November 18 - November 24, 2012
Sofia Vergara stars as Gloria in "Modern Family"- Page 2
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2 • November 18 - November 24, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
Funny 'Family' Sitcom success: ABC's 'Modern Family' is a surefire hit Kyla Brewer TV Media s people across the country gather for the Thanksgiving holiday, many are reminded of the importance of family. Today's family unit may not look like the Rockwellian images of Thanksgiving past, but celebrating together is an important part of the holiday season, and many families will be settling in to enjoy some quality time in front of the TV.
It seems each generation has a favorite TV family. From the Ricardos in "I Love Lucy," to the bell bottom-clad Bradys in "The Brady Bunch" and the Barones in "Everybody Loves Raymond," TV clans have changed over the years. But the formula for making a successful TV family can elude even the most experienced writers. Luckily, the folks of ABC's "Modern Family" have it all figured out, and the sitcom is enjoying its fourth season in a prime Wednesday night timeslot. In keeping with the times, the series
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takes a look at the lives of three distinct family units -- all related, but very different. Ed O'Neill anchors the cast as Jay Pritchett, head of an extended family that includes his vivacious second wife Gloria (Sofia Vergara) and her son from a previous relationship, Manny (Rico Rodriguez). Jay's uptight daughter Claire (Julie Bowen) is a stay-at-home mom to her three kids, Haley (Sarah Hyland), Alex (Ariel Winter) and Luke (Nolan Gould), alongside her kooky husband, Phil (Ty Burrell). The third family unit is composed of Jay's gay son, Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson), his partner, Cameron (Eric Stonestreet), and their adopted daughter, Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons). Filmed in a mockumentary style, the sitcom lives up to the hype, mocking all kinds of modern-day stereotypes. Over the seasons, the show has poked fun at the lives of gay men, older gentlemen with unbelievably hot wives, and even teen angst. Such episodes have not been without criticism, but many of the legendary TV families pushed the prime-time envelope. Successful TV family sitcoms show heart and reflect the times, and that's true of "Modern Family." Despite the show's sometimes oddball and even slapstick humor, it handles modern-day foibles faced by many of its viewers. Cameron and Mitchell struggled to adopt a baby, Phil isn't quite sure how to parent his kids, and Claire seems perpetually stressed out about something.
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The cast of Modern Family This season, the blended family faces even more challenges as Gloria and Jay prepare to welcome a baby of their own. Manny, who's always had his mom to himself, will have to adjust, whether he likes it or not. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Phil and Claire try to wrap their heads around eldest daughter Haley heading off to college. After a failed attempt to adopt another baby, Mitchell and Cameron settle into life with Lily. They will surely weather these changes with the same sense of humor that's brought them this far. And they've certainly come far since that very first episode on Sept. 23,
2009. After coming up with an idea for a mockumentary-style show about contemporary family life, creators Christopher Lloyd (no, not the actor) and Steven Levitan pitched the idea to ABC, CBS and NBC. With two mockumentary sitcoms already ("The Office" and "Parks and Recreation"), NBC passed on the show, as did CBS. However, the alpha network quickly snatched it up. In truth, "Modern Family" is also inspired by the French TV series "Fais pas ci, fais pas ca," to which ABC holds the rights. The show's debut drew more than 12 million viewers and quickly became an Emmy favorite. ABC had picked up the series for a full season order within two weeks of the premiere, and "Modern Family" was deemed an Emmy favorite from the get-go. Viewers loved the writing and the mockumentary style, but, undoubtedly, "Modern Family's" greatest strength has always been its ensemble cast. Probably the most famous cast member, at least before the show hit the airwaves, is O'Neill. The actor is best known as the patriarch of another famous TV family, Al Bundy of Fox's shameless '80s/'90s sitcom "Married...with Children."
THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • November 18 - November 24, 2012 • 3
WANE-CBS 15 Ft. Wayne WPTA-ABC 21 Ft. Wayne WPTA-CW 21.2 Ft. Wayne WISE-NBC 33 Ft. Wayne WISE-MY FOX 33.2 Ft. Wayne WFWA-PBS 39 Ft. Wayne WFWA-KIDS 39.2 Ft. Wayne WFWA-CREATE 39.3 Ft. Wayne WFWA-4YOU 39.4 Ft. Wayne WFFT 55 Ft. Wayne WINM-TBN 63 Ft. Wayne WNDU-NBC 16 South Bend WSBT-CBS 22 South Bend WCWW-CW 25 South Bend WSJV-FOX 28 South Bend WNIT-PBS 34 South Bend WHME-IND 46 South Bend WBND-ABC 57 South Bend Local Channel* AMC American Movie Classics Animal Planet* Arts & Entertainment A&E Big Ten Network* Bravo* Country Music Television CMT* CNBC Consumer News & Bus. CNN Cable News Network C-SPAN* Cable News Network Cartoon Network* Comedy Central COM DISC Discovery Channel DISN The Disney Channel E! Entertainment Network ENC Encore ESPN Ent. Sports Network ESPN 2 Ent. Sports Network 2 FAM ABC Family Channel Food Network* FNC Fox News Channel Fox Sports Midwest Fox Entertainment FX* GAC* Great American Country HALL Hallmark HBO Home Box Office HBO2 Home Box Office 2 HBOS Home Box Office Sig. HLN* Headline News HGTV Home & Garden Television HIST History Channel HSN* Home Shopping Network Life Lifetime MAX Cinamax MSNBC* Microsoft NBC MTV Music Television NICK Nickelodeon Outdoor Channel* Oprah Winfrey Network OWN* PIN* QVC* Value Network SCIFI Sci-Fi Channel SHOW Showtime SPEED Speed Channel SPIKE STARZ TBS TBS Super Station TBN* TLC The Learning Channel The Movie Channel TMC Turner Network TeleviTNT TRAVEL* Travel Channel TVLND TV Land USA Network USA Video Hits 1 VH1 Weather Channel* Weather Radar* WGN-TV Chicago, IL WGN
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4 • November 18 - November 24, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
Sunday movies
8:00 p.m. (55) (WFFT) “Sweet Home Alabama” ++ (2002, Comedy) Candice Bergen, Reese Witherspoon. A designer’s plans to marry are threatened when her first husband refuses to divorce her. (2h) (25) (WCWW) “Signs” +++ (2002, Thriller) Joaquin Phoenix, Mel Gibson. A grieving father must protect his children when strange events portend disaster. (2h) (ENC) “Friends With Benefits” ++ (2011, Comedy) Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis. Two friends learn that having sex does complicate their friendship. (1h50) (FAM) “Holiday in Handcuffs” ++ (2007, Comedy) Mario Lopez, Melissa Joan Hart. A woman kidnaps a handsome guy to take home to her parents during the Christmas holidays. (2h) (HBO2) “We Bought a Zoo” +++ (2011, Comedy/Drama) Scarlett Johansson, Matt Damon. A father purchases a house in the countryside that comes with a struggling zoo. (2h15) (MAX) “Contraband” +++ (2012, Action) Giovanni Ribisi, Mark Wahlberg. A former smuggler travels to Panama in order to protect his brother from a drug lord. (2h) (SPIKE) “Independence Day” +++ (1996, Sci-Fi) Bill Pullman, Will Smith. A group of people race against time to try to save the world from alien invaders. (3h) (TBS) “The Wizard of Oz” ++++ (1939, Musical) Frank Morgan, Judy Garland. A tornado carries a young girl to a magical land where she encounters witches and wonders. (2h15) (TMC) “Source Code” +++ (2011, Mystery) Michelle Monaghan, Jake Gyllenhaal. A soldier awakens to find himself tasked with finding the bomber of a commuter train. (1h35) (TNT) “The Bourne Ultimatum” +++ (2007, Action) Matt Damon, Julia Stiles. As government agents continue to track him down, Jason Bourne searches for his identity. (2h30) 9:00 p.m. (STARZ) “Just Go With It” ++ (2011, Comedy) Jennifer Aniston, Adam Sandler. A plastic surgeon convinces his assistant to pose as his soon-to-be ex-wife. (2h) 9:50 p.m. (ENC) “Batman Forever” +++ (1995, Action) Jim Carrey, Val Kilmer. The caped crusader and his brand new partner, Robin, battle Two-Face and The Riddler. (2h10) 10:00 p.m. (HALL) “Eve’s Christmas” ++ (2004, Drama) Elisa Donovan, Cheryl Ladd. An executive about to become a partner in her firm re-evaluates her life on Christmas Eve. (2h) (MAX) “Bridesmaids” ++++ (2011, Comedy) Maya Rudolph, Kristen Wiig. A broke woman tries to bluff her way through her best friend’s bridesmaid rituals. (2h15) 10:15 p.m. (HBO2) “The Eagle” +++ (2011, Adventure) Jamie Bell, Channing Tatum. A Roman soldier is determined to honor his father’s memory by retrieving a family emblem. (1h55) 10:30 p.m. (TNT) “The Bourne Ultimatum” +++ (2007, Action) Matt Damon, Julia Stiles. As government agents continue to track him down, Jason Bourne searches for his identity. (2h30)
8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 The NFL Today (L) Paid Program Paid Home Catholic Meet the Press Paid Mass Show Program Program Indiana Busch This Week Paid Paid Business Chiro Program Program Paid Paid Animal Elizabeth Live, Life HollyProgram Program Science Stanton and Win! wood Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Program Program Program Program Program Fox News Sunday Storm Storm Fox NFL Sunday Stories Stories Antiques Rd. "Cats Roadtrip Religion McLaugh Indiana and Dogs" Nation News lin Group Review Fetch! Raggs Sid Franny's WordCurious World Science Feet George Ask-Old WoodGreener Katie Burt Weeknig House work World Brown ht Meals Wolf Wild Aroun- Arthur Dinosaur Cyberc- Electric Kratts Train dHouse hase Company Paid Catholic Colts Colts Up Paid Paid Program Mass Coaches Close Program Program
(15) WANE
First News Sunday CBS Sunday Morning
(16) WNDU
Sunday Today NewsCenter 16 Sunday Morning Garden Blackhawk Bible Home Travels Hour Conn. TomoIn Touch With Dr. Key of Charles Stanley David rrow Sunday Today Meet the Press
(21) WPTA (21.2) CW (33) WISE
Worship Shut-Ins Thomas(39) WFWA Friends Bob the (39.2) KIDS Builder Stellino's (39.3) CRE Kitchen Ask-Old (39.4) YOU House Eco (55) WFFT Company (33.2) MNT
Art & Soul Daniel Tiger Peep/Pocoyo Art of Food Woodwright's Sports Stars
Blackhawk Bible Hour Mark Biz Kid$ Kistler Dinosaur WordGirl Train Wild Pedal America Photo Woodt- Woodsmi urning th Shop Paid MattProgram hews
Face the Nation
NFL Football Cleveland Browns vs. Dallas Cowboys Site: Cowboys Stadium - (:35) NFL - Arlington, Texas (L) Football World of Adventure ISU Figure Skating Trophée Eric Bompard Family Skating Sports Grand Prix -- Paris, France Tribute (N) Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Ball Boys Ball Boys Program Program Program Program Program Program
Vanilla Sky Tom Cruise. A life-altering car accident sends a
Pieces of April wealthy publisher on a mind-bending adventure. Katie Holmes. World of Adventure ISU Figure Skating Trophée Eric Bompard Family Skating Sports Grand Prix -- Paris, France Tribute (N) NFL Football (L) Family Guy Legacy: American Legacy: American Legacy: American Legacy: American Ski Ski Ski Ski Martha Clifford- Thomas- Wild Bob the Peep/PArthur Zula Patrol Speaks Red Dog Friends Kratts Builder ocoyo Chef Test Katie Julia and Home for Christy Test Katie Brown Paul Kitchen Brown Jacques Rost: Thanksgiving Kitchen Washingt Need to Religion To the This Old Ask-Old Washingt Need to Contrary House on Week Know News House on Week Know
Scary Movie 2 ('01, Comedy) Shawn Wall St. This Old Extra Weekend Journal House Wayans, Anna Faris, Marlon Wayans.
5L^ /VWL *OYPZ[PHU *LU[LY ^^^ 5L^/VWL PU Face the Nation Job TV The NFL Today (L) NFL Football Cleveland Browns vs. Dallas Cowboys Site: Cowboys Stadium - (:35) NFL (22) WSBT Liberty's Liberty's CBS Sunday Morning Kids Kids - Arlington, Texas (L) Football Paid TMZ Paid NCAA Football Wake Forest vs. Notre
Scary Movie 2 ('01, Comedy) Shawn
Training Day (2001, Thriller) Ethan (25) WCWW Winning Sports Wayans, Anna Faris, Marlon Wayans. Hawke, Scott Glenn, Denzel Washington. Edge Stars Program Program Dame (L) Fox NFL Sunday NFL Football Green Bay Packers vs. Detroit Lions Site: Ford Field -- Detroit, Paid Outdoor CARS.TV Paid (28) WSJV Northlan Indiana Fox News Sunday Paid Program Mich. (L) d Adven. Business Program Secrets Program Politically Speaking Moyers and Masterpiece Classic Off the Indiana Washingt Economi McLaugh To the (34) WNIT Cyberc- Biz Kid$ Outdoor Steves' Inside Indiana Elements Europe Business Record Review on Week cOutlook lin Group Contrary Company hase (46) WHME Paid Paid In Touch Ministries M.Jeske Hart Worship Paid Pioneer Memorial Gospel Paid Studio B Bible Ernest Angley Paid Manna Paid Paid This Week Paid Paid Judge Judge Judge Judge Cold Case Files Cold Case Files Ball Boys Ball Boys (57) WBND Good Morning America Sunday Program Program Program Program Judy Judy Brown Brown Jack Kingdom Love Classics: You Are Dorinda In Touch With Dr. Word T. Worship Ministry Faith in Ever Increasing (63) WINM Cornerstone With Z. Levitt Jesus Revealed Charles Stanley Combs Shut-Ins History Faith Worth Loved Hayford Pastor John Hagee AMC Mad Men Mad Men
The Astronaut Farmer Billy Bob Thornton.
The Reaping Hilary Swank.
Constantine ('05, Sci-Fi) Keanu Reeves. Ship War Ship War Ship War Ship War Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Parking Parking Parking Parking Billy Billy To Be Announced To Be Announced A&E Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid CNBC Sat. Morn. News State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Next List News Your Money CNN Newsroom CNN Comedy (:45)
The Cable Guy ('96, Com) Jim Carrey.
Accepted ('06, Com) Justin Long.
Sex Drive ('08, Com) Josh Zuckerman. National Lampoon's Van Wi... COM Paid Paid To Be Announced To Be Announced A Car Is Born To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced DISC M.Mouse Jake Phineas Phineas GoodLk Jessie Jessie Dog Blog Austin Austin GoodLk GoodLk Austin Shake Up A.N.T. Phineas Phineas Jessie DISN SexCity Sex and the City Ice Coco Ice Coco E! News E! News Weekend A-List The Soup Fashion Police Kids of Killers E! Investigates NMinaj NMinaj E! (7:35) Guarding Tess (:15) I Know What You Did Last Summer
Batman Forever Val Kilmer. (:05)
Friends With Benefits Stranded Stranded ENC SportsCenter SportsCenter Sunday NFL Countdown (L) SportsC. NASCAR Countdown (L) NASCAR Auto Race Ford EcoBoost 400 (L) ESPN F.Final MatchUp NASCAR Now (L) OLines Report Fantasy Football Now (L) NHRA Drag Racing T&Spills NCAA Basketball Con./Tex.A&M (L) Basket. ESPN2
Snow ('04, Fam) Tom Cavanagh. Snow 2: Brain Freeze Tom Cavanagh. Christmas Cupid Christina Milian.
Snowglobe Lorraine Bracco.
Santa Baby FAM (6:00) FOX & Friends Sunday News HQ Housecal America's News HQ America's News HQ Fox News Stossel America's News HQ FNC Paid Game G3 Sport Scent. Game Outdoors Game Pre-game NBA Basketball Indiana vs New York (L) Postgame /(:45) NBA Basketball Ind./N.Y. Unlimited FSMW
Santa Jr. ('02, Com) Nick Stabile. Annie Claus is Coming to Town Love at the Thanksgiving Parade Matchmaker Santa Lacey Chabert. Thomas Kinkade'... HALL Movie Boxing (:45) 24/7 Making Witness Bill Maher
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Tower Heist HBO Kung Fu Panda 2 Jack Black.
We Bought a Zoo Matt Damon. (:40)
The Eagle Channing Tatum. (:40) Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son Boardwalk Empire Boxing HBO2 (7:35) My Big Fat... (:10) Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (:25)
127 Hours Game Change Woody Harrelson.
Johnson Family Vacation Movie HBOS My Bath Elbow Crashers Crashers Income Income Property Brothers Love It or List It HouseH HouseH HouseH HouseH HouseH HouseH HouseH HouseH HGTV The Lost Pyramid Egypt: Engineering an Empire Rome: Engineering an Empire Egypt: Engineering Egypt: Engineering Caligula HIST Hr. Power Turn Point J.Osteen Paid Christine Christine
Recipe for a Perfect Christmas
Nothing Like the Holidays
An Accidental Christmas LIFE (:10)
Contraband Mark Wahlberg.
Road House Patrick Swayze. Hunted Win Win Paul Giamatti. (:45)
The Getaway Alec Baldwin. Movie MAX Jersey Shore Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Teen Mom 2 MTV Parents Parents Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Winx Winx Big Time ToRock iCarly Victori. Big Time Big Time iCarly iCarly NICK Paid Paid
My Bloody Valentine Jensen Ackles. Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings
The Hills Have Eyes II
Primal ('09, Hor) Krew Boylan. SCIFI Inside the NFL NASCAR
The Decoy Bride Apollo 18 (2011, Sci-Fi) Casino Jack ('10, Bio) Kevin Spacey.
50/ 50 (:15) Faster SHOW CarCazy Truck U Garage ClassicCar Perform. Speed NASCAR RaceDay (L) (N) F1 Auto Racing United States Grand Prix (L) Victory Drive SPEED Paid Program Search Search Search Search Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants SPIKE (:20)
John Carter ('12, Act) Taylor Kitsch. (:40)
Just Go With It Adam Sandler. (:45)
The Green Hornet Seth Rogen. (:50)
The Butterfly Effect Movie STARZ Friends Friends Friends Friends Wedding Band
Michael ('96, Com) John Travolta. (:15)
Father of the Bride Steve Martin. Father of the Bride: Part II TBS Paid Paid Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Brides Brides Sister Wives Sister Wives Sister W Sister W TLC (7:15)
Bio-Dome The Lucky Ones Paper Man ('10, Com/Dra) Lisa Kudrow. Evasive Action (:45)
I Am Number Four Movie TMC Law & Order LawOrder "D-Girl" Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order
Outbreak ('95, Thril) Dustin Hoffman.
The Bourne Identity TNT Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby Hot In Divorced Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith TVLND Paid Program
Mr. Deeds ('02, Com) Adam Sandler.
