EDITORIAL Dear readers,
A half a year has passed since we started working on the first issue of Libertas+. Since that time we have been sharing ideas and essays dedicated to Human Rights, Active Citizenship, Democracy, Stereotypes, Prejudices and Multiculturalism. The aim of the Libertas Team is to encourage you to reflect about these issues, to share thoughts and provoke further discussion, especially around Europe. I appreciate all those wonderful articles in our magazine which takes a lot of effort from our amazing contributors from various countries, and I am very happy with the discussion of essays published on the Web and Facebook as well. Also I would like to highlight excellent work of our designer Charlie Delhumeau, proof reader Scottie Pinkster, and everyone that has been working on the Libertas web page and social networks. Here we are... fresh ideas to think about during June... the sixth issue of Libertas+ is on Youth for Global Peace. Enjoy reading and let us know your opinion on www.magazinelibertas.com.
p. 3
Peace to all and let the summer begin,
Libertas+ project
Vladimíra Brávková, coordinator
Why for god’s sake ? Dragan Atanasov / Macedonia
p. 4
Youth for Global Peace
Daniel John Carter / Wales, UK
p. 6 Pride and Ice Hockey Matches Ilona Olehlova / Czech Republic
p. 8
Incognito Tijana Mirkovic / Serbia
p. 10
The best of dreams is to dream about them
Markéta Nešporová / Czech Republic
p. 12
p. 14
Youth perspective Rada Elenkova / Bulgaria
p. 16
Intercultural learning Marija Ivanović / Slovenia
p. 18
I love my neighbours ! Vili Krumova / Bulgaria
p. 20
Book review : “1984” Georges Orwell
Nevena Smilevska / Macedonia
p. 22
Meet Your Neighbour
Lucie Cizkova / Denmark
Young Europeans
let us know if you want to see local version of Libertas+ in your country/region, and together we will try to make this come true. In the meantime, we are inviting you to read and write for our worldwide issue of Libertas, which is published at www.magazinelibertas.com every 5th in the Dear readers, Hereby we present you the last issue of Libertas+. During the last six months, Libertas+ was a regular companion of the digital youth magazine Libertas, providing space for young Europeans to share their thoughts and ideas about social topics important to the European society. This project of Libertas proved that young Europeans are interested in various social issues, and that they are ready to get actively involved in public discussions about the present and future of their communities and of the common European society. The result of the six issues was about 150 pages of articles, prepared by young people from different corners of Europe, and read by thousands of people around Europe. In the upcoming period, Libertas+ will not be published in the same form as until now. Instead, the team of Libertas will work on making impact on a more local level, by lunching national and regional issues in the future. We hope that soon we will be able to produce Libertas+ on Macedonian issues, prepared by and for Macedonian young people. Feel free to
month. At this point I would like to thank Vladimira, Charlie, Scottie, Christine, Daniel, Blathnaid, Kristijan and all other members of our team, who invested lot of time and energy in Libertas+. Even more, I would like to thank all young Europeans who left their mark on Libertas+, providing articles, reviews and other contributions. And finally, we are very thankful to the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe, who financially supported Libertas+. The European Youth Foundation supports hundreds of youth projects in Europe throughout the year. If you have an idea for a youth project that you want to implement, feel free to check their web page; EYF provides grants for a wide range of projects, from publications, through seminars, trainings and other types of youth gatherings, to innovative pilot projects. More information is available at www.eyf.coe.int/fey. Our Libertas+ team wishes you a future with many brave ideas and active involvement in the construction of a common Europe and united world!
Dragan Atanasov, Macedonia
Youth for global peace One hard fact of life is the the youth are our future. The values and beliefs we install into them will
become the values and beliefs of our facist values across Europe are our multicultural acceptance and undersfuture. Every society has known this youth going to grow into isolates tanding. I believe this is due to all the since the dawn of time and this is why pockets of fear? Which in time will young people in the area generally massive amounts resources though- lead to war. If so, how can we attending the same schools year in,
tout time have gone on the education combat this and what can we do to year out. They grew up together, and devlopment of our youth. From intergrate different sections of socie- played together, understand and teaching your son to hunt when man ties, nations, the globe? first rose to the academic qualifications need to run the corporate
have no fear of each other. Remove the fear, develop an interest and
My personal belief is that understand into things that are ‘diffe-
buisness’ of todays modern world. regular intercultural dialogue from a rent’ from the norm, and peace can Yet, how does this affect society? young age is the answer. In the florish. And how does it affect the way we Cardiff, Wales the least racism existsin the most react to the societies around us? The United Nations states that diverse ‘Youth, peace and development are areas.
