Libertas+ 02

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E D I T O R I A L February is a month full of great ideas and real decisions after New Year's sobering up. Maybe you realize that your New Year's resolution was a little bit crazy, but you are still full of energy to start something new. Let's take advantage of a lingering mood of new beginnings and resolutions, and let's be a little more proactive in our lives. This February issue of Libertas+ is dedicated to Young active citizen. How could young people be motivated to be more active, interested and participate in their society? Let's read some fresh ideas of our contributors. Articles are full of optimism, courage, experience and information about amazing projects. Enjoy reading Libertas+ and have a creative and active month!


Vladmíra Brávková, coordinator

p. 3

My European Voluntary Service

Marina Jovanovska, Macedonia

p. 4

Who is an active citizen

Daniel John Carter / Wales, UK

p. 8

Czech EVS in Ireland

Martina Prouzova / Czech Republic

p. 10 United World Colleges Vojtech Sedlak / Czech Republic

p. 12 Central Voluntary Comitee Skopje Jasna Atanasova, Stevica Levajkovski / Macedonia

p. 14 Mladiinfo Kristina Karabova / Slovakia

p. 16 Youth Can

Nina Pavlovska, Lazar Gjurov / Macedonia

p. 18 Photostory: Vevcani Carnival Vladimira Bravkova / Czech Republic

p. 22 Film Review: The Graduate Anastazija Dimitrova / Macedonia

When I applied for my

do good work, because they often discuss problems in our countries,

European Voluntary Service

told me how satisfied they were.

and differences and similarities. For countries not in the European Union,

(EVS) project in France, it was a big

plan which I didn’t know would be During my year in France, I travelled it’s very important to know the realised or not. I couldn’t believe that a lot. I am always happy to meet new meaning of being part of that my profile matched their needs. After people and experience new cultures European family. one year of waiting for the answer, I and traditions, and I always try to finally went to France. The arrival compare other countries with the As I’ve said many times, this wasn’t difficult and I had a chance to Republic of Macedonia.

experience changed my life. It made

practice my English. I must admit I

me realise all the advantages that

was frightened because I hadn’t I’ve been involved in many seminars, we have as future leaders of our practiced English much before.

youth exchanges and training countries. And now I know what I courses. At these, there have been a want to do: I will continue active

During the first week I went to a lot of young people from different participating in the youth field and seminar with around 30 other European


active being an active citizen.

volunteers, some of them from the members of youth organisations same organisation as me. Everything who are exploring and spreading was in French, so I began to learn the non-­formal education among youth. language.

Marina Jovanovska, Macedonia

We have had many chances to

After the seminar, I officially started my project in Association Jacques Prévert. I worked with children aged 4–16 years and people with disabilities, but I was always free for new tasks. At the beginning I felt lost, like a child, but I began to adapt. My colleagues helped me a lot during the year and made an effort to include me in their team. And I, in return, tried to do a good job and complete all my tasks. I guess I did

Association Jacques Prévert:



Who is an active citizen ?


Who can truly claim they are an active citizen? Who can truly claim they are an philosophy, responsibility and a award in two areas of Cardiff active citizen? Professor John 'buzz-­word'. One of the most City, Wales. Holford states that 'active unfortunate facts about active citizens have a strong sense of citizenship is that, truthfully, its Is being an active Citizen one their place and responsibility in down to a citizens opinion. In set objective or are there the world and are driven by a my opinion active citizenship, different levels of activity and sense of commitment to other especially in young people, participation? As a citizen I people, rooted in notions of taking full use of societies regularly exchange my skills justice and care'. If this is the opportunities and in turn using from one area to another, as an case is there really a person them to improve the Auxiliary Nurse and a Youth which this statement truly opportunities provided as well Worker my interpersonal skills describes? As far as I can see as the communities (local or are paramount for both jobs. Active Citizens engage with the global) quality of life. I myself The skills and knowledge I gain community whether local or as a young person used within the jobs become global under their own motives community provision to extremely useful within my due



values, undertake an accredited volunteering sectors of Outdoor separation from competitive qualification called the Duke of Education and with a group of culture and traditional politics. Edinburgh's Award, I am now a young people new to the U.K. Others have described it as a leader and co-­ordinated of the Who are learning English as a



second language. Yet Professor John Holford states that 'Active citizens are notably energetic people and typically are active in several spheres'. I can agree


