Сторінка 4:
Вправа 2: Запишіть національності за зразком.
Вправа 3: Роздивіться зображення та запишіть імена персонажів.
Сторінка 5:
Вправа 1: Поєднайте картинки з правилами.
2 You mustn’t be Late for your Lessons.
3 You must listen carefully to your teacher.
1 You mustn’t forget to do your homework.
5 You must switch off your phone at school.
Вправа 2: а) Доповніть речення словами з рамки.
2. We are so desperate! We aren’t ready for school yet!
3. My teacher gets so angry when her students moan.
4. Everyone has to wear a uniform at our school.
5. Please remind me what’s for homework tomorrow.
6. You can leave your bicycle on the bike rack near our school.
b) Складіть речення зі словами з рамки.
1. There are so many rules in our school that we must follow.
2. People should be polite to each other.
3. I always lock all windows before leaving the house.
4. My brother often shouts at our bog.
5. Our teacher never swears at us.
6. I can’t stand of yawning when the lesson is boring.
Сторінка 6:
Вправа 3: а) Виправте правила за зразком.
2. Don’t be late for your lessons.
3. Don’t wear jeans at school.
4. Don’t be rude to your teachers.
5. Don’t yawn and moan in your Lessons.
6. Don’t shout at your classmates.
7. Don’t lock your bike in the classroom.
b) Напишіть інші правила, які ви знаєте чи, які є у вашій школі.
1. Don’t run in the hall.
2. Be honest with your teacher and classmates.
3. Raise your hand to speak at the lesson.
4. Respect other people and their property.
Вправа 4: а) Прочитайте коментарі. Запишіть імена студентів біля тверджень на сторінці 7.
1 – Stefan 2 – Al 3 – Eddy 4 –
Сторінка 7:
b) Прочитайте коментарі ще раз та дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. At Sheila’s school you must wear uniform, be kind to everyone and switch off your phone.
2. Eddy has to wake up 30 minutes earlier than others because he can’t get at school in time by bus so he walks.
3. The only time you can talk in lessons at Ai’s school is when a teacher asks something.
4. At Stefan’s school if you are rude you can get more homework or stay longer at school.
Сторінка 8:
Вправа 1: Обведіть правильне слово.
2. PE is my favourite subject - I Like doing sport.
3. Mia is in the school orchestra - she plays the piano.
4. Helen has many good skills, like singing, dancing and acting.
5. I’m good with numbers because I have Maths every day.
6 History is very interesting - we love learning about the past.
Вправа 2: Розподіліть слова на дві групи: ПРЕДМЕТИ та
IT, PE, History, French, Physics Listening, Cooking, Spelling, Singing, Babysitting
Вправа 3: а) Відгадайте слова за зразком.
1 – English 2 – Latin 3 – choir 4 – Biology 5 – Chemistry 6 – Literature
b) Використайте відгадані слова, щоб доповнити речення.
2. Biology is so cool! I love Learning about nature!
3. Ben and Bill want to join a choir - they sing well.
4. I don’t think we need Latin - no one speaks it any more.
5. Sue enjoys reading books, and Literature is her favourite subject.
6. Chemistry is hard for us because we don’t understand the chemical elements.
Сторінка 9:
Вправа 1: а) Доповніть речення словами з рамки.
2. Ms Davis looks nice and youngish.
3. The school has a staff of 50 teachers.
4. Mr Williams is strict and fair.
5. Our headmaster has made some good school rules.
6. The address of his school is 10 Oxford Street, London.
b) Складіть речення зі словами з рамки.
1. My grandparents’ address is 19 Shevchenko Street.
2. Our new English teacher is friendly and fair.
3. My sister’s headmaster teaches Biology.
4. The size of our school is not very big.
5. My dad’s company has a staff of 40 persons.
6. My uncle Jack looks good and youngish.
2: Послухайте, як Емма розповідає
(сторінка 13 вправа 2 підручника). Доповніть речення.
1. There are a lot of photos on Emma’s school’s website.
2. There are 300 students at Emma’s school.
3. There are also 15 teachers at Emma’s school.
4 Emma doesn’t have such subjects as Chemistry, Physics and Latin.
5. Literature is about reading.
6. Language is about writing.
7 Stella has problems with spelling.
8. Mr Beard is English teacher.
9. There are marks from ‘A’ to ‘E’.
10. Emma’s favourite subjects are IT and Art.
11. Mr Jones teaches IT.
Сторінка 10:
Вправа 3: Прочитайте діалог на сторінці 14 підручника та дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. There is a list of subjects on Emma’s school’s website.
2. Mr Beard always says “Writing is very important, Spelling is very important. You are lousy at spelling”.
3. Marks ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ means a pass
4. Mr Jones is nice and fair.
5. There is a new IT room.
Вправа 4: Знайдіть шкільний вебсайт та заповніть таблицю. Намалюйте ваш шкільний герб праворуч.
Сторінка 11:
Вправа 1: а) Обведіть правильне слово.
1 History is about learning dates and past events
2. War is when people fight to get something.
3. There have been many discoveries in science.
4. Mr Jones doesn’t explain these calculations well.
b) Складіть речення зі словами з рамки.
1. Modern history is full of events.
2. We learn about discoveries on our science lessons.
3. I hope someday there will be no war in the world.
4. I often explain my little sister how to behave.
Unit 1/Розділ 1 Activity book Англійська мова: робочий зошит для 6 класу. Карпюк, 2023 Вправа 2: Послухайте розмову Джейка і Люсі у вправі 2 на сторінці 16 підручника.
Оберіть a, b чи с.
1 – b 2 – с 3 – a 4 – b 5 – a 6 – c
Вправа 3: Пограйте у гру. Оберіть предмет та скажіть, що ви на ньому родите. Хай інші
відгадають, що ви загадали.
In this subject we do different calculations. – Maths. In this subject we learn about past events. – History.
In this subject we learn chemical elements. – Chemistry. In this subject we learn grammar and read. – English. In this subject we sing. – Music.
Сторінка 12: Вправа 1: Складіть речення зі словами з рамки.
1. Reading develops our lexicon.
2. I want to improve my English this year.
3. My sister practises playing guitar every day.
4. People should learn other cultures to understand each other better.
Вправа 2: Доповніть діалог. Використайте слова з рамки.
