Hello friends ★ Introduction Rules of Friendship ★ Instructions on how to fill in the PlanUM Story Many pieces of me ★ Solving a puzzle with the most important personal information Own you all ★ Class schedule
Monthly review ★ A general plan for the forthcoming month Weekly review ★ A detailed plan that includes school and out-ofschool activities, healthy habits related to personal hygiene and nutrition, moments that have made you proud in the past week, certain questions you seek to answer, etc.
I think a lot, I speak less about … ★ You are learning about yourself and the world around through exercises through questions and answers I want to …★ What has been your wish/dream/need in the past month you define a monthly goal and make an action plan to achieve it
Me – Journalist ★ Through questions and answers you draw conclusions about the past month Me – Judge ★ You select your "favourites" from grades to songs Me – Designer ★ You are making a drawing about a given topic Mindster of the Month ★ stickers with different characters ★ Select one to illustrate the current month
My small victories ★ You are documenting all your personal accomplishments in and out of school (diplomas, awards, recognitions, etc.) My favourite books ★ A brief review of the books that have left the greatest impression on you My diary ★ Thoughts, ideas, events during the day, month, year... My visionary wall ★ You are drawing, cutting and pasting pieces of the mosaic of your interests
To explain why it is so important for you to know your talents, let us ask you a question:
Was the experience of watching such a movie fuller than watching the same movie in the regular 2D technology? It was - and by a lot - wasn’t it?! The same goes for you. You are much more than the experience you feel at a particular time. You are also how everyone else sees you (your friends, your teachers and even your parents). PlanUM Story is here to serve as those silly 3D glasses that give the picture its depth. We will make all your hidden potentials rise to the surface so as to help you and your closest friends get the full picture about you, this time in 4D! We all have four dimensions:
If you wonder where we come from, we shall tell you at once. We come from your head. If you do not believe us, let us tell you something that only you know: There is an inner voice that only you can hear, isn’t there!? We possess a power to hear how you use that voice to wonder, retell, laugh; how sometimes you are sad, other times you are puzzled, but most often you are curious. Frankly, we have a lot of fun since each of you - you, your friends, the friends of your friends and their friends - is special and interesting in his/her own way. Everyone has their own STORY. Yet, you share similar considerations, similar interests, you have dilemmas about similar topics and issues; and the common thing about you is that you all have many wishes and dreams. We are here, above all, to get together. But we are also here to turn dreams into reality, answer questions, turn thoughts into words and words into pictures, all by solving challenges and playing games. No, we will not use magic and you will have to fire up all your talents and skills. Do you know which ones you have?
mental intelligence key word: knowledge
emotional intelligence key word: self-confidence
physical intelligence key word: discipline spiritual intelligence key word: conscience
Healthy habits keep all these parts in good shape, and habits are developed through persistence and daily repetition. We are here to remind you of your daily plans, duties and responsibilities that help you cultivate your mind, body, heart and spirit - consciously and together. The more you develop your overall intelligence, the better equipped you will be to express your feelings, share your needs with the people around you and turn your dreams into easily attainable goals. The path to the goal is only yours, but you will not walk it alone. Together we shall create a circle of people close to you whom you trust and can address for help and advice with any matter of interest, at any time. With their help you will fill in the PlanUM Story awaiting you on the following pages with many interesting challenges. The involvement of the people around you in the completion of the tasks will depend on your age. One thing is certain. PlanUm Story will help you grow into a more mature and wise person and acquire the social skills required to take you a step closer to what you are slowly developing as your life dream. For we know that you have many dreams and plans! So, fasten your seatbelt, we are setting off on a thrilling adventure ride - in 4D!
P. S. We have some super useful advice for you: Keep this and all PlanUM Stories, open them and read them in 10, 15 and 20 years. Being able to read the story of your childhood is a precious experience! More content and printable material are available at: www.myplanum.com
Investing into your children's future is the smartest investment you can make! Material things have a limited shelf life; hence, it is far wiser to invest in your relationship with them, which is lasting and sets the groundwork for the development of healthy habits and positive personalities. This requires both time and design.
