Little school

Page 1

This is me

Nobody is like you. draw how pretty you are. trace the lines with black, and then color the frame. use stickers from middle of the book on indicated pages.


My hand

Look at your hand. do you know how to count on your fingers? now put your hand on this paper. spread your fingers and trace around your hand with a pencil. color the drawing of your hand.


Balloons, balloons

How does it look when we release balloons into the sky? draw and color these balloons with various colors – just the way you like.


Squirrels and nuts

Color these squirrels and draw their nests full of nuts so they could have food for winter. which squirrel gets more nuts? why?


Draw and color necklaces Complete these necklaces. which necklace would you keep for yourself?


Which fence will be nicer Help these animals finish their fences. which fences do you like the best?


. s They ar y m e seeking their mom Draw a path from cub to his mother. color cubs, mothers and their paths the same.


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