Kratom Culture Magazine // Spring 2021

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Crystal River Herbs SAME DAY SHIPPING! All orders received by 2pm Mountain Standard Time are shipped that day! We ship Monday-Friday, excluding holidays.

Crystal River Herbs Golden, CO 303-907-2209

Crystal River Herbs Crystal River Herbs, located in Golden, Colarado, is a kratom vendor dedicated to serving the fitness community with the finest kratom products on the market.


We carry products premium products price.

1836 Kratom which are quality, lab-tested at a reasonable

1836 is an American Kratom Association GMP Qualified Vendor.



Every lot is 3rd party lab tested by accredited laboratories, in the United States, and goes through a proprietary heatsterilization process to help ensure a safe product. Crystal River Herbs Golden, CO 303-907-2209


Q&A with fisher botanicals owner & advocate tyler fisher

How did you come to find Kratom and when?

What led you to make the move from consumer to vendor?

When I was a utility pole tester, I was looking for a safe alternative to pain medication, without all of the terrible side effects. I found Kratom in 2012 at a local gas station in Nebraska where I was working at the time. When I first took it, I thought maybe it was too good to be true. Nine years later, I realize it was the answer I had been looking for and it saved my life.

I began selling Kratom because it is so expensive at head shops and gas stations. I was spending so much money that, quite frankly we just didn't have at the time. I decided I needed to sell enough to at least cover the cost of my personal amounts. I talked to my wife, JoAnna, and we decided to buy a shipment overseas after a ton of research on farmers, etc.


We were worried that we may never get this money back, but others were interested in a group buy at the time. I put all my own money down and didn't collect from anyone else until the shipment was in my hands. After buying and selling the first shipment, I decided I had enough people interested to start my own business and order another shipment. We applied for the LLC, created a logo, and ordered food safe bags, etc right away and things just took off from there. We were doing well, so I quit my utillity job and focused on Fisher Botanicals full time. Jason Treat, my warehouse manager, has been with me since the beginning. My beautiful wife, JoAnna Fisher, has been supportive since day one and handles all of the behind the scenes stuff. I also have to thank Tracy Kelleher for helping support my Facebook page, Fisher Tea CBD and Discussion. Without all their help, none of this would be possible.

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Fisher Botanicals now carries CBD Kratom!

Blended with pure cbd distillate powder. Choose from strains such as Green Elephant, Green Malay, Red Bali, White Bumblebee Text: 720-212-1573

and many more!


3. What's Indonesia like? When we went to Indonesia, it was a complete culture shock. We were there for nearly two weeks for a mix of vacation and business. We took Philippines airlines out of LAX and it was nearly 24 hours. We had a layover in Manilla, Philippines for about 5 hours. We weren't able to use debit cards and we weren't allowed to access the ATM so we couldn't eat and there was nowhere to sleep. Our bags were searched several times and scanned in x-ray machines several times.There were tensions at the time with Isis and everyone was on edge, I believe. We were very happy when we were allowed to board our next flight and head to Bali, Indonesia. Once we arrived, we felt so relaxed. THe accommodations and landscape were stunning. We couldn't wait to get out and explore. One of our main farmers at the time, and a close friend, flew from his home in Pontianak and met us in Bali. We saw so many things, from beautiful temples, to toilets you paid $5 to use that were no more than a hole dug in the ground.


Many areas had no running water. Religion is of course different than what we were use to seeing here in the U.S. You would hear prayer and music over the loud speakers at a certain time each day. It was strange and beautiful, too. After a few days in Bali, we flew to Pontianak to visit another farmer and friend. We were truly treated like royalty. Nothing we ever would have expected. They paid to put us in a beautiful bungalow and fed us the most wonderful food, even things like turtle eggs. They even made sure to surprise JoAnna with Dunkin Donuts coffee and a donut one day. On our adventures through town, you'd often see families of 4-5 all traveling on a single scooter or motorcycle. This was jungle terrain, and while we were there, there was news that an elderly woman had been swallowed by an anaconda. They had to cut the snake open to remove her body. There were signs posted at the rivers and canals warning people not to swim because there were crocodiles. Children were swimming, and women were doing laundry anyway. It was truly another world. We visited some of the most beautiful places we had ever seen and strangers would ask for pictures with us, simply because they had never seen americans before. If we didn't have two children to get back to, we would have stayed longer but we did what we could at the time. We can't wait to return one day.


