December 2 - December 8, 2012
LL Cool J returns as the co-host for "The Grammy Nominations Concert Live!" - Page 2
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2 • December 2 - December 8, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
Rockin' the Music City Music to their ears: CBS airs fifth live Grammy nominations concert Rebecca Potter TV Media t's been a great year for music, and the Grammys are coming to showcase some of the best artists and albums of the year. And while February may seem far away, CBS will broadcast "The Grammy Nominations Concert Live! ‚ÄÎ Countdown To Music's Biggest Night" with co-hosts Taylor Swift and LL Cool J on Wednesday, Dec. 5. This is the fifth time that the
nominations have been released live during a television special. While twotime Grammy winner LL Cool J has hosted the Nominations Concert since its 2008 inception, he hasn't had a cohost since he was paired up with Swift in the very first broadcast. Now, having already won six Grammys of her own, Swift returns this year to share the co-hosting duties with LL Cool J. Joining the festivities for the evening are three-time Grammy winning group Maroon 5 and country singer/songwriter Luke Bryan, who Thank you for a great year. We look forward to seeing you in 2013!
And... NO shoveling snow!
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will be performing during the special. Recently added to the lineup was the group fun., who just finished their debut on "Saturday Night Live" a few weeks ago, and three-time Grammy winner Ne-Yo. After the hour-long nomination announcements, there will be an exclusive concert from Maroon 5, coming off the release of their fourth studio album, Overexposed. Since its beginnings, the nomination show has been filmed in Los Angeles, but this year's concert is making the move to Nashville, Tenn., and will be held at the Bridgestone Arena. Nashville is not a surprising choice, given it has some of the best musical history that North America has to offer and is home to the annual Country Music Awards, the Grand Ole Opry, and the Country Music Hall of Fame. "Having The Grammy Nomination Concert Live! in Music City is a perfect fit," said Karl Dean, the mayor of Nashville. "This announcement further validates that Nashville is a destination on the rise, and our rich musical heritage has once again put us on the stage. This is tremendous news for Nashville, and we look forward to working with The Recording Academy to ensure the show's success." "The Grammy Nominations Concert Live! â&#x20AC;&#x161;Ă&#x201E;ĂŽ Countdown To Music's Biggest Night" has seen some great musical guest appearances, including Lady Gaga, Usher, The Band Perry, The Jonas Brothers, The Black Eyed Peas and Sugarland. Last year
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Taylor Swift will co-host "The Grammy Nominations Concert Live! Countdown To Music's Biggest Night" drew some buzz with the performance of "You & I" with both Lady Gaga and Sugarland, and Lady Gaga opened as the first performance of the night, reveling in the shadow of Halloween as she was painted up as a skeleton. There was also a tribute to the song "The Message" with host LL Cool J, Rick Ross, Common, Lupe Fiasco, Grandmaster Flash, Melle Mel and Scorpio. There's also a lot of anticipation over Swift's involvement. She's had a very busy year herself, having recently appeared as a special guest on "The X Factor," taken home three MTV European Music Awards, and
announced her 2013 North American tour "Red" with British sensation Ed Sheeran. Her song "Mean" won her two Grammys last year, and her song "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" became one of the fastestselling digital singles in history when it was released in August, making it a possible Grammy contender. The road to Music's Biggest Night might begin with "The Grammy Nominations Concert Live!", but it culminates with The 55th Annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center on Sunday, Feb. 10, on CBS. At the last event, fans saw British singer/songwriter Adele take home six Grammys, including Record of the Year and Album of the Year for "21," as well as Song of the Year for "Rolling In The Deep." Adele's album "21" was the longest-running album at the No. 1 position on the U.S. Billboard Top 200 since Prince's "Purple Rain" in 1985. Hints of potential nominations for Frank Ocean, Mumford and Sons and Bruce Springsteen are already in the air. The Grammys are one of the most highly anticipated award shows of the year, and numbers don't lie.
THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • December 2 - December 8, 2012 • 3
WANE-CBS 15 Ft. Wayne WPTA-ABC 21 Ft. Wayne WPTA-CW 21.2 Ft. Wayne WISE-NBC 33 Ft. Wayne WISE-MY FOX 33.2 Ft. Wayne WFWA-PBS 39 Ft. Wayne WFWA-KIDS 39.2 Ft. Wayne WFWA-CREATE 39.3 Ft. Wayne WFWA-4YOU 39.4 Ft. Wayne WFFT 55 Ft. Wayne WINM-TBN 63 Ft. Wayne WNDU-NBC 16 South Bend WSBT-CBS 22 South Bend WCWW-CW 25 South Bend WSJV-FOX 28 South Bend WNIT-PBS 34 South Bend WHME-IND 46 South Bend WBND-ABC 57 South Bend Local Channel* AMC American Movie Classics Animal Planet* Arts & Entertainment A&E Big Ten Network* Bravo* Country Music Television CMT* CNBC Consumer News & Bus. CNN Cable News Network C-SPAN* Cable News Network Cartoon Network* Comedy Central COM DISC Discovery Channel DISN The Disney Channel E! Entertainment Network ENC Encore ESPN Ent. Sports Network ESPN 2 Ent. Sports Network 2 FAM ABC Family Channel Food Network* FNC Fox News Channel Fox Sports Midwest Fox Entertainment FX* GAC* Great American Country HALL Hallmark HBO Home Box Office HBO2 Home Box Office 2 HBOS Home Box Office Sig. HLN* Headline News HGTV Home & Garden Television HIST History Channel HSN* Home Shopping Network Life Lifetime MAX Cinamax MSNBC* Microsoft NBC MTV Music Television NICK Nickelodeon Outdoor Channel* Oprah Winfrey Network OWN* PIN* QVC* Value Network SCIFI Sci-Fi Channel SHOW Showtime SPEED Speed Channel SPIKE STARZ TBS TBS Super Station TBN* TLC The Learning Channel The Movie Channel TMC Turner Network TeleviTNT TRAVEL* Travel Channel TVLND TV Land USA Network USA Video Hits 1 VH1 Weather Channel* Weather Radar* WGN-TV Chicago, IL WGN
-- 2 4 4 7 7 8 8 78 78 13 13 118 118 119 119 120 120 6 6 11 11 12 --- --- --- -3 3 10 10 -- -20 20 45 45 46 46 39 39 49 49 60 60 29 29 66 66 63 63 18 18 67 67 47 47 35 35 69 69 26 26 421 421 31 31 32 32 70 70 59 59 62 62 33 33 24 24 -- -40 40 301 301 303 303 307 307 64 64 37 37 38 38 21 21 23 23 325 325 65 65 27 27 68 68 267 267 243 243 95 95 17 17 41 41 351 351 48 48 30 30 401 401 43 43 52 52 36 36 375 375 44 44 58 58 25 25 34 34 28 28 42 42 -- 19 9 9
2 4 7 8 78 13 118 119 120 6 11 ----3 10 -20 45 46 39 49 60 29 66 63 18 67 47 35 69 26 421 31 32 70 59 62 33 24 -40 301 303 307 64 37 38 21 23 325 65 27 68 267 243 95 17 41 351 48 30 401 43 52 36 375 44 58 25 34 28 42 19 9
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*Denotes NOT listed in the grids.
2 2 7 4 19 7 13 8 -- 78 3 13 241 118 242 119 243 120 12 6 10 11 -- --- --- --- --3 -- 10 -- --- 20 36 45 23 46 38 39 255 49 175 60 56 29 61 66 17 63 98 18 99 67 65 47 34 35 70 69 63 26 150 421 6 31 30 32 41 70 42 59 44 62 8 33 16 24 37 -137 40 301 301 302 303 303 307 15 64 98 37 35 38 11 21 39 23 320 325 14 65 50 27 33 68 288 267 21 243 -- 95 4 17 48 41 340 351 46 48 47 30 370 401 25 43 -- 52 22 36 350 375 24 44 66 58 27 25 20 34 49 28 97 42 -- 19 99 9
2 -4 -7 -8 8 78 -13 13 118 118 119 119 120 120 6 -11 -12 12 5 5 -4 -7 3 3 10 10 -6 20 20 45 45 46 46 39 39 49 49 60 60 29 29 66 66 63 63 18 18 67 67 47 47 35 35 69 69 26 26 421 421 31 31 32 32 70 70 59 59 62 62 33 33 24 24 -- -40 40 301 301 303 303 307 307 64 64 37 37 38 38 21 21 23 23 325 325 65 65 27 27 68 68 267 267 243 243 95 95 17 17 41 41 351 351 48 48 30 30 401 401 43 43 52 52 36 36 375 375 44 44 58 58 25 25 34 34 28 28 42 42 19 -9 9
2 4 7 8 -13 118 119 120 6 11 12 ---3 10 -20 45 46 39 49 60 29 66 63 18 67 47 35 69 26 421 31 32 70 59 62 33 24 -40 301 303 307 64 37 38 21 23 325 65 27 68 267 243 95 17 41 351 48 30 401 43 52 36 375 44 58 25 34 28 42 19 9
2 4 7 8 78 13 118 119 120 6 1 12 5 --3 10 -20 45 46 39 49 60 29 66 63 18 67 47 35 69 26 421 31 32 70 59 62 33 24 -40 301 303 307 64 37 38 21 23 325 65 27 68 267 243 95 17 41 351 48 30 401 43 52 36 375 44 58 25 34 28 42 19 9
ACROSS 1 Dancer/actress Ms. Charisse 4 __ Annie (Character from the musical Oklahoma!) 7 Comet’s cleanser competitor 11 Ireland’s flyer, __ Lingus 12 Keystone officer in old movies 13 Jade 14 Daughter of “The Mod Squad” star Peggy Lipton who plays nurse Ann Perkins on NBC comedy “Parks and Recreation”: 2 wds. 17 “The __ Patient” (1996) 18 Actor Shaun who was one of The Hardy Boys on ‘70s TV 22 Best Foreign Language Oscar-winning film, “Babette’s __” (1987) 25 Fortified 26 __ periculo (At my own risk, in Latin) 27 Ms. Keanan who starred on 1987 to 1990 sitcom “My Two Dads” 28 “Designing __” 30 The President, to the mil. 31 Ms. Verdugo of “Marcus Welby, M.D.” 32 Ancient looped-crosses of
Egypt 35 “Four Weddings and a __” (1994) 37 Fashion industry mogul who is a ‘Shark’ on ABC’s “Shark Tank”, __ John 39 ‘80s series about a detective agency 44 Look bewilderedly 45 Aria in Mozart opera Don Giovanni: “Dalla __ Pace” 46 Faith’s country honey 47 The Rockies, e.g. 48 Select 49 Music style DOWN 1 “__ 54, Where Are You?” (‘60s comedy) 2 Official-sounding affirmative 3 “Grey’s Anatomy” pros
4 John Travolta/Olivia Newton-John movie, “Two of _ __” (1983) 5 Tricky 6 Birthstone 7 Madonna’s “Vogue” beginning: “Strike _ __.” 8 Composer of the theme song for “Miami Vice”: 2 wds. 9 Ginger beverage 10 Some T-shirt sizes 15 Character created by Swiss author Johanna Spyri (b.1827 - d.1901) 16 Peanut butter brand 18 One of the conspirators in Shakespeare play Julius Caesar 19 “Our Father which __ __ heaven...” 20 Wrestling program on Friday nights on Syfy 21 Demi-__ (Champagne designation) 23 “I’ve Just __ _ Face” by The Beatles 24 Of varied pitch 28 George of “Cheers” 29 Hoagy Carmichael song: “__ Buttermilk Sky” 33 “Cloud Atlas” (2012) star Tom 34 Word part, for short 35 Be eyeglasses coming in from the cold: 2 wds. 36 Doff one’s derby 38 Fermented soybean paste 39 Leo’s studio 40 Bit of granola 41 ‘80s comedy, “__ a Living” 42 ‘Beat’ suffix 43 “Today” competition, for short Solution on page 9
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4 • December 2 - December 8, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
Sunday movies
8:00 p.m. (55) (WFFT) (25) (WCWW) “Moonlight Mile” ++ (2002, Romance) Dustin Hoffman, Jake Gyllenhaal. A man and the parents of his fiancée are left to pick up the pieces after her murder. (2h) (COM) “Dinner for Schmucks” ++ (2010, Comedy) Paul Rudd, Steve Carell. A man questions his invitation to a party where the idiocy of the guests is celebrated. (2h33) (E!) “Sweet Home Alabama” ++ (2002, Comedy) Candice Bergen, Reese Witherspoon. A designer’s plans to marry are threatened when her first husband refuses to divorce her. (2h) (ENC) “Jurassic Park” +++ (1993, Sci-Fi) Laura Dern, Sam Neill. Genetically re-created dinosaurs break out of captivity and wreak havoc in a theme park. (2h10) (SPIKE) “Pitch Black” ++ (2000, Thriller) Cole Hauser, Vin Diesel. Marooned space travelers struggle for survival on a seemingly lifeless sunscorched world. (2h45) (TBS) “Four Christmases” ++ (2009, Comedy) Reese Witherspoon, Vince Vaughn. A couple struggles to spend Christmas with all four of their divorced parents. (2h) (TMC) “50/ 50” ++++ (2011, Comedy/Drama) Seth Rogen, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. A 27-year-old comes to terms with his life after being diagnosed with spinal cancer. (2h) (TNT) “Inception” +++ (2010, Action) Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. A skilled thief has a final shot at redemption if he can execute his toughest job to date. (3h15) 8:30 p.m. (SCIFI) “Raiders of the Lost Ark” ++++ (1981, Adventure) Karen Allen, Harrison Ford. An archaeologist and a woman from his past search for the Ark of the Covenant in Egypt. (2h30) 9:00 p.m. (HBOS) “The Descendants” ++ (2011, Comedy/Drama) Shailene Woodley, George Clooney. A man takes his daughters to Hawaii to find the man his wife was having an affair with. (2h) (STARZ) “The Smurfs” ++ (2011, Children) Kate Perry, Hank Azaria. The Smurfs are plunged into the human world after evading the grasp of an evil wizard. (1h50) 9:30 p.m. (FAM) “Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas” +++ (2000, Fantasy) Taylor Momsen, Jim Carrey. The Grinch disguises himself as Santa to steal Christmas from the people of Whoville. (2h30) 10:00 p.m. (HALL) “The Christmas Card” ++ (2006, Drama) John Newton, Edward Asner. Moved by an anonymous Christmas card, Captain Cody Cullen searches for the card’s sender. (2h) (HBO2) “Final Destination 5” ++ (2011, Horror) Emma Bell, Nicholas D’agosto. Death is at it again after several of its intended victims escape a major disaster. (1h35) (TBS) “Four Christmases” ++ (2009, Comedy) Reese Witherspoon, Vince Vaughn. A couple struggles to spend Christmas with all four of their divorced parents. (2h)
8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 The NFL Today (L) NFL Football Indianapolis Colts vs. Detroit Lions Site: Ford Field -- Detroit, (:25) NFL Paid Program Mich. (L) Football USSA Skiing Birds of Swimming Winter PGA Golf Chevron World Challenge Final Paid Home Catholic Meet the Press Paid Nationals (L) Round Site: Sherwood Country Club (L) Show Mass Program Program Prey Indiana Busch This Week Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Sounds of the Makeover: Home Business Chiro Program Program Program Program Program Program Season "Watson Family" Paid Holly
Brideshead Revisited A story of forbidden love
Mrs. Paid Animal Elizabeth Live, Life HollyProgram Program Science Stanton and Win! wood wood and the loss of innocence set in England before WWII. Winterbourne Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Sounds USSA Skiing Birds of Swimming Winter PGA Golf Chevron World Challenge Final Program Program Program Program Program Season Prey Nationals (L) Round Site: Sherwood Country Club (L) NFL Football (L) UFC Fox News Sunday Storm Storm Fox NFL Sunday Stories Stories Road Antique "Baltimore Roadtrip Religion Motown The Temptations, The Four Tops, Kid Concoctions "Wacky and Super Brain With Dr. Rudy (Hour Two)" Nation Marvin Gaye, The Supremes & more are sh... Wild" Tanzi News Sid Martha Clifford- Thomas- Wild Bob the Peep/PFetch! Raggs Barney & WordCurious Arthur Zula "Play" Science Friends World George Patrol Speaks Red Dog Friends Kratts Builder ocoyo Greener Katie Ask-Old WoodBake K.Brown Test Baking Test Cook's Cook's Cookin- Baking Bake House work World Brown Decorate Country gFriends w/ Julia Decorate "Sweet" Kitchen w/ Julia Kitchen Country Wild Aroun- Arthur Dinosaur Dr. Fuhrman's Immunity Bellydance Superstars The Heart of Perfect Health BellydKratts Train Solution "Bombay Bellywood" With Brenda Watson dHouse ance Paid
Signs (2002, Thriller) Joaquin Wall St. This Old Extra Weekend Catholic Colts Colts Up Paid Paid Program Mass Coaches Close Program Program Phoenix, Rory Culkin, Mel Gibson. Journal House
(15) WANE
First News Sunday CBS Sunday Morning
(16) WNDU
Sunday Today (N) NewsCenter 16 Sunday Morning Garden Blackhawk Bible Home Travels Hour Conn. TomoIn Touch With Dr. Key of Charles Stanley David rrow Sunday Today (N) Meet the Press
(21) WPTA (21.2) CW (33) WISE
Worship Shut-Ins Thomas(39) WFWA Friends Bob the (39.2) KIDS Builder Stellino's (39.3) CRE Kitchen Ask-Old (39.4) YOU House Eco (55) WFFT Company (33.2) MNT
Art & Soul Daniel Tiger Peep/Pocoyo Art of Food Woodwright's Sports Stars
Blackhawk Bible Hour Mark Biz Kid$ Kistler Dinosaur WordGirl Train OpenGrannies Road on Safari Woodt- Woodsmi urning th Shop Paid MattProgram hews
Face the Nation
5L^ /VWL *OYPZ[PHU *LU[LY ^^^ 5L^/VWL PU Face the Paid Job TV The NFL Today (L) NFL Football Indianapolis Colts vs. Detroit Lions Site: Ford Field -- Detroit, (:25) NFL (22) WSBT Liberty's Liberty's CBS Sunday Morning Kids Kids Nation Program Mich. (L) Football Paid TMZ Paid
The Forsaken (2001, Horror) Brendan
Signs (2002, Thriller) Joaquin
The Perfect Storm ('00, Act) Mark (25) WCWW Winning Sports Fehr, Izabella Miko, Kerr Smith. Phoenix, Rory Culkin, Mel Gibson. Wahlberg, Diane Lane, George Clooney. Edge Stars Program Program Fox NFL Sunday NFL Football Seattle Seahawks vs. Chicago Bears Site: Soldier Field -Outdoor CARS.TV Paid UFC (28) WSJV Northlan Indiana Fox News Sunday Paid Program Chicago, Ill. (L) d Adven. Business Program Secrets Road Best of WNIT Off the Indiana Washingt Economi McLaugh To the (34) WNIT Cyberc- Biz Kid$ Outdoor Steves' Inside Indiana Elements Europe Business Record Review on Week cOutlook lin Group Contrary hase (46) WHME Paid Paid In Touch Ministries M.Jeske Hart Worship Paid Pioneer Memorial Gospel Paid Studio B Bible Ernest Angley Paid Manna Paid Paid This Week Paid Paid Paid Paid Judge Judge Judge Judge Cold Case Files Makeover: Home (57) WBND Good Morning America Sunday Program Program Program Program Program Program Brown Brown Judy Judy "Watson Family" Jack Kingdom Love Classics: You Are Dorinda In Touch With Dr. Word T. Worship Ministry Faith in Ever Increasing (63) WINM Cornerstone With Z. Levitt Jesus Revealed Charles Stanley Combs Shut-Ins History Faith Worth Loved Hayford Pastor John Hagee AMC Mad Men
Four Brothers ('05, Act) Mark Wahlberg.
