mentalist "Red Rum" CSI: Bartlett NY "Cold Reveal" CSI: NY A thief turns evidence CSI: on NYhis "Snow Robert Duvall. have murdered his friend M*A*S*H while sleepwalking. Dempsey, Com/Dra) Yelchin. Queens enters into the witness protection program. Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home ImpAshley HomeJudd. Imp Loves Ray Loves RayAnton Queens Queens Queens '70s Show '70s Show The Mentalist Mental. "Flame Red" The Mentalist The Mentalist Mentalist "Red Rum" CSI: NY "Cold Reveal" CSI: NY CSI: NY "Snow Day" NCIS "Hiatus" NCIS "Hiatus, Part II" NCIS "Trojan Horse" NCIS "In the Zone" NCIS NCIS Royal Pains CSI: Crime Scene Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens '70s Show '70s Show Bball "The Reunion" Single Ladies Single Ladies Most Shock "Hour 1" Most Shock "Hour 2" VH1 Rock Docs Wild, Wild West NCIS "Hiatus" 1/2 NCIS "Hiatus, Part II" NCIS "Trojan Horse" NCIS "In the Zone" NCIS NCIS Royal Pains CSI: Crime Scene Christine Christine 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs 'Til Death Bball "The Reunion" Single Ladies Single Ladies Most Shock "Hour 1" Most Shock "Hour 2" VH1 Rock Docs (N)
Wild, Wild West ('99, Act) Will Smith. Christine Christine 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs 'Til Death
6 PM
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
FRIDAY, JUNE 8 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NC15 First NewsCeInside NewsCenWANE (16) WNDU at Edition ter516 at 5 nter 16 INC News atNewsCe5 WNDU NewsCen(21) WPTA ter 16 at 5 nter 16 INC News 5 the Meet the atMeet WPTA (21.2) CW Browns Browns Meet the Meet the CW The Doctors (33) WISE Browns Browns The DoctorsFrasier WISE (33.2) MNT Frasier (15) WANE
KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) CRE YOU
NC15 at 6 CBSNews Wheel of Jeopardy! Boss "University of CSI: NY "Crushed" Blue Bloods "Whistle NC15 (:35) The Late Show (:35) Late p.m. Fortune California, Riverside" Blower" Nightcast With David Letterman Late Show NC15 at 6 NBC CBSNews Jeopardy! Boss of CSI: NY "Crushed" Blue Bloods "Whistle NC15 Show Dateline Featuring quality investigative features, NewsCe(:35) The Late Tonight Show (:35) Late NewsCeNews Wheel Access of Inside Think"University You Commup.m. 16 Fortune California, Riverside" Blower" Nightcast Letterman Late Show Are nity breaking news coverage & newsmaker profiles. nter 16 With David Jay Leno LateNight nter Hollywood Edition NewsCeNBC News Ent. Access Inside Think Dateline What NewsCeShow INC News World Everybody Shark You Tank Commu- Primetime: 20/20 INC News (:35) The NewsTonight Jimmy Kimmel Live nter Hollywood EditionRay Are nity nter Jay Leno LateNight at 6 16 News Tonight Loves Would You Do? at 1116 p.m. With Nightline INC News World Everybody Shark Tank What 20/20 INC Death News ThatNews Jimmy'70s Kimmel Live "Falling Ash" Primetime: Supernatural "The Newsce'Til Death 'Til '70s That South The King The King Ent. Seinfeld Sein. "The Nikita at Loves Ray Would You Do? at 11 p.m. Show Nightline Show Girl Next Door" nter Park of 6Queens News of Queens Tonight Wife" The King The King Seinfeld Sein. "The Nikita "Falling Ash" Supernatural "The Newsce'Til Death 'Til Death That '70s That '70s South INC News NBC News Dr. Phil Think You Commu- Dateline Featuring quality investigative features, INC News (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) of 6Queens of Queens Wife" Girl Nextnews Door" nter Show Park LateNight breaking coverage & newsmaker profiles. at 11 p.m. Show With Jay Leno at Are nity INC News NBC News Dr. Phil Think You CommuDateline INC News Monk The"Mr. Tonight MonkShow and Always American American Family Family House "Better Half" Bones "The Hot Dog Indiana's Monk "Mr. Monk at 6 Are nity at 11 p.m. the WithRed JayHerring" Leno LateNight Sunny Takes His Medicine" Dad Dad Guy Guy in the Competition" News Frasier Frasier American American Nightly Family Family House "Better Half" Bones "The HotofDog Indiana's Monk "Mr. Monk Monk "Mr. Wild Electric PBS NewsHour PrimetiCeltic Thunder "Voyage" Varying styles No Chaser Join us for another Citizens of Monk Charlieand RoseAlways Dad Guy the Competition" News Takes His the Red Herring" Sunny Kratts Company Dad Business Guy me39 Celtic and Irish music arein showcased. round with 'Straight NoMedicine" Chaser.' World Wild Electric PBS NewsHour PrimetiCeltic Thunder "Voyage" No Chaser Clifford- Thomas & Citizens of Charlie Dinosaur Saddle Fetch! Maya and Nightly Sid Franny's WordWCurious Arthur Zula Martha Wild Kratt Bob theRoseSuper Kratts Company Business Feet me39 the World Builder Train Club Miguel Science orld George Patrol Speaks Red Dog Friends WHY! Dinosaur Around Saddle Fetch! Maya and Simply Sid Franny's Lidia's WordW- Cook's Curious Arthur Zula Martha Clifford- TravelsThomas & Lidia's Wild Kratt Cook's Bob the Super Simply Barbecue J. Weir's This Old Steves' Garden This Old J. Weir's Hubert Train ClubHouse House Miguel Science Feet orld George Patrol Speaks Red Dog cope Friends Builder WHY! Country Ming Country University Cook House Europe Italy Home the Cook Ming Keller Italy Garden Around This Old J. Hubert Lidia's Health Cook's J. Weir's This Steves' TravelsLidia's E Cook's Simply Religion Outdoor Haunted In.Weir's Simply PBS NewsHour Steps/ Addresses Barbecue obesity Kathy Smith's AgOld Solutions to the Tavis Inside Tavis Tavis Home the House House Cook Keller Italy Countryin America. University 'personal Cook House cope Italy Country Ming News Wisconsin Texas Washngtn Ming and chronic disease energy crisis' forEurope elders. Smiley Street Smiley Smiley Religion Outdoor Haunted In. Your Two PBS NewsHour Smith's AgNews The Locker TMZ Tavis Inside Tavis Tavis According The Big Bang Kathy Big Bang Wfft GossipE King of The Office The Office Met Your Met and a Two and a Steps/ Extra Health News Wisconsin Mother Texas Washngtn Half Men Half Men Smiley Street Smiley Smiley to Jim Insider Theory Theory Room Queens the Hill Mother The Office News The Office News Met Your CBSNews Met Your Wheel Two and a Jeopardy! Two and a Undercover Extra The Big Bang Big Bang Blue Wfft News TMZ Gossip King of According News Boss CSI: NY "Crushed" Bloods The Locker News David Letterman LateShow Mother Mother Half Men Half Men Insider Theory Theory Room Queens the Hill to Jim Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Nikita "Falling Ash" Supernatural ABC News Seinfeld '70s Show TMZ Insider Sunny News News News CBSNews Wheel Jeopardy! Undercover Boss CSI: NY "Crushed" Blue Bloods News (:35) David Letterman LateShow Two 1/2... 