Libertas 3

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Photo: Lucie Ferlin/ CC


Digital Youth Magazine/published by Youth Association creACTive

EDITOrial Dear Readers,

Once again, young people from all over the world have presented answers to the call of Libertas to express their opinions. This time we have focused on the topic of ecology. More and more people around the world are becoming more concerned with ecology, sustainable growing‌ This is also a topic that is more and more tackled by medias, by the companies and political parties. But finally, where is the truth about all the things that we are hearing of? Are the opinions of scientists not hidden in order to sell more or to govern in an easier way ? What should we think when we hear about the new ecological car ? Until which point the money has an impact on the things that we are supposed to accept ? How the NGOs can or cannot help us to be efficiently informed ? What are the other ways for us to be ecocitizens ? And finally, is there an example for ecological way of living ? For sure, we are all polluting the planet even when it is against our wishes, but what exactly are our alternatives and our possible of actions ? In this edition the writers have decided to share their knowledge and their point of view about that. The articles they wanted to share with us are surely not answering to all these questions, but our main aim was simply to ask them; and now we would like to invite you also to share your comments and possible answers with us. The whole team of Libertas is joining me to wish you a pleasant reading and maybe useful enrichment of your personal knowledge.

by Manon Limosin

CONTENTS Photo: Lucie Ferlin/ CC


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Confusions around the word “ecology” and


by Anna I.Zadrozna

Digital Magazine __ Libertas



no technologies or prod-



that have

no influence


on the

Photo: Ecological Norgården -


an you see the straight connections between yourself, your home and the planet? Do you believe that the fluttering of butterfly’s wings can make hurricane? If you really do then that means that you are ecologically oriented. Sounds not clear enough? Let’s try to specify what the word “ecology” means. At the beginning of XIXth century, there was a man called Ernst Haeckel, a German scientist, zoologist, physiologist, biologist, philosopher who traveled across a few continents doing researches on the environment. During his scientific career he was even a dude of Charles Darwin’s team, which for sure influenced him to have a strict way of thinking, far from religious or even creationists one. Looking at nature as a whole itself he discovered that everything is somehow connected and there is a wide network of interactions. Moreover, everything - that in simple word is composed of energy and matter – flows and circulates in tied chains. He established the term “ecology”, which comes from Greek: oikos – house, and logos – study of, as a name for an interdisciplinary study of the interactions between organisms and environment, both biotic and abiotic elements. How it is possible that today we have ecological laundry service or ecological buses, eco-friendly plastic bugs and ecological life-style? From scientific point of view if you are ecologist that means that you have a deep wisdom about the environment, both dead and live elements, that you study on the food chains, energy flow and circulation of matter. You can make research about the influence of light on plankton or prey selection of lions. As a philosophical discipline ecology focuses on the holistic vision of the world with its most famous Gaia hypothesis that treats the earth even as a single organism. In some circles this hypothesis became a scientific theory that in a big shortcut emphasizes the meaning of homeostasis in which also human being should be seen as a part of nature, not as a lord and master. What is also important is a subsistence of the harmony and


d its original meaning.

balance that can be disturbed by outer factors or inadequate actions. According to Gaia thesis the nature is in opposition to civilization and - before all - technology, which transforms the nature and brings in it artificial elements.

However, there are no technologies or products that have no influence on the environment, some of them can be more and some less harmful for the natural balance. If we want to underline that some actions or factors are not so harmful for the environment, the best solution - avoiding diving into deep philosophy - is to say just environmental friendly. How good and fashionable “ecological lifestyle” sounds, originally it has no clear and sensible meaning.

The Voodoo Music Experience takes place during Halloween and attracts music fans from around the world. They come together for a two-day celebration amidst 1,300 acres of shady live oaks, bayous and lagoons in New Orleans’s City Park with some of the most celebrated artists in the music world. Past performers include Nine Inch Nails, Iggy Pop and the Stooges, Eminem, Green Day, Marilyn Manson, Queens of the Stone Age, Snoop Dog, Beastie Boys, White Stripes, Counting Crows, Pixies and New Orleans legends such as The Neville Brothers and Dr John.

5 Digital Magazine __ Libertas

There are also plenty of terms connecting the shortcut “eco” (as eco-bus, eco-farm etc) which also have no logical meaning but they remind me on the most popular one, which is “ecofriendly”. Even if this term is more often being used in wrong contexts, itself it has some logical explanation. If we see ecology as referring to the Gaia thesis with its holistic vision of the world and nature, then eco-friendly or even ecological would appeal to those factors or actions that do not have negative influence on this harmony and balance.

Voodoo Music Experience


In this context the word “ecological” that is so fashionable today has different meanings, or has no meaning at all considering the way in which it is being used. If we see ecology as the field of science (as biology) then ecological refers to this science. We can say ecological structure thinking about the environmental connections, food chains (carcass-fly-bird-cat) or energy flow (sun-plant) or water circulation. But there are no ecological trains, ecological plastic bags or even ecological organizations and life style.


CLIMATE CHANGES by Hristina Petrovska






world without




will be affected by the effects

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Photo: Graphics Temperatur record

Climate change – causes, effects and consequences Humanity is sitting on a ticking time bomb. The planet is warming, from North Pole to South Pole, and everywhere in between. The climate changes are seriously becoming the most dangerous threat these days. Evidence of climate changes is all around us. World snow cover has decreased by 10% since the late 1960s. Mountain glaciers are retreating and sea ice is melting, leading to a 10-20 cm rise in sea levels over the last 50 years. At the same time, concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous gases that capture heat in the atmosphere, have increased dramatically. Everyone in the world without exceptions will be affected by the effects of global warming. There is no place on Earth where we can hide from the frightening consequences of the climate changes. But also there is no another planet where we can live without any problems. We have the most beautiful planet, the wonderful blue planet…full of life, amazing mountains, clear rivers, big oceans and seas, green forests, rich soil… we have everything we need. So, why are we destroying all that wealth??? We don’t know how to enjoy all the pleasures that nature gives us. The people are greedy and ungrateful. All the time they want more and more. They can’t see how powerful the Sun is and if we use all that solar energy we won’t need to dig for coal or oil. By using solar, wind, geothermal and hydro energy we are preventing an enormous amount of carbon dioxide to go into the atmosphere and thus we struggle against the climate changes. We have a lot of sources of regenerating energy that are ecological and non-threatening to our future but we are not using them because they are not financially attainable. The main reason why these sources of energy are not financially attainable is the fact that the initial costs for con-


ducting them are very big and that the results may not be felt instantaneously. But that is the biggest problem, and unforgivable mistake. Our Planet is the most valuable treasure that we have, and we must not compare it with anything else because our planet Earth is priceless! Anything is possible if we want to save the world. We share the same problem; we need to share its solution!

Climate changes and Republic of Macedonia

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Samhain International Poetry Festival In celebration of Samhain, the old Celtic festival that literally means ‘summer’s end’, Donegal hosts this popular annual poetry festival. In addition to the many poetry readings and recitals, the programme includes musical performances, poetry workshops, discussions and guest speakers with Nobel Prize winner and literary heavyweight, Seamus Heaney having entertained audiences in the past. On the final day of the weekend festival, the winner of the prestigious Lifetime Achievement award is announced. . Poetry Festival When : 14 Oct - 18 Nov 2009 Where : Gortahork, Ireland Website: . . .

