2019 Senior Services Directory for Whitley and Kosciusko Counties

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Whitley & Kosciusko Counties Senior Services Directory

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Local Senior Service Organizations............................ 3 State & National Senior Service Organizations............................ 6 Senior & Medical Terminology....18 Adjustable Beds......................... 21 Alzheimer’s Care & Services..... 21 Animal Shelters......................... 21 Antiques — Estate Jewelry — Dealers..................................... 21 Appliances.................................. 21 Apps............................................ 21 Art — Entertainment — Museums................................. 22 Associations — Clubs — Social Organizations.......................... 23 Attorney...................................... 24 Automobile Repair & Service... 24 Bureau of Motor Vehicles.......... 25 Clinics......................................... 26 Cremation Services................... 26 Dentists....................................... 26 Discounts.................................... 26 Education.................................... 26 Emergency Response Systems...26 Employment............................... 27 Energy Assistance..................... 27 Estate & Trust Planning............. 27 Eye Care...................................... 27 Financial Services...................... 27 Food Assistance......................... 28 Funeral Homes & Services........ 31 Furniture..................................... 31 Government Offices City........................................... 31 County...................................... 32 Township Trustees.................. 33 Grocery....................................... 34 Hardware Store.......................... 34 Health Department.................... 34 Health & Wellness..................... 35 Hearing Aids............................... 35 Page ­2

Heating, Cooling & Plumbing... 36 Home Care & Hospice............... 36 Home Care — Non Medical...... 36 Home Medical Supplies............ 36 Hospitals..................................... 36 Housing Apartments.............................. 36 Assisted Living........................ 37 Human Services Organizations...37 Identity Theft Reminders........... 38 Insurance.................................... 40 Insurance — Medicare Supplement............................. 40 Libraries...................................... 40 Lift Chairs.................................. `41 Mausoleums — Columbarium.. 41 Memory Care............................. 41 Mental Health Services............. 41 Monuments................................ 41 Newspapers............................... 41 Nursing Facilities....................... 42 Optical Care................................ 42 Pharmacies................................. 42 Photo Services........................... 43 Photography............................... 43 Physicians — Family Medicine....43 Precautions For Pacemaker Wearers.................................... 44 Prescription Medication Assistance................................ 44 Preventing Medicare Fraud....... 45 Prosthetics.................................. 46 Real Estate.................................. 46 Retirement Planning.................. 46 Senior Services.......................... 46 Sewing & Fabric......................... 46 Signs........................................... 46 Transportation............................ 47 Utilities........................................ 47 Vacuum Cleaner Sales & Service....................... 47 Advertiser Index......................... 48

Whitley & Kosciusko Counties Senior Services Directory


LOCAL SENIOR SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS ADULT PROTECTIVE SERVICES (APS) 533 N. Niles Ave., South Bend IN 46617 • 574-235-5092 If a vulnerable adult is in immediate danger, dial 9-1-1 or call the police immediately! Adult Protective Services investigates reports of potential neglect, selfneglect, battery, and exploitation in anyone who may be an endangered adult. They also provide educational opportunities for service providers and community organizations about adult endangerment, prevention and response. APS investigators cover four counties including Kosciusko. AGING & IN-HOME SERVICES OF NORTHEAST INDIANA (AIHS) 2927 Lake Ave., Fort Wayne IN 46805 • 260-745-1200 Toll Free: 800-552-3662 www.agingihs.org The mission AIHS is to promote dignity, independence, and advocacy for all older adults, persons with disabilities, and their caregivers. AIHS was designated by the state of Indiana as the Area Agency on Aging for northeast Indiana serving nine counties including Whitley. COMBINED COMMUNITY SERVICES (CCS) 1195 Mariners Dr., Warsaw IN 46582 • 574-269-6019 www.combinedcommunityservices.org Provides comfort, hope and resources for neighbors in need. Offering “a hand up, not a hand out,” CCS removes barriers for low-income or in-crisis residents of Kosciusko County offering programs that educate and support clients and equip them to achieve a higher quality of life. FOREVER LEARNING INSTITUTE (FLI) St. Therese Little Flower Parish Center 54191 Ironwood Dr., South Bend IN 46635 • 574-282-1901 www.foreverlearninginstitute.org FLI offers seniors, 50 years of age or older, an opportunity to pursue intellectual challenges with other seniors throughout the community by continuing to expand their knowledge. Courses are taught by an allvolunteer faculty and cover topics such as dance, music, foreign languages, creative arts, literature, spirituality, health and wellness, technology and computers, and business.

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Whitley & Kosciusko Counties Senior Services Directory

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LOCAL SENIOR SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS KOSCIUSKO COMMUNITY SENIOR SERVICES 800 N. Park Ave., Warsaw IN 46580 • 574-267-2012 www.kosciuskoseniorservices.org Programs are developed in response to the needs of seniors in Kosciusko County. Services are provided to people age 60 and older and are also a Medicaid Waiver provider. The three major programs are Mobile Meals, Handicapped Van Transportation, and a Senior Activity Center. The purpose and goal is to develop services and alternatives to improve the life circumstances of our seniors. REAL SERVICES 1151 S. Michigan St., South Bend IN 46601 • 574-284-2644 Toll Free (Indiana Only): 800-552-2916 www.realservices.org REAL Services is an umbrella organization for more than 20 programs that assist elderly, disabled and low-income individuals in 12 northern Indiana counties including Kosciusko. These programs address the needs of education, nutrition, self-sufficiency, and protection. • Alzheimer’s & Dementia Services Of Northern Indiana 922 E. Colfax Ave., South Bend IN 46617 • 574-232-4121 Toll Free: 888-303-0180 • Caregiver Connection Center 317 S. Kenmore St., South Bend IN 46619 • 574-284-2644 • Energy Assistance Offices 720 E. Winona Ave., Warsaw IN 46580 • 574-267-2699 Toll Free: 800-225-3367 • Real Services Of Kosciusko County 720 E. Winona Ave., Warsaw IN 46580 • 574-269-1173 • Real Services Meals On Wheels Regional Kitchen for Independent Living 121 Garst St., South Bend IN 46601 • 574-256-1649 • Real Services Weatherization Office 1202 S. Main St., South Bend IN 46601 • 574-284-2640

Douglas L. Bruinsma Page ­4

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LOCAL SENIOR SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS UNITED WAY United Way advances the common good by creating opportunities for all. Focus is on education, income and health - the building blocks for a good quality of life and a strong community. Dial 2-1-1 for free confidential 24 hour information and referral assistance for housing, shelter, food, legal aid, clothing, education, counseling, utility assistance, family supports, health care, transportation, volunteer opportunities, employment programs, disaster assistance. Visit www. myunitedway2-1-1.org to search for services. • United Way of Kosciusko County P.O. Box 923, Warsaw, IN 46581 119 E. Center St., Ste. A5, Warsaw IN 46580 • 574-269-2592 www.unitedwaykosciusko.org • United Way of Whitley County P.O. Box 464, Columbia City IN 46725 • 260-244-6454 www.unitedwaywhitleycounty.org


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LOCAL SENIOR SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS WHITLEY COUNTY COUNCIL ON AGING 710 Opportunity Dr., Columbia City IN 46725 • 260-248-8944 www.whitleycountycouncilonaging.com Services and programs offered are transportation including 12 wheelchair vans, nutrition site, lending library, homemaker program, information & referral, senior pak program, farm wagon, senior caller (monthly), tax assistance (in season), social gatherings & entertainment, medical equipment loaner program, health programs & exercise, educational & informational programs, non-perishable food pantry & bread pantry, and WCCOA tour program. WINONA LAKE SENIOR CENTER 1590 Park Ave., Winona Lake IN 46590 • 574-267-2310

STATE & NATIONAL SENIOR SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS AARP 601 E. Street NW, Washington DC 20049 • 888-687-2277 www.aarp.org ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING National: 330 C Street SW, Washington DC 20201 • 202-401-4634 Regional: 233 N. Michigan Ave., Ste. 790, Chicago IL 60601 • 312-938-9858 www.acl.gov Maximize the independence, wellbeing, and health of older adults, people with disabilities across the lifespan, and their families and caregivers. ALLIANCE FOR RETIRED AMERICANS 815 16th St., NW 4th Fl., Washington DC 20006 • 202-637-5399 www.retiredamericans.org For 14 years, they have mobilized retired union members, seniors and community activists into a nationwide grassroots movement advocating a progressive political and social agenda that respects work and strengthens families. ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION Home: 225 N. Michigan Ave., Fl. 17, Chicago IL 60601 • 312-335-8700 Toll Free: 800-272-3900 TDD: 312-335-5886 Indianapolis: 50 E. 91st St., Ste. 100, Indianapolis IN 46240 • 317-575-9620 Northeast: 6324 Constitution Dr., Fort Wayne IN 46804 • 260-420-5547 Northwest: 8679 Connecticut St., Ste. D, Merrillville IN 46410 • 219-472-0855 www.alz.org AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION National: 2451 Crystal Dr., Ste. 900, Arlington VA 22202 • 800-342-2383 Local: 8604 Allisonville Rd., Ste. 140, Indianapolis IN 46250 • 317-352-9226 www.diabetes.org

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STATE & NATIONAL SENIOR SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION National: 7272 Greenville Ave., Dallas TX 75231 • 800-242-8721 Local: 6500 Technology Center Dr., Ste. 100, Indianapolis, IN 46278 317-732-4700 AMERICAN LIVER FOUNDATION National: 39 Broadway, Ste. 2700, New York NY 10006 • 212-668-1000 Heartland Division: 6133 Rockside Rd., Ste. 301, Independence OH 44131 317-635-5074 www.liverfoundation.org AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION National: 55 W. Wacker Dr., Ste. 1150, Chicago IL 60601 • 800-586-4872 Indiana: 125 W. Washington St., Ste. 1180 Indianapolis IN 46204 317-819-1181 www.lung.org AMERICAN SENIORS ASSOCIATION (ASA) 353 6th Avenue W., Bradenton FL • 941-216-3805 Toll Free: 800-951-0017 www.americanseniors.org ASA is an independent conservative voice for seniors 50+ and offers benefits in travel, home & auto, security, health & wellness (medical, cancer, dental, vision) and more. AMERICAN SOCIETY ON AGING (ASA) 575 Market St., Ste. 2100, San Francisco CA 94105 • 415-974-9600 Toll Free: 800-537-9728 www.asaging.org ASA is the essential resource to cultivate leadership, advance knowledge and strengthen the skills of those who work with, and on behalf of, older adults. AMERICAN STROKE ASSOCIATION National: 7272 Greenville Ave., Dallas TX 75231 • 888-478-7653 www.strokeassociation.org


