4(% .%73 35.
November 4 - November 10, 2012
M Smi an th ba or F ck se arm pa en s ge on !
The cast of "Revolution" - See page 2
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2 • November 4 - November 10, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
Time for a 'Revolution' Say you want a 'Revolution:' NBC orders up a full season of the new series Andrew Warren TV Media hat would the world be like if the lights went out? What if it wasn't just the lights, but everything that used electricity: computers, telephones, even car engines and batteries -- everything we take for granted in our modern world? That's the premise behind one of this season's biggest new shows, NBC's "Revolution," which is airing on
Monday evenings. Even before "Revolution" took to the airwaves a few weeks back, some critics were already predicting its cancelation. It's the unfortunate fate of most new shows that launch in the fall season. Unwilling to invest too much in a program that, in all likelihood, will never catch on with audiences, the networks typically only commission a few episodes to start. Some critics were also quick to point out that "Revolution" looked like it was just a transparent attempt
(;3(5,(1&( 7+( ',))(5(1&( <HV ZH KDYH *52:1 WR PHHW WKH LQFUHDVLQJ WKHUDS\ QHHGV RI RXU FRPPXQLW\ Â&#x2021; 1(: 6HSDUDWH 5HKDELOLWDWLRQ 8QLW Â&#x2021; 1(: 7KHUDS\ *\P Â&#x2021; 1(: 5HKDELOLWDWLRQ 'LQLQJ 5RRP Â&#x2021; 1(: 6HSDUDWH (QWUDQFH Â&#x2021; )8// )$&,/,7< (1+$1&(0(17
to cash in on one of this year's biggest movies, "The Hunger Games." The similarities between the two are obvious: the main character is a pretty young woman who, in a grimly dystopian future, survives by her wits and her skill with a bow (or in the case of "Revolution," a crossbow). If indeed the "Hunger Games" parallel was a deliberate ploy to attract audiences, it certainly didn't backfire -- it paid off. "Revolution's" premiere episode drew in more than 10 million viewers, making it the biggest drama premiere on NBC in five years, and the viewership numbers have remained consistently high ever since. So it'll come as no surprise for the legions of fans watching this new Monday night juggernaut that the network announced on Oct. 2 that it's picking the show up for a full season. And as these fans will tell you, while "Revolution" may look like "The Hunger Games" on the surface, once you've dived into this dark, electricityless future, you'll see that it's far more similar to the ABC hit "Lost." It is 15 years since the power suddenly and mysteriously went out, and public order has completely collapsed. Militia control much of what was once the United States. One family in a small village in Wisconsin, however, may hold the key to both the mysterious past, and to a hopefully better future. The story is told primarily from the point of view of Charlie Matheson
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Tracy Spiridakos stars as Charlie Matheson in â&#x20AC;&#x161;Revolution (Tracy Spiridakos), a brave yet compassionate young woman who was only five years old when the power went out. It's revealed early on that her father Ben (Tim Guinee) holds a powerful secret -- a secret that the militia will kill to get their hands on. That secret, contained on a USB key, may hold the answers to why the power suddenly and mysteriously went out. It may also be the key to bringing it back, and within minutes of the pilot's opening credits the nefarious Monroe's Militia has attacked and killed Charlie's father and kidnapped her brother Danny (Graham Rogers). Heeding the words of her dying father,
she sets out across the wilderness to find her uncle Miles (Billy Burke), who himself has secrets from his past and connections to the militia that's now hot on Charlie's trail. Like with the now-defunct "Lost," "Revolution" boasts a complex and mysterious back story that is only slowly revealed as time goes on. That similarity is no coincidence. "Revolution" is executive produced by J. J. Abrams, the man behind that supernatural island thriller. Also akin to "Lost," it features a diverse and interesting cast of characters, brought to life by a group of talented actors. Spiridakos seems to have landed her breakout role with her casting in the role of Charlie Matheson. The Canadian actress has had numerous minor TV roles ("Supernatural" and "Being Human" among them), and a bit part in last year's big-screen hit "Rise of the Planet of the Apes," but landing the lead role in what's turned out to be a hit show may well turn her into a household name. Rogers, in the role of her brother Danny, is another new face gracing the grim future.
THE NEWS SUN â&#x20AC;˘ THE HERALD REPUBLICAN â&#x20AC;˘ THE STAR â&#x20AC;˘ November 4 - November 10, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ 3
WANE-CBS 15 Ft. Wayne WPTA-ABC 21 Ft. Wayne WPTA-CW 21.2 Ft. Wayne WISE-NBC 33 Ft. Wayne WISE-MY FOX 33.2 Ft. Wayne WFWA-PBS 39 Ft. Wayne WFWA-KIDS 39.2 Ft. Wayne WFWA-CREATE 39.3 Ft. Wayne WFWA-4YOU 39.4 Ft. Wayne WFFT 55 Ft. Wayne WINM-TBN 63 Ft. Wayne WNDU-NBC 16 South Bend WSBT-CBS 22 South Bend WCWW-CW 25 South Bend WSJV-FOX 28 South Bend WNIT-PBS 34 South Bend WHME-IND 46 South Bend WBND-ABC 57 South Bend Local Channel* AMC American Movie Classics Animal Planet* Arts & Entertainment A&E Big Ten Network* Bravo* Country Music Television CMT* CNBC Consumer News & Bus. CNN Cable News Network C-SPAN* Cable News Network Cartoon Network* Comedy Central COM DISC Discovery Channel DISN The Disney Channel E! Entertainment Network ENC Encore ESPN Ent. Sports Network ESPN 2 Ent. Sports Network 2 FAM ABC Family Channel Food Network* FNC Fox News Channel Fox Sports Midwest Fox Entertainment FX* GAC* Great American Country HALL Hallmark HBO Home Box OfďŹ ce HBO2 Home Box OfďŹ ce 2 HBOS Home Box OfďŹ ce Sig. HLN* Headline News HGTV Home & Garden Television HIST History Channel HSN* Home Shopping Network Life Lifetime MAX Cinamax MSNBC* Microsoft NBC MTV Music Television NICK Nickelodeon Outdoor Channel* Oprah Winfrey Network OWN* PIN* QVC* Value Network SCIFI Sci-Fi Channel SHOW Showtime SPEED Speed Channel SPIKE STARZ TBS TBS Super Station TBN* TLC The Learning Channel The Movie Channel TMC Turner Network TeleviTNT TRAVEL* Travel Channel TVLND TV Land USA Network USA Video Hits 1 VH1 Weather Channel* Weather Radar* WGN-TV Chicago, IL WGN
c ol e r W om nie R o g e Li ang Gr le La lvil al er nd ut l Ke B lla vi
A ett o r t ar Ot -G La rn o- la bu rlo go Auate An n o W bi
*Denotes NOT listed in the grids.
ACROSS 1 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jeopardy!â&#x20AC;? creator Mr. Griffin 5 Billy goatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bleat 8 Critical comment 11 Sporty footwear brand 12 Morningâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s liâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;l follower 13 U.S.S. Enterprise crew member 14 Ceramics oven 15 Domed lobbies or rooms 17 November 6th, 2012: 2 wds. 19 No-show letters 20 Notes of the five lines of the treble clef, in sequence 23 Bettyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best friend 26 One of the Teletubbies, when doubled 27 Sandwich sorts 28 Alive with activity 30 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Partâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; ender (Celebrated) 31 Bel __ (Italian cheese) 32 Pastoral poems [var sp.] 35 Title for Hook or Cook, for short 37 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Good Morning Americaâ&#x20AC;? co-anchor who used to work at ESPN: 2 wds. 42 Archieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s son-in-law
44 Actress Ms. Paxton 45 Mr. Affleck and namesakes 46 â&#x20AC;&#x153;_ _ _: Crime Scene Investigationâ&#x20AC;? 47 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jurassic Parkâ&#x20AC;? (1993) creature, commonly 48 â&#x20AC;&#x153;We __ the Championsâ&#x20AC;? by Queen 49 Some NFL positions 50 Q. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the spelledout 19th letter of the alphabet?â&#x20AC;? A. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hmmm... __, _ believe.â&#x20AC;? DOWN 1 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s __ a Dealâ&#x20AC;? 2 Santana song: â&#x20AC;&#x153;__ Waysâ&#x20AC;? 3 Vex 4 Emily __ (Actress who
plays Emily Thorne on ABCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Revengeâ&#x20AC;?) 5 FOXâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;The X Factorâ&#x20AC;? cohosts, Khloe Kardashian Odom and __ Lopez 6 The Doobie Brothers hit: â&#x20AC;&#x153;What _ __ Believesâ&#x20AC;? 7 Office memo abbr. 8 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Suite: __ __ Eyesâ&#x20AC;? by Crosby, Stills & Nash 9 _ __ carte 10 â&#x20AC;&#x153;__ Stopâ&#x20AC;? by The Hollies 13 Unforeseen complication 16 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Quietâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; add-on 18 Shakespearean contraction 21 Haagen-__ (Ice cream brand) 22 Unnerve 23 20th-Cent. conflict 24 Wrathful 25 Helena Bonham Carter title film role of 1986 about Englandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nine-day queen: 2 wds. 28 Fridge or stove, e.g. 29 Wendell Pierceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s role on HBOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tremeâ&#x20AC;?, Antoine __ 33 Parking places 34 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Be quiet!â&#x20AC;? ...in a library, variantly 35 Discontinue 36 Mr. Hodge of TNTâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Leverageâ&#x20AC;? 38 Prefix with â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;areâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; (Land measure) 39 Paddles 40 Uno + dos = __ 41 Tony Danza sitcom 42 CEOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree, perhaps 43 Suffix with â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Auctionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Solution on page 9
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4 • November 4 - November 10, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
8:00 p.m. (25) (WCWW) “Christmas With the Kranks” ++ (2004, Comedy) Jamie Lee Curtis, Tim Allen. Luther and Nora Krank scramble to create the perfect Christmas for their daughter. (2h) (E!) “Mr. Deeds” ++ (2002, Comedy) Winona Ryder, Adam Sandler. A smalltown pizzeria owner unexpectedly inherits a vast fortune from a distant relative. (2h) (SPIKE) “The Punisher” +++ (2004, Action) John Travolta, Thomas Jane. A special agent becomes a vigilante after a ruthless assassin murders his family. (2h30) (TBS) “The Hangover” +++ (2009, Comedy) Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms. After a wild night in Las Vegas, three men retrace their steps to locate a missing groom. (2h15) (TMC) “Real Steel” +++ (2011, SciFi) Evangeline Lilly, Hugh Jackman. A robot boxing promoter re-connects with his son while training a discarded robot. (2h15) (TNT) “Clash of the Titans” ++ (2010, Action) Liam Neeson, Sam Worthington. Zeus’ son attempts to stop the Underworld and its minions from bringing evil to Earth. (2h15) 8:15 p.m. (MAX) “Horrible Bosses” ++ (2011, Comedy) Charlie Day, Jason Bateman. Three friends plan to kill their bosses after realizing that quitting isn’t an option. (1h45) 9:00 p.m. (HBOS) “Knight and Day” ++ (2010, Action) Tom Cruise, A secret agent realizes he is not expected to live through his current mission. (2h) (STARZ) “Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance” ++ (2011, Action) Ciaran Hinds, Nicholas Cage. Johnny Blaze is called from Europe to thwart the devil’s attempt at taking human form. (1h40) 9:30 p.m. (FAM) “Remember the Titans” ++ (2000, Drama) Will Patton, Denzel Washington. An African American coach is hired to unify an integrated high school football team. (2h30) (HBO2) “The Adjustment Bureau” +++ (2011, Romance) Emily Blunt, Matt Damon. Mysterious forces keep a politician and a ballerina from having an affair. (1h50) 10:00 p.m. (MAX) “This Means War” +++ (2012, Action) Chris Pine, Reese Witherspoon. Two CIA agents battle it out when they find out they’re dating the same woman. (1h40) 10:15 p.m. (TBS) “Yes Man” ++ (2008, Comedy) Zooey Deschanel, Jim Carrey. A man’s life is turned upside-down when he is required to say yes to every opportunity. (2h17) (TNT) “Clash of the Titans” ++ (2010, Action) Liam Neeson, Sam Worthington. Zeus’ son attempts to stop the Underworld and its minions from bringing evil to Earth. (2h15) 10:20 p.m. (ENC) “National Lampoon’s Vacation” +++ (1983, Comedy) Beverly D’Angelo, Chevy Chase. A family embark on an all-American summer vacation filled with comical mishaps. (1h40) 10:30 p.m. (SPIKE) “The Punisher” +++ (2004, Action) John Travolta, Thomas Jane. A special agent becomes a vigilante after a ruthless assassin murders his family. (2h30) 10:40 p.m. (STARZ) “Click” ++
8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 The NFL Today (L) NFL Football Miami Dolphins vs. Indianapolis Colts Site: Lucas Oil Stadium - (:25) NFL Paid Program - Indianapolis, Ind. (L) Football Paid Paid Paid World of Adventure MLS Soccer Playoffs (L) Paid Home Catholic Meet the Press Paid Show Mass Program Program Program Program Program Sports Indiana Busch This Week Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Marathon New York Business Chiro Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program City Marathon Paid Holly
Training Day A cop's first day leads him to
Passion Fish Paid Animal Elizabeth Live, Life HollyProgram Program Science Stanton and Win! wood wood believe that his mentor may not be what he seems. Mary McDonnell. Paid
Hot Shots! Part Deux ('93, Com) World of Adventure MLS Soccer Playoffs (L) Paid Paid Paid Paid Program Program Program Program Program Lloyd Bridges, Charlie Sheen. Sports EPL Fox News Sunday Storm Storm Fox NFL Sunday (L) NFL Football (L) Stories Stories Soccer Antiques Rd. How the Beatles Rockin' the Wall Roadtrip Religion McLaugh Indiana Unusual Buildings Circus Dreams "Unique Antiques" Nation Rocked the Kremlin News lin Group Review Martha Clifford- Thomas- Wild Bob the Peep/PFetch! Raggs Sid Franny's WordCurious Arthur Zula World "Flying" Science Feet George Patrol Speaks Red Dog Friends Kratts Builder ocoyo Ask-Old WoodGreener Katie Test Essential Christina Julia and Weeknig Favorite Ciao J. Weir's French VegetaHouse work World Brown Kitchen Pepin rian Cooks Jacques ht Meals Foods Italia Cook Chef Wild This Old Ask-Old Washingt Need to Aroun- Arthur Dinosaur Cyberc- Electric Washingt Need to Religion To the Kratts Train Contrary House dHouse hase Company on Week Know News House on Week Know Paid
Sweet Home Alabama ('02, Com) Wall St. This Old Extra Weekend Catholic Colts Colts Up Paid Paid Program Mass Coaches Close Program Program Candice Bergen, Reese Witherspoon. Journal House
(15) WANE
First News Sunday CBS Sunday Morning
(16) WNDU
Sunday Today (N) NewsCenter 16 Sunday Morning Garden Blackhawk Bible Home Travels Hour Conn. TomoIn Touch With Dr. Key of Charles Stanley David rrow Sunday Today (N) Meet the Press
(21) WPTA (21.2) CW (33) WISE
Worship Shut-Ins Thomas(39) WFWA Friends Bob the (39.2) KIDS Builder Stellino's (39.3) CRE Kitchen Ask-Old (39.4) YOU House Eco (55) WFFT Company (33.2) MNT
Art & Soul Daniel Tiger Peep/Pocoyo Art of Food Woodwright's Sports Stars
Blackhawk Bible Hour Mark Biz Kid$ Kistler Dinosaur WordGirl Train Wild Pedal America Photo Woodt- Woodsmi urning th Shop Paid MattProgram hews
Face the Nation
5L^ /VWL *OYPZ[PHU *LU[LY ^^^ 5L^/VWL PU Face the Paid Job TV The NFL Today (L) NFL Football Miami Dolphins vs. Indianapolis Colts Site: Lucas Oil Stadium - (:25) NFL (22) WSBT Liberty's Liberty's CBS Sunday Morning Kids Kids Nation Program - Indianapolis, Ind. (L) Football Paid TMZ Paid NCAA Football Pittsburgh vs. Notre Dame
Nobody's Fool ('86, Rom) Eric
A Smile Like Yours (1997, Comedy) (25) WCWW Winning Sports Roberts, Rosanna Arquette. Greg Kinnear, Joan Cusack, Lauren Holly. Edge Stars Program Program Fox NFL Sunday (L) NFL Football Chicago Bears vs. Tennessee Titans Site: LP Field -- Nashville, EPL Outdoor CARS.TV Paid (28) WSJV Northlan Indiana Fox News Sunday Paid Program Tenn. (L) d Adven. Business Program Secrets Soccer Politically Speaking Moyers and Masterpiece Classic Off the Indiana Washingt Economi McLaugh To the (34) WNIT Cyberc- Biz Kid$ Outdoor Steves' Inside Indiana Elements Europe Business Record Review on Week cOutlook lin Group Contrary "Election Preview" Company hase "Downton Abbey" (46) WHME Paid Paid In Touch Ministries M.Jeske Hart Worship Paid Pioneer Memorial Gospel Paid Studio B Bible Ernest Angley Paid Manna Paid Paid This Week Paid Paid Judge Judge Judge Judge TMZ Entertainment Marathon New York (57) WBND Good Morning America Sunday Program Program Program Program Judy Judy Brown Brown Tonight Weekend City Marathon Jack Kingdom Love Classics: You Are Dorinda In Touch With Dr. Word T. Worship Ministry Faith in Ever Increasing (63) WINM Cornerstone With Z. Levitt Jesus Pastor John Hagee Revealed Charles Stanley Combs Shut-Ins History Faith Worth Loved Hayford AMC
Sahara ('05, Act) Penélope Cruz, Matthew McConaughey.
Superman Returns ('06, Act) Parker Posey, Kevin Spacey.
The Fifth Element ('97, Sci-Fi) Bruce Willis. Ship War Ship War Ship War Ship War Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Parking Parking Parking Parking Billy Billy Scared Straight Scared Straight A&E Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid CNBC Sat. Morn. News State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Next List News Your Money CNN Newsroom CNN Comedy J.Mulaney/Town
Over Her Dead Body Eva Longoria.
The Hot Chick Rob Schneider.
Year One ('09, Adv) Jack Black.