7 Digital Magazine __ Libertas

According to the IS9 2a scenario (IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change) the average annual temperature in Macedonia could rise up to 4,6 degrees C until the year of 2100, while the average summer temperature could rise up to 5,1 degrees C. According to the same scenario, the average amount of precipitation will decrease for 6,3% compared to the period 1961-1990. The most worrying information is the amount of precipitation during the summer period, for which a decrease of up to 25% is predicted. The raise of the air temperature will lead to increase of evaporation and evapotranspiration as well, which will lead to a rapid land drought. The expected climate change in the 21st Century will negatively affect all sectors in the country. Some of these consequences are stated in the same report such as:

Voodoo Music Experience When : 30 Oct - 01 Dec 2009 Where : New Orleans, USA Website:


As any other part of our planet, our country is also affected by the global warming and has directly experienced the effects of the climate change. How will it develop in the future – mostly depends on us and our activities. Macedonia is one of the countries that are in high risk of drought. The First National Report for Climate Change in Macedonia prepared by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, in which numerous domestic experts gave their contribution reports:



- Agriculture Agricultural production greatly depends on the climate conditions. Therefore, climate change will negatively affect the agriculture in all of its subdivisions. Global warming will have an especially negative effect on the soil productivity and might cause its degradation and erosion. The consequences will be in the change of the biomass organics, temperature regime and soil moisture.

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- Farming Climate change affects stock breeding and poultry production in two ways: directly (the animals) and indirectly (through food production). Climate change causes animals physiologic reactions towards the adjustment to the new conditions and sustaining the homeostatic balance.


Photo: Barrow AK © 2002 Braasch


Macedonian people 11

every spring and autumn



to plant

their own tree”

- Forestry According to the research in some regions in Macedonia, it is evident that the health condition of the oak and fir tree, especially the oak, rapidly worsened in the last decade of the 20th century. There is a mass desiccation of the oak, pine tree, fir tree etc. (especially in areas with bad soil conditions and southern exposure) and their migration towards northern and higher regions, which will completely change the phytocenologic situation in Macedonia. This will increase the amount of dry wood material, easy flammable, so the temperature rise and the low precipitation will increase the number of forest fires - Biodiversity Macedonia is characterized with a high degree of biologic diversity. That is due to the specific geographic position, geological history, the diversity of geologic foundations and soil, well formed relief, as well as to the climate characteristics. Due to the climate change it is excepted that several biomes will not be able to move neither horizontally, nor vertically and this will lead to their extinction. On most of the mountains the vegetation belt will have the possibility to move vertically. Several animal species are strongly dependable on the temperature, directly and indirectly (vegetation change, food reserves etc). Temperature rise will cause nutrition change for several animals which will also cause a change in their life cycle.

The effects of global warming are already being felt in Macedonia The consequences of the global warming are not just threat to the future; they are also a big threat nowadays. It is obvious that we are feeling some changes in our climate and that is not good. Our country is seriously affected by the effects of global warming and we must do something to solve it. The big fires that broke out in 2007 as a result of the very hot summer are serious signs that global warming is happening. Enormous area of Macedonia was burning and it had frightening and devastating consequences. A lot of pine, oak and fir forests were burned after the fire. That was a big tragedy for Macedonia. After this disaster, the Macedonian government started a project for planting trees called “The day of the tree”. According to that project, all Macedonian people every spring and autumn go out to plant their own tree. This is about to become a tradition for all the people to go out on “The day of the tree” and plant 2 million trees together as a symbol of the 2 million people living in Macedonia – one tree for every person.

9 Day of the Dead Festivities The Day of the Dead spins out to a three-day binge in this small highland town. Day one features horse racing, in which the winner is the one who stays on longest. Riders charge from one end of the course to the other, capes billowing behind them, to take a tot of liquor before charging back again. This mad, chaotic, heavy-drinking scramble goes on for hours. Next day, the Day of the Dead, people hold graveside vigils; sweets in the shape of skeletons are distributed to children and families gather in the cemetery to mourn lost loved ones and to feast. Marimba bands and drink stalls set up among the gravestones and strike a festive note. The final days see those who have survived the proceeding excesses continuing along roughly similar lines of exhibitionism in colourful, traditional costume, dancing and alcoholfuelled shenanigans Day of the Dead Festivities When : 01 Nov - 03 Nov 2009 Where : Todos Santos Cuchumatan, Guatemala Website: Event/18920. .

Digital Magazine __ Libertas

- Health care Climate changes and changes of the weather conditions strongly influence human health. They can directly affect the organism or indirectly influence the disease catalyst or vectors. The structure of the death causes in the Republic of Macedonia in the last 25 years significantly changed, especially at cardiovascular diseases and malignant neoplasm. The mortality caused by the heart coronary disease increased both in men and women, with a trend of constant and increase. It is also concluded that the period 1980-2000 Salmonella infections are constantly increasing, especially during the last decade.


- Hydrology and water resources The analysis of the available water resources and the calculations of their variations are done by the determination of the streaming trends for the hydrological stations. All of the analyzed water flows during the period 1961-2000 show a decrease of the middle sized streams for 10-20%, and maximal streams up to 80%. From these researches and analyses we can conclude that the most endangered are the eastern and the south-eastern region, while the most endangered sectors in water management are water supply and watering.



Last winter was one of the warmest winters in comparison with the winters 10 - 20 years ago. As a result, a lot of insects and bacteria survived and the summer of 2008 was full of mosquitoes, bugs etc. There were a lot of deceases and infections, a lot of people got skin cancer and also a lot of people died from heart attack because it was very hot.

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Photo: cdent / / Flickr



is chang-

we have to change ing, so


The snow at the highest mountain peaks melted much earlier than the years before, and snowflakes also started to appear earlier. Everything is misbalanced! Nothing is like it used to be. The climate had been the same 10 000 years, now we are changing it rapidly. Who gave us that right? The changing of the climate brings a lot of disasters not just in Macedonia but all around the world. There will be terrible consequences in many areas of our life. The natural disasters such as storms, droughts, floods, fires are just a small part of the frightening future that is in front of us. A lot of people from the seaside will be evacuated because their homes will be gone under the sea level. The most exotic islands will disappear from the world map. After that everything will be changed. Many people will be unemployed because a lot of jobs will be lost; maybe we will not be able to find a job after finishing our education… If the temperatures on the Earth continue to increase, it will really affect all areas of our life. I cannot imagine living in a world with drought, where there will be no clean water for drinking, no fresh fruit and vegetable, no healthy food… Nobody wants to imagine living in such world but nobody is doing anything to help solving the problem. We have to be united in this. That is the only way to STOP global warming! Our climate is changing, so we have to change too. Because this world is our world, this future is our future and the choice is our choice!

Events . .


Karatsu Festival

Karatsu Festival When : 02 Nov - 04 Nov 2009 Where : Karatsu, Japan Website: Event/18920. . .

Digital Magazine __ Libertas

Karatsu Kunchi, designated as part of Japan’s intangible ethnic and cultural heritage, is an autumn festival at the Karatsu Shrine. For three days the festival atmosphere takes over the whole town of Karatsu. As many as 14 enormous floats with huge lanterns representing sea bream, lions, samurai helmets and other designs are carried swinging through the town and, on the second day, down to the sea. The floats, which are built from gilded paper, date back to the 19th century. Every year, over 150,000 spectators crowd the streets to celebrate the harvest. After the festival, the floats are exhibited in the float museum behind the Karatsu Shrine.


THE BIOFUELS, THE W by Manon Limosin

CORN X 100 000 0.....



T Digital Magazine __ Libertas

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“To produce

more biofuel, it is necessary to

expand the surface area of farmland.”

he biofuels are fuels product from plants (palm, sugarcane, rape, sunflowers, beet), unlike the other fuels which are derived from petroleum. The name “biofuel” is not very correct because the prefix “bio” makes us believe that it is something ecological, natural or organic; and unfortunately, it is not the case at all. There are two major problems with using and producing these biofuels, the first one is ecological, and the second one is social and human.

The ecological problem : At the beginning, the biofuels seemed to be a solution for the climate imbalance. The main idea was to substitute the petroleum fuels, which are strongly emitting greenhouse gas, to put instead these new fuels, supposed to be renewable. But even if the greenhouse gases going out of the exhausts are smaller, in fact this is just moving the problem : To produce more biofuel, it is necessary to expand the surface area of farmland. This is done by destruction of forests, which is also producing a lot of greenhouse gas. In fact, the deforestation is responsible for 25% of greenhouse gases in the world (this is much more than the transports which are responsible of 14%) Deforestation is also a big problem for the biodiversity of these forest zones and for the people who live in them. It is a rip off from the North countries who want to show that they are making efforts in the topic of reducing emission of greenhouse gases. The greenhouse gases are not made any more by the vehicles in the north countries, but by the deforestation in the South countries. So it is now those countries and not them who are guilty of emitting such greenhouse gas.


