FOHTA | 2017 Florida Portfolio

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“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination is embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.� -Albert Einstein


Titusville, FL | Coquina Elementary School:

The Coquina Elementary School collaboration was created in 2015, between FOHTA and Coquina Elementary. The program was spearheaded by Ms. Katrina Hudson (Principal) and Dr. Jennifer Dames (Science Lead), who was selected to perform the administrative duties for this location. Since 2015 we have touched 200 students grades 1-5, who were participants of the summer camps over the past 3 years. This location began with teacher training on June 2, 2017 and due to regular school ending, the summer weather and the beginning of the next school year, this location’s camp with its culminating event was 3 weeks. At that time, parents and special guest were invited for the students to share their fun filled summer camp experiences.

Tampa, FL | Allen Temple AME Church:

Collaboration created between FOHTA, Dr. Jennifer Dames and Dr. Glenn Dames, who is Pastor of the church, and performed the administrative duties for this location. There were 9 FOHTA teachers and a total of 90 students, grades 2-8, who were participants of this summer camp. This location began with teacher training on June 3, 2017. The camp started June 5,, 2017 and concluded on July 28, 2017 with its culminating event. At that time, parents and special guest were invited for the students to share their fun filled summer camp experiences.

Mission, Vision, Motto

TABLE OF CONTENTS Administration Program Curriculumn Teachers Students Parents Technology


Informal Assessments


Future Summer Camp

“To change the world one kid at a time by providing them the tools and resources to meet their unique potential.” – Pharrell

FOHTA’s vision is to expand educational opportunities to empower our participants through fun, project-based learning; while inspiring curiosity and increasing their enthusiasm for learning.


To nurture the importance of education by being academically centered, technologically advanced, and globally focused.


“Changing the world one kid at a time.”

Afterschool Program Personal Reflection

FOHTA STUDENT MOTTO I cannot afford to settle for being just average My potential is greater than that I must do the best I can to be the best I can There is no roof on my imagination So I’m gonna shine in my education That’s education with maximum effort Education as vast as space, innumerable as stars But I will reach up I’m gonna align those stars Create my own constellation I will do the best I can to be the best I can And write my own future. Yes I will! -drwms2017

Dr. Carolyn Williams Titusville Site Visit 4





Parent participation and buy-in is an integral part of a successful summer camp experience. At all Florida camps recruitment included sending written correspondence home with parents, advertising with community partners and attending school and community events to provide parents awareness of FOHTA’s summer camp opportunity. A final recruiting effort included holding camp orientation for parents. In addition to explaining to parents the importance of policies and procedures, it is also necessary to share with parents the mission and vision of From One Hand to Another. At the Coquina Camp, orientation was held in conjunction with the school’s “Prevent the Summer Slide” Night. This increased our parent participation as the school assisted with marketing and advertising. The Parent Orientation was particularly important at the Tampa Camp as this was the first time FOHTA camps were held at the site. The orientation was held at Allen Temple AME Church the morning of May 27, 2017. At the orientation, parents were introduced to camp administration, staff and volunteers and the following topics were covered: • Camp duration and operation hours • Pick-up and Drop-Off procedures • Field Trip Opportunities and Procedures • Technology Usage, Online Safety and Student Expectations • Student Behavior Expectations • Curriculum Overview • Questions and Answer Period Both orientations were successful. Sample Parent questions included: Are field trips included or is there an additional cost? Although every effort was made to plan field trips at no cost to the students, both sites had at least one field trip with a minimal cost passed on to families. Will the younger students be able to use technology and complete the science activities? Although our camps focused primarily on upper elementary students, we did have rising 1st graders at both sites. At the orientation we assured parents of our educational experience, professionalism and ability to modify activities for even the younger students so that they could also participate. Will we get a chance to meet Pharrell? This is so funny but we get this question each year! Parents were assured of Pharrell’s commitment to the students at both sites and his desire to put the attention on the kids and not him. Many campers have the opportunity to interact with Dr. Williams and she always expresses affinity and admiration Pharrell has for the students who participate in his programs.


Administrator Hand Shakes – Commitment to Excellence From One Hand to Another Handshakes are mutual agreements for the success of our educational activities and programs.