The Nutty Professor II: The Klumps
The Ugly Truth Katherine Heigl. Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU USA VH1 Top 20 Videos VH1 Top 20 Videos Storytellers Storytellers "Pink" Storytellers Couples Therapy Bball Wives LA TI Tiny TI Tiny Chrissy Chrissy VH1 Key David Beyond
Ice Age: The Meltdown
Spy Kids Antonio Banderas.
Liberty Stands Still Wesley Snipes.
Training Day Denzel Washington. WGN
THE NEWS SUN â&#x20AC;˘ THE HERALD REPUBLICAN â&#x20AC;˘ THE STAR â&#x20AC;˘ November 18 - November 24, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ 5 SUNDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM (15) WANE (16) WNDU
(21) WPTA (21.2) CW (33) WISE (33.2) MNT (39) WFWA (39.2) KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) YOU
(55) WFFT
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
Football Indianapolis Colts vs. New England 60 Minutes The Amazing Race The Good Wife "Here Mentalist "Red Sails Comedy.TV (:35) Burn Notice Patriots Site: Gillette Stadium -- Foxborough, Mass. (L) Comes the Judge" (N) in the Sunset" (N) NewsCe- NBC News Football Night in (4:00) Family Skating (:20) NFL Football Baltimore Ravens vs. Pittsburgh Steelers Site: Heinz Field -NewsCe- (:05) Notre (:35) Inside nter 16 nter 16 Tribute (N) America (L) Pittsburgh, Pa. (L) Dame Edition Shark Tank 21 Alive ABC News America's Funniest The 40th Anniversary American Music Awards Honors the best and 21 Alive (:35) Loves (:05) Old (:35) Old News Home Videos (N) Ray Christine Christine brightest stars in music today from the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles. (L) News (4:00)
Pieces of Are We Rules of Seinfeld 'Til Death 'Til Death
xXx (2002, Action) Samuel L. Jackson, Are We The King The King Rules Seinfeld There Yet? There Yet? of Queens of Queens "Les-bro" Engage. April Katie Holmes. Marton Csokas, Vin Diesel. (4:00) Family Skating (:20) NFL Football Baltimore Ravens vs. Pittsburgh Steelers Site: Heinz Field -News News NBC News Football Night in Night Shift Tribute (N) America (L) Pittsburgh, Pa. (L) Weekend Weekend
Ice Age: The Meltdown ('06, Ani) Voices Bob's Always Futurama Futurama Bounty Cleveland TheSimp- Bob's Family American Always Bounty Show Burger (N) Guy (N) Hunter Hunter of John Leguizamo, Queen Latifah, Ray Romano. Burgers sons (N) Dad (N) Sunny Sunny Homestretch: On Story DustBowl A historical glimpse at the worst manmade DustBowl A historical glimpse at the worst manmade Austin City Limits The Lawrence Welk The Racehorse Rescue Show "Thanksgiving" Aviators American environmental disaster, the Dust Bowl. American environmental disaster, the Dust Bowl. Martha Bob the Dinosaur WordGirl Fetch! Raggs Sid Franny's WordW- Curious Arthur Zula Clifford- Thomas & Wild Peep/Poorld Red Dog Friends Kratts coyo Train Science Feet George Patrol Speaks Builder Ask This Mexican Mexico: Baking Essential Amer. Test Cuisine Mexican Ask This Steves' Grand Heirloom Meals' Essential Amer. Test Mexico: Culture Table View Thanksgiving Old House Table One Plate With Julia Pepin Kitchen Old House Europe Pepin Kitchen One Plate Healthline Senior This Old Ask This Globe Trekker "East PrimetiJammin' Sun Studio Bluegrass Backstage Pass "The Johnny Cash Music Austin City Limits Spotlight House Old House Texas" at Jack's Sessions Under Rusty Wright Band" Festival me39 Paid WFFT Local News CSI: Miami The Office The Office Paid Big Bang Big Bang Two and a Two and a
Sweet Home Alabama (2002, Comedy) Program Program Theory Theory Half Men Half Men Candice Bergen, Josh Lucas, Reese Witherspoon. (4:35) NFL
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:,9=0*,:! :H[\YKH` W T HUK :\UKH` ! H T (4:35) NFL
Football Indianapolis vs New England (L) 60 Minutes The Amazing Race The Good Wife (N) The Mentalist (N) News (:05) Paid Outdoors Movie Queens Rules Rules BigBang BigBang
Signs ('02, Thril) Mel Gibson. News Loves Ray Sunny Sunny Futurama Futurama Two 1/2... Two 1/2... Paid Paid B.Burger Cleveland Simps. (N) BobB (N) Fam.G (N) AmerD (N) 28 News The Office 30 Rock 30 Rock Bones Masterpiece Classic Masterpiece Classic Masterpiece Classic The Dust Bowl 1/2 (N) The Dust Bowl 1/2 Austin City Limits Healthy Partners In Touch Ministries Crossroa Comfort Paid VanImpe Gaddy Partners Enjoy-Life Paid Bible LESEA Pioneer Memorial Shark Tank ABC News 57 News Home Videos (N) Amer. Music Aw. Honors the best and brightest stars in music today. (L) ABC57 Castle Burn Gaither Gospel Hour Fellowship Manna Living Truth VanImpe J. Prince In Touch Ministries Love T. Bates The Gathering at ORU Sessions
Terminator 2: Judgement Day A machine is sent back in time to The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Talking Comic The Walking Dead "Say the Word" "Hounded" (N) "Hounded" protect a boy who will be the savior of the world. Dead (N) Book (N) "Hounded" To Be Announced To Be Announced Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Paid Paid Paid Paid Diabetes Wall St. Millions Millions Apocalypse 2012 American Greed 60 Minutes Apocalypse 2012 CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNBC Special Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom CNBC Special Piers Morgan Tonight Movie
Accepted ('06, Com) Justin Long.
Dumb and Dumber ('94, Com) Jeff Daniels, Jim Carrey. Tosh.O (:35) Brickleb KeyPeele (:35)
Half Baked To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced MythBusters To Be Announced MythBusters To Be Announced (:10)
Toy Story 3 ('10, Ani) Tom Hanks. Sofia the First: Once... Dog Blog Austin Shake Up Jessie A.N.T. GoodLuck Jessie Shake Up Wizards Wizards Ice Coco
He's Just Not That Into You Ginnifer Goodwin. Dateline Ice Coco Ice Coco Ice Coco Ice Coco NMinaj C. Lately The Soup Ice Coco NMinaj (4:35) Stranded (:15)
I Know What You Did Last Summer
Friends With Benefits (:50)
Batman Forever ('95, Act) Jim Carrey, Val Kilmer.
Timecop (3:00) NASCAR Auto Racing Ford EcoBoost 400 SportsCenter The day's news in the CountMLS Soccer Playoffs (L) SportsCenter The day's news in the Sprint Cup Series (L) world of sports. world of sports. down (L) (4:30) NCAA Basketball NCAA Basketball Puerto Rico Tip-Off (L) NCAA Basketball Charleston Classic (L) NASCAR SportsC. Indoor Soccer E:60 (4:00)
Santa Baby
Santa Baby 2: Christmas Maybe
Holiday in Handcuffs Melissa Joan Hart. 12 Dates of Christmas ('11, Com) Amy Smart. J.Osteen K. Shook (4:00) News HQ Fox News Fox Report Weekend Huckabee Stossel Geraldo at Large Huckabee Stossel WPT Poker Championship Bull Sports The Game Game WPT Poker Grand Prix UFC Unleashed Mizzou Bill Snyder WPT Poker Grand Prix Xterra Riding Tour Adventure 365 de Paris Football de Paris Time (4:00) Thomas Kink...
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year It's Christmas, Carol! ('12, Fant) Carrie Fisher.
Eve's Christmas ('04, Dra) Cheryl Ladd. The Christmas Pag... (:15) Crossfire Hu Celebrate the Stones' golden Safe House (2012, Action) Ryan Reynolds, Boardwalk Empire "A Treme "Poor Man's Boardwalk Empire "A Treme "Poor Man's anniversary with a bold & uncensored look back. Robert Patrick, Denzel Washington. Man, a Plan" (N) Paradise" (N) Man, a Plan" Paradise" (4:30) Boxing World Class Bill Maher
We Bought a Zoo Matt Damon. (:15)
The Eagle Channing Tatum. (:10) 24/7 Movie (4:40)
Arthur Russell Brand. (:35)
Forrest Gump ('94, Com/Dra) Tom Hanks. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (:15) Game Change ('11, Dra) Woody Harrelson. Abroad Abroad HouseH House Million Dollar Rooms Extreme Homes Property Brothers Renovation Renovation Property Brothers (4:00) Caligula Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Outback Hunters Swampsgiving Pawn Star Pawn Star
Under the Mistletoe Michael Shanks. Holiday High School Reunion Harry Hamlin. Holiday Spin ('12, Dra) Ralph Macchio. Holiday High School Reunion Harry Hamlin. (4:45) Firestorm (:15)
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Contraband ('12, Act) Mark Wahlberg.
Bridesmaids ('11, Com) Kristen Wiig. (:15) Sex Tapes Catfish True Life True Life Teen Mom 2 Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Catfish Ridiculous Ridiculous Victorious Victorious Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Wife Kids Wife Kids G. Lopez G. Lopez Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends
Resident Evil ('01, Act) Milla Jovovich.
Resident Evil: Afterlife Milla Jovovich. Zombie Apocalypse ('11, Hor) Ving Rhames. Rise of the Zombies Mariel Hemingway. (4:15) Faster Dwayne United States "World Dexter "Chemistry" Homeland "The Dexter "Argentina" Homeland "I'll Fly Dexter "Argentina" Homeland "I'll Fly War II" Clearing" Away" Away" 'The Rock' Johnson. Off Road Racing Dirt Racing Lucas Oil NASCAR Victory (N) Speed Center Dave Despain (L) (N) ClassicCar Car Crazy F1 Auto Racing United States Grand Prix Worst The Fast & the Furious: Tokyo Drift An American avoiding
Independence Day ('96, Sci-Fi) Bill Pullman, Will Smith. A group of
Independence Day (1996, Sci-Fi) Bill Tenants jail time gets drawn into the world of drift racing in Tokyo. people race against time to try to save the world from alien invaders. Pullman, Jeff Goldblum, Will Smith. (4:50)
John Carter ('12, Act) Taylor Kitsch. (:10) The Muppets ('11, Fam) Jason Segel.
Just Go With It ('11, Com) Adam Sandler.
The Butterfly Effect Ashton Kutcher. Movie
17 Again ('09, Com/Dra) Zac Efron. The Grinch
The Wizard of Oz Judy Garland. (:15) Grinch (:45)
Madagascar ('05, Ani) Ben Stiller. Wedding Sister W Sister W Sister W Sister W Sister W Sister W Sister Wives Sister Wives (N) Breaking Amish 2/2 Sister Wives Breaking Amish 2/2 (4:40) The Heavy ('10, Thril) Vinnie (:25) Angels Crest ('11, Dra) Mira
Source Code ('11, Myst) Jake (:35) Brake (2012, Thriller) Chyler (:15) Rogue Kill ('11, Act) Kevin (:50) Big Jones, Stephen Rea, Gary Stretch. Sorvino, Thomas Dekker. Gyllenhaal. Leigh, J.R. Bourne, Stephen Dorff. Bacon, Djimon Hounsou. Money R... (3:30) The Bourne Id...
The Bourne Supremacy Matt Damon.
The Bourne Ultimatum ('07, Act) Julia Stiles.
The Bourne Ultimatum ('07, Act) Julia Stiles. M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens SVU "Blood Brothers" SVU "Double Strands" SVU "Missing Pieces" SVU "True Believers" SVU "Russian Brides" SVU "Lost Traveler"
It's Complicated Meryl Streep. Funniest Fai "Hour 1" Funniest Fai "Hour 2" Rehab With Dr. Drew Rehab With Dr. Drew Couples Therapy Rehab With Dr. Drew Basketball Wives: LA Chrissy TI Tiny Movie Funniest Home Videos Bloopers Bloopers M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls vs. Portland Trail Blazers (L) News Rules Rules
6 • November 18 - November 24, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
By Adam Thomlison TV Media Q: Many years ago, I saw “A Christmas Carol” on TV, starring Henry Winkler. It was the best rendition I have ever seen. Is it available on DVD or VHS? A: Perhaps it’s the magic of Christmas, or at least the popularity of Christmas TV, but either way, the film you’re talking about, a 33-year-old, made-forTV movie, is available on DVD, VHS and Blu-Ray — and the disc releases came out just last month. Debuting on ABC on Dec. 16, 1979, “An American Christmas Carol” transplanted the Charles Dickens classic out of Industrial Revolution-era London and in to Depression-era New Hampshire. It also changed the very Britishly named Ebenezer Scrooge into Benedict Slade, played by Henry Winkler. At the time, Winkler was still starring in the American-as-apple-pie sitcom “Happy Days” (also on ABC, which, incidentally, stands for American Broadcasting Corporation). In case you missed it, this movie was about America. (Ironically, it was filmed in Canada.) Besides the setting change, this story sticks pretty closely to the original. Slade is a miserly businessman who is visited by three spirits on Christmas Eve who convince him to change his ways. The question then becomes — as it does with the many other actors in “Christmas Carol” adaptations — how does Winkler do in the lead role? By most accounts, he does well. “Henry Winkler is perhaps the film’s greatest asset,” says Martin Liebman, reviewing the film for the video sales site Blu-Ray.com. Other reviewers more or less agree, but DVDVerdict.com reviewer Erich Asperschlager pointed out one interesting flaw. “Whatever Winkler’s acting chops, though, it’s hard to get past the two pounds of makeup it takes to make a 34-year-old look 80.” Indeed, Winkler was playing the elderly Slade at a time when he was not only 34 in real life, but supposedly playing a teenager on “Happy Days.” But Winkler likely got a kick out of not playing The Fonz for a change. Around the same time, he reprised his Arthur (The Fonz) Fonzarelli role on four different “Happy Days” spinoffs — “Mork & Mindy,” “Laverne & Shirley,” “Joanie Loves Chachi,” and the little-known cartoon series “The Fonz and the Happy Days Gang.”
8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 Rachael Ray Show / (Th) Macy's Parade Kelly and Michael / (16) WNDU (Th) Macy's Parade (7:00) Good Morning Live! With Kelly (21) WPTA America and Michael House of House of The Steve Wilkos (21.2) CW Payne Payne Show (7:00) Today Show Today Show II / (Th) (33) WISE Macy's Parade (7:00) Corner Store America Now (33.2) MNT TV George/ (M Tu) Various (M Tu F) (39) WFWA Cat Hat Cat/ Hat DinoT Bob the Super Dinosaur WordGirl (39.2) KIDS Builder WHY! Train Various Various Various Americ(39.3) CRE as/ Safari Function Sit and Southern Wild (39.4) YOU Fitness Kratts al Fitness Be Fit We the We the Americ- Americ(55) WFFT People People a's Court a's Court (15) WANE
(7:00) CBS
This Morning (7:00) Today Show
Let's Make a Deal
News/NFL Young & Restless / B & B/CBS Today (Th) Football Sports Today Show II Today Show III NewsCn16 Extra (M-W) Access Live / /DogShow (F) Days Our Lives Paid/(Th) Paid The View The Chew 21 Alive News at Season Program Noon / (F) Football The Jeremy Kyle The Wendy Paid Paid Paid Paid Show Williams Show Program Program Program Program The Doctors Millionair Paid/ Days of Our Lives Today Show III e?/DogSh. Season Divorce Divorce Judge Last Shot Paid The Doctors Old Court Court Alex Program Christine Sesame Street Daniel Various Various Various Caillou Daniel Tiger Tiger Fetch! Raggs Sid Franny's WordCurious Sesame Street World Science Feet George Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various The Price Is Right
Newsline Various
Democracy Now!