The social problem : Because the biofuels are produced in poor countries and instead of cultivations that were producing food, and also because the production of biofuels is much more profitable for the North countries than the production of food, the main social problem is how to feed the people who used to live with these previous productions ? Today it is 1.6 billions of people who are directly living off the land, including up to 80% of the population of some countries in Africa, Latin America, or Asia… so what will happen to them if their domain is used for producing biofuels… ? In addition, because of the increase of fields used for producing biofuels, the price of food products raises and the alimentary world stock is reduced. Moreover, in some countries, the multinational companies of agribusiness and of energy that are often supported by the states, withdrew the fields from the peasants, little farmers or


Ka Pomblang Nongkrem This colourful festival is held in honour of the Goddess Ka Blei Synshar in thanks for a good harvest. As well as many religious ceremonies and prayer services, there is also the incredible spectacle of the traditional Nongkrem dance involving young Khasi men and women in a deeply ritualistic performance. Another important aspect of the festival is the Pomblang Ceremony during which a goat is sacrificed in honour of the ruling clan. Ka Pomblang Nongkrem When : 02 Nov - 06 Nov 2009 Where : Shillong, India Website: . . .

Digital Magazine __ Libertas

So the balance of the CO2 of the biofuels is not neutral also because of the energy which is necessary for their production : we have to notice the energy needed to produce this fertilizers and pesticides, the fuels needed by the farm-machines and tractors for the growing, the picking; then the transport of the products and also the energy consumption in all the stages of the process needed to produce the fuel.

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Also because these biofuels are produced by the farm industry, it is important to see that to produce them, a lot of fertilizers and pesticides are used. A lot of water is also necessary for these cultures, especially for some species.



from the indigenous communities; with threats, violence and even sometimes murderers. And we should not even mention the working conditions in the big biofuel farms that can look like forced work.

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For example in Guatemala, the indigenous communities are subjected to forced displacements, threats, illegal arrests, and murders. In Colombia, internationals NGO have signaled more than one hundred murders as well as expulsions lead by paramilitaries, who are working with companies which are cultivating palm trees for making palm oil, in order to get possession of the domains that legally belong to the afro-Colombians communities.

Photo: Guy Leboutte / / Flickr

“more deforestation, forced displacement, more

and more

violation of indigenous


munity’s rights. ”

And these violations of human rights are supported by the international economic system. For example in January, the InterAmerican Development Bank has approved funds that give the possibility to the government of Guatemala to put in place a national strategy in the topic of biofuels. Of course it means more deforestation, more forced displacement, and more violation of indigenous community’s rights. The biofuels are consequently not a solution for fighting against the climate imbalance. They are creating new problems without solving the previous one. Nevertheless, the European Union wants them to be 10% of its fuel for 2020. China wants 15% until the same date, whereas in India, 20% of the diesel will come from biofuels in 2012. It is a shame that people are starving in the south countries so the North countries could drive “cleanly”. Especially if these biofuels ecologically speaking are worse than petroleum.


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Saint-Hubert Festival

15 Digital Magazine __ Libertas

Photo: “the biofuels, it is not feeding its world” by Oxfam France - Agir ici, CCFD - Terres solidaires et les Amis de la Terre

Saint-Hubert Festival When : 03 Nov 2009 Where : Saint-Hubert, Belgium Website: . . . . .


Saint-Hubert honours its patron saint each year on the day of his sanctification. The little town in the Ardennes, famous for its gastronomy and country pursuits, builds quite a celebration around the solemn high mass, held in the basilica. Craft and gift stalls open in the morning, and there are fanfares of hunting horns and blessings of animals outside. In the afternoon an equestrian rally is held. Saint Hubert died in 727 and was buried along with his stole. This was later recovered from the shrine and used to great effect in the healing of people suffering from rabies. It is claimed that many thousands were cured.



by Mauro Giordano

Digital Magazine __ Libertas

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“The next


will not

be over oil, like in Iraq.

Next wars will be over

water ”

We wake up. We wash our faces, we may even take a quick shower. We have breakfast, drink some water, make some tea or coffee, grab a few icecubes for the orange juice. We wash our hands, brush our teeth; we’re ready to set out. Just an ordinary morning in which we take all of these moments for granted. Yet, I wonder, will future generations be so unworried when they simply open the tap to take a sip of crystal clear water? Instantly, I remind myself I shouldn’t delve that much into the future; right now a lot of people lack potable water, be it in Africa or any third world country where sanitary services don’t reach everybody. Still, I can finally conclude the answer to my question is that future people will be as concerned about water as they are now about money, just by mentioning this UN prediction: in 2025, potable water world demand will exceed the offer by 53%. It’s quite ironic that given the vast amount of water that lays on and beneath Earth’s surface, only 3% can be consumed. Wait! Did I just say ‘offer’ and ‘demand’? Exactly, postmodern world economy has transformed something that should be internationally recognized as a human right, such as water, into a mere product subject to the regulations of the market.1 As stunning as those numbers may seem, there’s still a lot of drinkable water available. The real problem is how it is distributed and how we protect it. Up to now, industrial and urban activity has been the reason for a lot of contamination that has directly or indirectly affected great portions of water, rendering it non-potable. Water can be considered a renewable resource if we think on a scale of hundreds if not thousands of years. 1.


Around those same years, the UN revealed the results of some studies that indicated water would be very scarce in the near future (as mentioned before). Almost simultaneosly, the U.S. reinforced the idea of deploying military bases over the Triple Frontier in order to combat supposed international terrorism activity in the area. Elsa Bruzzone, an Argentine geopolitician, says:

Hampi Festival An important cultural event, the annual Hampi Festival is a celebration of traditional music, dance, theatre and other artistic performances. With events for visitors of all ages, attractions and entertainment includes everything from children’s puppet shows to flamboyant parades. Finishing each day with a fireworks display, this is a lively event that attracts visitors from across the region. Hampi Festival When : 03 Nov - 09 Nov 2009 Where : Hampi, India Website: . . International Guitar Festival of Great Britain

17 Digital Magazine __ Libertas

The Guaraní Aquifer is one of the world’s biggest water reservoirs, with an average extension of aprox. 1.200.000 km², underlying Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. It is said that it could provide fresh water to the entire mankind for over 200 years. Right now it is only being used for local supply or for economical activities such as tourism or agriculture. In 1994 various Universities from those respective countries undertook research on the aquifer in order to get to know, preserve and exploit it correctly. At one point they had to ask their governments for further funding but these States paid little attention to the matter. It was finally in 2000 that private partners got interested in financing the project. Among these we find the World Bank and the GEF (Global Environmental Facility). Of course, this means that they own and control all of the information at their will, having the upper hand over the local communities.


But the truth is that on a human life scale, water replenishment is too little. Besides, deforestation and wildlife extermination have altered the different biomes disrupting the cycles of fresh water renovation and slowering down this process even more. In addition, this resource is not equally distributed throughout the planet. So, another question pops right into my mind: how will world powers react when they start running dry?


TITA NIC Source : advertising compaign


‘In 2003 we started to raise awareness about what was happening in the Triple Frontier. We thought it was strange that Al-Qaeda, Hamas or Hezbollah cells could be operating in there. We went up there and talked to the citizens, to the local authorities of Ciudad del Este, Foz do Iguazú and Puerto Iguazú. They understood the situation perfectly well. They even laughed about the comments of terrorist activity unfolding in the area. They told us there were no cells of this kind, but one of the most important points of supply of the Guaraní Aquifer was located on the place .’ 2

It didn’t take much time to these or other investigators to realize that the U.S., as well as other world powers, had already begun to take preemptive measures (via false premises) against the possibility of water depletion. We have all seen it in the past: invasion, war and imperialism over the acquisition of some resources. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Nobel Peace Prize winner, states in the documentary ‘Sed, invasión gota a gota’:

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Photo: Malla me / / Flickr

‘[…] It’s not fear, it’s a certainty […] The next wars will not be over oil, like in Irak. Next wars will be over water.’