I will always attend my FOHTA scheduled activities. I will always conduct my FOHTA scheduled activities in a professional manner. I will always assist/teach others in the best way I know how. I will always with integrity do whatever it takes for others (coworkers, teachers, volunteers, students, parents) to learn. I will always make myself available for others (co-workers, teachers, volunteers, students, parents) and address any concerns that they may have. I will always protect the safety, interest and rights of FOHTA and others while taking any concerns to FOHTA administration. I will always read all correspondences and check all assignments, responsibilities as per required of me. Failure to adhere to these Handshakes can lead to my removal from FOHTA Activities.



Communication with staff is an important as communication with parents. At both sites, we appreciated the commitment made of staff and volunteers and went the extra mile to identify staff willing and able to perform their duties. Keeping the lines of communication open were key to ensuring that our staff honored their commitments.

Coquina Staff Communication Action Items • • • • • • • • •

Weekly Staff Meetings each Friday Review of Upcoming Curriculum Discussion of Concerns or Discipline issues Dispersal of materials Reflections/lessons learned Field Trip Preparation Culminating Event Action Responsibilities Delegated Spot Check up Each afternoon at dismissal for immediate concerns Weekly check in with front office staff to determine if pick-up and drop off procedures are adequate.

Allen Temple Staff Communication Action Items • • • • • • •

Bi-Weekly Staff Meetings Review of technology by IT Associate Discussion of Parent Concerns and student discipline Field Trip Preparation Culminating Event Preparation Lunch Menu and Kitchen needs Activities schedule once camp ends each day (2:00 pm)

Teacher Concerns/Feedback

• The student pre/post test were very tedious and took quite a bit of effort and infringed on academic time. Possibly one computerized assessment with all components hosted at a site where students can easily log in. • Coquina teachers would possibly like to explore extending the camp beyond 3 weeks. • Make the student workbook an app on the Ipad where students could highlight/underline. Technology this year replaced the need for workbooks. • Students and staff at both sites loved working with the Ipad specialists. • Teachers felt like they needed more training on the app that produced the comic strip for the media project. • Tampa teachers took advantage of the Apple Store trainings • Students most enjoyed the coding. We would love for this to be a feature of the camp each year.


Sample Meeting Agenda Form


Financial Reports – Reimbursement

Neither camp requested reimbursement from FOHTA for additional materials. Coquina – School supported the program with $1500.00 of Title I funds and operational fund for additional science materials and items needed for the culminating event. The camp administrator used those funds to purchase: • Rocketry materials for each student • Dissection materials for each student • CSI materials for mock crime scene • Pizza and snacks Tampa – Members made personal donations to provide approximately $1300.00 of additional funding for the camp. The camp administrator used those funds to: • Offset the cost of student field trips • Provide snacks and meals for students • Provide a formal meal for families during the culminating event • Provide awards and certificates for students at the completion of the camp

Materials/ Supplies

Consumable materials were provided by FOHTA to complete the daily assignments and projects. Additionally, the Coquina camp under the leadership of Mrs. Hudson, was given a dedicated space for camp storage and operations. Because of this camp materials not used at the close of a camp could be preserved and used again. With new administration at Coquina, we did not ask this of the new principal and instead made sure that all materials were used or given to the teachers and students. At the beginning of camp, administrators at both sites unpacked and inventoried all supplies. Supplies were dispersed to teachers according to grade level, number of students and overall need. The camp administrator at each site monitored supplies to ensure that all students and teachers had the materials needed for success.

Time Management

At both sites, we were able to honor the time we had with our students and work well as a high functioning team by following the norms listed below. • Be Open Minded, Equitable and Tolerant • Be Professional and Committed • Be Punctual • Take Personal Responsibility • Be Productive • Produce Quality Work



Teachers and staff were asked to sign in daily using the sign in documentation provided by FOHTA. Each camp administrator monitored hours worked by staff and made adjustments as necessary. Camp Administrators completed payroll procedures each Friday. In preparation for payroll, teachers and staff had several pages of documentation to complete and forward to FOHTA administration. Many participants had missing or incomplete documents. In the future, the camp administrators will better assist FOHTA with obtaining the correct paperwork and make it a condition of employment to be completed before reporting to work on day one.

