June 24 - June 30, 2012
Jeff Daniels stars in "The Newsroom" - Page 2
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2 • June 24 - June 30, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
Breaking the 'news' Make room for truth: New HBO series goes behind the scenes of news show Dee Wright TV Media
omedians like Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and Bill Maher are some of the leading sources of political news nowadays. The pundits provide facts about governmental developments and policies while providing entertainment and comic relief about serious issues. Though the media is supposed to be unbiased and unwavering based on events in the world, satirists like Colbert take an obvious side on the political spectrum to show some of the exaggerations made by the opposite parties. HBO's new series follows a news show that started out as a simple broadcast but ends up breaking down walls that so many have been avoiding. Starring Jeff Daniels, Jane Fonda and Sam Waterston, "The Newsroom" premieres Sunday, June 24, on HBO Canada. Will McAvoy (Daniels) was a successful, non-partisan newscaster for "News Night," a nightly broadcast that covered the political news developments to the day. He had a solid audience and was the frontman for the whole network, ACN, because of his popularity. His stories played it safe -- he never asked controversial questions or pushed the limits. He kept his personal opinions out of his interviews and he was "popular because he doesn't bug anybody."
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That image will soon come to an end. During a panel discussion, McAvoy is asked by a college student about why he thinks America is the greatest country in the world. Something within him snaps, and he declares that it isn't the greatest. He then spews out facts and figures about the low income, lower education and high costs of the country -- and his entire rant is caught on camera. Afraid he will lose his audience, and ultimately his job, McAvoy agrees to revamp the entire news show to become a serious, hardnews provider -- putting politicians on the spot, asking questions voters want to ask and, finally, providing his own commentary on some of the events. Unfortunately, not everyone is happy about the new ideas. The new producer, Mackenzie MacHale (Emily Mortimer), is constantly trying to tighten the leash on what McAvoy is trying to do, and the two are frequently butting heads. A simple request to take his BlackBerry off the desk results in him throwing his cellphone at the camera. Charlie Skinner (Waterston), as president of ACN, plays the referee between the floor and the offices, going to bat for McAvoy but also helping him stay grounded. When he pitched the new structure of the show to the bigwigs, he said: "The newsroom will become a courtroom because American voters need a lawyer." Leona Lansing (Fonda) is the new
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CEO of the company that runs ACN, and she is not pleased with the new format of the show. She wants McAvoy to revert to his humaninterest stories that made him so popular in the first place, and she keeps threatening to fire him if he keeps stretching the boundaries. Series creator, writer and producer Aaron Sorkin put himself in several newsrooms to do front-line research for his scripts. He had already worked on two other series about TV shows -- "Sports Night" and "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" -- but for "The Newsroom," Sorkin sat behind the camera at Fox News and CNN, as well as "Hardball with Chris Matthews" and "Countdown With Keith Olbermann." In an interview with "TV Guide," Sorkin stated that he wanted to provide a real sense of what newspeople go through. "It'll be aspirational. It'll be wish fulfilment. But they're going to lose as much as they're going to win. In other words, it's not going to be a fantasy," he said. "They're going to be trying to do well in a context where it's very difficult to do well when there are commercial concerns and political concerns and corporate concerns." Sorkin's work on "The West Wing" got him multiple Emmy awards for his trophy case, and he says he aims to give news teams the same treatment he gave the White House in his previous series. "I'm loving the idea of coming back to television and taking the same combination of idealism and romanticism and realism that made government sexy on "The West
John Gallagher Jr. stars in "The Newsroom"
Wing" and seeing if we can't do the same with the news and journalism, which are held in at least as much contempt," he said. Daniels has a recognizable face, like most newscasters should, but let's hope some of his biggest roles don't take away from his credibility. His roles in "Dumb & Dumber" (1994), "RV" (2006) and "My Favorite Martian" (1999) may paint him as a comedy actor, but he's had his share of dramatic roles as well. He has appeared in "Terms of
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Endearment" (1983), "Gettysburg" (1993), "State of Play," (2009) and "The Lookout" (2007). He's also won several stage awards for his roles in various plays, including "Fifth of July" and "Lemon Sky." Waterston is also a recognizable face, though his best roles have drawn in a different audience than those who saw "Dumb & Dumber." As District Attorney Jack McCoy, he appeared in over 350 episodes of "Law & Order," as well as a handful of episodes of the spinoffs. He also starred in NBC series "I'll Fly Away" in the early '90s and "The Killing Fields" (1984.)
THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • June 24 - June 30, 2012 • 3 53 Compass dir. 54 Ballpark figs.
WANE-CBS 15 Ft. Wayne WPTA-ABC 21 Ft. Wayne WPTA-CW 21.2 Ft. Wayne WISE-NBC 33 Ft. Wayne WISE-MY FOX 33.2 Ft. Wayne WFWA-PBS 39 Ft. Wayne WFWA-KIDS 39.2 Ft. Wayne WFWA-CREATE 39.3 Ft. Wayne WFWA-4YOU 39.4 Ft. Wayne WFFT 55 Ft. Wayne WINM-TBN 63 Ft. Wayne WNDU-NBC 16 South Bend WSBT-CBS 22 South Bend WCWW-CW 25 South Bend WSJV-FOX 28 South Bend WNIT-PBS 34 South Bend WHME-IND 46 South Bend WBND-ABC 57 South Bend Local Channel* AMC American Movie Classics Animal Planet* A&E Arts & Entertainment Big Ten Network* Bravo* Country Music Television CMT* CNBC Consumer News & Bus. CNN Cable News Network C-SPAN* Cable News Network Cartoon Network* Comedy Central COM DISC Discovery Channel DISN The Disney Channel E! Entertainment Network ENC Encore ESPN Ent. Sports Network ESPN 2 Ent. Sports Network 2 FAM ABC Family Channel Food Network* FNC Fox News Channel Fox Sports Midwest Fox Entertainment FX* GAC* Great American Country HALL Hallmark HBO Home Box Office HBO2 Home Box Office 2 HBOS Home Box Office Sig. HLN* Headline News HGTV Home & Garden Television HIST History Channel HSN* Home Shopping Network Life Lifetime MAX Cinamax MSNBC* Microsoft NBC MTV Music Television NICK Nickelodeon Outdoor Channel* OWN* Oprah Winfrey Network PIN* QVC* Value Network SCIFI Sci-Fi Channel SHOW Showtime SPEED Speed Channel SPIKE STARZ TBS TBS Super Station TBN* TLC The Learning Channel The Movie Channel TMC Turner Network TeleviTNT TRAVEL* Travel Channel TVLND TV Land USA Network USA VH1 Video Hits 1 Weather Channel* Weather Radar* WGN-TV Chicago, IL WGN
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2 4 7 8 78 13 118 119 120 6 11 ----3 10 -20 45 46 39 49 60 29 66 63 18 67 47 35 69 26 421 31 32 70 59 62 33 24 -40 301 303 307 64 37 38 21 23 325 65 27 68 267 243 95 17 41 351 48 30 401 43 52 36 375 44 58 25 34 28 42 19 9
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ACROSS 1 “__ Girls” (Sundance Channel docu-series which chronicles the everyday lives of fearless and inspiring friends living in Hollywood and who just happen to use wheelchairs) 5 “Alice” waitress 8 John Mellencamp song: “Get _ __ Up” 12 Professor Plum’s pastime 13 Actress Ms. Russell, to pals 14 1995 chart-topper for Montell Jordan: “This Is How __ __ It” 15 Recent ABC weekend reality series about the sports memorabilia industry: 2 wds. 17 As Seen On TV record company 18 High-arc tennis shot 19 ‘80s action series starring JanMichael Vincent as the pilot of an advanced helicopter 21 USA Network legal dramedy 23 Princess in “Star Wars” (1977) 24 Mail box item, for short
25 Buddhist who has attained Nirvana 29 Hightails it 32 A Bell for __ (John Hersey’s Pulitzer-winning novel in 1945) 33 Municipal dept. that cleans up 34 “The Six Million Dollar __” 35 “The __”, weekdays on FOX News 38 “__ Nest” 40 FX comedy featuring a guy in a dog costume 43 Bon __ (Clever remark) 44 On the briny 45 Jeff Daniels plays a cable anchorman on this new HBO series from Aaron Sorkin, “The __” 49 “When the sun shines they slip into the shade...” goes this Beatles tune 50 Card game 51 Piece of cake 52 Cable channel with the slogan ‘Imagine Greater’