Charlie Rose
Judge Mathis
Justice for All
A. Griffith
Justice for All
A. Griffith
(M-W) (F) The Talk Football (M-W) Days../(Th) Live! General Hospital Meet the Meet the Browns Browns Ricki Lake Show / (Th) Macy's Parade Dr. Phil Super/(W ) George Martha Speaks Various
Dinosaur Train CliffordRed Dog Various
B's Amry/ Various (M) A.Exper. Thunder Paid Paid The Jerry Springer Program Program Show
(M-W) (M-W) Brown Judy The Rachael Ray Show E.DeG- (F) eneres Football The Bill Cunningham Show J.Probst/ (F) Coach Football Trisha/(F) (F) Pre-game Football CatHat/(- Curious W) CatHat George Thomas- Wild Friends Kratts Various Americas/ Safari Sew It/ Various W.House Maury
The Dr. Oz Show The Ellen DeGeneres Show Katie The Steve Wilkos Show (M-W) Dr. Phil Steve/ Pre-game Arthur/(W ) Arthur's Bob the Builder Steves' Europe Various
(Th) Football WordGirl Super WHY! Various Various
The People's Court
(7:00) CBS
Anderson Live / (Th) (M-W) Make a Deal (22) WSBT Morning Macy's Parade / (F) Holiday Shoppe Divorce (25) WCWW The Steve Harvey The People's Court Judge Show Alex Court Paid The Dr. Oz Show Paid (28) WSJV (6:00) Fox 28 Program Program Morning Show Various (M Tu F) Sesame Street (34) WNIT George/ (M Tu) Cat Hat Cat/ Hat DinoT (46) WHME Sumrall Various The Harvest Show Crossroa Enjoy-Life (57) WBND (7:00) Good Morning Million- Million- The Jeff Probst aire? aire? America Show Len and Various Health& Benny (63) WINM Joseph Creflo Dollar Nutrition Hinn Prince Cathy AMC (6:00) Paid Program Various Movie (Tu) Movie/(W) M... Bounty Bounty Criminal/(F) TBA Criminal/(F) TBA A&E (Th) Factories Squawk/(Th) Factory (Th) Factories CNBC (7:00) Starting Point CNN Newsroom CNN Paid Paid Various Various Daily Colbert COM Paid Paid To Be Announced To Be Announced DISC Various Jake Various (M F) Ferb GoodL Various DISN To Be Announced E! Movie (Th) (:40) Movie/(... (Tu) (:40) Movie/(F)... Movie ENC SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter ESPN (6:00) Mike and Mike in the Morning FirstTake/ FirstTake ESPN2 Boy MW Boy MW Boy MW 700 Club The 700 Club FAM (6:00) Fox & Friends America's Newsroom FNC Poker Paid Big 12/ Soccer/ Soccer (M) Unlimited FSMW Marie / (Th) Movie Home and Family HALL (F) Movie Various (F) (:35) Movie Movie HBO (W) Movie Movie Movie (W) (:55) Movie/(F)... HBO2 (W) (:05) Movie/(M) (:10) Rais... Movie Various Movie HBOS Various Various Various Various Various Various HGTV Various Various Various Various Various Various HIST Movie W&Grace Frasier Frasier Movie Frasier LIFE Movie (W) (:35) Movie/(T... Movie Movie Various MAX AMTV To Be Announced MTV Umizoomi Umizoomi Guppies Guppies Sponge Sponge NICK Various Various Various Movie FactFake/ Collect. SCIFI (M) Movie/(W) M... Movie Movie (Th) Movie SHOW Various GearZ Various Various Various TruckU SPEED Paid Program Various Various CSI CSI:NY SPIKE Movie Movie Movie Various (F) (:05) Movie STARZ Home I. Acc.Jim Acc.Jim ThereYet Movie Payne TBS Various BabySt. Various Baby St. Various Pregnant TLC Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Various TMC Charmed Supernatural (M-W) Super./(Th) ... TNT Various Beaver Beaver Beaver VanDyke VanDyke TVLND Various Law:CI/ SVU/ NCIS Various USA (Tu) Vh1 Top 20 (Tu) Vh1 Top 20 Big Morning Buzz VH1 Paid Paid Matlock/(Th) Parade Matlock WGN
The Price Is Right
News/NFL Young & Restless / B & B/CBS (M-W) (F) Sports The Talk Football Today (Th) Football Judge Judge The Jerry Springer The Steve Wilkos The Bill Brown Brown Show Show Cunningham Show Paid Cash Cab Cash Cab We the We the Americ- Americ- Paid People People a's Court a's Court Program Program Daniel Sid George/(T Cat in Super/(Th Dinosaur Kratts/- Electric Tiger Science h) Cat Hat the Hat ) George Train (Th) Band Company Paid Life Today Copel'nd Various Your Health Various Various The View The Doctors / (F) The Chew General Hospital Football Voice of Faith in Rabbi Enjoying TCT Joseph Ask the Pastor Victory History Lapin Life Prince Today Movie Movie (F) Movie Movie (M) Movie (F) Movie CSI:Miami/(F) TBA CSI:Miami/(F) TBA Criminal/(F) TBA Criminal/(F) TBA (Th) Factories Money/60Min/Closing P.Lunch/ 60 Mins St.Signs/60Min/Crime CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Various Various Various 30 Rock Movie 30 Rock Various Movies To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various E! News To Be Announced (W) (:20) Movie/(F)... Movie Movie (Th) Movie/(F) (:10)... Movie Movie SportsCenter SportsC. (F) Basket. SprtC/ 30/30 SprtC (F) Basket. (F) Football (M-W) First Take / (Th) Basketball Various Various (M) AmerTeen/(Tu... Various Like You Various 8 Rules AmerTeen Movie Happening Now America Live Premier Football Paid Paid Various Paid Various Soccer Marie Various Movies Various Witness Movie Various Movie Movie Movie (F) (:15) Crossfire Hu Movie Various (F) (:10) Movie Movie Various Movie Movie Movie Movie (Tu) (:05) Movie/(... Movie Various Various Various HouseH House Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Chris Chris Various Chris Mother Mother (M-W) Grey's/(Th)... (M) (:05) Movie/(T... Movie Various (F) (:15) Movie Movie Various (F) To Be Announced Sponge Sponge Figure Various Various Various Various iCarly Movie/FactF./ Collect. Various Movie Movie/FactF./ Collect. FactFake (F) Movie Various (Th) Movie Movie Movie (Th) Movie Various Cons. Cons. Various Various Dumbest Dumbest Dumbest Various Various CSI:NY CSI:NY BarRes. CSI Bar Res. Various RepoG Movie Movie (W) Movie/(F) (:20)... Movie Movie (W) Movie FreshP. FreshP. FreshP. Various AmerD Ray Ray Various Various Say Yes Various Say Yes Various BabySt. Various Say Yes Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Leverage/ Castle Various (F) Movie Mental./Bones/ Castle Mental./Bones/ Castle Various Various Various Various Various Lucy Various Lucy Law:CI/ SVU/ NCIS Various Law:CI/ SVU/ NCIS Law:CI/ SVU/ NCIS Various TI Tiny Various Marrying Various Chrissy Various Chrissy In Heat of Night Heat Night/(Th) Bozo WGN Midday News Walker, TR
(M-W) Dr. Phil Maury R. Lake/(F) (F) Pre-game Football WordGirl Martha Speaks Various 3Sons Family Feud/(F) Feud Football (M W) Rejoice/(Tu Th) Alive/(F) Celeb. Movie Movie First 48/(F) TBA Closing/60Min/CrimeI CNN Newsroom (Th) Movie To Be Announced Various Various
(M-W) Katie / (Th) Holiday Shoppe King of Friends Queens Dr. Oz/ (Th) Pre-game Football Arthur/(W Clifford) Arthur's Red Dog Highway to Heaven Judge Judge Judy Judy The Jim Bakker Show Movie (F) Movie First 48/(F) TBA 60 Mins/ CrimeInc The Situation Room SouthPk Various To Be Announced Various Austin
Movie Movie Movie Movie Various Football NFL Basketb. Various Various Number Various AmerTeen Various AmerTeen (Tu) Reba Studio B Your World (Th) Game Time Football Race (F) Movie Various Movies Movie (W) Movie/(F) Mo... Movie Movie (:45) Prayer Movie Movie Movie (M) (:35) Movie/(F) ... Movie Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various (M-W) Grey's A. Various Mother (F) Movie Movie Movie Victori. Victori. Various Movie (Th) Movie Various Dumbest RepoG Various Movie Various Ray Sein. Various (Tu) (:05) Movie Various Various Lucy NCIS/ SVU (F) Movie Various Chrissy Walker, TR
Sponge Sponge FactFake/ Collect. Movie Various Various Various RepoG RepoG (F) Movie Movie Friends Various SayYes Various Movie Mental./Bones/ Castle Bonanza Griffith NCIS/ SVU Various Chrissy Walker, TR
THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • November 18 - November 24, 2012 • 7 MONDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NewsCen- NewsCe(16) WNDU ter 16 at 5 nter 16 21 Alive News at 5 (21) WPTA p.m. Are We Are We (21.2) CW There Yet? There Yet? Anderson Live (33) WISE
NC15 at 6 Evening p.m. News NewsCe- NBC News nter 16 21 Alive World News News The King The King of Queens of Queens NBC 33 NBC News News at 6 American American Family Family (33.2) MNT Dad Dad Guy Guy Wild Electric PBS NewsHour (39) WFWA Kratts Company Dinosaur WordGirl Fetch! Raggs (39.2) KIDS Train Garden B. Organic This Old Mexican (39.3) CRE Home Table House GeneraBBC News Gathering Florida (39.4) YOU America of Heroes Cross. tion The Office The Office Met Your Met Your (55) WFFT Mother Mother (15) WANE
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
Hawaii Five-0 NC15 (:35) Letterman Jessica (:35) Late Late Show "Ohuna" (N) Nightcast Biel, Pete Townsend Revolution "Kashmir" NewsCe- (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) (N) nter 16 LateNight With Jay Leno Castle "After Hours" 21 Alive (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live (N) Nightline News 90210 "The Con" (N) G. Girl "Where the Newsce- Sein. "The 'Til Death 'Til Death That '70s That '70s Vile Things Are" (N) nter Gymnast" Show Show (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) The Voice The contestants perform live in front Revolution "Kashmir" NBC 33 of the coaches. (N) News With Jay Leno (N) LateNight Bones "The Bod in the The Mob Doctor "Turf Indiana's Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Dish Pod" (N) War" (N) News Victims Unit "Mean" Victims Unit "Sick" Nation DustBowl A historical glimpse at the worst manmade DustBowl A historical glimpse at the worst manmade Charlie Rose American environmental disaster, the Dust Bowl. American environmental disaster, the Dust Bowl. Martha Bob the WordW- Curious Arthur Zula Clifford- Thomas & Wild Super orld Red Dog Friends Kratts WHY! George Patrol Speaks Builder Clodagh's Mexican This Old Steves' TravelsSimply Lidia's Cook's Lidia's Cook's Europe cope Ming Italy Country Irish Food Table House Italy Country Uncorked Make: BBC World Journal Newsline Make: Tavis The Piano Tavis Tavis "Sonoma" News Smiley Guy Smiley Smiley The TMZ King of Two and a Two and a Extra Big Bang Big Bang WFFT Local News Law & Order: Criminal Half Men Half Men Insider Theory Theory the Hill Intent
Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune Access Inside Hollywood Edition Ent. Sound Off Tonight Rules of Rules of Engage. Engage. Everybody Everybody Loves Ray Loves Ray America's Funniest Home Videos Nightly Matters of Business the Mind Sid Franny's Science Feet Simply Hubert Ming Keller PBS NewsHour
Mike & Met Your Partners 2 Broke Girls (N) Molly (N) Mother (N) (N) The Voice The contestants perform live in front of the coaches. (N) Dancing With the Stars: All Stars (N)
News Rules Two 1/2... Wild Kratt PartFam News Fellowship
News News News Wheel Jeopardy! Mother (N) Partners Girls (N) M&M (N) Hawaii Five-0 (N) News (:35) D. Letterman (N) LateShow Rules M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang 90210 "The Con" (N) Gossip Girl (N) News Seinfeld Queens TMZ Friends '70s Show 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy Bones (N) The Mob Doctor (N) FOX 28 News The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... News Steves' Michiana PBS NewsHour The Dust Bowl 2/2 (N) The Dust Bowl 2/2 Business T. Smiley FamilyTies Star Trek: Next Gen. Hogan News Sumrall Bible The Harvest Show Hart Enjoy-Life Partners Sumrall The Place Studio B News News News Insider ET Dancing With the Stars: All Stars (N) Castle (N) ABC57 (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Ask the Pastor Faith H. Hayford CBN News TCT Today Manna B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show (4:00)
The Princess Bride (1987, Romance)
The Lake House (2006, Romance) Keanu
The Princess Bride (1987, Romance)
Robin Hood: Frances McDormand. Robin Wright, Chris Sarandon, Cary Elwes. Reeves, Christopher Plummer, Sandra Bullock. Robin Wright, Chris Sarandon, Cary Elwes. Men in Tights The First 48 Intervention Intervention Inter. "Richard K" Intervention Intervention Intervention Inter. "Richard K" Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report Factories "Heineken" McDonald's Empire American Greed Mad Money McDonald's Empire (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight (:55) Futura (:25) Sunny Sunny Tosh.O Colbert Daily Sh. Futurama Futurama SouthPk SouthPk Brickleb SouthPk Daily Sh. Colbert SouthPk SouthPk To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced American Chopper Jesse James American Chopper Jesse James Shake Up A.N.T. Phineas Shake Up Jessie Dog Blog
The Princess and the Frog (:45) Ferb GoodLuck Phineas Shake Up A.N.T. Wizards Wizards (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced C. Lately E! News C. Lately (4:20) Shanghai Kni... (:20)
Under Siege 2: Dark Territory Lonesome Dove "Leaving" (:35)
Country Strong Garrett Hedlund. (:35)
Shanghai Knights Around Interrup- SportsC- Countdown An overview of Sunday's NFL action NFL Football Chicago Bears vs. San Francisco 49ers Site: Candlestick Park SportsCenter The day's news in the Horn (N) tion (N) & previews & analysis of Monday's matchup. -- San Francisco, Calif. (L) world of sports. enter Basket. Score. NCAA Basketb. Maui Invitational MS St./UNC (L) NCAA Basket. Legends Classic Championship (L) NCAA Basketball CBE Classic Wash.St./Kan. (L) NCAA Basketball Life of the Teenager Secret Life "Regrets" Life of the Teenager American Teen (N)
Jack Frost ('98, Fam) Michael Keaton. The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity (4:00) H.S. Football Indiana State (:45) M. Instant Xterra Pre-game NBA Basketball Indiana Pacers vs. Washington Wizards Site: Post-game (L) /(:45) NBA Basketball Indiana Championships Verizon Center -- Washington, D.C. (L) Pacers vs. Washington Wizards Football Replay Adventure (L) (4:00) Our First Chris... The Christmas Pageant Melissa Gilbert. The Wishing Tree ('12, Fam) Jason Gedrick.
A Season for Miracles Patty Duke. A Holiday Engageme... (4:30)
Sucker Punch ('11, Fant) Alvin and the Chipmunks: Real Time With Bill Witness: South Sudan
The Hangover Part II ('11, (:45) 24/7 (:15) Boxing Vanessa Hudgens, Emily Browning. Chipwrecked ('11, Com) Jason Lee. Maher (N) Com) Bradley Cooper. (4:50)
Seabiscuit ('03, Dra) Tobey Maguire. (:10)
The Adjustment Bureau Boardwalk Empire Treme The Girl ('09, Dra) Shanti Roney. Movie (:15)
The Rainmaker ('97, Dra) Matt Damon. (:35) Separate Lies Emily Watson.
Going the Distance (:45) Making Treme
Hereafter Income Income Income Property Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It HouseH House (N) Love It or List It Love It or List It Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star American Pickers Pawn Star Pawn Star The1800s Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star To Be Announced
A Dad for Christmas Louise Fletcher. Christmas Angel ('09, Com) K.C. Clyde.
Under the Mistletoe Michael Shanks. Christmas Angel (4:15)
Unknown (:15)
Fast Five ('11, Act) Paul Walker, Vin Diesel. A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas
The Grudge Hunted Movie '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show To Be Announced To Be Announced Sponge Sponge Big Time Big Time Figure Out Big Time All That K & Kel Hollywood Heights Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends Pegasus vs. Chimera (2012, Fantasy)
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian ('08, Fant) Ben Barnes.
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian ('08, Fant) Ben Barnes. (4:05) Spy (:35)
Primary Colors A southern governor seeks a U.S. "Roosevelt, Homeland Dexter "Argentina" Homeland Dexter "Argentina" Truman & Wallace" Kids 4: A... presidential nomination amidst scandal and bad press. Chop, Cut GearZ NASCAR Race Hub Pass Time Pass Time GearZ (N) GearZ Hot Rod Hot Rod Truck U Truck U GearZ GearZ Hot Rod Hot Rod Repo Repo Repo Repo
Red Dawn A group of teenagers become guerrilla
Red Dawn A group of teenagers become guerrilla Repo Repo Games Games Games Games Games Games fighters when their town is invaded by Communists. fighters when their town is invaded by Communists. (:20)
Addicted to Love Matthew Broderick. (:10)
Bringing Down the House
Bad Teacher Cameron Diaz. (:35)
The Recruit ('03, Thril) Colin Farrell. Movie Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy Conan The Office The Office Amish "Final Days" Breaking Amish Amish "Party Time" To Be Announced To Be Announced (4:10) (:50)
Beyond Borders A woman joins in the fight against
The Italian Job (2003, Action) Charlize Flesh Wounds ('11, Act) Bokeem Hobo With a Shotgun ('11, Act) Checki... famine in Ethiopia and falls in love with another man. Theron, Donald Sutherland, Mark Wahlberg. Woodbine, Kevin Sorbo. Pasha Ebrahimi, Rutger Hauer. The Mentalist The Mentalist The Mentalist Mentalist "Red Bulls" The Mentalist The Mentalist CSI: NY CSI: NY "Silent Night" Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Cosby Cosby Cosby Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens NCIS "Love & War" NCIS "Deliverance" NCIS: LA "Bounty" WWE Raw WWE Raw WWE Raw (:05)
The Ugly Truth Katherine Heigl.
Black Knight ('00, Com) Martin Lawrence. Basketball Wives: LA Bball Wives LA (N) TI Tiny (N) Marrying Basketball Wives: LA TI Tiny Marrying Basketball Wives: LA Law:CI "Zoonotic" Christine Christine Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Rules Rules
Monday movies
8:00 p.m. (AMC) “The Lake House” ++ (2006, Romance) Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock. A doctor in a lake house begins exchanging love letters with the home’s former resident. (2h) (DISN) “The Princess and the Frog” +++ (2009, Animated) Voices of Bruno Campos, Anika Noni Rose. An evil voodoo magician turns a young girl and a prince into frogs. (1h45) (TMC) “The Italian Job” +++ (2003, Action) Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg. Thieves plan the heist of their lives by creating the largest traffic jam in L.A. history. (2h) 8:30 p.m. (MAX) “A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas” ++ (2011, Comedy) John Cho, Kal Penn. Harold and Kumar find themselves in deep when they burn down a prize Christmas tree. (1h30) 9:00 p.m. (FAM) “Jack Frost” ++ (1998, Family) Kelly Preston, Michael Keaton. After his death, a father comes back as a snowman to make things right with his son. (2h) (HBOS) “Going the Distance” ++ (2010, Comedy/Drama) Justin Long, Drew Barrymore. A couple maintains their relationship as they travel between San Francisco and New York. (1h45) (STARZ) “Bad Teacher” +++ (2011, Comedy) Jason Segal, Cameron Diaz. An unconventional educator teaches her class and herself a unique type of lesson. (1h35) 9:30 p.m. (SPIKE) “Red Dawn” ++ (1984, Action) Charlie Sheen, Patrick Swayze. A group of teenagers become guerrilla fighters when their town is invaded by Communists. (2h30) 9:35 p.m. (ENC) “Country Strong” ++ (2010, Drama) Gwyneth Paltrow, Garrett Hedlund. An up-and-coming songwriter helps a country music legend mount her career comeback. (2h) 10:00 p.m. (AMC) “The Princess Bride” ++++ (1987, Romance) Robin Wright, Cary Elwes. A beautiful young woman must be rescued from her cruel fiancé by her one true love. (2h) (HALL) “A Season for Miracles” +++ (1999, Drama) Laura Dern, Patty Duke. A woman leaves with her sister’s children in an attempt to keep them from foster care. (2h) (HBO) “The Hangover Part II” ++ (2011, Comedy) Zach Galifianakis, Bradley Cooper. Two years after the Las Vegas bachelor party, the guys head to Thailand for Stu’s wedding. (1h45) (LIFE) “Under the Mistletoe” ++ (2006, Family) Jaime Ray Newman, Michael Shanks. A local radio station takes over Susan’s love life after an innocent call from her son. (2h01) (MAX) “The Grudge” ++ (2004, Horror) William Mapother, Sarah Michelle Gellar. An American nurse in Japan finds herself working in a house with a terrible secret. (1h30) (SCIFI) “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian” +++ (2008, Fantasy) Georgie Henley, Ben Barnes. Four children help fight to restore a kingdom to it’s rightful heir. (3h)
8 โ ข November 18 - November 24, 2012 โ ข THE NEWS SUN โ ข THE HERALD REPUBLICAN โ ข THE STAR
this week
1:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Drag Racing NHRA Sportsman Series Site: Pomona Raceway - Pomona, Calif. (SPEED) F1 United States Grand Prix Site: Circuit of the Americas - Austin, Texas Live 3:00 p.m. (ESPN) NASCAR Ford EcoBoost 400 Sprint Cup Series Site: Homestead Miami Speedway Homestead, Fla. Live
1:30 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
Off Road Racing
TORC Championship - Crandon, Wis. 6:00 p.m. (SPEED) Dirt Racing Lucas Oil Late Model Series Site: Portsmouth Raceway Park - Ohio FRIDAY 11:00 a.m. (SPEED) F1 Brazilian Grand Prix Practice Site: Circuito Carlos Pace - Sao Paulo, Brazil Live SATURDAY 11:00 a.m. (SPEED) F1 Brazilian Grand Prix Qualifying Site: Circuito Carlos Pace - Sao Paulo, Brazil Live
1:30 p.m. (15) (WANE) (22) (WSBT) Off-Road Racing Pro4/ ProLite - Las Vegas, Nev.