Active citizens have a strong sense of their place and responsibility in the world.

than I am active in several spheres, but as for notably energetic I can't see myself fitting into that one. There is a lot more I could do and not reaching my full potential is a mixture not knowing how, fear and laziness. So although I would class myself as an active citizen, I am only to a certain level, I believe to offer your fullest ability to society these three





knowledge, fear and motivation must be eradicated.



also Project. Due to the set-­up of citizenship education relies on suggests that it is the NGOs European frameworks such as non-­formal methods and that




in 'Youth in Action' are helping to therefore traditional education, stimulating significant learning develop global citizenship such as the banking method of in civil society, its importance is ideologies. Some NGOs are education will not be effective. In still generally underestimated also providing these projects my opinion the best method of by governments'. This is far too beyond Europe, for those of promoting active citizenship with large a generalisation a you in the UK check out young people is open honest suggestion in my mind. In some,

and dialogue, providing non-­formal countries this may be the case those who are not, they are education through interesting but in areas such as Wales and always looking for new activities that push their comfort Scotland the government is partners.

zones. This n turn should help

pushing forward funded youth

them to educate themselves

provisions. This youth and adult The fact remains that how rather than 'be told' and then (partnership) lead provisions active a citizen becomes is they may (hopefully) participate have active citizenship at the based much more on early life on their own terms. Only time heart of their ethos and a with the family and the will tell. number of NGOs that promote community



active citizenship are offshoots education within school. This of these provisions. The Welsh suggest that most, if not, a Assembly Government stated large 'that citizenship encompasses responsibilities and rights as global as well as local and national citizens'. There are a number of projects across Europe that promote the idea




through non-­formal education. Within Wales there are national and international open to young people of all ages such as Young Achievers Award and Millennium


Daniel John Carter, Wales, UK




Daniel John Carter / Wales, UK Youth Work Curriculum Statement for Wales – WAG Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship – WAG www.2007-­ Deschooling Society – Ivan Illich

Active citizens are driven by a sense of commitment to other people.

e t

r e 7


Czech teacher working as an EVS volunteer at a secondary school in Ireland

he first time I heard about the

“survive” in the school system and make the

European Voluntary Service was from the

school more interesting and friendly for them.

principal of a free-­time organization for

I work in a team made up of Irish SCP staff

children and youths. I worked with this

and other EVS volunteers from Italy, Spain

organization as a free-­time and summer

and France. Our main area of work is in

camp instructor for many years. The principal

education support. The first part of our work is

told me that she felt I was really suited to this

during students’ free classes. We help them

type of project and suggested that I look into

with their homework or a subject that they

the EVS. I made my decision very quickly and

might need help with. We try to let the

on finishing my Masters Degree I started to


search for suitable organisations. I was very

atmosphere in the SCP centre (a special

lucky because the organization actually

classroom in the school), that we are not their

found me through an internet EVS website.

teachers but are there to help them. We try to

The coordinator invited me to Ireland to have

make them feel that if they have any problems

a look around and see if it was something that

they can come to us and chat with us. The

would suit me. I am now working for the

second part of the job is in the classroom. We

School Completion Project in Dunmanway in

can sit next to a particular student and help

West Cork in the South of Ireland. I started in

him. The challenge is to help them not only

August 2010 and will finish in May 2011.

with schoolwork but also supporting them

I work as an SCP volunteer. The School

in other social areas. Many of them are

Completion Programme runs in several

from problematic families or they are

secondary and primary schools throughout

experiencing other problems in their

Ireland. I work mostly with students who are




at risk of leaving school

Another area of the job is after

early. Our work is to

school activities like the table tennis

help them to




club, guitar club, chess club etc.

“Some students do not understand what the sense of our work is. “

During the school year the SCP also

I find that one of the greatest benefits to me

organises trips. We take students to some

personally having been part of this project is that

interesting places like national parks or other

my English has improved quite rapidly, despite

cities and the students get to partake in

difficulties with the West Cork accent! I can also

activities like swimming, ice skating, kayaking

compare and contrast the Czech and Irish

or whale watching.

education systems. I can get good ideas from

There are many rules between students

other teachers and my fellow staff or avoid the

and volunteers. We are not their friends, but

mistakes of some of the teachers here. Of

somebody in the middle between student and

course working to change the life of a young

teacher who is always willing to lend a

person in whatever small way is always

sympathetic ear. We must not spend time


with students after school or engage in any

I can absolutely say that I have chosen a

activities or friendships with the students

good project for me. A programme like this is, to

outside the school. We must not share secret

my mind, essential in every school and I am

information with them.