DOWN 1 Banned pollutant, for short 2 ‘Spat’ suffix 3 “The Ed __ Show” 4 Bound-to-the-land person of yore 5 Back again 6 Faithful 7 Mr. Davis of 1990 to 1994 comedy “Evening Shade” 8 “__.” (MTV’s hit series about the life of a high school outsider) 9 Actor/singer Jared 10 1963 Pulitzer-winning biographer, Leon __ (b.1907 - d.1997) 11 Royal & Ancient __ Club of St Andrews 16 Blues guitarist Mr. King’s 20 Trade org. that combats music piracy 21 Legis. meeting 22 Donald Duck, to his nephews 26 Setting of USA Network’s “Royal Pains”, The __ 27 Subj. for ABC character Meredith Grey 28 “Taxi” star Mr. Danza 30 __ Network (Nickname for CBS) 31 “__ Crazy” (1980) 36 Hit for Dutch band Shocking Blue 37 Paradises 38 Bad __ (German spa resort) 39 British detective series, “Inspector __” 40 New on TLC, “Craft __” 41 “What’d _ __” by Ray Charles 42 Mr. Garrett 46 Misery 47 Granola bit 48 Brit. legislators Solution on page 9
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8 • June 24 - June 30, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR State 400 Sprint Cup Series Final Practice Site: Kentucky Speedway Sparta, Ky. Live 3:30 p.m. (SPEED) NASCAR Feed the Children 300 Nationwide Series
this week
Site: Kentucky Speedway - Sparta, Ky.
Live 5:00 p.m.
(FSMW) Must See Racing (SPEED) NASCAR Quaker State 400
Sprint Cup Series Qualifying
(33.2) (28) (WSJV)
Site: Kentucky Speedway - Sparta, Ky.
F1 European
Live 7:30 p.m.
Grand Prix Site: Valencia Street Circuit Valencia, Spain
(ESPN2) NASCAR Feed the Children 300 Nationwide Series Site: Kentucky Speedway - Sparta, Ky.
2:00 p.m. (15) (WANE) (22) (WSBT) Off-Road Racing Dirt Late Model
Show Me 100 - Wheatland, Mo. 3:00 p.m. (TNT) NASCAR Toyota/ Save Mart 350 Sprint Cup Series Site: Sonoma Speedway - Sonoma, Calif. Live MONDAY 7:00 a.m. (SPEED) Rally FIA - New Zealand
4:00 a.m.
Noon (SPEED) Touring Car Racing Australian V8 Supercars Site: Hidden Valley Raceway - Darwin, Australia
2:00 p.m.
Off Road Racing
Lucas Oil - San Bernardino, Calif. THURSDAY
Off Road Racing
6:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Drag Racing NHRA Route 66 Nationals Qualifying Site: Chicagoland Speedway
3:00 p.m. (SPEED) Auto Racing NASCAR K&N East Series Site:
- Joliet, Ill.
Langley Speedway - Hampton, Va.
7:30 p.m. (TNT) NASCAR Quaker State 400 Sprint Cup Series Site:
5:00 p.m. (FSMW) NASCAR Spring Fling 20s K&N Series (SPEED) Truck Racing NASCAR UNOH 225 Camping World Series Qualifying Site: Kentucky Speedway Sparta, Ky. Live 8:00 p.m. (SPEED) Truck Racing NASCAR UNOH 225 Camping World Series Site: Kentucky Speedway - Sparta, Ky. Live 11:30 a.m.
Lucas Oil Pro2 and ProLite Site: Kal Gard Motorsports Complex - Lake Elsinore, Calif.
Kentucky Speedway - Sparta, Ky.
3:00 a.m. (ESPN2) Drag Racing NHRA Route 66 Nationals Site: Chicagoland Speedway - Joliet, Ill.
BASEBALL 1:00 p.m.
NASCAR Quaker State 400 Sprint Cup Series Practice Site: Kentucky Speedway Sparta, Ky. Live 1:30 p.m. (SPEED) NASCAR Quaker (SPEED)
MLB Minnesota Twins
vs. Cincinnati Reds Site: Great American Ball Park - Cincinnati, Ohio Live 1:30 p.m. (TBS) MLB Atlanta Braves vs. Boston Red Sox Site: Fenway Park Boston, Mass. Live
(Also Available In Bins)
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2:00 p.m.
(WGN) MLB Milwaukee Brewers vs. Chicago White Sox Site: U.S. Cellular Field - Chicago, Ill. Live 8:00 p.m. (ESPN) MLB New York Yankees vs. New York Mets Site: Citi Field Flushing, N.Y. Live (ESPN2) NCAA Division I Tournament World Series - Omaha, Neb. Live MONDAY
7:00 p.m. Live
Baseball MLB
MLB Milwaukee Brewers vs. Cincinnati Reds Site: Great American Ball Park - Cincinnati, Ohio Live 8:00 p.m. (ESPN) NCAA Division I Tournament World Series Final Game 2 - Omaha, Neb. Live (FSMW)
3:00 a.m.
Live 8:00 p.m.
(ESPN) NCAA Division I Tournament World Series Final Game 3 - Omaha, Neb. Live WEDNESDAY 1:00 p.m. (WGN) MLB Chicago White Sox vs. Minnesota Twins Site: Target Field Minneapolis, Minn. Live (ESPN)
Baseball MLB
Softball Men’s Slowpitch United States Futures vs. United States Site: ASA Hall of Fame Stadium - Oklahoma City, Okla. Live (ESPN2)
THURSDAY (ESPN2) Softball World Cup Site: ASA Hall of Fame Stadium Oklahoma City, Okla. Live (WGN) MLB Chicago White Sox vs. New York Yankees Site: Yankee Stadium - Bronx, N.Y. Live 10:00 p.m. (FSMW) MLB Cincinnati Reds vs. San Francisco Giants Site: AT&T Park San Francisco, Calif. Live FRIDAY 2:10 p.m. (WGN) MLB Houston Astros vs. Chicago Cubs Site: Wrigley Field - Chicago, Ill. Live 7:00 p.m. (ESPN) Softball World Cup Site: ASA Hall of Fame Stadium Oklahoma City, Okla. Live 10:00 p.m. (FSMW) MLB Cincinnati Reds vs. San Francisco Giants Site: AT&T Park San Francisco, Calif. Live SATURDAY 1:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Softball World Cup Site: ASA Hall of Fame Stadium Oklahoma City, Okla. Live 3:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Softball Border Battle Men’s Slow-pitch Canada
7:00 p.m.
OUR to reducingENERGY the bills for yours!
Live 4:00 p.m.
MLB Houston Astros vs. Chicago Cubs Site: Wrigley Field - Chicago, Ill. Live (WGN)
(33.2) Baseball MLB Live (28) (WSJV) MLB Detroit Tigers vs.
7:00 p.m.
Tampa Bay Rays Site: Tropicana Field - St. Petersburg, Fla. Live (ESPN) Softball World Series Site: ASA Hall of Fame Stadium - Oklahoma City, Okla. Live
4:00 a.m.
Softball NCAA Division I Tournament World Cup (ESPN2)
Oklahoma City, Okla.
3:00 p.m. (15) (WANE) (22) (WSBT) PGA Travelers Championship Final Round Site: TPC River Highlands Cromwell, Conn. Live SATURDAY
3:00 p.m. (15) (WANE) (22) (WSBT) PGA AT&T National Round 3 Site: Congressional Country Club - Bethesda,
Md. Live 7:00 p.m. (FSMW)
8:00 p.m. (21) (WPTA) (57) (WBND) NBA Miami Heat vs. Oklahoma City Thunder Playoffs Final Game 6 Site: Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City, Okla. Live (ESPN) NBA Miami Heat vs. Oklahoma City Thunder Playoffs
3:30 a.m.
Eastern Conference Final Game 6 Site: Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City, Okla. TUESDAY
Marshall Faulk’s Lumiere
Place Classic
Baseball MLB
(FSMW) MLB Milwaukee Brewers vs. Cincinnati Reds Site: Great American Ball Park - Cincinnati, Ohio
Fame Stadium - Oklahoma City, Okla.
7:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m. Live
vs. United States Site: ASA Hall of
9:00 p.m.
(16) (WNDU) (33) (WISE)
4:00 p.m.
(16) (WNDU) (33) (WISE)
Olympic Trials Women’s - San Jose, Calif. Live SATURDAY
Olympic Trials - San Jose, Calif. Live
7:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. (SPEED) Motorcycle Racing FIM GP2 Championship Series Site: Circuit de la Comunitat
9:00 p.m. (21) (WPTA) (57) (WBND) NBA Miami Heat vs. Oklahoma City Thunder Playoffs Final Game 7 Site:
Midnight (SPEED) Motorcycle Racing AMA Sportbike and Superbike Site: Barber Motorsports
(ESPN2) WNBA Seattle Storm vs. Washington Mystics Site: Verizon Center - Washington, D.C. Live
Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City, Okla. Live 3:00 a.m. (ESPN) NBA Miami Heat vs. Oklahoma City Thunder Playoffs
Eastern Conference Final Game 7 Site: Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City, Okla.
BOXING FRIDAY (ESPN2) Friday Night Fights
10:30 p.m. Card TBA Live
SATURDAY Showtime Championship
9:15 p.m. (SHOW) Card TBA
9:00 p.m.
2:00 a.m.
X Games - Los
Valenciana Ricardo Tormo - Valencia, Spain
Park - Birmingham, Ala.
1:00 a.m. (SPEED) Motorcycle Racing AMA Sportbike and Superbike Site: Barber Motorsports Park - Birmingham, Ala. MONDAY
Noon (SPEED) Motorcycle Racing AMA Site: Barber Motorsports Park Birmingham, Ala.
1:00 p.m. (SPEED) Motorcycle Racing AMA Site: Barber Motorsports Park - Birmingham, Ala. FRIDAY
6:00 a.m. (SPEED) Motorcycle Racing FIM GP2 Site: Hungaroring -
Budapest, Hungary SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. (SPEED) FIM Dutch Grand Prix MotoGP - Assen, Netherlands Live 10:00 p.m. (SPEED) FIM Dutch Grand Prix MotoGP Moto2 - Assen, Netherlands
Angeles, Calif. Live
X Games Day 1 -
Los Angeles, Calif. FRIDAY
6:00 p.m. (FSMW) Action Sports World Tour 2011 Championship - San Diego, Calif.
9:00 p.m.
X Games - Los Angeles, Calif. Live 2:30 a.m. (ESPN2) X Games Day 2 -
6:30 p.m.
Bull Riding
Los Angeles, Calif. SATURDAY
1:00 p.m. (21) (WPTA) (57) (WBND) X Games 18 - Los Angeles, Calif. 2:00 p.m. (21) (WPTA) (57) (WBND) X Games 18 - Los Angeles, Calif. 3:00 p.m. (ESPN) X Games - Los Angeles, Calif. Live 4:00 p.m. (ESPN) X Games - Los Angeles, Calif. Live 5:00 p.m. (ESPN) X Games - Los Angeles, Calif. Live 6:00 p.m. (ESPN) X Games - Los Angeles, Calif. Live 9:00 p.m. (ESPN) X Games - Los Angeles, Calif. Live 2:00 a.m. (ESPN2) X Games Day 3 Los Angeles, Calif.