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STATE & NATIONAL SENIOR SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION National: 1355 Peachtree St. NE, 6th Fl., Atlanta GA 30309 • 404-872-7100 Local: 615 N. Alabama, Ste. 430, Indianapolis IN 46204 • 317-644-6647 Toll Free: 800-783-2342 www.arthritis.org CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES National: 7500 Security Blvd., Baltimore MD 21244 Regional: 233 N. Michigan Ave., Ste. 600, Chicago IL 60601 • 312-886-6432 www.cms.gov The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, CMS, is part of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). CORPORATION FOR NATIONAL & COMMUNITY SERVICE SENIOR CORPS National Service Hotline: 800-942-2677 Local: 46 E. Ohio St., Rm. 226, Indianapolis IN 46204 • 317-226-6724 www.nationalservice.gov Connecting volunteers age 55+ with the people and organizations that need them the most. Senior Corps is made up of three primary programs; Foster Grandparents, RSVP and Senior Companions. DIVISION OF FAMILY RESOURCES (DFR) P.O. Box 7083, Indianapolis IN 46204 • 800-403-0864 Kosciusko County DFR 2307 E. Center St., Ste. E, Warsaw • 800-403-0864 Whitley County DFR 543 N. Line St., Ste. B, Columbia City • 800-403-0864 www.in.gov/fssa/2407.htm DFR is responsible for establishing eligibility for Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP - food assistance) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF - cash assistance) benefits. DFR also provides employment and training services to some SNAP and TANF recipients. DRUGWATCH Toll Free: 855-839-9780 www.drugwatch.com/health/seniors Senior Wellness Guide — Healthy Aging: Two out of 10 U.S. citizens will be seniors in a little more than two decades. Seniors already account for 14 percent of the population. Aging brings physical, mental and financial concerns. Drugwatch offers help for people injured by defective drugs and medical devices and provides information on high-risk medical products and health issues, and helps people take legal action if they’ve been injured. FAMILIES FIRST OLDER & ADULT SERVICES 615 N. Alabama St., Ste. 320, Indianapolis IN 46204 • 317-634-6341 www.familiesfirstindiana.org Families First Older & Adult Services program is prepared to meet the community’s growing need for caregiving support services. Their team of professional counselors provide compassionate non-medical home-based care to protect the well-being of vulnerable adults, enabling them to achieve the highest degree of independence and quality of life possible. Page ­8

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STATE & NATIONAL SENIOR SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION Headquarters: 600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington DC 20580 202-326-2222 www.ftc.gov For Individual Consumers: Complaints about fraud, scams, phishing, identity theft, unwanted telemarketing, credit or debit issues, or other unfair business practices may be submitted to https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov National Do Not Call Registry: A division of the Federal Trade Commission. Add your phone number for free by visiting www.donotcall.gov, or calling 888-382-1222 from the phone you want to register (TTY 866-290-4236). Landline and cell phones can be registered. The Do Not Call Registry prohibits sales calls. You still may receive political calls, charitable calls, debt collection calls, informational calls, survey takers and companies with prior business relationships. Registration on the list does not expire. HOOSIERRX Call: 866-267-4679 www.in.gov/fssa/ompp/2669.htm Indiana’s State Pharmaceutical Assistance Program, HoosierRx, can help pay the monthly Part D premium, up to $70 per month, for members enrolled in a Medicare Part D Plan working with HoosierRx. Call or visit their website to see if you are eligible. INDIANA ASSISTED LIVING ASSOCIATION (INALA) 6280 W. 96th St., Indianapolis IN 46278 • 317-733-2390 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 68829, Indianapolis IN 46268 www.inassistedliving.org INALA’s mission is to promote the interests of the assisted living industry in Indiana and to enhance the quality of life for the population it serves.


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STATE & NATIONAL SENIOR SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS INDIANA ASSOCIATION OF AREA AGENCIES ON AGING (IAAAA) 4755 Kingsway Dr., Ste. 318, Indianapolis IN 46205 • 317-205-9201 www.iaaaa.org IAAAA envisions that Indiana citizens will live and age with dignity and maximum independence. Their mission is to provide leadership and advocacy for Indiana’s evolving home and community-based services network. INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - INDOT Call: 317-323-5533 Fort Wayne District: 5333 Hatfield Rd., Fort Wayne IN 46808 • 855-463-6848 www.in.gov/indot Call to report potholes and other road hazard or for dead animal pick up, from any state or national road. INDIANA FAMILY & SOCIAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 402 W. Washington St., P.O. Box 7083, MS21 Rm. W-454, Indianapolis IN 46204 Division of Aging: 888-673-0002 Adult Protective Services State Hotline: 800-992-6978 www.in.gov/fssa/da The Division of Aging supports the development of alternatives to nursing home care and coordinates services through a network of Area Agencies on Aging. INDIANA HOUSING NOW Call: 877-428-8844 www.indianahousingnow.org Sponsored by the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority, Indiana Housing Now provides detailed information about rental properties and helps people find housing to best fit their needs. INDIANA LONG TERM CARE INSURANCE PROGRAM (ILTCIP) Indiana Department of Insurance 311 W. Washington St., Indianapolis IN 46204 • 317-232-2187 Toll Free: 866-234-4582 www.longtermcareinsurance.in.gov The ILTCIP is an innovative public-private partnership pairing the State government agencies of Insurance and Medicaid with private long term care insurance companies. Indiana Partnership long term care insurance policies include the state-added benefit of Medicaid Asset Protection at no additional cost. Medicaid Asset Protection protects assets from Medicaid spend down and Medicaid estate recovery. This protection is important should the policyholder use up all his/ her policy benefits, continue to need care, and choose to access Medicaid assistance. INDIANA STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIVISION OF LONG TERM CARE 2 N. Meridian St., Ste. 4B, Indianapolis, IN 46204 • 317-233-7442 Toll Free Complaint Voicemail (during state business hours): 800-246-8909 www.in.gov/isdh/23260.htm The Division of Long Term Care regulates and licenses health care facilities, investigates complaints about state licensed care providers.

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STATE & NATIONAL SENIOR SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS MEDICARE RIGHTS CENTER National Helpline: 800-333-4114 266 W. 37th St., 3rd Fl., New York NY 10018 • 212-869-3850 1444 I St. NW, Ste. 1105, Washington DC 20006 • 202-637-0961 www.medicarerights.org The Medicare Rights Center is a national, nonprofit consumer service organization that works to ensure access to affordable health care for older adults and people with disabilities through counseling and advocacy, educational programs and public policy initiatives. MESOTHELIOMA GROUP Toll Free: 888-708-5660 www.mesotheliomagroup.com NATIONAL AGING IN PLACE COUNCIL® (NAIPC®) 1400 16th St. NW, Ste. 420, Washington DC 20036 • 202-939-1770 www.ageinplace.org NAIPC® is a senior support network. Just as many of us plan to go to college, we should have a plan to age. NAIPC® has established a network of professionals from the private, public and nonprofit sectors that can help you plan for your future housing and care needs.

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STATE & NATIONAL SENIOR SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS NATIONAL ALLIANCE FOR CAREGIVING (NAC) 4720 Montgomery Ln., Ste. 205, Bethesda MD 20814 • 301-718-8444 www.caregiving.org NAC is a leader in conducting policy analysis and tracking legislation dealing with family caregiving issues - initiatives that focus on family caregivers or affect the care recipient in a way that would also affect the family caregiver. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATES UNITED FOR AGING AND DISABILITIES (NASUAD) 1201 15th St. NW, Ste. 350, Washington DC 20005 • 202-898-2578 www.nasuad.org To design, improve and sustain state systems delivering home and community based services and supports for people who are older or have a disability, and their caregivers.

Brandon Grimes


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STATE & NATIONAL SENIOR SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS NATIONAL CENTER ON ELDER ABUSE c/o University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine Department of Family Medicine and Geriatrics 1000 S. Fremont Ave., Unit 22 Bldg. A-6, Alhambra CA 91803 • 855-500-3537 www.ncea.acl.gov Please do not report cases of suspected elder abuse to NCEA. If a vulnerable adult is in immediate danger, dial 9-1-1 or call the police immediately. To improve the national response to elder abuse, neglect and exploitation by gathering, housing, disseminating and stimulating innovative, validated methods of practice, education, research and policy. NATIONAL COUNCIL ON AGING (NCOA) 251 18th St. South, Ste. 500, Arlington VA 22202 • 571-527-3900 www.ncoa.org A respected national leader and trusted partner to help people aged 60+ meet the challenges of aging. NCOA partners with nonprofit organizations, government, and businesses to provide innovative community programs and services, online help, and advocacy. NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION (NKF) National: 30 E. 33rd St., New York NY 10016 • 800-622-9010 Local: 911 E. 86th St., Ste. 100, Indianapolis IN 46240 • 317-722-5640 Toll Free: 800-382-9971 www.kidney.org NURSING HOME ABUSE CENTER (NHAC) 101 S. New York Ave., Ste. 201, Winter Park FL 32789 • 877-340-3714 www.nursinghomeabusecenter.com Upwards of 10 million seniors experience elder abuse each year. Nursing home abuse takes many forms; neglect, physical abuse, sexual assault and abuse, emotional abuse, and financial abuse. NHAC was founded on timehonored principles of restoring dignity for some of our most vulnerable and valuable citizens. OMBUDSMAN PROGRAMS State: FSSA Office of General Counsel 402 W. Washington St., P.O. Box 7083, Indianapolis IN 46207 317-234-5544 Toll Free: 800-622-4484 Local: Real Services Area 2 covers three counties including Kosciusko. 1151 S. Michigan St., South Bend IN 46634 • 574-284-7198 Toll Free: 800-552-7928 Local: Long Term Care Area 3 covers nine counties including Whitley. 3217-B Stellhorn Rd., Fort Wayne IN 46815 • 260-469-3161 Toll Free: 866-523-5362 www.ltcombudsman.org The Indiana Long Term Care Ombudsman Program is a federal and state funded program that provides advocacy and related services for consumers of congregate long term care services, regardless of age or payer source. Congregate settings include nursing facilities, residential care facilities, assisted living facilities, adult foster care homes and county operated residential care facilities. Page ­14