Mean Girls COM Paid Paid To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced DISC M.Mouse Jake Phineas Phineas GoodLk Jessie Jessie Gravity Wizards Wizards GoodLk GoodLk Austin Shake Up A.N.T. Phineas Phineas Phineas DISN Taylor Swift Married The Soup Fashion Police E! News Weekend Married Married THS "Casey Anthony" When Teens Kill Ice Coco
Knocked Up E! (:20)
Casper ('95, Com) Christina Ricci. (:05)
Dragonheart (:50)
National Lampoon's Vacation Stephen King's Storm of the... Stephen King's Storm of the... Movie ENC SportsCenter SportsCenter Sunday NFL Countdown (L) SportsCenter NASCAR Count. (L) NASCAR Auto Racing AAA Texas 500 (L) ESPN NASCAR Now (L) Marathon New York City Marathon -- New York City, N.Y. (L) Fantasy NHRA Drag Racing NCAA Volleyball Wisconsin vs Penn St. (L) Golf Poker ESPN2
Dirty Dancing ('87, Dan) Patrick Swayze.
The Time Traveler's Wife Rachel McAdams.
P.S. I Love You ('07, Dra) Gerard Butler, Hilary Swank. A League of Their... FAM (6:00) FOX & Friends Sunday News HQ Housecal America's News HQ America's News HQ Fox News Stossel America's News HQ FNC Paid TBA G3 Sport Scent. Paid Outdoors Game Horse Garage Performa Outdoors Insider NCAA Soccer Big 12 Tournament (L) NCAA Soccer FSMW
Twice Upon a Christmas John Dye.
A Season for Miracles Patty Duke. The Most Wonderful Time of the Year Christmas Song Natasha Henstridge. The Christmas Card HALL (:15)
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Dolphin Tale Morgan Freeman. Bill Maher The Big Picture Alvin & the Chipmunks: Chi...
Along Came Polly HBO (7:30) Prayer for a Perfect Season The Girl Shanti Roney. (:35) One Day ('11, Dra) Anne Hathaway. (:25) The Adjustment Bureau (:15) 2 Days Boardwalk Empire Movie HBO2 (:15)
Bed of Roses (:45)
Love Don't Cost a Thing
Knight and Day ('10, Act) (:25) Dreaming of Joseph Lees
In Bruges Movie HBOS My Bath Elbow Crashers Crashers Income Income Property Brothers Love It or List It House Hunters House Hunters C2C House House House House HGTV American Pickers Pickers "Big Bear" American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers HIST Hr. Power Turn Point J.Osteen Paid My Life Lifetime My Life Lifetime My Life Lifetime
Abandoned and Deceived Killer Among Us ('12, Thril) Tess Atkins. LIFE (7:30) Greenberg (:20)
This Means War
End of Days Hunted
In and Out Kevin Kline. (:35)
Devil Chris Messina. MAX Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Jersey Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. MTV Power Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Parents Parents Victori. Victori. Winx (N) iCarly iCarly Sponge Sponge Sponge Victori. Victori. NICK Paid Paid Shark Swarm John Schneider. 1/2 Shark Swarm John Schneider. 2/2 Super Shark ('11, Act) John Schneider. Malibu Shark Attack Heather Wilson. SCIFI Inside the NFL NASCAR
Vanity Fair ('04, Dra) Reese Witherspoon. (:55)
Valkyrie ('08, War) Tom Cruise. (:55)
Lost in Translation (:35)
Vanity Fair SHOW (7:30) F1 Racing Abu Dhabi Grand Prix (L) ClassicCar Garage Perform. Speed NASCAR RaceDay (L) Drive (N) Off Road Racing Racing Lucas Oil Racing SPEED Paid Program Xtr. 4x4 Horsep. Trucks! Muscle.. Tattoo Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue
Jurassic Park III Sam Neill. SPIKE Movie (:40)
Jack and Jill (:20) Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
21 Jump Street (:50)
The Tourist Johnny Depp. (:40)
Click Adam Sandler. STARZ Friends Friends Friends Friends Cop Out ('10, Act) Bruce Willis.
Paul Blart: Mall Cop Kevin James.
Big Daddy ('99, Com) Adam Sandler. Fun With Dick & ... TBS Paid Paid Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Breaking Amish Long Island Med. Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium TLC (7:30) The King's Speech
Suburban Girl (:10)
The Ref (:50) The Other Woman Natalie Portman. (:35) My Five Wives (:15) The Story of Us TMC Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order LawOrder "Avatar"
Jonah Hex Josh Brolin. (:45)
Blade: Trinity Wesley Snipes. (:45) Terminator Salvation TNT (:25) Roseanne Rose. Rose. Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby Hot In Divorced Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith (:25) A. Griffith Griffith Griffith TVLND Paid Program
Casino Royale ('06, Act) Judi Dench, Daniel Craig.
Quantum of Solace ('08, Act) Daniel Craig.
G.I. Joe: The Rise of the Cobra USA Top 20 "Hour 1" Top 20 "Hour 2" Behind the Music Bball Wives LA TI Tiny Chrissy Chrissy Chrissy Chrissy Chrissy Chrissy Couples Therapy
Go VH1 Key David Beyond Matlock Matlock
Brother Bear Joaquin Phoenix.
Spy Kids 3D: Game Over
My Baby's Daddy Eddie Griffin. WGN
THE NEWS SUN â&#x20AC;˘ THE HERALD REPUBLICAN â&#x20AC;˘ THE STAR â&#x20AC;˘ November 4 - November 10, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ 5 SUNDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM (15) WANE (16) WNDU
(21) WPTA (21.2) CW (33) WISE (33.2) MNT (39) WFWA (39.2) KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) YOU
(55) WFFT
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
Football Pittsburgh Steelers vs. New York Giants 60 Minutes The Amazing Race The Good Wife "The The Mentalist "Cherry (:35) Comedy.TV (:35) Burn Notice Site: MetLife Stadium -- East Rutherford, N.J. (L) Art of War" (N) Picked" (N) NewsCe- NBC News Football Night in (3:30) MLS Soccer (:20) NFL Football Dallas Cowboys vs. Atlanta Falcons Site: Georgia Dome -- Atlanta, NewsCe- (:05) Notre (:35) Inside Playoffs (L) nter 16 nter 16 America (L) Ga. (L) Dame Edition Once Upon a Time Revenge "Illusion" (N) 666 Park Avenue 21 Alive (:35) Loves (:05) Old (4:00) Marathon New 21 Alive ABC News America's Funniest (:35) Old Ray Christine Christine York City Marathon News Home Videos (N) "Tallahasee" (N) "Diabolic" (N) News (4:00)
Passion Fish ('92, Dra) Are We The King The King Rules of Rules of Sein. "The Sein. "The 'Til Death 'Til Death Crazy Little Thing (2002, Romance) Chris There Yet? of Queens of Queens Engage. Engage. Apology" Strike" Alfre Woodard, Mary McDonnell. Eigeman, Drea de Matteo, Jenny McCarthy. (3:30) MLS Soccer (:20) NFL Football Dallas Cowboys vs. Atlanta Falcons Site: Georgia Dome -- Atlanta, News News NBC News Football Night in Night Shift America (L) Ga. (L) Playoffs (L) Weekend Weekend (4:30) EPL Soccer Newcastle United Family The Always Futurama Futurama Bounty Cleveland The X Factor The judges have selected the top Always Bounty vs. Liverpool Site: Anfield Road Hunter Hunter Guy Simpsons Show (N) 16 acts that will continue in the competition. (N) Sunny Sunny Cuban Missile Crisis: L. Welk "You're Never The On Story Call the Midwife (N) Masterpiece Classic Call the Midwife Broadway "Tradition Nova "Ghosts of Three Men Go to War Too Young" (1957-1979)" Machu Picchu" Aviators (N) Martha Bob the Dinosaur WordGirl Fetch! Raggs Sid Franny's WordW- Curious Arthur Zula Clifford- Thomas & Wild Peep/Poorld Red Dog Friends Kratts coyo Train "Flying" Science Feet George Patrol Speaks Builder Baking Essential Amer. Test Winema- French Grand Ciao Italia Julia & J. Ask This French Mexico: Ask This Steves' Essential Amer. Test Mexico: kers View "Soup" Old House Chef One Plate With Julia Pepin Kitchen Chef Old House Europe Pepin Kitchen One Plate Healthline Senior Austin City Limits Call the Midwife This Old Ask This G. Trekker "Paraguay PrimetiJammin' Sun Studio Bluegrass Backstage Pass Spotlight House Old House and Uruguay" at Jack's Sessions Under me39 Paid First Mr. Box Mr. Box WFFT Local News CSI: Miami The Office The Office Paid Big Bang Big Bang Two and a Two and a First Program Program Theory Theory Half Men Half Men Family Family Office Office (4:25) NFL
:,9=0*,:! :H[\YKH` W T HUK :\UKH` ! H T (4:25) NFL
Football Pittsburgh vs N.Y. Giants (L) 60 Minutes The Amazing Race The Good Wife (N) The Mentalist (N) (:35) News (:05) Paid Outdoors '70s Show '70s Show Rules Rules BigBang BigBang
Christmas With the Kranks Tim Allen. News Loves Ray Sunny Sunny Futurama Futurama (4:30) EPL Soccer Newc./Liverp'l Paid Simpsons Simpsons Clevela. The X Factor (N) 28 News The Office 30 Rock 30 Rock Bones Masterp. Masterpiece "Downton Abbey" Call the Midwife Call the Midwife (N) Masterpiece (N) Broadway: Musical Austin City Limits Call the Midwife Healthy Partners In Touch Ministries Crossroa Comfort Paid VanImpe Drought Partners Enjoy-Life Paid Bible LESEA Pioneer Memorial (4:00) Marathon ABC News 57 News Home Videos (N) Once Upon a Time (N) Revenge "Illusion" (N) 666 Park Avenue (N) ABC57 Castle Burn Gaither Gospel Hour Fellowship Manna Rejoice! VanImpe J. Prince In Touch Ministries Love T. Bates TCT Alive Sessions (2:30) The
Constantine Keanu Reeves. A woman enlists the help of The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Talking Comic The Walking Dead "Walk With Me" "Killer Within" (N) "Killer Within" Fifth Ele... an exorcist to solve her sister's mysterious suicide. Dead (N) Book (N) "Killer Within" Beyond Scared Stra. Beyond Scared Stra. Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Ship Wars Ship Wars Storage Storage Paid Paid Paid Paid Diabetes Wall St. Coca-Cola Supermarkets Inc American Greed 60 Minutes Factories "Heineken" CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNBC Special Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom CNBC Special Piers Morgan Tonight Movie Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo... (:45)
Hot Tub Time Machine ('10, Com) John Cusack. Tosh.O (:35) Brickleb SouthPk KeyPeele (:05) Harold & Kuma... To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced MythBusters Curiosity Doomsday Plan MythBusters Curiosity GoodLuck GoodLuck Austin Shake Up Dog Blog GoodLuck Dog Blog Austin Shake Up Jessie GoodLuck Shake Up Austin Phineas Wizards Wizards (3:30) Knocked Up The Kardashians Married Ice Coco
Mr. Deeds ('02, Com) Adam Sandler. Ice Coco N. Minaj C. Lately The Soup Ice Coco N. Minaj (4:30) Stephen King'...
Cold Creek Manor Dennis Quaid. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (:20)
National Lampoon's Vacation Natural Born Killers (3:00) NASCAR Auto Racing AAA Texas 500 SportsCenter The day's news in the CountMLS Soccer Playoffs Conference Semifinal Game SportsCenter The day's news in the SportsCSprint Cup Series Site: Texas Motor Speedway (L) world of sports. world of sports. down (L) 1 (L) enter Poker World Series Poker World Series Poker World Series Poker World Series Main Event NASCAR Now 30 for 30 NASCAR Auto Racing (4:00)
A League of Their Own Secretariat ('10, Fam) Scott Glenn, Diane Lane.
Remember the Titans ('00, Dra) Denzel Washington. J.Osteen K. Shook (4:00) News HQ Fox News Fox Report Weekend Huckabee Stossel Geraldo at Large Huckabee Stossel (4:00) NCAA Soccer UFC Unleashed Championship Bull Riding World's Xterra Hockey Classics Mizzou Bill Snyder WPT Poker Legends of best bull riders of PBR. Adventure Football Poker MVC Tournament (L) (4:00) The Christmas ...
Mistletoe Over Manhattan Tricia Helfer. Love at the Thanksgiving Parade A Holiday Engagement ('11, Com) Haylie Duff. Frasier Frasier
We Bought a Zoo ('11, Com/Dra) Scarlett (:10)
The Hangover Part II (2011, Comedy) Boardwalk Empire Treme "Promised (:15) Boardwalk Empire (:15) Treme "Promised "The Pony" (N) Land" (SP) (N) "The Pony" Land" Johansson, Thomas Haden Church, Matt Damon. Zach Galifianakis, Ed Helms, Bradley Cooper. (4:30) Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows: ... Bill Maher The Girl ('09, Dra) Shanti Roney.
The Adjustment Bureau (:20)
Pulp Fiction ('94, Cri) John Travolta. (4:50)
Big Fish ('03, Fant) Ewan McGregor.
The Descendants George Clooney.
Knight and Day ('10, Act) Tom Cruise,
In Bruges Colin Farrell. Movie House House HouseH House Million Dollar Rooms Home Strange Home Property Brothers Renovation Renovation Property Brothers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Outback Hunters (N) American Pickers Pawn Star Pawn Star Fatal Honeymoon ('12, Hor) Harvey Keitel. The Eleventh Victim ('12, Thril) Jennie Garth. Left to Die ('13, Dra) Rachael Leigh Cook. The Eleventh Victim ('12, Thril) Jennie Garth.
Paul ('11, Com) Nick Frost. (:45) Transit James Caviezel. (:15)
Horrible Bosses Jason Bateman.
This Means War (:40) Voyeur's Web (Adult) Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Jersey Teen Mom 2 Underem. Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Big Time See Dad Full House Full House Full House The Nanny The Nanny Friends (:35) Friends (:05) Friends (:40) Friends Sand Sharks ('12, Hor) Corin Nemec. Swamp Shark ('11, Sci-Fi) Kristy Swanson. 2-Headed Shark Attack ('12, Sci-Fi) Shark Zone ('03, Hor) Dean Cochran. (3:35)
Vanity Fair Larry Wilmore's Race, Dexter "Swim Deep" Homeland "Q&A" Dexter "Do the Wrong Homeland "A Dexter "Do the Wrong Homeland "A Religion and Sex Thing" Gettysburg Address" Thing" Gettysburg Address" Reese Witherspoon. (4:30) F1 Auto Racing Abu Dhabi Grand Prix NASCAR Victory (N) Speed Center Dave Despain (L) ClassicCar Car Crazy F1 Auto Racing Abu Dhabi Grand Prix (3:30)
Kick-Ass Inspired by comic books, a high school
The Punisher Thomas Jane. A special agent becomes
The Punisher Thomas Jane. A special agent becomes Jurassic ... student decides he is going to become a super-hero. a vigilante after a ruthless assassin murders his family. a vigilante after a ruthless assassin murders his family. (3:40) Click
Jack and Jill Adam Sandler. (:05)
21 Jump Street Jonah Hill. Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (:40)
Click ('06, Com) Adam Sandler. Movie (4:00) Fun With Dick ...
Yes Man ('08, Com) Jim Carrey.
The Hangover ('09, Com) Ed Helms. (:15)
Yes Man ('08, Com) Zooey Deschanel, Jim Carrey. Movie Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Long Island Med. (N) Medium Medium Breaking Amish (N) Medium Medium Breaking Amish (4:15) The (:50) Blues Brothers 2000 "The Blues Are Back" Dan
Real Steel (2011, Sci-Fi) Evangeline Lilly, (:15) The Tempest (2010, Comedy/Drama) Helen (:15)
The Ledge Story of ... Ackroyd, John Goodman who are Blues Brothers. Dakota Goyo, Hugh Jackman. Mirren, Tom Conti, Felicity Jones. Charlie Hunnam. Movie (:45)
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Clash of the Titans Sam Worthington. (:15)
Clash of the Titans ('10, Act) Sam Worthington. Movie M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens SVU "Signature" SVU "Inconceivable" Law&O.:SVU "Fault" Law&O.:SVU "Avatar" Law&O.:SVU "Blast" SVU "Clocked"
Casino Royale ('06, Act) Daniel Craig. (4:30)
Go ('99, Com) Jay Mohr, Sarah Polley. Rehab With Dr. Drew Rehab/ Dr. Drew (N) Couples Therapy Rehab With Dr. Drew Mob Wives Mob Wives 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos Bloopers Bloopers M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother News (:40) Replay 30 Rock 30 Rock Rules Rules
S&S TRAVEL Inc. â&#x20AC;&#x153;MOTORCOACH TOURSâ&#x20AC;?
1404 E. Lake Bluff Drive Kendallville, IN 46755
6 • November 4 - November 10, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
Q: Are they really remaking “Steel Magnolias”? A: They already have. Just a few weeks ago, Lifetime aired its original telefilm adaptation of the play by Robert Harling, which is better known as a film starring Dolly Parton and Julia Roberts (and Shirley MacLaine, Sally Field, Olympia Dukakis and Daryl Hannah — it’s hard to say who the main stars were in such an ensemble). The updated film, this time with an all-black cast, was a ratings smash for Lifetime, the third-mostwatched telecast in the network’s history. It starred Queen Latifah (the former rapper nominated for an Oscar for her turn in 2002’s “Chicago”), the multi-award-winning Alfre Woodard, and former “Cosby Show” star Phylicia Rashad. The role played by Parton in the original 1989 version, Truvy, was played this time by another music star dabbling in acting: R&B/soul singer-songwriter Jill Scott. Though still much better known for her music, Scott has also taken the time to star in the short-lived HBO mystery series “The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency,” among other things. Though you apparently missed it on air the first time around, Lifetime reran “Steel Magnolias” a week later, and will certainly do so again. As well, the network has released some of its telefilms on DVD in the past, though you may have to wait. Maybe a while, in fact. One of the few Lifetime broadcasts to post better numbers than “Steel Magnolias” was the 2006 telefilm “Life is Not a Fairytale: The Fantasia Barrino Story,” a biopic about the 2004 “American Idol” winner, starring Barrino herself (which would technically make it an autobiopic). Though it was huge for the network, it wasn’t released on DVD until just a few weeks ago (two days after “Steel Magnolias” premiered, in fact).