What is your favorite strain you carry? My favorite strain that we carry is Coppermine. My farmer and I came up with the name after I learned that it is picked near a mining area. The reason I love this strain is that it has a course grain, and contains stem and vein with that leaf powder. For me, it works every time and not every strain has that ability. Our platinum strains are great as well and are stronger because they contain extract. Where do you see the industry heading? I'm hoping Kratom will always be around. The more information that comes available regarding all of the benefits of Kratom and the science behind it, the more support we can gather from the community. I believe that the people who are against Kratom haven't tried it and haven't done the research for themselves. Tell me about the CBD Kratom you will be carrying soon. I have just released this new product, CBD Kratom. 1 oz of Kratom has 3 mgs CBD isolate, which contains 0% THC. You can purchase up to 1 kilo, which contains 1,000 mgs of CBD isolate. So far, it has been very popular and I believe it will only continue to gain popularity as time goes on. I love this job, it is my passion. I finally feel like I have found what I was meant to do in this life. It is to help people who may be going through what I have been through. In doing so, I also get to provide for my family. It means everything to me


WOW! Liquid Kratom Shots are the strongest liquid kratom on the market today! With each 2oz bottle containing about 10-12g equivalent of kratom powder, most people find they can use 1oz per dose! (82mg+ per 2oz bottle pure mitragynine!) Added herbs and botanicals for improved taste. Natural PEA and 5HTP added Sugar Free! Naturally Sweetened with Stevia and Monk Fruit! 2 Servings per bottle* 40+mg Pure Mitragynine (from Full Spectrum Kratom Extract) per 1oz serving! Supportive Herbs in the PM Shots are a great way to end your day Supportive Herbs in the Morning and Mood Shots are a great way to start your day or before your workout! Keep your Day Going STRONG with the added caffeine in the Morning shots! *Each 1oz serving is equal to 5-6g of kratom leaf powder. We recommend 1oz for users who use normally use 8 or less grams of kratom per serving and 2oz for heavier users.

A BRIEF HISTORY OF MITRAGYNA SPECIOSA Kratom has a long history spanning back hundreds of years. Learn how it came to be named and how it played a part in the opium wars.

The beginning of our brief kratom history begins in the first half of the 19th century when the islands of Indonesia were under Dutch control. After the Cultivation System in Java program was established in 1830, the colonial powers sent experienced botanist Pieter Willem Korthals (1807 – 1892) to collect information on the islands of Java, Sumatra, and Borneo. Through a series of drawings, measurements, and sensory notes, Korthals became the first in the “old world” to discover the kratom tree. Upon observing its physical characteristics and traditional usage, he gave this evergreen tree the name by which it is now known worldwide: Mitragyna speciosa Korthals. The “Korthals” stands for the name of the botanist and the “mitra” is thought to be named for the flowers’ similarity to a bishop’s mitre or the plant’s association with Mithraic cults.

The Role and Effects of Kratom in Kratom History Although kratom’s recorded history began with Korthals, the leaves of this rainforest tree had been used medicinally for centuries before the Dutch even knew that Southeast Asia existed. Similar to the way that coca leaves are chewed in the South American highlands, fresh kratom leaves in Thailand, Malaysia, and beyond would be chewed for energy and stamina throughout the day and were also valued as a folk remedy for fever, diarrhea, and as an external poultice for wounds. Kratom and the Opium Trade When opium use later became widespread in Thailand, addicts began turning to kratom for relief from the uncomfortable symptoms of withdrawal while enjoying similar soothing effects.


