8 minute read
Lesson 1 Lesson 4
– Look at the pictures and try to guess the names of each museum.
– Do you know where each of them is located? Match 1-4 to a-d.
1 2 3 4
1) THE LOUVRE 2) THE HERMITAGE 3) THE BRITISH MUSEUM 4) MADAME TUSSAUDS WAX MUSEUM a) Saint Petersburg, Russia b) Amsterdam, the Netherlands c) Paris, France d) London, England

1. Read the texts about the museums and match the passages to their names above.
1) Originally a simple defensive fortress, it was for a long time one of the main residences of French kings. It became a museum in 1793, and now exhibits over 73,000 sq. m of Western artworks from the Middle Ages to 1848, as well as the art of ancient civilizations. Some 35,000 artworks are on display, the oldest of which date back over seven thousand years.
2) It consists of a complex of several buildings on the banks of the Neva River, the most important of which is the Winter Palace, which was the official residence of the ancient Tsars. The museum’s collection was formed through the private collection that the czars were gathering over several centuries. The museum exhibits more than 3 million works of art: paintings, sculptures, archaeological pieces, etc. They say that going through all the rooms means walking around 24 kilometers.
3) It’s one of the world’s largest and most important museums of human history and culture. It has more than seven million exhibits from all continents. They illustrate and document the story of human culture from its beginning to the present. As with all other national museums and art galleries, the Museum charges no admission fee. It was the first museum in the world to be open to everyone and gradually grew over the next two hundred years. It has nearly six million visitors a year and is the third most popular art museum in the world.
4) Featuring 11 different zones, visitors can get close to some of the most famous faces in the world with a visit to this museum. Strike a pose on the red carpet with Hollywood celebrities such as Benedict Cumberbatch, George Clooney, Kate Winslet and more. Snap a selfie with music legends such as Adele and Beyoncé. Step into the interactive sports zone where you’ll see iconic names such as Muhammad Ali, Usain Bolt, David Beckham and Jessica Ennis-Hill CBE. Meet some of the greatest cultural and historical figures from Picasso to Albert Einstein and William Shakespeare; as well as World Leaders such as Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King. You can even enter the Marvel and Star Wars universes and meet your favourite characters here!
2. Use the words in colour and say what the main purpose of the museum is.
Tell what you can do, see, and learn there.
3. Match the words to their definitions.
1) souvenir 2) donation 3) wander around 4) exhibition 5) artefact 6) sculpture 7) guide 8) admission fee 9) gift shop 10) exhibit 11) waxworks a) the art of forming solid objects that represent a thing, person, idea, etc. out of a material such as wood, clay, metal, or stone, or an object made in this way; b) an object that is made by a person, such as a tool or a decoration, especially one that is of historical interest; c) public display of art/works/items held in a museum/gallery for people to see; d) the fee charged to enter the place; e) money (or something) you give in order to help museum/gallery; f) to walk slowly across or around an area; g) a shop that sells goods that are suitable for giving as presents; h) an item on display in the museum; i) something you buy or keep to help you remember a holiday or special event; j) a place where people can see a collection of wax models of famous people; k) a person employed to show tourists around the place.
4. Use the words from Ex.3 to complete the dalogue.
Peter: On Saturday I enjoyed wandering around Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. Have you ever been there?
Vicky: No, I haven’t. Is there an 1)_______?
Peter: No, it is free to enter, but you can make a 2)________.
Vicky: Sounds good. What 3)______ are on display at the moment?
Peter: There are many! As you may already know, Madame Tussauds is a major 4)______in Amsterdam, displaying the 5)______of famous and historic people and also popular film characters.
Vicky: Sounds like a pretty interesting place to 6)________! I bet they have an excellent 7)_______.
Peter: Yes, there is a wide variety of 8)______. Also, 9)_______ will tell you the most interesting things about 10)______ there, some incredible stories or interesting history facts. It is for sure, this wax museum must be seen!
5. Look at the useful phrases you might need visiting the museum. When might you use them?
1) May I take photographs? 2) Are there any guided tours today? 3) Only for the exhibition. 4) Who’s this painting/sculpture by? 5) Do you have a plan of the museum/an audioguide? 6) This museum’s got a very good collection of oil paintings/ancient artefacts.

Lesson 1 Lesson 4
Lesson 1 Lesson 4

6. Listen to the three students and decide what museums they are talking about. Match the pictures to the numbers in the order you hear them mentioned. Have you ever been to any of these museums? Would you like to? What is so special about them?
a) b) c)

Student 1_____ Student 2_______
Student 3_______
7. Read the quiz about the British Museum. Listen to the recording and choose the correct answer.
1) How many people visited the museum during the first day when it was opened to the public in 1759? a) 150 b) 15 c) 65 d) 75 2) On Friday 16th August, 2013, how many people visited the museum? a) 33,848 b) 33,484 c) 38,487 d) 34,848 3) How many people saw the exhibition called Life and Death in Pompeii in 2013? a) 250,000 b) 471,000 c) 407,000 d) 251,000 4) How many people came to visit the most popular exhibition of Tutankhamun? a) 1,600,000 b) 1,000,600 c) 1,006,000 d) 1,000,060 5) When was a sculpture Elgin Marbles carved? a) 196BC b) 1200AD c) 1390BC d) 1325AD 6) What was the total number of visitors to the museum in 2017? a) 5,906,716 b) 6,509,617 c) 5,609,176 d) 6,059,761
If you write dates, write: 27th June 2010/ 27 June 2010 / 27th Jan 10 If you want to say the date, say: The twenty-seventh of June, twenty-ten
use ON for days:
use IN for centuries, decades, years, seasons, and months: use AT for times:
on Friday on March 15th on my birthday on Monday morning on Christmas Day/Eve in the 18th century in the 1960s in 2001 in the summer in October at 3:30 at noon. at quarter past four at Easter at weekend

We do not use at, on, in or the with the following expressions: today, tomorrow, yesterday, this morning, tonight, last, next, every (day, week, month, year). Also we say in the morning/afternoon/evening, but at night.
8. Match each time expression with its definition.
1) AD 2) BC 3) a century 4) a millennium 5) a decade 6) a fortnight 7) the 1800s 8) for ages a) two weeks b) ten years c) from 1800-1899 d) a thousand years e) a hundred years f) after the birth of Christ g) a long period of time h) before the birth of Christ
9. Look at a calendar and say the following dates.
1) The second Friday in August 2) The first Wednesday in September 3) The second Sunday in December 4) The first Monday in January 5) The last Sunday in May 6) The first Saturday in July
10. Write the preposition of time for the following.
_weekends _public holidays _the following day _time _NewYear’s Eve _dawn _5 p/m _tonight _his fifties _tomorrow morning _Valentine’s Day _lunch time _Christmas _21st century _weekdays _Saturday night _the end of month _8th of March _the moment _the middle of the night _half an hour

11. Look at the pictures and talk about the types of the cultural venues you can see. What do you think museums should be? Discuss the ideas below and give your own opinions.
– museums make you feel relaxed and peaceful; – museums help you get new information and expand general knowledge; – museums teach only subject-specific content; – museums provide an effective way of learning; – museums help bring change and development to traditional communities; – museums are a great way to spend time with friends and family.
3 2
12. Make up your own dialogue using the words from Ex.3 and useful phrases from
Ex.5. Take the dialogue from Ex.4 as an example.
Lesson 1 Lesson 4
13. Write a brief leaflet about any of the museums you’ve visited and can recommend to others, use the example provided. Include the following information.
– city or country – branch of art or historical items exhibited – must-see artefacts or collections – working hours and admission fee – three reasons why it is worth visiting