8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 The Rachael Ray Show Live! With Kelly (16) WNDU and Michael (7:00) Good Morning Live! With Kelly (21) WPTA America and Michael House of House of The Steve Wilkos (21.2) CW Payne Payne Show (7:00) Today Show Today Show II (33) WISE (15) WANE
(33.2) MNT
(7:00) CBS
This Morning (7:00) Today Show
(7:00) Corner
TV Curious (39) WFWA George Bob the (39.2) KIDS Builder Various (39.3) CRE (39.4) YOU (55) WFFT
Function al Fitness We the People
Cat in the Hat Super WHY! Various Sit and Be Fit We the People
The Price Is Right
Judge Judge Brown Judy Days of Our Lives The Rachael Ray Show General Hospital The Ellen DeGeneres Show Meet the Meet the The Bill Browns Browns Cunningham Show The Ricki Lake The Jeff Probst Show Show Dr. Phil Trisha The Talk
Super WHY! Martha Speaks Various Various
Dinosaur Train CliffordRed Dog Various
Cat in the Hat ThomasFriends Various
(M) Tree Sew It/ W.House Safari The Jerry Springer Maury Show
Curious George Wild Kratts Americas/ PedalAm. Various
The Dr. Oz Show The Ellen DeGeneres Show Katie The Steve Wilkos Show Dr. Phil The Steve Harvey Show Arthur WordGirl Bob the Builder Steves' Europe Various
Super WHY! Various Various
The People's Court
Let's Make a Deal The Price Is Right WSBT The Young and the BoldThe Talk Dr. Phil Morning News Restless Beautiful Divorce Judge Judge The Jerry Springer The Steve Wilkos The Bill Maury (25) WCWW The Steve Harvey The People's Court Judge Show Alex Court Brown Brown Show Show Cunningham Show Paid Paid Cash Cab Cash Cab The Ricki Lake The Dr. Oz Show Paid We the We the Americ- Americ- Paid (28) WSJV (6:00) Fox 28 Program Program People People Show a's Court a's Court Program Program Morning Show Dinosaur Sesame Street Daniel Sid Curious Cat in Super Dinosaur Wild Electric WordGirl Martha Super (34) WNIT Curious Cat in George the Hat WHY! Train Tiger Speaks Train Science George the Hat WHY! Kratts Company (46) WHME Sumrall Various The Harvest Show Crossroa Life Paid Life Copel'nd Various Your Health Various Various Various 3 Sons The View The Doctors The Chew General Hospital Family Family (57) WBND (7:00) Good Morning Million- Million- The Jeff Probst aire? aire? Feud America Show Feud Creflo Len and Various Health& Benny Voice of Faith in Various Enjoying TCT Joseph Ask the Pastor (M W) Rejoice/(Tu (63) WINM Rabbi Lapin Cathy Victory History Life Prince Th) Alive/(F) Celeb. Dollar Nutrition Hinn Today AMC (6:00) Paid Program Various Movie (W) Movie Movie (Th) Movie Movie Movie Movie (Th) Movie (Tu) Movie/(F) M... Bounty Bounty Criminal/(F) First 48 Criminal/(F) First 48 CSI/(F) First 48 CSI/(F) First 48 Criminal/(F) First 48 Criminal/(F) First 48 The First 48 A&E (6:00) Squawk Box Squawk on the Street Fast Money Power Lunch Street Signs Closing Bell CNBC (7:00) Starting Point CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Paid Paid Entour. Various Daily Sh. Colbert Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Colbert (Tu) Daily Colbert COM Paid Paid To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced DISC M.Mouse Mouse M.Mouse M.Mouse Stuffins Jake M.Mouse Octonaut M.Mouse Movie Ag.Oso Gaspard Phineas Various Various Various DISN To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced E! (M) (:10) Movie Various Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie (Tu) (:40) Movie/(F)... Movie ENC SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SprtC/(Tu) NFLPrime Various Football ESPN (6:00) Mike and Mike in the Morning First Take First Take Various Football Various NASCAR ESPN2 Boy MW Boy MW Boy MW 700Club The 700 Club Gilmore Girls Like You Like You 8 Rules 8 Rules '70s '70s '70s '70s FAM (6:00) Fox & Friends America's Newsroom Happening Now America Live Studio B FNC Poker Paid/ TBA Big 12/ Soccer/ Soccer (M) Unlimited Premier Various Paid Paid Various Various Various Soccer Gridiron (F) Big 12 FSMW G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Home and Family Marie Traveler Home and Family The Waltons HALL Various (M) Movie/(F) (:45)... Movie The Big Movie Movie Movie LettersH. Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Conch. Various HBO Movie Movie Movie Nation Various (Tu) Movie Movie (F) Movie/(Th) (:10) Movie/(T... Various Movie (F) (:40) Movie Movie HBO2 Various Various Movie Various Movie Movie Movie (:35) Movie/ (:45) Saving Various Movie (M) (:35) Movie Movie (Tu) (:55) Movie/(... HBOS Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various HouseH House Various Various Various Various Various Various HGTV Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. HIST W&Grace W&Grace Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Christine Christine Christine Christine Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy LIFE Movie (F) Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie (Th) (:15) Movie Various (F) Movie Movie Movie Movie (F) Movie/(Th) (:50)... Movie MAX Various Ridicu. Various Ridicu. Various Ridicu. Various Ridicu. Various Ridicu. Various Ridicu. Various Ridicu. Various Various MTV Umizoomi Umizoomi Guppies Guppies Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Figure Various Various Various Various iCarly Victori. Victori. NICK Various Blackout Various Movie Various Witness Movie Various Witness Movie Various Witness Movie SCIFI (F) Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie (F) Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie SHOW Various GearZ Various Various Various TruckU Cons. Cons. Various (M) Truck Racing (F) Live! (F) Racing TruckU MonsterJ. (F) Racing SPEED Paid Program Various (Th) Jail Various (Th) Jail Various (Th) Jail Various (Th) Jail Various (Th) Jail Various (Th) Jail Various (Th) Jail SPIKE (W) (:15) Movie Various Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie STARZ Home I. Acc.Jim Acc.Jim ThereYet Browns Payne Fresh P. Fresh P. Fresh P. AmerDad AmerDad Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Seinfeld TBS Baby St. Baby St. Baby St. Baby St. Pregnant Pregnant Four Weddings What Not to Wear Baby St. Baby St. Various Coupon Various Coupon TLC Movie Various Movie Movie Movie Movie Various Movie Movie Movie Movie (Tu) (:25) Movie/(T... Various (Th) Movie/(Tu) (:1... TMC Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Leverage Various Various Various Various TNT Movie / SheWrote Beaver Beaver Van Dyke Van Dyke Lucy Lucy Griffith Griffith Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Bonanza TVLND Various Various Various Various Various Various Various NCIS/ SVU/ CSI USA (Tu) Vh1 Top 20 (Tu) Vh1 Top 20 Big Morning Buzz Various Movie Various Chrissy Various Various Various VH1 Paid Paid Matlock Matlock In Heat of Night In Heat of Night WGN Midday News Walker, TR Walker, TR WGN
(22) WSBT
(7:00) CBS
NC15 at The Young and the BoldBeautiful Noon Restless Today Show II Today Show III NewsC- Extra Access Hollywood enter 16 Live Paid Paid The View 21 Alive News at The Chew Program Program Noon The Jeremy Kyle The Wendy Paid Paid Paid Paid Show Williams Show Program Program Program Program Today Show III The Doctors Million- Paid Days of Our Lives Program aire? America Now Divorce Divorce Judge Last Shot Paid The Doctors Old Court Court Alex Program Christine Dinosaur Sesame Street Daniel Various Various Various Caillou Daniel Super Train Tiger Tiger WHY! Dinosaur WordGirl Fetch! Raggs Sid Franny's WordCurious Sesame Street World Train Science Feet George Various Americas/ Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various PedalAm. Charlie Rose Various Various Southern Wild Newsline Various Democracy Now! Fitness Kratts Justice A. Paid Americ- Americ- Judge Mathis Justice A. Paid for All for All a's Court a's Court Griffith Griffith Program Program Let's Make a Deal
Anderson Live
Katie King of Friends Queens The Dr. Oz Show Arthur
CliffordRed Dog Highway to Heaven Judge Judge Judy Judy The Jim Bakker Show (M) Movie/(W Th) CSI The First 48 The Situation Room Comedy Various To Be Announced GoodL Various Movie (F) Movie NFL Live Number LeBatard Reba Reba Your World Various Game3.. The Waltons Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Various Various Various PawnSt. TBA Mother Various Movie Various Various Sponge Sponge Various Movie Movie Lucas Oil Various Various (Th) Jail Movie Movie Friends Friends Various Coupon Movie Various Various Bonanza NCIS/ SVU Various Therapy Walker, TR
THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • November 4 - November 10, 2012 • 7 MONDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NewsCen- NewsCe(16) WNDU ter 16 at 5 nter 16 21 Alive News at 5 (21) WPTA p.m. Are We Are We (21.2) CW There Yet? There Yet? Anderson Live (33) WISE
NC15 at 6 Evening p.m. News NewsCe- NBC News nter 16 21 Alive World News News The King The King of Queens of Queens NBC 33 NBC News News at 6 American American Family Family (33.2) MNT Dad Dad Guy Guy Wild Electric PBS NewsHour (39) WFWA Kratts Company Dinosaur WordGirl Fetch! Raggs (39.2) KIDS Train "Farm" This Garden Glass w/ Old French (39.3) CRE Home V. Payne House Chef GeneraBBC News Ketchup Florida (39.4) YOU America Cross. tion The Office The Office Met Your Met Your (55) WFFT Mother Mother (15) WANE
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
Hawaii Five-0 "I Ka NC15 (:35) D. Letterman Ricky (:35) Late Wa Mamua" (N) Nightcast Gervais, Ty Segall (N) Late Show Revol. "The Children's NewsCe- (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) nter 16 LateNight Crusade" (N) With Jay Leno Dancing With the Stars: All Stars (N) 21 Alive (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Castle "The Final Nightline Frontier" (N) News 90210 "Hate 2 Love" Gossip Girl Newsce- Sein. "The 'Til Death 'Til Death That '70s That '70s "Monstrous Ball" (N) nter Calzone" Show Show (N) Revol. "The Children's NBC 33 (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) The Voice "The Live Playoffs" (N) Crusade" (N) News With Jay Leno LateNight Bones "Method to the The Mob Doctor Indiana's Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Dish Madness" (N) "Legacy" (N) News Victims Unit "Hate" Victims Unit "Ritual" Nation Independent Lens Antiques Rd. "Junk in Market Warriors (N) Moyers and Company Charlie Rose the Trunk 2" (N) "Solar Mamas" (N) Martha Bob the WordW- Curious Arthur Zula Clifford- Thomas & Wild Super orld Red Dog Friends Kratts WHY! George Patrol Speaks Builder Uncorked: French TravelsSimply Lidia's Cook's This Old Steves' Lidia's Cook's Europe cope Ming Italy Country Wine Chef House Italy Country Uncorked: Make: BBC World Journal Newsline Make: Tavis The Piano Tavis Tavis Wine News Smiley Guy Smiley Smiley The TMZ King of Two and a Two and a Extra Big Bang Big Bang WFFT Local News Law & Order: Criminal Half Men Half Men Insider Theory Theory the Hill Intent
Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune Access Inside Hollywood Edition Ent. Sound Off Tonight Rules of Rules of Engage. Engage. Everybody Everybody Loves Ray Loves Ray America's Funniest Home Videos Nightly Matters of Business the Mind Sid "Clean Franny's Air" Feet Simply Hubert Ming Keller PBS NewsHour
Mike & Met Your Partners 2 Broke Girls (N) Molly (N) Mother (N) (N) The Voice "The Live Playoffs" (N)
News Rules Two 1/2... Wild Kratt PartFam News Fellowship
News News News Wheel Jeopardy! Mother (N) Partners Girls (N) M&M (N) Hawaii Five-0 (N) News (:35) D. Letterman (N) LateShow Rules M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang 90210 (N) Gossip Girl (N) News Seinfeld Queens TMZ Friends '70s Show 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy Bones (N) Mob Dr. "Legacy" (N) FOX 28 News The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... News Steves' Michiana PBS NewsHour Antiques Rd. (N) Market Warriors (N) Independent Lens (N) Charlie Rose Business T. Smiley FamilyTies Star Trek: Next Gen. Hogan News Sumrall Bible The Harvest Show Hart Enjoy-Life Partners Sumrall The Place Studio B News News News Insider ET Dancing With the Stars: All Stars (N) Castle (N) ABC57 (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Partnership TCT Today Manna B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show (4:00)
Rambo: First Blood Part II ('85, Act) David
Four Brothers ('05, Act) Mark Wahlberg. Four
Crimson Tide Nuclear submarine officers square off First Blood Caruso, Richard Crenna, Sylvester Stallone. brothers reunite to track down their adoptive mother's killer. over a course of action that could cause atomic war. The First 48 Beyond Scared Stra. Beyond Scared Stra. Scared "Chowchilla" Beyond Scared Stra. Beyond Scared Stra. Beyond Scared Stra. Scared "Chowchilla" Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report Factory "Winnebago" American Greed: Fugi American Greed Mad Money American Greed: Fugi (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Futurama Sunny Sunny Tosh.O Colbert Daily Sh. Futurama Futurama SouthPk SouthPk Brickleb SouthPk Daily Sh. Colbert SouthPk SouthPk To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced American Chopper Jesse James American Chopper Jesse James GoodLuck GoodLuck Phineas GoodLuck Wizards Jessie GoodLuck Dog Blog Austin Shake Up A.N.T. Phineas GoodLuck Austin Wizards Wizards (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced C. Lately E! News C. Lately (3:40) Robin Hood: P... (:10)
Zookeeper ('11, Com) Kevin James. Moby Dick Barry Bostwick. (:40)
An Unfinished Life Robert Redford. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves Around Interrup- SportsC- Countdown An overview of Sunday's NFL action NFL Football Philadelphia Eagles vs. New Orleans Saints Site: Louisiana SportsCenter The day's news in the Horn (N) tion (N) & previews & analysis of Monday's matchup. Superdome -- New Orleans, La. (L) world of sports. enter SportsNation (N) NFL 32 SportsC. E:60 30 for 30 Poker World Series Poker World Series SportsC. NASCAR NBA NFL Film Reba Reba
Remember the Titans ('00, Dra) Denzel Washington.
Gone in 60 Seconds ('00, Act) Nicolas Cage. The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity Garage H.S. Football Indiana State Sectional Pre-game NBA Basketball Indiana Pacers vs. San Antonio Spurs Site: Post-game (L) /(:15) NBA Basketball Indiana AT&T Center -- San Antonio, Texas (L) Pacers vs. San Antonio Spurs Site: AT&T Center Treasures (L) The Waltons Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Numb3rs Numb3rs Frasier Frasier 2/2 Frasier Frasier G. Girls G. Girls (3:30) Stuck Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry learns that a Real Time With Bill Witness: Game Change (2011, Drama) Julianne Moore,
Final Destination 5 ('11, Hor) on... convicted murderer has escaped Azkaban prison & is after ... Maher Juarez (N) Ed Harris, Woody Harrelson. Emma Bell, Nicholas D'agosto. Movie (:35)
Shattered Glass (:15)
Larry Crowne Tom Hanks. Boardwa. "The Pony" Treme (:15)
Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son (:15)
Hereafter ('10, Dra) Cécile De France, Matt Damon. (:25)
127 Hours Mr. Popper's Penguins Jim Carrey. (:45) Making Treme (:10) Crazy, Stupid, L... My Place My Place My Place My Place Love It or List It LoveList "Host Home" Love It or List It HouseH House Love It or List It Love It or List It Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star American Pickers Pawn Star Pawn Star Invention Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star (4:00) To Be Announced Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous
Made of Honor Patrick Dempsey.
Rumor Has It ('05, Com) Kevin Costner.
Made of Honor Movie (:50)
Something Borrowed (:45)
Bridesmaids ('11, Com) Kristen Wiig.
The Day After Tomorrow Dennis Quaid. (:05) Hunted Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous btween Ridiculous Ridiculous Pranked Pranked Sponge Sponge Big Time Big Time Figure Out Big Time All That K & Kel Hollywood Heights Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends Movie
The Village ('04, Thril) Joaquin Phoenix, Adrien Brody.
Shutter Island ('09, Myst) Mark Ruffalo, Leonardo DiCaprio.
Shutter Island Leonardo DiCaprio. (4:15) I (:45) The Twilight Saga: Eclipse A teenage girl must choose Dexter "Do the Wrong Homeland "A Dexter "Do the Wrong Homeland "A
Reservoir Dogs Thing" Gettysburg Address" Thing" Gettysburg Address" ('92, Dra) Harvey Keitel. Don't Kn... between her vampire boyfriend and her werewolf friend. Chop, Cut GearZ NASCAR Race Hub Pass Time Pass Time GearZ GearZ Hot Rod Hot Rod Truck U Truck U GearZ GearZ Hot Rod Hot Rod
Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Anakin is swayed by
Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith ('05, Sci-Fi) Ewan McGregor. Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Night. Night. the Dark Side of the Force, putting Obi-Wan and Padme at risk. Anakin is swayed by the Dark Side of the Force, putting Obi-Wan and Padme at risk. Night. (3:45) Prom (:40)
Wag the Dog (:20)
Man of the House Tommy Lee Jones.
