10 minute read
Lesson 1 Lesson 2

– Look at the table and tick the statements that describe you. – Add some more information about yourself to each area and discuss each group with your partner.
I listen when others have a problem and tell about it I work well in a team I have friends I can rely on
I play a sport I enjoy listening to music I have a hobby/interest I like to read and travel
I help about the house I discuss my school matters with my parents I help look after my siblings I spend a lot of time with my family
I have a subject I enjoy I try to do my best I contribute in class I am involved in school activities
I try to finish things that I start I listen to other people’s opinions I am not afraid to ask for help I have a sense of humour
1. Can you explain the difference between skill, quality, and talent? Look at these expressions and say which are skills, qualities, or talents?
2. What are your special talents, skills, and qualities? Name three of each. Use the following prompts.
speaking another language / encouraging others / being optimistic / self-motivated / dancing salsa / using computers efficiently / eye for detail / imagination and creativity / musical ability

I can … quite well. / I’m really good at … . / I am the kind of person who … .
3. Some people find it difficult to understand themselves and to use their full potential.
Read some tips about how to uncover your talent and match the headings to the correct passages. There are three extra headings you do not need.
a) Listen to others. b) Recall all of your dreams. c) Consider your childhood. d) List your hobbies. e) Think about what’s natural. f) Search for your talent. g) Keep a journal. h) Ask friends and family. i) What do you enjoy most? j) Count your accomplishments.
You are brilliant! In the same way that your DNA and fingerprints are entirely unique, you possess a potential and skill that no one else has. Everyone has a natural gift or talent, some of which we do not even know about. Some talents are more obvious than others, like the ability to sing or being built for a certain sport. However, other gifts can sometimes be difficult to identify. So who is to blame for the fact that you still have not revealed them? You can blame your parents, the system, society, education, yourself, but you’d better reveal your talents right now, no matter what your age is.
Lesson 1 Lesson 2
1) _______________. Start by looking at your past. Think back to a time when you weren’t influenced by peers or fears. What did you do just because it made you happy? What experiences created your best memories? Sometimes just considering what you did a lot as a kid, or what you were known for, can reveal your deepest talents and interests that you can further try. 2) _______________. Think about what you love to do most when you have free time. What activities do you find so captivating that you sometimes forget to eat or sleep? Your obsessions could be the things that help you identify your deepest passions. Even if it is watching movies, you may have a talent for storytelling or analyzing narratives. Even film critics have to start somewhere. 3) _______________. Try writing down your thoughts every day for a week. Record your observations, instincts, feelings. Let your thoughts flow onto the page. Then come back after a week and re-read what you wrote. You will begin to reveal patterns in your character that represent areas of interest, honest feelings, awareness of skills, and a natural connection to certain people, places and things. Use what you’ve discovered to create a list of your strengths and align them with a list of goals. 4) _______________. Do you find yourself helping people with a particular task? It’s most likely because you’re an expert at it, whether you realize it or not. You might think talents are only something you love doing, but sometimes our talents are the things you don’t even think about. Your talent is simply something you do better than other people. If there are certain things you find really easy that others don’t, it’s a talent. 5) _______________. What are you most proud of? Look back at your life and think about the times when you really succeeded – whether it was a contest you won, an award you received, or positive feedback for something you had done. It’s also good to think about the challenging times of your life and how you got through those tough situations. Times of trial often reveal our hidden skills and abilities. This can indicate a talent you possess. 6)_______________. Talk to the people who know you. We tend to overlook our skills and often miss out on what makes us great. Friends, family, and other trusted advisors have the unique advantage of observing you in a way that you can’t observe yourself. Ask what they think makes you special. Be sure to talk to the people that know you well but also the people who barely know you. Getting all perspectives can tell you even more about yourself.

7)_______________. There is another way to find your talents: systematically try different things such as salsa dancing, modeling clothes, singing, juggling, etc. Until you try something you cannot tell if you like it or if you are good at it.

