10 minute read
Lesson 1 Lesson 2
– Do students in your country go directly to university or college after school or do they have a break first? – Have you already decided on your future? What are you going to do after school? – Have you heard of a gap year? Use the word cloud to give your ideas about what it is.

1. Complete the sentences with these words. There are some extra words.
tutorial / qualifications / fail / pass / notes / scholarship / undergraduate / degree / marks
1) I hope I don’t____ . I don’t want to resit the exam next month. 2) I got an A+ and a B for my last two pieces of work. What____did you get? 3) Can I borrow the ____you took in yesterday’s history class? I couldn’t come because I was ill. 4) His excellence in baseball earned him a_____. 5) No formal____are required for the work – you'll get on-the-job training. 6) This course is only for____students – people studying at university prior to graduation. 7) The professor gave a really interesting_____ in her office a week before the exam.
cheat / extra-curricular / revise / hall / loan / independent / abroad / facilities
1) Some people study __________ instead of studying in their own country. 2) I need to ask for a student __________ because I don’t have enough money to pay for my studies. 3) This university has got great __________ . The science laboratories, for example, are amongst the best in the country. 4) It’s good to be __________ and to do things for yourself. 5) I live with other students in a __________ of residence. 6) __________ activities can help to take your mind off your studies.
2. Do they usually go with do or make? Write two lists with them. Refer to the table.
with work at school or university. work around the house. when we talk about activities in general. with these words: your best, a favour,
business, sport, your hair MAKE
with things we produce, create or construct. with these words: a mistake, a decision, a
noise, friends, an appointment, an effort, an excuse, money, progress, a phone call, a plan, a promise, an offer, a suggestion.
an assignment / a decision / well / the dinner / an exam / the shopping / the washing / a noise / chores / friends / a cake /a course / homework

3. Do the quiz about gap years and read the text to check your answers.
1) A gap year is a time to take a break from your studies to travel or work. a) true b) false 2) Universities and employers think that taking a gap year is a good idea. a) true b) false 3) If you want to take a gap year, you must do it between school and university. a) true b) false 4) Most students ask their parents to finance their gap year. a) true b) false 5) Taking a gap year is usually a positive and useful experience. a) true b) false
Barbara Khorvatova: “Studying abroad was easily the best decision I’ve made in my entire life. Ever since I was little I’ve wanted to go to Australia and I never thought it would actually happen. Some people might think it’s impossible to study abroad between the cost and all the classes they have to take, but if you plan properly it’s not hard to organize. My study abroad experience in Australia changed my life! I’ve learned to be more tolerant. I’ve learned to relax and enjoy what’s going on around me. Between studies, I’ve learned how to surf. I ate kangaroo meat and snorkelled in the Great Barrier reef. I’ve never felt so fascinated, it was the time of my life. I would recommend studying abroad to everyone!”.
“Studying abroad experiences come in all shapes and sizes, and there’s one to fit every student”, says Johanna De Silvo, director of Study Abroad. Students can choose from more than 150 programs in more than 40 countries and earn CMU credit at the same time. Some parents are apprehensive about sending their child overseas. She says: “I’ve heard parents say, they never travelled, so this is all new to them.” But I reassure them that students get extensive orientation before they go, from how to exchange money to safety issues to how to get used to a new culture. And of course parents’ top worry is the cost. The good news is there’s a program to fit every budget. Students can apply most financial aid to study abroad costs. National scholarships also are available.
Some parents say, “After they graduate, then they can travel”. But saying so they don’t realize all the skills their child will acquire. In this competitive job market, studying abroad is impressive on a resume. It tells the employers you’re adventurous and you’re curious. It really makes a difference. With the diversity of some countries, to be able to deal with different cultures – these are things that employers value. Studying abroad gives students opportunities to do courses that don’t exist on campus, such as marine biology in Australia, theatre in Ireland. And for foreign language students, living language 24-7 is the best way to learn. Students return changed – for the better. Usually it’s the longest time a student has to spend away from home. They have to be more independent, figure things out. They really learn about themselves”.
Oliver Tirone: “I’ve spent three weeks studying in Denmark. I’ve faced my fears, gained confidence and grown as a person. Three weeks seems like a short amount of time, but it was enough to explore the culture, come out of my shell a little bit. Every day was a new adventure and a new story that could be told. You have no idea where things are, you’re in an environment you’re not used to – it has boosted my confidence. Studying abroad not only allows you to further your education, but it allows you to do so while also giving you the opportunity to visit some of the most beautiful countries in the world. Studying abroad was the best decision I have ever made”, he says. “It makes you grow up faster, makes you realize what’s important in life. Here, you can get financial help, and you have the Study Abroad office to help you with everything. And it’s the prime of your life when you’re developing your sense of self, your identity. Things you had fears about – this helps you face them.”
Gap experience isn’t a year off. It’s an investment in your future as one of tomorrow’s leaders. It will truly set you apart from traditional students who go straight to college after high school. Your time away will make you more self-confident, self-reliant, and mature – ready for success in college and beyond. Adventure and life should always go hand-in-hand. Live your life, challenge yourself, grow as a person, and never stop seeking to discover more in our big world.
Lesson 1 Lesson 2
Lesson 1 Lesson 2

