8 minute read
Lesson 1 Lesson 5

– Choose the correct answer to the questions below.
1) It is estimated that arctic ice may completely disappear before…..? a) 2100 b) 2500 c) 3000 2) How much of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, approximately? a) 25% b) 45% c) 65% 3) What percentage of the world’s population has no electricity whatsoever? a) 20% b) 30% c) 40% 4) How many litres of water does one person need every day for drinking, cooking, and hygiene? a) 10 b) 30 c) 50 5) In the last 100 years the surface temperature of the Earth has gone up by …..? a) 0.6°C b) 6°C c) 16°C 6) Approximately how many billion people are there in the world? a) 5 b) 6 c) 7
1. Can you think of anything that is not provided by the Earth? Look at the sentences and decide whether the sentences are true or false.
1) Natural resources are the raw materials supplied by nature. 2) Everything produced, used and thrown away originates from natural resources. 3) People can create natural resources. 4) Even though we use natural resources in our daily activities, we often do not even think of them as being resources.
2. Look at the pic.1. Draw a line from each item on the left to the natural resource it came from on the right. Some pictures may match more than one resource, can you find them all? Compare it to the way you and your family usually use natural resources. 3. Make a list of things you really need in your life. Do these needs up to natural resources?
Look at the map of natural resources (pic. 2), and countinue filling in the table like in the example.
Natural Resources Community use or activity
air breathing, flying airplanes... water animals plants minerals fossil fuels soil sun
Pic. 1.
durables clothing NONRENEWABLE
Pic. 2.

durables packaging durablespackaging packaging glass ceramics
food cothing
RENEWABLE packaging
printing/ paper trees durables
PLANTS fruits&vegetables rubber

4. Match the words below to make phrases.
1)developing 2)endangered 3)exhaust 4)water 5)wildlife 6)toxic 7)climate 8)energy 9)fossil 10)nuclear 11)environmental
a) species b) change c) waste d) trade e) organisation f) conservation g) countries h) fuels i) shortage j) power k) fumes
5. Use the word partners in Ex. 4 to complete the sentences below. Discuss these questions with your partner.
1) Are you a member of any _______? How successful are these organizations at protecting the environment? 2) In your opinion, why is illegal ________ so profitable? Which exotic animals are most at risk? 3) Did you know that chimpanzees are an ________? There are very few of them left in the world. 4) Do you know what happened at the Chernobyl ________ station in Ukraine in 1986? 5) Is much of the pollution in your city caused by the ________ from vehicles? Is traffic heavy? 6) How do you think the governments in ________ should plan the future development of their nations? 7) Do you think we should use fewer ________ to create energy? 8) Which recent changes in the weather and the environment do you think are due to ________? 9) Has the ________ ever affected you? Have you ever experienced a power cut? 10) Why do you think there is a ________ when two thirds of our planet are covered by water? 11) Are people in your neighbourhood complaining about _________dumped around?


6. Read the text and match the following words to their correct definitions below.
dump / microscopic fish food / plastic particles / decompose / expand the boundaries / float
Did you know that over a lifetime, the American population throws away nearly 694 plastic bottles per second? That’s 60 million a day. Over time, as plastic ages, it breaks apart into tiny grains, called “mermaid tears”. Much of this ends up in oceans, and mostly it is still plastic. These pieces make their way into the food chain and can poison or kill wildlife. Some areas of the Pacific Ocean contain six parts of plastic to one part of plankton!
The world’s largest trash “landfill” isn’t on land – it’s in the Pacific Ocean. The so-called “Great Pacific Garbage Patch” covers an estimated five million square miles of ocean waters. That’s the size of the United States, Mexico, and Central America combined! The trash is carried and trapped by a system of surface currents called the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. A huge 80 percent of the trash is plastic, carried from the shores of Asia and the Americas.