Jane: Hey, Greg! What’s up?
Greg: Hi, Jane! Nothing much... It’s just that I don’t know what to do with my Spanish.
Jane: What do you mean?
Greg: I’m desperate! I make so many mistakes in spelling and pronunciation. Jane: Oh, come on! I know you can become better!
Greg: How?
Jane: Watch films in Spanish - that way you’ll improve your pronunciation. Read books or blogs in Spanish – this will help you develop your spelling.
Greg: What if I don’t understand some words?
Jane: You can use dictionary. In fact, we can have some extra lessons together. Greg: Really? Oh, thanks, Jane! You’re the best!
Сторінка 13: Вправа 1: а) Відгадайте слова. 1 – firm 2 – honest 3 – pet students 4 – sense of humor 5 – punish b) Доповніть речення відгаданими словами.
1. You have such a great sense of humor!
2. Our teachers can punish us when we are rude.
3. Mr Brown doesn’t have any pet students – he likes everyone.
4. Our headmaster is nice but firm.
5. We have to be honest because we can get into trouble if we lie.
Вправа 2: Розташуйте речення у правильному порядку, щоб утворився діалог.
Вправа 3: Скажіть, які предмети вам треба вивчати, щоб стати...
a) You need to study Astronomy and Physics if you want to become an astronaut.
b) You need to study Art and Crafts if you want to become a designer.
c) You need to study Chemistry and Biology if you want to become a doctor.
d) You need to study Music if you want to become a musician.
Сторінка 14:
Вправа 1: Виправте помилки в словах та запишіть речення.
1. Maths is so hard, and I feel so desperate!
2. We mustn’t moan, shout or yawn at school.
3. Students have to wear a school uniform.
4. Let’s join the school orchestra or choir!
5. Our headmaster is very strict and firm.
6. I Like Learning about different discoveries.
7. You need to develop your English skills.
8 Students have to be polite, kind and honest
Вправа 2: Придумай три уявні предмети. Запиши їх назви та, що ви на них вивчаєте.
1. Catology – you learn cats habits and behavior.
2. Gaming – you learn history and developing of computer games.
3. Blogging – you learn how to make videos and become a blogger.
Сторінка 15:
Вправа 1: Викресліть зайве слово.
1. Latin, French, German, Science
2. pretty, strict, firm, honest
3 read, write, speak, dance
4. interesting, boring, youngish, easy
Вправа 2: а) Доповніть речення словами з рамки.
1. Please remind me what is for homework.
2. You must always be in time for your lessons.
3. Mr Brown has a great sense of humour – he’s so funny!
4. Teachers should be fair and have no pet students.
5. Claire loves learning about wars and other past events.
6. Mrs Smith doesn’t explain grammar well – I can’t understand anything!
7. Our headmaster punishes us when we don’t follow the rules.
8 Kevin has to improve his spelling – tell him to read more.
b) Складіть речення зі словами з рамки.
1. You need to learn 1st aid if you want to be a doctor.
2. I want to join our school choir.
3. There were many discoveries last century.
4. The size of my dog is very small.
5. The staff of our school is rather big.
6. I want to develop my dancing skills.
7. You should lock your house before you live.
8. My sister always moans if the task is hard.
Сторінка 16:
Вправа 3: а) Розгадайте кросворд.
b) Напишіть назви шкільних предметів, які ви знаєте, та, чим на них займаються. Literature. You read different writings and learn poems. History. You learn about past events.
PE. You play sport games and exercise a lot.
Arts and Crafts. You paint pictures and make different things.
Вправа 4: а) Напишіть правила під картинками.
1. You must wear school uniform.
2. You must be silent at the lessons.
3. You mustn't take your pets to school.
4. You must lock your bicycle on the bike rack.
b) Напишіть декілька інших шкільних правил, які ви знаєте.
1. You must do your homework in time.
2. You must switch off your mobile phone at school.
3. You mustn't be late for you lessons.
4. You mustn't run at school.
Вправа 1: Обведіть правильне слово.
1. Family means a married couple with or without children.
2 There are also people related to us who are called relatives.
3. Family is a place where we get support in life.
4. I don’t want my parents to live apart.
5. What do you have in common with your brother?
Вправа 2: Прочитайте коментарі на сторінці 27 підручника, оберіть а чи b.
1 – a 2 – b 3 – b 4 – b 5 – b 6 – b
Вправа 3: Напишіть декілька речень про свою родину.
I have a big family – mother, father, sister, grandparents, two cousins, aunt and uncle. I think it's normal because not all of them live with us. All members of our family have jobs, except for the children, of course. We always gather together for holidays. We often go on vacation all together. We like travelling. Our family is very friendly and supportive. I love my family very much.
Сторінка 18:
Вправа 4: Доповніть речення словами з рамки.
1. Sally and I have many hobbies in common.
2. These boys have different fathers, but they are connected by their mother.
3. Mary and John are a beautiful couple, and they will marry soon.
4 I look after my pets with love
5. We always support and help each other.
6. My sister and I drew a family tree to remember our roots.
Вправа 5: Прочитайте текст на сторінці 26 підручника та дайте відповіді на запитання.
1.New technologies, new ways of communication, new standards and traditions make life so different these days.
2. A family means a married couple with or without children.
3. We get support with the help of our family.
4. No, they don't. Not all parents live together.
5. There are families where parents live apart from their children and those who are always together.
6. My family means to me love and support.
Сторінка 19:
Вправа 1: Тут приховано 15 слів, що стосуються родини. Знайдіть їх та запишіть.
cousin niece sister mum wife daughter
aunt granny
Запишіть літери, що залишилися, та утворіть запитання. What is your family name?
Дайте відповідь на запитання. My family name is Kovalenko.
Вправа 2: Напишіть про своїх батьків.
What does your father/mother look Like? My mother is short and slim with short brown hair and blue eyes. My father is tall and sporty. He's bald and he's got brown eyes. What is he/she like? She is kind and helpful. he is clever and friendly. What does your grandfather/grandmother look like? My grandfather is tall and a bit plump with grey hair and green eyes. My grandmother is pretty short and slim with long blonde hair and blue eyes.
What is he/she like? He is strict but fair. She is funny and kind.
