10 minute read

[New] Blitz Spirit

7:30 9 The Food Flirts #104 Thailand Meets Tres Leches. D R (9) 2/9 1:30am

8pm 9 Dogs in the Wild, A Nature Miniseries ★ #101 Meet the Family. R (9) 2/9 2am


+ Midsomer Murders #2009 Till Death Do Us Part, Part 1. A bride disappears during a wedding reception, revealing a murderer’s penchant for newlyweds. R (+) 2/9 2am & 2pm

8:44 + Midsomer Murders #2010 Till Death Do Us Part, Part 2. R (+) 2/9 2:44am & 2:44pm

9pm 9 NOVA ★ #5002 Star Chasers of Senegal. D R (9) 2/9 3am

9:33 + Death in Paradise #183 Episode 1. When a seemingly simple kidnapping ends in murder, Neville and the team must work out how someone ended up dead. R (+) 2/9 3:33am, 2/10 10:30pm, 2/11 4:30am

10pm 9 Secrets of the Dead #1605 The Woman in the Iron Coffin. Forensic experts examine the remains of a young African American woman from the 19th century New York. R (9) 2/9 4am

10:30 + Flesh and Blood on MASTERPIECE #5046 Episode 2. Vivien and Mark grow closer as

Helen, Jake and Natalie become unhinged. Mary does some investigating. R (+) 2/9 4:30am

11pm 9 AfroPop: The Ultimate Cultural Exchange She Had a Dream. Ghofrane, a young Black Tunisian woman, is a committed activist who decides to go into politics. R (9) 2/9 5am

11:30 + Reel South: Hindsight Volume 1. R (+) 2/9 5:30am, 2/28 5pm

Thursday 9

EARLY mid 9 Amanpour and Company ★ R (9) 4pm

+ GZERO World with Ian Bremmer ★

12:30 + Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan Greg Boyle. Jesuit and activist Father Boyle.

1–6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6am–7pm See page 8 for program schedule.


7pm 9 How She Rolls #107 How She Road Trips. Carrie and chef Nathalie Dupree explore biscuit making on an RV trip from Charleston to Atlanta, stopping to sample biscuits made in a gas station. R (9) 2/10 1am

+ Making Black America: Through the Grapevine #102 Episode 2. R (+) 2/10 1am

Thursday, February 16, at 9pm on KQED Plus

The resilience British people showed when Nazi Germany incessantly bombed their cities became known as Blitz Spirit. The Blitz is now considered a benchmark of Britishness, and Lucy Worsley explores what's been left out from that dark time and shows us what it was actually like via the experiences of six people who lived through it.

7:30 9 Check, Please! Bay Area ★ #1715 Oeste Bar and Kitchen, Little Lamb Hot Pot & BBQ, Lokma, Z. Cioccolato. R (9) 2/10 1:30am, 2/11 9am, noon & 7pm, 2/12 1am, 2/13 7:30pm, 2/14 1:30am; (+) 2/14 10:30am

8pm 9 River ★ #105 Episode 5. A new suspect is discovered when River and Ira uncover what Stevie was investigating before her murder, but breakthroughs in the case have devastating implications for another team member. R (9) 2/10 2am

+ Cold War & Cinema #103. R (+) 2/10 2am & 2pm

9pm 9 Traces ★ #105. R (9) 2/10 3am

+ American Experience #3402 The American Diplomat. Three Black diplomats broke racial barriers at the U.S. State Department during the Cold War. D R (+) 2/10 3am, 2/20 10:30pm, 2/21 4:30am

10pm 9 La Otra Mirada ★ #206 I Have A Dream. Angela surprises everyone when she accompanies the archery competitors from Madrid. R (9) 2/10 4am

+ The Legacy List with Matt Paxton #405 A Space for Healing (Birmingham, AL). R (+) 2/10 4am

11pm + Fight the Power: How Hip Hop Changed the World #102 Under Siege. R (+) 2/10 5am

11:30 9 On Story #1215 On Writing Sci-Fi: A Conversation with Lisa Joy. The writer, director and producer discusses creating the Westworld television series. R (9) 2/10 5:30am

Friday 10

EARLY mid 9 Amanpour and Company ★ R (9) 4pm

+ Roadtrip Nation #1401 Find Your Voice. Inspiring women in STEM.

12:30 + 50 States of Sustainability #107. Delta Electronics Net Zero corporate headquarters is powered by solar and geothermal energy.

1–6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6am–7pm See page 8 for program schedule.


7pm 9 KQED Newsroom ★ R (9) 2/11 1am, 2/12 5pm; (+) 2/11 1pm

+ Antiques Roadshow ★ #2706. R (+) 2/11 1am

7:30 9 Washington Week R (9) 2/11 1:30am

8pm 9 Palace and the Press #102 Held to Account. Journalists explain how they secured some of the most shocking stories about the royal family. R (9) 2/11 2am

+ Agatha Christie’s Poirot #501 The Adventure of the Egyptian Tomb. R (+) 2/11 2am, 2/13 2pm

9pm 9 Making Black America: Through the Grapevine #103 Episode 3. African Americans relied on informal economies to dismantle the oppressive realities of Jim Crow. R (9) 2/11 3am; (+) 2/16 7pm, 2/17 1am

+ Father Brown #187 The River Corrupted. R (+) 2/11 3am

9:45 + Father Brown #188 The Curse of the Aesthetic. R (+) 2/11 3:45am

10pm 9 Making Black America: Through the Grapevine #104 Episode 4. Black political and cultural

Tv Legend

9 KQED 9

+ KQED Plus movements provide a safe space to debate, organize and celebrate. R (9) 2/11 4am; (+) 2/23 7pm, 2/24 1am

★ This program (or episode) is airing on a KQED television channel for the first time.

This program is a KQED production, co-production or presentation.

10:30 + Death in Paradise #183 Episode 1. R (+) 2/11 4:30am

11pm 9 The David Rubenstein Show: Peer to Peer Conversations ★ Kristalina Georgieva. R (9) 2/11 5am

11:30 9 Firing Line with Margaret Hoover ★ R (9) 2/11 5:30am

+ Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope #1206 South Padre Island, TX. R (9) 2/11 3pm; (+) 2/11 5:30am & 6pm

Saturday 11

EARLY mid 9 Amanpour and Company ★ R (9) 2/13 4pm

+ Sound On Tap ★ #406 Catamaran. Indie surf rock featuring tremolo-ed guitars and syrupy melodies in catchy and interesting songs.

12:30 + Ear to the Common Ground ★ Frank Solivan and Dirty Kitchen and eight fans examine gun rights and gun control.

1–6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6am 9 Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood D

+ Sit and Be Fit #1503 Variety: The Spice of Life.

6:30 9 Arthur D

+ Classical Stretch: By Essentrics #1201 Plantar Fasciitis Release.

7am 9 Molly of Denali D

+ Your Fountain of Youth with Lee Holden #106 High Blood Pressure. Simple practices to ease stress and relax the mind and body.

7:30 9 Alma’s Way D R (9) 2/27 7:30am

+ Second Opinion with Joan Lunden #1702 Racial Disparities in Health. Members of racial and ethnic minorities are less likely to receive preventive health services and often receive low-quality care.

▲ This broadcast will be interrupted by fundraising intermissions.

R This program will be repeated on date/s noted.

D Descriptive video info for the sight-impaired is available on televisions with stereo capability.

8am 9 Best of The Joy of Painting #3752 Pot O’ Posies.

+ Searching: Our Quest for Meaning in the Age of Science #103 Homo Techno. How advances in science and technology could impact future evolution of human beings. D

8:30 9 New Scandinavian Cooking #905 Southern Ways.

9am 9 Check, Please! Bay Area #1715 Oeste Bar and Kitchen, Little Lamb Hot Pot & BBQ, Lokma, Z. Cioccolato. R (9) noon & 7pm, 2/12 1am, 2/13 7:30pm, 2/14 1:30am; (+) 2/14 10:30am

+ Opportunity Knocks #106 Finding New Opportunities. The six families work hard on homework assigned by their coaches. D

9:30 9 Yan Can Cook: Spice Kingdom #112 Back to Roots.

+ School of Greatness with Lewis Howes Dr. Nicole Lepera: Relationships. A psychologist teaches how to set boundaries and overcome negative beliefs.

10am 9 Simply Ming #1813 Along the Rhine.

+ Cycle Around Japan Highlights #443.

10:30 9 Jacques Pépin: Heart & Soul #118 Viva Mexico!

+ Cycle Around Japan Highlights #444.

11am 9 America’s Test Kitchen #2302 Porchetta-Style Turkey and Fennel.

+ This Old House #4414 Newburyport: Bed Race. R (9) 5pm; (+) 2/13 9:30am

11:30 9 Cook’s Country #1514 Chuck Roast and Potatoes.

+ Ask This Old House #2114 Dimmer Switch Troubleshooting, Clothes Rack. R (9) 4:30pm

AFTERNOON noon 9 Check, Please! Bay Area #1715

Oeste Bar and Kitchen, Little Lamb Hot Pot & BBQ, Lokma, Z.

Cioccolato. R (9) 7pm, 2/12 1am, 2/13 7:30pm, 2/14 1:30am; (+) 2/14 10:30am

+ MotorWeek #4223.

12:30 9 Lidia’s Kitchen #1014 Stretch Your Meal.

+ American Woodshop #3005. R (+) 2/15 9:30am

1pm 9 Joanne Weir’s Plates and Places #405 World of Beans.

+ KQED Newsroom R (9) 2/12 5pm

1:30 9 Moveable Feast with Relish #206.

+ Growing Bolder #806 Bonds of All Ages. How the digital world of livestreaming is leading to new friendships across all age groups.

2pm 9 To Dine For with Kate Sullivan

+ The Jazzy Vegetarian #1006 Snazzy Salads.

2:30 9 Samantha Brown’s Places to Love #606. R (+) 2/14 3:30pm

+ Bringing It Home with Laura McIntosh #201 Leafy Greens.

3pm 9 Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope #1206 South Padre Island, TX. R (+) 6pm

+ Check, Please! Bay Area #1318 Scolari’s Good Eats, Le Garage, La Mar.

3:30 9 Afro-Latino Travels with Kim Haas #102 Limon, Costa Rica. The legacy of Pan Africanist Marcus Garvey is explored on the Caribbean coast.

+ Christopher Kimball’s Milk Street Television #614 Favorite Chicken Soups.

4pm 9 Craftsman’s Legacy #410 The Spur Maker. Texas cowboy and master craftsman Wilson Capron creates spurs that truly are a thing of beauty.

+ Pati’s Mexican Table #803 South by South of the Border with Vivian Howard.

4:30 9 Ask This Old House #2114 Dimmer Switch Troubleshooting, Clothes Rack.

+ Jacques Pépin: Heart & Soul #116 Cuisine de Ma Cherie.

5pm 9 This Old House #4414 Newburyport: Bed Race. R (+) 2/13 9:30am

+ Cook’s Country #1511 Cajun Country.

5:30 9 PBS News Weekend ★

+ America’s Test Kitchen #2222 Flavor-Packed Chicken Dinner.

6pm 9 John Lewis: Get in the Way Follow the journey of civil rights hero, congressman, and human rights champion Lewis.

+ Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope #1206 South Padre Island, TX.

6:30 + Samantha Brown’s Places to Love #603.


7pm 9 Check, Please! Bay Area #1715 Oeste Bar and Kitchen, Little Lamb Hot Pot & BBQ, Lokma, Z. Cioccolato. R (9) 2/12 1am, 2/13 7:30pm, 2/14 1:30am; (+) 2/14 10:30am

+ The Carol Burnett Show — Carol’s Favorites #212. Steve Lawrence, Dick Martin. R (+) 2/12 1am

7:30 9 Variety Studio: Actors on Actors ★ #1704. R (9) 2/12 1:30am

8pm 9 Saturday Night Movie #3056 Exodus. R (9) 2/12 2am

+ Mr. Bean #106 Mr. Bean Rides Again. R (+) 2/12 2am

8:30 + Twenty Twelve ★ #106. A film director leads a protest against the decision to hold equestrian events in Greenwich Park. R (+) 2/12 2:30am

9pm + Broadchurch #203 Episode 3. Hardy faces a race against time as Ellie discovers a startling new piece of evidence. R (+) 2/12 3am

10pm + Broadchurch #204 Episode 4. Family tensions surface as Ellie struggles to control her sister. Alec Hardy has to face his demons. R (+) 2/12 4am

11pm + The Hour #106 Truth Will Out. R (+) 2/12 5am

11:30 9 Love and Respect with Killer Mike Bernice King. The King Center CEO discusses her father’s life and legacy. R (9) 2/12 5:30am

Sunday 12

EARLY mid 9 Austin City Limits ★ #4809 Adrian Quesada “Boleros Psicodelicos.”

+ Song of the Mountains ★ #1715 Lonesome River Band.

1–6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6am 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲ Programs selected for this time slot will be announced at least a day ahead of broadcast. For the latest info, see kqed.org/tv/ schedules/daily.

+ By Request: Best of Pledge ▲


5pm 9 KQED Newsroom

5:30 9 PBS News Weekend ★

6pm 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲


8pm 9 Miss Scarlet and the Duke on MASTERPIECE ★ #5306 The Jewel of the North. The season comes to an explosive climax when Eliza receives a bomb in the mail. Who sent it and why? D R (9) 2/13 2am

9pm 9 All Creatures Great and Small on MASTERPIECE ★ #5312 For Whom the Bell Tolls. Everyone faces decisions small and large when war comes in September 1939. D R (9) 2/13 3am, 2/19 8pm, 2/20 2am

10pm 9 Vienna Blood ★ #306 Death is Now A Welcome Guest, Part 2. The search for the killer of a screen star leads Max and Oskar into a web of political intrigue. R (9) 2/13 4am

11pm 9 Love, Inevitably ★ #104. R (9) 2/13 5am

Monday 13

EARLY mid 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲ Programs selected for this time slot will be announced at least a day ahead of broadcast. For the latest info, see kqed.org/tv/ schedules/daily.

+ By Request: Best of Pledge ▲ 1–6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule. 6am–7pm See page 8 for program schedule.


7pm 9 America’s Test Kitchen ★ #2306 Italian Sweets. R (9) 2/14 1am; (+) 2/20 11am

+ Magpie Murders on MASTERPIECE #5252 Episode 5. Susan’s sister and Andreas have unexpected connections to Alan, and Pünd wraps up his investigation. D R (+) 2/14 1am

7:30 9 Check, Please! Bay Area #1715 Oeste Bar and Kitchen, Little Lamb Hot Pot & BBQ, Lokma, Z. Cioccolato. R (9) 2/14 1:30am; (+) 2/14 10:30am

8pm 9 Antiques Roadshow ★ #2707. R (9) 2/14 2am; (+) 2/17 7pm, 2/18 1am

+ Father Brown #189 The Fall of the House of St Gardner. A gossip columnist is murdered after threatening to expose fashion house secrets. R (+) 2/14 2am, 2/17 9pm, 2/18 3am

8:45 + Father Brown #190 The Tower of Lost Souls. Two peculiar deaths on the grounds of a family tower. R (+) 2/14 2:45am, 2/17 9:45pm, 2/18 3:45am

9pm 9 Antiques Roadshow #2106 Indianapolis, Hour Three. R (9) 2/14 3am

9:30 + Frankie Drake Mysteries #402 Prince In Exile. When a prince is kidnapped, the team must investigate discreetly to avoid an international incident. R (+) 2/14 3:30am

10pm 9 Independent Lens ★ Love in the Time of Fentanyl. A drug consumption site gives hope to a community ravaged by the overdose crisis. D R (9) 2/14 4am

10:30 + We Knew What We Had: The Greatest Jazz Story Never Told The unrecognized history of jazz in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. R (+) 2/14 4:30am

11:30 9 Love and Respect with Killer Mike ★ Jack White Part. 1. The Grammy-winning singer, songwriter and White Stripes co-founder discusses his life. R (9)

Tv Legend

9 KQED 9

+ KQED Plus

★ This program (or episode) is airing on a KQED television channel for the first time.

This program is a KQED production, co-production or presentation.

2/14 5:30am

+ Hope is Here ★ #105 Emily Bennett Taylor. Just as newlyweds Emily and Miles were house hunting and talking about raising a family, Emily learned she had stage 4 lung cancer. She and Miles recount their determination to have children despite a grave cancer diagnosis. R (+) 2/14 5:30am

Tuesday 14

EARLY mid 9 Amanpour and Company ★ R (9) 4pm

+ Curious Traveler #306 Curious Edinburgh. Learn why the Scottish kings lived in Edinburgh and the

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