May 6 - May 12, 2012
Andrew Scott stars as Jim Moriarty in "Masterpiece Mystery: Sherlock" Page 2
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2 â&#x20AC;˘ May 6 - May 12, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ THE NEWS SUN â&#x20AC;˘ THE HERALD REPUBLICAN â&#x20AC;˘ THE STAR
'Sherlock' goes high-tech What's old is new again: Reboot returns with a fresh take on the classic character in 'Masterpiece' By Kyla Brewer TV Media
ellphones, computers and other high-tech devices are staples of today's crimefighters, but imagine what powerful tools they'd become in the hands of literature's most famous detective. Benedict Cumberbatch returns as a modern-day Sherlock Holmes in "Masterpiece Mystery -- Sherlock: A Scandal in Belgravia," premiering
Sunday, May 6, on PBS. Created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in the 1880s, Sherlock Holmes is a sleuth for the ages. The fictional London-based detective appeared in at least 60 of Doyle's works, and he ranks among the most famous literary characters of all time. Produced for the BBC in association with WGBH Boston for PBS's "Masterpiece" series, the second season of the acclaimed BBC "Sherlock" series begins with a scandalous blackmail scheme initiated by dominatrix Irene Adler (Lara Pulver). The savvy sex worker claims to have incriminating photos of a royal. Sherlock, a selfproclaimed consulting detective, takes the case and faces off against Adler, who aims to outsmart Sherlock at his own game. Of course, Sherlock's right-hand man, Dr. Watson, returns as well. Martin Freeman once again tackles the role, which earned him accolades from numerous critics and millions of fans across the pond. The highly anticipated Season 2
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debut promises to deliver more of the witty banter and brilliant crime solving that made last season such a hit. It also could mean romance for Cumberbatch's Sherlock. Pulver explained the dynamic between the sleuth and unlikely love interest Adler this season. "The brilliant thing is Irene and Sherlock just get each other to the core," she said in an interview with Scottish newspaper "The Daily Record." "They are so similar and so different on so many different levels. What was great was just pushing each other's buttons and seeing what exploded. It was fun." "A Scandal in Belgravia" is actually the fourth of the updated "Sherlock" stories, which are all based on classic Doyle tales. It takes its lead from Doyle's "A Scandal in Bohemia." The first three -- "A Study in Pink," "The Blind Banker" and "The Great Game" -- comprised the first season, which first premiered on BBC 1 and BBC HD in the UK in Summer 2010. To say Season 1 was well received is perhaps a bit of an understatement. It might have been considered a risk to place such a classic, iconic character in the present day, but the risk undoubtedly paid off. Not only did the series garner overwhelmingly positive critical reviews and spark a fashion revival of wool trench coats (seriously), it won the 2011 BAFTA Television Award for best drama series. "The Wall Street Journal" called the show "wonderfully weird," while "The
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Benedict Cumberbatch stars in the "Masterpiece Mystery: Sherlock" series Washington Post" described the show as "absorbedly witty and brisk." No wonder. The character has been in good hands from the beginning. It was "Doctor Who" writers Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss who first reimagined Doyle's famous hero in a modern-day setting. News of the potential series broke at the 2008 Edinburgh International Television Festival, and a 60-minute pilot was later produced but never made it to air. Instead, the BBC requested a reshoot and the current 90-minute format was born. PBS brought the series to North
Americans in October 2010, and the reception here was also enthusiastic. Producers are likely hoping the hype will continue for its sophomore season. With three plotlines ripped from three more of Doyle's most popular, well-known stories, those are likely well-placed hopes. The network follows Sherlock's "Scandal" special with "The Hounds of Baskerville" on May 13, and "The Reichenbach Fall," featuring Sherlock's arch nemesis Jim Moriarty (Andrew Scott), on May 20. Much of the new "Sherlock's" success has to do with its two leads, Cumberbatch and Freeman.
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THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • May 6 - May 12, 2012 • 3 music composer Mr. Schifrin 50 Charlie who co-hosts “CBS This Morning” 51 “Norma __” (1979) 52 Fathers to Jr.s 53 __ Modern (London art gallery)
2 -4 -7 -8 8 78 -13 13 118 118 119 119 120 120 6 -11 -12 12 5 5 -4 -7 3 3 10 10 -6 20 20 45 45 46 46 39 39 49 49 60 60 29 29 66 66 63 63 18 18 67 67 47 47 35 35 69 69 26 26 421 421 31 31 32 32 70 70 59 59 62 62 33 33 24 24 -- -40 40 301 301 303 303 307 307 64 64 37 37 38 38 21 21 23 23 325 325 65 65 27 27 68 68 267 267 243 243 95 95 17 17 41 41 351 351 48 48 30 30 401 401 43 43 52 52 36 36 375 375 44 44 58 58 25 25 34 34 28 28 42 42 19 -9 9
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2 4 7 8 78 13 118 119 120 6 1 12 5 --3 10 -20 45 46 39 49 60 29 66 63 18 67 47 35 69 26 421 31 32 70 59 62 33 24 -40 301 303 307 64 37 38 21 23 325 65 27 68 267 243 95 17 41 351 48 30 401 43 52 36 375 44 58 25 34 28 42 19 9
ACROSS 1 In theaters May 11th, 2012: Johnny Depp stars in the new movie version of “Dark Shadows”, the old gothic TV series on which Jonathan __ played vampire Barnabas Collins 5 “Jennie Garth: A Little __ Country” on CMT 8 Jazz style 11 “__ Factor” 12 “BJ and the __” 13 Tack it to ‘Tac’ (City in Washington) 14 In ‘Twilight’ movies, he’s Dr. Carlisle Cullen — On Showtime’s “Nurse Jackie”, he’s Dr. Fitch Cooper... Peter __ 16 Chilly person’s utterance 17 __ Alto, California ale
odeling • Sales • Service • New Construction • Remodeling • S
2 2 7 4 19 7 13 8 -- 78 3 13 241 118 242 119 243 120 12 6 10 11 -- --- --- --- --3 -- 10 -- --- 20 36 45 23 46 38 39 255 49 175 60 56 29 61 66 17 63 98 18 99 67 65 47 34 35 70 69 63 26 150 421 6 31 30 32 41 70 42 59 44 62 8 33 16 24 37 -137 40 301 301 302 303 303 307 15 64 98 37 35 38 11 21 39 23 320 325 14 65 50 27 33 68 288 267 21 243 -- 95 4 17 48 41 340 351 46 48 47 30 370 401 25 43 -- 52 22 36 350 375 24 44 66 58 27 25 20 34 49 28 97 42 -- 19 99 9
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2 4 7 8 78 13 118 119 120 6 11 ----3 10 -20 45 46 39 49 60 29 66 63 18 67 47 35 69 26 421 31 32 70 59 62 33 24 -40 301 303 307 64 37 38 21 23 325 65 27 68 267 243 95 17 41 351 48 30 401 43 52 36 375 44 58 25 34 28 42 19 9
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WANE-CBS 15 Ft. Wayne WPTA-ABC 21 Ft. Wayne WPTA-CW 21.2 Ft. Wayne WISE-NBC 33 Ft. Wayne WISE-MY FOX 33.2 Ft. Wayne WFWA-PBS 39 Ft. Wayne WFWA-KIDS 39.2 Ft. Wayne WFWA-CREATE 39.3 Ft. Wayne WFWA-4YOU 39.4 Ft. Wayne WFFT 55 Ft. Wayne WINM-TBN 63 Ft. Wayne WNDU-NBC 16 South Bend WSBT-CBS 22 South Bend WCWW-CW 25 South Bend WSJV-FOX 28 South Bend WNIT-PBS 34 South Bend WHME-IND 46 South Bend WBND-ABC 57 South Bend Local Channel* American Movie Classics AMC Animal Planet* A&E Arts & Entertainment Big Ten Network* Bravo* CMT* Country Music Television CNBC Consumer News & Bus. CNN Cable News Network C-SPAN* Cable News Network Cartoon Network* Comedy Central COM DISC Discovery Channel DISN The Disney Channel E! Entertainment Network ENC Encore ESPN Ent. Sports Network ESPN 2 Ent. Sports Network 2 FAM ABC Family Channel Food Network* Fox News Channel FNC Fox Sports Midwest FX* Fox Entertainment GAC* Great American Country HALL Hallmark HBO Home Box Office HBO2 Home Box Office 2 HBOS Home Box Office Sig. HLN* Headline News HGTV Home & Garden Television HIST History Channel HSN* Home Shopping Network Life Lifetime MAX Cinamax MSNBC* Microsoft NBC MTV Music Television NICK Nickelodeon Outdoor Channel* Oprah Winfrey Network OWN* PIN* QVC* Value Network SCIFI Sci-Fi Channel SHOW Showtime SPEED Speed Channel SPIKE STARZ TBS Super Station TBS TBN* The Learning Channel TLC The Movie Channel TMC Turner Network TeleviTNT TRAVEL* Travel Channel TV Land TVLND USA Network USA Video Hits 1 VH1 Weather Channel* Weather Radar* WGN WGN-TV Chicago, IL
e ill tv ty ot Ci
c ol e r W om nie R o g e Li ang Gr le La lvil al er nd t l u Ke B lla vi
A ett o r t ar Ot -G La rn o- la b u rl o g o Auate An n o W bi
*Denotes NOT listed in the grids.
18 __ Hawkins (Li’l Abner comic strip character) 20 Kate of “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” (1984) 23 Charlemagne’s domain [acronym] 24 Here: Spanish 25 “__ _ a stinker?” - Bugs Bunny 28 Actress Ms. Winningham’s 31 “__ by the Bell” 32 Advertising agencies compete to win new business on AMC’s “The __” 33 Notable time 34 Ms. McClanahan 35 Savannah __, Chief Legal Analyst on “Today” on NBC 39 Sherwood Forest’s Tuck 41 “I’ve Got the Music __” by The Kiki Dee Band: 2 wds. 42 ‘Aster’ suffix 43 HGTV’s “I Brake for __ __” (It’s hosted by “Good Morning America” co-anchor Lara Spencer) 48 Boots brand from Australia 49 “Mission: Impossible” theme
DOWN 1 Really loud, in music (Tripled letter) 2 “Fool (If You Think It’s Over)”: 1978 hit for Chris __ 3 ‘Brain’ suffix 4 Plumbing problems 5 Rita Hayworth/Robert Mitchum flick, “Fire Down __” (1957) 6 ‘Tutor’ tack-on 7 The Food Network’s “__ Southern Kitchen”, hosted by country singer Miss Yearwood 8 Star of “Gilligan’s Island”: 2 wds. 9 He played J.R. and Sue Ellen’s son John Ross Ewing III on “Dallas”, __ Katz 10 She plays Don Draper’s wife Megan on AMC’s “Mad Men”, Jessica __ 12 Mr. Lugosi 15 “Uh-uh.” 19 Diva’s showstopper 20 Use a tent 21 Berry found in the Amazon Rainforest 22 “The __ Family” 26 Ms. Hatcher of “Desperate Housewives” 27 Family suffix in zoology 29 Quito is its capital [abbr.] 30 CBS’ “The Talk” co-host Ms. Underwood’s 35 Lena Dunham is the creator and star of this HBO comedy 36 Reverse 37 Band-Aid, et al. 38 “Notes from the __ Healer” (Hallmark Channel original movie airing Sunday, May 13th, 2012) 39 TLC’s “__ Weddings” 40 Capital of Latvia 44 Swiss river, variantly 45 Mauna __ (Hawaiian volcano) 46 Founded, for short 47 Picture Solution on page 9
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Sunday movies
8:00 p.m. (21.2) “Daddy Day Care” ++ (2003, Family) Steve Zahn, Eddie Murphy. Two fathers are inspired to open a day-care center when they are laid off work. (2h) (55) (WFFT) “The Rookie” ++ (2002, Family) Rachel Griffiths, Dennis Quaid. A baseball coach decides to fulfill his dream by trying out for a professional team. (2h) (25) (WCWW) “Chicago” ++ (2002, Musical) Renée Zellweger, Catherine Zeta-Jones. Two murderesses strive for fame at any cost, including scandal, in 1920s Chicago. (2h) (ENC) “The Other Guys” +++ (2010, Comedy) Will Ferrell. Two disgraced New York City detectives seize an opportunity to step into the limelight. (1h50) (HALL) “The Magic of Ordinary Days” ++ (2005, Romance) Skeet Ulrich, Ken Russell. An unwed pregnant woman is sent to a small Colorado town to marry a lonely farmer. (2h) (TBS) “Ocean’s Thirteen” ++ (2007, Comedy) Brad Pitt, George Clooney. Danny Ocean and his team plan to bankrupt one of Vegas’ most powerful businessmen. (2h30) 9:00 p.m. (FAM) “The Blind Side” +++ (2009, Sport) Tim McGraw, Sandra Bullock. An affluent family takes in a homeless teenager who becomes a star football player. (3h) (SPIKE) “Cloverfield” ++ (2008, Thriller) Jessica Lucas, Lizzy Caplan. A record of the final hours during the outbreak of a giant creature in Manhattan. (2h) (STARZ) “Moneyball” ++ (2011, Biography) Robin Wright, Brad Pitt. Billy Beane’s attempt to put together a baseball team using computer generated analysis. (2h15) 9:50 p.m. (ENC) “Godzilla” ++ (1998, Sci-Fi) Hank Azaria, Matthew Broderick. Godzilla rises from the ocean’s depths and destroys everything in its path, including NYC. (2h20) 10:00 p.m. (HBO2) “Gladiator” +++ (2000, Epic) Joaquin Phoenix, Russell Crowe. A Roman general becomes a gladiator when the Emperor dies and his son usurps the throne. (2h40) (MAX) “Speed” ++ (1994, Action) Sandra Bullock, Keanu Reeves. An officer must save the trapped passengers when a mastermind plants a bomb on a city bus. (2h) 10:30 p.m. (TBS) “Ocean’s Thirteen” ++ (2007, Comedy) Brad Pitt, George Clooney. Danny Ocean and his team plan to bankrupt one of Vegas’ most powerful businessmen. (2h30) 11:00 p.m. (SCIFI) “The Cave” ++ (2005, Horror) Eddie Cibrian, Cole Hauser. Explorers become trapped in a cave and discover bloodthirsty creatures are hunting them. (2h) (SPIKE) “Cloverfield” ++ (2008, Thriller) Jessica Lucas, Lizzy Caplan. A record of the final hours during the outbreak of a giant creature in Manhattan. (2h) (USA) “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” ++++ (1989, Adventure) Sean Connery, Harrison Ford. Indiana Jones and his father must fend off Nazis while searching for the Holy Grail. (3h)
8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 (15) WANE (16) WANE WNDU (21) WNDU WPTA (21.2)WPTA CW CW (33) WISE (33.2)WISE MNT MNT (39) WFWA (39.2)WFWA KIDS (39.3) KIDS CRE (39.4) CRE YOU YOU (55) WFFT WFFT WSBT (22) WSBT WCWW (25) WSJV WCWW (28) WNIT WSJV (34) WHME WNIT (46) WBND WHME (57) WINM WBND (63)AMC WINM
FIM Supercross PGA Golf Championship Final Round Site: Paid Paid Religion WPT Poker World Championship Quail Hollow Club -- Charlotte, N.C. (L) Program Program Series First News Sunday CBS Sunday MorningHome Face the Nation Paid Paid Religion Golf Paid PokerPaid UCI CSupercross ycling Giro NHL H ockey Stanley Cup Playoffs (L) NewsCenter 16 Sunday Today Catholic Meet the Press Paid Program Program Program Series Program Program d'Italia Sunday Morning Show Mass NewsCenter 16 Sunday Home Meet the Press Paid Paid Paid Basketball Paid Playoffs (L) Cycling Hockey Garden Blackhawk Bible Today Home This Week Catholic Indiana Busch Count- NBA NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) Sunday Show Mass Program down Program Travels Morning Hour Conn. Business Chiro (L) Program Program Garden Blackhawk Bible This Indiana Busch Paid Life On CountBasketball Live the Holly-Basketball Proof of Life A woman hires a professional negotiator
Amazons and TomoIn Touch With Dr. Home Key of Paid Week Paid Wild Ltd. HollyTravels Hour Conn. Program down and Win! Spot wood when her husband is kidnapped in South America. Gladiators rrow Charles Stanley David Program Program Business Chiro wood TomoIn Touch With Key of Paid Wild Live HollyProofRock of Life Amazons 3rd Rock 3rd UCI Cycling Giro NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs (L) and Sunday Today MeetDr. the Press Paid Paid Ltd. HollyPaid Paid Life On Paidthe rrow Charles Stanley David Program Program Program wood Win! Program Spot wood Sun From Sun d'Italia Gladiators From Program and Program Sunday Meet the Press Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid PaidRacing3rd Rock499 3rdSprint RockCup Series Cycling Hockey Aaron's Site: Talladega Superspeedway -- TBA From WorshipToday Art & Blackhawk Bible Fox News Sunday World's Funniest NASCAR Auto Program Program Program Program Ala. Program From Sun From Sun (L) Daryl's Shut-Ins Soul Hour Moments Program Talladega, Worship Art & Blackhawk Bible Fox News"Atlanta Sunday World's RacingAmerica Revealed Revealed "Nation America Revealed America TBA From Indiana Revealed Zoo to ThomasBiz Kid$ Design Antique RoadtripFunniest Religion McLaughAuto Shut-Ins Soul Moments Daryl's News lin Group Review "Food Machine" on the Move" "Electric Nation" "Made in the USA" You Friends Hour Squad (Hour Three)" Nation Religion Indiana Arthur America Revealed Revealed "Nation America Revealed America Zoo Kid$ Saddle Design Antique Roadtrip Curious Zula Martha Clifford- ThomasWild Bob the Revealed Peep/PBob to the ThomasPeep/P- Biz Dinosaur Fetch! "Atlanta MayaSid Franny's McLaugh WordNation lin Group George Review "Food Machine" on the Move" "Electric Nation" "Made USA" You Squad (Hour Three)" Patrol Speaks Red Dog Friends Kratts Builder in the ocoyo Builder Friends ocoyo Train Club &M. Science News Feet World Bob Fetch! Franny's Fons Word-& D.DewCurious Arthur Zula Martha Thomas- EquitrWild Bob the Ask-Old Peep/PEasy the Thai Peep/PWeeknig Dinosaur Steves' Saddle EquitrGarden MayaAsk-Old Sid For Your Katie Cook's Lidia's Easy Thai CliffordWeeknig Steves' Garden Builder &M. Science Feet World George Speaks RedMeals Dog Europe Friends ekking Kratts Builder House ocoyo Cooking ocoyo ht Meals Train Europe Club ekking Home House Home Brown Porter berry Country Patrol Italy Cooking ht Home Easy Thai Weeknig Fons & Fetch! D.Dew- Washingt Cook's Lidia'sto Religion Easy Thai To Weeknig Steves' EquitrGarden Discover Ask-Old Need the This Old Ask-Old Ask-Old Woodw- Steves' Woodt- EquitrWoodsmi Garden Aroun- Ask-Old WordGirl For WildYour Katie Dinosaur Cyberch. Washingt Cooking ht Meals Europe ekking Home Brown Porter It" berry Country Italy Cooking Contrary ht Meals House Europe House ekking Home House "Cool on Week Know News House right's urning th Shop Home dHouse House Kratts Train on Week IPFW Washingt Need Atoteenage Religion theentwined This in Old Two Ask-Old Discover Ask-Old WoodwWoodtWoodsmi ArounWordGirl Wild St. Dinosaur Cyberch. Fetch! Paid Almost Famous writerTogets and Washingt Extra Eco Sports Paid MattPaid Catholic Wall This Old Paid "Cool It" Program the on Week Know News House House House urning Shop dHouse Kratts Train Program '70s rock scene while coveringContrary a band's first tour. Half Men on Week IPFW Company right's Stars Program th hews Program Mass Journal House Eco Paid MattCatholic Old Paid Paid Almost Famous Danger Sports HorseCBS Sunday MorningPaid Face the Wall Paid St. This Job TV Poker Supercross Golf Two and Extra Company Program hews Program Mass Journal Program Half Men Ran ers Stars land Nation Pro ram House Pro ram Program Pro ram CBS Sunday MorningBrothers &Face the Taxi Paid Job TV Paid Paid WPT Poker FIM Supercross PGA Golf Championship Danger Winning HorseOn the Heartland "Dark Sisters Changing Lanes The Count of Monte CristoFinal Round Site: land Nation Program Program Program World Championship Quail Hollow Club -- Charlotte, N.C. (L) Rangers Ed e S ot Horse" "Li hts Out" the Heartland "Dark Brothers &Good Sisters Taxi Winning On cop enlists the help of Racing a Changing Lanes An accident triggers a fierce war The Count of Monte Cristo A wrongly Northlan Indiana Fox News Sunday Paid PaidAn overeager CARS.TV Auto Paid "Lights feisty taxi driver to nab a group of bank robbers. of road rage & revenge between two New Yorkers. imprisoned sailor breaks free & seeksPro revenge. dEdge Adven. Spot Business Horse" Pro ramOut" Fishin Pro ram ram Good RacingMcLaugh Aaron's 499 SeriesExperience Site: Talladega Superspeedway -- Talladega, Paid Northlan Biz Indiana News Sunday CybercKid$ Fox Outdoor Steves' Paid Inside Indiana Off the CARS.TV Indiana NASCAR WashingtAuto Economi ToSprint the Cup Amer. Moyers and Egypt "ThePaid Warrior (L) cOutlook lin Grou Contrar "Jesse James" d Adven. Business Elements Euro e Business Program Fishing Program hase Record Review Ala. on Week Com an Pharaohs"Program Inside Indiana Off the Paid Indiana Pioneer WashingtMemorial Economi LESEA McLaugh Paid To the Amer. Experience MoyersAngley and Egypt "TheManna Warrior Cyberc- Paid Biz Kid$ In Outdoor Steves' M.Jeske Paid Touch Ministries Hart Worship Studio B Life Alert Ernest Paid Business Paid Record Review on Week cOutlook Contrary "Jesse James" Company Pharaohs" hase Morning Elements Good This Week Europe Paid Paid Judge Judge Count- lin Group Basketball Basketball Paid Paid In Touch Ministries M.Jeske Worship Pioneer Memorial LESEA Paid Studio B Life Alert Ernest Angley Paid Manna America Sunda Pro ram Hart Pro ram Pro ram Paid Brown Jud down PaidDr. Paid Judge Week Jesus Paid asketball Playoffs (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) Good Morning Cornerstone With This Z. Levitt In Touch With Living Worship Judge Ministry CountInspiring NBA Ever BIncreasing Partnership Program Program Brown ProgramStanle down AmericaJohn Sunday Pastor Ha ee Revealed Charles Word Shut-Ins Judy Life (L) Faith Jesus In Touch With Dr. Living Worship Ministry Backdraft Inspiring Ever Increasing Partnership Cornerstone Mad Men With Z. Levitt The Killing The Pitch The Pitch The Bodyguard Revealed The Charles Stanley WordSopranos Shut-Ins Billy Life Faith Pastor John Hagee The Sopranos The Sopranos Sopranos The Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy To Be Announced Mad Men (:05) The Killing (:05) The Pitch (:05) The Pitch (:05)
Backdraft ('91, Act) William Baldwin, Kurt Russell.
The Bodyguard Whitney Houston. Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid The Sopranos The Sopranos The Sopranos The Sopranos Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy To Be Announced CNN Newsroom State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Next List News Your Money CNN Newsroom Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Comedy Drillbit Taylor I Spy Futura Futura Futura Futura Jeff Dunham Semi-Pro CNN Newsroom State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Next List News Your Money CNN Newsroom Paid Paid MythBusters MythBusters Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Comedy
Drillbit Taylor Owen Wilson.
I Spy ('02, Spy) Eddie Murphy. Futura Futura Futura Futura Jeff Dunham
Semi-Pro Will Ferrell. M.Mouse Jake Phineas Phineas GoodLk Shake Up A.N.T. Austin Wizards Wizards GoodLk GoodLk Shake Up Shake Up Jessie Austin Phineas Phineas Paid Paid MythBusters MythBusters Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Too Young THS The Soup E! News Weekend Fashion Police Voice "Live Semifinal Performances" The Voice Ice Coco Ice Coco M.Mouse Jake Phineas Phineas GoodLk Shake Up A.N.T. Austin Wizards Wizards GoodLk GoodLk Shake Up Shake Up Jessie Austin Phineas Phineas Firefox The Other Guys K-9 Godzilla Movie (7:00) Too Young THS "Hulk Hogan and Family" The Soup E! News Weekend Fashion Police Voice "Live Semifinal Performances" The Voice Ice Coco Ice Coco SportsCenter OLines Report SportsCenter Tonight Softball Billiards Billiards (:05)
Firefox ('82, War) Clint Eastwood.
The Other Guys (:20)
K-9 ('89, Com) James Belushi. (:10)
Godzilla ('98, Sci-Fi) Matthew Broderick. Movie Fishing NASCAR Now OLines Report SportsNation Poker Poker Poker Poker Poker SportsCenter OLines Report SportsCenter Tonight NCAA Softball Texas vs. Oklahoma (L) Billiards Billiards The Prince and Me Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Mrs. Doubtfire Matilda BASS Fishing NASCAR Now (L) OLines Report SportsNation Poker Poker Poker Poker Poker FOX & Friends Sunday News HQ Housecal America's News HQ America's News HQ Fox News Judge Jeanine America's News HQ
The Prince and Me ('04, Com) Julia Stiles.
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Mrs. Doubtfire ('93, Com) Sally Field, Robin Williams.
Matilda Poker G3 Sport Outdoors Game3.. Outdoors Golf Life Horse Autogeek Garage Poker Poker Sports Unlimited Gold Age BoysHall (6:00) FOX & Friends Sunday News HQ Housecal America's News HQ America's News HQ Fox News Judge Jeanine America's News HQ G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Falling In Love with the Girl Next Door Follow the Stars Home The Magic of Ordinary Days Firelight WPT P oker G3 Sport Outdoors Game3.. Outdoors Golf Life Horse Autogeek Garage WPT Poker WPT Poker Sports Unlimited Gold Age BoysHall Namath 24/7 Robin Hood Bill Maher One Day Larry Crowne Movie G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Falling In Love with the Girl Next Door
Follow the Stars Home
The Magic of Ordinary Days Firelight Something the Lord Made 24/7 24/7 24/7 24/7 Real Sports Water for Elephants Veep Game of Thrones Movie (7:30) Namath 24/7
Robin Hood ('10, Adv) Russell Crowe. Bill Maher One Day ('11, Dra) Anne Hathaway.
Larry Crowne Tom Hanks. Movie Rock HoF "Induction Ceremony" Rock and Roll Hall of Fame "Induction Ceremony" Rock and Roll Hall of Fame "Induction Ceremony" Rock 'n' Roll HoF "Induction Ceremony"
Something the Lord Made 24/7 24/7 24/7 24/7 Real Sports Water for Elephants Robert Pattinson. Veep Game of Thrones Movie Income Income Disaster Kitchen My Bath Room Cr Crashers Crashers Love It or List It My Place My Place Property Property Property Property HouseH House (7:30) Rock HoF "Induction Ceremony" Rock and Roll Hall of Fame "Induction Ceremony" Rock and Roll Hall of Fame "Induction Ceremony" Rock 'n' Roll HoF "Induction Ceremony" Rumrunners Mudcats Mudcats Mudcats Swamp People Swamp People Swamp People Swamp "Rebound" Income Income Disaster Kitchen My Bath Room Cr Crashers Crashers Love It or List It My Place My Place Property Property Property Property HouseH House The Hour of Power J.Osteen Paid DanceMomM. DanceMomM. DanceMomM. Home Invasion Carjacked Rumrunners Mudcats Mudcats Mudcats Swamp People Swamp People Swamp People Swamp "Rebound" Movie Love Don't Cost a Thing Unstoppable Once Upon a Time in Mexico The Rite Stuck on You The Hour of Power J.Osteen Paid DanceMomM. DanceMomM. DanceMomM. Home Invasion ('11, Dra) Haylie Duff. Carjacked ('11, Thril) Maria Bello. MADE MADE MADE MADE Best Dance Crew punk'd punk'd Pauly D Pauly D Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Money Movie (:45)
Love Don't Cost a Thing
Unstoppable (:15)
Once Upon a Time in Mexico The Rite ('11, Dra) Colin O'Donoghue.
