Help do your part and take advantage of the great weather we are having. Take your decorations down and start planning your spring projects. Please be advised that all exterior changes require Modifications Committee approval per Article XI, Section 2 of the Declaration of Protective Covenants. Modification applications are available online at
Statements were mailed out in November 2011. If you did not receive your 2012 statement, please call The Association Office or email us at
The Cinco Ranch 2012 Budget Story…
The 2012 Maintenance Fees were due on January 1st. The 2012 fees are $940 per household. In addition to the base assessment, gated communities will be assessed a neighborhood fee. Please contact The Association Office at 281-599-0408 for these fees.
All payments made should be by personal check, cashier’s check or money order. No credit cards, debit cards or cash are accepted at The Association Office. Checks should be made payable to CRPA with your property address clearly indicated. You may pay your fees online with a credit card, debit card or electronic check at A credit card or debit card convenience fee will apply. You will also need your account number to utilize this process. Your account number is located on your statement. If you cannot locate or have not received your statement, you may contact The Association Office to get your account number. Fees may be mailed or dropped off at: CRPA CRPA c/o PCMI 3022 Windemere Park Lane Katy, TX 77494 P.O. Box 219223 Houston, TX 77218
“Un-Deck”the Halls!
Please be advised that all holiday decorations must be removed by January 25, 2012. In accordance with Article XII, Section 18 of the Deed Restrictions, holiday decorations are only allowed 2 months prior to the holiday and one month (30 days) after the holiday. The Association will begin sending reminder letters to note violations starting February 1st.
Cinco Residential Property Association, Inc. (“CRPA,” “Association”) Dear Cinco Ranch Homeowners, The Community Association Staff, CRPA, Finance and Audit Committee (FAC) and the CRPA Board of Directors (Board) have taken a conservative and diligent approach with the budget preparation for 2012, working many hours to develop and refine the budget so that the assessment adequately meets the Association’s needs for the coming year(s). On the website, you will find a summary budget showing 2012 projected income and expenses and how 2012 compares with the current year, as well as pie chart comparisons to further reflect the annual expense comparisons for your review. As with last year, your recent annual assessment invoice had this summary also included. In mid-November 2011, you received your statement reflecting the CRPA dues for 2012, plus any balance that may be on your account from a prior period. Maintenance fees were due Jan 1, 2012. If you have not received your statement, please contact the Association Office at 281-599-0408 or to request a duplicate. In the end, the Board set the 2012 assessment at $940 per residential lot. If you live in a gated section, the neighborhood fee for your section’s budget is shown as a separate line on the statement. The Board had to meet its fiduciary responsibility to continue the high standards of maintenance within Cinco Ranch. This assessment is the same as 2011.
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Published by: Krenek Printing 7102 Glen Chase Ct • Houston, TX 77095 • 281-463-8649
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