4(% .%73 35.
August 12 - August 18, 2012
The MythBusters team (Grant Imahara, Kari Byron and Tory Belleci) join the line-up for this year’s Shark Week - Page 2
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2 â&#x20AC;˘ August 12 - August 18, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ THE NEWS SUN â&#x20AC;˘ THE HERALD REPUBLICAN â&#x20AC;˘ THE STAR
Denizens of the deep Feeding frenzy: Discovery's Shark Week dominates summer othing conjures up the image of sheer terror quite like that of a shark. Although you're more likely to be killed by a falling coconut, that primal fear is a part of us, as demonstrated by an entire genre of shark attack movies. A healthy dose of fear is necessary when dealing with one of nature's top predators, but over the years the tide has turned in favor of more scientific study of these prolific hunters for a more balanced view. Enter Shark Week. A mainstay of summer programming since its debut, the week-long programming event is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year and is the longest-running cable television event in the country. Shark fin-atics of all kinds tune in each year for the captivating footage and up-todate information on the very latest breakthroughs in shark science. The event kicks off on Sunday, Aug. 12, with a series of documentaries, including "Air Jaws Apocalypse." Picking up where the chum trail left
off from last year's Emmy-nominated "Ultimate Air Jaws," Chris Fallows and Jeff Kurr continue their quest to study the incredible breaching behavior of great white sharks off of Seal Island, South Africa. The duo focuses on a 14footer named Colossus, who dominates everything in his path. Team members risks their lives to get new angles and closeups, and they discover dozens of great whites in one place feeding on pretty much anything smaller than them. On Monday, Aug. 13, the MythBusters dive head first into the action. Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman tackle tall tales about sharks in the broadcast of "MythBusters' Jawsome Shark Special." They debunk common misconceptions about the graceful predators by counting down the top 25 myths about sharks and reveal the No. 1 myth of all time. The "MythBusters" crew then brings back to life the largest shark to roam Earth's oceans in "Sharkzilla," a new addition this year to the Shark Week lineup. Kari Byron, Grant Imahara and Tori Belleci set out to build as life-like a model of the beast as they can, complete with hydraulic
(;3$1',1* (;&(//(1&( <HV ZH KDYH *52:1 WR PHHW WKH LQFUHDVLQJ WKHUDS\ QHHGV RI RXU FRPPXQLW\ Â&#x2021; 1(: 6HSDUDWH 5HKDELOLWDWLRQ 8QLW Â&#x2021; 1(: 7KHUDS\ *\P Â&#x2021; 1(: 5HKDELOLWDWLRQ 'LQLQJ 5RRP Â&#x2021; 1(: 6HSDUDWH (QWUDQFH Â&#x2021; )8// )$&,/,7< (1+$1&(0(17
jaws that can rip through a car door like a can of tuna. The gargantuan megalodon grew to lengths in excess of 50 feet and could weigh more than 100,000 pounds. With teeth six inches long and jaws capable of swallowing a grown human whole, you can breathe a sigh of relief that this monstrous fish went extinct between one and two million years ago. While the megalodon may be the biggest shark to have ever lived, the hungry rogue from the classic megahit "Jaws" is certainly the most famous. The iconic movie made waves when it hit theaters in 1975 and "How Jaws Changed the World" (airing Tuesday, Aug. 14) explores its impact -not only in terms of redefining the power of film but in bringing sharks into the public consciousness. Unfortunately, this led to mass killings of great whites and other large sharks and nearly drove several species to extinction. On the flip side, the raised awareness and scientific inquiry into sharks has meant more conservation and protection in order to reverse some of that damage. Based on his novel of the same name, Peter Benchley co-wrote the script for "Jaws" and has since dedicated much of his life to protecting sharks and educating people about them, even acting as host for Shark Week back in 1994. There are plenty of additional jawdropping specials throughout the week that will entertain, educate and sometimes terrify as Shark Week aims to tear down the image of vengeful $
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A great white shark, as seen during Discoveryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Shark Week villain to assemble a more complete view of these predators, and how vital they are to our ecosystem. Sadly, shark populations have been decimated by the global fin trade and it's estimated that up to 73 million sharks a year are killed for their fins. Studies have found that continued overfishing of this top predator in the U.S. may lead to a boom in the population of cownose rays, which are prime prey for sharks. The rays feed on shellfish, but with no sharks to keep the rays in check, the shellfish population could plummet. Conservation efforts -- such as the Shark Conservation Act, which bans shark finning in U.S. waters, and the
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development of shark sanctuaries -have saved species like the great white from the brink of extinction.
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THE NEWS SUN â&#x20AC;˘ THE HERALD REPUBLICAN â&#x20AC;˘ THE STAR â&#x20AC;˘ August 12 - August 18, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ 3
WANE-CBS 15 Ft. Wayne WPTA-ABC 21 Ft. Wayne WPTA-CW 21.2 Ft. Wayne WISE-NBC 33 Ft. Wayne WISE-MY FOX 33.2 Ft. Wayne WFWA-PBS 39 Ft. Wayne WFWA-KIDS 39.2 Ft. Wayne WFWA-CREATE 39.3 Ft. Wayne WFWA-4YOU 39.4 Ft. Wayne WFFT 55 Ft. Wayne WINM-TBN 63 Ft. Wayne WNDU-NBC 16 South Bend WSBT-CBS 22 South Bend WCWW-CW 25 South Bend WSJV-FOX 28 South Bend WNIT-PBS 34 South Bend WHME-IND 46 South Bend WBND-ABC 57 South Bend Local Channel* AMC American Movie Classics Animal Planet* Arts & Entertainment A&E Big Ten Network* Bravo* Country Music Television CMT* CNBC Consumer News & Bus. CNN Cable News Network C-SPAN* Cable News Network Cartoon Network* Comedy Central COM DISC Discovery Channel DISN The Disney Channel E! Entertainment Network ENC Encore ESPN Ent. Sports Network ESPN 2 Ent. Sports Network 2 FAM ABC Family Channel Food Network* FNC Fox News Channel Fox Sports Midwest Fox Entertainment FX* GAC* Great American Country HALL Hallmark HBO Home Box OfďŹ ce HBO2 Home Box OfďŹ ce 2 HBOS Home Box OfďŹ ce Sig. HLN* Headline News HGTV Home & Garden Television HIST History Channel HSN* Home Shopping Network Life Lifetime MAX Cinamax MSNBC* Microsoft NBC MTV Music Television NICK Nickelodeon Outdoor Channel* Oprah Winfrey Network OWN* PIN* QVC* Value Network SCIFI Sci-Fi Channel SHOW Showtime SPEED Speed Channel SPIKE STARZ TBS TBS Super Station TBN* TLC The Learning Channel The Movie Channel TMC Turner Network TeleviTNT TRAVEL* Travel Channel TVLND TV Land USA Network USA Video Hits 1 VH1 Weather Channel* Weather Radar* WGN-TV Chicago, IL WGN
c ol e r W om nie R o g e Li ang Gr le La lvil al er nd ut l Ke B lla vi
A ett o r t ar Ot -G La rn o- la bu rlo go Auate An n o W bi
*Denotes NOT listed in the grids.
ACROSS 1 Jump 4 Title in Turkey [var. sp] 8 Game: French 11 Stir-fry veggies: 2 wds. 13 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Parasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; add-on (Sun umbrellas) 14 AMCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s post-Civil War drama starring Anson Mount as former Confederate soldier Cullen Bohannon: 3 wds. 16 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Factâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; finisher 17 Mr. Sutherland 18 New police series on TNT which is a spin-off of â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Closerâ&#x20AC;?, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Major __â&#x20AC;? 21 Soothsayers 22 â&#x20AC;&#x153;That â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;70s Showâ&#x20AC;? star Ms. Kunis, and others 23 1989 David Byrne album: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;__ Momoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 24 Philosophicalâ&#x20AC; principle 25 MBA, for one 28 Bigwig, briefly 31 Samuel Langhorne Clemens,
Small to
33 35 36 37 38 42 43 44 45 46
aka Mark __ (b.1835 d.1910) Shield in Greek mythology 1966 The Happenings hit: â&#x20AC;&#x153;__ __ in Septemberâ&#x20AC;? Bill Haley and His Comets hit bit: â&#x20AC;&#x153;One, Two, Three __...â&#x20AC;? Ruler measurements, for short â&#x20AC;&#x153;Little House on the Prairieâ&#x20AC;? character: 2 wds. Curve Directive to Scotty on â&#x20AC;&#x153;Star Trekâ&#x20AC;?: 3 wds. â&#x20AC;&#x153;30 Rockâ&#x20AC;? star Tina Mount of Greece Fabric measurements, for short
DOWN 1 Acronym with Prince Albert of Monacoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name 2 â&#x20AC;&#x153;__ Tree Hillâ&#x20AC;? 3 Pablo Picassoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s daughter who is a designer
We can build it! Call Craig today!
4 Snakes and eels, e.g. 5 __-Xer 6 Name of the football team on USA Networkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Necessary Roughnessâ&#x20AC;?, New York __ 7 More gray 8 Sergeant on â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dragnetâ&#x20AC;?: 2 wds. 9 Modelingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ms. Macphersonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 10 Lettered locale in a Beatles tune 12 Some ballet movements 15 Stuck keyboard letter, say 18 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Get country.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; is this cable networkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s slogan 19 Narrow inlet 20 Sitcom classic: 3 wds. 26 A-U link 27 Wildebeest 29 Pet bat on â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Munstersâ&#x20AC;? 30 Olympic alpine ski racer amongst the star-studded cast of the show at 32 Down, __ Street 31 __ _ _ (Coffee break time) 32 NBCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new military-inspired competition series â&#x20AC;&#x153;Stars Earn Stripesâ&#x20AC;?, hosted by retired General __ Clark and Samantha Harris 33 Not _ __ in the world 34 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Blue __â&#x20AC;? composed by Irving Berlin 35 Fraternity letter 36 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lemony Snicketâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s A Series of Unfortunate Eventsâ&#x20AC;? (2004) character, Count __ 39 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Emerald Point _._._.â&#x20AC;? 40 Tip to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;wigâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; (Mr. van Beethoven) 41 2008 VP candidate ...her initials-sharers Solution on page 9
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4 • August 12 - August 18, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
8:00 p.m. (21.2) “Austin Powers in Goldmember” ++ (2002, Comedy) Beyoncé Knowles, Mike Myers. Dr. Evil and Goldmember plot to take over the world by kidnapping Austin Powers’ father. (2h) (25) (WCWW) “Fat Albert” ++ (2004, Comedy) Kyla Pratt, Kenan Thompson. Fat Albert and his friends come to life to help a lonely teen make some friends. (2h) (ENC) “30 Minutes or Less” ++ (2011, Action) Danny McBride, Jesse Eisenberg. A pizza boy stuck in an explosive vest is forced to rob a bank, while trying to disarm it. (1h30) (FAM) “Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince” +++ (2009, Adventure) Michael Gambon, Daniel Radcliffe. Harry Potter and Dumbledore embark on a dangerous set of tasks to defeat an evil enemy. (3h30) (HBO2) “What’s Your Number?” ++ (2011, Comedy) Chris Evans, Anna Faris. A woman questions whether one of the men from the past 20 she has dated was her true love. (2h) (TBS) “The Hangover” +++ (2009, Comedy) Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms. After a wild night in Las Vegas, three men retrace their steps to locate a missing groom. (2h15) (TMC) “The Beaver” ++++ (2011, Drama) Jodie Foster, Mel Gibson. A troubled executive uses a beaver hand puppet to deal with the people in his life. (1h35) 9:00 p.m. (HBOS) “Green Lantern” ++ (2011, Action) Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds. When a man finds a magic ring, he joins a group charged with creating interspatial peace. (2h) (SCIFI) “Starship Troopers” ++ (1997, Sci-Fi) Casper Van Dien, Denise Richards. A group of naïve high school students joins a mobile infantry to battle giant alien bugs. (3h) (STARZ) “Salt” +++ (2010, Action) Liev Schreiber, Angelina Jolie. A CIA agent, accused of being a Russian spy, goes on the run to protect her husband. (1h45) 9:30 p.m. (ENC) “Bulletproof” ++ (1996, Comedy) Damon Wayans, Adam Sandler. A criminal and a police officer are forced to go on the run together to escape assassins. (1h30) 10:00 p.m. (HBO2) “Going the Distance” ++ (2010, Comedy/Drama) Justin Long, Drew Barrymore. A couple maintains their relationship as they travel between San Francisco and New York. (1h45) 10:45 p.m. (STARZ) “View From the Top” +++ (2003, Comedy) Mike Myers, Gwyneth Paltrow. A small-town woman attempts to achieve her goal of becoming a flight attendant. (1h35) 11:00 p.m. (ENC) “Godzilla” +++ (1998, Sci-Fi) Hank Azaria, Matthew Broderick. Godzilla rises from the ocean’s depths and destroys everything in its path, including NYC. (2h20) (LIFE) “Bride Wars” ++ (2009, Comedy) Anne Hathaway, Kate Hudson. After scheduling their weddings on the same day, two friends become bitter rivals. (2h) Midnight (E!) “Sex and the City” +++ (2008, Comedy) Kim Cattrall, Sarah Jessica Parker.
8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 Show Dog The Alt Games Paid PGA Golf PGA Championship Final Round Site: The Ocean Program Championship Course -- Kiawah Island, S.C. (L) Meet the Press (6:00) Olympics London 2012 Summer Olympics Basketball (M) Gold Medal, Volleyball (M) Gold Medal, Water Polo (M) Gold Medal, Wrestling Freestyle Gold Medal, (16) WNDU Marathon (M) (L) Gymnastics Rhythmic Group Gold Medal Garden Blackhawk Bible Indiana Busch Home This Week Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Ball Boys Ball Boys (21) WPTA Business Chiro Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Travels Hour Conn. TomoPaid Heartbreakers A mother & daughter team up to con
Loser ('00, In Touch With Dr. Key of Paid Wild Ltd. HollyLive, Life On the Holly(21.2) CW Charles Stanley David Program Program and Win! Spot rrow wood wood rich men into marriage & rob them of their fortune. Rom) Jason Biggs. (6:00) Olympics London 2012 Summer Olympics Basketball (M) Gold Medal, Volleyball (M) Gold Medal, Water Polo (M) Gold Medal, Wrestling Freestyle Gold Medal, Meet the Press (33) WISE Gymnastics Rhythmic Group Gold Medal Marathon (M) (L) Worship Art & To Be Announced Cold Case Files To Be Announced Blackhawk Bible Fox News Sunday World's Funniest (33.2) MNT Shut-Ins Soul Hour Moments Thomas- Mister Naturally Indiana Indiana State Parks Mark Biz Kid$ Antique "Tucson Roadtrip Religion McLaugh Indiana America The mystery surrounding the 1421 (39) WFWA (Hour One)" Nation Friends Rogers Kistler News lin Group Review sailing exploits of the legendary Zheng He. Fetch! Franny's WordMartha Clifford- Thomas- Wild Bob the Peep/PBob the Peep/P- Dinosaur Saddle Raggs Sid Curious Arthur Zula (39.2) KIDS Club World Builder ocoyo Train "Water" Science Feet George Patrol Speaks Red Dog Friends Kratts Builder ocoyo Cookin- Weeknig Travel: Music Greener Katie Travel Anywher Smart Cooking Burt Ask-Old WoodBurt Joy of Cooking B. Wolf Travel: (39.3) CRE Wolf Painting "Alaska" ArtWolfe e, Alaska Travels Wolf gFriends ht Meals ArtWolfe Voyager House work World Brown Kids Ask-Old Woodw- Woodt- Woodsmi Aroun- WordGirl Wild Washingt Need to Religion To the This Old Ask-Old Washingt Need to Dinosaur Cyberc- Fetch! (39.4) YOU Kratts Train Contrary House House right's urning th Shop dHouse hase on Week Know News House on Week Know Eco Paid Xterra Sports MattPaid Catholic Wall St. This Old Paid Paid Raceline NFL Football Pre-season St. Louis Rams vs. Indianapolis Colts (55) WFFT Program hews Program Mass Journal House Program Program Site: Lucas Oil Stadium -- Indianapolis, Ind. (L) Company Stars (15) WANE
First News Sunday CBS Sunday Morning
Face the Nation
5L^ /VWL *OYPZ[PHU *LU[LY ^^^ 5L^/VWL PU CBS Sunday Morning Face the Paid Job TV Paid Home The Alt Games PGA Golf PGA Championship Final Round Site: The Ocean (22) WSBT Danger HorseNation Program Program Show Course -- Kiawah Island, S.C. (L) Rangers land Heartland "Eye of Brothers and Heartburn A marriage turns sour after a Frankie & Johnny When a seductress brings luck to a
Dragonball Evolution (25) WCWW Winning On the pregnant wife uncovers infidelities. gambler at the gaming tables, his girlfriend sees red. ('09, Act) Justin Chatwin. Edge Spot the Wolf" Sisters Outdoor Paid CARS.TV Paid Paid Gershwin on Ice
Brideshead Revisited A story of forbidden love Paid (28) WSJV Northlan Indiana Fox News Sunday Paid Program Secrets Program Program and the loss of innocence set in England before WWII. Program Program d Adven. Business I'm Just Like You Moyers and History Detectives Off the Indiana Washingt Economi McLaugh To the (34) WNIT Cyberc- Biz Kid$ Outdoor Steves' Inside Indiana Elements Europe Business Record Review on Week cOutlook lin Group Contrary Company hase (46) WHME Paid Paid In Touch Ministries M.Jeske Hart Worship Paid Miracles Bible Israel T Paid Studio B Bible Ernest Angley Paid Manna Ball Boys This Week Paid Paid Paid Paid Judge Judge Judge NFL Football Pre-season St. Louis Rams vs. Indianapolis Colts (57) WBND Good Morning America Sunday Program Program Program Program Judy Judy Brown Site: Lucas Oil Stadium -- Indianapolis, Ind. (L) In Touch With Dr. Word T. Worship Ministry Faith in Ever Increasing Jack Kingdom Love Classics: You Are Dorinda (63) WINM Cornerstone With Z. Levitt Jesus Pastor John Hagee Revealed Charles Stanley Combs Shut-Ins History Faith Worth Loved Hayford AMC Movie
Big Jake ('71, West) Richard Boone, John Wayne. Hell on Wh "Pilot" Hell on Wheels Hell on Wheels Hell on Wheels Hell on Wheels Hell on Wheels The Glades Glades "Islandia" Longmire Longmire Longmire Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Longmire Criminal "Coda" A&E Paid Summer Olympics Boxing Gold Medal Finals (L) Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid CNBC CNN Newsroom State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Next List News Your Money CNN Newsroom CNN
Beerfest ('06, Com) M.C. Gainey. (:05) Let's Go to Prison Will Arnett. (:05)
Beverly Hills Cop (:25) Futura (:55) Futura (:25) Futura (:55)
Accepted Justin Long. COM Paid Paid Shark City Shark Bites Day of the Shark Summer Shark How Sharks Hunt Rogue Sharks Deadly Waters Jaws of the Pacific DISC M.Mouse Jake Phineas Phineas GoodLk Jessie Austin A.N.T. Wizards Wizards GoodLk GoodLk Austin Shake Up A.N.T. Gravity Phineas Phineas DISN The Soup
I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry E! News Weekend Fashion Police The Soup The Kardashians
Sex and the City Sarah Jessica Parker. E! (7:50)
Godzilla Matthew Broderick. MovieTa (:40)
White Chicks Shawn Wayans. (:35)
30 Minutes or Less (:05)
The Flintstones (:45) Jumping the Broom ENC SportsCenter OLines Report SportsCenter Sprnt Cup (L) NASCAR Auto Racing Site: Watkins Glen International (L) SportsCenter ESPN NFL Live NASCAR Now (L) OLines Report Fantasy SuperBwl Baseball Tonight (L) Fantasy WTA Tennis Rogers Cup (L) Fitness Fitness Fitness ESPN2 (7:30)
Coraline Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire FAM (6:00) FOX & Friends Sunday News HQ Housecal America's News HQ America's News HQ Fox News Stossel America's News HQ FNC WPT Poker G3 Sport Scent. Big Bass Outdoors BoysHall Horse Sports Unlimited Billiards WPT Poker Gold Age BoysHall Cycling Tour of Utah FSMW Lucy Lucy G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Beyond the Blackboard Emily Vancamp. The Music Teacher ('12, Dra) Annie Potts. Your Love Never Fails Elisa Donovan. HALL Hard Knocks
Good Burger Kel Mitchell. (:40) Puss in Boots (:15) Ramona and Beezus Joey King.