Stuck on You Penguins Penguins Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Kung Fu Kung Fu Winx Penguins Big Time Big Time iCarly iCarly iCarly iCarly Victori. Victori. MADE MADE MADE MADE Best Dance Crew punk'd punk'd Pauly D Pauly D Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Money Paid Paid A Nightmare on Elm Street A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dr A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dre Penguins Penguins Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Kung Fu Kung Fu Winx Penguins Big Time Big Time iCarly iCarly iCarly iCarly Victori. Victori. Movie Furry Vengeance School of Life Fair Game The King's Speech Movie Paid Paid
A Nightmare on Elm Street A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's... A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dr... A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dre... M.Racing Perform. Speed NASCAR RaceDay "Talladega" Warriors "Nova" Moto. Racing Superbike Superbike Racing Victory Movie (:45) Furry Vengeance Brendan Fraser.
School of Life David Paymer. Fair Game ('10, Dra) Naomi Watts. The King's Speech ('10, Dra) Colin Firth. Movie Paid Paid Auction Auction Auction Auction Xtr. 4x4 Horsep. Trucks! Muscle.. Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction FIM M.Racing (L) Perform. Speed NASCAR RaceDay "Talladega" Warriors "Nova" FIM Moto. Racing FIM Superbike FIM Superbike Racing Victory Cars 2 The Social Network Magic City Moneyball Cars Cars 2 Paid Paid Auction Auction Auction Auction Xtr. 4x4 Horsep. Trucks! Muscle.. Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Friends Friends Friends Friends The Tuxedo Blue Streak Baseball (7:15) Cars 2 (:05)
The Social Network (:10) Magic City (:10)
Moneyball ('11, Bio) Robin Wright, Brad Pitt.
Cars ('06, Ani) Owen Wilson. Cars 2 Paid Paid Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Amer. Gypsy Wedd Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Friends Friends Friends Friends
The Tuxedo ('02, Com) Jackie Chan.
Blue Streak Martin Lawrence. MLB Baseball New York Yankees vs. Kansas City Royals (L) Don't Go Breaking My Heart Spoken Word A Summer in Genoa Brighton Rock The Other Man Paid Paid Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Amer. Gypsy Wedd Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Law & Order LawOrder "D-Girl" Law & Order Law & Order LawOrder "Avatar" Miracle We Are Marshall (:20)
Don't Go Breaking My Heart (:55) Spoken Word ('09, Dra) Kuno Becker. (:55) A Summer in Genoa Brighton Rock ('10, Cri) Sam Riley. (:25) The Other Man Nanny Nanny Hot In Hot In Hot In Hot In Makeover: Home Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Stir Crazy TV Land Awards Law & Order LawOrder "D-Girl" Law & Order Law & Order LawOrder "Avatar"
Miracle ('04, True) Patricia Clarkson, Kurt Russell. We Are Marshall Paid Program Angels and Demons Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade X-Men Nanny Nanny Hot In Hot In Hot In Hot In Makeover: Home Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
Stir Crazy ('80, Com) Gene Wilder. TV Land Awards VH1 Top 20 Videos VH1 Top 20 Videos Behind "Notorious B.I.G." La La Basketball Wives Couples Therapy Couples Therapy Couples Therapy Couples Therapy Paid Program
Angels and Demons ('09, Myst) Tom Hanks.
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Harrison Ford.
X-Men ('00, Sci-Fi) Hugh Jackman. Key David Beyond Matlock American Outlaws The Count of Monte Cristo Lead-Off Baseball VH1 Top 20 Videos VH1 Top 20 Videos Behind "Notorious B.I.G." La La Basketball Wives Couples Therapy Couples Therapy Couples Therapy Couples Therapy Key David Beyond Matlock
American Outlaws Colin Farrell.
The Count of Monte Cristo Lead-Off /(:10) MLB Baseball L.A. Dodgers vs Chi. Cubs (L) First News Sunday CBS Sunday Morning
Face the Nation
THE NEWS SUN â&#x20AC;˘ THE HERALD REPUBLICAN â&#x20AC;˘ THE STAR â&#x20AC;˘ May 6 - May 12, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ 5 SUNDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM (15) WANE
WANE (16) WNDU WNDU (21) WPTA WPTA (21.2) CW CW (33) WISE WISE (33.2) MNT MNT (39) WFWA (39.2)WFWA KIDS (39.3) KIDS CRE (39.4) CRE YOU
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
SUNDAY, MAY 6 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
(3:00) PGA
Golf Championship (L) Golf (3:00) NHL H ockey Stanley Cup Playoffs (L) (3:30) NBA Hockey Basketball Playoffs (L) Basketball (4:00)
Amazons and Gladiators (3:00) NHL Amazons Hockey and Gladiators Stanley Cup Playoffs (L) punk'd Hockey punk'd
NC15 CBS Even. 60 Minutes Race Teams of two are pitted against each other NYC 22 "Lost and NC15 (:35) Comedy.TV (:35) The Report News in a race that spans the globe. (SF) (N) Found" (N) Nightcast Unit NC15 CBS Even. 60 Minutes Race 22 "Lost and NC15 Comedy.TV NewsCe- NBC News Dateline NBC (N) Harry's Law "Class Celebrity Apprentice TheNYC remaining celebrities NewsCe(:35) Inside (:05) Paid (:35) The Paid Report News Nightcast Unit 16 nter 16 War" (N) run a print campaign for aFound" new hair dryer. (N) nter Edition Program Program NewsCeNBC News Dateline Harry's Law"An "Class Celebrity Apprentice NewsCeInside (:05) Hates Paid (:35) Hates Paid "The GCB "Revelation" (SF) INC News (:35) Loves INC News ABC America'sNBC Funniest Once Upon Apple Housewives nter 16 War" nter 16 Edition Program Chris Program People Will Hear" (N) (N) Weekend Weekend Home Videos (N) Red as Blood" (N) Ray Chris INC King News Queens ABC News America's Funniest Once Upon "An Two Apple Housewives "The GCB "Revelation" INC News TX Loves TrueHates The Heartland "Dark Daddy Day Care fathers are inspired to open Meet the Meet the Troubadour, Hollywood Hates Story Weekend Home Videos as Blood" People Will Weekend Ray Chris Chris aRed day-care center when they are laid offHear" work. of Queens "Fat City" Horse" Browns Browns "Pee Wee Herman" The King Queens HeartlandNBC "Dark Daddy the celebrities Meet the INC Troubadour, TX Shift True Hollywood INC News NBC News Dateline (N) H arry'sDay LawCare "Class Celebrity Apprentice TheMeet remaining News Night Paid Story of 5Queens "Fat City" Horse" Browns at War" (N) run a print campaign for aBrowns new hair dryer. (N) Weekend Program INC News Futurama NBC News Dateline NBC Law Bob's "Class Celebrity INC News Futurama Night Shift
Navy Seals Paid('90, Futurama The Cleveland Harry's TheSimpFamily Apprentice American Always Always Futurama at 5 Weekend Program Act) Charlie Sheen. Simpsons Show (N) War" sons (N) Burger (N) Guy (N) Dad (N) Sunny Sunny punk'd Experience punk'd Futurama Futurama Cleveland TheSimp-YourBob's Family Always Always Futurama Futurama Navy Seals Body's Honor Finding/ American Lawrence Welk Show The Arts Finding Roots (N) M asterpieceAmerican Mystery! "Sherlock: America in Primetime sons Burger Guy Sunny Flight Roots "Jesse Owens" "Great Entertainers" Simpsons Aviators Show Weekly A Scandal inDad Belgravia"Sunny (N) "Man of the House" Army American Experience Lawrence Welk Show The "Must Franny's Arts Finding YourCurious Roots Masterpiece Mystery! "Sherlock: America in Primetime Body's Finding/ Arthur Zula Martha CliffordThomas & Wild Kratt Honor Bob the Peep/PoDinosaur Saddle Fetch! Maya and Sid WordW"Jesse "Great Entertainers" Aviators Weekly A Scandal inPatrol Belgravia"Speaks "Man of theFriends House" "Fireflies" Army Flight Roots George Red Dog Builder coyo Train Owens" Club Miguel See TV" Feet orld Dinosaur Fetch! Maya and Cook's Sid "Must Lidia's Franny's Easy WordWCurious Arthur Zula Martha CliffordThomas Wild Kratt Fons Bob the Peep/PoD.DewbFor Your Saddle Katie Fons & D.DewbThai Weeknight Steves' EquitrekGarden Ask This For Your& Katie & Train Club Miguel See TV" Feet orld George Patrol Speaks Red House Dog Home Friends "Fireflies" Porter Builder coyo erry Home Brown Porter erry Country Italy Cooking Meals Europe king Home Old Brown For Your Katie Fons D.DewbLidia's Easy Thai Weeknight Steves' Ask This For Fons & of Finding/ D.DewbHealthline Senior Green& Thousand Cook's Globe Trekker PrimetiJammin' Sun Studio EquitrekBluegrass Garden Backstage "Those HootYour in the Katie Hole Citizens Home Brown Country Italy Cooking Meals Europe king Home OldKings" House Home Brown Porter erry Spotlight Porter Buildings erry Suns "Bangladesh" me39 at Jack's Sessions Under Delta Rhythm the World Roots Healthline Senior Green PrimetiJammin' Sun Studio Backstage Hoot in the Hole Citizens of The Finding/ Rookie A baseball coach decides Bluegrass to fulfill WFFT Local"Those News Numb3rs The Office Office Paid Paid Big Bang Thousand Big Bang Globe Paid Trekker Two and a The Suns "Bangladesh" me39 Jack's Sessions Under the World Roots dream byattrying out for a professional team. Delta Rhythm Kings" Program Spotlight Program Buildings Theory Theory Program Half Men his Paid Paid Big Bang CBS Big Bang PaidMinutes Two and a The Amazing Rookie Race WFFT22 Local News Numb3rs Office The Office Golf News News 60 NYC News Paid TheOutdoor Movie Program Program '70s Theory Men TMZ Show Theory '70s Show Program BigBang Half BigBang Chicago ABC News Loves Ray Futurama Futurama Sunny Sunny (3:00) PGA G olf CBS Minutes Cleveland Simps. The AmazingBobB Race (SF) (N) NYCNews 22 (N) The Office 30 News (:35) Paid (:05)Outdoor Movie Two 1/2... Two 1/2... News Paid Paid News 60 Simpsons Fam.G AmerD 28 Rock 30 Rock Bones TMZ '70s Show '70s Show BigBang BigBang
Chicago ('02, Mus) Catherine Zeta-Jones. ABC News Loves Ray Futurama Futurama Sunny Sunny Egypt's Empire Egypt's Empire Finding Your Roots Finding Your Roots Masterpiece Mystery! America in Primetime Getaways Theater... Roots Two 1/2... Israel Two 1/2... Paid Paid Simpsons Comfort Cleveland Paid Simps. (N) VanImpe BobB (N) in F am.G (N) Faith AmerD (N) Enjoy-Life 28 News Paid The Office Drought 30 Rock 30 Rock Bones Memorial Healthy Tour In Touch Ministries Crossroa Action LESEA Pioneer Getaways Theater... Grey's Roots A. Egypt's Empire Empire Your Roots Finding Youra Roots Masterpiece Mystery! (N) America in Primetime Basketball Egypt's ABC News 57 News Finding Home Videos Once Upon Time (N) Desp. Housewives GCB "Revelation" ABC57 The Unit "Manhunt" Healthy Israel Tour Fellowship In Touch Ministries Crossroa Victory Comfort VanImpe Paid VanImpe in Action Faith Enjoy-Life T. Paid Drought LESEA Pioneer Gospel Memorial Partnership Manna Home Partnership Bates Praise Dorinda Gaither Hour (3:30) NBA B asketball ABC News 57 News Once Upon a Time (N) D esp. Housewives (N) Mad GCB "Revelation" The Unit "Manhunt" Grey's A. The A League of TheirHome Own Videos (N) The Killing "Keylela" Men "Lady (N) ABC57 The Killing Mad Men "Lady (2:00) Partnership Fellowship Manna Home Victory VanImpe Partnership Praiselela" Dorinda Gaither Gospel Hour Bod uard Lazarus" T. Bates "Ke Lazarus" (3:00) The
A League of TheirStorage Own ('92, Com) Geena Davis. Two sisters join a Storage The Killing "Keylela" Mad Men (:05) The Mad Men "Lady To Be
Announced To Be Announced Storage Storage Storage Storage Duck Dy "Lady Duck Dy Duck Dy Killing Duck Dy (:05) Storage Storage Bodyguard female league during the Second (N) Lazarus" (N) "Keylela" 2012 Lazarus" Greed Paid Paid Paid professional Paid baseball Diabetes Wall St. Fat &World FatterWar. Cocaine Cowboys Apocalypse American To Be Announced To Be Announced Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Storage Storage CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Presents Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom CNN Presents Piers Morgan Tonight Paid Paid Paid Paid Diabetes Wall St. Fat & Fatter Cocaine Cowboys Apocalypse 2012 American Greed Movie Jeff Dunham: Controlled Chaos Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O The Comedy Awards The Comedy Awards CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Presents Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom CNN Presents Piers Morgan Tonight MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters Movie Jeff Dunham: Controlled Chaos Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O The Comedy Awards The Comedy Awards GoodLuck A.N.T. Jessie Shake Up Jessie Jessie GoodLuck GoodLuck A.N.T. Jessie Austin Shake Up A.N.T. GoodLuck Wizards Wizards MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters Ice Coco Ice Coco Fatal Honeymoons Death in Paradise Khloe & Khloe & Khloe & Khloe & Khloe & Eastwood C. Lately The Soup Khloe & Eastwood GoodLuck A.N.T. Jessie Shake Up Jessie Jessie GoodLuck GoodLuck A.N.T. Jessie Austin Shake Up A.N.T. GoodLuck Wizards Wizards Teen Wolf Anger Management The Other Guys Godzilla Eat Pray Love Ice Coco Ice Coco Fatal Honeymoons Death in Paradise Khloe & Khloe & Khloe & Khloe & Khloe & Eastwood C. Lately The Soup Khloe & Eastwood Billiards SportsCenter Baseball Tonight Baseball SportsCenter SportsC(4:35)
Teen Wolf (:10)
Anger Management Adam Sandler.
The Other Guys Will Ferrell. (:50)
Godzilla ('98, Sci-Fi) Matthew Broderick. (:10)
Eat enter Pray Love SportsCenter Baseball Tonight MLB Baseball Philadelphia Phillies vs. WashingtonPoker Nationals Site: SportsCBilliards SportsCenter The day's news Poker 2011 World Drag Racing Drag Racing(L) Poker Pokerin the Baseball Shots Nationals Park -- Washington, D.C. Cup of Trick Matilda world of sports. The Blind Side The(L) Blind Side J.Osteen enter Ed Young Poker '11 World Series NHRA Drag Racing NHRA Drag Racing Southern Nationals Site: Atlanta Dragway Poker '11 World Series Poker '11 World Series Poker Baseball News HQ Fox News Fox Report Weekend Huckabee Stossel Geraldo at Large Huckabee Stossel (4:00)
The Blind Side ('09, Spt) Tim McGraw, Sandra Bullock.
The Blind Side ('09, Spt) Tim McGraw, Sandra Bullock. J.Osteen Ed Young Action Sports Tour Action Sports Tour Ocean Golden Poker UFC Unleashed Barfly The Game Poker Poker (4:00) News HQ Fox News Fox Huckabee Stossel Geraldo at Large Huckabee Stossel RaceReport Weekend A e 365 WPT The Poker World UFCDays Unleashed Barfly The Game Frasier WPT Poker World WPT Poker World Action Sports Tour ActionofSports Tour Ocean Golden Firelight Taste Romance Magic of Ordinary Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls Finals 365 Finals Finals 2011 Red Championship Age Riding Hood 2011 ChampionshipRobinRace Hood Game of Thrones Veep Girls Thrones "The Old Veep Girls (4:00) Firelight Taste of Romance ('11, Fam) Teri Polo.
The Magic of Ordinary Days Ken Russell. Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls Gods and the New" (4:45) Red Fant) Hallows:
RobinBill Hood Russell Crowe. A lowly gets more Game of Thrones (N) Veep Gladiator Girls Thrones "The Old Veep Girls24/7 HarryRiding PotterHood & the('11, Deathly Maher Waterarcher for Elephants LukasRock Hass, Amanda than"Induction he bargained for when he helps aRock dying knight. Gods the New" Rock andSeyfried. Roll Hall of Fame Ceremony" and Roll Hall of Fame "Induction Ceremony" Rock and Roll Halland of Fame "Induction Ceremony" (4:30) Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows: ... Bill Maher Water for Elephants Robert Pattinson.
Gladiator ('00, Epic) Joaquin Phoenix, Russell Crowe. (:40) 24/7 For Rent For Rent HouseH House Holmes "Rocky Reno" Holmes on Homes Best of Holmes Holmes Inspection Holmes on Homes Best of Holmes (3:00) Rock Rock and Roll Hall of Fame "Induction Ceremony" Rock and Roll Hall of Fame "Induction Ceremony" Rock and Roll Hall of Fame "Induction Ceremony" Swamp People Swamp "Under Siege" Ax Men Ax Men Ax Men Swamp People MonsterQuest Ax Men For Rent For Rent HouseH House Holmes "Rocky Reno" Holmes on Homes Best of Holmes (N) H olmes Inspection Holmes on Homes Best of Holmes I Know Who Killed Me Chloe Army Wives The Client List Chloe Swamp People Swamp "Under Siege" Ax Men Ax Men Ax Men Swamp People MonsterQuest Ax Men Stuck on You X2: X-Men United Your Highness Speed Housewives From A
I Know Who Killed Me Lindsay Lohan. Chloe ('09, Dra) Liam Neeson, Julianne Moore. Army Wives (N) The Client List Chloe ('09, Dra) Liam Neeson, Julianne Moore. punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd America's Dance Crew Pregnant "Myranda" Savage U Pauly D Pauly D punk'd punk'd punk'd Money Ridiculous (4:00)
Stuck on You
X2: X-Men United Patrick Stewart. (:15) Your Highness ('11, Com) James Franco.
Speed ('94, Act) Keanu Reeves. Housewives From A... Victorious Victorious Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge '70s Show '70s Show Wife Kids Wife Kids G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends punk'd punk'd punk'd punk'd America's Dance Crew Pregnant "Myranda" Savage U Pauly D Pauly D punk'd punk'd punk'd Money Ridiculous Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare Thirteen Ghosts One Missed Call The Cave Victorious Victorious Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge '70s Show '70s Show Wife Kids Wife Kids G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends Mr. Holland's Opus The Borgias "Stray The Big C Nurse Nurse The Big C The Borgias "The Nurse The Big C The Borgias "The
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
Thirteen Ghosts ('01, Hor) Tony Jackie Shalhoub.
One Missed Call Shannyn Sossamon.
The Cave ('05, Hor) Choice" Cole Hauser. Do s" Jackie Choice" Jackie The Big C Nurse Nurse "Talladega" The Big C Octane The BorgiasCar "The The Big C The Borgias (4:30) Mr. Holland's Opus A musician takes a teaching Borgias "TheRace Victory Dumbest Motorcycle Race The Speed Center"Stray Dave Despain Victory Crazy NurseMotorcycle Race Motorcycle job & finds hisAuction true calling in inspiring young Jackie Jackie Choice" Jackie Dogs" Choice" Auction The Dayminds. After Tomorrow Cloverfield Cloverfield (4:30) Victory Dumbest FIM Motorcycle Race Speed Center Dave Despain (L) Victory "Talladega" Octane (N) C ar Crazy AMA Motorcycle Race AMA Motorcycle Race Hunters Hunters Auction
The Salt Day After Tomorrow ('04, Act) DennisMagic Quaid.City A climatologist Cloverfield A record of the final hours during CloverfieldThe A record the final hours during Cars 2 Auction Moneyball SocialofNetwork Hunters Hunters racesRush to find his 3son as a new Ice Age suddenly engulfsOcean's New York City. the outbreak of a giant creature in Manhattan. outbreak of a giant creature in Manhattan. Queens Queens Hour Thirteen Ocean'sthe Thirteen (4:30) Cars 2 (:20)
Salt ('10, Act) Angelina Jolie. Magic City
Moneyball ('11, Bio) Brad Pitt. (:15)
The Social Network Jesse Eisenberg. Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium American Gypsy Wedd Medium Medium American Gypsy Wedd Queens Queens
Rush Hour 3 ('07, Act) Chris Tucker.
Ocean's Thirteen ('07, Com) Brad Pitt, George Clooney.
Ocean's Thirteen ('07, Com) Brad Pitt, George Clooney. Hotel Rwanda Raw Deal Drive Angry As Good as Dead #1 Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium American Gypsy Wedd Medium Medium American Gypsy Wedd Cheerlea (:55) Hotel Rwanda During the genocidePre-game in Rwanda, Raw Deal A former FBI agent is promised Drive Angry A father escapes hell to find the man As Good as Dead ('10, Thril) Brian (:35) #1 We Are Marshall Basketball Basketball Inside the NBA a hotel manager gives shelter to Tutsi refugees. reinstatementM*A*S*H if he can bringM*A*S*H down a ruthless mobster. Loves who killed daughter took hisRay granddaughter. Elwes. Cheerlea... Awards M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H RayhisLoves Ray & Loves Loves Ray Cox, LovesAndie Ray MacDowell, Loves Ray Cary Queens Queens (4:00)
We Are Marshall Pre-game NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) Inside the NBA (L) Law & Order: S.V.U. Law&O.:SVU "Weak" SVU "Brotherhood" Law&O.:SVU "Blast" Law&O.:SVU "Retro" SVU "Shattered" Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (4:) Awards M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Tough Love N.Orleans Tough Love N.Orleans Tough Love N.Orleans Mob Wives ToughLoveOrleans Mob Wives Tough Love N.Orleans Mob Wives Law & Order: S.V.U. Law&O.:SVU "Weak" SVU "Brotherhood" Law&O.:SVU "Blast" Law&O.:SVU "Retro" SVU "Shattered"
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 10th.. Videos Law & O: CI "On Fire" 30 Rock M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother WGN News Replay The Unit "Manhunt" Monk Tough Love N.Orleans Tough Love N.Orleans Tough Love N.Orleans Mob Wives (N) ToughLoveOrleans (N) Mob Wives Tough Love N.Orleans Mob Wives (:15) 10th.. Videos Law & O: CI "On Fire" 30 Rock M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother WGN News (:40) Replay The Unit "Manhunt" Monk
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Q: The new “Napoleon Dynamite” series looks like it’s animated by the same people who did “The Goode Family.” Is it the same person or company? A: No, they’re made by different companies, but the person behind “The Goode Family” is back on TV. Fox’s animated adaptation of the surprise 2004 hit film “Napoleon Dynamite” is produced by Jared and Jerusha Hess, the husband-and-wife team who created the original film, with the animation expertise provided by longtime “Simpsons” producer Mike Scully. You’re not the first to note the similarity, though everyone else does it in a different way. When “Napoleon Dynamite” debuted in January, many people said that the animation looks similar to that of “Beavis and Butt-Head,” which is the series that made “Goode Family” creator Mike Judge famous. And now, three years after “The Goode Family’s” hasty cancelation, Judge is back with new episodes of “Beavis and Butt-Head.” That series, about two clueless metalhead friends, initially ran on MTV from 1993 to 1997, after which Judge turned to film (most notably the 1999 cult classic “Office Space”) and then to another series, “King of the Hill.” “King of the Hill” followed comically conservative Hank Hill and his family, and was a huge hit on Fox. Apparently in the interest of fairness, Judge then created “The Goode Family,” a series about laughably liberal Gerald Goode and his family. This series was not a hit, though, and it only lasted one season, airing during summer 2009 on ABC. Judge is back, though, returning to the title that made him famous. He and MTV revived “Beavis and Butt-Head” last fall, and the ratings are good so far. The ratings for “Napoleon Dynamite,” on the other hand, haven’t been so good. It drew in four million sets of eyes on March 6 (which Fox billed as its season finale, though it was only the show’s sixth episode), which may seem fine if you don’t consider that it’s a one millionviewer drop from its lead-in, “The Simpsons.”