Вправа 1: Роздивіться зображення
5. Edward
6. Harry
Вправа 2: Доповніть текст пропущеними словами. Mike’s mum is kind and helpful. She has got beautiful blue eyes and short light-brown hair. She is quite tall. His dad is plump. That’s because he likes eating a lot. He is a bit bald and he is only 43 years old. His sister has got long blonde hair, and she always wears a lot of make-up and big earrings. Sue is in the bathroom all day long. She is seventeen. Mike’s little brother Ted is a real nuisance. He is curious and annoying. The man with a grey beard is Mike’s grandpa. “Pirate Ed” is only his nickname. His real name is Edward. He is very interesting, and he tells a lot of amazing stories. Mike’s uncle Harry has got a ponytail. He makes everybody laugh because he is clumsy. His wife Linda is always serious. Maybe that’s because she is a police officer. She is slim because she is always on a diet. The girl with braids is Mike’s cousin Amy. She is also 11 and she is shy. Her brother Jim is very thin, so Mike’s granny Liz often says, “Jim, you must eat more vegetables if you want to be big and strong.” And the untidy boy is Mike’s cousin Robert. He is really silly. This is not Mike’s whole family. He has got many other relatives.
Сторінка 21:
Сторінка 22:
Вправа 1: а) Послухайте Емму у вправі 2 на сторінці 32 підручника.
Emma 12 a schoolgirl a camera
Ellen 42 an architect a small studio
Andy 43 a cameraman a lot of equipment
Jenny 5 in a kindergarten a lot of friends
Patrick 17 in a state a girlfriend
Stella 25 an au-pair four brothers and a sister
b) Скориставшись таблицею розкажіть про родину Емми.
Вправа 2: Доповніть речення про родину Емми.
1. Emma is Jenny and Patrick’s sister.
2. Ellen is Emma, Jenny and Patrick's mum.
3. Ellen and Andy are husband and wife.
Сторінка 23:
4. Stella is Emma's au-pair.
5. Andy is Emma, Patrick and Jenny's father.
6. Andy is Ellen's husband.
Вправа 1: Доповніть речення. Використайте who's чи whose.
1. Who's not at school today?
2. Whose mother is a teacher?
3. Who's got a pink backpack?
4. Whose umbrella is pink?
5. Who's hungry?
6. Who's got a big family?
Вправа 2: Запишіть слова у алфавітному порядку та складіть з ними речення.
brave Mike is brave because he saved me from the dog.
calm You should be calm and polite at school.
My little brother is so clumsy.
curious I am curious if Jane will come to the party.
My dog is very dull.
My granny is a very hard-working person.
naive Don't be naive! People don't always tell the truth.
naughty Little children are often very naughty.
Good teacher should be patient.
polite I wish people were more polite to each other. rude Steve's elder brother is too rude to him.
No one should be too selfish
My uncle is strict and serious. shy
My little sister is very shy with the strangers. worried My mother is always worried about me.
Сторінка 24:
Вправа 1: Напишіть про кузенів Емми.
Emma has got two cousins. Susan is 14. Martin is 10. They are brother and sister. They live at the farm in the country. They love animals. They've got two dogs.
Вправа 2: Послухайте діалог у вправі 2 на сторінці 35 підручника. Прочитайте опис та запишіть імена.
Jane She is short. Her hair is long and beautiful.
Molly She is five. She is funny and sometimes annoying.
Ned He has got blue eyes.
John He is very tall. He has got a beard.
Вправа 3: Доповніть речення.
John is Edna’s uncle. Ned is Edna's older brother.
Molly is Tom's cousin. Jane is John's wife.
Вправа 4: Складіть запитання про кузенів вашого однокласника. Задайте ці питання та запишіть відповіді.
Do you have cousins? Yes, I do.
How many cousins have you got? I've got two cousins.
What are their names? Maxim and Artem.
How old are they?
What do they look like?
Maxim is 12 and Artem is 14.
They are both tall and slim. Maxim's wearing glasses. He's got short dark hair and green eyes. Artem's got short dark hair and blue eyes.
What is they like? They are very friendly and outgoing.
Сторінка 25:
Вправа 1: Роздивіться генеалогічне дерево та запишіть, чи речення на сторінці 26
правдиві (T) чи хибні (F). Виправте та запишіть хибні речення.
1 – T 2 – F 3 – F 4 – T 5 – F 6 – T 7 – T 8 – T
2. Andy and Ellen have got three children.
3. Patrick is Emma and Jenny’s brother.
5. Andy and Ellen have got a niece and a nephew.
Сторінка 26:
Вправа 2: Напишіть про МакДоналсів.
2. Martin is Susan's brother.
3. Erica and Peter are Martin and Susan's parents.
4. Erica is Peter's wife.
5. Ellen is Erica's sister.
6. Peter is Catherine and Tom's son.
7. Ellen and Erica are Kirk and Laura's daughters.
8. Susan and Martin are Jenny, Emma and Patrick cousins.
9. Catherine is Martin and Susan's grandma.
10. Tom is Catherine's husband.
11. Ellen is Martin and Susan's aunt.
Сторінка 27:
Вправа 1: Запишіть пари слів. Одне слово не має пари.
sister – brother
wife –husband
daughter – son
mum – dad granddaughter – grandson
Вправа 2: Запишіть родинні ролі, які ви маєте.
I'm a cousin to Maxim and Artem.
I'm a son to my mum Iruna and my dad Pavlo.
I' m a brother to my sister Sveta.
I'm a nephew to my uncle Oleh.
stepmother – stepfather
niece – nephew
grandma – grandpa
Вправа 3: Послухайте про родину Емми ще раз (стор. 35 підручника, впр. 2) та запишіть, які мають такі значення.
1. a place where small children stay while their parents are at work kindergarten
2. a kind of transport bigger than a car, smaller than a lorry van
3 a person who shoots films cameraman
4. things you need for an activity or a job an equipment
5. the opposite of ‘long’ short
Вправа 4: Запишіть визначення слів.
An architect – a person who designs buildings.
A bike – a kind of transport with two wheels.
A studio – a place for the work.
A camera – an equipment to make photos. small – the opposite of ‘big’.
Вправа 5: Запишіть антоніми.