Live Midnight
(ESPN2) NCAA USC vs. Illinois Maui Invitational Quarter-final 4 Maui, Hawaii Live TUESDAY 2:30 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Maui Invitational Consolation Game Maui, Hawaii Live 5:00 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Maui Invitational Consolation Game Maui, Hawaii Live 8:00 p.m. (ESPN) NCAA Maui Invitational Semifinal Game 1 Site: Lahaina Civic Center - Maui, Hawaii Live (FSMW) NCAA Southern Illinois Edwardsville vs. Southern Illinois Carbondale Live 10:00 p.m. (ESPN) NCAA Legends Classic Championship Site: Barclays Center - Brooklyn, N.Y. Live 10:30 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Maui Invitational Semifinal - Maui, Hawaii
5:00 p.m.
Invitational Quarter-final 2 - Maui, Hawaii Live 7:00 p.m. (FSMW) NBA Indiana Pacers vs. Washington Wizards Site: Verizon Center Washington, D.C. Live 8:00 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA UCLA vs. Georgetown Legends Classic Championship Semifinal 2 Site: Barclays Center - Brooklyn, N.Y. Live 10:00 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Washington State vs. Kansas CBE Classic Semifinal 2 Site: Sprint Center - Kansas City, Mo.
NBA Indiana Pacers vs. New
York Knicks Site: Madison Square Garden New York City, N.Y. Live 2:30 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Connecticut vs. Texas A&M Womenโ s Live 4:30 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Hall of Fame Classic - Uncasville, Conn. Live 6:30 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Puerto Rico Tip-Off Championship - Bayamon, Puerto Rico Live 8:30 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Charleston Classic Championship - Charleston, S.C. Live 9:00 p.m. (WGN) NBA Chicago Bulls vs. Portland Trail Blazers Site: Rose Garden Portland, Ore. Live MONDAY 3:30 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Butler vs. Marquette Maui Invitational Quarterfinal 1 - Maui, Hawaii Live 6:00 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Mississippi State University vs. North Carolina Maui
3 - Anaheim, Calif. Live 7:00 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA University of
Texas at El Paso vs. Oklahoma Old Spice Classic Quarter-final 3 Live 9:00 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Clemson vs. Gonzaga Old Spice Classic Quarterfinal 4 - Orlando, Fla. Live 11:30 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Drake vs. California DirecTV Classic Quarterfinal 4 - Anaheim, Calif. Live FRIDAY 12:30 p.m. (ESPN) NCAA Old Spice Classic Semifinal Game 1 - Orlando, Fla. Live 2:30 p.m. (ESPN) NCAA NIT Season TipOff - New York, N.Y. Live 3:30 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA DirecTV Classic Semifinal 1 - Anaheim, Calif. Live 5:00 p.m. (ESPN) NCAA NIT Season TipOff Championship - New York, N.Y.
Live 5:30 p.m.
NCAA Old Spice Game -
7:30 p.m.
NCAA Old Spice 2 - Orlando, Fla.
Classic Consolation Orlando, Fla. Live Classic Semifinal
Live 8:00 p.m.
(FSMW) NBA San Antonio Spurs vs. Indiana Pacers Site: Conseco Fieldhouse - Indianapolis, Ind. Live 10:00 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Creighton vs. Wisconsin Las Vegas Classic Semifinal 2 - Las Vegas, Nev. Live Midnight (ESPN2) NCAA DirecTV Classic Semifinal 2 - Anaheim, Calif.
NCAA Maui Invitational 5th Place Game - Maui, Hawaii Live 7:00 p.m. (FSMW) NBA New Orleans
Hornets vs. Indiana Pacers Site: Conseco Fieldhouse - Indianapolis, Ind. Live 7:30 p.m. (ESPN) NBA Los Angeles Clippers vs. Oklahoma City Thunder Site: Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City, Okla. Live (ESPN2) NCAA Maui Invitational 3rd Place Game - Maui, Hawaii Live 9:30 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA NIT Tournament Semifinal 2 Site: Madison Square Garden - New York City, N.Y. Live 10:00 p.m. (ESPN) NCAA Maui Invitational Championship - Maui, Hawaii Live THURSDAY Noon (ESPN2) NCAA West Virginia vs. Marist Old Spice Classic Quarter-final 1 - Orlando, Fla. Live 2:00 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Vanderbilt vs. Davidson Old Spice Classic Quarterfinal 2 - Orlando, Fla. Live 4:30 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Drexel vs. St. Maryโ s DirecTV Classic Quarter-final
SATURDAY NBA Chicago Bulls vs. Milwaukee Bucks Site: Bradley Center Milwaukee, Wis. Live 11:00 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Las Vegas Classic Championship - Las Vegas, Nev. Live
9:00 p.m.
BOXING 4:30 p.m.
(HBO2) World Class
Carrie Underwood has been nominated for two American Music Awards A star-studded line-up of the music industry's top performers gather at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles to honor the work of their peers at The 40th Anniversary American Music Awards, airing Sunday, Nov. 18, on ABC. This year's ceremony features performances from Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, Christina Aguilera and Linkin Park Arlington, Texas
Card TBA
SATURDAY (SHOW) Showtime Championship
5:00 p.m. Hatton vs. Senchenko 10:00 p.m. (HBO) Boxing Berto vs. Guerrero
FOOTBALL 11:00 a.m.
(25) (WCWW)
NCAA Wake Forest vs. Notre Dame Live 1:00 p.m. (15) (WANE) (22) (WSBT) NFL Cleveland Browns vs. Dallas Cowboys Site: Cowboys Stadium -
+ZMLQ\ WV ยน-`\ZMUMยบ PMI\ X]UX[ +($7,1* (/(&75,&$/ 3/80%,1* +285 6(59,&(
(33.2) Football NFL Live (28) (WSJV) NFL Green Bay Packers vs.
Detroit Lions Site: Ford Field - Detroit, Mich. Live
4:35 p.m. (15) (WANE) (22) (WSBT) NFL Indianapolis Colts vs. New England Patriots Site: Gillette Stadium Foxborough, Mass. Live
8:20 p.m. (16) (WNDU) (33) (WISE) NFL Baltimore Ravens vs. Pittsburgh Steelers Site: Heinz Field - Pittsburgh, Pa.
MONDAY NFL Chicago Bears vs. San Francisco 49ers Site: Candlestick Park - San Francisco, Calif. Live TUESDAY 7:00 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Akron vs. Toledo Live 2:30 a.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Akron vs. Toledo THURSDAY
8:30 p.m.
12:30 p.m. (15) (WANE) (22) (WSBT) NFL Houston Texans vs. Detroit Lions Site: Ford Field - Detroit, Mich. Live 4:30 p.m. (33.2) (28) (WSJV) NFL
Washington Redskins vs. Dallas Cowboys Site: Cowboys Stadium - Arlington, Texas
Live 7:30 p.m. (ESPN) NCAA TCU vs. Texas Live 8:30 p.m. (16) (WNDU) (33) (WISE) NFL New England Patriots vs. New York Jets Site: MetLife Stadium - East Rutherford, N.J. Live FRIDAY
11:00 a.m. (ESPN2) Football NCAA Live Noon (21) (WPTA) (57) (WBND) NCAA Nebraska vs. Iowa Live 2:00 p.m. (FSMW) Football H.S. Class 3 Championship Live 2:30 p.m. (15) (WANE) (22) (WSBT) NCAA Louisiana State University vs.
Arkansas Live 3:30 p.m. (21) (WPTA) (57) (WBND) NCAA West Virginia vs. Iowa State Live (33.2) (28) (WSJV) Football NCAA Live (33) (WISE) H.S. IHSAA Class 1A Championship (46) (WHME) H.S. IHSAA 1A State Championship
5:00 p.m. (FSMW) Football H.S. Class 1 Championship Live 7:00 p.m. (33) (WISE) H.S. IHSAA Class 2A Championship (46) (WHME) H.S. IHSAA 2A State Championship (ESPN)
Football NCAA Live (ESPN) NCAA Arizona State vs. Arizona Live
10:00 p.m. Noon
(21) (WPTA) (57) (WBND)
Michigan vs. Ohio State Live (33) (WISE) H.S. IHSAA Class 3A
(55) (WFFT) (ESPN) (ESPN2)
Football NCAA Live (46) (WHME) H.S. IHSAA 3A State Championship (FSMW)
Live 2:30 p.m.
NCAA UAB vs. Central Florida
(16) (WNDU) NCAA Southern vs. Grambling State Bayou Classic Site: Mercedes-Benz Superdome - New Orleans, La. Live
3:00 p.m. (33.2) (28) (WSJV) Football NCAA Live 3:30 p.m. (15) (WANE) (22) (WSBT) NCAA Auburn vs. Alabama Live (21) (WPTA) (57) (WBND) (ESPN) (ESPN2) Football NCAA Live (33) (WISE) NCAA Southern vs.
Grambling State Bayou Classic Site: Mercedes-Benz Superdome - New Orleans, La. Live (46) (WHME) H.S. IHSAA 4A State Championship
THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • November 18 - November 24, 2012 • 9
The other list
'Oprah's Favorite Things' returns as OWN special Sheila Busteed TV Media
THE OTHER LIST: Fans of the defunct daytime hit "The Oprah Winfrey Show" would likely agree that the annual 'Favorite Things' special was one of the program's best features. After all, Winfrey was renowned for such extravagant giveaways during those episodes that she could rival Saint Nicholas, the man who inspired the story of Santa Claus. She made Christmas fun for adults all over again. Winfrey's fans can rejoice once more because OWN is bringing "Oprah's Favorite Things" back to television in a special two-hour event, airing on Sunday, Nov. 18. It's just in time for people to start their holiday shopping. The programming event is also special because it will follow Winfrey as she surprises the spouses of military personnel, who deservingly receive the must-have items from her list. Viewers will get a behind-the-scenes look at this unique giveaway extravaganza. But the viewers won't be left out in the cold with coal in their stockings; Winfrey and her staff have also launched a 'Watch and Win' contest. Entering is as simple as texting a key word to a short code that will pop up on the screen during certain parts of the televised special. Those entries will be put into a draw for the prizes. More details about this contest are available at oprah.com/favoritethings. Winfrey had a stellar team of elves working for her to put together the list this year. As usual, the team was led by "O, The Oprah Magazine" editor Gayle King, who is Winfrey's close friend. She's joined by creative director Adam
Glassman, fashion designers Michael Kors and Tory Burch, and celebrity chef Curtis Stone. For those who can't tune in to watch the special, the complete 'O List' is in the current issue of "O, The Oprah Magazine," which hit stands on Nov. 6. THE GREAT GEFFEN: A documentary filmmaker sets out to make a biography about a man of influence. This leads to interviews with some of the biggest names to ever find success in the cutthroat entertainment industry. Needless to say, that man's influence must be staggering. That man is David Geffen. On Tuesday, Nov. 20, PBS will air "American Masters: Inventing David Geffen," a new two-hour documentary about the press-shy Renaissance man who, through his work as an agent, manager, record industry mogul, Hollywood and Broadway producer and philanthropist, has left an immeasurable mark on American culture. His impact has been so great that filmmaker Susan Lacy managed to interview the likes of Steven Spielberg, Don Henley, Elton John, Jackson Browne, Cher, David Crosby, Clive Davis, Calvin Klein, Rahm Emanuel, Nora Ephron, Tom Hanks, Steve Martin, Neil Young, Frank Rich, Yoko Ono, Mike Nichols, Lorne Michaels and many others in order to gain insight into the Geffen empire. She even received the support of the man himself. "It has been a great privilege to enter David's extraordinary world," said Lacy. "It's a world that touches every corner of the important, exciting artists and cultural explosions of my generation. Having David as a gracious and candid guide through this terrain was a wonderful personal experience and an absolute gift
Oprah Winfrey will reveal her top gift ideas in ‚Oprah‚ Favorite Things
to any filmmaker." The film's title was inspired by one of Geffen's quotes, in which he stated that "each person invented himself," and he has certainly proven successful at doing just that. Through his management agency, record labels and film company, he helped launch the careers of some of the biggest stars in the last 40 years. In 1994, he cofounded DreamWorks SKG, the first new studio to open in Hollywood in 50 years. The billionaire has also donated significant time and money to the fight against HIV/AIDS. BAD IS GOOD: For television and film projects seeking a fiery yet likable bad girl with depth, few actresses can pull off such a character like Polly Walker. And "Warehouse 13" viewers are about to get a taste of this vixen's talent. Walker will guest star in the second half of Season 4 when the series returns to Syfy in April 2013 with 10 new episodes. Her character, Charlotte Dupres, proves to be a nemesis for the warehouse team as her mysterious nature and many secrets cause problems. She'll be featured in half of the new
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Solution on page 2. episodes, making her a considerable villain throughout the new storyline. Walker has proved time and again on screen that she knows how to stir up trouble. Probably her best known role was as Atia of the Julii in HBO's hit period drama "Rome." Atia proved to be as politically and romantically devious as the men, but her emotional insecurities and sex appeal made the character a thrill to watch. Walker earned a Golden Globe nomination for the performance. She also played an antagonist in the short-lived Syfy series "Caprica," starring as Clarice
Willow, the high priestess of Athena who was secretly a member of a terrorist group. Before that, she played Ellis Samuels, a main rival to Alex Vega, in CBS's "Cane." Even on the silver screen, Walker has proven it's good to be bad. She defied the gods as Cassiopeia in 2010's "Clash of the Titans" and portrayed the evil Thark elder Sarkoja in 2012's "John Carter."
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10 • November 18 - November 24, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
Tuesday movies
8:00 p.m. (AMC) “To Kill a Mockingbird” ++++ (1962, Drama) Brock Peters, Gregory Peck. A young girl grows up quickly when her father defends a black man charged with rape. (3h) (DISN) “Up” ++++ (2009, Animated) Christopher Plummer, Edward Asner. A widower ties balloons to his house and inadvertently brings a boy along on his journey. (1h45) (HBO2) “The Descendants” ++ (2011, Comedy/Drama) Shailene Woodley, George Clooney. A man takes his daughters to Hawaii to find the man his wife was having an affair with. (2h) 8:15 p.m. (SHOW) “Reservoir Dogs” +++ (1992, Drama) Tim Roth, Harvey Keitel. Criminals involved in a jewel heist suspect one of their own is a police informant. (1h45) 8:20 p.m. (MAX) “This Means War” +++ (2012, Action) Chris Pine, Reese Witherspoon. Two CIA agents battle it out when they find out they’re dating the same woman. (1h40) 8:30 p.m. (FAM) “Miracle on 34th Street” +++ (1994, Drama) Elizabeth Perkins, Lord Richard Attenborough. A young girl’s mother hires a department store Santa who proves that he’s genuine. (2h30) 9:00 p.m. (HBOS) “Tower Heist” +++ (2011, Action) Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy. A group of hard working men plan to rob the home of a business man that scammed them off. (1h45) (STARZ) “John Carter” +++ (2012, Action) Lynn Collins, Taylor Kitsch. A Civil War veteran and a princess are held captive on Mars by 12-foot tall barbarians. (2h20) 9:35 p.m. (ENC) “Air Force One” ++ (1997, Action) Gary Oldman, Harrison Ford. The president fends off deadly terrorists who are holding his plane and family hostage. (2h05) 11:00 p.m. (AMC) “To Kill a Mockingbird” ++++ (1962, Drama) Brock Peters, Gregory Peck. A young girl grows up quickly when her father defends a black man charged with rape. (3h) (HBOS) “Crazy, Stupid, Love.” ++++ (2011, Comedy/Drama) Ryan Gosling, Steve Carell. A man whose life is beginning to fall apart meets and befriends a young bachelor. (2h) 11:20 p.m. (STARZ) “The Thomas Crown Affair” +++ (1999, Crime Story) Rene Russo, Pierce Brosnan. A wealthy art thief falls for the insurance investigator who is determined to trap him. (2h) Midnight (SHOW) “The House of the Spirits” ++ (1993, Political) Meryl Streep, Jeremy Irons. South American patriarch ruins his family as he helps overthrow his country’s government. (2h15) (TMC) “Our Idiot Brother” ++ (2011, Comedy) Elizabeth Banks, Paul Rudd. A man overstays his welcome in his sisters’ homes when his honesty gets him in trouble. (1h30) 1:00 a.m. (HBOS) “Mean Streets” ++++ (1973, Crime Story) Harvey Keitel, Robert De Niro. A small-time crook and his three friends commiserate in New York City’s Little Italy. (1h50) 1:20 a.m. (STARZ) “21 Jump Street” ++++ (2012, Action) Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill. A pair of bumbling cops is sent undercover to high school to take down a drug ring. (1h55)
TUESDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NewsCen- NewsCe(16) WNDU ter 16 at 5 nter 16 21 Alive News at 5 (21) WPTA p.m. Are We Are We (21.2) CW There Yet? There Yet? Anderson Live (33) WISE
NC15 at 6 Evening p.m. News NewsCe- NBC News nter 16 21 Alive World News News The King The King of Queens of Queens NBC 33 NBC News News at 6 American American Family Family (33.2) MNT Dad Dad Guy Guy Wild Electric PBS NewsHour (39) WFWA Kratts Company Dinosaur WordGirl Fetch! Raggs (39.2) KIDS Train V.Garden For Your Woodwri- Mexican (39.3) CRE "Dark" ght's Shop Table Home Inside Indiana Indiana Supreme (39.4) YOU Business Court The Office The Office Met Your Met Your (55) WFFT Mother Mother (15) WANE
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
NC15 Nightcast NewsCenter 16 Private Practice 21 Alive "Apron Strings" (N) News Newsce- Sein. "The 'Til Death Soup" nter The New Parenthood (N) NBC 33 The Voice "Live Go On Results Show" (N) Normal News Raising Ben and New Girl The Mindy Indiana's House "Bombshells" Project (N) News Hope (N) Kate (N) (N) Masters "Inventing David Geffen" The life of David Frontline "Poor Kids" Summer Geffen: agent, producer, philanthropist & enter... Wine Martha WordW- Curious Arthur Zula Clifford- Thomas & orld Red Dog Friends George Patrol Speaks Mexican Woodwri- Steves' Burt Wolf: Essential Amer. Test Cuisine Culture Table ght's Shop Europe Pepin Kitchen Travels Matters of Zoo to BBC World Journal Newsline The Piano Tavis the Mind You News Guy Smiley The TMZ Two and a Two and a Extra Big Bang Big Bang WFFT Local News Half Men Half Men Insider Theory Theory
Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune Access Inside Hollywood Edition Ent. Docs on Tonight Call Rules of Rules "3rd Engage. Wheel" Everybody Everybody Loves Ray Loves Ray America's Funniest Home Videos Nightly Healthline Business Sid Franny's Science Feet Burt Wolf: Julia and ? We Eat Jacques PBS NewsHour
NCIS "Shell Shock" 2/2 (N) The Voice "Live Results Show" (N) Dancing Results Show (N) Hart of Dixie (N)
NCIS: Los Angeles "Skin Deep" (N) Go On The New Normal Happy Apartment End. (N) 23 (N) Emily Owens, M.D. (N)
Vegas "Bad Seeds" (N) Parenthood (N)
(:35) David Letterman (:35) Late Amy Poehler Late Show (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) LateNight With Jay Leno (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline 'Til Death That '70s That '70s Show Show (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) With Jay Leno LateNight House "Out of the Dish Chute" Nation Sun Studio Charlie Rose Sessions Wild Kratt Bob the Super WHY! "Mimic" Builder Essential Amer. Test Burt Wolf: Pepin Kitchen ? We Eat Tracks Tavis Tavis Ahead Smiley Smiley King of Law & Order: Criminal the Hill Intent
News News News News Wheel Jeopardy! NCIS (N) NCIS: Los Angeles (N) Vegas (N) News (:35) D. Letterman (N) LateShow Rules Rules M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Hart of Dixie (N) Emily Owens, M.D. (N) News Seinfeld Queens TMZ Friends '70s Show Two 1/2... 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy Raising (N) Ben Kate New Girl Mindy (N) FOX 28 News The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Wild Kratt News Steves' Michiana PBS NewsHour Amer. Masters "Inventing David Geffen" (N) Frontline "Poor Kids" Charlie Rose Business T. Smiley PartFam FamilyTies Star Trek: Next Gen. Hogan News Sumrall Bible The Harvest Show Paid Enjoy-Life Faith Wisdom Miracles in Action News News News News Insider ET DWtS Result Show (N) Endings Apt. 23 Private Practice (N) ABC57 (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Home Ask the Pastor Faith H. Church J Franklin TCT Today R. Praise B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show (3:30)
Forces of
The Lake House (2006, Romance) Keanu
To Kill a Mockingbird ('62, Dra) Gregory Peck. A young girl
To Kill a Mockingbird (1962, Drama) Nature Ben Affleck. Reeves, Christopher Plummer, Sandra Bullock. grows up quickly when her father defends a black man charged with rape. Brock Peters, Robert Duvall, Gregory Peck. The First 48 Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report Crime Inc. 60 Minutes American Greed Mad Money 60 Minutes (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight (:55) Futura (:25) Sunny Sunny Tosh.O Colbert Daily Sh. Work Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O (N) Brickleb Daily Sh. Colbert Tosh.O Mash (N) To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Alaska/Frontier To Be Announced Alaska/Frontier To Be Announced Shake Up A.N.T. Phineas Shake Up Jessie Dog Blog
Up Edward Asner. (:45) Ferb GoodLuck Phineas Wizards Jessie Wizards Wizards (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced C. Lately E! News C. Lately Movie (:40)
Open Range ('03, West) Robert Duvall. Lonesome Dove "On the Trail" (:35)
Air Force One ('97, Act) Harrison Ford. (:40) Pirates of the Caribbean: O... Around Interrup- SportC A review of the day's scores, highlights, NCAA Basketball Maui Invitational Semifinal NCAA Basketball Legends Classic Championship SportsCenter Horn (N) tion (N) and feature stories from major sporting events. Game 1 Site: Lahaina Civic Center (L) Site: Barclays Center -- Brooklyn, N.Y. (L) NCAA Basketball Maui Invitational (L) NCAA Football Akron vs. Toledo (L) SportsC. NCAA Basketball Maui Invitational Semifinal (L) M&Mike Reba Reba Daddy
Jack Frost ('98, Fam) Michael Keaton.