PlanUM Story provides you with an opportunity, as well as an excuse, to become your child's partner in a new, different adventure. You should expect a lot of discussions, questions, answers, analyses, but also tears - of joy!
The purpose of PlanUM Story is:
However, nowadays, when we always lack time, we are often left without the two major elements that help us build a system of upbringing, education and fun.
to develop healthy habits
Nevertheless, you should rest assured that you are not the only ones who think that they lack one or more elements of the equation. Every parent who is in employment of any type is facing the same problem. PlanUM Story is there to offer a solution in this regard. In a single planner of about 200 pages, the PlanUM Story offers you a purpose, reason and – most importantly – carefully selected content that will help you spend at least 15 minutes of quality time with your loved ones each day of the year. Furthermore, you can do that avoiding the stereotyped introductory conversation: How was school today? What did you do? They always answer: Nothing particular. It was good! PlanUM Story is a meeting point that deals with various topics of interest for your child, and it does that by using a well-designed planning process and by encouraging the child’s personal aptitudes and qualities. It will inspire you and, in turn, you can inspire your child to talk openly about his/her wishes, needs, plans, fears and dilemmas. PlanUM Story will serve as an extra tool to help you extend something that is essentially a relationship of unconditional love and trust. In addition, PlanUM Story will also be your assistant, your substitute in the role of a boring reminder who is repeating the same phases day in, day out: Wash your hands! Eat! Drink some water! Have some fruit! Do your homework! Repeat … etc. PlanUM Story is an excellent partner for all modern parents who have very busy lives, but also feel an elemental need to offer their children an opportunity for continuous development through high-quality content. PlanUM Story is composed of carefully selected and designed exercises based on solution-focused coaching methodology and positive children's psychology techniques which have been adapted to children in primary and secondary schools. Since each user creates his/her own unique plan and responses to the given challenges, the complexity of the results varies, too. The involvement of the parent or guardian will be necessary to fill in PlanUM Story for younger children, while older ones will require only partial assistance, depending on the requirements of the particular exercise.
to establish a relationship of mutual trust
to identify and work actively on the child’s strengths and weaknesses
Diligent and continued socializing with your child with the aid of PlanUM Story will ultimately lead to the advancement of the following features: Exploration – the child will learn to think independently, study and develop new ideas Vision – the child will develop a capacity to think in longer terms and in a more focused way Self-confidence – the child will believe in himself/herself and the things he/she is able to accomplish alone Organization – the child will learn how to plan and organize time and keep to a schedule Accomplishments – the child will endeavor to reach the goals that have been set Awareness – the child will be able to recognize his/her own qualities, abilities and capacity Bonding – the child will learn how to build healthy and sincere relations with the people around him/her
We hope you have an unforgettable adventure while you are making a new mutual story!
Parents may find further useful advice at www.myplanum.com.
Let's see how we shall hang out in the next 365 days! The first and only rule is that there are no rules in a friendship. A quality friendship requires nothing but sincerity! All aboard! For starters, arm yourselves with crayons, markers, pencils and pens, stickers and scissors that you will use to personalize your PlanUM story wherever you think you can leave your personal marks. Be creative from the very start, but preserve some creativity for the pages to follow ̶ you will need it until the very end.
Create your first personal identity card. Be free with your descriptions. You can go back and add something at any time. When you complete and take a look at your puzzle, you will understand that you are much more than a mere name and surname with the status of a pupil - rather, you are a lively and layered person with many affinities and talents. Now grab your crayons once again and paint each field in a colour of your choosing.
How to prepare for the kids' classes You should always keep your school class schedule for the present year both in your mind and on paper. Keep your focus on matters of primary importance for the duration of the school year. Download the large format of the schedule at the web page: www.myplanum.com.
