When I published the new call for articles for the March issue of Libertas+, I realised how difficult the theme was – “Democracy in my local community and role of young people”. I was worried that maybe young people were not really interested in this. How wrong I was! During the last month, I received with great pleasure many excellent suggestions, ideas and thoughts and later a lot of brilliant articles too! I feel so proud of us: young people who have been actively participating in our society and who are interested in democracy. This issue of Libertas+ covers contributions from many countries, demonstrates how youth is powerful thanks to new technologies, showcases examples of wellfunctioning initiatives and promotes the call for getting more active and exercising our rights to express our views freely... Let our voices be heard and let's listen to each other. With respect to all thoughts in this magazine,
Vladimíra Brávková, coordinator
p. 3 Youth Parliament
Kristýna Lišková / Czech Republic
p. 4
p. 14 Democracy Viktorina Baranova / Belarus
p. 16
Youth VS Local Democracy
Dalmarnock Future’s Forum
Boyan Tabutov / Bulgaria
Neal Parsons / Scotland, UK
p. 6
p. 18
Jugend Neukölln
Human right education in Bulgaria
May Naomi Blank / Germany
Tania Tisheva / Bulgaria
p. 8 Youth Democracy Daniel John Carter / Wales, UK
p. 10 Participation of Young People Nevena Smileveska / Macedonia
p. 12
p. 20 Volunteering Evgenia Kostyanaya / Russia
p. 22 10 reasons why Luciana Grosu / Romania
p. 24
There is no beginning
Tiberiu lacomi / Romania
Vladimíra Brávková & Dragan Atanasov
Youth parliament in Pelhrimov
he youth parliament in Pelhri-
mov started eight years ago. Since this time it has been changing. I began as a member of the parliament three years ago. We were a really small group (just four or five people) and met once a week in ICM (the centre of information for youth) Now, we usually meet once a month
«Youth Parliament organizes events for young people.»
and youth from primary and secondary schools attend the parliament.
It is a great way to teach them how The parliament creates some actions
Once a year, the meeting of all parlia- to reflect on things around them, for youth: a photo competition about ment members in the region takes work in groups, participate and life in Pelhrimov, Majáles (the compeconnect. Many teens are not inter- tition among secondary schools in
The main aims of the youth ested in local facilities. For example, the town) and others. parliament are to connect young someone told me that in Pelhrimov,
Since last year, the youth
people with current events in Pelhri- there is neither a swimming pool nor parliament has cooperated with town mov, help them with their problems, a club, but there are both. They just representatives, and show them how to participate don´t know about it. and how to be active…
support comes from the local non-
The most serious problem in our profit organisation, o.s. Hodina H.
Every month, young people parliament is laziness of the youth. A The parliament participates in a lot of debate problems in our town or their lot of students or young people Hodina H’s projects of such as own needs. After the debate, they prefer watching TV, being on the No-Car Day, a Halloween party, separate into small groups. In these Internet, using Facebook or playing Dancing Region and Chocolate Hour. groups, they write down demands or computer games. It is because they I hope that the youth parliament will needs in our town and of course solu- don’t want to realise important prob- continue with activities and that tions to some problems. After that, lems. So we try to connect them to young people will realise how importhey present their opinions to others.
local happenings or events.
tant it is.
Kristýna Lišková, Czech Republic
h t u Yo
l a c Lo y c a r c o em
Many people will vehemently argue attempts, you kind of know what to the roads we cycle or walk back that the world of local politics belongs expect, so it starts being entertain- home to, the bus we take to go to the and resides solely in the realm of ing and, in many ways, insightful.
cinema or theatre, the sports facilities
adults and not those of young people. Nevertheless, this remains a serious we train at, the youth art centers So, any attempts to discuss the and high stake matter. Throughout where we express ourselves, the participation of young people in local the democratic world, a great deal of youth international programmes and democracy may appear a bit ambi- practitioners and scholars alike projects that we participate in, etc., tious, not to say, pointless. Well, let investigate the alienation of young will be taken by everybody else but me put it this way for you: that’s what people towards politics. No doubt, not young people ourselves. This is ‘they’ would like you to think!
the likelihood of such a development what local democracy stands for and
Indeed, I have tried many times to generates reasons of concern not since it is affecting us, it becomes our discuss youth participation in local only about the empowerment of unalienable right to have a say and democracy with friends, family and young people, but also about the be a pivotal part of it. other people I meet in order to get the future of democracy itself.