Predator ('87, Sci-Fi) Arnold Schwarzenegger. Dead "Seed" Dead "Sick" The Walking Dead Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Celebrity Ghost St. The Haunting Of The Haunting Of Ship War Ship War Ship War Ship War Ship War Ship War Panic 9-1-1 A&E Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid CNBC Sat. Morn. News State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Next List News Your Money CNN Newsroom CNN M.Vance (:45) H.Buress (:45) Who's Your Caddy? (:45)
Code Name: The Cleaner (:45)
The Hot Chick Rob Schneider. (:45)
Year One Movie COM Paid Paid Curiosity Jungle Gold Gold Rush Gold Rush Gold Rush Auction Auction Auction Auction Ghost Town Gold DISC M.Mouse Jake Phineas Phineas GoodLk Jessie The Santa Clause 3: The Esc... (:35) Jessie Tinker Bell & the Lost Trea... Austin A.N.T. A.N.T. Austin Austin DISN (7:00) Too Young Ice Coco Ice Coco Love You The Soup E! News Weekend Fashion Police Love You
The Women ('08, Com) Meg Ryan. NMinaj NMinaj E! (7:45)
Jurassic Park Sam Neill. Lonesome Dov "The Vision" (:35) Lonesome "The Forge" (:10) Lonesome "The Legacy" (:40) Lonesome "The Passing" Kindergarten Cop ENC SportsCenter SportsCenter Sunday NFL Countdown (L) Valvano /(:15) F. Final (:15) 30 for 30 "Benji" (:45) NCAA Basketball ESPN F.Final MatchUp Football Final OLines Report Fantasy Football Now (L) Poker World Series Poker World Series Poker World Series Poker World Series ESPN2 Movie
Miracle on 34th Street
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus The Search for Santa Paws
Jack Frost ('98, Fam) Michael Keaton. FAM (6:00) FOX & Friends Sunday News HQ Housecal America's News HQ America's News HQ Fox News Stossel America's News HQ FNC Big12 Big 12 G3 Sport Scent. Game Insider Game Horse Garage Performa Outdoors Big 12 NCAA Basketball SC-U/Kan.St. (L) Game Basket. FSMW
Eloise at Christmastime Jingle HoopYoyo Jingle All Jingle It's Christmas, Carol! Carrie Fisher. A Bride for Christmas Andrew W. Walker. A Dog Named Chr... HALL Movie
New York Minute 24/7 Picture Perfect Brooke Banner. Making
Red Tails ('12, Act) Cuba Gooding Jr.. (:45) The Art of Getting By (:15) Witness HBO Real Sports
The Rainmaker ('97, Dra) Matt Damon. (:25) Safe House (2012, Action) Ryan Reynolds, Robert Patrick, Denzel Washington. (:50) Boardwalk E. Movie HBO2 (7:50)
Housesitter PostGirl (:15)
The Descendants (:15)
Taking Lives Angelina Jolie. Paradise Lost Paradise HBOS Disaster Disaster Disaster Disaster Disaster Disaster Property Brothers Love It or List It MillionDollar Rm MillionDollar Rm MillionDollar Rm MillionDollar Rm HGTV Titanic at 100: Mystery Solved Titanic's Final Moments: Missing Pieces Titanic's Achilles Heel Restore Restore Restore Restore Restore Restore HIST Hr. Power Turn Point J.Osteen Paid Christine Christine
The Christmas Blessing A Christmas Proposal Nicole Eggert. The Christmas Consultant LIFE Movie (:35)
Green Lantern Ryan Reynolds. Project X Thomas Mann. Hunted "Khyber"
Love Actually Emma Thompson. MaxCut
The Contender MAX Teen Mom 2 Catfish Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu. Ridicu.
Mean Girls ('04, Com/Dra) Lindsay Lohan. Jersey Shore Jersey MTV Power Sponge iCarly Victori. Big Time ToRock Ninja Ninja Fairly Odd Christmas Parents Parents Parents Parents Parents A Fairly Odd Mov... NICK Paid Paid Twilight Twilight DealDark
The Arrival ('96, Sci-Fi) Charlie Sheen.
Starship Troopers ('97, Sci-Fi) Denise Richards.
Outlander SCIFI Inside the NFL Jim Rome Boxing Showtime Championship Cotto vs. Trout A Game of Honor (:35)
The Core SHOW CarCazy Truck U Garage ClassicCar ClassicCar Chop BoatRace BoatRace DTM Touring Car Off Road Racing ClassicCar ClassicCar ClassicCar ClassicCar ClassicCar ClassicCar SPEED Paid Program Xtr. 4x4 Horsep. Trucks! Muscle.. Tattoo (:35) Tattoo (:10) Tattoo (:40) Tattoo (:15) Tattoo (:50) Tattoo (:25) Tattoo Night. (:55) Tattoo Tattoo (:05) Tattoo (:40) Tattoo SPIKE (7:40) Soul Surfer Ghost Rider: Spirit of Venge... (:10)
The Smurfs Hank Azaria. Gnomeo and Juliet (:25) Pirates of the Caribbean: The Cu... Movie STARZ Friends Friends Friends Friends Wedding Band
Bewitched ('05, Com) Nicole Kidman.
You, Me and Dupree Owen Wilson. (:15)
The Bucket List Jack Nicholson. TBS Paid Paid Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Bride "Kara" Holiday ER Untold Stories Untold Stories TLC Movie
Reality Bites (:15)
Year of the Dog Molly Shannon. Peep World Lewis Black. Good Time Max (:50) The Trouble With Bliss Sarah Shahi. Movie TMC Law & Order LawOrder "Driven" Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order
Angels and Demons ('09, Myst) Tom Hanks. TNT (:25) Roseanne Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Divorced Divorced Hot In Hot In Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby TVLND Paid Program Burn Notice NCIS NCIS NCIS "Freedom" NCIS NCIS "Defiance" NCIS "Kill Screen" NCIS USA VH1 Top 20 Videos VH1 Top 20 Videos Saturday Night Live Kid Stars "Hour 4" TI Tiny Bball Wives LA Marrying Couples Therapy
Stand by Me Wil Wheaton. VH1 Key David Beyond Matlock
The Perfect Storm ('00, Act) George Clooney.
True Crime ('99, Dra) Clint Eastwood.
Signs ('02, Thril) Mel Gibson. WGN
THE NEWS SUN â&#x20AC;˘ THE HERALD REPUBLICAN â&#x20AC;˘ THE STAR â&#x20AC;˘ December 2 - December 8, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ 5 SUNDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM (15) WANE (16) WNDU
(21) WPTA (21.2) CW (33) WISE (33.2) MNT (39) WFWA (39.2) KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) YOU
(55) WFFT
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
Football Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Baltimore Ravens 60 Minutes The Amazing Race Good Wife "Battle of The Mentalist "Fugue NC15 (:05) Comedy.TV in Red" Site: M & T Bank Stadium -- Baltimore, Md. (L) the Proxies" (N) Nightcast (3:00) PGA Golf Chevron NewsCe- NBC News Football Night in (:20) NFL Football Philadelphia Eagles vs. Dallas Cowboys Site: Cowboys Stadium -NewsCe- (:05) Inside (:35) Paid nter 16 nter 16 World Challenge (L) America (L) Arlington, Texas (L) Edition Program Ext. Makeover: Home 21 Alive ABC News America's Funniest Once Upon a Time Revenge 666 Park Avenue 21 Alive (:35) Loves (:05) Old (:35) Old "Watson Family" 2/2 News Home Videos (N) Ray Christine Christine "Queen of Hearts" (N) "Revelations" (N) "Hypnos" (N) News (4:00)
Mrs. Are We Rules of Are We The King The King Rules Sein. "The Sein. "The Death "Hi 'Til Death
True Crime (1999, Drama) Denis Leary, Lisa There Yet? There Yet? of Queens of Queens "Fun Run" Engage. Airport" Visa" Def TV" Winterbourne Gay Hamilton, Clint Eastwood. (3:00) PGA Golf Chevron News (:20) NFL Football Philadelphia Eagles vs. Dallas Cowboys Site: Cowboys Stadium -News NBC News Football Night in Night Shift World Challenge (L) America (L) Arlington, Texas (L) Weekend Weekend (4:30) UFC Winter Futurama Futurama B.Burger Cleveland The American Always Always Futurama Futurama Bounty Bob's Family Bounty Road "Dr. Yap" Show (N) Simpsons Burger (N) Guy Hunter Hunter Weather Dad (N) Sunny Sunny A Fiddler's Holiday Celtic Woman "A Christmas Lidia "Holiday Tables Downton Abbey Revisited A look Masterp. Two years into World War I, Matthew Nova Celebration" back at the first two seasons. and the other young men choose to go to war. and Traditions" Sid Martha Bob the Dinosaur WordGirl Fetch! Raggs Barney & WordW- Curious Arthur Zula Clifford- Thomas & Wild Peep/PoScience orld Red Dog Friends Kratts coyo Train "Play" Friends George Patrol Speaks Builder Jazzy Veg. Ask This Mexican Mexico: Baking Jacques Mexican Ask This Steves' Equitrek- Jacques Bake Amer. Test Cuisine Amer. Test Mexico: Decorate Culture Table king PĂŠpin Old House Table One Plate With Julia PĂŠpin Kitchen Old House Europe Kitchen One Plate (4:30) Bellydance Mastering It Tips to deal with adult Motown The Temptations, The Four Tops, Marvin Austin City Limits Lidia "Holiday Tables Drop 7 Foods: Feel Better Fast Attention Deficit Disorder. Gaye, The Supremes & more are showcased. and Traditions" "Bombay Bellywood" Paid WFFT Local News CSI: Miami The Office The Office Paid Big Bang Big Bang Two and a Two and a
Moonlight Mile (2002, Romance) Dustin Program Program Theory Theory Half Men Half Men Hoffman, Susan Sarandon, Jake Gyllenhaal. (4:25) NFL
:,9=0*,:! :H[\YKH` W T HUK :\UKH` ! H T (4:25) NFL
Football Pittsburgh vs Baltimore (L) 60 Minutes The Amazing Race The Good Wife (N) The Mentalist News (:05) Paid Outdoors Movie '70s Show Rules Rules BigBang BigBang
Moonlight Mile Jake Gyllenhaal. News Loves Ray Sunny Sunny Futurama Futurama UFCRoad Paid Two 1/2... Two 1/2... B.Burger Clevela. Simpsons BobB (N) FamilyGuy AmerD (N) 28 News The Office 30 Rock 30 Rock Bones "Finder" (2:00) Best of WNIT Best of WNIT Healthy Partners In Touch Ministries Crossroa Comfort Paid VanImpe Gaddy Partners Enjoy-Life Paid Bible LESEA Pioneer Memorial Ext. Makeover: Home ABC News 57 News Home Videos (N) Once Upon a Time (N) Revenge (N) 666 Park Avenue (N) ABC57 Castle Burn Gaither Gospel Hour Fellowship Manna Living Truth VanImpe J. Prince In Touch Ministries Love T. Bates TCT Alive Sessions The Walking Dead Dead "When the Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Talking Comic The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead "Killer Within" "Say the Word" "Hounded" Come Knocking" "Mad to Suffer" (N) "Mad to Suffer" Dead (N) Book (N) "Mad to Suffer" Storage Storage TBA Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Be the Boss (N) Be the Boss Storage Storage Paid Paid Paid Paid Diabetes Wall St. Mark Zuckerberg Mob Money American Greed 60 Minutes Unraveled CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNBC Special Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom CNBC Special Piers Morgan Tonight (4:45)
The 40-Year-Old Virgin ('05, Com) Steve Carell.
Dinner for Schmucks ('10, Com) Steve Carell. (:35) Tosh.O (:05) Brickleb KeyPeele (:05) Dinner for Schm... Alaska "Fall Feast" Alaska/Frontier Moonshiners Moonshiners Moonshiners Moonshiners Moonshiners Moonshiners GoodLuck GoodLuck Austin Shake Up A.N.T. GoodLuck Dog Blog Shake Up Dog Blog Jessie GoodLuck A.N.T. Phineas Jessie Wizards Wizards Ice Coco Ice Coco
Office Space ('99, Com) Ron Livingston.
Sweet Home Alabama Reese Witherspoon. Ice Coco Harry (N) Love You C. Lately The Soup Ice Coco (4:00) Kindergarten C...
Firestarter ('84, Sci-Fi) David Keith.
Jurassic Park ('93, Sci-Fi) Sam Neill. (:10)
The Butterfly Effect Ashton Kutcher. (:10) When a Strang... (3:45) NCAA Fab Five In their own words the Fab Five relive SportsCenter BCSSelec- College Football Bowl Selection (L) SportsCenter The day's news in the SportsCBasketball the days their days at the University of Michigan. world of sports. tion (L) enter Poker World Series Poker World Series -- Las Vegas, Nev. Boxing Boxing Boxing Boxing Boxing
Elf ('03, Com) James Caan, Will Ferrell.
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas J.Osteen K. Shook (4:00) News HQ Fox News Fox Report Weekend Huckabee Stossel Geraldo at Large Huckabee Stossel (4:30) NCAA Basketball Valparaiso To Be Announced UFC Unleashed The Game Bill Snyder WPT Poker Grand Prix vs. St. Louis (L) 365 de Paris (4:00) A Dog Named... A Christmas Wish ('10, Fam) Kristy Swanson. The Christmas Heart ('12, Dra) Teri Polo.
The Christmas Card Edward Asner. A Christmas Visitor (:15)
Elektra (2005, Action) Goran Visnjic,
Contraband (2012, Action) Giovanni Boardwalk Empire (:05) Boardwalk Empire (:10) Boardwalk Empire (:10)
Red Tails ('12, "Margate Sands" (N) "Margate Sands" "Margate Sands" Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Jennifer Garner. Ribisi, Kate Beckinsale, Mark Wahlberg. Act) Cuba Gooding Jr.. (4:50)
Liar Liar (:20) Johnson Family Vacation Safe House ('12, Act) Denzel Washington.
Final Destination 5 (:35) 24/7 (:05)
Femme Fatale (4:30) Paradise Lost 2: Revelations (:45) Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory
The Descendants George Clooney. Hesher Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Movie Million Dollar Rooms HouseH House Million Dollar Rooms Extreme Homes Property Brothers Renovation Renovation Property Brothers Restore Invention Invention Invention Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Outback Hunters Pawn Star Pawn Star Holiday Spin ('12, Dra) Ralph Macchio. Undercover Christmas Jami Gertz. Finding Mrs. Claus ('12, Dra) Mira Sorvino. Undercover Christmas Jami Gertz. Movie (:40)
Red Riding Hood (:20)
Pulp Fiction ('94, Cri) Uma Thurman, John Travolta. Project X ('12, Com) Thomas Mann. Sring Break "Horizontal Mambo" (4:30) Jersey
Mean Girls ('04, Com/Dra) Lindsay Lohan. Teen Mom 2 Jersey Shore Jersey Shore
Scary Movie 2 ('01, Com) Marlon Wayans. Parents Parents Odd Parents "Abra Catastrophe" Parents Fairly Odd Christmas ('12, Child) See Dad The Nanny The Nanny Friends (:35) Friends (:05) Friends (:40) Friends (4:00)
Land of the Lost ('09, Adv) Will Ferrell.
Raiders of the Lost Ark ('81, Adv) Harrison Ford.
Land of the Lost ('09, Adv) Will Ferrell. (3:35)
The Core United States "The Dexter "Helter Homeland "Two Dexter "The Dark... Homeland "Broken Dexter "The Dark... Homeland "Broken Bomb" Skelter" Hats" Whatever" Hearts" Whatever" Hearts" Hilary Swank. ClassicCar ClassicCar ClassicCar ClassicCar Speed Inside the Festival of Speed Beyond 200 ClassicCar Car Crazy Touring Car Racing Festival of Speed (:10)
The Punisher ('04, Act) John Travolta, Thomas Jane. A special
Pitch Black Marooned space travelers struggle for (:45)
Pitch Black Marooned space travelers struggle for agent becomes a vigilante after a ruthless assassin murders his family. survival on a seemingly lifeless sun-scorched world. survival on a seemingly lifeless sun-scorched world. (4:50) Sinners & Saints (:40)
Van Helsing ('04, Act) Hugh Jackman.
The Smurfs Hank Azaria. (:50) Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black P... (:15)
The Holiday ('06, Rom) Kate Winslet, Cameron Diaz.
Four Christmases Vince Vaughn.
Four Christmases Vince Vaughn. Wedding Band Untold Stories Untold Stories Extreme Cougar Wives Sister Wives Sister Wives (N) Suddenly Single (N) Sister Wives Suddenly Single (4:30)
Against the Ropes ('04,
Our Idiot Brother ('11, Com)
50/ 50 (2011, Comedy/Drama) Seth A Bag of Hammers ('11, Com) Jake Last Night (2008, Adult) Stormy Dra) Omar Epps, Meg Ryan. Elizabeth Banks, Paul Rudd. Rogen, Anna Kendrick, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Sandvig, Jason Ritter. Daniels, Brooke Haven.
Catch Me If You Can ('02, Adv) Tom Hanks, Leonardo DiCaprio.
Inception ('10, Act) Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. (:15)
Catch Me If You Can Cosby Cosby
Mission: Impossible ('96, Spy) Jon Voight, Tom Cruise. Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens NCIS "Tell-All" NCIS "Two-Faced" NCIS NCIS "Baltimore" NCIS "Swan Song" NCIS "Pyramid" NCIS "Masquerade" NCIS "Freedom" Kid Stars "Hour 1" Kid Stars "Hour 2" Kid Stars "Hour 3" Kid Stars "Hour 4" Kid Stars "Hour 5" (N) Miss You Kid Stars "Hour 5" Miss You Couples Therapy 30 Rock Funniest Home Videos Bloopers Bloopers M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother News (:40) Replay 30 Rock 30 Rock Rules Rules
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6 • December 2 - December 8, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
Q: What is Sharon Osbourne’s claim to fame, other than being married to Ozzy? A: She has none. That’s not to say that she rode to fame on the long, black-velvet coattails of her heavymetal husband, though — she rode there beside him. Sharon Rachel Levy, born in October 1952 in London’s Brixton neighborhood, met Ozzy Osbourne while her father was managing Ozzy’s band, Black Sabbath. When Ozzy left the band to go solo, Sharon became his manager. They became romantically involved soon afterward. However, that would just be the first step toward Sharon’s larger musicmanagement career, which has since included such other successful rock bands as Electric Light Orchestra, Smashing Pumpkins and Motorhead. She’s known as a tough negotiator with strong business acumen, which, according to a recent profile of her on The Biography Channel, is surprising since her father had very little. Though he was a successful manager as well, he reportedly handled his own family’s finances poorly, and as a result, young Sharon was forever bouncing between riches and rags. Sharon has said that she wanted a similar breadth of experience for her own children, but done properly, by choice. She raised their three kids (TV audiences may be familiar with Jack and Kelly Osbourne, but there’s an elder daughter, Aimee, who refused to appear on their MTV reality show, “The Osbournes”) in a quiet English neighborhood, but in the summer she took them on the road with Ozzy, staying in posh hotels all the way. “It was a good learning experience for the kids; they learned that it’s not all like Beverly Hills,” she told The Biography Channel. Sharon remained behind the scenes, in both a business and family capacity, until the debut of “The Osbournes” on MTV in 2002. The series ran for three years on MTV and was a huge success, widely seen now as a template for the flood of “celebreality” shows that followed.