Aquifer could

provide fresh


to the

entire mankind for

over 200


Apart from this strategic militarization by the US, there have also been political and economical proposals such as the Free Trade Area of the Americas (already implemmented by the US, Canada and Mexico) or the Plan Puebla-Panama (complimentary to the latter) which would ultimately mean the privatization and expropiation of many countries’ natural resources, public services and even intellectual goods. Political issues aside, it is of utter importance to monitor the aquifer and learn as much as possible about it. At this very moment some surge points are at risk of contacting high concentrations of contaminating agents, such as pesticides or deadly agrochemicals that could penetrate deep into the heart of the well and cause a major disaster. The information must be available for anyone who demands it, especially the local habitants, so that they can optimally regulate where and how much certain products can be used in agriculture. 2. Interview in


International Guitar Festival of Great Britain When : 04 Nov - 29 Nov 2009 Where : Merseyside, United Kingdom Website: . .

JazzFest . . . .

19 Digital Magazine __ Libertas

Things are not looking good, but it all comes around to the fact that people have the true power to demand their representatives to take the course of action that best suits mankind and the biosphere. As long as we stay informed and active on such matters, no one will be able to subdue us. Let’s not wait until it’s too late and Robin Hood has to come to our rescue to steal the richer and distribute among the needy; let’s impede that water, the fundamental substance, is transformed into ‘oro azul’.

. . This is Wirral’s annual celebration of the guitar and guitar music. At various venues on the peninsular, classical music, jazz, rock, blues, slide, country and flamenco guitar music can be enjoyed during the festival. The variety of musical styles and expressions means there is something for everyone. Amazing music performed by the world’s top players in superb surroundings is the hallmark of this, the largest annual festival of its kind in the world. n°3...Ecology

Little by little, the world’s paradigm is shape-shifting into a new and complex one. The formula repeats itself over and over, like a broken record, but the contents keep changing. We must foresee what’s to come in order to overpower present and future conflicts. The world population does not only worry about water shortage, but also about how world powers will try to format the world according to their desires for control and ruling. Economical interests are too big and inflict a lot of damage to most of societies and the ecosystem we pertain to. Strong legislation must be implemented, internationally and locally speaking, to preserve water deposits and other resources from despotical management. Many children die of starvation all over the world even though 2008 delivered the second best harvest in world’s history. In the Access Era, where the boundaries of communication and connection seem to disappear, more and more people are left out from their share of such basic pillars for the development of life.




by Marion Andre

Digital Magazine __ Libertas

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“We have to

preser ve the places


visit and think in a long term future”


cotourism is getting more and more current. But what is exactly “ecotourism”, “green tourism”, “responsible tourism”, “sustainable travel” or “ecological tourism”? Ecotourism doesn’t mean travelling by canoe or living in a small cabin somewhere in Amazonia! It means travelling and protecting our planet in the same time. The main objective is to minimize negative touristic impacts on the Earth. It focuses on volunteering and learning new way to travel. According to the definition established by the TIES (The International Ecotourism Society) in 1990, ecotourism is “Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people” (1990). The main principles are: - Minimizes impact - Builds environmental awareness, and respects local culture - Provides positive experiences for both visitors and hosts - Provides direct financial benefits for conservation - Provides financial benefits and empowerment for local people - Raises sensitivity to host countries: political, environ- mental and social climate - Supports human rights and demographic movements The main actors of ecotourism are not only travellers and hosts, but also the NGO, the UN, the governments…

Photo: Mhartford / / Flickr

Generally speaking it means that we should protect and understand the environment around us: protecting biodiver-



Some statistics…

Travel and tourism is the largest business sector in the world economy: around 230 million jobs and over 10% of the gross domestic product. Annually almost 1 bilion people are travelling all around the world (most of them are from USA and Western Europe). For the world’s poorest countries, tourism is the second most important source of foreign exchange, after oil. Every year, tourism is growing 20%, and today 10-15% concerns ecotourism.

JazzFest When : 04 Nov - 08 Nov 2009 Where : Berlin, Germany Website: . . . .

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Today, for many countries (Kenya, Ecuador, Nepal, Madagascar and Costa Rica), ecotourism represents a major economic resource and a significant portion of the gross domestic product. For example in Uganda, WWF and local authorities worked together to open a new natural reserve, Bwindi. More than 3 600 travellers came there to visit the place. And 12% of the benefices was given to the indigenous people.


sity, ecosystems and cultural heritage; working with researchers to find positive solutions; using and building environmental foundations; promoting sustainable development (recycling, renewable resources…); reducing threats to wildlife… Ecotourism focuses on well-being of local people: sharing socio-economic benefits with indigenous groups; involving individual conscious; finding viable alternatives for them… The most important is to minimize the negative impacts of the conventional tourism and to educate the travellers to think about the ecological consequences of their visits. We have to preserve the places we visit and think in a long term future. The behaviors have to be changed to save the precious treasures of our planet home.

. . Surprises are sprung each year at this eagerly-awaited festival, held in a handful of venues across the city. Recent years have seen forays into the Italian jazz scene as well as offerings from the pulsating metropolis of Istanbul. Acts range from the top drawer to the ‘yet to be discovered’ category, but the bill is always entertaining and thought-provoking. Recent favourites have included Joe Zawinul with WDR Big Band of Cologne, Maria Schneider, Enrico Rava, Bill Frisell, Hermeto Pascoal and the Charlie Haden’s Liberation Music Orchestra with Carla Bley. Besides regular guest bands from the USA, the festival keeps true to its policy of presenting European bands which are still largely unknown.


Some criticisms…

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“Everybody can be

responsible and participate in ecotourism with small

details and daily activities”

Photo: Rickredds / / Flickr

Born 30 years ago, ecotourism is a new trend. This sustainable tourism is an answer to the mass profit-making tourism that wants to discover every place of the world (coral, forest…) and that considers the planet like an “open zoo”. However it is not easy to make clear distinctions between “eco”, “green” or “sustainable”. And it is hard to understand precisely what is behind these words. For someone it means something, and for someone else it means something different. We also can oppose some criticisms about the way to follow the principles of ecotourism. Because this trend is quite new: the problems associated with definition can lead to confusion. And the various processes to create ecotourism accreditation are controversial. Because of the numbers of the actors (governments, hotels, tour operators, travel agents, guides, airlines, local authorities, conservation organizations, and non-governmental organizations), it is difficult to create accreditation and regulation procedures. Some tourist operators can take the name of ecotourism as a marketing tool, but actually they have an irresponsible environmental behavior. For example nature reserves are important, but keeping endangered species in captivity to attract visitors is not a good way to protect them. At the local level, it might become a source of politic or economic conflict. The creation of a natural reserve can also generate displacements of people and violate their human rights (like losing their homes without compensation). Another problem is also the “greenwashing”. This trend is the commercialization of tourism schemes disguised as sustainable, nature based, and environmentally friendly ecotourism. But in reality the main objective of those organizations is to have good reputation. It is sometimes more “marketing” than “ecological”… Everybody can be responsible and participate in ecotourism with small details and daily activities. For example, discovering a city by bike is an ecological way to travel…

‘ ?

Events DOM Festival

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Photo: Matt hintsa / / Flickr

DOM Festival When : 06 Nov - 06 Dec 2009 Where : Hamburg, Germany Website:


The DOM Festival is one of the largest fun fairs in Germany attracting, in all, about nine million people each year. Bare knuckle rides are the main attraction but there are beer tents, musical events and family entertainment as well. Although it has a modern look to it, the DOM actually goes back centuries, when cathedrals (Doms) offered shelter to traders, strolling players and quack doctors during times of inclement weather. The spirit of Dom lives on, with today’s highlights including a medieval fort, a witches’ village, cowboy shootouts during summer and advent magic in medieval costumes during the winter. Wednesday is family day, when special discounts are offered.