The Ides of March (:45) Carnage Jodie Foster. (:05)
Bad Boys Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy Conan The Office The Office Breaking Amish Breaking Amish Amish "Good vs. Evil" To Be Announced To Be Announced (4:30) Daddy and Them (:15)
Money for Nothing (1993, Drama)
Paycheck (2003, Sci-Fi) Uma Thurman, Rogue Kill ('11, Act) Kevin Bacon, (:35) Detective Dee and the ('99, Dra) Jim Varney. Debi Mazar, Michael Madsen, John Cusack. Aaron Eckhart, Ben Affleck. Djimon Hounsou. Mystery of the Phantom Flame The Mentalist The Mentalist The Mentalist The Mentalist The Mentalist Mental. "Red Badge" CSI: NY CSI: NY Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Cosby Cosby Cosby Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens NCIS NCIS NCIS: LA "Standoff" WWE Raw WWE Raw WWE Raw (:05) CSI "Maid Man" (:05) SVU "Night" Behind the Music Basketball Wives: LA Basketball Wives: LA Basketball Wives: LA TI Tiny Chrissy (N) Basketball Wives: LA TI Tiny Chrissy Basketball Wives: LA Law & O: CI "See Me" Christine Christine Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Rules Rules
8:00 p.m. (AMC) “Four Brothers” +++ (2005, Action) Tyrese Gibson, Mark Wahlberg. Four brothers reunite to track down their adoptive mother’s killer. (2h30) (LIFE) “Made of Honor” +++ (2008, Comedy) Michelle Monaghan, Patrick Dempsey. A womanizing bachelor falls for his best friend when she announces her engagement. (2h) (SCIFI) “Shutter Island” +++ (2009, Mystery) Mark Ruffalo, Leonardo DiCaprio. A US Marshal investigates a remote island hospital for the criminally insane. (3h) (SPIKE) “Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith” +++ (2005, SciFi) Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor. Anakin is swayed by the Dark Side of the Force, putting Obi-Wan and Padme at risk. (3h30) (TMC) “Paycheck” ++ (2003, Sci-Fi) Uma Thurman, Ben Affleck. After his memory is erased, an engineer tries to evade the FBI and stop a future disaster. (2h) 8:30 p.m. (FAM) “Gone in 60 Seconds” ++ (2000, Action) Angelina Jolie, Nicolas Cage. A retired car thief reenters the business to steal 50 cars with his crew in one night. (2h30) 9:00 p.m. (STARZ) “The Ides of March” +++ (2011, Drama) George Clooney, Paul Giamatti. A staffer for a new presidential candidate learns a lesson dirty politics. (1h45) 9:40 p.m. (ENC) “An Unfinished Life” ++ (2005, Drama) Morgan Freeman, Robert Redford. A reformed alcoholic is reunited with his estranged daughter-in-law and his granddaughter. (1h50) 10:00 p.m. (LIFE) “Rumor Has It” ++ (2005, Comedy) Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Costner. A recently engaged woman is determined to uncover the truth about her family’s past. (2h01) (MAX) “The Day After Tomorrow” +++ (2004, Action) Jake Gyllenhaal, Dennis Quaid. A climatologist races to find his son as a new Ice Age suddenly engulfs New York City. (2h05) 10:30 p.m. (AMC) “Crimson Tide” ++++ (1995, Suspense) Denzel Washington, Gene Hackman. Nuclear submarine officers square off over a course of action that could cause atomic war. (2h30) 11:00 p.m. (SCIFI) “Shutter Island” +++ (2009, Mystery) Mark Ruffalo, Leonardo DiCaprio. A US Marshal investigates a remote island hospital for the criminally insane. (3h) 11:15 p.m. (HBO2) “Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son” ++ (2011, Comedy) Brandon T. Jackson, Martin Lawrence. An FBI agent and his son go undercover at an all-girl’s school to find a murderer. (1h50) 11:30 p.m. (ENC) “Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves” +++ (1991, Adventure) Morgan Freeman, Kevin Costner. A nobleman trains a band of outlaws to help him seek revenge against his father’s killer. (2h30) (HBO) “Final Destination 5” ++ (2011, Horror) Emma Bell, Nicholas D’agosto. Death is at it again after several of its intended victims escape a major disaster. (1h35) Midnight (SHOW) “Reservoir Dogs” +++ (1992, Drama) Tim Roth
8 โ ข November 4 - November 10, 2012 โ ข THE NEWS SUN โ ข THE HERALD REPUBLICAN โ ข THE STAR
AUTO RACING SUNDAY F1 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Site: Yas Marina Circuit - Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Live
7:30 a.m.
1:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Drag Racing NHRA Lucas Oil Series - Las Vegas, Nev.
2:30 p.m.
Off Road Racing
TORC Championship
3:00 p.m. (ESPN) NASCAR AAA Texas 500 Sprint Cup Series Site: Texas Motor Speedway - Fort Worth, Texas
Live 3:30 p.m.
Lucas Oil Nev.
Off Road Racing Pro2 and ProLite - Reno,
Qualifying Site: Phoenix International Raceway - Phoenix, Ariz. Live 2:30 p.m. (SPEED) NASCAR Advocare 500 Sprint Cup Series Final Practice Site: Phoenix International Raceway - Phoenix, Ariz. Live 3:30 p.m. (SPEED) Porsche Super Cup 4:00 p.m. (ESPN) NASCAR Great Clips 200 Nationwide Series Site: Phoenix International Raceway - Phoenix, Ariz. Live (SPEED) Off Road Racing Lucas Oil Pro4 and Superlite - Reno, Nev. 7:00 p.m. (SPEED) Auto Racing NASCAR K&N Series Site:
Phoenix International Raceway - Phoenix, Ariz. Live
10:45 p.m. (ESPN2) Drag Racing NHRA Automobile Club of Southern California Qualifying Site: Pomona Raceway - Pomona, Calif. Live 2:30 a.m. (ESPN2) NASCAR Great Clips 200 Nationwide Series Site: Phoenix International Raceway - Phoenix, Ariz.
Rockingham Motor Speedway Rockingham, N.C. FRIDAY Noon (SPEED) NASCAR Great Clips 200
3:00 p.m. (SPEED) Auto Racing NASCAR K&N Series Site:
Nationwide Series Practice
Site: Phoenix International Raceway Phoenix, Ariz. Live 2:00 p.m. (SPEED) NASCAR Advocare 500 Sprint Cup Series Practice Site: Phoenix International Raceway Phoenix, Ariz. Live 3:30 p.m. (SPEED) NASCAR Great Clips 200 Nationwide Series Final Practice Site: Phoenix International Raceway - Phoenix, Ariz. Live 4:30 p.m. (SPEED) NASCAR Lucas Oil 250 Camping World Series Qualifying Site: Phoenix International Raceway - Phoenix, Ariz. Live 6:00 p.m. (SPEED) NASCAR Advocare 500 Sprint Cup Series Qualifying Site: Phoenix International Raceway - Phoenix, Ariz. Live
8:00 p.m. (SPEED) Truck Racing NASCAR Lucas Oil 250 Camping World Series Site: Phoenix International Raceway - Phoenix, Ariz.
11:30 a.m. (SPEED) NASCAR Advocare 500 Sprint Cup Series Practice Site: Phoenix International Raceway Phoenix, Ariz. Live 12:30 p.m. (SPEED) NASCAR Great Clips 200 Nationwide Series
BOAT RACING 5:00 p.m.
(FSMW) OPA Offshore Series -
West Palm Beach, Fla. THURSDAY 6:00 p.m. (FSMW) H1 Unlimited - Seattle, Wash.
(FSMW) NBA Indiana Pacers vs. San Antonio Spurs Site: AT&T Center - San Antonio, Texas Live WEDNESDAY 7:30 p.m. (FSMW) NBA Indiana Pacers vs. Atlanta Hawks Site: Philips Arena Atlanta, Ga. Live 8:00 p.m. (ESPN) NBA Philadelphia 76ers vs. New Orleans Hornets Site: New Orleans Arena - New Orleans, La. Live 10:30 p.m. (ESPN) NBA San Antonio Spurs vs. Los Angeles Clippers Site: Staples Center - Los Angeles, Calif. Live 4:00 a.m. (ESPN2) NBA Philadelphia 76ers vs. New Orleans Hornets Site: New Orleans Arena - New Orleans, La. THURSDAY 8:00 p.m. (TNT) NBA Oklahoma City Thunder vs. Chicago Bulls Site: United Center - Chicago, Ill. Live 10:30 p.m. (TNT) NBA Los Angeles Clippers vs. Portland Trail Blazers Site: Rose Garden - Portland, Ore. Live FRIDAY 5:30 p.m. (ESPN) NCAA Michigan State vs. Connecticut Armed Forces Classic Kaiserslautern, Germany Live 8:00 p.m. (FSMW) NBA Indiana Pacers vs. Minnesota Timberwolves Site: Target Center - Minneapolis, Minn. Live 8:30 p.m. (ESPN) NCAA Maryland vs. Kentucky Barclays Classic Site: Barclays Center - Brooklyn, N.Y. Live
8:30 p.m.
(ESPN) NBA Utah Jazz vs. Denver Nuggets Site: Pepsi Center Denver, Colo. Live 11:00 p.m. (FSMW) NCAA Indiana State vs. UCLA Live 1:00 a.m. (FSMW) NCAA San Diego State vs. Syracuse Battle on the Midway SATURDAY 7:00 p.m. (FSMW) NBA Washington Wizards vs. Indiana Pacers Site: Conseco Fieldhouse - Indianapolis, Ind. Live 8:00 p.m. (WGN) NBA Minnesota Timberwolves vs. Chicago Bulls Site: United Center - Chicago, Ill. Live
10:30 p.m.
10:00 p.m.
(SHOW) Shobox: The New
Card TBA
SATURDAY 9:45 p.m. (HBO) After Dark Card (SHOW) Championship 10:00 p.m.
Mares vs. Moreno
6:00 p.m. (FSMW) Action Sports World Tour Supergirl Pro Surf
Adam Levine as seen in "The Voice" Vocalists lay it all on the line as they perform in the very first live episode of the season in "The Voice," airing Monday, Nov. 5, on NBC. In this final phase of the competition, the strongest singers from each team compete and the two with the least number of votes will be sent home each week.
2:30 p.m. (16) (WNDU) (33) (WISE) Red Bull Signature Series Dirt Bike Racing Site: Loretta Lynn Ranch Hurricane Mills, Tenn.
1:00 p.m. (15) (WANE) (22) (WSBT) NFL Miami Dolphins vs. Indianapolis Colts Site: Lucas Oil Stadium Indianapolis, Ind. Live
(33.2) Football NFL Live (28) (WSJV) NFL Chicago Bears vs.
Tennessee Titans Site: LP Field - Nashville, Tenn. Live
4:25 p.m. (15) (WANE) (22) (WSBT) NFL Pittsburgh Steelers vs. New York Giants Site: MetLife Stadium - East Rutherford, N.J. Live
+ZMLQ\ WV ยน-`\ZMUMยบ PMI\ X]UX[ +($7,1* (/(&75,&$/ 3/80%,1* +285 6(59,&(
Patricia Heaton stars in "The Middle" Frankie's first day of her dental-assistant course doesn't go well when the teacher (guest star Jane Kaczmarek) makes an example of her in front of the class in "The Middle," airing Wednesday, Nov. 7, on ABC. Meanwhile, Sue and Brick believe they've found a hidden treasure and take it to a pawnshop.
THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • November 4 - November 10, 2012 • 9
Choosing Cuoco
'Big Bang' leading lady to host awards show again Sheila Busteed TV Media
CHOOSING CUOCO: Portraying the queen of the geek posse on "The Big Bang Theory" hasn't held Kaley Cuoco back from becoming a popular host choice for an awards show decided by popular vote. Organizers for the People's Choice Awards are bringing Cuoco back for a second year in a row to host the event. CBS will air the ceremony live on Wednesday, Jan. 9, from the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles. The event, which honors the music, film and television industries, is controlled completely by the fans, who decide everything from the award categories included and who is nominated to the actual winners themselves. Voting closed last week for the 40 categories. "It's an honor to return as host of the 2013 People's Choice Awards and kick off awards season with one of the most fun events of the year," said Cuoco. The ceremony will be executive produced by Mark Burnett, the man behind such hit shows as "Survivor," "The Voice" and "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?" "I am so thrilled that Kaley will be joining us again as host for this year's People's Choice Awards," said Burnett. "She is such an engaging performer who brings an undeniable energy and passion to our stage." Cuoco currently plays Penny, a wannabe actress who befriends four incredibly intelligent but socially awkward scientists, in "The
Big Bang Theory," one of CBS's most popular shows. She previously starred in "6Teen," "Charmed" and "8 Simple Rules." She's done voice work in "Brandy & Mr. Whiskers" and has also guest starred in "Mercy," "Prison Break," "Tru Calling" and "7th Heaven." SONG AND SCREEN: Jesse L. Martin will soon prove that everything in the acting business is cyclical. While most TV viewers know him best as Det. Ed Green in "Law & Order," the part that really jump-started his career was as one of the original cast members in the Broadway production of "Rent." He'll give his regards to Broadway again soon, but in a different way. Musical dramas have always been a big draw on Broadway but are now gaining popularity on the small screen as well, thanks to NBC's "Smash." So it makes sense that Martin is returning to television with a recurring role in Season 2 when the series returns in the new year. Martin will appear in a sixepisode arc that will feature singing performances in some episodes. His character, Scott, is a man connected to nearly every person in the "Bombshell" production because he is the artistic director of the Manhattan Theatre Workshop. (For the uninitiated, "Bombshell" is a musical about Marilyn Monroe around which the entire series focuses.) Martin will be in good company as a guest star. Season 2 of "Smash" will also feature appearances by Jennifer Hudson, Sean Hayes,
Kaley Cuoco of The Big Bang Theory‚ will host the People’s Choice Awards 2013
Nikki Blonsky and Harvey Fierstein. They'll be working with an already stellar regular cast, which includes Debra Messing, Anjelica Huston, Jack Davenport, Katherine McPhee, Megan Hilty, Christian Borle, Jeremy Jordan, Leslie Odom Jr., Andy Mientus and Krysta Rodriguez. On top of his role as Tom Collins in "Rent," Martin starred in Broadway productions of "The Merchant of Venice," "A Winter's Tale," "The Government Inspector" and "Timon of Athens." He earned additional TV credits in "The Philanthropist" and "Ally McBeal." NEW WARBLER: For Season 4, Fox's "Glee" is bringin' in da Funk. To compensate for many of its main characters departing after high school graduation, "Glee" is starting fresh with plenty of new glee club members. That also means plenty of new stars. One of them, Nolan Gerard Funk, will make his debut this month in Episode 7. The episode, which is scheduled to air on Thursday,
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Solution on page 2.
Nov. 22, will see the Canadian actor/singer take on the role of Hunter, the new leader of The Warblers. This all-male glee club used to be led by Blaine (played by Darren Criss), who left the club at Dalton Academy in order to attend McKinley High School and lead New Directions. Now that Kurt (Chris Colfer) has graduated, moved to New York and broken up with Blaine, Hunter hopes to persuade Blaine to return to The Warblers. Funk is one of many new cast members filling holes
left by departed "Glee" stars. He's joining the likes of Melissa Benoist, Becca Tobin, Jacob Artist, Vanessa Lengies and Dean Geyer, whose characters have already debuted this season. This week's episode will feature another character debut, played by "The Glee Project" Season 2 winner Blake Jenner.
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10 • November 4 - November 10, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
Tuesday PRYLHV
8:00 p.m. (AMC) “The Fifth Element” +++ (1997, Sci-Fi) Milla Jovovich, Bruce Willis. A cab driver becomes involved with a mysterious woman who holds the key to saving Earth. (3h) (HBO) “Sucker Punch” ++ (2011, Fantasy) Vanessa Hudgens, Emily Browning. When a girl is institutionalized by her abusive stepfather, she retreats into fantasy. (2h) 8:30 p.m. (DISN) “Princess Protection Program” +++ (2009, Family) Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez. A Princess is taken into protective custody when a dictator invades a tiny country. (1h40) (SHOW) “Brüno” ++ (2009, Comedy) Gustaf Hammarsten, Sacha Baron Cohen. A fashion guru takes his TV show to Los Angeles in search of worldwide fame. (1h30) 9:00 p.m. (FAM) “The Pacifier” +++ (2005, Comedy) Lauren Graham, Vin Diesel. A tough commando is hired to protect the family of an assassinated scientist. (2h) (STARZ) “21 Jump Street” ++++ (2012, Action) Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill. A pair of bumbling cops is sent undercover to high school to take down a drug ring. (2h) 9:30 p.m. (HBOS) “Collateral” ++ (2004, Thriller) Jamie Foxx, Tom Cruise. A contract killer hijacks a taxicab on the night he is supposed to kill five people. (2h) 9:35 p.m. (ENC) “American Graffiti” ++++ (1973, Drama) Ron Howard, Richard Dreyfuss. Teenage friends spend their last night together before two of them go away to college. (1h55) 10:00 p.m. (MAX) “Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy” +++ (2004, Comedy) Christina Applegate, Will Ferrell. A sexist anchorman feels threatened by a woman who may be after his job. (1h45) 11:00 p.m. (AMC) “Mission to Mars” ++ (2000, Sci-Fi) Gary Sinise, Tim Robbins. A catastrophe wipes out most of a research crew on Mars and a rescue mission is launched. (2h30) (STARZ) “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” ++ (2003, Horror) Jonathan Tucker, Jessica Biel. A disfigured, psychotic killer terrorizes a group of teens that are passing through town. (1h45) 11:30 p.m. (ENC) “Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King” +++ (2003, Fantasy) Elijah Wood, Viggo Mortensen. A king’s heir must unite fractured armies in order to save mankind from a great evil. (3h30) (HBOS) “The Descendants” ++ (2011, Comedy/Drama) Shailene Woodley, George Clooney. A man takes his daughters to Hawaii to find the man his wife was having an affair with. (1h55) Midnight (HBO2) “Aliens” +++ (1986, Sci-Fi) Michael Biehn, Sigourney Weaver. A hive of aliens attack an army unit that has been sent to find missing colonists. (2h20) 12:30 a.m. (SHOW) “Intern Academy” ++ (2004, Comedy) Dan Aykroyd, Dave Foley. A group of interns experiences many misadventures while working at a training hospital. (1h40) 12:45 a.m. (STARZ) “Moneyball” ++ (2011, Biography) Robin Wright
TUESDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NewsCen- NewsCe(16) WNDU ter 16 at 5 nter 16 21 Alive News at 5 (21) WPTA p.m. Are We Are We (21.2) CW There Yet? There Yet? Anderson Live (33) WISE (15) WANE
(33.2) MNT (39) WFWA (39.2) KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) YOU
(55) WFFT
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
NC15 at 6 Evening p.m. News NewsCe- NBC News nter 16 21 Alive World News News The King The King of Queens of Queens NBC 33 NBC News News at 6 American American Family Family Dad Dad Guy Guy Wild Electric PBS NewsHour Kratts Company Dinosaur WordGirl Fetch! Raggs Train "Space" V.Garden For Your Woodwri- French "Light" ght's Shop Chef Home Inside Indiana Indiana Supreme Business Court The Office The Office Met Your Met Your Mother Mother
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 (:35) U.S. Presidential NC15 Nightcast Election
U.S. Presidential Election U.S. Presidential election coverage. (L)
U.S. Presidential Election U.S. Presidential election coverage. (L) U.S. Presidential Election U.S. Presidential election coverage. (L) Rules of Rules of Arrow "An Innocent Emily Owens, M.D. Engage. Engage. Man" "Pilot" U.S. Presidential Election U.S. Presidential election coverage. (L) America's Funniest Home Videos Nightly Healthline Business Sid Franny's Science Feet Burt Wolf: Julia & J. ? We Eat "Beef" PBS NewsHour
'Til Death 'Til Death '70s "The That '70s Relapse" Show
Indiana's House "Family U.S. Presidential Election U.S. Presidential election coverage. News Practice" U.S. Presidential Election U.S. Presidential election coverage. (L)
WordWorld Essential Pepin Matters of the Mind Two and a Two and a Extra Half Men Half Men
Curious George Amer. Test Kitchen Zoo to You The Insider
Zula Patrol Winema- French kers Chef BBC World Journal News Big Bang Big Bang Theory Theory
Martha Speaks Woodwright's Shop Newsline
CliffordRed Dog Steves' Europe The Piano Guy WFFT Local News
Thomas & Friends Burt Wolf: Travels Tavis Smiley TMZ
House "You Must Dish Remember This" Nation Charlie Rose Wild Kratts Essential Pepin Tracks Ahead King of the Hill
Bob the Super WHY! Builder Amer. Test Burt Wolf: Kitchen ? We Eat Tavis Tavis Smiley Smiley Law & Order: Criminal Intent
News News News News U.S. Presidential Election U.S. Presidential election coverage. (L) (:35) P.Election (:35) Election Rules Rules M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Arrow Emily Owens "Pilot" News Seinfeld Queens TMZ Friends '70s Show Two 1/2... 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad U.S. Presidential Election U.S. Presidential election coverage. FOX 28 News P.Election U.S. Presidential election coverage. Wild Kratt News Steves' Michiana PBS NewsHour U.S. Presidential Election U.S. Presidential election coverage. (L) Business T. Smiley PartFam FamilyTies Star Trek: Next Gen. Hogan News Sumrall Bible The Harvest Show Paid Enjoy-Life Faith Wisdom Miracles in Action News News News News U.S. Presidential Election U.S. Presidential election coverage. (L) Partnership Church J Franklin TCT Today R. Praise B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show (3:00)
Four Brothers ('05, Act) Mark Wahlberg. Four
The Fifth Element ('97, Sci-Fi) Bruce Willis. A cab driver becomes
Mission to Mars (2000, Sci-Fi) Gary Sinise, Crimson ... brothers reunite to track down their adoptive mother's killer. involved with a mysterious woman who holds the key to saving Earth. Don Cheadle, Tim Robbins. The First 48 Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Your Money, Your Vote U.S. Presidential Election U.S. Presidential election coverage. (L) (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer U.S. Presidential Election U.S. Presidential election coverage. (L) OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Futurama Sunny SouthPk Tosh.O Colbert Daily Sh. Work Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O Brickleb Daily Sh. Colbert Daily Sh. Colbert To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Alaska/Frontier To Be Announced Alaska/Frontier To Be Announced Shake Up Shake Up Phineas GoodLuck Wizards Jessie Dog Blog Princess Protection Program (:10) Jessie (:35) Ferb Austin Gravity Wizards Wizards (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced C. Lately E! News C. Lately (2:40) Lord of the Rin... (:05)
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial Moby Dick Barry Bostwick. (:35)
American Graffiti Lord of the Rings: The Return o... Around Interrup- SportsCenter E:60 (N) SportsCenter Special NFL Football Alumni SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsNation Horn (N) tion (N) Skills Challenge SportsNation (N) NFL 32 M&Mike NFL Live (N) NCAA Football Ball State vs. Toledo (L) SportsNation NFL Live Reba Reba Melissa Melissa
Cheaper by the Dozen 2 Steve Martin.
