New Year E-card

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2021 This New Year

write your own


2022 KPMG in Romania

And have trust in a


New Year toast

Ramona Jurubiță

Country Managing Partner

KPMG in Romania


The word to best describe 2021 for me is: togetherness. It embodies the strength that exists within our team and what sets us apart. Happy New Year! Whatever the New Year has in store, we’ll be in it together. And I have a feeling the best is yet to come, so let’s embrace novelty and use our ability to adapt, which we’ve mastered so well, to our advantage. Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy, and abundant 2022!

We have our own light in the darkness of reality. Imagine what reality looks like when 1000 lights are on together.

A peaceful and healthy 2022!


Happy New Year! 2021 was a good teacher!

We learned a lot about: being together, caring for each other, valuing expertise, as well as about adapting and re-creating ourselves and our lives.

New Year toast

Adela Ciucioi Partner, Deputy Head of Audit KPMG in Romania


Let’s create a fabulous version of ourselves as individuals and as a team in 2022!

Remember that our mission is to establish trust! Trust is the foundation of a healthy society! #courage #together #maketheworldabetterplace


New Year toast

Dragoș Doroș Partner, Tax KPMG in Romania


The words to best describe 2021: a mix of hope for a return to the life before Covid and settling into the new way of life.

My New Year wish for the team: let’s make the best of what we get, every time!

I wish for us all to be the best team we can be! This is one thing we have shown this year!


"You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength" Marcus Aurelius

I hope the holiday season found you surrounded by your loved ones, in an atmosphere of

New Year toast

Ori Efraim Partner, Audit KPMG in Romania

peace and tranquility and that you have returned refreshed and ready to face new challenges. I wish you all power and health to get through this unimaginable period, and am hoping for a better tomorrow, together. A Joyous New Year!

"We are not a team because we work together. We are a team because we respect, trust and care for each other."


I am grateful for having had the opportunity to work alongside such dedicated and strong individuals during this troublesome year. I would like to thank each and every one of you for all your efforts and achievements. Thank you for being an inspiration and a great team, and remember:

we are all in this TOGETHER!


The word to best describe 2021 for me is


New Year toast

Cezar Furtună Partner, Audit Head of Audit and Assurance KPMG in Romania


I hope you got to spend some special days together with your families and friends. We have shown our courage and team spirit throughout a challenging year and I thank you for our successes in 2021. Have a great 2022!

Another year has started for our great team, hoping that we wil see each other more face to face and we wil continue turning challenges into opportunities. Thank you for your everyday contribution. Un an nou frumos si cu realizari!


New Year toast

Aura Giurcăneanu Partner, Audit KPMG in Romania


My word for 2021 is Courage.

A new year is a new beginning for a new dawn in life. Let this New Year bring you better opportunities for a life which is more fruitful and filled with happiness. Have a happy New Year! In a storm we came closer together - a team with a special quality, the human touch. That little snippet of affection that brings comfort, support and kindness. It doesn't take much for the person who gives it, but it makes a huge difference for the one receiving it.

My wish is that we wil take this special quality into the year to come!


The word to best describe 2021 for me is:


New Year toast

Tudor Grecu Partner, Audit KPMG in Romania


It’s definitely not easy to tackle the unknown and the unpredictable, but there is a thrill in it that is equal to none. So I hope you can embrace that as a driving force and not one that sets you back. May you have a blessed and productive New Year!

You are a great team and I am grateful for the chance to work together with you!


The word to best describe 2021 for me is


New Year toast

Victor Iancu Associate Partner, Advisory KPMG in Romania


I hope you have enjoyed the holidays. I wish you a Happy New Year! I can’t help wondering, though, what would it be like if instead of bringing happiness, joy, and peace, the New Year brought cash, fame and champagne!

You are a great team! 2021 was a great year thanks to all your efforts. I'm looking forward to our fantastic team achieving further successes in 2022.


New Year toast

Angela Manolache Partner, Advisory KPMG in Romania


The word to best describe 2021 for me is courage.

Thank you for an amazing year! I am looking forward to great new adventures together in 2022!

I wish for all of us that we further strengthen our anchors, but that we also have the courage to open up our sails and bravely face the rough waters, keeping in mind that this is how skillful sailors are made.


New Year toast

Robert Maxim Partner, Advisory KPMG in Romania


The word to best describe 2021 for me is workload.

At the beginning of a new year we want to make sure you know how much we appreciate you! I hope your holiday season was filled with health and happiness and you are now reenergized to tackle 2022 at full speed.

We are privileged to have our values to guide us through uncertainty.

Stay true to yourself and enjoy every aspect of 2022.


New Year toast

Horațiu Mihali Partner, Audit KPMG in Romania


Hope is the word that best describes 2021 for me.

I hope the holidays brought you happy and relaxed times surrounded by the people you love. May you have a successful and happy New Year!

Un an nou fericit! #totulvafibine


New Year toast

The word that best describes 2021 for me is resilience.

I hope you enjoyed the holidays with your loved ones and are ready to step into the New Year with lots of happiness and good health.

I wish you all a very Happy New Year!

Alin Negrescu Partner, Tax KPMG in Romania


Looking forward to a great New Year

working together!


The words to best describe 2021:

A bit Stressful, but clearly Hopeful!

New Year toast

Daniel Pană Partner, Tax

KPMG in Romania


I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing and joyful holiday. I feel proud and lucky to have you in my life! You are the best! La multi ani!

It's a real pleasure to work with such a talented and dedicated team. I'm sure we'll continue to do great things together in 2022 and develop our skills and experience even more.