8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 The Rachael Ray Show Live! With Kelly (16) WNDU and Michael (7:00) Good Morning Live! With Kelly (21) WPTA America and Michael House of House of The Steve Wilkos (21.2) CW Payne Payne Show (7:00) Today Show Today Show II (33) WISE
NC15 at The Young and the BoldBeautiful Noon Restless Today Show II Today Show III NewsC- Extra Access Hollywood enter 16 Live Paid/(Th) Paid The View 21 Alive News at The Chew Season Program Noon The Jeremy Kyle The Wendy Paid Paid Paid Paid Show Williams Show Program Program Program Program Today Show III The Doctors Million- Paid Days of Our Lives Program aire? Paid Divorce Divorce Judge Last Shot Paid The Doctors Paid America Now Old (33.2) MNT Program Program Court Court Alex Program Christine Curious Cat in Dinosaur Sesame Street Daniel Various Various Various Caillou Daniel Super (39) WFWA George the Hat WHY! Train Tiger Tiger Bob the Super Dinosaur WordGirl Fetch! Raggs Sid Barney & WordCurious Sesame Street (39.2) KIDS Builder WHY! Train Science Friends World George Various Various Various Americ- Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various (39.3) CRE as/ Safari Function Sit and Southern Wild Charlie Rose Various Various Newsline Various Democracy Now! (39.4) YOU Fitness Kratts al Fitness Be Fit We the We the Americ- Americ- Judge Mathis Justice A. Paid Justice A. Paid (55) WFFT People People for All for All a's Court a's Court Griffith Griffith Program Program (15) WANE
(7:00) CBS
This Morning (7:00) Today Show
Let's Make a Deal
The Price Is Right
Judge Judge Brown Judy Days of Our Lives The Rachael Ray Show General Hospital The Ellen DeGeneres Show Meet the Meet the The Bill Browns Browns Cunningham Show The Ricki Lake The Jeff Probst Show Show Dr. Phil Trisha The Talk
Super WHY! Martha Speaks Various
Dinosaur Train CliffordRed Dog Various
Cat in the Hat ThomasFriends Various
Sew It/ W.House Maury
The Jerry Springer Show
Curious George Wild Kratts Americas/ Safari Various
The Dr. Oz Show The Ellen DeGeneres Show Katie The Steve Wilkos Show Dr. Phil The Steve Harvey Show Arthur WordGirl Bob the Builder Steves' Europe Various
Super WHY! Various Various
The People's Court
Let's Make a Deal The Price Is Right WSBT The Young and the BoldThe Talk Dr. Phil Katie Morning News Restless Beautiful Divorce Judge Judge The Jerry Springer The Steve Wilkos The Bill Maury King of Friends (25) WCWW The Steve Harvey The People's Court Judge Queens Show Alex Court Brown Brown Show Show Cunningham Show Paid Paid Cash Cab Cash Cab The Ricki Lake The Dr. Oz Show The Dr. Oz Show Paid We the We the Americ- Americ- Paid (28) WSJV (6:00) Fox 28 Program Program People People Show a's Court a's Court Program Program Morning Show Dinosaur Sesame Street Daniel Sid Curious Cat in Super Dinosaur Wild Electric WordGirl Martha Arthur CliffordSuper (34) WNIT Curious Cat in George the Hat WHY! Train Tiger Speaks Train Science George the Hat WHY! Kratts Company Red Dog (46) WHME The Harvest Show Crossroa Life Paid Life Copel'nd Paid Your Health Various Various Various 3 Sons Highway to Heaven The View The Doctors The Chew General Hospital Family Family Judge Judge (57) WBND (7:00) Good Morning Million- Million- The Jeff Probst aire? aire? Feud America Show Feud Judy Judy Voice of Faith in Rabbi Enjoying TCT Joseph Ask the Pastor (M W) Rejoice/(Tu The Jim Bakker Len and Various Health& Benny (63) WINM Joseph Creflo Victory History Lapin Life Prince Th) Alive/(F) Celeb. Show Dollar Nutrition Hinn Today Prince Cathy AMC (6:00) Paid Program Various Movie (W) Movie Various Movie Movie (Tu) Movie / (F) Movie / (M) (:15) Movie Various Movie Bounty Bounty Criminal/(F) TBA Criminal/(F) TBA CSI:Miami/(F) TBA CSI:Miami/(F) TBA Criminal/(F) TBA Criminal/(F) TBA The First 48 The First 48 A&E (6:00) Squawk Box Squawk on the Street Fast Money Power Lunch Street Signs Closing Bell CNBC (7:00) Starting Point CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom The Situation Room CNN Paid Paid Entour. R.Scovel Daily Sh. Colbert Scrubs Scrubs Various Various Various Various Various Comedy Various COM Paid Paid To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced DISC M.Mouse Jake Movie M.Mouse Stuffins Jake M.Mouse Various Various Movie Various Various Phineas Various Various Various GoodL Various DISN Various (Tu) Harry Various Various Ice Coco Various Harry (M) News/News SexCity SexCity SexCity SexCity Various Movie Various Ice Coco E! Movie Various (M) Movie/(W) (:05... Movie Movie Movie (Tu) (:35) Movie/(... Various Movie (M) (:40) Movie Various Movie Movie Movie Movie ENC SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SprtC/(Tu) NFLPrime Various Football NFL L.. / (Tu) NFL L.. ESPN (6:00) Mike and Mike in the Morning (M Tu F) First Take/(W Th) First Take (M Tu F) First Take/(W Th) First Take M&Mike NFL Film OLines Football Number LeBatard ESPN2 Boy MW Boy MW Boy MW 700 Club The 700 Club Gilmore Girls Like You Like You 8 Rules 8 Rules '70s Movie Movie '70s Reba Reba FAM (6:00) Fox & Friends America's Newsroom Happening Now America Live Studio B Your World FNC Various Paid/ TBA Various (W) Soccer (M) Basketball / (Tu) Tennis Football Paid Paid Various Outdoors Pregame Soccer GameTim Various Various DieselTV FSMW Marie Home and Family Marie Various Movies Various Movies Various Movies HALL Movie Various Movie Conch. Various Movie Movie Movie Various (Th) Witness: Rio Various (Tu) 24/7 Movie Movie Various (F) (:15) Movie HBO (M) Movie/(Tu) M... (Th) Movie/(F) M... Various 1stLook Movie (:35) Watch Movie Various (W) Movie Movie Various (W) (:55) Movie/(M)... Movie Movie HBO2 Movie Movie Movie Movie Various (M) (:25) Movie/(F)... Movie Various Movie (:20) Face Movie Movie Various Movie Movie Movie Movie HBOS Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various HouseH House Various Various Various Various Various Various Various HGTV Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. Various PawnSt. HIST W&Grace W&Grace Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Christine Christine Christine Christine Mother Mother Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Various Houstons LIFE Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie (M) Movie/(W) (:3... Movie (M) (:05) Movie/(W)... Movie Movie Movie/ Hunted Various Movie Various MAX AMTV/(F) Teen Mom Various IMadeIt Various TeenMom Various TeenMom Various TeenMom Various TeenMom Various Parental Various Parental Various Friendzo MTV Umizoomi Umizoomi Guppies Guppies Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Figure Various Various Various Various iCarly Victori. Victori. Sponge Sponge NICK Various Various Various Destintn (W) Ghost Movie Various Destintn (W) Ghost Movie Various Destintn (W) Ghost Movie Movie Movie (W) Ghost Destintn SCIFI Brothers Movie (F) Movie/(W) (:15)... Movie Various Movie Movie Movie Movie (W) (:55) Movie Various (Tu) Movie/(W) M... Movie Various Movies SHOW Various Various Various Various Various TruckU Cons. Cons. Various Monster Jam Lucas Oil Various SPEED Paid Program Various Movie Various Tattoo Various Various Various Tattoo Various (Th) Jail Various Movie Various (Th) Jail Various (Th) Jail SPIKE Movie (Tu) Movie/(W) (:5... Various Movie (W) (:35) Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie (Tu) (:35) Movie/(... Various STARZ Home I. Acc.Jim Acc.Jim ThereYet Browns Payne Fresh P. Fresh P. Fresh P. AmerDad AmerDad Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Seinfeld Friends Friends TBS Baby St. Baby St. Baby St. Baby St. Pregnant Pregnant Four Weddings What Not to Wear Baby St. Baby St. CakeB. CakeB. Not-Wear/ Weddings Four Weddings TLC (Tu) Movie Various (Tu) Movie Movie (M) Movie/(Tu) (:1... (F) (:05) Movie/(Th)... Various (F) (:25) Movie/(Th)... Movie Various Various TMC Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Leverage Various Various Various Various Various TNT Movie/ SheWrote Van Dyke Van Dyke Lucy Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Gunsmk. Gunsmk. (M Th F) Gunsmoke Bonanza Bonanza TVLND Law:CI/ SVU/ NCIS Law:CI/ SVU/ NCIS Law:CI/ SVU/ NCIS Law:CI/ SVU/ NCIS Law:CI/ SVU/ NCIS Law:CI/ SVU/ NCIS Law:CI/ SVU/ NCIS NCIS/ SVU NCIS/ SVU USA (Tu) Vh1 Top 20 (Tu) Vh1 Top 20 Big Morning Buzz Various Yo!MTV TITiny Yo!MTV Various (M) TI Tiny Various Behind Pop-Up Various Various Marrying VH1 Paid Paid Matlock Matlock In Heat of Night In Heat of Night WGN Midday News Walker, TR Walker, TR Walker, TR WGN
(22) WSBT
(7:00) CBS
Anderson Live
THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • December 2 - December 8, 2012 • 7 MONDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NewsCen- NewsCe(16) WNDU ter 16 at 5 nter 16 21 Alive News at 5 (21) WPTA p.m. Are We Are We (21.2) CW There Yet? There Yet? Anderson Live (33) WISE
NC15 at 6 Evening p.m. News NewsCe- NBC News nter 16 21 Alive World News News The King The King of Queens of Queens NBC 33 NBC News News at 6 American American Family Family (33.2) MNT Dad Dad Guy Guy Wild Electric PBS NewsHour (39) WFWA Kratts Company Dinosaur WordGirl Fetch! Raggs (39.2) KIDS Train "Smell" Garden B. Organic This Old Mexican (39.3) CRE Home Table House GeneraFlorida BBC News Tuba U: (39.4) YOU America Basso Cross. tion The Office The Office Met Your Met Your (55) WFFT Mother Mother (15) WANE
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
MONDAY, DECEMBER 3 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
Mike & Hawaii 5-0 "Ha'Awe NC15 2 Broke Wheel of Jeopardy! Met Your 2 Broke Girls (N) Molly (N) Make Loa" (N) Nightcast Fortune Mother (N) Girls Access Inside The Voice The top six artists perform live in Blake Shelton (N) NewsCeHollywood Edition nter 16 front of coaches for America's vote. (N) Ent. Sound Off Ext. Makeover: Home Ext. Makeover: Home Castle "Secret Santa" 21 Alive Tonight "Zdroj Family" 1/2 (N) "Zdroj Family" 2/2 (N) (N) News Rules of Rules of 90210 "902-100" (N) G. Girl "It's Really Sein. "The Sein. "The 'Til Death Engage. Engage. Complicated" (N) Movie" Doorman" Everybody Everybody The Voice The top six artists perform live in Blake Shelton (N) NBC 33 Loves Ray Loves Ray front of coaches for America's vote. (N) News America's Funniest Bones "The Ghost In The Mob Doctor Indiana's Law & Order: S.V.U. Home Videos The Machine" (N) "Fluid Dynamics" (N) News "Painless" Nightly Great Performances Andrea Bocelli performs on the Great IPFW Holiday Concert Business Lawn in Central Park with the New York Philharmonic. Martha Sid Barney & WordW- Curious Arthur Zula Clifford- Thomas & Science orld Red Dog Friends Friends George Patrol Speaks Clodagh's Mexican This Old Steves' TravelsSimply Hubert Lidia's Cook's Ming Europe cope Keller Italy Country Irish Food Table House The Red Green Show Marathon The guys from Possum Lodge share Tavis PBS NewsHour their handyman tips and useless advice. Smiley The TMZ Two and a Two and a Extra Big Bang Big Bang WFFT Local News Half Men Half Men Insider Theory Theory
(:35) David
Letterman (:35) Late John Freeman Late (N) (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) LateNight With Jay Leno (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline 'Til Death That '70s That '70s "Let's Go" Show Show (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) With Jay Leno LateNight Law & Order: Special Dish Victims Unit "Head" Nation Key West: Charlie Rose Bohemia Wild Bob the Super Kratts WHY! Builder Simply Lidia's Cook's Ming Italy Country The Piano Tavis Tavis Guy Smiley Smiley King of Law & Order: Criminal the Hill Intent
News News News News Wheel Jeopardy! Mother (N) Girls Girls (N) M&M (N) Hawaii Five-0 (N) News (:35) D. Letterman (N) LateShow Rules Rules M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang 90210 "902-100" (N) Gossip Girl (N) News Seinfeld Queens TMZ Friends '70s Show Two 1/2... 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy Bones (N) The Mob Doctor (N) FOX 28 News The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Wild Kratt News Steves' Michiana PBS NewsHour Best of WNIT PartFam FamilyTies Star Trek: Next Gen. The Harvest Show "Five Hour Special" The Harvest Show News News News News Insider ET Makeover: Home (N) Makeover: Home (N) Castle (N) ABC57 (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Fellowship Ask the Pastor Faith H. Hayford CBN News TCT Today Manna B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show (4:45)
The Truman Show (1998, Drama)
The Green Mile (1999, Drama) David Morse, Bonnie Hunt, Tom Hanks. Death row guards
The Green Mile (1999, Drama) David Brian Delate, Laura Linney, Jim Carrey. form a relationship with an inmate who possesses extraordinary powers. Morse, Bonnie Hunt, Tom Hanks. The First 48 The First 48 Hoarders Hoarders Hoarders (N) Inter. "Sandi" (N) Intervention "Nick" Hoarders Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report Steve Jobs Rich Super Rich American Greed Mad Money Rich Super Rich (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight (:55) Futura (:25) Sunny Sunny Tosh.O Colbert Daily Sh. Futurama Futurama Futurama SouthPk Brickleb SouthPk Daily Sh. Colbert SouthPk SouthPk To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Shake Up Shake Up Phineas GoodLuck Jessie Austin The Search for Santa Paws Reese Alexander. GoodLuck Phineas Jessie Shake Up Wizards Wizards
Sweet Home Alabama Reese Witherspoon. E! News Studio E! P. Harry Fashion Police Love You The Soup C. Lately E! News C. Lately Movie (:50)
Batman ('89, Act) Michael Keaton. Alice in Wonderland (:10)
Tron: Legacy ('10, Act) Jeff Bridges. (:20)
Donnie Brasco ('97, Cri) Al Pacino. Around Interrup- SportsC- Countdown An overview of Sunday's NFL action NFL Football New York Giants vs. Washington Redskins Site: FedEx Field SportsCenter The day's news in the Horn (N) tion (N) & previews & analysis of Monday's matchup. -- Landover, Md. (L) world of sports. enter SportsNation NFL 32 SportsC. NCAA Basketball Jimmy V Classic Md./Con. (L) Jimmy V /(:15) Poker World Series Final Table SportsC. Football Tonight NBA C'mas Rudolph's New Year Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reinde... National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation Chasing Christmas The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity Garage Perform- WPT Poker MVC Season Preview NCAA Basketball Tennessee-Martin vs. Missouri NCAA Football Pac-12 Tournament Championship Game Women's (L) Treasures ance TV (4:00) Finding John C...
A Town Without Christmas
Silver Bells ('05, Dra) Anne Heche.
Mistletoe Over Manhattan Tricia Helfer. The Santa Suit (3:30)
Anchorman: The Legend of (:15) The Big Year (2011, Comedy) Jack Black,
Contagion (2011, Action) Kate Winslet, 24/7
The Art of War ('00, Act) Anne Someth... Ron Burgundy Will Ferrell. Steve Martin, Owen Wilson. Jude Law, Matt Damon. Archer, Wesley Snipes. (:55) Master and Commander (:15)
Tower Heist ('11, Act) Eddie Murphy. Boardwalk Empire
X2: X-Men United Patrick Stewart. (:20)
Sucker Punch Movie (:35) Habana Eva ('10, Com) Prakriti Maduro. (:25) A Thousand Words Another Earth Brit Marling. (:45) Making
Titanic ('97, Dra) Leonardo DiCaprio. HouseH HouseH HouseH HouseH Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It HouseH House Love It or List It Love It or List It Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star American Pickers (N) Pawn Star Pawn Star The1800s Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star (4:00) A Christmas W...
Christmas at Water's Edge
A Diva's Christmas Carol
The Perfect Holiday Morris Chestnut. A Diva's Christmas... (4:00) Alien: The Dire... Big Mommas: Like Father, Like... (:45)
The Ring Two ('05, Hor) Naomi Watts.
50 First Dates (:40) Life Top (:15) Life Top (:45) Life Top True Life True Life Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Catfish Teen Mom 2 Sponge Sponge Big Time Big Time Figure Out Big Time All That K & Kel Hollywood Heights Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends Movie
Raiders of the Lost Ark ('81, Adv) Harrison Ford.
Star Trek: Generations ('94, Sci-Fi) Patrick Stewart.
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan William Shatner. (4:00)
Paycheck The Three Musketeers (2011, Action) Matthew U.S. "The Cold War Homeland "Broken Dexter "The Dark... Homeland "Broken Dexter "The Dark... 1945-1950" (N) Hearts" Whatever" Hearts" Whatever" ('03, Sci-Fi) Ben Affleck. Macfadyen, Ray Stevenson, Logan Lerman. Chop, Cut GearZ Race Hub Pinks! Pass Time Pass Time GearZ GearZ Hot Rod Hot Rod Truck U Truck U GearZ GearZ Hot Rod Hot Rod (2:30) Red
The Wolfman ('10, Hor) Emily Blunt. A nobleman comes
Halloween Killer Mike Myers escapes from the The Last House on the Left A prison escapee and his crew Dragon back to his family's estate and is bitten by a werewolf. mental asylum and returns home to find his baby sister. assault two women then find refuge at the parents' house. Movie (:40) Prom ('11, Com/Dra) Aimee Teegarden.
Ultraviolet Nick Chinlund.