Welcome to Mooseport
Titanic HBO (7:50)
Hereafter Matt Damon.
What's Your Number? (:45) Vito (:20)
Men in Black Will Smith.
Recount ('08, Dra) Kevin Spacey. HBO2 Movie (:45)
Melinda and Melinda
Green Lantern Ryan Reynolds.
My Cousin Vinny Joe Pesci. (:35) Live! Eva Mendes. (:15)
Evening HBOS I Want Income Income Kitchen Kitchen My Bath Crashers Crashers Love It or List It My Place MyPlace Property Property Property Property HouseH House HGTV Marvels Essentials GLakeWarriors Picked Off Picked Off Picked Off Picked Off Picked Off Cajun Cajun Cajun Cajun HIST Hr. Power Turn Point J.Osteen Paid Christine I Do (But I Don't) Denise Richards. Scents and Sensibility Nick Zano.
Sleepless in Seattle ('93, Rom) Tom Hanks. LIFE (7:00)
Cocoon Endure ('10, Thril) Devon Sawa. (:35)
The Haunting Liam Neeson.
Hard Rain (:05)
The Dilemma Vince Vaugn.
Happy Gilmore MAX Teen Wolf Teen Wolf Teen Wolf Teen Wolf Teen Wolf Teen Wolf Teen Wolf Teen Wolf Teen Wolf MTV Parents Parents Sponge Sponge T.U.F.F. Sponge Kung Fu Kung Fu Winx Winx Big Time Big Time iCarly iCarly iCarly iCarly Sponge Sponge NICK Paid Paid Para. Witness
Journey to the Center of the Earth
100 Million BC Michael Gross.
In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale Movie SCIFI (7:15) The Great ... Franchis
The Game Michael Douglas. (:45) Open Pete Smalls Is Dead (:35)
Five Fingers (:05) All Good Things Movie SHOW CarCazy Truck U Perform. Speed NASCAR RaceDay "Watkins Glen" HardPart HardPart Dirt Racing Barrett-Jackson Barrett-Jackson Victory Tour Car SPEED Paid Program Xtr. 4x4 Horsep. Trucks! Muscle.. Flip Men Flip Men Flip Men Flip Men Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction SPIKE (7:30)
Salt (:15) Soul Surfer AnnaSophia Robb. (:05)
Midnight in Paris (:45)
View From the Top (:15)
Salt ('10, Act) Angelina Jolie. Mars Needs Moms STARZ Friends
Scary Movie 3 Anna Faris. (:15)
Men in Black II Will Smith.
The Fast and the Furious Vin Diesel. MLB Baseball Oakland Athletics vs. Chicago White Sox (L) TBS Paid Paid Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Houses Hoarding Hoarding Hoarding TLC (7:40) Xanadu (:15)
The School of Rock Jack Black. (:05)
The Beaver (:40)
The Skulls Joshua Jackson.
The Skulls II Robin Dunne. (:15) The Skulls III TMC Law & Order Leverage Falling Skies PGA Golf PGA Championship Site: The Ocean Course (L)
The Da Vinci Code ('06, Dra) Audrey Tautou, Tom Hanks. TNT 3's Co. SoulMan The Exes Retired
Little Darlings ('80, Com) Tatum O'Neal. Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith TVLND Paid Program Necessary Rough Royal Pains NCIS NCIS "Eye Spy" NCIS "See No Evil" NCIS NCIS NCIS USA VH1 Top 20 Videos VH1 Top 20 Videos Pop-Up Pop-Up Pop-Up Pop-Up Atlanta "Therapy" Love and Hip-Hop Hollywood Exes 90s "Hour 1" 90s "Hour 2" VH1 Key David Beyond Matlock
Fat Albert Kenan Thompson.
Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams (:10) MLB Baseball Cincinnati Reds vs. Chicago Cubs (L) WGN
THE NEWS SUN â&#x20AC;˘ THE HERALD REPUBLICAN â&#x20AC;˘ THE STAR â&#x20AC;˘ August 12 - August 18, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ 5 SUNDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM (2:00) PGA
Golf PGA Championship Final Round (15) WANE Site: The Ocean Course -- Kiawah Island, S.C. (L) NewsCe- NBC News (10:00) London 2012 (16) WNDU nter 16 Summer Olympics Wipeout "Blind Date INC News ABC News (21) WPTA 2012" Pt. 2 of 2 Weekend (4:00)
Loser ('00, The King The King (21.2) CW of Queens of Queens Rom) Jason Biggs. (10:00) London 2012 INC News at 6 /(:20) (33) WISE Summer Olympics NBC Nightly News To Be Announced (33.2) MNT (39) WFWA (39.2) KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) YOU
(55) WFFT
7 PM
60 Minutes
Olympics "Countdown to Close" America's Funniest Home Videos Heartland "Eye of the Wolf" Olympics "Countdown to Close" American Cleveland Dad Show Small Farm Rising Lawrence Welk Show The On Story "Small Town, U.S.A." Aviators Fetch! Franny's Dinosaur Saddle Raggs Sid Club Train "Water" Science Feet TravelsBurt Wolf: Ask This J. Weir's Easy Thai Jacques Travels Old House Cook Cooking PĂŠpin cope Healthline Senior This Old Ask This Globe Trekker "East Spotlight House Old House Texas" Paid Paid Big Bang Big Bang Two and a Two and a Program Program Theory Theory Half Men Half Men
8 PM Big Brother
9 PM
SUNDAY, AUGUST 12 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
Criminal Minds
The Mentalist "Pretty Red Balloon" Summer Olympics "Closing Ceremony" Coverage of the (:40) official Closing Ceremony of the XXXth Olympiad in London. Animal (N) Secret Millionaire (N) Makeover Serious injuries in 335 lb Sally's 20s and early 30s nearly cost her the ability to walk. Austin Powers in Goldmember Dr. Evil & Meet the Meet the Browns Browns Goldmember plot to take over the world. (:40) Summer Olympics "Closing Ceremony" Coverage of the official Closing Ceremony of the XXXth Olympiad in London. Animal (N) American Always The Cleveland Family Always Simpsons Show Guy Dad Sunny Sunny Nature "Frogs: The Helen The truth about the woman blamed for Thin Green Line" causing the historically renowned Trojan War. Arthur Martha CliffordWordW- Curious Zula orld Red Dog George Patrol Speaks Essential Amer. Test Primal J. Weir's Ask This Steves' Pepin Kitchen Grill Cook Old House Europe PrimetiJammin' Sun Studio Bluegrass Backstage "Those at Jack's Sessions Under Delta Rhythm Kings" me39 The Country Bears A bear decides to trace his roots WFFT Local News while helping reunite a band called the Country Bears.
NC15 (:35) Comedy.TV (:35) The Unit Nightcast NewsCe- London 2012 Summer Olympics nter 16 INC News (:35) Loves (:05) Hates (:35) Hates Chris Chris at 11 p.m. Ray True Hollywood Story Troubadour, TX "Pink" INC News London 2012 Summer Olympics Weekend Futurama Futurama To Be Announced Nova
Nature "Frogs: The Thin Green Line" Thomas Bob the Wild Peep/Po"Variety" Kratts coyo Builder Equitrek- Essential Amer. Test Easy Thai Pepin Kitchen Cooking king AC Limit "Fleet Foxes/ Nature "Frogs: The Joanna Newsom" Thin Green Line" Numb3rs The Office The Office
:,9=0*,:! :H[\YKH` W T HUK :\UKH` ! H T (22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
(2:00) PGA
Golf PGA Championship (L) 60 Minutes Movie TBA '70s Show '70s Show BigBang BigBang Two 1/2... Two 1/2... Paid Paid Amer. Dad Cleveland Market Warriors Ride Along Lincoln Unusual Buildings Healthy Bible In Touch Ministries Crossroa Comfort Wipeout ABC News 57 News Funniest Home Videos Gaither Gospel Hour Fellowship Manna Home Victory Hell on Wheels Hell on Wheels Hell on Wheels "Revelations" "Derailed" "Timshel" Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Paid Paid Paid Paid Diabetes Wall St. CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Movie (:55)
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Great White Invasion Air Jaws II: Higher Air Jaws: S. Africa GoodLuck GoodLuck Austin Shake Up Shake Up Shake Up Movie
The Wedding Planner ('01, Rom) Jennifer Lopez. Movie (:45)
Assassins ('95, Act) Sylvester Stallone. SportsCenter SportsCenter Baseball Tonight (L)
Big Brother Criminal Minds The Mentalist News (:35) Paid Outdoors Movie
Fat Albert ('04, Com) Kenan Thompson. ABC News Loves Ray Futurama Futurama Sunny Sunny Simpsons Cleveland FamilyGuy Amer. Dad 28 News The Office 30 Rock 30 Rock Bones Masters Helen of Troy Olga Samaroff Story Nature Paid VanImpe in Action Partners Enjoy-Life Paid Israel Tour LESEA Pioneer Memorial Secret Millionaire (N) EM: Weight Loss "Sally" (SF) (N) ABC57 The Unit "Two Coins" Grey's A. VanImpe J. Prince In Touch Ministries Love T. Bates TCT Alive Gaither Gospel Hour Hell on Wheels "God Hell on Wheels "Viva Breaking Bad "Dead (:05) Small (:35) Breaking Bad (:40) Hell of Chaos" La Mexico" (SP) (N) Freight" (N) Town (N) "Dead Freight" on Wheels Criminal Minds The Glades (N) Longmire (:05) Longmire Criminal Minds Super Rich Ripping The Mind of Google American Greed: Fugi Crime Inc. Billions Behind Bars CNBC Special Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom CNBC Special Piers Morgan Tonight (:55) Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O Comedy...Roast "Roseanne" (N) Comedy...Roast "Roseanne" Ultimate Air Jaws Air Jaws: Apocalypse Impossible Shot Air Jaws: Apocalypse Impossible Shot GoodL (N) Shake (N) Gravity Jessie Code 9 Babysitter Austin A.N.T. Wizards Wizards The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians C. Lately The Soup Sex and the City
30 Minutes or Less
Bulletproof Adam Sandler.
Godzilla ('98, Sci-Fi) Matthew Broderick. MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves vs. New York Mets Site: Citi Field -SportsCenter The day's news in the SportsCFlushing, N.Y. (L) world of sports. enter Baseball Little League World Series (L) ATP Tennis Rogers Cup Final (L) Poker Poker MLS Soccer Los Angeles vs Chivas (L)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Daniel Radcliffe. Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince Melissa J.Osteen Ed Young (4:00) News HQ Fox News Fox Report Weekend Huckabee Stossel Geraldo at Large Huckabee Stossel (4:00) Cycling Tour of Motorhe- Bull Riding WPT Poker UFC Unleashed Streetball Ball Up WPT Poker WPT Poker Utah (L) ad Garage
Audrey's Rain ('03, Dra) Jean Smart. Honeymoon for One Nicollette Sheridan. The Music Teacher ('12, Dra) Annie Potts. Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier (4:00) Titanic Two social opposites meet and fall (:15) The Hangover Part II The guys head to Thailand True Blood "Gone, True Blood "Gone, The Newsroom The Newsroom (N) Gone, Gone" (N) Gone, Gone" in love while on Titanic's maiden voyage. for Stu's wedding. True Blood
The A-Team ('10, Act) Liam Neeson.
What's Your Number? Anna Faris.
Going the Distance (:45) Hard Knocks Movie (4:15)
Evening (:15) The Newsroom (:15) Glitter ('01, Dra) Mariah Carey.
Green Lantern ('11, Act) Ryan Reynolds. Live! ('07, Dra) Eva Mendes. (:40) Girl 6 Crashers My Yard HouseH House House Hunters House Hunters Int'l Holmes Inspection Holmes Inspection Holmes Inspection Holmes Inspection Cajun Cajun Cajun Cajun Pawn Star Pawn Star Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Picked Off Shark Wranglers Ice Road Truckers
The Ugly Truth ('09, Com) Katherine Heigl.
Bride Wars ('09, Com) Kate Hudson. Drop Dead Diva (N) Army Wives (N)
Bride Wars ('09, Com) Kate Hudson. Movie Fast Five ('11, Act) Paul Walker, Vin Diesel. (:45)
X-Men: First Class ('11, Act) James McAvoy. StrikeBk (:45) Strike Back Femme F. Femme F. (:35) Femme Teen Wolf Teen Wolf Ridiculous Ridiculous WBrother WBrother Awkward Awkward Snooki Snooki The Real World WBrother WBrother Sponge Sponge Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Wife Kids Wife Kids Nick News G. Lopez Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends (4:30)
End of Days
Land of the Lost ('09, Adv) Will Ferrell.
Starship Troopers ('97, Sci-Fi) Casper Van Dien, Denise Richards.
Land of the Lost (4:50) The Game A millionaire's life is turned upside- Weeds Episodes Dexter "Just Let Go" Homeland "The Good Weeds (N) Episodes Weeds Episodes Web The Real L Soldier" Therapy Word down after he accepts an unusual birthday gift. (N) (4:30) Touring Car Racing Dumbest Speed Center (L) NASCAR Victory Lane Dave Despain (L) Garage Car Crazy Speed Center NASCAR Victory Lane Auction Bar Rescue "Mystique Auction Auction Auction Bar Rescue "Tiki Bar Rescue "Murphy's Bar Rescue "Mystique Flip Men Flip Men Monster House Curse" Mess" or Murder?" or Murder?" Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters (N) (N) Movie
Midnight in Paris (:10) Soul Surfer ('11, Act) AnnaSophia Robb.
Salt ('10, Act) Angelina Jolie. (:45)
View From the Top (:20)
Bad Boys Queens Queens
2 Fast 2 Furious ('03, Act) Paul Walker.
The Hangover ('09, Com) Ed Helms. (:15) Cop Out ('10, Act) Bruce Willis. (:15) Sullivan Movie Hoarding Hoarding Hoarding Hoarding Hoarding (N) St. Sex (N) St. Sex Hoarding St. Sex St. Sex (4:15) The Skulls III Raw Deal A former FBI agent is promised
The Beaver ('11, Dra) Jodie (:35) Fair Game A CIA operative learns that the
Smile (2005, Drama) Luoyong Clare Kramer. reinstatement if he can bring down a ruthless mobster. Foster, Anton Yelchin, Mel Gibson. government has revealed her identity as payback. Wang, Yi Ding, Mika Boorem.
Angels and Demons ('09, Myst) Ewan McGregor, Tom Hanks. Leverage (N) Falling Skies (N) The Great Escape (N) Falling Skies Leverage M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H (:05) MASH (:45) MASH (:20) M*A*S*H Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens (:40) Queens NCIS "Red Cell" NCIS NCIS NCIS "Kill Screen" NCIS Political Animals (N) White Collar SVU "Contagious" 90s "Hour 3" 90s "Hour 4" 90s "Hour 5" Mob Wives (N) Big Ang Big Ang Hollywood Exes Big Ang Mob Wives: Chicago Mama (:15) 10th.. Videos Law & O: CI "Crazy" 30 Rock M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother News (:40) Replay The Unit "Two Coins" Monk
S&S TRAVEL Inc. â&#x20AC;&#x153;MOTORCOACH TOURSâ&#x20AC;?
1404 E. Lake Bluff Drive Kendallville, IN 46755
6 • August 12 - August 18, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
Q: My husband and I were watching “Spider-Man 3” the other night and a question came up about one of the actors. Who played the editor of the newspaper that Peter Parker worked for? Is he the same man who plays the chief in “The Closer” and also does an insurance commercial? A: That is indeed J.K. Simmons in all three cases. And you could’ve picked a lot more. He’s rapidly emerged as a go-to character actor in Hollywood these days, since he appeared on the scene with his recurring role as Dr. Emil Skoda on the original “Law & Order” series in 1997. He’d only done bit parts before that, such as a nameless federal marshal in “The First Wives Club” (1996) and a coach in the 1994 baseball movie “The Scout.” But it was his role as the famously cantankerous J. Jonah Jameson in the 2000s Spider-Man franchise that started bringing him acclaim, and bigger roles. That said, he likely doesn’t spend too much time hustling for jobs since he seems to be the kind of actor who directors want to work with. He had a sizable role in Jason Reitman’s surprise 2005 indie hit, “Thank You for Smoking,” as the lead character’s unscrupulous boss. That led to a part as the pregnant, smart-mouthed teen’s supportive (and equally smart-mouthed, at times) father in Reitman’s next surprise indie hit, 2007’s “Juno,” which won an Oscar and grossed hundreds of millions worldwide (on a budget of just over $7 million). Reitman called him again for his next film, 2009’s “Up in the Air,” which was also a hit, but less of a surprise. He’s also beloved by Hollywood darlings the Coen brothers, who’ve cast him in “Burn After Reading” (2008) and “The Ladykillers” (2004) — as well as a brief, uncredited voiceover part in their 2010 remake of “True Grit.” However, the roles have never gotten too big — Simmons is still a supporting man through and through, and he’s never strayed from the small screen that made him a star. He is, of course, Assistant Police Chief Will Pope on “The Closer,” but he’s also a prolific voice actor with credits on the “Ultimate Spider-Man” cartoon (reprising his Jameson role), “The Legend of Korra,” and “Generator Rex,” among others. He also had a central role in “Oz,” the ultra-gritty prison drama that turned HBO from just a movie channel into a producer of cutting-edge drama series.
