7 minute read

Everyday English Different phrases for different feelings

1 Different phrases for different fe e lin gs a) Check Useful phrases box for different feelings you can experience when travelling. Start four lists with these headings: happiness, expectation, surprise, sympathy.

Happiness Expectation Surprise Sympathy

b) Respond to the remarks using

Useful phrases as in the example. Example: A: You know what? David has lost his mobile phone. B: How terrible! But Theft Alerts

Useful phrases I didn't expect that! •I'm really enjoying it • I'm looking forward to. • How terrible! • I hope...* I wish I could help! • That's amazing! • I never felt so good! • it's very sad. • I'm on top of the world. • I think it'll be ...I am on cloud nine. • I'm a happy camper. • I'm jum ping for joy. • It upsets me. • I'm sorry to hear that. • That's too bad. • What can I do to help? • Is there anything I can do for you? • Would you like to talk about it? • What's the matter? • You seem sad. Tell me all about it. • Why the long face? in help. 1. Something has bitten me. It hurts so much. 2. I have been standing in the line for five hours! 3. I won a trip to Egypt! 4. I have been sitting in the sun since morning. I feel dizzy. 5. Eventually I have seen the Buckingham Palace. 6. I miss my family. I need to see them as soon as possible. 7. My vacation has been really spontaneous. 8. I am a brave adventurer. 9. My trip to Australia cost me an arm and a leg. 10.1 am under the weather. I am singing the blues.

55 O 2 Let's listen: D ialogues

Listen to the dialogues and complete the gaps with the phrases.

A: I need h e lp..............my vacation.

B: Sure, where would you like to go?

A: I ................where to go yet.

B: Do you enjoy warm or cold climates?

A: I am thinking that I might enjoy a

make your reservations planning to spend on tropical climate

B: I have some brochures here that you might like to look at. A: These look great! B: Do you know how much you w ant...........this vacation? A: I have about a thousand dollars to spend on this trip. B: Well, take these brochures, and get back to me when you want to.

Idea bank

I need help: planning my vacation, making a plane reservation, making a hotel reservation, buying a plane ticket, booking a flight online

56 o 3 Let's listen: Two different stories

a) Before you listen: Are you always happy when you go on a trip? Why? Why not?

Describe a situation when you felt extremely happy or disappointed? b) Listen to Gita's and Jack's stories about India. How do they feel? What makes them feel so?

c) Listen to the stories again and find captions for the pictures. Example: Picture 1 is a street hawker (selling food at the door) Continue...

4 India

a) These sentences have been jumbled. Decide with your partner which sentences describe positive experience and which sentences talk about depressing impressions.

Write them in two columns.

Every time I set my foot at Delhi Airport and smell the muggy and humid air I hate it. The cities are so polluted your throat hurts. I can’t explain what I like about India. Conversely the tiger preserves and farming country are delightful. Women are beautifully dressed and yet nowhere in professional life except for a very few. The beggars are miserable. Perhaps, it is simple things like street hawkers coming to your door to sell vegetables and fruits etc. I wonder why I love India, perhaps it is sense of belonging, not feeling odd because of your accent, your long hair, being able to put m ehndi on without others wondering. Just the feeling of home makes me want to go to India. I see no evidence the government is doing anything about the open sewers, road safety.

b) Look at these two columns in your notebook and explain what makes sentences belong to these columns. Example: I think this sentence sounds positive because of the adjective “delightful” or “It is good that people take care of their country.”

Positive experience

Depressing impressions The tiger preserves are delightful She smelt the muggy and humid air

5 Travel is a form of learning

a) Let's take one reason to travel which is ‘Travel is a form o f learning"and look at the supporting points. • You learn because real life experience is outside the classroom; • you learn the native language of the place you’re going to visit; ✓ • you learn how the cultures around the world vary; • you learn the nation’s history; • you discover nature; • you learn to do new things; • you learn new social skills; • you learn to be independent; • you learn about yourself.

b) Work with your partner and decide which supporting point is explained by the expressions in the table below. Example: I think phrases in the first column can describe learning the country’s culture

1 2? 3? 4?

arts and crafts, food and fashion, habits of the people living in that place. self discovery, face your fears, realize your hidden potential, change your priorities, appreciate the present moment, break your routine. appreciate nature in all its glory, the chirping sounds of the birds, the songs o f the rivers, the howling of animals. you're pretty much forced to be outgoing and meet new people, you practice in talking to lots of people, you practice meeting people from many different countries, you practice the process of m aking friends, you practice in hanging around people one-on-one and in groups.

c) Make a list o f possible phrases for other supporting points, that were not mentioned in the table.

d) Discuss every supporting point with your friend. e) Take reasons for travelling from Ex.1, p.104 and follow the same procedure: develop supporting points and explain them in detail.

is a way of meeting other peoples getting in touch with other cultures a source of career development

57 U 6 Let's listen: My Calcutta

Amina recalls her life in Calcutta many years ago. a) Listen and write notes (Who? Where? What?). b) Answer the questions.

Was Amina raised in India?

Did she spend summer with her parents?

Did she run barefoot?

Did she play golf?

Did she watch TV?

Did she play the computer?

Was she awarded for her good behavior?

Did she buy milk in the store?

Were Amina’s children born in India?

c) Listen again and find the correct answers to the questions where you answered “no".

7 Arguments What’s your impression about the sentence “Women are beautifully dressed and yet they are nowhere in professional life except for a very few”? Why? a) Learn the right phrases to say what you think and to answer other people. Put these phrases into two lists: One list is for “I agree phrases" and another list is for “I think I disagree." Well, it’s true that... b u t ... As you can see...... I think it’s quite clear that... I see what you mean but... Yes, don’t forget that... It’s obvious that... Now, I’m sure you’ll agree that... You may be right, but in my op in io n ,... I’m afraid, I don’t agree... I’d like to make another point.

b) With your partner discuss the saying about women's role in different societies worldwide. Use the phrases from the boxes to support your partner's opinion or disagree with your partner.

Support bank

They voice their opinion and get equal rights. Women are seen as wives who cook, clean, and take care of the kids. They don’t work. That’s the result of discrimination. Women can reach their goals. They get a good education and well-paying jobs. Women are faced with more responsibility than men.

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