1 Tall is the opposite of short.
2. Curly is the opposite of straight.
3. Long is the opposite of short.
4 Plump is the opposite of slim.
5. Light is the opposite of dark.
6. Skinny is the opposite of chubby.
Вправа 6: Оберіть слова з рамки за заповніть пропуски.
Ann is a new girl in our class. She looks pretty. She is slim and not very tall. Her eyes are green. She has got dark straight hair. Yesterday I saw her mother. They are much alike. They’ve got light skin. But her mother’s hair is different: it is long and wavy.
Сторінка 29:
Вправа 7: Доповніть текст словами з рамки.
This is my amazing family. My mum has got beautiful hair and brown eyes. She is very kind and helpful. My dad is not plump, he is thin. My little brother, who always asks me lots of questions, is so curious and sometimes annoying. My elder brother has got a car. He is often bossy. Our grandma knows a lot of interesting stories. I’ve got many relatives: uncles and aunts, grandparents and cousins.
Вправа 8: Напишіть листа своєму другу про себе.
Dear, Alina,
I am short and slim. I've got dark curly hair and brown eyes. I'm wearing glasses. I think I'm kind and friendly. I'm very outgoing person. I make new friends all the time. Tell me about yourself.
See you soon, Liza
Вправа 9: Напишіть коментар на сайті про свою родину. Скористайтеся текстом на
сторінці 27 підручника.
I've got a big family - mother, father, grandma, two cousins, aunt and uncle. I think it's normal because not all of them live with us. All members in our family have jobs, so everyone is busy. We often have dinner together and watch different films. We like spending free time together. Our favourite activity is camping. I love my family very much.
Сторінка 30:
Вправа 1: а) Поєднайте слова з їх значеннями.
1 – e 2 – h 3 – f 4 – a
b) Доповніть речення словами з а).
1. I don’t spend a lot of time on the Internet.
2 Hey, let’s hang out together this Sunday!
3. There are so many viewers of our talk show!
4. It is dangerous to give out personal information online.
5 John spends only one hour online every day.
6. Online games can isolate us from each other.
7. I want to download some new music on my phone.
8. We use different social networks to connect with others.
Вправа 2: Прочитайте текст на сторінках 42-43 підручника та запишіть, чи твердження правдиві (Т) чи хибні (F).
1 – T 2 – F 3 – F 4 – T 5 – T 6 – F 7 – T 8 – F Сторінка 31:
Вправа 3: а) Прочитайте текст ще раз. Запишіть які-небудь інші проблеми, які виникають при користуванні інтернетом надмірно.
Using the internet too much can cause problems with eyes and spine. Also, you spend much time indoors, that’s bad for lungs. You become isolated from world and don’t want to communicate with other people because you have virtual friends.
b) Дайте відповіді на запитання. Порівняйте свої відповіді з відповідями однокласників.
1. I use the Internet for studying and sometimes for playing games.
2. I spend 2 hours online every day.
3. My favourite social network is Instagram. My favourite online game is Dota. Сторінка 32: Вправа 1: Розподіліть слова на дві групи. Додайте інші слова, які ви знаєте.
APPEARANCE: freckles, tall, curly, slim, short, straight, chubby, long, bold, glasses.
CHARACTER: calm, energetic, honest, shy, friendly, outgoing, helpful, caring, chatty.
Вправа 2: Роздивіться зображення та напишіть про людей на них, за зразком.
This is Sheila. She is tall and chubby. She has got curly dark hair and brown eyes. This is Lu. He is tall and slim. He has got long dark hair and brown eyes. He’s wearing glasses. This is Sue. She is short and slim. She has got short red hair and green eyes.
Сторінка 33:Вправа 3: а) Прочитайте прикметники та скажіть, які мають позитивне, а які негативне значення. Доповніть речення цими словами.
1 Tom never shows any worry or anger. He is calm. Tommy can sometimes be careless because he is not always careful or attentive. But he is outgoing – he has many friends and likes going to parties.
2. Sheila likes being busy – that’s why she is so energetic. She talks on the phone a lot which makes her chatty, too. However, she can always keep all secrets – she is trustworthy.
3. Lu is always tidy and never late for anything. He’s well-organised. Lu is also smart and responsible – he never forgets anything. However, he is a bit shy because he often feels uncomfortable around new people.
4. Sue thinks about others and is always ready to help - she’s very helpful and caring. On the other side, she can sometimes bug others which makes her a little annoying.
Unit 3/Розділ 3
2023 b) Прочитайте твердження у вправі а) та назвіть, до яких клубів слід долучитися цим дітям.
1. Tom should join the theatre club because he’s outgoing.
2. Sheila should join sport clubs because she’s energetic.
3. Lu should join the science club because he’s very smart.
4. Sue should join the family club because she’s helpful and caring
Сторінка 34:
Вправа 1: Доповніть речення словами з рамки. Складіть свої речення зі словами, що залишилися.
1. That tall man is definitely Rick – I am sure.
2. We are all special because we have many differences.
3. I heard there’s a new skating ring in the city centre - let’s go there!
4. Jim is very sociable, and friendship is very important to him.
5. Lilly and Ed differ from each other – she is shy and he is brave.
6. Alex is very polite and has good behavior.
7. Lily answered the question instead of me.
8. Everyone is an individual and can choose what to do.
9. There are various people characters in our family.
Вправа 2: Прочитайте текст на сторінці 45 підручника та оберіть а чи b.
1 – a 2 – b 3 – a 4 – b 5 – b 6 – a 7 – b 8 – b
Вправа 3: Доповніть речення своїми словами, за зразком.
2. Energetic people enjoy active sports and travelling.
3. Calm people love reading books and watching films.
4. Curious people like visiting museums and learning new skills.
5. Chatty people often enjoy communicating with other people.
6. My best friend loves playing computer games.
7. I really like taking pictures.
Сторінка 35:
Вправа 1: Послухайте про Неда та доповніть профіль.
Name: Ned
Age: twelve
Birthday: on the 5th March
Place of birth: Oxford, England
Family: parents
Pets: dog Oddy
Favourite subjects: History
Hobbies: playing basketball, dancing
Personality: curios, energetic
Вправа 2: а) Послухайте про друзів Неда та доповніть речення.