AN ARTISTIC AND MILITA GREENPEACE AND SPENC (translation of different internet sources) by Manon Limosin

fig leaf


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ozens of days ago, Greenpeace has won one of its most beautiful successes. With the American photographer Spencer Tunick, they organized a militant and artistic installation in the vineyards of Burgundy (in south of France). The purpose was to alert to the climate changes and to outline the vulnerability of the human in front of them. The impacts of the climate changes are already noticeable everywhere in the world, and notably in France, in the land and in the vineyards.

“Sometimes we

forget how

connected the body

is to the

Earth, as the

world is turning into a

concrete jungle”

Photo: © Spencer Tunick

More than 700 people have participated in this event and have posed naked under a great sun and in a nice atmosphere. The message has been covered by the main French and international Medias. The vineyards, the gastronomy and the planet are in danger because of the climate changes and because of the passivity of the international community. “If we are not acting here and now, the human and all his cultural patrimony are, in the medium term, doomed ! Declared Pascal Husting, the director of Greenpeace France. The French lands are already subjected to the consequences of climate changes. Each of us has to make his voice heard, or to make his body speak to force the politics to act. The extraordinary work of Tunick Spencer will give the possibility to increase the public, citizens and politics awareness, in France as everywhere in the world.” For Spencer Tunick, “Whether it be vines, corn, wheat or rice, agriculture’s sustainability around the globe is being threatened by climate change. Mother Nature is losing to man’s aggressive grip on the Earth. Sometimes we forget how connected the body is to the earth, as the world is turning into a concrete jungle. With my work, I hope to bring attention to the vulnerability of our existence and to our connections to the foods we consume, for pleasure and survival.”

Less than two months before the Copenhagen summit about the climate changes where the chiefs of states of government from the whole world will meet to negotiate an accord, the organization Greenpeace is reminding the emergency to find a solution to strongly reduce our emissions of greenhouse gases. “Now I have the opportunity to make art and to show in Copenhagen that the politicians must make sacrifices in order to save the planet” says Spencer Tunick.

Photo: © Spencer Tunick

Events National Horse Fair The National Horse Fair (Feira Nacional do Cavalo) celebrates the equestrian life that is at the heart of this region and features one of Portugal’s finest horse breeds, the pure-bred Lusitano. Regarded as one of the country’s most important festivals, the event attracts breeders, horse enthusiasts and curious spectators from miles around who come to see these magnificent horses perform. The event is a great place to see authentic country life and there is also a market selling everything from locally-produced wines and roasted chestnuts to traditional clothing worn by the famous horsemen of the Ribatejo region. National Horse Fair When : 06 Nov - 15 Nov 2009 Where : Golega, Portugal Website:

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The installations of Spencer Tunick examine since 15 years the relationship between the human and his environment. In the heart of natural or urban sites, the artist has organized more than 75 stagings in all over the world, bringing together about hundreds or thousands of volunteers posing naked. In 2007 Spencer Tunick has realized a heavy illustration of the tragic link between human and climate by making pose naked 600 people on the Aletsch glacier, the biggest of Europe.





by Daniel Nunes

Have you ever heard of “ecological footprint”? Well, some time ago Greenpeace opened a site where you can calculate your ecological footprint, the damage you do to the enviroment and possible ways to minimize it. Anyway, the point I want to get is that it is impossible to live in a sustainable way nowadays. Unless you are vegetarian, never take any motorized mean of transportation and live isolated from any other person. The world has developed to a point that it is impossible to live in sintony with nature, and even if everyone did his part, we wouldn’t be able to save the world (but this does NOT mean you shouldn’t do yours!)

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Photo: jjjohn / / Flickr

“Did you ever think

of efficient ways to


the planet?”

Back to the ecological footprint: the first time I did it I was pretty shocked by the damage I was doing to the enviroment: according to Greenpeace, if everyone had the same habits I did we would need at least three (THREE) other planets like ours to survive. Not that I had too many bad habits, or at least I thought I didn’t. I did it again recently to write this article, and the result was the same, even if the answers were less destructive. Conclusion: even if I answered the options doing less damaged to the planet I would still probably get a two-planets answer, and maybe a congratulation for trying hard. Did you ever think of efficient ways to save the planet? Well, I used to, until they got all crushed by this stupid little test. All I can say is that you should try doing your part, but there will always be someone in the world to do damage for at least four of you, or four of you and me together.


Over 50 screenings of films, shorts, animations and documentaries take place during the two-week festival, showcasing a mix of old classics as well as the latest, art house releases. In addition to a great line-up of film screenings, there are a number of seminars and workshops that are open to all, regardless of experience. Another treat that always proves popular with film fans is the screenings of silent movies with live musical accompaniment by orchestras in the theatre - a rousing experience not to be missed, . .

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Being human is about making choices, and choices are not divided into good or bad, but into more or less useful for us now; we now chose to write and discuss about ecology because we think it’s important, but ten years ago we would probably be writing about computers (or we would actually not be writing at all, as ten years ago there was almost no access to internet...), so think about what is important to you, and make your choices: anyone will be able to tell if you did the right choice now, nor in five years, but maybe in twenty years we’ll see that writing this edition about ecology was useful and helped to change the world a little.

Bath Film Festival


Countries are developing their industries, and enviromental friendly companies, even if getting less rare, are way more expensive to keep. Governments still didn’t catch up with the “green wave”, even now that being ecological is fashionable. Maybe we’ll manage to do our part and save our share of the world, maybe we’ll destroy a lot and not even realize it; maybe our children will live in a better place, or maybe they’ll have to go to Mars or something. Who knows, if we leave a decent world behind then people might get ‘greener’, or, as normal for humans, they’ll have other problems we could have avoided now, but we just ignored, thinking we had worse problems to handle.


GREEN CITIES by Irena Nastova


In the last couple of years, more then ever, the attention is focused on the quality of human life. The people start to be aware of the negative effect of their existence. The green revolution is not only a dream anymore. It is now starting to be a way of living. That was just imagination before a couple of decades. But now with the development of new technology and increasing the awareness of people for the damage they have made (like ozone hole, vanishing of woods, extinction of species etc.), the dreams of some future visioners start to become true. In their structure and operation the green cities work with natural processes, do minimal harm to the environment, and use resources efficiently. Green technology is using the new inventions of science to improve the life of humanity.

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Photo: Dragonfly vertical farm

Today you can see the projects for green cities with incredible designs and technology. They are imagined to work according to principles of self plausibility. All energy is produced inside the cities using alternative ways like wind, water and sun. The nus product of human’s residence are minimal or do not exist because all trash has to be recycled. Inside the green cities you can find apartments, gardens, stores, offices, schools, places for rest, places for fun and everything that you need for a comfortable life. Garden will be used for producing organic food for the needs of citizens. The purpose of these modern designed miracles is not to give us restrictions but to offer new, fresh and better view of life. You can have everything you need inside that area and your way of living will become healthier and less damageable for the environment. In these days when the civilization is confronted with over populated cities, the interest for Green cities is more increased. Some countries now are even starting to make green buildings with more green


the left page)

Except the amazing design it will function also in the concept of self plausibility and will be less harmful for the environment. Urban skyscraper farms are still purely conceptual for now but are amazing theoretical propositions. They would provide locally grown food in densely packed urban centers.