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy House "Better Half" Bones FOX 28 News The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang W.Week Nikita "Falling Ash" Paris: Supernatural ABC News Seinfeld '70s Show Insider Sunny Wild Kratt Friends Euro J. News Michiana BigBang PBS NewsHour Economic The Luminous Years Charlie RoseTMZ Business T. Smiley Two 1/2... Flying 30 Rock FamilyGuy 3Amer. Simpsons IBA FamilyGuy House "Better Bones FOX Circle 28 News TheClassics Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Business Nun Hogan Sons Dad FamilyTies News Sumrall PaidHalf" The Harvest Show Full Enjoy-Life The Office Basketball Wild Kratt Judy Euro J. News Michiana 57 PBSNews NewsHour W.Week Paris: The Luminous Charlie T. Smiley Judy ABC57 News ET Shark Tank Economic Primetime: You Do? Years 20/20 ABC57 RoseNightline Business Jimmy Kimmel Live H.S. Basketball Business Flying Hogan 3 SonsH. FamilyTies IBA Sumrall Paid Plan B.Hinn The HarvestLife Show Full Circle Bible Enjoy-Life Gospel Come In Ask theNun Pastor Faith Health CBNNews News TCT Today God's Today J. Hagee JustClassics Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show Judy Judy ABC57 News 57 News ET Shark Tank Primetime: You Do? 20/20 ABC57 Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live The Chronicles of Riddick Sahara The Chronicles of Riddick Come Faith H. Health CBN News TCT Today God's Plan B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show Coach In Ask the Pastor (2:30) The Chronicles of Dy Riddick An escaped convict for Duck
Sahara ('05, Act) Matthew A treasure The Chronicles of Riddick escaped Bounty Bounty Duck Duck Dy Duck Dy searches Duck Dy Dy Duck Dy Penélope Duck DyCruz,Duck Dy McConaughey. Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy An Duck Dy convict Duck Dy Coach the secrets ofMad his past while on an intergalactic crusade. hunterMoney and a doctor race Mob to prevent an environment catastrophe in Africa. Mad searches for the secrets of hisMob pastMoney while on an ... Options... Money Money The Kudlow Report Mob Money American Greed Money Bounty Bounty Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy The Situation John King, USA OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront 24/7 Options Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report Mob Money Mob Money American Greed Mad Money Mob Money Sunny SouthPk Sunny Sunny Colbert Daily Sh. Tosh.O Tosh.O Work Tosh.O Aziz/Delicious J.Mande Oates Chappelle Chappelle (4:00) The Situation John King, USA OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront 24/7 Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska (:55) Sunny SouthPk (:55) Sunny Sunny Colbert Daily Sh. Tosh.O Tosh.O Work Tosh.O Aziz/Delicious J.Mande Oates (N) C happelle Chappelle A.N.T. A.N.T. Shake Up GoodLuck Austin A.N.T. A.N.T. Jessie Phineas FishHooks Austin GoodLuck Phineas Austin GoodLuck Wizards Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced The Soup Fashion C. Lately E! News C. Lately A.N.T. A.N.T. Shake Up GoodLuck Austin A.N.T. A.N.T. Jessie Phineas FishHooks Austin GoodLuck Phineas Austin GoodLuck Wizards Cry-Baby Step Up 3 Easy A Tron: Legacy Johnny Mnemonic (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced The Soup Fashion C. Lately E! News C. Lately Around Interrup- SportsCenter Soccer Baseball SportsCenter (4:45) (:10) Step Up 3 ('10, Dan) Sharni Vinson,
Easy A Emma Stone. (:35)
Tron: Legacy ('10, Act) Jeff Bridges. (:45)
Johnny Mnemonic Horn
Cry-Baby tion Around Interrup- SportsCenter FIFA Soccer World Cup Qualifier United States NCAA Baseball Division IBoxing Tournament (L) SBaseball portsCenter Baseball NFL 32 Euro Baseball Tonight HornConfessions (N) tion (N) Barbuda -- Tampa, Fla. (L) of a Teenage Drama Queen vs. Antigua Freaky and Friday Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. (3:00) NCAA B aseball NFL 32 Euro (N) NCAA Baseball Division I Tournament (L) B oxing Friday Night Fights Card TBA (L) B aseball Tonight (L) The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
Freaky Friday ('03, Com) Jamie Lee Curtis.
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. Volvo Ocean Race Boys/ Hall Reds PreBaseball Reds Post- Dan Action Sports World UFC Unleashed The Five Special Reportame FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The Hannity ame Patrick TourO'Reilly Factor Volvo Ocean Race Boys/ House Hall Reds Pre- Little MLB BHouse aseballPrairie Detroit Tigers vs.House Cincinnati Reds Site: Great American Action World G. UFCGirls Unleashed The Waltons Little Prairie Little Prairie Little House PrairieBall Reds FrasierPost- Dan Frasier Frasier Sports Frasier G. Girls TourMaher game (L) Park game (L) Patrick '11 Championship R. Gervais Face 50 Face Weigh-In 24/7 24/7 -- Cincinnati, 24/7 Ohio (L) 24/7 Weigh-In R. Gervais Veep Bill Maher Bill The Waltons Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Frasier Frasier Frasier 1/2 F rasier 2/2 G . Girls G. Girls First Dates Off Live Live Off (4:00) (:45) Face Something's Weigh-In Gotta 24/7 Give 24/7 24/7 24/7 Weigh-In Veep R. Gervais VeepVampires BillSuck Maher Bill Maher R. Gervais Movie50 Veep Veep Game of Thrones 24/7 Face24/7 Live First (N) With Tad Hamilton! (N) Off/(:45) ... MovieDates Off WinLive A Date Exporting Raymond Game of Thrones Arthur Girls Movie Movie (:45)
Something's Gotta Give Jack Nicholson. Veep Veep Veep
Vampires Suck Jenn Proske. Game of Thrones (:05) 24/7 (:35) 24/7 Property Property House House House House My Yard HH Vaca Motor Motor HouseH House House House Motor Motor Movie (:45)
Win A Date With Tad Hamilton! Exporting Raymond Game of Thrones (:15)
Arthur ('11, Com) Russell Brand. (:10) Girls Movie To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Property Property House House House House My Yard HH Vaca Motor Motor HouseH House (N) House House Motor Motor Most Wanted Most Wanted Most Wanted Most Wanted Most Wanted Coming Home Most Wanted Most Wanted (4:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Little Fockers Unknown The Art of War StrikeBk Max Set Femme StrikeBk Life on Top Most Wanted Most Wanted Most Wanted Most Wanted Most Wanted Coming Home Most Wanted Most Wanted punk'd punk'd MTV Movie Awards Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom (4:20) Little Fockers
Unknown ('11, Myst) Liam Neeson.
The Art of War ('00, Act) Wesley Snipes. StrikeBk (:45) Max Set Femme (N) StrikeBk (:20) Life on Top Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Sponge Sponge Kung Fu Sponge '70s Show '70s Show G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends punk'd punk'd MTV Movie Awards Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Alien Resurrec Alien vs. Predator WWE Smackdown! Insane/Inspired Haunted Collector Insane or Inspired? Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Sponge Sponge Kung Fu Sponge '70s Show '70s Show G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends Leaves of Grass The Company Men Another Happy Day The Rock 2:22 (3:30) Alien Resurrec...