The Pacifier ('05, Com) Vin Diesel. The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity Football N'Side Notre Bill Snyder Game To Be Announced Notre WPT Poker Legends of Show Time Dame Poker Nebraska Dame The Waltons
101 Dalmatians ('97, Fam) Glenn Close. Puppy Love (Fam) Candace Cameron Bure. You Lucky Dog ('10, Dra) Natasha Henstridge. G. Girls G. Girls
Arthur ('11, Com) Helen Mirren, Russell Brand. A drunken playboy
Sucker Punch (2011, Fantasy) Vanessa Treme "Promised (:10) Boardwalk Empire (:10) The Girl ('12, Dra) Land" "The Pony" risks losing his inheritance after falling in love with a woman. Hudgens, Abbie Cornish, Emily Browning. Toby Jones. (4:00)
The Birdcage (:05)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Alvin & the Chipmunks: Chipwre... Bill Maher George Lopez
Aliens (4:50)
Speed 2: Cruise Control Treme (:15) Boardwalk Empire (:15) Making
Collateral ('04, Thril) Tom Cruise.
The Descendants House House House House House HouseH Love It or List It Property Property HouseH House Million Dollar Rooms Property Property The Men Who Built America "Bloody Battles" MenWhoBuilltAmerica MenWhoBuilltAmerica BuiltAm. "When One Ends, Another Begins" Book of Secrets MenWhoBuilltAmerica Abby's Competition Abby's Competition Abby's Competition Abby's Competition Abby "Sabotage" (N) PrankM'm PrankM'm Prom Prom Abby's Competition
The Running Man (:40)
In Time ('11, Act) Justin Timberlake. Puss in Boots Antonio Banderas. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron ... (:45) Hunted (:45) StrikeBk (9:00) MTV Special Ridiculous Ridiculous Clueless Pranked Jersey Shore MTV Special Underemployed Underemployed Jersey Shore Sponge Sponge Victorious Victorious Figure Out Figure Out All That K & Kel Hollywood Heights Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends (4:00)
Ogre Cyclops (2012, Horror) (P) WWE Smackdown! (N) Blackout ViralVideo Blackout ViralVideo Cyclops (2012, Horror) (4:15)
Cocktail ('88,
Primary Colors A southern governor seeks a
Brüno ('09, Com) Gustaf Homeland "A
Intern Dexter "Do the Wrong Gigolos Dra) Tom Cruise. presidential nomination amidst scandal and bad press. Hammarsten, Sacha Baron Cohen. Gettysburg Address" Thing" Academy Chop, Cut GearZ NASCAR Race Hub (N) Pass Time Pass Time Dumbest Dumbest Hard Parts Hard Parts RideRule RideRule Dumbest Dumbest Hard Parts Hard Parts Ink Master "Tattooing Ink Master "Semi Ink Master "Tattoo Ink Master "Trick or Ink Mstr "Half Naked Tattoo Tattoo Ink Master "Trick or Ink Master "The 80 the Dead" Nude 911" Year Old Virgin" Her What?" Freak" and Fully Loaded" (N) Night. (N) Night. Freak" Movie
Bad Boys ('95, Act) Will Smith.
My Boss's Daughter
21 Jump Street ('12, Act) Jonah Hill. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Conan The Office The Office Coupon Coupon Coupon Coupon Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Extreme Cheapskates Cheap Cheap Extreme Cheapskates The Con Artist ('09, Dra) Rebecca The Last International Playboy Angels Crest ('11, Dra) Mira (:35) Redemption Road ('10, Dra) (:15) Lucky Ones A group of Allied airmen tell the story of their capture & imprisonment at Buchenvald. Romijin-Stamos, Donald Sutherland. ('08, Com/Dra) Jason Behr. Sorvino, Thomas Dekker. Michael Clarke Duncan. Bones The Mentalist Mental. "Bloodshot" Rizzoli "Living Proof" Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Leverage The Closer Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Cosby Cosby Cosby Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens Law&O.:SVU "Retro" Law&O.:SVU "Dirty" Law&O.:SVU "Flight" SVU "Russian Brides" SVU "Lost Traveler" Covert Affairs (N) SVU "Protection" SVU "Repression" Therapy Basketball Wives: LA Chrissy Chrissy Chrissy TI Tiny TI Tiny Behind Music "T.I." Rehab With Dr. Drew Basketball Wives: LA Honey 2 Law:CI "Probability" Christine Christine Funniest Home Videos M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Rules Rules
THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • November 4 - November 10, 2012 • 11 WEDNESDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NewsCen- NewsCe(16) WNDU ter 16 at 5 nter 16 21 Alive News at 5 (21) WPTA p.m. Are We Are We (21.2) CW There Yet? There Yet? Anderson Live (33) WISE (15) WANE
(33.2) MNT (39) WFWA (39.2) KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) YOU
(55) WFFT
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
NC15 at 6 Evening p.m. News NewsCe- NBC News nter 16 21 Alive World News News The King The King of Queens of Queens NBC 33 NBC News News at 6 American American Family Family Dad Dad Guy Guy Wild Electric PBS NewsHour Kratts Company Dinosaur WordGirl Fetch! Raggs Train "Pretend" Katie Ask This French Garden Smart Brown Old House Chef Changing Gears: End Inside Indiana of An Era Business The Office The Office Met Your Met Your Mother Mother
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
CSI: Crime Scene NC15 "Pick and Roll" (N) Nightcast NewsCeChicago Fire nter 16 "Hanging On" (N) The Neighbors Modern Suburga- Nashville "Move It on 21 Alive Middle (N) (N) Family (N) tory (N) Over" (N) News 'Til Death Arrow "Damaged" (N) Super. "Southern Newsce- Seinfeld Comfort" (N) nter Chicago Fire The Voice "The Live Playoffs" (N) NBC 33 "Hanging On" (N) News The X Factor The finalists from each of the four Indiana's Numb3rs "The Art of categories perform for the first time. (N) News Reckoning" Nature "Animal Odd Nova "Mystery of Nova scienceNOW (N) As Time Couples" (N) Easter Island" (N) Goes By Martha WordW- Curious Arthur Zula Clifford- Thomas & orld Red Dog Friends George Patrol Speaks Lidia's Uncorked: French Grand Cook's Ask This Steves' View Italy Country Wine Chef Old House Europe Healthline The New BBC World Journal Newsline Jammin' Tavis Fly Fisher News at Jack's Smiley The TMZ Two and a Two and a Extra Big Bang Big Bang WFFT Local News Half Men Half Men Insider Theory Theory
Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune Access Inside Hollywood Edition Ent. Lawyers Tonight on Call Rules of Rules "Twice" Engage. Everybody Everybody Loves Ray Loves Ray America's Funniest Home Videos Nightly Senior Business Spotlight Sid Franny's Science Feet Baking Mexico: One Plate With Julia PBS NewsHour
Criminal Minds "The Apprenticeship" (N) The Voice "The Live Playoffs" (N)
Survivor: Philippines
(:35) The
Late Show (:35) Late With David Letterman Late Show (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) LateNight With Jay Leno (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline 'Til Death That '70s That '70s Show Show (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) With Jay Leno LateNight Numb3rs "Under Dish Pressure" Nation Red Green Charlie Rose Show Wild Kratt Bob the Super WHY! "Fireflies" Builder Mexico: Lidia's Cook's Italy Country One Plate Mustang: Tavis Tavis Smiley Smiley King of Law & Order: Criminal the Hill Intent
News News News News Wheel Jeopardy! Survivor: Philippines Criminal Minds (N) CSI: Crime Scene (N) News (:35) David Letterman LateShow Rules Rules M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Arrow "Damaged" (N) Supernatural (N) News Seinfeld Queens TMZ Friends '70s Show Two 1/2... 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy The X Factor (N) FOX 28 News The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Wild Kratt News Steves' Michiana PBS NewsHour Nature (N) Nova (N) Nova scienceNOW (N) Charlie Rose Business T. Smiley PartFam FamilyTies Star Trek: Next Gen. Hogan News The Harvest Show "Two Hour Special" Paid Enjoy-Life Partners Gaddy Miracles Healthy News News News News Insider ET Middle (N) Neighbor Modern Suburg. Nashville (N) ABC57 (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Partnership TCT Today Z. Levitt B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show CSI: Miami "A Few CSI: Miami
Behind Enemy Lines Owen Wilson. A military pilot
Top Gun ('86, Act) Tom Cruise. Personal tragedy leads CSI: Miami "Long Dead Men" Gone" "Crowned" fights to stay alive after he is shot down over enemy territory. a cocky, undisciplined navy pilot to reassess his career. The First 48 Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Storage Storage Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report The Costco Craze Mexico's Drug War American Greed Mad Money Mexico's Drug War (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Futurama Sunny SouthPk Tosh.O Colbert Daily Sh. Chappelle KeyPeele SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk KeyPeele Daily Sh. Colbert SouthPk Brickleb To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Sons of Guns Moonshiners Sons of Guns Moonshiners A.N.T. A.N.T. Phineas GoodLuck Wizards Jessie Austin
Underdog Jason Lee. Dog Blog Phineas Gravity GoodLuck Wizards Wizards (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced C. Lately E! News C. Lately (4:00)
Open Range (:20)
The Flintstones John Goodman.
Analyze This Robert De Niro. (:50)
Grumpy Old Men Jack Lemmon. (:35)
Billy Madison Around Interrup- SportsCenter CountNBA Basketball Philadelphia 76ers vs. New Orleans Hornets NBA Basketball San Antonio Spurs vs. Los Angeles Clippers Horn (N) tion (N) Site: Staples Center -- Los Angeles, Calif. (L) down (L) Site: New Orleans Arena -- New Orleans, La. (L) SportsNation (N) NFL 32 (L) NFL Football NCAA Football Ohio vs. Bowling Green (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter Reba Reba Melissa Melissa
The Pacifier ('05, Com) Vin Diesel.
Beetlejuice ('88, Com) Michael Keaton. The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity Boat Racing OPA UFC Xterra Post-game (L) /(:15) NBA Basketball Indiana (:15) UEFA Soccer Pre-game NBA Basketball Indiana Pacers vs. Atlanta Hawks Site: Offshore Series Primetime Adventure (L) Philips Arena -- Atlanta, Ga. (L) Pacers vs. Atlanta Hawks Site: Philips Arena Champions League The Waltons You Lucky Dog ('10, Dra) Natasha Henstridge.
Hachi: A Dog's Tale Richard Gere. Accidental Friendship (2008, Drama) G. Girls G. Girls (:15) The Tree of Life ('11, Dra) Sean Penn, Brad Pitt. The (:45)
We Bought a Zoo A father purchases a house in Boardwalk Empire Real Time With Bill Treme "Promised "The Pony" Maher Land" oldest son of a Texas family tries to reconcile with his father. the countryside that comes with a struggling zoo. (3:55) The X Files: Fi...
Cowboys and Aliens Daniel Craig. Witness The Big Picture
The American George Clooney. (:15)
The Adjustment Bureau Cedar Rapids ('11, Com) Ed Helms. (:25)
Dream House The Pacific The Pacific "Basilone" Pacific "Melbourne"
The Terminal ('04, Com/Dra) Tom Hanks. Income Income Income Income Renovation Property Brothers Buying and Selling HouseH House Property Brothers Buying and Selling Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Invention Invention Cajun Cajun Pawn Star Pawn Star Wife Swap Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Houstons Houstons Houstons Houstons My Life Lifetime To Be Announced Houstons Houstons (4:15) Rise of the Pl... Hunted Hunted Hunted "Hourglass"
The Rundown The Rock. (:45)
Contagion ('11, Act) Matt Damon. (:35) Skin Pranked Pranked Ridiculous Ridiculous Clueless Pranked Underemployed The Challenge The Challenge The Challenge Jersey Shore Sponge Sponge Victorious Victorious Figure Out Figure Out All That K & Kel Hollywood Heights Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters (N) Deals Deals Ghost Hunters Deals Deals Loosies ('12, Com/Dra) Jaimie
Spy Kids 4: All the Time in Homeland "A Inside the NFL Inside Inside Inside the NFL Dexter "Do the Wrong Gettysburg Address" NASCAR Comedy Thing" Alexander, Peter Facinelli. the World ('11, Act) Jessica Alba. Chop, Cut GearZ NASCAR Race Hub (N) Pass Time Pass Time Pinks! "St. Louis" 101 Cars 101 Cars Barrett-Jackson Pinks! "St. Louis" 101 Cars 101 Cars Gangland "From Girl Gangland "Root of All The Fast & the Furious: Tokyo Drift An American avoiding The Fast & the Furious: Tokyo Drift An American avoiding Tattoo Tattoo to Gangster" Evil" Night. Night. jail time gets drawn into the world of drift racing in Tokyo. jail time gets drawn into the world of drift racing in Tokyo. (4:50) Texas Killing Fields (:40)
Moneyball ('11, Bio) Robin Wright, Brad Pitt.