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If you have the luck to be one of the guests in that hotel you can enjoy in the incredible look to environment. Another interesting project is dragonfly vertical farm. (picture on That is a concept of an urban farm with purpose to reduce the problems associated with food storage, mileage and connection between the producers and consumers. For saving space the farm is designed vertically and it has 132 floors and 28 different agricultural fields for producing fruits, grains, vegetables, meat and dairy. This Dragonfly wing shaped superstructure features wind and solar power producing capability and includes housing, offices, research labs and communal areas separated from farms, orchards and production rooms.


surface and self producing energy system. But the projects that present complete self functional towns are more interesting as a future solution for the humanity. The form and structure of cities (urban design) plays an important role in transportation patterns and energy use, urban sprawl, and the conservation of farmland and habitat. Some of the green ecology project already exist in Dubai. One of them is the new hotel, conference and exhibition complex. In its structure there are three propellers for using the energy of the wind and also solar panels for the energy of the sun.

. Bath Film Festival When :13 Nov - 21 Nov 2009 Where : Bath, United Kingdom Website: . .

Pohutukawa Festival The Coromandel Peninsula is the large piece of prime real estate that sticks up into the sea to the east of Auckland. Coromandel launches itself into the Kiwi summer with a compendium of festival events all over the peninsula as part of the build up to Christmas. The Pohutukawa Festival comprises a highly diversified package of linked and individual events. Some of the most popular annual highlights include meetings with

new collection 2010 fASHION


Some of these designs incorporate elaborate rainwater reuse systems and other sustainable strategies intended to minimize their environmental impact and maximize their productivity. The most interesting project for me is so-called Lilypad Project. The idea is to create a series of floating self-sufficient ocean-going eco-city islands. ( picture on the right page)

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Each one would be able to house 50,000 residents and would support a great deal of biodiversity. Collecting pools located in their centers would gather and filter water for use on board. These would be places for adventurers and refugees from the places with big risk of water levels rising. They can be independent from the rest of the world and exist like states-cities. Here is one more example of a green project. The new concept “Aerate” is something that can be realized anywhere in the world in the reservoirs or oceans.


This 200m wide design also includes hanging gardens above water, and within the structure hotel and café, restaurants etc. The hotel can be accessed via bank side or the airstrips on the deck. One of the advantages is that construction costs significantly less compared to gravel works. With significant interests coming from many Arab investors, the project may soon be a reality. The Dorgan Eco-City is designed to be the world’s first not only an environmentally but also a “socially, economically and culturally” sustainable city. The site is over 50 square miles in size and will be split between agricultural and urban areas.

Photo: Green ecology project - Dubai

The city relies on its own wind and solar energy as well as organic farming strategies. In many ways this is a prototype for larger city planning within a fully eco-friendly mindset. Today you can find many more projects that include green technology. Some of them already exist but most of them just wait their chance to conquer the world with their design and technology.

Events the winemakers of the Esk Valley, guided forest and bird wetland walks, the Lakes Resort Golf Tournament, a sculpture exhibition, kite flying events and live music concerts. In addition to this kaleidoscope of activities and entertainment, a number of Pohutukawa Parties take place at various venues, where guests can enjoy an evening meal and drinks along with live music and entertainment in beautiful surroundings.


Pohutukawa Festival When : 20 Nov - 06 Dec 2009 Where : Coromandel, New Zealand Website: . .


Photo: Lilypad project

Baltimore celebrates Thanksgiving with a huge parade through the city’s streets. Including an array of marching bands, dance troupes, choirs and decorated floats, the pa-

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thanksgiving Day Parade

“I WAS SO UNPOPULAR IN I’M WRITING IN THIS BEA Billie the vision & the Dancers n°3...Ecology

by Daniel Nunes

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album you

can find really


music, being perfect to

listen to while doing anything!



was so unpopular in school and now I’m writing in this beautiful magazine

Did you ever go to Sweden? In fact, neither did I (or if you did, lucky you!), but that doesn’t make me less attracted to swedish music. Indeed, the way I got to know this band was pretty unexpected: one day I got home from school and a friend send me a link, telling me to download all their songs, because she thought I was going to like it. Browsing the web page, I found out that Billie the Vision & the Dancers is not signed to any record label, but they have their own Love will pay the Bills, and all mp3 files of their songs are available online, with only a remark on top of the page asking you to deposit money on an account if you wanted to help the band. I was already struck by these crazy musicians, the first ones I saw putting music online and not charging, but letting you free to choose if you want to help. If you think that love didn’t pay the bills you’re probably wrong: they released they first CD in 2004, “I Was So Unpopular in School and Now They’re Giving Me This Beautiful Bicycle”, and last year they released their fourth full length record, “I Used to Wander These Streets”. Billie survived the years with their indie pop with engaged lyrics and catchy melodies, and in every album you can find really enjoyable music, being perfect to listen to while doing anything! Maybe if everyone was not so worried about making their own lives so much more complicated than they really are, and spent more time doing things for everyone like Billie does, the world would be a better place, so don’t waste your time and “meet us there at the Nobel square if you wanna change the world with us”!


“Oh, I miss you so much!”

Photo: / album “I used to wander these streets 2008

thanksgiving Day Parade When : 21 Nov 2009 Where : Baltimore, United States Website: . . .

Christmas in the Tropics .

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I Was So Unpopular in School and Now They’re Giving Me This Beautiful Bicycle (2004) The World According to Pablo (2005) The Ocean Meets My Hand (2007) I Used To Wander These Streets (2008) Free downloads at:

rade is a fantastic spectacle that always attracts a good turnout. Santa Claus also makes an appearance at the event and officially marks the start of the festive season. Many people opt to watch the event in the Market Place where many of the celebrations take place.





by Haruki Murakami n°3...Ecology

by Agnieszka Tatera

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something is missing... how it will



t was for me a first book of Murakami which I read in my life. And it was a good beginning of the adventure with his writings.

It’s a story of a life of Japanese boy, later man. It’s the story of his relations with other people, but mostly women. Starting with an incredible friendship with Shimamoto when they were kids, through first relationship, college times, first work, the years full of loneliness up to meeting his wife and creating a family. Great wife and 2 daughters, owner of 2 popular jazz clubs, healthy man. But something is missing… How it’ll finish? It’s a very well written story about love, about the biggest love, about loneliness, about longing, about pain. About human being. But also about reality – especially the end is giving us a lot of surprises. The characters are well build, the story is interesting and goes on very well during reading. It’s worth to give a try and read it :) I’ll look for other books of this author as well.

Photo: book cover

...And I love the cover ;)


Christmas in the Tropics When : 21 Nov - 01 Jan 2010 Where : Singapore Website: asp/new/new03a.asp?id=7883. . .

San Diego Thanksgiving Dixieland Jazz Festival

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. This spectacular Christmas in the Tropics opens with the turning on of the Christmas light displays on Orchard Road. During the month-long event, visitors can’t fail to feel the festive cheer as they take their pick from a season of entertainment that includes traditional pantomimes, carol singing, colourful parades and a Christmas gift market that stays open until midnight with speciality food and drink stalls. Most of the events, including the light displays, are in the area between Orchard Road and Marina Bay.



[OSTRAVA]_CZECH R by Adam Gazda





For instance, if you said in a pub in Bohemia that you were gong to visit Ostrava, you would probably get some uncomprehending stares. Mainly the older generation persistently believes that Ostrava is one big factory and boarding house. But younger people generally associate Ostrava with different, more possitve light. So what is this metropolis really like? Remarkable, pompous, charming and rich, simply „different“ from Czech standards.

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Photo: Sveter CZE / / Flickr

Ostrava is the Moravan-Silesian region metropolis. It is located around 10 km from the border with Poland (there is also minority of Polish people living in Ostrava and whole region) and 50 km from Slovakia. It has an area of 214 square km. Its population of 317,000 makes Ostrava third largest city in Czech Republic. Its eastern, northern and western parts lie in Silesia, whereas the centre and south in Moravia. 34 historical towns and villages make up today´s Ostrava, divided into 23 municipalities. Four rivers run through the city – Odra, Ostravice, Opava and Lucina. The city´s name is taken from the river Ostravice – formed from two parts: the old slavic term ostra (meaning „swift“ or „fast“), and the old indo-european suffix ava, meaning water course. Ostrava is one of the Czech Republic´s most important centres for education, arts, science, industry and trade. Its universities have approximetally 40,000 students. It also boasts with a whole series of major corporations, institutions and organizations of regional and national importance.

