12th District AMEC | 2012 Quadrennial Report

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Forty-ninth Session of the GENERAL CONFERENCE AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Nashville, Tennessee June 27, 2012 – July 4, 2012

“God First”

Quadrennial Report


“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” – Matthew 6:33 Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. Presiding Prelate Mrs. Phyllis N. Green Episcopal Supervisor


he Renaissance that occurred in the 17th century in Italy was a time of new thought and expression that transformed modern society. Renaissance is the only term fitting to describe the transformation that has occurred in the 12th Episcopal District over this past quadrennium. We have embraced new thoughts and ideas as we attempt to be on the cutting edge of relevant ministries to Impact the World for Christ...

Quadrennial Focus

“God First”

“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; And all these things shall be added unto you.” – Matthew 6:33

Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. Presiding Prelate of 12th Episcopal District President of the Council of Bishops

2008 “Seeking to Serve God in a More Excellent Way” 2009 “Empowering Kingdom Leaders for the Future” 2010 “Walking in Your Spiritual Authority” 2011 “Releasing the Power Within” 2012

Twelfth Episcopal District Organization Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. Mrs. Phyllis N. Green Mrs. Fredia Hanley-Johnson Ms. Yvonne Stovall Mrs. Joyce Bracy Vaughan Mrs. Charolett Martin Mrs. Brenda Fields Mr. Brandon Sims Mr. David Fielding Mrs. Freda Davis The Reverend Willie R. Norful, Sr. Mrs. Lyndajo D. Jones Dr. Katherine Phillips Mitchell The Reverend Larry Banks The Reverend Dr. Roy Jones, Jr. The Reverend Napoleon Davis The Reverend Michael Washington Mr. Ben Hall The Reverend Roger Alford Mrs. Patricia Gilkey The Reverend James R. Hooper The Reverend Michael Scroggins The Reverend Angela Brewster The Reverend Gregory Nettles The Reverend Marcia Burns The Reverend Ouida P. Pierson The Reverend Thurston B. Lamb Mrs. Saundra Lucas The Reverend Norma Gillom The Reverend Harvey Potts The Reverend Chestine Sims The Reverend James McLaughlin The Reverend Mary Williams

Presiding Prelate Episcopal Supervisor President, CONN-M-SWAWO Corresponding Secretary, Connectional WMS Chaplain, Connectional Lay Organization President, Women’s Missionary Society Director, Young People’s Division President, Young People’s Division President, Lay Organization President, M-SWAWO Chair, Board of Examiners District Commissioner DMC President, Shorter College Chair, Board of Christian Education Director, Board of Christian Education Superintendent, Church School Director, Sons of Allen President, Sons of Allen Public Relations Director Public Relations Director President, Presiding Elders Council RAYAC Coordinator President, Women in Ministry President, Ministerial Alliance Coordinator, Conference Secretaries Coordinator, Ecumenical Relations (OK) Coordinator, Ecumenical Relations (AR) Health Coordinator (OK) Health Coordinator (AR) Church Growth & Evangelism (OK) Church Growth & Evangelism (AR) Social Action (OK) Social Action (AR)

12th District Presiding Elders

12th District Lay Executive Board

Presiding Elders The Reverend Thomas G. Allen The Reverend Eugene Brannon The Reverend Johnny Kelley The Reverend James R. Hooper The Reverend Clarence Reynolds The Reverend Clarence Guy The Reverend Marcellus Fields The Reverend Roger Alford The Reverend James H. Giles, Sr. The Reverend James H. Thomas The Reverend Nolan Watson

North Little Rock/Fort Smith District Little Rock District Little Rock/Jonesboro District Camden/El Dorado District Arkadelphia District Hot Springs District East Oklahoma District West Oklahoma District Crossett District Pine Bluff/Helena District Monticello/Warren District

Episcopal Staff The Reverend Eugene Brannon The Reverend Tyrone Broomfield The Reverend D. Lavel Crawford Mrs. Anita E. Brannon