Alien vs. Predator ('04, Hor) Sanaa Lathan. WWE Smackdown! (N) Insane/Inspired (N) Haunted Collector Insane or Inspired? (4:30) Leaves Company Men The Auto lives ofRacing three men are affected Another Day A depressed mother deals with
The Rock Sean Connery. A former spy and an FBI 1 Debrief 2:22 Mick Trackside Atof Grass The Perform. Speed Happy NCWTS Truck Racing Perform. Formula Edward Norton. differently they are laid off from their jobs. her problematic family at her estranged son's ...Finest agent must break into Alcatraz prison to foil a deadly plot. Rossi. Gangland "One A after Bronx Tale Brooklyn's Brooklyn's Finest Trackside P erform. NASCAR Auto Racing Pocono 400 Speed NCWTS NASCAR Truck Racing Winstar World Casino 400 (L) Perform. Formula 1 Debrief (N) Blood" At (N) Gangland "One A Bronx DeIdes Niro.OfA March boy is torn between his Spartacus
Brooklyn's Finest ('10, Act) Richard Gere. TheSpartacus lives of three police
Brooklyn's Movie Are
We There Yet?Tale ('93, Dra) Robert The Spartacus "Mission" Bad Boys Finest Blood" street-wise, working father and aSeinfeld charismaticPayne crime boss. Payne officers are drastically ('10, Act) Richard Gere. Friends Friends Queens Queens classSeinfeld Payne Payne changedRVduring the course of one week. Rat Race Movie (:35)
Are We There Yet? (:15)
The Ides Of March Paul Giamatti. Spartacus Spartacus "Mission" Spartacus
Bad Boys TBA Say Yes to TBA Say Yes to TBA Say Yes to TBA Say Yes to Say Yes Say Yes DC Cupcakes Say Yes to Say Yes to DC Cupcakes Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld Payne Payne Payne (N) P ayne (N)
RV ('06, Com) Cheryl Hines, Robin Williams. (:05)
Rat Race Lara Croft Tomb Dead Again The Glass Shield The Mechanic Transsiberian TBA Yesoto TBA Say Yes to TBA Say Yes to TBA Say Yes to Say Yes Say Yes DC Cupcakes (N) Say Yes to Say Yes to DC Cupcakes Raider: The Say Cradle (4:00) Lara Croft Tomb Dead Again A detective searching for an amnesiac The Shield A naïve rookieBasketball becomes the first The Mechanic ('11, Act) Ben Foster, (:35)
Transsiberian ('08, The Mentalist Mental. "Bloodshot" The Mentalist NBAGlass Pre-game Inside the NBA CSI:Dra) NY Raider: identity discoversM*A*S*H they have a connection. African-American in aLoves racist all-white precinct. Jason Statham. Emily Mortimer, BonanzaThe Cradle o... woman's M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Homecop Imp Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens '70sWoody Show Harrelson. '70s Show The Mentalist Mental. "Bloodshot" The Mentalist NBA Pre-game (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs Oklahoma vs San Antonio (L) Inside the NBA (L) C SI: NY SVU "Scheherezade" SVU "Inconceivable" SVU "Mother" SVU "Loophole" Fairly Legal Common Law Suits "Dog Fight" Fairly Legal Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens '70s Show '70s Show S.N.L "The Best of Will Ferrell" Wild, Wild West Single Ladies Bball "The Reunion" Storytellers Tough Love N.Orleans SVU "Scheherezade" SVU "Inconceivable" SVU "Mother" SVU "Loophole" Fairly Legal (N) C ommon Law (N) Suits "Dog Fight" Fairly Legal Christine Christine 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos Baseball News Scrubs Scrubs 'Til Death S.N.L "The Best of Will Ferrell"
Wild, Wild West ('99, Act) Kevin Kline, Will Smith. Single Ladies Bball "The Reunion" Storytellers (N) T ough Love N.Orleans Christine Christine 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos MLB Baseball Chicago Cubs vs. Minnesota Twins Site: Target Field (L) News Scrubs Scrubs 'Til Death
Friday movies
8:00 p.m. (AMC) “Sahara” ++ (2005, Action) Penélope Cruz, Matthew McConaughey. A treasure hunter and a doctor race to prevent an environment catastrophe in Africa. (3h) (ENC) “Easy A” +++ (2010, Comedy) Amanda Bynes, Emma Stone. A student uses a rumor about losing her virginity to raise her social standing. (1h35) (MAX) “The Art of War” ++ (2000, Action) Anne Archer, Wesley Snipes. A secret agent embarks on a mission to clear his name after he is framed for murder. (2h) (TMC) “The Glass Shield” ++ (1994, Drama) Lori Petty, Michael Boatman. A naïve rookie becomes the first AfricanAmerican cop in a racist all-white precinct. (2h) 9:00 p.m. (FAM) “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” ++ (1971, Family) Peter Ostrum, Gene Wilder. A chocolate maker distributes five golden tickets for a trip through his magical factory. (2h) (SPIKE)“Brooklyn’s Finest” ++ (2010, Action) Don Cheadle, Richard Gere. The lives of three police officers are drastically changed during the course of one week. (3h) 9:30 p.m. (HBO2) “Vampires Suck” ++ (2010, Comedy) Matt Lanter, Jenn Proske. A teen girl finds herself torn between two boys as she and her friends struggle with life. (1h30) 9:35 p.m. (ENC) “Tron: Legacy” +++ (2010, Action) Garrett Hedlund, Jeff Bridges. The son of a virtual world designer ends up inside one of the world’s his father created. (2h10) 10:00 p.m. (SHOW) “The Rock” +++ (1996, Action) Nicolas Cage, Sean Connery. A former spy and an FBI agent must break into Alcatraz prison to foil a deadly plot. (2h30) (TBS)“RV” ++ (2006, Comedy) Cheryl Hines, Robin Williams. The patriarch of a dysfunctional family rents an RV to take his family on vacation. (2h05) 10:15 p.m. (HBOS) “Arthur” ++ (2011, Comedy) Helen Mirren, Russell Brand. A drunken playboy risks losing his inheritance after falling in love with a woman. (1h55) 11:00 p.m. (AMC) “The Chronicles of Riddick” +++ (2004, Sci-Fi) Judi Dench, Vin Diesel. An escaped convict searches for the secrets of his past while on an intergalactic crusade. (2h30) 11:35 p.m. (TMC) “Transsiberian” ++ (2008, Drama) Emily Mortimer, Woody Harrelson. A couple, trying to keep their relationship alive, travel through Siberia by train. (1h55) 11:45 p.m. (ENC) “Johnny Mnemonic” ++ (1995, Sci-Fi) Ice-T, Keanu Reeves. A man smuggles secret information via a computer chip in his head from Beijing to the U.S. (1h45) Midnight (SPIKE)“Brooklyn’s Finest” ++ (2010, Action) Don Cheadle, Richard Gere. The lives of three police officers are drastically changed during the course of one week. (3h) (STARZ) “Bad Boys” +++ (1995, Action) Martin Lawrence, Will Smith. Two detectives must switch their identities on an important murder and drug case. (2h05) 12:05 a.m. (TBS)“Rat Race” +++ (2001,
14 • June 3 - June 9, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30
(15) WANE
8:00 p.m. (COM) “Without a Paddle” ++ (2004, Comedy) Matthew Lillard, Seth Green. Three city boys go canoeing in Oregon State in hopes of finding a long-lost fortune. (2h01) (AMC) “The Patriot” +++ (2000, Drama) Heath Ledger, Mel Gibson. A pacifist is drawn into the American War of Independence in order to protect his son. (3h30) (ENC) “Blade Runner” +++ (1982, Sci-Fi) Rutger Hauer, Harrison Ford. In the future, a police officer is enlisted to kill replicants who have escaped to Earth. (2h) (HALL) “Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium” +++ (2007, Comedy) Natalie Portman, Dustin Hoffman. A wacky store owner chooses his replacement, but the store has other ideas. (2h) (SHOW) “The Twilight Saga: New Moon” ++ (2009, Drama) Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart. When Edward leaves town, Bella turns to Jacob for comfort but soon learns he has a secret. (2h10) (TNT) “The Book of Eli” +++ (2009, Adventure) Gary Oldman, Denzel Washington. A drifter in a post-apocalyptic society protects the last copy of the Bible from a gang. (2h30) 8:30 p.m. (USA) “Couples Retreat” ++ (2009, Comedy) Jason Bateman, Vince Vaughn. Four couples vacation on an island and belatedly learn that couples therapy is mandatory. (2h30) 9:00 p.m. (HBO) “The Hangover Part II” ++ (2011, Comedy) Zach Galifianakis, Bradley Cooper. Two years after the Las Vegas bachelor party, the guys head to Thailand for Stu’s wedding. (1h45) (HBOS) “Horrible Bosses” ++ (2011, Comedy) Charlie Day, Jason Bateman. Three friends plan to kill their bosses after realizing that quitting isn’t an option. (1h45) (TBS)“Shrek” +++ (2001, Animated) Voices of Eddie Murphy, Mike Myers. A green ogre and his faithful donkey companion set out to rescue a beautiful princess. (2h) (VH1) “Baby Boy” ++ (2001, Drama) Omar Gooding, Tyrese Gibson. A 20year-old dropout must cope with fatherhood in addition to the dangers of the street. (2h30) 10:00 p.m. (COM) “Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay” ++ (2008, Comedy) Kal Penn, John Cho. Harold and Kumar are suspected of being terrorists on a flight to Amsterdam. (2h16) (ENC) “Blade Runner” +++ (1982, Sci-Fi) Rutger Hauer, Harrison Ford. In the future, a police officer is enlisted to kill replicants who have escaped to Earth. (2h) (FAM) “Aladdin” ++++ (1992, Animated) Voices of Scott Weinger, Robin Williams. A street urchin discovers a genie’s lamp in a cave and sets out to woo a princess. (2h) (MAX) “Bridesmaids” +++ (2011, Comedy) Maya Rudolph, Kristen Wiig. A broke woman tries to bluff her way through her best friend’s bridesmaid rituals. (2h10)
