m n u t u A nter i W
hese activity books are aimed at children from the earliest stages of kindergarten to preschool and lower grades of primary school. They cover a variety of topics: development of motor skills, the art of abstract thinking and speech practice for correcting irregular pronunciation. They also contain engaging mathematical problems, writing preparation activities, as well as a number of exercises that will help children successfully prepare for the start of school.
Dr Simeon Marinković VELIKA KNjIGA ZA PREDŠKOLCE 1 JESEN - ZIMA četrnaesto izmenjeno izdanje Ilustrovao Dušan Pavlić Recenzent dr Dijana Plut, Institut za psihologiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu Izdaje KREATIVNI CENTAR Beograd, Gradištanska 8 tel. 011/ 38 20 464, 38 20 483 e-mail: info@kreativnicentar.rs www.kreativnicentar.rs Urednik Slavica Marković Za izdavača mr Ljiljana Marinković, direktor Štampa Grafostil, Kragujevac Tiraž 3000 Godina štampe 2017 Copyright©KREATIVNI CENTAR 2017 ISBN 978-86-529-0423-5
CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 37.016:0/9-028.31 МАРИНКОВИЋ, Симеон, 1941 Велика књига за предшколце. 1, Jесен - зима / [Симеон Маринковић ; илустровао Душан Павлић]. 14. измењено изд. - Београд : Креативни центар, 2017 (Крагујевац : Графостил). - 80 стр. : илустр. ; 30 cm Кор. насл. - Податак о ауторима преузет из колофона. - Тираж 3.000. ISBN 978-86-529-0423-5 COBISS.SR-ID 234659084
Министар просвете Републике Србије одобрио је издавање и употребу ових радних листова у предшколском образовању и васпитању решењем број 650-02-00113/6/2010-06 од 20. 9. 2010.
Look at your reflection Your face is perfection. No one has such hair, Such eyebrows, Such a stare.
Draw your portrait here and complete the frame.
Write your name or the first letter of your name. Describe how you look. Who do you take after? How did you get your name?
MY TOYS Complete the drawing of the teddy bear and the frame. Then colour it in.
In the bottom picture, circle the things that the girl moved before going to sleep.
Complete the balloons. Cut the balloon shapes out of coloured paper or fabric, then stick them in their matching place or colour them in.
Look where the teddy bear is. Find paths to the place where you will draw the teddy bear again (in, on, under, beside).
F R IEND SH I P Draw yourself and someone with whom you would like to hang from to tree.
Complete the drawing: you and another person under the umbrella. How do you help a friend? Who are your friends?
Find a pair for each child based on something they have in common. How did you match the pairs? If a child was left out, draw someone similar to be their pair. Circle every pair and fill them in with the matching colours.
These friends would like to play. Continue drawing these strange paths from one friend to another, so they could meet.
Decorate the bee and the flower and colour them in.
- Guess, my little brother, What am I hiding from you? - A sugar cube! - Yes, that is true, But in which hand, Can you tell? I’ll give it to you, If you guess well. The brother is confused As much as anyone. After a while, he says: - The right one! - Nope, nope, nope! - His sister teased, Still, the sugar cube He got as he pleased. Jovan Jovanović Zmaj Draw your family in this picture. Complete the frame.
Colour in those that belong to the set. Leave blank those who don’t.
BIGG ER – SMA L L E R Help each rabbit get its carrot. The bigger rabbit should get the bigger carrot, the smaller one should get the smaller carrot. If a rabbit is missing a carrot, draw it yourself.
Draw a matching piece of cheese for every mouse.
How many children does each mother have? Connect and fill in the baby animals and their matching number with the same colour.
Decorate this girl’s dress by sticking patches of fabric or coloured paper on the picture.
Draw the same patterns in the blank squares.
MY HO U SE Complete the drawing of the house according to the samples shown in the squares, then colour it in.
WHAT WE DO A ROU ND T H E H OU SE Describe what people do around the house. Complete the drawings.
WHAT IS BIGGER, WHAT IS SMALLER, WHAT IS THE SMALLEST Find the matching objects, then colour in the pairs.
Draw a circle around the sets with biggest, mid-sized and smallest plates, cakes, cups and cutlery. Connect each bear with the matching set. Colour in each set with the matching colour.
Assemble the houses using two parts, as marked with arrows.
How does someone look when they go in the opposite direction? Draw the pattern and colour it in.