At Koko Kratom, we celebrate the natural diversity of kratom by offering a wide selection of strains. From esteemed classics like Red Bali to rarer finds like White Sumatra, we provide customers with plenty of options when you order kratom online with us.



The Thai Kratom Ban Around the time of the Great East Asia War in 1942, the Thai government realized that they were losing a large amount of potential revenue from the opium trade thanks to the availability and popularity of kratom. In 1943, the Kratom Act was passed which banned the planting of new Mitragyna speciosa trees and sanctioned the cutting down of existing trees. The Thai Narcotics Act of 1979 listed kratom as an illegal substance along with cannabis and magic mushrooms. In a positive turn of events, the 2018 Narcotics Act legalized kratom and cannabis for medical use after public hearings showed overwhelming support.

Kratom Restriction in Malaysia Kratom’s history in Malaysia is somewhat similar to the situation in Thailand, with the sale and possession of kratom being officially illegal since 2003. Despite its official lack of legality, the effects of kratom can be enjoyed by purchasing air ketum or kratom tea from roadside stands.

The Kratom Trade in Indonesia These laws—if enforced across the region—might have spelled the end of kratom’s history in Southeast Asia. Fortunately, the government of Indonesia took a different approach. As kratom lacked the incredible cultural status in Indonesia that it had held in Thailand and Malaysia, there was no real reason for the national government to ban its use. Instead, this fertile chain of islands decided to capitalize on the kratom movement that was sweeping the globe and became the go-to center for planting and exportation. With kratom sales from Indonesia now representing 95% of the world’s supply and earning the country around $130 million per year, the future of kratom may well lie in Indonesia’s hands.



When I was growing up I was already predisposed to addiction. I had some traumatic events in my childhood that caused a lot of mental health issues for me, and eventually lead me to dabbling in drugs, because I was hoping for numbness. I spent about 10 years, off & on, in active addiction. What started with pain pills lead to heroin, and messing with everything in between. I was in and out of jail, tried outpatient & inpatient rehabs, spent 36 weeks in a hospital because of an infection I got from IV drug use, which I made worse in the hospital by putting drugs in my PICC line almost costing me my life. Nothing was enough to make me stop. Everyone I knew used as well. I eventually ended up in Indiana from Florida, and my heroin problem was even worse. I found out about kratom, but learned that it is illegal in Indiana and I couldn't buy it. My husband & I decided that we needed to leave Indiana. As long as we were there, we weren't going to get clean. So we decided to pack up what we had and head to Colorado. We spent about two days in active detox while sleeping in our car before I decided to panhandle and get enough money to buy some kratom from a headshop. We finally didn't feel sick anymore. We were able to find a place to stay, get on our feet, and get jobs. The same job that I still have to this day, celebrating almost five years clean.

Since finding kratom our lives have completely changed. Our lives don't revolve around getting high, we can pay our bills, we have goals and are actively achieving those goals. Kratom helped put a stop to a 10 year battle that was probably going to kill us eventually. It almost did for me a few times. After getting clean, we got into a car accident. I ended up having double hip surgery and now live with chronic pain. Now I take kratom for my chronic pain from bone and joint issues. It has helped me manage my pain and not have to depend on opiates every day just to be able to function. Kratom has definitely saved my life, in more ways than I ever thought it could.


Steps to Effective Kratom Advocacy by Marisa Michaels

Oklahoma is the latest state in the US to enact the Kratom Consumer Protection Act (KCPA), with several more states in various steps of the legislative process.

Because when you know, you know.

Create your own personal blend with our custom kratom blend tool. Choose the amount of each strain that you want and we’ll blend them for you. Choose up to 4 different strains; green, red, white, and yellow. A minimum of 2 strains are required. Choose the proportion of each strain that you want to blend and enjoy!

For the seasoned kratom consumer who knows what they want in a blend.