After being so passionate about the
exact same reactions – one of confu- As such, this remains an issue of topic, let me be a bit practical, too. sion and funny looks. This does put utmost priority, because decisions Again, it should not come as a you down at first. Yet, after several affecting the schools we study in,
«A total remake of politics rather than a reshaping of old politics.» surprise that most people perceive
reshaping new forms of politics that tion and labour, and ultimately chal-
young people as disengaged, cyni-
have simply not been recognized. lenge its monopoly of power. Thus,
cal, apathetic and lacking any politi-
For instance, new information and issues of power, the core of politics,
cal awareness. To address this issue,
communication technologies (ICTs) are effectively dealt with by simply
most people will say that the main
embody the critical tools in taking staying away. How clever of us, eh?
venue to changing young people’s
the barriers down between young
behavior towards local politics should
people and democratic governance Fundamentally, if we are to discuss
focus on citizenship education, moti-
at the local level. Recent events in the present and future of youth
vation and more programs on the
Egypt and throughout the Middle participation in local democracy then
behalf of the Government to engage
East region demonstrate how youth the solution to the ‘problem’ lies in a
young people in politics. Hence, it
exploited new technologies in order total remake of politics rather than a
peoples’ to inform and organize a revolution. reshaping of old politics. This idea
responsibility to close the engage-
They were those who were making extols a total overhaul of the current
ment gap with local government
history. Hence, it is the responsibil- political
ity of local government structures to Hence, closing the gap between
democracy. A fair point, but not totally
close the engagement gap with young people and engagement with
young people in the community.
local democracy will genuinely occur
If you are being more critical, you
only after the political system has
would say that young people are both
Personally, what I am most inclined incorporated further democratic tools
political and engaged. Instead, the
to believe when it comes to the that enhance the decision making
problem stems more from the decline
participation of young people in local and agenda setting powers of youth.
in the credibility of many public insti-
democracy is the idea of “politics of Peace!
tutions, including local government.
youthful anti-politics”. Essentially,
Boyan Tabutov,
Hence, the fault lies more with
the very refusal of young people to
government performances than with
engage with local government is a
young citizens who do not engage
rather unintentional act to be politi-
with them. From this perspective,
cal. In other words, this is our own
young people are creating and
way to deprive politics of our atten-
«Recent events in Egypt and throughout the Middle East region demonstrate how youth exploited new technologies in order to inform and organize a revolution.»
and change something. Start some of a statement is this? Why do people is considered a rough projects. Especially because there think my heritage and my
neighbourhood in Berlin. The district was a lot of negative media
intelligence have anything to do with
is characterised by high levels of coverage about our neighbourhood. each other? unemployment and some of the We wanted to change that picture.
Dilan: When I was confronted with all
lowest average incomes in the city. If
these stereotypes about Neukölln I Why did you think it was time to could not just keep calm
you believe the media, it’s a
breeding place for street crime and start up a project like this?
drug dealing. But this perspective is Dilan: At that time the youth of Neu- examples. But there are good ones kölln was bashed in the media and as well. I wanted to be one of those
very one-sided, as the Youth
project "Jugend Neukölln" shows. every day there was another
good examples and try to inspire
Between turkish Hammams and hip example of how terrible we behave other people to become active as and how high youth crime is in our well. There are a lot of kids that
art galleries, just around the
corner of Karl-Marx-Allee we met neighbourhood and how
never had a chance to prove the
Dilan Erdogan and Hülya Akgüner, we terrorize our teachers. We were energy that they have. aged 20 and 21, both founding mem- just fed up by this. We wanted to show that there are other
bers of the social project.
Why do you think that young
examples as well. We wanted to people should take things into Dilan, Hülya, you are one of the make it clear that we just need a their own hands? founding members of "Jugend chance and that we would use any
Dilan: So many youngsters don't
Neukölln". What’s your project
possibility given to us. That it is not know anything about politics. They
our fault when no one cares about just know what their parents
Dilan: When we founded the asso- us.
think and take over their opinion.
ciation "Jugend Neukölln" our idea
They should be able to make up their Why are you active at "Jugend own mind and someone
was to improve the communication
the Neukölln"?
should tell them about politics and
cultures that live in our borough, no Hülya: So many people told me: where to get active. If adults do that, matter what language they
Wow, your German is pretty good then they sound like
speak, what their family background even though you're from Neukölln.
teachers. We can raise conscious-
is or what skin color they are. We And I thought to myself: What kind ness and make people understand wanted to get together
that being active in politics can be fun.
«If you believe the media, it’s a breeding place for street crime and drug dealing»
What projects did you start up in Neukölln? Hülya: We have some long-term projects
There's a tutoring program for example, where we help children with their homework twice a week and for free. And when there was a public decision about whether Muslim kids should attend special "ethics" classes instead of the normal religion education with all the other kids, we organised a discussion about it asked the kids what they preferred. Additionally we have a project where we show young people their neighbourhood and do a tour through Berlin. Some of them have never left Neukölln. They don't even know the Brandenburg Gate.
«Our idea was to improve the communication between all the cultures»
Can you make out some success?
How do adults react to your proj-
Hülya: Yes, definitely. In the tutoring
Dilan: Sure! If we accept the situa-
program we can see it directly
tion like it is and lose our interest in
ect? Do you think they take you
because the grades of the kids
politics because it looks so
improve. And they love to come here,
boring, then nothing will change.
Dilan: We get positive reactions but
they want to learn.
That's no solution!
still the adults need to be more com-
Dilan: And in the press there aren’t
Hülya: And young people can bring
mitted and ask youngsters to
any negative headlines about Neu-
some fresh energy to any project.
get active. They need to give far
kölln anymore.
Whether in sports, in music or in
more support.
politics; young people are energetic Should young people get active in
and they always have something to
politics? Do you really think they
May Naomi Blank, Germany
can change anything?
Youth Democracy Are young peoples voices heard?