Photo: Infodad/ / Flickr

Besides fine architecture Ostrava offers to visitors many interesting tourist attractions. These include industrial monuments,


like historical mining towers, mining museums, extinguished blast furnaces and famous factories. You can also find top-notch galleries, a unique zither museum, the firefighting and brewery museums, Ostrava sprawling ZOO and a burning mountain rising above the city centre.

San Diego Thanksgiving Dixieland Jazz Festival When : 25 Nov - 29 Nov 2009 Where : San Diego, United States Website: . . White Party Week Billed as ‘the world’s largest HIV/AIDS fundraiser’, this popular gay and lesbian event in Miami, Miami Beach and Fort .

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Another interesting place is New City Hall viewing tower. The largest Czechoslovak town hall was built in 1925-1930 at the site of an old shooting range on the Ostravice river bank. The

. . Held over the Thanksgiving Day weekend, the annual San Diego Thanksgiving Dixieland Jazz Festival takes place on several stages at the city’s Town and Country Resort and Convention Centre. Performance venues range from large auditoriums to smaller, more intimate rooms. Attracting a range of bands from across America as well as some from further afield, audiences at the event can expect a great lineup of musicians performing in the classic jazz, Dixieland and swing styles that are so popular in this part of the world.


Here are some examples of interesting tourist attractions in details. Silesian-Ostrava castle was built in the 13th century on a cliff over the confluence of the rivers Ostravice and Lucina. It was the residence of owners of Polish (Silesian) Ostrava for centuries, but its poor state has forced its repeated abandonment since 1930. The castle´s demise continued after World War II and it sank due to undermining. It ended sinking 16 meters below its original level. Despite this, people still dwelled in the castle till 1961. Even by the 21st century only a few insiders and conservationists knew it existed. Most Ostravians had no idea it was there. Only in 2004 did the city assume patronage and began renovating this unique monument. The castle welcomed visitors that same year. It includes the tower with entrance gate, housing historical exhibits of the castle and Silesian Ostrava. The castle gallery holds temporary exhibits. You may see torture exhibits in the castle palace and original halls with medieval fragments. It features the newly opened castle chapel and great amphitheatre, home to Shakespeare Celebrations. A large terrace forms the castle papalce crown offering unique views of the centre of Ostrava and the traditional industrial panorama of Vítkovice Iron Works.


Cathedral of the Divine Saviour Palace Morava or the former House of Food

New City Hall

Pedagogical Faculty of Ostrava University

The Jind Statue of

The Rothschild Empirical Manor


Brethren Church

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first brewery was The

established at today’s Cerna louka back in


Photo: Sveter CZE / / Flickr

monumental structure with Neo-Classicist exterior is crowned by 85,6 meters high tower. The city Hall´s tower is attached to the building needing just 16 screws to anchor it. This work of the Vítkovice Iron Works became a city symbol and a favourite tourist attraction. A lout terrace was built at 73 meters above the square and offers view of Ostrava and its surroundings. You can see the entire Moravian-Silesian Beskydy Mountains, the Moravian Gate, Jeseník Mountains, a narrow opening to Poland´s interior plains and the east terrace of Silesian Ostrava. If you are interested in technical things you can visit Mining Museum OKD and Landek Park. It is Czech Republic´s largest mining museum. Landek Hill is a unique monument in the world in terms of its geology, archeology and mining. Here archeologists unearthed a mammoth-hunter settlement and the famous Landek Venus figurine, Europe´s only slim Venus. The museum here holds unique collections documenting the development of mining in the Ostrava and Karviná areas from 1782 to the present. The rich collection of the mining rescue work exhibit in unlike anything else in Europe. The museum tour includes 19th-century underground tunnel system reached by descending in original mining cages. The museum also houses the original miner´s pub Harenda u Barborky which serves local specialities. During the year there are also several cultural actions in the Landek Park and some parts of museum – for instance mining celebrations when you can go for concerts of both Czech and foreign bands and to buy something on the market. Next interesting attraction is Brewery Museum. The Ostrava area has a long brewing tradition. The first brewery was established at today´s Cerná louka back in 1842. The Strassmann brewerey mainly supplied beer to German pubs, so a permit was granted in December 1896 to build new brewery on the Hornopolní street to supply Czech market. While the original

Silesian Ostrava Town Hall

drich Mine Tower Pesat Department Store Jan Nepomucky

Memorial and Mausoleum to the Red Army

The Church of the Czechoslovak Hussites

brewery is no longer active the other is still brewing the famous Ostravar band beer. A brewery museum also opened to the delight of all lovers of our traditional drink. An excursion route shows guests processes of brewing beer and its history. At the end you can taste the beer itself. Tasting Ostravar provides you with the true flavour of the city characterized by slightly harsh bitterness :) Each year inside the brewery complex on the street Hornopolní a grand brewery festival takes place to the delight of beer lovers from all over. Except many other tourist attraction you can also visit some cultural events. The importance of culture to the life of the city is underscored by its candidacy for the title of European Capital of Culture for 2015.

White Party Week When : 25 Nov - 30 Nov 2009 Where : Miami, United States Website: . .

Veteran Car Run Ancient car lovers will need to find a comfortable viewing location for this London [Hyde Park] to Brighton [Madeira Drive] event for hundreds of pre-1905 vehicles; it starts at dawn and motors will begin to fart across the finish line from about 10 am. .

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Ostrava´s graphic arts scene ranks among the Czech Republic´s best and could hold its own against Europe´s finest. The Faculty of Arts of Ostrava University provides solid foundation for developing the local artistic tradition. It trains creators in many fields. Ostrava has around sixtty galleries and exhibiting rooms systematically focusing on various visual art genres.

. . Lauderdale features top DJs, dance events, yacht and pool parties, a film festival, celebrity drag queens, and a VIP bash at the Versace mansion. A fun fundraiser that’s not to be missed


Four professional theatres prepare and present attractive productions throughout the entire season. The biggest and most popular is the Moravian-Silesian National Theatre with two venues – the Antonín Dvorák Theatre and the Jirí Myron Theatre. The National Theatre was established in 1919. Since then, four groups have worked here with short breaks between – opera, operetta, drama and ballet. Smaller drama clubs add to the offer of the large-repertoire theatre. Amongst the most popular are Petr Bezruc Theatre, appealing to mainly younger audiences with its unconventional drama composition and the Aréna Chamber Theatre where a number of acting personalities grew up. The Ostrava Puppet Theatre is popular amongst the young and old alike. There are also several amatuer theatre groups.


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Many film festivals are held in Ostrava every year. Febiofesrt, One World, Ostrava-Picture and International Outdoor Film Festival are among the most important. Culture lovers can also look forward to quite an experience at any one of the concerts of Ostrava´s Janácek Philharmonic Orchestra. Established in 1954 this top symphony went on its first tour abroad just 4 years later. Regular concerts are held for Ostravans in the great concert hall of Ostrava City House of Culture – home to the philharmonic.



infrastructure has attracted

world class sport events. many

Photo: Infodad/ / Flickr

If you are more interested in bigger variation of music you can visit festival Colours of Ostrava which starts every year in July. The popular multi-genre music festival attracts over 20,000 visitors from across Europe each year. The concerts feature less known musicians, popular artists and world-renown stars. They are accompanied by theatrics, performances, film reviews and many other programmes to enjoy. Except concerts and various festivals you can also visit another popular regular event – NATO days. The greatest demonstration of military might of the NATO countries in Central Europe takes place each year in September. Tens of thousands of visitors regularly congregate at the Leoš Janácek Ostrava Airport where they witness the main programme – a grand display of combat and life-saving tenchnology, training of special military units of NATO countries and various simulations. The air show is very popular featuring demonstrations of combat and service aircraft used by individual armies. There are also a number of supporting programmes in the city centre during NATO days. If you want to see some sport events it is good to visit Ostrava in June when athletic meeting Golden Spike Ostrava is held. This world-famous track and field meet included in the Grand Prix series has been held since 1961. Several world records have been broken at the stadium in Vítkovice. The city also has numerous sports clubs of which some compete at the top level. Legendary Baník Ostrava football club and professional

hockey team Vítkovice have earned respect across the Czech Republic. Ostrava´s sports infastructure has attracted many world class sport events. These include the world hockey championchips, several Davis Cup tennis matches, floorball world championchips etc. For taking rest and enjoying with your friends you can visit one of the many pubs and bars in Ostrava. For a number of years now Stodolní Street in the city centre has been the biggest entertainment centre in our country. By weekday a quiet pedestrian zone with restaurant front gardens and hotels, at the weekend it turns into a pulsating promenade full of dancing people and lively entertainment. Around sixty clubs are concentrated in the very small area of Stodolní and several adjacent streets. So if you go first time there is good to take a small tour around.

