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Thinking of your own ad
5 Thinking of your own ad a) Think of something that you would like to sell on the Internet: CD, book, clothes, DVD …
b) Write your own advertisement like this: 1. You need a headline to get people’s attention. 2. Now you need a good/funny/exciting colour picture. 3. Write a short text about your product. • First collect adjectives, e.g. great, exciting. • Give all the important information. • Say why someone really needs your product.
Buy the great, new
Kyoto Hotel CD Sayonara, Sugar!
Sayonara, Sugar! Sayonara, S u gar! Sayonara, Sugar! today! It will give you hours of exciting fun. Sayonara, Sugar! Sayonara, S u ga r ! is almost new.Everyone is talking about this CD – you can’t live without it! Really cheap: ONLY 5 Euros!
6 How to: Check each other’s ad a) Give your ad to your partner and look at your partner’s ad.
Discuss your ads.
Pupil A: Make some suggestions to improve the ad. Pupil B: Let your partner know if you agree with the suggestions.
USEFUL PHRASES Pupil A: It would be better if you …/ You should …/I don’t understand this sentence./ Could you write …?/How about …? Pupil B: I know what you mean./I’ll change that./ But I think it’s OK like this./I’ll think about what you said./That’s a good idea./I think I’ll do that./ Thanks!
b) Pupil A: Make some suggestions to improve the ad.
c) Pupil B: Do you agree with your partner’s suggestions?
7 Mediation and Communication a) Work in groups and choose two kinds of media. b) Use your own Useful phrases box and say: What do you think is good or bad about these two media? Give reasons for your pros and cons.
8 For my folder: Celebrities and ads Think of ads or commercials you know with famous people. What are they advertising? Do you like the ads? Why ? / Why not? Would the famous person help to sell the product to you? Write a report for your school newsletter.