Finance Manager Treasurer Accountant Office Manager

Twelfth Episcopal District Offices 604 North Locust Street / North Little Rock, AR 72114 Post Office Box 147 / Little Rock, AR 72203-0147 Office: 501.375.4310 / Fax: 501.375.0306 www.12thdistrictame.com

Acknowlegements One of the greatest honors of Bishop Green’s life has been fathering three sons: Samuel Jr., Adam, and Stephen. Bishop Green strives to meet his family’s spiritual needs but feels it is important to be more of a father than a bishop in his home. He appreciates the closeness they all share and never hesitates in expressing his love or pride in their accomplishments. The members of the Twelfth Episcopal District have been empowered to renew their faith and personal relationship with God through spiritual opportunities in worship experiences, forums, workshops and seminars under the leadership of Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. Bishop Green’s thematic scripture, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; And all these things shall be added unto you.” – Matthew 6:33, has lead the Twelfth District to a renaissance that has changed the face of the District as it strives to Impact the World for Christ. Throughout this document are highlights of this renaissance journey God has lead through this anointed, dynamic, inspirational, motivational and charismatic leader. Special Thanks to Episcopal Supervisor Phyllis N. Green for accepting the appointment of Episcopal Supervisor of the Twelfth Episcopal District. Through her leadership, the Women’s Missionary Society, Young People’s Division, Minister’s Spouses and PK’s ministries have soared to new heights. Thank you Supervisor Phyllis for being a compassionate, innovative, and inspirational leader.

Adam, Samuel Jr., and Stephen Green

Mrs. Phyllis N. Green Episcopal Supervisor

Accomplisments 2008 - 2012 Spiritual Renewal and Evangelism • The Renaissance of Evangelism • The Renaissance of Christian Education • “The Rebirth” of Shorter College • The Renaissance of Young Adult Ministry • The Renaissance of Service • The Renaissance of Stewardship, Financial Responsibility, and Communication • The Renaissance of Church Growth and Development

Spiritual Renewal & Evangelism

“GOD FIRST” Holy Convocation and Pastors Conferences

The transformation of the former Twelfth District Mid-Year Conferences into the “God First” Holy Convocation and Pastors Conferences by Bishop Green serves as a model for the global Christian Community. Three days of teaching, preaching, worship and fellowship were specifically designed to prepare attendees for Kingdom Impact. Additionally, attendees were equipped with tools to lead them to spiritual renewal and service under the themes: Seeking to Serve God in a More Excellent Way (2009), Empowering Kingdom Leaders for the Future (2010), Walking in Your Spiritual Authority (2011), and Releasing the Power Within (2012). The nationally known, premier preachers and workshop presenters that were invited to share with the Twelfth Episcopal District are listed below: Bishop John R. Bryant Bishop Adam J. Richardson Bishop John White The Reverend Dr. William Watley Pastor Sheryl Brady The Reverend Dr. Cecelia Bryant The Reverend Dr. Frank M. Reid, III Mr. Charles W. Buffington, Jr. The Reverend Dr. James Carter Wade The Reverend Dr. Michael Bell The Reverend Dr. Jessica K. Ingram The Reverend Dr. Grainger Browning The Reverend Dr. David W. Green, Sr. The Reverend Russell St. Bernard The Reverend Samuel L. Green, Jr. The Reverend Dr. Jasper Williams, Jr. Teresa Fry-Brown, Ph.D. The Reverend Jimmy Thompson The Reverend Tony Lee The Reverend Joel C. Gregory, Ph.D

Bishop Gregory Ingram Bishop Vashti M. McKenzie The Reverend Dr. Robert Smith The Reverend Dr. Walter Richardson The Reverend Dr. Jamal H. Bryant Dr. Samuel R. Chand Reverend Dr. Anthony Reed Reverend Cassandra Hall Reverend Kevin Murriel Pastor Marvin Sapp The Reverend Dr. Carolyn Showell Pastor Smokie Norful The Reverend Candice Austin-Wynn The Reverend Dr. Lance Watson The Reverend Dr. Floyd Flake The Reverend Dr. Jo Ann Browning Melvin Blackmon The Reverend Dr. James F. Miller Bishop Liston Page II The Reverend Gwendolyn E. Boyd