closely interlinked: Peace enables side in Cardiff is development, which is critical in one of the most
providing opportunities for young diverse areas in people, particularly those in countries the country and emerging from conflict’.So if peace is although crucal for youth development, surely deprived
its the youth’s devlopment is crucal for with problems has a peace?
With the rise of right wing politics and long history of
“Peace enables development”
In this day and age informa- we should all do all we can to try and tion,
are get the young people we represent
everywhere and the youth are the meeting new and exciting young most easily influenced targets of people from across the global. One them all. Jale Sultanli states that someone understands something, ‘Youth
routinely they no longer fear it and without fear
exposed to propaganda pumped the risk of war is significantly lower. through media, but they are also As Christie Y.Jeyanandan from Battirecipients of information in schools caloa, Sri Lanka said "Youth are the and
further future leaders. They have to be iden-
reinforces the enemy image through tified and let take part in peace history classes’.The fact is that building. They can be manipulated those who wish to maintain there easily and misused. The youth agressive values and beliefs blast should be handled carefully and them at the youth on a huge scale selected to share the space for 24/7. These organisations, their peace. If we plant the seeds for work and partnerships are some of peace in their minds, we can put the the small steps we have today to try county on the path to peace. They and combat this ‘brain washing’.
How can this be achieved on a wider global scale? In the new age of technology, the world is getting smaller. We have seen how the internet and social networks have help to facilitate the revolutions of North Africa. We can also see how that can
All we can do as people is reflect on our own opinions of other cultures, put them to the back of our
are the key to peace of a country."
Daniel John Carter, Wales, UK
mind and do all we can to facilitate intercultural dialogue, understanding and respect. On a local and global level. The funding exists and
unite groups who blieve in peace across the world. The Youth Federation for World Peace is one such organisation training and exchanging young peace ambassidors around the world. Within Europe exist many organisations who exist to foster young peoples devleopment and create a peaceful future through choice. KreACTive (MK), NoLabelProject (Czech & Slovak), Academy for
Cardiff Youth
(Wales, UK), just to name a few.
Partnerships between such organisa-
tions are creating intercultural dialo-
gue between young people on mas-
sive scale like never before.
Pride and Ice Hockey Matches A few years back before I came to Balkans I was thinking that we (Czechs) should be much more proud and do a better job of showing that we like our country. Moreover I was thinking that sometimes we are just speaking and speaking and in the end the conclusion is that everything is somebody else’s fault – France, Great Britain, USA or Russia. Yes, it is convenient to come from the middle of Europe – there is always a lot other people to blame for everything that happens to your country. Now after almost three years in the Balkans I am happy that we are mostly just proud in the moments when our national ice hockey team is
used the wrong name of one of the
.Too Much History in One countries I’ve mentioned above. According others the lists above Russia. I started to appreciate even Room winning and beating for example
more that we are just speaking and I have nothing against history but I should be shorter because one blaming and not fighting.
think in many cases it is just some- above mentioned country is not
thing what complicates everything country but what’s more than sure is and prevents people to start from the fact that each of them was BIG in beginning. Of course we should history or would like to BIG or even
Before I answer my question I would know our backgrounds that we are BIGGER… like to just explain what I am doing in coming from, to know “our roots” but And the most important point is that the Balkans. The easiest explanation while in one moment you have one all these issues - about names, counis that I am connecting people - room with people from Albania, tries and borders are preventing young people. I am leading training Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, young people in one room to recogcourses and youth exchanges during Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro nize that they are facing the same which people from different countries and Serbia it is better to open the problems and challenges - poor have chance to meet, discover and window and let the history go out.
education system, high unemploy-
learn something new and unfortu- Why? Because according to some I ment, getting jobs through connecnately also sometimes fight. How it is
tions, restricted possibilities to travel
and study abroad programs and
«I learned to be quiet» 6
moreover the fact that the history is being misused in their countries to cover all these problems.