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STATE & NATIONAL SENIOR SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS PARTNERSHIP FOR PRESCRIPTION ASSISTANCE (PPA) Toll Free: 888-477-2669 www.pparx.org PPA helps qualifying patients without prescription drug coverage get the medicines they need for free or nearly free. Our mission is to increase awareness of patient assistance programs and boost enrollment of eligible individuals. PEACE CORPS 1111 20th St. NW, Washington DC 20526 • 855-855-1961 www.peacecorps.gov Peace Corps Response sends experienced professionals to undertake shortterm, high-impact service assignments in communities around the world. POINTS OF LIGHT National: 600 Means St., Ste. 210, Atlanta GA 30318 • 404-979-2900 Volunteer Info: 800-865-8683 www.pointsoflight.org Points of light helps millions of volunteers change the world. They mobilize people to take action on the causes they care about through innovative programs, events and campaigns. Points of Light is creating a culture of volunteerism, one that celebrates the power of service.

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Whitley & Kosciusko Counties Senior Services Directory

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STATE & NATIONAL SENIOR SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS QUALITY IMPROVEMENT ORGANIZATION (QIO) KEPRO® INTELLIGENT VALUE 5201 W. Kennedy Blvd., Ste. 900, Tampa FL 33609 • 855-408-8557 TTY: 855-843-4776 Area 4 serves 10 states including Indiana. QIO is the cornerstone of Medicare’s efforts to improve the quality of care and health outcomes for beneficiaries. KEPRO is the Beneficiary and Family Centered Care QIO (BFCC-QIO) for more than 30 states. They offer information and assistance to providers, patients, and families regarding beneficiary complaints, discharge appeals, and immediate advocacy and patient navigation. RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS SUPPORT NETWORK (RASN) 121 S. Orange Ave., Orlando FL 32801 • 877-284-0235 www.rheumatoidarthritis.org SCORE National: 1175 Herndon Pkwy., Ste. 900, Herndon VA 20170 • 800-634-0245 NE IN: 3201 Stellhorn Rd., Fort Wayne IN 46815 • 260-422-2601 NE IN: 523 S. Buffalo St., Warsaw IN 46580 • 574-267-6311 Greater Elkhart County: 302 W. Market St., Nappanee IN 46550 574-293-1531 x 115 www.score.org For over 50 years, SCORE has served as America’s premier source of free, confidential business education and mentoring. Most mentors are experienced business owners and managers. They understand your challenges because they’ve faced them too. Your SCORE mentor can be both your coach and cheerleader to help you start or grow your business.

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STATE & NATIONAL SENIOR SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Kosciusko: 231 Waterfall Dr., Elkhart IN 46516 • 866-426-0532 TTY: 574-296-7524 Whitley: 2122 Lincolnway Ct., Fort Wayne IN 46819 • 877-223-6061 TTY: 800-325-0778 www.ssa.gov Social Security has provided financial protection for our nation’s people for over 80 years. Chances are, you either receive Social Security benefits or know someone who does. With retirement, disability, and survivors benefits, Social Security is one of the most successful anti-poverty programs in our nation’s history. STATE BOARD OF FUNERAL AND CEMETERY SERVICE Indiana Professional Licensing Agency Attn: State Board of Funeral and Cemetery Service 402 W. Washington St., Rm. W072, Indianapolis IN 46204 • 317-234-3031 Provides information about the regulation of cemeteries and funeral homes in Indiana and accepts complaints about the service providers. STATE HEALTH INSURANCE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (SHIP) Local: 311 W. Washington St., Ste. 300, Indianapolis IN 46204 • 800-452-4800 TDD: 866-846-0139 • Kosciusko County Kosciusko Community Senior Center: 574-267-2012 REAL Services: 574-284-2644 • Whitley County Aging & In-Home Services of Northeast Indiana: 260-745-1200 Whitley County Council on Aging: 260-244-5522 The State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) is a free and impartial counseling program for people with Medicare. SHIP is provided by the Administration on Community Living and the Indiana Department of Insurance. We are part of a federal network of State Health Insurance Assistance Programs located in every state. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS The following Veterans Service Organizations are located at the Indianapolis Regional Benefit Office 575 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis IN 46204 • American Legion, Rm. 325 • 317-916-3605 • American Veterans, Rm. 314 • 317-916-3612 • Disabled American Veterans, Rm. 324 • 317-916-3615 • Military Order of the Purple Heart, Rm. 312 • 317-916-3625 • Paralyzed Veterans of America, Rm. 313 • 317-916-3626 • Veterans of Foreign Wars, Rm. 319 • 317-916-3629 • Vietnam Veterans of America, Rm. 305T • No Phone Listed To fulfill President Lincoln’s promise “To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan” by serving and honoring the men and women who are America’s veterans.


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SENIOR & MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING (ADL’s): Self-care activities such as bathing, dressing, eating, walking and all necessary activities required to function on a daily basis such as cooking meals and cleaning up afterwards, making a bed and doing laundry. ADULT DAY CARE: Specialized care offered during business hours Monday through Friday, following the business model of child day care programs. Sometimes transportation is provided. Meals are included along with activities to promote socialization and physical and mental stimulation. ADULT PROTECTIVE SERVICES (APS): The official agency mandated to receive, investigate, and respond to complaints of neglect and abuse of the elderly. ADVANCE DIRECTIVES: Legal documents outlining how a person’s medical decisions are to be handled including living will, Power of Attorney for Health Care and Power of Attorney for Finances and may be part of a trust or estate plan. AGING IN PLACE: The concept of remaining in one’s home regardless of changes in health or care needs. This can take place in a senior living community or in one’s home. ALZHEIMER DISEASE: Common form of dementia - accounts for 70% of all dementias AMBULATORY: The ability to walk independently, including walking with the use of an assistive device such as a cane or walker; not bedridden. ASSESSMENT: An evaluation performed of a person’s mental, emotional and social capabilities. ASSISTED LIVING or ASSISTANCE IN LIVING (AL): Housing for an elderly or disabled person that provides room, meals, transportation, housekeeping, medication management, laundry, social activities, and various levels of care. BED HOLD: A reservation placed on a nursing home bed if a resident is only going to be hospitalized temporarily or on therapeutic leave. Bed holds are mostly needed by Medicaid patients to prevent another Medicaid patient from taking their place. CERTIFIED NURSING AIDE (CNA): Assistance in Daily Living, including bathing, transfers and feeding. CONTINUING CARE RETIREMENT COMMUNITY (CCRC): A retirement community organized to provide care for all stages of aging. Independent Living, townhomes or apartments are offered, along with Assisted Living and Nursing Care. DEMENTIA: A group of symptoms that accompanies certain diseases; loss of thinking, remembering, and reasoning. May also include behavioral changes and moods. DO NOT RESUSCITATE (DNR): A written and legal order that a patient does not want to be resuscitated. DURABLE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT (DME): Reusable medical equipment such as walkers, wheelchairs and hospital beds. Medicare will pay for some DME, with doctor’s approval. DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY (DPOA): A legal document giving another person authority to make financial and legal decisions if a person becomes physically or mentally incapable. Page ­18

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SENIOR & MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY ELDER LAW: A specialty practice of law for seniors, covering estate planning, wills, trusts, arrangements for care, social security and retirement benefits, and other senior specific legal assistance. GERIATRICS: Medical specialty of treating the problems and diseases of old age. HEALTH AND REHABILITATION CENTER: A residential setting in which a range of nursing and/ or medical services are provided to residents. HOME HEALTH CARE: Nursing or other medical care provided to an individual in their home. HOSPICE CARE: A service that provides comfort and care at the end of life. (See also Palliative Care.) INDEPENDENT LIVING: A senior living community in which residents require minimal or no assistance with daily activities. Also referred to as self-sufficient living. LIFE SPAN: The age that a person reaches. LONG TERM CARE (LTC): A term used to describe care given in the form of medical and support services to people who have lost some or all of their capacity to function without assistance. LONGEVITY: Duration of life beyond the normal expectation. MANAGED CARE ORGANIZATION (MCO): An organization that sets up networks of contracts with doctors, hospitals, SNF’s and home health agencies, and bundles those contracts together to provide a discounted bundled offering of health care services. MEDICAID: A jointly funded state and federal program to assist those with financial need with medical care. Due to joint funding, coverage varies for each state. MEDICARE: Seniors age 65 and older and some disabled people under age 65 qualify for this national USA health insurance program administered by Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Medicare does not pay for long-term care. MEDICARE PART A: Also called Original Medicare is managed by Medicare and provides Medicare benefits and coverage for: inpatient hospital care, inpatient stays in most skilled nursing facilities, hospice and home health services.