Spy Kids 3D: Game Over
The Green Hornet ('11, Act) Seth Rogen. Movie Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy BigBang BigBang Conan The Office The Office Say Yes Say Yes Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Long Island Medium Breaking Amish Long Island Medium Breaking Amish (4:05) Les Formidables (:10)
Monty Python's The Meaning of
Our Idiot Brother ('11, Com)
Barbershop ('02, Com) Cedric (:15) Conception ('11, Rom) Sarah (:45) Tanya Joong-Hoon Park. Life ('83, Com) Eric Idle, John Cleese. Elizabeth Banks, Paul Rudd. the Entertainer, Eve, Ice Cube. Hyland, Julie Bowen, Alan Tudyk. X ('10, Ero) Castle "Nikki Heat" The Mentalist The Mentalist Castle Castle Castle Perception "Lovesick" Southland Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Cosby Cosby Cosby Loves Ray Loves Ray Hot In Divorced Queens Queens Queens Queens NCIS NCIS "Marine Down" NCIS "Left for Dead" NCIS "Eye Spy" NCIS NCIS Covert Affairs NCIS "Yankee White" Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Couples Therapy (N) Rehab With Dr. Drew Couples Therapy Law:CI "Monster" Christine Christine Funniest Home Videos Rules Rules Rules Rules WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Rules Rules
Wednesday PRYLHV
8:00 p.m. (AMC) “Behind Enemy Lines” ++ (2001, War) Gene Hackman, Owen Wilson. A military pilot fights to stay alive after he is shot down over enemy territory. (2h30) (ENC) “Analyze This” ++ (1999, Comedy) Billy Crystal, Robert De Niro. A powerful gangster uses a psychiatrist to help him overcome his anxiety attacks. (1h50) (HALL) “Hachi: A Dog’s Tale” +++ (2009, Drama) Joan Allen, Richard Gere. A professor takes in an abandoned dog and forms a bond with the animal. (2h) (TMC) “Our Idiot Brother” ++ (2011, Comedy) Elizabeth Banks, Paul Rudd. A man overstays his welcome in his sisters’ homes when his honesty gets him in trouble. (1h30) 8:30 p.m. (DISN) “Underdog” +++ (2007, Family) Peter Dinklage, Jason Lee. A botched science experiment endows a disgraced beagle with superpowers. (1h30) 9:00 p.m. (FAM) “Beetlejuice” +++ (1988, Comedy) Geena Davis, Michael Keaton. A newly deceased couple tries to drive away the obnoxious new owners of their house. (2h) (MAX) “The Rundown” +++ (2003, Adventure) Seann William Scott, The Rock. A bounty hunter teams up with a mob boss’s son to retrieve a legendary artefact. (1h45) (STARZ) “Spy Kids 3D: Game Over” ++ (2003, Family) Carla Gugino, Antonio Banderas. Juni must save the world and his sister when she gets caught in a virtual reality game. (1h30) 9:30 p.m. (SPIKE) “The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift” ++ (2006, Action) Brandon Brendel, Lucas Black. An American avoiding jail time gets drawn into the world of drift racing in Tokyo. (2h30) (TMC) “Barbershop” ++ (2002, Comedy) Cedric the Entertainer, Ice Cube. An eccentric assortment of characters share their stories in a barbershop in Chicago. (1h45) 9:50 p.m. (ENC) “Grumpy Old Men” +++ (1994, Comedy) Walter Matthau, Jack Lemmon. A lifelong feud between two neighbors escalates when a widow moves in next door. (1h45) 10:30 p.m. (AMC) “Top Gun” +++ (1986, Action) Kelly McGillis, Tom Cruise. Personal tragedy leads a cocky, undisciplined navy pilot to reassess his career. (2h30) (STARZ) “The Green Hornet” +++ (2011, Action) Jay Chou, Seth Rogen. A young man teams up with his late father’s assistant to become a crime fighting duo. (2h05) 10:45 p.m. (MAX) “Contagion” +++ (2011, Action) Kate Winslet, Matt Damon. An international team of doctors attempts to contain the outbreak of a deadly disease. (1h50) 11:00 p.m. (HBOS) “The Terminal” ++ (2004, Comedy/Drama) Catherine ZetaJones, Tom Hanks. A bureaucratic technicality forces a European man to take up residence in JFK Airport. (2h10) 11:15 p.m. (HBO2) “The Adjustment Bureau” +++ (2011, Romance) Emily Blunt, Matt Damon. Mysterious forces keep a politician and a ballerina from having an affair. (1h50)
12 • November 4 - November 10, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
Thursday PRYLHV
8:00 p.m. (AMC) “Rambo” ++ (2008, Action) Julie Benz, Sylvester Stallone. A group of Christian aid workers recruits a Vietnam vet to help deliver medical supplies. (2h) (ENC) “Species” ++ (1995, Sci-Fi) Michael Madsen, Ben Kingsley. Sil is a deadly half woman-half alien creature that must be destroyed before she breeds. (1h50) 8:20 p.m. (MAX) “Resident Evil: Apocalypse” ++ (2004, Sci-Fi) Sienna Guillory, Milla Jovovich. A group of survivors must make their way out of a city that has been overrun by zombies. (1h40) 8:30 p.m. (FAM) “The Goonies” +++ (1985, Adventure) Corey Feldman, Sean Astin. A group of kids are swept up in adventure after discovering a treasure map in an attic. (2h30) 9:00 p.m. (HBO) “Crazy, Stupid, Love.” ++++ (2011, Comedy/Drama) Ryan Gosling, Steve Carell. A man whose life is beginning to fall apart meets and befriends a young bachelor. (2h) (HBO2) “We Bought a Zoo” +++ (2011, Comedy/Drama) Scarlett Johansson, Matt Damon. A father purchases a house in the countryside that comes with a struggling zoo. (2h15) (SCIFI) “Anaconda” ++ (1997, Action) Jennifer Lopez, Jon Voight. A snake expert dupes a film team into helping him search for a 40-foot long snake. (2h) (STARZ) “The Butterfly Effect” ++ (2004, Sci-Fi) Melora Walters, Ashton Kutcher. In an attempt to cure his blackouts, a student projects back to childhood traumas. (2h) 9:50 p.m. (ENC) “Godzilla” +++ (1998, Sci-Fi) Hank Azaria, Matthew Broderick. Godzilla rises from the ocean’s depths and destroys everything in its path, including NYC. (2h20) 10:00 p.m. (AMC) “Predator” +++ (1987, Sci-Fi) Carl Weathers, Arnold Schwarzenegger. A commando team on a rescue mission in South America encounters a monstrous alien killer. (2h30) (HALL) “A Dog Named Christmas” ++ (2009, Family) Linda Emond, Bruce Greenwood. A developmentally challenged man convinces his family to adopt a dog for Christmas. (2h) (MAX) “Contraband” +++ (2012, Action) Giovanni Ribisi, Mark Wahlberg. A former smuggler travels to Panama in order to protect his brother from a drug lord. (1h50) 11:30 p.m. (TMC) “The Italian Job” +++ (2003, Action) Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg. Thieves plan the heist of their lives by creating the largest traffic jam in L.A. history. (1h55) 12:10 a.m. (ENC) “The Exorcist” ++++ (1973, Horror) Ellen Burstyn, Linda Blair. When a girl is thought to be possessed by the Devil, a troubled priest intervenes. (2h05) 12:15 a.m. (HBO2) “Hall Pass” ++ (2011, Comedy) Jason Sudeikis, Owen Wilson. Two best friends are granted permission by their wives to have extramarital affairs. (1h50) 12:30 a.m. (AMC) “Stargate” +++ (1994, Sci-Fi) James Spader, Kurt Russell. A military force travels to the other side of the galaxy through a mysterious portal. (2h45)
THURSDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NewsCen- NewsCe(16) WNDU ter 16 at 5 nter 16 21 Alive News at 5 (21) WPTA p.m. Are We Are We (21.2) CW There Yet? There Yet? Anderson Live (33) WISE
NC15 at 6 Evening p.m. News NewsCe- NBC News nter 16 21 Alive World News News The King The King of Queens of Queens NBC 33 NBC News News at 6 American American Family Family (33.2) MNT Dad Dad Guy Guy Wild Electric PBS NewsHour (39) WFWA Kratts Company Dinosaur WordGirl Fetch! Raggs (39.2) KIDS Train "Dreams" French V.Garden For Your Woodwri(39.3) CRE "Light" ght's Shop Chef Home Indiana in Indiana Across Weekly (39.4) YOU Review Indiana Exped. Special The Office The Office Met Your Met Your (55) WFFT Mother Mother (15) WANE
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
7 PM
Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune Access Inside Hollywood Edition Ent. Sound Off Tonight Rules of Rules Engage. "Kids" Everybody Everybody Loves Ray Loves Ray America's Funniest Home Videos Nightly Arts Business Weekly Sid Franny's Science Feet Burt Wolf: Julia and ? We Eat Jacques PBS NewsHour
8 PM
Big Bang Two and Theory (N) Half (N) The Voice "The Live Playoffs, Results" (N) Last Resort "Another Fine Navy Day" (N) The Vampire Diaries "The Killer" (N) The Voice "The Live Playoffs, Results" (N) The X Factor (N)
9 PM
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
Person of Interest "The High Road" (N) The Office Parks and (N) Rec (N) Grey's Anatomy "Beautiful Doom" (N) Beauty and the Beast "Saturn Returns" (N) The Office Parks and Rec (N) (N) Glee (N)
Holiday Harvest Auction "Night 1"
WordWorld Essential Pepin Senior Spotlight Two and a Two and a Extra Half Men Half Men
Curious George Amer. Test Kitchen Tracks Ahead The Insider
Zula Patrol Winema- French kers Chef BBC World Journal News Big Bang Big Bang Theory Theory
Elementary "Flight NC15 Risk" (N) Nightcast Rock Center With NewsCenter 16 Brian Williams Scandal "All Roads 21 Alive Lead to Fitz" (N) News Newsce- Sein. "The 'Til Death Wait Out" nter Rock Center With NBC 33 Brian Williams News Indiana's White Collar "Vital News Signs" Antiques Roadshow You Being "Junk in the Trunk 2" Served? Martha Clifford- Thomas & Red Dog Friends Speaks Burt Wolf: Woodwri- Steves' ght's Shop Europe Travels Newsline Healthline Tavis Smiley WFFT Local News TMZ
(:35) The
Late Show (:35) Late With David Letterman Late Show (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) LateNight With Jay Leno (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline 'Til Death That '70s That '70s Show Show (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) With Jay Leno LateNight White Collar "Home Dish Invasion" Nation Jammin' Charlie Rose at Jack's Wild Bob the Super Kratts WHY! Builder Essential Amer. Test Burt Wolf: Pepin Kitchen ? We Eat Haunted Tavis Tavis Texas Smiley Smiley King of Law & Order: Criminal the Hill Intent
News News News News Wheel Jeopardy! BBang (N) 2½Men Person of Interest (N) Elementary (N) News (:35) David Letterman LateShow Rules Rules M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Vampire Diaries (N) Beauty and Beast (N) News Seinfeld Queens TMZ Friends '70s Show Two 1/2... 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy The X Factor (N) Glee (N) FOX 28 News The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Wild Kratt News Steves' Michiana PBS NewsHour Everglades North Ask the Expert Antiques Roadshow Charlie Rose Business T. Smiley PartFam FamilyTies Star Trek: Next Gen. Hogan News The Harvest Show "Two Hour Special" Paid Enjoy-Life Bible LESEA Miracles Bible News News News News Insider ET Last Resort (N) Grey's Anatomy (N) Scandal (N) ABC57 (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Partnership Faith CBN News TCT Today Fellowship B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show CSI: Miami "Terminal CSI: Miami "Last CSI: Miami "No Good
Rambo (2008, Action) Julie Benz, Matthew
Predator A commando team on a rescue mission in
Velocity" Straw" Deed" Marsden, Sylvester Stallone. South America encounters a monstrous alien killer. Stargate The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Scared Straight (N) Beyond Scared Stra. The First 48 Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report American Greed Unraveled Greed Mad Money Unraveled (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Futurama Sunny SouthPk Tosh.O Colbert Daily Sh. Chappelle Stand Up Gabriel Iglesias Stand Up Tosh.O Daily Sh. Colbert KeyPeele Stand Up To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Fish Hooks Fish Hooks Phineas GoodLuck Wizards Jessie Austin Let It Shine ('12, Fam) Tyler James Williams. Phineas A.N.T. Jessie Wizards Wizards (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced C. Lately E! News C. Lately (3:35) Pirates of the ...
Jumping the Broom Paula Patton.
Species Ben Kingsley. (:50)
Godzilla ('98, Sci-Fi) Matthew Broderick. (:10) The Exorcist Around Interrup- SportsCenter Football NCAA Football Florida State vs. Virginia Tech (L) SportsCenter The day's news in the SportsCenter Horn (N) tion (N) world of sports. (L) SportsNation (N) NFL 32 (L) Audibles (L) SportsCenter (N) MLS Soccer Playoffs Conference Semifinal Second Leg (L) NASCAR NFL Live (L) Reba Reba Melissa
Beetlejuice ('88, Com) Michael Keaton.
The Goonies ('85, Adv) Corey Feldman, Sean Astin. The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity Race Downun- Boat Racing H1 Football To Be Announced The New College Being: Liverpool "Red Preview Football Show Crusade" Freaks der Horse. Unlimited The Waltons
Hachi: A Dog's Tale Richard Gere. Hero Dog Awards
A Dog Named Christmas G. Girls G. Girls (4:00) (:45)
Little Fockers (2010, Comedy) Robert
Along Came Polly ('04, Com)
Crazy, Stupid, Love. ('11, Com/Dra) Real Sex (:50) 2 Days (:05) (:35) The Cheaper ... De Niro, Owen Wilson, Ben Stiller. Jennifer Aniston, Ben Stiller. Ryan Gosling, Julianne Moore, Steve Carell. Witness Descend... (4:40)
Mask ('85, Bio) Cher. (:45)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
We Bought a Zoo Matt Damon. (:15) Boardwalk Empire (:15)
Hall Pass (4:20) Envy
Collateral ('04, Thril) Tom Cruise. The Pacific The Pacific The Pacific Pacific "Peleliu Hills" Bill Maher For Rent For Rent Selling NY Selling NY House HouseH Buying and Selling Extreme Homes (N) HouseH House (N) You Live in What? Extreme Homes Ancient Discoveries Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Bamazon Outback "Revenge" Cajun Cajun Pawn Star Pawn Star Wife Swap Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Project Runway Project Runway Abby's "Sabotage" Project Runway Project Runway (4:40) The Sixth Man
The Dilemma Vince Vaugn. (:20)
Resident Evil: Apocalypse
Contraband Mark Wahlberg. (:50) Life on Top "Let's Talk" Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Clueless Pranked Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Jersey Jersey Shore Jersey Sponge Sponge Victorious Victorious Figure Out Figure Out Yes, Dear K & Kel Hollywood Heights Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends Haunted Collector Haunted Collector
Anaconda 3: The Offspring Crystal Allen.
Anaconda ('97, Act) Jon Voight.
Anacondas: Trail of Blood Crystal Allen. (4:45) The Skulls II ('02, Thril) Nice Guy Johnny ('10, Com) Kerry Faster ('10, Act) Billy Bob Thornton, (:50) Shaquille O'Neal "All Star Dave's Old Joe Dave's Old Reality Comedy Jam - Live From Orlando" Porn Show Porn Nathan West, Robin Dunne. Bishe, Edward Burns, Max Baker. Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. Piscopo:... Chop, Cut GearZ NASCAR Race Hub (N) Pass Time Pass Time MichaelWaltripRacing Wrecked Wrecked Hard Parts Hard Parts MichaelWaltripRacing Wrecked Wrecked Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Wrestling Watch high-risk athletic entertainment Ink Mstr "Half Naked UncensAcademy Action: Ways to featuring the most recognizable stars of wrestling. and Fully Loaded" Skyfall Die ored (N) (N) Movie (:50) Starz (:05)
Spy Kids 3D: Game Over
30 Minutes or Less
The Butterfly Effect Ashton Kutcher. Priest ('11, Act) Paul Bettany. (:40) Felon Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld FamilyGuy FamilyGuy BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Conan The Office The Office Say Yes Say Yes Medium Medium American Gypsy Wedd Say Yes Say Yes To Be Announced Bada Bling Brides To Be Announced Bada Bling Brides (4:35)
The Bone (:15) The Violent Ones (1967, Crime Story) Brake (2012, Thriller) Chyler Leigh, (:35) Drive Angry (2011, Action) Amber Heard,
The Italian Job ('03, Act) Snatcher Aldo Ray, David Carradine, Fernando Lamas. J.R. Bourne, Stephen Dorff. William Fichtner, Nicolas Cage. Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg. The Mentalist The Mentalist Mental. "Red Sauce" NBA Basketball Oklahoma City Thunder vs. Chicago Bulls (L) NBA Basketball Los Angeles vs Portland (L) Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Cosby Cosby Cosby Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens NCIS NCIS "In the Zone" NCIS "Dead Air" NCIS Burn Notice (N) Burn Notice (N) NCIS "About Face" Burn Notice Chrissy Chrissy Basketball Wives: LA Couples Therapy TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny Sat. Night Live (N) Law:CI "Cuba Libre" Christine Christine Funniest Home Videos M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Rules Rules
THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • November 4 - November 10, 2012 • 13 FRIDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NewsCen- NewsCe(16) WNDU ter 16 at 5 nter 16 21 Alive News at 5 (21) WPTA p.m. Are We Are We (21.2) CW There Yet? There Yet? Anderson Live (33) WISE
6 PM
NC15 at 6 Evening p.m. News NewsCe- NBC News nter 16 21 Alive World News News The King The King of Queens of Queens NBC 33 NBC News News at 6 American American Family Family (33.2) MNT Dad Dad Guy Guy Wild Electric PBS NewsHour (39) WFWA Kratts Company Dinosaur WordGirl Fetch! Raggs (39.2) KIDS Train Garden Glass w/ This Old French (39.3) CRE Home V. Payne House Chef Religion BBC News NewMad- In. (39.4) YOU America ridSeismic Washngtn News The Office The Office Met Your Met Your (55) WFFT Mother Mother (15) WANE
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
7 PM
Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune Access Inside Hollywood Edition Ent. Access Tonight Hollywood Rules of Rules of Engage. Engage. Everybody Everybody Loves Ray Loves Ray America's Funniest Home Videos Nightly PrimetiBusiness me39 Sid Franny's Science Feet Simply Hubert Ming Keller PBS NewsHour
8 PM
9 PM
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
CSI: NY "Clue: SI" (N) Undercover Boss "Tilted Kilt" (N) Go On Guys With Grimm "To Protect Kids and Serve Man" (N) Last Man Malibu Shark Tank (N) St (N) Country America's Next Top Nikita Model (N) "Consequences" (N) Guys With Grimm "To Protect Go On Kids and Serve Man" (N) Kitchen Nightmares Fringe (N) "Mama Maria's" (N) Holiday Harvest Auction "Night 2"
WordWorld Lidia's Italy Market to Market Two and a Two and a Extra Half Men Half Men
Curious George Cook's Country McLaughlin The Insider
Zula Patrol Uncorked: French Wine Chef BBC World Journal News Big Bang Big Bang Theory Theory
Blue Bloods "Higher Education" (N) Dateline NBC
NC15 Nightcast NewsCenter 16 21 Alive News 'Til Death
(:35) The
Late Show (:35) Late With David Letterman Late Show (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) LateNight With Jay Leno 20/20 (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline More of Newsce- Seinfeld That '70s That '70s the Score Show Show nter NBC 33 (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) Dateline NBC News With Jay Leno LateNight Indiana's Monk "Mr. Monk Monk "Mr. Monk Art & Soul News Joins a Cult" Goes to a Bank" Mind of a Mind of a Austin City Limits Charlie Rose Chef (N) Chef (N) Martha Bob the Clifford- Thomas & Wild Super Red Dog Friends Kratts WHY! Speaks Builder TravelsSimply This Old Steves' Lidia's Cook's Europe cope Ming House Italy Country Newsline Defense Tavis Need to Tavis Tavis News Know Smiley Smiley Smiley Wfft News The Locker TMZ King of Law & Order: Criminal Room the Hill Intent
News News News News Wheel Jeopardy! Boss "Tilted Kilt" (N) CSI: NY "Clue: SI" (N) Blue Bloods (N) News (:35) David Letterman LateShow Rules Rules M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Next Top Model (N) Nikita (N) News Seinfeld Queens TMZ Friends '70s Show Two 1/2... 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy Kitchen N'mare (N) Fringe (N) Fox 28 News at 10 The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Wild Kratt News Steves' Michiana PBS NewsHour W.Week Economic Perilous Fight Charlie Rose Business T. Smiley PartFam FamilyTies Star Trek: Next Gen. Hogan News Sumrall Paid The Harvest Show Full Circle Enjoy-Life Football IHSAA Regional News News News News Insider ET Last Man Malibu Shark Tank (N) 20/20 ABC57 (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Partnership TCT Today God's Plan B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show
Predator A commando team on a rescue mission in
Predator II Danny Glover. A powerful alien invades Los The Walking Dead Comic
Predator II ('90, Act) Gary "Killer Within" South America encounters a monstrous alien killer. Angeles, leaving only one police officer to defend the city. Book Men Busey, Danny Glover. The First 48 First 48 "One Heart" Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Options Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report How I Made Millions Crime Inc. American Greed Mad Money Crime Inc. (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Futurama Sunny SouthPk Tosh.O Colbert Daily Sh. Tosh.O Tosh.O KeyPeele Tosh.O SouthPk Stand Up
Grandma's Boy Linda Cardellini. To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Gold Rush - The Dirt Gold Rush J.Gold "Shots Fired" Gold Rush J.Gold "Shots Fired" Jessie Jessie Phineas (:25) GoodL /(:50) The Adventures of Sharkbo... Jessie Fish Hooks Gravity A.N.T. GoodLuck Shake Up A.N.T. Jessie Austin (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced The Soup Fashion C. Lately E! News C. Lately (4:30) Under Siege 2... (:10)
Dante's Peak Pierce Brosnan.