.Do not mess with the Balkans
.We Know Nothing About Each Other But We Are Sure That Others Are The Bad Ones
During my time in the Balkans I learned some lessons even if
It is hard to say but just few of us are
some people think that I havn’t.
able to see others as individuals.
I learned to close my mouth. I
More often or even always people
learned to be quiet. I learned not to
start to “hate” others just after they hear somebody’s name and where they’re from. It is really so easy? Yes.
.No “Bright” Future
It is because there are things that There is no such thing as a “bright which cannot be forgotten and future”. Maybe it’s too pessimistic forgiven, a guy once explained to me. but when a 20 year old guy says to Yes. But how can somebody who you that he is scared that he will was around five years old be held never celebrate his 25th birthday responsible for what happened I because his grandfather and father asked. He is. The answer changed both died young during conflicts; or everything. There is no chance to when a girl studying and working in openly work in one team. No chance a NGO says that she hates others
argue. Why? Because I am from Czech Republic and I cannot understand and I should not mess with things, people tell me. The thing is that people who are using this argument are partly right. I am from Czech and I do not know the story. I also don’t believe that Czechs should be more proud. I think that it is good to keep it for ice hockey matches.
to discuss some issues. No chances just because they are coming from to discover that everything can be another country. Do you think that different.
there is a reason for optimism?
Ilona Olehlova, Czech Republic
«Too much history in one room»
Incognito Sometimes it seems to me that we Most of the time I hear stories from That is how they teach us, You are are in a theatre watching actors who adults how good it was to be here, and They are there. Then there act, wanting to think that everything is together and how safe they felt, and is a question why do young people temporary, and unfortunately it’s not. I felt scared and unsafe. Why, have so much hatred between each because no one told me the other other? The answer is silence. When you are young, you don’t side of the story. Sadly most young They don’t have a chance to hear the understand what adults are talking people from Ex-Yugoslavia don’t other story, some other information. about, but it’s the only story you can know the story beyond the borders. When you have just one side of the hear. Next to television, newspapers, Yes, today maybe better than ten story it’s normal you’re going to media, everyone is talking about You years ago, but it’s far from good. believe in it, especially if there is only and about Them and about a border,
silence on the other side.
which for most us is more than just a This border, it’s not only a line on the map, no, the border is a big gap that You would be surprised if I told you In some moments you are together young people often bypass and how many young people yearn for and strong, and in others you are throw rubbish into it. This "border" the old story where they are happy line on the map.
apart and full of hate towards each once was the connection, and now it and together, but they are just scared other. Then you ask yourself, what’s separates. For me personally it’s to make a move. It’s good to know wrong, why is this happening?
difficult to watch all the garbage that that silence can talk if you try to listen. is collected years back. This is why it’s important to talk about
«Silence can talk if you try to listen»
it, to be brave, and make a bridge which will help new generations feel
free and connect with other young
It was not easy, it won’t be easy, but
people, and make some friendships,
we are the ones who can make a
love, the peace that once existed.
change, who will make a change.
The more people that cross over that
The power is now in our hands, and
big gap, the better the chance you
it’s time to be brave and cross over
have to be happier. It is important that
the borders that we have.
you can always choose, as two sides of the story is always better than one.
Believe me, I did it, and the feeling is priceless, you can do it to.
Tijana Mirkovic, Serbia
«The border is a big gap» 9
The best of dreams is to dream about them “I will work as a seller of
I´d also had a small dream, Right now I am working as a volun-
balloons. I will travel with my com- to organize an exhibition. Thinking teer in the Educational centre of pany to all festivals and fairs to sell about castles in the air is quite easy Macedonian Red Cross. It resides in balloons and listen to the music and funny, but it always takes many Shuto Orizari, the Roma part of there. I will have a house in Shutka hours walking, falling asleep, smok- Skopje. Most of the clients are Roma and maybe a family, but most of my ing on a balcony or having a shower children – refugees from Kosovo, life I will be travelling.” Told me the to create a useful idea and dare to which have found their temporary or eleven years old Erdžan, when I share it with somebody else. Fortu- permanent home in Shutka. Every asked him, what is in his picture. It nately all the conditions seem so child here, as well as every child took me a while to understand it; I ideal, that this dream was one from everywhere, is an artist, so my work had never imagined my future as a the small numbers of implemented was only to think out a topic. When I balloon seller. “And do you think you ideas.