In the Capital city of Wales (United ment pushing for greater limitations to get involved, a large number are Kingdom), Cardiff city, youth democ- on youth and other promoting their still unaware or not interested. It also racy is a hot topic of discussion. In voice and independence, young shows that the adult democratic some areas of the city a large propor- people are definitely recognized, but groups and the youth democratic tion of the residents are pushing when it comes to the general com- groups are isolated from each other. measures as extreme as curfews on munity, are young peoples voices That may create a more mutual young people, which have existed in heard? About a year ago I took part understanding and lead to more the past, limiting choice and partici- in creating a community profile for involvement of the whole community, pation. On the other hand organisa- and area of Cardiff called Splott, rather than small groups. tions and branches of the govern- when
ment funded youth service are became apparent that their main promoting youth democracy and issues were the local young people. participation through projects such as Splott is considered on of the more 'Power
POTV deprived areas of Cardiff and prob- The next step for improving youth
describes themselves as 'a network lems raised were youth gangs, democracy would surely be for youth for young people from across Cardiff graffiti and criminal damage. I have the have more power in controlling aged 11 – 25 to voice their ideas, experience in two very affluent there own services? Within Wales the opinions and solutions on issues that areas of Cardiff where the majority youth have a large amount of control are important to them, to share expe- of young people are very well off, yet over the running, at least at a lower riences and bring about positive when interviewing residents the management level, of how the youth change'.
same issues were stated. On service is run. In comparison though,
So with some sections of the govern- contradiction to this, the Youth provi- the youth service is small, accessing sions in these areas (including 15 – 20% of the youth in Wales at any Splott) have some of the most active one time. Where is the youth democyouth forums and youth democracy racy in schools, colleges and univerprojects in the city. They provide a sities?
Now most schools and
large percentage of POTV's work- colleges have student councils, in force and are responsible for a large schools they almost are always amount of youth funding that enters almost
the service. This suggests that generations, as well as universities
although some youth are motivated having their students unions. What
“What level of control do these student councils and are their voices really heard?�
level of control do
new chairs, music in the common University student unions are heavily
room and vending machines. On a involved within the running of there
have and are their
recent youth service residential I got societies and athletic clubs, but how
speaking to some Radyr Compre- much control do they have over their
hensive pupils about my old school. curriculum, university budget and
As a teenager I
The school has provided new ethos? In a time of massive public
student councils for each section of spending cuts and university merg-
Comprehensive School, a govern-
the school, lower school (11-14 ers, do the youth have a say? Are
ment funded school for of young
years old), upper school (14-16 they listened too? As the huge
people of every background. When I
years old) and the original 6th form student campaigns and protests
was a teenager the School offered us
a student council when we entered
consultation seems to reveal that into 'adults' rather than 'youth'. I feel
6th form College (16-18 years old),
these councils are involved in similar the big question we should ask
but the council only made 'sugges-
items to those my student council ourselves is are we listening to our
tions' to the school on such ideas as
was involved in.
council. Though
further begin we see ourselves progressing
youth, or will history just repeat itself?
Daniel John Carter, Wales, UK Sources: www.glan-hafren.ac.uk/ www.uwicsu.co.uk/ www.mirror.co.uk/ www.radyr.cardiff.sch.uk/ http://potv.org.uk/
Participation of Young People
in Governance or
A Waste of Time
an Important Part of the Development of Society?
adolescents, One of the areas which have a great At this point I would like to mention
must be allowed to exercise their impact on young people is educa- that the world’s population is actually right to express their own views tion, especially the governance of very young, with nearly 2.2 billion freely, to acquire knowledge and education, where they should have people under the age of 18. The skills, and to invest their energy and a say, particularly in higher educa- reason I’m mentioning this fact is creativity in shaping the environment, tion. The concept of governance of because it is estimated that 87 the society they live in and the world higher education mostly refers to the percent of the world’s adolescents they will inherit.
internal structure, organization and live in countries affected by poverty,
The duty of adults in regard to this is management of autonomous institu- hunger,
well established. The Convention on tions. The organization of internal Having such a great number of young the Rights of the Child (CRC), the governance is generally composed people exposed to such problems is, World Programme of Action for Youth of a governing board, the university mildly put, dangerous because the to the Year 2000 and Beyond president with a team of administra- lack of a chance to address the (WPAY), the World Fit for Children tive chancellors and staff, faculty issues can lead to social despair or (WFFC), the United Nations Millen- senates, academic deans, depart- various
nium Declaration and other interna- ment chairs. According to one of the pathology, including, but not limited to tional instruments and treaties all definitions, governance is a multiclearly state that children and young level
delinquency, alcohol and substance
several abuse. Young people may grow up in
people have the right to participate in different bodies and processes with such bleak landscapes feeling inadpublic life. They further stipulate that different decision-making functions. families, communities, national lead- Sometimes one of these functions ership and international partners represents young people as some have a responsibility to support this form of organization for student participation and to take their views representation. A waste of time and into account when discussing and efforts? Read on and be the judge of deciding on issues that affect their that yourselves. lives.