Paid Paid H.S. Basketball Slam Dunk and PGA Golf St. Jude Classic Round 3 Site: First News Saturday A discussion of current events & a Busyto- Busyto- Paid variety of topics that affect our world today. wn Myst. wn Myst. Program Program Program 3-Point Championship TPC Southwind -- Memphis, Tenn. (L) Saturday First News Saturday BusytoBusytoPaid Paid Basketball (7:00) NewsCenter ITF Tennis French Open Site: Stade Roland Garros -- Paris, France Paid TBA TBA Track & Field Visa Championships -- St. TrackGolf & Field Adidas Grand Horse Saturday wn Myst. wn Myst. Program Program Program 16 Sat. (L) Louis, Mo. Prix Site: Icahn Stadium Racing TBA Track Track & Field Horse Paid Paid Paid & Field Paid Paid Paid Ball Boys Ball Boys ESPN Sports GoodNewsCenter Morning WildTennis Ocean Born to Sea Everyday Food for TBA 16 Sat. Saturday Countd. Myst. Thought Program Program Program Program Program Program Saturday Racing America Explore Rescue Health Good X Morning Wild Ocean Born to Dragon Sea Everyday Food for Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Ball An Boys Ball Boys ESPN Sports The Art of War III: Retribution agent fights to Nature's Grave Sonic Sonic X Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-GiDragon Tai Chi Yu-GiElizabeth Paid HollyHeartland America Saturday Zex Countd. Oh! Myst. Explore Rescue Health Thought Program wood Program "Miracle" Program Program Program Saturday Ball Z Ball Z Chasers Oh! Stanton save a UnitedProgram Nations peace conference from ... James Caviezel. Sonic X Sonic X Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-GiDragon Dragon Tai Chi Yu-GiElizabeth HollyHeartland The Art of War III: Retribution Nature's Grave ITF Tennis French Open Site: Stade Roland Garros -- Paris, France Willa's (7:00) Saturday Pearlie Track & Field Visa Championships -- St. Track & Field Adidas Grand Horse Zex Oh! Ball Z Ball Z Chasers Oh! Stanton "Miracle" Today (N) (L) Wild Life wood Louis, Mo. Prix Site: Icahn Stadium Racing Saturday Willa's Pearlie Track & Field Track Without a Trace Old Player& Field To Be Announced Horse Animal Passport RealTennis Life Career Weekend Marketplace Paid Paid From Today Wild Life Program Daryl's Racing Christine Poll Atlas Explore 101 Day Program Animal Real Life Career Paid Smith's PaidAgelessFrom a Trace To Be Kistler's Announced Energy Without Concoct. Learn to createOld popular toyPlayer store Mark Draw 3D Woodsmi Passport Amer. WoodThis Old Weekend Ask-Old Marketplace HomeMotor- AutoLine Kathy Atlas Explore 101 Day Program Program Daryl's items for pennies using common Christine Poll ... household th Shop Wood work House House time week Woodsmi This Old Ask-Old MotorAutoLine Kathy AgelessMister Energy Zula Concoct. Martha Clifford- Thomas- Mark Bob Draw the 3D Peep/PtoSmith's Curious Wild Kistler's Bob the Amer. Peep/P- WoodMark Saddle Barney & HomeMayaSid Franny's Zoo th Shop Wood work House House week Builder ocoyo You George Rogers Patrol Speaks Red Dog Friends Kratts Builder ocoyo Kistler Club Friends time &M. Science Feet Bob the Peep/P- Mark Barney & MayaSid to Curious Mister Martha Cliffordthe TravelsPeep/PBarbecue ThomasJ. Weir's Wild This Old Bob Steves' Adventures AdventuresSaddle Adventures AdventuresFranny's Zoo J. Weir's Simply Hubert Zula Lidia's Cook's Builder ocoyo Kistler Club Friends &M. Science Feet You George Rogers Patrol Speaks Kratts Builder cope ocoyo Country Red Univ.Dog Friends Cook House Europe Cook Ming Keller Italy Adventures AdventuresWoodsmi ArounAdventuresTN. Wild Antiques Adventures J. Weir's Simply Rick's Hubert Lidia's Cook's Flying Barbecue Eat J. Weir's ThisHealthy Old Steves' TravelsHighlighting favorite places that Amazing and Cook With Tackling Ask-Old Woodw- WoodtEurope CookAmerican Ming Italy exist. Country Univ. Cook most travelers Keller don't even know Books Dr. John LaHouse Puma Europe cope Diabetes House right's urning th Shop dHouse Side Roadshow Ask-Old WoodwWoodsmi ArounWild Antiques Europe Flying EatDamon, and Cook Healthy With Tackling Paid
Saving Private Amazing Ryan (1998, War) Matt Edward Burns, Tom Hanks. A Dog Into the WoodtPaid Paid GunsmokeTN. "Charlie Bonanza "The Paid House right's urning Shop dHouse Side Roadshow Books to find and rescue Dr. John La Pumafrom the frontlines. Diabetes a paratrooper Tales Wild Program th Program Noon" Savage" Program Program group of soldiers are ordered Dog WSBTInto the Paid Gunsmoke "Charlie TheDoBonanza "The Paid Paid Ryan News Saturday Paid TheDo- Paid Paid Paid Saving Private Basketball Golf Tales Wild Program Program Noon" Savage"s odlebo s Pro Program Program Saturda Mornin odlebo ram Pro ram Pro ram Paid Paid Paid (6:30) WSBT NewsX Yu-Gi-Oh Saturday AYu-Gidiscussion Dragon of current events & a TheDoH.S. Basketball SlamHearts Dunk and PGA Golf St. Jude Classic Round 3King Site:of Sonic X Sonic Dragon Tai Chi TheDoYu-GiClockstoppers Random odlebops Program Program Program 3-Point Championship Saturday Morning Zex variety of topics odlebops Oh! TPC Southwind -- Memphis, Tenn. (L) Oh! that affect Ball our Z world Balltoday. Z Chasers ueens Sonic X Sonic X Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-GiDragon Marketplace Dragon Tai Chi Yu-GiClockstoppers A teenager discovers Paid a highRandomCountry Hearts A detective politicianBones discover Elizabeth Pets.TV Teen Aweso- Weekend Wild Paid Xterra Skatin' Player and aPaid "TheKing of Zex Oh!Adv. Ball Z Ball Z Chasers Oh! tech watch that timeram ... that their deceased spouses having affair. in Queens Stanton News me Animals Proenables ram him to makePro Poll werePro raman Woman the Car" Elizabeth Teen Aweso- Weekend Marketplace Xterra Skatin' Bones "The of QuiltsPets.TV of Valor MoneyCl. Blood Sugar SolutionWild With Dr. Paid Eat and Cook HealthyPaid With This OldCountry Bob Ross: Player The HappyPaid Painter The Secrets Stanton News me Adv. Animals Program Poll Program Lon Woman Mark H man Dr. John La Puma Program House evitin the Car" (7:00) of Valor MoneyCl. An expert opinion on what actions Blood SolutionDrought With Dr. LESEA Eat and Cook HealthyStudio With B This Bob Ross: Drought The HappyPaid Painter For The Home SecretsWoman of NewsQuiltsCareer Basketball Classics Paid Sugar Paid in Action Best Old of Harvest Mark Hyman people to take to navigate John LaW.Trace Puma "Push House Good Morning Wild needOcean Born totoday's Sea... Everyday Food for Ugly Betty Dr. "Trust, TMZ Ball Boys Ball Boys Longevity ESPN Sports News Career H.S. Basketball Paid Paid ht Drought LESEA in Action Studio B Best of Harvest Drought Paid For Home Woman America Saturda Countd. M st.Classics Ex lore Rescue Health Thou Lust and Must" Comes to Shove" Saturda Born to Sea Food for Faithville Ugly Betty Creat"Trust, W.Trace Ball Boys Ball Boys Health& ESPN Sports Good Kicks Morning Somme- Wild Captain Ocean Miss Gospel Donkey Everyday Swamp Advent. Science "Push Sarah's TMZ End of Public AwakenHealth& RestoratRescue Health Thought Comes America Saturday Countd. Club rtime Chuckle Myst. Charit 's Explore Bill Ollie Critters Od sse Lust and Must" ures Stuff to Shove" Stories the A e Re ort in Hour Nutrition Saturday Nutrition ion Road Faithville CreatScience Sarah's End ofEl Dorado Kicks Miss Advent. Public Awaken- Health& Health& RestoratRifleman SommeRifleman Captain The Far Country Gospel Donkey Swamp North to Alaska ures Stuff Stories Bounty the Age Bounty Club rtime Chuckle Charity's Flip Bill This House Ollie Critters Odyssey Flip This House Report ing Hour Bounty Nutrition Justice Nutrition ion Road Flip This House Sell "Los Angeles" Flip "Flip-Flop" Monster Monster Bounty Justice Rifleman Rifleman
The Far Country James Stewart. (:15)
North to Alaska ('60, West) John Wayne.