already thinking about a similar project in my next

This work is not always easy. Some

school when I go back to the Czech Republic.

students do not understand what the sense of

For all active and outgoing people who are

our work is. They do not always appreciate

looking for a challenging and rewarding

our hard work and effort to help them or the


time we spend preparing work for them in the

experience. Of course it has its positives and

SCP centre. They sometimes do not want to

negatives but I think that the benefits far outweigh

accept the help of people from other

the drawbacks.

countries. However, we must find a way to

I wish you good luck with your new

deal with this and have a mutual respect

experiences and adventures with EVS.

between us.

I can recommend the EVS

Martina Prouzová,

Czech Republic

“Our work is to help them to “survive” in the school system.” 9

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Imagine a place where young adults In January 2008, I came across a participate. Education is the force that of any nationality, religion or skin poster with an interesting logo of two unites people, nations and cultures, colour can come and live together, intertwined world hemispheres. I with the ideas of peace and learn from each other and share began reading and, shortly after sustainable future in mind. Over two everyday experiences. Imagine a that, dreaming about the possibility years,




place where ideals such as active of living and studying with people International Baccalaureate Diploma citizenship, idealism and mutual from 100 different countries. A few Program, which allows them to respect are embraced. It was at the months later I found myself on a pursue their interests at universities height of the Cold War when German plane flying across the Atlantic to around the globe. philosopher and educationalist Kurt Lester B. Pearson United World Hahn developed the idea of United College, one of the thirteen schools The idea behind UWC sounds World



horrific that are now part of the UWC perhaps simple, but it is hard to

European conflicts in recent memory, movement. I was eighteen years old, capture the nature of the experience Hahn believed that education could flying for the second time in my life, it provides. “My experience at be a key to world peace. The year leaving home for two years. I didn’t Pearson from 1988 to 1990 was by was 1962. Since then, almost 40,000 know at the time I was beginning the far the most impactful experience I students from over 180 countries most transformational experience of have had in my life. Everything else have studied at UWC schools all over my life.

stems from it. Most of my

the world.

relationships are related to it in some Towards a world citizenship

f 3*/(*/( 50(&5)&3

The model of United World Colleges values and certainly all of my career

:06/( 1&01-&

was founded on the principle of choices can be traced in one way or

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form or another, almost all of my

bringing together young people another to the time I spent here on aged 16–19 from all over the world Pedder Bay,” says Brett House, to share a common experience. By graduate of Lester B. Pearson providing full scholarships, students College, who currently works as a from


developing countries can also

and principal economic advisor to the Secretary General of the United

Nations. Â


century  ago  are  more  relevant  now Â

emphasises Â

than Â

values  such  as  compassion, Â

ever Â

before. Â

With Â

boundaries Â

and Â

borders Â

personal  challenge  or Â

around Â

the Â

world Â

action  and  personal Â

disappearing  and  climates Â

example. Â

It Â

and Â

economic Â

mystery Â

then Â

dependencies Â

changing, Â

celebration  of  difference, Â

graduates  schools Â

is Â

of Â

no  why Â

have Â

tremendously Â

cultural Â


religious Â

disputes  are  inevitable.  The Â

been Â

successful Â

and Â

UWC  movement  does  not  claim  to Â

in Â

pursuing  careers  in  various  areas,  the Â

Balkan Â

region. Â

The  be  the  ultimate  answer  to  the  world’s Â

from  economics  to  arts,  from  science  Netherlands’s  school  in  Maastricht,  problems,  but  it  is  undoubtedly  a  opened  in  2009,  pushes  the  UWC  valuable  step  towards  a  brighter  and Â

to  peacekeeping.

ideal  even  further  by  broadening  the  peaceful  future,  which  we  all  are  age  criteria.  It  now  includes  primary  obliged  to  hope,  believe  and  work  for.