8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 This Morning CBS This (7:00) Today Show (16) WANE WNDU Morning Today Morning Show (7:00) Good (21) WNDU WPTA America GoodDaily Morning (6:00) The Buzz (21.2)WPTA CW America The Daily Buzz (7:00) Today Show CW (33) WISE (15) WANE
(7:00) CBS
The Rachael Ray Show The Rachael Ray Live! With Kelly Show Live! With MillionKelly INsight aire? INsight MillionThe Steve Wilkos aire? Show The Steve Live! With Wilkos Kelly Show Live! With Kelly America Now
Let's Make a Deal
The Price Is Right
NC15 at The Young and the BoldThe Talk Noon Restless Beautiful Let's Price Is Right NC15 at Storm The YoungAccess and theHollywood BoldThe Talk TodayMake Showa IIDeal The Today Show III NewsCDays of Our Lives Noon Restless Live Beautiful enter 16 Stories Today Show II Today Show III NewsCHollywood The DaysRevolution of Our Lives Paid Paid The View INC News Storm at Noon Access The Chew enter 16 Stories Live Program Program Paid The View at Noon The The Revolution The JeremyPaid Kyle House of House of INC PaidNews Paid PaidChew Paid RoseRoseProgram Program Payne Show Payne Program Program Program Program anne anne The Jeremy House of House Paid Paid Paid RoseRoseToday ShowKyle II Today Show III of M*A*S* Market- Paid Days of Our Lives Swift Swift Show Payne Payne Program Program Program Program Justice anne anne H place Justice Today Show Today Show II Today Show III M*A*S* Market- Divorce Days of Our Lives Swift SwiftShot Divorce Judge Last (7:00) Corner Store The Wendy The Nate Berkus Access Paid H place Justice Justice Court Alex TV Williams Show Show H. Program Court CornerCat Store America The Wendy The Judge Last Shot Caillou Divorce Sid Dinosaur WordCurious in Super Now Dinosaur Sesame Street Sid Nate Berkus Various Access Various Paid Various Divorce TV Williams Show Show H. Program Court Court Alex Science Train World George the Hat WHY! Train Science in Super Sesame Various Various Curious Various Caillou Sid Dinosaur CliffordWordCurious Bob the Cat Super Dinosaur Dinosaur Saddle Fetch! Street MayaSid Franny's WordSesame Street Martha Hat WHY! Train Science Feet Science Speaks Train World George Builder the WHY! Train Club &M. World George Red Dog Bob the Various Super Dinosaur Saddle Franny's WordSesame Street CliffordVarious Steves'/ Various Fetch! Various MayaVarious Sid Various Various Various Curious Various Various Lidia's/ Martha Various Various Builder WHY! Train &M. Science Feet World George B. Wolf Club Gourmet Speaks Red Dog Various Various Steves' Various Various Various Democracy Various Various Various Various Various Lidia's Various Function Sit and Southern Wild Newsline Now! Charlie Rose Various (M) Taste Various B. Wolf Kratts Gourmet This! al Fitness Be Fit Fitness Function Sit and AmericSouthern Wild Now! Charlie Rose Various Paid Various The Taste Various A. A. Paid Jerry Springer Judge Mathis Americ- Newsline We the Various We the Democracy Law & Order: al Fitness Be Fit Fitness Griffith Griffith Program Program This! Show a's Court Kratts a's Court People People Criminal Intent JudgeCBS Mathis AmericWe the We & Order: A. A. The Jerry This Let's MakeAmerica Deal Swift Swiftthe Law The Price Is Right WSBT The YoungPaid and the Paid BoldTalk Springer a's Court a's Court People People Criminal Intent Griffith Griffith Mornin Justice Justice News Restless Program Program Beautiful Show (7:00) Let's Make a Court Deal Divorce Swift Swift The Price IsJudge Right WSBT The YoungMaury and the BoldThe Talk JudgeCBS This Judge The People's Divorce Judge The Jerry Springer Steve Wilkos Morning Alex Justice Justice News Restless Beautiful Show Alex Court Court Brown Brown Show JudgeFox 28Judge The Dr. People's Court The Divorce Divorce Paid Judge Judge The Jerry Springer The Steve Oz Show Nate Berkus Paid AmericAmeric- Maury Paid Paid Cash Cab Wilkos Cash Cab Alex Alex Court Court Brown Brown Mornin Show Show Pro ram Pro ram Show a's Court a's Court Pro ram Pro ram Show The Dr. OzDinosaur Show The NateStreet Berkus Paid Paid Paid Paid Cab (6:00) Fox 28Cat in Curious Super Sesame Sid Barney & AmericCurious AmericCat in Super Dinosaur Cash Wild Cab Cash Electric Show Program Program Court Program Morning Geor e Show the Hat WHY! Train Science Friends a's Geor e a's the Court Hat Program WHY! Train Kratts Com an in Super Dinosaur Sesame Street Sid Barney & Curious Cat in SuperHealth Dinosaur Wild Electric Curious Cat Sumrall Various The Harvest Show Crossroa Life Paid Life Copel'nd Paid Your Various Various Hat MillionWHY! Train Science George the Hat The WHY! Kratts Company George Good the Morning MillionFamily Family The View Friends The Doctors Chew Train The Revolution Sumrall Various aire? The Harvest Show Feud Crossroa Life Paid Life Copel'nd Paid Your Health Various Various America aire? Feud (7:00) Good Creflo Morning Various Million- Various Million- Health& Family Family The View The Doctors The Chew Joseph Ask The Revolution Enjoying TCT the Pastor Rabbi Benny Voice of Faith in Various America aire? aire? Feud Feud Victor Histor Life Toda Prince La in Dollar Nutrition Hinn Creflo Various Health& Benny Voice of Movie Faith in Movie Various Enjoying Joseph Movie Ask the Pastor RabbiPaid Program Various Movie The Pitch Movie MovieTCT Movie Dollar Nutrition Hinn Victory Today Minds Prince Lapin Bounty Bounty Criminal Minds Criminal Minds CSI: MiamiHistory CSI: MiamiLife Criminal Criminal Minds (6:00) Paid Program Various Movie (M) The Pitch Movie Movie Movie (Tu) Movie Movie Movie Squawk Box Squawk on the Street Fast Money Power Lunch Street Signs Bounty Bounty Criminal Minds Criminal Minds CSI: Miami CSI: Miami Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Starting Point CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom (6:00) Squawk Box Squawk on the Street Fast Money Power Lunch Street Signs Paid Paid Daily Colbert Comedy Comedy Comedy Various Various Scrubs Scrubs (7:00) Starting Point CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Paid Paid Various H.Made TBA I Almost TBA Suspects TBA FBI TBA LA Ink TBA LA Ink Paid Paid Daily Colbert Comedy Comedy Comedy Various Various Scrubs Scrubs M.Mouse Jake M.Mouse M.Mouse Stuffins Einsteins M.Mouse Octonaut M.Mouse Movie Ag.Oso Jake Various Various Paid Paid Various H.Made (M) TBA/II Almost (M) TBA/SSuspects (M) TBA/FFBI (M) TBA / LA Ink (M) TBA / LA Ink To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced M.Mouse Jake M.Mouse M.Mouse Stuffins Einsteins M.Mouse Octonaut M.Mouse Movie Ag.Oso Jake Various Various Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Various Movie Movie Various Movie Various To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter Movie Movie Movie Movie (Tu) (:10) Movie Various (W) (:35) Movie/(T... Movie Various (Tu) (:50) Movie Various Mike and Mike in the Morning ESPN First Take ESPN First Take Mike&M Number SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter Boy MW Boy MW Boy MW 700 Club The 700 Club Gilmore Girls Standing Standing 8 Rules Movie Grounded Grounded (6:00) Mike and Mike in the Morning ESPN First Take ESPN First Take Mike&M Number Fox & Friends America's Newsroom Happening Now America Live Boy MW Boy MW Boy MW 700 Club The 700 Club Gilmore Girls Standing Standing 8 Rules Movie Grounded Grounded Various Game3.. The Dan Patrick Show The Dan Patrick Show Paid Paid Various Fisherm. Dan Patrick (6:00) Fox & Friends America's Newsroom Happening Now America Live G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Martha M.Hungry Martha Emeril Petkeep Martha Martha Various Game3.. The Dan Patrick Show / (Th) The Dan Patrick Show Paid Paid Various Fisherm. (Tu-Th) Dan Patrick Movie Movie Movie M Movie Movie Movie Making Movie Movie Movie Various Various G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Martha M.Hungry Martha Emeril Petkeep Martha Martha 1stLk Movie Various Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Position Movie Movie (M) Movie/(Th) M ... Movie Movie Movie Making Movie Movie (Th) Movie Various Various History Movie Movie Movie Various Movie Various Movie Movie Various (:15) 1stLk (Tu) M ovie/(M) (:4... Various Movie Movie (F) (:15) Movie/(Th)... Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Position Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various HouseH House Various Various Various Various History (Tu) Movie/(Th) (:3... (M) (:25) Movie/(W)... Movie Various (Tu) (:35) Movie Various Movie (Tu) (:25) Movie Various To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various HouseH House Various Various Various Various W&Grace W&Grace W&Grace W&Grace W&Grace W&Grace Christine Christine Christine Christine Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie W&Grace W&Grace W&Grace W&Grace W&Grace W&Grace Christine Christine Christine Christine Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy AMTV MADE Various Dyrdek Various Various Various PaulyD Various Pauly D Various punk'd Various Various Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie (Th) Movie/(F) (:45)... Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Sponge Sponge Max Dora Max Dora Dora Dora Max Guppies Guppies Dora Dora Umizoomi Umizoomi Sponge Sponge AMTV / (F) MADE Various Dyrdek Various Various Various PaulyD Various Pauly D Various punk'd Various Various Various Twilight Various Various Various Various Various Ghost Various Ghost Various Movie FactFake Ghost Sponge Sponge Max/ Dora Max/ Dora Dora Dora/ Max Guppies Guppies Dora Dora Umizoomi Umizoomi Sponge Sponge Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Mo Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Various Twilight Various Various Various Various Various Ghost Various Ghost Various Movie FactFake (Th) Ghost Various Various Various Various Various Various Cons. Racing Various M.Racing Live! Racing TruckU Movie Movie Movie Movie (W) Movie/(F) M o... Movie Movie Movie Movie (W) Movie/(F) (:15)... Movie Movie Paid Paid Auction Auction CSI: NY Gangland CSI Gangland CSI Gangland CSI Gangland CSI Gangland Various Various Various Various Various Various Cons. (F) Racing Various M.Racing (F) Live! Racing TruckU Movie Movie Movie Movie Various Movie Movie Movie Movie Various Movie Paid Paid Auction Auction CSI: NY/(F) Gangland CSI/(F) Gangland CSI/(F) Gangland CSI/(F) Gangland CSI/(F) Gangland Fresh P. Fresh P. Payne Payne Browns Browns Payne Acc.Jim Yes Dear Yes Dear AmerDad Earl Raymond Raymond Movie Movie (F) (:55) Movie/(M) ... Movie Various Movie Movie (W) (:10) Movie/(F)... Movie Various (W) Movie/(F) (:15)... Baby St. Baby St. Baby St. Baby's Various Say Yes Say Yes What Not to Wear Baby St. Baby St. Baby St. Multiple Fresh P. Fresh P. Payne Payne Browns Browns Payne Acc.Jim Yes Dear Yes Dear AmerDad Earl Raymond Raymond Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Various Baby St. Baby St. Baby St. Baby's Various Say Yes Say Yes What Not to Wear Baby St. Baby St. Baby St. Multiple Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Las Vegas Las Vegas Leverage Movie Movie Movie (Tu) Movie/(W) (:40... Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Various SheWrote B. Legal Beaver Beaver Van Dyke Van Dyke Griffith Griffith MASH MASH Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Las Vegas Las Vegas Leverage Various Movie Law:CI House Law:CI House Various Various Various Various SheWrote/(F) B. Legal Beaver Beaver Van Dyke Van Dyke Griffith Griffith MASH MASH Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Vh1 Top 20 Vh1 Top 20 Big Morning Buzz Various Bball Various Movie Therapy Bball 40 Various Various (F) Movie (M) Law:CI/(Tu) House (M) Law:CI/(Tu) House Various Various Various Various Paid Paid Matlock Matlock In Heat of Night In Heat of Night Baseball News Walker, TR (Tu) V h1 Top 20 (Tu) Vh1 Top 20 Big Morning Buzz Various (Tu) Bball Various Movie Therapy/ Bball/ 40 Various Paid Paid Matlock Matlock In Heat of Night In Heat of Night (M) Baseball/N News Walker, TR
Judge Judge Brown Judy Judge Judge The Rachael Ray Brown Judy Show The Rachael Ray General Hospital Show General Lifech- Hospital Lifechangers angers LifechDr. Phil Lifechangers angers Dr. Phil Funniest America's Home Videos America's Funniest Curious Martha Home GeorgeVideos Speaks Curious Wild Martha ThomasGeorge Kratts Speaks Friends Thomas- Various Wild Steves'/ Friends B. Wolf Kratts Steves' Various Various B. Wolf Various Various Maury
The Dr. EllenOz Show DeGeneres Show The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Ellen Steve Wilkos DeGeneres Show Show The Steve Wilkos Anderson Show Anderson Old Old Christine Christine Old Old Arthur WordGirl Christine Christine Arthur WordGirl Bob the Super Builder WHY! Bob the Super Various Various Builder WHY! Various Various
Maury Dr. Phil
The People's Court Anderson
Dr. Phil LifechLifechan ers an ers LifechLifechThe Nate Berkus angers angers Show The Nate Berkus WordGirl Martha Show S eaks WordGirl Martha Daniel Boone Speaks General Hospital Daniel Boone General Rejoice Hospital TCT Alive (M Movie W F) Rejoice / (Tu Th) TCT The First 48Alive (F) Movie Closing Bell The First 48 CNN Newsroom Closing Bell Yankers Futura CNN Newsroom Various Yankers (:25) Futura Various Various Various Various Various
Anderson King of King of ueens ueens King of OzKing The Dr. Showof Queens Queens The Dr. OzCliffordShow Arthur Red Do Arthur toCliffordHighway Heaven RedCourt Dog The People's Highway to Heaven People's Court The Jim Bakker Show The Jim The Bakker Pitch ShowFirst 48 The (Tu) The Pitch The First 48 The Situation Room Futura Tosh.O The Situation Room Various (:55) Futura Tosh.O Various Various Various Various Various Movie Various NFL Live Movie Various Number LeBatard NFL Live Various Movie Number LeBatard Your World Various Movie Various Golf Your World The Waltons Various (Th) Golf Movie Movie The Waltons Movie Movie Movie Movie M (Tu) Movie/(Th) (:0... Various Various (W) Movie/(Th) M ... To Be Announced Various Various Mother Reba To Be Announced Movie Movie Mother Reba Various PaulyD Movie Movie Various Various Various PaulyD FactFake Ghost Various Various Movie Movie FactFake (Th) Ghost Lucas Oil Various Movie Movie Various Jail Lucas Oil Various Movie Movie Various (Tu Th) Jail Friends Friends Movie Movie Friends Friends Movie Movie Law & Order Movie Movie Bonanza Law & Order NCIS SVU Bonanza Various NCIS/ SVU Walker, TR Various Walker, TR
OLines Football NASCAR FirstTk OLines Football '70s Movie NASCAR FirstTk Studio B '70s Movie Various Outdoors Studio B The Waltons Various Outdoors Movie Movie The Waltons Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Various Various (Tu) (:10) Movie Various Various Grey's Anatomy Movie Movie Grey's Anatomy Various Pauly D Movie Movie Winx Sponge Various Pauly D Various Movie Winx Sponge Movie Movie Various Movie Various ShutUp (F) Movie Movie Various Jail Various ShutUp Movie Movie Various (Tu Th) Jail Raymond Raymond Movie Movie To Be Announced Raymond Raymond Movie Movie To Be Announced The Closer Movie Movie Bonanza The Closer Various Bonanza Various Various Walker, TR Various Walker, TR
The Dr. Oz Show
Various Various The People's Court
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
MONDAY, MAY 7 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
Two and Mike & Hawaii Five-0 "Ua NC15 (:35) D. Letterman Phil (:35) Late NC15 at 6 CBSNews Wheel of Jeopardy! 2 Broke 2 Broke Molly (N) Hopu" (N) Nightcast McGraw, Spiritualized Late Show p.m. Fortune Girls (N) Girls (N) Half (N) NC15 at 6 CBSNews 2The Broke 2 Broke Two and compete Mike & to Smash Hawaii "Previews" Five-0 "Ua (N) N NC15 D. Letterman NewsCeNBC News Wheel Access of Jeopardy! Inside Voice The final four contestants ewsCe- (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) Late p.m. Fortune Girls Girls Molly Hopu" Nightcast Late Show nter 16 Hollywood Edition LateNight be the last one standing. Half (N) nter 16 With Jay Leno NewsCeAccess Inside The VoiceWith the Stars (N) Smash "Previews" NewsCeThe Tonight Show INC News NBC WorldNews Ent. INC Dancing C astle "Always" (SF) INC News (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live nter Hollywood Edition nter With Jay Leno LateNight at 6 16 News Tonight Soundoff (N) at 1116 p.m. Nightline INC King News World DancingGirl With the Stars Hart of Dixie (N) Castle "Always" INC Death News ThatNews Jimmy'70s Kimmel Live "The N ewsce'Til Death 'Til '70s That South The The King Ent. Sein. "The INC Sein. "The Gossip at Soundoff Fugitives" (N) Nightline Show nter "Let's Go" at 11 p.m. Show Park of 6Queens News of Queens Tonight Cadillac" Contest" The Sein.Phil "The Sein. "The Gossip GirlThe "The Hart of Dixiecompete to Smash Newsce'Til Death '70sTonight That Show '70s (:35) South (:35) The INC King News The NBCKing News Dr. The Voice final four contestants "Previews" (N) I'Til NC Death News That of Fugitives" nter "Let's Go" at 11 p.m. With ShowJay Leno Show Park LateNight at 6Queens of Queens Cadillac" Contest" be the last one standing. (N) INC News NBC News Dr. Phil The Voice Smash "Previews" INC News LawThe Tonight Show Always American American Family Family Bones "The Suit on House "Post Mortem" Indiana's Law & Order: S.V.U. & Order: Special at 6 at 11 p.m. Victims With JayUnit Leno"Lust" LateNight Dad Dad Guy Guy the Set" (N) (N) News "Chameleon" Sunny Frasier Frasier American American Nightly Family Family Suit on House "Post Mortem" Indiana's Law & Order: S.V.U.and Law & Order: Special Antiques Roadshow America Revealed Moyers Company Wild Electric PBS NewsHour Matters of Bones Antique"The "Minneapolis Charlie RoseAlways Sunny Dad Guy the Set" News in the "Chameleon" Victims Unit "Lust" One)" (N) "Fame and Fortune" "Made USA" Kratts Company Dad Business Guy the Mind (Hour Wild PBS NewsHour Matters Antiques America Company Charlie Zula Martha Revealed Clifford- Moyers Thomas and & Wild Bob theRoseSuper Dinosaur Electric Saddle Fetch! Maya and Nightly Sid Franny's of Antique WordW- "Minneapolis Curious Arthur Roadshow Kratts Company Business the "Fame and Fortune" "Made USA" Patrol Speaks in the Red Dog Friends Kratts Builder WHY! Train Club Miguel Science FeetMind (Hour orld One)"George Dinosaur Fetch! and Sid Franny's WordWCurious Arthur Zula Martha CliffordBob the W Painting: Super Sewing American Saddle Around Sewing W Maya Painting: Simply Lidia's Ciao Italia Hubert Steves' Travel Garden This Old Thomas American& Wild Around Train Miguel Science Feet orld George Patrol Red Dog Friends Builder WHY! Europe Woodshop Club the House Nancy Europe Ming Italy Keller Europe With Kids Speaks Smart House Woodshop Kratts the House Nancy American Around Sewing Simply Lidia's Ciao Italia Hubert Steves' Garden This Old American Around Sewing Make: BBC World Travel Journal Newsline Make: Tavis Inside E Tavis W Painting: Tavis Antiques Roadshow The PriceW Painting: Florida PBS NewsHour Uncorked: Woodshop the House Nancy Ming Italy Keller Europe With Kids Smart House Woodshop the House Nancy Europe News Smiley Street Smiley Smiley "Fame and Fortune" of Coffee Europe Cross. Wine Antiques The Price Make: BBCBang World Journal Tavis Inside Tavis Tavis The Big Big Bang Newsline WFFT Local Make: News TMZ GossipE King of According The OfficeRoadshow The Office Met Your Florida Met Your PBS Two NewsHour and a Two and a Uncorked: Extra "Fame and Fortune" of Coffee Cross. News Smiley Street Smiley Smiley Insider Theory Theory Queens the Hill to Jim Mother Mother Half Men Half Men Wine Two and a Jeopardy! Two and a Girls Extra The Big Bang Big Bang Hawaii WFFT Local News TMZ Gossip King of According The The Office News Met Your CBSNews Met Your Wheel NewsOffice News Girls Two 1/2... M&M Five-0 News D. Letterman LateSh Half Men BigBang Half Men Gossip Girl Insider Theory Queens the Hill to Jim Mother Mother Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang Hart of DixieTheory ABC News Seinfeld '70s Show TMZ Insider Sunny (:35) D. Letterman (N) (:35) LateSh News News Two 1/2... M&M (N) Fox Hawaii Five-0at(N)10 NewsOffice The Two 1/2... News 30 Rock FamilyGuy CBSNews Amer. Dad Wheel Simpsons Jeopardy! FamilyGuy Girls Bones(N) Girls (N) House 28 News The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Gossip Girl (N) H art of Dixie (N) A BC News Seinfeld '70s Show TMZ Insider Sunny Wild Kratt Dinner News Michiana PBS NewsHour Antiques Rd. Antiques Roadshow America Revealed Charlie Rose Business T. Smiley Two 1/2... Flying 30 Rock FamilyGuy 3Amer. Simpsons IBA FamilyGuy Bones (N) Bible H ouse (N) Show Fox 28 NewsEnjoy-Life at 10 The Office Life The Alert Office Place 30 Rock Two 1/2... Garden Nun Hogan Sons Dad FamilyTies News Sumrall The Harvest Hart Wellness for Miracles Business T. Smiley Wild Kratt Judy Dinner News Michiana 57 PBSNews NewsHour AntiquesWith Rd. (N) Revealed Charlie RoseNightline Jimmy Judy ABC57 News ET Dancing the Stars Antiques Roadshow America Castle "Always" ABC57 Kimmel Live Garden Flying Nun Rabbi Hogan 3 SonsH. FamilyTies IBA News Sumrall Bible The HarvestLife Show Wellness Life PlaceJim forBakker Miracles Fellowship Health Faith Health Jerusal. TCT Today Manna B.Hinn Today Hart J. Hagee Enjoy-Life Bible Gospel Just Alert Sayin' The Show Judy Miami "High Judy ABC57 57 ET Dancing With the Stars (N) Miami C astle "Always" (N) A BC57 Nightline Jimmy CSI: CSI: Miami News CSI:News Miami "Going, CSI: Miami "Come as CSI: The Pitch Mad Men "Lady TheKimmel Killing Live Gospel Just Sayin' The Bakker Show Fellowship Health Rabbi Health, Gone" Jerusal. TCT Today B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Octane" "Darkroom"Faith H. Goin You Are" Manna "Backstabbers" "Clockwork" Lazarus" "Ke Jim lela" Miami "Come Miami PitchScared Stra. Mad CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami "Going, Men "Lady (:05) The Scared Killing Stra. The First 48"High The First 48 Beyond Scared Stra. CSI: Beyond Scared Stra.as CSI: Scared "Chowchilla" The Beyond Scared "Jessup" Beyond Gone" You Are" "Backstabbers" "Clockwork" Octane" "Darkroom" Going, Lazarus" "Keylela" Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report CNBC Special The Future of TV CNBC Special (N) Mad Money The Future of TV The First 48 The First 48 Beyond Scared Stra. Beyond Scared Stra. Scared "Chowchilla" Beyond Scared Stra. Scared "Jessup" Beyond Scared Stra. The Situation John King, USA OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report CNBC Special The Future of TV CNBC Special Mad Money The Future of TV Sunny Sunny Daily Sh. Colbert 30 Rock 30 Rock Futurama SouthPk Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Daily Sh. Colbert SouthPk SouthPk (4:00) The Situation John King, USA OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight To Be Announced To Be Announced American Chopper: American Chopper: American Chopper: "Malaysian Adventure" American Chopper: To Be Announced Sunny Sunny Daily Sh. Colbert 30 Rock 30 Rock Futurama SouthPk Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Daily Sh. Colbert SouthPk SouthPk GoodLuck GoodLuck Shake Up GoodLuck Wizards Jessie Jessie Ella Enchanted FishH Jessie Jessie Shake Up Wizards Wizards To Be Announced To Be Announced American Chopper: American Chopper: American Chopper: "Malaysian Adventure" American Chopper: To Be Announced To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced Lately E! News C. Lately GoodLuck GoodLuck Shake Up GoodLuck Wizards Jessie Jessie
Ella Enchanted (:15) FishH Jessie Jessie Shake Up Wizards Wizards Stick See No Evil, Hear No Evil White Chicks Ronin Urban Legends: The (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced Lately (N) E! News C. Lately Around Interrup- SportsCenter Baseball Baseball Tonight SportsCenter SportsCenter (4:20) (:15)
See No Evil, Hear No Evil
White Chicks Shawn Wayans. (:50)
Ronin ('98, Act) Jean Reno, Robert De Niro. Urban Legends: The... Horn
Stick tion Around SportsCenter MLB Live Baseball (L) Baseball SSportsNation portsCenter SportsCenter SportsNationInterrup- NFL 32 NFL 30 for 30 "The Best That Never Was" NFL Live Tonight (L) Baseball Tonight (N) tion HornPicture This!(N) Life of the Teenager American Teen Make It or Break It Life of the Teenager The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. SportsNation (N) NFL 32 (L) NFL Live (N) 30 for 30 "The Best That Never Was" NFL Live SportsNation Baseball Tonight (L) The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity
Picture This! ('08, Com) Ashley Tisdale. Life of the Teenager American Teen (N) Make It or Break It (N) Life of the Teenager The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. Autogeek- MotorhePoker The Game Reds PreBaseball Reds PostPoker Boxing Classics The Five e? ad Gara e Special Report FOX The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The Hannity 's Gara 365 Report ame ameO'Reilly Factor WPT PHouse oker World The Game Pre- MLB AutogeekaseballPrairie Cincinnati Little Reds vs. Milwaukee Site: Miller Park -- Reds Poker Boxing 2011 The WaltonsMotorhe- Little "Sylvia" Little HouseReds "Sylvia" LittleBHouse House Prairie Brewers Frasier Frasier FrasierPost- WPT Frasier G. Girls Classics G. Girls ad Garage Finals Ice Age 365 game (L) Real (L) Rank 's Garage? Milwaukee, Wis. Bill Top Water for 24/7 Time With Paul HBO game Ricky (L) 24/7 Water for Elephants The Waltons Little House "Sylvia" Little House "Sylvia" Maher Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls Ele hants First Look Gervais (4:00) Water
IceOfAge ('02, Ani) Voices of 24/7 Real
Paul (2011, Comedy)Predators Simon (:45) HBO Ricky 24/7 Water for Elephants Love &for Action Making Larry Crowne VeepTime With GirlsBill Game of Thrones Unknown Elephants Pegg,Devil Seth Rogen, Nick Frost. Robert Pattinson. Maher Christmas First Look Gervais Movie ChanceJohn Leguizamo, Ray Romano. Surviving Pulp Fiction (4:20) Love & Action ... Making Of /(:15)
Larry Crowne Tom Hanks. Veep Girls Game of Thrones Predators ('10, Sci-Fi) Adrien Brody. (:50)
Unknown Liam Neeson. Income Income Income Income Love It or List It Love It or List It Property Property HouseH House Love It or List It Property Property Movie (:50) Chance (:25)
Surviving Christmas
Devil ('10, Hor) Chris Messina.
Pulp Fiction ('94, Cri) Uma Thurman, John Travolta. To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Pawn Star Pawn Star American Pickers Pawn Star Pawn Star American Pickers Pawn Star Pawn Star Income Income Income Income Love It or List It Love It or List It (N) P roperty Property HouseH House (N) L ove It or List It Property Property Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Father of the Bride Rumor Has It Father of the Bride (4:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Pawn Star Pawn Star American Pickers Pawn Star Pawn Star American Pickers Pawn Star Pawn Star City Slickers II: The Legend Spill Grease The Change-Up Spring "Bar Wars" Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba
Father of the Bride Steve Martin.
Rumor Has It ('05, Com) Kevin Costner. Father of the Bride Pauly D Pauly D '70s Show '70s Show Substitute Substitute punk'd punk'd Money Ridiculous Ridiculous Money Ridiculous Money Pauly D Pauly D (4:30) City Slickers II: The Legend... Spill ('96, Act) Brian Bosworth.
Grease ('78, Mus) John Travolta.
The Change-Up ('11, Com) Jason Bateman. Spring "Bar Wars" iCarly iCarly iCarly iCarly Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge '70s Show '70s Show G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends Pauly D Pauly D '70s Show '70s Show Substitute Substitute punk'd punk'd Money Ridiculous Ridiculous Money Ridiculous Money Pauly D Pauly D One Missed Call Eureka Eureka "Force Quit" Eureka Lost Girl Eureka "Friendly Fire" Lost Girl iCarly iCarly iCarly iCarly Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge '70s Show '70s Show G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends An The Ghost Writer Weeds Weeds The Borgias "The Nurse The Big C The Borgias "The Nurse The Big C
One Missed Call Shannyn Sossamon. Eureka Eureka "Force Quit" Eureka LJackie ost Girl (N) EChoice" ureka "Friendly Fire" Lost Unreas Choice"(N) JackieGirl (3:30) An (:45) The Ghost Writer A writer's is jeopardized Weeds Weeds The Rod BorgiasHot "The Nurse The Big C NASCAR The Borgias "The Nurse The Big C Hot Rod GearZ NASCAR Race Hub life Pass Time Passafter Time GearZ GearZ Hot Rod Garage Garage Race Hub GearZ GearZ Unreas... he Heroin uncovers DEA the secrets of aChase" former Prime DEA "DEA vs. "Deadly DEA Minister. "Operation Pill World's Wildest Police Choice" Big Easy Big Easy Jackie Big Easy Big Easy Choice" World's Wildest Police Jackie Big Easy Big Easy Hot NASCAR Race Hub (N) PGrinder" ass Time Pass Time GearZ GearZ Hot Rod Hot Rod Garage (N) G arage NASCAR Race Hub GearZ GearZ Kin Rod in" GearZ Videos Justice Justice Justice Justice Videos Justice Justice DEA "DEA vs. HeroinAreDEA Easy Big Easy Big Easy World's Wildest Police Big Easy Movie Big Easy "Deadly Chase" DEA "Operation Pill andWorld's Movie We There Yet? Gnomeo Juliet Wildest Police Big Easy Tron: Big Legacy Friday After Next Kingpin" Justice Guy Justice Justice "It's Justice Videos Justice Justice Grinder" Seinfeld Videos "Blue (N) Harvest" Family Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Fam.G FamilyG a Trap" Conan The Office The Office Movie (:50)
Are We There Yet? Ice Cube. Gnomeo and Juliet James McAvoy.