4. Match the two halves of the phrases. What do the following serve for? Which of the goals are most suitable for you in case taking a gap year?
1) gain 2) learn 3) explore 4) face 5) acquire 6) broaden 7) boost
a) a foreign language b) the world c) fears d) leadership skills e) the horizons f) confidence g) work experience
5. Look at the words and phrases in colour. Match some of them to their synonyms below, and the others to their definitions 1-5.

CV / individuality / understand / grant/ abroad / anxious /variety
1) to make someone or something different and special 2) to become friendlier; to be more sociable 3) have a significant effect on a person or situation 4) an extremely enjoyable experience 5) the best and most productive and healthy period of life.

6. Listen to the recording about the benefits of studying abroad and put the facts in
order you hear them.
__Fact 1: __Fact 2: __Fact 3: __Fact 4: __Fact 5:
a) Gap year students tend to engage more in campus life b) Gap students are better prepared for college c) Gap students earn better grades in college d) Gap students are more satisfied with their careers e) Gap students are more socially responsible
7. Can you add any more advantages? What arguments persuade you most?
We use these phrases to make a suggestion, raise awareness about a “must do thing” for which it’s already a bit late, sort of like a complaint.
For the present – It’s time + past simple
Ex.: It’s time you got down to your homework. It’s time you went to bed. NOTE! We can also use this phrase with an infinitive “to”. Ex.: It’s time you went to bed. – It’s time to go to bed. NOTE! The words “about/high” add more emphasis to the situation and they usually come with anger/complaint. Ex.: It’s about time you grew up and became realistic.
8. Complete the sentences below by placing the grammatically appropriate form of the verb from the list in each gap. Remember: you will need to change verb tense. Refer to the Grammar Bank above if necessary. start / eat / finish / stop / pay / speak / realise/ get / go / be
1) It's high time we _____ home. 2) It's about time you _____ to study harder. 3) It's time you _____ to your parents about the problem. 4) It's about time you _____ staying out so late. 5) It's time you _____ your assignmment. 6) It's high time you _____ more exercise. 7) It's about time we _____ more sensibly. 8) It's high time you _____ more polite. 9) It's time you _____ a visit to your friend. 10) It's about time we _____ we can't finish the project on time.

9. Work with your partner. One of you tells about the problem, another one says what to do with it. Use the prompts to choose the best sentences using it’s time, it’s high time....
1) It's high time you were more modest 2) It's time you phoned your friend 3) It's time you bought a new pair of jeans 4) It's time you went on a diet 5) It's time you left 6) It’s time you went to the dentist 7) It’s time you went to bed 8) It’s high time you were less mean and more generous 9) It’s time you learnt how to use the internet a) I am getting a little overweight. b) I have had toothache all week. c) I haven't heard off my best friend in over a week. d) These jeans have got holes in the knees. e) It's 2am and I am feeling very tired. f) It's 7.50pm and I have to meet my friend at 8pm!! g) I have never used the Internet before! h) I think I am the best student in the class. i) I really like it when people buy drinks for me.

10. Work in pairs. What is your opinion on studying abroad? Tick the statements you agree with. Then compare your opinions to your partner’s and discuss them. Prove your ideas.
Studying abroad is not really “serious.” It’s just a vacation. I would like to study abroad, but I’m too shy. I don’t want to study abroad because I would lose my friends. I want to study abroad. It’s a great opportunity to see the world!

11. Imagine you had a chance to study abroad for a year. Write what country you would like to go to and why. What kind of a gap year activity would you choose?
adventure travel / volunteering / learning a language / studying abroad / work exchange