9 minute read
Lesson 1

– What do you think is the value of appearance? – Do you have to look like a Hollywood celebrity to make an impression on somebody? – What do you usually notice first about a person (eyes, haircut, clothes, shoes, etc.)?

1. Read the words below and describe the following people using them.
stocky / chubby / well-built / skinny / petite / slim / overweight / curvy / shapely / slender / lanky
1) an attractive woman with attractive body shapes 2) a strong, thin man 3) a tall, thin woman 4) a tall, thin man 5) a small, thin woman 6) a small, fat, strong man
2. Read the word-lines and explain the difference between the words. 1) freckle wrinkle pimple 2) birthmark mole scar 3) a ponytail sideburns a goatee 4) hunky cute charming 5) handsome gorgeous attractive 6) beard stubble moustache 7) double-chin under-eye-bags spots 3. Read the descriptions of different people. Then complete the final sentence in the most appropriate way. Use the words from Ex.1 and Ex.2.
1) My friend Alice has always been quite chubby, and over Easter she ate lots of fatty food, and became depressed because she got really overweight. So she went on a diet, lost loads of weight, and started working out at the gym. She’s transformed. Now, she’s ___________. 2) When I saw my brother last time, he was a tall, lanky nineteen-year-old with scruffy, long hair, and a thin moustache. He was skinny and shy. But now he’s absolutely gorgeous. He’s ___________. 3) I remember my cousin as a shy, small, short-haired girl. She was six years old. Ann liked to wear T-shirts and shorts only. But now, 10 year later, she looks so attractive. She’s ______________. 4) When he was young my father was short, slim, and athletic. He played rugby, and he was very fast and strong. But now he’s put on a bit of weight, and he would be described as _____________.
4. Match the idioms to their definitions.
1) go-getter 2) happy-go-lucky 3) chatterbox 4) daredevil 5) knockout 6) troublemaker 7) know-it-all 8) busybody 9) pain in the neck a) someone who causes problems for other people b) someone who is very cheerful and carefree all the time c) someone who thinks that they know much more than other people d) someone who is very annoying e) someone who likes to talk f) someone who does dangerous things and takes risks g) someone who looks extremely attractive h) someone who is too interested in other people’s private things i) someone who is very energetic and determined to be successful
Do you know any people like that? Give examples from real life or remember some films or books and describe their characters using these idioms.
How does he look? (asks for someone’s emotion or state) Who does he look like? (asks for an answer that is the name of a specific person) What does he look like? (asks for a physical description of the person) What is he like? (asks about a man’s personality) Look like describes physical appearance. Be like describes personality. About similar features, we say they look alike.
Lesson 1

Looks happy Look alike Looks like her mother Is like a queen

5. Choose the correct answer.
1) Ann looks/looks like/looks alike her mother. 2) We are going to Spain tomorrow but I have no idea what the weather looks like/likes/is like. 3) You look/look like/look alike tired. What’s the matter? 4) They all look/look like/look alike to me. 5) She is like/looks like/looks alike a real rock star in this outfit. 6) I am like/really like/look like pople who are easy-going and have a good sense of humour. 7) You look/look like/look alike so pretty in that dress! 8) The girl who is sitting at the window looks like/looks/looks alike your sister. 9) Alice is a really good dancer just like/looks like/is like her sister Ann. 10) They look/look like/look alike except for the colour of their hair.
6. Match the answers on the right to the corresponding questions on the left.
1) What’s she like? 2) How’s your mother? 3) What’s Peter like? 4) What do you like? 5) How do I look? 6) Who do you look like? 7) Who’s Monika like? 8) What does he look like? 9) How are you? 10) Who does Paul look like?
a) He’s tall and blue-eyed. b) He looks like his father. c) She’s better, she left the hospital two days ago. d) Not bad, thanks! e) My mother. f) Fantastic! That outfit really suits you! g) Sports cars and science fiction films. h) Just like her mother, so talkative. i) He’s very talkative and quite attractive. j) She’s very shy.
7. Make up 3 sentences about a celebrity. What does he/she look like? Read the sentences to your partner. Can he/she guess who the celebrity is?
8. Can appearance define character? Can you give any example of connection between people’s physical features and their personality? What can your appearance say about you? Do you agree that you cannot always rely on what you see?

