Bishop Frank Madison Reid Campaign 2016 Viewbook

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a legacy of


1990 June 1991 1995 1995-1999

Rev. Frank Madison

Here’s How


Chronicling over 40 years of leadership in ministry 1978-1980

1980 1985-1987


Oct 1988

Pastored Greater Bethel AME Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. Church experienced spiritual, numerical and financial growth. Appointed to Ward AME Church in Los Angeles, California Led the Free South Africa Movement with protests at the South African Consulate in Los Angeles and supported CA divestment legislation in South Africa Started the WARD Economic Development Corporation to stabilize the church and to grow Ward as a stakeholder in developing the community...WARDEDC now celebrates 28 years of service. Appointed to Bethel AME Church in Baltimore after serving as pastor of Ward AME Church in Los Angeles for 8 years

Bethel AME Church celebrates 210 years and plays a key role in the Million Man March

Finally, thank you for what you have already done. Thank you for what you are doing today. Thank you for what you will do in the future.

Reid leads Bethel AME Church in “From an Audience to an Army” Campaign

It’s Time To Lead, Frank, Marlaa, FranShon and Faith

Bethel AME Church purchases 254 acres of land


Reid celebrates 50th Birthday and 30 years in ministry


Reid opens the MLK Afterschool Academy in partnership with Harvard University and the City of Baltimore Bethel AME Church celebrates its 219 year and hosts the August Revival Crusade-“A Double Portion Blessing”


Bethel AME Church and Dr. Reid are featured in HBO Series “The Wire”


Bethel AME Church encountered “The Year of Miracles” which included Dr. Reid’s full recovery after open heart surgery


Bethel AME Church marched on Washington to protest the national mortgage crisis

July 2009

Bethel AME Church worships at Temple Ohem Shalom for two months after church steeple struck by lightning


Bethel AME Church raised over $10,000 to support the aid and relief of earthquake victims in Haiti


Bethel AME Church becomes “One Church in Two Locations” opening a second worship location in Owings Mills


Dr. Reid celebrates 60th Birthday and 40 years in ministry


Dr. Reid featured on TBN with Clifton Davis


Bethel raises and donates $10,000.00 contribution to Coppin State University

April 2014 2015

The Reid family thanks you for all your prayers, encouragement and support. It will take a team to achieve this dream and together we will make a difference, lead change and rebuild our great and powerful Zion.

Baltimore Sun featured article on Reid “Powerhouse In The Pulpit”



Thank you for joining us in this historic journey to lead change in the greatest church and people in the world--the African Methodist Episcopal Church!

Reid graduated with a Doctor of Ministry Degree from United Theological Seminary with the first class of the Samuel Dewitt Proctor Doctoral Fellows


FRANK REID FOR BISHOP 1. Pray with us daily at 7am EST for The Recover All Prayer Movement by calling (712) 432-1212 / access code: 474-648-065# as we pray for your family, faith, fitness, finances, and future. 2. Follow our campaign journey on Facebook, Twitter and on our website. 3. Maximize the Message: “It’s Time to Lead with Reid!” 4. Go to and donate to Frank M. Reid for Bishop. Sign up to give your time and talent to the campaign. 5. Plan now to join us at the General Conference in 2016: WHEN WE WORK TOGETHER, WE WILL WIN WITH REID TOGETHER!

Frank M. Reid Ministries 1498-M Reisterstown Road, PMB 318 Pikesville, MD 21208-3835 443.963.9440

Dr. Reid officially announced to the 198th Baltimore Annual Conference his candidacy for the office of Bishop at the upcoming AME General Conference in 2016 Served as Community Leader and liaison for peaceful protests in Baltimore convening stakeholder meetings with Grass Root Organizations, Faith Leaders and Civic Organizers.

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Reverend Dr. Frank M. Reid, III 2016 Candidtate for Episcopal Service



The Reverend Dr.

Frank III madisonReid 2 0 1 6 C a n d i d at e f or E p i s c opa l S e r v i c e

The Rev. Dr. Frank Madison Reid, III is an internationallyknown leader, a preeminent power speaker, a cutting-edge thinker, as well as a motivator who encourages and equips people to rebuild their broken lives and communities. Born on June 29, 1951, in Chicago, Illinois, to the late Bishop Frank M. Reid,Jr, and Adrenis Carter Reid, he was the first born son of four children. Three daughters were born to this union, Vee (deceased), Vanessa, and Stephanie. The family moved to St. Louis, Missouri, in 1956 where Dr. Reid was raised and attended public schools. He graduated from high school in 1969. A brilliant but late blooming student, Dr. Reid took a year, 196970, to attend the acclaimed Yale Transitional Year Program (TYP). In that program, he began to fulfill his academic and leadership potential and was later admitted to some of the top colleges in the nation. Dr. Reid graduated from Yale in 1974 with a B.A. in History and African American Studies. While at Yale, he served as the moderator and president of the Black Student Alliance (BSA) and had the opportunity to meet some of the top leaders of the world. During his college years, Dr. Reid answered his call to ministry and preached his trial sermon in August of 1971 at Metropolitan A.M.E. Church in Washington, D.C. When he received his license to preach, he became the 5th generation of his family to become a minister in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. In September 1974, Dr. Reid began his studies at the Harvard Divinity School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 1975, Dr. Reid took a sabbatical to travel to Monrovia, Liberia in West Africa where he taught at Monrovia College and was Co-Pastor of the Historic Eliza Turner A.M.E. Church. He returned to Harvard in the fall of 1976 where he received his Master’s of Divinity Degree in 1978. Since 1978, Dr. Reid has served congregations in Charlotte, North Carolina, Greater Bethel A.M.E. (197880); in Los Angeles, California, Ward A.M.E. Church (198088); and currently in Baltimore, Maryland, the historic Bethel A.M.E. Church. In the midst of a successful ministry, Dr. Reid became a part of the first class of Samuel DeWitt Proctor Doctoral Fellows at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. He graduated with a Doctor of Ministry Degree in 1990.