Premier Preachers and Workshop Presenters

Holy Convocation 2009 Tulsa, Oklahoma

Holy Convocation 2010 Tulsa, Oklahoma Additionally, the music ministry of the “God First” Holy Convocation and Pastors Conferences moved to a higher level each year. This is a testament of our dedicated musicians and members of the 12th Episcopal District Mass Choir, guest Minister of Music, Michael Thompson and guest Music Director, Gerry Thompson. We were further blessed with the gift of music from National Gospel Recording Artists, Carolyn Traylor, Lowell Pye, and Myron Butler. The 2010 Holy Convocation and Pastors Conference was recordbreaking and included the Live Recording Concert of “How I Got Over: Songs That Carried Us” by Pastor Smokie Norful, the 12th Episcopal District Mass Choir and gospel recording artists: Melvin Williams, Vanessa Bell Armstrong, Sheri Jones Moffett, Joe Ligon, Myron Butler and Keshia McFarland. The recording received two Stellar Awards: “Traditional CD of the Year” and Pastor Smokie Norful received “Traditional Male Vocalist of the Year”. Moreover, the 12th Episcopal District’s God First Holy Convocations were a spiritual vanguard that served as an example of innovative Kingdom Ministry, Impacting the World for Christ.

Bishop Green at 12th District Live Recording

Stellar Awards for “How I Got Over” Recording

Holy Convocation 2011 Tulsa, Oklahoma

Holy Convocation 2012 Tulsa, Oklahoma

The Renaissance of

Evangelism And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. Acts 2:1-2 Like a mighty rushing wind, the Pentecost Revival swept through the 12th, beginning in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, May 31-June 2, 2009, at Avery Chapel and concluding in Arkansas at the Pine Bluff Convention Center, June 3-5, 2009. The Evangelists for the Revival were The Reverend Dr. Jasper W. Williams, Jr., The Reverend Dr. Jamal H. Bryant and Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. Continuing in the spirit of Pentecost, a new ministry, Frangelism was initiated throughout the District. Frangelism is the evangelizing of Friends, Relatives and Neighbors for the Kingdom of God. Evangelism Explosion trainings were provided at the Annual Conferences and Episcopal District meetings. Door tags and flyers were distributed throughout the entire Episcopal District for members to evangelize in a modern way.

As we strived to reach a global community and Impact the World for Christ, Episcopal District and Annual Conference Worship Services were webcast live for all to witness. Therefore, this quadrennium has served as a continuous spiritual revival for the people of the Twelfth Episcopal District! Bishop Sam as our Resident Evangelist, always preaches an anointed, spirit-filled word that inspires radical worship, praise, and witness as we learn to �Seek God First.�

The Renaissance of

Christian Education Leadership Training and Development

The Annual Christian Education and Youth Congress has witnessed phenomenal growth in attendance over the past four years. The Congress has been held on college campuses throughout the district to encourage our young people to attend a college or university. Young People and Adults gathered to hear relevant preaching and experience radical praise and worship from emerging prophetic Christian voices. Creativity and innovation took the Congresses to another level through Glow in the Dark Worship Services and the use of social media in Worship. For Pastors and Laity, continuing education units were offered during Christian Education and Youth Congresses and all District Meetings. These Kingdom Leadership courses were taught by the Reverend Dr. James M. Proctor, the President of Ecumenical Vision Ministry, Inc. To further enhance the scholarship and theological understanding of relevant trends, The Richard Allen Lecture Series was introduced in the Founder’s Day Celebrations, which were held at Shorter College. America’s best scholars and theologians were invited as guest Lecturers including: James H. Cone, Ph.D., Cecil W. Cone, Ph.D., and Jeffrey Tribble, Ph.D.

The 12th District proudly announces...

