Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. - Investiture Program

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Bishop John R. Bryant Senior Bishop

Bishop Adam J. Richardson President, General Board

Bishop Richard F. Norris Vice President, General Board

Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. President, Council of Bishops and Host Bishop

Bishop Sarah F. Davis

Secretary, Council of Bishops

Bishop E. Earl McCloud

Assistant Secretary, Council of Bishops

Mrs. Phyllis N. Green

Host Episcopal Supervisor

INVESTITURE WORSHIP SERVICE Monday, December 10, 2012 7:00 PM

Bishop James L. Davis, Worship Leader The Order of Worship The Processional…………............….”Rejoice Ye Pure In Heart”….................................Clergy, Worship Participants, Presiding Elders, Judicial Council, General Officers and Bishops

Rejoice, ye pure in heart, Rejoice; give thanks, and sing; Your glorious banner wave on high, The cross of Christ you King.

Hymn #8 “Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart”

With voice as full and strong As ocean’s surging praise, Send forth the hymns our fathers loved, The psalms of ancient days.

Refrain Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice, give thanks and sing.

Refrain Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice, give thanks and sing.

Bright youth and snow-crowned age, Strong men and maidens meek; Raise high your free, exulting song, God’s wondrous praises speak.

Still lift your standard high, Still march in firm array, As warriors through the darkness toil, Till dawns the golden day.

Refrain Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice, give thanks and sing.

Refrain Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice, give thanks and sing.

With all the angel choirs, With all the saints on earth, Pour out the strains of joy and bliss, True rapture, no blest mirth.

Then on, ye pure in heart, Rejoice, give thanks, and sing; Your glorious banner wave on high, The cross of Christ you King.

Refrain Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice, give thanks and sing.

Refrain Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice, give thanks and sing.

Your clear hosannas raise; And alleluias loud; Whilst answering echoes upward float, Like wreaths of incense cloud.

Praise Him Who reigns on high, The Lord Whom we adore, The Father, Son and Holy Ghost, One God forevermore.

Refrain Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice, give thanks and sing.

Refrain Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice, give thanks and sing.

Doxology….......................................................................................“Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow” #647 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. A-men.

The Call to Worship………………………………........................................................................Bishop James L. Davis MINISTER: PEOPLE:

Behold, God is doing a new thing. Here! Now! In the midst of our regular routines and daily duties that distract;


God our Maker renews our minds, refresh our hearts and calls us into new Being. Come, let us worship, knowing that as we reach out to God, God will make us New. Give us the faith to move forward and embrace the newness to which You call us.


Behold, God is doing a new thing.

The Song of Praise……………………....................................................The Twelfth District Choir and Congregation “Let It Rise” Let the glory of the Lord, rise among us, Let the glory of the Lord, rise among us, Let the praises of the King, rise among us, Let it rise. Oh oh oh, let it rise, Oh oh oh, let it rise. Let the songs of the Lord, rise among us, Let the songs of the Lord, rise among us, Let the joy of the King, rise among us, Let it rise. Oh oh oh, let it rise, Oh oh oh, let it rise. Let the glory of the Lord, rise among us, Let the glory of the Lord, rise among us, Let the praises of the King, rise among us, Let it rise. Oh oh oh, let it rise, Oh oh oh, let it rise. The Prayer…………………………………….....................................................The Reverend Dr. Grainger Browning The Prayer Response……………………….………….….................................................The Choir and Congregation The Ministry of Music…………………………….................................................................The Twelfth District Choir The Scripture Lesson.................................. Isaiah 43:18-25..............................................The Reverend Dr. James Wade

The Litany..................................................................................................................................Bishop Vashti M. McKenzie (Based on Isaiah 43:18-25) Written by Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie Bishop McKenzie: The People: Bishop McKenzie: The People: Dr. Shirley Reed: The People: Dr. Shirley Reed: The People: Dr. Willie Glover: The People: Dr. Willie Glover: The People: Bishop McKenzie:


We pause as a grateful people on the edge of history that your providence is not confined by walls of time and space God is doing a new thing! Can you see it?! We commend to your particular care the leaders of all people and the leader of our nation. God is doing a new thing! Can you see it?! The peace of our country and the world depends upon the ones who lead -we pray that they may never betray their stewardship for selfish gain or mistake the nature of their responsibilities. God is doing a new thing! Can you see it?! God of truth and grace make sure that in our country no one is insignificant that doors are closed to their needs and eyes are shut against hope. God is doing a new thing! Can you see it?! We rejoice that you are our God and we are your people. You make the sun to shine on the rich and the poor, the weak and the strong, the sick as to the well while goodness and mercy follows all of us not some of us. God is doing a new thing! Can you see it?! Now Lord, make us to know your way and teach us your paths. We have often taken the path of least resistance following the way of the right or the left instead of right over wrong. God is doing a new thing! Can you see it?! Forgive us when we have failed to move forward in discipleship, stewardship, education, civil rights, justice and equality for all. Open our minds to new thoughts and new ideas. Grant us a new great vision for ourselves, our families, our communities, country and congregations. God is doing a new thing! Can you see it?! Consider not the things of old. God will make a new way in the wilderness and new rivers in the desert. God is about to do a new thing. We can see it! Amen and amen.

The Presentation of the Preacher………………..................................................................Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. The Ministry of Music ……………............................................……...............Maurette Brown-Clark, Guest Psalmist The Sermon……………………………...............................................................Bishop John R. Bryant, Senior Bishop Presiding Bishop, Fourth Episcopal District The Invitation To Christian Discipleship The Stewardship Moment and Offering…...................................................................................Bishop Gregory Ingram The Announcements……………………………...…............................................…….....Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. The Doxology The Benediction…………………………......…............................................................................Bishop John R. Bryant


Monday, December 10, 2012 10:00 P.M. Dr. Frank Madison Reid, III, Worship Leader The Order of Worship

Doxology….......................................................................................“Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow” #647 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. A-men. The Call to Celebration………………………………................................................The Reverend Dr. Frank Reid, III MINISTER: PEOPLE: MINISTER: PEOPLE: MINISTER: PEOPLE: MINISTER: PEOPLE: MINISTER: PEOPLE:

Why have we come? We have come to praise the Lord! Why have we come? We have come to praise the Lord! What has the Lord done? He has done great things! Let everything that hath breath! Praise the Lord! Let everything that hath breath! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Praise ye the Lord!

The Petition to God…………………………………...…..............................................The Reverend Cindy Robinson The Celebration through Music……………………………..........................................……....The 12th District Choir The Celebration of the Word..................................................................................The Reverend Kimberly L. Detherage The Presentation of the Preacher……………..…….......................................................Bishop Adam J. Richardson, Jr. The Celebration through Music………….........................................................Maurette Brown-Clark, Guest Psalmist The Celebrating of the Preached Word…………................................................The Reverend Dr. Jasper Williams, Jr. Pastor, Salem Bible Church, Atlanta, GA The Invitation to Christian Discipleship The Announcements……………………………………....................................................Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. The Doxology The Benediction…………………………………………...…............................................Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. Join us Tuesday, December 11, 2012 for the following events: Morning Glory 8:00 A.M. Salon A and B, The Peabody Hotel featuring Dr. Cleo LaRue, Guest Lecturer President’s Roundtable Luncheon with Young Adult Clergy 12:00 Noon in The Pinnacle Room, The Peabody Hotel with Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. featuring Dr. Cleo LaRue

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