The Vow Rachel McAdams. (:45) Underworld: Awakening (:15) Sinners & Saints Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy Conan (N) The Office The Office Four Weddings Medium Medium Cake Boss Next Great Baker "Game On!" Next Great Baker (N) Cake Boss CakeB. (N) Cake Boss:Next Great Cake Boss Cake Boss (4:30) Man on the (:15)
Home Front (2006, Documentary) The Other F Word ('11, Doc) Art (:40) Limelight (2010, Documentary) Jay-Z, Freakonomics ('10, Doc) Zoe Train (2001, Suspense) Jeremy Feldbusch. Alexakis, Tony Adolescent. Moby, 50 Cent. Sloane, James Ransone. The Mentalist The Mentalist The Mentalist Mentalist "Redline" The Mentalist The Mentalist CSI: NY CSI: NY Bonanza "Bride" M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Cosby Cosby Cosby Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens (:35) Queens (:10) Queens (:50) Queens NCIS NCIS NCIS: Los Angeles WWE Raw WWE Raw WWE Raw (:05) CSI: Crime Scene (:05) CSI: Crime Scene Marrying Marrying Basketball Wives: LA Basketball Wives: LA Bball Wives LA (N) TI Tiny (N) Marrying Basketball Wives: LA TI Tiny Marrying Basketball Wives: LA Law & O: CI "F.P.S." Christine Christine Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Rules Rules
Monday movies
8:00 p.m. (FAM) “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” +++ (1989, Comedy) Beverly D’Angelo, Chevy Chase. A man plays host to numerous dysfunctional relatives during the Christmas holidays. (2h) (HALL) “Silver Bells” ++ (2005, Drama) Tate Donovan, Anne Heche. A widower and a young woman help each other to put their painful pasts behind them. (2h) (LIFE) “A Diva’s Christmas Carol” ++ (2000, Comedy/Drama) John Taylor, Vanessa L. Williams. A singing superstar who is big on ego but low on holiday spirit gets visited by ghosts. (2h) (SCIFI) “Star Trek: Generations” ++ (1994, Sci-Fi) William Shatner, Patrick Stewart. Captain Picard teams up with Captain Kirk to stop a madman from entering a space matrix. (2h30) (SPIKE) “Halloween” ++++ (2007, Horror) Brad Dourif, Malcolm McDowell. Killer Mike Myers escapes from the mental asylum and returns home to find his baby sister. (2h30) 9:00 p.m. (HBO) “Contagion” +++ (2011, Action) Kate Winslet, Matt Damon. An international team of doctors attempts to contain the outbreak of a deadly disease. (2h) (STARZ) “The Vow” ++ (2012, Drama) Channing Tatum, Rachel McAdams. After a car accident, a woman wakes up with severe memory loss. (1h45) 9:10 p.m. (ENC) “Tron: Legacy” +++ (2010, Action) Garrett Hedlund, Jeff Bridges. The son of a virtual world designer ends up inside one of the world’s his father created. (2h10) 10:00 p.m. (FAM) “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” +++ (1989, Comedy) Beverly D’Angelo, Chevy Chase. A man plays host to numerous dysfunctional relatives during the Christmas holidays. (2h) (HALL) “Mistletoe Over Manhattan” +++ (2011, Family) Greg Bryk, Tricia Helfer. When Santa considers retirement, Mrs. Claus tries to prove that his work still brings joy. (2h) (HBO2) “X2: X-Men United” +++ (2003, Sci-Fi) Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart. A diabolical government official launches a secret operation to annihilate all mutants. (2h20) (LIFE) “The Perfect Holiday” +++ (2007, Comedy) Gabrielle Union, Morris Chestnut. A department store Santa helps a young girl find her mother a new husband. (2h01) (MAX) “50 First Dates” +++ (2004, Romance) Drew Barrymore, Adam Sandler. A veterinarian falls for a woman with short-term memory loss and sets out to win her over. (1h40) 10:30 p.m. (SCIFI) “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan” ++++ (1982, Sci-Fi) Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner. An old enemy seeks revenge against the captain and crew of a starship. (2h30) (SPIKE) “The Last House on the Left” ++ (2009, Thriller) Michael Bowen, Garret Dillahunt. A prison escapee and his crew assault two women then find refuge at the parents’ house. (2h30)
8 โ ข December 2 - December 8, 2012 โ ข THE NEWS SUN โ ข THE HERALD REPUBLICAN โ ข THE STAR
this week
Noon (SPEED) Touring Car Racing DTM Site: Hockenheimring Hockenheim, Germany
11:00 p.m. (SPEED) Touring Car Racing British Championship Round 1 Site: Brands Hatch - Kent, England Noon
Oil Pro4 Nev.
Off Road Racing Lucas and Pro Buggy - Reno,
BASKETBALL 2:00 p.m.
NCAA South Carolina Live NCAA Valparaiso vs. St.
Upstate vs. Kansas State
4:30 p.m. (FSMW) Louis Live
(ESPN2) NCAA Maryland vs. Connecticut Jimmy V Classic Womenโ s
7:00 p.m.
Live 8:00 p.m.
(FSMW) NCAA TennesseeMartin vs. Missouri Womenโ s Live TUESDAY 7:00 p.m. (ESPN) NCAA Texas vs. Georgetown Jimmy V Classic - New York, N.Y. Live (ESPN2) NCAA Oklahoma vs. Arkansas
Live 8:00 p.m.
NBA Indiana Pacers vs.
Chicago Bulls Site: United Center Chicago, Ill. Live 9:00 p.m. (ESPN) NCAA North Carolina State vs. Connecticut Jimmy V Classic New York, N.Y. Live (ESPN2) NCAA Northwestern vs. Baylor Live WEDNESDAY 7:00 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Baylor vs. Notre Dame Womenโ s Live (FSMW) NBA Portland Trail Blazers vs. Indiana Pacers Site: Conseco Fieldhouse Indianapolis, Ind. Live 8:00 p.m. (ESPN) NBA Chicago Bulls vs. Cleveland Cavaliers Site: Quicken Loans Arena - Cleveland, Ohio Live 9:00 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Temple vs. Villanova Live 10:00 p.m. (FSMW) NBA Portland Trail Blazers vs. Indiana Pacers Site: Conseco Fieldhouse - Indianapolis, Ind. Live
(ESPN) NBA Dallas Mavericks vs. Los Angeles Clippers Site: Staples Center - Los Angeles, Calif. Live 4:00 a.m. (ESPN2) NBA Chicago Bulls vs. Cleveland Cavaliers Site: Quicken Loans Arena - Cleveland, Ohio THURSDAY 8:00 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Long Beach State vs. Syracuse Live (TNT) NBA New York Knicks vs. Miami Heat Site: American Airlines Arena Miami, Fla. Live 10:30 p.m. (TNT) NBA Dallas Mavericks vs. Phoenix Suns Site: U.S. Airways Center Phoenix, Ariz. Live FRIDAY 7:00 p.m. (ESPN) NBA Boston Celtics vs. Philadelphia 76ers Site: Wachovia Complex - Philadelphia, Pa. Live (FSMW) NBA Denver Nuggets vs. Indiana Pacers Site: Conseco Fieldhouse Indianapolis, Ind. Live 9:30 p.m. (ESPN) NBA Los Angeles Lakers vs. Oklahoma City Thunder Site: Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City, Okla. Live
10:30 p.m.
11:00 p.m. (46) (WHME) Basketball H.S. Clay vs. Marian 2:00 a.m. (ESPN2) NBA Boston Celtics vs.
vs. Marquez 10:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Boxing Pacquiao vs. Marquez 11:00 p.m. (ESPN2) Boxing Pacquiao vs. Marquez SATURDAY Golden Boy Card
10:00 p.m. (FSMW) TBA Live
2:00 p.m. (16) (WNDU) (33) (WISE) Mountain Biking Red Bull Rampage - Zion, UT
EQUESTRIAN 4:00 p.m.
(15) (WANE) (22) (WSBT)
EXTREME 5:00 p.m.
Live 2:00 p.m.
NCAA Colorado vs.
3:00 p.m.
NCAA Tennessee State
3:15 p.m. Live 4:00 p.m.
NCAA Temple vs. Duke
vs. Missouri Live (ESPN2)
NCAA Virginia Tech vs. West Virginia Live (ESPN) 5:15 p.m. NCAA UCLA vs. Texas Live (ESPN2) 6:00 p.m. NCAA Wisconsin vs. Marquette Live (ESPN2) 8:00 p.m. NCAA Arizona vs. Clemson Live (WGN) NBA New York Knicks vs. Chicago Bulls Site: United Center Chicago, Ill. Live 10:00 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA Illinois vs. Gonzaga Live
BOXING 10:00 a.m.
(SHOW) Showtime
Championship Cotto
9:00 p.m.
Xtreme Tour - India
Arkansas vs. Michigan Live (ESPN2) NCAA Portland vs. Kentucky
Kansas Live
Equestrian Site:
Spruce Meadows - Calgary, Alta.
Philadelphia 76ers Site: Wachovia Complex - Philadelphia, Pa. SATURDAY
vs. Trout Boxing Pacquiao
Patricia Heaton stars in "The Middle"
(33.2) Football NFL Live (28) (WSJV) NFL Seattle Seahawks vs.
1:00 p.m.
Chicago Bears Site: Soldier Field - Chicago, Ill. Live
(15) (WANE) (22) (WSBT)
Indianapolis Colts vs. Detroit Lions Site: Ford Field - Detroit, Mich. Live
Frankie comes up with a scheme to take a part-time job at a department store to get a discount to buy presents, while Brick is cast in a holiday play in "The Middle," airing Wednesday, Dec. 5, on ABC. Norm MacDonald reprises his role as Mike's brother, Rusty, who asks Mike to help him move some furniture into their garage
4:25 p.m. (15) (WANE) (22) (WSBT) NFL Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Baltimore Ravens Site: M & T Bank Stadium Baltimore, Md. Live
8:20 p.m. (16) (WNDU) (33) (WISE) NFL Philadelphia Eagles vs. Dallas Cowboys Site: Cowboys Stadium Arlington, Texas Live MONDAY 8:30 p.m. (ESPN) NFL New York Giants vs. Washington Redskins Site: FedEx Field Landover, Md. Live FRIDAY 8:00 p.m. (ESPN2) NCAA FCS Championship Quarter-final Live SATURDAY Noon (ESPN) NCAA FCS Championship
Quarter-final Live 3:00 p.m. (15) (WANE) (22) (WSBT) NCAA Army vs. Navy Live
+ZMLQ\ WV ยน-`\ZMUMยบ PMI\ X]UX[ +($7,1* (/(&75,&$/ 3/80%,1* +285 6(59,&(
John Krasinski and Jenna Fischer star in "The Office" Enjoy the holiday hijinks of the Dunder Mifflin staff in a special "Dwight Christmas" episode of "The Office," airing Thursday, Dec. 6, on NBC. Based on the BBC hit of the same name, this comedy series parodies a modern-day American office through the eyes of its workers, hard-working and otherwise.
THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • December 2 - December 8, 2012 • 9
Split loyalties Perry reprises guest role in "The Good Wife"
Sheila Busteed TV Media SPLIT LOYALTIES: Matthew Perry plans to start the new year by bouncing back and forth between two competing networks. The star of NBC's "Go On" will reprise his guest role as Mike Kresteva in CBS's "The Good Wife." His new appearance is scheduled to air early in 2013. This announcement may leave fans of "Go On" worried it's a sign the show will be canceled, but they shouldn't start panicking yet. Back in October, NBC announced it had ordered a full season of the freshman series, which should give its viewers hope that the show will stick around. However, the series hasn't exactly gained must-see status among the network's new orders, so the possibility of a second season is still up in the air. Perry did well for himself the last time he appeared on "The Good Wife," establishing his character as a strong antagonist for Alicia Florrick (played by Julianna Margulies) and her estranged husband, Peter (Chris Noth). In his first appearance, he clashed with Alicia when she joined a blue-ribbon panel investigation of a shooting. Perry returned in the next episode as a surprise rival for Peter in his bid to become the next governor. This isn't the first time Perry has taken on a side project while involved in a successful regular gig. When "Friends" was still on the air, he did a three-episode arc as Joe Quincy in "The West Wing." Ever since "Friends" ended in 2004, Perry has bounced back and forth between television and film work. He's done well for himself, with "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" earning critical acclaim, followed by the short run of "Mr. Sunshine," a show he created himself. He also starred in "The Whole Ten Yards" (2004) and "17 Again" (2009). THE FINAL FOUR: Fans were left a
Matthew Perry is set to return to ‚The Good Wife bit perplexed with Season 3's ending for Showtime's "The Big C," when Cathy (played by Laura Linney) ran away from her family to spend time on a boat at sea. The loose ends and selfish storyline left many viewers dissatisfied, but that was likely the point. After all, Cathy had spent years sacrificing her own happiness for her family and students, only to end up with a terminal cancer diagnosis. For those who were left wanting more time, their wish has been granted. Showtime has decided to extend the series by four more episodes, titled "The Big C: hereafter." The best part about this reprieve is that it will feature two impressive guest stars. Kathy Najimy will undoubtedly bring some dark humor to the final four episodes when she guest stars as Cathy's therapist. Fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi will also appear in several of the final episodes, serving as Andrea's mentor as she attends design school. Early in her career, Najimy won an American Comedy Award for the role of Sister Mary Patrick in "Sister Act" (1992) and its sequel, "Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit" (1993). On top of her supporting role in "Veronica's Closet," Najimy's resume features a great deal of experience as a guest star on television shows, including "Numb3rs," "Ugly Betty" and
"Franklin & Bash." She also voiced Peggy Hill for the entire series run of "King of the Hill." Even as a fashion designer, Mizrahi has demonstrated a love of being in front of a camera. He serves as a judge in "Project Runway All Stars," co-hosted "The Fashion Show," and has done guest appearances in "Ugly Betty" and "Sex and the City." The final four episodes of "The Big C" will air in the new year. PHYSICS VS. POLITICS: William Hurt's film career began with "Altered States," a 1980 production about a scientist who conducted experiments with hallucinogenic drugs -- a plot point taken directly from work done by famed American physicist Richard Feynman. It appears that the scientist's influence on Hurt's career has come full circle. The actor has signed on to play Feynman in an upcoming biodrama coproduced by BBC and set to air on Science, a cable channel owned by Discovery Communications. Filming is currently underway on the program, which is operating under the working title of "Feynman and the Challenger." It will premiere next year and also air on BBC Two. The production tells the story of one of the Nobel Prize winner's last great challenges: to help solve the mystery surrounding the fatal explosion of the space shuttle
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Solution on page 2. Challenger on Jan. 28, 1986. Feynman had long been an expert on blowing up things -- after all, he was part of the Manhattan Project team that created the first atomic bomb. He was one of the few independent members of the government's commission, and it was his insight that not only revealed the flaw in the shuttle's design but also NASA's habit of altering statistics to favor public relations over the truth. Many of today's astronauts owe their lives to Feynman's efforts to improving space travel safety. "This is a gripping story of a brilliant physicist's battle for scientific truth in the dark corridors of big government," said BBC's Kim
Shillinglaw. "With an impressive cast, including award-winning actor William Hurt, it promises to be a powerful factual drama." Hurt will be joined by Bruce Greenwood (2012's "Flight"), Brian Dennehy (1982's "First Blood"), Joanne Whalley ("The Borgias"), Kevin McNally (the "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise), Eve Best ("Nurse Jackie") and Henry Goodman (2009's "Taking Woodstock").
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10 • December 2 - December 8, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
Tuesday movies
8:00 p.m. (FAM) “Elf” +++ (2003, Comedy) James Caan, Will Ferrell. A man raised as an elf at the North Pole travels to New York to find his true father. (2h) (HALL) “The Dog Who Saved Christmas” ++ (2009, Comedy) Adrienne Barbeau, Mario Lopez. A guard dog reaches his full potential when his house is broken into during the holidays. (2h) (HBO2) “Little Fockers” ++ (2010, Comedy) Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller. A father-in-law still has doubts about his son-in-law even after 10 years of marriage. (1h) (SCIFI) “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan” ++++ (1982, Sci-Fi) Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner. An old enemy seeks revenge against the captain and crew of a starship. (2h30) (SHOW) “Red” ++++ (2010, Action) Mary-Louise Parker, Bruce Willis. A retired black-ops agent puts his team back together after being attacked in his home. (2h) 8:15 p.m. (MAX) “This Means War” +++ (2012, Action) Chris Pine, Reese Witherspoon. Two CIA agents battle it out when they find out they’re dating the same woman. (1h45) 9:00 p.m. (HBO) “Contraband” +++ (2012, Action) Giovanni Ribisi, Mark Wahlberg. A former smuggler travels to Panama in order to protect his brother from a drug lord. (2h) (STARZ) “Van Helsing” ++ (2004, Action) Kate Beckinsale, Hugh Jackman. A famed monster hunter must battle Count Dracula, the Wolf Man and Frankenstein’s Monster. (2h15) 9:15 p.m. (ENC) “The Rookie” ++ (1990, Action) Charlie Sheen, Clint Eastwood. A veteran cop teams up with a rookie who is plagued by guilt over his brother’s death. (2h05) 10:00 p.m. (FAM) “Fred Claus” ++ (2007, Comedy) Vince Vaughn, Paul Giamatti. Santa bails his criminal brother out of jail and brings him to the North Pole. (2h30) (MAX) “End of Days” +++ (1999, Action) Gabriel Byrne, Arnold Schwarzenegger. An alcoholic bodyguard must protect an innocent woman from becoming Satan’s bride. (2h05) (VH1) “Dangerous Minds” +++ (1995, Drama) George Dzundza, Michelle Pfeiffer. A teacher challenges the underestimated potential of a group of inner-city students. (2h) 10:30 p.m. (HBOS) “In Time” ++ (2011, Action) Amanda Seyfried, Justin Timberlake. In a world where time is currency, a young man finds himself negotiating to live longer. (1h55) 11:00 p.m. (AMC) “The Green Mile” +++ (1999, Drama) David Morse, Tom Hanks. Death row guards form a relationship with an inmate who possesses extraordinary powers. (4h) 11:15 p.m. (STARZ) “The Ides of March” +++ (2011, Drama) George Clooney, Paul Giamatti. A staffer for a new presidential candidate learns a lesson dirty politics. (1h45) 11:20 p.m. (ENC) “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” ++ (2003, Horror) Jonathan Tucker, Jessica Biel. A disfigured, psychotic killer terrorizes a group of teens that are passing through town. (1h40)
TUESDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NewsCen- NewsCe(16) WNDU ter 16 at 5 nter 16 21 Alive News at 5 (21) WPTA p.m. Are We Are We (21.2) CW There Yet? There Yet? Anderson Live (33) WISE
(55) WFFT
NC15 at 6 Evening p.m. News NewsCe- NBC News nter 16 21 Alive World News News The King Queens "Pilot" of Queens NBC 33 NBC News News at 6 American American Family Family Dad Dad Guy Guy Wild Electric PBS NewsHour Kratts Company Dinosaur WordGirl Fetch! Raggs Train "Hands" V.Garden For Your Woodwri- Mexican "Soft" ght's Shop Table Home Inside Indiana Indiana Supreme Business Court The Office The Office Met Your Met Your Mother Mother
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
News Rules Two 1/2... Wild Kratt PartFam News Home
(15) WANE
(33.2) MNT (39) WFWA (39.2) KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) YOU
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
NCIS "Sins of the Father" Go On (N) NewNorm (N) Happy Apartment End. (N) 23 (N) Hart of Dixie "Sparks Emily Owens, M.D. (N) Fly" (N) The Voice "Live Go On (N) NewNorm Results Show" (N) (N) Raising Ben and New Girl The Mindy Project (N) Hope (N) Kate (N) (N) Motown The Temptations, The Four Tops, Marvin Gaye, The Supremes & more are showcased. WordW- Curious Arthur Zula orld George Patrol Jacques Mexican Amer. Test Cuisine Pépin Culture Table Kitchen Concoct. Learn to create popular toy store items for pennies using common household ingredients. The Two and a Two and a Extra Big Bang Big Bang Half Men Half Men Insider Theory Theory
Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune Access Inside Hollywood Edition Ent. Winter Tonight Weather Rules of Rules "Mr. Engage. Fix It" Everybody Everybody Loves Ray Loves Ray America's Funniest Home Videos Nightly Healthline Business Sid "The Barney & Itchy Tag" Friends Julia & J. Coastal Cooking "Soup" PBS NewsHour
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer The Voice "Live Results Show" (N) Shark Tank (N)
The Victoria's Secret NC15 Fashion Show (N) Nightcast Parenthood "Trouble NewsCenter 16 in Candyland" (N) Private Practice "Life 21 Alive Support" (N) News Sein. "The Sein. "The 'Til Death Outing" Jimmy" Parenthood "Trouble NBC 33 in Candyland" (N) News Indiana's House "Last News Temptation" Blind Boys of Alabama "Go Tell It on the Mountain" Martha Clifford- Thomas & Red Dog Friends Speaks Burt Wolf: Woodwri- Steves' ght's Shop Europe Travels Drop 7 Foods Discussing food intolerances and their effects. WFFT Local News TMZ
(:35) The Late Show (:35) Late With David Letterman Late (N) (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) LateNight With Jay Leno (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline 'Til Death That '70s That '70s Show Show (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) With Jay Leno LateNight House "Changes" Dish Nation Sun Studio Charlie Rose Sessions Wild Bob the Super Kratts WHY! Builder Jacques Amer. Test Coastal Pépin Kitchen Cooking Tracks Tavis Tavis Ahead Smiley Smiley King of Law & Order: Criminal the Hill Intent
News News News Wheel Jeopardy! Rudolph Red Reindeer NCIS Victoria's Secret (N) News (:35) David Letterman LateShow Rules M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Hart of Dixie (N) Emily Owens, M.D. (N) News Seinfeld Queens TMZ Friends '70s Show 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy Raising (N) Ben Kate New Girl Mindy (N) FOX 28 News The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... News Steves' Michiana PBS NewsHour Best of WNIT FamilyTies Star Trek: Next Gen. The Harvest Show "Five Hour Special" The Harvest Show News News News Insider ET Shark Tank (N) Endings Apt. 23 Private Practice (N) ABC57 (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Ask the Pastor Faith H. Church J Franklin TCT Today R. Praise B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show (4:00)
Terminator 2: Judgement Day ('91,
The Green Mile (1999, Drama) David Morse, Bonnie Hunt, Tom Hanks. Death row guards
The Green Mile (1999, Drama) David Sci-Fi) Linda Hamilton, Arnold Schwarzenegger. form a relationship with an inmate who possesses extraordinary powers. Morse, Bonnie Hunt, Tom Hanks. The First 48 Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Be the Boss Storage Storage Storage Storage Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report Coca-Cola 60 Minutes American Greed Mad Money 60 Minutes (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight (:55) Futura (:25) Sunny SouthPk Tosh.O Colbert Daily Sh. Work Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O (N) Brickleb Daily Sh. Colbert Tosh.O Mash Up To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Austin Austin Phineas GoodLuck Jessie Austin Dog Blog Jessie A.N.T. Farm GoodLuck Phineas Shake Up GoodLuck Wizards Wizards Ice Coco The Soup Love You P. Harry E! News NMinaj NMinaj Ice Coco Ice Coco E! News C. Lately E! News C. Lately (:05) Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (:35)
Spy Kids 3D: Game Over Alice in Wonderland (:15)
The Rookie ('90, Act) Clint Eastwood. (:20)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Around NCAA Basketball Jimmy V Classic Texas vs. NCAA Basketball Jimmy V Classic North Carolina State vs. SportsCenter The day's news in the Interrup- SportsCenter the Horn tion Georgetown -- New York, N.Y. (L) Connecticut -- New York, N.Y. (L) world of sports. SportsNation NFL 32 M&Mike NCAA Basketball Oklahoma vs. Arkansas (L) NCAA Basketball Northwestern vs. Baylor (L) NBA Coast (L) Tonight NBA Rudolph Mickey Winnie Jack Frost Frosty
Elf ('03, Com) James Caan, Will Ferrell.