The “Rebirth” of

Shorter College Under the committed, dedicated, and progressive leadership of Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr., Shorter College is experiencing a “REBIRTH.” The Board of Trustees, Faculty and Staff, as well as the entire Twelfth Episcopal District have been inspired and motivated by Bishop Green’s sincerity, tenacity, integrity, and progressive leadership. As a result of his commitment, the college is assured of restoring its place in the community and fulfilling its mission, goals, and objectives. There has been overwhelming support from state legislators, congressional persons, and influential community leaders.

Shorter College achieves Candidacy Status for Accreditation The major accomplishment for Shorter College during this quadrennium was its approval for Candidacy Status for Accreditation by the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS) on April 13, 2011. TRACS, an accrediting agency, which is recognized by the United States Department of Education (USDE), the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), and the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (NCAAHE). After decades of dormancy, Bishop Sam revived one of the nation’s prestigious Historically Black Colleges, our beloved Shorter College.

Recently, the Title III Office, in Washington, D.C., informed the College that its allocation for the school year, 2012-2013, is $500,000.00 A proposal was submitted that included strengthening the resources in the library, enhancing the student services department, renovating the student center, and providing academic assistance for students who need to enhance their basic skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. The Title IV Program which provides federal financial aid to students is also being restored. Students will be able to use Pell Grant and other financial resources to assist them in attending college.

You fit here!


Shorter College has experienced a Renaissance in structure, commitment, and morale as it trains and develops socially conscious intellectuals and scholars. SHORTER COLLEGE GALA Bishop Green, the Board of Trustees, and a committee of dedicated members of the Twelfth Episcopal District sponsored a “Rebirth” Gala for the college to celebrate its candidacy status for accreditation. The inaugural speaker was Attorney Willie Gary of Stuart, Florida. The Honorable Darrin Williams, Speaker of the House Designate of the Arkansas State Legislature was the speaker for the Second Gala. The Galas have provided over $50,000.00 for Shorter and will continue to be an annual fundraiser for the college. SHORTER COLLEGE PRAYER BREAKFAST The Shorter College Prayer Breakfast was held during the Annual Conference Series and has raised over $150,000.00 for Shorter College. Through this effort and others, Shorter College’s debt was reduced 50% from near $720,000.00 to $360,000.00 this quadrennium. SHORTER COLLEGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS, DONATIONS, SCHOLARSHIPS Donations, scholarships and capital improvements made at Shorter College without increasing the debt balance include: • Replacing the roof on the S. S. Morris Student Union Building. • Replacing the roof on the A.W. Young Library. • Renovating the Alexander-Turner Day Care Center. • Installing new cooling and heating units in the Sherman-Tyree Hall, the F. C. James Building and the Wilkes-Talbot Building. • Renovations and repairs were provided to Shorter College by the Sons of Allen as they worked the Nehemiah Plan in the District. • State Representative Tracy Steele of the Arkansas House of Representatives was instrumental in securing a $10,000.00 grant on behalf of Shorter College. • Scholarships have been established by the Arkansas Conference Sons of Allen and the Episcopal District WMS. • Thirty-three computers were provided for the computer lab and library. The bright future of Shorter College includes great plans for the continuous physical, fiscal, and academic growth and development. With the outpour of support, Shorter College will thrive and reach its utmost potential as a Higher Education Institution in the state of Arkansas.

The Shorter College “Rebirth” Gala

The Renaissance of

Youth & Young Adult Ministry 21:03

Guest Gospel Recording Artists for Youth and Young Adult Concert at Holy Convocation 2012


outh and Young Adults in the 12th Episcopal District are included in every facet of the Episcopal Ministry. Worship Services and Workshops at Episcopal Meetings and Annual Conferences cater to their spiritual development and growth. In the 12th, Youth and Young Adults have captured the spirit of Renaissance and are empowered as leaders to Impact the world for Christ.