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SENIOR & MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY MEDICARE PART B: Also called Original Medicare is managed by Medicare and provides Medicare benefits and coverage for: doctor and clinical lab services, outpatient and preventive care, home health care, screenings, surgical fees and supplies, physical and occupational therapy. MEDICARE PART C: Also called Medicare Advantage is a different way of getting Medicare Part A and Part B coverage. Medicare Advantage (MA) Plans combine Part A (hospital insurance) and Part B (medical insurance) together in one plan. They can also be combined with Part D prescription drug coverage creating a Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug (MAPD) Plan. Generally these plans are offered as: Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO plans), Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO plans), Private Fee-for-Service (PFFS plans) or Special Needs Plans (SNP plans). MEDICARE PART D: Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) can be a stand-alone plan (not joined with other insurance) or it may be combined with a Medicare Advantage Plan, also called a Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug (MAPD) Plan. Part D Plans help cover the cost of prescription drugs and may help lower prescription drug costs and protect against higher costs in the future. MEMORY CARE: Special programs dedicated to caring for those with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or other cognitive impairments. Usually services include group activities, socialization and assistance with ADL’s. MOBILITY SERVICES: Gives seniors the ability to remain independent by staying mobile. These include: Stair Lifts, Scooters, Walkers, Lift Chairs, Electric Wheelchairs, Standard Wheelchairs, Ramps and more. NON-MEDICAL CARE: Care which does not require a Registered Nurse or Medical Doctor to administer their services. All Activities of Daily Living are considered non-medical care. NURSE PRACTITIONER (NP): A professional registered nurse who has special training to provide primary healthcare. PALLIATIVE CARE: A medical specialty that provides relief from pain and suffering associated with serious illness. It is often, but not exclusively, offered as part of hospice or end of life care. PHYSICAL THERAPY: The treatment of injury or illness with the use of exercise, massage, or various therapies using light, heat, or electrical components. (See also Rehabilitation.) REHABILITATION: Various means of restoring a capacity lost or diminished due to illness or injury. Can include physical, occupational, or speech therapy, among others. RESPITE CARE: Communities that offer temporary or short term stay care solutions. This service is intended to give caregivers or adult children a well deserved break from their daily responsibilities of caring for an older adult. The length of a respite stay can vary from 2 days to more than a full month. SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY: A residential setting specifically designed for seniors, with an emphasis on maintaining a high quality of life through activities, services, and community engagement. SKILLED NURSING FACILITY (SNF or “Sniff”): A facility which provides both short-term rehabilitation services and long-term custodial services. SNF’s are referred to as a nursing home or rehab center.

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ADJUSTABLE BEDS JB’S FURNITURE 2101 E. Center St., Warsaw......................................................... 574-267-6800 See our ad on page 13 REINHOLT’S TOWN SQUARE FURNITURE 118 W. Main St., Warsaw............................................................ 574-267-5940 www.ReinholtsFurniture.com See our ad on page 5

ALZHEIMER’S CARE & SERVICES ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION..........................................................800-272-3900

ANIMAL SHELTERS HUMANE SOCIETY OF WHITLEY COUNT 951 S. Line St., Columbia City.........................................................260-244-6664 ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE OF KOSCIUSKO COUNTY 3489 E. 100 S., Pierceton..................................................................574-267-3008

ANTIQUES - ESTATE JEWELRY - DEALERS BLUE PEARL ANTIQUES & FINE ART 112 N. First St., Pierceton............................................................ 574-594-9800 See our ad on page 4

APPLIANCES SEARS HOMETOWN STORE 486 W. Plaza Dr., Columbia City.................................................. 260-244-6979

APPS Useful apps you can download to your phone or tablet. AARP — iPhone & Android. Free — Stay up to date on the latest news tailored for seniors and save money with AARP member benefits on the go. BLOOD PRESSURE MONITOR — iPad, iPhone. Free — Turns your device into a personal blood pressure and weight health monitor. It comes with a lifetime data visualization, statistics reporting, medication correlation, builtin reminders and more. CLARIA ZOOM — Android. Free — A low-vision app that allows seniors to zoom in, set higher contrast and display larger buttons for easier use. The app simplifies phones that can be difficult for older users to navigate. FIND MY PHONE — iPhone, Android. Free — Once you’ve installed the app and logged into the company’s website you’ll see a pin on the map showing the location of your phone. The map also features directions to the device’s location and offers real time updates. GOODRX — iPhone, Android. Free — GoodRx gathers current prices and discounts to help you find the lowest-cost pharmacy for your prescriptions. GoodRx is 100 percent free and no personal information is required. 2019

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LIBRIVOX — iPhone & Android. Free — Free public domain audiobooks for anyone to listen to on their computers, iPods or other mobile device, or to burn to a CD. OLD TIME RADIO 24 — iPhone. Free — Enjoy an amazing collection of yesterday’s music and shows from the 1920’s through 1970’s. RED PANIC BUTTON — iPhone, Android. Free for iOS — If a person is in distress or feeling threatened, he or she can push the red panic button and the app will send an SMS and e-mail containing GPS coordinates to their emergency contacts. SKYPE — iPad, iPhone, Android. Free — Stay in touch with family and friends from anywhere. For those who are not on Skype, reach them by calling their mobile or landline (calling rates apply). VOICE READING — Android. Free — Select text from any app (i.e. message, e-mail, url, etc) and share it. The text will be read aloud. WEBMD — iPhone. Free — Symptom checker, medication reminders, drugs and medications, pill identifier, relief adviser, and conditions plus all the latest health news.

ART - ENTERTAINMENT - MUSEUMS GARDENS OF CENTRAL PARK 225 E. Fort Wayne St., Warsaw The beauty of a perennial garden is that at any particular time of the growing season, one type of perennial is in bloom while another one is at the end of its season. GENEALOGY CENTER Allen County Public Library 900 Library Plaza, Fort Wayne.........................................................260-421-1225 Fort Wayne is home to one of the nation’s largest public genealogy collection. KOSCIUSKO COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY 121 N. Indiana St., Warsaw..............................................................574-269-1078 The society’s mission is to collect and preserve the materials of history. KOSCIUSKO COUNTY JAIL MUSEUM 121 N. Indiana St., Warsaw..............................................................574-269-1078 Take a look at yesterday to improve tomorrow.



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LAWRENCE D. BELL AIRCRAFT MUSEUM 210 S. Oak St., Mentone...................................................................574-328-2034 Dedicated to preserve the memorabilia of aviation pioneer, Lawrence D. Bell, to share artifacts showing the development of American aviation and to educate about the influence of Lawrence Bell in the history of aviation. SYRACUSE-WAWASEE HISTORICAL MUSEUM 1013 N. Long Dr., Syracuse..............................................................574-457-3599 WAGON WHEEL CENTER FOR THE ARTS 2515 E. Center St., Warsaw..............................................................574-267-8041 Toll Free.............................................................................................866-823-2618 Wagon Wheel Theatre, Wagon Wheel Jr., Symphony Of The Lakes and Center Street Community Theatre WARSAW BIBLICAL GARDENS 443 N. Detroit St., Warsaw...............................................................574-527-2229 A rare oasis rich in beauty and tranquility and accessible for persons of all ages an of all faiths. WHITLEY COUNTY HISTORICAL MUSEUM 108 W. Jefferson St., Columbia City...............................................260-244-6372 The museum complex consists of the Marshall House, an annex, a carriage house and an outhouse.

ASSOCIATIONS — CLUBS — SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS American Legion • Post #157, 115 S. Main St., Churubusco.......................................260-693-6263 • Post #98, 430 W. Business 30, Columbia City..............................260-244-5821 • Post #226, 126A Main St., Milford...................................................... No Phone • Post #154, 201 W. Lincoln St., Nappanee.....................................574-773-7686 • Post #253, 756 S. St. Rd. 13 North Webster.................................574-834-4297 • Post #258, 104 N. First St., Pierceton............................................574-594-2531 • Post #431, P.O. Box 284, Silver Lake.................................................. No Phone • Post #223, 1806 S. Huntington St., Syracuse...............................574-457-3261 • Post #49, 301 N. Buffalo St., Warsaw............................................574-267-5549 Elks • Lodge #1417, 109 S. Main St., Columbia City..............................260-244-7351 • Lodge #802, 310 E. Center St., Warsaw........................................574-267-7802 Fraternal Order Of Eagles • Aerie #3760, 12889 N. Kern Rd., Syracuse...................................574-457-4913 Kiwanis Club — Addresses are for meeting locations • Akron Country Kitchen, 906 E. Rochester St., Akron • Milford Community Bldg., Main St., Milford • North Webster Community Center, St. Rd. 13, North Webster • Syracuse Community Center, 1013 N. Long Dr., Syracuse • Shrine Building Kosciusko Co Fairgrounds, 1400 E. Smith St., Warsaw Lions Club — Addresses are for meeting locations • Atwood....................................... Atwood Civic Center 213 Hovey St., Atwood • Churubusco..................................... Papa’s Place 209 S. Main St., Churubusco • Claypool............Lions Building 201 W. Calhoun St., Claypool • 574-377-0453 • Columbia City.. Coach House 207 N. Main St., Columbia City • 260-244-5666 • Lake City................................................................. Hacienda US 30 E., Warsaw 2019

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• Leesburg..................... Leesburg Community Bldg. 114 School St., Leesburg • Mentone........Senior Citizen Room in Bell Library 101 W. Main St., Mentone • Milford...............................Milford Community Bldg. 111 S. Main St., Milford • North Webster...................Lions Den 499 W. Washington St., North Webster 574-834-4316 • Pierceton............... Pierceton Community Bldg. 105 W. Walnut St., Pierceton • Sidney.........................................Sidney Community Bldg. Center St., Sidney • Silver Lake........ Silver Lake Lions Club Bldg. 108 N. Harrison St., Silver Lake 260-352-2923 • South Whitley........ South Whitley Town Hall 118 E. Front St., South Whitley • Syracuse.................Syracuse Community Center 1013 N. Long Dr., Syracuse 574-457-3054 • Tri Lakes..................Tri Lakes Lions Club 2935 E. Colony Ave., Columbia City 260-248-2526 • Warsaw............................ Richard’s Restaurant, 3605 Commerce Dr., Warsaw Rotary — Addresses are for meeting locations • St. John Bosco Catholic Church......................... 220 N. Main St., Churubusco • Parkview Whitley Hospital..............1260 St. Rd. 2015 & US 30 Columbia City • Sleepy Owl Supper Club.................................... 11374 N. St. Rd. 13, Syracuse • Shrine Building, Kosciusko Co Fairgrounds......... 1400 E. Smith St., Warsaw VFW • Post #3846, 109 N. Main St., Churubusco....................................260-693-9257 • Post #5582, 415 E. Chicago St., Columbia City............................260-244-4813 • Post #1126, 1350 W. Center St., Warsaw......................................574-267-2768