Fred Claus ('07, Com) Vince Vaughn, Paul Giamatti. Frosty The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity Football N'Side Game Bill Snyder Game Pre-game NBA Basketball Indiana Pacers vs. Chicago Bulls Site: United Post-game (L) /(:45) NBA Basketball Indiana (:45) Mixed Show Time Center -- Chicago, Ill. (L) Pacers vs. Chicago Bulls Site: United Center M Arts Nebraska Time (L) (4:00) The Santa Suit
Eloise at Christmastime Sofia Vassilieva.
The Dog Who Saved Christmas Farewell Mr. Kringle Christine Taylor. The Christmas Secret (:15)
Titanic (1997, Drama) Kate Winslet, Billy Zane, Leonardo DiCaprio. Two 24/7
Contraband (2012, Action) Giovanni Boardwalk Empire Real Sports With "Margate Sands" Bryant Gumbel social opposites meet and fall in love while on Titanic's maiden voyage. Ribisi, Kate Beckinsale, Mark Wahlberg. (4:05)
Stuck on You (:05)
Grosse Pointe Blank John Cusack.
Little Fockers Movie (:45) Making Underworld ('96, Susp) Denis Leary. (:05) Cedar Rapids (4:35)
Elektra (:10)
What's Your Number? Anna Faris. Boardwalk Empire The Art of Getting By
In Time ('11, Act) Justin Timberlake. Movie (3:30) Kitchen Cousins Kitchen Cousins House HouseH Love It or List It Property Property HouseH House Million Dollar Rooms Property Property Mankind: The Story of All of Us "Empires" Mankind "Plague" Mankind "Survivors" Story of All of Us "New World" (N) Invention Invention Mankind "Survivors" Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Abby's Competition Abby's Competition Rockers Rockers Rockers Rockers Abby's Competition (4:50)
Arachnophobia (:45) Chronicle Dane Dehaan. (:15)
This Means War Reese Witherspoon.
End of Days Arnold Schwarzenegger. (:05) Life Top (:35) Hunted Friendzo Friendzo Friendzo Friendzo Friendzo Friendzo Friendzo Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom Underemployed Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Sponge Sponge Victorious Victorious Figure Out Figure Out All That K & Kel Hollywood Heights Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends Destintn
Star Trek: Generations ('94, Sci-Fi) Patrick Stewart.
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan William Shatner. Battle of Los Angeles Nia Peeples. (SF) Movie (4:15)
The (:15)
Source Code ('11, Mystery) Michelle
Red (2010, Action) Mary-Louise Parker, Homeland "Broken Dexter "The Dark... Mother's Day ('10, Cri) Hearts" Whatever" King's Speech Monaghan, Vera Farmiga, Jake Gyllenhaal. John Malkovich, Bruce Willis. Rebecca De Mornay. Chop, Cut GearZ Race Hub Pinks! Pass Time Pass Time Dumbest Dumbest Hard Parts Hard Parts RideRule RideRule Dumbest Dumbest Hard Parts Hard Parts Ink Master "Trick or Ink Mstr "Half Naked Ink Master "Star Wars Ink Master "Holy Ink" Ink Master "Buck Off" Ink Master "Blowing Tattoo Tattoo Ink Master "Buck Off" Freak" and Fully Loaded" Forever" Chunks" Night. (N) Night. (:20) Happythankyoumoreplease Josh Radnor. (:10) Cars 2 ('11, Ani) Larry the Cable Guy.
Van Helsing ('04, Act) Hugh Jackman. (:15)
The Ides of March Paul Giamatti. Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Conan (N) The Office The Office Four Weddings Medium Medium Sister Wives Little People, Big Little People, Big (N) Coupon Coupon Little People, Big Coupon Coupon Spike ('08, Fant) Jared Edwards,
Walking and Talking ('96, Main Street ('10, Dra) Ellen (:35) Another Happy Day (2011, Drama) Ezra (:35)
The Stone Angel ('07, Dra) Sarah Livingston Evans. Com) Anne Heche. Burstyn, Colin Firth. Miller, Ellen Burstyn, Ellen Barkin. Ellen Page, Ellen Burstyn. Bones Mentalist "Red Hot" Mental. "Ball of Fire" Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles (N) Leverage Rizzoli & Isles Leverage Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Cosby Cosby Cosby Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens (:35) Queens (:10) Queens (:50) Queens Law&O.:SVU "Hell" SVU "Transitions" SVU "Hothouse" SVU "Stranger" Law & Order: S.V.U. SVU "Street Revenge" SVU "Baggage" Law&O.:SVU "Fight" Couples Therapy TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny Marrying Marrying Basketball Wives: LA
Dangerous Minds Michelle Pfeiffer. TI Tiny Marrying Law:CI "Mad Hops" Christine Christine Funniest Home Videos M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Rules Rules
THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • December 2 - December 8, 2012 • 11 WEDNESDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NewsCen- NewsCe(16) WNDU ter 16 at 5 nter 16 21 Alive News at 5 (21) WPTA p.m. Are We Are We (21.2) CW There Yet? There Yet? Anderson Live (33) WISE (15) WANE
(33.2) MNT (39) WFWA (39.2) KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) YOU
(55) WFFT
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
American Dad Wild Kratts Dinosaur Train Garden Smart Graduating Indiana The Office
NC15 at 6 Evening p.m. News NewsCe- NBC News nter 16 21 Alive World News News The King The King of Queens of Queens NBC 33 NBC News News at 6 American Family Family Dad Guy Guy Electric PBS NewsHour Company WordGirl Fetch! Raggs "Trees" Katie Ask This Mexican Brown Old House Table American Inside Indiana Business Dream The Office Met Your Met Your Mother Mother
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
(:35) The Late Show (:35) Late Jeopardy! Survivor: Philippines Criminal Minds "The Grammy Nominations NC15 (N) (N) Lesson" (N) Nightcast With David Letterman Late (N) Inside Whitney Guys With Law&O.:SVU "Dreams Chicago Fire "Leaving NewsCe- (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) Edition nter 16 LateNight Kids Deferred" (N) the Station" (N) With Jay Leno Lawyers The Neighbors Modern Suburga- Nashville "Where He 21 Alive (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live on Call Middle (N) (N) tory (N) Nightline Family Leads Me" (N) News Rules of Arrow "Vendetta" (N) Supernatural "Citizen Sein. "The Sein. "The 'Til Death 'Til Death That '70s '70s Show Engage. Fang" (N) Shoes" Doodle" Show "Ski Trip" (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) Everybody Whitney Guys With Law&O.:SVU "Dreams Chicago Fire "Leaving NBC 33 Loves Ray Kids Deferred" (N) the Station" (N) News With Jay Leno LateNight USF Indiana's Numb3rs "Primacy" Numb3rs "Graphic" Dish X Factor The top finalists perform for America Football once again in hopes of staying in the competition. News Nation Nightly Standing Bear's Senior Headwaters Park: Fort Wayne's Bell'aria: Live From A group of Charlie Rose Business Spotlight Lasting Legacy singers perform classic Italian songs. Footsteps Martha Bob the Sid Barney & WordW- Curious Arthur Zula Clifford- Thomas & Wild Super Science orld Red Dog Friends Kratts WHY! Friends George Patrol Speaks Builder Baking Lidia's Clodagh's Mexican Ask This Steves' Equitrek- Lidia's Mexico: Mexico: Cook's Cook's king One Plate With Julia Italy Country Irish Food Table Old House Europe Italy Country One Plate Motown The Temptations, The Four Tops, Marvin Super Brain How we can maximize Tree Safari Tavis Tavis PBS NewsHour Gaye, The Supremes & more are showcased. our brain's potential. Smiley Smiley The TMZ King of Two and a Two and a Extra Big Bang Big Bang WFFT Local News Law & Order: Criminal Half Men Half Men Insider Theory Theory the Hill Intent
Wheel of Fortune Access Hollywood Ent. Tonight Rules of Engage. Everybody Loves Ray Frasier
News News News News Wheel Jeopardy! Survivor (N) Criminal Minds (N) Grammy Concert (N) News (:35) David Letterman LateShow Rules Rules M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Arrow "Vendetta" (N) Supernatural (N) News Seinfeld Queens TMZ Friends '70s Show Two 1/2... 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy The X Factor "Top Finalists Perform" (N) FOX 28 News The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Wild Kratt News Steves' Michiana PBS NewsHour Best of WNIT PartFam FamilyTies Star Trek: Next Gen. The Harvest Show "Five Hour Special" The Harvest Show News News News News Insider ET Middle (N) Neighbor Modern Suburg. Nashville (N) ABC57 (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Living Ep.. Ask the Pastor Faith H. TriVita CBN News TCT Today Z. Levitt B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show CSI: Miami "CyberCSI: Miami "Inside
The Green Mile (1999, Drama) David Morse, Bonnie Hunt, Tom Hanks. Death row guards
The Green Mile (1999, Drama) David Out" lebrity" form a relationship with an inmate who possesses extraordinary powers. Morse, Bonnie Hunt, Tom Hanks. The First 48 Storage Storage Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dynasty Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report The Costco Craze Faking The Grade (N) American Greed Mad Money Faking The Grade (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Futurama Daily Sh. SouthPk Tosh.O The Colbert Report Chappelle Chappelle SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk SouthPk Daily Sh. Colbert SouthPk Futurama To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced A.N.T. A.N.T. Phineas GoodLuck Jessie Austin Beethoven's Christmas Adventure DogBlog (:05) GoodL Phineas GoodLuck Jessie Wizards Wizards (4:00) She's Out of M... Ice Coco Ice Coco E! News
Office Space ('99, Com) Ron Livingston. The Soup Love U (N) C. Lately E! News C. Lately (4:35) Priest (:05)
Kindergarten Cop Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (:35)
The Specialist Sylvester Stallone. Priest ('11, Act) Paul Bettany. Around Interrup- SportsCenter CountNBA Basketball Chicago Bulls vs. Cleveland Cavaliers Site: NBA Basketball Dallas Mavericks vs. Los Angeles Clippers Horn (N) tion (N) Site: Staples Center -- Los Angeles, Calif. (L) down (L) Quicken Loans Arena -- Cleveland, Ohio (L) SportsNation NFL 32 (L) NCAA Basketball Baylor vs. Notre Dame (L) NCAA Basketball Temple vs. Villanova (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter
Elf ('03, Com) James Caan, Will Ferrell.
Home Alone ('90, Com) Macaulay Culkin.
The Polar Express ('04, Ani) Tom Hanks. The 700 Club
Home Alone The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity Sports Unlimited Ultimate Pre-game NBA Basketball Portland Trail Blazers vs. Indiana Pacers Site: Post-game NBA Basketball Portland Trail Blazers vs. WPT Poker Grand Prix Insider Conseco Fieldhouse -- Indianapolis, Ind. (L) Indiana Pacers Site: Conseco Fieldhouse (L) de Paris (L) (L) (4:00) Farewell Mr. K... Debbie Macomber's Trading Christmas Naughty or Nice ('12, Dra) Hilarie Burton. Hitched for the Holidays (Rom) Joey Lawrence. Gift of the Magi (:15)
We Bought a Zoo A father purchases a house in 24/7 Johnny English Reborn ('11, Adv) (:45) HBO Boardwalk Empire Safe House (2012, Action) Ryan Reynolds, the countryside that comes with a struggling zoo. Rosamund Pike, Rowan Atkinson. First Look "Margate Sands" Robert Patrick, Denzel Washington. (4:25) Mr. Popper's ...
Man on the Moon ('99, Bio) Jim Carrey. Monks 24/7
In Bruges ('08, Com) Colin Farrell.
Arthur ('11, Com) Russell Brand. (4:15) My Cousin Vinny (:15) Beginners ('10, Com/Dra) Ewan McGregor. The Sopranos
Contagion ('11, Act) Matt Damon.
The Change-Up Jason Bateman. My Place My Place My Place My Place Renovation Property Brothers Buying and Selling HouseH House Property Brothers Buying and Selling Marvels "Alaska" Restore Restore Restore Restore Pawn Star Pawn Star Restore Restore Invention Invention Cajun Cajun Pawn Star Pawn Star Houstons Houstons Houstons Houstons Houstons Houstons Houstons Houstons Houstons Houstons Houstons PrankM'm PrankM'm PrankM'm Houstons Houstons Hunted Hunted Hunted "Polyhedrus" Hunted "Khyber"
Hall Pass ('11, Com) Owen Wilson. Zane's Sex Sexual Witchcraft (:50) Skin IMadeIt IMadeIt IMadeIt Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom The Challenge The Challenge Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom Jersey Sponge Sponge Victorious Victorious Figure Out Figure Out All That K & Kel Hollywood Heights Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters (SF) (N) DealDark DealDark Ghost Hunters DealDark DealDark (4:15) (:50)
Stardust A man in search of a fallen star discovers Homeland "Broken Inside the NFL Jim Rome on Inside the NFL Jim Rome on Hearts" Showtime (N) Showtime Beastly it has taken human form and must protect her. Chop, Cut GearZ Race Hub Pinks! Pass Time Pass Time Pinks! "Montgomery" DragRace DragRace B.Jacks. "Race Rides" Pinks! "Montgomery" DragRace DragRace CSI: Crime Scene "No CSI: Crime Scene Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Rescue "Just World's Wildest Police Way Out" "Mascara" Night. Night. Night. Night. Night. Night. Night. Night. Deadly" Videos (4:30)
Van Helsing (:45)
John Carter ('12, Act) Lynn Collins, Taylor Kitsch.