asked them tentatively with my bad
will be happy after that?” “I don´t
Macedonian to paint something on
know, maybe I will have another
“Dreams about my future” some of
them did not understand me and those who understood anyway didn´t know what I wanted. I really wondered how many of them decided to sit, take a brush (sometimes first time in their life) and start painting. I still think that most of them only wanted to pleasure me, but who cares? In the end none of them had any problems to imagine a dreamed future and depict it. My expectation was that because of the pure material rear and missing models, the major part of the children has only modest
and undemanding dreams. But I
wondered for the second time. There to make their dreams come true. I were normal as well as many abnor- think the best dream is to dream mal children imaginations in the about them. Actually they have thirteen pictures they had created. already met at least the condition of The final result was about two teach- living place. Shuto Orizari and its ers, two hairdressers, two program- inhabitants are really friendly to mers, one pilot, one Red Cross everybody – refugees, tourists and employee, two doctors, one film also foreign volunteers. director, one Michael Jackson and one Santa Claus. When I asked them to write something more about their future visions, I realized, that most of them wanted to travel the World. The most popular
Paris, the USA and Mecca. They will
I had never imagined my future as a balloon seller
have wives and husbands (beautiful
During the exhibition preparaand handy in the household of tive works I doubted many times, if it course), but they would prefer to hadn´t been better to keep also this
travel alone. The material posses- idea only in my head. All my imaginasions included: many BMWs, com- tions about perfect mounts, faultless puters, cats and houses but also a picture descriptions or huge opening rabbit, a big computer company or a event had gradually disappeared and plane. “And what about Shutka? Are I just wanted to survive and finish. you going to leave this amazing Luckily everybody I have cooperated
place?” They usually hesitated but with as well as all people in Macedoexcept the seven years old Bedri who nia I have met were absolutely helpful wants to be Santa Claus in Kosovo and opened to all “volunteer´s crazy everybody agreed with me. “Yes, ideas”. The exhibition called “My Shutka is the most beautiful place for dreams, my visions, my future” was living I don´t want to move from here!” held in Youth Association creACTive, I am not sure that I wish them Skopje from 4. to 11. May and now,
backward, I am glad for it of course. I hope that the visitors had possibility to learn a little about Roma children, or more about children´s dreams globally, because, as I´ve realized, it has no sense to make any generalizing differences between Shutka´s and
Maybe some of the guests thought shortly about their own dreams and maybe some of them decided to make a dream true. At least a small one.
Markéta Nešporová, Czech Republic
photos: Charie Delhumeau
Meet Your Neighbour… and Peace Will Follow Learning through Peaceful Global Encounters in Denmark “Your name is Hiroshi and you come to understand why Czechoslovakia Edis from Ghana who is dancing with from Japan. The first person you see is no longer Czechoslovakia if ice joy because he has just been when you wake up the morning is hockey fans of the Czech Republic accepted to a Danish university. The Bea, your half Israeli half American and of Slovakia pretty much cheer two of you encourage everyone in the girlfriend whom you met four months for each other’s teams, no hard “Band playing” class to have a jam ago. During breakfast you have a feelings. There’s no easier way to session
long discussion with Henrik from find out than to ask Klára who’s instrument koto and Edis’ drums play Denmark about the role of social Czech or her roommate Jana who is the lead. Before dinner you get media in the recent events in the Slovak. The next lesson you have is together with Marcos from Brazil Middle East. During your morning “Environmental Studies” and your because you have to make a “Facilitation”
teacher Danish teacher Nina together with presentation for your “Peace and
Rimma from Ukraine once again the caretaker Lasse present their Conflict Studies” class and you have challenges
shyness experiment
through a series of participatory different
three a hard time agreeing about whether
composting to use PowerPoint or Prezi to deliver
exercises. The morning assembly, systems. This class is a dirty job but the presentation in front of the class, that brings 72 students from 30 it’s a lot of fun and everybody is which
different countries together called excited to see what comes out of the Iranian/German teacher Ati.” “Morning touching
Fellowship”, for
very project. Today’s lunch is presented
You don’t need to wake up.