AUTUMN IN THE RAIN The raindrops are falling, pitter-patter, A goose is stomping on the puddles, plop, plop, plop. With its long, crooked neck, honk, honk, honk, With both wings spread, let it be known. Went out to dip its tail in a dash, Merrily stomping in the water, splash, splash, splash. Mira Simić
Use blue to fill in the raincoat of the child who pushed their hand into the pocket the deepest. Use red to fill in the raincoat of the child who only pushed their hand in their pocket a little.
Use green to colour in the boots belonging to the child who pushed a finger in their nose the furthest, and purple to colour in the boots of the child who only pushed a finger in their nose a little.
Explain what the following means: The bone was dug deep into the ground.
I was deep in thought.
The whale was stranded in shallow water.
Dress the boy in the picture for a rainy day. Take a look and consider which things could be useful. Draw them or make fabric cut-outs, then stick them to the picture.
Complete the first umbrella by drawing patterns shown in the samples. Decorate the remaining two as you wish.
8. 10. 1.
Draw fruit in the baskets.
Draw the same patterns in the shapes shown in the picture.
FRUIT STRANGE FRUIT Harry the Hedgehog was feeling starved, So he decided to sneak into an orchard. Sniff, sniff, looking what’s there, “If only I’d find a juicy pear!” Once he found himself in tall grass, He noticed a funny blue mass. “What’s this? A strange fruit! It must’ve come from an exotic root.” Picking up his haul with glee, He made his way to pear tree. “Dear pear, I hope you don’t mind, I have to ask about my strange find. I need to know if this is true, Did this fruit come from you?” “Silly hedgehog, can’t you see, that fruit did not come from me? If that was truly a pear It would be yellow and sweet.” The hedgehog went on his merry way, To hear what the apple tree had to say. “Dear apple, I hope you don’t mind, Colour in the fruit you like to eat.
I have to ask about my strange find. I need to know if this is true, Did this fruit come from you?” “Silly hedgehog, can’t you see, that fruit did not come from me? If that was truly an apple, It would be…” Continue the story: what did the apple, the quince, the peach, the plum and the walnut tree say? Tired from his trek, He took off the load from his back. The odd fruit started rolling, Out of the orchard, quickly falling. Playing in the field, a girl and a boy, Saw it coming and burst with joy. “There’s our ball! Where was it? We were sure we had lost it.” As the ball rolled and tumbled, “I am so hungry!”, the hedgehog grumbled.
Draw the fruit so it gets bigger and bigger, and the vegetables so they become smaller and smaller.
Which part belongs to which apple? Connect the pairs, then fill them in with matching colours.
Divide the cakes, pies and biscuits so everyone gets an equal amount. Draw them on the plates.
Dr Simeon Marinković VELIKA KNjIGA ZA PREDŠKOLCE 1 JESEN - ZIMA četrnaesto izmenjeno izdanje Ilustrovao Dušan Pavlić Recenzent dr Dijana Plut, Institut za psihologiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu Izdaje KREATIVNI CENTAR Beograd, Gradištanska 8 tel. 011/ 38 20 464, 38 20 483 e-mail: info@kreativnicentar.rs www.kreativnicentar.rs Urednik Slavica Marković Za izdavača mr Ljiljana Marinković, direktor Štampa Grafostil, Kragujevac Tiraž 3000 Godina štampe 2017 Copyright©KREATIVNI CENTAR 2017 ISBN 978-86-529-0423-5
CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 37.016:0/9-028.31 МАРИНКОВИЋ, Симеон, 1941 Велика књига за предшколце. 1, Jесен - зима / [Симеон Маринковић ; илустровао Душан Павлић]. 14. измењено изд. - Београд : Креативни центар, 2017 (Крагујевац : Графостил). - 80 стр. : илустр. ; 30 cm Кор. насл. - Податак о ауторима преузет из колофона. - Тираж 3.000. ISBN 978-86-529-0423-5 COBISS.SR-ID 234659084
Министар просвете Републике Србије одобрио је издавање и употребу ових радних листова у предшколском образовању и васпитању решењем број 650-02-00113/6/2010-06 од 20. 9. 2010.
m n u t u A nter i W
hese activity books are aimed at children from the earliest stages of kindergarten to preschool and lower grades of primary school. They cover a variety of topics: development of motor skills, the art of abstract thinking and speech practice for correcting irregular pronunciation. They also contain engaging mathematical problems, writing preparation activities, as well as a number of exercises that will help children successfully prepare for the start of school.