El Dorado ('67, West) Robert Mitchum, John Wayne. Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Flip This House Sell "Los Angeles" Flip This House Flip "Flip-Flop" Flip This House Monster Monster Bounty Bounty Bounty Bounty Justice Justice CNN Newsroom Line CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Your Money CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom News Sanjay Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Comedy Hot Fuzz Beerfest Sunny Sunny Work How High Welcome Home, (7:00) CNN Newsroom Line CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Your Money CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom News Sanjay Paid Paid MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters Comedy /(:15)
Hot Fuzz Simon Pegg. (:15)
Beerfest ('06, Com) M.C. Gainey. (:20) Sunny (:50) Sunny (:20) Work (:50)
How High ('01, Com) Redman, Method Man. Welcome Home, ... M.Mouse Jake Phineas Phineas Phineas FishHook Jessie A.N.T. Wizards Wizards GoodLk GoodLk Shake It Up A.N.T. A.N.T. A.N.T. A.N.T. Paid Paid MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters TBA E! News Fashion The Soup To Be Announced To Be Announced M.Mouse Jake Phineas Phineas Phineas FishHook Jessie A.N.T. Wizards Wizards GoodLk GoodLk Shake It Up A.N.T. A.N.T. A.N.T. A.N.T. Jack Frost Step Up 3 Friday After Next Wolf Johnny Mnemonic Assassins (7:00) TBA E! News Fashion The Soup To Be Announced To Be Announced SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter Soccer UEFA Soccer (7:30)
Jack Frost (:15) Step Up 3 ('10, Dan) Sharni Vinson, (:05)
Friday After Next
Wolf ('94, Thril) Jack Nicholson. (:40)
Johnny Mnemonic (:20)
Assassins ESPN 30 for 30 Baseball Baseball Baseball SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter (:45) UEFA S occer Euro '12 Den./Neth. (L) UEFA UEFA Soccer Euro '12 Portugal vs. Germany (L) The Mask Beauty and the Beast Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Nanny McPhee (7:00) ESPN 30 for 30 Baseball Home Run Derby NCAA Baseball Division I Tournament (L) NCAA B aseball Division I Tournament (L) Fox & Friends Saturday Bull Bear Cavuto Forbes Cash In America's News HQ America's News HQ Journal News Special Report America's News HQ (7:00)
The Mask
Beauty and the Beast Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Nanny McPhee Emma Thompson. Motorspt Fisherm. Big 12 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid BoysHall BoysHall Boxing Game365 Pre-game Baseball (6:00) Fox & Friends Saturday Bull Bear Cavuto Forbes Cash In America's News HQ America's News HQ Journal News Special Report America's News HQ The Parent Trap The Parent Trap The Parent Trap Motorspt Fisherm. Big 12 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid BoysHall BoysHall Boxing Golden Boy Game365 Pre-game MLB Baseball (L) Who Am I? 24/7 24/7 24/7 24/7 Weigh-In X-Men: First Class 1stLook Unstoppable Lincoln Movie
The Parent Trap ('61, Com) Hayley Mills.
The Parent Trap ('98, Fam) Dennis Quaid, Lindsay Lohan.
The Parent Trap ('61, Com) Hayley Mills. Cinema Verite Somewhere Bill Maher Devil Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps Veep Classic Boxing (7:30)
Who Am I? 24/7 24/7 1/3 24/7 2/3 24/7 3/3 Weigh-In
X-Men: First Class 1stLook
Unstoppable Lincoln Movie Movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding Horrible Bosses Speed 2: Cruise Control Game of Thrones Conviction (7:30) Cinema Verite (:05) Somewhere (:50) Bill Maher (:50)
Devil Chris Messina. (:15) Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps Veep Classic Boxing Rehab Rehab Property Property Crashers Crashers Crashers Crashers Crashers Crashers Elbow Million $ Income Income Income Income Income Income Movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding (:10)
Horrible Bosses (:50)
Speed 2: Cruise Control Sandra Bullock. Game of Thrones (:10)
Conviction Hilary Swank. To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Rehab Rehab Property Property Crashers Crashers Crashers Crashers Crashers Crashers Elbow Million $ Income Income Income Income Income Income Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Christine Christine Hunt To Be Announced Solstice The Legend of Lu To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Movie Gladiator Knight and Day Action Jackson Predators Movie Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Christine Christine Hunt To Be Announced
Solstice ('08, Thril) Hilarie Burton. The Legend of Lu... Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Movie (:40)
Gladiator ('00, Epic) Russell Crowe. (:15)
Knight and Day ('10, Act) (:05)
Action Jackson (:45) Predators ('10, Sci-Fi) Adrien Brody. Movie T.U.F.F. Penguins Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge T.U.F.F. Kung Fu Power Sponge Kung Fu Kung Fu Kung Fu Kung Fu Big Time Big Time iCarly iCarly (7:30) Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Paid Paid Supergator Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus Dinoshark Malibu Shark Attack T.U.F.F. Penguins Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge T.U.F.F. Kung Fu Power Sponge Kung Fu Kung Fu Kung Fu Kung Fu Big Time Big Time iCarly iCarly The Perfect The Twilight Saga: New Moon The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Square Grouper Booty Call Movie Paid Paid
Supergator ('07, Sci-Fi) Meg Cionni.
Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus Dinoshark ('10, Sci-Fi) Eric Balfour. Malibu Shark Attack Heather Wilson. Truck U GearZ GearZ ClassicCar Hot Rod Garage Auto Racing Racing Auto Racing Racing (7:00) The Perfect ...