8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 NC15 at The Young and the BoldThe Talk Beautiful Noon Restless Access Hollywood Days of Our Lives Today Show II Today Show III NewsC- Storm (16) WNDU enter 16 Stories Live Paid The View (7:00) Good Morning Million- Million- Paid INC News at Noon The Chew Good Afternoon (21) WPTA aire? aire? America Program Program America (6:00) The Daily Buzz The Steve Wilkos The Jeremy Kyle House of House of Paid Paid Paid Paid RoseRose(21.2) CW Show Show Payne Payne Program Program Program Program anne anne (7:00) Today Show Live! With Kelly Today Show II Today Show III M*A*S* Various Days of Our Lives Swift Swift (33) WISE Justice H Justice (7:00) Corner Store America Now The Wendy Paid Last Shot The Nate Berkus Access Divorce Divorce Judge (33.2) MNT TV Williams Show Show Program Court Court Alex H. Curious Cat in Dinosaur Sesame Street Sid Super Various Various Various Caillou Sid Dinosaur Cat in (39) WFWA George the Hat WHY! Train Science Science Train the Hat Fetch! Franny's WordBob the Super Dinosaur Saddle Raggs Sid Curious Sesame Street Martha Clifford(39.2) KIDS Club World Builder WHY! Train Science Feet George Speaks Red Dog Various Various Various Seasoned/ Various Various Various Various Various Various Cooking Various Various Various (39.3) CRE PedalAm. Function Sit and Southern Wild Charlie Rose Various (Tu) Newsline Various Democracy Now! (Th) Various (39.4) YOU Fitness Kratts Liberty Collide al Fitness Be Fit Judge Mathis Americ- Americ- We the We the Law & Order: A. A. Paid Paid The Jerry Springer (55) WFFT People Criminal Intent a's Court a's Court People Griffith Griffith Program Program Show (15) WANE
(7:00) CBS
This Morning (7:00) Today Show
The Rachael Ray Show Live! With Kelly
Let's Make a Deal
The Price Is Right
Judge Judge Brown Judy The Rachael Ray Show General Hospital Lifechangers Dr. Phil
America's Funniest Home Videos Curious Martha George Speaks Thomas- Wild Friends Kratts Various Seasoned/ PedalAm. Sew It/ Various W.House Maury
The Dr. Oz Show The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Steve Wilkos Show Anderson Old Old Christine Christine WordGirl Arthur Bob the Builder Steves' Europe Various
Super WHY! Various Various
The People's Court
Swift The Young and the BoldThe Talk Dr. Phil Anderson Swift The Price Is Right WSBT Morning Justice News Restless Justice Beautiful Judge The People's Court Divorce Divorce Judge Judge The Jerry Springer Maury The Steve Wilkos LifechLifechKing of King of (25) WCWW Judge angers Alex Alex Court Court Brown Brown Show Show Queens Queens angers The Nate Berkus Paid Americ- Americ- Paid Paid Cash Cab Cash Cab The Nate Berkus The Dr. Oz Show The Dr. Oz Show Paid (28) WSJV (6:00) Fox 28 Show Program Program a's Court a's Court Program Program Show Morning Show Dinosaur Sesame Street Sid Barney & Curious Cat in Super Dinosaur Wild Electric WordGirl Martha Arthur CliffordSuper (34) WNIT Curious Cat in Train George the Hat WHY! Train Science Friends George the Hat WHY! Speaks Kratts Company Red Dog (46) WHME Sumrall Various The Harvest Show Crossroa Life Paid Life Copel'nd Various Your Health Various Various Daniel Boone Highway to Heaven Family The View The Doctors The Chew Good Afternoon General Hospital The People's Court (57) WBND (7:00) Good Morning Million- Million- Family aire? aire? Feud Feud America America Creflo Voice of Faith in Various Enjoying TCT Joseph Ask the Pastor (M W) Rejoice / (Tu The Jim Bakker Len and Various Health& Benny (63) WINM Rabbi Lapin Cathy Victory History Life Prince Th F) TCT Alive Show Dollar Nutrition Hinn Today AMC (6:00) Paid Program Various Various (M) Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie (Tu) Movie (F) Movie (M) Movie/(Tu-Th) CSI Bounty Bounty Criminal/(F) First 48 Criminal/(F) First 48 CSI/(F) First 48 CSI/(F) First 48 Criminal/(F) First 48 Criminal/(F) First 48 The First 48 First48 Hoggers A&E (6:00) Squawk Box Squawk on the Street Fast Money Power Lunch Street Signs Closing Bell CNBC (7:00) Starting Point CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom The Situation Room CNN Paid Paid Entour. Daily Sh. Colbert Comedy Various Various Movies Various (:25) Scrubs 30Rock Various Various Various COM Paid Paid Various Various DeadlyW/ Anatomy Myth/ Dirt Job G.White/ Sharks Various Various Various DISC Mouse Jake Mouse Stuffins Phineas Various Various Laugh! (M) Shake Various Various Jessie Various Various Various Various GoodLk A.N.T. DISN To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced E! Various Various Various (Th) (:50) Movie Movie (Tu) Movie/(M) (:0... Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie (F) Movie/(M) (:05) ... Movie Movie ENC M i M i SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SprtC/ Baseball (M-W) SportsCenter OLines Football (M-W) NFL Live ESPN (6:00) Mike and Mike in the Morning ESPN First Take (F) Tennis ESPN First Take (Th) Tennis (M-W) Mike&Mike NASCAR 1st Take Number LeBatard ESPN2 Boy MW Boy MW Boy MW 700 Club The 700 Club Gilmore Girls Standing Standing 8 Rules 8 Rules '70s '70s '70s '70s Movie Reba FAM (6:00) Fox & Friends America's Newsroom Happening Now America Live Studio B Your World FNC Various Game3.. The Dan Patrick Show Paid Paid Various P.Bass Various Game3.. Various Various Various (Th) Golf FSMW G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Martha M.Hungry Martha Emeril Petkeep Martha Martha The Waltons The Waltons HALL (M) Movie/(F) M... (W) Movie/(Th) ... (M) H.Knocks/(F)... Various Movies (F) Movie H.Knocks Various (Th) Movie/(F) M... B.Empire (M) Movie/(Th) M... Movie Various HBO i M i Various (F) Movie Various Movie (Tu) Movie/(W) (:10... M Movie (Tu) (:45) Movie Movie (M) (:15) Movie Movie Movie HBO2 Movie Various Movies Movie Various Movies (Tu) (:10) Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie (Tu) (:25) Movie/(... Various Movie Movie HBOS i Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various HouseH House Various Various Various Various Various M Various Various Various HGTV Various Pickers/ Top Gear Various Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. Various 10Things Various Pickers/(Tu) Top Gear HIST W&Grace W&Grace Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Christine Christine Christine Christine Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Mother Frasier LIFE Various Movies Movie Movie (Tu) Movie/(F) (:05)... Movie Movie StrikeBk Movie Movie StrikeBk Movie Movie Movie/ (:10) StrikeBk Various Movie MAX AMTV To Be Announced (F) To Be Announced MTV Guppies Various Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Parents Parents Figure Various Various iCarly iCarly iCarly Victori. Victori. Sponge Sponge NICK Various Movie (Tu) Destintn/(W) ... (Tu) Destintn/(W)... Various (Tu) Destintn/(W)... Various Movie (Tu) Destintn/(W)... (Tu) Destintn/(W) ... Various SCIFI Various (Th) Movie / (F) (:45) Movie Movie Various Movies Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie (Tu) Movie/(W) ... Movie Various (Tu) Movie SHOW M i i Various GearZ Various Various Various TruckU Cons. Cons. Various (F) Auto Racing Racing Dumbest MonsterJ. M (F) Live! LucasO. Various SPEED Paid Program Auction Auction CSI:NY Auction CSI Gangland CSI Gangland CSI Gangland CSI Gangland Various RepoG Various RepoG SPIKE Movie (Tu) (:40) Movie/(F)... Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie (M) (:20) Movie/(T... Movie Movie Movie (Th) Movie/(W) (:4... Various STARZ Fresh P. Fresh P. Fresh P. Payne Payne Browns Browns Acc.Jim Acc.Jim Home I. AmerDad Earl Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Friends Friends TBS Baby St. Baby St. Baby St. Baby's Various Pregnant SayYes Say Yes What Not to Wear Baby St. Baby St. Baby St. Multiple Not-Wear Say Yes SayYes SayYes TLC Movie Movie Movie (M) Movie/(W) (:40... Movie Various Movies Movie Movie (Tu) Movie/(W) ... Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie TMC Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Closer/ Rizzoli/ Vegas Closer/ Rizzoli/ Vegas Closer/(Tu) Rizzoli Various Various TNT SheWrote/(F) B. Legal Beaver VanDyke Van Dyke Lucy Lucy Griffith Griffith Griffith Bonanza Bonanza Bonanza Gunsmoke TVLND Various (M) Law:CI/(Tu) SVU Various Various Various Various Various NCIS/ SVU/ Burn NCIS/ SVU USA (Tu) Vh1 Top 20 (Tu) Vh1 Top 20 Big Morning Buzz Various Big Ang •op-Up Pop-Up Various Big Ang Various Various SoulMan Various VH1 Paid Paid Matlock Matlock In Heat of Night In Heat of Night WGN Midday News Walker/ (:10) Baseball Walker, TR Walker, TR WGN
(22) WSBT
(7:00) CBS
Let's Make a Deal
THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • August 12 - August 18, 2012 • 7 MONDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NewsCeStorm (16) WNDU nter 16 Stories INC News at 5 (21) WPTA (15) WANE
(21.2) CW (33) WISE (33.2) MNT
Meet the Meet the Browns Browns The Doctors Frasier
Wild Kratts Dinosaur (39.2) KIDS Train Garden (39.3) CRE Home Genera(39.4) YOU tion The Office (55) WFFT (39) WFWA
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
NC15 at 6 CBSNews p.m. NewsCe- NBC News nter 16 INC News World at 6 News The King The King of Queens of Queens INC News NBC News at 6 American American Dad Dad PBS NewsHour
Electric Company Fetch! Saddle Club Around This Old the House House Ice Cream Show
The Office Met Your Mother
News News Friends Friends Two 1/2... 30 Rock Wild Kratt News Garden Flying Nun Judy Judy Fellowship Health (4:00)
Raggs J. Weir's Cook Florida Cross. Met Your Mother
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
MONDAY, AUGUST 13 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
2 Broke Mike & Jeopardy! Met Your 2 Broke Girls Girls Molly Mother Inside Stars Competitors complete difficult missions to Edition raise money for vets and first responders. (P) (N) Sound Off Bach Pad The challenges get more personal as contestants answer controversial questions. (N) Sein. "The Perez Hilton All Remodeled "All in the Checks" Access "Lady Gaga" Family" Dr. Phil Stars Competitors complete difficult missions to raise money for vets and first responders. (P) (N) Family Family Hotel Hell "Juniper Hell's Kitchen "Six Hill Inn" (P) 1/2 (N) Chefs Compete" (N) Guy Guy Nightly Matters of Antiques Rd. "Tucson Warriors "Antiquing Business the Mind (Hour Two)" 2/3 in Adamstown, PA" Franny's WordW- Curious Arthur Sid "My Zula orld Ice Pops" Feet George Patrol Simply Hubert Lidia's Cook's Barbecue J. Weir's Keller Italy Country University Cook Ming Uncorked: Make: BBC World Journal PBS NewsHour Wine News The Two and a Two and a Extra Big Bang Big Bang Half Men Half Men Insider Theory Theory Wheel of Fortune Access Hollywood Ent. Tonight Seinfeld
Hawaii Five-0 "Kupale" Grimm
NC15 (:35) D. Letterman Andy (:35) Late Nightcast Samberg, Glen Hansard Late Show NewsCe- (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) nter 16 LateNight With Jay Leno The Glass House (N) INC News (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live at 11 p.m. Nightline Newsce- 'Til Death 'Til Death That '70s That '70s South Show Show Park nter Grimm INC News (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) at 11 p.m. With Jay Leno LateNight Indiana's Law&O.:SVU "Stocks Law & Order: S.V.U. Always News and Bondage" "Closure" 1/2 Sunny Antiques Rd. "Denver Moyers and Company Charlie Rose (Hour Three)" 3/3 Martha Clifford- Thomas & Wild Bob the Super Red Dog Friends Kratts WHY! Speaks Builder This Old Steves' TravelsLidia's Cook's Simply House Italy Country Europe cope Ming Newsline Make: Tavis Jeep: Steel Tavis Tavis Smiley Soldier Smiley Smiley WFFT Local News TMZ Gossip King of According Queens the Hill to Jim
News CBSNews Wheel Jeopardy! M-Mother Girls Girls M&M Hawaii 5-0 "Kupale" News (:35) D. Letterman (N) LateShow M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Superfan Remodeled ABC News Seinfeld '70s Show TMZ Insider Sunny FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy Hotel Hell (N) Hell's Kitchen (N) Fox 28 News at 10 The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... R.Steves Michiana PBS NewsHour Ed Sullivan's Top Performers Dr. Fuhrman's Immunity Solution Blood Sugar Solution Hogan 3 Sons FamilyTies IBA News Sumrall Bible The Harvest Show Hart Enjoy-Life Israel Tour Gospel Place for Miracles ABC57 News 57 News ET Bachelor Pad (N) The Glass House (N) ABC57 Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live Rabbi Faith H. Health CBN News TCT Today Manna B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show Exit Wounds A tough cop in an inner-city precinct Crocodile Dundee An Australian crocodile hunter
Crocodile Dundee II An adventurer must come to the
Three uncovers a web of corruption & dirty cops. experiences shock when he travels to New York. aid of his wife after she is kidnapped by a drug kingpin. Amigos! The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Hoarders "Glen/ Lisa" Hoarders (N) Inter. "Katie" (N) Intervention "Robby" Hoarders "Glen/ Lisa" Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report The Pixar Story 20 Under 20 Mad Money Facebook Obsession (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight (:20) Sunny (:55) Sunny (:25) Tosh.O (:55) Colbert Report (:25) Daily (:55) Futura (:25) Futurama Comedy...Roast "Roseanne" Daily (N) Colbert (N) SouthPk SouthPk Air Jaws: S. Africa Ultimate Air Jaws Impossible Shot Air Jaws: Apocalypse Sharkzilla MythBusters Sharkzilla MythBusters Jessie Wizards Phineas GoodLuck
High School Musical Zac Efron. Shake It Up GoodLuck Austin Shake Up GoodLuck A.N.T. Babysitter (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced Lately (N) E! News C. Lately (4:45)
Cry-Baby (:10) Step Up 3 ('10, Dan) Sharni Vinson,
Silverado ('85, West) Kevin Kline. (:15)
Resident Evil: Afterlife
Bride of Chucky Around Monday Night SportsCenter SportsCenter Interrup- SportsCenter NFL Football Pre-season Dallas Cowboys vs. Oakland Raiders Site: Horn (N) tion (N) Countdown (L) Oakland Coliseum -- Oakland, Calif. (L) SportsNation (N) NFL 32 (L) MLB Baseball (L) WTA Tennis Rogers Cup Final NFL Live (L) Reba Reba Bunheads Life of the Teenager American Teen (N) Bunheads (N) Bunheads The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity Lokar Car Motorhe- WPT Poker Seminole WPT Poker Seminole Missouri Aggies Football Wilcats Jayhawks Football UFC Fight Night Johnson vs. McCall -- Sunrise, Show Preview Fla. ad Garage Hard Rock Showdown Hard Rock Showdown Tigers Preview Football Football Preview The Waltons Little House Prairie L. House "Centennial" Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls (4:45) Another Earth ('11, Sci-Fi) The Art of Getting By ('11, Dra) Bridesmaids A broke woman tries to bluff her (:15) Hard Knocks (:15)
What's Your The Newsroom William Mapother, Brit Marling. Emma Roberts, Freddie Highmore. way through her best friend's bridesmaid rituals. Number? Anna Faris. (:10) Cedar Rapids Ed Helms. (:40) The Tree of Life ('11, Dra) Sean Penn, Brad Pitt. True Blood The Newsroom
Contagion Matt Damon. Movie (:10)
The Kids Are All Right True Blood Mr. Popper's Penguins Jim Carrey. (:45) 1stLook Enlight Too Big to Fail Topher Grace. (:10)
Due Date House House House House Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It (N) HouseH House (N) Love It or List It Love It or List It American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Pawn Star Pawn Star American Pickers (N) PawnSt. Counting American Pickers Pawn Star Pawn Star Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier
My Sister's Keeper Abigail Breslin.
The Memory Keeper's Daughter My Sister's Keeper Movie (:45)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (:10)
Grosse Pointe Blank John Cusack. StrikeBk (:45) Strike Back '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show To Be Announced To Be Announced Sponge Sponge Big Time Big Time Dora (N) Umizoomi Victorious Victorious Hollywood Heights (N) G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends (4:00) Star Trek: Insu...