Miracle on 34th Street Lord Richard Attenborough. The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity Football N'Side Game Bill Snyder Game Xterra NCAA Basketball S. Illinois Edwardsville vs SIU- NHL Hockey Classics UFC Unleashed Show Time Adventure Carbondale (L) Nebraska Time (4:00) Gift of the Magi A Holiday Engagement ('11, Com) Haylie Duff. Matchmaker Santa ('12, Rom) Lacey Chabert. A Christmas Song Natasha Henstridge. The Santa Incident (4:45) George Harrison: Living in (:45) Crossfire Hu Celebrate the Stones' golden Treme "Poor Man's Real Sports With Boardwalk Empire "A Witness: Libya 24/7 the Material World anniversary with a bold & uncensored look back. Paradise" Bryant Gumbel (N) Man, a Plan" (4:15)
The Mother (:10) The American ('10, Cri) George Clooney.
The Descendants George Clooney. Bill Maher Boxing World Class Card TBA Movie (:25)
Dream House Treme Boardwalk Empire
Tower Heist Eddie Murphy. (:45) Making
Crazy, Stupid, Love. Steve Carell. My Place My Place My Place My Place House HouseH Love It or List It Property Property HouseH House Million Dollar Rooms Virgins (N) Property Secret Access: The Vatican Mankind "Inventors" Mankind "Inventors" Mankind: The Story of All of Us "Inventors" Real Thanksgiving Mankind "Inventors" Abby's Competition Abby's Competition Abby's "Sabotage" Abby's Competition Abby's Comp. (N) TBA PrankM'm TBA PrankM'm Abby's Competition (4:30)
Contagion (:15)
End of Days Arnold Schwarzenegger. (:20)
This Means War Reese Witherspoon. Hunted (N) Femme F. Lingerie Hunted '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show To Be Announced To Be Announced Sponge Sponge Victorious Victorious Figure Out Figure Out All That K & Kel Hollywood Heights Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends Fact or Faked Fact or Faked Fact or Faked Blackout Blackout Blackout Blackout Blackout V.Video Blackout ViralVideo Rock Monster (4:00)
Vanity Fair ('04, Dra)
Lost in Translation ('03, (:15)
Reservoir Dogs (1992, Drama) Tim Homeland Dexter "Argentina"
The House of the Gabriel Byrne, Reese Witherspoon. Com/Dra) Scarlett Johansson. Roth, Steve Buscemi, Harvey Keitel. Spirits Jeremy Irons. Chop, Cut GearZ NASCAR Race Hub Pass Time Pass Time Dumbest Dumbest Hard Parts Hard Parts RideRule RideRule Dumbest Dumbest Hard Parts Hard Parts Ink Master "The 80 Ink Master "Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Ink Master "Star Wars Ink Master "Trick or Ink Mstr "Half Naked Ink Master "Star Wars Ink Master (N) Year Old Virgin" Her What?" Freak" and Fully Loaded" Forever" Night. (N) Night. Forever" Movie (:40)
Beverly Hills Ninja (:15)
Freddy vs. Jason Robert Englund.
John Carter ('12, Act) Taylor Kitsch. (:20)
The Thomas Crown Affair Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Conan The Office The Office Say Yes to Say Yes to Medium Medium Sister Wives Little People, Big Little People, Big (N) Coupon Coupon Little People, Big Coupon Coupon (4:45) My Five Wives ('00, Com)
The Bone Snatcher ('03, Hor) Beastly ('11, Dra) Vanessa Melancholia Kirsten Dunst. A couple's wedding day is ruined
Our Idiot Brother Molly Shannon, Rodney Dangerfield. Rachel Shelley, Scott Bairstow. Hudgens, Alex Pettyfer. by the news that a rogue planet is heading towards Earth. ('11, Com) Paul Rudd. Bones The Mentalist Mentalist "Redline" Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Leverage CSI: NY "Obsession" Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Cosby Cosby Cosby Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Law&O.:SVU "Name" Law&O.:SVU "Storm" Law&O.:SVU "Babes" SVU "Theater Tricks" Law & Order: S.V.U. Covert Affairs (N) SVU "Confrontation" Law&O.:SVU "Fat" 40 Greatest Yo! MTV 40 Greatest Yo! MTV Basketball Wives: LA Marrying TI Tiny Rehab With Dr. Drew Couples Therapy Basketball Wives: LA TI Tiny Marrying Law & Order: C.I. Christine Christine Funniest Home Videos M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Rules Rules
THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • November 18 - November 24, 2012 • 11 WEDNESDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NewsCen- NewsCe(16) WNDU ter 16 at 5 nter 16 21 Alive News at 5 (21) WPTA p.m. Are We Are We (21.2) CW There Yet? There Yet? Anderson Live (33) WISE
NC15 at 6 Evening p.m. News NewsCe- NBC News nter 16 21 Alive World News News The King The King of Queens of Queens NBC 33 NBC News News at 6 American American Family Family (33.2) MNT Dad Dad Guy Guy Wild Electric PBS NewsHour (39) WFWA Kratts Company Dinosaur WordGirl Fetch! Raggs (39.2) KIDS Train Katie Ask This Mexican Garden (39.3) CRE Smart Brown Old House Table Earthquake Risk and Inside Indiana (39.4) YOU Readiness Business The Office The Office Met Your Met Your (55) WFFT Mother Mother (15) WANE
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
7 PM Wheel of Fortune Access Hollywood Ent. Tonight Rules "Shy Dial" Everybody Loves Ray Frasier
8 PM
Two and a Two and a Half Men Half Men
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
Criminal Minds "The Wheels on the Bus..." Whitney Guys With SVU "Lesson's Kids (N) Learned" (N) A Charlie Brown Modern SuburgaThanksgiving tory Family
Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987, Comedy) John Candy, Lalla Robins, Steve Martin. Whitney Guys With SVU "Lesson's Kids (N) Learned" (N) X Factor The top finalists perform for America once again in hopes of staying in the competition. Nature "My Life as a Nova "Ancient Turkey" Computer" (N) WordW- Curious Arthur Zula orld George Patrol Lidia's Clodagh's Mexican Cook's Italy Country Irish Food Table Healthline The New BBC World Journal Fly Fisher News The Extra Big Bang Big Bang Insider Theory Theory
Jeopardy! Survivor: Philippines
Inside Edition Lawyers on Call Rules of Engage. Everybody Loves Ray USF Football Nightly Senior Business Spotlight Sid Franny's Science Feet Baking Mexico: One Plate With Julia PBS NewsHour
9 PM
NC15 Nightcast NewsCenter 16 21 Alive News Newsce- Sein. "The 'Til Death Secretary" nter Chicago Fire "Two NBC 33 Families" (N) News Indiana's Numb3rs "Trust News Metric" As Time Nova scienceNOW "Can I Eat That?" Goes By Martha Clifford- Thomas & Red Dog Friends Speaks Grand Ask This Steves' View Old House Europe Newsline Jammin' Tavis at Jack's Smiley WFFT Local News TMZ CSI: Crime Scene "CSI on Fire" (N) Chicago Fire "Two Families" (N) Nashville "Pilot"
News Rules Two 1/2... Wild Kratt PartFam News Living Ep..
(:35) David
Letterman (:35) Late Willie Nelson Late Show (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) LateNight With Jay Leno (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline 'Til Death That '70s That '70s Show Show (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) With Jay Leno LateNight Numb3rs "Hollywood Dish Homicide" Nation Red Green Charlie Rose Show Wild Bob the Super Kratts WHY! Builder Mexico: Lidia's Cook's Italy Country One Plate All Aboard Tavis Tavis Smiley Smiley King of Law & Order: Criminal the Hill Intent
News News News Wheel Jeopardy! Survivor: Philippines Criminal Minds CSI "CSI on Fire" (N) News (:35) D. Letterman (N) LateShow Rules M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang
Planes, Trains and Automobiles News Seinfeld Queens TMZ Friends '70s Show 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy The X Factor "Top Finalists Perform" (N) FOX 28 News The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... News Steves' Michiana PBS NewsHour Nature Nova Nova scienceNOW Charlie Rose Business T. Smiley FamilyTies Star Trek: Next Gen. Hogan News Sumrall Healthy The Harvest Show Paid Enjoy-Life Partners Gaddy Miracles Healthy News News News Insider ET Charlie Thanksgiving Modern Suburg. Nashville "Pilot" ABC57 (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Ask the Pastor Faith H. Dorinda CBN News TCT Today Z. Levitt B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show (3:00)
Gone With the Wind Vivien Leigh. Southern belle Scarlett
Gone With the Wind (1939, Epic) Clark Gable, Olivia De Havilland, Vivien Leigh. Southern belle Scarlett O'Hara O'Hara schemes and manipulates to survive during the Civil War. schemes and manipulates to survive during the Civil War. The First 48 Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Storage Storage Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report Walt: Behind Myth A biography of Walt Disney. American Greed Mad Money Mark Zuckerberg (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight (:55) Futura Sunny Sunny Tosh.O Colbert Daily Sh. Chappelle KeyPeele SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk KeyPeele Daily Sh. Colbert SouthPk Brickleb To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Moonshiners To Be Announced Moonshiners Shake Up A.N.T. Phineas Shake Up Jessie Dog Blog
Bolt ('08, Ani) John Travolta. (:45) Ferb GoodLuck Phineas GoodLuck Shake Up Wizards Wizards (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced C. Lately E! News C. Lately (3:45)
Godzilla (:05)
The American President Lonesome Dove "The Plains" (:35)
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves Kevin Costner. (:05)
Spawn Around Interrup- SportsCenter CountNBA Basketball Los Angeles Clippers vs. Oklahoma City NCAA Basketball Maui Invitational SportsCenter Horn (N) tion (N) Championship -- Maui, Hawaii (L) down (L) Thunder Site: Chesapeake Energy Arena (L) NCAA Basketball Maui Invitational (L) Score. NCAA Basketball Maui Invitational (L) NCAA Basketball NIT Tournament (L) NFL Live (N) M&Mike (3:30) Miracle on 34t...
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Gene Wilder.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Johnny Depp. The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity UFC Unleashed Game Pre-game NBA Basketball New Orleans Hornets vs. Indiana Pacers Site: Post-game NBA Basketball New Orleans Hornets vs. WPT Poker Grand Prix Time Conseco Fieldhouse -- Indianapolis, Ind. (L) Indiana Pacers Site: Conseco Fieldhouse de Paris (L) (L) (4:00) A Christmas So...
The Case for Christmas Amanda Barker.
The Christmas Secret Richard Thomas.
A Town Without Christmas
The Three Gifts (3:30)
Chasing Liberty (2004, Romance) Matthew 24/7 Safe House (2012, Action) Ryan Reynolds, Boardwalk Empire "A Real Time With Bill Treme "Poor Man's Man, a Plan" Maher Paradise" Dolphin ... Goode, Mark Harmon, Mandy Moore. Robert Patrick, Denzel Washington. (4:00) Harry Potter &... (:15)
Larry Crowne Tom Hanks. Witness: South Sudan Crossfire Hurricane (:45) Making Big Mommas: Like Father, Like... (:50) Aliens Movie (:25) Angus Charles Talbert.
Collateral ('04, Thril) Tom Cruise. The Girl ('12, Dra) Toby Jones.
The Terminal ('04, Com/Dra) Tom Hanks. Movie Love It or List It Love It or List It Renovation Property Brothers Buying and Selling HouseH House Property Brothers Buying and Selling Restore Restore Restore Restore Restore Restore Restore Restore Restore Restore Cajun Cajun Restore Restore Restore Restore To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Houstons Houstons Houstons Houstons My Life Lifetime To Be Announced Houstons Houstons Hunted Hunted "Hourglass" Hunted Hunted Chronicle ('12, Dra) Dane Dehaan.
The Rocketeer Bill Campbell. (:20) Skin (:45) Life Top '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show To Be Announced To Be Announced Sponge Sponge Victorious Victorious Figure Out Figure Out All That K & Kel Hollywood Heights Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends Haunted Collector ViralVideo ViralVideo Ghost "City Hell" Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters (N) DealDark DealDark Ghost Hunters For Your Eyes Only (4:30) Casino Jack ('10, Bio) Barry Apollo 18 (2011, Sci-Fi) Homeland Inside the NFL Jim Rome on Inside Inside the NFL Jim Rome Showtime NASCAR Pepper, Jon Lovitz, Kevin Spacey. (3:00) NASCAR Racing NASCAR Race Hub Pass Time Pass Time Pinks! "Atlanta" DragRace DragRace B.Jackson "Survivors" Pinks! "Atlanta" DragRace DragRace (4:30) Bar Bar Rescue "On the Bar Rescue "Weber's
Any Given Sunday (1999, Sport) Jamie Foxx, Cameron Diaz, Al Pacino. A proEddie Murphy: One Night Only Rocks" of Lies" Rescue football coach fights to motivate his quarterback as he battles with the new owner. Movie