Analyze This Robert De Niro. (:50) The Son of No One Channing Tatum. Ultraviolet Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinf. 1/2 Seinf. 2/2 FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy FamilyGuy BigBang BigBang Conan (N) The Office The Office Four Weddings Medium Medium Half-Ton Killer? 600 Pound Mom 600 Pound Mom (N) Neat Freaks (N) 600 Pound Mom: Race Neat Freaks (4:40) Intermedio (:10)
Muriel's Wedding ('94, Com/Dra) Bill
The Decoy Bride ('11, Chick Magnet ('11, Comedy) Meili Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar (:35) Albino Edward Furlong. Hunter, Rachel Griffiths, Toni Collette. Com) Kelly Macdonald. Cady, Josh Beren, Jeff Venables. Movie ('12, Com) Jeff Goldblum. ... Castle Mental. "Red Moon" The Mentalist Castle "Boom!" Castle Castle Perception "Light" Southland "Thursday" Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Cosby Cosby Cosby Loves Ray Loves Ray Hot In (N) Divorced Queens Queens Queens Queens NCIS NCIS "In the Zone" NCIS "Recoil" NCIS "About Face" NCIS NCIS NCIS "Ex-File" NCIS "Identity Crisis" Kid Stars "Hour 1" Kid Stars "Hour 2" Kid Stars "Hour 3" Kid Stars "Hour 4" Kid Stars "Hour 5" Miss You S.N.L "The Best of Will Ferrell" Saturday Night Live Law:CI "Unrequited" Christine Christine Funniest Home Videos Rules Rules Rules Rules WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Rules Rules
Wednesday movies
8:00 p.m. (DISN) “Beethoven’s Christmas Adventure” ++ (2011, Comedy) Tom Arnold, Curtis Armstrong. (1h40) (E!) “Office Space” ++ (1999, Comedy) Jennifer Aniston, Ron Livingston. A computer programmer’s sudden professional nonchalance leads to bizarre success. (2h) (ENC) “Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls” ++ (1995, Comedy) Ian McNeice, Jim Carrey. An unconventional detective travels to Africa to find a sacred bat that has gone missing. (1h35) (TMC) “The Decoy Bride” ++++ (2011, Comedy) David Tennant, Kelly Macdonald. A local girl is hired as a decoy bride to lure away the paparazzi from an actress. (1h30) 9:00 p.m. (FAM) “The Polar Express” +++ (2004, Animated) Voices of Leslie Zemeckis, Tom Hanks. A doubting, little boy boards a magical train to visit the North Pole on Christmas Eve. (2h) (HBO2) “In Bruges” ++++ (2008, Comedy) Brendan Gleeson, Colin Farrell. Two hitmen become stuck in Bruges after a job and start to think of life in a new light. (2h) (HBOS) “Contagion” +++ (2011, Action) Kate Winslet, Matt Damon. An international team of doctors attempts to contain the outbreak of a deadly disease. (2h) (MAX) “Hall Pass” ++ (2011, Comedy) Jason Sudeikis, Owen Wilson. Two best friends are granted permission by their wives to have extramarital affairs. (2h) (STARZ) “Analyze This” ++ (1999, Comedy) Billy Crystal, Robert De Niro. A powerful gangster uses a psychiatrist to help him overcome his anxiety attacks. (1h50) 9:35 p.m. (ENC) “The Specialist” ++ (1994, Action) Sharon Stone, Sylvester Stallone. A woman hires a bomb expert to kill the men who murdered her parents 20 years earlier. (1h55) 11:00 p.m. (AMC) “The Green Mile” +++ (1999, Drama) David Morse, Tom Hanks. Death row guards form a relationship with an inmate who possesses extraordinary powers. (4h) (HBO2) “Arthur” ++ (2011, Comedy) Helen Mirren, Russell Brand. A drunken playboy risks losing his inheritance after falling in love with a woman. (1h55) (HBOS) “The Change-Up” +++ (2011, Comedy) Ryan Reynolds, Jason Bateman. Two best friends’ lives are swapped after a mysterious drunken incident. (1h55) Midnight (FAM) “Home Alone” +++ (1990, Comedy) Joe Pesci, Macaulay Culkin. A young boy must fend off burglars after his family accidentally leaves him home alone. (2h) 12:30 a.m. (STARZ) “Ultraviolet” ++ (2006, Action) Milla Jovovich, Nick Chinlund. A warrior attempts to protect a young boy whose blood may hold many important secrets. (1h40) 1:00 a.m. (ENC) “The Replacement Killers” +++ (1998, Action) Mira Sorvino, Chow Yun-Fat. A crook protects his family from his vengeful mob boss after he fails to complete a job. (1h30)
12 • December 2 - December 8, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
Thursday movies
8:00 p.m. (ENC) “Jurassic Park” +++ (1993, Sci-Fi) Laura Dern, Sam Neill. Genetically re-created dinosaurs break out of captivity and wreak havoc in a theme park. (2h10) (FAM) “A Christmas Carol” ++ (2009, Animated) Gary Oldman, Jim Carrey. Spirits visit Ebenezer Scrooge and show him the errors of his ways by revisiting his life. (2h) (TMC) “Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World” ++ (2011, Action) Jeremy Piven, Jessica Alba. After being called for one more job, a retired spy invites her step-kids on an adventure. (1h30) 8:30 p.m. (DISN) “Good Luck Charlie, It’s Christmas!” ++ (2011, Children) Jason Dolley, Bridgit Mendler. The Duncans get separated en route to Palm Springs, and scramble to get reunited. (1h30) 9:00 p.m. (AMC) “Yours, Mine and Ours” ++ (2005, Comedy) Rene Russo, Dennis Quaid. A widower with eight kids marries his high school sweetheart, who has 10 kids. (2h) (HBO2) “Contraband” +++ (2012, Action) Giovanni Ribisi, Mark Wahlberg. A former smuggler travels to Panama in order to protect his brother from a drug lord. (2h) (SCIFI) “Constantine” ++ (2005, Sci-Fi) Rachel Weisz, Keanu Reeves. A woman enlists the help of an exorcist to solve her sister’s mysterious suicide. (2h30) (STARZ) “The Smurfs” ++ (2011, Children) Kate Perry, Hank Azaria. The Smurfs are plunged into the human world after evading the grasp of an evil wizard. (1h50) 9:30 p.m. (TMC) “50/ 50” ++++ (2011, Comedy/Drama) Seth Rogen, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. A 27-year-old comes to terms with his life after being diagnosed with spinal cancer. (1h45) 10:00 p.m. (FAM) “Elf” +++ (2003, Comedy) James Caan, Will Ferrell. A man raised as an elf at the North Pole travels to New York to find his true father. (2h) (HALL) “Eve’s Christmas” ++ (2004, Drama) Elisa Donovan, Cheryl Ladd. An executive about to become a partner in her firm re-evaluates her life on Christmas Eve. (2h) (MAX) “Aliens” +++ (1986, Sci-Fi) Michael Biehn, Sigourney Weaver. A hive of aliens attack an army unit that has been sent to find missing colonists. (2h20) (VH1) “Notorious” ++ (2008, Biography) Mohamed Dione, Jamal Woolard. The life and death of Notorious B.I.G., whose life ended early on his way to the top. (2h30) 10:10 p.m. (ENC) “Men in Black” +++ (1997, Sci-Fi) Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith. A cop is recruited by a secret organization to help control Earth’s alien population. (1h40) 10:50 p.m. (STARZ) “Man of the House” ++ (2005, Comedy) Cedric the Entertainer, Tommy Lee Jones. A Texas Ranger goes undercover to protect a group of cheerleaders who witnessed a murder. (1h45) 11:00 p.m. (AMC) “Robin Hood: Men in Tights” +++ (1993, Comedy) Richard Lewis, Cary Elwes. Robin Hood battles the sheriff of Nottingham and a tyrannical prince. (2h30)
THURSDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NewsCen- NewsCe(16) WNDU ter 16 at 5 nter 16 21 Alive News at 5 (21) WPTA p.m. Are We Are We (21.2) CW There Yet? There Yet? Anderson Live (33) WISE
NC15 at 6 Evening p.m. News NewsCe- NBC News nter 16 21 Alive World News News The King The King of Queens of Queens NBC 33 NBC News News at 6 American American Family Family (33.2) MNT Dad Dad Guy Guy Wild Electric PBS NewsHour (39) WFWA Kratts Company Dinosaur WordGirl Fetch! Raggs (39.2) KIDS Train V.Garden For Your Woodwri- Mexican (39.3) CRE "Soft" ght's Shop Table Home Indiana in Indiana Across Weekly (39.4) YOU Review Indiana Exped. Special The Office The Office Met Your Met Your (55) WFFT Mother Mother (15) WANE
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
Elementary "You Do It NC15 Jeopardy! Big Bang Two and Person of Interest "C.O.D." (N) to Yourself" (N) Nightcast Theory (N) Half (N) Inside 30 Rock The Office Parks and Rock Center With NewsCeUp All Edition nter 16 Night (N) (N) Rec (N) Brian Williams Sound Off Resort "Cinderella Grey's A. "Love Turns Scandal (N) 21 Alive Liberty" (N) You Upside Down" (N) News Rules of 'Til Death The Vampire Diaries Beauty and the Beast Sein. "The Seinfeld Engage. "Trapped" (N) Old Man" (N) Up All Everybody 30 Rock The Office Parks and Rock Center With NBC 33 Loves Ray Night (N) (N) Rec (N) Brian Williams News USF The X Factor "Live Glee "Swan Song" (N) Indiana's White Collar "By the Football Results" (N) News Book" Nightly Downton Abbey Revisited A look A Celtic Awakening with Faith Arts Fort Business Weekly back at the first two seasons. Marion Robinson Niagara Martha Sid Barney & WordW- Curious Arthur Zula Clifford- Thomas & orld Red Dog Friends Science Friends George Patrol Speaks Julia & J. Jacques Mexican Woodwri- Steves' Burt Wolf: Coastal Amer. Test Cuisine Pépin Culture Table ght's Shop Europe Cooking "Eggs" Kitchen Travels PBS NewsHour Headwaters Park: Fort Wayne's T'ai Chi, Health and CSI on Trial Lasting Legacy Happiness The TMZ Two and a Two and a Extra Big Bang Big Bang WFFT Local News Half Men Half Men Insider Theory Theory Wheel of Fortune Access Hollywood Ent. Tonight Rules "Pilot" Everybody Loves Ray Frasier
(:35) The Late Show (:35) Late With David Letterman Late (N) (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) LateNight With Jay Leno (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline 'Til Death That '70s '70s "First Show Date" (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) With Jay Leno LateNight W.Collar "Unfinished Dish Business" Nation Jammin' Charlie Rose at Jack's Wild Bob the Super Kratts WHY! Builder Jacques Amer. Test Coastal Pépin Kitchen Cooking All Aboard Tavis Tavis Smiley Smiley King of Law & Order: Criminal the Hill Intent
News News News News Wheel Jeopardy! BBang (N) 2½Men Interest "C.O.D." (N) Elementary (N) News (:35) David Letterman LateShow Rules Rules M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Vampire Diaries (N) Beauty and Beast (N) News Seinfeld Queens TMZ Friends '70s Show Two 1/2... 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy The X Factor (N) Glee "Swan Song" (N) FOX 28 News The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Wild Kratt News Steves' Michiana PBS NewsHour Ask the Expert Antiques Roadshow Story of England Charlie Rose Business T. Smiley PartFam FamilyTies Star Trek: Next Gen. The Harvest Show "Five Hour Special" The Harvest Show News News News News Insider ET Last Resort (N) Grey's Anatomy (N) Scandal (N) ABC57 (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live 3D Woman Ask the Pastor Faith H. Faith CBN News TCT Today Fellowship B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show CSI: Miami "Deep CSI: Miami
The Princess Bride (1987, Romance)
Yours, Mine and Ours (2005, Comedy)
Robin Hood: Men in Tights ('93, Com) Freeze" "Sunblock" Robin Wright, Chris Sarandon, Cary Elwes. Rene Russo, Sean Faris, Dennis Quaid. Richard Lewis, Tracey Ullman, Cary Elwes. The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 (N) Panic 9-1-1 (N) Panic 9-1-1 The First 48 Fast Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report Filthy Rich American Greed: Fugi American Greed Mad Money American Greed: Fugi (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight (:55) Futura Sunny SouthPk Tosh.O Colbert Daily Sh. Futurama Tosh.O Tosh.O CC Roast "Larry the Cable Guy" Daily Sh. Colbert Tosh.O Tosh.O To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced GoodLuck GoodLuck Phineas GoodLuck Jessie Austin Dog Blog Good Luck Charlie, It's Christmas! GoodLuck Phineas Austin A.N.T. Wizards Wizards
Office Space ('99, Com) Ron Livingston. E! News The Soup Love You Kardash The Kardashians Kardash C. Lately E! News C. Lately (4:20) Guarding Tess
Multiplicity ('96, Com) Michael Keaton.
Jurassic Park ('93, Sci-Fi) Sam Neill. (:10)
Men in Black Will Smith. (:50) Major Payne Around Interrup- SportsCenter College Football Awards Show (L) 30 for 30 "9.79*" SportsCenter SportsCenter Horn (N) tion (N) SportsNation NFL 32 (L) Audibles (L) NCAA Basketball Long Beach vs Syracuse (L) 30 for 30 "Benji" SportsNat. NFL Live (4:00) Christmas in July
The Polar Express ('04, Ani) Tom Hanks.
A Christmas Carol ('09, Ani) Jim Carrey.
Elf ('03, Com) James Caan, Will Ferrell.
Elf Will Ferrell. The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity (4:30) The New College MVC Season Preview UFC Unleashed Downun- Football To Be Announced Football Show Diesel TV der Horse. Preview (4:00) A Christmas ... It's Christmas, Carol! ('12, Fant) Carrie Fisher. A Bride for Christmas Andrew W. Walker.
Eve's Christmas ('04, Dra) Cheryl Ladd. A Christmas Wish
In Time (2011, Action) Amanda Seyfried,
Something Borrowed ('11, Com/Dra) Kate In Vogue: The Editor's Boardwalk Empire Real Sex (:50) 24/7 (:20)
In Time ('11, Eye (N) "Margate Sands" Cillian Murphy, Justin Timberlake. Hudson, Colin Egglesfield, Ginnifer Goodwin. Act) Justin Timberlake. (4:15)
Waterworld Witness: South Sudan Cedar Rapids ('11, Com) Ed Helms.
Contraband ('12, Act) Mark Wahlberg. Boardwalk Empire Love and Other Drugs (4:50) All She Can Corina Calderon. (:25) Anchorman: The Legend of ... Sopranos "46 Long"
A Thousand Words The Big Year Owen Wilson. (:15) Welcome to M... Income Income Selling NY Selling NY House HouseH Buying and Selling Extreme Homes HouseH House Extreme Homes Extreme Homes Ax Men Ax Men Ax Men American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Project Runway Project Runway (N) Abby's Competition Project Runway Project Runway (4:40)
The Haunting (:35)
Green Lantern Ryan Reynolds. Project X ('12, Com) Thomas Mann.
Aliens ('86, Sci-Fi) Sigourney Weaver. (:20) Baby Dolls Beh... Clueless Clueless Clueless Clueless The Challenge Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Jersey Jersey Shore Jersey Sponge Sponge Victorious Victorious Figure Out Figure Out Yes, Dear K & Kel Hollywood Heights Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends (3:30)
Starship Troopers ('97, Sci-Fi) Casper Van Dien, Denise Richards.
Constantine ('05, Sci-Fi) Rachel Weisz, Keanu Reeves.
Serenity Nathan Fillion. (3:45)
Valkyrie ('08, (:55) Fair Game (2010, Drama) Sean (:45)
Fright Night (2011, Comedy) Colin
Piranha ('10, Hor) Richard Dave's Old Reality Dave's Old Next Stop Porn Show (N) Porn for (N) War) Tom Cruise. Penn, Naomi Watts. Farrell, David Tennant, Anton Yelchin. Dreyfuss, Elisabeth Shue. Chop, Cut GearZ Race Hub Pinks! Pass Time Pass Time Car Warriors Wrecked Wrecked Pinks! Pinks! Car Warriors Wrecked Wrecked Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail (N) Wrestling Watch high-risk athletic entertainment Tattoo Tattoo GT Academy "Only Ways to Uncensfeaturing the most recognizable stars of wrestling. Night. Night. One Will Go Pro" (N) Die ored
Courageous ('11, Dra) Alex Kendrick. (:15)
Finding Nemo Albert Brooks.
The Smurfs Hank Azaria. (:50)
Man of the House Tommy Lee Jones. Movie Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld FamilyGuy FamilyGuy BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Conan (N) The Office The Office Four Weddings Medium Medium Along/ Bride "Kara" Say Yes Say Yes Four Weddings (N) Bride (N) Bride (N) Four Weddings Bride Bride (4:50) Vanishing on 7th Street ('11, (:25)
Coldblooded ('94, Com)
Spy Kids 4: All the Time in
50/ 50 ('11, Com/Dra) Seth (:15)
Our Idiot Brother ('11, (:45)
Thril) Hayden Christensen. Kimberly Williams, Jason Priestley. the World ('11, Act) Jessica Alba. Rogen, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Com) Elizabeth Banks, Paul Rudd. Dark Blue The Mentalist Mental. "Bloodsport" The Mentalist NBA Basketball New York Knicks vs. Miami Heat (L) NBA Basketball Dallas Mavericks vs. Phoenix Suns (L) (:10) Bonanza (:20) M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Cosby Cosby Cosby Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens (:35) Queens (:10) Queens (:50) Queens NCIS NCIS NCIS "Borderland" NCIS "Engaged" 1/2 NCIS "Engaged" 2/2 Burn Notice (N) NCIS "Moonlighting" SVU "Payback" Basketball Wives: LA Basketball Wives: LA Basketball Wives: LA Basketball Wives: LA Basketball Wives: LA
Notorious ('08, Bio) Mohamed Dione, Jamal Woolard. Behind Law:CI "Pas De Deux" Christine Christine Funniest Home Videos M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Rules Rules
THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • December 2 - December 8, 2012 • 13 FRIDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 NC15 First Inside at 5 Edition NewsCen- NewsCe(16) WNDU ter 16 at 5 nter 16 21 Alive News at 5 (21) WPTA p.m. Are We Are We (21.2) CW There Yet? There Yet? Anderson Live (33) WISE (15) WANE
(33.2) MNT (39) WFWA (39.2) KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) YOU
(55) WFFT
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
6 PM
NC15 at 6 Evening p.m. News NewsCe- NBC News nter 16 21 Alive World News News The King The King of Queens of Queens NBC 33 NBC News News at 6 American American Family Family Dad Dad Guy Guy Wild Electric PBS NewsHour Kratts Company Dinosaur WordGirl Fetch! Raggs Train "Cold" Garden B. Organic This Old Mexican Home Table House (4:00) UHL Hockey In. Washngtn The Office The Office Met Your Met Your Mother Mother
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
CSI: NY "The Real Blue Bloods "Fathers NC15 Undercover Boss "PostNet" (N) McCoy" (N) and Sons" (N) Nightcast Saturday Night Live Christmas A compilation Dateline NBC NewsCenter 16 of fan-favorite holiday sketches. Last Man Malibu Shark Tank 20/20 21 Alive St (N) Count (N) News Sein. "The Seinfeld 'Til Death Nikita "Sideswipe" Arrow "Vendetta" Implant" (N) NBC 33 Saturday Night Live Christmas A compilation Dateline NBC of fan-favorite holiday sketches. News Kitchen Nightmares Fringe "The Human Indiana's Monk "Mr. Monk "Barefoot Bob's" (N) Kind" (N) News Gets Lotto Fever" Doo Wop Rare archival gems include performances Great Performances "Rod by The Del Vikings, The Clovers, & more. Stewart: Merry Christmas, Baby" WordW- Curious Martha Arthur Zula Clifford- Thomas & orld Red Dog Friends George Patrol Speaks Clodagh's Mexican This Old Steves' TravelsLidia's Cook's Europe cope Italy Country Irish Food Table House Bell'aria: Live From A group of Perfect Health The corelation Tavis singers perform classic Italian songs. between digestive and heart health. Smiley The Two and a Two and a Extra Big Bang Big Bang Wfft News The Locker TMZ Half Men Half Men Insider Theory Theory Room
Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune Access Inside Hollywood Edition Ent. Mad Ants Tonight Show Rules of Rules of Engage. Engage. Everybody Everybody Loves Ray Loves Ray America's Funniest Home Videos Nightly PrimetiBusiness me39 Sid Barney & Science Friends Simply Hubert Ming Keller PBS NewsHour
(:35) The
Late Show (:35) Late With David Letterman Late (N) (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) LateNight With Jay Leno (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline More of That '70s That '70s the Score Show Show (:35) The Tonight Show (:35) With Jay Leno LateNight Monk "Mr. Monk Art & Soul Takes a Punch" European Charlie Rose Christmas Wild Bob the Super Kratts WHY! Builder Simply Lidia's Cook's Ming Italy Country Need to Tavis Tavis Know Smiley Smiley King of Law & Order: Criminal the Hill Intent
News News News News Wheel Jeopardy! Boss "PostNet" (N) CSI: NY (N) Blue Bloods (N) News (:35) David Letterman LateShow Rules Rules M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Nikita (N) Arrow "Vendetta" News Seinfeld Queens TMZ Friends '70s Show Two 1/2... 30 Rock FamilyGuy Amer. Dad Simpsons FamilyGuy Kitchen N'mare (N) Fringe (N) Fox 28 News at 10 The Office The Office 30 Rock Two 1/2... Wild Kratt News Economic Michiana PBS NewsHour W.Week Economic American Masters "Lennon NYC" Charlie Rose Business T. Smiley PartFam FamilyTies Star Trek: Next Gen. The Harvest Show "Four Hour Special" H.S. Basketball Clay vs. Marian News News News News Insider ET Last Man Malibu (N) Shark Tank 20/20 ABC57 (:35) News Jimmy Kimmel Live Come In Ask the Pastor Faith H. Difference CBN News TCT Today God's Plan B.Hinn Life Today J. Hagee Bible Gospel Just Sayin' The Jim Bakker Show (4:00)
Hannibal (2001, Thriller) Sir Anthony
The Fifth Element ('97, Sci-Fi) Bruce Willis. A cab driver becomes The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Comic The Fifth "Mad to Suffer" "Mad to Suffer" Hopkins, Ray Liotta, Julianne Moore. involved with a mysterious woman who holds the key to saving Earth. Book Men Element The First 48 First 48 "10 Pounds" Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dynasty Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dy Duck Dynasty Options Money Mad Money The Kudlow Report Millions Millions Crime Inc. American Greed Mad Money Crime Inc. (4:00) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight (:55) Futura Sunny SouthPk Tosh.O Colbert Daily Sh. Tosh.O Tosh.O Kevin Hart: Grown... Chris Rock Katt Williams Comedy Central Roast To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Jessie Jessie Phineas GoodLuck Austin Austin All Star New Year (N) Phineas Gravity A.N.T. GoodLuck GoodLuck Shake Up Dog Blog Jessie (3:30) Blue Crush 2 Love You The Soup E! News
Sweet Home Alabama Reese Witherspoon. Fashion Police C. Lately E! News C. Lately (4:30) Texas Rangers (:05)
Daylight ('96, Act) Sylvester Stallone.