Starship Troopers ('97, Sci-Fi) Casper Van Dien, Denise Richards. Warehouse 13 (N) Alphas (N) Warehouse 13 Alphas Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind A couple (:55) Phenomenon When struck by a bolt of lightning, Nealon "Whelmed, Weeds Episodes Web Weeds Episodes Web Therapy Therapy undergoes a procedure to erase their memories. a small-town mechanic is transformed into a genius. But Not Overly" Chop, Cut GearZ NASCAR Race Hub (N) Pass Time Pass Time GearZ GearZ Hot Rod Hot Rod Truck U Truck U GearZ GearZ Hot Rod Hot Rod World's Wildest Police World's Wildest Police World's Wildest Police World's Wildest Police World's Wildest Police World's Wildest Police World's Wildest Police World's Wildest Police Videos Videos Videos Videos Videos Videos Videos Videos (4:45)
All the King's Men Jude Law. Boss Zookeeper ('11, Com) Kevin James. (:45)
Tron: Legacy ('10, Act) Jeff Bridges. Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinf. 1/2 Seinf. 2/2 FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy Conan The Office The Office Say Yes to Say Yes to Honey Boo Honey Boo Four Houses Bates Family: Baby Bates (N) Bates (N) Big Tiny Big Tiny Bates Family: Baby Bates Bates (4:35)
Car Wash (:15) Beware the Gonzo
Hellraiser V: Inferno ('00, Hor) (:40)
Hellraiser VIII: Hellworld (:15) Dead Man Running An ex-con is given 24 Richard Pryor. Nicholas Turturro, Craig Sheffer. ('05, Hor) Katheryn Winnick. hours to repay his $100,000 debt to a loan shark. Closer "Fool's Gold" Closer "Drug Fiend" Closer "Last Rites" The Closer The Closer (N) (:05) Major Crimes (N) (:10) The Closer (:15) Major Crimes Gunsmoke M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens The King of Queens NCIS "Trojan Horse" NCIS NCIS: LA "Burned" WWE Raw WWE Raw WWE Raw
The Mummy ('99, Adv) Brendan Fraser. (4:00) VH1 Rock Docs Atlanta "Therapy" Love and Hip-Hop Love and Hip-Hop (N) Single Ladies (N) Love and Hip-Hop Single Ladies Love and Hip-Hop Law & Order: CI "30" 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Christine Christine
8:00 p.m. (AMC) “Crocodile Dundee” +++ (1986, Adventure) Linda Kozlowski, Paul Hogan. An Australian crocodile hunter experiences culture shock when he travels to New York. (2h) (ENC) “Silverado” +++ (1985, Western) Kevin Costner, Kevin Kline. Four drifters reluctantly unite to stop the injustices of a crooked New Mexican sheriff. (2h15) (LIFE) “My Sister’s Keeper” +++ (2009, Drama) Walter Raney, Abigail Breslin. A young girl tells her story of being born to help her sister medically. (2h) (TMC) “Hellraiser V: Inferno” ++ (2000, Horror) Nicholas Turturro, Craig Sheffer. A madman dubbed ‘The Engineer’ is on the loose so a reclusive detective takes the case. (1h40) 8:10 p.m. (MAX) “Grosse Pointe Blank” ++ (1997, Comedy) Dan Aykroyd, John Cusack. A hitman returns home to do a little business and attend a high school reunion. (1h50) 9:00 p.m. (HBO) “Bridesmaids” ++++ (2011, Comedy) Maya Rudolph, Kristen Wiig. A broke woman tries to bluff her way through her best friend’s bridesmaid rituals. (2h15) 9:40 p.m. (TMC) “Hellraiser VIII: Hellworld” ++ (2005, Horror) Anna Tolputt, Katheryn Winnick. Groups of computer hackers tap into Hellworld.com and release Pinhead. (1h35) 10:00 p.m. (AMC) “Crocodile Dundee II” ++ (1988, Comedy) Linda Kozlowski, Paul Hogan. An adventurer must come to the aid of his wife after she is kidnapped by a drug kingpin. (2h30) (LIFE) “The Memory Keeper’s Daughter” +++ (2008, Drama) Gretchen Mol, Dermot Mulroney. A woman delivers twins but the doctor tells her that only one child survived. (2h01) 10:15 p.m. (ENC) “Resident Evil: Afterlife” +++ (2010, Action) Wentworth Miller, Milla Jovovich. A woman helps a group of survivors who want to make their way to a supposedly safe haven. (1h45) 10:45 p.m. (STARZ) “Tron: Legacy” +++ (2010, Action) Garrett Hedlund, Jeff Bridges. The son of a virtual world designer ends up inside one of the world’s his father created. (2h15) 11:00 p.m. (HBO2) “Contagion” +++ (2011, Action) Kate Winslet, Matt Damon. An international team of doctors attempts to contain the outbreak of a deadly disease. (1h50) (USA) “The Mummy” +++ (1999, Adventure) Rachel Weisz, Brendan Fraser. Adventurers inadvertently resurrect a malevolent force with unspeakable power. (2h30) Midnight (ENC) “Bride of Chucky” +++ (1998, Horror) Brad Dourif, Jennifer Tilly. Chucky and his girlfriend search for the amulet that will turn them back into humans. (1h30) (LIFE) “My Sister’s Keeper” +++ (2009, Drama) Walter Raney, Abigail Breslin. A young girl tells her story of being born to help her sister medically. (2h) 12:10 a.m. (HBOS) “Due Date” ++ (2010, Comedy) Robert Downey Jr., Zach Galifianakis. A man must drive cross-country in order to make it to his child’s birth on time. (1h40) 12:15 a.m. (HBO) “What’s Your Number?” ++ (2011, Comedy) Chris Evans, Anna Faris. A woman questions whether one of the men from the past 20 she has dated was her true love. (1h50) 12:30 a.m. (AMC) “Three Amigos!” ++ (1986, Comedy) Chevy Chase, Steve Martin. A Mexican town mistakes three silent film stars for gunslingers arriving to fight bandits. (2h30)
8 â&#x20AC;˘ August 12 - August 18, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ THE NEWS SUN â&#x20AC;˘ THE HERALD REPUBLICAN â&#x20AC;˘ THE STAR (SPEED) NASCAR Pure Michigan 400 Sprint Cup Series Final Practice Site: Michigan International Speedway - Brooklyn, Mich.
4:00 p.m.
Live 5:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. (ESPN) Auto Racing NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Site:
Michigan International Speedway Brooklyn, Mich. Live 11:00 a.m. (SPEED) NASCAR Pure Michigan 400 Sprint Cup Series Final Practice Site: Michigan International Speedway - Brooklyn, Mich.
4:30 p.m. (SPEED) Touring Car Racing Australian V8 Supercars Site:
Queensland Raceway - Ipswich, Australia
1:00 a.m. (ESPN2) Auto Racing NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Site:
Live 12:30 p.m. (SPEED) Truck Racing NASCAR VFW 200 Camping World Series Site: Michigan
Watkins Glen International - Watkins Glen, N.Y. WEDNESDAY
International Speedway - Brooklyn, Mich.
Noon (SPEED) Auto Racing NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Site:
Live 2:30 p.m.
Circuit Gilles Villeneuve - Montreal, Que.
Live 3:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m. (SPEED) Auto Racing NASCAR K&N Series Site: Iowa
Off Road Racing
Lucas Oil Pro2 and ProLite Site: Miller Motorsports Park - Salt Lake City, Utah
Speedway - Des Moines, Iowa FRIDAY
4:00 p.m. Dirt Racing Lucas Oil Late Model Series
(SPEED) NASCAR Pure Michigan 400 Sprint Cup Series Practice Site: Michigan International Speedway - Brooklyn, Mich. Live
12:30 p.m.
Site: Tri-City Speedway - Pontoon Beach, Ill.
7:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. (SPEED) Truck Racing NASCAR VFW 200 Camping World Series Practice Site:
Montreal 200 Rolex Series Site: Circuit Gilles Villeneuve - Montreal, Que. 11:00 p.m. (ESPN2) NHRA Lucas Oil Nationals Qualifying - Brainerd, Minn.
Michigan International Speedway Brooklyn, Mich. Live
NASCAR NAPA Auto Parts 200 Nationwide Series Site:
Watkins Glen International - Watkins Glen, N.Y. THURSDAY
9:30 a.m. (SPEED) Truck Racing NASCAR VFW 200 Camping World Series Qualifying Site:
Watkins Glen International - Watkins Glen, N.Y. Live (SPEED) Dirt Racing Lucas Oil Late Model Dirt Series Site: Magnolia Motor Speedway - Columbus, Miss.
(FSMW) Must See Racing
(SPEED) NASCAR Pure Michigan 400 Sprint Cup Series Site: Michigan International Speedway Brooklyn, Mich. Live
8:30 a.m.
(ESPN2) NASCAR NAPA Auto Parts 200 Nationwide Series Site: Gilles Villeneuve Circuit - Montreal, Que.
4:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m. Live
7:00 p.m.
Baseball MLB
Softball Little League World Series Semifinal Site: Alpenrose Stadium - Portland, Ore. Live 9:30 p.m. (ESPN2) Softball Little League Semifinal Site: Alpenrose Stadium Portland, Ore. Live WEDNESDAY 2:10 p.m. (WGN) MLB Houston Astros vs. Chicago Cubs Site: Wrigley Field - Chicago, Ill. Live 7:00 p.m. (ESPN) Baseball MLB Live 10:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Softball Little League World Series Championship Site: Alpenrose Stadium - Portland, Ore.
5 >H`UL :[ (UNVSH 05
MLB New York Mets vs.
Cincinnati Reds Site: Great American Ball Park - Cincinnati, Ohio Live 8:00 p.m. (ESPN) Little League World Series Double Elimination - Williamsport, Pa. Live FRIDAY 1:00 p.m. (ESPN) Little League World Series Double Elimination - Williamsport, Pa. Live
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Nick Lachey as seen in "Stars Earn Stripes" General Wesley Clark (ret.) and Samantha Harris co-host as eight celebrities tackle military-style challenges in the premiere of "Stars Earn Stripes," airing Monday, Aug. 13, on NBC. Each competitor is paired with a member or former member of the armed forces or law enforcement who acts as a coach.
1:00 p.m. (ESPN) Little League World Series Double Elimination - Williamsport, Pa. Live 3:00 p.m. (ESPN) Little League World Series Double Elimination - Williamsport, Pa. Live 5:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Little League World Series Double Elimination Site:
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3:00 p.m. (ESPN) Little League World Series Double Elimination - Williamsport, Pa. Live 5:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Little League World Series Double Elimination Site: Volunteer Stadium - Williamsport, Pa.
Live 7:00 p.m.
MLB Chicago
Cubs vs. Cincinnati Reds Site: Great American Ball Park - Cincinnati, Ohio
Live 8:00 p.m. (ESPN) Little League World Series Double Elimination - Williamsport, Pa. Live SATURDAY
11:00 a.m. (ESPN2) Baseball MILB Championship - Taylor, Mich. Live Noon (ESPN) Little League World Series Elimination Game - Williamsport, Pa. Live 3:00 p.m. (21) (WPTA) (57) (WBND) Little League World Series Elimination Game Site: Howard J. Lamade Stadium Williamsport, Pa. Live 3:30 p.m. (28) (WSJV) Baseball MLB Boston vs. New York Yankees or Pittsburgh vs. St. Louis Live
(ESPN2) Softball Junior League Championship - Kirkland, Wash. Live 6:00 p.m. (ESPN) Little League World Series Elimination Game - Williamsport, Pa.
5:00 p.m.
Live 7:00 p.m.
(WGN) MLB Chicago White Sox vs. Kansas City Royals Site: Kauffman Stadium - Kansas City, Mo. Live 8:00 p.m. (ESPN) Little League World Series Elimination Game - Williamsport, Pa.
10:00 p.m. (FSMW) Streetball Ball Up 2:00 a.m. (FSMW) Streetball Ball Up SATURDAY
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WNBA Atlanta Dream vs. Indiana Fever Site: Conseco Fieldhouse - Indianapolis, Ind. Live
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THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • August 12 - August 18, 2012 • 9
One sweet choice 'Idol' shakes off losses with new superstar judge Sheila Busteed TV Media ONE SWEET CHOICE: The game of musical chairs at the "American Idol" judging table entered a new round this year with the exit of Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez. But show runners have hooked an iconic singer whose powerful five-octave range is sure to leave contestants pushing themselves even further to impress the panel and TV viewers. The struggling Fox reality series has signed Mariah Carey, who boasts more top-ranking singles than any other solo artist in history. Not only does she hold records for her album sales, but she is also a gifted songwriter and producer -- the kind of ingenuity and self-reliance that is sorely lacking among many of the performers in today's pop scene. Carey will debut as an "Idol" judge when the show returns for a new season in January 2013. Her addition to the reality competition arena creates a dynasty of sorts, seeing as her husband, Nick Cannon, is currently the host of NBC's "America's Got Talent." The couple married on April 30, 2008, and welcomed fraternal twins exactly three years later. Some people may speculate that Carey's addition to the "Idol" panel is a ploy to promote her newest studio album and that, like her predecessors, she won't last long on the show. But Ryan Seacrest's recent radio interview with executive producer Nigel Lythgoe suggests that isn't necessarily a bad thing. "I think what we've seriously got to talk about is just using people for a year, because if we do want these big stars -- and we do -- you cannot take them away from what they do," said Lythgoe, adding that such a policy would help keep the show fresh. As far as who else may join the panel, fans will just have to wait and see.
CRIME AND COMEBACK: Last season's finale episode for NBC's "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" was a doozie: dead escorts with highprofile clientele, a murdered former governor, blackmail and backlash from undercover work, and a cliffhanger ending that showed Capt. Cragen waking in his bed to discover a dead woman lying next to him and his hands covered in blood. As fans ready for the mystery to continue in the show's two-hour Season 14 premiere, former "Criminal Minds" star Paget Brewster will also return to television in a special guest role as the head of the district attorney's Public Integrity Unit, which must investigate Cragen (played by Dann Florek) for murder. The new season will begin on Wednesday, Sept. 26. When the last season ended, things were already tense between Cragen and Det. Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay) because he kept sticking his nose into the investigation and told her to back off of certain powerful players. It'll be interesting to see how strong everyone's loyalties are to the unit and each other when Brewster's character enters the scene to apply extra pressure on them. Brewster played BAU member Emily Prentiss in 125 episodes of CBS's "Criminal Minds," starting in Season 2 until she officially left the show at the end of Season 7. She's also known for her previous roles in "Huff," "The Trouble With Normal" and a memorable guest stint in "Friends."
Mariah Carey has signed on as a new American Idol judge Currently, she also does voice work for the animated series "Dan Vs." The upcoming "S.V.U." season premiere will also feature the return of guest stars Dean Winters, Laura Benanti, Pippa Black, Ron Rifkin, Peter Jacobson and Brooke Smith, who were all featured in last season's finale episode. DISTURBING THE PEACE: An actor known for playing an exiled knight will soon embark on a path of vengeance in another series. Renowned Scottish thespian Iain Glen, who is best known for his role as Ser Jorah Mormont on HBO's "Game of Thrones," will be featured in the upcoming third season of Syfy's hit show "Haven." He will debut his character, Roland Holloway, in the sixth episode of the new season, which will air on Friday, Oct. 26. The season premiere is scheduled
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Solution on page 2. for Friday, Sept. 21. Glen's Roland Holloway is a normally civilized man who has developed a hard and savage side after being confined to his home for more than 27 years, and this new persona gets the best of him as he begins to take his revenge. The actor was also recently featured as Sir Richard Carlisle in the hit period drama "Downton Abbey." However, he's also well known for his film work. North American audiences will known him as Manfred Powell in "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider" (2001), Dr. Isaacs in "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" (2004) and the 2007 follow-up "Resident Evil: Extinction." In between
those latter two projects, he played King Richard in "Kingdom of Heaven" (2005), and was most recently seen in "The Iron Lady" (2011) as Alfred Roberts. "Haven," which is based on Stephen King's novella "The Colorado Kid," is a unique sci-fi series that follows a former FBI agent who becomes a cop in an unusual town that is full of secrets, which happen to be the key to her mysterious past.