ATTORNEY BEERS MALLERS BACKS & SALIN, LLP • 110 W. Berry St., Ste. 1100, Fort Wayne.................................. 260-426-9706 • 108 W. Michigan St., LaGrange................................................ 260-463-4949 • 2174 N. Pointe Dr., Warsaw...................................................... 574-267-4300 See our ad on page 12 BLOOM GATES SHIPMAN & WHITELEATHER, LLP 119 S. Main St., Columbia City................................................... 260-248-8900 See our ad on page 11 FRED WEHRWEIN PC 1910 St. Joe Center Rd., #52, Fort Wayne.................................. 260-480-5700 www.fwdebtrelief.com See our ad on page 22 MINER & LEMON LAW 313 S. Buffalo St., Warsaw.......................................................... 574-268-9911 See our ad on page 39 MYERS HOCKEMEYER & McNAGNY LLP 116 N. Chauncey St., Columbia City........................................... 260-248-2224

AUTOMOBILE REPAIR & SERVICE AB & TOM’S AUTOCARE 2314 W. Old Rd. 30, Warsaw....................................................... 574-269-3485 See our ad on page 35

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BUREAU OF MOTOR VEHICLES Branch Locations: All Locations Call: 888-692-6841 • 662 Country Side Dr., Ste. 101, Columbia City • 2888 Frontage Rd., Warsaw How long is my driver’s license valid? Your driver’s license or identification card expires at midnight on your birthday. If your birthday falls on a day on which BMV branches are closed in your county, your driver’s license or identification card will expire at midnight on the next business day. • Six years if you are younger than 75 years of age ($17.50 renewal) • Three years if you are at least 75 years of age and younger than 85 years of age ($11 renewal) • Two years if you are at least 85 years of age ($7 renewal) You must pass a vision screening to get a license or permit, even if you are renewing or amending your existing license or permit. An operator knowledge test is not required when your renew a driver’s license, unless you have accumulated six or more points on your driver record since your previous renewal or your license has been expired for over 180 days. Requirements to renew an expired driver’s licence: • Expired less than 180 days - $6 fee and pass a standard vision screening • Expired 180 days to 3 years - $6 fee and pass knowledge exam and standard vision screening • Expired more than 3 years - $6 fee and pass knowledge exam, driving skills exam and standard vision screening Real ID Beginning Oct. 1, 2020 a Real ID-compliant driver’s license, permit or identification card will be required to board commercial airplanes or enter certain federal facilities. If you have a star in the upper right-hand corner of your driver’s license, permit or identification card, you are Real-ID compliant. To upgrade to Real ID, all customers must visit a BMV branch and bring original versions or certified copies of required documents, which include: • One document proving your identity; and • One document proving your lawful status in the United States; and


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• One document proving your Social Security number; and • Two documents proving your Indiana residency. If your current name does not match your identity document due to a name change(s) (marriage, adoption, court order, etc), you may need to provide additional government-issued documents to support any or all name changes. Visit REALID.IN.gov for more information and a complete list of approved documents.

CLINICS MEDSTAT URGENT CARE CLINICS 107 W. Pickwick Dr., Ste. A, Syracuse.............................................574-457-8682 1500 Provident Dr., Ste. A, Warsaw.................................................574-372-7637 PHYSICIANS URGENT CARE 2680 Escalade Way, Warsaw............................................................574-306-4128 PPG - FIRSTCARE WALK-IN CLINIC 885 W. Connexion Way, Columbia City..........................................260-248-9260

CREMATION SERVICES TITUS FUNERAL HOME 2000 E. Sheridan St., Warsaw..................................................... 574-267-3104 See our ad on page 19

DENTISTS DENTAL SOLUTIONS 3505 N. St. Rd. 15, Ste. A, Warsaw............................................. 574-269-1199 See our ad on the back cover

DISCOUNTS Remember to always ask about senior discounts at places such as art & entertainment venues, movie theaters, sports venues, grocery stores, hotels and motels, restaurants, retail stores, as well as for memberships to different businesses and services. Most businesses do not promote senior savings and they may change without notice.

EDUCATION KOSCIUSKO LITERACY SERVICES 201 N. Union St., Warsaw................................................................574-267-5380 WHITLEY COUNTY LITERACY COUNCIL 115 S. Line St., Columbia City.........................................................260-244-2375

EMERGENCY RESPONSE SYSTEMS COMPANION LIFELINE 9801 Woodstream Dr., Fort Wayne............................................. 260-459-9900 www.companionlifeline.com

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EMPLOYMENT Websites to assist seniors searching for employment. doleta.gov/seniors • encore.org jobs.aarp.org • retirementjobs.com retiredbrains.com • retirementworkforce.com seniors4hire.org • workforce50.com

ENERGY ASSISTANCE BRIGHTPOINT All Counties Call: 260-423-3546 24-Hour Appointment Line: 800-589-2264 885 W. Connexion Way, Ste. 200, Columbia City 1515 Provident Dr., Ste. 270, Warsaw

ESTATE & TRUST PLANNING BEERS MALLERS BACKS & SALIN, LLP — Daniel Leininger 2174 N. Pointe Dr., Warsaw......................................................... 574-267-4300 See our ad on page 42 BLOOM GATES SHIPMAN & WHITELEATHER, LLP 119 S. Main St., Columbia City................................................... 260-248-8900 See our ad on page 11 MYERS HOCKEMEYER & McNAGNY, LLP 116 N. Chauncey St., Columbia City........................................... 260-248-2224

EYE CARE GROSSNICKLE EYE CARE 2251 DuBois Dr., Warsaw............................................................ 574-269-2777 1510 Osolo Rd., Elkhart............................................................... 574-266-6100 4330 Edison Lakes Pkwy., Ste. A, Mishawaka........................... 574-271-0120 2855 Miller Dr., Plymouth............................................................ 800-992-6975 See our ad on the inside back cover

FINANCIAL SERVICES ALDERFER BERGEN & CO 122 W. Market St., Warsaw......................................................... 574-267-6766 See our ad on page 35 KOSCIUSKO COUNTY DIV. OF FAMILY RESOURCES 2307 E. Center St., Ste. E, Warsaw..................................................800-403-0864 QUIET KNIGHT 220 E. Seventh St., Auburn..............................................................260-570-2236 UNITED FINANCIAL GROUP 12106 N. 600 E., North Manchester............................................ 260-982-1090 Toll Free........................................................................................ 888-342-8918 See our ad on page 37


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WHITLEY COUNTY DIV. OF FAMILY RESOURCES 543 N. Line St., Ste. B, Columbia City.............................................800-403-0864

FOOD ASSISTANCE Please call in advance to verify requirements & eligibility and to confirm dates, times and location. BURKET UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 102 S. Market St., Burket..................................................................574-491-4345 CHURUBUSCO UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 750 N. Main St., Churubusco...........................................................260-693-2154 COLUMBIA CITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 605 N. Forest Pkwy., Columbia City................................................260-244-7671 COMMUNITY HARVEST FOOD BANK 999 E. Tillman Rd., Fort Wayne........................................................260-447-3696 Community Cupboard, Farm Wagon and SeniorPak programs available. GOD’S HIGHWAY TO HEAVEN 555 Webber St., Warsaw..................................................................574-267-3943 DANE’S FAMILY PANTRY 1195 Mariners Dr., Warsaw..............................................................574-269-6019 FIRST FREEWILL BAPTIST CHURCH Co. Rd. 700 S., Claypool...................................................................574-566-2947 FOOD BANK OF NORTHERN INDIANA 702 S. Chapin St., South Bend.........................................................574-232-9986 GOSPEL HILL PENTECOSTAL 303 S. Jefferson St., Silver Lake......................................................260-352-2928 GRACE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 204 N. Main St., Columbia City........................................................260-244-7118 HARVEST WITH A HEART 201 S. Higbee St., Milford................................................................574-658-4156 HEALING HOUSE FOOD PANTRY 210 W. Winona Ave., Warsaw..........................................................574-267-5894 KOSCIUSKO COUNTY DIV. OF FAMILY RESOURCES 2307 E. Center St., Ste. E, Warsaw..................................................800-403-0864

“Providing Services for Seniors of Whitley County”

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710 N. Opportunity Dr.,Columbia City, IN • 260-248-8944 Senior Citizens Center • Whitley County Transit • Activities •Nutrition Site Health Programs • Food Pantry • Homemaker Service •Information & Referral Page ­28

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Please call in advance to verify requirements & eligibility and to confirm dates, times and location. LIGHTHOUSE OUTREACH CENTER 125 W. Fawley St., Warsaw..............................................................574-267-7821 MARY & JERRY’S HELPING HANDS 10072 W. 600 S., Mentone...............................................................574-551-6433 MEALS ON WHEELS Aging & In-Home Services of Northeast Indiana 2927 Lake Ave., Fort Wayne..........................................................260-745-1200 Kosciusko Community Senior Services 800 N. Park Ave., Warsaw..............................................................574-267-2012 NEW HOPE FREEWILL BAPTIST CHURCH 3651 N. Detroit St., Warsaw.............................................................574-268-5200 NEW LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH AND WORLD OUTREACH 744 S. 325 E., Warsaw......................................................................574-269-5851 PIERCETON NUTRITION SITE 205 N. First St., Pierceton.................................................................574-594-5632 REAL SERVICES NUTRITION PROGRAMS Times are specific to each location and you must call a day before. Community Room 101 W. Main St., Mentone...............................574-353-7555 Community Center 301 N. Main St., Ste. D, North Webster.........574-834-1193 Lion’s Building 108 N. Harrison, Silver Lake..................................574-540-9309 Syracuse Community Center 1013 N. Long Dr., Syracuse............574-457-2631 Retired Tigers Housing 320 W. Main St., Warsaw.........................574-267-0037 Senior Activity Center 800, N. Park Ave., Warsaw.........................574-267-0026 SALVATION ARMY 501 E. Arthur St., Warsaw................................................................574-267-5361 SOUTH WHITLEY AREA EMERGENCY FOOD BANK 207 E. Front St., South Whitley........................................................260-212-2964 ST JOHN BOSCO PARISH 216 N. Main St., Churubusco...........................................................260-693-9578 ST PAUL OF THE CROSS CATHOLIC CHURCH 315 S. Line St., Columbia City.........................................................260-244-5723