The Twilight Saga: New Moon (:10)
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (:15) Square Grouper ('11, Documentary)
Booty Call Jamie Foxx. Movie Paid Paid Xtr. 4x4 Horsep. Trucks! Muscle.. Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction I, Robot Truck U GearZ GearZ ClassicCar Hot Rod Garage NASCAR Auto Racing Pocono 400 (L) F1 Racing Canadian Grand Prix ARCA Auto Racing Racing Friends With Benefits The Ides Of March Are We There Yet? The Other Guys Courageous Paid Paid Xtr. 4x4 Horsep. Trucks! Muscle.. Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction
I, Robot Earl Earl Acc.Jim Yes Dear Yes Dear City Slickers RV Queens Queens Queens Queens (7:40) Friends With Benefits (:40)
The Ides Of March (:25)
Are We There Yet? (:05)
The Other Guys Will Ferrell. Courageous ('11, Dra) Alex Kendrick. Paid Paid Property Ladder Property Ladder Property Ladder Property Ladder The Fly The Fly 48 Hours: Evidence 48 Hours: Evidence 48 Hours: Evidence Earl Earl Acc.Jim Yes Dear Yes Dear
City Slickers ('91, Com) Billy Crystal. (:55)
RV ('06, Com) Robin Williams. Queens Queens Queens Queens Prefontaine Billy Jack Nine Nobel Son Powder Paid Paid Property Ladder Property Ladder Property Ladder Property Ladder The Fly The Fly 48 Hours: Evidence 48 Hours: Evidence 48 Hours: Evidence Law & Order LawOrder "Slave" Rizzoli & Isles The Closer LawOrder "Driven" Law & Order Heat (7:50)
Prefontaine (:40)
Billy Jack Tom Laughlin. (:35)
Nine Daniel Day-Lewis. (:35)
Nobel Son Alan Rickman.
Powder 3'sCo. 3's Co. Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Makeover: Home Makeover: Home Makeover: Home GoodT. GoodT. Jeffers. Jeffers. To Be Announced Law & Order LawOrder "Slave" Rizzoli & Isles The Closer LawOrder "Driven" Law & Order
Heat ('95, Cri) Robert De Niro, Val Kilmer, Al Pacino. Paid Program NCIS "Bait" NCIS NCIS "Bloodbath" NCIS "Jeopardy" NCIS "Shalom" NCIS "Escaped" NCIS "Singled Out" NCIS "Faking It" 3'sCo. 3's Co. Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Makeover: Home Makeover: Home Makeover: Home GoodT. GoodT. Jeffers. Jeffers. To Be Announced Jump Start VH1 Top 20 Videos VH1 Top 20 Videos Storytellers Single Ladies Basketball Wives date "Hour 1" date "Hour 2" date "Hour 3" Paid Program NCIS "Bait" NCIS NCIS "Bloodbath" NCIS "Jeopardy" NCIS "Shalom" NCIS "Escaped" NCIS "Singled Out" NCIS "Faking It" Paid Paid Walker, TR Walker, TR Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Baseball (6:00) Jump Start VH1 Top 20 Videos VH1 Top 20 Videos Storytellers Single Ladies Basketball Wives date "Hour 1" date "Hour 2" date "Hour 3" Paid Paid Walker, TR Walker, TR Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. MLB Baseball (L) 5L^ /VWL *OYPZ[PHU *LU[LY ^^^ 5L^/VWL PU
WNDU (21) WPTA WPTA (21.2) CW CW (33) WISE WISE (33.2) MNT MNT (39) WFWA (39.2)WFWA KIDS
KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) CRE YOU
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
SATURDAY, JUNE 9 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
(3:00) PGA
Golf St. Jude NC15 Evening Wheel of Jeopardy! Rules How to Be CSI: NY "Cavallino 48 Hours Mystery NC15 (:35) The Unit (:35) The Report News Fortune Weekend "Fun Run" (N) Rampante" Nightcast Closer Wheel Jeopardy! NHL RulesHockey How to Be NY "Cavallino 48 Hours Mystery NC15 The Unit The RacingNC15 The BelmontEvening Stakes Access of Hollywood Stanley Cup CSI: Playoffs Final (L) NewsCe- Saturday Night Live Report Fortune Weekend "Fun Run" Rampante" Nightcast Closer Site: Belmont Park -- Elmont, N.Y. (L) News Weekend nter 16 Horse RacingINC News ABC News Access Hollywood Hockey NewsCeNight (4:00) ESPN Sports Entertainment Tonight Queen Celebrating Her Majesty the Queen's Secret Millionaire INC News Saturday (:35) (:05) Live Paid Program nter Saturday Weekend Weekend sixty year reign with today's recording artists. at 1116 p.m. Outdoors Sports INC Death News ABC News Entertainment Tonight Millionaire INC News Program (4:00) ESPN Nature's Grave 'Til 'Til Death Seinfeld Sein. "The Queen House "Private Lives" House "Black Hole" Secret That '70s That '70s Cheaters The Paid Jeremy Kyle Show Saturday Weekend Weekend at 11 p.m. Outdoors "The Fire" Opposite" Show Show James Caviezel. Nature's Grave 'Til Death 'Til Death Seinfeld Sein. "The House "Private Lives" House "Black Hole" That '70s That '70s Cheaters The Jeremy Kyle Show (4:30) NTRA H orse Racing The Belmont Stakes Bones NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs Final (L) INC News Saturday Night Live "The Fire" Opposite" Show Show Site: Belmont Park -- Elmont, N.Y. (L) at 11 p.m. RacingFamily BonesBaseball (L) Hockey INC Finder News "Little Saturday Night (3:30) To Be Horse punk'd Family MLB Cold Case The 30 Live Night Shift at 11 p.m. Guy Guy Green Men" Seconds Ann... To Be Dyer punk'd Family Baseball Cold Case Beatles The Finder Pass "Little 30 Night Shift Dr. Wayne "WishesFamily Fulfilled" Dyer offers a detailed explanation of Great Performances "Jackie Fab Four: The Ultimate Backstage Nature Ann Guy important Guyto you. Green Men" Seconds how to manifest what is most Evancho: Dream With Me" Tribute Dr. Wayne Dyer "WishesFetch! Fulfilled" Maya and Sid Performances Fab Four: The Ultimate Beatles Backstage Nature Dinosaur Saddle Franny's Great WordWCurious "Jackie Arthur Zula Martha Clifford- Thomas & Pass Wild Bob the Peep/PoEvancho: Dream With Me" Tribute Train Club Miguel Science Feet orld George Patrol Speaks Red Dog Friends Kratts Builder coyo Dinosaur Saddle Fetch! Maya and Adventures Sid Franny's Richard WordW-"Costa Curious Arthur Zula Martha Thomas & Wild Bob theTest Simply Peep/PoAdventures Clifford"Morocco: Adventures Amer. Lidia's Cook's Adventures Rica: Adventures Train Club Miguel Science Feet orld for Pura George Patrol Speaksfor the Red Dog Friends Kratts Builder coyo Quest Kasbah" Kitchen Ming Italy Country Quest Vida" Lidia's Cook's Adventures "Costa Rica: Painter Adventures Ed Slott For Adventures "Morocco: Adventures Amer. (4:30) Tackling Quilts of Valor The QuiltsAdventures of