Oklahoma is the latest state in the US to enact the Kratom Consumer Protection Act (KCPA), with several more states in various steps of the legislative process. At this time, the fight for kratom has never been more critical with the federal version of the KCPA gaining ground, all while the FDA continues it’s misinformation campaign against kratom. In 2019 the American Kratom Association created the Kratom Consumer Council (KCC) with the goal of recruiting kratom consumers to help the AKA in the fight for kratom legality. The goal of the Kratom Consumer Council was to have kratom advocates participate from all 50 states to help better address any pending bans by having advocates from that state or district act as a liaison between the AKA and local lawmakers. As Mac Haddow, Senior Fellow at the AKA stated on a recent training webinar, “It is critically important to have members in these districts to speak about kratom and to tell their personal story, because personal testimonies are the most powerful tools we have.” The AKA has put together a 4-step plan to help outline the most effective way to advocate for kratom, which was the focus of the recent training webinar in April. Mac Haddow outlined the steps as follows. The first step in effective advocacy is to determine which elected official you want to reach out to. Whether it’s a senator sponsoring a bill for or against kratom, or someone who you think might be an ally in protecting kratom, setting up a meeting to speak with that person or their staff is a great way to introduce yourself and tell your story. If you cannot meet them faceto-face, consider scheduling a zoom call or phone call. A respectful email is also an effective option. Most lawmakers welcome the opportunity to hear from their constituents about the issues that matter most to them.

After securing that initial meeting, the second step is to print out or email the AKA advocacy toolkit. The toolkit contains the latest information in the fight to protect kratom, including the Kratom Consumer Protection Act model legislation, and the latest studies and scientific papers about kratom. The information in the toolkit can also be used to help more effectively and knowledgeably speak about kratom to someone who might not know what it is. The third step is probably the most important part of the process: share your story about how kratom has helped you or a loved one live a better life. Your testimony is powerful and should be shared. It helps to humanize the issue in a way scientific literature and statistics can never do. As one legislator from Ohio shared with Mac, it was the personal testimonials that made the most impact and saved kratom from being banned in Ohio. Never underestimate how compelling and effective your personal narrative is. Finally, the last step in effectively advocating for kratom is to look for opportunities to follow up, either by contacting the elected official with new information, or forwarding the latest scientific study or data. The ultimate goal is to build positive relationships. Maintaining communication with your legislators at the town, county, or state level can help in protecting consumer access to safe kratom. Advocating for kratom is not hard to do, and the American Kratom Association makes it easy with a website full of information that can be used or shared to help protect kratom and kratom consumers. The Advocacy Toolkit can be found on the AKA website at under the tab labeled “advocacy”. The AKA is actively looking for advocates from all areas to join the Kratom Consumer Council. Anyone interested in joining can reach out to Pete Canland, Executive Director of the American Kratom Association at

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Depression is the Yellow Paint

When they talk about the tortured genius, somebody always brings up van gogh— how he swallowed yellow paint because he wanted to put the sunshine inside himself.

We study them in school, the tortured artists. look at all the poets who killed themselves what would their work have been without their depression?

If it's beautiful, isn’t it sad? as if depression is a parlor trick— pull it out at parties, impress all your friends. as if depression isn’t seeing how long you can go between showers before somebody notices or pizza rolls for dinner three nights in a row and then nothing the night after, because going to the store is an impossibility that you have not yet gathered the courage to conquer.

It is the least beautiful thing i’ve ever seen and we call it the mark of an artist to stand in the center of an ocean and see nothing but desert. to be seated at a feast, but still swallowing sand.

Depression is the yellow paint, the yellow paint, the yellow paint, the yellow paint, the yellow paint, the yellow paint, the yellow paint, the yellow paint, the yellow paint—

Art is a coping mechanism. Van Gogh is good because when he had nothing, he had paint. when he was empty, he had paint. when the world was awful, he had paint. when he hated himself, he didn’t hate the paint. he whitewashed over his own masterpieces, because it was never about being famous, it was about doing the one thing that made sense when everything else didn’t.

They say, “without his illness, we never would have gotten all—this.” because they value his art more than his sanity because god forbid you lead a happy life and leave nothing to remember you by.

— VINCENT, by Ashe Vernon

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