1. Kevin is very smart and curious.
2. Jane is energetic and outgoing.
3. Kevin likes Science the most.
4. Kevin read 30 pages of a book.
5. Jane can’t stand being alone.
6. Jane enjoys sport very much.
2023 b) Послухайте ще раз та дайте відповіді на запитання.
с) Запишіть свої відповіді на запитання вправи b).
1. Kevin and Jane are Ned’s best friends.
2. Kevin is eleven and Jane is twelve.
3. Kevin likes Science because he is curious, understands it well and enjoys doing experiments.
4 Kevin said: “That’s me, curious Kevin”.
5. Jane goes to the gym three times a week.
6. Jane’s parents are angry at her because she pays more attention to her body than to her studies.
7. Ned, Kevin and Jane like hanging out in the park, going to the cinema and playing games.
Сторінка 36:Вправа 3: Доповніть профіль про свого найкращого друга.
Name: Olha
Age: twelve
Birthday: on the 1th June
Place of birth: Kyiv, Ukraine
Family: parents, sister
Pets: cat Pushok
Favourite subjects: Maths
Hobbies: playing piano, singing
Personality: energetic, outgoing Сторінка 37:
Вправа 1: а) Роздивіться картинки та запишіть, хто що вміє або не вміє робити та хотів би навчитися.
He can swim. He can dance. She can’t skate but she would like to learn how to skate. She can draw. She can cook. He can’t play the guitar but he would like to learn how to play the guitar.
b) Запишіть, що ви вміє або не вміє робити та хотіли би навчитися.
I can dance well. I can’t swim. I would like to learn how to ride a horse.
Сторінка 38:
Вправа 2: Роздивіться картинки та запишіть, що кому подобається, а що ні.
Скористайтеся фразами з вправи 3 на сторінці 51 підручника.
Bella likes singing.
Eddy doesn’t like climbing mountains.
Zoey doesn’t like horse riding. Jake likes rollerblading.
Вправа 3: Попрацюйте у парах. розпитайте один одного, що вам подобається та не
подобається робити. Скористайтеся схемою нижче.
1. Lisa can speak English.
2. She can’t rollerblade.
3. She would like to learn how to ride a horse.
4. Lisa likes swimming.
5. She is interested in travelling.
6. She is crazy about singing.
7. She doesn’t like cooking.
8. She can’t stand washing dishes.
Сторінка 39:
Unit 3/Розділ 3 Activity book Англійська мова: робочий зошит для 6 класу. Карпюк, 2023
Вправа 1: Поєднайте.
1 – b 2 – c 3 – d 4 – a
Вправа 2: а) Розташуйте репліки у правильному порядку, щоб утворився діалог.
Вправа 3: Попрацюйте у парах. Перевірте свої плани на вихідні та запросіть однокласників з собою. Скористайтеся діалогом вище, як зразком.
– Hi, everyone!
– Hi, Max.
– I want to invite you to my party this weekend.
– When?
– On Saturday at 3 p.m.
– What are we going to do?
– We’ll play outdoor games and eat cake.
– Sounds great! We’ll be there.
Сторінка 40:
Вправа 1: а) Послухайте діалог у вправі 1 на сторінці 54 підручника. Оберіть а чи b. 1 –
b) Послухайте ще раз та запишіть ім’я.
1. Tommy is planning a sleepover.
2. Dave’s party is in one week.
3. Dave will play games.
4. Tommy is writing to Jimmy now.
5 Dave will ask Denis to bring Monopoly.
6. Tommy’s address is 13 Park Road.
Вправа 2: Роздивіться план Мії на день народження та допоможіть їй написати
запрошення Венді. Скористайтеся запрошенням на сторінці 54 підручника, як зразком. Dear Wendy!
You are invited to my Birthday Party on 30th April at 3pm. Please come to Nora Café, 9 Wenthworth St. We’ll be dancing a lot!
Don’t forget to wear comfortable shoes.
MiaСторінка 41:
Вправа 1: Доповніть речення дієсловами з рамки та поставте їх у правильну форму.
1. I use this website to watch films online.
2. Being alone very often can isolate you from others.
3 Rick downloaded some awesome songs an hour ago!
4. We mustn’t post too much personal information online.
5. Kelly gave out different blogs about music last weekend.
6 I think Ned and Nina spend too much time online.
7. Jake hung out with me at the Computer Club yesterday.
8 Hey, Ann! Let’s join this new chat about fashion.
Вправа 2: а) Послухайте розмову між Едді та Джуді та запишіть, чи твердження
правдиві чи хибні.
1 – false 2 – true 3 – false 4 – false 5 – true 6 – true
b) Послухайте ще раз та дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. Judy asks Eddy why he doesn’t actually play any sports.
2. Eddy goes to the Football Club three times a week.
3. Eddy does exercises every morning.
4. Judy uses the Internet for searching information and social networks.
Сторінка 42:
Вправа 3: а) Доповніть речення словами, що описують характер.
2 Bill is never late for anything. He is very responsible
3. Vicky feels nervous around new people. She is shy.
4. You can tell Mike any secrets you want. He is trustworthy.
5 Sue hates being alone and in the same place. She’s outgoing
6. George doesn’t always think about others. He can be careless.
b) Поміркуйте про своїх родичів та друзів. Напишіть про їх характери. My granny always helps and cares about other people. She’s caring. My sister is always tidy and never late for anything. She’s well-organised. My best friend plays football every evening. He’s energetic. My little brother feels nervous around new people. He is shy.
Вправа 4: Роздивіться зображення та опишіть їхні зовнішності. Tia is tall and slim. She’s got long dark curly hair and brown eyes. She is wearing glasses. Harry is tall and chubby. He’s got short blond hair and blue eyes.
Вправа 5: Подумайте про одного члена своєї родини чи друга. Опиши його зовнішність та характер.
My sister is tall and slim. She’s got long dark hair and brown eyes. She always listens to me and helps me with my problems. She’s very kind and helpful. She also is very friendly. She goes to gym three times a week and goes swimming. She’s energetic.
Вправа 6: Обведіть правильне слово.