For more information about the city Ostrava and Moravian-Silesian region you can visit

Bonn Om Touk [Water Festival] the country’s biggest festival. Locals go bananas celebrating a natural phenomenon - the reversing of the current of Tonle Sap River - with wild, decorated boat races and fireworks. Nationwide but Phnom Penh and Siem Reap are best. . Bonn Om Touk [Water Festival] When : 11-13 November 2009 Where : Cambodia Website: eventsfestivals/a/waterfest. htm . . .

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Photo: Adrian Hart/ / Flickr

. Veteran Car Run When : 1 November 2009 Where : Brighton, England Website: http://www.lbvcr. com/ . .


Thats all about Ostrava for the moment. There are several web pages (one is mentioned bellow) where you can find more infromation or just come and enjoy the life here like Ostravians do. :)



by Hristina Petrovska

“Only the mountains are eternal”

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alpine characteristics” with

On the southern part of the Republic of Macedonia between the Prespa valley on the west and the Pelagonia valley on the east, is situated the Baba mountain with its peak Pelister on altitude of 2601 m. The relief of the Pelister massif is composed of several peaks-higher than 2000 m from magnificent panoramas extend towards Pelagonija and the Kajmakcalan on the east and Prespa Lake and the Galicica mountain on the west. Because of the natural beauties consisted of the Molika pine forests as a relic tertiary flora, the granite masses that Pelister is built of, especially the glacial relief of the alpine part of the mountain, in 1948 Pelister was established as the first National Park by a special law in the Republic of Macedonia and former Yugoslavia, which is of great importance for the cultural history of the Macedonian people. Pelister-National Park is 15 km from Bitola, 65 km from Ohrid and 30 km from Prespa Lake and is situated on a larger area which widely differs because of its characteristics from its close and more distant surroundings. The Park extends on an area of 12500 hectares and on the altitude of 700-2601 m. Pelister as a member of the Rodopian massif is the southest mountain with alpine characteristics.

Photo: © Stefan Petrovski

Geological substrate of this mountainous massif is composed of rocks of various mineralogical compositions and various


Events origins: metamorphic rocks, Paleozoic granite, and granitic gneiss. On Pelister also, very clearly can be seen tracks of diluvia ice caps at the source of Semnica River and on the uppermost mountain regions as well.

Pelister’s eyes “From enchantment to sublimity”

Rocky Trail “With love, heart and spirit in every step” The rocky trail is marked educational trail, leading the visitor through very attractive scenery, rich in natural beauties. Throughout the trail, the visitors can enjoy the dense Molika

This chilly winter country has a history of wonderfully warm, colourful and fattening Christmas markets set in spectacular locations. Some of the best are: Esslingen [medieval costumes and carols]; Wurzburg [snow probable]; Berncastel-Kues [arguably the prettiest]; Hamelin [Pied Piper’s home so kid friendly!]; Heidelberg [lots of kid’s stuff]; Lubeck [UNESCO World Heritage Site]; Regensburg [superbly lit and romantic]; Rothenburg [medieval Disneyland].... Christmas Markets When : Late Nov - 23 Dec every year Where : Germany . .

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The Big and the Small Lake are above the upper range of the forest and are of glacial origin. The Big Lake is on altitude of 2218 m, it extends on a north-south course, its length is 233 m, 162m width and 14,5m depth. The small Lake is on altitude of 2100 m, it is 79m long, 68m wide and 2, 5 m deep.

Christmas Markets


There are actually more lakes but only two of the mare are called “Pelister’s eyes” because these two are as sublime as enchanting, both in their beauty as part of the natural wealth of the mountain and in the delight of those who visit them. Pelister’s lakes, especially the Big Lake (Golemo Ezero) and the Small Lake (Malo Ezero), are known to many people everywhere because they provide an inexhaustible source of energy for inspiration and creativity, for entertainment and a good rest.


pine forests, witness rare and endemic floral species and specific relief forms, created by long and complicated natural processes. There are also fossil relicts dating from the glacial stage.

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Photo: © Stefan Petrovski


most captivating

natural beauty along the trail might be the

rocky area”

Most of trail passes through a high mountain area offering breathtaking views on the surrounding landscape. The most captivating natural beauty along the trail might be the rocky area, spreading from the summit Pelister in the direction of the summit Stiv. This magnificent relief from is comprised of large numbers of stone block with different size and shape, spread across the whole length of this dominating slope. The creation of this stone blocks dates back to the time when the high mountain parts of Baba range were covered in ice. The rocky trail starts at hotel “Molika” and ends at Golemo Ezero (Big Lake). The total length of the trail is around 14km. The first section of the trail leading towards the mountain lodge Kopanki (1636m) is step and might be more difficult, but it continuous to a rather flat terrain leading to the spring area of Magareska River. The trail than again becomes steeper until the area known as Gorna Livada (Upper Meadow) is reached. This area is covered with grass and is surrounded with Molika pine trees. From here the trail gradually climbs towards the summit Pelister, passing the rocky areas of the summits Stiv (2468m) and Ilinden (2500m). After the summits, the trail continuous through High Mountain pastures areas, covered in grass, passes by Malo Ezero (Small Lake) and reaches its end point Golemo Ezero at 2225 meters. The rocky trail is marked with signs and information boards are placed along the trail. The trail has a view point and a covered hut.



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Photo: © Stefan Petrovski are some interesting events that are taking place in Belgrade next month... . Concerts: “E-play” Belgrade alternative rock band Belgrade youth center, November 6th . “Underworld” (one of the most influential electronic bands of today) Belgrade arena, November 10th . “Simple minds” (Scottish post-punk, art-rock band), group that will introduce them “Vlatko Stefanovski trio” Belgrade arena, November 11th . Exibitions: “Gudmundur GudmundssonERRO” open until November 20th at gallery “Haos” “Dinosaurs of Argentina” open until January 15th at “Impulse hall” . . .

Photo: Lucie Ferlin/ CC

About libertas LIBERTAS is a digital magazine fully prepared by a group of young people from around the world, supported by the Youth Association creACTive – especially by its EVS volunteers. Published for the young people worldwide, LIBERTAS is distributed through the internet to anyone who is interested free of charge. As for the moment there is no funding provided, the magazine is not printed. If you have any ideas on how to find finances please feel free to inform us! :)

* Have you signed up? Send an empty message to and receive your personal copy of LIBERTAS by e-mail every 1st in the month! * Have something to say? Contact us at and read your article in the next edition! November 2009 Skopje, Macedonia

Team of Libertas: Manon Limosin Lucie Ferlin Daniel Nunes Kelly Binault Dragan Atanasov Annes Org

Contributors (to this edition): Hristina Petrovska Anna I.Zadrozna Irena Nastova Daniel Nunes Mauro Giordano Agnieszka Tatera Adam Gazda Marion Andre Manon Limosin Milica Vasilijic

Designed by: Lucie Ferlin

Published by: Youth Association creACTive Libertas is currently searching for a native english speacker to check the english of the articles. Be indulgent with us this time and feel free to contact us if you are interested to do it.

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