Moneyball ('11, Bio) Brad Pitt. (:15)
Heartbreak Ridge ('86, War) Clint Eastwood. Movie Around Interrup- SportsCenter NBA Basketball Boston Celtics vs. Philadelphia 76ers Site: NBA Basketball Los Angeles Lakers vs. Oklahoma City SportsCenter Horn (N) tion (N) Wachovia Complex -- Philadelphia, Pa. (L) Thunder Site: Chesapeake Energy Arena (L) SportsNation (N) NFL 32 (L) NFL Kickoff (L) NCAA Football FCS Championship Quarter-final (L) SportsCenter NBA Boxing
A Christmas Carol ('09, Ani) Jim Carrey.
The Santa Clause ('94, Com) Tim Allen.
The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause The 700 Club 12 Dates of Christmas The Five Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record The O'Reilly Factor Hannity Xtreme Tour Football Pre-game NBA Basketball Denver Nuggets vs. Indiana Pacers Site: Post-game NBA Basketball Denver Nuggets vs. Indiana Action Sports Tour Preview Conseco Fieldhouse -- Indianapolis, Ind. (L) Pacers Site: Conseco Fieldhouse (L) (L) ASA Big Air Triples (4:00) November Chr...
A Season for Miracles Patty Duke. The Christmas Heart ('12, Dra) Teri Polo.
Santa Jr. ('02, Com) Nick Stabile. A Christmas Weddin... (4:15) Glitter (2008, Weigh-in 24/7 24/7 24/7 24/7 Weigh-in
Red Tails (2012, Action) Cuba Gooding Jr.. (:15) Your Highness (2011, Comedy) Danny Live Drama) Live McBride, Natalie Portman, James Franco. (4:30) Envy (:15)
Little Fockers ('10, Com) Ben Stiller.
Tower Heist Eddie Murphy. (:45) Making Boardwalk Empire Weigh-in 24/7 24/7 24/7 (4:20) Girl With a Pea... (:05)
The Descendants George Clooney. Sopranos (:45) Making
What's Your Number? Anna Faris.
The Full Monty Movie Property Property House House House House Celeb. Holiday Homes Home Strange Home HouseH House House House Home Strange Home Pearl Harbor "24 Hours After" Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star WW2 From Space (P) (N) 10 Things 10 Things Pawn Star Pawn Star (4:00)
Mixed Nuts The Family Holiday ('07, Dra) Dave Coulier. Finding Mrs. Claus ('12, Dra) Mira Sorvino. Holiday Spin ('12, Dra) Ralph Macchio. Finding Mrs. Claus (4:30)
Mr. Baseball (:20)
Alien Resurrection (:15)
Wanderlust Jennifer Aniston. Hunted (N) Lingerie Hunted Movie True Life True Life The Challenge Jersey Shore Jersey Shore To Be Announced Sponge Sponge Victorious Victorious Figure Out Figure Out Victorious Victorious Hollywood Heights Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends Movie
Constantine ('05, Sci-Fi) Rachel Weisz, Keanu Reeves. WWE Smackdown! (N) Haven (N) DealDark DealDark Haven (4:15) Brake ('12, Thril)
Real Steel (2011, Sci-Fi) Evangeline Lilly, (:05) War (:25) The Mechanic ('11, Act) Ben Sexy Baby (2012, Documentary) Drive Angry ('11, Act) Amber Stephen Dorff. Dakota Goyo, Hugh Jackman. Horse Foster, Jason Statham. Heard, Nicolas Cage. Chop, Cut GearZ Race Hub Pinks! Pass Time Pass Time Off Road Racing Off Road Racing Off Road Racing Off Road Racing UFC Road to Octagon Gangland "Vendetta Ink Master "Holy Ink" Ink Master "Buck Off" Ink Master "Blowing Spike TV's Video Game Awards A celebration Spike TV's Video Game Awards A celebration of Blood" Chunks" of the year's best in video and pc games. (L) of the year's best in video and pc games. (4:35)
21 Jump Street
View From the Top Magic City Boss Spartacus: Vengeance Camelot Torchwood Friends Friends Queens Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld For Better For Better Better (N) Better (N) Why Did I Get Married Too? ('10, Com) Janet Jackson. Yes Man Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes Say Yes Bride (N) Bride (N) Say Yes to Say Yes to Bride Bride (4:35) Love's Kitchen (:05)
Little Fish (2005, Drama) Cate
Five Fingers ('06, Dra)
Twisted ('04, Thriller) Samuel L. (:10) Bodyguards and Assassins (2009, Action) John Atterbury. Blanchett, Hugo Weaving. Laurence Fishburne, Mimi Ferrer. Jackson, Andy Garcia, Ashley Judd. Leon Lai, Xueqi Want, Donnie Yen. Law & Order Mentalist "Red Alert" The Mentalist
Inception ('10, Act) Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. (:15)
U.S. Marshals ('98, Act) Wesley Snipes. Bonanza (:15) MASH (:50) MASH (:25) The Cosby Show (:55) Cosby Cosby Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens (:35) Queens (:10) Queens (:50) Queens Law&O.:SVU "Mean" SVU "Careless" Law&O.:SVU "Sick" SVU "Mother" SVU "Choice" Law&O.:SVU "Bound" Burn Notice CSI: Crime "Pilot" TI Tiny TI Tiny TI Tiny Marrying Big Buzz
Miss Congeniality ('00, Com) Sandra Bullock. Pranks 3 "Hour 1" Pranks 3 "Hour 2" Miss You Kid Stars Law:CI "Mis-Labeled" Christine Christine Funniest Home Videos M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother M-Mother WGN News at Nine Funniest Home Videos Rules Rules
Friday movies
8:00 p.m. (E!) “Sweet Home Alabama” ++ (2002, Comedy) Candice Bergen, Reese Witherspoon. A designer’s plans to marry are threatened when her first husband refuses to divorce her. (2h) (ENC) “Moneyball” ++ (2011, Biography) Robin Wright, Brad Pitt. Billy Beane’s attempt to put together a baseball team using computer generated analysis. (2h15) (HBO2) “Tower Heist” +++ (2011, Action) Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy. A group of hard working men plan to rob the home of a business man that scammed them off. (1h45) (TMC) “Five Fingers” ++ (2006, Drama) Laurence Fishburne, Mimi Ferrer. A Dutch pianist, who is abducted by terrorists and imprisoned, tries anything to escape. (1h30) (TNT) “Inception” +++ (2010, Action) Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. A skilled thief has a final shot at redemption if he can execute his toughest job to date. (3h15) 8:15 p.m. (MAX) “Wanderlust” ++++ (2012, Comedy) Paul Rudd, Jennifer Aniston. A Manhattan couple decide to try living on a commune after they both lose their jobs. (1h45) 9:00 p.m. (FAM) “The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause” ++ (2007, Family) Marin Short, Tim Allen. Santa Claus prepares for a busy Christmas with his in-laws and the mischievous Jack Frost. (2h) (HBO) “Red Tails” ++ (2012, Action) Cuba Gooding Jr.. Black pilots who were kept segregated during World War II are finally called into action. (2h15) (HBOS) “What’s Your Number?” ++ (2011, Comedy) Chris Evans, Anna Faris. A woman questions whether one of the men from the past 20 she has dated was her true love. (2h) 10:00 p.m. (HALL) “Santa Jr.” ++ (2002, Comedy) Judd Nelson, Nick Stabile. Santa’s adult son learns the spirit of Christmas when he takes over the family business. (2h) 10:15 p.m. (ENC) “Heartbreak Ridge” +++ (1986, War) Marsha Mason, Clint Eastwood. A tough marine’s final assignment is to get a squadron of young recruits into shape. (2h15) 11:00 p.m. (HBOS) “The Full Monty” +++ (1997, Comedy) Mark Addy, Robert Carlyle. A group of unemployed British steel workers create a striptease act to earn money. (1h35) 11:15 p.m. (TNT) “U.S. Marshals” ++ (1998, Action) Tommy Lee Jones, Wesley Snipes. A framed covert C.I.A. agent becomes a fugitive on the run from a U.S. Marshal. (2h35) 12:30 a.m. (AMC) “The Fifth Element” +++ (1997, Sci-Fi) Milla Jovovich, Bruce Willis. A cab driver becomes involved with a mysterious woman who holds the key to saving Earth. (3h) (ENC) “Donnie Brasco” +++ (1997, Crime Story) Johnny Depp, Al Pacino. An undercover FBI agent infiltrates the mob and finds himself identifying with the Mafia. (2h10) (TBS) “Yes Man” ++ (2008, Comedy) Zooey Deschanel, Jim Carrey. A man’s life is turned upside-down when he is required to say yes to every opportunity. (2h15)
14 • December 2 - December 8, 2012 • THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR
Saturday movies
8:00 p.m. (21) (WPTA) (57) (WBND) “The Borrowers” ++ (1998, Comedy) Jim Broadbent, John Goodman. A boy befriends a family of miniature people living under the floorboards in his home. (2h) (AMC) “Miracle” +++ (2004, True Story) Patricia Clarkson, Kurt Russell. The true story of the 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey team who claimed victory over the Russians. (3h) (E!) “The Women” ++ (2008, Comedy) Annette Bening, Meg Ryan. A rich woman leans on her friends for support after discovering her husband is cheating. (2h30) (ENC) “The Rookie” ++ (1990, Action) Charlie Sheen, Clint Eastwood. A veteran cop teams up with a rookie who is plagued by guilt over his brother’s death. (2h05) (FAM) “Despicable Me” ++ (2010, Animated) Jason Segel, Steve Carell. A criminal mastermind uses three orphans in his grand scheme to steal the moon. (2h) (HBO) “Journey 2: The Mysterious Island” ++ (2012, Adventure) Vanessa Hudgens, Josh Hutcherson. Alongside his stepfather, a young man searches for his grandfather on a mythical island. (1h45) (TNT) “The Town” ++++ (2010, Action) Rebecca Hall, Ben Affleck. A career criminal juggles his feelings for a bank manager from a previous robbery. (2h30) 8:30 p.m. (USA) “How Do You Know” ++ (2010, Comedy/Drama) Reese Witherspoon, A softball player finds herself caught in a love triangle after being cut from the team. (2h30) 9:00 p.m. (MTV) “Scary Movie 2” ++ (2001, Comedy) Shawn Wayans, Marlon Wayans. A professor tricks four teens into visiting a haunted house for a school project. (2h) (SPIKE) “Walking Tall” +++ (2004, Action) Johnny Knoxville, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. A retired soldier sets out to clean up his hometown, despite the dangers to his family. (2h) (TMC) “Suspect Zero” ++ (2004, Thriller) Ben Kingsley, Aaron Eckhart. An FBI agent is haunted by past mistakes as he investigates a series of killings. (1h45) 10:00 p.m. (FAM) “Despicable Me” ++ (2010, Animated) Jason Segel, Steve Carell. A criminal mastermind uses three orphans in his grand scheme to steal the moon. (2h) (MAX) “Wanderlust” ++++ (2012, Comedy) Paul Rudd, Jennifer Aniston. A Manhattan couple decide to try living on a commune after they both lose their jobs. (1h40) 10:05 p.m. (ENC) “The Recruit” ++ (2003, Thriller) Al Pacino, Colin Farrell. A mentor asks a talented young CIA trainee to help find a mole inside the agency. (1h55) 10:30 p.m. (TNT) “The Town” ++++ (2010, Action) Rebecca Hall, Ben Affleck. A career criminal juggles his feelings for a bank manager from a previous robbery. (2h30) 10:35 p.m. (STARZ) “Bad Teacher” +++ (2011, Comedy) Jason Segal, Cameron Diaz. An unconventional educator teaches her class and herself a unique type of lesson. (1h45)
8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 Saturday A discussion of current events & a Busyto- BusytoFirst News Saturday variety of topics that affect our world today. wn Myst. wn Myst. Justin (7:00) NewsCenter 16 Saturday Morning NoodlPajani- Poppy (16) WNDU eDoodle mals Cat Time Good Morning Recipe Wild Ocean Born to Sea Food for (21) WPTA America Saturday Countd. Myst. Explore Rescue Rehab Thought Sonic X Power Yu-Gi-Oh Iron Justice WWE Sat Dragon Yu-Gi(21.2) CW Rangers Man: AA League Morning Ball Z Oh! Zex (7:00) Saturday Now Eat Noodl- Pajani- Poppy Jack Justin (33) WISE Today (N) This! Cat Time Hanna eDoodle mals Animal Passport Young Weekend Marketplace Career (33.2) MNT Explore Icons Atlas Day Woodsmi Amer. WoodThis Old Ask-Old HomeMotor- AutoLine (39) WFWA House th Shop Wood work House time week Bob the Peep/P- Mark WordGirl Fetch! Raggs Sid Barney & (39.2) KIDS Builder ocoyo Kistler Science Friends Burt D.Dew- Christma Katie Favorite K.Brown TravelsBurt (39.3) CRE Wolf Wolf Foods berry s Market Brown "Gifts" cope Ask-Old Woodw- Woodt- Woodsmi Aroun- Greener Antique "Baltimore (39.4) YOU House right's urning th Shop dHouse World (Hour Three)" Dog Into the Paid Bonanza "The Paid Gunsmoke (55) WFFT Wild Program Program Smiler" Tales (15) WANE
College NCAA Football Army vs. Navy (L) Football Paid Paid Mountain Biking Red Bull Rampage -ND Paid PGA Golf Franklin Basketba Program Program Program Zion, UT Templeton Shootout Paid Paid Paid Paid Wipeout All American Team ESPN Sports Program Program Program Program Saturday ChatCloneCloneHouse of House of Meet the Meet the
Chill Factor On the Spot Payne Payne Browns Browns Cuba Gooding Jr.. room Wars Wars LazyThe Paid PGA Golf Franklin Paid Mountain Biking Red Bull Rampage -Templeton Shootout Town Wiggles Program Program Zion, UT Paid Storm
The Forsaken (2001, Horror) Brendan Paid From Leverage Program Program Daryl's Stories Fehr, Izabella Miko, Kerr Smith. Headwaters Park: Fort Red Red Red Red ADD and Mastering It! Wayne's Lasting Legacy Green Green Green Green Zoo to Martha Clifford- Thomas- Wild Bob the Peep/PCurious Daniel Zula Patrol You George Tiger Speaks Red Dog Friends Kratts Builder ocoyo Clodag- Mexican This Old Steves' TravelsMexican Simply Hubert Lidia's Cook's Table Ming Europe cope Keller Italy Country h's Food Table House Pledge Programming Headwaters Park: Fort Pledge Programming Wayne's Lasting Legacy Paid Xterra Two and TMZ Paid SEC Bowl Special Holiday on Ice Program Program Half Men NCAA Basketball Arkansas vs. Michigan (L)
www.kpcnews.com 5L^ /VWL *OYPZ[PHU *LU[LY ^^^ 5L^/VWL PU
(6:30) WSBT
News Saturday A discussion of current events & a TheDo- TheDo- NCAA Basketball Arkansas vs. Michigan (L) College NCAA Football Army vs. Navy (L) (22) WSBT Saturday Morning variety of topics that affect our world today. odlebops odlebops Football Justice Iron WWE Sat Dragon Yu-GiYu-Gi-Oh
The Station Agent ('03, Dra) Paul
Chill Factor (1999, Action) Skeet King of King of (25) WCWW Sonic X Power Benjamin, Peter Dinklage. Ulrich, Peter Firth, Cuba Gooding Jr.. Queens Queens Rangers Man: AA League Morning Ball Z Oh! Zex Bones "The Bodies Paid Paid The Nutcracker on Two and Paid Aweso- Weekend Marketplace Wild Paid (28) WSJV Elizabeth Pets.TV Teen Program Half Men Program Program Ice Stanton me Adv. News Animals Program in a Book" Sewing Knitting Lidia's Dinner Martha's Julia's Bake V.Garden Burt This Old This Old Woodsmi Woodw- Nova Cook's (34) WNIT Sewing Sew It Daily Italy and Book Country School Wolf House House W Nancy All Room Kitchen Decorate "Soft" th Shop right's (46) WHME News Career H.S. Basketball Paid Paid SEC Bowl Special Gaddy Studio B Healthy Choices Paid Paid Bob Vila Woman Ocean Born to Sea Wild Recipe Food for Entertainment TMZ Wipeout All American Team ESPN Sports (57) WBND Good Morning America Saturday Countd. Myst. Explore Rescue Rehab Thought Tonight Weekend Saturday Science Sarah's End of Public Gospel Donkey Swamp Advent. Faithville CreatAwaken- Health& Health& RestoratSomme- Captain Miss (63) WINM Kicks Stories the Age Report Club rtime Ollie Critters Odyssey ures Stuff ing Hour Nutrition Nutrition ion Road Chuckle Charity's Bill AMC (7:30) Man Without a Star
The Comancheros ('61, West) John Wayne.
Hondo ('53, West) John Wayne.
Hidalgo ('04, Dra) Zuleikha Robinson, Viggo Mortensen. To Be Announced Flip This House Flip This House Flipping Vegas Flipping Vegas To Be Announced Be the Boss Parking Parking Parking Parking A&E Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid CNBC CNN Saturday Morning News Line CNN Saturday Morning News CNN Newsroom Your Money CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom News Sanjay CNN Comedy Comedy D.L. Hughley
The Original Kings of Comedy
Beverly Hills Cop II Eddie Murphy.