Sample Payroll Form






Sample Programming Schedule


Students were provided 2 T-shirts from FOHTA at no cost. In the past, students purchased 1 camp T-shirt at a cost of $5.00 per T-shirt. Also, the Coquina camp has in the past solicited a vendor to put the school’s name and Camp date and slogan on the back of the T-shirt. The cost for this was $1.50 per T-shirt. The personalization was not done this year. T-shirts were worn on Wednesdays and on Fridays for field trips. Each camp has established a relationship with T-shirt vendors for the future if it ever becomes the responsibility of the camp administrator to design and acquire T-shirts.


Food at both summer camps was provided in conjunction with the USDA’s Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). Requests for the program must be made early in the Spring. When a site agrees to be a site for food service, the food is only provided to students under the age of 18 and anyone from the public can walk up to be served. If the camp administrator is responsible for distributing the food, brief training from food services is required. Rules must be followed regarding the temperature of the food and an accurate count of meals must be recorded. Camp administrators from both camps recommend that the agreement from USDA regarding food service be provided in writing several weeks prior to camp. Coquina campers were served breakfast daily and lunch on Monday-Thursday. Allen Temple has a full culinary staff and supplemented a number of meals for students, including breakfast, snacks and dinner for students remaining after camp in their aftercare program.


Field Trips

Coquina Location

Kennedy Space Center Visitor’s Center – NASA (annual trip) Bowling

Tampa Location

Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI) Movies Zoo

Guest Speakers

Coquina did not have guest speakers this year but has in the past had members of law enforcement, fire department, NASA engineers and members of the medical field come to serve as guest speakers. Tampa had attorneys, a clinical psychologist and a genealogist speak to the students.


Allen Temple has church vehicles used for transporting students and both camps walked to field trip venues near camp. In Coquina, NASA buses were provided at no cost for the NASA field trip. Coquina has used school buses in the past for field trips, however the cost continues to rise for this service and we did not order school buses this year.







FOHTA Curriculum • • • • •

Dream Mapping Entrepreneurship Coding Media Tech Financial Literacy

Supplementary Curriculum

• Science • Dissection – Students dissected perch and frogs at the Coquina Camp • Rocketry • Robotics • CSI – CSI Curriculum has been developed by JennEd Educational Consultancy Firm and The Academy. Would love to have an opportunity to share this curriculum with FOHTA.

Science Curriculum in Press • Cyberawareness • Biofuels and Renewable Energy

Sample Lesson Plan


GOAL: Build a bridge that is the highest weight-bearing that stays


within your budget.

Requirements: ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔

Your bridge must be 1 foot long It must be at least 2 inches wide You must only use the provided materials You must stay within your budget


Your budget is $250 dollars. You must calculate the price of the items you use, and then find out whether or not you have met your budget. If you go over budget, you are fined 2 points for every $50 you are over. (You lose points on your total grade for going over budget!)


Cost Per Unit

Popsicle stick


Drinking Straw




Scotch tape (clear)

$0.34 per inch

Masking tape

$0.79 per inch

White Glue

$1.26 per use

Hot Glue

$1.23 per stick, $0.82 for glue gun rental

Rubber Bands

$0.46 per band


$0.12 per inch

Fishing Line

$0.37 per inch






Teachers/Volunteers Handshakes -Commitment to Excellence From One Hand to Another Handshakes are mutual agreements for the success of our educational activities and programs.

I will always attend my FOHTA scheduled educational activities I will always conduct my FOHTA scheduled educational activities in a professional manner I will always teach in the best way I know how I will always with integrity do whatever it takes for my students to learn I will always make myself available to students and parents and address any concerns that they may have I will always protect the safety, interest and rights of all individuals in the class Failure to adhere to these Handshakes can lead to my removal from FOHTA activities



Training for the camps took place on June 2nd (Coquina) and 3rd (Tampa). The hours for camp were 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. During the training, teachers reviewed in detail curriculum and technology as this was the first year that IPADs were used for each student. The teachers at Coquina already have worked extensively with technology. Because of this, they were able to extend the training and try new things with the technology. The camp teachers in Tampa had less experience with technology and required more time, attention and practice. In the future, I would consider a 2-day training for staff members who aren’t as comfortable with technology.

Log Sheets/Attendance

The sample sign in sheet below was used to track teacher hours and attendance. These forms worked well and were monitored by Camp Administration.