Tron: Legacy ('10, Act) Jeff Bridges. (:10)
Friday After Next Movie To Be Announced Undercover Boss Boss "Toronto Zoo" Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Boss "Toronto Zoo" Undercover Boss Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam.G "Blue Harvest" Family Guy FamilyG "It's a Trap" Conan (N) The Office The Office How to Rob a Bank Shoot the Hero Super Size Me Rebirth Vidal Sassoon: The Movie (3:00) To Be Announced Undercover Boss Boss "Toronto Zoo" Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Boss "Toronto Zoo" Undercover Boss (:15) How to Rob a Bank ('07, (:40) Shoot the Hero ('10, Act)
Super Size Me (2004, (:40) Rebirth Documents the emotional & physical Vidal Sassoon: Thethe Movie Law
& Order The Mentalist Basketball Basketball Inside NBA('10, Com) Erika Christensen, Nick Stahl. Samantha Mewes. Documentary) healingRay process involved the aftermath of 9/11. Queens Doc) Ronnie The Sassoon, Quant. Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*HLockwood, M*A*S*HJason M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Loves Ray inLoves Ray Queens King Mary of Queens Law & Order The Mentalist NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) Inside the NBA (L) NCIS "Road Kill" NCIS "Silent Night" NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS "Broken Bird" WWE Raw WWE Raw The Game Plan Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens The King of Queens Docs Behind the Music Basketball Wives Basketball Wives La La Basketball Wives La La Basketball Wives La La T.Love NCIS "Road Kill" NCIS "Silent Night" NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS "Broken Bird" WWE Raw WWE Raw
The Game Plan Christine Christine 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs 'Til Death (4:00) Docs Behind the Music Basketball Wives Basketball Wives (N) La La (N) Basketball Wives La La Basketball Wives La La T.Love Christine Christine 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs 'Til Death
NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NC15 First Inside NewsCeWANE NewsCen(16) WNDU at ter516 at 5 Edition nter 16 INC News atNewsCe5 WNDU NewsCen(21) WPTA ter 16 at 5 nter 16 INC 5 the MeetNews the atMeet WPTA (21.2) CW Browns Browns Meet the Meet the CW The Doctors (33) WISE Browns Browns The DoctorsFrasier WISE (33.2) MNT Frasier (15) WANE
MNT (39) WFWA (39.2)WFWA KIDS (39.3) KIDS CRE (39.4) CRE YOU
Monday movies
8:00 p.m. (ENC) “White Chicks” ++ (2004, Comedy) Marlon Wayans, Shawn Wayans. Two disgraced FBI agents go undercover as white women in an effort to protect heiresses. (1h50) (LIFE) “Father of the Bride” +++ (1991, Comedy) Kimberly Williams, Steve Martin. The trials and tribulations of a father whose daughter excitedly plans her wedding. (2h) (MAX) “Grease” ++ (1978, Musical) Olivia Newton-John, John Travolta. A leather-jacketed boy and a goody-twoshoes girl fall in and out of love in the 1950s. (2h) (TMC) “Super Size Me” +++ (2004, Documentary) A filmmaker examines the fast food industry by eating nothing but McDonald’s for 30 days. (1h40) 8:30 p.m. (DISN) “Ella Enchanted” +++ (2004, Fantasy) Cary Elwes, Anne Hathaway. A young woman who has been cursed to be completely obedient falls for a prince. (1h45) 9:00 p.m. (HBO) “Paul” ++ (2011, Comedy) Simon Pegg, Nick Frost. Two comic books geeks traveling across the United States encounter aliens outside Area 51. (1h45) (HBOS) “Devil” ++ (2010, Horror) Jenny O’Hara, Chris Messina. Five people trapped in an elevator learn that the Devil is among them to seal their fate. (1h30) (STARZ) “Tron: Legacy” +++ (2010, Action) Garrett Hedlund, Jeff Bridges. The son of a virtual world designer ends up inside one of the world’s his father created. (2h10) 9:50 p.m. (ENC) “Ronin” +++ (1998, Action) Jean Reno, Robert De Niro. A group of operatives are hired to steal a package and dodge a string of double crosses. (2h10) 10:00 p.m. (LIFE) “Rumor Has It” ++ (2005, Comedy) Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Costner. A recently engaged woman is determined to uncover the truth about her family’s past. (2h01) (MAX) “The Change-Up” ++ (2011, Comedy) Ryan Reynolds, Jason Bateman. Two best friends’ lives are swapped after a mysterious drunken incident. (2h) 10:30 p.m. (HBOS) “Pulp Fiction” +++ (1994, Crime Story) Uma Thurman, John Travolta. Two hit men cross paths with a gangster, an overdosing girlfriend, a boxer and two hoods. (2h40) 11:00 p.m. (USA) “The Game Plan” +++ (2007, Family) Madison Pettis, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. A quarterback’s bachelor lifestyle is put on hold when he discovers he has a daughter. (2h30) 11:10 p.m. (STARZ) “Friday After Next” ++ (2002, Comedy) Mike Epps, Ice Cube. Two cousins move in together and work as nighttime security guards. (1h30) 11:50 p.m. (HBO2) “Unknown” ++ (2011, Mystery) Diane Kruger, Liam Neeson. After awakening from a coma, a man discovers that his identity was stolen. (1h55) Midnight (ENC) “Urban Legends: The Final Cut” ++ (2000, Horror) Matthew Davis, Jennifer Morrison. A college student’s film about urban legends becomes a disturbing reality. (1h40) (LIFE) “Father of the Bride” +++ (1991, Comedy) Kimberly Williams, Steve Martin. The trials and tribulations of a father whose daughter excitedly plans her wedding. (2h)
8 â&#x20AC;˘ May 6 - May 12, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ THE NEWS SUN â&#x20AC;˘ THE HERALD REPUBLICAN â&#x20AC;˘ THE STAR
3:30 p.m.
this week
6:00 a.m. (ESPN2) NASCAR Aaronâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 312 Nationwide Series Site: Talladega International Motor Speedway Talladega, Ala.
(33.2) (28) (WSJV)
Aaronâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 499 Sprint Cup Series Site: Talladega Superspeedway - Talladega, Ala.
Live 6:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Drag Racing NHRA Lucas Oil Series Baytown, Texas
7:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Drag Racing NHRA Southern Nationals Site: Atlanta Dragway - Atlanta, Ga. THURSDAY
3:00 p.m.
NASCAR Toyota/ NAPA Auto Parts 150 K&N West Series Site: Havasu 95 Speedway (SPEED)
(ESPN2) NASCAR VFW Sports Clips Help a Hero 200 Nationwide Series Qualifying Site: Darlington Raceway - Darlington, S.C. Live 5:00 p.m. (SPEED) NASCAR Southern 500 Sprint Cup Series Qualifying Site: Darlington Raceway Darlington, S.C. Live 7:00 p.m. (ESPN2) NASCAR VFW Sports Clips Help a Hero 200 Nationwide Series Site: Darlington Raceway Darlington, S.C. Live SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. (SPEED) F1 Spanish Grand Prix Qualifying Site: Circuit de Catalunya Barcelona, Spain Live Noon (SPEED) GRAND-AM Kia 200 Continental Tire Series Site: Homestead Miami Speedway Homestead, Fla.
2:00 p.m. (SPEED) Touring Car Racing Perth Challenge Australian V8 Supercars Site: Barbagallo Ballpark - Perth, Australia
6:30 p.m. (33.2) (28) (WSJV) NASCAR Southern 500 Sprint Cup Series Site: Darlington Raceway Darlington, S.C. Live
Havasu, Ariz.
6:00 p.m. (FSMW) Off-Road Racing HDRA Redline at Stateline FRIDAY
8:00 a.m. (SPEED) F1 Spanish Grand Prix Practice Site: Circuit de Catalunya Barcelona, Spain Live 11:30 a.m. (SPEED) NASCAR Southern 500 Sprint Cup Series Practice Site: Darlington Raceway - Darlington, S.C.
Live 2:00 p.m. (SPEED) NASCAR Southern 500 Sprint Cup Series Final Practice Site: Darlington Raceway Darlington, S.C. Live
1:00 p.m.
Softball NCAA
Texas vs. Oklahoma Live 2:00 p.m. (TBS) MLB New York Yankees vs. Kansas City Royals Site: Kauffman Stadium - Kansas City, Mo. Live 2:10 p.m. (WGN) MLB Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Chicago Cubs Site: Wrigley Field - Chicago, Ill. Live 8:00 p.m. (ESPN) MLB Philadelphia Phillies vs. Washington Nationals Site: Nationals Park - Washington, D.C. Live
5 >H`UL :[ (UNVSH 05
12:30 a.m.
(ESPN2) MLB Philadelphia Phillies vs. Washington Nationals Site: Nationals Park - Washington, D.C. MONDAY 1:00 p.m. (WGN) MLB Chicago White Sox vs. Cleveland Indians Site: Progressive Field - Cleveland, Ohio Live
7:00 p.m. Live 8:00 p.m.
Baseball MLB
(FSMW) MLB Cincinnati Reds vs. Milwaukee Brewers Site: Miller Park Milwaukee, Wis. Live TUESDAY 8:00 p.m. (FSMW) MLB Cincinnati Reds vs. Milwaukee Brewers Site: Miller Park Milwaukee, Wis. Live (WGN) MLB Atlanta Braves vs. Chicago Cubs Site: Wrigley Field - Chicago, Ill.
7:00 p.m. Live
8:00 p.m.
Baseball MLB
Softball NCAA SEC Tournament Quarter-final Site: Alabama Softball Complex - Tuscaloosa, Ala. Live FRIDAY 8:00 p.m. (WGN) MLB Chicago Cubs vs. Milwaukee Brewers Site: Miller Park Milwaukee, Wis. Live SATURDAY
12:30 p.m. (33.2) (28) (WSJV) Baseball MLB Live 3:00 p.m. (FSMW) Softball NCAA MVC Tournament Championship Live 4:00 p.m. (ESPN) Softball NCAA ACC Tournament Live 6:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Softball NCAA Big East Tournament Championship Site: Melissa Cook Stadium - South Bend, Ind.
Live 7:00 p.m.
(FSMW) MLB Washington Nationals vs. Cincinnati Reds Site: Great American Ball Park - Cincinnati, Ohio
)LULĂ&#x201E;[ :HSL MVY
(WGN) MLB Kansas City Royals vs. Chicago White Sox Site: U.S. Cellular Field - Chicago, Ill. Live 8:00 p.m. (ESPN) Softball NCAA SEC Tournament Championship Tuscaloosa, Ala. Live
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1:00 p.m. (21) (WPTA) (57) (WBND) NBA Playoffs Live 3:30 p.m. (21) (WPTA) (57) (WBND) NBA Playoffs Live 7:00 p.m. (TNT) NBA Playoffs Live
OUR to reducingENERGY the bills for yours!
Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom in "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" With Captain Jack Sparrow trapped in Davy Jones' locker, Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann set out to save their old friend and defend the pirate way in "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End," airing Saturday, May 12, on ABC. Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley return in the film, which marks the third installment in the swashbuckling series.
9:30 p.m. 2:30 a.m. 3:30 a.m.
(TNT) NBA Playoffs Live (ESPN2) NBA Playoffs (ESPN) NBA Playoffs
MONDAY NBA Playoffs Live NBA Playoffs Live TUESDAY 7:00 p.m. (TNT) NBA Playoffs Live 9:30 p.m. (TNT) NBA Playoffs Live WEDNESDAY 8:00 p.m. (TNT) NBA Playoffs Live 10:30 p.m. (TNT) NBA Playoffs Live THURSDAY 8:00 p.m. (TNT) NBA Playoffs Live 10:30 p.m. (TNT) NBA Playoffs Live FRIDAY 7:30 p.m. (ESPN) NBA Playoffs Live 9:30 p.m. (ESPN2) NBA Playoffs First
7:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m.
Round Live 10:00 p.m. (ESPN) NBA Playoffs Live 4:00 a.m. (ESPN2) NBA Playoffs 8:00 p.m.
SATURDAY NBA Playoffs Live
BOXING 11:00 p.m.
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Generation Card
CYCLING 2:00 p.m.
(16) (WNDU) (33) (WISE)
Giro dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Italia - Italy
3:00 p.m. (15) (WANE) (22) (WSBT) PGA Championship Final Round Site: Quail Hollow Club - Charlotte, N.C.
2:00 p.m. (16) (WNDU) (33) (WISE) PGA The Players Championship Round 3 Site: TPC Sawgrass - Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. Live
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Merry wee hours Scotland's funny son takes his show home By Sheila Busteed TV Media
MERRY WEE HOURS: Craig Ferguson is heading home to the land of haggis, bagpipes, tartans and single malts, and he's taking his show with him. Ferguson was born in Scotland and came to the U.S. in 1994, but he didn't become an American citizen until 2008. This week, he will take "The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson" on the road for the second time in his tenure to give viewers a taste of his homeland. Starting Monday, May 14, and lasting through to the end of the workweek, CBS will air the special Scottish episodes, which will feature celebrity guests and interviews with some of the locals. "With the statute of limitations expiring, it seemed like a great time to go back," joked Ferguson when discussing the show's trip. Ferguson and his crew took the show abroad for the first time last year to film a week's worth of episodes in Paris, which aired in August 2011. This collection was appropriately referred to as "Le Late Late Show Avec Craig Ferguson." For the new trip, the show title isn't being translated - just simply adjusted to "The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson in Scotland." In the Scotland episodes, Ferguson will be joined by actors Mila Kunis, Michael Clarke Duncan and Rashida Jones, among other celebrity guests. They will also include a concert series featuring Glasgow-based rock band The Imagineers. While Ferguson is proud to be an American -- the show even aired his swearing-in ceremony -he is still closely tied to his roots. On the show, he's done a running gag with guests that involves getting them to touch some haggis that's inside a piece of
"Doctor Who" memorabilia on his desk. So it wouldn't be a stretch to expect Ferguson to engage in multiple Scotlandthemed gags while the show films overseas. A CUT ABOVE: There is a drastic difference between motorcycle clubs and biker gangs, and Discovery is determined to challenge stereotypes about people who ride hogs. On Tuesday, May 8, the road trip begins as "The Devils Ride" offers an inside look at the San Diego-based motorcycle club Laffing Devils. The group's name in and of itself conjures images of bearded hooligans covered in tattoos, but this is not the case. The group's president, Gipsy, is a former Marine who served in Iraq and is now in charge of striking a balance between managing the club's expanding roster and keeping some of the older members happy, who would rather see the club stay the same. Gipsy's vice president, Billy the Kid, is both an ally and a rival since he's hoping to take over the club some day soon. But they have to remain united for now because the club's home is at risk. The group's current headquarters is in an auto body shop, which is owned by fellow member Hawkster, but pressure from the local police could force them to move. Worried about the extra costs, Gipsy decides that the Devils should do some security work, but this new job holds its own risks.
Mila Kunis and Craig Ferguson visit Scotland to tape several episodes of "The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson"
Cameras will also focus on one of the club's most unlikely members, a young man called Snubz, who has a degree in finance and works in a corporate office. Viewers will get to see how he fits in with the other riders. Initiations given to pledging riders also reveal how new members must earn their patches, as well as the kinds of values the club openly promotes and opposes. IN YOUR ELEMENT: The one big drawback of cooking shows is that so much work has to be crammed into short time-slots, making it impossible to cook along with the host chef -- as if learning a new recipe weren't enough of a challenge. Bravo has come up with a brilliant solution that removes
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Solution on page 2. the television barrier and puts the chefs in viewers' neighborhoods. For the last four years, it has been sending its most renowned foodies on the road for a tour that allows fans to interact with them and learn the lessons hand to mouth, so to speak. Later this month, the next round of the annual "Top Chef" Tour will begin and will visit 15 cities over a six-week period. This year's tour will kick off on Thursday, May 17, in Charlotte, N.C., and wrap on Saturday, June 30, in St. Louis. A full list of the tour's destinations and other details are available at bravotv.com/thetour. Tickets are free to the events, which will
take place at farmers' markets, malls and food festivals, but they are only available in a limited quantity for each destination. "The 'Top Chef' Tour allows our passionate and engaged Bravo fans the chance to be up close and personal with one of their favorite shows," said Bravo's Ellen Stone. "We provide a hands-on experience that takes them one step closer to being part of the show."
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Tuesday movies
8:00 p.m. (AMC) “Die Hard” +++ (1988, Action) Alan Rickman, Bruce Willis. A cop visiting from New York helps stop some terrorists in his wife’s business building. (3h) (ENC) “The Secret of My Success” +++ (1987, Comedy) Helen Slater, Michael J. Fox. A young man assumes another identity to get an executive position in his uncle’s company. (2h) (HBO2) “Due Date” ++ (2010, Comedy) Robert Downey Jr., Zach Galifianakis. A man must drive crosscountry in order to make it to his child’s birth on time. (1h45) (MAX) “Sucker Punch” ++ (2011, Fantasy) Vanessa Hudgens, Emily Browning. When a girl is institutionalized by her abusive stepfather, she retreats into fantasy. (2h) (TMC) “The Hours” +++ (2002, Drama) Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman. Three women in different time periods find themselves linked by a work of literature. (2h) 8:30 p.m. (FAM) “A Walk to Remember” +++ (2002, Romance) Shane West, Mandy Moore. A popular male student begins to fall for the town minister’s conservative daughter. (2h30) 9:55 p.m. (STARZ) “Grown Ups” ++ (2010, Comedy) Kevin James, Adam Sandler. Five good friends and former teammates reunite after their basketball coach passes away. (1h50) 10:00 p.m. (MAX) “Terminator 2: Judgement Day” +++ (1991, Sci-Fi) Linda Hamilton, Arnold Schwarzenegger. A machine is sent back in time to protect a boy who will be the savior of the world. (2h20) (TMC) “The Lucky Ones” ++ (2008, Comedy) Rachel McAdams, Tim Robbins. Three soldiers on leave try to make sense of their lives during a cross-country road trip. (2h) 11:00 p.m. (AMC) “Die Hard II: Die Harder” +++ (1990, Action) William Atherton, Bruce Willis. A detective battles terrorists at an airport when a plot threatens hundreds of passengers. (2h30) Midnight (HBO2) “Wild Things” ++ (1998, Suspense) Matt Dillon, Kevin Bacon. A cop is suspicious when a high-school teacher is accused of seducing a student. (1h50) (SHOW) “Botched” ++ (2007, Comedy) Stephen Dorff, Alan Smyth. A burglar’s luck goes from bad to worse when he is sent to Russia to steal an antique. (1h35) 12:05 a.m. (ENC) “The Cowboy Way” ++ (1994, Action) Kiefer Sutherland, Woody Harrelson. Two former rodeo partners go to New York City to find a missing friend and his daughter. (1h55) 12:30 a.m. (HBO) “Hall Pass” ++ (2011, Comedy) Jason Sudeikis, Owen Wilson. Two best friends are granted permission by their wives to have extramarital affairs. (1h50) 12:45 a.m. (STARZ) “Bad Teacher” +++ (2011, Comedy) Jason Segal, Cameron Diaz. An unconventional educator teaches her class and herself a unique type of lesson. (1h40) 1:00 a.m. (HBOS) “The Cotton Club” ++ (1984, Musical) Gregory Hines, Richard Gere. In the 1920s, a musician is taken under the wing of a gangster after saving his life. (2h15)
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
TUESDAY, MAY 8 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
(:35) David Letterman (:35) Late NC15 at 6 CBSNews Wheel of Jeopardy! NCIS "Up in Smoke" NCIS: Los Angeles (N) Unforget "The Man in NC15 (N) the Woods" (SF) (N) Nightcast Macy Gray, Jim Parsons Late Show p.m. Fortune NC15 at 6 CBSNews NCIS "UpStar in Smoke" Los Angeles Unforget Man in NewsCeNC15 David Letterman NewsCeNBC News Wheel Access of Jeopardy! Inside Fashion "Buyer's NCIS: The Voice Host Carson Daly reveals"The whom (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) Late p.m. Fortune thewinner Woods" Nightcast Late Show nter 16 Hollywood Edition LateNight Choice" (SF) (N) America has chosen as the of 'The Voice.' nter 16 With Jay Leno NewsCeAccess Inside "Buyer's The VoiceWith the NewsCeThe Tonight Show INC News NBC WorldNews Ent. Everybody Fashion Last ManStarCougar Dancing Private Practice INC News (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live nter Hollywood Edition nter With Jay Leno LateNight at 6 16 News Tonight Loves Ray Choice" St (N) Town (N) Stars: The Results (N) "Drifting Back" (N) at 1116 p.m. Nightline INC King News World Last Man Cougar Dancing With the Private News '70sNews Kimmel Live "A Tale of Two The L.A. Complex Newsce-Practice 'Til Death INC 'Til Death "The Jimmy That '70s South The The King Ent. Sein. "The Everybody Sein. "The 90210 at Loves Ray Parties" St Stars: Back" at 11 p.m. Seeker" Nightline Show (N) Town "Who The You Results Know" (N) "Drifting nter Park of 6Queens News of Queens Tonight Cadillac" Airport" The Sein.Phil "The Sein. "The Fashion 90210 "A Tale of Two The L.A. Newsce'Til Death INC 'Til Death '70sThe "The That Show '70s (:35) South Tonight INC King News The NBCKing News Dr. Star "Buyer's VoiceComplex Host Carson Daly reveals whom News (:35) of Parties" (SF) (N) "Who You nter Seeker" Show Park Jay Leno LateNight at 6Queens of Queens Cadillac" Airport" Choice" America hasKnow" chosen as the winner of 'The Voice.' at 11 p.m. With INC News NBC News Dr. Phil Fashion Star "Buyer's The INC News ColdThe Tonight Show Always American American Family Family Glee "Prom-asaurus" NewVoice Girl New Girl Indiana's Cold Case "Lonely Case "Forever at 6 Choice" at 11 p.m. Blue" With Jay Leno LateNight Dad Dad Guy Guy (N) (N) News Hearts" Sunny Case "Forever Frasier Frasier American American Nightly Family Family "Prom-asaurus" New Girl ofNew Indiana's Cold&Case "Lonely Summer Cold Sun Studio Charlie RoseAlways Wild Electric PBS NewsHour Healthline Glee A.Experience Explore the life & career one Girl of Frontline "Law Blue" Sunny Dad Guy News Hearts" Wine Sessions Kratts Company Dad Business Guy America's most charismatic presidents, Bill Clinton. Disorder" Wild PBS NewsHour Healthline A.ExperienceCurious Frontline "Law & Summer Sun Zula Martha CliffordThomas WildStudio Charlie Bob theRoseSuper Dinosaur Electric Saddle Fetch! Maya and Nightly Sid Franny's WordWArthur Kratts Company Business Disorder" Patrol Speaks Red Dog Wine "Change" Sessions Kratts Builder WHY! Train Club Miguel Science Feet orld George Dinosaur Saddle Curious Zula Martha CliffordWild Bob the Super Christina Arthur Burt Wolf: OpenRoad Victory Woodwri- Thomas WoodsGrowing Scheewe Joy of WoodsGrowing Fetch! Scheewe Maya Joy of and Sid Essential Franny's Gourmet's WordWCaprial Train Miguel Feet orld George Patrol Speaks Red Builder WHY! Cooks Travels Garden ght'sDog Shop "Change" mith Shop Kratts Bolder Art Painting mith Shop Club Bolder Art Painting Science Pepin Adv. Kitchen WoodsGrowing Scheewe Joy of Essential Gourmet's Caprial Burt Wolf: OpenRoad Victory Growing Scheewe Joy of Inside Indiana Indiana Supreme PBS NewsHour Matters of Christina Zoo to BBC World Journal Newsline WoodwriThe Piano WoodsTavis Tracks Tavis Tavis mith Shop Bolder Art Painting Pepin Adv. Kitchen Travels Garden ght's Art Painting Business Court the Mind Cooks You News Guy Shop mith SmileyShop Bolder Ahead Smiley Smiley Inside Indiana Indiana BBC World Journal Newsline Piano Tavis Tracks Tavis Tavis The to Big Bang Big Bang WFFT Local The News TMZ Gossip King of According The Office The Office Met YourSupreme Met Your PBS Two NewsHour and a Two and a Matters Extra of Zoo Business Court News Guy Smiley Ahead Smiley Smiley Insider Theory Theory Queens the Hill to Jim Mother Mother Half Men Half Men the Mind You Met Your Wheel Two and a Two and a Extra The Big Bang Big Bang Unforgettable WFFT Local News TMZ Gossip King of According The NewsOffice The NewsOffice Met NewsYour CBSNews Jeopardy! NCIS NCIS: Los Angeles News D. Letterman LateSh Mother Half Men BigBang Half Men 90210 Insider Theory Theory the Hill to Jim Mother Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang The L.A. Complex ABC News Seinfeld '70s Show Queens TMZ Insider Sunny (:35) D. Letterman (N) (:35)LateSh News News Jeopardy! Glee NCIS (N) NCIS:Girl Los Angeles (N) FOX Unforgettable NewsOffice The Two 1/2... News 30 Rock FamilyGuy CBSNews Amer. Dad Wheel Simpsons FamilyGuy New New Girl 28 News (N) The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang 90210 (N) T he L.A. Complex (N) A BC News Seinfeld '70s Show TMZ Insider Sunny Wild Kratt Getaways News Michiana PBS NewsHour American Experience "Clinton" Frontline Charlie Rose Business T. Smiley Two 1/2... Flying 30 Rock FamilyGuy 3Amer. Simpsons IBA FamilyGuy Glee (N) in Action The NewHarvest Girl New FOX 28 News Office 30 1/2... For Home Nun Hogan Sons Dad FamilyTies News Sumrall ShowGirl Paid Enjoy-Life The IsraelOffice Tour The Wisdom TheRock Place forTwo Miracles T. Smiley Wild Getaways ABC57 News Michiana 57 PBSNews NewsHour American FrontlinePractice Charlie Judy Kratt Judy News ET Last Man Experience Cougar T "Clinton" Dancing 1/2 Results Private ABC57 RoseNightline Business Jimmy Kimmel Live For Flying Ep.. Nun Rabbi Hogan 3 SonsH. FamilyTies News TCT Sumrall in Action The HarvestLife Show Paid Enjoy-Life Gospel Israel Tour Just Wisdom The Jim Place for Miracles JoysHome One Living Faith Church JIBA Franklin Today R. Praise B.Hinn Today J. Hagee Bible Sayin' The Bakker Show Judy Miami "Internal Judy ABC57 News 57 ET Man's Last Man Cougar T Dancing Results (N) P rivate Practice (N) A BC57 Nightline CSI: CSI: Miami "Throwing CSI:News Miami "No Die Hard Die Hard II: Die Harder Jimmy Kimmel Live Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show Joys One Living Ep.. Rabbi Faith H. Church J Franklin TCT Today R. Praise B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Affairs" Heat" Land" CSI: Miami Miami "Throwing CSI: Miami "No Man's
('88, Act)Storage Alan Rickman, Bruce Willis. A cop visiting from Die Hard II: Die Harder A detective terrorists The First 48"Internal CSI: Storage Storage Storage Storage StorageDie Hard Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storagebattles Storage New York helps stop some terrorists in his wife's business building. at an airport passengers. Affairs" Heat"Money Land" Fast Money Mad The Kudlow Report CNBC Special CNBC Special 60 Minutes Mad Moneywhen a plot threatens CNBC Special The First 48 Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage The Situation John King, USA OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report CNBC Special CNBC Special 60 Minutes Mad Money CNBC Special Sunny SouthPk Daily Sh. Colbert 30 Rock 30 Rock Work SouthPk Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O Daily Sh. Colbert Tosh.O Work (4:00) The Situation John King, USA OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch D.Catch "Weak Links" D. Catch "The Hook" Deadliest Catch To Be Announced Deadliest Catch To Be Announced Sunny SouthPk Daily Sh. Colbert 30 Rock 30 Rock Work SouthPk Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O Daily Sh. Colbert Tosh.O Work Shake Up Shake Up Shake Up GoodLuck Wizards Jessie Phineas Hannah Montana: The Movie Video Jessie Jessie Shake Up Wizards Wizards Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch D.Catch "Weak Links" D. Catch "The Hook" Deadliest Catch To Be Announced Deadliest Catch To Be Announced To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced C. Lately E! News C. Lately Shake Up Shake Up Shake Up GoodLuck Wizards Jessie Phineas
Hannah Montana: The Movie (:20) Video Jessie Jessie Shake Up Wizards Wizards Movie About Schmidt The Secret of My Success Secretariat The Cowboy Way (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced C. Lately E! News C. Lately Around Interrup- SportsCenter E:60 SportsNa- NFL Live Baseball Tonight SportsCenter SportsCenter Movie (:50)
Horn tion
About Schmidt ('02, Com/Dra) Jack Nicholson. tion The Secret of My Success Michael J. Fox. Secretariat ('10, Fam) Scott Glenn, Diane Lane. (:05) The Cowboy Way Around SportsCenter E:60 SportsNaNFLTwo LiveEscobars" Baseball Tonight Scores, highlights, E:60 SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsNationInterrup- NFL 32 Horn Interrupt 30 for 30 "The NFL Live Baseball Tonight (N) tion (N) Horn Confessions tion (N) news and analysis. (L) of a Shopaholic Uptown Girls A Walk to Remember The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. SportsNation (N) NFL 32 (L) Horn (N) I nterrupt 30 for 30 "The Two Escobars" NFL Live (N) E:60 Baseball Tonight (L) The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity (4:30) Confessions of a Shopaholic
Uptown Girls Brittany Murphy.