Semi-Pro ('08, Com) Will Ferrell. Austin Powers in ... COM To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced DISC M.Mouse Jake Phineas Phineas Gravity FishHook All Star New Year Wizards Wizards GoodLk GoodLk Austin Shake Up GoodLk GoodLk Gravity Gravity DISN (7:30) Blue Crush 2 Sharni Vinson. E! News Weekend P. Harry The Soup Fashion Police Love You Ice Coco Ice Coco NMinaj NMinaj NMinaj E! News Weekend E! (:15)
Honey Jessica Alba. (:50)
Dazed and Confused (:40)
The Rookie Clint Eastwood. (:45)
Moneyball ('11, Bio) Robin Wright, Brad Pitt.
Holes ENC SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter NCAA Football FCS Championship (L) SportsC. /(:15) NCAA Basketball (L) ESPN ESPN First Take (L) (:55) EPL Soccer (L) NCAA Basketball Portland vs. Kentucky (L) NCAA Basketball Colorado vs. Kansas (L) NCAA Basketball (L) ESPN2 (7:00) Harry Potter & the Order of the P...
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince ('09, Adv) Daniel Radcliffe.
Fred Claus ('07, Com) Paul Giamatti. The Santa Clause FAM (6:00) Fox & Friends Saturday Bull Bear Cavuto Forbes Cash In America's News HQ America's News HQ Journal News Special Report America's News HQ FNC Hunter Woods Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Program NCAA Basketball Tenn. St./Mo. (L) FSMW
A Smoky Mountain Christmas A Christmas Wedding Tail A Bride for Christmas Andrew W. Walker. The Christmas Heart ('12, Dra) Teri Polo.
Santa Jr. HALL (7:30) Beyond 24/7 24/7 24/7 24/7 Weigh-in
Red Tails ('12, Act) Cuba Gooding Jr.. (:40)
We Bought a Zoo (:45) In Vogue Movie HBO (7:30) Love Don't ... (:15) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (:40)
Liar Liar Jim Carrey. (:10)
Collateral ('04, Thril) Tom Cruise. (:10)
Sanctum Rhys Wakefield. HBO2 (7:35)
Death Becomes Her (:25)
Evening Claire Danes. Safe House ('12, Act) Denzel Washington. Another Earth Brit Marling. (:05) Boardwalk E. (:05) A Thousand... HBOS Buying and Selling Property Property Crashers Crashers Crashers Kitchen Crashers Crashers Love It or List It Kitchen Takeover Sarah's Holiday Dear Gen Dear Gen HGTV Ax Men Ax Men Ax Men Ax Men Ax Men Ax Men Ax Men Ax Men Ax Men HIST Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid To Be Announced Will You Merry Me? Tommy Lioutas.
An Accidental Christmas Undercover Chris... LIFE Movie (:45) Buffy the Vampire Slayer (:10)
Larry Crowne (:50)
This Means War
Something to Talk About (:15) Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son MAX Catfish The Challenge Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 IMadeIt 10 / Top Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Catfish The Challenge MTV Parents Parents Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Korra Kung Fu P.Ranger Sponge Kung Fu Kung Fu Kung Fu Kung Fu Big Time Big Time iCarly iCarly NICK Paid Paid Stonehenge Apocalypse Misha Collins. 2012: Ice Age Patrick Labyorteaux.
Polar Storm ('09, Act) Jack Coleman. Ice Twisters ('09, Sci-Fi) Mark Moses. SCIFI Inside the NFL Jim Rome WarHorse
Source Code (:15)
The Core ('03, Sci-Fi) Hilary Swank.
Red ('10, Act) Bruce Willis. U.S. SHOW Truck U GearZ GearZ Hot Rod Hot Rod Garage Monster Jam Racing Lucas Oil Lucas Oil Drive Hot Rod Hot Rod Hot Rod Hot Rod Hot Rod Hot Rod SPEED Paid Program Xtr. 4x4 Horsep. Trucks! Muscle.. Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction SPIKE (:10)
Colombiana Zoe Saldana. (:05)
21 Jump Street Jonah Hill.
The Vow (:45)
Analyze This Robert De Niro. (:35)
Colombiana STARZ ThereYet Browns Payne Acc.Jim College Road Trip (:45)
Yes Man ('08, Com) Jim Carrey.
Old School ('03, Com) Luke Wilson. Friends Friends TBS Paid Paid Four Houses Four Houses Four Houses Four Houses Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes TLC (7:45) George of ... (:15)
Reality Bites Winona Ryder. (:55)
Red Brian Cox.
Turner & Hooch (:10) The Lightkeepers (:50) Santa Claus With Muscl... TMC Law & Order Law & Order Leverage Rizzoli & Isles
U.S. Marshals ('98, Act) Wesley Snipes.
Patriot Games Harrison Ford. Movie TNT 3's Co. 3's Co. 3's Co. 3's Co. 3's Co. 3's Co. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. TVLND Paid Program
Friday ('95, Com) Ice Cube.
The Break Up Artist Ryan Kennedy.
It's Complicated ('09, Rom) Meryl Streep. He's Just Not That Into You USA (6:00) Jump Start Vh1 Top 20 (N) Vh1 Top 20 (N)
Miss Congeniality ('00, Com) Sandra Bullock. Kid Stars "Hour 1" Kid Stars "Hour 2" Kid Stars "Hour 3" Kid Stars VH1 Paid Paid Matlock Matlock Law & Order: C.I. Law:CI "Cadaver" Law:CI "Icarus" Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. Law & Order: C.I. WGN
THE NEWS SUN • THE HERALD REPUBLICAN • THE STAR • December 2 - December 8, 2012 • 15 SATURDAY PRIME TIME 5 PM 5:30 6 PM (15) WANE (16) WNDU
(21) WPTA (21.2) CW (33) WISE (33.2) MNT (39) WFWA (39.2) KIDS (39.3) CRE (39.4) YOU
(55) WFFT
(22) WSBT (25) WCWW (28) WSJV (34) WNIT (46) WHME (57) WBND (63) WINM
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
Wheel of Jeopardy! Frosty the Frosty The Flight Before 48 Hours "Jody Arias" NC15 Army vs. Navy NC15 (:35) Burn Notice (:35) The Fortune Weekend Snowman Returns (N) Closer (L) Report Christmas Nightcast Paid Giving Five deserving charitable organizations Law & Order: Special NewsCe- Saturday Night Live (4:00) PGA Golf Franklin NewsCe- NBC News Paid nter 16 Templeton Shootout (L) nter 16 Program Program will be given money for their cause. (N) Victims Unit 21 Alive ABC News Entertainment Tonight
The Borrowers (1998, Comedy) Jim (4:00) ESPN Sports Castle "After the 21 Alive (:35) (:05) Paid (:35) Paid Broadbent, Mark Williams, John Goodman. Outdoors Program Program Saturday News Weekend Storm" News (4:00)
Chill Factor
FX (1986, Action) Cliff De Young, Bryan Cops Cops Cheaters '70s Show That '70s The Jeremy Kyle Show The Border "The Pill" Show "Unacceptable Risk" Cuba Gooding Jr.. Brown. (4:00) PGA Golf Franklin News Giving Five deserving charitable organizations Law & Order: Special News NBC News Bones Saturday Night Live Templeton Shootout (L) Weekend will be given money for their cause. (N) Victims Unit Weekend Cold Case Futurama Futurama Family Family UFC on FOX Site: KeyArena -- Seattle, Wash. (L) Cold Case Masterchef "Top 6 30 Night Shift Guy Compete" Guy Seconds Red Green Red Green Pledge Programming Pledge Programming Muddy Waters Jagger, Richards New Nature "Is That Show Show and Wood join the Blues legend. Skunk?" Madrid Martha Bob the Dinosaur WordGirl Fetch! Raggs Sid Barney & WordW- Curious Arthur Zula Clifford- Thomas & Wild Peep/Poorld Red Dog Friends Kratts coyo Train Science Friends George Patrol Speaks Builder Weeknight Around Smart Burt Wolf D.Dewb- European Katie Burt Wolf: Favorite K.Brown TravelsLidia's Cook's Katie Amer. Test Simply Meals Brown erry "Gifts" cope Ming Italy Country the House Travels Christmas Brown Travels Foods Kitchen (3:30) Pledge Programming Pledge Programming Austin City "Steve Nature "Is That Pledge Programming Martin/ Sarah Jarosz" Skunk?" Pledge Paid CSI: Miami WFFT Local News Law & Order Cold Squad Paid Big Bang Big Bang Paid Two and a Criminal Minds Program Program Theory Theory Program Half Men (3:00) NCAA Football
www.kpcnews.com :,9=0*,:! :H[\YKH` W T HUK :\UKH` ! H T
(3:00) NCAA Football
Army/Navy (L) News Paid Jeopardy! Frosty Frosty Flight Before C'mas 48 Hours (N) News (:35) Criminal Minds (:35) C.Mind Friends Friends M-Mother M-Mother BigBang BigBang Futurama Futurama Seinfeld Seinfeld News
Blue State ('07, Com) Breckin Meyer. Project X
The Invisible ('07, Thril) Justin Chatwin. Paid Paid UFC on FOX (L) 28 News The Office Masterchef 30Seconds Paid Nova Classic Gospel Lawrence Welk Show Antiques Roadshow Appear. Appear. Time Goes Time Goes Globe Trekker Austin City Limits Partners Life Alert Basketball Garden Studio B Paid Paid Gaddy Sumrall Crook and Chase LESEA in Action The Place Bible (4:00) Sports Saturday News ABC News News Insider
The Borrowers ('98, Com) John Goodman. Castle News The Closer Castle TimeHope To Be Announced Difference Super. J.Jewish Sessions 3D Woman Dorinda Health Just Sayin' Praise Wheaton
Coach Carter ('05, Dra) Samuel L. Jackson. A basketball coach
Miracle ('04, True) Kurt Russell. The true story of the 1980 U.S.
Miracle (2004, True Story) Patricia prevents his team from playing until they improve their grades. Olympic hockey team who claimed victory over the Russians. Clarkson, Noah Emmerich, Kurt Russell. Parking Parking Parking Parking Storage Storage Storage Storage Parking Parking Billy (N) Billy (N) Billy Billy Storage Storage Paid Paid Paid Paid Money Millions Ultimate Factories The Suze Orman Show Princess Princess Ultimate Factories The Suze Orman Show CNN Newsroom The Situation Room CNN Newsroom CNBC Special Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom CNBC Special Piers Morgan Tonight (4:00) Austin Powers... Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity I'm Not Fat... Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity Gary Gulman
Hot Tub Time Machine John Cusack. To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced GoodLuck Austin Austin Shake Up Phineas (:45) Ferb GoodLuck All Star New Year Dog Blog Austin A.N.T. Jessie GoodLuck Shake Up A.N.T. Fashion Police
Sweet Home Alabama Reese Witherspoon.
The Women ('08, Com) Annette Bening, Meg Ryan. Fashion Police Love You The Soup Movie (4:00)
Holes (:05)
Secondhand Lions Michael Caine.
The Rookie ('90, Act) Clint Eastwood. (:05)
The Recruit ('03, Thril) Colin Farrell. Dazed and Confused (:15) NCAA Basketball UCLA vs. Texas (L) (:15) SportsCenter Heisman Trophy 30 for 30 "You Don't Know Bo" SportsCenter The day's news in the SportsCenter Presentation (L) world of sports. (N) (4:00) NCAA Basket. (L) NCAA Basketball Wisconsin vs. Marquette (L) NCAA Basketball Arizona vs. Clemson (L) NCAA Basketball Illinois vs. Gonzaga (L) 30 for 30 (N) (4:00) The Santa Clau...
The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
Despicable Me ('10, Ani) Steve Carell.
Despicable Me ('10, Ani) Steve Carell.
Santa Baby (4:00) News HQ America's News HQ Fox Report Weekend Huckabee Justice JudgeJeanine Fox Report Weekend Journal E. Fox News Justice JudgeJeanine Tiger Football MVC Season Preview WPT Poker Grand Prix To Be Announced Boxing Golden Boy Card TBA (L) UEFA Soccer de Paris Rewind (L) Preview Champions League (4:00)
Santa Jr. A Holiday Engagement ('11, Com) Haylie Duff. Come Dance With Me Andrew McCarthy. A Bride for Christmas Andrew W. Walker. The Night Before th... (4:45)
Titanic ('97, Dra) Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio. Two
Journey 2: The Mysterious (:45) Boardwalk Empire (:45)
Contagion (2011, Action) Kate (:35) social opposites meet and fall in love while on Titanic's maiden voyage. Island ('12, Adv) Josh Hutcherson. "Margate Sands" Winslet, Jude Law, Matt Damon. Journey ... Weigh-in Boxing Classics 24/7 24/7 24/7 24/7 Weigh-in Thrones "Lord Snow" Game of Thrones Treme
Collateral Movie (:40) The Art of Getting By (:10) Beginners ('10, Com/Dra) Ewan McGregor. Safe House ('12, Act) Denzel Washington.
The Bone Collector Denzel Washington. Candice Candice High Low House Renovation W. House Christmas White House 2012 HouseH House HouseH House White House 2012 Ax Men Ax Men Pawn Star Pawn Star Mankind: The Story of All of Us "New World" Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Pawn Star Story of All of Us (4:00) Undercover C... Holiday High School Reunion Harry Hamlin. Holly's Holiday ('12) Claire Coffee. Dear Santa ('11, Dra) Gina Holden, Amy Acker. Holly's Holiday (:05)
The Whole Nine Yards (:45)
Bridesmaids ('11, Com) Kristen Wiig. Hunted
Wanderlust (:40) Hunted (:40) Skin Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous
Scary Movie 2 ('01, Com) Marlon Wayans. Jersey Shore Jersey Shore iCarly iCarly Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious ToRock ToRock (N) iCarly Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends Friends Friends Friends Ice Quake ('10, Sci-Fi) Brendan Fehr. Snowmageddon ('11, Hor) Magda Apanowicz. '12 Disasters of Christmas Ed Quinn. (P) Doomsday Prophecy ('11, Susp) Jewel Staite. (4:30) U.S. Dexter "The Dark... Homeland "Broken (:40) War War Horse Jeremy Irvine. During World War I, a young The Three Musketeers (2011, Action) Matthew Homeland Whatever" Hearts" Horse soldier fights to be reunited with his beloved thoroughbred. Macfadyen, Ray Stevenson, Logan Lerman. Hot Rod Hot Rod Hot Rod Hot Rod Pinks! Pinks! Pinks! Pinks! Pinks! Pinks! Pinks! Pinks! FIM Supercross Auction
Kick-Ass Inspired by comic books, a high school
Walking Tall ('04, Act) Johnny Knoxville,
Doom (2005, Sci-Fi) The Rock, Rosamund Auction Auction Hunters Hunters Hunters student decides he is going to become a super-hero. Neal McDonough, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. Pike, Karl Urban. Movie The Son of No One (:10)
The Vow ('12, Dra) Rachel McAdams. Thin Ice (:35)
Bad Teacher (:20)
Colombiana Friends Friends Queens Queens Queens Queens BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Wedding Band Wedding Band
Old School Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Mario and Courtney's Wedding Fiesta (N) Secrets/ Trophy (N) Mario and Courtney's Wedding Fiesta (3:50) Santa
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50/ 50 (2011, Comedy/Drama) Seth
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Suspect Zero Cl... Niemi, Patrick Swayze. Rogen, Anna Kendrick, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Kingsley, Aaron Eckhart. Mark Sheppard, Adam Baldwin. Aaron Eckhart. (4:45)
Inception ('10, Act) Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
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The Town ('10, Act) Rebecca Hall, Ben Affleck. Roseanne (:40) Cosby (:15) Cosby (:55) The Cosby Show (:25) Cosby Cosby Cosby Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens (3:30) He's Just Not T...
Couples Retreat ('09, Com) Vince Vaughn.
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Couples Retreat ('09, Com) Vince Vaughn. (4:30) KidStar Kid Stars "Hour 5" Miss You Behind Music "Pink" Basketball Wives: LA TI Tiny TI Tiny Marrying Marrying Marrying Marrying Menace II Society Law & O: CI "Slither" Law & O: CI "Watch" Videos Bulls Eye NBA Basketball New York Knicks vs. Chicago Bulls (L) News Bones Bones
10:45 p.m. (HBO) “Contagion” +++ (2011, Action) Kate Winslet, Matt Damon. An international team of doctors attempts to contain the outbreak of a deadly disease. (1h50) 11:00 p.m. (AMC) “Miracle” +++ (2004, True Story) Patricia Clarkson, Kurt Russell. The true story of the 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey team who claimed victory over the Russians. (3h) (COM) “Hot Tub Time Machine” ++ (2010, Comedy) Rob Corddry, John Cusack. Four friends travel back in time via a hot tub and relive their experiences from the ‘80s. (2h15) (HBOS) “The Bone Collector” +++ (1999, Thriller) Angelina Jolie, Denzel Washington. A detective helps a rookie cop find a serial killer who collects the bones of his victims. (2h) (SPIKE) “Doom” ++ (2005, Sci-Fi) The Rock, Karl Urban. A team is forced to go to war with mutants while investigating a settlement on Mars. (2h) (USA) “Couples Retreat” ++ (2009, Comedy) Jason Bateman, Vince Vaughn. Four couples vacation on an island and belatedly learn that couples therapy is mandatory. (2h30) Midnight (ENC) “Dazed and Confused” +++ (1993, Comedy/Drama) Parker Posey, Ben Affleck. In 1976, high school seniors and freshmen celebrate the new found freedom of summer. (1h45) (FAM) “Santa Baby” ++ (2006, Comedy) George Wendt, Jenny McCarthy. Santa’s daughter, Mary Class, tries to makeover Christmas when her father gets sick. (2h) (HBO2) “Collateral” ++ (2004, Thriller) Jamie Foxx, Tom Cruise. A contract killer hijacks a taxicab on the night he is supposed to kill five people. (2h) (TBS) “Old School” +++ (2003, Comedy) Will Ferrell, Luke Wilson. Three men who are disenchanted with their lives try to recapture their college days. (2h) (VH1) “Menace II Society” +++ (1993, Drama) Larenz Tate, Tyrin Turner. An 18-year-old and his friends try to cope with the realities of inner-city life. (2h) 12:10 a.m. (TMC) “Suspect Zero” ++ (2004, Thriller) Ben Kingsley, Aaron Eckhart. An FBI agent is haunted by past mistakes as he investigates a series of killings. (1h50) 12:20 a.m. (STARZ) “Colombiana” +++ (2011, Action) Michael Vartan, Zoe Saldana. A young woman becomes an assassin to find the mobster that killed her parents in Bogotá. (1h55) 12:30 a.m. (25) (WCWW) “Project X” +++ (1987, Comedy) Helen Hunt, Matthew Broderick. A young air force misfit becomes enraged at the secret tests conducted on chimps. (2h) (E!) “The Women” ++ (2008, Comedy) Annette Bening, Meg Ryan. A rich woman leans on her friends for support after discovering her husband is cheating. (2h30) 12:35 a.m. (HBO) “Journey 2: The Mysterious Island” ++ (2012, Adventure) Vanessa Hudgens, Josh Hutcherson. Alongside his stepfather, a young man searches for his grandfather on a mythical island. (1h40) 1:00 a.m. (HBOS) “Boogie Nights” +++ (1997, Drama) Burt Reynolds, Mark Wahlberg. A man finds fame and fortune in the flashy adult entertainment industry of the 1970s. (2h40)
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