Brighter  future

There  are  five  UWC  schools  in  and Â

secondary Â

educational Â

Europe:  in  Bosnia,  Italy,  The  institutions,  providing  the  UWC  Netherlands,  Norway  and  Wales.  experience  to  students  aged  2–18. Bosnia’s  school  in  Mostar  carries  the  Over  the  last  three  years  I  have  had  very  idea  of  peace-­building  in  its  core,  many  chances  to  talk  about  the  bringing  together  students  from  movement  and  hear  various  views  Bosnia  and  Croatia  among  other  on  its  purpose  and  value  in  current  countries, Â

explicitly Â

to  times.  It  is  my  firm  belief  that  the  reconstruct  the  post-­conflict  society  of  ideals  embraced  by  Kurt  Hahn  half  a Â

4$)00-4 */ 6301& */ 04/*" 5"-: )& &5)&3-"/%4 038": "/% "-&4

aiming Â



e j p o k S n i b u l c y h d t o u b o y e v e i v t i a T n i C d A r e o r o c c w e n a h t wi The best way to involve youth directly To achieve this, the coordinator and develop young people’s careers;; in decision-­making is to give them a local young volunteers of creACTive Art And Culture Programme Manager chance to manage activities and Skopje,




have looks





events in a safe environment like a established a new committee. The exhibitions, theatre plays, concerts youth club. Give them responsibilities Central


Committee and so on;;

and tasks that they will take and work (CVK), made up of ten local young Democratic Citizenship Programme on. Gather a team, share ideas, help people, will run the youth club. The Manager is responsible for activities them set goals and then you will have team is elected by the coordinator of related to democracy, human rights, a team of young people, capable of the youth club and creACTive’s head political education etc.;; working efficiently, not only within that office for a term of one school year. It Healthy body,







go will make action plans twice a year, Manager plans activities related to in August and January. Each sport, ecology, healthy food and the committee member has his/her own like;; obligations and responsibilities:



Programme Manager takes care of Coordinator follows and coordinates for activities linked with intercultural the work of the other CVK members relations, antidiscrimination and so and is the official representative;; Personal



Development Membership Manager coordinates

Programme Manager coordinates the members of the youth club;; events for young people’s personal Public Relations person promotes the youth club;;


Professional Youth Development Web Team Leader takes care of the Programme


oversees web page;;

training and other events which help Administrator calls meetings,


ensures communication between the creative and alternative activities members, gives the meeting report that will attract the youth of Skopje, and fulfils similar tasks.

get them involved and encourage them to be CREative and ACTive

To recognise their work, each CVK citizens. member will receive a volunteering book from the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Each volunteering

Jasna Atanasova and Stevica Levajkovski, Macedonia

activity they take part in will be marked and appreciated. This is great motivation because in the future the young people can use the books as proof of their active role in the community when applying for jobs

ilities b i s n po m res e h t . e Giv that work on s k s a d t and ll take an i they w

and so on. With the help of the EVS volunteers in creACTive Skopje (see Marina’s article), the CVK will make the club educational and entertaining for local youth, trying to satisfy local young people’s needs. The local volunteers in creACTive Skopje are always full of enthusiasm and great ideas that we try to realise and offer interesting,


“The only thing that you need to do is to get a move on.”

If you happen to be the type of a healthy, or as the cliché goes, "in information



person that just lingers in the world, bloom of life" and practically all the grants, low-­cost conferences, training lies around lazily, is rather tardy in doors are open to you. The only thing courses or contests. taking action and prefers to be that you, young people of the world, Want to study abroad, go to some passive (which is not bad by default, need to do is (and here comes training course for almost no costs? we all need to switch off and be another association, not necessarily Try to search the site and, more inactive from time to time), and yet still untrue: to unite) to get a move on. importantly, don't hesitate to apply! keeps moaning and complaining And, here is one way which could Want to organize an event, but don't about how the world is not fair, how help you to do so.

know how to promote it? Go to the site

you cannot do anything because it so

and send the Mladiinfo team a

difficult and the like, I have a piece of Go online. Type

request through "Add an event"

advice for you – no need for


grumbling and complaining about the Most of the young people in Want to inform others about how great lack of chances and justice in the Macedonia and the Balkans are your event was, or how awesome the world. Although most of you will agree already familiar with a Skopje-­based study trip abroad was? Mladiinfo also with me on the point of a certain initiative Mladiinfo. The initiative is provides space for reporting and degree of injustice, to come to first and foremost the portal people sharing your experiences. agreement about the lack of chances behind which have dedicated to becomes a bit harder.

providing young people with the

Especially when you are young,

information to free education, i. e. the


Go offline. Visit the Grant Info Center

“You definitely should not be sitting on your bottom and waiting until it happens.”