«Participation is an essential part of development»
equate, alienated and apathetic. It is
the outset, will be an adolescent with
only by strengthening their capabili-
the confidence and capacity to
ties and giving them opportunities to
contribute to democratic dialogue
participate that young people can
and practices at all levels, whether
develop positive attributes and skills
at a local or an international
that will have a positive impact on the
rest of their lives.
Participation is an
The advantages of encouraging
essential part of
younger members of communities to
development, for
development is
decision-making processes can be
“the process by
far-reaching. When children and
which commu-
young people have the opportunity to
nities, families
identify the problems that affect their
and individuals
lives and, most importantly, find and
grow stronger,
implement the solutions, it builds their
can enjoy fuller
and more produc-
them to value the positive impact they
Nevena Smilevska , Macedonia
tive lives and become
can have on the lives of others. A less vulnerable”. child, whose active engagement with the world has been encouraged from
n o i t a p i c i t r a P h t You Encourages more young people to participate, by example ion and Promotes social integrat cohesion in society
Leads to better decisions and better outcomes Is an integral part of
a democratic society
ng people’s Strengthens you f human rights understanding o and democracy
«Young people must be allowed to exercise their right to express their own views freely»
THERE IS NO BEGINNING Let’s start with Plato. Why, you may Let’s start with Hobbes. Why the why civil codes and stop lights were ask? Because Plato started with us. change, you may ask? Because put in place and we tend to With our form of organizing our family Hobbes also started with us. With remember that Huntington was quite cave, our war fire, our values’ our form of tempering and right when he deduced the clash of shadows, our never-ending way out unleashing our basic survival civilizations out of our democratic of the cave into the sun of political instinct, our purest evil, our capacity peace. utopias. Let’s start with Plato. Why, to organize societies based on you
our controlling this rotten desire to follow democracy was one of his least Darwinian’s rules and our way of preferred of the variety of political inorganically, ideally building a forms that he studied and envisioned. Leviathan as tall as our former We tend to forget that tyranny still Babel tower. Let’s start with Hobbes. exists nowadays and we tend to Why the change, you may ask? remember that a philosopher-king Because our democracy was the will never rise to guide us towards our Dorian Gray that looked in the mirror
common unknown good.
«Because democracy remains a dream for most of us»
he created for us. We tend to forget
all visions, a vision is the start to all wait now for democracy to crawl out changes, a change is the start to all of Plato’s cave, in the form of improvements and an improvement whichever shadow we dreamt of and is the start to all dreams of being hope it will not turn into a Leviathan able to dream like this.
Let us end in a cell, far away from Let us end and start revolutions. Not our family, our neighbors, our city, fights,
our land, far away from Stockholm. Revolutions of the mind, thought, Far away from the possibility of attitude, education. Because this is saying the words that we want to the only thing I can remember about say, far away from the shadows of democracy. Even when I was trapped democracy, far away from our in the cave of my principles, I used to so-long and sought peace, far too talk, brainstorm and reason with all close to the Leviathan that sits with the other trapped fellows until we us behind the bars. Let’s start with chose a way to untie our mental Liu Xiaobo, a Nobel Peace Prize strings. winner against a whole regime, a whole system, a whole way of This
thinking. Let’s fight for democracy in democracy that I want you to our own way, in our imagined cell, in remember. Democracy is not a our own words, in our own articles. manifest. It is not a call to arms. It’s Let’s start. As Europe was a center not a utopia. It’s not a dream. It’s not for both slavery and enlightenment, a shadow. It’s a step. Like so many let’s start. The concepts have not other steps we take. It’s really only up changed. Only their forms have.
to us if this step turns into a broken ladder, twisted wing or simply, a
Let us end on the streets. Shouting, peaceful walk across the borders of waving flags, crying, fighting, taking our past enemies. photos, and sending tweets Far Let’s start with Martin. Why the away from the beginning but a little dream, you may ask? Because closer to the apparent end. Let us
Tiberiu Iacomi, Romania
democracy remains a dream for most end on the streets of Cairo, let us of us. For some, they dream of it at shout for democracy, and night and open their eyes to a close celebrating victories, posting words reality. For some others, they dream online and offline of success. Let us of it at night and do not open their eyes anymore, afraid of how the reality might strike them and shatter their self-made fairy tale. For others, they dream of it with their eyes wide open and they do not want to close their eyes until others can open theirs to a close reality. Let’s start with Martin. Why the dream, you may
«Not fights, battles, bloodsheds. Revolutions of the mind, thought, attitude, education»
........................ ask? Because a dream is the start to
living in Belarus, the country I
«Democracy in Belarus is like a sacred cow in India; it can be spoken about, adored but not used, not touched.»