Your by Branka who is originally Bosnian This is not a dream. Your name might
Canadian teacher John announces but now holds a Danish citizenship not be Hiroshi but all the encounters, that 237 Euros have been collected and who is one of the four people situations,
among the students and staff to working in the kitchen. On the way subjects mentioned and countries support the victims of the recent to your afternoon class you run into represented in the story above are as earthquake in your home country, Japan. “Current Affairs”, the class that your girlfriend Bea is taking with Jacques, a teacher from France, presents the daily news and you try
«How to live
peacefully together»
«People who represent all corners of the planet» real as the armchair I’m sitting in now. The space around me is called the “Common Room” and it’s the heart of a residential school of non-formal adult learning that is located in Helsingør, the town of Hamlet’s Castle. “To be or not to be” was Hamlet’s major dilemma while the students and staff of the International People’s College (IPC) are trying to learn “how to be” and mainly “how to live peacefully together”. Every half a year IPC provides the learning space for all those who have chosen to dedicate a few months of their lives to learning more about themselves
of and
and dedication that has to be invested into the process?
apathy. The world shrinks the very moment when you share your
A stay at the International People’s
everyday (24 hours a day, seven
College in Denmark might not bring
days a week) with people who
peace to the conflict areas of the
represent all corners of the planet –
world but it certainly “generates”
how can you NOT care about what is
people who appreciate diversity and
going on in the other side of the
see a value and enrichment in
world if you closest friend has his
family there? How can you remain
constructive, positive and peaceful
ignorant about tensions related to
way. The job has been done for 90
your girlfriend ethnic background?
years and the need for it hasn’t
How can you wish not to solve
diminished a bit since 1921.
conflicts peacefully if you have tried that it can be done and it can be
Lucie Cizkova, Denmark
enriching in spite of the hard work
through a close encounter with “differences”; differences in mother tongue,
upbringing, opinion,
background, culture,
worldview, personal
family political
communication style, daily routine patterns,
«You don’t need to wake up. This is
not a dream»
passions. Differences that challenge preconceived ideas, stereotypes,
photo - Paleontour, flickr
Youth perspective on the importance of using the gender rights perspective in sexuality education.
“Wait until you grow up” Young people today are a signifi- larger community.
Young people skills, . In CSE young people are no
cant part of the world’s population. are the future of every society but longer passive receivers of informaIn fact, our number has never been when does our role of having tion but rather they are actively higher. But what does it mean to be a agency and freedom over decisions involved in a creative process of young person? Young people in both that affect our lives become active sharing and giving opinions, initiadeveloped and developing coun
when we are often given the advice: tives, activities, etc. The skills young
tries are marginalized in terms of their “Wait until you grow up”?
people develop as part of sex educa-
day-to-day experience of economic The provision of Comprehensive tion are linked to more general and social inequality. There is a miss- Sexuality Education (CSE) in this life-skills. Being able to communiing opportunity for young people to respect is an essential element of cate, listen, negotiate with others, ask take control over their lives and the young people’s lives. Providing sex for and identify sources of help and chance to contribute to the processes education that has an integral rights advice, are useful life-skills which can of decision-making on policy and and gender based approach is be applied to sexual relationships. programmes that concern and affect effective in that it includes opportuni- CSE aqurately reflects on the need of them, as well as their families and the ties for young people to develop the young people as it teaches them
their rights through realizing them.
tities and to respect others within a
The UN Convention on the Rights of
context of non-discrimination. ‘Stud-
the Child states that children and
ies from both developing and devel-
young people have the right to enjoy
oped countries confirm that young
the highest attainable health, access
people who believe in gender equal-
to health facilities (Article 24), and
access to information which will allow
them to make decisions about their
contrast, those young people who
health (Article 17), including family
hold less egalitarian attitudes tend to
planning (Article 24). Young people
have worse sexual health outcomes.
also have the right to be heard,
For example, young people who
express opinions and be involved in
believe that males should be “tough”
decision making (Article 12). They
and should hold more power than
have the right to education which will
females are less likely to use
help them learn, develop and reach
condoms or contraception and more
their full potential and prepare them
likely to have multiple sex partners.
to be understanding and tolerant
They are also more likely to be in
towards others (Article 29). Addition-
intimate relationships that involve
ally, young people have the right not
violence. Females in relationships
to be discriminated against (Article
with a high level of male control are
better than
sexual their
“Young people are the future of every society” CSE
also more likely to report HIV and
approach to issues such as gender.