Spy Kids 3D: Game Over
21 Jump Street ('12, Act) Jonah Hill.
30 Minutes or Less
The Ides of March (:15) The Green Hornet Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy BigBang BigBang Conan The Office The Office American Gypsy Wedd Honey Boo Honey Boo Honey Boo Honey Boo Honey Boo Honey Boo Honey Boo Honey Boo Here Comes Honey Honey Boo Honey Boo Here Comes Honey (4:05) Children of God The Waiting City (2009, Drama) Joel Edgerton,
Saved! ('04, Com/Dra) Mandy (:35) Love Birds (2011, Comedy) Faye Smythe, Year of the Carnivore ('09, ('10, Dra) Sylvia Adams. Samrat Chakrabarti, Radha Mitchell. Moore, Jena Malone. Alvin Maharaj, Rhys Darby. Com/Dra) Ali Liebert, Mark Rendall. Castle "Pretty Dead" The Mentalist The Mentalist Castle Castle Castle Perception South. "God's Work" Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Cosby Cosby Cosby Loves Ray Loves Ray Hot In Divorced Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens NCIS "Frame-Up" NCIS NCIS "Boxed In" NCIS "Light Sleeper" NCIS "Head Case" NCIS "Family Secret" Covert Affairs SVU "Underbelly" TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny Marrying Couples Therapy Couples Therapy Couples Therapy Rehab With Dr. Drew Couples Therapy 40 Feuds "Hour 1" Law & O: CI "Gemini" Christine Christine Funniest Home Videos Rules Rules Rules Rules WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Rules Rules
Wednesday movies
8:00 p.m. (21.2) (25) (WCWW) “Planes, Trains and Automobiles” ++ (1987, Comedy) John Candy, Steve Martin. Two men, trying to get home for Thanksgiving, are plagued by disasters at every turn. (2h) (AMC) “Gone With the Wind” ++++ (1939, Epic) Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh. Southern belle Scarlett O’Hara schemes and manipulates to survive during the Civil War. (5h) (DISN) “Bolt” +++ (2008, Animated) Voices of Miley Cyrus, John Travolta. A dog believes he has superpowers and learns the truth when he accidentally gets lost. (1h45) (HALL) “The Christmas Secret” ++ (2000, Family) Beau Bridges, Richard Thomas. A zoology professor sets out to prove that reindeers can fly and discovers Christmas. (2h) (TMC) “Saved!” ++ (2004, Comedy/Drama) Mandy Moore, Jena Malone. A student at a Baptist high school is ostracized after she reveals she is pregnant. (1h35) 8:30 p.m. (FAM) “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” ++ (2005, Adventure) Freddie Highmore, Johnny Depp. A poor boy’s dreams come true when he wins a tour of a wondrous chocolate factory. (2h30) 9:00 p.m. (STARZ) “30 Minutes or Less” ++ (2011, Action) Danny McBride, Jesse Eisenberg. A pizza boy stuck in an explosive vest is forced to rob a bank, while trying to disarm it. (1h30) 9:35 p.m. (ENC) “Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves” +++ (1991, Adventure) Morgan Freeman, Kevin Costner. A nobleman trains a band of outlaws to help him seek revenge against his father’s killer. (2h30) 10:00 p.m. (HALL) “A Town Without Christmas” ++ (2001, Drama) Peter Falk, Patricia Heaton. A reporter and a novelist try to locate a child who wrote a disturbing letter to Santa. (2h) 10:30 p.m. (HBOS) “The Terminal” ++ (2004, Comedy/Drama) Catherine ZetaJones, Tom Hanks. A bureaucratic technicality forces a European man to take up residence in JFK Airport. (2h10) (MAX) “The Rocketeer” ++ (1991, Fantasy) Jennifer Connelly, Bill Campbell. A rough-and-ready pilot stumbles onto a weapon that turns him into a flying superhero. (1h50) (STARZ) “The Ides of March” +++ (2011, Drama) George Clooney, Paul Giamatti. A staffer for a new presidential candidate learns a lesson dirty politics. (1h45) 11:00 p.m. (HBO2) “Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son” ++ (2011, Comedy) Brandon T. Jackson, Martin Lawrence. An FBI agent and his son go undercover at an all-girl’s school to find a murderer. (1h50) Midnight (HALL) “The Three Gifts” ++ (2009, Drama) Jean Louisa Kelly, Dean Cain. A couple houses three orphan boys over the holidays as their orphanage gets renovated. (2h) (SCIFI) “For Your Eyes Only” +++ (1981, Spy) Carole Bouquet, Roger Moore. A vengeful woman accompanies a secret agent when he searches for a lost encryption device. (2h30)
12 • November 18 - November 24, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
Thursday movies
8:00 p.m. (AMC) “The Godfather” ++++ (1972, Drama) Al Pacino, Marlon Brando. A Mafia boss’s innocent bookish son gets involved in the family business after a mob hit. (4h) (FAM) “The Blind Side” +++ (2009, Sport) Tim McGraw, Sandra Bullock. An affluent family takes in a homeless teenager who becomes a star football player. (3h) (TMC) “The Help” +++ (2011, Drama) Viola Davis, Emma Stone. Tension and surprises abound as three women struggle against prejudice in this drama. (2h30) 8:20 p.m. (MAX) “Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy” +++ (2004, Comedy) Christina Applegate, Will Ferrell. A sexist anchorman feels threatened by a woman who may be after his job. (1h40) 8:30 p.m. (HBO) “We Bought a Zoo” +++ (2011, Comedy/Drama) Scarlett Johansson, Matt Damon. A father purchases a house in the countryside that comes with a struggling zoo. (2h15) 9:00 p.m. (SCIFI) “The World Is Not Enough” ++ (1999, Action) Sophie Marceau, Pierce Brosnan. British agent James Bond is assigned to protect a beautiful oil heiress from terrorists. (2h30) (STARZ) “The Vow” ++ (2012, Drama) Channing Tatum, Rachel McAdams. After a car accident, a woman wakes up with severe memory loss. (1h45) 9:40 p.m. (ENC) “True Lies” +++ (1994, Action) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis. A secret agent puts his family at risk when they discover his true identity. (2h25) 10:00 p.m. (MAX) “A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas” ++ (2011, Comedy) John Cho, Kal Penn. Harold and Kumar find themselves in deep when they burn down a prize Christmas tree. (1h30) 10:30 p.m. (TMC) “Real Steel” +++ (2011, Sci-Fi) Evangeline Lilly, Hugh Jackman. A robot boxing promoter reconnects with his son while training a discarded robot. (2h10) 10:45 p.m. (STARZ) “Van Helsing” ++ (2004, Action) Kate Beckinsale, Hugh Jackman. A famed monster hunter must battle Count Dracula, the Wolf Man and Frankenstein’s Monster. (2h15) 11:30 p.m. (SCIFI) “Die Another Day” ++ (2002, Action) Halle Berry, Pierce Brosnan. James Bond must uncover the connection between a terrorist and a deceitful diamond broker. (3h) Midnight (AMC) “The Godfather II” +++ (1974, Drama) Robert De Niro, Al Pacino. A Mafia chief’s life is contrasted with flashbacks of his father’s early days. (4h30) (HALL) “The Christmas Card” ++ (2006, Drama) John Newton, Edward Asner. Moved by an anonymous Christmas card, Captain Cody Cullen searches for the card’s sender. (2h) (HBO2) “The Eagle” +++ (2011, Adventure) Jamie Bell, Channing Tatum. A Roman soldier is determined to honor his father’s memory by retrieving a family emblem. (1h55)
THURSDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM Balance of Inside Powder Edition Storm American (16) WNDU Stories Dream 21 Alive News at 5 (21) WPTA p.m. Are We Are We (21.2) CW There Yet? There Yet? Anderson Live (33) WISE (15) WANE
(33.2) MNT (39) WFWA (39.2) KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) YOU
(55) WFFT
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
7 PM
NC15 at 6 Evening Wheel of Jeopardy! p.m. News Fortune NewsCe- NBC News Access Inside Hollywood Edition nter 16 Ent. 21 Alive World Sound Off News Tonight News The King Queens Rules of Rules of of Queens "Do Rico" Engage. Engage. NBC 33 NBC News Everybody Everybody News at 6 Loves Ray Loves Ray (4:30) NFL Football Washington Redskins vs. Dallas Cowboys Site: Cowboys Stadium -- Arlington, Texas (L) Wild Nightly Electric PBS NewsHour Arts Business Weekly Kratts Company Dinosaur WordGirl Fetch! Raggs Sid Franny's Train Science Feet V.Garden For Your Woodwri- Mexican Burt Wolf: Julia and "Dark" ght's Shop Table Home ? We Eat Jacques Indiana in Indiana Across PBS NewsHour Weekly Review Indiana Exped. Special The Office The Office Met Your Met Your Two and a Two and a Mother Mother Half Men Half Men
8 PM
9 PM
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
Elementary "While NC15 Big Bang Two and a Person of Interest Half Men "Baby Blue" You Were Sleeping" Nightcast Theory Football NFL Football New England Patriots vs. New York Jets Site: MetLife Night (L) Stadium -- East Rutherford, N.J. (L) A Charlie Brown Modern Bad 25 (2012, Biography) Glen 21 Alive Thanksgiving Ballard, Chris Brown, Justin Bieber. News Family 'Til Death The Vampire Diaries B. & Beast "Proceed Newsce- Seinfeld "Growing Pains" With Caution" nter Football NFL Football New England Patriots vs. New York Jets Site: MetLife Night (L) Stadium -- East Rutherford, N.J. (L) The X Factor "Live Glee "Dynamic Indiana's White Collar "Out of Results" (N) Duets" (N) News the Box" This Old Ask-Old You Being Frontline "Poor Kids" Antique "Baltimore House (N) House (N) (Hour One)" Served? Martha WordW- Curious Arthur Zula Clifford- Thomas & orld Red Dog Friends George Patrol Speaks Mexican Woodwri- Steves' Burt Wolf: Essential Amer. Test Cuisine Culture Table ght's Shop Europe Pepin Kitchen Travels Senior BBC World Journal Newsline Healthline Tavis Tracks Spotlight Ahead News Smiley The TMZ Extra Big Bang Big Bang WFFT Local News Insider Theory Theory
(:35) The Late Show (:35) Late With David Letterman Late Show NewsCe- (:05) The Tonight Show nter 16 With Jay Leno (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline 'Til Death That '70s That '70s Show Show NBC 33 (:05) The Tonight Show News With Jay Leno White Collar Dish "Withdrawal" Nation Jammin' Charlie Rose at Jack's Wild Bob the Super Kratts WHY! Builder Essential Amer. Test Burt Wolf: Pepin Kitchen ? We Eat Stiltsville Tavis Tavis Smiley Smiley King of Law & Order: Criminal the Hill Intent
News News News News Wheel Jeopardy! BigBang Two 1/2... Interest "Baby Blue" Elementary News (:35) David Letterman LateShow Rules Rules M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang The Vampire Diaries Beauty and the Beast News Seinfeld Queens TMZ Friends '70s Show (4:30) NFL Football Washington Redskins vs. Dallas Cowboys (L) The X Factor (N) Glee (N) FOX 28 News The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Wild Kratt News Steves' Michiana PBS NewsHour Masterpiece "Downton Abbey, Series II" Masterpiece "Downton Abbey, Series II" Business T. Smiley PartFam FamilyTies A Christmas Snow ('10, Dra) Danny Cahill. Giving Thanks The Harvest Show Paid Enjoy-Life Bible LESEA Miracles Bible News News News News Insider ET Prep and Landing 2 Modern Bad 25 ('12, Bio) Justin Bieber. ABC57 (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live 3D Woman Ask the Pastor Faith H. Faith CBN News TCT Today Fellowship B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show (3:30)
The Godfather II ('74, Dra) Robert De Niro, Al Pacino. A
The Godfather (1972, Drama) Al Pacino, James Caan, Marlon Brando. A Mafia boss's
The Godfather Mafia chief's life is contrasted with flashbacks of his father's early days. innocent bookish son gets involved in the family business after a mob hit. II ('74, Dra) Al Pacino. The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 60 Minutes "Big Oil" Millions Millions The Costco Craze The Pixar Story American Greed The Pixar Story (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight
Bad Santa ('03, Com) Billy Bob Thornton. Special Christmas Jeff Dunham Jeff Dunham: Controlled Chaos Comedy...Roast "Charlie Sheen" (:20) Comedy...Roast To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Shake Up GoodLuck Gravity Austin Jessie Dog Blog Dog Blog GoodLuck Jessie A.N.T. Austin Phineas Jessie A.N.T. Wizards Wizards (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced C. Lately E! News C. Lately (4:30)
Casper (:10)
Ghostbusters II ('89, Com) Bill Murray. Lonesome Dove "Return" (:40)
True Lies ('94, Act) Jamie Lee Curtis. (:05) Ghostbusters II (4:00) 30/30 30 for 30 "9.79*" SportsC- NCAA Football TCU vs. Texas (L) SportsCenter The day's news in the SportsCenter world of sports. "Broke" enter (4:30) NCAA Basket. DirecTV Classic Score. NCAA Basketball Old Spice Classic UTEP/Okl. (L) NCAA Basketball Old Spice Classic Clemson vs. Gonzaga (L) NCAA Basketb. DirecTV Classic (L)
The Blind Side ('09, Spt) Tim McGraw, Sandra Bullock.
The Blind Side ('09, Spt) Tim McGraw, Sandra Bullock. The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity Hall of Downun- UFC Unleashed Football Big 12 College Game WPT Poker Grand Prix Premier League Football Ultimate Premier League Fame Preview Showcase Football Time de Paris Review Show Preview Insider Review Show der Horse. (4:00) A Family Than... Love at the Thanksgiving Parade A Christmas Wish ('10, Fam) Kristy Swanson.
Lucky Christmas ('11, Dra) Elizabeth Berkley. The Christmas Card (3:45) My
Liar Liar ('97, Comedy) Maura The Girl (2012, Drama) Sienna
We Bought a Zoo ('11, Com/Dra) Scarlett (:45) (:15) The Orgasm (:20) 24/7 (:50) Tower Big Fat... Tierney, Cary Elwes, Jim Carrey. Miller, Imelda Staunton, Toby Jones. Johansson, Thomas Haden Church, Matt Damon. Witness Heist
Love Actually Emma Thompson. (:20)
The Whole Nine Yards Bruce Willis. Safe House ('12, Act) Denzel Washington. Boardwalk Empire
The Eagle (4:35) Johnson Famil... (:15)
Moonstruck ('87, Rom) Cher. Bill Maher Treme (:15) Treme (:15) Treme (:15) The Descendants Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Extreme Homes Extreme Homes HouseH House Extreme Homes Extreme Homes (4:00) Greatest Feud Hatfields & McCoys Hatfields & McCoys Hatfields & McCoys Hatfields & McCoys (4:00) Will You Merry... A Christmas Proposal ('08, Com) Nicole Eggert. Holiday High School Reunion Harry Hamlin. A Nanny for Christmas ('10, Com) Dean Cain. Holiday High School... (4:35)
Road House
Horrible Bosses (:20) Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgun... A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas Busty Coeds vs. Lust... Movie '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show To Be Announced To Be Announced Sponge Sponge Victorious Victorious Figure Out Figure Out Yes, Dear K & Kel Hollywood Heights Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends (3:30)
Tomorrow Never Dies ('98, Act) Pierce Brosnan.
The World Is Not Enough ('99, Act) Pierce Brosnan.
Die Another Day (4:45)
Ransom (1996, Suspense) Rene Russo, (:55)
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse ('10, Dra) The Three Musketeers (2011, Action) Matthew Dave's Old Reality Dave's Old
Brüno Porn Show (N) Porn Gary Sinise, Mel Gibson. Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart. Macfadyen, Ray Stevenson, Logan Lerman. Dumbest Dumbest Dumbest Dumbest Dumbest Dumbest Dumbest Dumbest Dumbest Dumbest Dumbest Dumbest Car Warriors Wrecked Wrecked Ink Mstr "Half Naked Ink Master "Star Wars Ink Master Wrestling Watch high-risk athletic entertainment Ink Master Tattoo Academy
Jurassic Park III and Fully Loaded" Forever" featuring the most recognizable stars of wrestling. Night. (N) ('01, Sci-Fi) Sam Neill. Movie (:40)
View From the Top (:10)
Click ('06, Com) Adam Sandler.
The Vow Rachel McAdams. (:45)
Van Helsing ('04, Act) Hugh Jackman. Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld FamilyGuy FamilyGuy BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Conan The Office The Office Amish "Final Days" Breaking Amish Amish "Party Time" Break. Amish "Finale" Four Weddings (N) Bride (N) Bride (N) Four Weddings Bride Bride (4:00)
I Am
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of
The Help Emma Stone. Tension and surprises abound
Real Steel (2011, Sci-Fi) Evangeline Lilly, (:40) Source Number Four Life ('03, Adv) Gerard Butler, Angelina Jolie. as three women struggle against prejudice in this drama. Dakota Goyo, Hugh Jackman. ... Castle Castle Castle Castle "Cuffed" Castle Castle CSI: NY CSI: NY A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith Loves Ray Loves Ray Hot In Divorced Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens NCIS "Hiatus" 1/2 NCIS "Hiatus, Part II" NCIS "Shalom" NCIS "Reunion" NCIS "Power Down" NCIS "Child's Play" NCIS "Ignition" NCIS TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny Behind "Ne-Yo" Law:CI "The Gift" Christine Christine Funniest Home Videos M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Rules Rules
THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • November 18 - November 24, 2012 • 13 FRIDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30
6 PM
NC15 at 6 LSU vs Arkansas (L) p.m. NewsCen- NewsCe- NewsCe(16) WNDU ter 16 at 5 nter 16 nter 16 (3:30) NCAA Football West Virginia (21) WPTA vs. Iowa State (L) Are We Are We The King (21.2) CW There Yet? There Yet? of Queens (3:30) H.S. Football IHSAA Class 1A (33) WISE Championship (3:30) NCAA Football (L) (33.2) MNT (15) WANE
(2:30) NCAA Football
Wild Kratts Dinosaur (39.2) KIDS Train Garden (39.3) CRE Home Religion (39.4) YOU News The Office (55) WFFT (39) WFWA
Electric Company WordGirl
7 PM
8 PM
Evening Wheel of Jeopardy! Frosty the Frosty Fortune News Snowman Returns Inside Go On Guys With NBC News Access Hollywood Edition Kids Mad Ants Last Man Malibu Post-game Ent. (L) Count (N) Tonight Show St (N) The King Rules of Rules of Grandma Got Run of Queens Engage. Engage. Over by a Reindeer H.S. Football IHSAA Class 2A Championship
PBS NewsHour
America's Funniest Home Videos Nightly PrimetiBusiness me39 Sid Franny's Science Feet Simply Hubert Ming Keller PBS NewsHour
Happy Charlie Brown
Washington Week Fetch! Raggs WordWorld B. Organic This Old Mexican Lidia's Table House Italy BBC News Buffalo Market to In. America Bill's West Washngtn Market The Office Met Your Met Your Two and a Two and a Extra Mother Mother Half Men Half Men
Need to Know Curious George Cook's Country McLaughlin The Insider
9 PM
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
Hoops and Christmas Person to Person (N) (N) Yoyo Grimm Dateline NBC
NC15 (:35) The Late Show (:35) Late Nightcast With David Letterman Late Show NewsCe- (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) nter 16 LateNight With Jay Leno Shark Tank 20/20 21 Alive (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline News Newsce- Sein. "The 'Til Death More of The Happy Elf That '70s '70s Show Switch" the Score Show "The Keg" nter Dateline NBC NBC 33 (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) News With Jay Leno LateNight The Monk "Mr. Monk and Art & Soul The Indiana's Monk "Mr. Monk Simpsons Simpsons News Buys a House" the Genius" Mind of a Mind of a Chef Charlie Rose Mind of a Austin City Limits Chef (N) Chef (N) "Chef" (N) Chef (N) "Jimmy Cliff" Martha Bob the Arthur Zula Clifford- Thomas & Wild Super Red Dog Friends Kratts WHY! Patrol Speaks Builder Clodagh's Mexican This Old Steves' TravelsSimply Lidia's Cook's Europe cope Ming Irish Food Table House Italy Country BBC World Journal Newsline Defense Tavis Need to Tavis Tavis News News Know Smiley Smiley Smiley King of Big Bang Big Bang Wfft News The Locker TMZ Law & Order: Criminal Theory Theory Room the Hill Intent
(22) WSBT (2:30) NCAA Football (L) News News Wheel Jeopardy! Frosty Frosty HoopYoyo C'mas (N) Person to Person (N) News (:35) David Letterman LateShow (25) WCWW Rules Rules M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Grandma The Happy Elf News Seinfeld Queens TMZ Friends '70s Show (28) WSJV (3:30) NCAA Football (L) Simpsons FamilyGuy Happy Charlie Brown Simpsons Simpsons Fox 28 News at 10 The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... (34) WNIT Wild Kratt News Economic Michiana PBS NewsHour Victor Borge: Comedy in Music Superstars of '70s The legends of the 1970s music scene. Boundless Potential (46) WHME (3:30) H.S. Football H.S. Football IHSAA 2A State Championship The Harvest Show Full Circle Enjoy-Life Partners Gaddy Sumrall Drought (57) WBND (3:30) NCAA Football W.Va./Iowa (L) Post-game Insider ET Last Man Malibu (N) Shark Tank 20/20 ABC57 (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live (63) WINM Fruit Spirit Ask the Pastor Faith H. Difference CBN News TCT Today God's Plan B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show (4:30) Terminator 2: Judgement Day A machine is sent back
Constantine Keanu Reeves. A woman enlists the help of The Walking Dead Comic
Terminator 2: Judgement AMC "Hounded" in time to protect a boy who will be the savior of the world. an exorcist to solve her sister's mysterious suicide. Book Men Day Arnold Schwarzenegger. To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced A&E Crime Inc. Crime Inc. Crime Inc. Unraveled Greed American Greed Billions Behind Bars Apocalypse 2012 CNBC (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo... (:15)
Half Baked ('98, Com) Dave Chappelle. (:15)
Jackass 3.5 ('11, Doc) Bam Margera. (:20)
Jackass: The Movie Johnny Knoxville. COM To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Gold Rush "The Dirt" Gold Rush Jungle Gold Gold Rush Jungle Gold DISC GoodLuck GoodLuck GoodLuck Jessie Jessie Jessie A.N.T. Farm Dog Blog Gravity A.N.T. GoodLuck A.N.T. Gravity Shake Up Jessie DISN (1:00) To Be Announced E! News To Be Announced The Soup Fashion C. Lately E! News C. Lately E! (4:40) Billy Madison (:15)
Dazed and Confused Ben Affleck.