Shanghai Knights ('03, Adv) Jackie Chan.
Colombiana Zoe Saldana. (:50) Under Siege 2: Dark Territory SportsC- NCAA Basketball Armed Forces Classic Michigan State vs. Connecticut -- NCAA Basketball Barclays Classic Maryland vs. NBA Basketball Utah Jazz vs. Denver Nuggets Site: Pepsi Kaiserslautern, Germany (L) Kentucky Site: Barclays Center (L) Center -- Denver, Colo. (L) enter Horn (N) Interrupt NFL 32 (L) NFL Kick Football NCAA Football Pittsburgh vs. Connecticut (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter Reba Reba
The Princess Diaries ('01, Fam) Julie Andrews.
The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity Being: Liverpool Action Sports World Rams Pre-game NBA Basketball Indiana Pacers vs. Minnesota Timberwolves Post-game NCAA Basketball Indiana State vs. UCLA (L) Tour Supergirl Pro Surf Nation Site: Target Center -- Minneapolis, Minn. (L) (L) (L) Waltons "The Stray" Little House Prairie Little House Prairie Love at the Thanksgiving Parade Christmas Song ('12, Fam) Natasha Henstridge. The Town Christma... (4:45)
Megamind ('10, Ani)
Forrest Gump Tom Hanks. A simple man finds himself Real Sports With Real Time With Bill Real Time With Bill
Knight and Day Maher (N) Maher Jonah Hill, Brad Pitt, Will Ferrell. in extraordinary situations throughout the course of his life. Bryant Gumbel ('10, Act) Tom Cruise, (4:35)
Borderline (:15) Red Riding Hood Amanda Seyfried.
The Eagle ('11, Adv) Channing Tatum. Boardwa. "The Pony" Treme (:15) The Adjustmen... (4:05) Extremely Lou... (:20)
My Big Fat Greek Wedding Pacific "Iwo Jima" Pacific "Okinawa" The Pacific "Home"
Sucker Punch ('11, Fant) Emily Browning. Property Property Selling NY Selling NY House House Extreme Homes Home Strange Home HouseH House (N) House House Home Strange Home Modern Marvels Modern Marvels American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Invention Invention Shapes Shapes American Pickers Trading Spouses Trading Spouses To Be Announced To Be Announced PrankM'm PrankM'm Houstons Houstons My Life Lifetime To Be Announced Movie (:45)
Devil Chris Messina. (:05) Transit James Caviezel. (:35) Chronicle Dane Dehaan. Hunted (N) Skin Max Hunted SinCity Clueless Clueless Clueless Clueless Clueless Pranked Jersey Shore Jersey Shore
Catfish ('10, Doc/Dra) Melody C. Roscher. Jersey Shore Sponge Sponge Victorious Victorious Figure Out Figure Out Victorious Victorious Hollywood Heights Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends (4:00) Anaconda 3: T...
Anaconda ('97, Act) Jon Voight. WWE Smackdown! Haven (N) Blackout ViralVideo Haven (3:30) Fightville (2011, Documentary) Gil
Serious Moonlight ('09, Com) Craig Shoemaker: Daditude Boxing Shobox: The New Generation Card TBA Inside the NFL Against... Guillory, Dustin Poirier, Tim Credeur. Timothy Hutton, Meg Ryan. (4:30) Racing Track (N) NASCAR Racing Advocare 500 (L) NCWTS NASCAR Truck Racing Lucas Oil 250 (L) Speed Trackside NASCAR Auto Race Advocare 500 Ink Master "Semi Ink Master "Tattoo Ink Master "Trick or Ink Mstr "Half Naked Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Ink Master "Trick or Ink Master "The 80 Tattoo Nude 911" Year Old Virgin" Her What?" Freak" and Fully Loaded" Night. Night. Night. Night. Freak" (4:30) The I Inside (:05)
21 Jump Street Jonah Hill. Magic City Boss "Ablution" Spartacus: Vengeance Camelot "Guinevere" Torchwood Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld For Better For Better Better (N) For Better
The Hangover ('09, Com) Ed Helms. (:15) The Heartbreak... Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Bride Bride Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes Say Yes Bride Bride Say Yes to Say Yes to Bride Bride (4:30) The Locksmith
Red (2010, Action) Mary-Louise Parker, Legacy (2010, Thriller) William (:35)
Real Steel (2011, Sci-Fi) Evangeline (:45) Before I Self Destruct ('09, Cri) Anslem Richardson. John Malkovich, Bruce Willis. Hope, Monique Curnen, Idris Elba. Lilly, Dakota Goyo, Hugh Jackman. Clifton Powell, 50 Cent. Law & Order "Smoke" Mentalist "Miss Red" The Mentalist
Transformers ('07, Act) Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Shia LeBoeuf.
The Forbidden Kingdom ('08, Adv) Jet Li. Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Cosby Cosby Cosby Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens Law&O.:SVU "Taken" SVU "Closure, Part II" SVU "Baby Killer" Law & Order: S.V.U. Law&O.:SVU "Pixies" Law & Order: S.V.U. Burn Notice "Desperate Measures" Behind Music "Nelly" Behind Music "T.I." Most Shock "Hour 1" Most Shock "Hour 2" Black Knight ('00, Com) Martin Lawrence. Chrissy Chrissy TI Tiny TI Tiny Law & Order: C.I. Christine Christine Funniest Home Videos M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Rules Rules
8:00 p.m. (ENC) “Shanghai Knights” ++ (2003, Adventure) Owen Wilson, Jackie Chan. In the 1880s, a sheriff and his sidekick travel to England to avenge a father’s death. (2h) (HBO2) “The Eagle” +++ (2011, Adventure) Jamie Bell, Channing Tatum. A Roman soldier is determined to honor his father’s memory by retrieving a family emblem. (2h) (TNT) “Transformers” +++ (2007, Action) Megan Fox, Shia LeBoeuf. Two alien robot tribes battling for supremacy come to Earth seeking an energy source. (3h) 8:30 p.m. (FAM) “The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement” ++ (2004, Fantasy) Julie Andrews, Anne Hathaway. Princess Mia has 30 days to find a husband before she can be crowned Queen of Genovia. (2h30) 9:35 p.m. (TMC) “Real Steel” +++ (2011, Sci-Fi) Evangeline Lilly, Hugh Jackman. A robot boxing promoter reconnects with his son while training a discarded robot. (2h10) 10:00 p.m. (ENC) “Colombiana” +++ (2011, Action) Michael Vartan, Zoe Saldana. A young woman becomes an assassin to find the mobster that killed her parents in Bogotá. (1h50) (MTV) “Catfish” ++ (2010, DocuDrama) Henry Schulman, Melody C. Roscher. A filmmaker becomes intertwined in an online intrigue of love and deception. (2h) (TBS) “The Hangover” +++ (2009, Comedy) Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms. After a wild night in Las Vegas, three men retrace their steps to locate a missing groom. (2h16) 11:00 p.m. (COM) “Grandma’s Boy” +++ (2006, Comedy) Allen Covert, Linda Cardellini. After being thrown out of his former place, Alex must live with his grandmother. (2h) (HBOS) “Sucker Punch” ++ (2011, Fantasy) Vanessa Hudgens, Emily Browning. When a girl is institutionalized by her abusive stepfather, she retreats into fantasy. (1h55) (TNT) “The Forbidden Kingdom” +++ (2008, Adventure) Michael Angarano, Jet Li. A teen travels to ancient China and joins warriors on a quest to free the Monkey King. (2h) 11:30 p.m. (AMC) “Predator II” ++ (1990, Action) Gary Busey, Danny Glover. A powerful alien invades Los Angeles, leaving only one police officer to defend the city. (2h30) 11:50 p.m. (ENC) “Under Siege 2: Dark Territory” ++ (1995, Action) Eric Bogosian, Steven Seagal. An ex-Navy SEAL must stop a madman and a terrorist group who hijacked a passenger train. (1h45) Midnight (HBO) “Knight and Day” ++ (2010, Action) Tom Cruise, A secret agent realizes he is not expected to live through his current mission. (1h55) 12:15 a.m. (HBO2) “The Adjustment Bureau” +++ (2011, Romance) Emily Blunt, Matt Damon. Mysterious forces keep a politician and a ballerina from having an affair. (1h50) (TBS) “The Heartbreak Kid” ++ (2007, Comedy) Malin Akerman, Ben Stiller. A man marries a woman after only a few weeks and discovers that she is not for him. (2h14)
14 • November 4 - November 10, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
Saturday PRYLHV
8:00 p.m. (AMC) “Poseidon” ++ (2006, Drama) Josh Lucas, Kurt Russell. On New Year’s Eve, passengers fight for survival on a sinking luxury ocean liner. (2h) (ENC) “Open Range” ++ (2003, Western) Kevin Costner, Robert Duvall. A former gunslinger must take up arms once again when he’s threatened by a corrupt lawman. (2h20) (HBO) “Tower Heist” +++ (2011, Action) Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy. A group of hard working men plan to rob the home of a business man that scammed them off. (1h45) (SHOW) “Reservoir Dogs” +++ (1992, Drama) Tim Roth, Harvey Keitel. Criminals involved in a jewel heist suspect one of their own is a police informant. (2h) (SPIKE) “Goodfellas” +++ (1990, Crime Story) Joe Pesci, Ray Liotta. A tough New York mobster becomes a target of the government and the mafia. (3h30) 9:00 p.m. (HBOS) “The Descendants” ++ (2011, Comedy/Drama) Shailene Woodley, George Clooney. A man takes his daughters to Hawaii to find the man his wife was having an affair with. (2h) (STARZ) “The Vow” ++ (2012, Drama) Channing Tatum, Rachel McAdams. After a car accident, a woman wakes up with severe memory loss. (1h50) (TMC) “Soulkeeper” ++ (2001, SciFi) Robert Davi, Rodney Rowland. A pair of two-bit thieves are hired to gain possession of the Rock of Lazarus. (1h50) 10:00 p.m. (AMC) “The Poseidon Adventure” +++ (1972, Adventure) Stella Stevens, Carol Lynley. Passengers are led to safety after their cruise ship is capsized by a tidal wave. (2h30) (FAM) “The Last Song” ++ (2010, Drama) Greg Kinnear, Miley Cyrus. A rebellious teen and her brother are sent to spend the summer with their ailing father. (2h30) (TNT) “Clash of the Titans” ++ (2010, Action) Liam Neeson, Sam Worthington. Zeus’ son attempts to stop the Underworld and its minions from bringing evil to Earth. (2h15) 10:20 p.m. (ENC) “Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves” +++ (1991, Adventure) Morgan Freeman, Kevin Costner. A nobleman trains a band of outlaws to help him seek revenge against his father’s killer. (2h25) 10:30 p.m. (25) (WCWW) “Training Day” ++ (2001, Thriller) Ethan Hawke, Denzel Washington. A cop’s first day leads him to believe that his mentor may not be what he seems. (2h30) 10:50 p.m. (STARZ) “Bad Teacher” +++ (2011, Comedy) Jason Segal, Cameron Diaz. An unconventional educator teaches her class and herself a unique type of lesson. (1h40) 11:00 p.m. (21.2) “Dick” ++ (1999, Comedy) Michelle Williams, Kirsten Dunst. The story of two girls who wander away from a White House tour and meet President Nixon. (2h) (HBOS) “The Terminal” ++ (2004, Comedy/Drama) Catherine Zeta-Jones, Tom Hanks. A bureaucratic technicality forces a European man to take up resi-
8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 Saturday A discussion of current events & a Busyto- BusytoFirst News Saturday variety of topics that affect our world today. wn Myst. wn Myst. Justin (7:00) NewsCenter 16 Saturday Morning NoodlPajani- Poppy (16) WNDU eDoodle mals Cat Time Good Morning Recipe Wild Ocean Born to Sea Food for (21) WPTA America Saturday Countd. Myst. Explore Rescue Rehab Thought Power Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-Gi-Oh Iron Justice WWE Sat Dragon Yu-Gi(21.2) CW Rangers Zex Man: AA League Morning Ball Z Oh! Zex (7:00) Saturday Now Eat Noodl- Pajani- Poppy Jack Justin (33) WISE Today (N) This! Cat Time Hanna eDoodle mals Animal Passport Young Weekend Marketplace Career (33.2) MNT Explore Icons Atlas Day Woodsmi Amer. WoodThis Old Ask-Old HomeMotor- AutoLine (39) WFWA House th Shop Wood work House time week Bob the Peep/P- Mark WordGirl Barney & Raggs Sid Franny's (39.2) KIDS Builder ocoyo Kistler Friends "Nature" Science Feet Baking Christina Caprial Hubert Simply Ciao Test Baking (39.3) CRE w/ Julia Cooks Kitchen Keller Italia Ming Kitchen w/ Julia Ask-Old Woodw- Woodt- Woodsmi Aroun- Greener Antiques Rd. "Junk (39.4) YOU in the Trunk 2" House right's urning th Shop dHouse World Dog Into the Paid Bonanza Paid Gunsmoke (55) WFFT Wild Program Program Tales (15) WANE
NCAA Football (L)
NCAA Football (L)
Paid Paid Paid Program Paid Program Program Program NCAA Football (L)
Red Bull Signature MLS Soccer Playoffs (L) Dirt Bike Racing NCAA Football (L) Postgame (L) ChatCloneCloneHouse of House of Meet the
Elizabethtown ('05, Rom) On the Spot Payne Payne Browns Kirsten Dunst, Orlando Bloom. room Wars Wars LazyThe Paid Paid Paid Red Bull Signature MLS Soccer Playoffs (L) Town Wiggles Program Program Program Dirt Bike Racing From Old Leverage Fox Pre- Fox Pre- NCAA Football (L) Daryl's Christine game game (L) The New Test Martha Uncork- Mexican Victory Garden Quilting Sewing J. Weir's Fly Fisher Kitchen "Rice" ed: Wine Table Garden Home Arts W Nancy Cook Martha Clifford- Thomas- Wild Bob the Peep/PZoo to Curious Daniel Zula Patrol You George Tiger Speaks Red Dog Friends Kratts Builder ocoyo French Uncork- French Simply Hubert Lidia's Cook's This Old Steves' TravelsMing Europe cope Chef Keller Italy Country ed: Wine Chef House Julia's Victory This Old Ask-Old Antiques Rd. "Junk Joy of Motor- Health- Senior in the Trunk 2" Painting week Kitchen Garden House House line Spotlight NCAA Football (L) Raceline TMZ
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(6:30) WSBT
News Saturday A discussion of current events & a TheDo- TheDo- NCAA Football (L) NCAA Football (L) (22) WSBT Saturday Morning variety of topics that affect our world today. odlebops odlebops Justice Yu-Gi-Oh Iron WWE Sat Dragon Yu-GiYu-Gi-Oh
All Dogs Go to Heaven ('89, Ani)
Hot Shots! Part Deux ('93, Com) King of King of (25) WCWW Power Voices of Dom DeLuise, Burt Reynolds. Lloyd Bridges, Charlie Sheen. Queens Queens Rangers Zex Man: AA League Morning Ball Z Oh! Zex Bones "Judas on a Paid Fox Pre- NCAA Football (L) Aweso- Weekend Marketplace Wild Paid (28) WSJV Elizabeth Pets.TV Teen Program game (L) Stanton me Adv. News Animals Program Pole" Sewing Knitting Lidia's Dinner Martha Julia's Bake V.Garden Burt This Old HomeCook's Woodsmi Woodw- Nova "Mystery of (34) WNIT Sewing Sew It Daily Italy and Book Country "Rice" Kitchen Decorate "Light" Wolf House Easter Island" W Nancy All Room time th Shop right's (46) WHME News Career Football IHSAA Regional Paid NCAA Football (L) Paid Bob Vila Woman Ocean Born to Sea Wild Recipe Food for NCAA Football (L) PostNCAA Football (L) (57) WBND Good Morning game (L) America Saturday Countd. Myst. Explore Rescue Rehab Thought Somme- Captain Miss Science Sarah's End of Public Gospel Donkey Swamp Advent. Faithville CreatAwaken- Health& Health& Restorat(63) WINM Kicks Chuckle Charity's Bill Stories the Age Report Club rtime Ollie Critters Odyssey ures Stuff ing Hour Nutrition Nutrition ion Road AMC
Gunsmoke (:45)
100 Rifles ('69, West) Burt Reynolds. (:15)
Two Mules for Sister Sara (:45)
The Shootist ('76, West) John Wayne. Flip This House Flip This House Flipping Boston Flipping Boston Flipping Boston (N)
The Pelican Brief ('93, Susp) Julia Roberts. To Be Announced A&E Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid CNBC CNN Saturday Morning News Line CNN Saturday Morning News CNN Newsroom Your Money CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom News Sanjay CNN D. Martin. Standup
Coneheads ('93, Com) Dan Aykroyd. Futura Futura Futura Futura Futura Futura
Saving Silverman Jack Black.
Beerfest COM Paid Paid To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced DISC M.Mouse Jake Phineas Phineas Gravity FishHook Gravity Jessie Wizards Wizards GoodLk GoodLk Austin Shake Up Wizards Wizards Jessie Jessie DISN (7:00) TBA E! News Fashion The Soup To Be Announced To Be Announced E! (:15)
Babe (:50)
Babe: Pig in the City
Shanghai Knights Jackie Chan.