It is important since gender theories
reflecting this constellation of gender
have given thorough explanation on
inequality and poor sexual health are
the negative impact that gender
studies showing that intimate partner
stereotypes have on people’s ability
violence is associated with higher
to decide on their own sexual lives.
This is essential as in reality tens of
STIs, and HIV.
millions girls are not given the
These findings make clear that
chance to choose when to start their
young people need chances to learn
sex life, whom to marry and how to
about gender equality and human
plan their pregnancy.
The same
rights, particularly because these
applies to boys also – they are pres-
issues affect their sexual lives, and
sured to confront and comply with
indeed, their happiness. The whole
gender stereotypes about manhood
society also benefits, as young
and men’s role in society. That is
people grow up tolerant, caring and
why the realization of the sexual
able to protect themselves and to
rights among young people will give
reproduce positive principles. Also,
them the safety to freely express
negative social phenomena such as
their needs and attitudes towards
domestic violence, social exclusion,
gender and sex, to protect their iden-
and poverty are challenged.
Rada Elenkova / Bulgaria
Sources: J. Harvey, “Citizens of the globe and aliens at home”. IPPF Framework for comprehensive sexuality education. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/spl/hi/gui des/456900/456998/html/default.stm www.un.org/esa/socdev/unyin/documen ts/ch11.pdf, p.305
Intercultural learning under the Macedonian sun (well, it was mostly cloudy) We were failing at every single game where we had to work as a team. Well, through sessions we learned how to work as a team, which styles of leadership we should apply in different situation, how to enhance For me it all started on Saturday morning a week before Easter while I was preparing for a psychiatry exam. I saw a note from my
Days before our departure were our creativity. We learned as well how passing by quickly and I had all this to get team members motivated, how unanswered questions in my head. to build a good team etc. In short, we How will it be? How will the Balkans learned a lot of practical things for
only one spot left for the Youth in
work together? How will we commu- team work. But for me the most nicate with each other? Will I learn important knowledge I got on this trip
Action training (YiA) in Macedonia. I
colleague Dejan that said that there is
hardly knew anything about YiA program but anyway I applied for it.
was about cultural differences and how to consider it when working as a
I clearly remember our first days. team. When I came to the training I was
together. There are so many stereotypes about every nation (and not all of them are good) and as well there is some tension between some nations from the Balkans. But I have to admit, I was worried for nothing. We discussed our stereotypes in a funny
“People who don’t care what my nationality is” 16
way, so there were no hard feelings. One of the participants asked me at What’s more we laughed so hard the very end of the training was it about that topic. And tension? I worth it? All the money they put in, learned that it is all fake, that the all the effort? Before I took the traintension is just a ghost that is some- ing I would probably say that the YiA times prevents us to work as one, to project is throwing money out a work as a dream team.
window. But now, when I experi-
Some of you may say that it enced the training that changed my was just luck, that I just had a chance opinion on working in intercultural to work with so many good people. group. . . it is worth it! And of all the With people who don`t care what my participants, if I am the only one nationality is. Yes, each one of us whose opinion was changed . . . it is was representing firstly ourselves but still worth it! after that we all represented our countries. We all just needed a good p.s: sorry but I have to go now to opportunity to work together, to work search for another empty spot in the
will the Balkans work together?”
as a successful team. I learned that next YiA training ;) we are ready to work together, and not just at the trainings but as well in a »real« world in everyday situations.
Marija Ivanović, Slovenia
I love my neighbours! I love Balkan countries! Can you work in a team? – Sure, Then where is the key to success? I
same for everyone’s philosophy of
but can you do it with different people found it in some very easy steps to
life. It always has two sides. Finally
from Balkan countries? Absolutely! follow:
you are at the top! This is the
First of all LISTEN and HEAR. It’s
Definitely YES!