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Please call in advance to verify requirements & eligibility and to confirm dates, times and location. SYRACUSE FOOD PANTRY 203 E. Main St., Syracuse.................................................................574-457-5450 THE IMPACT CENTER 500 W. Van Buren St., Columbia City..............................................260-229-2525 TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE SEE: Government Offices — Township UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF WARSAW 825 N. Harrison St., Warsaw............................................................574-269-1478 VICTORY ROCK 6134 S. 500 E., Warsaw....................................................................260-839-0019 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP FOOD PANTRY 124 N. First St., Pierceton.................................................................574-551-0949 WHITLEY COUNTY COUNCIL ON AGING 710 Opportunity Dr., Columbia City........................................... 260-248-8944 See our ad on page 28 WHITLEY COUNTY DIV. OF FAMILY RESOURCES 543 N. Line St., Ste. B, Columbia City.............................................800-403-0864

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FUNERAL HOMES & SERVICES McHATTON-SADLER FUNERAL CHAPELS 2290 Provident Ct., Warsaw........................................................ 574-267-7123 105 First St., Pierceton................................................................. 574-594-2172 See our ad on page 33 Redpath-Fruth Funeral Home 225 Argonne Rd., Warsaw...............................................................574-268-0225 SHEETS & CHILDS FUNERAL HOME 206 N. Main St., Churubusco...................................................... 260-693-2907 See our ad on page 3 SMITH & SONS FUNERAL HOME 207 N. Main St., Columbia City................................................... 260-244-7601 See our ad on page 32 SMITH & SONS MILLER CHAPEL 208 N. Maple St., South Whitley................................................. 260-723-5221 See our ad on page 32 TITUS FUNERAL HOME 2000 E. Sheridan St., Warsaw..................................................... 574-267-3104 See our ad on page 19

FURNITURE JB’S FURNITURE 2101 E. Center St., Warsaw......................................................... 574-267-6800 See our ad on page 13 REINHOLT’S TOWN SQUARE FURNITURE 118 W. Main St., Warsaw............................................................ 574-267-5940 www.ReinholtsFurniture.com See our ad on page 5

GOVERNMENT OFFICES — CITY CHURUBUSCO TOWN OF 530 S. Main St., Churubusco...........................................................260-693-9350


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CLAYPOOL TOWN OF 104 W. Section, Claypool.................................................................574-566-2910 COLUMBIA CITY TOWN OF 112 S. Chauncey St., Columbia City................................................260-248-5100 ETNA GREEN TOWN OF 132 W. Broadway St., Etna Green...................................................574-858-9321 LARWILL TOWN OF 108 N Center St., Larwill........................................................................ No Phone LEESBURG TOWN OF 102 Pearl St., Leesburg.....................................................................574-453-3315 MENTONE TOWN OF 105 E. Main St., Mentone.................................................................574-353-7417 MILFORD TOWN OF 121 S. Main St., Milford....................................................................574-658-4519 NORTH WEBSTER TOWN OF 144 S. Main St., North Webster.......................................................574-834-7894 PIERCETON TOWN OF 105 Walnut St., Pierceton.................................................................574-594-2231 SILVER LAKE TOWN OF 604 N. Jefferson St., Silver Lake......................................................260-352-2120 SOUTH WHITLEY TOWN OF 118 E. Front St., South Whitley........................................................260-723-5312 SYRACUSE TOWN OF 310 N. Huntington St., Syracuse.....................................................574-457-3216 WARSAW CITY OF 102 S. Buffalo St., Warsaw...............................................................574-385-2222 WINONA LAKE TOWN OF 1310 Park Ave., Winona Lake...........................................................574-267-7581

GOVERNMENT OFFICES - COUNTY KOSCIUSKO COUNTY 100 W. Center St., Warsaw...............................................................574-267-4444

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Whitley & Kosciusko Counties Senior Services Directory


WHITLEY COUNTY 220 W. Van Buren St., Columbia City..............................................877-503-0428

GOVERNMENT OFFICES — TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES KOSCIUSKO COUNTY TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES Clay Twp. — Helen Brown 6217 S. County Farm Rd., Claypool...........................................574-566-2394 Etna Twp. — Gary & Kathy Sponseller 9736 W. 300 N., Etna Green........................................................574-858-2590 Franklin Twp. — Trillia & Dennis Gearhart 9521 S. 825 W., Akron.................................................................574-491-2482 Harrison Twp. — Tracy Moyer P.O. Box 62, Atwood....................................................................574-858-9354 Jackson Twp. — Gwen & Brock Ostrom 2502 E. 900 S., Claypool..............................................................260-839-4535 Jefferson Twp. — Beth & Hubert Krull 13266 N. 300 W., Milford............................................................574-658-4890 Lake Twp. — Molly & Roger Bradford 11455 S. Peru Rd., Silver Lake....................................................260-352-2638 Monroe Twp. — Stephanie Cloud 6660 E. 650 S., Pierceton.............................................................260-839-0639 Plain Twp. — Tyler Huffer 34 E. Armstrong Rd., Leesburg..................................................574-453-3749 Prairie Twp. — Julia Goon 4496 N. 600 W., Warsaw.............................................................574-858-2253 Scott Twp. — Fred & Carolyn Slabaugh 13908 N. 950 W., Nappanee.......................................................574-773-4461 Seward Twp. — Aime Hoffman 9010 S. 675 W., Claypool............................................................574-491-4546 Tippecanoe Twp. — Steve Ward P.O. Box 144, North Webster......................................................574-834-1171


574-267-7123 Finding Guidance During A Difficult Time Is Comforting, That’s Why People Turn To Us.


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Turkey Creek Twp. — Barb Griffith 310 N. Huntington St., Syracuse................................................574-457-4175 Van Buren Twp. — Rebecca Alles P.O. Box 246, Milford...................................................................574-658-9686 Washington Twp. — Dean & Chris Rhoades P.O. Box 477, Pierceton...............................................................574-594-5283 Wayne Twp. — Jeanie Stackhouse 533 S. Buffalo, Warsaw...............................................................574-267-7001 WHITLEY COUNTY TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES Cleveland Twp. — James Yeager 121 N. State St., South Whitley..................................................260-723-5475 Columbia Twp. — Mike Myers 22 Radio Rd., Columbia City.......................................................260-244-0045 Etna Troy Twp. — Elaine Western Newly elected in 2018. Contact information not available by publication deadline. Visit http://bit.ly/WhitleyTrustees for updated information. Jefferson Twp. — Stephanie Nix Newly elected in 2018. Contact information not available by publication deadline. Visit http://bit.ly/WhitleyTrustees for updated information. Richland Twp. — Jennifer Patrick Newly elected in 2018. Contact information not available by publication deadline. Visit http://bit.ly/WhitleyTrustees for updated information. Smith Twp. — Patty Amber 3977 NW Carlin Ct., Churubusco................................................260-693-3266 Thorncreek Twp. — Eugene Heckman 1760 E. Poplar Rd., Columbia City.............................................260-691-2085 Union Twp. — Mark Roach 2210 S. 600 E., Columbia City.....................................................260-244-4033 Washington Twp. — Kevin Bollinger 7389 S. 275 W., Columbia City...................................................260-723-6985

GROCERY NEW MARKET 306 S. Main St., North Webster.................................................. 574-834-2861

HARDWARE STORE NORTH WEBSTER ACE HARDWARE St. Rd. 13 S., North Webster....................................................... 574-834-2021

HEALTH DEPARTMENT KOSCIUSKO COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT K21 Health Services Pavilion 1515 Provident Dr., Ste. 160, Warsaw.............................................574-267-7028 WHITLEY COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 220 Van Buren St., Ste. 111, Columbia City....................................260-244-2310

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HEALTH & WELLNESS NORTH WEBSTER YMCA 301 N. Main St., North Webster.......................................................574-834-5600 PARKVIEW WARSAW YMCA 1305 Mariners Dr., Warsaw..............................................................574-269-9622 WHITLEY COUNTY FAMILY YMCA 950 E. Van Buren St., Columbia City...............................................260-244-9622

HEARING AIDS Before you buy a cell phone, you should try different brands and models to see which works best for you, according to the Food and Drug Administration. Some cell phones can cause radiofrequency interference with hearing aids, so the user hears high-pitched whistling sounds, buzzes or static. The Federal Communications Commission now requires cell phone manufacturers to test and rate their wireless handsets’ hearing aid compatibility using the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) C63.19 standard. These ratings give an indication of the likelihood a cell phone may interfere with hearing aids: the higher the rating, the less likely the cell phonehearing aid combination will experience undesired interference. BASS AUDIOLOGY 111 E. Main St., Syracuse.................................................................574-457-5050 BELTONE 119 Hoosier Dr., Columbia City........................................................260-244-4111 1127 E. Winona Ave., Warsaw.........................................................574-269-6555 DR. ENGLEBERTH’S HEARING CENTER 1610 E. Center St., Warsaw..............................................................574-269-5828 HEARING CENTER 885 Connexion Way, Columbia City................................................888-555-5402 3161 E. Center St., Warsaw..............................................................574-267-8182

Ab & Tom’s AutoCare, Inc. Serving the Area Since 1952 Complete Auto & Light Truck Repair Import & Domestic H.D. & Auto Radiators Fuel Tanks • A/C Tubes & Hoses Commercial Heat Exchangers


2314 W. Old Road 30 • Warsaw 2019

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MIRACLE EAR 232 W. Van Buren St., Columbia City..............................................260-244-6144 3165 E. Center St. Ext., Warsaw......................................................574-269-6236 SUMMIT HEARING SOLUTIONS 169 N. 200 E., Columbia City ..........................................................260-244-3810