What Makes

1. Reid Is Spirit Led!

“I have known Rev. Frank Madison Reid, III for over twenty years. He has not only been one of Baltimore’s most far-seeing and impactful faith leaders, he has also been one of Maryland’s most impactful civic leaders. Whether it was championing the cause of a safer Baltimore, or pushing our University of Maryland system toward greater inclusion and higher levels of excellence as a leading member of the Board of Regents. Rev. Reid exemplifies the best of servant leadership -- doing justice, loving mercy and walking humbly with God.” Martin O’Malley - 61st Governor of Maryland

2. Reid Is A Servant Leader! Dr. Reid is a servant leader whose ministry of over 40 years has been on the cutting edge of positive change. As an intellectual leader, he has consistently brought the top authors and thinkers into the communities that he has served: Taylor Branch, Cornel West, Michael Eric Dyson, Sonia Sanchez, Haki Madhubuti, Terri McMillan, BeBe Moore Campbell are just a few of the authors who have spoken at the churches he has pastored. As a community leader, Dr. Reid has had Bishop Desmond Tutu, Dr. Marian Wright Edelman, Dick Gregory, Johnetta Cole, Senator Barbara Mikulski, Congressman Elijah Cummings, Govenor Robert Ehrlich, Govenor Martin O’Malley, Reverend Jesse Jackson, Reverend Al Sharpton, Minister Louis Farrakhan, and Imam Wallace Dean Muhummad to speak at or visit the churches he has pastored. Also, the Comptroller of Baltimore City, a Maryland State Delegate and a former Mayor of Baltimore City are members of Bethel A.M.E. Church. As a Christian pastor, some of the greatest preachers and teachers in the world have taught at churches that Dr. Reid has pastored: Bishop T.D. Jakes, Bishop Sun Do Kim, Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, Bishop Vinton R. Anderson, Bishop Noel Jones, Pastor Paula White, Bishop Paul S. Morton, CoPastor Deborah Morton, Dr. William Watley, and Dr. Leonard Sweet to name a few. Under Dr. Reid’s leadership, “The Bethel Outreach of Love” Broadcast was the first African Methodist Episcopal Church to have an international TV broadcast. For over 10 years, the broadcast was on Black Entertainment Television (BET). The broadcast has also been on the Armed Forces Network. As a best-selling author who has written important books and articles, Dr. Reid is a much sought out author, teacher, preacher, and motivational speaker. Dr. Reid is married to Marlaa Hall-Reid, a talented woman in her own right; they have been married for over 35 years. They have two daughters, FranShon and Faith, and one son, Shane.

“Rev. Dr. Frank M. Reid, III is a servant leader who has pastored in the City of Baltimore for more than two decades. As an encouraging servant of the Gospel, his mentorship and insight continues to inspire Baltimore’s faith community, residents and elected officials on a regular basis.” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake

3. Reid Is Strong!

“Having had the opportunity to work with Rev. Reid as a member of USM’s Board of Regents, I am in awe of his intellect, grasp of complex issues and powerful voice in support of access and success in higher education. He possesses the three qualities that I think distinguish great leaders: integrity, humility and empathy. He is truly a leader of the first rank.” William E. “Brit” Kirwan - Chancellor, University System of Maryland

4. Reid Stirs Up The Gift of God That Is In Us!

Dr. Frank Madison Reid, III successfully and truly pastors God’s flock. He counsels and pours into his members to further inject the transformative power of God’s Word, while also employing the resources and expertise of those within the community to complement the spiritual foundation laid through structured biblical teaching. He has a passion to serve both God’s people and his own community, which offers a compelling backdrop to consummate visionary leadership.

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CHANGE “When We Stop Changing, We Stop Growing and Start Dying!”

Bishop Victor Curry - Pastor, New Birth Baptist Church, Miami, FL

5. Reid Stands Up For Us!

“Rev. Frank Madison Reid, III has always been a fighter for social justice and our community’s self-determination. He encouraged his congregation to challenge apartheid and win Black majority rule in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Reverend Reid has also promoted Unity to make our community stronger to empower ourselves.” Akinyele Umoja - Associate Professor and Chair, Department of African-American Studies, Georgia State University

6. Reid Speaks Up For Us!

“The status quo is another way to say stuck. Safe is another way of pronouncing fear. But to articulate Innovation and Revolution, you must say Rev. Frank Madison Reid, III. Electing him to Episcopal Service in 2016 will say a lot for the AME Church and our future.” Dr. Jamal Harrison Bryant - Pastor, Empowerment Temple AME Church, Baltimore, MD

7. Reid Stands Out!

“Dr. Reid is one of America’s most effective thought leaders. What makes him stand out is the combination of his strong faith and his unusual intellect. He stands out among the best in our country. He has devoted his life to serving God and strengthening communities. He personifies authenticity.”

Freeman A. Hrabowski, III - author of the best selling “Beating The Odds: Raising Academically Successful African American Males.

pr ie s t - pa s tor - pr ophe t - pr ot e c tor Renewing - Reinventing - Restoring - Rebuilding the African Methodist Episcopal Church

REID IS READY /Frank Madison Reid III /Pastor Frank Reid

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