Open your mind – we are developing our emotional and spiritual intelligence through exercises. By taking on interesting challenges you will learn about yourself, as well as about the world around you. Do the exercise once a month, alone or with someone in your circle of trust. If you want to, you can repeat it in the future.
A weekly review Develop healthy habits through continuous work. To reach your goal, make a detailed plan! Before the beginning of each month set one goal that, when accomplished, will make you even more content, happy and fulfilled. Define this goal and, together with all activities you need to undertake to achieve it, enter it in the appropriate fields in the illustrated image. The goal may relate to school, outof-school activities and hobbies, to your friends, home, or something completely different. When you learn how to turn your dreams into concrete goals using this system, you will be half way toward turning them into reality! The other half is to keep to the plan.
Improve yourself and have fun. Write down all planned activities relating to sports, arts or language classes, socializing, competitions, etc.
Fill your head with knowledge. Write down all school-related activities and duties.
Think about the famous words of wise people throughout history, including your film and book heroes, and try to put this wisdom in the context of your life, to translate it using your own words.
Never forget to surprise the people who are closest to you on their birthdays!
A monthly review We are developing physical and mental intelligence through monthly and weekly activities Express yourself creatively - Write/draw the name of the month as a logo/symbol and think up a slogan that reflects the characteristics of that particular month. Enter in the calendar all important dates that you must not forget.
it may be praise, a grade, food, a friend, a song etc. something you disliked and would not want to repeat.
Be as clean as you are nice and smart! Mark whether you have fulfilled your daily obligations concerning your personal hygiene and keeping your room tidy.
Victory of the Select the most impor- Surprise of the Laugh of the week (a good week tant moments for you in week deed or a mothe past week. ment that makes your proud)
Your mouth can say a lot about your health. It is important to have three meals a day, to consume enough vitamins by eating fruit and vegetables and, naturally, to remember to drink at least five glasses of water. You can colour in, tick or circle the symbols for breakfast, lunch, dinner, vitamins and fluids.
Question of the week (you would like to learn more about ...)
Circle or colour in the emoji that symbolizes your mood in the past week.
At the end of the year, note all your accomplishments and small personal triumphs.
What is your hit of the month? Pick the favourite one! ‌ from song to grade ‌
Draw, cut and paste pieces that make up the mosaic of your interests. Put anything that you find interesting in the magazines or on the Internet on this A4 sheet of paper, which you may post somewhere in your room at the end.
Put yourself in the role of a journalist. Ask yourself about specific things that will give you an insight what you have achieved, which difficulties you have faced and what you need to do next. Assign an image to the month by selecting one of the stickers provided on the last pages.
Any time you feel a need for it, write down your thoughts, or retell an interesting event worth remembering.
Be creative, unleash your fantasies and draw anything that your mind can imagine. You should know that there are no good or bad drawings. They are all unique!
Write down the favourite books you have read during the year and do not forget to recommend them to a friend.
...I’ve heard your thoughts. Yes, of course, you can share some of your creative moments with your friends on social networks! #myplanumstory
My circle of trust Why it has never occurred to us to put the closest people in a circle? Not a simple one, but rather a circle of trust, where we will put everyone who is always there for us, gives us support, cheers us up, teaches us and help us improve in various areas. They could be your parents, brothers, sisters, teachers, trainers, friends, etc. This will be the circle that you will remember and turn to whenever you will feel a need to share something, both good and bad.
Form your circle of trust by answering the following questions: Who makes me feel completely safe? Whom do I believe unwaveringly? With whom do I enjoy spending my time? Who helps me realize my tasks and activities? Who always notices the positive changes in my life?
“I wi ll think out of the box and put everyone in a circle”
What would you like to accomplish this month that would make you particularly proud? Which concrete steps would you take to realize your goal? I am setting a goal for:
excellent result
healthy habits
Enter your concrete goal and the required actions in the appropriate fields.
after-school activities
Activities at home
Relations with riends, parents, teachers, etc.
But you know, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Faith in oneself is the best and safest course. Michelangelo
Anything is possible when you have an inner peace.
