Maths for kids an easy path to math 2

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Milan Batavelj

ić Slađana St



• The book is intended for those children that in the first grade? Do more and faster progress. • Tasks accompanying curriculum for math? Their first year in school. • Help parents and teachers is welcome in reading some more extensive essay-type tasks, with tasks that are difficult for children and so on.


path to


• The tasks in this collection for children encourage curiosity, judgment and logical thinking, and during their solution reveals the meaning of mathematics.

Milena Vranić


• 7–9 years • 166 math problems that children will love to solve

Learning to think! • Learning math through problems kids understand • Helps to develop logical thinking to foster creativity

Second grade brainstorming

LET’S START WITH A WARM-UP Circle the correct answer. Ten is the smallest two-digit number. YES NO

The sum of the digits in the number 35 is 8. YES NO

A line segment is a part of a line. YES NO


Number 23 is the predecessor to number 22. YES NO

Number 8 is not smaller than number 7. YES NO

5 is 2 greater than 7. YES NO

The word ALPHABET has 26 letters. YES NO

The sum of numbers 5 and 2 is number 7. YES NO

If Sunday is tomorrow, it was Friday yesterday. YES NO

The Sun goes full circle around Earth in one day. YES NO

There are eight triangles in this picture. YES NO

A square is the same as a cube.. YES NO

A cylinder is a geometric object. YES NO

There are two pairs of crows in this picture. YES NO

We can write any number using nine digits. YES NO

Number 88 belongs to the eighth decade. YES NO

If Lina is taller than Mandy, and Mandy is taller than Tanya, then, Lina is taller than Tanya. YES NO


NUMBERS AND ARITHMETIC In most tasks, you should circle the letter before the correct answer.

1 Emma was coloring the squares on the chess board when she used up her coloring pencil. How many squares are left for her to color them? а) 20

b) 16

c) 14

d) 12


e) 10


2 Balloons were hanging from the ceiling. Dan pierced one balloon in the first group, and in every next group he pierced one balloon more than he did in the previous group. How many balloons remained unpierced? a) 2


b) 4

c) 8

d) 10

3 Charlie and Ned are waiting in line to buy tickets for the game. Charlie is the 32nd, and Ned is the 48th in line. How many supporters are there in the line between Charlie and Ned? a) 14

b) 15

c) 16

d) 17

4 Enter numbers from 1 to 4 in the squares so that the arrows always point from a smaller to a greater number. What number is hidden beneath the flower? a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

5 In a team, eight boys play football every day, and ten boys play every other day. If twelve boys played football on Monday, how many boys will play the next day? a) 16

b) 14

c) 10

d) 8

e) 6


6 Divide the rectangle into four equal parts in such a way that the sums of numbers in each part are equal. 15

b) 18

c) 20




15 5 10 6 2 13 11 3

What is the sum in each part? a)


d) 25

What shape are the parts? b)



What is the sum of all these numbers? Divide the sum by 4 and you will get the sum in each part.

7 Lina said she would watch the tenth episode of her favorite show, which has 16 episodes in total. How many episodes are left for Lina to watch until the end of the show? a) 6


b) 7

c) 10

d) 16


These two parts are the same because they will match if you move them.


8 Enter one of the digits 1, 2, 4, 5 or 6 in each square so that the adding is correct. Use every digit only once. What digit is hidden beneath the little bee?

+ а) 1

b) 2

= 7 c) 4

d) 5

e) 6

9 From the dominos marked by numbers from 1 to 4, set two one above the other so that the sums of the dots on their left and right sides equal the number of the dots on the fifth domino. Which dominos will you choose? 1

а) 1 and 2


b) 1 and 3


c) 1 and 4



d) 2 and 3

e) 3 and 4

10 Grandpa Sid arranged dominos the same way as shown in the picture. Bill came along and moved one domino by accident – the sum of the dots in the upper part became equal to the sum of the dots in the lower part. Which domino did Bill move? 1

а) 1

b) 2

c) 3




d) 4


11 The handyman cut the plank in nine places, and he got equal parts. How many parts did he get? Đ°) 8

b) 9

c) 10

d) 18

12 There are nine people in the street. The people are soldiers, policemen and postmen. There are more postmen than policemen, and fewer than soldiers. How many soldiers, postmen and policemen are there exactly in the street? Fill in the table and find all the solutions. Sum




Policemen Postmen Soldiers

13 Color the squares in both rows red, blue and yellow. There should be more yellow squares than red ones and fewer than blue ones in one row. The numbers of yellow squares in the first and second row should be different.

How many squares are colored blue? a)



b) 5

c) 8

d) 9

14 Enter all odd numbers of the first decade in the given shape so that the horizontal and vertical sums are equal. Find three solutions.

15 A bus is traveling from Belgrade to Budapest and has two stops between the two cities. 32 passengers boarded the bus in Belgrade. 7 passengers got off, and 10 passengers got on the bus in Novi Sad. 15 passengers got off and 8 got on in Subotica. All the passengers got off the bus in Budapest. How many passengers rode in the bus? Đ°) 28

b) 42

c) 50

d) 72

16 Al established that the distances between the lamp posts in the picture are equal and that they are 40 steps long. If the distances between the lamp posts and the edge of the road are equal and are 12 steps, how many steps is the road wide? a) 16

b) 24

c) 28

d) 52


17 The bread delivery boy from the baker’s goes to the shop 1, but makes two stops (see the picture) – one of them is the shop two kilometers away from the main road, and the other is the shop three kilometers away. The delivery boy does not stop there on his way back and travels eight kilometers to the baker’s. How many kilometers does he travel on his way from the baker to the shop 1? a) 5 kilometers b) 13 kilometers c) 18 kilometers d) 21 kilometers

18 Write all two-digit numbers made of digits 0, 4 and 8.

How many such numbers are there? а) 8

b) 6



c) 4

d) 3

In order not to forget any numbers, it is best to write them in order. Digits can be repeated in one number.

19 Write all two-digit even numbers made with the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Make sure that the digits in these numbers are used only once.

How many numbers are there? а) 13

b) 12

c) 6

d) 5

Number 44 is an even two-digit number, but you will not include it in your answer (digit 4 is repeated).

20 Fill in the empty square so that there all the given letters – A, B, C, D and E written in each row and each column. Which letter is hidden under the little bee? Circle it. A












21 Where should the bee put the flower so that the table in in each horizontal and vertical row has the same number of flowers? Color that field.


Milan Batavelj

ić Slađana St



• The book is intended for those children that in the first grade? Do more and faster progress. • Tasks accompanying curriculum for math? Their first year in school. • Help parents and teachers is welcome in reading some more extensive essay-type tasks, with tasks that are difficult for children and so on.


path to


• The tasks in this collection for children encourage curiosity, judgment and logical thinking, and during their solution reveals the meaning of mathematics.

Milena Vranić


• 7–9 years • 166 math problems that children will love to solve

Learning to think! • Learning math through problems kids understand • Helps to develop logical thinking to foster creativity

Second grade brainstorming

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