Open Range ('03, West) Robert Duvall. (:20)
Batman Returns ('92, Act) Michael Keaton. Movie ENC NCAA Basketball NIT Season Tip-Off NCAA Football (L) NCAA Football Arizona State vs. Arizona (L) ESPN Championship -- New York, N.Y. (L) Basket. NCAA Basketball Old Spice Classic (L) NCAA Basketball Old Spice Classic Semifinal 2 (L) NCAA Basketb. Las Vegas Classic Crei./Wisc. (L) NCAA Basketball ESPN2 (3:30)
Mary Poppins
Nanny McPhee Emma Thompson.
Nanny McPhee Returns ('10, Com) Maggie Gyllenhaal. The 700 Club Fresh P. Fresh P. FAM The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity FNC H.S. Football Class 1 Championship (L) Pre-game NBA Basketball San Antonio Spurs vs. Indiana Pacers Site: Post-game NBA Basketball San Antonio Spurs vs. Indiana FSMW Conseco Fieldhouse -- Indianapolis, Ind. (L) Pacers Site: Conseco Fieldhouse (L) (L) A Christmas Wedding Tail Shawn Ardalan. Jingle/Bell Jingle All Jingle/Bell Jingle All It's Christmas, Carol! ('12, Fant) Carrie Fisher.
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year HALL (3:30) (:45)
Mr. Popper's Penguins ('11, Family) 24/7 Real Sports With Crossfire Hurricane Celebrate the (:45)
The Hangover Part II (2011, Comedy)
Little HBO Bryant Gumbel Stones' golden anniversary. Master ... Carla Gugino, Angela Lansbury, Jim Carrey. Zach Galifianakis, Ed Helms, Bradley Cooper. Fockers (:15)
X-Men: First Class ('11, Act) James McAvoy.
Cowboys and Aliens Daniel Craig. 24/7 Boardwalk Empire Treme
The American HBO2 (:15)
Chasing Liberty Mandy Moore. (:10)
Field of Dreams Kevin Costner.
Crazy, Stupid, Love. Steve Carell. Endure ('10, Thril) Devon Sawa. Movie HBOS House HouseH HouseH House House House Extreme Homes Home Strange Home HouseH House House House Home Strange Home HGTV CountCars CountCars CountCars CountCars CountCars CountCars Pickers "Duke of Oil" Pickers "Train Wreck" Pickers The1800s Shapes Cajun Pickers "Duke of Oil" HIST (4:00) Holiday High ... A Nanny for Christmas ('10, Com) Dean Cain.
Pretty Woman ('90, Rom) Julia Roberts, Richard Gere. My Life Lifetime
Pretty Woman LIFE Movie (:35)
Bridesmaids Kristen Wiig. (:50)
Fast Five ('11, Act) Paul Walker, Vin Diesel. Hunted (N) Skin Max Hunted "Polyhedrus" Movie MAX '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced MTV Sponge Sponge Victorious Victorious Figure Out Figure Out Victorious Victorious Hollywood Heights Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends NICK
Casino Royale (2006, Action) Judi Dench, Eva Green, Daniel Craig. WWE Smackdown! (N)
Quantum of Solace ('08, Act) Daniel Craig. Movie SCIFI (4:30)
Five Fingers
The Perfect Score ('04, Com) (:45)
50/ 50 (2011, Comedy/Drama) Seth I Don't Know How She Does It Joan Rivers: Don't (:15) Jim Rome on SHOW Start With Me Showtime ('06, Dra) Mimi Ferrer. Scarlett Johansson. Rogen, Anna Kendrick, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. ('11, Com) Sarah Jessica Parker. Pinks! "Denver" Pinks! "Cleveland" Pinks! "Sonoma" Pinks! "Bristol" Pinks! "Houston" Pinks! "Phoenix" Formula 1 Debrief (N) F1 Auto Racing SPEED
Jurassic Park III (2001, Sci-Fi) William H.
Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace ('99, Sci-Fi) Liam Neeson. Two Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones A Jedi & his SPIKE Macy, Téa Leoni, Sam Neill. Jedi Knights help a queen save her world and discover a boy with great potential. allies must battle mysterious forces that aim to enslave the... Movie (:45)
John Carter ('12, Act) Lynn Collins, Taylor Kitsch. Magic City Boss "Mania" Spartacu "Libertus" Camelot "Justice" Torchwood STARZ (4:00) Failure to Laun...
Four Christmases Vince Vaughn.
Fred Claus ('07, Com) Vince Vaughn, Paul Giamatti. Better (N) For Better For Better For Better Movie TBS Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Bride Bride Say Yes Say Yes Bride Bride Say Yes to Say Yes to Bride Bride TLC (4:15) The Extra Man (:15)
Barbershop (2002, Comedy) Cedric the
Our Idiot Brother ('11, Com) Barry Munday (2010, Comedy) Judy (:05) Conception ('11, Rom) Sarah (:35) The TMC Katie Holmes. Entertainer, Eve, Ice Cube. Elizabeth Banks, Paul Rudd. Greer, Jean Smart, Patrick Wilson. Hyland, Julie Bowen, Alan Tudyk. Family ... (3:00)
Gladiator Mentalist "Code Red" The Mentalist
Kiss the Girls ('97, Susp) Ashley Judd.
Disturbia ('07, Cri) Shia LaBeouf. Movie TNT Divorced Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens TVLND A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith A. Griffith Loves Ray Loves Ray Hot In (3:30) G.I. Joe: The R...
Bad Boys II (2003, Action) Will Smith, Jordi Mollà, Martin Lawrence.
Fast & Furious ('09, Act) Vin Diesel.
Bad Boys II ('03, Act) Martin Lawrence. USA Couples Therapy Couples Therapy TI Tiny Basketball Wives: LA Basketball Wives: LA Marrying VH1 Rock Docs "Soul Power" (N) Behind Music "Usher" VH1 Law & Order: C.I. Christine Christine Funniest Home Videos M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Rules Rules WGN
Friday movies
8:00 p.m. (ENC) “Open Range” ++ (2003, Western) Kevin Costner, Robert Duvall. A former gunslinger must take up arms once again when he’s threatened by a corrupt lawman. (2h20) (LIFE) “Pretty Woman” +++ (1990, Romance) Julia Roberts, Richard Gere. A wealthy businessman hires a freespirited call girl to be his companion for a week. (3h) (TBS) “Fred Claus” ++ (2007, Comedy) Vince Vaughn, Paul Giamatti. Santa bails his criminal brother out of jail and brings him to the North Pole. (2h30) (TMC) “Our Idiot Brother” ++ (2011, Comedy) Elizabeth Banks, Paul Rudd. A man overstays his welcome in his sisters’ homes when his honesty gets him in trouble. (1h30) (TNT) “Kiss the Girls” +++ (1997, Suspense) Morgan Freeman, Ashley Judd. A forensic psychologist attempts to track down the serial killer who kidnapped his niece. (2h30) 8:30 p.m. (FAM) “Nanny McPhee Returns” ++ (2010, Comedy) Maggie Gyllenhaal. A nanny helps a mother who is attempting to run the family farm while her husband is away. (2h30) 9:00 p.m. (HBOS) “Crazy, Stupid, Love.” ++++ (2011, Comedy/Drama) Ryan Gosling, Steve Carell. A man whose life is beginning to fall apart meets and befriends a young bachelor. (2h) (USA) “Fast & Furious” ++ (2009, Action) Paul Walker, Vin Diesel. Dom returns to America, when Letty is killed, to find her killer and settle the score. (2h) 9:15 p.m. (COM) “Jackass 3.5” ++ (2011, Documentary) Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera. Interviews and footage shot with the cast and crew in Europe while filming ‘Jackass.’ (2h02) 10:00 p.m. (SCIFI) “Quantum of Solace” +++ (2008, Action) Olga Kurylenko, Daniel Craig. James Bond goes rogue after an assassination attempt on M and looks into a Bolivian coup. (2h30) 10:20 p.m. (ENC) “Batman Returns” +++ (1992, Action) Danny DeVito, Michael Keaton. Batman is called upon to save the citizens of Gotham City from the Penguin and Catwoman. (2h10) 10:30 p.m. (SPIKE) “Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones” +++ (2002, Sci-Fi) Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor. A Jedi and his allies must battle mysterious forces that aim to enslave the universe. (3h30) (TNT) “Disturbia” ++ (2007, Crime Story) Sarah Roemer, Shia LaBeouf. A teenage boy witnesses a murder at his neighbor’s house while he’s under house arrest. (2h15) 10:45 p.m. (HBO) “The Hangover Part II” ++ (2011, Comedy) Zach Galifianakis, Bradley Cooper. Two years after the Las Vegas bachelor party, the guys head to Thailand for Stu’s wedding. (1h45) 11:00 p.m. (HALL) “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” ++ (2008, Drama) Henry Winkler, Brooke Burns. A single mom who has lost all faith in Christmas finds answers when her uncle visits. (2h) (USA) “Bad Boys II” ++ (2003, Action) Will Smith, Martin Lawrence. Narcotics detectives pursue men who are flooding the streets with lethal doses of ecstasy. (3h)
14 • November 18 - November 24, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
Saturday movies
8:00 p.m. (16) (WNDU) “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” ++ (2008, Adventure) Karen Allen, Harrison Ford. Indiana Jones races to uncover the secrets behind a mysterious crystal skull. (2h59) (AMC) “Appaloosa” +++ (2008, Western) Viggo Mortensen, Ed Harris. Two men help the people of a small town bring a murderer to justice. (2h30) (ENC) “Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King” +++ (2003, Fantasy) Elijah Wood, Viggo Mortensen. A king’s heir must unite fractured armies in order to save mankind from a great evil. (3h30) (FAM) “Home Alone” +++ (1990, Comedy) Joe Pesci, Macaulay Culkin. A young boy must fend off burglars after his family accidentally leaves him home alone. (2h) (SPIKE) “Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope” ++++ (1977, Sci-Fi) Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill. Luke Skywalker and his allies set out to rescue Princess Leia from the Galactic Empire. (3h) (TNT) “Angels and Demons” +++ (2009, Mystery) Ewan McGregor, Tom Hanks. A professor is called upon to help prevent an attack on the Vatican and solve a murder. (3h) 9:00 p.m. (HBOS) “Little Fockers” ++ (2010, Comedy) Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller. A father-in-law still has doubts about his son-in-law even after 10 years of marriage. (1h45) (STARZ) “Finding Nemo” ++++ (2003, Animated) Voices of Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks. A fish gathers his courage and sets out to find his son, who is trapped in an aquarium. (1h45) (VH1) “Double Take” ++ (2001, Drama) Orlando Jones, Eddie Griffin. A businessman trades lives with a petty thief when he thinks his life may be in danger. (2h) 10:00 p.m. (FAM) “Richie Rich” +++ (1994, Comedy) John Larroquette, Macaulay Culkin. A wealthy boy must thwart a treacherous employee’s attempts to take over the company. (2h) (SHOW) “Red State” ++ (2011, Horror) Michael Parks, After receiving an invitation for sex, teens encounter extreme fundamentalists. (1h30) 10:30 p.m. (AMC) “Appaloosa” +++ (2008, Western) Viggo Mortensen, Ed Harris. Two men help the people of a small town bring a murderer to justice. (2h30) 10:40 p.m. (TMC) “Psychosis” ++ (2010, Crime Story) Paul Sculfor, Charisma Carpenter. A writer visits a camp where years earlier a serial killer had unleashed his blood lust. (1h35) 10:45 p.m. (STARZ) “Jack and Jill” ++ (2011, Comedy) Katie Holmes, Adam Sandler. A family man gets ready for the annual visit from his needy twin sister, Jill. (1h35) 11:00 p.m. (21.2) “Nobody’s Fool” +++ (1994, Drama) Jessica Tandy, Paul Newman. An unemployed construction worker has one more chance to turn things around for himself. (2h) (SCIFI) “Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God” +++ (2005, Fantasy) Clemency Burton-Hill, Mark Dymond. An evil sorcerer uses
8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 Saturday A discussion of current events & a Busyto- BusytoFirst News Saturday variety of topics that affect our world today. wn Myst. wn Myst. Justin (7:00) NewsCenter 16 Saturday Morning NoodlPajani- Poppy (16) WNDU eDoodle mals Cat Time Good Morning Recipe Wild Ocean Born to Sea Food for (21) WPTA America Saturday Countd. Myst. Explore Rescue Rehab Thought Power Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-Gi-Oh Iron Justice WWE Sat Dragon Yu-Gi(21.2) CW Rangers Zex Man: AA League Morning Ball Z Oh! Zex (7:00) Saturday Now Eat Noodl- Pajani- Poppy Jack Justin (33) WISE Today (N) This! Cat Time Hanna eDoodle mals Animal Passport Young Weekend Marketplace Career (33.2) MNT Explore Icons Atlas Day Woodsmi Amer. WoodThis Old Ask-Old HomeMotor- AutoLine (39) WFWA House th Shop Wood work House time week Sid Bob the Peep/P- Mark WordGirl Barney & Raggs Franny's (39.2) KIDS Builder ocoyo Kistler Friends "Color" Science Feet Smart Travels Smart Steves' Smart Smart Trekker "Panama (39.3) CRE Travels "Paris" Travels Europe Travels Travels and Columbia" Ask-Old Woodw- Woodt- Woodsmi Aroun- Greener Antique "Baltimore (39.4) YOU House right's urning th Shop dHouse World (Hour One)" Dog Into the Paid Bonanza "The Paid Gunsmoke (55) WFFT Wild Program Program Dream Riders" Tales (15) WANE
Animal Pet Pals Off-Road Racing Paid Pro4/ ProLite Program Rescue TV Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Program Program Program Program Program NCAA Football Michigan vs. Ohio State (L)
College Football NCAA Football Auburn vs. Football (L) Alabama (L) NCAA Football Bayou Classic Southern vs. Grambling State Site: Mercedes-Benz Superdome (L) NCAA Football (L) Postgame (L) ChatCloneCloneHouse of House of Meet the Meet the
Some Kind of On the Browns Browns Wonderful Spot Payne Payne room Wars Wars H.S. Football IHSAA Class 3A Championship NCAA Football Bayou Classic Southern vs Grambling State (L) Corner Storm Fox Pre- NCAA Football (L) From Leverage Store TV Daryl's Stories game (L) Drop 7 Foods: Feel Better Fast Perfect Health Victory Wake Up and Smell the Poop Super Garden Brain Martha Clifford- Thomas- Wild Bob the Peep/PZoo to Curious Daniel Zula Patrol You George Tiger Speaks Red Dog Friends Kratts Builder ocoyo Mexican Simply Clodag- Mexican This Old Steves' TravelsHubert Lidia's Cook's Table Ming Europe cope Keller Italy Country h's Food Table House Drop 7 Foods: Feel Better Fast Heart of Perfect Health Concoct. Learn to create popular toy store items for pennies using common household ... Two and TMZ NCAA Football (L) Half Men
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(6:30) WSBT
News Saturday A discussion of current events & a TheDo- TheDo- Paid Paid Paid Off-Road Racing College Football NCAA Football Auburn vs. (22) WSBT Saturday Morning variety of topics that affect our world today. odlebops odlebops Program Program Program Pro4/ ProLite Alabama (L) Football (L) Justice Yu-Gi-Oh Iron WWE Sat Dragon Yu-GiYu-Gi-Oh To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced (25) WCWW Power Rangers Zex Man: AA League Morning Ball Z Oh! Zex Bones "The Girl in Paid Fox Pre- NCAA Football (L) Aweso- Weekend Marketplace Wild Paid (28) WSJV Elizabeth Pets.TV Teen Program game (L) Stanton me Adv. News Animals Program the Gator" Blood Health Brenda Watson shares evidence of a Your Age Simple steps to boost your brain Boundless Potential With T'ai Chi, Health (34) WNIT Quilts of The Quilts of Valor Foundation awards quilts to wounded veterans. connection between digestive health & heart ... to help you live longer and look younger. Mark Walton and Happiness Sugar (46) WHME News Career Best of Harvest Parade Healthy Paid H.S. Football IHSAA 3A State Championship H.S. Football Ocean Born to Sea Wild Recipe Food for NCAA Football Michigan vs. Ohio State (L) PostNCAA Football (L) (57) WBND Good Morning game (L) America Saturday Countd. Myst. Explore Rescue Rehab Thought Science Sarah's End of Public Gospel Donkey Swamp Advent. Faithville CreatAwaken- Health& Health& RestoratSomme- Captain Miss (63) WINM Kicks Stories the Age Report Club rtime Ollie Critters Odyssey ures Stuff ing Hour Nutrition Nutrition ion Road Chuckle Charity's Bill AMC (6:30)
Gone With the Wind ('39, Epic) Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh.
McLintock! ('63, West) Maureen O'Hara, John Wayne.
