Kratom Culture Magazine

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ISSUE NO. 8 // January 24, 2021

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Kratom Culture. Planting the seeds of revolution.

Our staff Heather D. Hawkins Publisher & Creative Director Shari McFadden Social Media Mgr. Cornelia Llama Freelance writer Marisa Higgins Staff Writer

SUBSCRIPTIONS Email 850-450-2468 Kratom Culture is published by Culpepper Creatives, Pensacola, FL 32514

YELLOW KRATOM by cornelia llama

Yellow kratom means different things to different people. Some farmers will tell you true yellow kratom is yellow on the tree. Like yellow leaves on most any plant, yellow kratom leaves have a lower nitrogen profile than green kratom leaves... give it some fertilizer and a yellow tree will generally turn green. Some kratom trees tend to be yellower than others, in spite of growing in the same soil conditions. This is interesting and suggests some kratom trees are better at nutrient uptake than others. Sometimes whole trees are yellow and other times only certain leaves on the trees are yellow. Harvest the yellow leaves, some farmers will tell you, and you have the original yellow kratom. Other farmers admit they process their leaves to create yellow kratom. An outdoor red cure that is left in the sun too long will turn yellow. These yellows are essentially sun bleached reds. IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember when we say "reds" that the powder colors are not necessarily indicative of the colors of the leaves on the trees, but rather the result of manipulation by man after harvest. A red cure can be done to any color leaf to oxidize the alkaloids, and this may or may not involve a red alkaloid bleed. To learn more about curing, be sure to read this blog for a breakdown of the fundamentals. Another way to make yellow, according to one farmer, is to start curing leaves in a fermentation bag for three days to allow for alkaloid conversion and then remove and dry as a red. The fermentation allows for the more sedating alkaloids to form. His bentuangie, for comparison, is fermented for five days. He says nothing of his is fermented any longer due to the risk of mold. For other manufacturers, yellow kratom is a blend of whatever they have on hand that can be combined to have the right look and elicit the right feeling. Still other kratom manufacturers mix their powder with turmeric, a kratom alkaloid potentiator, to create their brand of yellow.

Do you think the first Indonesian kratom farmer to offer yellow kratom was scientifically exacting in developing an intentionally new curing recipe, or do you think someone left their leaves in the sun too long one day and decided to call the sun bleached batch "yellow" and sell it as a new strain? We may never know, but we do know a few ways to make our own yellow kratom at home. If you are looking to grow your own kratom, we encourage you to cultivate genetically diverse specimens to most closely mimic the variety found naturally in the rainforest. Become a beneficial contributor to the evolving frontier of American kratom.

Cornelia Llama enjoys growing kratom and is passionate about sharing new seed-sown genetic lines of kratom with the community. Interesting in growing your own kratom?



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TURMERIC is an adaptogen that can be used to potentiate the effects of kratom

Adaptogens. If you've not heard about these "miracle plants" yet, you're really missing out! Adaptogens are so named because they help support your body's natural response to stress. Our modern lives are stressful, let's face it. We schedule more things on our to do lists than we have time to actually do. We make ourselves sick by over committing to friends and family because we don't want to let them down, or, because we have no other choice. Such is the case when you are the primary caregiver of your children or perhaps of your aging parents.

Frank Lipman MD

Pictured here: a Reishi mushroom growing in the wild.

Turmeric is a very popular adaptogen commonly used alongside Kratom to potentiate the effects.

Adaptogens are a group of plants, such as Tulsi, Mucuna, Reishi, Lion's Mane, Maca, Bacopa, Cordyceps, Ginseng, Goji Berry, Rhodiola, and Turmeric. These ancient plants help restore our natural ability to adapt to stress.

LIST OF ADAptogens and their potential benefits as compiled by medical experts at healthline

Kratom Advocacy in 2020: Wrapping up the Year with Expanded Research and Kratom Consumers in Prime Time The American Kratom Association had a bold vision at the start of 2020; to advance the Kratom Consumer Protection Act (KCPA) from being enacted in only 4 states, to seeing the bill passed in 20 states. It was an impressive plan, but with interest in the KCPA growing amongst state legislators, the AKA was feeling optimistic that they would be able to deliver on such an ambitious endeavor. And then came Covid-19, and the AKA had to adjust their plans.The AKA spent the rest of 2020 continuing to work with legislators and build those important relationships, but no new states were added to the list of KCPA sponsors. However, despite a change in the direction of their focus, the AKA cannot say that 2020 was a total bust.

The waning months of 2020 saw a large fundraising push and prokratom commercials, which were paid for by donations given specifically for that purpose. These ads aired in primetime on Fox News, CNN and MSNBC, and focused on actual kratom consumers from all walks of life sharing how kratom benefitted their lives. The message was a powerful one and helped to introduce kratom to a more mainstream audience where we controlled the narrative, not the media. 2021 is right around the corner, and the AKA is hopeful that with it will bring greater acceptance and protections for kratom consumers all over the country. It will not be an easy time as the FDA continues their campaign of misinformation, but the AKA is hopeful that the expanded amount of research being done on kratom worldwide, as well as the pro-kratom marketing campaign seen on cable networks, that the science will win. The AKA is also hopeful to fill muchneeded volunteer positions on the Kratom Consumer Council in 2021. “We have so many fantastic volunteers all over the country who work tirelessly to protect kratom, but we still have a need for more.� Said Robin Graham of the AKA.

“The AKA’s strength has always been our community that mobilizes at a moment’s notice when we need them.” Graham added, “Having dedicated points-of-contact in each state will allow us to go directly to the locals who can best advocate for kratom in their hometown or county. That is why having a strong KCC is so important. We have experts who can guide us on the science and the politics, but it is the passionate kratom consumers, the actual voters in many of these cities and counties, who often win the day for us. We need more of them.” AKA Chairman Matt Salmon expressed much of this in his endof-year holiday address, ending 2020 on an optimistic note for kratom consumers all over the United States. “Due to your support” Salmon wrote, “the AKA was able to sponsor several research projects that will help us continue to make the case regarding the safety and effectiveness of kratom. Yes, 2020 has been a memorable year in the fight to protect kratom.” Author’s note: Anyone wishing to volunteer with the American Kratom Association is asked to email pete.candland@americankratom.or g and express an interest in joining the Kratom Consumer Council.

WE ARE GOD’S KRATOM. 100% NON SYNTHETIC PURE KRATOM. Deep in the forest of Indonesia is the highest quality leaf. Long acting , whole leaf Kratom that is TESTED for safety.

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