(Check onthestreets/eyes-­on-­the -­street or /2011/01/11/eyes-­on-­the-­ street-­contest/)

Grab it yourself

your bottom and

waiting until it happens. You make it I am not sure about being a young happen. For those who prefer the real faces to active citizen, because the term is Learn about chances, (for example the photos and are situated in pretty exclusive (refugees and on/in mladiinfo) and then grasp the Macedonia, there is a newly opened immigrants are not considered being chance with both of your hands. Grant Info Center in the National proper human beings unless they University Library St. Kliment Ohridski have a citizenship of the country they Some tips in Skopje. There you may arrange for are currently located in), but if you Take an example of one ex-­volunteer a face-­to-­face meeting and are a young active person, you in Skopje which had a wish to consultations about your specific definitely should not be sitting on organise a contest "Eyes on the needs. Street". The announcement about the contest appeared on the mladiinfo webpages, also, after the contest the results will be wrapped up and published on mladiinfo, and thus informing and affecting much broader range of people from all around the world. So, get inspired and get things going, too.

Kristina Karabová, Slovakia


) 2(. '! Youth  Can  is  a  civil  society  organization  founded  by  young  people,  for  young  people.  It’s  aim  is  to  recognize  and  share  the  impact  youth  have  as  catalysts  in  today’s  society.  In  such  a  short  time  we’ve  managed  to  grow  as  an  organization  and  provide  structure  and  space  for  young  people  to  learn  and  develop  themselves  personally  and  professionally  in  to  critical  thinkers  and  proactive  citizens  of  their  community. Youth  CAN  believes  that  every  young  person  can Â


Recognize  the  need  and  accordingly  define  the  goal  of  your  activity!

be  an  active  citizen  in  the  community  they  live  in  and  allows  space  for  young  people  to  put  their  social  responsibility  into  practice.  Many  of  the Â


Check  if  it  is  REAL  if  you  take  in  account  your  available  resources  (time,  human  resources,  finances  etc.)

members  have  been  realizing  local  initiatives  and  found  out  that  it  doesn’t  take  too  much  effort  to  make  a  difference.


Recruit  your  team!  Share  your  initiative  with  your  peers,  friends  and  colleagues  and  arrange  a Â

Trough  our  experience  we’ve  learned  and Â

meeting  so  that  people  can  get  involved!  BUT  let Â

produced  these  useful  guidelines  including  21 Â

this  invitation  be  inspiring  indicating  above  all Â

STEPS  for  you  to  organize  a  youth  activity  in  your Â

WHY  you  are  doing  it,  besides  WHAT  you  are Â


planning  to  do!

4 5

6 16

Define  dynamic  plan  of  the  activity:  WHO  does  WHAT  and  till  WHEN? Put  the  deadlines  a  bit  earlier  ...  spare  time  is  always  welcome!  Present  your  plan  to  the  team  and  adjust  it  to  their  suggestions  and  proposals! Â


Make  sure  each  and  everyone  is  clear  and  agree  on  what  has  to  be  done  by  when! Â

8 >

SUMMARISE  and  announce  the  final  plan!


Think  about  possible  Plan  B  and  Plan  C! Â


12 13 14


Be  on  time  for  your  activity!  â€œForget  about  the  planâ€?  and  respond  to  what  is  needed  in  the  current  situation! Â

 Ask  your  teammates  to  let  you  know  once  their  task  is  completed! Â



Do  real  analysis  of  the  capacities  of  your  team  and  the  complexity  of  the  tasks  as  to  know  what  to  expect! Offer  HELP  if  someone  needs  it!


Let  there  always  be  someone  who  can  help  you  with  taking  pictures  and  collecting  the  feedback  of  the  participants.  Organize  evaluation,  draw  the  lessons  learned  and  show  honest  appreciation  of  the  team  efforts! Write  a  short  report  on  your  activity  so  you  can  publish  it  on  the  web  along  with  the  pictures! That  is  how  you  can  prove  that  YOUth  CAN!