The Young People of the 12th District host an annual “Cafe’ 12” during Holy Convocation which allowed them an opportunity to showcase their talent and fellowship. Additionally, they have been ministered to by recording artists 21:03, Comedian Rod-Z, Melvin Blackmon and guest ministers, the Reverends Tony and Bill Lee, Anthony Reed, Russell St. Bernard, Candice Austin-Wynn, Samuel L. Green, Jr., Henry E. Green, III, Kevin Murriel, Derrick McCrae, and Bankoli Akinbinu. Further, to encourage their commitment to education, The Episcopal WMS has awarded $52,000.00 in scholarships to members of the Young People’s Division entering college. Our Young People are committed and passionate about the A.M.E. Church and have attended and supported the Connectional YPD Leadership Training Institutes and Quadrennial Convention. Because they are vanguards, our Young People have their own day at the Annual Conference. This Pre-Annual Conference activity allows for a full day of meetings, activities and outreach, and a Youth Explosion Worship Service. Their day is concluded with the Christian Debutante-Masters Commission Ceremony.


The Renaissance of Service

The 12th District is committed to serving the community as change agents. The “Come Home for Christmas” Program provides food, toys for children, clothing, utility vouchers and prescription vouchers for over 12,000 distressed families and seniors. In addition, over 1700 children of incarcerated parents received Christmas gifts and enjoyed an afternoon of food, games and fun through the Angel Tree Program led by the Women’s Missionary Society. When the connectional church called, we answered, and donated $50,500.00 to the Haiti Disaster Relief Fund of the A.M.E. Church. Throughout this quadrennium we have provided support to the following facilities in Arkansas and Oklahoma: • Simone’s Home, a long-term foster care facility for teenage girls. • Tulsa Day Care Center for the Homeless • Alexander Turner Day Care Center • Columbia County Women’s Shelter • Arkansas Conference Sober Living Centers Also, the District established a partnership with the American Red Cross. Eighty representatives from churches across the district received Disaster Relief Training during the 2012 Holy Convocation.


Guest Comedian for the Youth and Young Adult Experience at Holy Convocation 2010


Our service to the community has been enhanced through the development of positive relationships with business and government leaders. Through Bishop Green’s leadership many of the Episcopal District Meetings, Worship Services and Celebrations held this quadrennium were made even more special by the presence and support of government leaders and officials including: The Hon. Mark Pryor, U.S. Senator The Hon. Blanche Lincoln, Former U.S. Senator The Hon. Mike Ross, U.S. Representative The Hon. Mike Beebe, Arkansas Governor The Hon. Dustin McDaniel, Arkansas Attorney General The Hon. Martha Shoffner, Arkansas Treasurer The Hon. Charlie Daniels, Arkansas Auditor The Hon. John Thurston, Arkansas Land Commissioner The Hon. Karen Baker, Associate Justice Supreme Court The Hon. Courtney Henry, Associate Justice Supreme Court The Hon. Jim Gunter, Former Associate Justice Supreme Court The Hon. Raymond Abramson, Justice Supreme Court The Hon. Alice Grey, Circuit Judge The Hon. Marion Humphrey, Former Circuit Judge The Hon. Joyce Elliott, Arkansas State Senator, Majority Whip The Hon. Stephanie Flowers, Esq., Arkansas State Senator The Hon. Linda Chesterfield, Arkansas State Senator, Assistant Pro-Tem The Hon. Darrin Williams, Arkansas State Representative, Speaker Designate The Hon. John Walker, Esq., Arkansas State Representative The Hon. Fred Allen, Arkansas State Representative The Hon. Tracy Steele, Arkansas State Representative The Hon. Jari Askins, Former Oklahoma Lt. Governor The Hon. Julie Mcintyre, Oklahoma State Senator The Hon. Anastasia Pitman, Oklahoma State Representative The Hon. Jabari Shumate, Oklahoma State Representative The Hon. T.W. Shannon, Oklahoma State Representative The Hon. Michael Shelton, Oklahoma State Representative The Hon. Paul Wesselhoft, Oklahoma State Representative The Hon. Kevin Matthews, Oklahoma State Representative, Elect The Hon. Mick Cornett, Oklahoma City Mayor The Hon. Jack Henderson, Oklahoma City Councilmen The Hon. Roscoe Turner, Oklahoma City Councilmen The Hon. Willa Johnson, Oklahoma County Commissioner Bishop Green took a vested interest in serving as the Honorary Campaign Manager for Episcopal Lay President, Mr. David Fielding. President Fielding was elected State Representative for District 5, State of Arkansas with a sweeping majority, in part due to the political wit and wisdom of Bishop Sam. Congressman Mike Ross recognized Bishop Green’s commitment to the 12th District and invited him to hear President Barack Obama’s 2012 State of the Union Address and even sat him next to the First Lady, Michelle Obama. Bishop Green has proven to be a confidant, friend, and spiritual counselor to government officials in the district.