am from, world democracy is just
in the capital, have spent their lives
attention, and a desire to participate
building their own reality. Unfortunately, when I look around in my home country, I cannot find any traces of democracy in this way. In my life and the lives of some 10 million other people When I think about democracy, I
imagine an empty street free of any a word being pronounced as a there, have promising career prosbuildings, cars or people, but open to sound of which lives in the voices of pects have to move to small villages anyone who feels like moving there, young and old, successful and poor in the middle of nowhere, and instead of surgery, work as a general physibuilding a skyscraper, planting a tree people. right in the middle of the road, or Democracy for children and teenag- cian because it is in demand. sleeping at the entrance to the shop. ers who are too young to decide is Democracy for older people, who their finally come to the point when they imagine a huge lawn, like in front of parents, relatives, and teachers who can choose a working place, now When I think about democracy, I accepting
the Eifel Tower, where people can say, “We are more experiences. We impose demands to their workers. organize a manifestation of support- are smarter. We will make a choice, For example, before the presidential ers for or against, campaign to raise and it is only because we care about elections in Belarus in 2010 all teachpeople’s awareness on issues like you”. This is what parents would ers were ‘unofficially’ asked by hunger, violence, or violation of rather say to their children.
schools’ directors to go and vote
Democracy for young adults is like a several days before the election day. When I think about democracy, I column which falls down and breaks Some people believe they do this human rights.
imagine an open space with people a car parked nearby. Democracy is because it makes it easier for the who feel free to express themselves, an echo of unrealized hopes and government to change the voting speak out, be heard, explain their unfulfilled dreams. After graduation results. views, be understood, demand atten- from University, young people in my People working in factories get paid tion, and be considered as serious. country are not free to organize their with food, not money, and not reguThis place is not only a spot of joy professional future. They have to larly. They will never stand up and and relaxation, but quite the opposite. work for two years in the institutions show disagreement, even if they It is the platform for constant work the government finds for them. As it have dozens of unpaid bills waiting which requires from people time, happens, graduates who were born for them at home.
(manifestation in France) Yes, democracy in Belarus and other
ence a true democracy then say
post-Soviet countries, is absolutely
rudely, ‘Where is this democracy
like a sacred cow in India; it can be
everyone is talking about? There’s
spoken about, adored but not used,
only debauchery!’
not touched.
When I think about democracy I
Though it is considered to be illegal
imagine a scared Indian cow and
by the government, several times a
people who congregate along an
year, people in the streets in Belarus
empty lawn and scream: ’Let’s
gather to scream the word ‘democ-
change the sacred animal. Let it be
a donkey from now on!’
“Democracy values for Belarus”. The ones who scream too loudly find themselves in prisons. They are accused of violating laws. This desire to touch this “sacred democracy cow” is considered as a violation of law. Still, the most striking phenomena of democracy I observe here in a democratic Europe is people coming from post-Soviet countries who experi-
«Democracy is an echo of unrealized hopes and unfulfilled dreams. » «Democracy is an echo of unrealized hopes and unfulfilled dreams. »
«Democracy is an echo of unrealized is an echo «Demo- «Democracy hopeshopes andand unfulof unrealized cracy is filleddreams. dreams. » unfulfilled » an echo «Demoofcracy is an echo of unrealized «Democracy is an unrealiz edhopes and unful- echo of unrealized filled dreams. » hopes and unful- 15 hopes
Viktorina Baranova, Belarus
«Democracy is an echo of unrealized hopes and unfulfilled dreams. »
At the end of Peter Mullan’s new
“Growing up I was very familiar with Scotland’s second city. In 2009 Scot-
feature film, NEDs (Non-Educated some of the young people’s issues; I tish Government figures rated the Delinquents) the lead character John used to drink, I used to gang fight, area in the bottom 5% for income, McGill is in a period of personal and experimented with drugs,” he employment, health and education. limbo. Does he continue a life of continues. “For me it was just For crime, the area is in the top 10%. violence in Glasgow’s east end normal, that’s the normal thing you With the Commonwealth Games gangs, or try and make something do when you’re in Dalmarnock. coming to Glasgow in 2013, the area more productive of his life, in commu- There wasn’t a lot on, especially at was targeted for regeneration with nity based youth work?
weekends, nae youth clubs, nothing jobs promised, the possibility of a
This very question was faced by two open. So you either drank or played new town centre and new housing. of the peer educators at the Dalmar- football, and I hung out with the ones For Wilson, and co-worker Chris nock Future’s Forum (DFF), a com- who drank.”
Milligan, however, the real work starts
munity based project designed to
help young people out of gangs and Dalmarnock is in the east of into work or education. “I got kicked Glasgow, and is arguably the poor- “Dalmarnock, like most of the east out of school, and for me that was it, est, I’ve no qualifications. I was thinking well what am I going to do now? Where’s my life gone?” These are the words of Ian Wilson, 19, the team leader of DFF for the past year.
of end has just been left,” says Milligan,
«For crime, the area is in the top 10% »
«I used to drink, I used to gang fight, and experimented with drugs.» also 19, “the young people from the
Saturday that if it wasne’ for DFF To suggest Dalmarnock is
east end are seen as scum; so that a
he’d still be out drinking, but we’ve now on a permanent
lot of the young people here feel hard
spurred him on, and he wants to be upward curve would be to
done by. So if anybody comes in to
a joiner, wants to be an apprentice, underestimate the size of
try and help from other areas of
trying to make the best fae’ himself. the problems the area
And you see that? It gives you such faces. But the work of
That’s why we’ve had such a good
a sense of fulfilment knowing you’ve Wilson, Milligan and the
success, ‘cause we’re no’ somebody
changed a young person’s life.”
rest of the team at DFF ensures that, unlike in
from the west end, or from the north of Glasgow. They’ve seen us, we’ve
It’s not just these individual anec- NEDs, young people in
seen them grow up, and they know
dotes, however, there has been a Dalmarnock are seeing life
we’re not going to just run away after
sea change in behaviour, especially beyond the gang.
the money runs out, they’ll still see us
with the gangs, as Wilson explains.
in the street.”