Valor Foundation Richard Bob Ross: The Happy American consumers Austin City Limits NatureTest Simply Italy Quest for Pura Vida" Questretirement. for the Kasbah" Kitchen Ming Diabetes Country awards quilts to wounded veterans. concerned about Quilts of Valor Ed Slott Austin City Limits Nature SquadThe Happy Painter Da Vinci's Inquest WFFT Local News Criminal Minds Numb3rs Paid Tackling Paid Big Bang Big Bang Two and a Two and a Bob ColdRoss: Diabetes Program Theory Program Theory Half Men Half Men Paid Paid Big Big Bang Paid Two and a Jeopardy! Two and a Rules Cold Squad How Be Da Vinci's WFFT Local News Criminal Minds CriminalNumb3rs Golf PaidBang News CSI: NY Inquest 48 Hours Mystery News Minds C.Mind Program Friends Program M-Mother Theory Theory Half Men Half Men Futurama Futurama Seinfeld Friends M-Mother BigBang BigBang Seinfeld ABC News Die Hard II: Die Harder (3:00) PGA Golf Paid News Paid Jeopardy! Rules How Be CSI: NY 48 Hours Mystery News (:35) Criminal Minds (:35) C.Mind Closer "Cherry Bomb" Paid Paid Baseball 28 News The Office The Finder 30Seconds FamilyGuy Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Futurama Futurama Appear. Seinfeld Seinfeld ABC News
Die Hard II: Die Harder ('90, Act) Bruce Willis. Secrets Friends Nature The Big Band Years Appear. Time Goes Time Goes Globe Trekker Austin City Limits Closer "Cherry Paid MLB Baseball Cleveland Indians vs. St. Louis Cardinals 8 News Faith The Office LESEA The Finder in Action 30Seconds FamilyGuy Gospel LifeBomb" Alert Paid Paid Healthy Garden Studio B Paid Paid Bible(L) Brainetics 2Paid Place for Miracles (4:00) Secrets Nature TheNews Big Band Years Appear. Appear. Time Goes Time Goes Globe Sports Saturday 57 News ABC News 57 Insider Concert for Queen Secret Millionaire ABC57Trekker Ent. TonightAustin City Limits House Place for Miracles Gospel Life Alert Paid Healthy Garden Studio B Paid Paid Bible Brainetics Paid Faith LESEA in Action TimeHope Candle in the Dark Parables Difference Super. Jesus Sessions 3D Woman Hayford Health Gospel Praise Wheaton (4:00) Sports Saturday 57 News ABC News 57 News Insider ConcertThe forPatriot Queen Secret Millionaire ABC57 Ent. Tonight House Sahara Executive Decision TimeHope Candle in the Dark Parables Difference Super. Jesus Sessions 3D Woman Hayford Health Gospel Praise Wheaton
Sahara ('05, Act) Penélope A treasure
(2000,Bounty Drama)Hunter Heath Ledger, Joely Richardson, Mel Gibson. A Off
Executive Decision ('96, Act) Longmire "Pilot" StorageCruz, WarsMatthew McConaughey. Storage Storage StorageThe Patriot Storage Flipped Off Flipped Storage Storage hunter doctor race Paid to prevent anPaid environment catastrophe in Africa. Princess pacifist is drawn into the The American War of Independence in order to protectPrincess his son. Princess Steven Seagal, Russell. Paid and aPaid Money Millions Princess Suze Orman Show American Greed TheKurt Suze Orman Show Longmire "Pilot" Storage Wars Storage Storage Storage Storage Bounty Hunter Flipped Off (N) F lipped Off Storage Storage CNN Newsroom The Situation Room CNN Newsroom CNN Presents Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom CNN Presents Piers Morgan Tonight Paid Paid Paid Paid Money Millions Princess Princess The Suze Orman Show American Greed Princess Princess The Suze Orman Show Welcome Ho Legally Blonde Without a Paddle Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Aziz/Delicious CNN Newsroom The Situation Room CNN Newsroom CNN Presents Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom CNN Presents Piers Morgan Tonight MythBusters MythBusters American Chopper Grand Design Grand Design Grand Design Grand Design Grand Design (4:00) Welcome Ho...
Legally Blonde Reese Witherspoon.
Without a Paddle ('04, Com) Seth Green. Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo... (:15) Aziz/Delicious GoodLuck Jessie Austin Shake Up GoodLuck GoodLuck Jessie A.N.T. Shake Up Phineas Austin A.N.T. Shake Up GoodLuck Jessie Phineas MythBusters MythBusters American Chopper Grand Design Grand Design Grand Design Grand Design Grand Design To Be Announced To Be Announced C. Lately To Be Announced GoodLuck Jessie Austin Shake Up GoodLuck GoodLuck Jessie A.N.T. Shake Up Phineas Austin A.N.T. Shake Up GoodLuck Jessie Phineas Assassins Friday After Next Blade Runner Blade Runner Blade Runner (3:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced C. Lately To Be Announced Euro 2012 SportsC NBA Countdown Basketball SportsCenter SportsCenter (4:20) (:35)
Friday After Next
Blade Runner ('82, Sci-Fi) Harrison Ford.
Blade Runner ('82, Sci-Fi) Harrison Ford.
Blade Runner Toni
ht Assassins Euro 2012 Baseball SportsC A review ofBaseball the day's scores, highlights, NBA Countdown (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter Baseball Baseball Tonight TonightHoles (L) and feature stories from major sporting events. Finding Nemo Aladdin The Mask (3:00) NCAA B aseball NCAA Baseball Division I Tournament (L) NCAA B aseball Division I Tournament (L) B aseball Tonight (L) News HQ America's News HQ Fox Report Weekend Huckabee Justice JudgeJeanine Fox Report Weekend Journal E. Fox News Justice JudgeJeanine
Holes ('03, Adv) Shia LaBeouf, Sigourney Weaver.
Finding Nemo ('03, Ani) Albert Brooks.
Aladdin ('92, Ani) Robin Williams.
The Mask Baseball Reds Post- Ultimate Ultimate Matt Hughes UFC 140 "Jones vs. Machida" Barfly (4:00) News HQ America's News HQ Fox Report Weekend Huckabee Justice JudgeJeanine Fox Report Weekend Journal E. Fox News Justice JudgeJeanine ame Insider (4:00) The MLBParent Baseball Detroit Tigers vs. Cincinnati Reds Post- Ultimate Ultimate Hughes Wonder Emporium UFC 140 "Jones vs. Machida" takes on Machida martial G. Barfly Trap Mr.Matt Magorium's Frasier Frasier JonesFrasier Frasierin mixed G. Girls Girls Reds Kung Site: Great American Ball Park (L) Like Father,game arts action (L) Insider Fu Panda 2 Big Mommas: Like Son Fight Day Now The Hangover Partfrom II Toronto, Canada. Game of Thrones Fast Five
The Parent Trap ('98, Fam) Dennis Quaid, Lindsay Lohan.
Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls "Pac uiao/Bradle " "Valar Mor hulis" (4:30) Panda 2 Big Like Father,FaceOff Like Son An FBI agent & R. Fight Day Now
II ('11, Thrones (:50) Fast Five ('11, Paul 24/7 Kung Fu 24/7 24/7Mommas:24/7 Weigh-In Gervais Girls GirlsThe Hangover Veep Part True Blood (:45) Game ofLuck BillAct) Maher "Valar Morghulis" ('11, Ani) Jack Black. his son go undercover at an all-girl's school find a ... "Pacquiao/Bradley" Com)Horrible Bradley Bosses Cooper. Walker, Diesel. Wall Street ThetoAdjustment Bureau 1stLook Speed 2: CruiseVin Control 24/7 24/7 24/7 24/7 FaceOff Weigh-In R. Gervais Girls Girls Veep True Blood Luck (:10) Bill Maher Yard CurbApp HouseH House Gypsies MomCaves HGTV Design Star MegRooms High Low HouseH House HouseH House MegRooms High Low
Wall Street ('87, Dra) Michael Douglas. (:10)
The Adjustment Bureau
Horrible Bosses (:45) 1stLook
Speed 2: Cruise Control Sandra Bullock. To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Cajun Cajun Cajun Cajun Pawn Star Pawn Star Yard CurbApp HouseH House Gypsies MomCaves HGTV Design Star MegRooms High Low HouseH House HouseH House MegRooms High Low The Legend of Murder on the 13th Floor Who Killed Allison Parkes? To Be Announced Who Killed Allison P (4:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Cajun Cajun Cajun Cajun Pawn Star Pawn Star Boogie Nights Taking Lives Strike Back Bridesmaids Strike Back (4:00) The Legend of ... Murder on the 13th Floor Tessa Thompson. Who Killed Allison Parkes? Natalie Zea. To Be Announced Who Killed Allison P... Teen Mom "Happy Birthday" Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom (4:35)
Boogie Nights Mark Wahlberg. (:15)
Taking Lives ('04, Thril) Angelina Jolie. Strike Back
Bridesmaids ('11, Com) Kristen Wiig. (:10) Strike Back iCarly iCarly Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious ToRock ToRock Epic Adv. '70s Show '70s Show Friends Friends Friends Friends Teen Mom "Happy Birthday" Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Teen Mom Super Shark Shark Zone Jersey Shore Shark Attack Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus iCarly iCarly Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious ToRock ToRock Epic Adv. '70s Show '70s Show Friends Friends Friends Friends Casino Jack Beyond Gay: The Politics of Pride The Twilight Saga: New Moon The Twilight Saga: Eclipse The Borgias Super Shark ('11, Act) John Schneider. Shark Zone ('03, Hor) Dean Cochran. Jersey Shore Shark Attack (P) Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus Jaleel "Truth and White. Lies" (4:30) Casino Jack ('10,Racing Bio) Barry Beyond Gay: The PoliticsSpeed of Pride Lucas The Twilight MoonRacing When Edward leaves (:10) The Twilight Saga: Eclipse A teenage girl must (:15) The Borgias Auto Oil Saga: NewAuto Auto Racing Racing "Truth and Lies" Pepper, Jon I,Lovitz, (2009, I,Documentary) Ken Coolen. town, Bella turns to Jacob forChoice comfort but soon learns ... choose between her vampireChoice boyfriend & her ... RobotKevin Spacey. Robot (4:30) Grand-Am A uto Racing Emco Gears Classic (L) Speed Lucas Oil NASCAR Auto Racing Pocono 400 ARCA Auto Racing Racing (4:00)
The I, Robot ('04, Sci-Fi)
I, Robot Will Smith. In With 2035,Benefits a Chicago detective Choice Larson: ExamineBorn the best things such as who The Choice Examine as who Ides Of March Friends Bucky to in Beguy a Star Other Guys the best in guy things such Movie is the most dangerous is the most dangerous Bridget Moynahan, Will Smith. investigates a robot's role in the death of a scientist. man & much, much more. man & much, much more. Friends Friends Friends Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld BigBang BigBang Shrek The Pink Panther (:20)
The Ides Of March Paul Giamatti. (:05)
Friends With Benefits Mila Kunis. Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star (:40)
The Other Guys Will Ferrell. Movie 48 Hours: Evidence 48 Hours: Evidence To Be Announced 48 Hours: Evidence 48 Hours: Evidence 48 Hours: Evidence To Be Announced 48 Hours: Evidence Friends Friends Friends Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld BigBang BigBang
Shrek ('01, Ani) Mike Myers.
The Pink Panther ('06, Com) Steve Martin. Barbershop Faster Intermedio Night of the Demons Intermedio 48 Hours: Evidence 48 Hours: Evidence To Be Announced 48 Hours: Evidence 48 Hours: Evidence 48 Hours: Evidence To Be Announced 48 Hours: Evidence Powder (3:30)
Barbershop to Book find his Night of Demons (:05) Intermedio ('05, American Gangster ('02, Com) Cedric (:15) Faster An ex-convict sets out The of Eli Intermedio ('05, Hor) Cerina Thethe Book of Eli('09, Hor) Powder Entertainer, Eve, Ice Cube. brothers' & avenge their untimely deaths. Vincent, Edward Furlong. Shannon Elizabeth, Keena. '70s Hor) Edward Furlong. To Be the Announced Home Imp Home Impkillers Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens QueensMonica Queens Show '70s Show
American Gangster ('07, Cri) Russell Crowe, Denzel Washington.
The Book of Eli ('09, Adv) Denzel Washington.
The Book of Eli ('09, Adv) Denzel Washington. NCIS The Break Up Couples Retreat Necessary Roughness The Break Up (4:00) To Be Announced Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens '70s Show '70s Show Undateable "Hour 4" Undateable "Hour 5" Bball Wives "Finale" Bball "The Reunion" Baby Boy Single Ladies Rock Docs NCIS
The Break Up ('06, Com) Vince Vaughn.
Couples Retreat ('09, Com) Vince Vaughn. Necessary Roughness
The Break Up Baseball Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs Christine Undateable "Hour 4" Undateable "Hour 5" Bball Wives "Finale" Bball "The Reunion"
Baby Boy ('01, Dra) Omar Gooding, Tyrese Gibson. Single Ladies Rock Docs (4:00) MLB B aseball Hou./Chi.W. (L) Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs Christine Classic (L)
(4:30) NTRAGolf Horse :,9=0*,:! :H[\YKH` W T HUK :\UKH` ! H T
10:10 p.m. (SHOW) “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” ++ (2010, Drama) Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart. A teenage girl must choose between her vampire boyfriend and her werewolf friend. (2h05) 10:30 p.m. (25)(WCWW) “Die Hard II: Die Harder” +++ (1990, Action) William Atherton, Bruce Willis. A detective battles terrorists at an airport when a plot threatens hundreds of passengers. (2h30) (TNT) “The Book of Eli” +++ (2009, Adventure) Gary Oldman, Denzel Washington. A drifter in a post-apocalyptic society protects the last copy of the Bible from a gang. (2h30) 10:40 p.m. (STARZ) “The Other Guys” +++ (2010, Comedy) Will Ferrell. Two disgraced New York City detectives seize an opportunity to step into the limelight. (1h50) 11:00 p.m. (HBOS) “Speed 2: Cruise Control” ++ (1997, Action) Jason Patric, Sandra Bullock. A computer genius takes over a cruise ship and sets it on a course for destruction. (2h10) (TBS)“The Pink Panther” ++ (2006, Comedy) Kevin Kline, Steve Martin. An ambitious chief assigns the worst inspector around to solve a missing diamond case. (2h) 11:30 p.m. (AMC) “Executive Decision” +++ (1996, Action) Steven Seagal, Kurt Russell. A strike force tries to stop terrorists from using a nerve gas bomb on a hijacked jet. (3h) Midnight (ENC) “Blade Runner” +++ (1982, Sci-Fi) Rutger Hauer, Harrison Ford. In the future, a police officer is enlisted to kill replicants who have escaped to Earth. (2h) (FAM) “The Mask” ++ (1994, Comedy) Cameron Diaz, Jim Carrey. A bank clerk finds an ancient mask that turns him into a smooth-talking superhero. (2h) (USA) “The Break Up” ++ (2006, Comedy) Jennifer Aniston, Vince Vaughn. Feeling unappreciated, a woman breaks up with her boyfriend in hopes he will miss her. (2h) 12:30 a.m. (STARZ) “13 Going on 30” ++ (2004, Comedy) Mark Ruffalo, Jennifer Garner. Thirteen-year-old Jenna wishes away her youth and wakes up as a 30-year-old woman. (1h50) 1:00 a.m. (25)(WCWW) “The Punisher” +++ (2004, Action) John Travolta, Thomas Jane. A special agent becomes a vigilante after a ruthless assassin murders his family. (2h) (TBS)“City Slickers” ++ (1991, Comedy) Daniel Stern, Billy Crystal. Three middle-aged friends sign up for a two-week cattle drive in the western wilderness. (2h30) (TNT) “American Gangster” +++ (2007, Crime Story) Russell Crowe, Denzel Washington. A detective works to bring down a heroin kingpin smuggling drugs into 1970s America. (3h) 1:10 a.m. (HBOS) “Owning Mahowny” ++ (2003, Crime Story) Minnie Driver, Philip Seymour Hoffman. A bank manager with a gambling problem gets into trouble when he accesses a rich account. (1h50) 1:45 a.m. (HBO2) “Pulp Fiction” +++ (1994, Crime Story) Uma Thurman, John Travolta. Two hit men cross paths with a gangster, an overdosing girlfriend, a boxer and two hoods. (2h35)
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