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves Kevin Costner. Batman Returns ENC SportsCenter SportsCenter College Football Game Day (L) NCAA Football (L) Scoreb. NASCR NASCAR Auto Race ESPN (7:30) E:60 (:25) NFL Live NFLKick (:55) EPL Soccer (L) NCAA Football (L) Scoreb. NCAA Football (L) ESPN2 (7:00) The Prince...
Another Cinderella Story A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song
Ella Enchanted Anne Hathaway.
The Princess Diaries Julie Andrews. FAM (6:00) Fox & Friends Saturday Bull Bear Cavuto Forbes Cash In America's News HQ America's News HQ Journal News Special Report America's News HQ FNC Hunter WoodsWa Paid Paid H.S. Football NCAA Football (L) H.S. Football FSMW
A Christmas Visitor Meredith Baxter.
Debbie Macomber's Mrs. Miracle Christmas Song Natasha Henstridge. Love at the Thanksgiving Parade
Silver Bells HALL (7:30) Happy Gil...
Mr. Bean's Holiday Making /(:45) The Girl Witness (:45) Mr. Popper's Penguins Jim Carrey.
Knight and Day ('10, Act) Movie HBO Sports (:35)
Shattered Glass (:15) Real Time With Bill Maher (:45)
She's the One Edward Burns. (:25) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (:55) Harry Potter... HBO2 (:55) Raising Renee (:20)
Dolphin Tale Morgan Freeman. (:15)
The Descendants (:10)
Along Came Polly (:40)
The Terminal Tom Hanks. Boardwa. HBOS Buying and Selling Property Property Crashers Crashers Crashers Kitchen Crashers Crashers Love It or List It Income Income Income Income Income Income HGTV Restore Restore To Be Announced Restore Restoration Bamazon Outback Hunters Outback Hunters Outback Hunters American Pickers HIST Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid PrankM'm PrankM'm On Strike for Christmas Daphne Zuniga.
Crazy for Christmas Andrea Roth. An Accidental Chr... LIFE (:20) The Chronicles of Narnia: The Vo... (:15)
Horrible Bosses Jason Bateman.
Gossip James Marsden.
The Fourth Kind (:10)
Die Hard II: Die Harder MAX
Catfish Melody C. Roscher. I Made It I Made It Underemployed IMadeIt 10 / Top Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Akward Akward Akward Akward MTV Parents Parents Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Ninja Kung Fu P.Ranger Sponge Kung Fu Kung Fu Kung Fu Kung Fu Big Time Big Time iCarly iCarly NICK Paid Paid V.Video Blackout Blackout
Ghost Voyage Antonio Sabato Jr.. Haunted High ('12, Hor) Jonathan Baron. House of Bones Charisma Carpenter. Movie SCIFI Inside the NFL NASCAR Loosies Peter Facinelli.
Vanity Fair ('04, Dra) Reese Witherspoon. (:35)
The Preacher's Wife (:45) The Twilight Saga: Ecl... SHOW Truck U GearZ GearZ Hot Rod Hot Rod Garage The 10 NASCAR Auto Race NASCAR Auto Racing Live! NASCAR Auto Race Racing Racing Lucas Oil SPEED Paid Program Xtr. 4x4 Horsep. Trucks! Muscle.. Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master
Goodfellas ('90, Cri) Joe Pesci, Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta. SPIKE (:05)
Just Go With It Adam Sandler. (:05)
Click ('06, Com) Adam Sandler.
Bad Teacher (:35)
21 Jump Street Jonah Hill.
Duplex Ben Stiller. STARZ ThereYet Browns (:55) Payne Acc.Jim (:55) Ray (:25) Ray (:55) Ray (:25)
Fool's Gold (:45)
The Heartbreak Kid ('07, Com) Ben Stiller. Friends Friends TBS Paid Paid Property Ladder Property Ladder Property Ladder Property Ladder Untold Stories Untold Stories Untold Stories Untold Stories TLC (7:45) The Devil's Arithmetic
Dogboys Bryan Brown. (:05) Skateland (:45)
Bio-Dome Pauly Shore. The Walking Dead
The Story of Us TMC Law & Order LawOrder "Smoke" Franklin & Bash Rizzoli & Isles
The Forbidden Kingdom Jet Li.
10,000 BC ('08, Epic) Steven Strait.
King Kong TNT Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. TVLND Paid Program Burn Notice "Desperate Measures"
Ocean's Thirteen ('07, Com) George Clooney.
National Treasure: Book of Secrets SVU "Authority" USA (6:00) Jump Start VH1 Top 20 Videos VH1 Top 20 Videos Black Knight Martin Lawrence. TI Tiny TI Tiny Behind "T.I." Bball Wives LA Bball Wives LA VH1 Paid Paid Matlock Matlock Law & Order: C.I. Law:CI "Traffic" Law:CI "Disciple" Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. WGN
THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • November 4 - November 10, 2012 • 15 SATURDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM (15) WANE (16) WNDU
(21) WPTA (21.2) CW (33) WISE (33.2) MNT (39) WFWA
Dinosaur WordGirl Train Lidia's Cook's (39.3) CRE Italy Country L. Welk "A Tribute to (39.4) YOU Fred Astaire" Paid Paid (55) WFFT Program Program (39.2) KIDS
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
7 PM
Jeopardy! NC15 Weekend Report NewsCe- NBC News Access Hollywood (3:30) MLS Soccer Playoffs (L) nter 16 Weekend (3:30) NCAA Football (L) Post-game 21 Alive Paid (L) News Program (3:30)
American Yakuza (1994, Action) Michael Elizabethtown Nouri, Yuji Okumoto, Viggo Mortensen. (3:30) MLS Soccer News NBC News Bones Playoffs (L) Weekend (3:00) NCAA Football (L) Fox Pre- NCAA Football (L) game (L) Holiday Harvest Auction "Night 3" (3:30) NCAA Football
Fetch! Cook's Country Capitol Update Big Bang Theory
8 PM
Crimetime Saturday
9 PM
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
NC15 (:35) Burn Notice (:35) The Closer Nightcast Revolution "The NewsCe- Saturday Night Live Chicago Fire nter 16 Children's Crusade" Football (L) /(:05) NCAA Football (L) (:20) Post- 21 Alive (:05) (:35) Ent. game (L) News Outdoors Tonight Cops Cops Cheaters That '70s That '70s
Dick (1999, Comedy) Michelle Williams, Show Show Will Ferrell, Kirsten Dunst. Revolution "The Chicago Fire Law & Order: Special News Saturday Night Live Children's Crusade" Victims Unit Weekend Family Masterchef "Top 11 30 Night Shift Compete" Guy Seconds Appeara- Summer As Time Nature "Animal Odd You Being Red Green Saving the Artists Den "Rufus Wine Goes By Served? Show Ocean Wainwright" Couples" nces Martha Bob the Raggs Sid Franny's WordW- Curious Arthur Zula Clifford- Thomas & Wild Peep/Poorld Red Dog Friends Kratts coyo "Nature" Science Feet George Patrol Speaks Builder Hubert Christina Caprial Hubert Amer. Test Simply Allen Amer. Test Baking Simply Ciao Italia Amer. Test Baking Smith Ming Ming Keller Kitchen With Julia Cooks Kitchen Keller Kitchen With Julia Kitchen Antiques Roadshow Arts The Piano AC Limit "Americana Antiques Roadshow Austin City Limits (N) Nature "Animal Odd Motor"Junk in the Trunk 2" Weekly Guy Music Festival 2012" "Junk in the Trunk 2" Couples" week Big Bang Two and a Two and a Criminal Minds CSI: Miami WFFT Local News Law & Order Cold Squad Theory Half Men Half Men Crimetime Saturday
48 Hours "Beauty School Bloodbath" (N) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
www.kpcnews.com :,9=0*,:! :H[\YKH` W T HUK :\UKH` ! H T
(3:30) NCAA Football
(L) Paid Jeopardy! Crimetime Saturday Crimetime Saturday 48 Hours (N) News (:35) Criminal Minds (:35) C.Mind Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Futurama Futurama Seinfeld Seinfeld News
Training Day ('01, Thril) Denzel Washington. (3:00) NCAA Football (L) Pre-game NCAA Football (L) 28 News Masterchef 30Seconds Paid Nature Classic Gospel Lawrence Welk Show Antiques Roadshow Appear. Appear. As Time Goes By Globe Trekker Austin City Limits (N) Partners Life Alert Paid Healthy Garden Studio B Paid Paid Gaddy Sumrall Crook and Chase LESEA in Action The Place Bible (3:30) NCAA Football (L) Post-game News Insider Football /(:05) NCAA Football (L) (:20) Post-g News The Closer TimeHope Celebrate on the Road Difference Super. J.Jewish Sessions 3D Woman Dorinda Health Just Sayin' Praise Wheaton
Earthquake ('74, Dra) Ava Gardner, Charlton Heston. Two massive
Poseidon (2006, Drama) Josh Lucas,
The Poseidon Adventure Passengers are led to safety
tremors shake Los Angeles, reducing the city to ruins and shattering lives. Richard Dreyfuss, Kurt Russell. after their cruise ship is capsized by a tidal wave. Poseidon Parking Parking Parking Parking Storage Storage Storage Storage Parking Parking Billy Billy Billy Billy Storage Storage Paid Paid Paid Paid Money Millions Factories "Frito Lay" The Suze Orman Show 'Til Debt 'Til Debt Ultimate Factories The Suze Orman Show CNN Newsroom The Situation Room CNN Newsroom CNBC Special Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom CNBC Special Piers Morgan Tonight (4:00)
Grandma's Boy Linda Cardellini. Kevin Hart/Pain Completely Serious Aziz/Delicious Chris Hardwick (N) Amy Schumer To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced GoodLuck Austin Austin Shake Up Gravity Gravity Dog Blog Shake Up Jessie GoodLuck Shake Up Jessie GoodLuck Phineas Austin Wizards (3:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced C. Lately To Be Announced (4:00) Batman Returns (:10)
The Quick and the Dead
Open Range ('03, West) Robert Duvall. (:20)
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves Kevin Costner. Movie (4:00) NASCAR Auto Racing Great Football NCAA Football (L) Football NCAA Football (L) Clips 200 (L) Score. (L) Score. (L) (3:30) NCAA Football (L) Scoreb. Scoreb. (:45) NCAA Football (L) (:45) NHRA Drag Racing SportsCenter Movie
The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement Charlie St. Cloud ('10, Fant) Zac Efron.
The Last Song ('10, Dra) Greg Kinnear, Miley Cyrus. Fresh P. (4:00) News HQ America's News HQ Fox Report Weekend Huckabee Justice JudgeJeanine Fox Report Weekend Journal E. Fox News Justice JudgeJeanine (3:30) H.S. Football Game Pre-game NBA Basketball Washington Wizards vs. Indiana Pacers Site: Post-game NBA Basketball Washington Wizards vs. Indiana Big 12 Live Time Conseco Fieldhouse -- Indianapolis, Ind. (L) Pacers Site: Conseco Fieldhouse (L) (L) (4:00)
Silver Bells
November Christmas John Corbett. The Wishing Tree ('12, Fam) Jason Gedrick. A Christmas Wish ('10, Fam) Kristy Swanson. A Christmas Visitor (4:30) Alvin & the Game Change (2011, Drama) Julianne Moore,
Tower Heist ('11, Act) Ben (:45) Boxing After Dark Card TBA (:45) 2 Days Boardwalk Empire "The Pony" Chipmunks: Chipwre... Ed Harris, Woody Harrelson. Stiller, Casey Affleck, Eddie Murphy. (3:55) Harry Potter &... (:10)
Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son Treme Treme (:10) The Newsroom (:15) True Blood (:15) Bill Maher Boardwa. (:50)
127 Hours James Franco. (:25)
Dream House
The Descendants George Clooney.
The Terminal ('04, Com/Dra) Tom Hanks. Income Income High Low House Renovation Love It or List It Love It or List It HouseH House HouseH House Love It or List It American Pickers American Pickers Pawn Star Pawn Star BuiltAm. "When One Ends, Another Begins" Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star MenWhoBuilltAmerica (4:00) An Accidental... Christmas Angel ('09, Com) K.C. Clyde. The Christmas Consultant David Hasselhoff. Undercover Christmas Jami Gertz. The Christmas Cons... (:15)
Horrible Bosses Jason Bateman.
Road House ('89, Act) Patrick Swayze. Hunted Chronicle ('12, Dra) Dane Dehaan. Hunted Skin Max Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward iCarly iCarly Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious ToRock Big Time iCarly Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends (4:30) Ghost Town Jessica Rose.
The Mist ('07, Hor) Marcia Gay Harden, Thomas Jane. Ghost Storm (2012, Sci-Fi) (P) American Horror House Alessandra Torresani. (3:45)
The Twilight Dexter "Do the Wrong Homeland "A
Reservoir Dogs (1992, Drama) Tim Roth, Boxing Championship Mares vs. Moreno Thing" Gettysburg Address" Steve Buscemi, Harvey Keitel. Saga: Eclipse MonsterJ. "Atlanta" Lucas Oil Test Drive NASCAR Auto Racing K&N Series (L) Speed Perform. NASCAR Auto Racing NASCAR Auto Racing K&N Series (2:00)
Payback Mel Gibson. After being double-crossed
Goodfellas (1990, Crime Story) Joe Pesci, Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta. A tough
Payback (1999, Action) Goodfellas following a robbery, a thief fights for his half of the money. New York mobster becomes a target of the government and the mafia. Gregg Henry, Lucy Liu, Mel Gibson. (:05)
Click ('06, Com) Adam Sandler.
Just Go With It ('11, Com) Adam Sandler.
The Vow Rachel McAdams. (:50)
Bad Teacher Cameron Diaz.
Click Friends Friends BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Wedding "Pilot" (N) Wedding Band "Pilot" What Women Want Untold Stories Untold Stories 20/20 on TLC 20/20 "Blood Ties" 20/20 on TLC (N) 20/20 on TLC (N) 20/20 "Blood Ties" 20/20 on TLC (4:00) The (:45)
Xtra Credit ('09, Dra) (:15)
Source Code ('11, Mystery) Michelle
Soulkeeper ('01, Sci-Fi) Robert (:50) Suck (2010, Comedy) Dave Foley, Rob SoulkeStory of ... Marina Black, Micah Alberti. Monaghan, Vera Farmiga, Jake Gyllenhaal. Davi, Brad Dourif, Rodney Rowland. Stefaniuk, Alice Cooper. eper (4:00)
King Kong ('05, Act) Adrien Brody.
Transformers ('07, Act) Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Shia LeBoeuf.
Clash of the Titans Sam Worthington. (:15)
10,000 BC Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens SVU "Lunacy" SVU "Ballerina" Law&O.:SVU "Trials" Law&O.:SVU "Closet" SVU "Burned" SVU "Influence" CSI: Crime "Man Up"
Friday Ice Cube. Basketball Wives: LA Basketball Wives: LA Basketball Wives: LA Chrissy Chrissy Chrissy Chrissy Behind Music "T.I." Behind "Ne-Yo" Behind the Music Law & O: CI "Gone" Law:CI "Collective" Funniest Home Videos NBA Basketball Minnesota vs Chicago (L) News Bones Bones
dence in JFK Airport. (2h10) 11:30 p.m. (SPIKE) “Payback” +++ (1999, Action) Gregg Henry, Mel Gibson. After being double-crossed following a robbery, a thief fights for his half of the money. (2h30) Midnight (HALL) “A Christmas Visitor” ++ (2002, Drama) Dean McDermott, Meredith Baxter. A visitor enters the lives of grieving parents to help them remember the joy of Christmas. (2h) (TBS) “What Women Want” ++ (2000, Comedy) Helen Hunt, Mel Gibson. A chauvinist executive gains the ability to hear what women are really thinking. (2h30) (USA) “Friday” +++ (1995, Comedy) Chris Tucker, Ice Cube. Two friends must come up with $200, to pay drug dealer Big Worm for marijuana they smoked. (1h59) 12:15 a.m. (TNT) “10,000 BC” ++ (2008, Epic) Camilla Belle, Steven Strait. A young mammoth hunter travels south to rescue villagers that have been kidnapped. (2h15) 12:30 a.m. (AMC) “Poseidon” ++ (2006, Drama) Josh Lucas, Kurt Russell. On New Year’s Eve, passengers fight for survival on a sinking luxury ocean liner. (2h) (STARZ) “Click” ++ (2006, Comedy) Kate Beckinsale, Adam Sandler. A workaholic finds a magic remote, allowing him to fast-forward and rewind his life. (2h) (TMC) “Soulkeeper” ++ (2001, SciFi) Robert Davi, Rodney Rowland. A pair of two-bit thieves are hired to gain possession of the Rock of Lazarus. (1h50) 12:45 a.m. (ENC) “True Lies” +++ (1994, Action) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis. A secret agent puts his family at risk when they discover his true identity. (2h25) 1:00 a.m. (25) (WCWW) “John Carpenter’s Ghosts of Mars” ++ (2001, Thriller) Ice Cube, Natasha Henstridge. An officer on Mars must rely on a prisoner’s help to defeat vengeful Martian ghosts. (2h) (HBO) “Tower Heist” +++ (2011, Action) Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy. A group of hard working men plan to rob the home of a business man that scammed them off. (1h50) 1:10 a.m. (HBOS) “Going the Distance” ++ (2010, Comedy/Drama) Justin Long, Drew Barrymore. A couple maintains their relationship as they travel between San Francisco and New York. (1h45) 1:50 a.m. (HBO2) “Alien” ++++ (1979, Sci-Fi) Tom Skerritt, Sigourney Weaver. The crew of a spacecraft takes on a dangerous alien that wreaks havoc. (2h) 2:00 a.m. (55) (WFFT) “The Last Castle” ++ (2001, Action) James Gandolfini, Robert Redford. A celebrated general is sent to a military prison where he challenges an unjust warden. (2h30) (HALL) “Our First Christmas” ++ (2008, Drama) Julie Warner, John Ratzenberger. Two widows try to please their children so the two families can spend Christmas together. (2h)
16 • November 4 - November 10, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
A Special Open House Event Featuring Gordon Clemens as ELVIS Saturday, November 17th from 1 PM-5 PM
You’re invited to join Smith Farms Manor and Elvis tribute artist Gordon Clemens for a special Blue Christmas Open House Event! Enjoy classic Elvis holiday music and stroll the grounds of our beautiful community as we celebrate the holiday season. And while you’re here, be sure to enter to win our door prize - a fabulous flat screen TV. We look forward to rockin’ the holiday season with you!
406 Smith Drive • Auburn, IN 46706 260-925-4800 www.smithfarmsmanor.com Pet Friendly
©2012 Five Star Quality Care, Inc.