El Dorado ('67, West) John Wayne. To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Flipping Miami Flipping Vegas Flipping Vegas Flipping Vegas Billy Billy Billy Billy A&E Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid CNBC CNN Saturday Morning News Line CNN Saturday Morning News CNN Newsroom Your Money CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom News Sanjay CNN Comedy Cheech & Chong's Still Smo... Cheech & Chong's Up in S... (:45)
Police Academy Steve Guttenberg.
Let's Go to Prison Will Arnett.
Waiting COM Paid Paid To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced DISC Sofia the First: ... Phineas Phineas Gravity FishHook A.N.T. Farm Wizards Wizards GoodLk GoodLk Austin Shake Up Jessie Jessie Shake Up Shake Up DISN (7:00) TBA E! News Fashion The Soup To Be Announced To Be Announced E! (7:40)
Batman Returns (:50)
National Lampoon's Vacation (:35)
Open Range ('03, West) Robert Duvall. Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (:40)
Batman Returns ENC SportsCenter SportsCenter College Football Game Day (L) NCAA Football (L) Scoreb. NCAA Football (L) ESPN (7:30) E:60 E:60 SportNat SportsCenter NCAA Football (L) Scoreb. NCAA Football (L) ESPN2
The Princess Diaries ('01, Fam) Julie Andrews.
Mary Poppins ('64, Mus) Dick Van Dyke, Julie Andrews.
Nanny McPhee Emma Thompson.
Nanny McPhee Returns FAM (6:00) Fox & Friends Saturday Bull Bear Cavuto Forbes Cash In America's News HQ America's News HQ Journal News Special Report America's News HQ FNC Hunter Woods Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid NCAA Football UAB vs. Central Florida (L) NCAA Football Tul./Hou. (L) FSMW The Santa Suit ('10, Com) Kevin Sorbo. The Most Wonderful Time of the Year Matchmaker Santa Lacey Chabert. It's Christmas, Carol! Carrie Fisher. Mistletoe Over M... HALL Movie (:45)
Tower Heist Eddie Murphy. 24/7 Alvin & the Chipmunks: Chi...
Arthur ('11, Com) Russell Brand. Witness
Tower Heist HBO (7:25) Arachnoph... (:15)
The Adjustment Bureau (:05)
Almost Famous Billy Crudup. Witness (:40)
My Life Without Me Real Sports Movie HBO2 (:15)
My Big Fat Greek Wedding (:55)
Little Fockers
Major League (:20)
The Rainmaker ('97, Dra) Matt Damon. (:40) Boardwalk E. Movie HBOS Buying and Selling Property Property Crashers Crashers Crashers Kitchen Crashers Crashers Love It or List It I Want "Baths" I Want "Kitchens" I Want That! HGTV Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Modern Marvels MenBuiltAmerica "A New War Begins" MenWhoBuilltAmerica "Bloody Battles" MenBuiltAmerica HIST Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid My Life Lifetime
Home by Christmas Julian Franco.
Christmas in Paradise A Christmas Prop... LIFE (7:30) Monte Carlo (:20)
The Rundown The Rock. (:05) Transit James Caviezel. (:40)
While You Were Sleeping Hunted Hunted Hunted MAX (6:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced MTV Parents Parents Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Korra Kung Fu P.Ranger Sponge Kung Fu Kung Fu Kung Fu Kung Fu Big Time Big Time iCarly iCarly NICK Paid Paid V.Video V.Video DealDark Dragon Wars ('07, Act) Jason Behr.
Fire and Ice ('08, Adv) Amy Acker.
Dragon Dynasty James Hong. Movie SCIFI Inside the NFL Jim Rome NASCAR Apollo 18 (2011, Sci-Fi) Spy Kids 4: All the Time in t... I Don't Know How She Does It United States Dexter "Argentina" SHOW Truck U GearZ Garage Hot Rod Formula 1 Debrief F1 Racing Brazilian Grand Prix Lucas Oil Monster Jam GearZ GearZ GearZ GearZ GearZ GearZ SPEED Paid Program Ink Master
Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones Ewan McGregor. Movie SPIKE (7:35) The Muppets
Tron: Legacy ('10, Act) Jeff Bridges. (:40) Cars 2 ('11, Ani) Larry the Cable Guy.
John Carter ('12, Act) Taylor Kitsch. (:50)
Jack and Jill STARZ ThereYet Browns Browns Acc.Jim Raymond
The Wedding Date
Failure to Launch
Four Christmases Vince Vaughn. Friends Friends TBS Paid Paid Property Ladder Property Ladder Property Ladder Property Ladder Boss "7-Eleven" Undercover Boss Under Boss "ABM" Undercover Boss TLC (7:30) Cop & a Half (:05) My Father the Hero (:35)
Aces N' Eights (:05) The Lucky Ones
Red ('10, Act) Bruce Willis. (:55) Blues Brothers TMC Law & Order Law & Order Franklin & Bash Rizzoli & Isles Law & Order
What Lies Beneath ('00, Thril) Michelle Pfeiffer. (:45)
Obsessed TNT Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby TVLND Paid Program Covert Affairs Burn Notice Law & Order: C.I. SVU "Rockabye" SVU "Intoxicated" Law & Order: SVU SVU "Abuse" SVU "Monogamy" USA (6:00) Jump Start VH1 Top 20 Videos VH1 Top 20 Videos
Double Take ('01, Dra) Eddie Griffin. TI Tiny Marrying Couples Therapy Bball Wives LA Bball Wives LA VH1 Paid Paid Matlock "The Idol" Matlock "The Idol" Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law:CI "Cadaver" Law:CI "No Exit" WGN
THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • November 18 - November 24, 2012 • 15 SATURDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM (15) WANE (16) WNDU
(21) WPTA (21.2) CW (33) WISE (33.2) MNT (39) WFWA (39.2) KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) YOU
(55) WFFT
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
Wheel of Jeopardy! Made in Jersey NCIS "Devil's 48 Hours "Frank Fortune Weekend Triangle" O'Connell" (N) NewsCe- NBC News Paid Paid (2:30) NCAA Football
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Indiana Jones Bayou Classic (L) nter 16 Program Program races to uncover the secrets behind a mysterious crystal skull. (3:30) NCAA Football (L) Post-game 21 Alive Boots for Football (L) /(:05) NCAA Football (L) (L) News Christmas (4:00)
Some Kind
Forever Mine (1999, Thriller) Ray Liotta, Cops Cops Cheaters That '70s '70s Show Show "Ski Trip" of Wonderful Gretchen Mol, Joseph Fiennes. (3:30) NCAA Football NewsRNews NBC News H.S. Football IHSAA Class 5A Championship Bayou Classic (L) Weekend adio (3:00) NCAA Football (L) FOX Game NCAA Football (L) Family Break (L) Guy (4:30) Super Brain With A Fiddler's Holiday Doo Wop Rare archival gems include performances Motown The Temptations, The Four Tops, Marvin Dr. Rudy Tanzi by The Del Vikings, The Clovers, & more. Gaye, The Supremes & more are showcased. Sid Martha Dinosaur WordGirl Fetch! Raggs Franny's WordW- Curious Arthur Zula CliffordScience orld Red Dog Train "Color" Feet George Patrol Speaks Steves' Travels Smart Lidia's Cook's Travels Burt Wolf: Smart Travels Smart Steves' Smart Europe "Sydney" "Rome" Travels "Paris" Europe Italy Country Travels Travels Travels Travels Boundless Potential With Mark Mastering It Tips to deal with adult Tackling Diabetes Taking care of Ed Slott's Retirement Rescue Walton Attention Deficit Disorder. diabetes through nutrition. Paid CSI: Miami WFFT Local News Paid Big Bang Big Bang Paid Two and a Criminal Minds Program Program Theory Theory Program Half Men (3:30) NCAA Football
Auburn vs. Alabama (L)
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NC15 (:35) Burn Notice (:35) The Closer Nightcast NewsCe- Saturday Night Live nter 16 (:20) Post- 21 Alive (:05) (:35) Ent. game (L) News Outdoors Tonight
Nobody's Fool (1994, Drama) Jessica Tandy, Melanie Griffith, Paul Newman. News Saturday Night Live Weekend Masterchef "Top 8 30 Night Shift Compete" Seconds Batman Rob on The Dust Bowl Live the Road Thomas & Wild Bob the Peep/PoKratts coyo Friends Builder G. Trekker "Panama Amer. Test Simply Ming and Columbia" Kitchen Austin City Limits The Dust Bowl "Jimmy Cliff" Law & Order Cold Squad
(22) WSBT (3:30) NCAA Football Auburn vs. Alabama (L) Paid Jeopardy! Holiday Shoppe NCIS 48 Hours (N) News (:35) Made in Jersey (:35) C.Mind (25) WCWW Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Futurama Futurama Seinfeld Seinfeld News To Be Announced (28) WSJV (3:00) NCAA Football (L) G. Break NCAA Football (L) 28 News Masterchef 30Seconds Paid (34) WNIT (4:30) Blood Sugar Doo Wop Discoveries (My Music) Motown: Big Hits and More (My Music) Muddy Waters Dr. Fuhrman's Immunity Solution (46) WHME (3:30) H.S. Football H.S. Football IHSAA 5A State Championship Crook and Chase LESEA in Action The Place Bible (57) WBND (3:30) NCAA Football (L) Post-game News Insider Football /(:05) NCAA Football (L) (:20) Post-g News The Closer (63) WINM TimeHope Overcome Emmaus Difference Super. J.Jewish Sessions 3D Woman Dorinda Health Just Sayin' Praise Wheaton (2:30)
Big Jake ('71, West) John Wayne. A rancher sets out to
Appaloosa ('08, West) Ed Harris. Two men help the
Appaloosa ('08, West) Ed Harris. Two men help the AMC El Dorado search for a kidnapped grandson he never knew he had. people of a small town bring a murderer to justice. people of a small town bring a murderer to justice. Billy Billy Billy Billy Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage To Be Announced Storage Storage A&E Paid Paid Paid Paid Millions Millions Factories "Heineken" The Suze Orman Show Princess Princess Factories "Frito Lay" The Suze Orman Show CNBC CNN Newsroom The Situation Room CNN Newsroom CNBC Special Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom CNBC Special Piers Morgan Tonight CNN (4:00)
Office Space ('99, Com) Ron Livingston. Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O Always Sunny Kyle Kinane (N) Always Sunny COM To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Alaska Marshals To Be Announced Alaska Marshals DISC GoodLuck Austin Austin A.N.T. Farm To Be Announced (:05) GoodL Dog Blog Jessie Austin Gravity GoodLuck Jessie Austin DISN (3:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced C. Lately To Be Announced E! Movie (:50)
Air Force One ('97, Act) Harrison Ford.
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King ('03, Fant) Viggo Mortensen.
Under Siege 2: Dark Territory ENC (3:30) NCAA Football (L) Football Football (:45) NCAA Football (L) (:45) SportsCenter The day's news in SportsCenter ESPN Score. (L) Score. (L) the world of sports. (3:30) NCAA Football (L) Scoreb. NCAA Football (L) Football Score. (L) NCAA Basketball Las Vegas Classic (L) ESPN2 (3:30) Nanny McPhee... Home Alone 4 ('02, Com) French Stewart.
Home Alone ('90, Com) Macaulay Culkin.
Richie Rich ('94, Com) Macaulay Culkin. Unaccompanied Mi... FAM (4:00) News HQ America's News HQ Fox Report Weekend Huckabee Justice JudgeJeanine Fox Report Weekend Journal E. Fox News Justice JudgeJeanine FNC (3:30) NCAA Football Tulane vs. Houston (L) UEFA Game NCAA Volleyball MVC Tournament Women's Halls of Ultimate UFC Unleashed Big 12 Live (L) FSMW Magazine Time Championship (L) Fame Insider (4:00) Mistletoe Over... Christmas Magic ('11, Dra) Lindy Booth. Naughty or Nice (2012, Drama) The Wishing Tree ('12, Fam) Jason Gedrick. Matchmaker Santa HALL (:15) Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry learns (:45)
Red Tails Black pilots who were kept segregated Boxing Berto vs. Guerrero (:45) 24/7 HBO that a convicted murderer has escaped Azkaban prison & i... during World War II are finally called into action. (4:35) One Day Anne Hathaway. (:25) The Girl Shanti Roney. Treme Treme Game of Thrones True Blood (:55)
Pulp Fiction HBO2 (4:40)
Big Fish (:50)
Hereafter ('10, Dra) Cécile De France, Matt Damon.
Little Fockers Ben Stiller. (:45) Making Envy ('04, Com) Ben Stiller. Movie HBOS Home Strange Home High Low House Renovation Love It or List It Celeb. Holiday Homes HouseH House HouseH House Celeb. Holiday Homes HGTV (4:00) MenBuiltAmerica BuiltAm. "When One Ends, Another Begins" Mankind: The Story of All of Us "Inventors" Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Mankind "Inventors" HIST (4:00) A Christmas Pr... The Christmas Hope Madeleine Stowe. The March Sisters at Christmas Holiday Spin ('12, Dra) Ralph Macchio. The March Sisters at... LIFE Hunted
Contagion Matt Damon. (:20)
Resident Evil: Apocalypse Hunted "Polyhedrus" The Philly Kid Wes Chatham. (:35) Hunted (:35) Skin MAX (4:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced MTV iCarly iCarly Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious ToRock Big Time iCarly Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends NICK (4:30) Age of the Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God Dungeons & Dragons: The Book of Vile Dark... Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon... SCIFI Boxing Showtime Championship Homeland "I'll Fly War Horse Faster (2010, Action) Billy Bob Thornton,
Red State (2011, Horror) Homeland "I'll Fly Dexter SHOW Away" Away" Maggie Grace, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. Michael Parks, Melissa Leo, GearZ GearZ GearZ GearZ Wrecked Wrecked Wrecked Wrecked Wrecked Wrecked Wrecked Wrecked FIM Supercross SPEED (4:30) Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Anakin is swayed by
Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope Luke Skywalker and his
Reign of Fire (2002, Action) Matthew SPIKE the Dark Side of the Force, putting Obi-Wan and Padme at risk. allies set out to rescue Princess Leia from the Galactic Empire. McConaughey, Izabella Scorupco, Christian Bale. Movie (:25) The Muppets Jason Segel. (:10) Cars 2 ('11, Ani) Larry the Cable Guy.
Finding Nemo (:45)
Jack and Jill (:20) Bad Teacher STARZ Friends Friends Queens Queens Queens Queens BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Wedding Band (N) Wedding Band
Shrek the Third TBS Undercover Boss Boss "Chicago Cubs" 20/20 "Over the Line" 20/20 on TLC 20/20 on TLC (N) 20/20 on TLC (N) 20/20 on TLC 20/20 on TLC TLC (3:55) Blues Brothers
Our Idiot Brother ('11, Com) Beastly ('11, Dra) Vanessa Isolation (2007, Horror) Sean (:40)
Psychosis ('10, Cri) Paul (:15) Isolation ('07, Hor) TMC "The Blues Are Back" Elizabeth Banks, Paul Rudd. Hudgens, Alex Pettyfer. Harris, Marcel Iures, Essie Davis. Sculfor, Charisma Carpenter. Essie Davis. Movie (:45)
Kiss the Girls ('97, Susp) Ashley Judd.
Angels and Demons ('09, Myst) Ewan McGregor, Tom Hanks.
The Da Vinci Code ('06, Dra) Tom Hanks. TNT Cosby Divorced Divorced Divorced Divorced Divorced Divorced Divorced Divorced Divorced Divorced Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens TVLND Cosby SVU "Runaway" SVU "Popular" Law&O.:SVU "Honor" SVU "Bad Blood" SVU "Wanderlust" SVU "Misleader" SVU "Entitled" SVU "Tangled" USA Marrying Behind Music "Game" Behind Music "Nas" Behind Music "Notorious B.I.G."
Double Take ('01, Dra) Eddie Griffin. Marrying TI Tiny TI Tiny Rock Docs VH1 Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos NBA Basketball Chicago vs Milwaukee (L) WGN News at Nine Bones WGN
an artifact to raise an army and get revenge on his enemies. (2h30) (SPIKE) “Reign of Fire” ++ (2002, Action) Matthew McConaughey, Christian Bale. Two men battle a brood of ancient dragons that have risen to dominate Earth. (2h) (TNT) “The Da Vinci Code” +++ (2006, Drama) Audrey Tautou, Tom Hanks. A symbologist follows clues at a murder scene in a race to decode an ancient secret. (3h) 11:30 p.m. (ENC) “Under Siege 2: Dark Territory” ++ (1995, Action) Eric Bogosian, Steven Seagal. An ex-Navy SEAL must stop a madman and a terrorist group who hijacked a passenger train. (1h40) 11:55 p.m. (HBO2) “Pulp Fiction” +++ (1994, Crime Story) Uma Thurman, John Travolta. Two hit men cross paths with a gangster, an overdosing girlfriend, a boxer and two hoods. (2h40) Midnight (TBS) “Shrek the Third” +++ (2007, Animated) Eddie Murphy, Mike Myers. Shrek sets out to find a teenaged prince who can assume the throne in his place. (2h) 12:20 a.m. (STARZ) “Bad Teacher” +++ (2011, Comedy) Jason Segal, Cameron Diaz. An unconventional educator teaches her class and herself a unique type of lesson. (1h40) 12:45 a.m. (HBOS) “State of Grace” ++ (1990, Drama) Ed Harris, Sean Penn. An Irish hood returns to his old New York City neighborhood as an undercover cop. (2h20) 1:00 a.m. (AMC) “Big Jake” ++ (1971, Western) Richard Boone, John Wayne. A rancher sets out to search for a kidnapped grandson he never knew he had. (2h30) 1:10 a.m. (ENC) “The Roommate” ++ (2011, Thriller) Leighton Meester, Minka Kelly. A college student’s new roommate quickly becomes violently obsessed with her. (1h35) 2:00 a.m. (55) (WFFT) “The Last Castle” ++ (2001, Action) James Gandolfini, Robert Redford. A celebrated general is sent to a military prison where he challenges an unjust warden. (2h30) (COM) “Bad Santa” +++ (2003, Comedy) Bernie Mac, Billy Bob Thornton. A conman poses as a mall Santa in order to rip off department stores during the holidays. (2h) (STARZ) “Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance” ++ (2011, Action) Ciaran Hinds, Nicholas Cage. Johnny Blaze is called from Europe to thwart the devil’s attempt at taking human form. (1h40) (TMC) “Psychosis” ++ (2010, Crime Story) Paul Sculfor, Charisma Carpenter. A writer visits a camp where years earlier a serial killer had unleashed his blood lust. (1h35) (TNT) “Fracture” ++ (2007, Thriller) Ryan Gosling, Anthony Hopkins. An engineer and an ambitious district attorney become locked in a deadly battle of wits. (2h) 2:15 a.m. (HBO) “Red Tails” ++ (2012, Action) Cuba Gooding Jr.. Black pilots who were kept segregated during World War II are finally called into action. (2h10)
16 • November 18 - November 24, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR