
Illusion of multiple frames, which are coming Together and creating an interactive idea for space.

Simplifying of multiple frames which might help to define spaces.
Simplifying of multiple frames which might help to define spaces.
Few textures observed on site while walking toward the street. Which depicts the layering of two different material and combining it.
View from where the concept is derived
This option of displays shows stacking of an product also if depicts the idea of placing it into an cubical where their is an movement of public.
This option of displays shows layring of an product which also dipicts the idea of laying things on a particular space.
Stacking of Multiple solid frames to form a space according to vertical and horizontal
Twisting of an axis of the railway track and the road.

The metro track going across is at an angle to the pathway of cars, creating a very interesting axis.
Horizontal axis of a tunnel which is used as an train track and vertical axis of an road, which Intersect and gives an idea of defining an concept to design an space.