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10 • August 12 - August 18, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
Tuesday PRYLHV
8:00 p.m. (AMC) “Crocodile Dundee” +++ (1986, Adventure) Linda Kozlowski, Paul Hogan. An Australian crocodile hunter experiences culture shock when he travels to New York. (2h) (ENC) “Casper” ++ (1995, Comedy) Bill Pullman, Christina Ricci. A paranormal expert and his daughter move into a house that is inhabited by four ghosts. (1h45) (TMC) “Brokeback Mountain” ++ (2005, Drama) Jake Gyllenhaal, Heath Ledger. Two cowboys hide their intimate relationship in 1960s Wyoming after meeting on a mountain. (2h15) 8:30 p.m. (MAX) “Dream House” +++ (2011, Thriller) Naomi Watts, Daniel Craig. Upon moving into their new home, a family learns the brutal truth about the former owners. (1h30) 9:00 p.m. (STARZ) “Bad Teacher” +++ (2011, Comedy) Jason Segal, Cameron Diaz. An unconventional educator teaches her class and herself a unique type of lesson. (1h35) 9:45 p.m. (ENC) “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” ++ (2010, Action) Alfred Molina, Nicolas Cage. A sorcerer recruits an average man to assist him on his mission to protect the world. (1h55) 10:00 p.m. (AMC) “Crocodile Dundee II” ++ (1988, Comedy) Linda Kozlowski, Paul Hogan. An adventurer must come to the aid of his wife after she is kidnapped by a drug kingpin. (2h30) 11:00 p.m. (HBO2) “In Time” ++ (2011, Action) Amanda Seyfried, Justin Timberlake. In a world where time is currency, a young man finds himself negotiating to live longer. (1h55) 11:40 p.m. (ENC) “The Avengers” ++ (1998, Action) Uma Thurman, Ralph Fiennes. British secret agents must save London from a gang trying to control the weather. (1h35) 11:45 p.m. (TMC) “The Back-Up Plan” ++ (2010, Romance) Alex O’Loughlin, Jennifer Lopez. A woman goes through artificial insemination and then meets the man of her dreams. (1h45) 12:15 a.m. (HBOS) “Hanna” ++ (2011, Action) Cate Blanchette, Saoirse Ronan. After be trained as an assassin by her father, a girl is sent on a mission across Europe. (1h55) 12:30 a.m. (AMC) “Cool Runnings” ++ (1993, Comedy) Leon Robinson, John Candy. An unlikely team of bobsledders from Jamaica is formed to compete in the 1988 Olympics. (1h58) (SHOW) “The Rock” +++ (1996, Action) Nicolas Cage, Sean Connery. A former spy and an FBI agent must break into Alcatraz prison to foil a deadly plot. (2h30) 1:15 a.m. (ENC) “Just Cause” ++ (1995, Suspense) Laurence Fishburne, Sean Connery. A professor tries to clear a man who is about to be executed for a crime he didn’t commit. (1h45) 1:30 a.m. (TMC) “eXistenZ” ++ (1999, Suspense) Jude Law, Sarah Polley. A virtual game taps into users’ fears and desires, blurring the boundaries of reality. (1h45)
TUESDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NewsCen- NewsCe(16) WNDU ter 16 at 5 nter 16 INC News at 5 (21) WPTA (15) WANE
(21.2) CW (33) WISE (33.2) MNT (39) WFWA (39.2) KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) YOU
(55) WFFT
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
Meet the Meet the Browns Browns The Doctors Frasier
NC15 at 6 CBSNews p.m. NewsCe- NBC News nter 16 INC News World at 6 News The King The King of Queens of Queens INC News NBC News at 6 American American Dad Dad PBS NewsHour
7 PM Wheel of Fortune Access Hollywood Ent. Tonight Seinfeld Dr. Phil
8 PM
9 PM
TUESDAY, AUGUST 14 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
NCIS: LA "The Dragon and the Fairy" Inside America's Got Talent The YouTube acts are given their chance at the million dollar prize. (N) Edition Everybody The Last Man Happy Apartment Loves Ray Middle Standing Endings 23 Seinfeld Hart of Dixie "Hell's The L.A. Complex Belles" "Taking the Day" (N) America's Got Talent The YouTube acts are given their chance at the million dollar prize. (N) Family Hotel Hell "Juniper Masterchef "Top 6 Hill Inn" 2/2 (N) Compete" 3/3 (N) Guy History Detectives Healthline Breakfast Special Jeopardy! NCIS "Psych Out"
Family Guy Wild Nightly Electric Business Kratts Company Fetch! Sid Franny's Dinosaur Saddle Raggs Club Train "Friends" Science Feet Victory For Your Woodwri- J. Weir's Kimchi Julia and Garden Home ght's Shop Cook Chronicles Jacques Inside Indiana Indiana Supreme PBS NewsHour Business Court The Office The Office Met Your Met Your Two and a Two and a Mother Mother Half Men Half Men
WordWorld Essential Pepin Matters of the Mind Extra
Curious George Amer. Test Kitchen Zoo to You The Insider
Zula Patrol Primal J. Weir's Grill Cook BBC World Journal News Big Bang Big Bang Theory Theory
The Mentalist "Ring Around the Rosie" Stars Earn Stripes
NC15 Nightcast NewsCenter 16 NY Med (N) INC News at 11 p.m. Newsce- 'Til Death 'Til Death nter "Pilot" Stars Earn Stripes INC News at 11 p.m. Indiana's Cold Case "Spiders" News Inside Fenway Park: Summer An Icon at 100 Wine Martha Clifford- Thomas & Red Dog Friends Speaks Woodwri- Steves' Burt Wolf: Travels ght's Shop Europe Newsline The Piano Tavis Guy Smiley WFFT Local News TMZ
(:35) David Letterman (:35) Late Jennifer Garner Late Show (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) LateNight With Jay Leno ABC News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline That '70s That '70s South Show Show Park (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) With Jay Leno LateNight Cold Case "Andy in C Always Minor" Sunny Sun Studio Charlie Rose Sessions Wild Bob the Super Kratts WHY! Builder Essential Amer. Test Kimchi Pepin Kitchen Chronicles Tracks Tavis Tavis Ahead Smiley Smiley Gossip King of According Queens the Hill to Jim
News News News CBSNews Wheel Jeopardy! NCIS "Psych Out" NCIS: Los Angeles The Mentalist News (:35) D. Letterman (N) LateShow Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Hart of "Hell's Belles" The L.A. Complex (N) ABC News Seinfeld '70s Show TMZ Insider Sunny Two 1/2... 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy Hotel Hell (N) Masterchef (N) FOX 28 News The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Wild Kratt News R.Steves Michiana PBS NewsHour My Music: The British Beat Change Your Age End of Illness For Home Flying Nun Hogan 3 Sons FamilyTies IBA News Sumrall in Action The Harvest Show Paid Enjoy-Life Faith Wisdom The Place for Miracles Judy Judy ABC57 News 57 News ET Middle Last Man Endings Apt. 23 NY Med (N) ABC57 Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live Home Ask the Pastor Faith H. Church J Franklin TCT Today R. Praise B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show CSI: Miami "Not CSI: Miami "Payback" CSI: Miami "Grave Crocodile Dundee An Australian crocodile hunter
Crocodile Dundee II An adventurer must come to the
Cool Landing" Young Men" experiences shock when he travels to New York. aid of his wife after she is kidnapped by a drug kingpin. Runnings The First 48 Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Ship War Ship War Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report Industrial Light & M 20 Under 20 Pt. 1 of 2 20 Under 20 Pt. 2 of 2 Mad Money 20 Under 20 Pt. 1 of 2 (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight (:25) Sunny (:55) South Park (:25) Tosh.O (:55) Colbert (:25) Daily (:55) Work Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O The Burn Daily (N) Colbert (N) Tosh.O The Burn Impossible Shot Sharkzilla MythBusters Jaws Comes Home How Jaws/World Adrift (N) How Jaws/World Adrift Jessie Wizards Phineas GoodLuck
High School Musical 2 Zac Efron. (:10) Shake (:35) Shake A.N.T. Austin Austin Jessie A.N.T. Babysitter (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced C. Lately E! News C. Lately (4:20) Kindergarten C... (:20)
Babe: Pig in the City
Casper Christina Ricci. (:45)
The Sorcerer's Apprentice (:40)
The Avengers Around Football "Elite 11 QB Poker World Series Poker World Series Baseball Tonight (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter Interrup- SportsCenter Horn (N) tion (N) Camp: The Finals" (N) Main Event Main Event SportsNation (N) NFL 32 (L) Softball Little League World Series Semifinal (L) SportsC. Softball Little League Semifinal (L) SportsN Baseball Tonight (L) Reba Reba Beverly Hills Nannies Pretty Little Liars Pretty Little Liars (N) Bev. Hills Nannies (N) Pretty Little Liars The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity Action Sports World UFC Unleashed WPT Poker Seminole FA Soccer Classics 2011 FA Cup Everton vs. The Dan Patrick Show UFC Unleashed WPT Poker Seminole Tour Championship Hard Rock Showdown Chelsea Hard Rock Showdown The Waltons Little House Prairie Little House Prairie L. House "The Race" Little House "Bunny" Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls (4:00) Green Lantern When a man finds a magic ring, he J. Edgar ('11, Cri) Leonardo DiCaprio. The story of J. Edgar The Newsroom True Blood "Gone, Hard Knocks Gone, Gone" Vampire... joins a group charged with creating interspatial peace. Hoover and his role in the face of American law enforcement. (4:00)
In Time
Man on the Moon ('99, Bio) Jim Carrey. Game Change ('11, Dra) Woody Harrelson. True Blood
In Time ('11, Act) Justin Timberlake. (4:10)
Nick of Time Johnny Depp. Glee The 3D Concert Movie The Newsroom Enlight Beginners Ewan McGregor. (:15)
Hanna Income Income HGTV Design Star House HouseH Property Brothers HGTV Design Star HouseH House Rooms Rooms HGTV Design Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Top Gear Counting CountCars CountCars Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Dance Moms Dance Moms (N) Dance Moms Dance Moms Dance Moms Women Went (N) Women Went Dance Moms (4:35) Executive Target (:15)
Love Actually ('03, Rom) Emma Thompson.
Dream House Daniel Craig. StrikeBk (:50) Strike Back (:35) Femme Fatales (:35) StrikeBk '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show To Be Announced To Be Announced Sponge Sponge Victorious Victorious Figure Out Splatalt Victorious Victorious Hollywood Heights (N) G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends Destination Truth Destination Truth Destination Truth Destination Truth Destination Truth (N) C. Invervention (N) Destination Truth C. Invervention (4:00)
The Rock Sean Connery. A former spy and an FBI Weeds Web
Piranha ('10, Hor) Richard The Real L Word
The Episodes Weeds Therapy Panic agent must break into Alcatraz prison to foil a deadly plot. Dreyfuss, Elisabeth Shue. Rock Chop, Cut GearZ NASCAR Race Hub (N) Pass Time Pass Time Dumbest Dumbest HardPart Hard Parts RideRule RideRule Dumbest Dumbest Hard Parts Hard Parts Worst Worst Worst Worst Worst WorstTe- Rat (N) Repo Repo Repo Worst Worst Worst Worst Worst Repo Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Games Games (N) Games Games nants (N) (4:35)
Tron: Legacy (:45) Starz Boss
Bad Teacher Cameron Diaz. (:35) Starz /(:50) The Smurfs Hank Azaria. Movie Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Conan The Office The Office Say Yes to Say Yes to Toddlers & Tiaras Craft "Heavy Metal" Craft Wars (N) Not-Wear "Deborah" Not-Wear "Frances" Craft Wars Not-Wear "Deborah" (3:35) Outside the Law ('10, War) Jamel Debbouze. An Algerian Brokeback Mountain Two cowboys hide their (:15) Inhale ('10, Thril) Dermot (:45)
The Back-Up Plan ('10, Creation family fight for their freedom in France after WWII. intimate relationship in 1960s Wyoming. Mulroney, Mia Stallard. Rom) Jennifer Lopez. Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Franklin & Bash (N) Rizzoli & Isles Franklin & Bash Gunsmoke M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens SVU "Shaken" Law&O.:SVU "Grief" Law&O.:SVU "Ace" SVU "Trophy" White Collar (N) Covert Affairs (N) Animals "16 Hours" (:05) White Collar Behind the Music Single Ladies Love and Hip-Hop Honey 2 (2011, Comedy) Randy Wayne, Katerina Graham. Big Ang Love and Hip-Hop Single Ladies Law:CI "Silencer" 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Christine Christine
THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • August 12 - August 18, 2012 • 11 WEDNESDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NewsCen- NewsCe(16) WNDU ter 16 at 5 nter 16 INC News at 5 (21) WPTA (15) WANE
(21.2) CW (33) WISE (33.2) MNT
Meet the Meet the Browns Browns The Doctors Frasier
Wild Electric Kratts Company Dinosaur Saddle (39.2) KIDS Club Train Garden Katie (39.3) CRE Smart Brown Indiana State Parks (39.4) YOU (39) WFWA
(55) WFFT
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
NC15 at 6 CBSNews p.m. NewsCe- NBC News nter 16 INC News World at 6 News The King The King of Queens of Queens INC News NBC News at 6 American American Dad Dad PBS NewsHour Fetch!
Ask This J. Weir's Old House Cook Inside Indiana Business The Office The Office Met Your Met Your Mother Mother
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
Criminal Minds "The Bittersweet Science" Inside America's Got Talent America's Got Talent (N) Edition Lawyers The Suburga- Modern SuburgaFamily on Call Middle tory tory Oh Sit! (P) (N) Supernatural "Of Seinfeld Grave Importance" America's Got Talent America's Got Talent (N) Family Family Can Dance This season's top 14 finalists perform once again before learning who will be eliminated. Guy Guy Nightly Senior Julia Child Memories: Bon Appetit Memorable Business Spotlight episodes from Julia Child's 'French Chef' series. Franny's WordW- Curious Arthur Sid Zula orld Science Feet George Patrol Easy Thai Jacques Lidia's Cook's Barbecue J. Weir's Cooking Pépin Italy Country University Cook Healthline The New BBC World Journal PBS NewsHour Fly Fisher News The Two and a Two and a Extra Big Bang Big Bang Half Men Half Men Insider Theory Theory
Wheel of Fortune Access Hollywood Ent. Tonight Seinfeld "The Bris" Dr. Phil
Jeopardy! Big Brother (N)
CSI: Crime Scene "Brain Doe" Law & Order: S.V.U. "Missing Pieces" 20/20
NC15 Nightcast NewsCenter 16 INC News at 11 p.m. 'Til Death 'Til Death
(:35) D. Letterman Tom (:35) Late Brokaw, Rick Ross (N) Late Show (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) LateNight With Jay Leno (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline NewsceThat '70s '70s "I'm South Show a Boy" Park nter Law & Order: S.V.U. INC News (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) "Missing Pieces" at 11 p.m. With Jay Leno LateNight Indiana's Burn Notice "Hard Burn Notice "False Always News Bargain" Flag" Sunny TBA TBA As Time Red Green Charlie Rose Goes By Show Martha Clifford- Thomas & Wild Bob the Super Red Dog Friends Kratts WHY! Speaks Builder Ask This Steves' Equitrek- Lidia's Cook's Easy Thai Old House Europe Italy Country Cooking king Newsline Jammin' Tavis Career Tavis Tavis at Jack's Smiley Ladders Smiley Smiley WFFT Local News TMZ Gossip King of According Queens the Hill to Jim
News News News CBSNews Wheel Jeopardy! Big Brother (N) Criminal Minds CSI "Brain Doe" News (:35) D. Letterman (N) LateShow Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Oh Sit! (P) (N) Supernatural ABC News Seinfeld '70s Show TMZ Insider Sunny Two 1/2... 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy So You Think You Can Dance (N) Fox 28 News at 10 The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Wild Kratt News R.Steves Michiana PBS NewsHour Great Performances Introducing Nathan Pacheco Suze Orman's Money Class Comfort Flying Nun Hogan 3 Sons FamilyTies IBA News Sumrall Healthy The Harvest Show Paid Enjoy-Life Faith LESEA The Place for Miracles Judy Judy ABC57 News 57 News ET Middle Suburg. Modern Suburg. 20/20 ABC57 Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live Living Ep.. Ask the Pastor Faith H. Dorinda Fellowship TCT Today Super. B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show CSI: Miami "Rio" CSI: Miami "Dead Crocodile Dundee An Australian crocodile hunter
Crocodile Dundee II An adventurer must come to the CSI: Miami "Killer Breaking Zone" Date" experiences shock when he travels to New York. aid of his wife after she is kidnapped by a drug kingpin. Bad Hoggers Hoggers Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Storage Storage Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report American Greed: Fugi American Greed (N) American Greed Mad Money American Greed: Fugi (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight (:25) Sunny (:55) South Park (:25) Tosh.O (:55) Colbert (:25) Daily SouthPk SouthPk Futurama Futurama Futura (N) SouthPk Daily (N) Colbert (N) Futurama SouthPk Jaws Comes Home Adrift How Jaws/World Rogue Sharks Shark Fight To Be Announced Shark Fight To Be Announced Jessie Wizards Phineas GoodLuck
Camp Rock ('08, Mus) Joe Jonas. Shake Up Shake Up Gravity Austin Shake Up GoodLuck A.N.T. Babysitter (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced Lately (N) E! News C. Lately (4:20) Country Strong (:20)
Airheads ('94, Com) Brendan Fraser.
Superman II Christopher Reeve. (:10)
The Other Guys Will Ferrell.