Your talents seek expression, trying to get out into the world and show off. The more you put efforts and devote time to talents, the more you develop them. You can also learn to get the most out of your talent when you surround yourself with talented people. As the proverb says:“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Revealing your talents is one of the best ways to raise self-esteem and gain self-confidence.
Lesson 1 Lesson 2

4. Do you believe that talent is everything you need to succeed? How would you comment on Cristiano Ronaldo’s quote? “Talent without working hard is nothing”.
Infinitive usually goes: – after an adjective (easy to do, fun to play ) – verbs (hope, want, wish, would prefer, would love, would like, fail, manage, learn). Gerund is used as: – a subject of the clause (Cycling is…) – after preposition (before going out, after coming home, good/bad at…). – verbs (can’t help, can’t stand, dislike, enjoy, fancy, mind, practice, suggest, avoid) – verbs with prepositions (be used to, care for, concentrate on, depend on, dream about/of, feel like, give up, keep/carry on, think of, succeed in, look forward to) Verbs, such as start, begin, continue, intend, hate, love, like, prefer can take either an –ing form or infinitive + to with no difference in meaning: Ex.: People started to leave/started leaving before the disco was over.
Some verbs such as stop, remember, try, go on take –ing or an infinitive + to with a change of meaning: Ex.: Although her family didn’t like it, she went on fighting. She began by boxing for fun but then she went on to fight in tournaments.
5. Сhoose the correct words to complete the ideas.
1) We were tired, so I suggested to have/having a rest. 2) We should eat regular meals and try to find/finding ways of exercising more. 3) To live a healthy life, we have to avoid to have/having unhealthy habits. 4) I’ve enjoyed to talk/talking to you I hope to see/seeing you again. 5) I’m looking forward to see/seeing you this weekend. I would love to meet/meeting you again. 6) First we felt like to go/going to the cinema, but in the end we decided to stay/staying at home. 7) I wanted to help/helping Mike, and I promised to do/doing what I could. 8) I had to practise to speak/speaking English although I don’t fancy to speak/speaking a lot. 9) My sister doesn’t want to come/coming with us because she hates to do/doing windsurfing. 10) I have twice dared to take/taking a part in the contest, but never managed to win/winning.
6. Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verb. Refer to the Grammar Bank above if necessary.
1) It’s rude _____ with your mouth open. (eat) 2) Are you absolutely certain about _____ it? (do) 3) I am addicted to _____ sports on TV, but I‘m not really into_____! (watch, play) 4) Study immediately before _____to sleep. You’ll remember a lot more the next day. (go) 5) We were unlucky _____ the game, we deserved _____. (lose, win) 6) I don’t mind ___ alone, but it’s better ____ with other people. (be, be) 7) It’s easy _____ what you don’t want ____ . (forget, remember) 8) ______games is a fun way of ______ your memory skills. (play, improve) 9) Experts say that it is pretty dangerous ______ bungee jumping.(do) 10) Most people are worried about _____ their job, so they’re trying best at _____. (lose, work) 11) I was really so surprised _____ you. – I was happy _____. (see, come) 12) It is impossible _____ if you are not ready _____ hard. (succeed, work)
7. Read the pairs of the sentences and decide if the meaning is the same.
4) a) Martha remembered to meet Mr. Jackson. b) Martha has already met Mr. Jackson.
a) Richard stopped smoking. b) Richard doesn’t smoke anymore.
a) I don’t regret telling her what I thought. b) I didn’t tell her anything, it could upset her.
a) Martha stopped eating desserts. b) Martha used to eat desserts. 5)
8) a) Richard forgot to invite his boss to the party. b) Richard invited his boss.
a) Richard forgot inviting his neighbour. b) Richard invited his neighbour.
a) I meant to phone you, but my mobile didn’t work. b) I wanted to dial you, but I didn’t manage to.
a) Richard thinks giving parties is fun. b) Richard thinks it’s fun to give parties.


8. Look at the list of hobbies that people all over the world do. Is yours in the list? Which ones wouldn’t you mind trying? Which of them are shown in the pictures below?
DIY / toy voyaging / magic tricks / writing stories / unicycling / origami / stalking celebrities / skydiving / blogging / volunteering / theatre & acting
9. What activities do people usually do in their free time/as a pastime? What hobby activities do you know? Use the following prompts to make up three sentences about you and your pastime or hobby activities.
I am really into/crazy about… I fancy/enjoy… I would love to… I prefer… I would never try… I can’t stand/hate… I took up/gave up… because … . I’m going to sign up for… . I sometimes/never feel like… . I don’t mind… . …really bugs me. …makes me mad / angry. …drives me crazy/annoys me. …boosts my mood/switches off the routine. …makes me feel happy/relaxed …makes no difference to me.
10. Read the proverbs below and give their Ukrainian equivalents. Do you agree or disagree with the proverbs? Give some life examples.
1) The busiest man finds the most leisure. 2) Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 3) There is a time for everything. 4) The one who is first to act achieves success. 5) You are only young once.