HEATING, COOLING & PLUMBING WHEELER MECHANICAL SERVICES, LLC 309 Diamond Ave., Columbia City.............................................. 260-244-6328 See our ad on page 45

HOME CARE & HOSPICE GREAT LAKES CARING 334 Enterprise Dr., Warsaw..............................................................866-437-7770 KOSCIUSKO HOME CARE & HOSPICE, INC 1515 Provident Dr., Warsaw........................................................ 574-372-3401 See our ad on the front & inside front cover

HOME CARE — NON MEDICAL HOME HELPERS 3510 Commerce Dr., Warsaw...........................................................574-372-2273 RESCARE HOMECARE.....................................................................866-737-2273 SEASONS HOMECARE 1101 Husky Trl., Warsaw..................................................................574-268-9000

HOME MEDICAL SUPPLIES GOSHEN HOME MEDICAL 1501 S. Main St., Goshen............................................................ 574-533-0626 See our ad on page 38

HOSPITALS KOSCIUSKO COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 2101 E. Dubois Dr., Warsaw.............................................................574-267-3200 PARKVIEW WARSAW 1355 Mariners Dr., Warsaw..............................................................574-372-0000 PARKVIEW WHITLEY HOSPITAL 1260 E. St. Rd. 205, Columbia City..................................................260-248-9000

HOUSING — APARTMENTS BLUE BELL LOFT SENIOR LIVING APARTMENTS 307 S. Whitley St, Columbia City.....................................................260-224-2867

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BLUE RIVER SENIOR CITIZENS APARTMENTS 235 E. Clingerman St., Churubusco................................................260-693-2299 904 Blue River Dr., Columbia City...................................................260-248-2254 413 Columbia Dr., Columbia City....................................................260-244-6240 COLUMBIA SENIOR APARTMENTS 525 E. Columbia St., South Whitley................................................260-723-6231 CLUGSTON ON THE SQUARE SENIOR APARTMENTS 108 S. Chauncey St, Columbia City.................................................260-244-7688 COURTS OF COLFAX 600 N. Colfax St., Warsaw................................................................574-269-4334 CULVERS HILL COMMUNITY 418 Overlook Dr., North Webster.....................................................574-834-1550 GRACE VILLAGE RETIREMENT COMMUNITY 337 Grace Village Dr., Winona Lake................................................574-372-6200 RETIRED TIGERS 320 W. Main St., Warsaw.................................................................574-269-2187 WILLOW PARK AT BEYER FARMS 675 N. Colfax St., Warsaw................................................................574-267-0111

HOUSING — ASSISTED LIVING GRACE VILLAGE 337 Grace Village Dr., Winona Lake................................................574-372-6200 LAKE CITY PLACE 425 Chinworth Ct., Warsaw.............................................................574-207-4158 MILLER’S AT OAK POINTE 411 N. Wolf Rd., Columbia City.......................................................260-248-8141 MILLER’S SENIOR LIVING 1630 S. County Farm Rd., Warsaw..................................................574-267-8196

HUMAN SERVICES ORGANIZATIONS SALVATION ARMY 501 E. Arthur St., Warsaw................................................................574-267-5361


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COMBINED COMMUNITY SERVICES 1195 Mariners Dr., Warsaw..............................................................574-269-6019 KOSCIUSKO LITERACY SERVICES 201 N. Union St., Warsaw ...............................................................574-267-5380 WHITLEY COUNTY LITERACY COUNCIL 115 S. Line St., Columbia City.........................................................260-244-2375

IDENTITY THEFT REMINDERS • Do not give out personal information over the phone or online. • Ignore pfishing emails asking for you to divulge personal data. • Ignore phone calls and emails from another country. • Your credit card number can be used by scammers who know the zip code is needed at untended credit card terminals, such as gasoline pumps. The next time a sales clerk asks for your zip code for marketing purposes, simply decline. • Do not post personal information, such as your zip code, date of birth or other identifiers that could be stolen, on social media. • Do not use passwords such as names, dates or locations a scammer could obtain from your social media accounts. • Think twice before joining a birthday club that gives you a free dessert or discount on your purchases because scammers can pair that information up with other data they’ve obtained about you to steal your identity. • Do not carry important documents such as your passport or social security card.

MaryEllen Walter

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INSURANCE Most health insurance plans do not cover you once you leave the U.S. Contact your insurance provider to see what is covered when traveling and ask what happens if you get sick, does it cover preexisting conditions, accidents, medical, dental, prescriptions and emergency evacuation. You may also want to look into travel insurance in the event you need to cancel your trip, miss your connection, your flight is cancelled, weather protection at your destination, terrorism coverage, you get sick or injured on your trip, baggage is delayed or lost, your passport is lost, or your travel company files bankruptcy. KOSCIUSKO COUNTY DIV. OF FAMILY RESOURCES 2307 E. Center St., Ste. E, Warsaw..................................................800-403-0864 WHITLEY COUNTY DIV. OF FAMILY RESOURCES 543 N. Line St., Ste. B, Columbia City.............................................800-403-0864

INSURANCE — MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT STATE HEALTH INSURANCE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (SHIP) Local help for people with Medicare and a free counseling service from the Indiana State Department of Insurance Toll Free.............................................................................................800-452-4800 www.medicare.in.gov KOSCIUSKO COUNTY: Area 2, Real Services........................................................................574-284-2644 SHIP Counselors meet with individuals at the REAL Services office in South Bend or by telephone. Call to set up an appointment. Kosciusko Community Senior Services........................................ 574-267-2012 SHIP Counselors are available to meet with individuals. Call to set up an appointment. WHITLEY COUNTY: Area 3, Aging & In-Home Services Of Northeast Indiana.............800-552-3662 SHIP Counseling can be done via telephone or by face-to-face interactions. Call to set up an appointment.

LIBRARIES BELL MEMORIAL PUBLIC LIBRARY 101 W. Main St., Mentone . .............................................................574-353-7234 CHURUBUSCO PUBLIC LIBRARY 116 N. Mulberry St., Churubusco....................................................260-693-6466 MILFORD PUBLIC LIBRARY 101 N. Main St., Milford...................................................................574-658-4312 NORTH WEBSTER COMMUNITY PUBLIC LIBRARY 301 N. Main St., North Webster.......................................................574-834-7122 PEABODY PUBLIC LIBRARY 1160 E. St. Rd. 205, Columbia City..................................................260-244-5541 Page ­40

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PIERCETON & WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP PUBLIC LIBRARY 101 W. Catholic St., Pierceton..........................................................574-594-5474 SOUTH WHITLEY COMMUNITY PUBLIC LIBRARY 201 E. Front St., South Whitley........................................................260-723-5321 SYRACUSE PUBLIC LIBRARY 115 E. Main St., Syracuse.................................................................574-457-3022 WARSAW COMMUNITY PUBLIC LIBRARY 310 E. Main St., Warsaw..................................................................574-267-6011

LIFT CHAIRS JB’S FURNITURE 2101 E. Center St., Warsaw......................................................... 574-267-6800 See our ad on page 13 REINHOLT’S TOWN SQUARE FURNITURE 118 W. Main St., Warsaw............................................................ 574-267-5940 www.ReinholtsFurniture.com See our ad on page 5

MAUSOLEUMS — COLUMBARIUM PATTEN MONUMENT CO 633 S. Buffalo St., Warsaw.......................................................... 574-267-8933 See our ad on page 31

MEMORY CARE MASON HEALTH & REHAB 900 Provident Dr., Warsaw.......................................................... 574-371-2500 See our ad on page 29

MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BOWEN CENTER 850 N. Harrison St., Warsaw....................................................... 574-267-7169 119 W. Market St., Columbia City............................................... 260-248-8176 See our ad on page 19

MONUMENTS PATTEN MONUMENT CO 633 S. Buffalo St., Warsaw.......................................................... 574-267-8933 See our ad on page 31

NEWSPAPERS CHURUBUSCO NEWS......................................................................260-693-3949 INWHITLEY COUNTY.......................................................................260-693-3949 TIMES UNION...................................................................................574-267-3111 TRIBUNE NEWS................................................................................260-723-4771 2019

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NURSING FACILITIES GRACE VILLAGE 337 Grace Village Dr., Winona Lake................................................574-372-6200 LAKELAND REHABILITATION AND HEALTHCARE CENTER 505 W. Fourth St., Milford................................................................574-658-9455 MASON HEALTH & REHAB 900 Provident Dr., Warsaw.......................................................... 574-371-2500 See our ad on page 29 MILLER’S MERRY MANOR 640 W. Ellsworth St., Columbia City...............................................260-248-8101 500 E. Pickwick, Syracuse................................................................574-457-4401 1630 S. County Farm Rd., Warsaw..................................................574-267-8196 MILLER’S AT OAK POINTE 411 N. Wolf Rd., Columbia City.......................................................260-248-8141 WARSAW MEADOWS CARE CENTER 300 E. Prairie St., Warsaw................................................................574-267-8922

OPTICAL CARE GROSSNICKLE EYE CARE 2251 DuBois Dr., Warsaw............................................................ 574-269-2777 1510 Osolo Rd., Elkhart............................................................... 574-266-6100 4330 Edison Lakes Pkwy., Ste. A, Mishawaka........................... 574-271-0120 2855 Miller Dr., Plymouth............................................................ 800-992-6975 See our ad on the inside back cover

PHARMACIES CVS PHARMACY 601 S. Main St., Churubusco...........................................................260-693-3483 286 W. Walker Way, Columbia City.................................................260-244-3113 618 S. Main St., North Webster.......................................................574-834-4772 308 S. Huntington St., Syracuse......................................................574-457-4000 100 N. Detroit St., Warsaw...............................................................574-267-6208