The most attractive people are the ones who know that their physical appearance isn’t the most attractive thing about them. Appearances are deceptive. It is a common truth; practically everyone has met at least someone whose character and appearance differ radically.
Lesson 1

When we see a tall, broad-shouldered youngster, we expect him to be strong-willed and brave. We might think: “A model to follow!”. So if you are short then you’re not perceived to be leader material. At the same time everyone knows that a lot of great people were of a poor build: short and fragile. It did not stop them from displaying intelligence and courage. Uniqueness does not depend on one’s body build.
Plump or fat people create an impression of generous and kind personalities. Strangely enough, not rarely they may be thrifty or even greedy. On the other hand, thin or slim nervous ladies often tend to be lavish. They like to buy and never think twice when they pay.
Your eyes may be considered windows into the soul, but according to some researchers, the rest of your facial features say something about you too. Scientific Journal reports that, brown-eyed faces are regarded as more trustworthy than blueeyed ones. Have a longer nose? The study reports, you are ambitious and self-reliant – a born leader. You can get a little emotional at times, but you think well on your feet. You may be intuitive and very decisive. People with bigger cheekbones and wider faces are supposedly more likely to be aggressive than someone with a more narrow bone structure. This particular trait is also often linked to being more determined and confident, so much so that full-faced employees generally earn more than the smaller-faced coworkers.
Has it ever happened to you that you come to an important office and see an important boss? You immediately evaluate his looks: “Round-faced, small narrow eyes, dimples on the cheeks, and an upturned nose. What a kind-hearted person!” You tell the boss of your troubles and expect immediate help. DOMINANT TRUSTWORTHY But the boss appears to be rude, harsh, and willful.
When someone sees a delicately built pretty blonde with curly hair, blue eyes, a straight nose, and a high forehead, one tends to think that the beauty is intelligent and nice. It may be disappointing to think later what a capricious bore she is. Quite the opposite, when we see a skinny brunette with irregular features – a hooked nose, pointed chin, close-set eyes, and thin lips; because it is the image of evil people – cruel and cunning. It may be a relief some time later to find her to be clever, gentle, and good-mannered.
If people could see inner beauty, they wouldn’t care about outer beauty. The point is, even if you’ll never be able to be completely satisfied with how you look, you still can be a perfectly worthy and beautiful person. Love yourself for everything inside you, and you’ll be able to find someone else who does as well.
9. Look at the words in colour and decide whether they are positive or negative characteristics? Explain their meanings. Add some more to the existing list from Ex.8.

10. Answer the following questions.
1) Do you agree that people's eyes tell you a lot about their personality? 2) How do you understand these words: "You must look into people as well as at them"? 3) What traits of character do you value most in your parents, friends, people? Give your reasons. 4) Do you ever have any concerns about your appearance? What advice would you give to those who feel unconfident about the way they look? 5) Are the characteristics from the text true to life? How about you? Did you recognise any of your features of appearance that explained your personal traits correctly? Look at your partner and try to read his/her personality by his/her face.

11. Put the words into the correct order. Refer to the
Grammar Bank if necessary.
14. Work in pairs. Prepare to discuss these questions.

1) black/small/box/Turkish/old 2) 18th century/fantastic/Spanish/castle 3) horrible/greedy/businessman 4) green-eyed/gorgeous/black-haired/girl 5) red/drives/a/truck/Australian/he/big 6) lovely/is/she/a/wearing/red/dress/new 7) lives/a/lovely/apartment/she/modern/in 8) wearing/my/I/love/pants/black/comfortable/cotton 9) he’s/got/a/carving/steel/new/knife 10) garden/beautiful/he/porcelain/has/a/Italian/statue/in/his
If there are more than two adjectives before a noun in a sentence, use them in the following order:
opinion – size –age – shape – colour – origin – material – purpose
Ex. She was a beautiful, tall, thin, young, blackhaired, Scottish woman.
Lesson 1
12. Describe the following celebrities using as many adjectives that are true for them as possible. Mind the adjective order. Refer to the Grammar Bank.
Charlize Theron Morgan Freeman Mila Kunis Jackie Chan Rihanna
Eric Clapton
13. Listen to the recording and number the pictures in order the speaker gives their description. Check your sentences, have you mentioned everything?
1) Describe yourself as if it is for somebody who can’t see you in person. Ask your partner whether he/she agrees with your description. 2) What physical characteristics do you find attractive? How would you describe the physical appearance of your ideal man/woman? 3) Do you think our physical appearance is important in the following situations: a) when finding a partner; b) when making friends; c) when having an interview.