The Renaissance of

Stewardship, Financial Responsibility & Communication Upon Bishop Green’s arrival, he embarked on a journey to visit every church in the Episcopal District. Additionally, he has commenced a second round, this time preaching in nearly every church in the district. Bishop Green, the “Chief Pastor” served as pastor of four different churches during this quadrennium. • At Allen Chapel, Sweet Home, AR, the church was remodeled to include new pews, carpet, paint, stained glass windows, doors, and a lowered ceiling. • At Avery Chapel, Oklahoma City, OK, the church organizational structure was stabilized and became financially solvent, and the members received a spiritual revival. • At Bethel, Little Rock, AR, the congregation’s spiritual outlook was renewed and financial stability was regained. • At Curry Chapel, Strong, AR, the congregation’s faith was rejuvenated, the church debt was reduced, a 15 passenger van was purchased, and tithing was initiated. Bishop Green is committed to fostering the growth and development of small and rural church ministry. To this end, the Mission offerings received during Episcopal District Meetings and Annual Conferences were used to provide grants of at least $500.00 to small and rural churches. These Awards have totaled $65,000.00 this quadrennium. The 12th District has been on the cutting edge of technology with the a creative vision of the Episcopal District website, www.12thdistrictame.com, along with the introduction of the 12th District iPhone and Android Apps. To encourage effective and efficient use of time, facilities and resources, the Annual Conferences agendas were revised and included Pre-Conference Activities. Further, the closing day of the Annual Conference was changed from Sunday to Thursday evening, also the days of the Annual Conference were reduced to three days. To save costs, the district acquired state of the art printing equipment for the Episcopal Office to produce all materials in-house.


In 2009 Annual Conference Literary Reports were compiled, bound and distributed to conference delegates. Additionally, Online Registration was available for all District Meetings through the 12th District website.


- The Twelfth Episcopal District is proud to have hosted three Connectional meetings in a two year period. Little Rock, Arkansas was the host city for the Connectional Lay Biennial Convention in 2009, the Church Growth & Evangelism Seminar in 2010 and the Connectional Young People’s Division Leadership and Training Institute in 2010. Further, Members of the Twelfth Episcopal District are vibrant, vocal and visible throughout various Connectional Ministries: Presiding Elder Eugene Brannon, Secretary Connectional Presiding Elders’ Council The Reverend Shirley I. Bowers, Worship Director Connectional Women In Ministry Joyce Bracy Vaughan, Chaplain Connectional Lay Organization Yvonne Stovall, Corresponding Secretary Connectional Women’s Missionary Society Charolett B. Martin, Member Connectional WMS Foundation Board Fredia Hanley-Johnson, President Connectional Ministers’ Spouses & Widows Organization Birdie M. Boyd, 1st Vice President Connectional Ministers’ Spouses & Widows Organization Anita Brannon, Worship Leader Connectional Ministers’ Spouses & Widows Organization

The Renaissance of

Church Growth & Development During this quadrennium, two new church plants were constructed and dedicated for the upbuilding of God’s Kingdom, to Impact the World for Christ. New Constructions St. Paul A.M.E. Church – Frederick, Oklahoma St. Andrew A.M.E. Church – Huttig, Arkansas


A Redistricting Plan for the Twelfth Episcopal District has been prepared for presentation to the 49th Session of the General Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. The proposal would restructure the Twelfth Episcopal District from seven to four Annual Conference, thereby providing for more effective leadership and improved administrative management for ministerial personnel and the lay membership. Moreover, the Renaissance of the 12th Episcopal District is a living testament to the service, commitment and dedication of Bishop Green and the power of the Holy Spirit. The 12th District serves as a model for Ministry that attends to the spiritual, intellectual, and social needs of God’s people. We are thankful to God for this Renaissance and we believe that the Best is Yet to Come!