Use  email,  chat  â€“  but  in  urgent  situations  phone  call  is  the  best  option!  From  time  to  time  report  to  everybody  in  the Â

Nina Pavlovska and Lazar Gjurov, Macedonia

team  on  the  progress  of  the  implementation  â€“  it  gives  orientation  and  motivation  to  your  teammates! Â


17 18

Show  gratitude  and  acknowledge  good  work  for  each  completed  task!  When  you  publicize  the  activity  with  a  catchy  and  creative  invitation,  share  it  on  mailing  lists,  different  social  networks  as  Facebook,  Twitter  and  make  an  online  event  where  you  can  see Â


the  feedback  on  potential  number  of  attendees. Â


Photostory : Vevcani Carnival


here are many opportunities to be






participation in complicated projects, politics and NGOs for a while. Imagine for example a carnival, or similar regional customs and traditions in your hometown. There are a lot of carnivals in the Czech Republic in the period before Easter: residents of villages and towns


wearing crazy masks and going to the

expressing humour and sarcasm. Some

carnival parade. No one forces them to

of the most common costumes are

participate;; they are all volunteers,

devils and other mythical characters.

appearing together in an hilarious

The annual carnival even attracts

programme that has been maintained

participants from abroad: together with

for centuries.

local people, they parade in the streets


and welcome the New Year.

a long tradition in organising its carnival,

Look for traditional events in your

held every year during the Orthodox

hometown: maybe you can actively

New Year from 13th to 14th January.

participate in their preparation and enjoy


the feeling of being an active citizen.




Let's forget participation in complicated projects, politics and NGOs for a while.



Vladmíra Brávková, coordinator


In 1967 a movie appeared on the big screen that managed to win one Oscar. Even though the film didn’t receive the acknowledgment of a great master-­ piece, today this film is classified a clas-­ sic. The Graduate is based on a novel written a few years prior, and presents an interesting and at that time yet unseen plot. Benjamin Braddock is a recent college graduate who finds himself in a very unusual and confusing situation. Mrs. Robinson, the wife of his father’s business partner, tries to seduce him. Besides facing the prob-­ lem, what is he going to do about his future and the small affair with Mrs. Robinson? Benjamin faces another dilemma when Elaine, the

Director : Mike Nichols Year : 1967 Actors : Anne Bancroft, Dustin Hoffman, Katharine Ross


daughter of Mrs. Robinson comes in town and completes the love triangle. Perhaps the movie explained in these words doesn’t sound like anything special but thanks to the exquisite performance of Dustin Hoffman in the role of Benjamin, you often find yourself wondering what is this confused young man going to do next. Also the part of Anne Bancroft, an actress perhaps not so familiar to the younger generations, but legendary to the older

not the good thing about this movie. The

ones and those who are deep into the

soundtrack in the movie was performed

movie industry, as Mrs. Robinson is more

by the folk-­rock duo Simon & Garfunkel,

than amazing. Presented as a woman who

making them forever famous. They also

knows what she wants and knows how to

introduced the audience to the classic

get it, this is definitely one of her best

“Mrs. Robinson”, a song than managed to

appearances and there’s no surprise why

rise above The Beatles in the charts.

she won many awards. The acting alone is

With everything taken into consideration, this is one of the older classics worth watching over and over again. Dustin Hoffman’s famous line: “Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me.” has surely been used more than once after the movie appeared.

Anastazija Dimitrova / Macedonia

One of the older classics worth watching over and over again. 23

by Published ation Creactive soc Youth As -a e r .c w ww

Team Vladimira Bravkova, Charlie Delhumeau, Blathnaid Deeny, Scott Pinkster, Dragan Atanasov, Daniel Nunes

Daniel John Carter, Martina Prouzova, Marina Jovanovska, Vojtech Sedlak, Jasna Atanasova, Stevica Levajkovski, Kristina Karabova, Nina Pavlovska, Lazar Gjurov, Vladimira Bravkova, Anastazija Dimitrova.

is additional European issue of the digital youth magazine LIBERTAS, published every 15th in the month with support from the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. LIBERTAS is a monthly youth magazine fully prepared by a group of young people from different countries, supported by the Youth Association creACTive (www.cre-­act-­ Published for the young people worldwide, LIBERTAS and LIBERTAS+ are distributed through the internet to anyone who is interested -­ free of charge. All texts published in LIBERTAS+ represent solely the opinions of their authors, not of the magazine, its publishers or funders. LIBERTAS, creACTive and the European Youth Foundation are not responsible in any way for the contents of the articles, or for the photos published with them.

Design : Charlie Delhumeau

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