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HIPP DRUG 115 S. State St., South Whitley........................................................260-723-4468 KROGER PHARMACY 621 Countryside Dr., Columbia City................................................260-248-4572 MARTIN’S PHARMACY 1150 Husky Trail, Warsaw................................................................574-371-9080 MEIJER PHARMACY 1200 Lake City Hwy., Warsaw..........................................................574-371-4110 OWEN’S PHARMACY 2211 E. Center St., Warsaw..............................................................574-269-6674 PILL BOX PHARMACY & HOME MEDICAL EQUIPMENT 2306 Dubois Dr., Warsaw.................................................................574-267-4900 SHOPKO HOMETOWN SYRACUSE PHARMACY 1101 N. Indiana Ave., Syracuse.......................................................574-457-3109 WALGREENS PHARMACY 535 N. Line St., Columbia City.........................................................260-244-5491 2400 E. Center St., Warsaw..............................................................574-269-4003 WAL-MART PHARMACY 402 W. Plaza Dr., Columbia City.......................................................260-244-4400 2501 Walton Blvd., Warsaw.............................................................574-269-7941 ZALE DRUGS 1775 E. Center St., Warsaw..............................................................574-267-7356

PHOTO SERVICES BLOSSER’S PHOTO DESIGN CENTER 1002 E. Center St., Warsaw......................................................... 574-267-5400 See our ad on page 9

PHOTOGRAPHY BLOSSER’S PHOTO DESIGN CENTER 1002 E. Center St., Warsaw......................................................... 574-267-5400 See our ad on page 9

PHYSICIANS — FAMILY MEDICINE KOSCIUSKO MEDICAL GROUP Dubois Family Medicine 2300 Dubois Dr., Warsaw...............................................................574-371-2620 Kosciusko Family Healthcare 2235 Dubois Dr., Warsaw...............................................................574-267-8189 Mentone Family Medicine 515 E. Main St., Mentone..............................................................574-353-7561 North Webster Medical Clinic 614 N. Main St., North Webster....................................................574-834-7677 Northern Lakes Family Medicine 107 W. Pickwick Dr., Ste. A, Syracuse...........................................574-457-8585 2019

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Northern Lakes Medical Associates 1205 Provident Dr., Ste. A, Warsaw..............................................574-269-8383 Pierceton Family Medicine 128 N. First St., Pierceton..............................................................574-594-9890 Provident Family Healthcare 1210 Provident Dr., Ste. B, Warsaw..............................................574-268-4300 Warsaw Family Medicine 1540 Provident Dr., Warsaw..........................................................574-372-5868 MILFORD FAMILY MEDICINE 201 S. Main St., Milford....................................................................574-658-4142 PARKVIEW PHYSICIANS GROUP....................................................877-774-8632 PARKVIEW PHYSICIANS GROUP-FAMILY MEDICINE 1270 E. St. Rd. 205, Ste. 210, Columbia City...................................260-248-9230 1270 E. St. Rd. 205, Ste. 240, Columbia City...................................260-248-9060 620 W. North St., Columbia City......................................................260-244-0202 4084 N. US Hwy. 33, Churubusco....................................................260-373-9595 112 S. Main St., Milford....................................................................574-658-3500 5 Matchett Dr., Pierceton..................................................................574-594-2136 1355 Mariners Dr., Warsaw..............................................................574-267-6778 4665 St. Rd. 5, South Whitley..........................................................260-248-9980 THE HELP CENTER 1515 Provident Dr., Ste. 130, Warsaw.............................................574-372-3500

PRECAUTIONS FOR PACEMAKER WEARERS Based on current research, cell phones do not seem to pose a significant health problem for the vast majority of pacemaker wearers. Still, people with pacemakers may want to take some simple precautions. • Hold the phone to the ear opposite the side of the body where the pacemaker is implanted to add extra distance between the pacemaker and the phone. • Avoid placing a turned-on phone next to the pacemaker implant (for example, don’t carry the phone in a shirt or jacket pocket directly over the pacemaker).

PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION ASSISTANCE HOOSIERRX......................................................................................866-267-4679 MEDICATION AND DENTAL ASSISTANCE 1515 Provident Dr., Ste. 170, Warsaw.............................................574-372-3604

Ann Golden Page ­44

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PREVENTING MEDICARE FRAUD • Visit only your personal doctor, hospital or clinic for medical help. Only trust them to make referrals for special equipment, services or medicine. • If someone calls and tries to threaten or pressure you into something, hang up! • If someone comes to your door and says they are from Medicare and they need your Medicare number, shut the door! • Never sell your Medicare number. • Never provide a salesperson with your doctor’s name or number. • Never show anyone your medical or prescription records without first talking to your doctor or pharmacist. • Do not leave mail in your mailbox for more than one day. People can steal personal information right out of your mailbox. • Rip up or shred your Medicare papers and other important documents before throwing them away. • Remember, Medicare does not sell anything. • Always check your Medicare Summary Notice (MSN) for charges for something you did not get, billing twice for the same thing, and services that were not ordered by your doctor. Information from Senior Medicare Patrol.


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PROSTHETICS TURNBOW PROSTHETICS 561 W. Connexion Way, Ste. 2, Columbia City.......................... 888-270-6755 www.turnbowprosthetics.com

REAL ESTATE ORIZON REAL ESTATE, INC 518 Garland Ave., Columbia City................................................ 260-248-8961

RETIREMENT PLANNING UNITED FINANCIAL GROUP 12106 N. 600 E., North Manchester............................................ 260-982-1090 Toll Free........................................................................................ 888-342-8918 See our ad on page 37

SENIOR SERVICES KOSCIUSKO COMMUNITY SENIOR SERVICES 800 N. Park Ave., Warsaw................................................................574-267-2012 KOSCIUSKO COUNTY CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU 111 Capital Dr., Warsaw...................................................................574-269-6090 NORTH WEBSTER COMMUNITY CENTER Senior Primelife Enrichment Center 301 N. Main St., North Webster.............................................574-834-1600 x 224 PIERCETON SENIOR CENTER 205 N. First St., Pierceton.................................................................574-594-5632 WHITLEY COUNTY COUNCIL ON AGING 710 Opportunity Dr., Columbia City........................................... 260-248-8944 See our ad on page 28 WINONA LAKE SENIOR CENTER 1590 Park Ave., Winona Lake...........................................................574-267-2310

SEWING & FABRIC LOWERY SEWING & VACUUM 707 E. Winona Ave., Warsaw...................................................... 574-267-8631 See our ad on page 7

SIGNS PATTEN MONUMENT CO 633 S. Buffalo St., Warsaw.......................................................... 574-267-8933 See our ad on page 31

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TRANSPORTATION KOSCIUSKO AREA BUSING SYSTEM (K.A.B.S) Call to schedule a ride......................................................................574-267-4990 WHITLEY COUNTY TRANSIT (W.C.T.) 710 Opportunity Dr., Columbia City........................................... 260-248-8944

UTILITIES BRIGHTPOINT 885 W. Connexion Way Ste. 200, Columbia City............................800-589-2264 The Energy Assistance Program helps pay a portion of winter heating bills. The EAP Application and all required documentation must be returned to the Brightpoint office by May 12, 2019. COMBINED COMMUNITY SERVICES — UTILITY ASSISTANCE 1195 Mariners Dr., Warsaw..............................................................574-269-6019 CCS utilizes funding from the United Way of Kosciusko County, individual donations, and funds from REMC and NIPSCO to provide utility assistance to low-income households, or households experiencing a temporary hardship, to prevent disconnection. DUKE ENERGY..................................................................................800-521-2232 INDIANA MUNICIPAL POWER AGENCY (IMPA)............................800-826-4672 INDIANA AMERICAN WATER..........................................................800-492-8373 KOSCIUSKO REMC...............................................574-267-6331 or 800-790-7362 NIPSCO..............................................................................................800-464-7726 NORTHEASTERN REMC...................................................................260-244-6111 REAL SERVICES COMMUNITY ACTION 1151 S. Michigan St., South Bend...................................................574-233-8205 A state funded program that assists low-income households with electric and heating expenses during the winter months. Persons interested must submit an application. SOUTH WHITLEY MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC.......................................260-723-4741

VACUUM CLEANER SALES & SERVICE LOWERY SEWING & VACUUM 707 E. Winona Ave., Warsaw...................................................... 574-267-8631 See our ad on page 7

Jim Sprandel 2019

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ADVERTISER INDEX Ab & Tom’s AutoCare..............................................24, 35 Alderfer Bergen........................................................27, 35 Beers Mallers Backs & Salin, LLP...........................12, 24 Beers Mallers Backs & Salin, LLP — Daniel Leininger...............................................27, 42 Bloom Gates Shipman Whiteleather, LLP.......11, 24, 27 Blosser’s Photo Design Center.................................9, 43 Blue Pearl Antiques...................................................4, 21 Bowen Center...........................................................19, 41 Companion Lifeline.......................................................26 Dental Solutions....................................... 26, Back cover Fred Wehrwein.........................................................22, 24 Goshen Home Medical............................................36, 38 Grossnickle Eye Center........... 27, 42, Inside back cover JB’s Furniture...............................................13, 21, 31, 41 Kosciusko Home Care & Hospice..................................... .................................Front cover, Inside front cover, 36 KPC Media Group..............................................16, 30, 41 Lowery Sewing & Vacuum..................................7, 46, 47 Mason Health & Rehab.....................................29, 41, 42 McHatton-Sadler Funeral Chapels.........................31, 33 Miner & Lemon Law................................................24, 39 Myers Hockemeyer & McNagny LLP.....................24, 27 New Market....................................................................34 North Webster Ace Hardware.......................................34 Orizon Real Estate..........................................................46 Patten Monument Co........................................31, 41, 46 Reinholt’s Town Square Furniture................5, 21, 31, 41 Sears Hometown Store.................................................21 Sheets & Childs Funeral Home.................................3, 31 Smith & Sons Funeral Home..................................31, 32 Smith & Sons Miller Chapel...................................31, 32 Times Union.......................................................15, 25, 41 Titus Funeral Home...........................................19, 26, 31 Turnbow Prosthetics......................................................46 United Financial.................................................27, 37, 46 Wheeler Mechanical Services.................................36, 45 Whitley County Council On Aging...................28, 30, 46 Whitley County Transit..................................................47 Page ­48

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