Taxi Driver Around MLB Baseball (L) Baseball Tonight (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter Interrup- SportsCenter Horn (N) tion (N) SportsNation (N) NFL 32 (L) NFL Kick FIFA Soccer United States vs. Mexico Site: Estadio Azteca (L) Softball Little League World Series (L) Baseball Tonight (L) Reba Reba Daddy Daddy Melissa Melissa Melissa Daddy (N)
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity WPT Poker Seminole WPT Poker Seminole UFC Unleashed Bull Riding The Game The Dan Patrick Show WPT Poker Seminole UFC Unleashed Hard Rock Showdown Hard Rock Showdown 365 Hard Rock Showdown The Waltons Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Little House "Fred" Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls (4:30) For Love of the Game A pitcher reflects back on Hard Knocks Happy Feet Two (2011, Family) (:45) True Blood "Gone, Hard Knocks HBO First Look /(:15) his life & career. Robin Williams, Pink, Elijah Wood. B.Empire Gone, Gone"
Due Date (4:30) Men in Black (:15) Never Let Me Go Keira Knightley. Triangle (:45)
Hereafter ('10, Dra) Cécile De France, Matt Damon. The Newsroom X2: X-Men United (4:25) All She Can
My Cousin Vinny ('92, Com) Joe Pesci. The Newsroom True Blood Enlight
Inception ('10, Act) Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Cousins Cousins Cousins Cousins House HouseH Income Cousins Property Brothers HouseH House Property Brothers Property Brothers Picked Off Picked Off Picked Off Picked "Radio Fight" Picked Off Picked Off Restore Restore Picked "Radio Fight" Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Movie (:45)
The Birdcage Robin Williams. (:45)
The Matrix ('99, Act) Keanu Reeves. StrikeBk (:50) Strike Back (:35) Femme Fatales Movie '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show To Be Announced To Be Announced Sponge Sponge Victorious Victorious Figure Out Splatalt Victorious Victorious Hollywood Heights (N) G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends Ghost Hunters Int'l. C. Invervention Paranormal Witness Haunted Collector Haunted Collector (N) Para. Witness (N) Haunted Collector Paranormal Witness (:15) All Good Things A wealthy heir is suspected
The Mask of Zorro An aged Zorro takes on a young The Weeds The Episodes Tom Green Live ALL Franchise but never tried for killing his wife. apprentice in order to get revenge on an old enemy. ACCESS Franchise Chop, Cut GearZ NASCAR Race Hub (N) Pass Time Pass Time Pinks! "Maple Grove" 101 Cars 101 Cars Barrett-Jackson Pinks! "Maple Grove" 101 Cars 101 Cars Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction- Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunt (N) Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters (:15) Starz When a Stranger Calls Boss (:45) Starz Priest ('11, Act) Paul Bettany. (:35) Soul Surfer ('11, Act) AnnaSophia Robb. Movie Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy BigBang BigBang BigBang Conan Sullivan The Office Say Yes to Say Yes to Toddlers & Tiaras Honey Boo Honey Boo Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras (N) Honey B. Honey B. Toddlers & Tiaras Honey Boo Honey Boo (4:50) DeadHeads ('11, Adv) Ross (:25) Pros and Ex-Cons ('05, Act) The Heart Specialist ('06, Com/Dra) (:45) Harlem Hostel ('10, Com) Judy (:15)
Gridlock'd ('96, Dra) Tupac (:50) Fall Kidder, Michael McKiddy. Steve Bastoni, Sam Worthington. Zoe Saldana, Wood Harris. Courtland, Julissa Bermudez. Shakur, Thandie Newton, Tim Roth. Down ... The Mentalist Mentalist "18-5-4" Mental. "Red Letter" The Mentalist The Mentalist The Mentalist CSI: NY The Great Escape Gunsmoke M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray SoulMan The Exes Retired Queens Queens Queens NCIS NCIS NCIS "Faith" NCIS "Swan Song" Royal Pains (N) Necessary Rough (N) Suits "Rewind" Royal Pains R&B Songs "Hour 1" R&B Songs "Hour 2" Hollywood Exes Hollywood Exes Hollywood Exes (N) Love and Hip-Hop Mama Drama (N) Hollywood Exes (:15) 10th.. Videos 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Christine Christine
Wednesday PRYLHV
8:00 p.m. (AMC) “Crocodile Dundee” +++ (1986, Adventure) Linda Kozlowski, Paul Hogan. An Australian crocodile hunter experiences culture shock when he travels to New York. (2h) (ENC) “Superman II” +++ (1980, Sci-Fi) Margot Kidder, Christopher Reeve. Three exiled alien villains come to Earth to seek out their archenemy, Superman. (2h10) 8:45 p.m. (HBO2) “Hereafter” ++ (2010, Drama) Cécile De France, Matt Damon. The lives of three people are affected and drastically changed by death. (2h15) 9:00 p.m. (FAM) “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” ++ (1971, Family) Peter Ostrum, Gene Wilder. A chocolate maker distributes five golden tickets for a trip through his magical factory. (2h) 10:00 p.m. (AMC) “Crocodile Dundee II” ++ (1988, Comedy) Linda Kozlowski, Paul Hogan. An adventurer must come to the aid of his wife after she is kidnapped by a drug kingpin. (2h30) 10:10 p.m. (ENC) “The Other Guys” +++ (2010, Comedy) Will Ferrell. Two disgraced New York City detectives seize an opportunity to step into the limelight. (1h50) 10:30 p.m. (HBOS) “Inception” +++ (2010, Action) Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. A skilled thief has a final shot at redemption if he can execute his toughest job to date. (2h30) 11:15 p.m. (TMC) “Gridlock’d” ++ (1996, Drama) Tupac Shakur, Tim Roth. Two heroin addicts try to get sober but they have trouble getting admitted to rehab. (1h35) Midnight (ENC) “Taxi Driver” ++++ (1976, Drama) Jodie Foster, Robert De Niro. An alienated veteran’s night shifts as a New York cab driver fuel his urge to lash out. (2h) (HBO2) “X2: X-Men United” +++ (2003, Sci-Fi) Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart. A diabolical government official launches a secret operation to annihilate all mutants. (2h20) 12:15 a.m. (HBO) “Due Date” ++ (2010, Comedy) Robert Downey Jr., Zach Galifianakis. A man must drive crosscountry in order to make it to his child’s birth on time. (1h40) 12:35 a.m. (MAX) “The Whole Nine Yards” +++ (2000, Comedy) Matthew Perry, Bruce Willis. Following a stint in prison, hitman Jimmy the Tulip moves to a suburban neighborhood. (1h40) 1:00 a.m. (HBOS) “Boogie Nights” +++ (1997, Drama) Burt Reynolds, Mark Wahlberg. A man finds fame and fortune in the flashy adult entertainment industry of the 1970s. (2h40) 1:55 a.m. (HBO) “Eurotrip” ++ (2004, Comedy) Jessica Boehrs, Scott Mechlowicz. A teenager travels to Germany with his friends in order to meet his gorgeous online tutor. (1h35) 2:00 a.m. (ENC) “Raging Bull” ++++ (1980, Biography) Cathy Moriarty, Robert De Niro. The rise and dramatic fall of middleweight prizefighter Jake LaMotta. (2h15) 2:05 a.m. (AMC) “Summer School” +++ (1987, Comedy) Kirstie Alley, Mark Harmon. A schoolteacher, dreaming of a Hawaiian vacation, is assigned to teach summer school. (2h)
12 • August 12 - August 18, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
Thursday PRYLHV
8:00 p.m. (AMC) “Goodfellas” +++ (1990, Crime Story) Joe Pesci, Ray Liotta. A tough New York mobster becomes a target of the government and the mafia. (3h) (ENC) “As Good as It Gets” +++ (1997, Comedy) Helen Hunt, Jack Nicholson. An obsessive recluse’s life changes when he meets a waitress and befriends his neighbor. (2h30) (HBOS) “Green Lantern” ++ (2011, Action) Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds. When a man finds a magic ring, he joins a group charged with creating interspatial peace. (2h) 8:30 p.m. (FAM) “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” ++ (2005, Adventure) Freddie Highmore, Johnny Depp. A poor boy’s dreams come true when he wins a tour of a wondrous chocolate factory. (2h30) 9:00 p.m. (STARZ) “Bringing Down the House” ++ (2003, Comedy) Queen Latifah, Steve Martin. A conservative man’s life is turned upside down when a prison escapee enters his life. (1h50) 10:00 p.m. (SPIKE) “Crank 2: High Voltage” ++ (2009, Action) Amy Smart, Jason Statham. A man searches for the men who harvested his heart and replaced it with an artificial one. (2h) 10:30 p.m. (ENC) “30 Minutes or Less” ++ (2011, Action) Danny McBride, Jesse Eisenberg. A pizza boy stuck in an explosive vest is forced to rob a bank, while trying to disarm it. (1h30) (HBOS) “The Kids Are All Right” ++ (2010, Comedy/Drama) Mark Ruffalo, Annette Bening. The teenage children of a lesbian couple become curious about their biological father. (1h50) 11:00 p.m. (AMC) “Donnie Brasco” +++ (1997, Crime Story) Johnny Depp, Al Pacino. An undercover FBI agent infiltrates the mob and finds himself identifying with the Mafia. (3h) Midnight (ENC) “Godzilla” +++ (1998, Sci-Fi) Hank Azaria, Matthew Broderick. Godzilla rises from the ocean’s depths and destroys everything in its path, including NYC. (2h20) 12:30 a.m. (TMC) “White Palace” +++ (1990, Romance) James Spader, Susan Sarandon. A man hides his relationship when he becomes romantically involved with an older woman. (1h45) 1:00 a.m. (SHOW) “Reservoir Dogs” +++ (1992, Drama) Tim Roth, Harvey Keitel. Criminals involved in a jewel heist suspect one of their own is a police informant. (1h45) (STARZ) “Straw Dogs” ++ (2011, Thriller) Kate Bosworth, James Marsden. A man and his wife return to her hometown in the deep South where tension threatens them. (2h) 1:05 a.m. (HBO2) “Get Carter” ++ (2000, Thriller) Rachael Leigh Cook, Michael Caine. A mob member learns that his brother’s death was not an accident. (1h45) 2:00 a.m. (AMC) “Wise Guys” ++ (1986, Comedy) Joe Piscopo, Danny DeVito. A pair of low-rent mobsters from New Jersey scheme to double-cross their boss. (2h) (USA) “Repo Men” ++ (2010, Sci-Fi) Forest Whitaker, Jude Law. In a future where artificial organs can be bought on credit, they can also be repossessed. (1h58)
(21.2) CW (33) WISE (33.2) MNT (39) WFWA (39.2) KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) YOU
(55) WFFT
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
7 PM
8 PM
NC15 at 6 CBSNews p.m. NewsCe- NBC News nter 16 INC News World at 6 News The King The King of Queens of Queens INC News NBC News at 6 American American Dad Dad PBS NewsHour
Wheel of Fortune Access Hollywood Ent. Tonight Seinfeld
Jeopardy! Big Bang Two and a Half Men Theory Inside The Office Parks and Recreation Edition Sound Off Wipeout "Winners and Losers" (N) Seinfeld Oh Sit! (N)
9 PM
THURSDAY, AUGUST 16 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
Big Brother (N)
Person of Interest "Wolf and Cub" Saving Hope Rock Center With Brian Williams Time Machine Chefs Rookie Blue "Cold (N) Comforts" (N) Meet the Meet the The Next "Orlando" Newsce- 'Til Death Browns Browns (P) (N) nter The Doctors Dr. Phil The Office Parks and Saving Hope Rock Center With Recreation Brian Williams Frasier Frasier Family Family NFL Football Pre-season Cincinnati Bengals vs. Atlanta Falcons Site: Georgia Dome -- Atlanta, Ga. (L) Guy Guy Wild Nightly This Old Ask This Inside Fenway Park: POV "Steam of Life" Electric Around Business the House House Old House An Icon at 100 Kratts Company Fetch! Sid "The Franny's WordW- Curious Arthur Martha CliffordDinosaur Saddle Raggs Zula Club orld Red Dog Train "Sports" Itchy Tag" Feet George Patrol Speaks Victory For Your Woodwri- Clodagh's Kimchi Julia & J. Essential Amer. Test Primal Clodagh's Woodwri- Steves' Garden Home Pepin Kitchen Grill Irish Food ght's Shop Europe ght's Shop Irish Food Chronicles "Duck" Indiana in Indiana Across Senior BBC World Journal Newsline Healthline Weekly PBS NewsHour Tracks Review Indiana Spotlight Ahead News Exped. Special The Office The Office Met Your Met Your Two and a Two and a Extra The Big Bang Big Bang WFFT Local News Mother Mother Half Men Half Men Insider Theory Theory
NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NewsCen- NewsCe(16) WNDU ter 16 at 5 nter 16 INC News at 5 (21) WPTA (15) WANE
NC15 Nightcast NewsCenter 16 INC News at 11 p.m. 'Til Death INC News at 11 p.m. TBA You Being Served? Thomas & Friends Burt Wolf: Travels Tavis Smiley TMZ
(:35) D. Letterman Tracy (:35) Late Morgan, Ben Howard Late Show (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) LateNight With Jay Leno (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline That '70s That '70s South Show Show Park (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) With Jay Leno LateNight Without a Trace Always "From the Ashes" Sunny Jammin' Charlie Rose at Jack's Wild Bob the Super Kratts WHY! Builder Essential Amer. Test Kimchi Pepin Kitchen Chronicles Student Tavis Tavis Loan Smiley Smiley Gossip King of According Queens the Hill to Jim
News News News CBSNews Wheel Jeopardy! BigBang Two 1/2... Big Brother (N) Person of Interest News (:35) D. Letterman (N) LateShow Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Oh Sit! (N) The Next (N) ABC News Seinfeld '70s Show TMZ Insider Sunny Two 1/2... 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy NFL Football Pre-season Cincinnati Bengals vs. Atlanta Falcons (L) 28 News The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Wild Kratt News R.Steves Michiana PBS NewsHour Gospel of Elvis Ed Sullivan's Top Performers Dr. Fuhrman's Immunity Solution Woman Flying Nun Hogan 3 Sons FamilyTies IBA News Sumrall Studio B The Harvest Show Paid Enjoy-Life Bible LESEA The Place for Miracles Judy Judy ABC57 News 57 News ET Wipeout (N) TimeMachine Chef (N) Rookie Blue (N) ABC57 Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live 3D Woman Ask the Pastor Faith H. Faith CBN News TCT Today Fellowship B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show CSI: Miami "Mayday" CSI: Miami "Mommie CSI: Miami "Special
Goodfellas ('90, Cri) Joe Pesci, Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta. A tough Donnie Brasco An undercover FBI agent infiltrates Deadest" Delivery" New York mobster becomes a target of the government and the mafia. the mob & finds himself identifying with the Mafia. The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Justice (N) Justice (N) Justice Justice The First 48 Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report Crime Inc. Crime Inc. (N) American Greed Mad Money Crime Inc. (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight (:20) Sunny SouthPk (:25) Tosh.O (:55) Colbert Report (:25) Daily Chappelle Chappelle (:55) Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Daily (N) Colbert (N) The Burn Tosh.O Air Jaws II: Higher Ultimate Air Jaws Air Jaws: Apocalypse Great White Invasion Great White Highway 25 Best Bites Great White Highway 25 Best Bites Jessie Wizards Phineas GoodLuck Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam Alyson Stoner. Shake Up Shake Up GoodLuck Austin Austin Jessie A.N.T. Babysitter (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced C. Lately E! News C. Lately Movie (:50)
The Preacher's Wife Denzel Washington.
As Good as It Gets ('97, Com) Jack Nicholson.
30 Minutes or Less
Godzilla Around SportsCenter "Fantasy Baseball Little League World Series Double Baseball Tonight (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter Interrup- SportsCenter Horn (N) tion (N) Draft Special" Elimination -- Williamsport, Pa. (L) Baseball Little League World Series (L) ATP Tennis Western & Southern Open Round of 16 Site: Lindner Family Tennis Center (L) NFL NFL (N) NFL Live (L) Reba 1/2 Reba 2/2 Melissa
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Johnny Depp. The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity Golden Downun- Ultimate Reds Pre- MLB Baseball New York Mets vs. Cincinnati Reds Site: Great American Reds Post- Dan WPT Poker Seminole UFC Unleashed Hard Rock Showdown Age der Horse. Insider game (L) Ball Park -- Cincinnati, Ohio (L) game (L) Patrick The Waltons Little House Prairie L. House "Blizzard" Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls
Contagion ('11, Action) Kate (:45) Gulliver's Travels ('10, Adventure) Puss in Boots ('11, Ani) Salma True Blood "Gone, Real Sex (:45) Live! The Newsroom Gone, Gone" Winslet, Jude Law, Matt Damon. B.Empire Emily Blunt, Jason Segel, Jack Black. Hayek, Antonio Banderas. (4:45) The Big Year Owen Wilson. (:35)
Vampires Suck True Blood J. Edgar ('11, Cri) Leonardo DiCaprio. (:20) The Big Year ('11, Com) Owen Wilson. Movie (:25) Robert Klein (:25) Mr. Popper's Penguins
Green Lantern ('11, Act) Ryan Reynolds. Enlight
The Kids Are All Right (:20) The Newsroom Rooms Rooms Rooms Rooms House HouseH Property Brothers Sellers Selling NY HouseH House HouseH House Sellers Selling NY American Pickers Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Hatfields & McCoys Great Lake Warriors Top Gear Hatfields & McCoys Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Project Runway Project Runway (N) Project Runway Project Runway (4:20)
Sanctum (:15)
Liar Liar Jim Carrey. (:45)
The Lost World: Jurassic Park Jeff Goldblum. StrikeBk (:45) Strike Back (:35) Fast Five Movie '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show To Be Announced To Be Announced Sponge Sponge Victorious Victorious Figure Out Splatalt Victorious Victorious Hollywood Heights (N) G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends Alphas Alphas "Original Sin" Alphas Alphas Alphas "Alpha Dogs" Alphas Warehouse 13 Warehouse 13 (:15)
The Core ('03, Sci-Fi) Hilary Swank. Scientists must
Godzilla Godzilla rises from the ocean's depths and PolyamoThe Real L Word (N) Polyamory The Real L Word travel to the Earth's core in order to save the planet. destroys everything in its path, including NYC. (N) ry:Married Chop, Cut GearZ NASCAR Race Hub (N) Pass Time Pass Time Warriors "Camaro" Wrecked Wrecked Hard Parts Hard Parts Warriors "Camaro" Wrecked Wrecked World's Wildest Police World's Wildest Police World's Wildest Police Wrestling Watch high-risk athletic entertainment Crank 2: High Voltage A man searches for the men Ways to Ways to Videos Videos Videos featuring the most recognizable stars of wrestling. who harvested his heart. Die Die (4:50) How Do You Know ('10, Com/Dra) Boss
Bringing Down the House (:50) Secretariat ('10, Fam) Scott Glenn, Diane Lane. Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld FamilyGuy FamilyGuy BigBang BigBang Sullivan BigBang Conan Sullivan The Office Say Yes to Say Yes to Toddlers & Tiaras American Gypsy Wedd Say Yes Say Yes Four Weddings (N) Four Weddings (N) Four Weddings Four Weddings (4:05)
Gross (:55)
Permanent Midnight ('98, (:25) Back to Back ('96, Act) Bob Drive Angry A father escapes hell to find the man The Grind ('09, Thril) Michael White Anatomy Dra) Ben Stiller, Maria Bello. Goldthwait, Michael Rooker. who killed his daughter & took his granddaughter. Welch, C. Thomas Howell. Palace The Mentalist The Mentalist Mentalist "Red Hot" Mental. "Ball of Fire" Mental. "Red Moon" The Mentalist Rizzoli & Isles CSI: NY Gunsmoke M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens NCIS "Iceman" NCIS NCIS "Jetlag" NCIS "Pyramid" Burn Notice (N) Suits "Asterisk" (N) Covert Affairs Burn Notice Love and Hip-Hop Hollywood Exes Artists "Hour 1" Artists "Hour 2" Artists "Hour 3" Artists "Hour 4" Artists "Hour 5" Mama Drama Law:CI "Rocket Man" 30 Rock 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Christine Christine
THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • August 12 - August 18, 2012 • 13 FRIDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30
6 PM
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
FRIDAY, AUGUST 17 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
(55) WFFT
NC15 (:35) The Late Show (:35) Late Nightcast With David Letterman Late Show NewsCe- (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) Inside America's Got Talent nter 16 LateNight With Jay Leno Edition 20/20 A combination of interviews, feature INC News (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Everybody Shark Tank Loves Ray stories and hard-hitting investigative reports. at 11 p.m. Nightline Meet the Meet the Nikita "Doublecross" Nikita "Arising" Newsce- 'Til Death 'Til Death That '70s That '70s South Seinfeld Browns Browns Show Show Park nter The Doctors America's Got Talent Grimm Dateline NBC INC News (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) at 11 p.m. With Jay Leno LateNight Monk "Mr. Monk and Art & Soul Frasier Frasier Family Family NFL Football Pre-season Detroit Lions vs. Baltimore Ravens Site: M & T TBA the Actor" Bank Stadium -- Baltimore, Md. (L) Guy Guy Wild Nightly Electric PrimetiWashin- Need to Performances Anna Deavere Smith interviews a AC Limit "Fleet Foxes/ Charlie Rose Business me39 range of people on the subject of the human body. Joanna Newsom" Kratts Company gton Week Know Fetch! Franny's WordW- Curious Arthur Martha Clifford- Thomas & Wild Bob the Dinosaur Saddle Raggs Sid Zula Super Club Science orld Red Dog Friends Kratts WHY! Train "Park" Feet George Patrol Speaks Builder Garden Barbecue Clodagh's This Old Steves' Simply Around This Old Clodagh's Simply Hubert Lidia's Cook's TravelsLidia's Cook's the House House Irish Food Ming Keller Italy Italy Home "Grilling" University Irish Food House Europe cope "Grilling" Ming Religion America in Primetime In. Market to McLaug- BBC World Journal Newsline Defense Need to Tavis PBS NewsHour Tavis Tavis "The Misfit" Washngtn Market News News Know News hlin Smiley Smiley Smiley The Office The Office Met Your Met Your Two and a Two and a Extra The Gossip Big Bang Big Bang Wfft News The Locker TMZ King of According Mother Mother Half Men Half Men Insider Theory Theory Room Queens the Hill to Jim
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
News Friends Two 1/2... Wild Kratt Business Judy Come In
NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NewsCen- NewsCe(16) WNDU ter 16 at 5 nter 16 INC News at 5 (21) WPTA (15) WANE
(21.2) CW (33) WISE (33.2) MNT (39) WFWA (39.2) KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) YOU
NC15 at 6 CBSNews p.m. NewsCe- NBC News nter 16 INC News World at 6 News The King The King of Queens of Queens INC News NBC News at 6 American American Dad Dad PBS NewsHour
Wheel of Fortune Access Hollywood Ent. Tonight Sein. "The Barber" Dr. Phil
Jeopardy! Teachers Rock (N)
CSI: NY "Crossroads" Blue Bloods "No Questions Asked" Grimm Dateline NBC
News News CBSNews Wheel Jeopardy! Teachers Rock (N) CSI: NY "Crossroads" Blue Bloods News (:35) David Letterman LateShow Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Nikita "Doublecross" Nikita "Arising" ABC News Seinfeld '70s Show TMZ Insider Sunny 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy NFL Football Pre-season Detroit Lions vs. Baltimore Ravens (L) 28 News The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... News Economic Michiana PBS NewsHour Oscar H "Out of My Dreams" Doo Wop's Love Songs Ed Sullivan's Top Performers Flying Nun World Pulse Festival 2012 Sumrall Paid The Harvest Show Full Circle Enjoy-Life H.S. Football Judy ABC57 News 57 News ET Shark Tank 20/20 ABC57 Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live Ask the Pastor Faith H. Health CBN News TCT Today God's Plan B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show (3:00)
Scarface (1983, Crime Story) Michelle Pfeiffer, Steven Bauer, Al Pacino. A Cuban refugee
Scarface ('83, Cri) Al Pacino. A Cuban refugee pursues the ('90, Cri) Ray Liotta. pursues the American dream by moving to the top of the Florida drug trade. American dream by moving to the top of the Florida drug trade. The First 48 Beyond Scared Stra. Beyond Scared Stra. Beyond Scared Stra. Beyond Scared Stra. Beyond Scared Stra. Beyond Scared Stra. Beyond Scared Stra. Options Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report Trash Inc: Factories "IKEA" American Greed Mad Money Factories "IKEA" (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight (:20) Sunny SouthPk (:25) Tosh.O (:55) Colbert Report (:25) Daily (:55) Tosh.O (:25) Tosh.O (:55) Futura Tosh.O SouthPk SouthPk NewYorkStand-Up (N) Completely Serious Great White Appetite Into the Shark Bite Great White Island Jaws of the Pacific Gold Rush Gold Rush Gold Rush Gold Rush Jessie Wizards Phineas GoodLuck Austin Jessie Shake It Up "Made in Japan" Gravity (N) A.N.T. GoodLuck GoodLuck Shake Up A.N.T. Babysitter (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced The Soup Fashion C. Lately E! News C. Lately (4:35) Resident Evil:... (:15)
It Could Happen to You
Grown Ups Adam Sandler. (:50)
The Jackal ('98, Act) Richard Gere, Bruce Willis. Resident Evil: Afterlife Around Baseball Tonight (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter Interrup- SportC A review of the day's scores, highlights, Baseball Little League World Series Double Horn (N) tion (N) and feature stories from major sporting events. Elimination -- Williamsport, Pa. (L) Baseball Little League World Series (L) ATP Tennis Western & Southern Open (L) Karate M. Tyson Boxing Friday Night Fights (L) Baseball Tonight (L) (4:00) Charlie & the Chocolate F...