A Walk to Remember ('02, Rom) Mandy Moore. The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. Ocean Boys in UFC Unleashed Boys in Reds PreBaseball Reds Post- UFC Poker The Special Report FOX Report ame The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The Factor Hannity RaceFive the Hall the Hall ameO'ReillyUnleashed Ocean Boys in UFC Unleashed Boys in Pre- MLB aseballPrairie Cincinnati Little Reds vs. Milwaukee Site: Miller Park -- Reds WPT Poker World Waltons "The Legacy" Little House Prairie Little HouseReds Prairie LittleBHouse House Prairie Brewers Frasier Frasier FrasierPost- UFC Frasier G. Girls G. Girls game (L) Milwaukee, game (L)"The Race the Wall Hall Street: Money Never Sleeps the Hall Unleashed Finals One Day Wis. (L) 24/7 Veep Thrones Old Ricky Hall Waltons Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Frasier Frasier Frasierand the Frasier G. Girls G. Girls Someth "The Legacy" Little House Prairie Gods New" Gervais Pass (3:30) (:45) Wall Day Following the lives of two people on 24/7Maher Veep Thrones "The Old RickyWild Things
Hall Movie Fast Street: Five Money Never Sleeps Wall Street traders work One Due Date 1stLook Bill Girls Veep Someth... Paradise together Road to alert the financial world of the impending doom. the anniversary of the date they met in college. Pass and the New" Gervais Hearts in Atlantis Win Win Making Gods Jane Eyre Movie (:45) Fast Five ('11, Act) Paul Walker, Vin Diesel.
Due Date Zach Galifianakis. (:45) 1stLook Bill Maher Girls Veep
Wild Things Property Property Property Property House HouseH At Home Rooms White Room HouseH House At Home Rooms White Room (:15)
Paradise Road Glenn Close. (:15)
Hearts in Atlantis Win Win Paul Giamatti. (:45) Making Jane Eyre ('11, Dra) Mia Wasikowska. To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Pawn Star Pawn Star Swamp People United Stats Meltzer's Decoded Pawn Star Pawn Star Property Property Property Property House HouseH At Home Rooms (N) White Room (N) HouseH House (N) At Home Rooms White Room Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Dance Moms Dance Moms Miami Dance Moms The Client List Dance Moms (4:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Pawn Star Pawn Star Swamp People United Stats (N) Meltzer's Decoded Pawn Star Pawn Star Movie The A-Team Sucker Punch Terminator 2: Judgement Day Guide Forbid Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Dance Moms Dance Moms Miami Dance Moms The Client List Dance Moms '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show Substitute Substitute MTV Special 16 and Pregnant 16 Pregnant "Sarah" Savage U 16 and Pregnant Savage U Movie (:45)
The A-Team ('10, Act) Liam Neeson.
Sucker Punch ('11, Fant) Emily Browning.
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (:20) Guide (:50) Forbid Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge '70s Show '70s Show G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show Substitute Substitute MTV Special 16 and Pregnant 16 Pregnant "Sarah" Savage U 16 and Pregnant Savage U Fact or Faked Fact or Faked Fact or Faked Fact or Faked Fact or Faked Dream Machines Fact or Faked Dream Machines Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge '70s Show '70s Show G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends Flypaper The Waiting City The Borgias "The The Big C Nurse The Borgias "The The Big C Nurse Botched Fact or Faked Fact or Faked Fact or Faked Fact or Faked Fact or Faked (N) D ream Machines (N) Fact or Faked Dream Machines Choice" Jackie Choice" Jackie (4:30) Flypaper ('11, The Waiting City Hub A couple learns vulnerable their Supercars The BorgiasSupercars "The The Big C Pimp Nurse The BorgiasRideRule "The The Big CRace Nurse
BotchedSupercars ('07, Hot Rod GearZ NASCAR Race Passhow Time Pass Time Pimp RideRule NASCAR Hub Supercars Com) Judd. marriage is when baby. Com) Alan Smyth. Choice" Jackie Jail AshleyJail Jail Jailthey go to India Jail to adopt aJail Big Easy Big Easy Big Easy Jackie Big Easy Choice" Big Easy Undercov- Repo Repo Big Easy UndercoHot Rod GearZ NASCAR Race Hub (N) Pass Time Pass Time Supercars Supercars Pimp Pimp RideRule RideRule NASCAR Race Hub Supercars ver Supercars Justice Justice Justice Justice Justice erStin Games Games Justice Stin s Jail Step UpJail Jail Cars 2 Jail Jail Jail Big Easy Big Easy Big Easy Grown UndercovRepo RepoMagic City Big Easy Underco3 Magic City Big Easy Big Easy Magic City Ups Movie Justice Justice Justice Justice Justice Games (N) Justice Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang(N) erSting BigBang(N) Games Conan The Office ver The Stings Office (4:15) Step Up 3 (:10) Cars 2 ('11, Ani) Larry the Cable Guy. Magic City (:55) Magic City (:55)
Grown Ups Adam Sandler. (:45) Magic City Movie To Be Announced Medium Medium Collection Obsession Strongest Toddler Little C. Little C. Collection Obsession Tallest Children Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Conan (N) The Office The Office The Joy Luck Club Cairo Time The Hours The Lucky Ones Skateland (3:00) To Be Announced Medium Medium Collection Obsession Strongest Toddler Little C. Little C. Collection Obsession Tallest Children (4:00)
Club ('93,
Cairo Time ('09, Rom) The Hours Three women in different time periods The Lucky Ones Three soldiers on leave try to make Skateland Law & OrderThe Joy LuckBones Basketball Basketball Inside the ('10, NBA Dra) Dra) France Buyen, Rosalind Chao. Alexander PatriciaM*A*S*H Clarkson. find themselves linked by aLoves work Ray of literature. theirLoves lives during cross-countryHot road Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Siddig, M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray sense LovesofRay Ray aDivorced Intrip. Shiloh QueensFernandez. Queens Law & Order Bones NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) Inside the NBA (L) SVU "Popular" SVU "Vulnerable" SVU "Justice" SVU "Painless" Law&O.:SVU "Rotten" SVU "Silence" CSI "Precious Metal" NecessRough "Pilot" Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Divorced Hot In Queens Queens Mob Wives Basketball Wives Tough Love N.Orleans Tough Love N.Orleans Tough Love N.Orleans Tough Love N.Orleans Mob Wives Basketball Wives SVU "Popular" SVU "Vulnerable" SVU "Justice" SVU "Painless" Law&O.:SVU "Rotten" SVU "Silence" CSI "Precious Metal" NecessRough "Pilot" Christine Christine 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos Baseball WGN News Scrubs Scrubs 'Til Death Mob Wives Basketball Wives Tough Love N.Orleans Tough Love N.Orleans Tough Love N.Orleans Tough Love N.Orleans Mob Wives Basketball Wives Christine Christine 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves vs. Chicago Cubs Site: Wrigley Field (L) WGN News Scrubs Scrubs 'Til Death
NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NC15 First Inside (16) WANE WNDU NewsCen- NewsCeat ter516 at 5 Edition nter 16 NewsCenNewsCeINC News at 5 WNDU (21) WPTA ter 16 at 5 nter 16 INC 5 the MeetNews the atMeet WPTA (21.2) CW Browns Browns Meet the Meet the CW The Doctors (33) WISE Browns Browns The DoctorsFrasier WISE (33.2) MNT Frasier (15) WANE
MNT (39) WFWA (39.2)WFWA KIDS (39.3) KIDS CRE (39.4) CRE YOU
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
WEDNESDAY, MAY 9 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
CSI "Homecoming" NC15 (:35) D. Letterman Eva (:35) Late NC15 at 6 CBSNews Wheel of Jeopardy! Survivor: One World Criminal Minds "Profiling 101" (N) (SF) (N) Nightcast Longoria, Tom Dreesen Late Show p.m. Fortune NC15 at 6 CBSNews Survivor: World Rock Criminal Minds CSI "Homecoming" D. Letterman NewsCeNBC News Wheel Access of Jeopardy! Inside OffTheirR-One Best Center With Law & Order: S.V.U. NC15 NewsCe- (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) Late p.m. Fortune "Profiling 101" Nightcast Late Show nter 16 Hollywood Edition 16 LateNight ockers (N) Friends (N) Brian Williams "Father Dearest" (N) nter With Jay Leno NewsCeAccess Inside Best CenterApartment With Law & Order: S.V.U.(N) INewsCeThe Tonight Show INC News NBC WorldNews Ent. Everybody OffTheirRThe Suburga- Rock Modern Revenge "Legacy" NC News (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live nter Hollywood Edition Brian Williams "Father Dearest" nter With Jay Leno LateNight at 6 16 News Tonight Loves Ray ockers Middle (N) Friends tory (N) Family (N) 23 (N) at 1116 p.m. Nightline INC King News World The Top Model Suburga- Next Modern Apartment NewsceRevenge "Legacy" INC Death News ThatNews Jimmy'70s Kimmel Live Top Model 'Til Death 'Til '70s That SouthPk The The King Ent. Sein. "The Everybody Sein. "The Next at Loves Middle Cheng" tory Family 23 (N) at 11 p.m. Show Nightline Show "Nicholas Tse" nter "Pilot" "Tsst" of 6Queens News of Queens Tonight Doll" Pick" Ray "Barney The Sein.Phil "The Sein. "The OffTheirRNext Top Model Next Model Newsce'TilS.V.U. Death INC 'Til Death '70sTonight That Show '70s (:35) SouthPk (:35) The Law & Order: News That INC King News The NBCKing News Dr. Best Rock Top Center With of Pick" "Barney "Nicholas Tse" nter "Pilot"(N) at 11 p.m. With ShowJay Leno Show "Tsst" Williams "Father Dearest" LateNight at 6Queens of Queens Doll" ockers (N)Cheng" Friends (N) Brian Tonight Show Always INC News NBC News Dr. Phil OffTheirRBest RocktoCenter With Law & Order: S.V.U. News BurnThe American American Family Family Amer. Idol It’s getting down the wire, as the Indiana's Burn NoticeINC "Devil Notice "Friends WithEnemies" Jay Leno LateNight at 6 ockers finalists Friendsperform Brian Williams votes. News "Father Dearest" Dad Dad Guy Guy remaining for America's You know" at 11 p.m. and Sunny Frasier Frasier American American Nightly Family Family Amer. Indiana's NoticeAs "Devil BurnGreen NoticeCharlie "Friends Wild Electric PBS NewsHour Senior NatureIdol "The White Nova "Deadliest Nova "HuntBurn for the Time Red RoseAlways Dad Guy News You know" Goes By and Enemies" Sunny Kratts Company Dad Business Guy Spotlight Lions" (N) Tornadoes" Supertwister" Show Wild PBS NewsHour Senior White Nova Nova "HuntCliffordfor the As Time & Red Arthur"Deadliest Zula Martha Thomas WildGreen Charlie Bob theRoseSuper Dinosaur Electric Saddle Fetch! Maya and Nightly Sid "My Franny's Nature WordW-"TheCurious Kratts Company Business Spotlight Lions" Tornadoes" Patrol Supertwister" By Show Speaks Red Dog Goes Friends Kratts Builder WHY! Train Club Miguel Slide" Feet orld George Dinosaur Fetch! Maya and Sid "My Franny's WordWZula Martha CliffordBob Super D.DewbFor Your Saddle Katie Fons & D.DewbCook's Lidia's Easy Thai Curious Weeknight Arthur Steves' EquitrekGarden Ask This Thomas For Your& Wild Katie Fonsthe & Train Club Miguel Slide" Feet orld Patrol Speaks Red Dog Friends Kratts Builder WHY! erry Home Brown Porter erry Country Italy Cooking George Meals Europe king Smart Old House Home Brown Porter For Katie The Fons D.Dewb- Cook's Lidia's Easy Thai Weeknight Garden Ask This For Katie Fons & D.Dewb(4:30)Your In Harmony: Inside&Indiana PBS NewsHour Healthline The New Steves' BBC World EquitrekJournal Newsline Jammin' TavisYour Career Tavis Tavis Home Brown Porter Country Italy Cooking Meals king Smart Old House Home Brown Porter erry Euro Business erry Fly Fisher Europe News at Jack's Smiley Ladders Smiley Smiley In Harmony: The Met Inside Indiana The New Big BBCBang World Big Journal Newsline Tavis Career Tavis of Tavis Bang WFFT Local Jammin' News TMZ Gossip King According The Office The Office Your Met Your PBS Two NewsHour and a Two and a Healthline Extra Euro Business Fly Fisher Theory News at Jack's Smiley Ladders Smiley Smiley Insider Theory Queens the Hill to Jim Mother Mother Half Men Half Men The Office News The Office News Met Your CBSNews Met Your Wheel Two and a Jeopardy! Two and a Survivor: Extra TheWorld Criminal Big Bang Minds Big Bang CSI: WFFTCrime LocalScene News TMZ Gossip King of According News One News D. Letterman LateSh Mother Mother Half Men BigBang Half Men Next Top Model Insider Theory Theory Queens the Hill to Jim Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang Next Top Model ABC News Seinfeld '70s Show TMZ Insider Sunny Criminal Minds (N) CSI: Crime Scene (N) The News (:35) D. Letterman (N) (:35) LateSh News1/2... News News Survivor: One Two 30 Rock FamilyGuy CBSNews Amer. Dad Wheel Simpsons Jeopardy! FamilyGuy American Idol World "Performance Show" FOX 28 News Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Next Top Model Next Top Model (N) A BC News Seinfeld '70s Show TMZ Insider Sunny Wild Kratt Outdoor News Michiana PBS NewsHour Nature Nova Nova Charlie Rose Business T. Smiley Two 1/2... Flying 30 Rock FamilyGuy 3Amer. Simpsons IBA FamilyGuy American Idol "Performance Show" Show (N) FPaid OX 28 News Office 30 1/2... Comfort Nun Hogan Sons Dad FamilyTies News Sumrall Healthy The Harvest Enjoy-Life The FaithOffice The Brainetics TheRock Place forTwo Miracles Wild Kratt Judy Outdoor ABC57 News Michiana 57 PBSNews NewsHour Nature Nova Nova Charlie RoseNightline Jimmy Business T. Smiley Judy News ET Middle (N) Suburg. Modern Apt. 23 Revenge "Legacy" ABC57 Kimmel Live Comfort Flying Nun Rabbi Hogan 3 SonsH. FamilyTies Healthy The HarvestLife Show Faith Brainetics for Miracles Joys One 3D Woman Faith Living Ep.. IBA CBNNews News Sumrall TCT Today Super. B.Hinn Today Paid J. Hagee Enjoy-Life Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The The Place Jim Bakker Show Judy Miami "Man Judy ABC57 News 57 ET Grizzly MiddleDie (N)Hard: Suburg. Revenge "Legacy" (N) Die ABC57 CSI: CSI: Miami "Broken CSI:News Miami "A With a Modern Vengeance Apt. 23 Hard Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show Joys One 3D Woman Rabbi Faith H. Living Ep.. CBN News TCT Today Super. B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Down" Home" Murder" CSI: Miami CSI: Miami "Broken CSI: Miami "A Grizzly Storage
Die Hard: With a Storage Vengeance Bruce Willis. Duck A madDybomber holds Die Hard visiting New YorkStorage helps stop The First 48"Man Storage Wars Storage Storage Storage Storage Duck Dy Duck Dy A cop Duck Dy from Storage New York City hostage while carrying against a cop. some Money terrorists in his wife'sCNBC business building. Down" Home" Murder" Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report CNBC Special CNBC Specialout a vendetta CNBC Special Mad Special The First 48 Storage Wars Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Storage Storage The Situation John King, USA OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report CNBC Special CNBC Special CNBC Special Mad Money CNBC Special Sunny SouthPk Daily Sh. Colbert 30 Rock 30 Rock Chappelle KeyPeele SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk Daily Sh. Colbert SouthPk Futurama (4:00) The Situation John King, USA OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Sons of Guns American Guns American Guns American Guns American Guns Auction Auction American Guns Auction Auction Sunny SouthPk Daily Sh. Colbert 30 Rock 30 Rock Chappelle KeyPeele SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk Daily Sh. Colbert SouthPk Futurama Jessie Jessie Shake Up GoodLuck Wizards Jessie Jessie Wizards of Waverly Place: The FishH Jessie Jessie Shake Up Wizards Wizards Sons of Guns American Guns American Guns American Guns American Guns Auction Auction American Guns Auction Auction To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced Lately E! News C. Lately Jessie Jessie Shake Up GoodLuck Wizards Jessie Jessie Wizards of Waverly Place: The... (:15) FishH Jessie Jessie Shake Up Wizards Wizards Takers Short Circuit Resident Evil: Afterlife The Rock Takers (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced Lately (N) E! News C. Lately Around Interrup- SportsCenter Baseball Baseball Tonight SportsCenter SportsCenter (4:30) (:20)
Short Circuit Steve Guttenberg.
Resident Evil: Afterlife (:40)
The Rock ('96, Act) Nicolas Cage, Sean Connery.
Takers Horn
Takers tion Around MLB Baseball (L) Baseball SSportsNation portsCenter SportsCenter SportsNationInterrup- SportsCenter NFL 32 NFL Live SEC Storied ESPN Films NFL Live Tonight (L) Baseball Tonight (N) tion Horn Revenge of (N) the A Walk to Remember Dirty Dancing The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. SportsNation (N) NFL 32 (L) NFL Live (N) SEC Storied ESPN Films NFL Live SportsNation Baseball Tonight (L) The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity (4:00) Revenge of the...
A Walk to Remember ('02, Rom) Mandy Moore.
Dirty Dancing ('87, Dan) Patrick Swayze. The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. Poker Poker Baseball The Dan Patrick Show Poker UFC Unleashed The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity WPT Poker World WPT Poker WorldSage" Little NCAAHouse Baseball Houston Little vs. Rice TFrasier he Dan Patrick Show WPT Poker World UFCGirls Unleashed The Waltons L. House "Dark Prairie House Prairie Little House Prairie Frasier Frasier Frasier G. G. Girls FinalsHarry Potter & the Deathly FinalsHallows: Part 1 FinalsTime With Bill The Making Of Larry Crowne Veep Girls Thrones "The Old Real Horrible Bosses The Waltons L. House "Dark Sage" Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Frasierand the Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls Gods New" Maher (4:30) Harry Potter & the DeathlyCharlie Hallows: 1 The Making Of /(:15) Larry Raising Crowne Renee An unemployed Veep Girls Thrones "The Old Real Time With Bill
HorribleGladiator Bosses Nixon St.Part Cloud 24/7 Inception Harry middle-aged man enrols in college & falls in love. Jason Bateman. Gods and the New" Maher Surviving Christmas Moviediscovers the Deathly TheHallows. Fourth Kind Somewhere The Town Movie (3:00)
Nixon (:15) Charlie St. Cloud ('10, Fant) Zac Efron. Raising Renee 24/7
Inception ('10, Act) Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Gladiator My Place My Place My Place My Place House HouseH Income Cousins Property Brothers HouseH House Property Brothers Property Brothers Movie (:35)
The Fourth Kind (:15) Somewhere ('10, Dra) Stephen Dorff.