Neal Parsons, “This area has been plagued with Scotland, UK
The two have been in post for just
gang fighting, we used to fight with
over a year now and in that time have
focussed on investing time and
Bridgetoun, Faircross. Now, some
energy in individuals who come
of the young people are in those
through their doors.
areas trying to help sort out
their problems. And ten years “The games are coming, we need to
ago, you wouldn’t have seen
make sure our young people are
that happening. And you’ve
ready to grasp them,” says Wilson.
got to say well done to the
“Right now some of them have prob-
young people, for break-
lems in the house, problems at
ing down those barriers,
school, wi’ drink, and we’re trying to
and saying this isnae’
work with them. Working on self
good enough, we don’t
esteem, looking at what’s gone
have to fight.”
wrong in their life. Y’know I’ve not had the best upbringing but I’ve taken advantage of the opportunities I’ve been given. You see Dalmarnock is very poor, poverty stricken, but there’s still people here prepared to help you, that needs to be their focus.” Wilson’s sentiment is matched by Milligan, “I had a boy tell me last
“Young people in Dalmarnock are seeing life beyond the gang” 17
Human rights education in Bulgaria Bulgarian legislation for the protection against discrimination is in compliance with the European and universal Human Rights standards. Bulgaria still has no legislation on
ÂŤBulgaria still has no legislation on equal opportunities between women and men.Âť
equal opportunities between women and men, which is a serious gap. According to the Law on Protection against Discrimination (in force since 2005), education on equal opportunities should be introduced in schools and universities. The only attempts so far are conducted thanks to the efforts of Bulgarian NGOs. Comprehensive education on gender equality and for elimination of gender stereotypes is still missing in Bulgarian schools, despite the clear provisions of the international instruments and of the Law for Protection from Discrimination. This problem aggravates with the fact that non-formal education still has limited recognition and popularity. Human rights education is still not part of the official school curricula. The situation in Bulgaria in terms of equal opportunities, together with the lack of adopted legal framework, is characterized with a lot of inequalities in all social spheres. Women in media The media in Bulgaria spreads nega-
tive images of women and sexist International Charter for Human advertisements. What’s especially Rights (art. 1 and art.2) negative is the image of young International pact for economical, women in Bulgaria; they are social and cultural rights (art.3) portrayed
sexual International pact for civil and political rights (art.3)
Here are some links to the adver- CEDAW (art. 2 b) Law for protection against Discrimitisement: http://vbox7.com/play:c8069245&al nation (art. 4, para 6) Law on Health (art. 55, para 1,2, and =1&vid http://vbox7.com/play:f7525451
This advertisement is for an alcohol This advertisement creates stereodrink. It violates basic human rights: types, provoke sexism and violence. The Constitution of Republic of They do not represent the real Bulgaria (art. 6, para. 1; art. 19 para. Bulgarian women and do not reveal 2; art. 32 para. 1);
their full potential in the society. This
other abuses. Awareness on those
based harassment, since its content
«Raising awareness on human rights and public campaigns are very important in this process.»
- Introduction of gender education in
and messages harm their dignity and
schools and universities
social rights of young people in
provide an abusive environment for
- Ensuring that the rights of Bulgar-
Bulgaria. These activities are part of
them and for the majority of women.
ian citizens are respected, the legis-
the bigger project ENTER - Access
lation must enter into force and the
to Social Rights for Young People
against Discrimination judged that
institutions for protection of HR
this advertisement is not discrimina-
should work effectively
hoods, an initiative of the Council of
tory. The Commission was supposed
- Promote equal opportunities in the
Europe that will lead in the 2011
to issue a decision within 3 weeks
media and obliging media to respect
Recommendation of the CoE to the
from the moment of receiving the
ethical codes and rules.
member states to improve the
advertisement makes a false reality. In the summer of 2008, 13 Bulgarian women, from different ages and with different
offended by alcohol advertisements (called the "Season of the Watermelons" and "Passion in Crystals") but filed
Bulgaria's Commission for Protection against Discrimination. They claimed that the advertisement is gender-
issues is essential for young people and for all citizens. We hope that in Bulgaria there will be also legislation on volunteering and a Law on Youth. In the framework of the project “Enter!” of the Council of Europe (CoE) the Youth program of the BGRF
access to social rights of this group
complaint, but it took 2 years to issue this deceiving decision.
Raising awareness on human rights
of young people. The project aims at
The battle for justice and social rights
and public campaigns are very
developing youth policy responses
will not stop here.
important in this process.
to exclusion, discrimination and violence affecting young people in
The youth program of the Bulgarian
multicultural disadvantaged neigh-
adequately face these challenges
Gender Research Foundation is
borhoods. We are inspired to work
and gaps in human rights protection.
working from the year 2001 to
on this issue in Bulgaria, hoping that
The measures that must be taken
inform young people about gender
local and national authorities will
equality and social rights. There are
recognize the specific issues affect-
- Adoption of legislation for equal
ing young people from disadvan-
opportunities between women and
human rights standards that protect
taged neighborhoods. We hope that
the future Recommendations of the
unequal treatment, violence, and
Council of Europe will lead to
«The media in Bulgaria spreads negative images of women and sexist advertisements.»
adequate policy changes at the local level.