Edward Scissorhands Johnny Depp.
Alice in Wonderland ('10, Adv) Johnny Depp. The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity Auto Racing Must See Boys in Reds Pre- MLB Baseball Chicago Cubs vs. Cincinnati Reds Site: Great American Ball Reds Post- Dan Action Sports World UFC Unleashed Racing the Hall Tour Championship game (L) Park -- Cincinnati, Ohio (L) game (L) Patrick Waltons "The Legacy"
Mother's Day on Walton's Mountain Little House Prairie L. House "Injun Kid" Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls (4:30) Inception A skilled thief has a final shot at Hanna After be trained as an assassin by her Real Time With Bill Hard Knocks The Newsroom Real Time With Bill Maher (N) Maher redemption if he can execute his toughest job to date. father, a girl is sent on a mission across Europe. (4:05) Star Trek: First... Hard Knocks
The A-Team ('10, Act) Liam Neeson.
In Time ('11, Act) Justin Timberlake. True Blood The Newsroom (3:50) J. Edgar (:10) Beginners ('10, Com/Dra) Ewan McGregor.
Due Date Zach Galifianakis. (:45) Making Enlight
My Cousin Vinny ('92, Com) Joe Pesci. Movie Property Property House House House House Giveaway Rooms Extreme Homes HouseH House House House Extreme Homes American Pickers Hatfields & McCoys Hatfields & McCoys Pickers "Train Wreck" Pickers Pickers Hatfields & McCoys America's Most Wanted: America Fights Back America Most Wanted America Most Wanted America Most Wanted America Most Wanted America Most Wanted America Most Wanted StrikeBk StrikeBk (:20) Strike Back (:10) Strike Back
Cowboys and Aliens Daniel Craig. StrikeBk (:45) Strike Back (N) StrikeBk (:20) Strike Back '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Sponge Sponge Victorious Victorious Figure Out Splatalt Wife Kids Wife Kids Hollywood Heights (N) G. Lopez G. Lopez Friends Friends Friends Friends (4:00) Carny Morlocks ('11, Sci-Fi) David Hewlett. WWE Smackdown! (N) Lost Girl (N) Alphas Lost Girl (3:45)
The Rock Sean Connery. A former spy and an FBI Limelight ('10, Doc) Jay-Z, 50 Cent. Documents (:55) I Melt With You Things spiral out of control when The Weeds Powder agent must break into Alcatraz prison to foil a deadly plot. former New York City club owner Peter Gatien. four friends revisit a pact they made 25 years earlier. Franchise (4:00) Racing Trackside (N) Speed NASCAR Racing Pure Michigan 400 NASCAR Truck Racing VFW 200 NASCAR Racing Pure Michigan 400 Trackside Mobil1 (N) (4:30) Gangland "Die, Crank 2: High Voltage A man searches for the men
I, Robot Will Smith. In 2035, a Chicago detective Gangland "Gangster, Gangland "Deadly Triangle" Inc." Gangland Snitch, Die" who harvested his heart. investigates a robot's role in the death of a scientist. (4:30) Connie & Carla (:10) Starz (:25)
Bad Teacher (:05) Camelot Boss (N) Boss
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld Payne Payne For Better Better (N)
Ghosts of Girlfriends Past The Office Movie Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes to the Dress Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes to the Dress (3:35)
Sophie's (:10) Smile Mika Boorem. Two girls, same age Detective Dee & the Mystery of the Phantom (:05) The Disappearance of Alice (:45)
Star Trek: Nemesis ('02, Choice Meryl Streep. but worlds apart, change each other’s lives. Flame Creed ('09, Cri) Martin Compston. Sci-Fi) Patrick Stewart. Law & Order "Gaijin" Law & Order Law & Order
Angels and Demons ('09, Myst) Ewan McGregor, Tom Hanks.
Deep Impact ('98, Act) Elijah Wood. Gunsmoke M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp Home Imp Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Law&O.:SVU "Class" SVU "Venom" SVU "Demons" Law&O.:SVU "Fault" Law&O.:SVU "Blast" SVU "Authority" Burn Notice Suits "Asterisk" Saturday Night Live Behind Music "Akon" Behind Music "Nelly" Love and Hip-Hop
Beauty Shop ('05, Com) Queen Latifah. Single Ladies Single Ladies Law:CI "Bombshell" 30 Rock 30 Rock MLB Baseball Chicago Cubs vs. Cincinnati Reds (L) WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Christine Christine
8:00 p.m. (ENC) “Grown Ups” ++ (2010, Comedy) Kevin James, Adam Sandler. Five good friends and former teammates reunite after their basketball coach passes away. (1h50) (HBOS) “Due Date” ++ (2010, Comedy) Robert Downey Jr., Zach Galifianakis. A man must drive crosscountry in order to make it to his child’s birth on time. (1h45) (MAX) “Cowboys and Aliens” +++ (2011, Action) Harrison Ford, Daniel Craig. A group of cowboys and natives fight to stop aliens from taking over the world in 1973. (2h) (TNT) “Angels and Demons” +++ (2009, Mystery) Ewan McGregor, Tom Hanks. A professor is called upon to help prevent an attack on the Vatican and solve a murder. (3h) 8:30 p.m. (FAM) “Alice in Wonderland” ++ (2010, Adventure) Anne Hathaway, Johnny Depp. Alice returns to magical Underworld and learns her destiny is to defeat the Red Queen. (2h30) (SPIKE) “I, Robot” +++ (2004, SciFi) Bridget Moynahan, Will Smith. In 2035, a Chicago detective investigates a robot’s role in the death of a scientist. (2h30) 9:00 p.m. (HBO2) “In Time” ++ (2011, Action) Amanda Seyfried, Justin Timberlake. In a world where time is currency, a young man finds himself negotiating to live longer. (2h) (VH1) “Beauty Shop” ++ (2005, Comedy) Alicia Silverstone, Queen Latifah. A beauty salon’s customers are more interested in gossip than getting their hair done. (2h) 9:50 p.m. (ENC) “The Jackal” +++ (1998, Action) Richard Gere, Bruce Willis. A former IRA sniper is called in to stop a terrorist from killing the American First Lady. (2h10) 10:00 p.m. (AMC) “Scarface” ++++ (1983, Crime Story) Michelle Pfeiffer, Al Pacino. A Cuban refugee pursues the American dream by moving to the top of the Florida drug trade. (4h) (TBS) “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” ++ (2009, Romance) Jennifer Garner, Matthew McConaughey. A bachelor is haunted by the ghosts of his ex girlfriends and learns to change his ways. (2h) 10:30 p.m. (HBOS) “My Cousin Vinny” ++ (1992, Comedy) Marisa Tomei, Joe Pesci. A Brooklyn lawyer attempts to defend his innocent cousin and a friend on murder charges. (2h05) 11:00 p.m. (STARZ) “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” +++ (2011, Crime Story) Rooney Mara, Daniel Craig. A disgraced writer and a hacker are hired to solve an old murder and family mystery. (2h40) (TNT) “Deep Impact” ++ (1998, Action) Morgan Freeman, Elijah Wood. An ambitious reporter discovers a meteor is on a fatal collision course with Earth. (2h30) 11:45 p.m. (TMC) “Star Trek: Nemesis” +++ (2002, Sci-Fi) Jonathan Frakes, Patrick Stewart. The crew discovers a sinister plot when the Enterprise is diverted to a Romulan planet. (2h) Midnight (ENC) “Resident Evil: Afterlife” +++ (2010, Action) Wentworth Miller, Milla Jovovich. A woman helps a group of survivors who want to make their way to a supposedly safe haven. (1h45)
14 • August 12 - August 18, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
Saturday PRYLHV
8:00 p.m. (21) (WPTA) (57) (WBND) “The Devil Wears Prada” +++ (2006, Comedy) Anne Hathaway, Meryl Streep. A woman with journalistic ambitions works for an overly demanding fashion magazine editor. (2h) (AMC) “Wyatt Earp” ++ (1994, Western) Dennis Quaid, Kevin Costner. The story of the legendary sheriff-gunslinger and his attempts to clean up the West. (4h30) (ENC) “True Lies” +++ (1994, Action) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis. A secret agent puts his family at risk when they discover his true identity. (2h30) (FAM) “WALL-E” ++++ (2008, Animated) Elissa Knight, Ben Burtt. In the distant future, a small waste-collecting robot embarks on a space journey. (2h) (HBO) “The Change-Up” +++ (2011, Comedy) Ryan Reynolds, Jason Bateman. Two best friends’ lives are swapped after a mysterious drunken incident. (2h) (LIFE) “Made of Honor” +++ (2008, Comedy) Michelle Monaghan, Patrick Dempsey. A womanizing bachelor falls for his best friend when she announces her engagement. (2h) (SHOW) “Real Steel” +++ (2011, Sci-Fi) Evangeline Lilly, Hugh Jackman. A robot boxing promoter re-connects with his son while training a discarded robot. (2h07) (TNT) “Transformers” +++ (2007, Action) Megan Fox, Shia LeBoeuf. Two alien robot tribes battling for supremacy come to Earth seeking an energy source. (3h) 8:30 p.m. (SPIKE) “Independence Day” +++ (1996, Sci-Fi) Bill Pullman, Will Smith. A group of people race against time to try to save the world from alien invaders. (3h) 9:00 p.m. (HBOS) “What’s Your Number?” ++ (2011, Comedy) Chris Evans, Anna Faris. A woman questions whether one of the men from the past 20 she has dated was her true love. (1h45) (SCIFI) “Daybreakers” ++ (2009, Action) Ethan Hawke, Jay Laga’aia. In the year 2019 vampires find themselves facing a dwindling supply of human blood. (2h) (STARZ) “Friends With Benefits” ++ (2011, Comedy) Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis. Two friends learn that having sex does complicate their friendship. (2h) (TBS) “Meet the Fockers” ++ (2004, Comedy) Ben Stiller, Robert De Niro. Mayhem ensues when Greg introduces his eccentric family to his straightlaced in-laws. (2h30) (TMC) “Fright Night” +++ (2011, Comedy) Colin Farrell, Anton Yelchin. A teenager hires a vampire slayer to help him kill his neighbor. (1h50) 10:00 p.m. (FAM) “WALL-E” ++++ (2008, Animated) Elissa Knight, Ben Burtt. In the distant future, a small waste-collecting robot embarks on a space journey. (2h)
8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 Saturday A discussion of current events & a Busyto- BusytoFirst News Saturday variety of topics that affect our world today. wn Myst. wn Myst. Pajani- Poppy Justin (7:00) NewsCenter 16 Saturday Morning Noodl(16) WNDU eDoodle mals Cat Time Good Morning Wild Ocean Born to Sea Everyday Food for (21) WPTA America Saturday Countd. Myst. Explore Rescue Health Thought Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-Gi(21.2) CW Zex Zex Zex Zex Zex Zex Zex Oh! (N) (7:00) Saturday Jack Noodl- Pajani- Poppy Jack Justin (33) WISE Today Cat Time Hanna Hanna eDoodle mals Animal Passport Real Life Career Weekend Marketplace (33.2) MNT Explore 101 Atlas Day Woodsmi Amer. This Old Ask-Old HomeWoodMotor- AutoLine (39) WFWA House th Shop Wood work House time week Saddle Barney & Raggs Sid Franny's Bob the Peep/P- Mark (39.2) KIDS Club Builder ocoyo Kistler Friends "Books" Science Feet Baking Julia & J. Baking Julia and Baking Julia & J. Baking Julia and (39.3) CRE w/ Julia "Beef" w/ Julia Jacques w/ Julia "Fish" w/ Julia Jacques Ask-Old Woodw- Woodt- Woodsmi Aroun- TN. Wild Antique "Tucson (39.4) YOU (Hour Two)" House right's urning th Shop dHouse Side Dog Into the Paid Paid Gunsmoke "The Bonanza "The (55) WFFT Wild Program Program Judas Gun" Fugitive" Tales (15) WANE
Show Dog Championship Noodl- PajanieDoodle mals Paid Paid Program Program Elizabeth HollyStanton wood LazyThe Town Wiggles Corner Store TV The New Fly Fisher Zoo to You J. Weir's Cook Julia's Kitchen Paid Program
College Football Preview Show Dew Tour
PGA Tour "Playing PGA Golf Wyndham Championship Round With a Purpose" 3 Site: Sedgefield Country Club (L) AMA Motocross USGA Golf
Paid Paid Program Program Heartland "Catch and Release" Dew Tour
Back 2 School Baseball Little League World Series Parade Elimination Game (L) Aquamarine A mermaid flees her controlling Aussie and Ted's father & ends up ashore Great Adventure AMA Motocross USGA Golf
From Old Without a Trace Daryl's Christine Test Vegeta- Uncork- Mexican Victory Garden Kitchen rian ed: Wine Table Zula Martha CliffordCurious Mister George Rogers Patrol Speaks Red Dog Simply Hubert Lidia's Cook's Barbecue Keller Italy Country Univ. Ming Victory Back to the Garden Antique "Tucson Garden (Hour Two)" 40 Days & 40 Nights A young man decides to Paid Program observe Lent.
Player To Be Announced Poll Sewing Garden Quilt Home "Design" W Nancy Thomas- Wild Bob the Friends Kratts Builder J. Weir's This Old Steves' Cook House Europe Joy of Motor- HealthPainting week line TMZ Crook and Chase
J. Weir's Cook Peep/Pocoyo Travelscope Senior Spotlight
www.kpcnews.com 5L^ /VWL *OYPZ[PHU *LU[LY ^^^ 5L^/VWL PU
Saturday A discussion of current events & a TheDo- TheDo- Paid Paid College Football PGA Tour "Playing PGA Golf Wyndham Championship Round variety of topics that affect our world today. odlebops odlebops Program Program Preview Show With a Purpose" 3 Site: Sedgefield Country Club (L) Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-GiHeartburn A marriage turns sour after a Crazy in Alabama A small town boy sets out King of King of Zex Zex Zex Zex Zex Oh! (N) pregnant wife uncovers infidelities. on a cross-country trek with his aunt . Queens Queens Teen Wild Paid Bones "The Graft The Closer MLB Baseball (L) Aweso- Weekend Marketplace Player News Animals Program in the Girl" "Identity Theft" Poll me Adv. Dr. Fuhrman's Immunity Your Age Simple steps to boost your brain Blood Sugar Solution With Dr. Orangutan Diary The Happiness Advantage Solution With Shawn Achor to help you live longer and look younger. Mark Hyman (46) WHME News Career H.S. Football Paid Gospel Superfest in Action Studio B Best of Harvest Drought Paid For Home Woman Ocean Born to Sea Everyday Food for Ugly Betty Wild Without a Trace TMZ Baseball Little League World Series (57) WBND Good Morning America Saturday Countd. Myst. Explore Rescue Health Thought "Derailed" "Heartbeats" Elimination Game (L) Science Sarah's End of Public Somme- Captain Miss Gospel Donkey Swamp Advent. Faithville CreatAwaken- Health& Health& Restorat(63) WINM Kicks Chuckle Charity's Bill Stories the Age Report Club rtime Ollie Critters Odyssey ures Stuff ing Hour Nutrition Nutrition ion Road AMC Rifleman Hell on Wheels
Comanche Territory (:15)
Bend of the River James Stewart. Broken Trail Print Ritter & his estranged nephew overcome many obstacles . Flip "Roach House" Flip This House Hideous Houses (N) Sell/ Extreme (N) Flip This House Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Ship War Ship War Ship War Ship War A&E Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid CNBC (7:00) CNN Newsroom Line CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Your Money CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom News Sanjay CNN Comedy Comedy Comedy
Revenge of the Nerds (:35)
Extract Jason Bateman. (:35)
Legally Blonde (:35) Date Movie COM Paid Paid Rogue Sharks Jaws Comes Home Great White Ultimate Air Jaws Animal Attacks How Jaws/World Sharkzilla Adrift DISC M.Mouse Jake Phineas Phineas FishHook Gravity A.N.T. A.N.T. Wizards Wizards GoodLk GoodLk Austin Shake Up Shake It Up "Made in Japan" GoodLk DISN (7:00) TBA E! News Fashion The Soup To Be Announced To Be Announced E! (7:20) Babe: Pig i...
Home Alone (:45)
Nine Months Hugh Grant. The Quick and the Dead (:20)
Grown Ups Adam Sandler. (:05) The Jackal ENC SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter Baseball Little League World Series (L) NASCR NASCAR Auto Racing NAPA Auto Parts 200 (L) ESPN (7:30) EPL Soccer (L) School Football (N) MILB Baseball (L) ATP Tennis Western & Southern Open Semifinal Site: Lindner Family Tennis Center (L) ESPN2 Boy MW
The Karate Kid ('84, Dra) Pat Morita, Ralph Macchio.