The Town ('10, Act) Ben Affleck. (:15)
Surviving Christmas Movie To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Restore Restore Sold! Sold! Restore Restore Pawn Star Pawn Star Restore Restore My Place My Place My Place My Place House HouseH Income (N) C ousins Property Brothers HouseH House (N) P roperty Brothers Property Brothers Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap (4:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Restore Restore Sold! Sold! (N) Restore Restore Pawn Star Pawn Star Restore Restore The Rainmaker The Tree of Life Terminator 3: Rise of the Mach Dirty Blondes From Beyond Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show Substitute Substitute 16 and Pregnant America's Dance Crew America's Dance Crew America's Dance Crew Hip Hop Movie (:15)
The Rainmaker ('97, Dra) Matt Damon. The Tree of Life ('11, Dra) Sean Penn, Brad Pitt. Terminator 3: Rise of the Mach... (:50) Dirty Blondes From Beyond Big Time Big Time Big Time Big Time Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge '70s Show '70s Show G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show Substitute Substitute 16 and Pregnant America's Dance Crew America's Dance Crew America's Dance Crew Hip Hop Movie Destination Truth Total Blackout Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Blackout Blackout Ghost Hunters Blackout Blackout Big Time Big Time Big Time Big Time Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge '70s Show '70s Show G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends Womb Powder The Mechanic Fear Island Womb Destination Truth Total Blackout Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters (N) Blackout Blackout Ghost Hunters Blackout Blackout (4:00) Womb GearZ ('10, Dra) Powder secluded genius with Pass Time The Mechanic ('11, Act) Car Ben Warriors Foster, (:35)
FearStunt. Island (2009, Thriller) (:05) WombRace A woman the complexities of her Hot Rod NASCARARace HubalbinoPass Dumbest Dumbest Stunt. NASCAR Hub endures Dumbest Dumbest Matt Smith, Eva Green. superhuman intelligence isAuction introduced into society. Jason Statham. Duff, Kyle Schmid,American Lucy Hale. decision whenAmerican she bears theAuction clone of her beloved. Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction- Haylie Auction American American Auction Hot Rod GearZ NASCAR Race Hub (N) PHunters ass (N) PHunters ass Time Hunters Dumbest Dumbest Car (N) SDitunt.er Stunt. NASCAR Dumbest Hunters Dumbest Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters HuntWarriorsHunters Di er Di er Race Di Hub er Hunters Auction Auction Toy Auction Auction Auction Bad Auction Auction AuctionAmerican American Auction Auction Movie Story 3 Auction Teacher Auction Midnight in Paris American American Colombiana Movie Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Digger (N) Digger Hunters Hunt (N) FamilyGuy Digger Hunters Hunters Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy BigBang BigBang Digger Conan The Office The Office Movie (:35)
Toy Story 3 ('10, Ani) Tom Hanks. (:25)
Bad Teacher
Midnight in Paris (:40)
Colombiana ('11, Act) Zoe Saldana. Movie To Be Announced My Crazy My Crazy American Gypsy Wedd Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy BigBang BigBang Conan (N) The Office The Office Frank & Nobody's Baby The Back-Up Plan Just Write Bob Funk (3:00) To Be Announced My Crazy My Crazy American Gypsy Wedd Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Jesse (4:15)
Frank & (:05) Nobody's Baby AnLaw ex-convict Plan A woman goes through artificial
Just Write Basketball ('98, Com) Jeremy (:45) Bob Funk ('09, Com) Robert Law & Order "Agony" LawOrder "Darkness" & Orderhatches "Bait"a The Back-Up Basketball Jesse Rob Lowe. plot to extract a ransom from a child'sM*A*S*H guardian. insemination & then Imp meetsLoves the man dreams. Fenn. John Brewer,Queens Rachael Leigh Cook. Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Rayof her Loves Ray Piven, Hot In Sherilyn Divorced Queens Queens Queens Law & Order "Agony" LawOrder "Darkness" Law & Order "Bait" NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) NCIS "Bounce" NCIS NCIS "Knockout" NCIS "Hide and Seek" NCIS NCIS "Toxic" Fairly Legal Necessary Roughness Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Hot In Divorced Queens Queens Queens Queens Couples Therapy Couples Therapy Couples Therapy Couples Therapy Couples Therapy Couples Therapy Tough Love N.Orleans Couples Therapy NCIS "Bounce" NCIS NCIS "Knockout" NCIS "Hide and Seek" NCIS NCIS "Toxic" Fairly Legal Necessary Roughness Christine Christine 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs 'Til Death Couples Therapy Couples Therapy Couples Therapy Couples Therapy Couples Therapy Couples Therapy Tough Love N.Orleans Couples Therapy Christine Christine 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs 'Til Death
NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NC15 First Inside NewsCeWANE NewsCen(16) WNDU at ter516 at 5 Edition nter 16 INC News atNewsCe5 WNDU NewsCen(21) WPTA ter 16 at 5 nter 16 INC 5 the MeetNews the atMeet WPTA (21.2) CW Browns Browns Meet the Meet the CW The Doctors (33) WISE Browns Browns The DoctorsFrasier WISE (33.2) MNT Frasier (15) WANE
MNT (39) WFWA (39.2)WFWA KIDS (39.3) KIDS CRE (39.4) CRE YOU
Wednesday movies
8:00 p.m. (AMC) “Die Hard: With a Vengeance” +++ (1995, Action) Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis. A mad bomber holds New York City hostage while carrying out a vendetta against a cop. (3h) (ENC) “Resident Evil: Afterlife” +++ (2010, Action) Wentworth Miller, Milla Jovovich. A woman helps a group of survivors who want to make their way to a supposedly safe haven. (1h40) (TMC) “The Back-Up Plan” ++ (2010, Romance) Alex O’Loughlin, Jennifer Lopez. A woman goes through artificial insemination and then meets the man of her dreams. (2h) 8:30 p.m. (DISN) “Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie” +++ (2009, Family) David Henrie, Selena Gomez. Alex accidentally casts a spell that makes it so her parents have never met. (1h45) (FAM) “Dirty Dancing” +++ (1987, Dance) Jennifer Grey, Patrick Swayze. While on vacation, a girl discovers love and romance with a local dance instructor. (2h30) 9:00 p.m. (HBOS) “The Town” ++++ (2010, Action) Rebecca Hall, Ben Affleck. A career criminal juggles his feelings for a bank manager from a previous robbery. (2h15) (STARZ) “Midnight in Paris” ++ (2011, Romance) Rachel McAdams, Owen Wilson. A struggling writer finds inspiration while tagging along on a family trip to Paris. (1h40) 9:35 p.m. (SHOW) “Fear Island” ++ (2009, Thriller) Haylie Duff, Lucy Hale. Five students become secluded on an island with a killer after they discover a dead body. (1h30) 9:40 p.m. (ENC) “The Rock” +++ (1996, Action) Nicolas Cage, Sean Connery. A former spy and an FBI agent must break into Alcatraz prison to foil a deadly plot. (2h20) 10:00 p.m. (HBO2) “Inception” +++ (2010, Action) Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. A skilled thief has a final shot at redemption if he can execute his toughest job to date. (2h30) (MAX) “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines” ++ (2003, Action) Nick Stahl, Arnold Schwarzenegger. A deadly robot arrives to kill the teens who are destined to save the world from machines. (1h50) (TMC) “Just Write” +++ (1998, Comedy) Jeremy Piven, Sherilyn Fenn. A bus driver introduces himself to a star and she mistakenly thinks he’s a writer. (1h45) 10:40 p.m. (STARZ) “Colombiana” +++ (2011, Action) Michael Vartan, Zoe Saldana. A young woman becomes an assassin to find the mobster that killed her parents in Bogotá. (1h50) 11:00 p.m. (AMC) “Die Hard” +++ (1988, Action) Alan Rickman, Bruce Willis. A cop visiting from New York helps stop some terrorists in his wife’s business building. (3h) 11:15 p.m. (HBOS) “Surviving Christmas” ++ (2004, Comedy) James Gandolfini, Ben Affleck. A lonely, wealthy executive pays a family to let him spend Christmas with them. (1h35) Midnight (ENC) “Takers” ++ (2010, Action) Matt Dillon, Chris Brown. Bank robbers plan their next job as a reckless detective moves closer to arresting them. (1h50)
Thursday movies
8:00 p.m. (AMC) “Die Hard” +++ (1988, Action) Alan Rickman, Bruce Willis. A cop visiting from New York helps stop some terrorists in his wife’s business building. (3h) (ENC) “The Roommate” ++ (2011, Thriller) Leighton Meester, Minka Kelly. A college student’s new roommate quickly becomes violently obsessed with her. (1h35) 8:15 p.m. (MAX) “Vampire in Brooklyn” ++ (1995, Comedy) Angela Bassett, Eddie Murphy. The last of a line of vampires moves to Brooklyn and woos an NYPD police detective. (1h45) (SHOW) “Barbershop” ++ (2002, Comedy) Cedric the Entertainer, Ice Cube. An eccentric assortment of characters share their stories in a barbershop in Chicago. (1h45) 8:30 p.m. (FAM) “Stepmom” +++ (1998, Drama) Susan Sarandon, Julia Roberts. A woman teaches both herself and her children to accept her ex-husband’s new girlfriend. (2h30) 9:00 p.m. (VH1) “The Wood” ++ (1999, Drama) Sean Nelson, Omar Epps. Friends reminisce about childhood in order to help a groom with a bad case of cold feet. (2h30) 9:35 p.m. (ENC) “Scream” ++ (1996, Horror) Courteney Cox, Neve Campbell. A teenage girl becomes the target of a serial killer a year after her mother was murdered. (1h55) 10:00 p.m. (MAX) “Underworld” +++ (2003, Fantasy) Scott Speedman, Kate Beckinsale. A beautiful vampire warrior is torn when she falls in love with a werewolf. (2h) 10:55 p.m. (STARZ) “The Last Song” ++ (2010, Drama) Greg Kinnear, Miley Cyrus. A rebellious teen and her brother are sent to spend the summer with their ailing father. (1h55) 11:00 p.m. (AMC) “Die Hard: With a Vengeance” +++ (1995, Action) Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis. A mad bomber holds New York City hostage while carrying out a vendetta against a cop. (3h) (HBOS) “Out of Sight” ++ (1998, Crime Story) Jennifer Lopez, George Clooney. An escaped robber plots to rob a tycoon and seduce the federal marshal sent to catch him. (2h05) 11:30 p.m. (ENC) “Sleeping With the Enemy” ++ (1991, Thriller) Patrick Bergin, Julia Roberts. A woman tries to escape her abusive husband by staging her death and moving away. (1h45) (HBO2) “Due Date” ++ (2010, Comedy) Robert Downey Jr., Zach Galifianakis. A man must drive crosscountry in order to make it to his child’s birth on time. (1h40) (VH1) “Barbershop 2: Back in Business” ++ (2004, Comedy) Cedric the Entertainer, Ice Cube. Greedy urban developers and a neighboring stylist threaten a man’s barbershop business. (2h30) Midnight (MAX) “Sanctum” +++ (2011, Action) Christopher Baker, Rhys Wakefield. While exploring the least accessible cave in the world, a dive team experiences a crisis. (1h50) (SHOW) “The English Patient” ++++ (1996, Romance) Juliette Binoche, Ralph Fiennes. A Canadian nurse tries to piece together the history of a badly injured pilot. (2h45)
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
THURSDAY, MAY 10 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
Person of Interest "No The Mentalist "Red NC15 (:35) The Late Show (:35) Late NC15 at 6 CBSNews Wheel of Jeopardy! Big Bang Rules of Good Deed" (N) Rover, Red Rover" (N) Nightcast With David Letterman Late Show p.m. Fortune Theory (N) Eng (N) NC15 at 6 CBSNews Big Bang 30 Rules of Person of Interest "No Awake The Mentalist "Redto NewsCeNC15 Show NewsCeNBC News Wheel Access of Jeopardy! Inside CommuRock The Office Parks and "Say Hello (:35) The Late Tonight Show (:35) Late p.m. Fortune Theory Eng Good Deed"Rec (N) Rover, Red Rover"(N) nter Nightcast Letterman LateNight Late Show nter 16 Hollywood Edition nity (N) (N) My Little Friend" 16 With David Jay Leno NewsCeAccess Inside 30 Rock(N) G The Office Parks and Scandal Awake "Say NewsCeThe Tonight Show INC News NBC WorldNews Ent. Sound Off CommuMissing "Promise" rey's Anatomy "TheHello Trail"to INC News (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live nter Hollywood Edition nity My Little Friend" nter With Jay Leno LateNight at 6 16 News Tonight "Migration"Rec (N) (N) at 1116 p.m. Nightline INC King News World Sound"The Off Missing Anatomy Scandal "The INC Death News ThatNews Jimmy'70s Kimmel Live South Diaries "The Grey's The Secret Circle Newsce'TilTrail" Death 'Til '70s That The The King Ent. Seinfeld Sein. Vampire "Promise" at "Migration" at 11 p.m. Show Nightline Show Park Departed" (SF) (N) "Family" (SF) (N) nter of 6Queens News of Queens Tonight Visa" The Sein. "The Vampire "The The Secret Death '70sTonight That Show '70s (:35) South Hello to 'Til INC Death News That (:35) The INC King News The NBCKing News Seinfeld Dr. Phil Commu- Diaries 30 Rock Office Circle Parks and NewsceAwake "Say'Til of Visa" Departed" "Family" nterLittle Friend" (N) at 11 p.m. With ShowJay Leno Show Park My LateNight at 6Queens of Queens nity (N) (N) Rec (N) INC News NBC News Family Dr. Phil Commu- Idol 30 Rock The Office Parks Awake "SayWithout Hello toa Trace INC News Without The Tonight American American Family American Touch "Music of and Indiana's a Trace Show "Two Always at 6 nity My Little Friend" at 11 p.m. Families" With Jay Leno LateNight Dad Dad Guy Guy "Results Show" (N) Spheres" (N)Rec News "Bait" Sunny Family "Music of Indiana's a Trace Without "Two Frasier American American Nightly Family Wild Kratt Frasier Electric PBS NewsHour Discover American This Old Idol Ask This Touch Frontline IndependentWithout Lens "Summer Jammin' a Trace Charlie RoseAlways "Results News Families" Sunny Dad Guy "Mimic" Company Dad Business Guy IPFW House Show" Old House Spheres" Pasture" (N)"Bait" at Jack's Wild Kratt Electric PBS NewsHour Discover Old Ask This Arthur Frontline Zula IndependentCliffordLens "Summer Jammin' Bob Charlie Martha Thomas Wild theRoseSuper Dinosaur Saddle Fetch! Maya and Nightly Sid Franny's This WordWCurious "Mimic" Company Business IPFW House Old House Pasture" Red Dog "Shapes" Kratts at Jack's Builder Patrol Speaks WHY! Train Club Miguel Science Feet orld George Dinosaur Saddle Franny's WordW- Christina Curious Arthur Zula Martha CliffordWild Bob"Days the Super Burt Wolf: OpenRoad Victory Woodwri- Thomas WoodsGrowing Art WoodsGrowing Fetch! Art "Days Maya Joy of and Sid Pepin Gourmet's Caprial Joy of Train Miguel Feet orld George Patrol Speaks Red Kratts Builder WHY! Kitchen Cooks Travels Garden ght'sDog Shop "Shapes" mith Shop Bolder mith Shop Club Bolder End" Painting Science "Veg-In!" Adv. End" Painting WoodsArt Youth "Days Joy of Pepin Gourmet's Senior Caprial Christina Burt Wolf: OpenRoad Victory Woodwri- WoodsGrowing Tavis Art "Days Tavis Joy of In Harmony:Growing The European Across PBS NewsHour Tracks BBC World Journal Newsline Healthline Tavis Ketchup mith Shop Bolder End" Painting "Veg-In!" Adv. Kitchen Travels Garden ght's Shop Smiley mith Shop Bolder End" Painting Orchestra Indiana Spotlight Cooks Ahead News Smiley Smiley Journal Tavis Ketchup Tavis of Tavis In TheOffice European Tracks BBCBang World Big The Big Bang Newsline WFFT Local Healthline News TMZ Gossip King According TheHarmony: Office The MetYouth Your Across Met Your PBS Two NewsHour and a Two and a Senior Extra News Smiley Smiley Smiley Orchestra Indiana Ahead Theory Theory Queens the Hill to Jim Mother Mother Half Men Half Men Spotlight Insider The The Office News Met Your CBSNews Met Your Wheel Two and a Jeopardy! Two and a BBang Extra The Big Bang Big Bang The WFFTMentalist Local News TMZ Gossip King of According NewsOffice News Rules Person of Interest News David Letterman LateSh Mother Mother Half Men BigBang Half Men Vampire Diaries Insider Theory "Family" Theory the Hill to Jim Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang Secret ABC News Seinfeld '70s Show Queens TMZ Insider Sunny The Mentalist News (:35) David Letterman (:35)LateSh News News (N) Idol Rules (N) Touch P erson of Interest (N) FOX Two 1/2... News 30 Rock FamilyGuy CBSNews Amer. Dad Wheel Simpsons Jeopardy! FamilyGuy BBang American 28 News (N) The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Vampire Diaries (N) S ecret "Family" (N) A BC News Seinfeld '70s Show TMZ Insider Sunny Wild Kratt Steves' News Michiana PBS NewsHour Ask the Expert Antiques Roadshow Secrets of the Dead Charlie Rose Business T. Smiley Two 1/2... Flying 30 Rock FamilyGuy 3Amer. Simpsons IBA FamilyGuy American Idol (N) B The T ouch (N) Show FOX 28 News The Office LESEA The Office 30 1/2... Woman Nun Hogan Sons Dad FamilyTies News Sumrall Studio Harvest Paid Enjoy-Life Bible TheRock Place forTwo Miracles Charlie RoseNightline Jimmy Business T. Smiley Wild Steves' News Michiana 57 PBSNews NewsHour Ask the Expert Antiques Roadshow Scandal Secrets of the Dead Judy Kratt Judy ABC57 News ET Missing "Promise" Grey's Anatomy ABC57 Kimmel Live Woman Flying In Nun Rabbi Hogan 3 SonsH. FamilyTies CBN IBA News Sumrall Studio B B.Hinn The HarvestLife Show Paid Bible LESEA The Jim Place for Miracles Joys One Come Faith Faith News TCT Today Fellowship Today J. Hagee Enjoy-Life Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Bakker Show Judy Miami "Triple Judy ABC57 57 ET Missing (N) Grey's Anatomy (N) Scandal (N) ABC57 Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live CSI: CSI: Miami News CSI:News Miami "Rush" Die"Promise" Hard Die Hard: With a Vengeance Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show Joys One Come In Rabbi Faith CBN News TCT Today Fellowship B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Threat" "Bloodline"Faith H. CSI: "Triple CSI: First Miami CSI: Miami
Die48 Hard ('88, Act)The Alan Rickman, Bruce Willis. cop48 visiting from Die mad bomber holds First Miami 48 "Hale Storm" The 48 The First 48"Rush" The First First 48 The A First TheHard: First With 48 a Vengeance TheA First 48 New York helps stop some terrorists in his wife's business building. New York hostage while carrying a vendetta. Threat" "Bloodline" Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report CNBC Special CNBC Special Surviving a Car Crash Mad Money CNBCout Special First 48 "Hale Storm" The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 (N) The First 48 (N) The First 48 The First 48 The Situation John King, USA OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report CNBC Special CNBC Special Surviving a Car Crash Mad Money CNBC Special Sunny SouthPk Daily Sh. Colbert Mr. Deeds Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Daily Sh. Colbert Tosh.O Tosh.O (4:00) The Situation John King, USA OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper Sunny SouthPk Daily Sh. Colbert
Mr. Deeds ('02, Com) Adam Sandler. Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Daily Sh. Colbert Tosh.O Tosh.O Austin Austin Shake Up GoodLuck Wizards Jessie Austin Shake Up A.N.T. Jessie Phineas Jessie Jessie Shake Up Wizards Wizards American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced C. Lately E! News C. Lately Austin Austin Shake Up GoodLuck Wizards Jessie Austin Shake Up A.N.T. Jessie Phineas Jessie Jessie Shake Up Wizards Wizards The Outsiders Junior The Roommate Scream Sleeping With the Enemy (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced C. Lately E! News C. Lately Around Interrup- SportsC Softball Baseball Tonight SportsCenter SportsCenter (4:35) (:10)
Junior Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The Roommate Minka Kelly. (:35)
Scream ('96, Hor) Neve Campbell.
Sleeping With the Enemy Horn The Outsiders tion NCAA oftball SEC Tournament Quarter-final Around SportsC scores, highlights, 30 Baseball SE:60 portsCenterMMA Live SportsCenter SportsNationInterrup- NFL 32 A review of the day's NFL Live for S30 30 for 30 NFL Live Tonight (L) Baseball Tonight (N) Dancing Complex (L) Horn Dirty tion (N) and feature Raisingstories Helenfrom major sporting events. Site: Alabama Softball Stepmom The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. SportsNation (N) NFL 32 (L) NFL Live (N) 30 for 30 30 for 30 NFL Live E:60 MMA Live Baseball Tonight (L) The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity (3:30) Dirty Dancing
Raising Helen ('04, Com) John Corbett, Kate Hudson.
Stepmom ('98, Dra) Susan Sarandon, Julia Roberts. The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. The I7 DownunOff-Road Racing Boys in The Game Ultimate UFC 68: The Uprising Ultimate Poker The Five der Horse. Special Report FOX Report 365 The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'ReillyInsider Factor Hannity the Hall Insider The Waltons I7 Downun- L. HDRA Off-Road Racing Little Boys in Game Little Ultimate 68: TheLittle Uprising Sylvia takes onFrasier Couture in mixed arts Ultimate WPT Poker World House "Chicago" HouseThe Prairie HouseUFC Prairie House Prairie FrasiermartialFrasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls Horse. the Hall 365 and Roll Insider action. Finals Robin derTorque 24/7 Rock Hall of Fame True Blood "Cold Grey Real Sex Insider Girls Win Win The Waltons L. House "Chicago" Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls Li ht of Dawn" Real Sex Girls (3:00) Robin Quiz Torque (2004, Action) Martin Breakdown 24/7 Rock and Roll Hallof ofThrones Fame The biggest Win Win Show Game Onenames Day of rock 'n' True Blood "Cold Grey Veep Due Date ... Henderson, anywhere else. LightMaher of Dawn" roll perform in intimate settings not seen Green Lantern Monet Mazur, Dawg Ice Cube. La Isla Interior Game of Thrones Bill Out of Sight (4:05)
Quiz Show (:25)
Breakdown Kurt Russell. Game of Thrones One Day ('11, Dra) Anne Hathaway. Veep
Due Date Zach Galifianakis. House House House House House HouseH Rooms Selling NY Selling LA Selling NY HouseH House HouseH House Selling LA Selling NY (4:00) Green Lantern (:55) Dawg (:20) La Isla Interior ('09, Dra) Candela Peña. Game of Thrones Bill Maher
Out of Sight ('98, Cri) George Clooney. To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Swamp People Swamp People Ax Men Stats "Stayin' Alive" Swamp People House House House House House HouseH Rooms Selling NY Selling LA Selling NY HouseH House (N) HouseH House Selling LA Selling NY Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap 7 Days of Sex 7 Days of Sex The Conversation Wife Swap (4:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Swamp People Swamp People (N) Ax Men Stats "Stayin' Alive" Swamp People Perfect Creature Vampires Suck Vampire in Brooklyn Underworld Sanctum Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap 7 Days of Sex 7 Days of Sex The Conversation Wife Swap '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show Substitute Substitute Ridiculous Ridiculous Pauly D punk'd punk'd Pauly D punk'd Pauly D Ridiculous Ridiculous (:20)
Perfect Creature (:50)
Vampires Suck (:15)
Vampire in Brooklyn Eddie Murphy.
Underworld ('03, Fant) Kate Beckinsale.
Sanctum iCarly iCarly iCarly iCarly Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge '70s Show '70s Show G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show Substitute Substitute Ridiculous Ridiculous Pauly D punk'd punk'd Pauly D punk'd Pauly D Ridiculous Ridiculous Ghost Ghost Whisperer The Village The Wicker Man Children of the Corn iCarly iCarly iCarly iCarly Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge '70s Show '70s Show G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends Ten Inch Hero Panic Barbershop Gary Owen: True Story Gigolos Girls of The English (4:30) Ghost Ghost Whisperer
The Village ('04, Thril) Joaquin Phoenix, Adrien Brody. The Wicker Man ('06, Hor) Nicolas Cage. Children of the Corn ('09, Hor) David Anders. Sunset Patient Ten Inch Hero ('07, Com/Dra) CleaRace (:45)Hub
Panic ('00, Dra) Pass NeveTime Dangerous (:15) Barbershop An eccentricWrecked assortment of characters Trucker Gary Owen: Trucker True Story NASCAR Gigolos Race Girls of
TheDrives English Hot Rod GearZ NASCAR Pass Time Drives Wrecked Hub Dangerous Duvall, Elisabeth Campbell, William share in Chicago. Patient Sunsetto Jail Jail Harnois.Jail Jail Jail H. Macy. Jail Jail their stories Jail in a barbershop Wrestling UncensWays Ways toRalph Fiennes. Ways Hot Rod GearZ NASCAR Race Hub (N) Pass Time Pass Time Dangerous Drives Wrecked Wrecked Trucker Trucker NASCAR Race Dangerous Drives ored DieHub Die to Die Jail JailFriday After Jail Next Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Wrestling entertainment to Ways to (:35) Ways Uncens- TheWays Starz Moneyball Magic CityWatch high-risk athletic Magic City Last Song Movie Die Die most recognizable stars ofBigBang wrestling. ored (N) Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld FamilyGuy FamilyGuy featuring BigBang the BigBang BigBang Conan The Office to TheDie Office Starz /(:15)
Friday After Next (:45)
Moneyball ('11, Bio) Robin Wright, Brad Pitt. Magic City (:55) Magic City (:55)
The Last Song Movie To Be Announced Dateline: Real Myst. Dateline: Real Myst. Real Life "The Player" Dateline: Real Myst. Real Life "The Player" Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld FamilyGuy FamilyGuy BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Conan (N) The Office The Office How to Rob Merantau Born Killers Forged Piranha Eye To Be Announced Dateline: Real Myst. Dateline: Real Myst. Real Life "The Player" Dateline: Real Myst. Real Life "The a(3:00) Bank SeePlayer" You (4:35)
How to Rob Merantau an orphan from Born Basketball Killers ('05, Cri) Lauren Forged (2011, Comedy/Drama)Basketball
Piranha ('10, Hor) Richard
Eye Law & Order Bones A young man saves Bones aBonanza Bank Nick Stahl. human trafficking & must goM*A*S*H on the run toM*A*S*H protect her. German, JakeHome Muxworthy. See You M*A*S*H Home Imp Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Dreyfuss, Queens Elisabeth QueensShue. Queens Queens Law & Order Bones Bones NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) NCIS "Toxic" NCIS NCIS NCIS "Semper Fidelis" NCIS "Aliyah" NCIS In Plain Sight Necessary Roughness Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La The Wood Barbershop 2: Back in Business NCIS "Toxic" NCIS NCIS NCIS "Semper Fidelis" NCIS "Aliyah" NCIS In Plain Sight Necessary Roughness Christine Christine 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs 'Til Death La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La
The Wood ('99, Dra) Sean Nelson, Omar Epps. Barbershop 2: Back in Business Christine Christine 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs 1/2 Scrubs 2/2 'Til Death
NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NC15 First Inside (16) WANE WNDU NewsCen- NewsCeat ter516 at 5 Edition nter 16 NewsCenNewsCeINC News at 5 WNDU (21) WPTA ter 16 at 5 nter 16 INC 5 the MeetNews the atMeet WPTA (21.2) CW Browns Browns Meet the Meet the CW The Doctors (33) WISE Browns Browns The DoctorsFrasier WISE (33.2) MNT Frasier (15) WANE
MNT (39) WFWA (39.2)WFWA KIDS (39.3) KIDS CRE (39.4) CRE YOU
6 PM
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
FRIDAY, MAY 11 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
CSI: NY "Near Death" Bloods "Mother's NC15 (:35) The Late Show (:35) Late NC15 at 6 CBSNews Wheel of Jeopardy! Undercover Boss (SF) (N) Day" (SF) (N) Nightcast With David Letterman Late Show p.m. Fortune "Mastec" (SF) (N) NC15 at 6 CBSNews Undercover Boss CSI: NY"Big "Near Death" Bloods NC15 Show NewsCeNBC News Wheel Access of Jeopardy! Inside Think You Are "Jason Grimm Feet" (N) D ateline"Mother's NBC NewsCe- (:35) The Late Tonight Show (:35) Late p.m. Fortune "Mastec" (N) Day" Nightcast Letterman LateNight Late Show nter 16 Hollywood Edition Sudeikis" nter 16 With David Jay Leno NewsCeAccess Inside "BigWhat Feet" Dateline NBC NewsCeThe Tonight Show INC News NBC WorldNews Ent. Everybody Think Shark You TankAre (N) "Jason PGrimm rimetime: 20/20 INC News (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live nter Hollywood Edition nter With Jay Leno LateNight at 6 16 News Tonight Loves Ray Sudeikis" Would You Do? at 1116 p.m. Nightline INC King News World Everybody Shark Tank What 20/20 INC Death News ThatNews Jimmy'70s Kimmel Live "Crossbow" (N) Primetime: Supernatural "There Newsce'Til Death 'Til '70s That South The The King Ent. Seinfeld Sein. "The Nikita at Loves Ray Would Do?(N) at 11 p.m. Show Nightline Show Will Be You Blood" nter Park of 6Queens News of Queens Tonight Movie" The Sein. "The Nikita "Crossbow" "There Newsce'Til Death 'Til '70sTonight That Show '70s (:35) South INC Death News That (:35) The INC King News The NBCKing News Seinfeld Dr. Phil Think You Are "Jason Supernatural Grimm "Big Feet" (N) D ateline NBC of Movie" Will Be Blood" nter ShowJay Leno Show Park at 11 p.m. With LateNight at 6Queens of Queens Sudeikis" (N) INC News NBC News Dr. Phil Think You "Jason Grimm "Brave "Big Feet" Dateline NBC INC News Monk The"Mr. Tonight American American Family Family Finder "TheAre Boy With Fringe New Indiana's Monk "Mr. Monk MonkShow and Always at 6 Sudeikis" at 11 p.m. the WithPanic Jay Leno LateNight Dad Dad Guy Guy the Bucket" (SF) (N) World" (SF) 2/2 (N) News Takes Manhattan" Room" Sunny Frasier Frasier American American Nightly Family Family Finder "TheNeed Boy With Fringein"Brave New Indiana's Monk "Mr. A Monk Monk "Mr. Monk Wild Electric PBS NewsHour PrimetiWashinto Craft America One Voice (N) ustin City Limits Charlieand RoseAlways Sunny Dad Guy the World" News Takes Manhattan" the Panic Room" Kratts Company Dad Business Guy me39 gtonBucket" Week Know "Threads" (N) Wild PBS NewsHour Primetito Craft One Voice Clifford- Austin Charlie Zula Martha ThomasCity Limits Wild Bob theRoseSuper Dinosaur Electric Saddle Fetch! Maya and Nightly Sid Franny's WashinWordW- Need Curious Arthurin America Kratts Company Business me39 gton "Threads" Patrol Speaks Red Dog "Pride" Kratts Builder WHY! Train Club Miguel Science Feet orld Week Know George Dinosaur Fetch! and Sid Franny's WordWCurious Arthur Zula Martha CliffordBob the W Painting: Super American Saddle Around Sewing W Maya Painting: Simply Lidia's Ciao Italia Hubert Steves' Travel Garden This Old Thomas American Wild Around Sewing Train Miguel Science Feet orld George Patrol Speaks Red Dog "Pride" Builder WHY! Woodshop Club the House Nancy Europe Ming Italy Keller Europe "Paris" Home House Woodshop Kratts the House Nancy Europe American Sewing W In. Painting: Simply Lidia's Ciao Italia Garden Old American Around Sewing W Tavis Painting: Journal Newsline This Defense Tavis Inside E Tavis Religion Around Pres. Photographer PBS NewsHour Market to Hubert McLaug- Steves' BBC World Travel Woodshop the House Nancy Europe Italy Keller Europe "Paris" Home House Woodshop the House Smiley Nancy Europe News Smiley Street Smiley News Washngtn Ming Market hlin News Religion Photographer BBC World Journal Newsline Inside Tavis Tavis According The Big Bang Big Bang Wfft News Defense The Locker Tavis TMZ GossipE King of The Office Pres. The Office Met Your In. Met Your PBS Two NewsHour and a Two and a Market Extra to McLaugNews Washngtn hlin News News Smiley Street Smiley Smiley to Jim Insider Theory Theory Room Queens the Hill Mother Mother Half Men Half Men Market Met Your Wheel Two and a Jeopardy! Two and a Boss Extra "Mastec" The Big Bang Big Bang Blue Wfft News TMZ Gossip King of According The The Office News Met Your CBSNews NewsOffice News CSI: NY BloodsThe Locker News David Letterman LateSh Mother Half Men BigBang Half Men Nikita "Crossbow" Insider Theory Theory the Hill to Jim Mother Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang Supernatural ABC News Room Seinfeld '70s Show Queens TMZ Insider Sunny (:35) David Letterman (:35)LateSh News News BossFinder "Mastec" (N) C SI: NY (N) Blue 28 Bloods NewsOffice The Two 1/2... News 30 Rock FamilyGuy CBSNews Amer. Dad Wheel Simpsons Jeopardy! FamilyGuy The Fringe FOX News(N) The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Nikita "Crossbow" (N) S upernatural (N) A BC News Seinfeld '70s Show TMZ Insider Sunny Wild Kratt Euro J. News Michiana PBS NewsHour W.Week Economic Pioneers of Television Pioneers of Television Charlie Rose Business T. Smiley Two 1/2... Flying 30 Rock FamilyGuy 3Amer. Simpsons IBA FamilyGuy The Finder (N) FGospel ringe (N) FOX Circle 28 News The Office Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Business Nun Hogan Sons Dad FamilyTies News Sumrall Paid Music Presents Full Enjoy-Life Israel Tour The LESEA Partners Drought T. Smiley Wild Kratt Judy Euro J. News Michiana 57 PBSNews NewsHour W.Week Pioneers of You Television Pioneers of Television Charlie Judy ABC57 News ET Shark Tank Economic Primetime: Do? 20/20 ABC57 RoseNightline Business Jimmy Kimmel Live Business Flying Nun Rabbi Hogan 3 SonsH. FamilyTies IBA Paid Plan B.Hinn Gospel Music Circle Enjoy-Life Israel Partners Drought Joys One Life Focus Faith Health CBNNews News Sumrall TCT Today God's LifePresents Today Full J. Hagee Bible GospelTour LESEA Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show Judy Judy Overboard ABC57 News 57 News ET Shark Tank (N) P rimetime: You Do? 20/20 A League of TheirABC57 Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live Caddyshack Own Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show Joys Onea Life Focus Rabbi Faith H. Health CBN News TCT Today God's Plan B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Kinder (3:00) Goldie convinces Storage a wealthy Storage CaddyshackStorage A caddy enters a big play-off match
of TheirStorage Own ('92, Com) Geena Davis. Two sisters join a The First 48
Overboard The First 48 Hawn. A man Storage Storage Storage StorageA League Storage Storage Storage Storage Kinderga... amnesiac that sheMoney is his wife and the The to win a scholarship from a"Blown posh country club. femaleSpecial professional baseball WorldApprentice War. mother of hisReport childen. The Options Money Mad Kudlow Celebrity Apprentice Away" CNBC Madleague Moneyduring the Second Celebrity The First 48 The First 48 Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage The Situation John King, USA OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Options Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report The Celebrity Apprentice "Blown Away" (N) CNBC Special Mad Money Celebrity Apprentice Sunny SouthPk Daily Sh. Colbert Tosh.O Tosh.O Sunny Sunny Kevin Hart: Grown... Ralphie May:Ignore Half Hour Half Hour Kevin Hart: Grown... (4:00) The Situation John King, USA OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch American Guns Deadliest Catch American Guns Sunny SouthPk Daily Sh. Colbert Tosh.O Tosh.O Sunny Sunny Kevin Hart: Grown... Ralphie May:Ignore Half Hour Half Hour Kevin Hart: Grown... Jessie Jessie Jessie Jessie GoodLuck GoodLuck Jessie Phineas Fish Hooks A.N.T. Austin GoodLuck A.N.T. A.N.T. Jessie Jessie Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch American Guns Deadliest Catch American Guns To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced The Soup Fashion C. Lately E! News C. Lately Jessie Jessie Jessie Jessie GoodLuck GoodLuck Jessie Phineas Fish Hooks A.N.T. Austin GoodLuck A.N.T. A.N.T. Jessie Jessie Tango and Cash Oxford Blues The Frighteners Beetlejuice Tango and Cash (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced The Soup Fashion C. Lately E! News C. Lately Around Interrup- SportsCenter CountBasketball Basketball SportsC(4:35) Rom) Rob Lowe.