Tania Tisheva, Bulgaria
Volunteering in another country – Haven’t you been dreaming all your I’m talking about volunteering! This Are you interested in environmental life to work for free, to sleep in the is your option, if you want to and are work? Then you can clean the coastsame room with 8 other people not afraid to combine everything I line, put up the fences, make a path, whom you have just met, to have to have mentioned above. It is a real build staircases, or do workshops cook for 30 people being limited in chance to realize how much every with children about pollution and time and products? Maybe you have one of us can do on this planet, for garbage. Are you fond of working been dreaming of working in pouring this planet and for each other. It is a with people? You may help handirain, digging mud to make paths?
wonderful opportunity to get to know capped people, walk with them, and
others and learn that no matter what cook for them. You may work with languages we speak, from which refugees, play with the children,
I hear you saying, “Thanks, but this is countries we come from, where we teach children English in Peru or go not my cup of tea!” Wait! I bet at the work or where we study, we are all learn German in Germany. Would same time, you have been dreaming the same. It is a brilliant way to feel you like to create something or of meeting lots of cool, interesting, that you are needed, that the things participate in an event preparation? deep young and old people from all you are requested to do are really Then you can help to organize a festiover the world who happen to be in important, that your work is essen- val, an exhibition, help renovate a one place. I bet you have been tial, that you contribute to something youth centre, a house for handidreaming of meeting people from great and vital, and without your capped people, or make necklaces other countries, visiting other places, help, something--a festival, concert, from stones. discovering new things, and learning renovation, exhibition--would have new skills. I bet you have been never taken place. Isn’t it cool dreaming of finding people with enough to decide to try? whom you share the same life values, and of making true friends. Mostly, I bet you have been dreaming of doing something good with all your heart and devotion, somewhere, for somebody whom you don’t know now and for no special reason.
«Volunteers are responsible because people in the community they work for trust them.» 20
– what for ?
«Volunteering is a brilliant way to feel that you are needed.»
So, how does it work? There are
website of another one, Volunteers
very good friends. Very often, volun-
for Peace.
teers should decide themselves in
which manner to do their work so
where you can find all the necessary other
that it raises independence in think-
Service Civil International, is one of
organizations--find some free time
ing and responsibility of the young
the oldest peace organizations in the
and search in the Internet. You will
people. Yes, volunteers are respon-
world. It was established in 1920 by
find so many opportunities there!
sible because people in the commu-
Pierre Ceresole, a Swiss pacifist and
Don’t get lost! There you can find a
nity they work for trust them.
member of the Swiss Fellowship for
special search-engine where you
Reconciliation, who decided to bring
can choose a country, a type of
I have done 3 short-term work
together French and German volun-
project, and duration of a project.
camps and one long-term for 3
teers to work together in a work camp
Find what you would be interested
months. As far as I am concerned, if
to help reconstruct a war-torn Esnes,
to do, and contact your volunteer
I hadn’t taken part in these volunteer
a town near Verdun in northern
organization in your country!
work camps, I would be a different
person now.
France. Since then, volunteers have done so many useful things all over
People who have tried volunteering
the world. You can become part of it
usually say that they have had a
too! Visit the website of another orga-
priceless experience in life. This is
nization “Vereinigung Junger Freiwil-
the experience of being needed,
liger” (translated literally as The
participating in social life, doing
Union of Young Volunteers), or the
something important, and making
Just try it. And you will not be able to forget it! Evgenia Kostyanaya, Russia
TOP 10
Young people feel their vote will not count.
Why Romanian Youth
are denied Political Participation There are too few youth associations 2. No authentic political options Youth know how far people would go for power and social advantages; so, and too few chances for youth to aka “We have no real choice” make their voices heard. Also, there Non-participation becomes a form of they don’t trust today’s politicians. are no young role-models, no older protest when one is forced to However, now we come to the political choose between parties, and lead- second aspect of the communism‘s parties, plenty of theoretical courses. ers, who never proved capable of heritage--the real thing--many of role-models,
lots of trainings and short-term managing the country. All political today’s democratic politicians really projects, but zero opportunities for a groups who had the chance to come are yesterday’s communist leaders young person to make a positive, to power in Romania treated their and secret police officers. lasting difference in her community. “job” with careless incompetence. In total, there are six million young Meanwhile, young people are asked 4. Young generation’s disengagepeople who are denied political to prove they have “at least three ment aka “ I don’t care” participation in Romania. Here are years “of successful professional Disengagement, lack of interest, experience whenever attempting to apathy, indifference, you can call it in the top 10 reasons: get the lowest entry-level job. Is it many ways but it means the same 1.
aka fair?!