As to my experience in Macedonia easy to talk and listen, but some-
moment when you can reach a real, improved dialogue!
of a Training Course about how to times we are just talking and missing
My personal evaluation is that we
work as team, it is not a big deal, the others point in order to express
are very unique in our personalities,
especially for Balkan people. Why? ourselves clearly or just because we
strong characters but the same
We are all the same not only as are so sure that our point is ‘the
(basic) background. We need to
human beings, but as Balkans. We correct one’. After that you need to
shake this communistic way of
have the same traditions, the same UNDERSTAND the person who
thinking for our own environment
stereotypes, the same dance with a stands opposite you, to realize their
and for our lives and careers. We
common opinion and open your mind to
need to open our eyes to the future,
culture and a huge similarity in our another way of thinking, because
to work together for a better life in
‘right’ does not always mean the
the Balkans. I hope that’s going to
ÂŤFirst of all LISTEN and HEARÂť happened, maybe one day our grandchildren will have a Balkan union and all of its benefits.
Vili Krumova, Bulgaria
The beatings grew less frequent, and became mainly a threat, a horror to which he could be sent back at any moment when his answers were unsatisfactory. His questioners now were not ruffians in black uniforms but Party intellectuals, little rotund men with quick movements and flashing spectacles, who worked on him in relays over periods which lasted -he thought, he could not be sure -- ten or twelve hours at a stretch. These other questioners saw to it that he was in constant slight pain, but it was not chiefly pain that they relied on. They slapped his face, wrung his ears, pulled his hair, made him stand on one leg, refused him leave to urinate, shone glaring lights in his face until his eyes ran with water; but the aim of this was simply to humiliate him and destroy his power of arguing and reasoning. Their real weapon was the merciless questioning that went on and on, hour after hour, tripping him up, laying traps for him, twisting everything that he said, convicting him at every step of lies and self-contradiction until he began weeping as much from shame as from nervous fatigue. Sometimes he would weep half a dozen times in a single session. Most of the time they screamed abuse at him and threatened at every hesitation to deliver him over to the guards again; but sometimes they would suddenly change their tune, call him comrade, appeal to him in the name of Ingsoc and Big Brother, and ask him sorrowfully whether even now he had not enough loyalty to the Party left to make him wish to undo the evil he had done. When his nerves were in rags after hours of questioning, even this appeal could reduce him to snivelling tears. In the end the nagging voices broke him down more completely than the boots and fists of the guards. He became simply a mouth that uttered, a hand that signed, whatever was demanded of him. His sole concern was to find out what they wanted him to confess, and then confess it quickly, before the bullying started anew. He confessed to the assassination of eminent Party members, the distribution of seditious pamphlets, embezzlement of public funds, sale of military secrets, sabotage of every kind. He confessed that he had been a spy in the pay of the Eastasian government as far back as 1968. He confessed that he was a religious believer, an admirer of capitalism, and a sexual pervert. He confessed that he had murdered his wife, although he knew, and his questioners must have known, that his wife was still alive. He confessed that for years he had been in personal touch with Goldstein and had been a member of an underground organization which had included almost every human being he had ever known. It was easier to confess everything and implicate everybody. Besides, in a sense it was all true. It was true that he had been the enemy of the Party, and in the eyes of the Party there was no distinction between the thought and the deed. There were also memories of another kind. They stood out in his mind disconnectedly, like pictures with blackness all round them.
Book review
“ 1984 ” Georges Orwell
He was in a cell which might have been either dark or light, because he could see nothing except a pair of eyes. Near at hand some kind of instrument was ticking slowly and regularly. The eyes grew larger and more luminous. Suddenly he floated out of his seat, dived into the eyes, and was swallowed up.
He was strapped into a chair surrounded by dials, under dazzling lights. A man in a white coat was reading the dials. There was a tramp of heavy boots outside. The door clanged open. The waxed-faced officer marched in, followed by two guards. 'Room 101,' said the officer. The man in the white coat did not turn round. He did not look at Winston either; he was looking only at the dials.