The Frighteners (:50)
Beetlejuice Michael Keaton.
Tango and Cash enter Horn Tango and tion Cash (:20)
Oxford Blues ('84, down Around SportsCenter Count- Auto NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) portsCSportsNationInterrup- NFL 32 NASCR Racing Basketball SportsC. STonight (N) of the Ocean Horn (N) Deep tionEnd down (L) enter Stepmom Freaky Friday The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. SportsNation (N) NFL 32 NASCR NASCAR Auto Racing VFW Sports Clips Help a Hero 200 (L) NBA Basketball Playoffs First Round (L) SportsC. Tonight The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity (4:00)
Deep End of the Ocean
Stepmom ('98, Dra) Susan Sarandon, Julia Roberts.
Freaky Friday ('03, Com) Jamie Lee Curtis. The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. Sports Unlimited Action Sports Tour UEFA The Game UFC The Dan Patrick Show Action Sports World UFC Unleashed The Five Special Report FOX Report 365 The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The Hannity Ma azine TourO'Reilly Factor UFC Evans Davies -- Chicago, Ill. Prairie TFrasier he Dan Patrick Show Action World UFC Sports Unlimited Action Sports Tour UEFA Unleashed The Waltons Mother's Day on Walton's MountainThe Game Little Housevs.Prairie Little House Frasier Frasier Sports Frasier G. Girls G. Girls Tour '11 Championship 2011orChampionship Magazine DOA: Dead Alive One Day 365 Ricky Life's Too Real Time With Bill Real Time With Bill Ricky 24/7 The Waltons Mother's Day on Walton's Mountain Little House Prairie Little HouseShort Prairie Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls Dinner Gervais Maher Maher Gervais (3:30) Kissing
DOA: Dead or Alive ('06, Act) One Day Following the lives of two people on Ricky of Thrones Life's Too Game Real Time With Bill Real Time With Bill RickyHorrible24/7 a Fool Evening Game of Thrones Game of Thrones Bosses Dinner ... Instinct Holly Valance, Jaime Pressly. Mercurythe anniversary of the date they met inCatfish college. Gervais Short Maher Maher Fatal Rising Larry Crowne Girls Gervais Wall Street: Mo (:20) Kissing a Fool David Schwimmer.
Evening ('07, Dra) Claire Danes. Game of Thrones Game of Thrones Game of Thrones
Horrible Bosses Property Property House House House House HouseH HouseH Rooms Rooms HouseH House House House Rooms Rooms (:55) Fatal Instinct
Mercury Rising ('98, Thril) Bruce Willis. Catfish Melody C. Roscher.
Larry Crowne Tom Hanks. (:45) Girls (:20) Wall Street: Mo... To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced American Pickers History of the World in Two Hours Meltzer's Decoded American Pickers Property Property House House House House HouseH HouseH Rooms Rooms HouseH House (N) H ouse House Rooms Rooms Most Wanted Most Wanted AMW "Bad Girls" Most Wanted Most Wanted Most Wanted Most Wanted Most Wanted (4:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced American Pickers History of the World in Two Hours Meltzer's Decoded American Pickers Movie Your Highness Alien: The Director's Cut Men in Black Guide Lingerie "Nighty Nighters" Most Wanted Most Wanted AMW "Bad Girls" Most Wanted Most Wanted Most Wanted Most Wanted Most Wanted '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show Substitute Substitute America's Dance Crew Pauly D punk'd To Be Announced Movie Movie (:35) Your Highness (:20)
Alien: The Director's Cut (:20)
Men in Black ('97, Sci-Fi) Will Smith. Guide (N) L ingerie "Nighty Nighters" Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Sponge Sponge Kung Fu Sponge '70s Show '70s Show G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show Substitute Substitute America's Dance Crew Pauly D punk'd To Be Announced Movie The Village The Wicker Man WWE Smackdown! Dream Machines Fact or Faked Lost Girl Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Sponge Sponge Kung Fu Sponge '70s Show '70s Show G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends Lebanon, Pa. Furry Vengeance Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Source Code Boxing (3:30)
The Village The Wicker Man ('06, Hor) Nicolas Cage. WWE Dream Machines Fact or Faked Lost Girl Evil Smackdown! (N) (4:30) Lebanon, (:25) Furry Vengeance Com)
Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. "Le(:25) Source Code ('11,"Chevelle" Myst) Jake Boxing Shobox: The NewMobil1 Generation Debrief Card TBA RacingPa. ('10, Dra) Speed Pass Time('10, Pass Time Warriors "Camaro" Warriors Mans" Warriors Dumbest Dumbest Samantha Josh Hopkins. RickyorGarcia,The Brendan Evil ('11, Ani) Hayden Panettiere. Gyllenhaal. Gangland Mathis, "Hunt and Gangland "Crip MarineFraser. 2 Gamer Gangland "Stone to Gangland "Klan of NASCAR Racing SouthernDie" 500 (L) Speed Pass Time Pass Time Warriors "Camaro" Warriors "Le Mans" Warriors "Chevelle" the Dumbest Debrief (N) Kill" Bone" Dumbest Mobil1 Killers" Gangland The Marine 2 While vacationing with his wife, Gamer Through a multi-player online "Klan of Mars "Hunt Needs and Gangland Cars 2 "Crip or Battle Los aAngeles Magic Citygame humans Gangland Magic City"Stone to Gangland Priest Kill" Die" the Bone" Killers" City Slickers Marine takes on a gang whoPayne have controlPayne of the hotel. Payne have the ability to control other Heartbreak humans lives.Kid Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld Payne (4:35) Mars Needs ... (:10) Cars 2 ('11, Ani) Larry the Cable Guy.
Battle Los Angeles Aaron Eckhart. Magic City (N) Magic City Priest Paul Bettany. To Be Announced Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to DC Cupcakes Say Yes to Say Yes to DC Cupcakes Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld Payne Payne Payne Payne
Heartbreak Kid ('07, Com) Ben Stiller. (:20)
City Slickers The Cry of the Owl Raw Deal Johnny Was Drive Angry The Original Kings of (3:00) To Be Announced Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to DC Cupcakes Say Yes to Say Yes to DC Cupcakes Comed (4:45) The Cry of the OwlLaw ('09,&Dra) agent is promised
Johnny Was ('06, Act) Drive Angry ('11,Edge Act) Amber Law & Order OrderRaw Deal A former Law &FBIOrder Edge of(:25) Darkness of Darkness (:45)
The Original Kings of Julia Stiles, Paddy Considine. if he can bringM*A*S*H down a ruthless mobster. Bergin, Vinnie Nicolas Cage. Comedy Doc) Steve Queens Harvey. Bonanza M*A*S*H reinstatement M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Patrick Home Imp Loves RayJones. Loves Ray Heard, Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens ('00,Queens Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order
Edge of Darkness ('10, Cri) Ray Winstone, Mel Gibson.
Edge of Darkness ('10, Cri) Ray Winstone, Mel Gibson. SVU "Solitary" Law&O.:SVU "P.C." Law&O.:SVU "Sugar" SVU "Behave" Fairly Legal Common "Pilot" Suits "Undefeated" Fairly Legal Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens Saturday Night Live TI Tiny The Wood Honey 2 Behind "Brandy" La La SVU "Solitary" Law&O.:SVU "P.C." Law&O.:SVU "Sugar" SVU "Behave" Fairly Legal (N) C ommon "Pilot" (N) Suits "Undefeated" Fairly Legal Christine Christine 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos Baseball WGN News Scrubs Scrubs 'Til Death Saturday Night Live TI Tiny
The Wood ('99, Dra) Sean Nelson, Omar Epps. Honey 2 (2011, Comedy) Randy Wayne, Katerina Graham. Behind "Brandy" La La Christine Christine 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos MLB Baseball Chicago Cubs vs. Milwaukee Brewers Site: Miller Park (L) WGN News Scrubs Scrubs 'Til Death
NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NC15 First Inside NewsCeWANE NewsCen(16) WNDU at ter516 at 5 Edition nter 16 INC News atNewsCe5 WNDU NewsCen(21) WPTA ter 16 at 5 nter 16 INC 5 the MeetNews the atMeet WPTA (21.2) CW Browns Browns Meet the Meet the CW The Doctors (33) WISE Browns Browns The DoctorsFrasier WISE (33.2) MNT Frasier (15) WANE
MNT (39) WFWA (39.2)WFWA KIDS (39.3) KIDS CRE (39.4) CRE YOU
Friday movies
8:00 p.m. (AMC) “Caddyshack” +++ (1980, Comedy) Rodney Dangerfield, Chevy Chase. A caddy enters a big play-off match to win a scholarship from a posh country club. (2h) (ENC) “The Frighteners” +++ (1996, Horror) Trini Alvarado, Michael J. Fox. A psychic gets entangled in murder cases that could be tied to a ghost from the past. (1h50) (SHOW) “Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil” ++ (2011, Animated) Glenn Close, Hayden Panettiere. Red Riding Hood and Wolf investigate the disappearance of Hansel and Gretel. (1h25) (TNT) “Edge of Darkness” ++ (2010, Crime Story) Ray Winstone, Mel Gibson. While investigating the death of his daughter, Thomas Craven reveals a corporate cover-up. (2h30) (STARZ) “Battle Los Angeles” +++ (2011, Sci-Fi) Michelle Rodriguez, Aaron Eckhart. A retired marine sergeant returns to duty to reclaim Los Angeles from an alien invasion. (1h58) 9:00 p.m. (FAM) “Freaky Friday” ++ (2003, Comedy) Lindsay Lohan, Jamie Lee Curtis. An overworked mother and her daughter adapt to each other’s lives when they switch bodies. (2h) (SPIKE) “Gamer” ++ (2009, Action) Amber Valletta, Gerard Butler. Through a multi-player online game humans have the ability to control other humans lives. (2h) 9:20 p.m. (MAX) “Men in Black” +++ (1997, Sci-Fi) Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith. A cop is recruited by a secret organization to help control Earth’s alien population. (1h40) 9:50 p.m. (ENC) “Beetlejuice” +++ (1988, Comedy) Geena Davis, Michael Keaton. A newly deceased couple tries to drive away the obnoxious new owners of their house. (1h40) 10:00 p.m. (AMC) “A League of Their Own” +++ (1992, Comedy) Tom Hanks, Geena Davis. Two sisters join a female professional baseball league during the Second World War. (3h) (HBOS) “Larry Crowne” ++ (2011, Comedy/Drama) Julia Roberts, Tom Hanks. An unemployed middle-aged man enrols in college and falls in love with his teacher. (1h45) (TBS) “Heartbreak Kid” ++ (2007, Comedy) Malin Akerman, Ben Stiller. While on a honeymoon with his nightmarish bride, a man meets the girl of his dreams. (2h20) 10:30 p.m. (TNT) “Edge of Darkness” ++ (2010, Crime Story) Ray Winstone, Mel Gibson. While investigating the death of his daughter, Thomas Craven reveals a corporate cover-up. (2h30) 11:30 p.m. (ENC) “Tango and Cash” ++ (1989, Action) Kurt Russell, Sylvester Stallone. Two competitive police officers must work together when they are both framed for murder. (1h45) 11:45 p.m. (TMC) “The Original Kings of Comedy” +++ (2000, Documentary) D.L. Hughley, Steve Harvey. A concert film featuring four major African American stand up comedians. (1h55) Midnight (HBO2) “Horrible Bosses” ++ (2011, Comedy) Charlie Day, Jason Bateman. Three friends plan to kill their bosses after realizing that quitting isn’t an option. (1h45)
8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30
(15) WANE
8:00 p.m. (21) (WPTA) (57) (WBND) “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End” +++ (2007, Adventure) Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp. The pirates battle Davy Jones and the East India Company. (3h) (AMC) “Space Cowboys” +++ (2000, Sci-Fi) Tommy Lee Jones, Clint Eastwood. One-time hotshot pilots are recruited by NASA to repair a damaged Russian satellite. (3h) (ENC) “White Chicks” ++ (2004, Comedy) Marlon Wayans, Shawn Wayans. Two disgraced FBI agents go undercover as white women in an effort to protect heiresses. (1h50) (HBO) “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2” ++++ (2011, Adventure) Harry, Ron and Hermoine return to Hogwarts to find and destroy the last of the horcruxes. (2h15) (LIFE) “The Quiet” ++ (2005, Thriller) Camilla Belle, Elisha Cuthbert. When her sole parent dies, a withdrawn deaf and mute girl goes to live at her godparents. (2h) 8:30 p.m. (USA) “It’s Complicated” +++ (2009, Romance) Steve Martin, Meryl Streep. A divorced couple rediscovers the spark they once had while at their son’s graduation. (2h30) 9:00 p.m. (COM) “Jackass Number Two” ++ (2006, Comedy) Bam Margera, Johnny Knoxville. Cast members from the MTV series return for another round of stunts and pranks. (1h45) (FAM) “The Notebook” +++ (2004, Romance) Rachel McAdams, Ryan Gosling. A man tells the story of a woman who is torn between her fiancé and her first love. (3h) (SPIKE) “Rambo” ++ (2008, Action) Julie Benz, Sylvester Stallone. A group of Christian aid workers recruits a Vietnam vet to help deliver medical supplies. (2h) (TMC) “Let the Right One In” +++ (2008, Drama) Lina Leandersson, Kare Hedebrant. Oskar finds friendship with a strange girl who helps him seek revenge. (2h) 9:10 p.m. (STARZ) “Easy A” +++ (2010, Comedy) Amanda Bynes, Emma Stone. A student uses a rumor about losing her virginity to raise her social standing. (1h40) 9:50 p.m. (ENC) “Bad Boys” +++ (1995, Action) Martin Lawrence, Will Smith. Two detectives must switch their identities on an important murder and drug case. (2h) 10:00 p.m. (MTV) “The Final Destination” ++ (2009, Horror) Nick Zano, Bobby Campo. Death tries to take the lives of teenagers who survived a car crash intended to kill them. (2h) (SHOW) “Scream” ++ (1996, Horror) Courteney Cox, Neve Campbell. A teenage girl becomes the target of a serial killer a year after her mother was murdered. (2h) (TBS) “Yes Man” ++ (2008, Comedy) Zooey Deschanel, Jim Carrey. A man’s life is turned upside-down when he is required to say yes to every opportunity. (2h) 10:15 p.m. (HBO) “Hall Pass” ++ (2011, Comedy) Jason Sudeikis, Owen Wilson. Two best friends are granted permission by their wives to have extramarital affairs. (1h45) 10:30 p.m. (25) (WCWW) “Miss Congeniality” ++ (2000, Comedy) Michael Caine, Sandra Bullock. A tomboy FBI agent goes undercover in a
Paid Every Beautiful Smith HomeIncredible Dog First News Saturday A discussion of current events & a Busyto- Busyto- Paid Paid Paid Challenge Saturday variety of topics that affect our world today. wn Myst. wn Myst. Program Program Program Program Woman Homes Gardens owner First NewsCenter News Paid Paid Paid Paid C. PGA EveryGolf The Beautiful Smith Home(7:00) 16 Saturday Saturday Morning Zula Shelldon BusytoJane and BusytoBabar Global Golf Players Championship Round 3Incredible Site: TPC Dog Sawgrass Saturday wn Myst. wn Myst. Program Program Golf Program Program Woman Homes owner Challenge Patrol Dragon Adv. (SP) (L) -Ponte Vedra Beach, Gardens Fla. (L) Saturday Morning Zula Global Golf C. Paid Golf Paid GoodNewsCenter Morning 16 Wild Ocean Born to Shelldon Food for Jane Sea and Babar Everyday Paid Paid Paid Paid Ball Boys Ball Boys ESPN Sports Patrol Golf Adv. Program Program Program (N) America Saturday Countd. Myst. Explore Thought Dragon Rescue Health Saturday (N) Program Program Program Good Morning Wild Ocean Born to Food for Sea Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid in Pink Paid Boys side Ball ofBoys
ESPNAbout SportsLast Heartland "The Pretty A girl fromBall the wrong Sonic X Sonic X Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-GiDragon Dragon Tai Chi Everyday Yu-GiElizabeth HollyAmerica Saturday Countd. Explore Thought Rescue Program wood Program Ties Program Program town Program Program Saturday becomes involved with a young man. Night Rob Lowe. Stanton That Bind" Zex (N) Myst. Oh! Ball Z Ball Z Chasers Health Oh! SonicSaturday X Sonic X Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-GiDragon Dragon Elizabeth Holly"TheC. PGA PrettyGinolfPink About Last (7:00) Jack Jack Zula Shelldon Tai JaneChi and Yu-GiBabar Willa's Pearlie Heartland Global Golf The Players Championship Round 3 Site: TPC Sawgrass Zex Oh! Ball Z Ball Z Chasers Stanton Ties That Night Today (N) Hanna Hanna Patrol Dragon Oh! Wild Life wood Golf Adv. Bind" (SP) (L) -- Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. (L) Golf C. Golf Saturday Zula Shelldon Jane and Babar Willa's Pearlie Global Old Animal Passport Jack Real Life Jack Career Weekend Marketplace Player MLB Baseball (L) F rom Golf Adv. Today Hanna Patrol Dragon Wild Atlas Explore Hanna 101 Day Poll Life Daryl's Christine Animal Real Life Career From Old Vegeta- Uncork- Mexican Victory Garden Quilting Sewing J. Weir's Woodsmi Passport Amer. WoodThis Old Weekend Ask-Old Marketplace HomeMotor- AutoLine Player The New Test Baseball Atlas 101 Day Poll Daryl's Christine Fly Fisher Kitchen rian ed: Wine Table Garden Home Arts W Nancy Cook th Shop Explore Wood work House House time week Woodsmi This Old Ask-Old MotorAutoLine The New Test Vegeta- Zula Uncork- Martha Mexican Victory Sewing Weir's to Curious Mister Clifford- Garden Thomas- Quilting Wild Bob the J. Peep/PBob the Amer. Peep/P- WoodMark Saddle Barney & HomeMayaSid Franny's Zoo th Shop Wood work House House week Fly Kitchen Rogers rian ed: Wine Table W Nancy Cook YouFisher George Patrol Speaks Garden Red Dog Home Friends Arts Kratts Builder ocoyo Builder ocoyo Kistler Club Friends time &M. Science Feet Bob the Peep/PFranny's to Curious Mister CliffordWild Bob the Steves' Peep/PTravel Steves' Mark R Maxa's Saddle Steves' Barney Smart & MayaSteves' Sid EquitrSteves' Zoo Steves' Smart Grannies Zula Steves' Martha Travel Steves' ThomasR Maxa's Steves' Smart Builder ocoyo Club Feet You George Red Dog World Friends Europe Kratts Builder Europe ocoyo Kids Europe Kistler World Europe Friends Travels &M. Europe Science ekking Europe Europe Travels Rogers on Safari Patrol Europe Speaks Kids Europe Travels Smart Grannies Indiana Steves' Pricele$$ Travel Steves' R Steves' HealthSmart Steves' Travel Maxa's Steves' Ask-Old Steves' Woodw- R WoodtWoodsmi Smart Aroun- Steves' TN. Wild EquitrAntiques Steves' Steves' Julia Victory Global JoyMaxa's of MotorSenior ekking Europe Garden Travels Foresight on Safari Review Europe Kids Europe Painting World Europe line Travels Spotlight Europe Kids Europe World Europe House right's urning th Shop Travels dHouse Europe Side Roadshow Europe Child week Ask-Old WoodwWoodsmi ArounAntiques Julia Victory GlobalGangs Indiana Joyviolence of MotorHealth- Senior
of New Pricele$$ York Amidst escalating in New TMZ Dog Into the WoodtPaid Paid GunsmokeTN. Wild Bonanza Paid Paid House right's urning Shop dHouse Side Roadshow Child Foresight Review Painting line Spotlight a young man seeks to avenge his father's murder.week Tales Wild Program th Program Program Garden Program York, Dog WSBTInto the Paid Gunsmoke Bonanza Paid of New The YorkFuture News Saturday Paid TheDo- TheDo- Paid Paid Gangs Paid Masters of Illusion TMZ All of Me Tales Wild Program Program Saturda Mornin odlebo s odlebo s Program Pro ram Program Pro ram Pro ram Pro ram Accordin to Ford Paid Paid Paid Paid The FutureProof of Life Masters of Illusion
All of Me (6:30) NewsX Yu-Gi-Oh Saturday AYu-Gidiscussion of current events & a TheDoSonicWSBT X Sonic Dragon Dragon Tai Chi TheDoYu-GiCity of Angels odlebops Program Program Program Program According to Ford Steve Martin. Saturday Morning variety Zex of topics Oh! that affect Ball our Z world Balltoday. Z Chasers odlebops Oh! Sonic X Sonic X Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-GiDragon Tai Chi Yu-GiCity of Angels An angel sent to comfort a dying man Proof of Life A woman hires a professional negotiator Elizabeth Pets.TV Teen Aweso- Dragon Weekend Marketplace Player Baseball Bones "The Man in finds when her husband is kidnapped in the South America. Zex (N) Oh! Ball Z Chasers Oh! Stanton News me Adv. Ball Z Poll himself falling in love with the man's doctor. Wall" "The Man in Elizabeth Sew Pets.TV Teen Aweso- Weekend MLB (L) ones"Deadliest Sewing It Sewing Knitting Lidia's Marketplace Dinner Test Weeknig Player Julia BakeBaseball Victory Burt This Old HomeWoodsmi Woodw- B Nova the Wall" Stanton News me W Nanc All Room DailAdv. Ital and Book Kitchen ht Meals Poll Child Decorate Garden Wolf House time th Sho ri ht's Tornadoes" Nova "Deadliest Sew It SewingRageKnitting Dinner Test Weeknig Israel Julia T LESEA Bake Victory HomeWoodsmi Sewing Career News at Dawn Lidia's Healthy Paid Paid in Action Burt Studio B This Best Old of Harvest Drought WoodwPaid For Home Woman All Room Daily Italy Meals House time th Shop W Nancy Good Morning Wild Ocean Born to and Sea Book Kitchen Everyday ht Food for Child Betty "TheDecorate Box and Garden Without a Wolf Trace TMZ Ball Boys right's Ball Boys Tornadoes" ESPN Sports News Saturda Career
RageMatst.Dawn Ex lore Healthy Paid Paid ht the Israel T "LESEA in Action Drought Paid For Home Woman America Countd. Rescue Health Thou Bunn "Rise and Studio Fall" B Best of Harvest Saturda Born to Sea for Betty "TheCreatBox and Without Trace TMZ Ball Boys Ball Boys Health& ESPN Sports Good Morning Faithville Science a Sarah's End of Public AwakenHealth& RestoratKicks Somme- Wild Captain Ocean Miss Gospel Donkey Everyday Swamp Food Advent. Rescue Health Thought "Rise Fall" (N) Countd. America Saturday sse the Bunny"ures Stuff and Stories the A e Re ort in Hour Nutrition Saturday Nutrition (N) ion Road Club rtime Chuckle Myst. Charit 's Explore Bill Ollie Critters Od Gospel Donkey Swamp Advent. Public EnterAwakenHealth& Health& RestoratCreatKicksthe West SommeCaptain Miss How Was Won The Faithville Sons of Katie Elder Science Sarah's End of the Dragon Bill Odyssey Flip This House Report ing HourOffNutrition Nutrition Road ures StuffThis House Stories Flip the Age Club"Roach rtime Chuckle Charity's Flip House" Sell "Austin, TX" Fix This Ollie Fix This Critters Flip This House Flip This House Flipped Parking ion Parking How the West Was Won The story of a group of settlers as they move West.
The Sons of Katie Elder ('65, West) John Wayne.
Enter the Dragon ('73, Act) Bruce Lee. Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Flip "Roach House" Sell "Austin, TX" Fix This Fix This Flip This House Flip This House Flip This House Flip This House Flipped Off Parking Parking CNN Newsroom Line CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Your Money CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom News Sanjay Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Future Futura Beverly Hills Cop 30 Rock 30 Rock Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny SouthPk SouthPk A Night at the Roxbury CNN Newsroom Line CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Your Money CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom News Sanjay Paid Paid MythBusters MythBusters American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper MythBusters MythBusters Future Futura
Beverly Hills Cop Eddie Murphy. 30 Rock 30 Rock Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny SouthPk SouthPk A Night at the Roxbury Will Ferrell. M.Mouse Jake Phineas Phineas Phineas FishHook Jessie A.N.T. Wizards Wizards GoodLk GoodLk Shake Up Shake Up Wizards Wizards Wizards Wizards Paid Paid MythBusters MythBusters American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper MythBusters MythBusters TBA E! News Fashion The Soup To Be Announced To Be Announced M.Mouse Jake Phineas Phineas Phineas FishHook Jessie A.N.T. Wizards Wizards GoodLk GoodLk Shake Up Shake Up Wizards Wizards Wizards Wizards Beetlejuice Big Trouble in Little Chi White Chicks The Quick and the Dead Bad Boys Movie (7:00) TBA E! News Fashion The Soup To Be Announced To Be Announced SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter Lacrosse Fitness Fitness Fitness Fitness Softball (7:35) Beetlejuice (:10) Big Trouble in Little Chi... (:50)
White Chicks Shawn Wayans. (:40)
The Quick and the Dead
Bad Boys ('95, Act) Will Smith. Movie NFL Live SportsNation NFL Live Golf Classics NASCAR Now Billiards Billiards Billiards Fitness Fitness SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter NCAA Lacrosse Championship (L) Fitness Fitness Fitness Fitness NCAA Softball Au Pair Au Pair II Au Pair 3: Adventure in Paradise Freaky Friday Freaky Friday NFL Live (N) SportsNation NFL Live Golf Classics NASCAR Now (L) Billiards Billiards Billiards Fitness Fitness Fox & Friends Saturday Bull Bear Cavuto Forbes Cash In America's News HQ America's News HQ Journal News Special Report America's News HQ (7:00) Au Pair
Au Pair II Gregory Harrison. Au Pair 3: Adventure in Paradise
Freaky Friday Barbara Harris.
Freaky Friday Jamie Lee Curtis. Motorspt Fisherm. Big 12 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Poker Sports Unlimited Action Sports Tour Softball (6:00) Fox & Friends Saturday Bull Bear Cavuto Forbes Cash In America's News HQ America's News HQ Journal News Special Report America's News HQ G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Smooch Three Weeks, Three Kids Back to You and Me Meet My Mom Motorspt Fisherm. Big 12 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid WPT P oker Sports Unlimited Action Sports Tour NCAA Softball MVC Tournament (L) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Water for Elephants Larry Crowne Evan Almighty Date Night G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Smooch ('11, Com) Kellie Martin. Three Weeks, Three Kids Anna Chlumsky.
Back to You and Me Lisa Hartman.
Meet My Mom Shrek Forev Bill Maher Bill Maher Inception Unknown Veep Knight & Day Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Water for Elephants Robert Pattinson.
Larry Crowne Tom Hanks. (:15)
Evan Almighty Steve Carell.
Date Night Latino Heart and Souls Red Riding Hood Gossip The Cooler Robin Hood (7:25) Shrek Forev... Bill Maher Bill Maher
Inception ('10, Act) Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
Unknown ('11, Myst) Liam Neeson. Veep (:05) Knight & Day Rehab Rehab Property Property Crashers Crashers Crashers Crashers Crashers Crashers Elbow Million $ On Set On Set Spelling Manor Spelling Manor (7:50)Latino (:50)
Heart and Souls (:40) Red Riding Hood Amanda Seyfried. (:25) Gossip James Marsden.
The Cooler (:45)
Robin Hood To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Rehab Rehab Property Property Crashers Crashers Crashers Crashers Crashers Crashers Elbow Million $ On Set On Set Spelling Manor Spelling Manor Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Christine Christine Student Seduction Fatal Lessons: The Good Teacher Secrets in the Walls To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Brainstorm Seven Speed Speed 2: Cruise Control Unstoppable Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Christine Christine
Student Seduction Elizabeth Berkley. Fatal Lessons: The Good Teacher Secrets in the Walls Pauly D Pauly D Pauly D True Life True Life 10 / Top 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant Money Money Ridicu. Ridicu.
Brainstorm (:50)
Seven ('95, Thril) Morgan Freeman.
Speed ('94, Act) Keanu Reeves.
Speed 2: Cruise Control (:05) Unstoppable T.U.F.F. Penguins Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge T.U.F.F. Kung Fu Power Sponge Kung Fu Kung Fu Kung Fu Kung Fu Big Time Big Time iCarly iCarly Pauly D Pauly D Pauly D True Life True Life 10 / Top 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant Money Money Ridicu. Ridicu. Paid Paid The Cursed The Wicker Man Thirteen Ghosts Jeepers Creepers T.U.F.F. Penguins Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge T.U.F.F. Kung Fu Power Sponge Kung Fu Kung Fu Kung Fu Kung Fu Big Time Big Time iCarly iCarly Gross Anatomy School of Life Beastly Womb The Ghost Writer Paid Paid The Cursed ('10, Hor) Louis Mandylor.
The Wicker Man Nicolas Cage.
Thirteen Ghosts Tony Shalhoub.
Jeepers Creepers Gina Philips. Racing Truck U Hot Rod Garage Perform. Mobil1 Auto Racing Touring Car Racing Speed RaceDay
Gross Anatomy Matthew Modine.
School of Life David Paymer. Beastly ('11, Dra) Alex Pettyfer. (:45) Womb ('10, Dra) Eva Green. (:45) The Ghost Writer Paid Paid RepoG RepoG RepoG RepoG Xtr. 4x4 Horsep. Trucks! Muscle.. Wild Police Videos Stings Movie Big Easy Justice Movie F1 Racing Spanish Grand Prix Truck U Hot Rod Garage Perform. Mobil1 Grand-Am Auto Racing Kia 200 Touring Car Racing Perth Challenge Speed RaceDay The Smurfs The Mask of Zorro Easy A Priest Cars 2 Movie Paid Paid RepoG RepoG RepoG RepoG Xtr. 4x4 Horsep. Trucks! Muscle.. Wild Police Videos Stings Movie Big Easy Justice Movie Earl Earl Acc.Jim Yes Dear Yes Dear Yes Dear Yes Dear Kicking and Screaming Heartbreak Kid Queens Queens (7:25) The Smurfs (:15)
The Mask of Zorro Antonio Banderas. (:35)
Easy A Emma Stone. (:15) Priest Paul Bettany. (:50) Cars 2 ('11, Ani) Larry the Cable Guy. Movie Paid Paid To Be Announced Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Earl Earl Acc.Jim Yes Dear Yes Dear Yes Dear Yes Dear Kicking and Screaming Will Ferrell. (:35)
Heartbreak Kid ('07, Com) Ben Stiller. Queens Queens Movie Street Racer Just Write Vidal Sassoon: The Movie Bob Funk Skateland Paid Paid To Be Announced Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Law & Order LawOrder "Rebels" Rizzoli & Isles The Closer Law & Order Deep Blue Sea Outbreak Movie (:35) Street Racer (:15)
Just Write Sherilyn Fenn. Vidal Sassoon: The Movie (:35) Bob Funk Rachael Leigh Cook. Skateland Shiloh Fernandez. 3sCo. Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Divorced Makeover: Home Extreme Makeover: Home Edition GoodT. GoodT. Jeffers. Jeffers. Coming to America Law & Order LawOrder "Rebels" Rizzoli & Isles The Closer Law & Order
Deep Blue Sea Saffron Burrows.
Outbreak Dustin Hoffman. Paid Program Common Law "Pilot" Common Law "Pilot" Common Law "Pilot" The Break Up Knocked Up (7:30)3sCo. Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Divorced Makeover: Home Extreme Makeover: Home Edition GoodT. GoodT. Jeffers. Jeffers. Coming to America Jump Start VH1 Top 20 Videos VH1 Top 20 Videos Honey Mob Wives Mob Wives ToughLoveOrleans Behind the Music Paid Program Common Law "Pilot" Common Law "Pilot" Common Law "Pilot"
The Break Up Vince Vaughn.
Knocked Up Paid Paid Walker, TR Walker, TR Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. (6:00) Jump Start VH1 Top 20 Videos VH1 Top 20 Videos
Honey ('03, Dra) Jessica Alba. Mob Wives Mob Wives ToughLoveOrleans Behind the Music Paid Paid Walker, TR Walker, TR Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I.
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WANE (16) WNDU WNDU (21) WPTA WPTA (21.2) CW CW (33) WISE WISE (33.2) MNT MNT (39) WFWA (39.2)WFWA KIDS
KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) CRE YOU
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
SATURDAY, MAY 12 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
NCIS "Secrets" 48 Hours Mystery NC15 (:35) The Unit (:35) The Incredible Dog NC15 Evening Wheel of Jeopardy! CSI: Miami "By the Nightcast Closer Challenge Report News Fortune Weekend Book" Incredible NC15 Evening Wheel of Jeopardy! Harry's CSI: Miami NCIS "Secrets" 48 Mystery The Unit The NewsCe- Saturday Night Live (2:00) PGA GDog olf The Players Championship Round Access Hollywood Law"By the The Firm "Chapter LawHours & Order: Special NC15 News Fortune Weekend Book" Nightcast Closer nter 16 3Challenge Site: TPC Sawgrass (L) Report Weekend Seventeen" (N) Victims Unit Hollywood Harry'sPirates Law of the Caribbean: The FirmAt "Chapter Order: Special INC NewsCeSaturday Night (4:00) ESPNGolf Sports INC News ABC News Access Entertainment Tonight
World's End Law ('07,&Adv) Johnny News Outdoo(:05) Live Paid (:35) Paid Weekend Seventeen" Victims Unit nter Depp. The pirates battle Davy Jones and the East India Company. Saturday (N) Weekend at 1116 p.m. rsman Program Program ESPNAbout SportsLast 'Til INC Death News ABC News Entertainment Tonight At World's End That '70s That '70s Cheaters INC News Outdoo- The Paid (4:00)
'Til Death Sein. "The Sein. "The House Pirates "Knownof the Caribbean: House "Teamwork" Jeremy KylePaid Show Saturday Weekend Weekend Shoes" at 11 p.m. rsman Program Program Night Rob Lowe. Outing" Unknowns" Show Show Last 'TilChampionship Death 'Til Death Sein. "The Sein. "The House House "Teamwork" That That '70s Cheaters The Live Jeremy Kyle Show (2:00) PGA About Golf The Players Round Bones Harry's"Known Law The Firm "Chapter Law &'70s Order: Special INC News Saturday Night Outing" Shoes" Unknowns" Show UnitShow 3Night Site: TPC Sawgrass (L) Seventeen" (N) Victims at 11 p.m. Bones Harry's Law The FirmRaceway "Chapter Law &S.C. Order: News "Bullets" Saturday Night punk'd Golf punk'd Futurama NASCAR Auto Racing Southern 500 Sprint Cup Series Site: Darlington -- Darlington, (L) Special TINC he Finder NewLive Girl Night Shift Seventeen" Victims Unit at 11 p.m. punk'd punk'd Auto Racing Welk Show Appeara- Summer The Finder "Bullets" Girl"TheNight Nature WhiteShift Steves' On Story Futurama Antique "Minneapolis Lawrence As Time You Being Red Green Blue Live From the Artists New Europe (Hour One)" "Mother's Day Show" nces Wine Goes By Served? Show World Den "Iron and Wine" Lions" Steves' On Story Fetch! Antique "Minneapolis Lawrence Welk Show WordWAppeara- Curious Summer As Time You Being Martha Red Green CliffordBlue Live From& the Artists Bob Nature White Zula Thomas Wild the"ThePeep/PoDinosaur Saddle Maya and Sid Franny's Arthur Europe (Hour One)"Miguel "Mother's Day nces Wine Goes By Served? Show World Den "Iron and Wine" Builder Lions" Patrol Speaks Red Dog Friends Kratts coyo Train Club Science FeetShow" orld George WordWCurious Arthur Zula Martha Clifford- EquitrekThomas & Steves' Wild Bob the Peep/PoDinosaur Saddle Fetch! Maya Steves' R Maxa's Steves' Smart Steves' EquitrekSteves' Steves' Smart and Sid Grannies Franny's Steves' Travel Steves' Smart orld George Patrol Speaks Red Dog king Friends Kratts Builder coyo Train Club Miguel Science World Europe Travels Europe Europe king Europe Europe Travels on Safari Feet Europe With Kids Europe Europe Travels EquitrekSteves' Smart Grannies Steves' Travel Steves' R Maxa's Steves' Smart Steves' EquitrekSteves' Steves' Lawrence Welk Show Steves' Capitol MotorAntique "Minneapolis Saddle The Piano Austin City Limits Antique "Minneapolis Austin City Limits Nature "TheSmart White king Europe Travels on Safari With Kids Guy Europe World Europe Travels king Europe Europe Travels "Mother's Day Show" Europe Update week (Hour One)"Europe Club (Hour One)"Europe Lions" Lawrence Welk Austin CityInquest Limits Antique "Minneapolis Austin City Limits Nature "The White Vinci's WFFT Local News Criminal Minds Numb3rs Paid PaidShow Capitol Big Bang MotorBig Bang Antique Two and"Minneapolis a Two and a Saddle Cold Squad The Piano Da "Mother's Show" Update week (Hour One)"Half Men Club Guy (Hour One)" Lions" Program Day Program Theory Theory Half Men Paid Paid Big Bang Paid Two and a Jeopardy! Two and a CSI Cold"By Squad Da Vinci's Inquest WFFT Local News Criminal All of Me Big PaidBang News the Book" NCIS "Secrets" 48 Hours Mystery News Minds CriminalNumb3rs Minds C.Mind Program Program M-Mother Theory Theory Half Men Half Men Futurama Futurama Seinfeld Friends Friends M-Mother BigBang BigBang Seinfeld ABC News Miss Congeniality Movie (4:00)
All of Me Paid News Auto Paid NCIS "Secrets" 48 Hours Mystery News Minds (:35) C.Mind Closer "Lover's Leap" Paid Racing Jeopardy! CSI "By the Book" 28 News (:35) The Criminal Finder "Bullets" New Girl Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Futurama Futurama Seinfeld Seinfeld ABC News
Miss Congeniality Sandra Bullock. Movie Nova Gospel "Hymns" Lawrence Welk Show Antiques Roadshow Appear. Appear. Time Goes Time Goes Trekker "Bangladesh" Austin City Limits CloserTour "Lover's NASCAR Auto Racing Southern Raceway -- Darlington, 28 News in TheAction Finder "Bullets" New Girl Israel Life Leap" Alert Paid Paid Healthy Garden Studio 500 B Sprint Paid Cup Series PaidSite: Darlington Israel Tour Brainetics Paid S.C. (L)Faith LESEA Place for Miracles NovaSports Sat Gospel Show Antiques Roadshow Appear. At World's Appear.End Time Goes Time Goes Trekker 57 News"Hymns" ABC News Lawrence 57 News Welk Insider Pirates of the Caribbean: ABC57 "Bangladesh" Ent. TonightAustin City Limits House Israel Tour Life AlertChoice Paid Healthy Garden Studio B Paid Paid Israel Tour Brainetics 3D PaidWoman Hayford Faith LESEA in Action Place TimeHope Sarah's M. Jesus Difference Super. Jesus Sessions Health Gospel Praisefor Miracles Wheaton (4:00) Sports Sat (N) 7 News News 57 News Insider
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Johnny Depp. ABC57 Ent. Tonight House One Flew Over 5the Cuckoo'sABC Nest Space Cowboys Heartbreak Ridge Praise Wheaton TimeHope Sarah's Choice M. Jesus Difference Super. Jesus Sessions 3D Woman Hayford Health Gospel
Flew Over Parking the Cuckoo'sParking Nest A prisoner is sent Storage to an
Cowboys ('00, Sci-Fi) Clint Eastwood. One-time Heartbreak marine's final Storage assignment Parking OneParking Storage StorageSpaceStorage Storage Storage Flipped Off hotshot Flipped OffRidge A tough Storage asylum evaluation Paid and encounters crew of inmates. pilots are recruited repair a damaged is to get a squadron recruits shape.Show Paid for anPaid Paida motley Money Millions American Greed by NASA ThetoSuze Orman Show Russian Princesssatellite. Princess American Greed of youngThe Suzeinto Orman Parking Parking Parking Parking Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Flipped Off (N) Flipped Off Storage Storage CNN Newsroom The Situation Room CNN Newsroom CNN Presents Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom CNN Presents Piers Morgan Tonight Paid Paid Paid Paid Money Millions American Greed The Suze Orman Show Princess Princess American Greed The Suze Orman Show Waiting Office Space Jackass Number Two The 40-Year-Old Virgin CNN Newsroom The Situation Room CNN Newsroom CNN Presents Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom CNN Presents Piers Morgan Tonight MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters
Waiting ('05, Com) Ryan Reynolds.
Office Space ('99, Com) Ron Livingston.
Jackass Number Two (:45)
The 40-Year-Old Virgin ('05, Com) Steve Carell. GoodLuck Jessie Austin Shake Up Austin Austin GoodLuck GoodLuck Jessie Jessie A.N.T. Jessie Austin Austin Austin Wizards MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters To Be Announced To Be Announced C. Lately To Be Announced GoodLuck Jessie Austin Shake Up Austin Austin GoodLuck GoodLuck Jessie Jessie A.N.T. Jessie Austin Austin Austin Wizards The Frighteners Easy Money White Chicks Bad Boys Big Trouble in Little China (3:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced C. Lately To Be Announced Softball SportsC Softball Baseball Tonight SportsCenter SportsCenter (4:30) The Frighteners (:20)
Easy Money Rodney Dangerfield.
White Chicks Shawn Wayans. (:50)
Bad Boys ('95, Act) Will Smith. (:50) Big Trouble in Little China SEC Tournament (4:00) NCAA SFitness oftball SportsC A review of the day's scores, highlights, NCAA BaseballClassics Tonight (L) SportsCenterBoxing Classics SportsCenterNBA Fitness Softball BoxingSoftball Boxing Boxing Championship Boxing - Boxing Boxing (L) sporting ACC Legally Tournament and feature stories from majorLeap Blonde Yearevents. - Tuscaloosa, Ala. (L) The Notebook Legally Blonde Fitness Fitness NCAA Softball Big East Tournament (L) B oxing Boxing Boxing Boxing Boxing Classics Boxing Boxing Classics NBA News HQ America's News HQ Fox Report Weekend Huckabee Justice JudgeJeanine Geraldo at Large Journal E. Fox News Justice JudgeJeanine
Legally Blonde Reese Witherspoon.
Leap Year ('10, Com) Amy Adams.
The Notebook ('04, Rom) Rachel McAdams, Ryan Gosling.
Legally Blonde Golden Boys in Reds PreBaseball Reds Post- UFC Ultimate The Game (4:00) News HQ America's Fox Report Weekend Huckabee Justice JudgeJeanine Geraldo Journal E. Fox News Insider Justice JudgeJeanine Softball A e the Hall News ameHQ ame at Large 365 BoysTaking in Reds Pre- onMLB (3:00) NCAA Golden Nationals Reds Site: Great Reds PostEvans Healer vs. Davies -- Chicago, Ill. G. Ultimate TheGirls Game Meet My Mom a Chance LoveBaseball Washington Notes From vs. theCincinnati Heart Healer Notes From UFC the Heart Girls G. (L) PartAmerican game Softball Age Potter &the Ball Park -- Cincinnati, Ohio&(L) Insider Date Harry theHall Deathlygame Hallows: 1 Harry Potter the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Hall(L)Pass The Fight 365 FaceOff (4:00)htMeet My Mom
Taking a Chance on Love Genie Francis. Notes From the Heart Healer (2011, Drama) Notes From the Heart Healer (2011, Drama) G. Girls G.T. Girls Ni Game Bradle (4:00) Date Potter &Rock the Deathly 1 Harry discovers the Harry Potter &R.the DeathlyGirls Hallows: PartVeep 2 Harry, True (:15) Hall Pass Two best friends are granted permission Bill The Maher Fight FaceOff/(:45 Knight Harry and Day and RollHallows: Hall of Part Fame Gervais Blood Luck NightRobin Hood Deathly Hallows, the mostof powerful objects in the wizarding by their wives to have extramarital affairs. T. Bradley Game (N) )Movie Game Thrones Paul world. Ron & Hermoine return to Hogwarts. Red Riding Hood Making Black Swan (4:05) Knight and Day Rock and Roll Hall of Fame R. Gervais Girls Veep True Blood Luck Bill Maher Yard CurbApp HouseH House Gypsies Design High Low MomCaves MegRooms Interiors HouseH House HouseH House MegRooms Interiors (3:45) Robin Hood (:15) Game of Thrones (:15)
Paul ('11, Com) Simon Pegg, Nick Frost. Red Riding Hood Amanda Seyfried. (:45) Making
Black Swan Natalie Portman. Movie To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Restore Restore Restore Restore Restore Restore Restore "Blast Off!" Restore Restore Yard (N) CurbApp HouseH House Gypsies Design (N) High Low MomCaves MegRooms Interiors HouseH House HouseH House MegRooms Interiors Secrets in the Chloe The Quiet Triple Dog The Quiet (4:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Restore Restore Restore Restore Restore Restore Restore "Blast Off!" Restore Restore Movie The Change-Up The A-Team The Pool Boys Guide The Change-Up (4:00) Secrets in the... Chloe ('09, Dra) Liam Neeson, Julianne Moore.
The Quiet ('05, Thril) Elisha Cuthbert. Triple Dog ('10, Dra) Britt Robertson.
The Quiet America's Dance Crew America's Dance Crew Pauly D Pauly D Pauly D Pauly D Ridiculous Money The Final Destination Wild Wild Movie (:45)
The Change-Up Jason Bateman. (:45)
The A-Team ('10, Act) Liam Neeson. The Pool Boys Matthew Lillard. Guide
The Change-Up iCarly iCarly Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious ToRock ToRock Epic Adv. '70s Show '70s Show Friends Friends Friends Friends America's Dance Crew America's Dance Crew Pauly D Pauly D Pauly D Pauly D Ridiculous Money
The Final Destination Bobby Campo. Wild Wild Jeepers Creepers 2 Resident Evil Growth Splinter iCarly iCarly Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious ToRock ToRock Epic Adv. '70s Show '70s Show Friends Friends Friends Friends The Ghost Mr. Holland's Opus Beastly Scream The AVN Awards
Jeepers Creepers 2 ('03, Hor) Ray Wise.
Resident Evil ('01, Act) Milla Jovovich. Growth ('10, Thril) Mircea Monroe.
Splinter ('08, Thril) Shea Whigham. Writer (3:45)
The Ghost
Mr. Holland's A musician takes a teaching job24 Beastly ('11,Car Dra)Warriors Vanessa"Nova" Scream A teenage girl becomes the Victory target of a The AVN Awards RaceDay "Darlington" Lucas OilOpus Dangerous Drives Truth in Car Warriors NASCAR F1 Debrief "Spain" Writer Ewan McGregor. and finds in III inspiring young minds. Hudgens, Alex Pettyfer. serial killer a year after herRambo: motherFirst wasBlood murdered. Rambo: First Blood Parthis true calling Rambo Rambo (4:30) RaceDay "Darlington" Lucas Oil Dangerous Drives Truth in 24 Car Warriors "Nova" Car Warriors NASCAR Victory (N) F1 Debrief "Spain" II (4:30)
Rambo: First BloodThe Part
Rambo III Sylvester Stallone. An elite American Rambo: First Blood Wandering in a small town, Magic ex-green Bad Teacher Smurfs Winnie the Poohsoldier Rambo A group Easy Aof Christian aid workers recruits Bad Teacher II ('85, Act) Sylvester enters foreign territory toSeinf. liberate a friend from prison. Vietnam vet to help deliver medical a sheriff. Friends Friends Stallone. Friends Friends Seinf. BigBang BigBang aBigBang BigBang Yes Mansupplies. beret Rambo is targeted for persecution Fun WithbyDick & Jane (4:40) Bad Teacher (:15) The Smurfs ('11, Child) Hank Azaria. Winnie the Pooh (:10)
Easy A Emma Stone. (:50)
Bad Teacher Cameron Diaz. (:25) Magic Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras 20/20 on TLC 20/20 on TLC 20/20 on TLC 20/20 on TLC 20/20 on TLC 20/20 on TLC Friends Friends Friends Friends Seinf. 1/2 Seinf. 2/2 BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang
Yes Man ('08, Com) Jim Carrey. Fun With Dick & Jane The Final Cut The Switch Let the Right One In Believers Let Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras 20/20 on TLC 20/20 on TLC 20/20 on TLC 20/20 on TLC 20/20 on TLC 20/20 on TLC the Ri h (:15) The Final Cut In the being artificially inseminated, a Let the Right One In Oskar finds friendship
Believers ('07,Con Thril)Air Jon (:45) Let Movie Confuture, Air a man who edits the The Switch After Pre-game Basketball Inside with the NBA memories of dead people information. womanImp learnsHome that her friend switched samples. a strange who helps seek Johnny Messner.Queens the Righ... Coming to finds America Home Imp Home Imp the Home Imp Loves RaygirlLoves Ray him Loves Rayrevenge. Loves Ray Huertas, Loves Ray Queens Queens Movie
Con Air ('97, Act) Nicolas Cage. Pre-game NBA Basketball Playoffs (L) Inside the NBA (L)
Con Air Nicolas Cage. Knocked Up He's Just Not That Into You It's Complicated He's Just Not That Into You (4:00)
Coming to America Eddie Murphy. Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Behind the Music La La La La Basketball Wives Basketball Wives Basketball Wives Honey 2 Couples Therapy (3:30) Knocked Up
He's Just Not That Into You Ginnifer Goodwin.
It's Complicated ('09, Rom) Meryl Streep.
He's Just Not That Into You Law:CI "Smothered" Videos Warmup Baseball WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs Christine Behind the Music La La La La Basketball Wives Basketball Wives Basketball Wives Honey 2 ('11, Com) Katerina Graham. Couples Therapy Law:CI "Smothered" Videos Warmup MLB Baseball Kansas City Royals vs. Chicago White Sox (L) W GN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs Christine
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beauty pageant to prevent a terrorist bombing. (2h) 10:45 p.m. (COM) “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” ++ (2005, Comedy) Catherine Keener, Steve Carell. Buddies make it their mission to help their 40-year-old friend lose his virginity. (2h15) 10:50 p.m. (STARZ) “Bad Teacher” +++ (2011, Comedy) Jason Segal, Cameron Diaz. An unconventional educator teaches her class and herself a unique type of lesson. (1h35) 11:00 p.m. (AMC) “Heartbreak Ridge” +++ (1986, War) Marsha Mason, Clint Eastwood. A tough marine’s final assignment is to get a squadron of young recruits into shape. (3h) (HBOS) “Black Swan” ++ (2010, Drama) Mila Kunis, Natalie Portman. After winning the lead role in ‘Swan Lake,’ a ballet dancer begins to lose her mind. (1h50) (SCIFI) “Splinter” ++ (2008, Thriller) Paulo Costanzo, Shea Whigham. A voracious Splinter parasite transforms its living victims into deadly hosts. (2h) (SPIKE) “Rambo: First Blood” +++ (1982, Action) Brian Dennehy, Sylvester Stallone. Wandering in a small town, ex-green beret Rambo is targeted for persecution by a sheriff. (2h) (TMC) “Believers” ++ (2007, Thriller) Jon Huertas, Johnny Messner. Two emergency paramedics are kidnapped by members of a secret cult. (1h45) (USA) “He’s Just Not That Into You” ++ (2009, Comedy) Jennifer Connelly, Ginnifer Goodwin. Men and woman mix their signals and misinterpret the true intentions of the opposite sex. (2h30) 11:30 p.m. (TNT) “Con Air” +++ (1997, Action) John Cusack, Nicolas Cage. A parolee must stop a group of violent convicts who have taken over a transport plane. (2h) 11:50 p.m. (ENC) “Big Trouble in Little China” ++ (1986, Action) Kim Cattrall, Kurt Russell. A trucker helps his friend when an ancient sorcerer has kidnapped his fiancée. (1h40) Midnight (FAM) “Legally Blonde” ++ (2001, Comedy) Luke Wilson, Reese Witherspoon. When a sorority girl is dumped by her boyfriend, she decides to follow him to law school. (2h) (MAX) “The Change-Up” ++ (2011, Comedy) Ryan Reynolds, Jason Bateman. Two best friends’ lives are swapped after a mysterious drunken incident. (2h) (TBS) “Fun With Dick and Jane” ++ (2005, Comedy) Téa Leoni, Jim Carrey. A businessman loses his job just as his wife quits forcing them to becoming criminals. (2h) (LIFE) “The Quiet” ++ (2005, Thriller) Camilla Belle, Elisha Cuthbert. When her sole parent dies, a withdrawn deaf and mute girl goes to live at her godparents. (2h) 12:30 a.m. (25) (WCWW) “About Last Night” ++ (1986, Comedy/Drama) Demi Moore, Rob Lowe. A couple tries to move on with their lives after their whirlwind romance turns sour. (2h) 12:45 a.m. (TMC) “Let the Right One In” +++ (2008, Drama) Lina Leandersson, Kare Hedebrant. Oskar finds friendship with a strange girl who helps him seek revenge. (1h55) 12:50 a.m. (HBOS) “Identity” +++ (2003, Thriller) Ray Liotta, John Cusack. A sudden storm floods the roads, trapping ten strangers in a motel with a killer. (1h35) 1:00 a.m. (COM) “Jackass Number Two” ++ (2006, Comedy) Bam Margera, Johnny Knoxville. Cast members from the MTV series return for another round of stunts and pranks. (2h)
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