Lesson 1 Lesson 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 5

Preserving the planet is important. That’s why David de Rothschild, a National Geographic Visiting Fellow, led a dangerous voyage through this very spot in 2010. His goal was to sail from the United States to Australia on the “Plastiki”, a raft made from plastic bottles. Along the way, he reported on eco-issues. “Saving the planet,” said David, “is going to be one of this century’s greatest adventures.”Attempting to sail 8,000 miles on a plastic raft was next to impossible. For David, that was the point. He pushed his limits in order to inspire people to challenge and rethink their own future.
7. Answer the questions on the text.
1) What is the so-called “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”? 2) What factors combine to form this massive collection of garbage? 3) Why is plastic harmful to the environment? 4) What is so daring about David de Rothschild’s voyage? 5) What was his main aim?
In English many words are formed with suffixes. Here are the most common examples: nouns for things: -ment, -ity, -ness, -tion, -ence/-ance, -hood, -ship nouns for people: -er, -or, -ist, -ee verbs: (usually it’s simply the shortest word form) – ify, -ise, -en, enadjectives: -ous, -able/-ible, -al/-an, -ed/-ing, -ful/-less, -ic, -ive adverbs: -ly
8. Complete the table forming the correct derivative. verb noun(s) adjective adverb
to develop
to depend impression
threat global
to pollute
9. Complete the table with the missing adjectives or nouns. noun adjective noun adjective noun adjective
sun noise shower
fog mist humid
freezy dry clear cloud wind icy
hot poor climatic
10. Form words from the segments using sufixes -e, -able, -ing, -er, -ant, -tion, -al, -ful, -ed, -ous, -less to fill in the blanks
contamin(at)-, pollu(t)-, dispose-, discharg-, poison-, recycl-, harm1) Paper is one of the most frequent waste materials, but it can be _______. 2) Nuclear waste can _______ the groundwater. 3) Pesticides are usually _______ substances. But organic fertilisers, e.g. manure, are _______. 4) Coniferous forests in the Northern Bohemia were _______ by acid rains. 5) Chemical factories _______ large amounts of waste water into rivers. 6) Paper, glass, plastics, and metals are _______ materials. 7) Acid rain is caused by _______ gases. 8) CO2 is a _______ which probably contributes to global warming. 9) Changes in the climate are due to _______of the atmosphere.
11. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word in brackets.
1) The conservation and_____of the environment is everyone’s responsibility. (conserve, protect) 2) The oil spill in Galicia has had _____ effects on everyone living from the sea. (harm) 3) The 2d of September is a ____date in 1945. (history) 4) The change in the climate has produced ____ floods in many countries. (disaster) 5) It is not very _______ that the world will end in 2020 but there is a ___. (probability/ possible) 6) Most people in Africa live in extreme ____. (poor) 7) What I’ve just told you is ____ important; don’t forget it. (extreme) 8) 97% of _____believe climate change is caused by humans, study finds. (science) 9) Many sea species are now in danger of ____. (extinct) 10) Growing population has many needs which means that there is a _____ of resources on a planetary level. (deplete) 11) Environmentalists are always warning that protecting the environment is essential to our _____. (survive)

12. Look at the things listed below. Listen to the speaker telling you what they are made of. Number the objects in the order they are mentioned.
chair bread crayon bottle jeans aluminum can newspaper
Lesson 1 Lesson 5
13. Work in groups or pairs, play a game “Find the Resource”. Let one student name a manufactured object, such as a car. The first student to name a natural resource used in the object gets to offer the next man-made object. 14. What could people do to produce less trash and protect their environment? Explain the meaning of these three words called 3Rs (recycle, reuse, reduce) that are a motto of waste hierarchy. Continue to fill in the table. Place the correct name in each column.
Use cloth napkins instead of paper napkins Donate your old clothes to charity organizations Start your own compost pile in your yard
15. Write a list of suggestions for teenagers for conserving natural resources. For example:
• don’t take more of something than you need • use both sides of writing paper • at the end of the school year collect unwanted items that are still useable and redistribute them the next school year