1. I can’t skate, so I won’t go to the skating rink.
2. Jenny’s behaviour is simple – she’s nice and calm.
3. People differ in build: some are tall, some are short.
4 I love swimming – I will definitely go to the pool with you!
5. Jack doesn’t like rollerblading, so let’s go cycling instead.
6. It is your individual choice which club to join.
7 We all have differences, but friendship is important to all of us.
8. There are so many vorious clubs here! I don’t know which one to join.
Вправа 7: Роздивіться зображення та назвіть заняття. Додайте інші заняття, які ви можете пригадати. Розкажіть однокласникам, що вам подобається і чому.
Cooking, hiking, skiing, horse riding, dancing, painting, swimming, taking photos, reading, playing games, traveling, rollerblading, running, skating, camping, cycling.
I like swimming and diving because I’m energetic.
I like visiting museums because I’m curious.
I like solving puzzles because I’m smart.
I like painting because I’m creative.
I like embroidering because I’m calm.
I like doing housework because I’m helpful.
Сторінка 44:
Вправа 1: Доповніть речення словами з рамки.
1. Going to school is not only a necessity but also a great chance to communicate with others.
2. My family usually buys chicken or beef at the butcher's.
3 A mall is a place with a huge choice of clothes, electronics and many other things.
4. My mum prefers buying clothes at brand shops like H&M or Zara.
5. The mall in the northern part of our city offers not only shopping but also entertainment — two cinemas, bowling, a skating rink and a playground for kids.
6. River Island is a nice brand shop where young people can buy clothes and accessories of the latest fashion.
Вправа 2: Запишіть чи речення нижче правдиві (T) чи хибні (F). Виправте хибні речення та запишіть.
Westfield is a mall in London.
You can get books and gadgets at Waterstones and at Covered Shops. Snack bars like Costa Coffee or Burger King are popular British cafes.
Сторінка 45:
Вправа 3: Роздивіться коментарі на сторінці 61 підручника та доповніть речення. Asahi is happy to know that there is a cafe with his national cuisine. Greg is not crazy about shopping.
He'd like to visit Westfield to go to the cinema or play bowling.
Annette is into different famous brands
That is why going to Westfield is magic for her.
Alina rally want to visit this mall.
Вправа 4: Прочитайте про Вестфілд на сторінці 60 підручника та напишіть свої
I like to buy new gadgets so I would like to visit Covered Shops.
My family goes shopping on weekends and it can take all day. So I really want to go shopping to Westfield because we could have some snack there.
Сторінка 46: Вправа 1: Розподіліть слова на чотири групи.
BAKER'S: buns, biscuits, cakes, pies, bread.
CHEMIST'S: medicine, shampoo, toothpaste, soap, toilet paper.
CLOTHES: jeans, dresses, coats, trousers, hats.
NEWSAGENT'S: magazines, postcards, pens, copybooks, newspapers.
Вправа 2: Поєднайте речення (1-8) з назвами магазинів (a-h).
1 – f 2 – d 3 – c 4 – a 5 – h 6 – g 7 – e 8 – b
Сторінка 47:
Вправа 3: а) Розгадайте кросворд. B) Оберіть слова з а) та складіть з ними речення.
Сторінка 48:
1. I usually pay in cash at the supermarket.
2. You can choose cheap or expensive goods at the mall.
3. The cashier at butcher's is very friendly.
4. I always take a trolley at the supermarket.
5. Prices at this shop is too high.
Вправа 1: Поєднайте, щоб утворилися речення.
Вправа 2: Доповніть речення словами з рамки.
1. The stall sells drinks and snacks.
2. This variety of fruit is fantastic at this greengrocer’s.
3. The butcher’s and the dairy are in two separate departments.
4. You can try these trousers on in the fitting room.
5. The children were full of joy after visiting the zoo.
6. Silpo is a popular chain of supermarkets in Ukraine.
7. As for me, I prefer small market places to supermarkets.
8. Make sure if this is your size.
9. You can buy any item of goods at Rozetka.
10. Try on these trainers before you buy them.
11. A huge choice of goods is sold at Epicentr.
Сторінка 49:
Вправа 3: Доповніть речення.
1. Thanks to today's progress in technology, we can order a lot of things online.
2. A greengrocer's is where you can get fresh fruit and vegetables
3. If you need some milk, go to diary.
4. Sainsbury's is one of the most famous supermarkets in Great Britain.
5. Tesco is a chain of supermarkets in the world
6. Malls are huge shopping centers.
Вправа 4: Напишіть про свій шопінг. Використайте слова з рамки.
I buy fresh bread at the bakery near my house almost every day. One a week all our family go shopping to the mall, where we can buy everything we need: food, clothes or gadgets. My mum go to the fishmonger's twice a week. And my granny usually bring us milk from the diary in the country.
Сторінка 50:
Вправа 1: Доповніть речення та розгадайте кросворд.
Вправа 2: Послухайте діалог з вправи 2 на сторінці 66 підручника та розташуйте репліки у правильному порядку.
Вправа 3: Поєднайте, щоб утворився діалог.
Сторінка 51:
Вправа 1: Поєднайте.
€31.25 thirty-one euros and twenty-five cents
L large
XS extra small
£10.50 ten pounds and fifty pence
XL extra large
S small
$15.45 fifteen dollars and forty-five cents M_______medium
Вправа 2: Роздивіться та підпишіть.
Вправа 3: Дайте відповіді.
1. I can buy tennis balls at a sport shop.
2. They sell meat at a butcher's.
3. I can buy medicines and a toothpaste at a chemist’s.
4. They sell newspapers and magazines at a newsagent’s.
Сторінка 52:
Вправа 1: Розташуйте репліки у правильному порядку.
2: Доповніть речення. Використайте слова з рамки.
- Yes, please. I want six bottles of mineral water.
- I need a small bars of chocolates.
- Can you get me a tube of toothpaste, please?
- Yes. I’d like four tins of tuna.
- Can I have a can of cola?
- Please bring me a large box of soap.
- I need another pack of ice cream.
- Please buy two packets of crisps.
- Get me a large carton of yoghurt, please.
- Get an extra kilo of potatoes.
Сторінка 53:
Вправа 1: Напишіть листа другові. Розкажіть про свої покупки на Різдво. Dear Olha,
I would like to tell you about my Christmas shopping. Last week we went to King Cross Leopolis to make some purchases for Christmas. There were sales and we bought a lot of goods from food to decorations. Christmas tree was main purchase. I liked it very much. Also, we bought festive clothes at the brand shops like Sinsay and Waikiki.