Kung Fu Panda, Dreamworks
The objective I have set at the beginning of the month is (circle the correct answer): On a scale from 1 to 10, mark your efforts to accomplish your objective this month. 1 is “nothing” 10 is “everything I was able to do and I planned earlier”
Song Grade A line from a book Book character Film/series character Friend
What difficulties did you face realizing your plan?
Call a friend!
From your circle of trust, pick one or several persons to help you solve your problem/ dilemma/difficulty. I am picking (whom) ________________I am asking (what)_______________ What did you take pride in the most in the past month?
Which of your skills/talents did you use to feel that way? Select one sticker that will describe your general mood in the past month
Sports victory
Good deed
How to reach your goa l? Just as we cannot make a fish climb a tree, or a monkey dive, so we cannot say how good or bad somebody is based on the abilities and the skills that that person possesses. Some are good with words, others are good with numbers. We all have different talents, which we should not compare with those of other people. Let’s discover your specific talents and skills through a game! Take a die and invite a friend or somebody in your circle of trust to play the game called "How to reach your goal". Move along the field by rolling the die. Each time you stop on a field with a small suitcase, open it, and it contains a toolbox of your talents, skills and abilities. List one or more of them and write them down on a piece of paper. With their help you are climbing faster to your goal. Enjoy!
“Some with brain, others with brawn, and I …!?"
What would you like to accomplish this month that would make you particularly proud? Which concrete steps would you take to realize your goal? I am setting a goal for:
excellent result
healthy habits
Enter your concrete goal and the required actions in the appropriate fields.
after-school activities
Activities at home
Relations with riends, parents, teachers, etc.
Education is the most powe rful weapon which you can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela
Alex! Do not interrupt me while I'm daydreaming! When the zebra's in the zone, leave him alone. Marty, Madagascar, Dreamworks
I can’t go back to yesterday because I was a different person then. Alice in wonderland, Lewis Carroll
The objective I have set at the beginning of the month is (circle the correct answer): On a scale from 1 to 10, mark your efforts to accomplish your objective this month. 1 is “nothing” 10 is “everything I was able to do and I planned earlier”
Song Grade A line from a book Book character Film/series character Friend
What difficulties did you face realizing your plan?
Call a friend!
From your circle of trust, pick one or several persons to help you solve your problem/ dilemma/difficulty. I am picking (whom) ________________I am asking (what)_______________ What did you take pride in the most in the past month?
Which of your skills/talents did you use to feel that way? Select one sticker that will describe your general mood in the past month
Sports victory
Good deed
What would you like to accomplish this month that would make you particularly proud? Which concrete steps would you take to realize your goal? I am setting a goal for:
excellent result
healthy habits
Enter your concrete goal and the required actions in the appropriate fields.
after-school activities
Activities at home
Relations with riends, parents, teachers, etc.
Yes, I am talking to you. You still don't know it, but if you are 8 to 18 years old, you are now living in the most exciting period of your life! Your life resembles an adventure film, a romantic drama and even a comedy. Your daily routine is filled with many diverse activities. You like to have fun, play with your friends; you have countless plans and wishes; you try to fit in at school, to find your place among your pals; to be your parents' friend and get the support you need when you face your first crush, failure, disappointment ‌ If this looks like the screenplay of your film, then I believe that you are ready for yet another breathtaking adventure. PlanUM Story will be your faithful friend and indispensable guide. It will show you, through challenges and exercises, how to:
discover new talents and skills plan future superb achievements explore and share emotions
develop creativity while you are having fun develop healthy habits for life capture unforgettable moments for posterity
Have a happy journey! Your
PlanUM Story is a creative interactive planner for pupils aged 8 to 18, complemented with carefully selected and designed exercises and techniques based on personal development methodology and positive children’s psychology. Through a well-designed planning process and the encouragement of the child’s personal aptitudes and qualities, the young PlanUM user develops into a responsible, conscientious and open person.