“one vote doesn’t matter anyway”.
thing: young people are not interested in politics. This attitude could
The discouraging high levels of 3.Communism’s dark heritage be considered the result of the “top corruption in Romania make young aka “ Things are pretty much the 10” factors described in this article, yet, in time it also evolved into being people think their vote has no weight. same as before” Elections might or might not be free. Before what? Before the Revolution, a premise. Youth’ refusal to particiHowever, as all politicians are known that is, during Ceausescu’s times. pate is both the effect and the cause or are thought to be corrupt, young Communism’s heritage is first of all, of a dysfunctional “democracy”. people feel their vote will not count a problem of mentality. Romanian whomever they might chose to repre- youth grew up hearing horrible 5.The lack of real opportunities sent them.
“fairytales” of people who denounce aka “Even if I cared, I still couldn’t each other to the Secret Police. do it”
There are too few youth associations, too few chances for youth to make their voices heard, no young rolemodels, no older role-models, plenty of political parties, plenty of theoretical courses, lots of trainings and short-term projects, but zero opportunities for a young person to make a positive, lasting difference in her community. In total, there are six million young people who are denied political participation in Romania. 6. The inefficiency of civic education aka “ Do I even have rights as a citizen?” Or maybe a better title might be, “Even if I could do it, I still don’t know how”. Whenever present in schools, civic education is seen as a rather boring, unattractive, highly theoretical subject. Instead of asking “whose fault is it?” educators could work together with students to find solutions. But, to do this would mean participation, and Romania is not ready for that. Is it?
“Citizens have no real power” Yes, the system itself might be wrong. Unlike direct democracy, representative democracy gives little power to the people. Citizens are only allowed to have their say by expressing their vote, which is once in four time.
things keep going the wrong way-leaving the country. Is going to
7. The democratic(?) system aka
«Youth know how far people would go for power and social advantages.»
citizens have no control over their elected leaders. Politicians can’t be dismissed, even if they prove inefficient. So is “political participation” mere empty words?! 8 .Plan B aka “I’m going to leave this country for good” Young people have a plan B in case
study and/or work abroad a solution? For many young people who feel disappointed by Romania, the only way out is . . . out! So why bother to participate in a country which will no longer be yours anyway?! 9.Yellow journalism aka “Politics are not youthful, nor cool” Media is responsible for its sensationalist approach towards life in general. The youth are made to value things instead of ideas. The youth are encouraged to pursue personal happiness, in spite of a common cause. They are taught politics are not cool, unless, of
course, you join a party for money, power and fame. So what else do you expect? 10. No international cooperation in the field of youth participation aka “Feeling disconnected from the rest of the world” Now I expect many people to say this affirmation is not true since there are so many youth associations, youth exchanges, youth projects and youth conferences going on in the world right now. However, there are two simple questions to ask here: how many young people benefit from these opportunities, and how many of these initiatives do have a long-term impact?
Luciana Grosu, Romania
& Magazines Libertas is a digital youth magazine published by an international group of young people and supported by Youth Association creACTive. Libertas is available online and read by young
www.magazinelibertas.com. Libertas+ is a new project supported by Youth Association
along with the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. For several months, a network of young Europeans has been working to prepare special European issues of the magazine. As a result, from Janu-
March: Democracy in
Would you like to be involved as a
my local community:
part of the development of Libertas+
Role of young people April: Stereotypes and prejudices
contributor to future issues and as and Libertas magazines? If you’re interested or want to find out more, send
hello@magazinelibertas.com. With Libertas and Libertas+ you
May: Living in a multi�
have a unique chance to prepare
cultural world
skills, work together with an experi-
June: Youth for global
articles, develop your English writing enced
professional with
volunteers from around the world and share your thoughts with thousands
ary to June 2011 Libertas+ is being
of young people worldwide.
published on the following topics:
If you are interested in the financial
January: As a young person I have a right to... February: Young active citizens
support offered by the European Youth Foundation, please visit their web page at www.eyf.coe.int/fej. Vladimíra Brávková & Dragan Atanasov
Last issues of Libertas and Libertas + magazines
by Published ation Creactive soc Youth As ct-ive.org a e r c . w ww
Boyan Tabutov / Bulgaria / May Naomi Blank / Germany Daniel John Carter / Wales, UK Nevena Smilevska / Macedonia Tiberiu Iacomi / Romania Viktorina Baranova / Belarus Neal Parsons / Scotland, UK Tania Tisheva / Bulgaria Kristyna Liskova / Czech Republic Evgenia Kostyanaya / Russia Luciana Grosu / Romania
is additional European issue of the digital youth magazine LIBERTAS, published every 15th in the month with support from the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. LIBERTAS is a monthly youth magazine fully prepared by a group of young people from different countries, supported by the Youth Association creACTive (www.cre-act-ive.org). Published for the young people worldwide, LIBERTAS and LIBERTAS+ are distributed through the internet to anyone who is interested - free of charge. All texts published in LIBERTAS+ represent solely the opinions of their authors, not of the magazine, its publishers or funders. LIBERTAS, creACTive and the European Youth Foundation are not responsible in any way for the contents of the articles, or for the photos published with them.
Charlie Delhumeau
If you want to get involved feel free to contact us by e-mail at: hello@magazinelibertas.com