We governed ourselves as professionals and followed the rules below. • Be Here and On Time (HOT) each day of camp • Students are to be Supervised at ALL times • No student ever goes it alone (Use the buddy system or escort) • Document all discipline concerns • Minimize personal cell phone usage or save it for your break • Attire is summer casual (Knee length shorts permitted) • Everyone helps with dismissal


• Many teachers have returned to work with us and two teachers have worked ALL 3 years • Teachers help with recruiting efforts and camp has grown to an average of 40 to an average of 65 kids • Teachers have helped to secure business partners for camp • Teachers use their creativity to make the culminating event superb each year. They really go above and beyond the call of duty


Sample Sign-In Form





Student Handshakes -Commitment to Excellence From One Hand to Another Handshakes are mutual agreements for the success of our educational activities and programs.

I will promptly attend all of my scheduled FOHTA educational activities I will always work, think and behave in the best way I know how I will always with integrity do whatever it takes for me and my fellow classmates to learn I will always make myself available to my parents and teachers so we can address any concerns that they may have I will always seek help if I have a problem or don’t understand I will always follow FOHTA /school rules I will always tell the truth and accept responsibility for my actions I will always behave so that there is protection, safety, interest and rights of all individuals in the class I will always listen when needed and give everyone my respect I will always be responsible for my behavior and actions I will always follow the teacher’s direction Failure to adhere to these Handshakes can cause me to lose various privileges and lead to my removal from FOHTA activities 26


A formal student orientation was not held before camp. On the first day of camp, students completed their initial surveys and also reviewed rules and procedures. They also had the opportunity to get to know each other and get a preview of what they would do during camp. In the future, we think it would be beneficial to have a parent and student orientation at both sites and allow the students to complete the pre-surveys during orientation.

Attendance Rate

Ninety students expressed interest in camp. On our highest day of attendance, we had 73 students. We averaged 65 students each day. In comparison to year one, our attendance has increased by 38%.

Student Rules 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Be polite, courteous, and respectful at all times. Complete all assignments and give it your best Leave your seat only with permission Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Be quiet in lines, hallways, and restrooms. Obey all school rules


1. Five students at Coquina earned the highest award that the school offers: Courageous Cougar Award 2. Coquina campers were invited to NASA to dine with an astronaut. 3. Campers collected cans and toiletries to donate to needy families during the culminating events 4. Tampa campers successfully completed genealogy projects with three students winning awards for their presentations.

“In comparison to year one, our attendance has increased by 38%� 27





Parent Handshakes -Commitment to Excellence From One Hand to Another Handshakes are mutual agreements for the success of our educational activities and programs.

I want my child/children to participate in FOHTA educational activities I will make sure my child/children always attend all of their FOHTA scheduled educational activities I will always help my child/children in the best way I know how I will always with integrity do whatever it takes for my child/children to learn I will always make myself available to my child/children and address any concerns that they may have I will read all papers and check all assignments I will always make sure my child/children follow all FOHTA rules so that there is protection, safety, interest and rights of all individuals in the class I am responsible for the behavior and actions of my child/children Failure to adhere to these Handshakes can cause me to lose various privileges and lead to my removal from FOHTA activities 30

Parent Orientations Held in May of 2017 Coquina: In conjunction with “Summer Slide Night�

Allen Temple: Special informational for parents held at the church where parents received a curriculum overview and a review of rules, policies and procedures.






Available Equipment

In addition to the IPADs provided, the following additional technology access was available for use at each site:


• 2 Computer labs with 25 desktops per lab • 1 laptop cart with 40 Lenovo computers • Teacher desktop computer, mounted projector, document camera and integrated audio system in each classroom • Teacher desktop computer and mounted projector in the cafeteria • Wireless Access Points to support 50-60 students using Wi-Fi simultaneously

Allen Temple

• Mounted Projector in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall • Chromebook tablets for student use • Smart-TV •

Network Coquina

Coquina Elementary School has undergone quite a few technology upgrades over the last several years. The school district of Brevard County operates its own private, protected network. Although we were permitted to access the network for the camp, we did not receive permission to create a special network for FOHTA only access for the duration of the camp. Also, Coquina has purchased several wireless access points so that multiple users could access the internet simultaneously. This allowed all classes to use the IPADS for curriculum without incident.