Race to Witch Mountain
Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams
Edward Scissorhands FAM (6:00) Fox & Friends Saturday Bull Bear Cavuto Forbes Cash In America's News HQ America's News HQ Journal News Special Report America's News HQ FNC Hunter P. Bass Big 12 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Billiards Missouri Football Sooners Bears Preview Preview Preview FB Pre. FSMW Lucy Lucy G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Falling in Love With the Girl Next Door The Music Teacher ('12, Dra) Annie Potts. How to Fall in Love (2012, Comedy) HALL (7:45) Glitter Mariah Carey. Puss in Boots Hard Knocks
Intolerable Cruelty (:45) Titanic Two social opposites fall in love while on Titanic's maiden voyage. HBO (7:35) Mr. Bean's... (:05) Envy Ben Stiller. (:45) Bill Maher (:45) Cedar Rapids Ed Helms. (:15) Never Let Me Go Keira Knightley. The Newsroom
Hereafter HBO2 (7:35) Welcome to Mooseport
What's Your Number? (:20)
Nick of Time (:50) Another Earth Brit Marling. (:25)
The Saint ('97, Susp) Val Kilmer. Movie HBOS Rehab Rehab Property Property Crashers Crashers Crashers Crashers Crashers Crashers Elbow Million $ HH World HH World House Hunters House Hunters C2C HGTV Lincoln Marvels Essentials Marvels Essentials Pwn Star Pwn Star Greatest Feud Hatfields & McCoys HIST Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Like Dandelion Dust Mira Sorvino.
Sins of the Mother Jill Scott. The Pregnancy Project Alexa Vega. LIFE (7:30) The Flintsto...
Waterworld ('95, Act) Kevin Costner. (:15)
Alien Resurrection (:05)
Life as We Know It
Air America ('90, Act) Mel Gibson. MAX (6:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced MTV Parents Parents Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Robot (N) Kung Fu P.Ranger Sponge Parents Parents Parents Parents Big Time Big Time iCarly iCarly NICK Paid Paid Twilight Para. Witness Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings
Jeepers Creepers Gina Philips.
Jeepers Creepers 2 Ray Wise. Movie SCIFI (7:25) The First Time (:55) Holy Rollers (:25)
The Big Empty ACCESS ACCESS Unraveled Marc Dreier. Kevin Nealon
The Core Hilary Swank. SHOW Garage NASCAR Auto Race NASCAR Racing VFW 200 (L) NASCAR Auto Race NCWTS NASCAR Truck Racing VFW 200 (L) Mobil1 Racing Lucas Oil Dirt Racing SPEED Paid Program Search Search Search Search RepoG RepoG RepoG RepoG Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants SPIKE
Salt Angelina Jolie. (:40)
A Christmas Carol (:20)
Colombiana Zoe Saldana. (:10)
Friends With Benefits (:05)
Bad Teacher Movie STARZ Earl Earl Earl (:25)
Tin Cup ('96, Com/Dra) Kevin Costner. (:55)
The Bucket List Jack Nicholson. (:55)
Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Queens Queens TBS Paid Paid Moving Up Moving Up Moving Up Moving Up Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover (N) Undercover Boss TLC (7:35) The Tempest (:25)
The Skulls (:10) The Skulls II Robin Dunne.
The Skulls III Clare Kramer. (:45)
The School of Rock Jack Black. Movie TMC Major Crimes Rizzoli & Isles The Closer Law & Order
The Matrix Reloaded ('03, Sci-Fi) Keanu Reeves. (:45)
The Matrix Revolutions Keanu Reeves. TNT 3's Co. 3's Co. Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy
Airplane! ('80, Com) Robert Hayes. Griffith Griffith Andy Griffith Show Griffith Griffith TVLND Paid Program Political Animals Burn Notice White Collar Covert Affairs SVU "Cold" SVU "Stranger" SVU "Unorthodox" SVU "Trials" USA (6:00) Jump Start VH1 Top 20 Videos VH1 Top 20 Videos
Beauty Shop Queen Latifah. Single Ladies Single Ladies Ladies "Fast Love" Single Ladies VH1 Paid Paid Walker, TR Walker, TR Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law:CI "Gone" Law:CI "Collective" Law:CI "Phantom" WGN (6:30) WSBT
News (22) WSBT Saturday Morning (25) WCWW Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-Gi-Oh Zex Zex (28) WSJV Elizabeth Pets.TV Stanton (34) WNIT (7:00) Quilts of Valor
THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • August 12 - August 18, 2012 • 15 SATURDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM (15) WANE (16) WNDU
(21) WPTA (21.2) CW (33) WISE (33.2) MNT (39) WFWA (39.2) KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) YOU
(55) WFFT
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
Evening NC15 Report News (4:00) USGA Golf U.S. NewsCe- NBC News Amateur Championship nter 16 Paid INC News ABC News (3:00) Baseball Program Weekend (4:00)
Aussie and 'Til Death 'Til Death Ted's Great Adventure (4:00) USGA Golf U.S. INC News NBC News Amateur Championship at 6 (3:30) To Be punk'd Futurama Futurama Ann... Steves' On Story Antiques Rd. "Tucson (Hour Two)" Pt. 2 of 3 Europe Fetch! Dinosaur Saddle Raggs Club Train "Books" Lidia's Cook's Baking Julia and Italy Country With Julia Jacques Lawrence Welk Show Capitol Motor"Can't Help Singing" Update week Paid Paid Big Bang Big Bang Program Program Theory Theory (3:00) PGA
7 PM
Wheel of Jeopardy! Weekend Fortune Access Hollywood Weekend Entertainment Tonight Weekend Sein. "The Seinfeld Money" Paid Paid Program Program Family Family Guy Guy Lawrence Welk Show "Can't Help Singing" Sid Franny's Science Feet Baking Julia and With Julia Jacques Antiques Roadshow "Tucson (Hour Two)" Two and a Two and a Half Men Half Men
8 PM
Person of Interest "Blue Code" America's Got Talent
9 PM
SATURDAY, AUGUST 18 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
Criminal Minds
48 Hours Mystery "My Mother's Murder" Stars Competitors complete difficult missions to raise money for vets and first responders. Castle "The Limey" The Devil Wears Prada A woman with journalistic ambitions works for an overly demanding editor. House "Control" House "Mob Rules" That '70s '70s "Holy Show Craps!" America's Got Talent Stars Competitors complete difficult missions to raise money for vets and first responders. Cops Cops Mobbed "Brawling Cold Case Brothers" Appeara- Summer As Time You Being Red Green Burt Wolf: Wine Goes By Served? Show Travels nces Arthur Martha CliffordWordW- Curious Zula orld Red Dog George Patrol Speaks Baking Julia & J. Baking Julia & J. Baking Julia & J. With Julia "Beef" With Julia "Salmon" With Julia "Fish" Saddle Antiques Roadshow The Piano Austin City Limits "Tucson (Hour Two)" Club Guy "Allen Toussaint" Da Vinci's Inquest WFFT Local News Cold Squad
NC15 (:35) The Unit (:35) The Closer Nightcast NewsCe- Saturday Night Live nter 16 INC News (:35) (:05) Paid Program at 11 p.m. Outdoors The Jeremy Kyle Show Cheaters INC News Saturday Night Live at 11 p.m. Touch "Safety in 30Seconds Night Shift Numbers" "Naked" Backstage Pass Nature "Kalahari: The Great Thirstland" Thomas & Wild Bob the Peep/PoKratts coyo Friends Builder Baking Julia and Amer. Test Simply With Julia Jacques Kitchen Ming Austin City Limits Nature "Kalahari: The Great Thirstland" "Allen Toussaint" Criminal Minds Numb3rs
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(3:00) PGA
Golf Paid News Paid Jeopardy! NFL Football Pre-season Washington Redskins vs. Chicago Bears (L) News (:35) Person of Interest (:35) C.Mind Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Futurama Futurama Seinfeld Seinfeld ABC News
40 Days and 40 Nights Josh Hartnett. Movie (3:30) MLB Baseball (L) Paid Paid Cops Cops Mobbed 28 News The Office Touch 30Seconds FamilyGuy Magic Moments: The Best of 50s Pop Music My Music: The British Beat Johnny Cash Leonard Cohen: Live in London Pegi & Neil Young Gospel Life Alert Paid Healthy Garden Studio B Paid Paid Bible Israel Tour Paid Faith LESEA in Action The Place Bible Baseball Ball Boys 57 News ABC News 57 News Insider
The Devil Wears Prada Meryl Streep. Castle "The Limey" ABC57 Ent. Tonight House TimeHope To Be Announced BreakNew Difference Super. J.Jewish Sessions 3D Woman Kingdom Health Gospel Praise Wheaton (1:30)
Jeremiah Johnson When a hermit breaks an ancient
Wyatt Earp (1994, Western) Dennis Quaid, Gene Hackman, Kevin Costner. The story of the legendary Broken Broken T... Indian taboo, he must defend himself from rival trappers. sheriff-gunslinger and his attempts to clean up the West. Trail Ship Wars Ship Wars Ship Wars Ship Wars Storage Storage Storage Storage Ship Wars Ship Wars Ship Wars Ship Wars Ship Wars Ship Wars Storage Storage Paid Paid Paid Paid Money Ripping Millions Millions The Suze Orman Show Princess Princess Millions Millions The Suze Orman Show CNN Newsroom The Situation Room CNN Newsroom CNBC Special Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom CNBC Special Piers Morgan Tonight (:25)
Mr. Deeds ('02, Com) Winona Ryder, Adam Sandler. (:25)
Joe Dirt ('01, Com) David Spade. Comedy...Roast "Roseanne" Amy Schumer (N) The Burn (:35) Tosh.O Great White Highway Shark Fight Impossible Shot 25 Best Bites Air Jaws: Apocalypse MythBuster Air Jaws: Apocalypse MythBusters (4:30) GoodL Austin Austin Shake Up Austin Austin GoodLuck A.N.T. Gravity Code 9 GoodLuck Jessie A.N.T. Babysitter GoodLuck Phineas (3:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced C. Lately To Be Announced (4:05)
The Jackal (:15)
Home Alone Macaulay Culkin.
True Lies ('94, Act) Jamie Lee Curtis.
Air Force One ('97, Act) Harrison Ford. Movie (2:30) NASCAR Racing SportsCenter SportsCenter Baseball Little League World Series Elimination Baseball Little League World Series Elimination Baseball Tonight (L) Game -- Williamsport, Pa. (L) NAPA Auto Parts 200 Game -- Williamsport, Pa. (L) Softball Junior League (L) WTA Tennis Western & Southern Open Semifinal Site: Lindner Family Tennis Center (L) NHRA Auto Racing Lucas Oil Nationals Movie
Alice in Wonderland ('10, Adv) Johnny Depp.
WALL-E ('08, Ani) Ben Burtt.
WALL-E ('08, Ani) Ben Burtt.
The Mask (4:00) News HQ America's News HQ Fox Report Weekend Huckabee Justice JudgeJeanine Fox Report Weekend Journal E. Fox News Justice JudgeJeanine Jayhawks Wilcats WNBA Basketball Atlanta Dream vs. Indiana UFC Unleashed WPT Poker Seminole Action Sports World WNBA Basketball Atlanta Dream vs. Indiana Fever Site: Conseco Fieldhouse (L) Fever Site: Conseco Fieldhouse Hard Rock Showdown Football Football Tour Championship
Always and Forever ('09, Com) Rena Sofer.
The Nanny Express Vanessa Marcil. Smart Cookies ('12, Adv) Jesalyn Gilsig. Smart Cookies ('12, Adv) Jesalyn Gilsig. Puss in Boots ('11, Ani) Salma
Vampires Suck ('10, Com) The Change-Up Two best friends' lives are True Blood "Gone,
The Change-Up Hard Knocks Gone, Gone" Hayek, Antonio Banderas. Matt Lanter, Jenn Proske. swapped after a mysterious drunken incident. Jason Bateman. (4:00)
Hereafter (:10)
Contagion ('11, Act) Matt Damon. Veep Veep The Newsroom Treme Game of Thrones (:05) Bill Maher (4:25)
Taking Lives (:15) True Blood (:15)
Picture Perfect Jennifer Aniston.
What's Your Number? (:45) Stag I Know What You Did Last Su... Movie Yard The Block HouseH House Novogratz D.Party (N) This Room This Room Love It or List It HouseH House HouseH House Love It or List It (4:00) HatfieldMcCoys Hatfields & McCoys Hatfields & McCoys Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Hatfields & McCoys
Spanglish ('04, Comedy/Drama) Téa Leoni, Paz Vega, Adam Sandler.
Made of Honor Patrick Dempsey.
Two Weeks Notice Sandra Bullock.
Made of Honor Big Mommas: Like Father, Like... (:45)
Die Hard ('88, Act) Alan Rickman, Bruce Willis. StrikeBk (:45) Strike Back
Cowboys and Aliens Daniel Craig. (:50) StrikeBk (4:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced iCarly iCarly Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious How to Rock (N) GottaSee! Victorious Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends (4:30)
Resident Evil
Dawn of the Dead ('04, Hor) Sarah Polley.
Daybreakers ('09, Act) Jay Laga'aia.
Drag Me to Hell ('09, Hor) Justin Long. (3:30)
The Game A millionaire's life is turned upsideReal Steel A robot boxing promoter re-connects (:05) Mixed Martial Arts Strikeforce Rousey vs. Kaufman (:45) The The Core down after he accepts an unusual birthday gift. with his son while training a discarded robot. Franchise Monster Jam (N) Lucas O. Speed Grand-Am Auto Racing Montreal 200 Truth in 24 Motorcycle Racing Mobil1 Racing Lucas Oil Worst
I, Robot Will Smith. In 2035, a Chicago detective
Independence Day ('96, Sci-Fi) Bill Pullman, Will Smith. A group of
Reign of Fire ('02, Act) Worst Tenants Tenants investigates a robot's role in the death of a scientist. people race against time to try to save the world from alien invaders. Christian Bale. (4:40) View From the... (:15) Boss (:15)
Salt ('10, Act) Angelina Jolie.
Friends With Benefits Mila Kunis.
Colombiana ('11, Act) Zoe Saldana. Friends Friends Friends Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld BigBang BigBang
Meet the Fockers ('04, Com) Robert De Niro.
The Perfect Man Hilary Duff. Under Boss "Hooters" Undercover Boss (N) Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Boss "Choice Hotels" Undercover Boss Undercover Boss (4:35) Primary Colors A southern governor seeks a Raw Deal A former FBI agent is promised
Fright Night ('11, Com) Colin (:50) Suck The members of a bar band make a run Fright presidential nomination amidst scandal & bad press. reinstatement if he can bring down a ruthless mobster. Farrell, Anton Yelchin. for greatness when they are turned into vampires. Night Movie
War of the Worlds ('05, Act) Tom Cruise.
Transformers ('07, Act) Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Shia LeBoeuf.
Transformers ('07, Act) Shia LeBoeuf. A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Law&O.:SVU "911" SVU "Serendipity" Law&O.:SVU "Avatar" SVU "Dominance" Law&O.:SVU "Pure" Law&O.:SVU "Dolls" White Collar
The Condemned Single Ladies Love and Hip-Hop Love and Hip-Hop Hollywood Exes Pranks 3 "Hour 1" Pranks 3 "Hour 2" Mama "Jay's Secret" Mama Drama Law & O: CI "Seizure" Horse Racing MLB Baseball Chicago White Sox vs. Kansas City Royals (L) WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Christine Christine
(LIFE) “Two Weeks Notice” ++ (2002, Comedy) Hugh Grant, Sandra Bullock. A tycoon and a lawyer can’t get along, until they find they can’t live without each other. (2h01) 10:30 p.m. (25) (WCWW) “40 Days and 40 Nights” ++ (2002, Comedy) Shannyn Sossamon, Josh Hartnett. A young man decides to observe Lent by abstaining from all sexual contact for 40 days. (2h) (ENC) “Air Force One” ++ (1997, Action) Gary Oldman, Harrison Ford. The president fends off deadly terrorists who are holding his plane and family hostage. (2h05) (MAX) “Cowboys and Aliens” +++ (2011, Action) Harrison Ford, Daniel Craig. A group of cowboys and natives fight to stop aliens from taking over the world in 1973. (2h20) 11:00 p.m. (HBOS) “I Know What You Did Last Summer” ++ (1997, Horror) Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jennifer Love Hewitt. A group of teenagers are terrorized by a stranger they thought they had killed. (1h45) (SCIFI) “Drag Me to Hell” ++ (2009, Horror) Alison Lohman, Justin Long. A young bank employee has a curse put on her after refusing to extend a gypsy’s mortgage. (2h) (STARZ) “Colombiana” +++ (2011, Action) Michael Vartan, Zoe Saldana. A young woman becomes an assassin to find the mobster that killed her parents in Bogotá. (2h) (TNT) “Transformers” +++ (2007, Action) Megan Fox, Shia LeBoeuf. Two alien robot tribes battling for supremacy come to Earth seeking an energy source. (3h) 11:30 p.m. (SPIKE) “Reign of Fire” ++ (2002, Action) Matthew McConaughey, Christian Bale. Two men battle a brood of ancient dragons that have risen to dominate Earth. (2h30) (TBS) “The Perfect Man” ++ (2005, Comedy) Heather Locklear, Hilary Duff. Holly is tired of constantly moving so she dreams up the perfect man for her mother. (2h) Midnight (FAM) “The Mask” ++ (1994, Comedy) Cameron Diaz, Jim Carrey. A bank clerk finds an ancient mask that turns him into a smooth-talking superhero. (2h) (HBO) “The Change-Up” +++ (2011, Comedy) Ryan Reynolds, Jason Bateman. Two best friends’ lives are swapped after a mysterious drunken incident. (1h55) (USA) “The Condemned” ++ (2007, Action) Vinnie Jones, Steve Austin. Nine criminals from across the world are put together on a deserted island to play a game. (2h) (LIFE) “Made of Honor” +++ (2008, Comedy) Michelle Monaghan, Patrick Dempsey. A womanizing bachelor falls for his best friend when she announces her engagement. (2h) 12:30 a.m. (25) (WCWW) “Desperate Measures” ++ (1997, Action) Michael Keaton, Andy Garcia. A cop must pursue and protect a serial killer, whose bone marrow could save his dying son. (2h30) (AMC) “Broken Trail” +++ (2006, Western) Robert Duvall, Thomas Haden Church. Print Ritter and his estranged nephew overcome many obstacles on their horse run. (4h)
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