After shopping we went to the entertainment part of King Cross. We enjoyed time on the skating rink and then we ate tasty food at snack bars. It was an amazing shopping. Tell me about your Christmas shopping.
Best wishes, Julia
Сторінка 54:
Вправа 1: Доповніть речення словами з рамки.
1. Department stores sell a large variety of goods.
2. I can’t afford to buy anything from this accessories shop.
3. They’re offering a 10% discount on all shirts this month.
4. I paid $5 for the shirt. It was a special offer.
5. The shoes don't fit me. They’re too small.
6. Where can you get designer of the latest fashion?
7.Lilly’s mother can’t pay for the jacket by her credit card, so she will pay in cash.
Вправа 2: Поєднайте фрази з колонки А з фразами колонки В, щоб утворився короткий
діалог. Де ці люди? Використайте слова у рамках.
55: Вправа 3: Доповніть діалог словами з рамки.
Terry: What can I buy my sister for her birthday?
Mary: What about some perfume? There’s a chemist’s across the road.
Terry: I can’t afford perfume. It’s really expensive.
Mary: I could borrow you some money.
Terry: Thanks, but I’d prefer not to lend money from you.
I’ll just make sure I don’t spend too much on her present.
Mary: You could buy her a book. There’s a bookshop near the station. New books cost only $9.99 there.
Terry: That’s brilliant!
Mary: They only sell detective stories, though.
Terry: Ah. She hates those.
Mary: Why don’t you just buy her a jumper or a shirt?
Terry: OK. Let’s find a clothes shop.
Вправа 4: Напишіть назви трьох магазинів, які ви знаєте. Це можуть бути будь-які магазини.
Waikiki Rodynna kovbaska Podorozhnyk
Тепер напишіть три параграфа про магазини, які ви вибрали.
Paragraph 1
This three shops are in King Cross Leopolis in Lviv. I buy clothes and accessories in Waikiki, medicines in Podorozhnyk and meat, bread and bakings in Rodynna kovbaska. I usually go there once a week at the weekends.
Paragraph 2
Waikiki is a cheap shop. You can find there cool things to wear. It's very popular and big shop. As for me, I don't like going to Podorozhnyk but my mum always buy there medicines and other goods for health. I think it's boring.
Rodynna kovbaska is a big chain of shops in Ukraine. It has meat products and also there are a lot of bakery. It's mostly cheap but some goods are expensive.
Paragraph 3
I like Waikiki the best. It's my favourite shop. I always buy there cool clothes like jeans, jumpers and T-shirts. Last week I bought there some beautiful sneakers and they're very cheap. I recommend everyone to visit this shop.
Сторінка 57:
Вправа 1: Доповніть речення словами з рамки.
1. We use chopsticks to eat sushi.
2. Everyone eats to their own taste.
3. Rick likes to have something light for supper.
4. Jay wants to have some soup. Give me that bowl.
5. Please give me a tissue. I don’t want to get dirty.
6. I eat only fruit and vegetables because I am a vegetarian.
7. One of our eating habits is to have dessert after the main meal.
8. There are many different specialties in various cuisines today.
Вправа 2: Доповніть речення за зразком.
2. I eat salad with a fork.
3. I cut food with a knife.
4. I eat sushi with chopsticks.
5. I eat soup with a spoon.
6 I have borsch in a bowl
Вправа 3: а) Поєднайте країни з їх національними стравами.
1 – e 2 – c 3 – d 4 – b 5 – a
Сторінка 58: b) Запишіть декілька національних страв цих країн.
1. Austria: schnitzel, strudel.
2. Brazil: feijoada, vatapa.
3. Turkey: kebaba, rahat lukum.
4. Israel: falafel,
Вправа 4: Дайте відповіді на запитання. Поділіться вашими відповідями з класом.
1. We always eat together in the evening.
2. I eat three times a day. Once a week my family and I go to the café.
3. My favourite dishes are pizza and varenyky with cherries.
4. I don’t like fish and bread.
Сторінка 59: Вправа 1: Підпишіть картинки за зразком.
Вправа 2: Запишіть, які манери демонструють діти. Позначте (V) хороші та (Х) погані манери.
Сторінка 60:
Вправа 1: Викресліть зайве.
1. carrots, potatoes, sweets, tomatoes
2. berries, chicken, pork, turkey
3. bananas, salt, oranges, pineapples
Вправа 2: Заповніть таблицю словами з рамки.
4. water, juice, cola, eggs
5. milk, bread, yoghurt, butter
6. cakes, chocolates, noodles, ice cream
Healthy Food Fast Food
grapefruits, apples, beans, nuts, burgers, pizzas, crisps, hot dogs
Вправа 3: Відгадайте та запишіть слова.
1. There are many grains in bread.
2. We need beans to make this soup.
3. I don’t eat sweets because I’m on a diet.
4. Tim is strong and he always eats healthy food.
5. I need to eat something because I have no energy to work.
6. Fruit and vegetables are in the same food group.
7. Milk is necessary to keep your teeth and bones healthy.
8 It takes time for your body to digest the food you’ve eaten.
Вправа 4: Прочитайте текст на сторінці 79-80 підручника
1 – b 2 – c 3 – a 4 – a 5 – c
Сторінка 61:
Вправа 5: Прочитайте текст на сторінці 79-80 підручника
1. Different kinds of food help your body in different way.
2. There are four different food groups.
3. Fruit and vegetables are good for your eyes, skin and teeth.
4. There is more to the meat group than just meat.
5. You need to drink two or three cups of milk every day.
6. Bread is made from grains.
7. A diet is what you eat and drink.
8. You must have snacks between meals.
Сторінка 62:
Вправа 1: а) Послухайте діалог та запишіть, які твердження правдиві (Т), а які хибні (F).
– T 7 – T 8 – T
– F 10 – T
b) Послухайте ще раз за виправте хибні твердження.
1. Jim’s dad is making dinner. 2. Jim’s mum is at work.
4. Dad asks Jim to wash the cucumbers for him.
9. Jim and his dad lay the table and bring everything when Mum cooks.
Сторінка 63:
Вправа 2: Послухайте другу частину діалогу двічі та дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. Jim’s mum is so tired because she had so much work to do.