Allen Temple

Local Access Network and Wi-Fi capabilities were present in the church before the camp began, however reconfiguration was necessary. The classrooms and fellowship hall were separated into zones and wireless access points purchased for each zone. Campers were also separated into those zones to complete their projects so as not to overload the network’s capacity.


As described earlier, teachers were trained in the use of technology at both sites. Coquina Elementary teachers had much more experience with multiple technological modalities and required less time for training and explanations. The teachers could jump right in and explore more advanced usage of the IPADS. Teachers at Allen had less previous experience with technology and required more time initial understanding, practice and ultimately exploration. Students required no technology training other than going over simple instructions. Once the technology was put into their hands, there was no limit to what they could accomplish.



At both sites, we used the Dream-Mapping curriculum and Coding Lessons to provide students opportunities to explore careers in technology. Each teacher would expand upon the curriculum to describe these additional careers and give students information about the amount of education required to attain the career and gave students information about the duties and responsibilities of such positions. The students were very encouraged to explore these careers and empowered to complete additional research on the various professions. Initially they were motivated by which job paid the most, but then looked at what the job entailed and how interesting it was.

Allen Temple Kids Using eReaders

Coquina Kids in Computer Lab 35





Having the opportunity to work with From One Hand To AnOTHER this summer was a phenomenal experience. I have never seen children so excited to come back to a summer program for the second time. I learned a lot from my group of students as well as from the program. Watching their eyes light up being able and learning how to code, guide them while doing their dream mapping and letting them know that they have a future in anything they want was a great experience. In my opinion the most impact came from watching and helping create their PSA. During our final presentation some of them brought me to tears. Again thank you for the opportunity to be a part of From One Hand to AnOTHER STEAMM camp this summer. I look forward to participating in the upcoming years. Quantia Edmonds 3rd Grade Teacher Love * Laugh * Live



“I learned a lot from my group of students�


“Each day was a new adventure.”

It was a pleasure having my niece participate in the FOHTA camp this past summer. Daily she came home telling me about things she had done or learned from her Entrepreneurship project to her Coding lessons. Each day was a new adventure. I am so appreciative that Dr. Williams and her FOHTA team and Allen Temple AME offered this wonderful experience to our young people. Without this opportunity, I don’t know what our options would have been. I am so grateful and I hope she gets to participate for many years to come. Michelle McKinney Parent


As an administrator you hear so much about STEM or STEAM without little information about what it looks like in action. Having FOHTA on my campus was one of the best opportunities for my professional growth and, more importantly, for my students. My babies were exposed to true STEM activities, drenched with technology, inquiry, and collaboration. Many of my students come from impoverished backgrounds. FOHTA’s standards-aligned curriculum assists event the most novice teachers to support all students. Katrina Hudson School Administrator


Growth Opportunities

• Reformat pre and post surveys • Make the student workbook electronic and interactive (highlighting, underlining, etc.) • Rethink the audio on the PSAs (Ipads weren’t always the best for picking up student voice overs) • Teachers did not feel as though the comic strip app for the younger kids was user friendly • Is there a part two for the financial literacy? Students love the online content, but they finish it quickly




Summer Camps



Future Summer Camp Prospects Both Sites

Announced the future camp at the closing program Follow-up debrief with teachers and staff

Titusville, FL

Follow-up with new administration at Coquina Elementary Follow-up with Mrs. Hudson at her new location, Golfview Elementary

Tampa, FL

Secured future location for Tampa Site Working to add transportation to bring in students from nearby housing project in Created partnership with the Allen Temple Neighborhood Development Corporation Created partnership with the Robles Park Community





with Dr. Jennifer Dames




“FOHTA give[s] [kids] a chance to show just how capable they are.”

“I have thoroughly enjoyed serving as the camp administrator for Titusville, FL and was elated to introduce Allen Temple, Tampa to the program. Over the years, I have seen the program grow and I have also seen students become more and more excited about participating in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and the Arts. I know that many of our kids simply face a lack of opportunity. Immersing them in programs like those offered by FOHTA give them a chance to show just how capable they are. I hope that I can continue to be a part of FOHTA’s mission and I am excited about many years of partnership and friendship, all to benefit our children.”

Dr. Jennifer Dames, FOHTA Florida Program Director Tampa | Titusville

AfterSchool Program: Slated to begin in January of 2018

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