2:30 p.m. (ESPN) UEFA Euro 2012 Quarter-final - Kiev, Ukraine Live 5:00 p.m. (ESPN) MLS Seattle Sounders FC vs. Portland Timbers Site: Jeld-Wen Field - Portland, Ore. Live WEDNESDAY 2:30 p.m. (ESPN) UEFA Euro 2012 Semifinal - Donetsk, Ukraine Live THURSDAY 2:30 p.m. (ESPN) UEFA Euro 2012 Semifinal - Warsaw, Poland Live SATURDAY
1:30 p.m. (16) (WNDU) (33) (WISE) FIFA United States vs. Canada International Friendly Women’s Site: Rio Tinto Stadium - Sandy, Utah Live 10:00 p.m. (ESPN2) MLS Los Angeles
Galaxy vs. San Jose Earthquake Site: Buck Shaw Stadium - Santa Clara, Calif. Live
THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • June 24 - June 30, 2012 • 9
Stars and sparklers Hudson paired with Pops for Fourth of July concert Sheila Busteed TV Media STARS AND SPARKLERS: This year's Independence Day festivities will feature plenty of star power, lots of crackling fireworks and, of course, the Pops. CBS is gearing up for this year's broadcast of the annual "Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular" by announcing it has landed renowned TV actor Michael Chiklis as the special's host. But the fireworks display will have to contend with the powerhouse pipes of Oscar- and Grammy-winning performer Jennifer Hudson, who will sing some of her most popular tunes with the Boston Pops Orchestra. The special will broadcast live from the Charles River Esplanade in Boston on Wednesday, July 4. This year marks the 39th anniversary of the annual outdoor concert. The last 20 minutes of the special, which will feature the acclaimed fireworks display, will run without commercials. Hudson will bring lots of popular appeal to the event. As living proof that contestants don't have to win the "American Idol" contest to become successful, the singer went on to win an Academy Award for her role as Effie in 2006's "Dreamgirls," which was also her film debut. Two years later, she won a Grammy for her self-titled debut album. As an actor, Chiklis has been the man in charge through his leading roles in "The Shield" and "No Ordinary Family." He'll be part of an all-star ensemble cast, which also includes Dennis Quaid and Carrie-Anne Moss, when the highly anticipated CBS series "Vegas" debuts this fall. Keith Lockhart, who has been the Boston Pops conductor since 1995, will lead the orchestra through its performance. He has helmed more than 1,300 concerts with the group and has helped
usher in a new era for the orchestra. The new ventures have included the group's first Grammy nominations, an increase in international touring and its pre-game performance at Super Bowl XXXVI in 2002 -- the first time a symphony orchestra ever performed at the football event. INNOCENCE LOST: Hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S. are currently in jail, and while trials and investigations usually point to the guilty party, sometimes, the wrong person is put behind bars. Now, an actor known for his roles in crime dramas is lending his voice to a new series that tells the true stories of the people whose voices were ignored. They were betrayed, neglected and often forgotten by the justice system and left to serve terms of imprisonment for no real reason at all. Since the '90s, Chris Noth has built a strong reputation in Hollywood as a detective in two of the shows in the "Law & Order" franchise, and he is now playing a state's attorney who's had his own brushes with the law in "The Good Wife." Next, he will narrate the new one-hour series "I Didn't Do It," which will premiere on Investigation Discovery this fall. "Chris Noth's distinctive voice will give even more substance to this compelling and emotional series," said executive producer Leanna Crouch. "We anticipate his involvement will help bring even greater attention to the important issue of wrongful convictions." The inaugural run of "I Didn't Do It," which is currently in production, will air in six parts and will tell the personal stories of people who were convicted of crimes they didn't commit, thus illuminating a tragic flaw in today's justice system. These stories will be told through reenactments and a series of interviews
Jennifer Hudson will perform with the Boston Pops Orchestra during the July 4th celebration with the accused, jurors, attorneys and investigators, all while those working for the system continue the hunt for the real criminals. THESE GIRLS CAN SING: Two of Hollywood's hottest actresses will make their return to television after many years away when Fox's "Glee" starts its fourth season this fall. One of them is best known for her versatility on the big screen, while the other is renowned for her role as a relationship columnist with a shoeshopping addiction. Movie star Kate Hudson will take on only the third TV guest role of her career when she helps open the musical comedy's new season with a six-episode arc. Later on, Sarah Jessica Parker will return to television for the first time since "Sex and the City" ended, when she also guest stars on "Glee." Hudson last appeared on a TV series in 1997 when she appeared in an episode of "EZ Streets," which was preceded by a guest role on "Party of Five" in 1996. It was in 2000 when her star power first got a major boost
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Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Solution on page 2. through her role as Penny Lane in "Almost Famous," which won her a Golden Globe. Her popularity grew with "How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days" (2003) and she even found success when she stepped out of her element for "The Skeleton Key" (2005). In 2009, she showed off her prowess as a singer through her role in "Nine." Parker will likely always be remembered as Carrie Bradshaw of HBO's "Sex and the City" and its two big-screen extensions -- a role that earned her several awards. Yet she's had incredible staying power in the business, with a career that dates back to the late '70s on Broadway, and she has juggled a mix of film and television projects ever since. Fox has not yet released details about either star's character or the air dates of the special episodes.
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