2. Jim tells his mum to go to the living room.
3. Jim’s mum goes to the kitchen instead.
4. Jim and his dad don’t want Mum to see the kitchen because it’s a mess there.
5. The cucumbers are on the floor, knives are dirty and the pan looks so ugly.
6. She says that there will be no dinner for anyone except her if they don’t clean up the kitchen.
Вправа 3: Доповніть діалог.
A: Do you have any pancakes for breakfast?
B: Yes, I have some pancakes and some jam for breakfast.
A: Do you have any soup for lunch?
B: No, I don’t have any soup for lunch.
Сторінка 64:
Вправа 1: Доповніть речення словами з рамки.
2 I want to boil the eggs because I don’t like them fried.
3. Helen is making some delicious lamb for lunch today.
4. My grandfather makes compost out of salmon skin.
5. We need to peel these potatoes before frying them.
6. Sam is on a diet, so she doesn’t eat shortbread.
7. You have to mix all of this food with a whisk.
8. Chuck is cutting the onions with a grater right now.
Вправа 2: а) розгадайте кросворд.
b) Запишіть інші кухонні предмети та технологічні гаджети, які ви знаєте.
Fork, tablespoon, plate, bowl, cooker, microwave, blender, grater, frying pan, glass, cup, saucepan, blender.
Сторінка 65:
Вправа 3: Складіть речення зі словами кросворду.
1. I have five different knives at my kitchen.
2. People didn’t use fridges a century ago.
3. I use kettle to boil water for tea.
4. My mum has special chopping board for fish.
5. I often bake cakes and use a whisk to mix products.
6. My mother always warns me to use oven gloves when I cook.
7. My dad always uses apron when he cooks.
Вправа 4: Перепишіть слова у правильну колонку.
sausages, steak, chicken, bacon, ham tomatoes, onions, spinach, cabbage, potatoes
strawberries, oranges, lemons, pears
milk, butter, cream, cheese coffee, cocoa, milkshake, tea, water pancakes, ice cream, apple pie, cake, biscuits
Сторінка 66:
Вправа 1: Доповніть діалог фразами з рамки.
Jade: Do we need any wheat flour?
Ned: Yes, 2 cups. We also need some butter, sugar and eggs.
Jade: Here you are. I will mix them and then roll the pastry out onto the board.
Ned: Good. Give me the pastry cutter to cut out the forms for the pancakes, please.
Jade: Here you are. Oh, no! I’ve dropped the eggs!
Ned: Clean it up and mop the floor before Mum gets here!
Jade: That’s it! Help me!
Ned: Okay-okay. I’ll clean the rest. That’s not very handy! All is done.
Вправа 2: Попрацюйте у парах. Опитайте один одного, зробіть замітки та розкажіть
1. My favourite food is varenyky, oranges and pancakes.
2. I do not like rice and cabbage.
3. My favourite cuisine is Ukrainian.
4. My mother cooks in our family.
5. I like cooking because it’s interesting to mix products and see what’s going to be.
Сторінка 67:
Вправа 1: Дайте відповіді.
1. Eating healthy food is important for the health.
2. Eating bad food is dangerous because it can harm your health.
3. Good manners are necessary because it helps to communicate with other people.
4 I prefer home-made because it’s more delicious than in restaurant.
Вправа 2: Напишіть рецепт своєї улюбленої страви.
Сторінка 68:
Вправа 1: Обведіть правильні слова.
1. Everyone chooses food to their own taste.
2 Michael likes soups where there are beans
3. My family often eats food that is home-made.
4. Don’t throw that out – we’ll make compost.
5. Meat and eggs are in the same food group.
6. We asked Evelina to lay the table.
7. I’m dirty! Please get me a napkin.
8. Our favourite dessert is shortbread.
2023 Вправа 2: а) Перегляньте рубрику ‘Words for You’ на сторінках 76 та 79 підручника та відгадайте слова.
1. diet 5. digest
2. grain 6. energy
3. light 7. vegetarian
4. habit 8. necessary
b) Складіть речення зі словами вище.
1. She is on a diet, so she doesn't eat any bread.
2. Flour is made from grains.
3. I always have light food for dinner.
4. Everyone has different eating habits.
5. Eating vegetables is good for the digest.
6. We need energy to live and move.
7. My friend is vegetarian and he doesn't eat meat.
8. It’s necessary to drink three or four glasses of water every day.
Вправа 3: а) Підпишіть картинки. Потім скажіть, яка їжа вам подобається,
яка ні.
I love ice-cream and chicken.
I like yoghurt and salmon.
I don’t like lamb and soup. I hate prawns.
Сторінка 69:
b) Додайте іншу їжу та напої, які ви знаєте.
Milk, cheese, milkshake, cream, fish, pork, cereals, potato, tomato, cucumber, cabbage, apple, orange, banana, pear, onion, cherry, strawberry, pie, sweets, candy, burger, kebab, chips, lemonade, cola, cocoa, mushrooms, cheesecake, pasta, omelette, noodles.
Вправа 4: Подумайте та запишіть назви здорової та шкідливої їжі.
Healthy Food
Unhealthy Food
milk, apples, oranges, bananas, fish, salad, soup, juice, beans, vegetables chips, sweets, pizza, burgers, cake, fried meat, fizzy drinks
Сторінка 70:
Вправа 5: а) Запишіть, які кухонні предмети, ви бачите на картинці.
There is a fridge in the corner of the kitchen. There is a cooker in the middle of the kitchen.
There are a blender and a kettle on the kitchen surface.
There are a pan, a frying pan and a kettle on the cooker.
There are plates, bowls, cups and glasses on the shelves above the washstand. There are forks and spoons on the kitchen surface.
Вправа 6: Вгадайте та запишіть назви кухонних предметів.
1. I use a saucepan to boil eggs for breakfast.
2. Tina needs a grater to cut the cheese.
3. Always wear an apron when you cook.
4. Let’s bake a pie in our new oven.
5 We never make pizza in a microwave
6. It’s so hot! Give me the oven gloves, please.
7. Bob is cutting the tomatoes on a cutting board.
8. We use a whisk to mix different food, like eggs.
Сторінка 71:
Вправа 7: а) Заповніть таблицю хорошими та поганими манерами, які ви знаєте.
Good manners