Everyday English
1 Different phrases for different feelings
Useful phrases
a) Check Useful phrases box for different
I didn't expect that! •I'm really enjoying it • I'm looking forward to. • How terrible! • I hope...* I wish I could help! • That's amazing! • I never felt so good! • it's very sad. • I'm on top of the world. • I think it'll be...I am on cloud nine. • I'm a happy camper. • I'm jumping for joy. • It upsets me. • I'm sorry to hear that. • That's too bad. • What can I do to help? • Is there anything I can do for you? • Would you like to talk about it? • What's the matter? • You seem sad. Tell me all about it. • Why the long face?
feelings you can experience when travelling. Start four lists with these headings: happiness, expectation, surprise, sympathy. Happiness Expectation Surprise Sympathy
b) Respond to the remarks using Useful phrases as in the example. Example: A: You know what? David has lost his mobile phone. B: How terrible! But Theft Alerts
in help.
1. Something has bitten me. It hurts so much. 2. I have been standing in the line for five hours! 3. I won a trip to Egypt! 4. I have been sitting in the sun since morning. I feel dizzy. 5. Eventually I have seen the Buckingham Palace. 6. I miss my family. I need to see them as soon as possible. 7. My vacation has been really spontaneous. 8. I am a brave adventurer. 9. My trip to Australia cost me an arm and a leg. 10.1 am under the weather. I am singing the blues. 55
2 Let's listen: Dialogues
Listen to the dialogues and complete the gaps with the phrases.
A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B:
I need h e lp ..............my vacation. make your reservations Sure, where would you like to go? to spend on I ................ where to go yet. planning Do you enjoy warm or cold climates? tropical climate I am thinking that I might enjoy a I have some brochures here that you might like to look at. These look great! Do you know how much you want........... this vacation? I have about a thousand dollars to spend on this trip. Well, take these brochures, and get back to me when you want to.
Idea bank I need help: planning my vacation, making a plane reservation, making a hotel reservation, buying a plane ticket, booking a flight online 100