On the Road...with Bishop Sam For more photos, updates, and more information about Bishop Sam and the 12th Episcopal District,

visit us online at 12thdistrictame.com

Twelfth Episcopal District Necrology 2008 – 2012 Mr. Adolphus Daniels (2009) Presiding Elder Pollie Wallace (2010) Presiding Elder Samuel L. Arnold, Sr. (2011)

Bishops, Supervisors, General and Connectional Officers, Pastors, Family and Friends who have Blessed The Twelfth Episcopal District by Participating and/ or Visiting our Christian Education Congresses, Fall Convocations, Founder’s Day Celebrations, Annual Conferences and Celebrations. (See additional guest listed with God First Holy Convocation and Pastors Conference)

2008- 2012 Bishop Henry A. Belin, Jr. Bishop Richard A. Chappelle, Sr. Bishop Frank C. Cummings Bishop Phillip R. Cousin, Sr. Bishop Zedekiah L. Grady Bishop Jewel Withers The Reverend Dr. Johnny Barbour, Jr. Dr. Shirley Cason Reed Mr. Willie Glover Presiding Elder J.O. Williams Superintendent Derrick Hutchins The Reverend Roderick D. Belin The Reverend LaTanya Floyd The Reverend Dr. Allen Parrott Mrs. Edith Cotledge The Reverend Melvin Wilson The Reverend Anne H. Byfield The Reverend Dr. William Smith, Jr. The Reverend Bankoli Akinbinu The Reverend Dr. Caesar Richburg The Reverend Walter W. Reed, Jr The Reverend Thomas Hughes Attorney Willie Gary The Reverend Dr. Jeffrey Tribble

Bishop John F. White Bishop Steven Arnold The Reverend Dr. James Wade Dr. Shirley Hopkins Davis Presiding Elder Leroy Kennon The Reverend Rollie Murray The Reverend Dr. John Hunter The Reverend Dana L. Crawford The Reverend Dr. Willam Smith The Reverend Dr. Harry Seawright The Reverend Thomas Bess The Reverend Dr. James H. Cone The Reverend Dr. Ronald Brailsford The Reverend Dr. Cecil W. Cone The Reverend Reginald Jackson The Reverend Michael Broadnax The Reverend Joseph Cousin The Reverend Leroy Kennon The Reverend Dr. James M. Proctor Mr. Emile Washington The Reverend Dr. Norvel Goff, Sr. The Reverend Dr. Juenarrl Keith The Reverend Glenn Danes The Reverend Richard Yancey

Bishop Carolyn Tyler Guidry Bishop John H. Adams Supervisor Dolly Adams Bishop Robert V. Webster The Reverend Dr. Clement Fugh Bishop Chester Thompson The Reverend Dr. Darryl Ingram Dr. Jamesina Evans The Reverend Dr. Harold Mayberry Presiding Elder Henry Postell The Reverend Dr. Tom W. Brown The Reverend Michael Mitchell Presiding Elder Henry Green Dean John Green The Reverend Dr. David W. Green, Sr. The Reverend Dr. Jeffrey Cooper Mrs. Jennifer Green Miss Courtney Green The Reverend Henry Green, III The Reverend Marcus Green Miss Ravone Jones Miss Annjeanette Tyson

Going to the Next Level in Worship, Praise & Ministry, Serving Our Communities as Change Agents Developing a Ministry Which Will Lead Humankind to Eternal Life

Empowering Kingdom Leaders for the Future

Inspiring Believers to Even Greater Works Releasing the Power Within Walking in Your Spiritual Authority God First: Preaching it, Teaching it, Living it.

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