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Happy Thanksgiving Helping Others During the Holidays
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. ~ John Fitzgerald Kennedy
With the winter holiday season approaching, many people like to think of ways to give back to the community and those in need at this time of year. But with gift giving, winter holiday parties and other commitments also commanding your attention, it’s hard to find time to help others. Here are some tips to make giving back easy. In With The New, Out With The Old The winter holiday is a good time to go through the items you have in your home and decide if you no longer need them. With presents coming into your home, there’s a good possibility that you can get rid of some of your older things. You have many options for donating these used items: • As you take your fall clothes out of the closet and replace them with winter ones, ask yourself if you’ll wear them again. That’s especially true of winter coats and jackets, which are always in high demand at aid agencies. • For your old clothes, look for clothing drives. Many shelters and faith-based organizations accept donations year round and they make a strong push for more donations as the weather gets cooler. They appreciate it if you clean them before donating them. • For furniture, look to thrift shops or other non-profit organizations. Many of them will pick up your furniture for you, so call ahead and see if you can save yourself the trouble of lugging your furniture around. • As you’re shopping for your winter holiday dinners over the next couple of months, stop by the canned food aisle and pick up some extra food to give away. Donate them to organizations that support soup kitchens or run “meals on wheels” programs. • If you have older children, they probably have many toys they don’t play with anymore. Encourage them to choose some to give to kids who won’t be getting any new toys this time of year. Many organizations are especially in need of donated toys this time of year. • If you’ve been really good this year, perhaps someone will give you a new car, allowing you to donate your old one to a charity. In general, larger charitable organizations accept cars, and sometimes boats, as donations and some are even willing to pick it up for you. • Check Out Charities. One of the easiest ways to help others is to donate to charitable organizations. If you aren’t personally familiar with the organization you plan on giving to, check them out with your local Better Business Bureau to make sure your donation does as much good as you hope it will.
November 2011 1
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