2021 has been a very demanding year for all of us and we did succeed all together as ONE in overcoming its main challenges, so we can be proud of what we have achieved.

New Year toast If you stay close to your family and friends, you will be happy, no matter what happens around you, so this is my wish for you: may you enjoy the togetherness!

Richard Perrin Partner, Head of Advisory KPMG in Romania

Team I wish you, your families and friends the best of health and happiness! I'm looking forward to another great year working together. Make every moment count in 2022!


2021 was like

a roller-coaster for me. We had a lot of amazing opportunities and great achievements, but I mostly missed spending face to face time with my team and our clients. Technology helped to a certain extent, but for sure I look forward to seeing everyone more this year.

New Year toast

For 2022, I would like to wish for my team to keep up their enthusiasm, energy and high spirits and approach every opportunity with an open mind.

I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year!

Mădălina Racovițan Partner, Tax KPMG in Romania


I am really proud of you all, and I miss you a lot! I'm looking forward to seeing you this year, full of energy, and happy and healthy.

A very Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!


I actually have 2 words to best describe 2021:

new normality.

New Year Happy New Year to toast the most amazing team I know!

Thank you for not giving up and being awesome (at any time of the day everyday)!

Nicoleta Rusu Partner, Audit KPMG in Romania


Together we have achieved the unthinkable- working as a team while being physically several kilometres away from each other. Next taskredefine “unachievable”.

May the Force be with us!


The words to best describe 2021 for me are:

Roller Coaster

New Year toast

René Schöb Partner, Head of Tax & Legal KPMG in Romania


2021 was like being on a roller coaster ride or maybe like Forrest Gump used to say: “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get”. So I wish all of us more predictability in 2022, enriched with more personal contacts and joyful gettogethers in a pleasant environment. La multi ani!

I am proud of our people in Tax & Legal and would like to thank everybody for having embraced the “working together spirit” in this challenging year. Without this, we wouldn’t have felt as safe as we did and we wouldn’t have achieved, what we achieved. #Tax&Legal #togetherstrong #staypositive #staysafe


New Year toast

Raluca Soare Partner, Audit KPMG in Romania


The word to best describe 2021 for me is reflection; finding new ways to deal with the changing times.

May your New Year be fil ed with joy, courage and prosperity!

I am grateful for your efforts in 2021 and look forward to many achievements together in 2022.


New Year toast

Daniela Strusevici Partner, Audit KPMG in Romania


The word to best describe 2021 for me is hope.

I trust you got to enjoy a Christmas with many blessings and I wish you a very joyful and successful 2022! Thank you for all that you have done. It's great to work with such a fantastic team. Happy New Year!


New Year toast

The words that best describe 2021: digital transformation

I wish you all a Happy New Year and plenty of things to be grateful for in the future! Look out for the best opportunities that will make our time together worthwhile.

Gabriel Tănase Partner, Advisory KPMG in Romania


May 2022 bring us together more often in an offline mode!


The word that best describes 2021 is


New Year toast

Laura Toncescu Partner, Head of KPMG Legal Toncescu și Asociații KPMG in Romania


May you have health, happiness, passion and courage throughout the New Year!

I miss going to the office, I miss meeting you all and I thank you for making last year seem as normal as possible!

I wish for us all to be our best in the year ahead!


2021 was about

new ways, new beginnings for me.

I was very pleased to join KPMG and get to know you, and discover your enthusiasm and professionalism. Thank you for the warm welcome!

New Year toast

Inga Țîgai

Associate Partner, Tax KPMG in Romania


For 2022, may we all remember that productivity and success shouldn’t require giving up on our personal life, friends and family. Let’s make better use of technology to work smarter and deliver better and more innovative services to our clients. I wish you a happy New Year and a wonderful new chapter that we will write together! Despite the challenges of the hybrid environment, we did well in fostering the team spirit and staying connected to our clients. Keep it up! I am sure by the end of the year we will have plenty of great projects to talk about.


The word to best describe 2021 for me is:


New Year toast

Andreea Vasilescu Partner, Audit KPMG in Romania


I wish you a safe and happy 2022! I am confident that the team we have built will go on to achieve even greater things and break new barriers on a personal as well as a professional level. Have a wonderful New Year!

At the start of a New Year, I want to take a moment to thank you for all the many ways you make this team what it is!

La mulți ani!


New Year toast

Bogdan Văduva Partner, Advisory KPMG in Romania


The words to best describe 2021 for me are:

Extremely INTENSE

Many thanks for the great effort and tremendous achievements we had together last year! Hard work, great team spirit, creativity and courage were the main ingredients for our success. I hope you got a chance to rest, relax, enjoy a great time and party together with your loved ones. Be confident that 2022 will come with new opportunities to become stronger and get closer to our full potential. I wish each and every one of you happiness, love and luck for the New Year! La multi ani!

A BIG THANK YOU to all of you and in the years to come, looking back, I know everyone can take pride in how we responded to this challenge. We weathered the storm bravely and that success belongs to every one of us. #bigthankyou #fullsteamahead #toatepanzelesus


New Year toast

Bogdan Vlad Partner, Audit KPMG in Romania


The word to best describe 2021 for me is resilience.

I hope you got a chance to unplug, relax and settle into the holidays and are now ready to take on the New Year!

We will get through this together! Imagine what the first KPMG party will look like when all this will be behind us!

KPMG in Romania DN1, Sos. Bucuresti - Ploiesti no. 89A, P.O. Box 18 - 191 Bucharest, 013685

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