He was rolling down a mighty corridor, a kilometre wide, full of glorious, golden light, roaring
When it comes to George Orwell’s “1984” we can speak about a multitude of themes, because it is such a deep book and so fraught with meaning that no matter how many times I read it, I find another aspect to look at it from. Whether it’s the love story of the lead characters, the casual acceptance of the lack of (nowadays) common things, like coffee, wine or sugar, to the thought of the entire World being divided into just three countries, this book can be a basis and inspiration for numerous discussions. This time though, I would like to look at it from the aspect of peace, or the lack of it. At first, when I thought of peace, I
decided that I would have to think first about what peace is for me, in order to be able to write something about it. At first, it seems pretty easy - peace is feeling peaceful. But then, where does feeling peaceful come from? Is it from within? Or from the outside? Is it a state of mind for one person, or for the entire society? All of these are very deep questions, to which I will not even try to give answers in this short article, simply because space doesn’t allow it. But, thinking about all these questions, the answers that came to my mind somehow connected to
George Orwell’s masterpiece “1984”. The reason I thought of it is because the main character lives in a society where there is no peace of any kind. In this imaginary society, the peace of one’s home is impossible to reach, being unable to turn off the television screen, or being afraid your children will misunderstand the casual conversation you had with your spouse and alert the Thought police of your “anti-state activities”, to the constant notion of being at war with one or the other country that the Government imposes on its citizens. So how can one have peace of what-
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ever kind, whether it is peace of mind, or peace in the society or the home, when one is constantly afraid of being taken away by the Thought police, knowing that they see people disappearing every day, and being a little smarter than the rest, they know what is happening to them and where they are being taken - the Ministry of Love, misleadingly named after the opposite of what it promotes hate. The book speaks of brainwashed people, who the fictional government of the country Eurasia constantly lies to, disturbs and controls, imposing fear on them, breaking the sacred love of a family, the irreplaceable peace of the home and not allowing free choice. It also speaks of what happens to those who are a little too smart to be brainwashed. I cannot begin to grasp what it would feel like if you thought your country is at war, all the time not knowing what the war is fought for,
who exactly it is against, where the battles are happening and when it began or when it might end. Living a meaningless life, filled with meaningless, but mandatory activities and no possibility of free thoughts or having a loving partner, and on top of that, having the thought of permanent war imposed on you. What would your choices be if you lived in such a country? Would you have any choices at all? Lots of people I have discussed this book with, argued that such things happen all the time in real life, and in most societies. I cannot say I fully disagree, but I choose to keep my peace of mind and refuse to be implanted with fear or hate, as long as I can keep my quality of life and the love and peace within my home. I think that, if I cannot change what is happening, and it does not have any impact on me or the people around me, I might as well choose to be happy and peaceful, instead of living in fear
and misery. Whatever your opinion on the previously stated, I strongly recommend reading this book to everyone who has not done so yet, because reading the very plastic description of imaginary Eurasia where no one has peace of mind, changed the way I look at my own society where at least I am free to choose to have peace of mind and peace at home, while at the same time having peace in the country, as much as possible. Nevena Smilevska, Macedonia
routard05, flickr
by Published ation Creactive soc Youth As ct-ive.org a e r c . w ww
Daniel John Carter / Wales, UK Ilona Olehlova / Czech Republic Tijana Mirkovic / Serbia Markéta Nešporová / Czech Republic Lucie Cizkova, Denmark Rada Elenkova / Bulgaria Marija Ivanović / Slovenia Vili Krumova / Bulgaria Nevena Smilevska / Macedonia Young Europeans
is additional European issue of the digital youth magazine LIBERTAS, published every 15th in the month with support from the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. LIBERTAS is a monthly youth magazine fully prepared by a group of young people from different countries, supported by the Youth Association creACTive (www.cre-act-ive.org). Published for the young people worldwide, LIBERTAS and LIBERTAS+ are distributed through the internet to anyone who is interested - free of charge. All texts published in LIBERTAS+ represent solely the opinions of their authors, not of the magazine, its publishers or funders. LIBERTAS, creACTive and the European Youth Foundation are not responsible in any way for the contents of the articles, or for the photos published with them.
If you want to get involved feel free to contact us by e-mail at: hello@magazinelibertas.com
Charlie Delhumeau